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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 16 KB, 564x360, 2E086C39-88D7-41D7-BFB6-70366CCB6655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6254804 No.6254804 [Reply] [Original]

Are you one of those losers who draw for fun or something?

>> No.6254833
File: 307 KB, 2785x256, project.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you make things like these with AI?
What prompts would you use to make this?

>> No.6254846

>losers who draw for fun or something
tell me youre a bitter and jealous NEET without telling youre a bitter and jealous NEET

>> No.6254847

We're all going to die anyway, whether it be from unaligned AI, some bioweapon supervirus escaping from a lab, total nuclear war or some other global catastrophe we can't even begin to imagine. So why not keep pursuing projects that are personally meaningful to you? It's not like AI is going to replace what artists can do totally from today to tomorrow, more realistically we're looking at a gradient of being slowly made obsolete over the next decade or two. If you don't start on your dream project now, when will you?

>> No.6254850

Because I already quit. Changing my career is the only option for me to survive.

>> No.6254854

I like traditional art more.

>> No.6254863
File: 2.14 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220826_225526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw to immortalize my name. in a hundred years they'll dig up my ART and display as mankind's last shining beacon of hope

>> No.6254868

Most of my actual work is real-time 3D which isn't really threatened just yet and in my free time, I indeed draw for fun.

>> No.6254875

I'm on my way for a switch. I'm tired of being in this loser team that get grifted every Tuesday by some influencers

>> No.6254880

I'm sure gay mafia will sabotage its ability to make good porn

>> No.6254882

I have worked on a varying degree of skills over the years that make me marketable even among the AI takeover.

>> No.6254893

I sure wish I wasn't suicidally depressed about the issue. Like why put any effort into anything when some faggot who should have been minecrafted along with their family will just create ai to basically remove anything worthwhile in this life. I pray for world clean.

>> No.6254907

Would you draw if it was illegal? I would.

>> No.6254911

i draw lolis kissing each other

>> No.6254912

I'm in a denial phase and I intend to stay there. As simple as that

>> No.6254913
File: 39 KB, 460x419, rigged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been to one of those museums in Europe, the kind which used to be the queen's weird hat closet until they told her to stop blowing half the GDP on tacky headwear and corgis ?

I went to one of them once, the art was what you'd expect but after half an hour staring at painting of naked women dancing I realised that some day, some dude wearing a wig and high heels just decided to build giant mansions of stone and gold, and later built even more after he filled the first ones with so many frescos of his armies styling on the french and random shit he stole from them, he couldn't govern from it anymore.

No matter how many AIs I beat or japanese concept artists I have whispering my name in anger and jealousy, I'm never topping THAT shit.

So I just draw, who cares

>> No.6254916

feels similar to when I read childhood's end. even if this goes as well as we could possibly hope and we end up in le post-scarcity transhumanist utopia, there won't be any place for a meaningful, worthwhile human life in a society where the AI gods can do anything you might try for better than you can possibly hope to.
The only people who won't kill themselves at that point will be hedonistic lowlifes.

>> No.6254921

>Explain why you personally aren’t discouraged by AI art?
For the same reason I'm not discouraged by Photoshop and photography.
>Are you one of those losers who draw for fun or something?
No, I'm not afraid of my tools making me more efficient while also working traditionally.
It's very telling that you ridicule fun, by the way.

Quit shitting up the board with these AI threads. They are pointless.

>> No.6254924

Honestly I'm just not all that impressed with AI art wise. It's an amazing technical accomplishment for sure, but as art? It's pretty derivative, and that's when it's not make gross misformed faces and figures.

>> No.6254926
File: 637 KB, 976x850, 1639308000326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have yet to see an AI generated image that looks like anything I want to make.

>> No.6254932
File: 230 KB, 1280x957, _32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most AI art just doesn't seem nice or useful to me to be honest.
From what i've seen people post as 'good' AI art, everything is either so generic it makes me want to vomit or everything everywhere falls apart as soon as you look at something for longer than literally one second.
There's just nowhere to focus your eye that's actually fun to explore the image. There's no unique styles because every style 'pattern' is just taken (stolen) from another artist and whittled down to generic mush. The image subject tends to be bland as well.
The only thing AI might be useful for in real concept art, at this state at least, might be thumbnails for inspiration?
Otherwise my only thoughts while looking at any ai image is Wow! It's a.....uh....thing? Made from some kind of material...?
Even that No.1 Winner!! image is just some nondescript featureless people, looking at a nondescript yellow circle....there's not really anything that communicates anything to me.
Pic related because you can actually identify buildings in the image and identify objects that are thematically relevant and coherent without feeling like you're having a stroke. This is what concept art is to me at least, not the average boring stuff on artstation that gets stolen for this visual nonsense.

>> No.6254943

why would anyone be discouraged

>> No.6254944
File: 83 KB, 828x512, 7f1db979a0a24a48c426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why on earth are you arguing from AIs current capabilities and limitations? Have you not been paying attention for the last two years? In 2019, state of the art image generation looked like pic related - what do you think it will look like in 2025? Be honest with yourself for one minute.

>> No.6254948

Ai can't draw, that's the thing. Like >>6254833
pointed out, you can't prompt an AI to come up with a picture like that, it lacks creative vision.
Even if you DO come up with a pic, I 100% guarantee that an actual artist will absolutely mog down the art AI comes up with.

>> No.6254950

Oh wow!!! I'm really glad you posted this image of....some kind of....completely unidentifiable structure? Of some sort?
I am truly bettered in my ways, thank you anon

>> No.6254951
File: 46 KB, 800x450, 31DA5197-B964-4B6F-B791-492CDE40B721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you one of those losers who draw for fun or something?

Either I’m too autistic to formulate a joke or you are all too autistic to get one.

>> No.6254952

case in point, kys retard.

>> No.6254957

Can you fulfil my request? I want a single AI fag to fulfill this request? This is something an artist would shit out in 5 minutes, I can shit it out in 5 minutes...?

>> No.6254963

>This is something an artist would shit out in 5 minutes
do you even draw, fag? repainting a head for an already finished illustration would take me half an hour at least, probably closer to an hour

>> No.6254966

I'm an animator/writer foremost. Animation takes metric craptons of work to do. Anything that can help me tell a story is appreciated (especially if I can do 2d crowds that are animated, trying to do that by hand takes so much time).

>> No.6254968
File: 321 KB, 1280x925, _43_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. identify even just one thing in the image. what is the structure? Is it a tower? A church? A settlement? Who lives there? What do the houses actually look like?
This is exactly what i mean by nondescript visual mush, there's not a single thing being visually described here. Imagine having art where you can actually identify the things in the image ^^
Have fun typing anon, i'm giving you a little kiss for proving me right <3 (with tongue)

>> No.6254973
File: 345 KB, 512x512, 1661375837217307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you legit have brain damage? the fact that state of the art image generation from 2019 is complete horseshit compared to what's possible now is my entire point

>> No.6254978

Deflecting and sending me a youtube video is not what I want anon, I asked for a single, simple thing and all you're giving me is excuses.

>> No.6254979

I'm wrangling two retards at once rawr

>> No.6254980

It's honestly funny, you two are just spewing out the same bullshit excuses to the point i can just link my post between threads and it still applies.

It's just like your AI art, it's all samey because it can't come up with something original.

>> No.6254982

wow if that's the best AI can do, what are you guys even worried about? looks like complete utter crud.

>> No.6254983

>post image of what appears to be a completely generic woman at first glance
>deformed shapeless freaky eyes and eyebrows
>fucked up nostrils
>red shit leaking off of the side of face
>deformed freak hands
> shapeless tumors growing from shoulders
>completely losing shape at the hips, "belt" makes no sense
>drapery on stomach makes no sense

the tits are pretty nice though (and by nice i mean completely generic and boring btw) anon, great pic! <3
the single color background is nice too :)

>> No.6254985
File: 1000 KB, 2000x2823, 1661928601592988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you one of those losers who draw for fun or something?
Yeah pretty much. I'm not interested in trying to make money off my art anyway unless I own the IP, and I'm not willing to give up the control I have drawing to an AI. AI is definitely capable of making stuff that's "good enough" but not what I actually have in my head. The only thing that concerns me about AI is new generations years from now won't understand what the point is in drawing something yourself, which is depressing to see but ultimately won't affect me

>> No.6254986

oh yeah and one of the physically nonsensical sleeves is missing on the other arm...

>> No.6254990
File: 489 KB, 512x512, 474wh6mzhll91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep being in denial. you'll keep finding nitpicks regardless of how much more advanced these things get, right up until you can no longer tell human and AI art apart.

>> No.6254995
File: 2.66 MB, 2400x1011, cave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally can't draw her in any other pose, you're eating whatever the AI prints out for you.

