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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 118 KB, 577x1035, 3E5807D3-72C0-4961-B4FF-0CBC0E5AA203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6249129 No.6249129 [Reply] [Original]

What possesses people to adopt the newest technology and claim its revolutionizing art? There always seems to be some new trendy thing that people can do to avoid *just drawing*. The sad thing with new tech is it’s in the richest peoples best interests that they promote and shill for the technology they’re making, so there’s always money behind AI or NFTs. STEMcels seriously wish they were artists instead. They want us all to die a miserable death and will do anything in their power to denigrate our profession and undermine our efforts. It’s honestly sad.

>> No.6249131

anon i agree but the previous thread on this got pruned so dont say i didnt warn you

>> No.6249150
File: 29 KB, 512x478, bhbhbhbhbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just accept it honestly.
Drawing as a profession already felt like a meme. This AI stuff just makes it official.
I'm just lost on what the fuck do I do now?
I don't really have any skills besides this and even than I'm nowhere near pro.
Should have listened to me mum and pops and picked up an actual useful trade.
oh well. nothing ever works out

>> No.6249154

im going to learn how to code which language should i learn?

>> No.6249162

The usual stuff of C#/Java/React/Angular/whatever "Web Development" pipeline has the widest exposure job market wise, so you'll never go hungry if you know those and you can always pick up whatever comes along because it's mostly the same shit.

For money/finance bros it's C++ and knowing hardware so that transaction timings and buy/sell patterns are super optimized.

For the cushy, in-between jobs where people respect your chops and you're not just a cog but you're actively thinking of how to solve problems, you're probably going in the direction of something like Rust/Clojure/Haskell.

>> No.6249166

Do you actually like programming? Or do you do it just for the money? I only want to learn programming to the extent that allows me to make simple games.

>> No.6249170
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There is this incredible thing called designing. Whether it be character, logo or any shit. Even before A.I. people hire pro artists to draw what the idea guy says.
Think of it like comics, don't majority of the time they credit the writer AND artist?

>> No.6249176

>Credits to writer GPT-3 and Designer Dall-E

>> No.6249177

Programming is a much bigger field than just games. Games is just the only section of it that actively uses artists, so it can seem the most appealing to us. Programming is a hugely diverse profession though.

>> No.6249180

thats not what he asked anon, do you lke it.

>> No.6249186

I wouldn't learn any more programming unless it can help me make games. I have no interest in developing websites or making software.

>> No.6249192

being a programmer for vidya doesn't sound very fun.
But at this point, you take what you can get I guess.

>> No.6249196

I'd be the programmer and artist.

>> No.6249204

are you planning making games by urself?
or like a small indi team?

>> No.6249208
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Here is a picture of an AI Janitor (who would probably work better than real janitors) that I made with AI, to participate in this wonderful thread.

Have a bump, why not?
These threads are 100% approved and allowed by moderation, after all.

>> No.6249222

Only if I chose to learn programming though, programming to learn video games is the only reason I'd learn it to begin with. I can't get into programming otherwise, just doesn't appeal to me unless it's connected to an interest. I know a lot of people can bruteforce it for a job but that's not me since I started with art first.

>> No.6249231

I do, but the novelty worn off decades ago. I've been coding since I was a kid and the only difference in my mind between doing it for my own entertainment, and being paid, is the money. It hasn't really changed much. I pursue art as a more spiritual endeavor these days compared to coding, but once upon a time it was the same.

And yes, focusing on building things you like is the way to go.

>> No.6249232

any reason why he had to mention 'midjourney" twice or even at all?

this is all but a sells gimmick if you ask me

>> No.6249235
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nice trips.
Well in any case, making games by yourself or small indie teams aren't really a good choices either in terms of lucrativeness. (ecluding rare instances)
Pretty sure it's more of side project for most people than a profession.
Probably better off grinding art and crossing you fingers for AI to fail if you want to have an actual career.
idk though. That's just my assumption

>> No.6249299

I'm going to steal everyone in here's vocabulary to make better AI prompts. sorry, none of you may use words anymore. Thanks for your time

>> No.6249302

some just like to do art or code for their own personal projects
not everything has to be about making it a career
i love to cook and learn and experiment with new recipes but i got no intention of becoming a chef or restaurant kitchen slave

>> No.6249309

if you want to use 4chan comments for prompts
go to /pol/ might make for more interesting content

>> No.6249326
File: 43 KB, 640x638, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good 4 you, but I thought we were talking under the assumption of being an aspiring professional artist.
If you do art as a hobby, than really who gives a fuck. Do what you wanna do. But there are people (like me) who were passionate/retarded enough to bet their chips on making bread with it, and the odds ain't looking very good right now.
I was talking about this solely as a potential replacement as a livelihood.
"haha just do it for fun bro" is not really a stance I can take.

>> No.6249339

good post

>> No.6249358
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>> No.6249432
File: 154 KB, 728x1051, 5d7ab6fc-2690-4dd4-a00c-ded452b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most creative endeavors are not a good idea if money is your goal. Passion has to be there to begin with, lucrativeness can follow if the passion is so strong that it transmits to the audience, money is just a nice possible side effect. Either way, at least I'll feel fulfilled if the audience doesn't.

>Probably better off grinding art and crossing you fingers for AI to fail if you want to have an actual career.
I don't care about AI. I think this fear about it is exaggerated. I have my own vision that has persisted with me since I was a child. I don't have such a flimsy resolve that could be waived away when new technology arises. I plan to do more than just art anyways.

