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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 96 KB, 1293x246, 16284584256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6252892 No.6252892 [Reply] [Original]

The art industry = the fast food industry

>> No.6252893

the art industry has always prioritized max efficiency. Time is money.

>> No.6252895


>> No.6252896

>Hacker news.
Go back to /g/, techtard.

>> No.6252906

link to the discussion, please. Not that that isnt a shill as well but Im still wondering if this is just typed out in nozepad

>> No.6252907

More like concept art industry hahahah

>> No.6252913

I do both.

>> No.6252930

Can you faggots please find a consistent way to talk about AI that doesn't bypass filters, I know you're not so gay that you feel the need to take 5 minutes away from getting a dick your ass to post the same low quality samey discussion that's pervading /icy/
All fields

>> No.6252937

We literally discussed this in the AI threads over the past two weeks, that the biggest impact will be on the industry where turn around time and money are crucial.

It'll only get better from here; the tools will get faster, more parameterized, and more integrated into each individual workflow.

>> No.6252939

just to finish - one point I made is that the line between what is "AI" and what isn't will be made blurry by the integration into the workflows. I used a very contrived example of how something like a tablet pen smoothing algorithm gives you more consistent, jag-free strokes when you use it. img2img is the next step where you can feed it a rough drawing and it'll give you a consistent rendering, it just needs all the bells and whistles exposed where you can give it more input regarding what kind of a rendering you want it to produce. You can then take this, and work off of it and merge it into your scene and whatnot.

>> No.6252962
File: 27 KB, 800x450, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an concept artist that works in VFX
obvious troll using the same lingo that people use here

>> No.6253012
File: 32 KB, 1935x143, image_2022-09-01_222709131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am not an artist

(((art directors))) are not your friends concettrannies

>> No.6253018

Well, I guess if your job didn't require any time-consuming training because you are just a useless nepotist pretending to manage people who have actual skill, it's no big deal to go do something else. I'm sure his long-nosed fellows will just get him another high-paying do-nothing senior position in a field he cares nothing about.

>> No.6253028

Most of them never done art , what do you expect. It's actually rare until recent year that your AD is an artist

>> No.6253042

Yea, they're just in charge of hiring and actually paying for art.

>> No.6254735

Ok, so no one loses their jobs and the industry just stays more or less the same. Sounds good to me. The industry was always souless but as long as you could still get paid, this is just a better time-money investment.

>> No.6256097

> t̶h̶e̶ ̶a̶r̶t̶ industry has always prioritized max efficiency. Time is money.


>> No.6256125
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>> No.6256155

Read further, only art directors and critics will get to retain their jobs. Oh the surprise when you realize you were fired but your supervisor is still there sat in the office chair with a kippah on his head!

>> No.6256166

I don’t understand how anyone can enjoy this kind of work.
It sounds less like art and more like, say, managing office spreadsheets. Especially with AI in the mix. You’re just smashing together the output of different programs together as fast as possible. The only creative decision is deciding when it’s “good enough” to ship off and move onto the next one.
It sounds hellish, and it’s hilarious that /ic/ ever idolized the concept art industry.

>> No.6256176

he will loose a job because a lack of ideas and brain degeneracy

>> No.6256245
File: 299 KB, 255x960, 1636469667868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit in your plate
>complain to the restaurant that there is a fly in your shit soup

>> No.6256265

I posted this in another thread, but it's very relevant here https://youtu.be/CYbYvImd7Bw
I hate this fucker

>> No.6256312

I've hated him for almost a decade now, I remember listening to an interview with him where he just talks about how he wants to sit in a cafe and relax and work out ways to make more money from drawing less
i bet he's thrilled about all of this

>> No.6259568
File: 612 KB, 1920x1848, anthony-brault-untitled-artwork-247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's awesome, I knew concept artists would be quick to adopt this tech in their workflow. Most of the concept artists on twitter/artstation I follow have too

It's not about how a piece is made but how accurately it conveys a concept/idea thats important imo. Craftards don't understand this concept I noticed, and obsess about doing everything traditionally and manually as if thats most important

>> No.6259615
File: 49 KB, 737x358, AiArt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< I agree with Fen.