>> No.6255006
File: 32 KB, 551x551, 7ad6a8bf2447f8b3c163ed883bec7f11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW even a permabeg BTFO's an aicuck cuz they at least can draw the same character more than once and on request

>> No.6255008
File: 58 KB, 128x128, 1546334850440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All i hear is cope

>> No.6255009

That's when your vocabulary consists of one word.

>> No.6255012

The face is just taken from an average classical painting, we already don't need ai for that. again, generic artstyle we already have 3000000 images of, nothing new.
nice nonsensical three-fingered hand with no joints or fingernails, nonsensical hair, the thinnest arms known to humanity, a dress made of nondescript material (seriously, what IS that she is wearing beside the thing covering the shoulders? whats the brown structually unsound stuff behind her? does it serve any purpose?)
window ( is it even a window? who knows? who cares? obviously you don't) is just an average mandala, the lined...."stuff" underneath is completely nondescript

you see, anon, the thing about mashing random stuff together is that its always gonna be random stuff mashed together- specifially images we have the most of already. what does this image say? is there any story it conveys? are you gonna go pitch this to someone, go up to them and be like "hey, check out this random woman! looking at some... uh, so kinda...lamp? for some reason? btw i cant draw a character study of her showing different emotion if i want her to be a protagonist of some kind :("
but oh well...

>> No.6255018

you ai shitters still cant fulfill simple requests like those from drawthreads or replicate the same character from different angles or specific changes

imagine being even lower than a complete permabeg and being proud of it

>> No.6255023

Yea seemed to be a pretty obvious joke to me too

>> No.6255024

Sadly I don’t think they will. It’s not very good.

>> No.6255025

*waiting while AI guy desperately rummages through his image folder in search of that ONE picture that actually makes sense because its a 1:1 copy of existing handmade art*

>> No.6255026

alright, let's make a bet. in a year drawthreads will be 90% prompt threads, and the results will be higher fidelity, i.e. match the requests more closely than they did when it was just hobbyist drawfags trying to do the same.
see you summer 2023, I trust you'll have had plenty of time to move goalposts until then.

>> No.6255028

ic been flooded by ai threads with having 8-9 threads up at same time at any given time 24/7
you think people give a fuck about jokes?

go fuck yourself God knows no human will

>> No.6255029

Do you have no reading comprehension? How did you not understand anything that was said?

>> No.6255039
File: 56 KB, 612x405, gettyimages-535316980-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have azn genes. Pic related me after a five minute drawing session (all I need to improve).

>> No.6255043

That's the most coherent gettyimages logo I've seen so far, which prompt did you use?

>> No.6255047

Why would I be? People follow me for my art
Plus, I'm currently using it as a tool, it helps me with compositions and environments, which I was always a bit shit with.
Put on a prompt for the enviro I want and boom, 100% fine reference that I can use to paint something in my own style
Only people worried about AI are people who don't see how it can help them further their progress

>> No.6255051

exactly, so far its okay as a thumbnailing too or something that vaguely layouts stuff for you, but you still gotta actually make up the details and paint them yourself. so who cares.
i would just like it better if people didnt straight up steal art to feed their machines with, the fact alone that it can only generate stuff when provided with 2985496 images of stolen artwork really devalues it for me desu. if ai is so good why cant it just make things by itself, anything even remotely useful of it literally still comes from people :/

>> No.6255056

Yeah I'm a loser who draws for fun. Having to depend on drawing for income would be a nightmare

>> No.6255057

i would still draw even if people were using AI to generate brand new artwork that looked indistinguishable from my own art from their point of view. In the end my art is just a window into my mind and point of view at a specific point in time, the activity of leaving a record of that by making art is something i do for my own personal enjoyment. it's like a diary, which historically were written purely for the author's benefit and not meant to be read by anyone else.

the fact that AI image generators are considered a serious "threat" to art just goes to show that commodity artists have become too dominant and have had it too good for too long. it's about time they get BTFO'd by automation and mass production and realize that nobody owes them anything for being an "artist".

if you expect the rest of society to appreciate art for its own sake, then you should also be prepared to make art for its own sake too. if you can't do that, you are part of the problem.

>> No.6255064

Cause it's only a gimmick and the "art" produced by it sucks and only tasteless people find any resemblance of appeal in it. You will never be an artist no matter how many technological crutches you will ever have. Sorry!

>> No.6255210

Same reason I arent discouraged by sex robots

>> No.6255218

>Are you one of those losers who draw for fun or something?
I am but there have also always been other artists in the pool anyway including those who have their names down in history, random undeniable greats, and other still-living art celebrities of their niches so it doesn't matter. My work/content will still speak for itself regardless of anything else ever existing.

>> No.6255221
File: 1.21 MB, 791x935, Butcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to piss of sociopath that get off thinking they have power over others, kek. I just draw, I just study, I post my progress and watch sociopaths trying to crab me seethe

No amount of fud has power over me, and they hate it, they can't stand it

>> No.6255232

activate your windows you fuck

>> No.6255241

I like to draw.

>> No.6255259

Right now, a.i is still has some limites. No doubt it shot a huge canon into the side of the castle wall, but it still cant do a few things.

>> No.6255300

idk can it replicate muh style?

>> No.6255301

That's the final redpill that'll make you or break you, if you don't like to draw you don't need something like an AI to discourage you anyway.

>> No.6255306

techfag. art to me has always been pointless wordsalad for brainlets. now i don't have to pay them anymore.

>> No.6255308

Because I have my own IP.

>> No.6255392

Ai can't draw my OC donut steel.

>> No.6255667

Are you fucking stupid or are you losing blood from your neo vagina? I said it was me. Chopped those suckers up real good till they went quiet.

>> No.6255692

>Are you one of those losers who draw for fun or something?
Work in healthcare. Draw for fun.

>> No.6255709
File: 435 KB, 640x512, tfw cute gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an artist but enjoy traditional art as a hobby. I like the physical object, I like high quality paper, I like the process and discussing technique or just as a conversation point with people.

I like a lot of the recent AI art though (a lot of it is trash, but some is pretty great), but it's just kind of a "hmm, cool, next" thing compared to something someone has hanging that has some kind of story.

old vqgan shit. It's really amazing how far it's come. I just wish we weren't under the exploitative capitalist thumb and could all appreciate it and have more free time to do art casually. Because a lot of the worry is about getting bills paid, if that wasn't there I think more artists would think it's great.

>> No.6255877

It's over for us.

>> No.6255927

The only people getting discouraged by AI "art" is people who are now discovering that their art is worth nothing because they never really cared about it, or the ones who lack the resolve to improve and become better.

>> No.6255948
File: 13 KB, 251x201, 1642457748463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't draw for money, I have my tech job for that.

>> No.6255960
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x1000, 2022.07.29 Poolrooms Cat photo detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care very much about digital art.

>> No.6256107

I hate pit bulls so goddamned much

>> No.6256112

I'm not a defeatist faggot like the failed artists from /g/, simple as.

>> No.6256118

>Take photo of art
>It is now digital

>> No.6256123

Nothing a nerd could ever possibly do would even warrant my attention, let alone discourage me. Until the scoliosis brigade can create something that teaches them what a vagina feels like I don't consider them my equal. Also, I could beat up four of them at a time, and might makes right. If they ever got on my nerves I would punch their overbite and make love to their sweet mother, and then post a hand-drawn comic of the episode on twitter for the whole world to see.

>> No.6256135

but there is only one original
traditional art is basically ancient NFTs :^)

>> No.6256141

AI can't make what I do as a traditional painter and most of the shit looks like generic "good" concept art for video games. Call me back when AI can reproduce the richness of glazed oil paint

>> No.6256142


>> No.6256143

i thought i blocked all the threads, but this one has 70+ replies already?
we must be getting raided by pajeets
remember to sage and hide

>> No.6256174

I haven’t posted any of my work publicly in two years and I love it because it’s completely honest now. Art that AI creates is the utilitarian stuff like porn and fanart and memes. Real art is expressive and it holds a humans life and vision. A computer can replicate a three act structure, it can imitate a theme and it can even make you cum. A computer doesn’t have a life or thoughts or insights from experience. It hasn’t fallen in love or hated anyone. AI can create your porn or give you infinite free commissions. It can create a plot line with proper structure and pacing based and fine tune it based on reviews. But it will never create a classic that humans will be interested in beyond the surface. Art is an expression not a product. When the artist is the computer there isn’t anyone to learn about or compare the work to the life. With AI art there isn’t a guy or girl. The computer isn’t more good looking than you thought they’d be and they don’t have insane left wing cult beliefs that make you regret liking their art so much (but still liking it). The computer isn’t expressing interesting archetypes from its psyche to write its stories or create its characters. It’s generating a mcGuffin based on data. AI will weed out the true artists from the ones who just wanted easy cumbucks. The ones who really love creating will keep drawing and the ones who really love art will continue to follow human beings. Because a piece of art and the artist are one. The true artist is documenting their inner world, the full time commissioner is just a thing waiting to be replaced by a cheaper, faster, more talented object.

