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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 14 KB, 346x259, EE6CDEEF-2AAB-494B-98C2-F8651E9FD0F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6251024 No.6251024 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to have your sense of importance ripped off of you that a machine can do work light years ahead of you at a fraction of the speed? I hate how much coping there’s in this board.
>LE JEWS (Somehow)
>LE NOT UNIQUE!! (as if your shitty art style meant anything at all HAHA)

All just to get away from the fact that an algorithm is better than you. Fucking pathetic. Cope if you must artfags.

>> No.6251037 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6251106
File: 215 KB, 900x819, ne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fear AI because i actually draw.

>> No.6251113

i dont feel anything, i draw for fun. you don't seem like the type to do anything for fun, so you wouldn't get it, it's ok.

>> No.6251118

Do you think a machine photobashing from stolen art would kill my enjoyment of this hobby? Lmao, I draw for myself and I don't give a shit.
I, however, find pretty sad there's people out there deluding themselves into thinking they're artist for writing a whole sentence of 7 words and 'creating' masterpieces.
You have to be pretty far gone to remotely believe such person is anything even close to an artist.
That's like saying you're an expert investigator for knowing how to use Google.
Anyway, if you do this as a hobby you probably don't care at all about all this

>> No.6251128

AI can't make pleasing looking hands or feet, what do I have to fear? I don't believe it will, there is a type of coherency only humans can achieve. AI can't do overlapping forms, one finger crossing over another, that finger behind... is forgotten... AI doesn't draw through.

>> No.6251132

Typical cope answers. Still in first stage of grief.

>> No.6251134

typical retard response. final stage of retardation.

>> No.6251136

ironically it sounds like you're the one who is seething. are you mad that le evil artfags will still keep drawing while you remain an uncreative, soulless stem nerd?

>> No.6251137
File: 432 KB, 1092x1095, Go do the thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made your own bed, now die in your sleep.

>> No.6251141

> Guys I have been using AIDungeon for THREE WEEKS, I am a real novelist!

> why is nobody buying my ai generated books? it's just as good as people who has been writting for 20 years.

>> No.6251144

>current year
>creating anything with more than 140 characters

>> No.6251147

>noooooooo stop enjoying making art, youre supposed to feel disheartened because these machines can create pieces much faster and better than you do, stop it, stop liking making art, STOP

Projecting much OP?

>> No.6251150

>I turned my AIDungeon story into a comic using midjourney and stable diffusion! why can't I get anyone to read it? it took me 80 hours! I suffered fo this! I'm an artist!

>> No.6251151

Don't care. Naive college girls will still fall for nude posing at my studio late in the evening meme. If anything, the increased rarity of trad painting will only make it more irresistible to them. Have fun trying to woo anyone with your valuable IT skills, sexless STEM loser :)

>> No.6251154

It’s like chess players being autistically dedicated to their little game despite already being figured it out by ai. I cannot comprehend dedicating yourself to a dead end thing that something else can and will be able to do. Baffling

>> No.6251155

Watch out! he's gonna come back to quote us and say Seethe!

>> No.6251157

Projecting much, anon?

>> No.6251158


>> No.6251159

Nice fanfiction, totally not a fattie that gets no female attention.

>> No.6251160

This. Unironically real artists are going to become 100x cooler. Imagine a girl that has met like 10 tech bro "artists" who fumbled and stuttered out excuses when she asked them to draw her, and imagine being that one gigaChad she meets who can actually draw with his own two hands.

>> No.6251162

Im sorry you're uncapable of finding enjoyment in your hobbies.

You're not supposed to be the best, or even being capable of monetizing your artwork if you do it as a hobby. Its all about enjoying the process.
To be fair, this concept took a while to get ingrained into my brain, well into my 30s, but since youre probably a teenager or in your early 20s you cannot comprehend to do things just for the sake of the pleasure it gives you.

>> No.6251163

>doing anything for women
Top kek

>> No.6251170

Another definitive proof nobody draws on this retarded board. If you were artists yourselves, you wouldn't be seething about us getting easy pussy with paint, you would be doing it yourselves.

>> No.6251171


>> No.6251177

You have the wrong idea about why playing chess or making art is enjoyed. You are thinking it is about the end result, a won game or a finished picture.

