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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 672 KB, 1500x844, 20220825_174538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6245562 No.6245562 [Reply] [Original]

He entered images he printed out at the Colorado State Fair fine arts competition.
No editing, just upscaled and printed on canvas.
How would you feel as a competitor?

>> No.6245566

Sue the competition holders for it not being “fine art”.

>> No.6245567

Maybe I am retarded and the $750 is the asking price?

>> No.6245571

did he make it clear that it was ai or claim that he made it himself?

>> No.6245576

Flyovers are retarded

>> No.6245577

He entered it in the digital arts category

>> No.6245581

based prompt eng mogging trad shitters

>> No.6245584

"yes the description clearly stated I created them via Midjourney"
I doubt normies at an art fair know what that is.

>> No.6245587

Competitions will be fucked cause of Ai

>> No.6245589

Link to where he said this?

>> No.6245599

Midjourney discord. search for colorado

>> No.6245612

>Colorado State Fair fine arts competition.
>accept shit printed on a canvas
>give prize to printed canvas
well, i dont even care if its ai, this alone makes me think the competition organizers are retarded

>> No.6245615


Agreed that normies wouldn't know shit about midjourney. Probably think it's yet another drawing program like photoshop. Even online in general you see non artists people praising pics as if the uploader drew them, all while the post is clearly tagged midjourney.

On a side note, it looks like there were only 11 individuals participating in that category.

>> No.6245647

lol, those judges

>> No.6245665

Laughing makes your spirit soar, earth-brother.

>> No.6245668

remember nfts? they are the future of art, amiright?

>> No.6245678

Sounds right, people really don't understand how LOW the bar is for these kind of competitions. I won a few when I was at school, one I won by default

>> No.6245680

Been telling people here for YEARS that painting is dead. Single one-off illustrations with no context have no value (unless it’s porn). This isn’t even anything new - people were saying that painting was dead 100 years ago.
Art needs to have narrative (comics, games, animation) to be valuable.
AI is just driving the point home. We are now post-scarcity when it comes to pretty pictures. We can have an infinite number of them at the click of a button. There is no longer a point in judging artists by how pretty their pictures are, because now it’s almost impossible to tell if they used the AI or not. Time to start judging artists by other criteria.

>> No.6245688
File: 190 KB, 1379x900, Bob-Ross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people were saying that painting was dead 100 years ago.
imagine if he listened

>> No.6245708

>almost impossible to tell if they used the AI or not
Depends. If there's absolutely zero editing you can tell from the vague outlines (see the humans in OP pic) and fuzzy details (the arc and both sides of the OP pic). It's only hard to tell when AI pics are painted over, but at that point you already are painting your own thing.

>> No.6245710

I'm just glad the AIs haven't learned how to make fruit preserves yet, but it's only a matter of time before they come for my State Fair entry too.

>> No.6245725

>AI-generated fruit preserves
Can't imagine what that must taste like.

>> No.6245732
File: 338 KB, 1916x945, 1567484871836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consumer don't ask questions.
Consumer likes and consumes product.

>> No.6245739

every single "flyover" is better to live in than every major democrat city.

>> No.6245809

>Art needs to have narrative (comics, games, animation) to be valuable.
All of this is being progressively automated arm
We will be the last generation to do human art

>> No.6245813


>> No.6245821

Reminder that this picture could have been generated by the barking of a dog

>> No.6245827

narrative can't be automated

>> No.6245839

So what you're saying we should judge writers, not artists.

>> No.6245849

The closed test of GPT-4 was rated as being professional enough to entirely replace copywriters. The current model can already write articulated tales out of prompts, and there are people selling some impressive prompts in promptbase already. Narrative, propaganda and marketing are just another form of art in the same boat as ours.

>> No.6245855

copywriting isn't narrative

>> No.6245856

No. Every single Democrat city has a higher income, higher quality of life, higher iq, pretty much superior in every metric out there except a slight increase in crime per capita compared to flyover shitholes

>> No.6245859

how do i become the idea guy?

>> No.6245860

You should #cancel the competition. I mean it. Trying to cancel a whole company is retarded, but you could easily get your local Karens outraged by something like this. Message some of your local news stations over Twitter and show them. It’ll be funny and you were just going to spend that time shitposting anyway.

>> No.6245862

He made it himself using ai

>> No.6245863

Completely incomparable.

>> No.6245872

First thing is to tell the other 10 participants >>6245615 that they got beaten by some nodraw hack. Unless they're all doing AI generated art, that should get them mad enough.