>> No.6256180

>Explain why you personally aren’t discouraged by AI art?
Not a real question, sir. Learn English. And good morning.

>> No.6256207

It can't create what's in my mind because AI takes from existing things. Tell an AI to design your character and it'll fail, tell an AI to draw personal artwork, it can't. One thing AI can't take is human emotions, that's why it's soulless.

>> No.6256219
File: 2.49 MB, 498x242, 1656955612874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6256251

Everyone's dooming and glooming is missing the obvious angle here. AI on its own is still decades from being able to generate artistic material at the level of a talented human, *but* it is good enough to generate the equivalent of a sloppy, drunken rough draft.

Why not take advantage of that then? Got a stack of commissions and don't feel like doing them all from scratch? Start with an AI generated image and --- oh look, it's got the pose and lighting and background details vaguely figured out, if a little gross and distorted, but hey - you've got something you can start from now - throw up a new layer, start adding in your own lines and details and tweaking the stuff you need to fit with your aesthetic, etc. It might only save you an hour or so, but that's an hour you could spend on other shit.

Technology is a tool, but only if you're willing to take advantage of it.

>> No.6256259

>oh look, it's got the pose and lighting and background details vaguely figured out
It can barely even do that.
I've yet to see a passable AI image of two people having sex.
For what you're talking about you're better off just using 3D. Gives you more control and better clarity of detail.
I think a lot of people who haven't played with the AI don't realize how shitty it actually is. If you need anything more complex than a landscape or a person standing still staring straight at the camera, it starts to break down fast.

>> No.6256267

Post a single artist whose lost their job because of AI. I'm still waiting.

>> No.6256301
File: 135 KB, 662x582, AI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know anons are going to get angry with me, but i had fun drawing this.

>> No.6256305

I-it will h-happen! Two m-more weeks!

>> No.6256306

can we see the power supply unit?

>> No.6256309

cope harder, brush bitch, your end is coming, apply for a job at amazon asap

>> No.6256322
File: 71 KB, 476x563, biofuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6256325
File: 39 KB, 600x449, 1452750469971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not gonna happen. We will prosper.

>> No.6256467

I'm excited to use AI generated images as a quick way to brainstorm ideas and get inspiration

>> No.6256471


>> No.6256473

Literally no one will have a job in 5 years. The scalefags were fucking right all along. Humanity is well and truly and utterly fucked. Even if we turn on the AGI without it immediately killing us, the people who control it will become cosmic overlords overnight. Sam Altman and Elon Musk are literally just a few years from being able to crush the U.S. military with deep-learning built and operated killbots.

>> No.6256673

Unlikely to happen in large numbers, since anyone who was using a brush to manually paint hasn't had a job in years, or has moved on to methods that were one step from AI-generated to begin with.

>> No.6256676

The USA is filled with boomers otherwise their agencies would be all conspiring along with these AIs like the EU and UN is doing with SD. Asian potencies will step up their game above all of those now though since AI (no even AGI) has the potential to be a web-wide EMP

>> No.6256724

doesn't sound like you're familiar with the art industry

>> No.6256739

Been loving your cat drawings ever since I saw them a few days ago.
However, this somehow
raises a point >>6256118
>upload any digitized photos of your traditional art
>AI parasite uses them to generate and sell regurgitations
Yet something like your art would be perhaps be unfeasible, at least barring some huge advances in some artificial imitation of abstraction and reasoning. Because the simple, flexible shapes and abstract scenarios are all about what makes it charming, consistent yet varied, and imagination-provoking. Though at some point slapping some initial compositional splotches with img2img might work, along with a description such as "cat blob plays chess", similarly to how DALL-E is able to have actual cats push chess pieces around. At least the good thing is that any such imitations would be lost underneath the gargantuan flood of worthless techbro art, while yours would be original and physical.

Similarly, (current) AI struggles with lineart, perhaps due to its' need for greater abstraction (though I think some redditfag upgraded SD to make better lineart).
Stylishly simplified graphic design (posters, logos, etc.) is also currently impossible to replace, as that often requires very abstract silhouettes, textures, etc. of things to be combined in novel ways - yet which still simultaneously evoke the appearance of those multiple things, communicate some joke or metaphor, evoke a mood, stay consistently on-brand... sometimes all of these at once.
(Though perhaps future iterations of GPT might help tackle these through something similar to how they connect puns, taglines, poems, etc., if trained and fed together with relevant images. Furthermore, stylized cliches (heart shapes, banal animal silhouettes, etc.) would be both useful and problematic for it, as they would be overrepresented - thus making silhouettes and symbols recognizable, but painfully generic.)

>> No.6256743

An maybe we're inevitably moving towards basically a virtual equivalent of an actual Star Trek holodeck, which makes it somehow worse and better. Can you visualize absolutely anything in it? Sure, but so can everyone else. At that point you have to choose whether you want to be forever glued to whatever it feeds you, or to go do literally anything else.
TL;DR shit sucks for now, though not yet completely

>> No.6256746

I fucking hate the Star Trek future

>> No.6256752

I just wanted to show my family I wasn't completely worthless

>> No.6256755
File: 4 KB, 189x266, D728ED04-9465-40E9-A6E1-FFB6FAE3F8FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I’m retarded. I was thinking about writing a question but just typed out a request because I wasn’t paying attention.

>> No.6256791

>An maybe we're inevitably moving towards basically a virtual equivalent of an actual Star Trek holodeck
again, this shit isnt AI, stop talking as if we are a few years from a sci fi reality
calling this shit AI is jsut marketing and ot make it sound impressive even the articles on one of these apps explains how the algos work and it isnt "intelligent"

this whole shitshow wouldnt be as bad if so many retards with no knowledge werent giving dumb opinions on both sides
this shit isnt ai, it has reached its peak of quality unless you make a 100 year jump in technology and computation in a way the shit wont require a database to photobash from

>> No.6256809
File: 189 KB, 533x400, 1581714265981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole shitshow wouldnt be as bad if so many retards with no knowledge werent giving dumb opinions on both sides
I blame corporations dubbing their database building crawlers "Deep learning" "Machine learning"
Dubbing their art synthesizers "Artificial intelligence" "Deep dream"
And before any of this shit came out we got used to call the stupid cellphone "smart phone"
It's like the whole population is being groomed into believing AI is an actual thing, yet as of now, we can't even have a chatbot pass the Turing test because the code is just too stiff, and I ain't even touching serious problems like the halting problem.

It's true, it really is, for the average person that knows jackshit about computers all this AI and smart shit might just make them believe computers are suddenly capable of thought.

>> No.6256817
File: 781 KB, 834x628, 1627526193304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An maybe we're inevitably moving towards basically a virtual equivalent of an actual Star Trek holodeck, which makes it somehow worse and better

>> No.6256821

Tell me then what's intelligence and consciousness.
Philosophers have been debating that since the dawn of history and aren't any closer to a consensus.

>> No.6256824

Posting Pharah from Overwatch flashing her boobs for social media points and coffee money on Patreon isn't "the art industry".

>> No.6256832

>hey AI, draw some cute and sexy girls
Anyone who draws anything politically incorrect will be ok for now

>> No.6256837
File: 378 KB, 768x512, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finding I can make some pretty compete looking things for inspiration with this stuff.

Figured out a few bits that get me the same character ideas in multiple formats, and sometimes even with scene type stuff included. Not going to lie this is probably going to be competing with concept artists in the future, it can do a hell of a lot if you actually want it to.

>> No.6256840

my art rival was a concept artist wannabe pseud and he bullied me for drawing stylized comics but now he's literally going to be replaced by a machine with the intelligence of a fucking monkey kek
my time will come one day too but at least i wont be replaced by the most rudimentary and primitive AI technology, what a fucking retard lmao

>> No.6256854
File: 282 KB, 480x480, CogVideo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I overstated, but I was mostly talking about the "instant audio/visual satisfaction" aspect of it, that of nearly anything you could ask it for. It's not mind-reading, but it's is coming.
Pic related is from a few months-old paper (CogVideo) and uses only text input.

>> No.6256862

Imagine this shit in a couple of years, it's over.

>> No.6256869

Wow anon
I never experienced horror like this before, i watched a lot of gore, and horror movies, and body horror does not even bother me at all, but this made me feel uneasy in a way no other video has done.
I'm saving this shit, i'm not even being ironic about it, I love how horribly uncanny it is.