>> No.6259671

No it’s not. That’s what Jews say when they hire Mexicans. Time is money to people who want to squeeze you for labor. It’s also money to people who want to cut corners and do a second rate job. You know what’s money? Making sure the thing your working on is perfect and isn’t gonna flood the basement because your employees had to rush the glue on your plumbing because their boss was breathing down their necks about pacing.

>> No.6259702

I can't believe that pic isn't AI it's offensively soulless

>> No.6259711


Its le Artstation tier

>> No.6259780

Environmental AI art currently looks exactly the same way something photobashed does

>> No.6259803

Nice antisemitism, but the first part of your post is repeating his point. This part:
>You know what’s money? Making sure the thing your working on is perfect and isn’t gonna flood the basement because your employees had to rush the glue on your plumbing because their boss was breathing down their necks about pacing.
Misses the point that as long as your company makes more profit by churning out "basement flooders" than carefully crafting "flood-free" work, it's going to overtake the competition - which is why commercial art doesn't care about delivering unique, fine-art level products. Everyone is in a race. You can insist that it's cheapening everything and causing a deluge of Marvel movies, but it won't change the fact that it's where the money is going.

>> No.6259808

>It's not about how a piece is made but how accurately it conveys a concept/idea thats important imo. Craftards don't understand this concept I noticed, and obsess about doing everything traditionally and manually as if thats most important
There's a small but significant segment of artist population that is essentially living out a larp, which revolves around a very artificial set of limitations to be put on oneself in order to prove a point and inflate one's ego. In this larp, there's a specific set of objects to be used and actions to be performed in order to play the role of "an artist". The obsession with craft is a result of this mythical image of an artist-genius, and is very similar to how overtly religious people soothe their fears by making sure they're as "pure" as possible.

>> No.6259848
File: 759 KB, 1920x1913, anthony-brault-untitled-artwork-249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its kinda sloppy but in an interesting way like something out of Dark Souls/Bloodborne, this one is cooler, I love the idea of taking these buildings and scaling them up to ridiculous proportions, if its a picture you can get lost in its full of soul

That makes sense. It makes me seriously consider there are two different drives to make art, one which is for the sake of the craft, and so focus and value is on that aspect of the medium, the other is for the sake of visualizing ideas and concepts to fruition so focus and value is on the best most efficient way of doing that the medium of art is just how its done whether through photobashing or AI image synthesis or whatever, the medium is just the means not the goal.

In that sense I've seen how AI artists also inflate their ego by acting like they came up with the perfect prompt and refuse to share it or their image idea was so good and superior etc..

>> No.6259852

This one is less painful on the eyes since the sense of scale is actually interesting, composition is better and the Dutch angle adds some dynamism. Though it still has that dreamy lack of "this can exist"-ness of AI art that somehow works in its favor, like in Midjourney's Beksinski copies.

>> No.6259857


>> No.6259866
File: 1.03 MB, 3840x2160, 20220906_020232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this clarifies things for you.

>> No.6259882

>Though it still has that dreamy lack of "this can exist"-ness of AI art that somehow works in its favor, like in Midjourney's Beksinski copies.
You know its not AI generated right?

>> No.6259931

I was pointing out how it shares a specific trait with AI art even though it's human made.

>> No.6259934
File: 672 KB, 1920x1102, paul-chadeisson-matrixxman-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah just clarifying

>that dreamy lack of "this can exist"-ness of AI art

I know what you mean, that aspect is why I love it and I think why I quickly came to love AI generated art too

>> No.6260003

>Nice antisemitism
thanks, the jews really are something else.

>> No.6260065

After trying both Dall-E 2 and Midjourney I am not too worried anymore. It's super crappy for specific stuff that's not rendermonkey portraits or stock photos. Sure it will improve, but before actual AI it might have some hard limits based on it's dataset.