>> No.6245877
File: 84 KB, 1024x703, aDN5uaWqDGAl_-rPObfrqekw5qLZhYNu6Au-losGZ4o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>higher income
and significantly higher cost of living to go with it
>higher quality of life
>higher iq
lmao no, see pic related you dumb fuck
>a slight increase

There's a reason so many cuckifornians are leaving their shithole and going elsewhere now that a lot more jobs can be done remotely. Big cities are shitholes that cost way too much, have extremely cucked laws, extremely high crime rates, extremely high homeless populations, and are just overall worse in every way.
Enjoy living in your 400 sqft studio with 8 roommates for $2000/mo though.

>> No.6245894
File: 45 KB, 679x376, 14684949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading the part about it literally writing narrative/fiction/stories out of single prompts

>> No.6245895

post them

>> No.6245898

he can't, it was a secret! (ie, didn't happen, just looking for ways to raise capital)

>> No.6245913

so could anyone playing draw fortress and rimworld your point

>> No.6246001

He earned money by creating videos.
Art was incidental in this process

>> No.6246006 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 718x1193, 168484848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create an account in there and use all your tokens to generate the biggest story you can by setting the limit higher, already wasted mine shitposting

>> No.6246040

and his videos consisted of???

>> No.6246045

a gentle giant with curly hair whispering sweet nothings into your ear

>> No.6246050

I am unironically seething rn fr no cap

>> No.6246057
File: 40 KB, 960x540, eric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6246074

I want to see what he beat

>> No.6246075

so one of the worst cities not only in the state, but the country?

>> No.6246092

those are the judges? for real?
might as well have left it up to a fucking coin flip

>> No.6246324

I'll follow him home and murder him

>> No.6246333

thank you

>> No.6246340

It's high IQ and high income in a few wealthy pockets. For middle class people it's a money drain, no reason to be there unless you work in tech or medicine.

>> No.6246341
File: 676 KB, 480x320, 1486841497514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6246370

so is midjourney better than dalle2?

>> No.6246375

Ai cant draw my gigantamongolous cock so its suck /thread

>> No.6246380

For arty stuff, yeah. dalle2 is best at interpreting your prompt, but outside of photos, the art it makes is low int/beg tier.

>> No.6246408

Midjourney isn't worth the money. Get Stable Diffusion for free. midjourney team is going to start selling subscriptions to their own fine-tuned Stable Diffusion model because they know how shit their own model is.

>> No.6248159

How do you get stable diffusion

>> No.6248315

Do people pay for the AI programs to make this art or can you find it online and just start throwing shit in?

>> No.6248339
File: 43 KB, 1264x141, digitally-manipulated-photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in the digitally manipulated photo category.

>> No.6248353

I know that ya dummy. I'm the one who posted the link to the participants. Doesn't make AI shitters any less skeevy when they try to pass off this shit as art.

>> No.6248441

This is America. Lmao.

>> No.6248450

and it says PHOTOGRAPHY
as in, photo manipulation, he didnt do jack shit the ai did everything
mightaswell have taken a selfie with a filter and called it art

>> No.6248557

that's fucking stupid
you think any twat would be able to take up painting, film it and make money off it?
bob ross as a person IS the product, NOT the painting

>> No.6248560

Even worse, there is no photo here.

>> No.6248650

>higher income, higher quality of life, higher iq,
Yeah if you are uber rich sure.

>> No.6248651

>Ableist are here.

>> No.6248685

How the fuck would this even fool normies? Nothing in that "painting" makes sense

>> No.6248857
File: 76 KB, 1065x859, linds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theater d'opera spatial
The AI speaks Canadian yet you still need proof it's evil

>> No.6248876

It's called impressionism newchud.

>> No.6248950

Games, lmao.
Kys retarded zoomer

>> No.6249040
File: 1.99 MB, 236x224, be9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess he never took up painting before he got famous huh? And once he was he must've been just standing there talking about himself and not how to paint the whole time right.

Do you dimwit faggots read what you type out

>> No.6249050

vidogames have been here since the 70s
how's that a zoomer thing? you dumb shit

>> No.6249062
File: 289 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20220831-121823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHHAHA The twitter cucks are already accepting it

>> No.6249068


>> No.6249110

The Jews raised them well

>> No.6249115
File: 812 KB, 1574x968, oh-no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw the rest of the fucking owl

>> No.6249135
File: 178 KB, 958x1280, 105B0A13-D4EF-4596-80B9-1AE8CD7C4FAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooo why is Rhode Island so retarded I hate it here

>> No.6249167

Twitter users are not even human

>> No.6249198
File: 147 KB, 323x320, 1633787160685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





Here is a picture I call "Théàtre Du Janniteur Spatial" that I made with AI, to participate in this wonderful thread.