>> No.6256871

average 4channer trying to form human connections

>> No.6256872

And I know we've all probably already had this discussion regarding deepfakes, but once anyone can clone the appearance/speech - in real time - of anyone you know (scraped/downloaded social media posts, etc.), or generate all sorts of hyperrealistic videos of them, scamming and virtual disbelief will have a truly mind-altering affect on society.

Like this three year-old tech:

Yeah it's fucked innit

>> No.6256875

this last week has made me more acutely aware about the passage of time and inability to retrieve the times that are lost

>> No.6256879
File: 2.57 MB, 1024x1024, shut down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care.
It's here. It's over. Stop crying. You can ignore it, but it won't go away.
We are close to the endgame. Use whatever means necessary, including the AI. Cheat as much as you want and rise to the top if you can.

>> No.6256882

Yep, I feel like I'm finally forming a grasp on what "the before times" are/were - both in my life and in society - compared to what's coming.
I feel from now on we're constantly gonna be experiencing the future-shock equivalent of someone living through several eventful decades of the XX century, but compressed in just a matter of years.

>> No.6256883

no offense anon but i genuinely think images like this are trite, boring and empty. there is nowhere to fixate your gaze, or let your eyes wander and just look at stuff and see fun and interesting details, houses, items, streetlights, etc. looking at this is just not fun or interesting.
that's what i personally like about the original artwork, like the ones the machine stole these visual patterns from. maybe in a few years, who knows, but right now, this ain't it for me.

>> No.6256903

>no offense anon but i genuinely think images like this are trite, boring and empty
Where did I say it's good?
>that's what i personally like about the original artwork, like the ones the machine stole these visual patterns from. maybe in a few years, who knows, but right now, this ain't it for me
Fixating on these sentiments only prevents you from seeing the broader picture - and opportunities.
AI is a tool for you to use, and it will always stay a tool. Nothing will change in a few years except for it having even more potential benefit.
Try it out now, see if you can implement it into your workflow, find good uses for it. People more opportunistic than you will do it. The normie baby steps you see on social media now are nothing. You have the chance to be one of the first people to bend the new tools to your will, no matter what it is you want to do. Don't let the opportunity slip, you will regret it.

>> No.6256907

I genuinely find IRL politics and life exhausting to keep up with already but my one cope was that I'd be able to keep drawing and working towards that in my spare time...
Well, I'll keep trying to improve no matter what, but it does feel like there's a fundamental shift occurring where the already elusive dream becomes an impossibility

>> No.6256911

this thread is full of overly dramatic cunts that would better minecraft themselves instead of inflating these shit AI threads.
Nobody cares about AI but insecure noobs, and people that don't understand production art.
If an AI can replace you, you were already replaceable.
Now fuck off.

>> No.6256924

>AI is a tool for you to use, and it will always stay a tool.
i mean, yeah? maybe? my problem is that all of the generated "concept" pictures ai currently puts out are just completely devoid of details :/
i'd rather just get inspired by other artists' work directly, but that is just me. i've seen that ai generated "character sheet" in one of the 27 current ai threads but it was just a person with a messy hairstly wearing a hanbok. real concept art is more inspiring that that in my opinion.
but yeah, it'll make generating the most generic war/mud/snow/tank/shooter aesthetic images or generic pinup nudes much faster, that's true. theyre the most repetitive, makes sense for them to become automated.

>> No.6257008

It sounds like you haven't tried it. Try actually using stable diffusion. It's free and you don't even have to run it locally, just use a google collab. There are more functions available than just mindless prooompting, such as img2img and masking. The shit you see is repetitive mostly thanks to the users, there are millions of images in the dataset besides the generic digital art, just don't follow the prompt recommendations from normies, they are awful.
Even if you think it's useless, don't you think it's better to make sure instead of what appears to be apprehensively watching it from the sidelines like most people here are doing? It becomes very clear that it can't replace you once you try it out, and you might be pleasantly surprised to find uses for it.

>> No.6257011

why don't u just fukkien draw

>> No.6257020

i mean, i'm not stopping anyone from using it and i'm pretty neutral on AI. it just isn't for me. nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.6257040

AI won't give me the satisfaction of further refining the artstyle that I've been trying to perfect for years. It will all be a hodgepodge of some other fellow artists works, which just makes me want to barf even thinking about. AI art is useless and grotesque for me. I'm simply not interested.

>> No.6257208

Why does everyone here love him that much? He is /beg/ tier and draws only once a month.

>> No.6257212

I am but I accepted it
It's inevitable, complaining and being depressed won't do anything

>> No.6257214
File: 1.98 MB, 540x400, 1640677757123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just draw and use AI as well.

>> No.6257270
File: 48 KB, 1024x975, laineyball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am. I like to draw and I dont give a fuck.
Picrel is OP thinking about AI

>> No.6257282

>Fixating on these sentiments only prevents you from seeing the broader picture - and opportunities
> implying there is no good
> seeking for benefit
you are as controversial, as /pol/ is controversial on jews

>> No.6257295

>millions of images in the dataset besides the generic digital art
there are averaged to the point they appear the same, because algorythm is about making a generalized pattern, extracting some pieces of it from every image, that's why it's called machine learning, machine looks for the best possible outcome and this is what people in art don't chasing after

>> No.6257298

it was never about if people or things made better stuff than me, i just liked to improve drawing as a skill, on my own.

>> No.6257320
File: 79 KB, 640x512, 1va367j6bql91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are prompts?
Yet another proof that /ic/ is full of noprompters talking about the art of prooompting like they are experts.
NGMI, you will never be an AI artist, cope, kys, etc.

>> No.6257337
File: 108 KB, 1000x667, carlsen vs ling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly one of the things that keeps me motivated, is knowing that despite A.I being better than 100% of chess players, they still continue to play the game, instead of giving up on their dreams.
>but chess is competitive art is not!
Okay fair point, but I never thought of art as a profession, for me it's always been more of a hobby, or something that I just do to relax. A.I has already proven to best humans in many cases, GO (chinese game), speedrunning, esports, chess, you name it. And despite this, very few people have actually gone and quit because of it.

>Is AI scary?
Sure, but I think there will always be people who appreciate artists even if small. Even when AI surpasses Yusuke Murata in composition, and Ruan Jia in rendering, people will still consider them the best HUMANITY has ever had to offer, and that has to count for at least something.

I think art will just follow a same path what streaming services did to video rental stores, in the early 2,000's, like how netflix and amazon absolutely killed 90% of video rental stores, but despite that some still exist, and people still go to them. The same will happen with artists, a lot will die off, but art will still remain as an interesting talent, that only some people can do legitimately.

>> No.6257359

>Ruan Jia
>the best HUMANITY has ever had to offer
Ha ha ha ha

Subtle post but good one.

>> No.6257364
File: 93 KB, 540x675, cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real concept art is more inspiring that that in my opinion.
Real art is more inspiring, it's hard to make good art, but sometimes someone makes something that's really nice for someone else.
For AI art, there's hardly anything out there that is really nice or interesting, at least for me.

I liked when AI art was some abstract fucked up thing though, that was really nice, when they just used pictures of animals and machines to try and create stuff.

>> No.6257369
File: 1.40 MB, 5900x3594, Revenant-Guild-Wars-2-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, I meant to say the "some of the best modern humanity has to offer" I'm aware that if the masters had access to Photoshop or other modern art tools they would absolutely Mog, Jia.

But still, you can't deny he's pretty damn good, at least when it comes to technical detail.

>> No.6257368
File: 476 KB, 512x512, creature of the factory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I liked when AI art was some abstract fucked up thing though, that was really nice, when they just used pictures of animals and machines to try and create stuff.
This is what I mean by that btw, when AI used to be trained over pictures and not art

>> No.6257375

yeah, i remember downloading a few of those fucked up pictures as well, specifically because their distortion was so interesting and unique to ai.
now ai is just meh, don't really care for it

>> No.6257406

I started drawing at 19, just for fun. It wasn't until I discovered Urasawa's 20th century boys, that I realized I wanted to make comics.

I want to tell good stories, I want to make a positive impact in someone's life like Urasawa did on me.

But it's hard, my parents weren't very supportive of an art career (maybe rightly so), so I'm in law school; I have no paticular talent for drawing, so I'm still learning; I'm esl, so writing dialogue gets a little tricky; and finally, there's hundred of millions of artists with more talent and experience in the market.

Even before this whole AI mess, I had no opportunity, the only thing I'm good at is writing characters.

So, even if artists get totally replaced by AI, I'm still standing where I started, no one even knows who am I, I'm struggling to finish just the first chapter of my comic because of my lack of skill and insecurities, no one trusts that I can even complete the first chapter.

As of right now, my goal is still the same, I want to tell a good story, because I know I can do it. But I guess now I'm motivated just because I'm too stubborn to give up. I want to prove I can make things right, at least to my friends and family.

>> No.6257411

AI just feeds on what we create, it's still so far from creating novelty (except in quirky horror suff). AI can't create what I create.