>> No.6251180

You want a mommy gf to clean up after you and tolerate your useless incel ass but moving a finger for her makes you feel like a cuck. Based retard. Did you also throw fits at your mom when she told you to take out the trash after cleaning and cooking all day lmao?

Psychologically profiling nodraw techbros aside, I enjoy drawing, drawing a person is a a win win for me because I get to practice and they get to be drawn. It doesn't feel like I'm "doing" something for her or him usually. I'm sorry that typing "cute girl, by greg rutkowski:300" doesn't get you the same result or satisfaction as drawing it yourself kek.

>> No.6251182

You seem to be a Twitter lib throwing that many assumptions at the wall. You still haven’t posted proof.
Nice fanfiction

>> No.6251183
File: 1.76 MB, 3140x2000, rampant theft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art is grand-scale theft and does not comply with """fair use""" laws. 5.8 billion copyrighted / trademarked images quietly stolen and sold for profit.

>> No.6251184

really pathetic, why did you post this?

>> No.6251187

I don't think it's so bad, at least drawing for pussy is a more human goal than whatever AI dreams of when it is spitting out noise (nothing)

>> No.6251189

And? It’s still unrecognizable from the end product. An original product, something that can’t be said from reference drawers

>> No.6251190

What kind of proof do you want, a photo of my dick in your mother's asshole? Just type that into your favourite AI, certainly the result will be just as good.

>> No.6251191

>getting easy pussy
You might as well just throw a salami into an hallway, same thing.

>> No.6251192

Deflecting little faggot that won’t post proof of having any portraits with other woman. Nigger, you wish you could get pussy. Instead you doodle little sketches in hope of shekelstein noticing you to use you in his next commercial adventure.

>> No.6251193

I can get pussy without drawing

>> No.6251195
File: 547 KB, 1440x1650, Midjourney_official_discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, cant argue with that.

>> No.6251196

My assumptions are hardly baseless. You leave very little to the imagination when you make out a fun activity as "doing something for women".

>"Draw me like one of your french girls anon!!"
>"uh... sure..."
>*gets tablet*
>"french girl:1.25, cute, by WLOP:2, pretty, cute, rtx on, SSAO, cute, pretty"
>sit and stare awkwardly for 5 minutes
>generates a weird chromosomal disorder looking monstrosity with 14 fingers

>> No.6251197


>> No.6251203

Constructoid spotted

>> No.6251208

Whatever you says fag.none artist will draw your terminator ntr hentai you starved for

>> No.6251209

Stealing the images and developing a machine to emulate those images is still theft.

>> No.6251210

Ahhhh its over for mee noooowwww

>> No.6251216
File: 71 KB, 1000x1000, 1661791488340608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how OP tried to be slick with this thread but all he did was out himself as a joyless husk of a person incapable of doing things just for the sake of doing them, actual bugman NPC. I actually pity anyone doing this AI shilling now.

>> No.6251218

yes, it's over for you, come back if AI ever figures out hands.

>> No.6251219

>It's okey when real artist do it

>> No.6251221
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>> No.6251224

Even when humans blatantly rip off a style they get sussed out for it, but that's the beautiful thing: every human artist has their own style. Much different when you can tell a machine to draw in the style of Craig Mullins and it references its 5.8 billion stolen images to do so

>> No.6251226
File: 143 KB, 1069x1196, 1660416900748705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people never liked art, and are now taking the opportunity to shit on artists because you think some tech bros generative search engine is going to make the worlds greatest kino, and that artists will never be needed again.

i dont think any of us are coping, it just generally sucks that a bunch of people are so eager to shit on and replace us artists for bots.

if you want your entire life produced and automated by bots, devoid of any human touch, looks like the future is bright for you.

>> No.6251228

I'm already integrating AIs in my workflow.
Can't way for the day I don't have to lift a finger.

>> No.6251229

this makes 0 sense. You're gonna paint over an AI image? You're giving up your ideation phase to a random number generator? The soul of your work is in your ideas.

>> No.6251240

When that day comes, art will be boring to you, why ask AI to create? just to consume?