Have a bump, why not?
These threads are 100% approved and allowed by moderation, after all.

>> No.6249224

this is a lawsuit just waiting to happen

>> No.6249257

>Théàtre Du Janniteur Spatial"
Fucking kek, thanks for the laugh. Best thing to come out of this godforsaken trend.

>> No.6249293

don't mind me just paying my bumps and alms to the ai post god jannies

>> No.6249394


>> No.6249465

>AI techfaggots jerking themselves off

>> No.6249496

Why are Jannies deliberately running this board to the ground? Quality threads are instantly deleted, while the shitty ones stay up.

>> No.6249498

This one seems weirdly important to discuss

>> No.6249499
File: 70 KB, 1039x313, 1618979412915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started when they took the video course thread down.

>> No.6249503

you get a free trial in discord. you use it untill it tells you that you need a subscription. its in a discord server

>> No.6249514

They're probably twitter-addicted politoids who don't give a shit about art, same as /lit/ mods. I used to think people weren't that petty at one point.

>> No.6250192
File: 55 KB, 230x202, 1661989121679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent a couple of hours listening to the Midjourney dev live voice chat update in their discord server. I will summarize what I heard:

They were having an "open forum" to discuss the "problem" of cis male sexuality evident in many of the generated images, in particular misuse of the key word "bikini".

All of the users they invited to speak their mind claimed to be women. One of the mods stated that this is because men "have no say" in how it affects women. These women proceeded to claim that images of "unrealistic women" that could appeal to "the male gaze" were no different than generating cp.

Their only concern was the "edge case" of a woman generating suggestive images of women, which according to them would be okay because men are not involved.

The guy who runs Midjourney, Adam I think, agreed, and proposed that users could maybe only generate suggestive images or images with partial nudity if they would opt in to somehow permanently stamping their identity on the image digitally (full name was suggested) so that they could be shamed and held accountable publicly for "being creeps".

The devs concluded that they'd "heard enough" and that no further input was needed from other users. They announced that they will be censoring the word "bikini" and a slew of similar words that can be used to generate images of attractive women. They also floated the idea of randomly changing input words such as woman to man, or bikini to business suit, to eliminate "male bias."

A small argument broke out about this as (paying) users that have been using the service for a while now disagreed with the announcement to censor their art projects. A lead dev was quick to join in and go on a strange rant about how grateful he is that white cis men would not steer the project's direction.

Do with this information what you will. I'm sure someone out there recorded the entire thing, as there were over 1600 listeners.

>> No.6250203

We just keep winning misogynistguropornchads

>> No.6250211

literal brainlets

>> No.6250227

you know what, i side with the basedbeasts for this one.

>> No.6250237

>cleavage and nudity are bad because .... uh because this 55 year old woman feels insecure. OK?

>> No.6250240

big if true

>> No.6250241

I would do the same, all these AI devs just want to sell their shit to big corporations, the more woke the better. You don't want anything problematic stand between you and potential hundreds of millions of dollars.
I would outright ban all nudity, all nazi/pol shit from the start

>> No.6250247

Would you ban images of "unrealistic women" on the basis that anything potentially sexually appealing to "cis men" is inherently problematic?

>> No.6250263

Wtf bros I just became a feminist supporter? Immediately contact your local women's rights party and tell them about the abuse Emma Watson is suffering thanks to SD

>> No.6250316
File: 381 KB, 1170x1870, Fbh2eIMUEAADWNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, this is the power of ai

>> No.6250374

how did it even work? Didn't the judges or someone have a rule that the person submitting an artwork is actually the creator? Like, this seems utterly retarded from the most fundamental basic level. Printing a computer generated image is "art creation" to those idiots? Jesus fuck burger""people"", c'mon now...

>> No.6250377
File: 104 KB, 582x562, 08192022_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not surprising

>> No.6250393

>RJ Palmer
The dudes a faggot. Can't wait till AI is advanced enough till he eats shit.

>> No.6250399

>the NFaggoT in the pic is posting here

>> No.6250403

No I don't care about NFTs I just hate faggots like Palmer.

>> No.6250537

To be fair its better than modern art.