AI for art will collapse quickly after we reach some deep energy crisis but I won't. My paper, my inks, my graphite and my brushes will still work.

>> No.6257414

You probably won't make it as an artist, but you are too good for this board, anon. I hope you don't come here often.

>> No.6257417
File: 1.81 MB, 512x512, 1618080785431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's the thing
AI was really nice, it was making some really interesting and original things, yeah they were fucked up and full of noise but it was something interesting
But now it's all just basically remixing art.

>> No.6257424

> trying to decrease someones authority, even it was not a subject
> like he even has any authority to speak being ai-faggot
art was never about profit, nobody cares about your silicon horse dicks if you have only a micropenis

>> No.6257425

Picasso BTFO

>> No.6257426
File: 225 KB, 695x682, 54033a1652514745b88479f347791093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need help writing, anon?
I'm not a good artist either but I like to write, and also don't worry _that_ much about being a terrible artist, look at ONE for example, dude just shits out scribbles and even then he got a huge following.
I made it to the frontpage of /r/comics before deleting my leddit account with this shitty 1 panel comic
You can do it anon, even if your art is not the best out there, you can make something that will inspire someone

>> No.6257433

picasso is already old and outdated, the last big guy was Malevich

>> No.6257435
File: 206 KB, 498x498, clown world run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the cp that trannies will pump out using this
either it'll trigger a day of the rope or by then society would've been softened up to the idea of normalizing pedophilia
can't wait either way

>> No.6257498

imagine being such a retard that your brain automatically reverts to bottom of the barrel /pol tard memes when u're in an art board.

>> No.6257507
File: 20 KB, 460x259, 1580493885635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only uses text input
>100% Roastoid free 3dpig content

>> No.6257566

we are gonna see a lot more shit like this https://youtu.be/QhYY-VX6IgQ
I wonder if these people ever think for a second about the ethical implications of what they are doing?

>> No.6257574

I'm considering doing something like an amish society except we don't use any technology past 2007

>> No.6257608
File: 102 KB, 700x467, 949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real reason why I've hated tech dudes for years. Not because I'm some "butthurt artist le coping about midjourney" (I have never pursued art for money and only do it as a hobby) but because this deepfake stuff can literally create a society where you don't know what's real from what's fake unless you see it with your own two eyes in person. Which just isn't feasible in a world as interconnected an online as it is now. Every single thing you see on the news could be fake. Polliticians could say something outlandish, and you won't know if it's true. Alternatively, politicians could always hide behind "its a deepfake!" anytime they legitamately gaffe.
When you bring your kids to school, a perverted teacher could use their faces for their own porn deepfakes. An anonymous person could blackmail you with what appears to be a video of you masturbating, even though you know that footage is impossible. You could receive a phonecall that sounds exactly like your mother begging for help, she's captured and there's a ransom fee you have to pay, but its really just some jackass with an AI voicechanger.
Legitimately, what the fuck are these tech freaks thinking making technology that literally acts a gigaton nuclear bomb to all sense of social trust and sense of reality?

>> No.6257622

I have literally zero fucking idea why i'm drawing at all. I tried quitting because it's hard, but it kept coming back to bite my ass so I had to pick up the pencil again. It's like a compulsion at this point

>> No.6257639

>Legitimately, what the fuck are these tech freaks thinking making technology that literally acts a gigaton nuclear bomb to all sense of social trust and sense of reality?
"We're innovating!! (I want a lot of money, i will be the next steve jobs)"
Ego + money.

>> No.6257656

And to your point about AI and Chess, I think it's important to note that AI will never be "better" than humans at making art, simply because art isn't always about technical skill. A human artist can be able to create pieces that are more complex technically speaking than what another human artist can create, but it doesn't mean that that human's art is better. Same with AI.
In Chess and Go, there's an objective way to measure whether someone is better than someone else - if two players play, whoever wins the most games is obviously better. But with art there's no objective way to determine that.
So to your point, if humans haven't quit at a field in which they will objectively never best computers, than there is no reason for artists to quit since they exist in a field where there is no best.

>> No.6257661
File: 19 KB, 466x359, 169747446221554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can literally create a society where you don't know what's real from what's fake unless you see it with your own two eyes in person
The majority of humanity can't into rational critical thinking
society was fucked to beging with.

I see it optimistic though
all this shit will filter out the dimwits and the low iq genes
>wow guys new tik tok trend has come out where you jump off a 20 story building with your phone and a trampoline and then land on the trampoline and do a dance see this totally real video!!! it works becasue SCIENCE!! lik n subribe or you will be deducted 60 good goy points!
>a bunch of retarded kids, narcissistic women and faggots take themselves out of the genepool in search of clout
How can you not see this as an absolute win?

Even then, when everything's fake and everyone knows of the tech, everyone will start being skeptical and actually try to find out if it's real or not instead of mindlessly consuming and taking everything at face value
>a perverted teacher
Any high level coomer can do that with a pair of scissors and a few photographs.
Even with MSpaint or PS work. You don't need AI for this.
Everyone now records themselves jerking off and putting it on the web. People have no shame anymore.
They will rather thank the blackmailer for kickstarting their onlyfans career
>mother begging for help
triple, quadruple check when something like this happens. If you're impulsive, it's your own fault for getting scammed.
>social trust
lmao nigger are you for real? That thing has been going since humanity has started living in big cities
>sense of reality
lol people are now living more in their heads than in reality
blame social media for it.

>> No.6257664

I'm a traditional artist

>> No.6257671

nicely put anon, I agree 100 percent.

>> No.6257679

I'm saving this post.

>> No.6257698

I've seen someone use one of my characters for it and it sucks copying my style

>> No.6257736
File: 617 KB, 896x1500, c070d6f76872955114f7bc064ab85bd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit

>> No.6257743

it sucks that hacks won't draw backgrounds in manga anymore. not that they do now, but they have even less of a reason to do so.

>> No.6257747

this is some hard cope

>> No.6257755

What makes you think ai can do art? It’s a glorified image compositor

>> No.6257759

Submaximal input results in submaximal output. Ai will always be too generic and kitsch

>> No.6257762

*photobashing gacha
Which is why normies love it. AI is for gambling addicts.

>> No.6257783

>from cans and jars to powdered mixes, mass-produced garbage like instant dinners and jello are all the rage amongst the rich
>abruptly changes in the 1960s because everyone can afford it now and it's less novel
>now having locally grown, ethically sourced organic nonsense is all the rage amongst the rich
>thus, the poor are into that as well
>generated art becomes used by the masses once it's cheap enough and doesn't require much setup or have as many restrictions
>rich people and hipsters who got into it first go back to purchasing art made by actual people to distance themselves from the plebians and poor
>rules, regulations and laws are written to prevent AIs from abusing copyright/trademarked characters and/or producing deepfakes or illegal content either from a moral standpoint or to prevent blackmail/false accusations
>everyone goes back to human art and it's only used by companies for brainstorming and/or furries/weebs to provide references for a commission.
that's how i see it.

>> No.6257802

It's either that or artists suffers the same fate black/white smiths got when automation became a thing.

>> No.6257808
File: 2.46 MB, 4148x1866, stable diffusion, idk the prompt dont ask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So to your point, if humans haven't quit at a field in which they will objectively never best computers, than there is no reason for artists to quit since they exist in a field where there is no best.
I guess that's a good point, yes technically art cannot be judged objectively because it is subjective in nature, however there are certain aspects of art that CAN be judged objectively, like if I were to draw a shitty stick figure, and compare that to a manga page by Kentaro Miura, obviously his art is better on a technical level, but on a subjective level you can enjoy my stickfigure more.
TL;DR Pretty picture = likes or recognition, shitty picture = no recognition, and if AI can make "pretty picture" then most people might not give a shit about artists...

Because it CAN do art, even if it's just mashing textures together you cannot deny that pic related looks decent, or at least could be used in the background of an anime. Hell, I could post this on social media, and fool potentially thousands of people, if I did it enough. Even if the image somewhat falls apart when you zoom in, 99% of "normies" don't give a shit.

>> No.6257811

doubt it.
art was already done simply because it was creative/aesthetically pleasing while blacksmiths for example produced a usable product.
you didn't have a department store back in the day or amazon. each neighborhood had 1-2 blacksmiths.
fast fashion made clothing easily accessible to the masses but tailors still exist for formal events, business clothing, etc.

>> No.6257813

that grass is triggering the same revulsion i feel when i look at mold.

>> No.6257819

Looks like a genshin impact level

>> No.6257839
File: 2.17 MB, 1881x926, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that picture is basically what changed my mind on the whole AI thing, it's not good enough that I would use it as is, however it is good enough to either use a color thumbnail, or use as an image to spend about 30 minutes messing around with and photobashing, to make it look more original.