>> No.6260945













>> No.6263627

Anyone here adopting AI art to make their commissions? It still isn't good enough for me because it's bad at posing people right, anyone got tips?

>> No.6263628

right, back to /g/

>> No.6263653

Eat shit

>> No.6263675

How do still not know about stable diffusion img2img

>> No.6263687

img2img sucks a pile of shit if you want something other than simple portraits/simple poses. and if you want something unique? like a robot you drew? not happening.

>> No.6263703
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If concept art is mostly about "design thinking" what's even the point of photobashing to make realistically rendered paintings? It seems to me it's more about impressing normalfag suits than actual design, or else that time spent rendering to max realism would be spent pumping out more variations on concepts.
I lost interest in pursuing concept art as a career long before this AI shit. AI will just make an industry that was already producing soulless shit even more soulless

>> No.6263708

>normalfag suits
Yes, they are the ones paying you for results in AAA game companies. In indie companies they couldn't care less about impressive artwork if the art isn't practical

>> No.6263738

I also received the invitation from Open AI, I had 45 credits to continue making images, I started using it, however, on the third try I gave up, that garbage is unable to do what I ask of it, the woman in a red bed lying down, but interpreted anything thing, in itself it must be political correctness that confuses the functions of the AI, even in the second attempt the fucking shit drew a transvestite (no kidding) I really don't see that this replace nothing at the moment
and the last attempt was anime, that's when I said: "this shit is overrated by idiots on social media, it's a fucking fraud"

Try it for yourselves and remove the doubt, the
AI fags are envy retards that never touched a fucking pencil

>> No.6263763

Photobashing is for AAA normie game stuff. hardly any design thinking going on.

>> No.6263792

the AI that is IT atm is midjourney and SD. OpenAI shat the bed and the filters fucked everything.

>> No.6263796

that dude is larping
companies are explicitly telling artists NOT to use these AI algos at any point in their workflow because of potential copyright issues. Photobashing is indeed common but if the artist isn't using their own images, the company has to spend time and money tracking down literally every image they used and getting them cleared.
Why would they touch AI when they can never really be sure of how much features were stolen from a specific image?

>> No.6263864

Zoomer realizes concept art is not just about painting pretty images

>> No.6263873

Yes, I'm sure the concept artist will love it when he's made redundant because of the AI; "What a godsend!" he will cry.

>> No.6263910

So they dish out more images per work day, but still get payed the same and lower the entry level for competition. I really don't understand the smugness of some artists in the industry who embrace it. What do you gain from it? Absolutely nothing. Someone else profits from it, while you are forced to produce more output.

>> No.6263921

>Why would they touch AI when they can never really be sure of how much features were stolen from a specific image?
For now. I would be willing to bet, however, that sooner rather than later some company is going to come out with an AI art generator where all of the training art is licensed and/or public domain and that there will also arise an "AI training art" industry just like there's a stock photo industry. At that point, there's going to be nothing stopping someone working on a video game or movie or whatever from just buying a subscription to the service and turning out as much entirely usable art as their subscription allows for a fraction of what it would cost to hire a human.

They deserve it.
>DUDE i just LOVE """realistic""" fantasy armor, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down and see this concept art of the exterior of a spaceship, it’s got DIRT AND GRIME, we can crack open photoshop and get crazy and put some GIANT ANGULAR STRUCTURES in the middle of a abandoned city and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go work on this space suit - listen here, right, it’s ANGULAR and COLORFUL so the ASTRONAUT doesn't look BORING. BUT!!!! It's also REALISTIC so he looks right in his ANGULAR SPACESHIP, without dumb curves bothering him. speaking of which I've actually gotten rid of anything in photoshop that can produce a complex curve - I'm uninstalling the software tomorrow, that way I can save money to spent more on a new pen and my TABLET. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this muddy, poorly-constructed drawing of a vaguely 18th century foot soldier holding a LASER RIFLE and do open another one!!!