>> No.6250591

Looks like AI can only make blurry surrealist pieces for now.
Maybe it's time for human artists ditch post-modernist crap and go back to realism and naturalism.

>> No.6250595

Palmer has redeemed himself in my eyes because so far he's 100x more effective than anyone else in getting the twitter mob aware of this shit

>> No.6250609
File: 19 KB, 594x201, Fagggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may usually tolerate nessessary evil, but RJ Palmer is just too big of a faggot to tolerate.

>> No.6250613
File: 291 KB, 601x486, aEstheTIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, imagine unironically call your own stuff as aesthetic and picking on random A.I scammers on the internet.

>> No.6250617

>Like, imagine unironically call your own stuff as aesthetic and picking on random A.I scammers on the internet.

Yeah I seriously got no idea who I hate more. AI and NFT faggots or faggots like palmer huffing their own farts.

>> No.6250618

You need to stop being such an emotional faggot and stop missing the forest for the trees. The more normies are aware of how scummy AI art is the better.

>> No.6250621

He just takes every chance he gets to shame AIfaggots. I would do the same if I was on their NFT hitlist instead of drinking corn syrup quietly.

>> No.6250626

Yeah who cares, literally everyone is a faggot on Twitter but at least one of them is doing a good job mobilising artists to do shit

>> No.6250627

You will never be an artist

>> No.6250632

Sure and Palmer is gonna flip burgers in 5 years.

>> No.6250637

another crab/ai shill showing their true colors

>> No.6250638

>complaining about twitter tranny artists when the collective human ingenuity is a few steps away from being assimilated into an even more pozzed atemporal AI being

>> No.6250738

>I fail to see the problem. Yes, they did not draw these pieces themself, but they still sat down and took the time to pic the best after spending weeks of tuning the gen.
HOLY KEK, as if that's comparable to actually drawing the picture. Literal slavegolem thinking, lmao.

>> No.6250747
File: 14 KB, 386x264, 1628310245385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Théàtre Du Janniteur Spatial

>> No.6250862

oh, i will consume product
i just won't pay for it and i'll bitch about how bad it is on twitter dot com simply because i could

>> No.6250880

Nice larp anitranny.

>> No.6250883

>the more woke the better.
They can just use woke prompts, retard.

>> No.6250885

>it's still art, it's like photography
lol i've been saying for years how it is not art, and now they're using photgraphy as art to defend AI art. pottery.

>> No.6250891

>reddit spacing
>repeating the same thing thrice
>tranime picture
at least make the larp believable

>> No.6250945

Why not? It only effects a small minority anyways. 'Those' kind will not be missed.

>> No.6251123
File: 29 KB, 1280x720, 162654965645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI being corrupted and derailed by woke sjw trannies
This is great. I cannot wait for the ripple effects this will have.

Artists cried wolf to censor and ban the AI, who will save the artists when YXZhey come for them?

>> No.6251207

I find the irony in him drawing a copyrighted ip complaining about someone else violating his """aesthetic"""

>> No.6251256

REAL artists will always be able to draw no matter the circumstance. Art is inherently human. AI art only exists to make money, what do you think happens if there's no economic incentive? Let's accelerate indeed lmao.

>> No.6251275


Dumb ESL, he is not calling his work aesthetic, learn English before pooing on /ic/ with your AI drama garbage.

>> No.6251497
File: 203 KB, 323x541, 164588444221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REAL artists will always be able to draw no matter the circumstance. Art is inherently human. AI art only exists to make money, what do you think happens if there's no economic incentive? Let's accelerate indeed lmao.
Finally someone who gets it

>> No.6251910

AI is gonna flip burgers in 5 years.

>> No.6252163

Wokeness vs. perversion/criminality might be the Achilles heel. >>6248321
Let them cannibalize themselves from within, especially as more money and attention flows to this, and they have to handle dealing with increasingly unsavory shit.

They want to make a holodeck? Fine, unleash the gargantuan dark flood of legally gray/illegal shit that's inevitably associated with that concept, until society is shocked into waking up as to what's happening. Deepfakes were just the prelude.
They want to short-circuit the barrier between imagination and end result? Fine, let the imagination of the internet's sickest fucks run wild on it, then share and publicize it all. Your Technology™ made it after all, not me or them, oh and btw here's where you can contact their legal department...

Because currently I don't think genpop cares what creatives have to say, all they want is end results and novelty. Good intentions never got anyone far in this system, and any eventual lawsuits will only multiply and be strengthened if societal attention and outrage is inflamed as much as possible.