Not sure if you guys are aware, but I even found a website that basically has all of the SD images archived, and you can even search through prompts without having to use the program yourself, could be good for getting ideas for thumbnails or whatever to use in the future. And the best part is, they can't copyright any of these images, since technically the people who prompted them, do not own the rights to them. Also they stole from us first, so it's only fitting that we steal back.


>> No.6257851

>And the best part is, they can't copyright any of these images, since technically the people who prompted them, do not own the rights to them.
That would be ideal for us, but as I explained here >>6257785, the whole NFT scheme the SD dev is interested at completely dodges copyright laws with the blockshain one. Even if prompters don't own formally own the rights to generated art, people still buy the ownership of such thing and it stays protected in the blockchain. He's making a prompt teaching program with the India government to boost it even more.

>> No.6257865

I'd rather not sully my work by including prompteurs in the process.

>> No.6257866

would that work? will anyone enforce that dmca claim? doesn't this just mean you can't make an nft of it but you could use it for anything like selling prints or tshirts?

>> No.6257870

this, why do people want to get rid of the part of the artistic process where you use your imagination, it just seams like you are cucking yourself to a machine

>> No.6257880 [DELETED] 

I have no idea if the DMCA will hold up if you stretch a legal battle all the way to an irl court, but as of now sites like OpenSea certaintly take down copies or AI art, and there are proompters adding their own signature on the image too. This action by consequence of his the blockchain works by itself already grants a degree of exclusive rights in the digital space to whoever prompted the image

>> No.6257883

have no idea if the DMCA will hold up if you stretch a legal battle all the way to an irl court, but as of now sites like OpenSea certaintly take down copies or AI art, and there are proompters adding their own signature on the image too. Du to of how the blockchain works, the action of submitting any picture by itself already grants a degree of exclusive rights in the digital space to whoever uploaded the image

>> No.6257885

truly retarded

>> No.6257908

>copies of AI art*

>> No.6257910

It's going to be 1000x worse than you think dude. I work with tech people and you have literally no idea how sadistic and misanthropic the average tech person is. They are basically school shooters using software to destroy society instead of violence.

>> No.6257911

If you think pretty pictures is all there is in art you are permaNGMI

>> No.6257920

The entire porn industry is fucked. In 2 years max, you'll be able to use images of yourself to self-insert into VR porn. People won't even *want* regular sex, porn will be so good.

>> No.6257925
File: 55 KB, 640x512, 3a211c3f-3db3-4547-83fe-1d874ded3949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search for anne frank
>wholesome pictures of a FPS POV gun aimed at her and pictures of her sitting next to hitler

>> No.6257926

it is if we want a substantial number of people to make a living from art, and if we want art to continue to live and develop we need a substantial number of people to make a living from it.

>> No.6257936

I am looking forward to how disrupted the sexual market will be when someone takes a front and back pic of the girl sitting next to him and have AI render a photorealistic SFM character of her. It's going to be really hard to control unlike the sexdoll scenario.
Peharps the pajeet opensourced this pandora box on purpose to give a motive for organizations to regulate all your data, I can't see why his UN partners wouldn't allow him to do this otherwise.

>> No.6258060
File: 70 KB, 536x810, 09b9602526afdf689821f7e03effce0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I enjoy drawing. I love that feeling when you think of a really good concept and your hands are itching to draw it. When you finally get the chance to make it you fall into this flow of serenity and hypnotic bliss just from drawing, tweaking stuff, challenging yourself and seeing if you can make it look exactly like the idea in your head. I've had the feeling ever since I was a little kid and I've been making cringe ever since. AI could take over the world and idgaf as long as my hands still work. Drawing keeps me from wanting to die

>> No.6258098
File: 2.51 MB, 640x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh believe me, I'm not a huge fan of AI too. But you have to admit, that at the very least, it could be useful as a color thumbnail or something to base an image off of, even if it does look like crap when zoomed in.

>> No.6258243

If you don't have fun doing it you'll never git gud

>> No.6258828 [DELETED] 
File: 2.36 MB, 256x256, ezgif-4-8af060ddf7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am embracing it. It's not really a good ay to make a finalized art piece but it gives me great references.

>> No.6258835

I'm an average consumer and i must say that looks so amazing and awe inspiring and since it's a reference to a product i like and identify my childhood with i am wowed beyond belief
i am amazed by the detail and the natural scenery and even more surprised and amazed that this came from a computer because i can't wrap my head around how this is possible.
Where can i pay to have more?

>> No.6258843

fuck off https://youtu.be/CYbYvImd7Bw we know where this slippery slope leads, we are about to hit the fucking bottom and you are still saying "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

>> No.6258890

it'll be completely free and accessible to everyone. free, on demand, procedurally and real-time generated content, determined by your real-time reaction, general likes, previous meta-generated content consumption and current mood. Enjoy :D

>> No.6258892
File: 296 KB, 1071x1072, 1685645648588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. free, on demand, procedurally and real-time generated content, determined by your real-time reaction, general likes, previous meta-generated content consumption and current mood.

>tfw joyous as frick

>> No.6258908

1) AI art looks like shit ("it will look good soon!" yeah, just like Tesla would have 20 million robotaxis by 2020)

2) I enjoy making art, and learning more and getting better. AI doesn't take that from me.

>> No.6258919

when i learned about ai 4 years ago it was just a content aware fill tool, now it makes pictures
self-driving vehicles are already here and they just work, they won't be on the street until the system is perfect

you can cope, you can dilate but ai is inevitable

>> No.6258941

When was cleverbot created again?
Do we have smart chatbots?

>> No.6258957

are you an AI?

>> No.6258993

AI art looks like shit. Period. I'll believe it can make good art when I see it, and I'm not holding my breath. Keep coping.

>self-driving vehicles are already here and they just work, they won't be on the street until the system is perfect
"they just work"

>> No.6259005
File: 11 KB, 229x220, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have asian genes. You don't know what it's like to have asian genes. It's like a super power bestowed upon birth. You improve at an exponential rate more so if you do it consistently. If you were to stop for months, the genes reactivate almost intently in a couple doodle sessions. I am not even worried about AI. By the time AI can produce professional work I'm already a professional in less time it takes to develop the perfect AI.

>> No.6259081

One's skill is actually irreplaceable by any AI when it comes to storytelling and composition.

It shows how the human part of art is much more than pretty pictures or high end techniques.

Art is much more than the sum of its parts, if pretty pictures and rendering were all there is to it, the Zendaya ai comic wouldn't be dogshit.

>> No.6259128
File: 539 KB, 1512x1220, 166219465052448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the copium ITT
it's a good thing for artfags to be discouraged

>> No.6259133



>> No.6259139

copius maximus

>> No.6259149

>if pretty pictures and rendering were all there is to it
Why do you think 80% of artists are shitting their pants?
Becuase art is all pretty pictures and rendering to them.
I have been saying at the beginning of this AI shit that, yes, it will make pretty pictures, but it still won't stop people from doing art and only works with real essence will stand out.
This makes the average artfags seethe to no end because he isn't actually creative, he's just a lesser version of AI.
Even worse, they are swines who can't discern shit from pearls so anything that isn't kitsch is wasted on them and only makes them mad that they could never come up with anything that isn't bland ai-tier garbage.

>> No.6259164

funny pic. FZD mogs KJG in every way tho

>> No.6259202
File: 353 KB, 970x768, creativity is not a buzzword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the moment AI is quite mediocre, but let's imagine for a moment that it becomes perfect, or at least at its full potential: it will still only be able to realize works that will only be the combination (to simplify) of other pre-existing works. And this is already colossal.
But it won't be able to invent new styles, new ways of representing the world; or to be more concrete, it wouldn't have been able to make The Starry Nigh or to create the Van Gogh style if Van Gogh had never existed. Even if you made a prompt that said "bright, expressive colors, visible brushstrokes, [etc]", one could create billions of images that would fit that description without coming close to Van Gogh's style.
Probably AI will hurt artists' wallets, but maybe it will be good for Art, because it will force artists to do what AI can't: really invent, perpetually.

>> No.6259229
File: 244 KB, 1022x782, 1654844086599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember, when you programmers are next, we're going to be the ones spamming your board and discouraging you, just like you did to us.


>> No.6259255

No, i will not spam their board making fun of them. I'm not that petty.

Still will be fucking funny seeing techtrannies lose their shit and finally 50%ing

>> No.6259260

why do fag/g/ots keep pointing to abstract artists and conceptual artists, those guys are not effected by this at all, all the people concerned about this are figurative artists, this software has no effect on the postmodern money laundering shitheads.

>> No.6259377

>you programmers
desperate reaching. keep coping.