>> No.6251246

I feel like this is the end result of the philosophy that shaddy safadi and that level up facebook group were pushing half a decade+ ago, work smarter not harder, cheat your way into jobs etc. (and then they literally got caught out getting entry level artists to do work for them while underpaying them and taking the credit)
I remember an interview with Safadi where he talked about how hed rather drink coffee in a cafe than draw and his ultimate goal was just to get away with doing nothing and make money from it.

>> No.6251251
File: 387 KB, 448x704, 20220901205514_1370523106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't draw hands wrong if you don't draw hands I guess.

>> No.6251276

anon i draw as a hobby

>> No.6251277

>retard doesn't understand how theft works
many such cases

>> No.6251296

5.8 billion copyright images were stolen, processes, and regurgitated into AI Art, from which the devs profited. Explain how this is not theft.

>> No.6251315
File: 134 KB, 324x322, 1660025800292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







Here's an AI janitor holding a skull just like in OP's pic that I made with AI, to participate in this wonderful thread.

Have a bump, why not?
These threads are 100% approved and allowed by moderation, after all.

>> No.6251316

tru, lotta coom artis have ToS and if thay paying taxes from commisions thay should be protected by DMCA

>> No.6251329

You feeling something should be illegal doesn't make it illegal, retard. Point to an actual written law that's being violated of fuck off. Your fee-fees don't matter in court.

>> No.6251331

Drawings are automatically copyrighted the moment they are drawn. Using those images for profit is theft. No feelings here, just law

>> No.6251334

>Using those images for profit
Those images aren't used for profit. Original work created by the AI is. The images sold are significantly different from the copyrighted ones.

>> No.6251352

kvetching kike. /ic/ is rightful AI clay

>> No.6251353

simple, the artist's original work still exist, their copyright isn't violated as the product produced by the ai is distinct and transformative enough that it could be considered a violation under current copyright laws. in addition, what is sold by the companies isn't the art produced by the ai themselves, it is access to the imagen algorithm. plus, most of the art themselves are taken from already established artists, artists who make a fuckton of drawings and earn money from it,

you might as well argue that an ai reading through a billion copyright written works and using it to create a text transformer is theft of their work, which it certainly is not given how significantly different the produced text is from their work at least in terms of content.

not quite lmao. while it is true that you get a copyright automatically once a work is made, you still gotta register it if you're actually seriously pursuing protection of your work. in addition, as stated earlier, it's not theft because the ai produces a work that is significantly different enough that you can't make a solid case for theft. artists already copy each other's work, yet that itself is not considered theft if the produced work is different enough.

>> No.6251354

Just because it isn't written doesn't mean it won't be after a trial. An NFTard tried claiming ownership of his AI picture and the court blocked him despite having no clear law for that beforehand. This AI is in a completely gray area in the law, even the devs themselves acknowledged it dumbass. Retard. Also the entire gaslighting
Every artist deserves the right to defend his work, you can't possibly hope to discourage anyone with these poor attempts lol. Why would someone go through so many hoops to slurp on the balls of the caiac19 devil pajeet is beyond me though.

>> No.6251357

OpenAI, SD, etc. are bankrolled by chads like Bezos, Zuck, Sundar. Good luck winning lawsuits against them lmfao

>> No.6251359


>> No.6251361

Let's not forget that the OP made this thread entirely out of bad faith and spite against artists. It's a bigger waste of time to take anything he says seriously than talkint with GPT-3

>> No.6251362

Stolen images are inputted into a database, scraped from social media in which proof of ownership can be determined by every image. On top of that, many explicitly copyrighted and trademarked images were included in their datasets. The resultant images these algorithms produce are all montages and remixes of stolen, explicitly copyrighted images.

>> No.6251373

Jannies already deleted alot of this faggot's post yesterday. No point argue with someone that is literally picking fights.

>> No.6251374

>craped from social media in which proof of ownership can be determined by every image.
Lol maybe read the ToS of those websites.

>> No.6251390

>The United States No Electronic Theft Act (NET Act), a federal law passed in 1997, provides for criminal prosecution of individuals who engage in copyright infringement under certain circumstances, even when there is no monetary profit or commercial benefit from the infringement.