>> No.6252169

>I just spent a couple of hours listening to the Midjourney dev live voice chat update in their discord server
why the fuck would anyone do this? this is the least believable part of your entire larp.

>> No.6252202

How come you guys don't consider AI art as real art and Prompters as legitimate artists?

>> No.6252208

poopoo pee is not food

>> No.6252211

do you consider the person who commissions an artist, an artist?

>> No.6252214

Jealousy. All the anti AI seething on this board boils down to:

>> No.6252216

a machine does all the work for you, you don't have to learn the fundamentals of art or mechanical skills to make a piece, you will always be a pathetic and useless human being and not because you use AI but because you resort to them instead of dedicating your time to develop skills.

>> No.6252218

if typing prompts makes someone an artist
then ordering food at the restaurant makes me a chef too

>> No.6252223

>do you consider the person who commissions an artist, an artist
In the context of a commission, then yes. The ultimate end goal is the commissioners idea and the artist is simply a middle man.

>a machine does all the work for you, you don't have to learn the fundamentals of art or mechanical skills to make a piece
Why is this a bad thing? Are we just going to ignore the countless anons who ended up wasting time and effort on learning art and needlessly went through so much frustration? AI can fix this by allowing to skip all of that

>then ordering food at the restaurant makes me a chef too
False equivalence

>> No.6252228

if a race car that drives itself and literally wins races for you without having to make any effort, are you a driver? do you really understand how a car works? do you take into account weather, speed, have you developed the mechanical skills and coordination to really understand what makes a lap a good lap and a good drive?

>> No.6252232

if anything, the devs that coded the shit are the ones that deserve credit
the people using the "ai" are just parasites too lazy to learn a skill
every ai shill comment amounts to bitterness towards people who can do something they cant
this whole ai thread spam is just bitterness and jealousy
with some mental illness mixed in because some of the people spamming the internet with ai shilling dont really seem too well in the head

>> No.6252236

oh look, another anon too lazy to learn a kill and trying to justify it
ai shitters will never be artists no matter how hard they cry about "muh ai is art"

>> No.6252240

My goal is the automation of all parts of society? Why should people have to waste their finite lives having to learn how to draw to bring their ideas into reality?

>> No.6252241

maybe you could automate your finite lifespan with a noose, it's faster.

>> No.6252242
File: 70 KB, 640x479, FWv13naWIAkwUHz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the context of a commission, then yes. The ultimate end goal is the commissioners idea and the artist is simply a middle man.

so all of the legwork, and creative decisions are irrelevant? the sentence "draw me asuka from evangelion killing god" makes someone an artist? so by your logic, all of the old masters who were commissioned for portraits, and great paintings of old, were not actually artists, but the rich patrons were all along.... lol.

>> No.6252244

>My goal is the automation of all parts of society?
while doing what? sitting at your computer "laughing" at people who literally have skills that you could never have in your life, I bet you don't even know how to write a "hello world" in any programming language, if you were a person who dedicated your time to developing a skill you wouldn't be asking such a retarded question,

>> No.6252249

this is the kind of mental illness the ai shitters have
its no use trying to reason with people who are mentally ill
just ignore the ai shitters they dont draw, its just a mix of retards raiding /ic/ along with other ic groups getting in to help stirr the shit even more like the /dad/ retards

>> No.6252254


>> No.6252256

you're arguing with the same fucking retard that has been posting this shit here since the spring. he made the same insane arguments, but I was the only one arguing with him. it seems that his stupidity is becoming more and more blatant

>> No.6252272

i'm serious. why get involved in the dangerous struggle of living, learning, struggling, creating, and growing when you can just speedrun to the end, using the latest gun technology? everyone else would be left lagging behind.

>> No.6252276

>no the AI is the artist
>no, I'm the artist, not the AI, because prompting is as hard as drawing
>no, I'm the artist, because the commissioner is the artist
just sit back as these worthless retards with no goals in life compete each other in who is the least delusional

>> No.6252436

>Fauxtomation: Coined by writer and artist Astra Taylor. It combines the word “faux” meaning fake with automation to express how work accomplished through human effort is falsely perceived as automated
This technology would not exist if it wasn't for all the artists it datamined their art from. Similarly, it can only replicate and not develop any sort of innovation on its own. If the artists lag behind and stall where they are, this parasite will too since it must stick to their hosts in order to function or grow

>> No.6252450
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, 1656905396112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GUN, SHOOT THIS BULLET.... in the style of... Uh oh, let's see who can shot a gun that good, let me browser the top reddit AI posts for suggestions... AH YES, in the style of this action clip with Keanu Reeves!