>> No.6259642

my art doesn't look like corpo clipart and I'm not some brainlet that actually tried to get a job in art - I work in IT

>> No.6259648


>> No.6259652
File: 76 KB, 248x189, 1638179864599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6259655
File: 792 KB, 2048x2560, AI Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you one of those losers who draw for fun or something?


>> No.6259747

I hate ai but, I like this outcome, art has been pretty stale these days, so being forced to branch out is cool. No how I make my art sell while keeping it from being fed to the ai is the next concern...

>> No.6259768
File: 1.86 MB, 2048x2560, ai coffee 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be trained the moment it hits public view, unless you want completely offline your arts presence and even still people who take pictures and post them will negate that vacuum

>> No.6259822

I don't feel threatened but I find it frustrating that people don't want to buy what I create using AI.
I still spend hours making prompts and combining them to not look bad. I'm still being creative, I'm still putting effort in yet nobody seems interested in commissions.
It's not like they can do it themselves or they already would.

>> No.6259832

>But it won't be able to invent new styles

Just wait until you see the 100T-parameter models. 1000x more powerful than this shit. The ML researchers on Twitter say it is able to deeply synthesize styles to make genuinely new ones. Humans are just completely fucked, whether in 3 months or 3 years.

>> No.6259837

Why all this fighting between techies and artists? Clearly, the pathway forward is to embrace both. Be like me: real job (tech), hobby (art) and everyone will be happy

>> No.6259839

you are the only artfag here Cris you really should be worried.

>> No.6259842

I'll only show my art to people about to push the button in their suicide pod.

>> No.6259843

I do art full time and program on the side. My real passion is tech but it’s much easier making a living as an artist

>> No.6259855
File: 304 KB, 512x512, Canadian Screaming into the sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pod is controlled by AI bro..

Because within visual artists there are two main catagories,
FineArtist who likely will not be affected by AI and will likely on orders of magnitude improve their works with AI
wagecuck Graphic Designers/Animators, stock art/photographers and concept artists, who will very likely get gassed in their wagiecagies as dictated by AI production AGI's.

>> No.6259884

>The ML researchers
Source on their statement¿

>> No.6259912

Interesting, how is that so?

>> No.6260079

As an artist, I look forward to using AI to make my own video game.
I'll still do the art myself though. I'll just use an AI to do the boring code stuff.

>> No.6260092

I'd be interested to get into tech, but I don't think I have the iq for it honestly. I'm 27, am I too old to learn? I wouldn't even know where to get started.

>> No.6260095

I think this advancement is as bad for them as it is for us, aka not bad at all

>> No.6260288

you don't need to be a supergenius, brother. I'd start with CS50, it's free online. GL anon!

>> No.6260297

honestly I say most photographers are prob fine since they do photos for family event stuff, and other than that theirs event photos taken in warzones or just cursed images that an AI just can't replicate

>> No.6260312
File: 325 KB, 900x665, 5640-middle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art is neither deliberate nor can it truly produce something by accident. Everything it produces is purely incidental based on the prompts given, which can sometimes surprise the prompter but ultimately people don't go into making them with a vision or real experimentation. AI is only fed on good art and thus always satisfies the bare minimum of being appealing to the eyes of non-artists with good color theory and occasionally passable composition, but AI art cannot have any real details, only vague dream-like ideas. The only way for AI-art to be truly indistinguishable from human art is to generate extremely simplistic abstract art, copy someone else's art wholesale by "accident" or for AI to gain critical thinking, which then we'd be dealing with Skynet.

At worst, the only people left interested in making AI art in a few more years will be greedy employers in small businesses, grifters, and people who finetune shit to the point they may as well pick up a manual practice.

>> No.6260350

well no one is ever gonna stop hobbies because of technology since it is hobbies.
same as sewing and knitting and the industry
the thing is outside of hobbies things gonna get bad if AI is really that good fast (which I doubt) using the same industry as above. professional is gonna get a hit.
as for chess it is SPORT. people watch the process and it is as important as result. art is more result and products MOST of the time that why it gonna get hit. Unless you are artist streamer which require another skillset and luck

>> No.6260452

I am so sick of fucking hobbyists with no skin in the game saying this is no big deal

>> No.6260491

As a comic artist I'm looking forward to the day AI can mimic inking and coloring in my style and thus produce my work a lot faster. As for my illustrations I can see myself using AI as an idea generator, like blocking in rough shapes or suggesting a color scheme. I don't think AI would be able to create exaggerated cartoons with an appealing, recognizable style and a human element in it's storytelling - and even if they can one day, it would still differ from the vision in my head.

AI will kill art as much as photography or digital painting programs killed it- it will just be another addition to the toolkit.

>> No.6260506

you will weep when normgroids are using your name on their prompts

>> No.6260510

>the game
that you consider making art as a competition to be won or lost is exactly why you've lost, and good riddance. People like you have turned the activity of making art into a soulless hypercompetitive commercial rat race and you're getting the exact outcome you deserve for participating. The only artists left after every single one of you an heros will be the ones who are happy to be making and sharing art just for the love it. As god intended.

>> No.6260519

they won't get MY art, but a pale, lifeless imitation. I would get more money from people that want the real thing

>> No.6260524

Not him but "skin in the game" is a saying, pal, and he has any right to complain that virutally no one will be able to actually live off of their passion and instead of coming home from Subway to try out some prompts.

>> No.6260527

are you really this mad at artists wanting to make a living off of their talent that you have to side with psychopatic techcels that wouldn't bat an eye if YOU became irrelevant and starved to death? you are either falseflagging or you are mentally ill.

>> No.6260532

this is what you think, lets hope normies think the same.

>> No.6260544

>they won't get MY art, but a pale, lifeless imitation.
they will, and they'll have it printed and hang it on their fucking wall and they'll call themselves an artist

>> No.6260563

How is it supposed to be a comfort to come home from a 9-5 at Subway to paint a little with the little energy you have left? If you are really passionate about something, you wouldn't want it to remain a hobby

>> No.6260573

>looks like uncanny shit
>will always look like uncanny shit tha
>is omega low effort
for the same reason I don't get discouraged by those who trace, photobash and paint over shit like this. people will create garbage that the common retard I don't care about will consume anyway. same with music, same with anything else. why should I care when fundamentally nothing changes?

>> No.6260576

What >>6260573 said and also because it makes the handful of failed artist AI doomposters seethe relentlessly.

Kek OP you wish everyone was as depressed and talentless as you are.

>> No.6260581

Who's gonna tell him about AI overtaking his code monkey job? Lolol stand aside, coding is just a hobby and AI will do all your soulless work for you bro. Starving to death? Too bad, you should code out of love not for money chud, people like you made tech stuff competitive when it should be done out of love even if you haven't eaten in 2 weeks!

>> No.6260586

>I have never talked to code monkeys
they actively go out of their way to automate their work and make themselves redundant, most are actually happy to have github codepilot do their job if it weren't for the copyright issues it would create since it reproduces exact lines of code from someone else.

>> No.6260683

>check out /ic/ 5 years ago
>everyone is mildly worried about ai art
>get through your gloom and doom phase all on your own before good image generation even becomes tangible reality
>check out ic today
>everyone greatly worried about ai art
>already went through the "am i obsolete and worthless" angst 5 years ago
Almost everyone and everything will be automated within our lifetimes. Few can predict who goes first on the chopping block, and who'll remain until the end.
The rest of us will be fighting over the great and merciful privilege of scrubbing the toilets and making the food for the rich.
Find happiness where you can, when you can. 15 years from now, you'll be wishing you enjoyed what you had when you had it.
Just draw. All of it has always been, and will always be, meaningless and shitty. Especially if your life goal was to produce easily consumable, commercial-friendly "art."

>> No.6260727

Get a real job, loser

>> No.6260729
File: 1.99 MB, 1151x1415, it&#039;s over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6260733

I don't wanna take my time going to work, I got a motorcycle and a sleeping bag and ten or fifteen girls. What the hell I wanna go off and go to work for? Work for what? Money? I got all the money in the world. I'm the king, man. I run the underworld, guy. I decide who does what and where they do it at. What am I gonna run around like some teeny bopper somewhere for someone elses money? I make the money man, I roll the nickels. The game is mine. I deal the cards.

>> No.6260784

You automate all your work, don't tell anyone and get paid the same. The goal isn't to become a hobo.

>> No.6260792
File: 157 KB, 345x377, 169746214668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260794
File: 3.19 MB, 2048x1152, 1662475163909160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explain why you personally aren’t discouraged by AI art?
made in 2 minutes btw
keep coping hummies, you are obsolete and always been

>> No.6260846

I am discouraged.