>> No.6251394

Almost all my art in the database was taken from my personal website. I don't post on social media. Fans of mine have uploaded my works to pintrest and reddit without asking.

>> No.6251395
File: 34 KB, 493x622, 1661299850664227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you get it yet, do you? The pitiful nodraw NEEDS this AI to succeed if he wants to call himself a pro artist one day. They don't know how to make a cube even if they lives depend on it, so they cross their fingers hoping a machine can do it instead. No matter what you say you can't talk any of these people out of their blissfull dreams, but they will come here, make these shitty raid threads and absolutely sperg out if someone states that actions can and will be taken.

These failures have no will to evolve or grow in any form, they just stay there planted in the background, so imagining their AI will not be there to save them is just an absolutely horrifying thought

>> No.6251476

No professional or artists you look up to that or others that are skilled will ever come out in favor of AI, because their fanbase and 90% of artists are delusional narcissists who are shitting their pants that they won't be able to get attention and likes from normies by drawing.

Who the fuck do artists think they are that everyone is out to get them?
Everyone who doesn't like what you do or how you behave must surely only be jealous of and inferior than you, right?
Why are corporations so eager to avoid working with artists? They surely must only be envious of your drawing skills.

Man, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.6251480

I don't think that's how that expression goes, anon

>> No.6251484

I know what i posted.
You'd get it, you unless you're a bot.

You know what they say:
When the feline isn't present, niggers fuck shit up.

>> No.6251487

I don’t care.

I draw because it’s fun.

>> No.6251490

Dont use such complex words, OP wont understand what youre saying

>> No.6251498

>Everyone who doesn't like what you do or how you behave must surely only be jealous of and inferior than you, right?
90% of the comments from ai prompters here, and on reddit, twitter etc. are passive aggressive copes about demonstrating how legitimate ai art is.
So yes, jealousy and inferiority complexes are a large part of it.

>> No.6251503

I don't care what faggots and effeminates on twatter and plebbit are saying.
You're all subhuman to me.

>> No.6251517

The work of professional artists is not about getting "attention and likes from normies", it's about designing things for a particular purpose.
AI is still very bad at this since even with text-based prompting and img2img it keeps wandering off and doing retarded things that have no relation to what was asked.
It also doesn't make 3D assets usable in a real-time engine which is a much bigger industry than painterly 2D images.
People are forgetting GAN style transfer has been a thing for years and artists still somehow have work even though it's trivial to feed a photo into an AI and have it apply a "painting in style of artist X" filter.

>> No.6251525
File: 381 KB, 1170x1870, E85D67B8-3947-41BB-9316-A0BB64728C3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. My job is safe and sound. Maybe I’ll worry in 40 years if they can copy a human conscious and use that as AI.

>> No.6251527

this isnt about AI
the only reason you made this thread is because you want to feel important for a fraction of time

>> No.6251628

again, refer to the text transformer argument. these images cannot be considered stolen, they're scraped from the internet but the pieces of art themselves were not sold by the company. it is used as part of the process, but the work produced is transformative, and the product produced isn't the thing that is sold. the product is sold is the algorithm. and if we were to actually go into the nitty gritty of how they even work, they don't just take images and the morph them into something else entirely, they generate images from noise and transform it into something that resembles a pattern as inputted in the prompt, patterns that arise from. the images being scraped are used as a way to train the algorithm to search for patterns and replicate it. are you arguing that the patterns of the art could themselves be copyrighted? if so, that set's a dangerous precedent for most of media, one that i don't think you're willing to make given it's implications.

>> No.6251633

I'll get worried once it starts drawing loli porn, because then yeah, it might replace me.
But that's probably not in the plans of any of the big devs right now.
I'll just enjoy the time I've got left.

>> No.6251662

>Can't refute anything, just mindless rhetorical questions
>j-j-just shut up!

Get ass blasted and you will never be an artist.

>> No.6251693

well I'm prob not gonna work in the industry though because I mostly just draw fun
>I'm not gonna learn to prompt though since if it a requirement to work may laziness increases 10x fold
>because I hate work

>> No.6251698

Technology just makes everyone seethe. The disproval of the big bang theory is making the scientific community eat itself alive. After all, some of these youtube scientists have built their entire career uppon these lies.