>> No.6252455

>Let’s skip the fact that the best AI art software right now is free and open source.

>> No.6252516
File: 360 KB, 939x626, tomcruise3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6252742

I like how you think, anon.

>> No.6252744

exquisite bait

>> No.6252775

Thanks. But honestly, anyone ITT using Tor and SecureDrop *right now* could spark the spicy headlines that accelerate the direction of history in... a different direction. Hopefully it's a better one than the one we're currently on, and I think it could be, because this we're at the turning point now.
"AI Painting Wins County Fair Contest" would be a blip on the radar by comparison.

>> No.6252795

And not to mention the ecstatic enjoyment of potentially seeing these parasitic companies squirm to avoid any association with "the pedo machines" as real/hypothetical hysteria grows, laws put them on hold, and their venture capital dries up. Their golden goose will their ass apart.

>> No.6252837

thanks for the comparison of cities, genius.

>> No.6252973
File: 36 KB, 614x198, midjourney woke devs and mods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of midjourney's devs talking about how woke he and the mod team are.
these are the people who are deciding how artists are allowed to use ai technology to produce content for consumers.

>> No.6252989

Be born of a Jewish woman.

>> No.6252993

So they're unapologetically stealing art and a multi-million dollar lawsuit in the making the second the autists copy hunters at a law firm smell someone with actual money use this.

>> No.6252998

Pornchads win again.

>> No.6252999

maybe we should hit the jugular of the child before it goes online, let's make Lolicon prompts and use it as ammo against the troon devs

>> No.6253006
File: 3.34 MB, 3711x3779, OPENAICUCKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck about midjourney? SD is still supreme.

>> No.6253035

*Steal the fucking owl

>> No.6253044
File: 22 KB, 629x137, midjourney croakey men should not get a say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men should not get a say
>bikinis are negativity that harm women

>> No.6253046
File: 165 KB, 828x936, 1652429320029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People making art with AI must feel like having lived your entire life in a wheelchair and now finally getting prosthetic legs. Is that the feeling AI gives?

>> No.6253047

as a spicnigger from a south american shithole the cringe reading the shit progressive americans say is fucking painful.

>> No.6253056

> I live in san francisco and I enjoy the rainbow of people in my neighborhood.

I bet this person never saw a black dude in his entire life, who the fuck talks like that about people.

>> No.6253058
File: 124 KB, 614x768, midjourney fnuckle diversity hire mod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meet fnuckle, midjourney's special diversity cheerleader mod.
fnuckle, who spoke for almost the entire time during the "office hours" live podcast, feels threatened by bikinis and boobs because they are "cis male bias" created "for the male gaze."
so now they will be banned.
because creating art is about not offending anyone in the community.

>> No.6253062

Imagine getting ripped off and fuck over by these clowns

>> No.6253064

nsfw artists just keep winning

>> No.6253075

It's clear that they are using people greed to have a crowd rallying behind how theft and copyright infringement is actually ok.
Just like NFTs, people won't realize they get fucked now that big corpo strong arm these AI peddlers to remove their works from the database. While your works get siphoned straight up to some database in Kremlin and get duplicate ten times over too spam on TikTok

>> No.6253077
File: 56 KB, 500x935, D7606955-CA36-4A48-A74B-73FB9F42D519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6253078

So, how does this work exactly? Any place I can try it?

Can I seriously give this thing a loose sketch, and a prompt, and have it give me a decent painting for me to fine tune?

Can it use original art to match it? Like, can I give my own artworks to reference? Same for character designs.

>> No.6253123
File: 299 KB, 1280x958, 8CA7C584-2728-4213-8CFF-81B005BD11DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody can stop me

>> No.6253151

How did Texas do it?

>> No.6253155

Here you go retard.

>> No.6253163

Yeah but they didnt know it was ai. He was posting on midjourney thread later and people were asking him if he explained to them what midjourney was and he said, "Did I have to?", he knew he was pulling a fast one on the judges.

>> No.6253167

Woke horseshit.

>> No.6253224

Really hope this is the shit that brings down all these scummy art generators. I thought it would have to come to actually disgusting deepfake pedo shit for people to take notice but I'll take anything that fucks AI """"artists""" over.