>> No.6260862
File: 44 KB, 426x361, artworks-DfDLRYUqkm9IDWcy-AYXT0w-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260942













>> No.6261018

NTA, but I browse a forum for sharing writing ideas and concepts. Some people go pretty in depth for story ideas they are working on, or worldbuilding projects. Occasionally, some people will ask "I want to share my ideas, but how do I know no one will plagiarize them?"
The common response is because everyone is more interested in their own ideas, they aren't going to plagiarize anyone else.
That's still no guarantee, and obviously even now if you get popular enough in the art world you're going to have your fair share of imitators (such as the Sakimichan clones) but eh, what can you do? Most people who have the time and resources are more interested in coming up with something with some semblance of originality, and even the ones who don't rarely rise to the surface of what they are imitating.
TL;DR: Plagiarism has always been a possibility, but the chances of you being a victim of it have always been low and it will likely stay that way.

>> No.6261264
File: 3.72 MB, 1800x1800, Realistic detailed face portrait of a beautiful futuristic very kid girl viking warrior in alien cyberpunk armor by alphonse mucha, ayami kojima, amano, greg hildebrandt, and mark brooks, female, feminine, art nouveau, cyberpunk,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. Don't know why artfags in most threads keep saying it's "grotesque" or lacks detail, etc. when they've probably only seen crappy art from dated models.

>> No.6261280

>realistic detailed
How to tell me you have no taste in art in two words.

>> No.6261294

Enlighten us in your superior taste

>> No.6261309

I don't want to give you any prompts.

>> No.6261324

One thing I've learned from this apparently Mucha is much more popular than I thought. Especially programmers seem to love him for some reason.

>> No.6261336

and you tell me, whats more likely for a potential client to find, a well crafted artwork that took several days of effort or the 10k fake paintings that I generated with AI while I was sleeping?

>> No.6261352

I’m looking forward to ai flatters, though I don’t think anyone is invested in coding that. Where would they get a dataset for flatting colors?

>> No.6261372

System gets a virus
Every day is a waking nightmare
No way to turn off the schizophrenic delusions
Night terrors never stop
The buzzing won’t stop
The buzzing won’t stop

>> No.6261426

>Uses clip-interrogator to get prompt
nothin personnel kid...

>> No.6261433

mediocre shit, i would rather pay for some artist with lower skill that this

>> No.6261662


>Uncanny derivative shit with fucked up eyeballs and clashing style

Dude this shit is ugly.

>> No.6262737

that paper unfortunately even with proper treatment will disintegrate well before a 3 family deep legacy, no value collecting as a show piece or getting a tax break from "Muh museum donation, from muh wealthy humbly cultured Family"(donated personal collections are dope though, literal foundation of art museums). Using Personal collections as an excuse for higher value doesn't work. I can collect any variety of kaka, but only some shit sticks to the market (pic related).
Same with AI, there's a lot of publicly available or limited public access to AI software. But AI art is stoopid thing for you h/ic(s) to argue over when discussing the digital/physical visual market. Can't wait for kids to say 20 years from now about fine art today "Foux AI-ism was blah blah blah". What were really talking about are newly available tools gifted to us the plebian. Take Refik Anadol, turkish fuck. He operates with a whole team, with more than a decade of work in researching AI in relation to archived data. This guy is now a millionaire for installing flat screens that make AI generated images based around interesting, archived data around the world.
AI generators or as I like to call em Visual Art Software Automatons, VASA for short, are Like tools through the ages. Public access VASA I'd say were in the bronze. A lot of what is available is similar to one another with its own flair and degree of accuracy. Ranges between nonrepresentational and representational visuals is varied. What's cool about VASA tools is that they are self-improving. WOW SOFTWARE THAT CAN UPDATE HOLY SHI... a brush is a brush that can brush. VASAs are free right now you fools, you don't need to settle for less, because there is now less to settle for now. How can you be discouraged when the internet is handing you 10000 plus dollars worth of time, development, research, experimentation and implementation FOR FUCKING FREE. ITS A FREE FUCKING BRUSH TAKE IT!

>> No.6262739
File: 9 KB, 241x209, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, Here's the can of shit.

>> No.6262743

This is grotesque, which is why AI is only good for nonsense horror art. See that Loab meme.

>> No.6262747

what's your point?

>> No.6262761
File: 15 KB, 295x171, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the shitpost of the shitpost, or my point made from OP's prompt? Because if you won't read through it then settle in h/ic cause you're in a world of constant mindfuck.

>> No.6262764

But it’s shit?

>> No.6262772

Because unless it's in the hands of an actual artist, the best AI can manage is mockbuster fever dreams and simp bait.

>> No.6262784
File: 18 KB, 275x183, Refik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visually, anything can look good depending on your parameters. Value shouldn't be marked on the desired affection from a patron alone. It's the Craftsmanship. It is not just the ability to drawr gudusun like famous japanese chawigraphy animu dwatsmon, but appreciating the materials and use of materials. If you make crazier things in your.... style, then making a mass version of it or a continuous project would benefit you. Justify your materials. Your materials are cheap and inexpensive, don't last forever. A continous project could make a long aging patina of the work, because the material is cheap, it's easier to achieve this aging look. A hammer can't wrench a toilet down, but with enough determination you could put a hole through it. More value comes from your process then from the work itself. All great works are followed by "they used such and such on such and such and used such and such techniques". Now choosing tools and sticking by them is how you master art. BTW Going from one medium to another all the time while learning different styles and techniques is crazy talk. You can do it but it would be like learning new languages by specifically studying subject in different languages, ie. Greek- Math, Russian - world history, English - chemistry, and so on and so on. If you think it's shit, it's shit. But as far as value goes, your craftsmanship is shit so it has none beyond being a still usable piece of paper, an emergency shit ticket and whatever personal value someone may put on it.

>> No.6263395

yes, it is, one of the good parts anyway

>> No.6263455

because everytime people say AI will replace X job, there are still people who have that job
>Truckers le learn 2 code
still truckers around
>journies le learn 2 code
unfortunately there are still journalists
>artits learn 2 code
still artists (and there always will be)
The only people who think AI art is good have no idea about art themselves. I can instantly spot and an AI generated image.

>> No.6263612
File: 461 KB, 512x512, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your art is now mine bro

>> No.6263820

i love to make art , that is all

>> No.6263829
File: 17 KB, 300x310, 300px-Professional_Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG art no signature
>AI better add 2 signatures

>> No.6263830

looking at it, it might even be 3

>> No.6263840

It won't replace X job, it will put some people out of jobs the same way digital did for traditional for commercial art because it allowed 1 artist do the job of 2-3

>> No.6264039

Is that the best composition you could think of?

>> No.6267467

Providing it yourself by coloring one panel as a reference for the AI would probably be the easiest solution

>> No.6267590

Exactly. Simble ass. My fellow TerminatorChads bump my post to prove our point. Tom Hanks

>> No.6267598

I do draw for fun, but 4/3 of art related income recently had been of my OCs.

>> No.6267660

I do it for myself, it's cool to see that I've developed a skill and improved

>> No.6267667

serious replies get ignored so you know this is just for controversy
sage goes in all fields

>> No.6267803

Yeah, from what I've seen most people who hype up shit like DAL-E and all these art AIs and whatever else are soulless raging hypercapitalists who desire to "stick it" to things they think are cringe and become the next fucking Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk and become billionaires from "big" tech ventures. They look at shit like NFTs and AI prompt writers and don't think "Wow, these bits of tech could provide a lot of interesting capabilities and advantages to people later down the line", they immediately beeline to seeing how much they can profit off of it and how easily they can replace/warp certain industries to essentially serve them or cease to exist entirely in the wake of their new investment.
They don't care about self-fulfilment or actualization or anything relating to human accomplishment, they just care about seeing green lines go up and seeing the things they hate get shut down and forced to suffer. They're the human embodiment of modern capitalism.

>> No.6267832

>hecking clever harry potter reference
You are the mindless consumer you accuse others of being.

>> No.6269385

I'm a tradchad

>> No.6269559

Photobashing didn't kill Concept Art. Why would AI?

>> No.6269568

Because it's the ultimate prompt generator. Everything AI art produces makes me want to go in there and fix it up, or completely re-do it from scratch but better. People here are stupid. This is the answer to the feeling of dread some people get when they see an empty page.

>> No.6269694

programers are such cucks desu.

t. programmer.

>> No.6270056
File: 2.05 MB, 1792x1920, ai_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys not read the comment? Pic related is AI now.

>> No.6270065

soulless, uncanny, scuffed, boring and repetitive. decent rendering on top of garbage, it's like covering a cake in fondant

>> No.6270066 [DELETED] 

I mean it gets made in all in 1 layer so theres no point in trying to fix any brocken stuff, might as well just strart a new fucking drawing

>> No.6270067

it gets made all in 1 layer so theres generally no point trying to fix stuff
might as well just start a new drawing

>> No.6270248

Because I'm not bitter failed artist who wanted to make it big off scribbling anime titties and charging for it