>> No.6253711

keep dreaming troon

>> No.6253720

my dog thinks otherwise

>> No.6253736

literal gay mafia
why are americans like this

>> No.6254438

Tonyo sounds like a splendid guy

>> No.6254896
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 10fd14b9a6ab25b6cbb48e3fb67b7527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REAL artists will always be able to draw no matter the circumstance.
Uh, no?
I'm not here to defend AI because that is retarded, but in this day and age, it is really fucking easy to "cancel" someone ain't it?
They come for the AI first, but you just wait at the edge of that slippery slope and they might just jump at your neck too.

You will draw, sure, for yourself. You will get shadow banned from every major social media site, your PayPal will get locked, you will get deplatformed.
Yeah, you will keep drawing, missing out on every tool out there to help you build a living or a community.

The enemy of your enemy is not your friend, be careful with this shit, if it gets out of control, they will eat (you) too.

>> No.6254909

you need meds

>> No.6255819

I love Ai art, after spending the day playing around with an Ai, this is the future of ART!!

>> No.6255862

I would KNEEL.

>> No.6255895

I hope AI destroys the coomers

>> No.6255922

rigged competition.
AI just an excuse to no longer pay artists

>> No.6256379

nobody ever drew so there's always been a bunch of active threads about not drawing

>> No.6256466

>AI just an excuse to no longer pay artists

>> No.6256479
File: 453 KB, 1103x704, 73567367356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a video documenting this entire ai art shitshow so normies know what's actually happening. However, I work 60 hours a week and I don't have the time to research and save screenshots/whatever of all the posts/videos/reactions of twitter, /ic/, /g/, and everyone else. Would anybody like to help a fren out and post some shit I can use? I'm looking to get some screenshots of /ic/'s initial reaction way back in april when dall-e 2 was released, some of /ic/'s reaction as ai got progressively better, some of the literal sociopathic reactions of /g/ when they got their grubby hands on art ai, twitter reactions, the rise of "prompt engineers," prompt engineers' seething when they got replaced by an ai, screenshots of youtube comments talking about it, pajeet reactions/links to interviews, etc. etc. I was in /ic/'s very first dall-e 2 thread back in april, I was in the threads on both /ic/ and /g/ ever since then, I watched all the youtubers' thoughts on the issue dating all the way back to april, and a bunch of other shit, but I was too much of a retard to save anything.

>> No.6256481

Give us channel name or link to check it out

>> No.6256483

I'll post when I finish desu

>> No.6256485

>using 4chan post screenshots to red pill normies
Better use the growing outrage of twitter artists, much easier to just search for the big industry ones with lots of likes like RJ Palmer who post all day about AI

>> No.6256495
File: 755 KB, 751x658, 1642624944074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/'s reaction to the AI from it's first inception up until now are the following:
First, /ic/ ignored it
Then, /ic/ guffawed and mocked the AI
We're currently observing /ic/ kicking and screaming trying to fight the AI by going as far as trying to contact journalists with false narratives in an attempt to cause a normie uproar against the AI and cancel it like some SJW all the mean while having an existential crisis. It is glorious.

>> No.6256498

go back to /g/ retard, /ic/ freaked the fuck out the second dalle was released

>> No.6256501

Boomers that rate art at state fairs don't know what good original art is. It was either this, a photocopier or an outsider artist ripping off Thomas Kinkade.

>> No.6256509

You were among those who laughed weren't you.

>> No.6256516

nobody cares pajeet.

>> No.6256585

and now everyone's back to drawing. Your shill campaign was successful. People freaked out. But now it's clear the tech won't go anywhere

>> No.6256848
File: 73 KB, 700x710, silent hill artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning on doing something similar, yet who knows. Or base a short story on it.

Regarding reactions of all the users and small artists (which deserve posterity, and are likely to be buried underneath generic headlines and bigger events), I've been saving random ones which I've found amusing, interesting, etc. in a text file. I bothered to go back and add links just now, but they're unorganized and mostly twitter horseshit. Not sure how many would be useful:

This in-depth interview with Dave McKean covers a lot of practical, philosophical, personal, etc. ground about what's coming. Some uplifting and depressing soundbites to use:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uzVXL6perM (another one)

Some writing which seems pretty prescient and spot-on:
https://sci-hub.se/https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/K-05-2013-0098/full/html (artist/philosopher, one of the hosts of the aforementioned interview)
https://artofericwayne.com/2022/05/31/will-ai-replace-human-artists/ (artist)
https://erikhoel.substack.com/p/ai-art-isnt-art (neuroscientist)
https://alexanderwales.com/the-ai-art-apocalypse/ (writer)
https://nickbostrom.com/papers/digital-minds.pdf (philosopher)


AIfags arguments:

There's still interesting stuff on /ic/ if you look through the threads and archives, such as the reactions of the japs, or some redditfags banning AI art because everyone already got sick of it:

>> No.6256849

Concept artists' discussion:

Also, please do post your channel so I don't have to look for the video later - or post what would make it easier to eventually find in the archives.

And now that this might actually serve some additional purpose, I'll actually go be creative because this shit is enormously draining, addictive, and stressful. I'm yet again reminded how people get addicted to online argument spirals - obviously it's when it's something you're actually passionate about (not to mention something you can project your own creative struggles onto).

>> No.6256850

here's an interview with emad and two nft grifters where they talk about distributing proompting to 1 million african and indian orphans

>> No.6256877


the judges are probably dusty ass boomers who can barely operate a phone or just dumb.

this means nothing. it's a small competition and this guy manages to slip in and win.

>> No.6256888

Interesting stuffs, saved.

>> No.6256889


>> No.6256900

any recordings or proofs from this, bro? I need it for my folder

>> No.6256915

They’re not creating anything though. Telling mom to microwave a hotpocket doesn’t make you a chef

>> No.6256938
File: 190 KB, 422x319, 1662294305940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Be sure to include a part about how the AI gatekeepers are censoring input to the AI in accordance with their various political objectives and headcanons:

>> No.6256967

>I was kinda hoping when I saw John Oliver was doing a segment on ai art that it would be a nuanced break down of the issues but I guess the rest of the public isn’t there yet. Instead it’s still a novel toy to most people and we might need to educate everyone of the problems.
lmao, even
You're doing a good thing by gathering this info, though. Let's do our best to chronicle these strange times so future generations have some sources from that time, rather than just "people parroting the narrative everyone has agreed on after the fact and cherrypicking the data that fits", which seems to be most of history.

>> No.6256990

having a recording from midjourney forum in discord would be critical

>> No.6257014

Exactly, we can all do our part, and hopefully the documentary guy does his thing.
AI art is just one aspect of what's coming, but I feel it's laying out the steps which will play out with anything requiring thinking or creativity, to the utter detriment of the individual. By documenting this historical moment in granular, human detail, we're also getting a glimpse of the same processes which will happen over the much longer-term.

In any moments of great societal upheaval which people have been half-anticipating, many of these random blurbs might often end up being downright prophetic (whether on their own or when looked at together), because everyone is likely on the same unconscious wavelength of some much greater process they often can't see or articulate fully.

p.s i've hardly slept and abstracting shit like this makes my head literally fucking hurt

>> No.6257061
File: 76 KB, 1173x342, Screenshot 2022-09-04 at 16-20-39 Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao from midjourney disc, does this anon realize he's a useless garbage from the perspective of his own quotes?

>> No.6257065

i think we should declare that we are not AI-haters and this instrument is useful, but only for professionals and not people who are uneducated

>> No.6257070

Go onto their discord and ask everyone nicely, think up some excuse that won't raise any eyebrows. Maybe some people on there document that stuff for whatever reason and could PM you.

>> No.6257080

the job of a chronicler is just to gather and organize things that seem significant. as long as you aren't purposely information that seems relevant because it's ideologically inconvenient, you're good.

>> No.6257104

More from this parasite:

>> No.6257763


>> No.6257969 [DELETED] 
File: 2.36 MB, 256x256, ezgif-4-8af060ddf7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im really enjoying ai art generators

>> No.6257982

wtf is this schizo going on about?

>> No.6258406

>Pshhh, DRAWING concept art? Get with the times grandpa. We're going to photobash and you will eat all of the derivative, generic garbage that we shit onto your plates

I feel a bit bad for the small-time commissioners who are going to get fucked out of commissions to draw someone's deviantart OCs or whatever but """concept artists""" can go rope for all I care. I have a huge collection of concept art books (individual projects as well as profiles for artists, studios, etc.) and the quality drops off of a cliff sometime around 9/11. Of course it's unfair to compare the average corporate artist to someone like Syd Mead or McQuarrie or even to their forebears who lived in times with better inspiration but this apocalyptic event is richly deserved nonetheless and frankly I've been hoping that a something like it would come along and buttfuck the entire industry into smoking rubble.

>> No.6258438

you still have to see to see things on the computer

>> No.6260954