If money was my sole goal then I wouldn't drop so many toxic programmer and art friends. I could have rode their coattails for a lot of money but it's never been about that for me. I acknowledge it's required to live but as long as I make enough to not be homeless then that's fine for me.

>> No.6249566

So you're a hobbyist.
Irrelevant to the current discussion then.
If that's the case, just do whatever you want man. Learn programming see if it sticks so on so forth

>> No.6249752

>spamming every thread in an attempt to pretend AI doesn't exist
Holy fucking copium

>> No.6249756



>> No.6249759

No one's saying that you cock sucker, no one wants 9 fucking AI threads up at once.

>> No.6249775
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I'm in the same boat. I thought this would be a human only skill, since Da Vinci invented drawing, to infinity and beyond. Boy was I wrong. I really should have learned a useful trade.

>> No.6249782
File: 80 KB, 477x592, FYOxHciVUAEUMqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is the most useful trade, and without it AI would have nothing to steal.

>> No.6249788

If you learned any other trade you would just be replaced by Indians in 10 years and subsaharan Africans in 20, there's literally no point

>> No.6249792

This post reeks of Reddit mental health awareness cope.

>Take it easy, y'all folks... this Dall-E stuff ain't even good for MEMES. We ain't fuckin with it, okay? Mmkay.
>It's not going to work because... it's bad, alright? It's heckin' awful! Just don't use it! We'll be okay
We're fucked.

>> No.6249796
File: 1.76 MB, 3140x2000, rampant theft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet you can't refute it. AI is plagiarism en masse

>> No.6249797
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1645805524774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future really doesn't seem too bright.

>Art is the most useful trade
Is...more like was. Oh well, it can't be helped.

>> No.6249802

still is. AI companies will be sued into Tartarus

>> No.6249813

>twitter trannies will try to sue Jeff Bezos
lmao good luck dave/davina. you wanted the big tech monopoly, now enjoy it

>> No.6249833
File: 204 KB, 594x1017, AI is a search engine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you let this issue go they're coming for your job next. Soon we'll all be drinking cockroach milk and hooked up to the Metaverse

>> No.6249857

>meanwhile indigenous tribes living happily on an island eating bugs and trees
I just want to die blissfully in nature, holy fuck.

>> No.6249860

It's worth it just to know that the first industry to be COMPLETELY destroyed by Big Tech monopolies and AI is the one overwhelmingly dominated by mentally ill genderfluid liberals

>> No.6249868
File: 412 KB, 593x725, rj palmer theft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're also destroying manga, anime, anime illustrations, and everything you stinky dweebs jerk off to.

>> No.6249875

How is what I said indicate I'm a hobbyist? I'm an artist first of all but making money can't be ignored, it seems your idea is that unless I am pursuing riches then I'm not an artist? Strange logic.

>> No.6249929

Did anyone tell the state fair this hack cheated? Fucker said it was Midjourney but the boomer judges probably thought it was a drawing program like Paint Tool Sai. And I bet he knew that which is why he never said it was an AI generator. It would be funny if his award was confiscated and he got banned lmao

>> No.6249932

>RJ Palmer
That faggot uses every opportunity for clout by only parroting the "popular" opinions to attract more normies.
I wouldn't trust him on anything he says.

>> No.6249936
File: 2.17 MB, 1841x927, Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 3.00.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't change the fact that he's right.

>> No.6249946

Cherrypicking, Stawmanning and then asking to follow and subscribe isn't really an example of honesty, thus he cannot logically or objectively be right.
Also, pretty sure he's jewish.

>> No.6249948

He already got hired at a major AI company as a prompt author. Get your head out of your ass and learn to accept change.

>> No.6249950

Cry more

>> No.6249954

thats not a real job

>> No.6249960
File: 119 KB, 1152x914, FaOnk9zVsAAfQuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we're gonna talk about shitty people we might as well also include the AI developers.

>> No.6249969

>liberal artists getting BTFO by their own and being parodied as anti-Pokemon soccer moms
Fucking beautiful

>> No.6249974

>prompt author
Kek, that shit has to pay minimum wage. But doesn't change the fact that what he did was the equivalent of someone entering a foot race with a motorcycle. Or a photographer entering a painting contest. AI should have its own category

>> No.6249975

hi, i think you're have a stroke

>> No.6249979

We already had these discussion multiple times, i'm not doing this shit again.

AI is not infringing anything.
Go read and learn all the laws.
E-celebrities are using AI outrage to farm clout.
AI devs are just a bunch of nerds.
Companies will replace artists as soon as the tech reaches commercial application.
No one gives a shit if artists piss and shit their pants that they won't be able to earn a living or get famous on social media.
Either adapt or get left behind.

Also, anyone publicly posting dms does it for drama and clout.
Drama seeking whores should not even be considered as real people.

>> No.6249982

>it would be funny if we tracked this guy down and killed him

>actually he has a decent job now because of his imaginative use of AI to create images better than anything most of us could ever hope to-


Holy fucking cope. This is.... embarrassing.

>> No.6249986

law always takes time to catch up to technology. Just because it is """legal""" now doesn't mean it won't change.

>> No.6249992

you retards have been saying that for 10 years and deepfakes are still everywhere

>> No.6249994

and if they had just kept quiet about it they would've kept winning, but now devs are antagonizing more people and gathering more enemies. Your mistake desu

>> No.6249995

>"if i'm losing the game, just change the rules"
Yeah, just like gamestop stocks.
Everyone will totally be ok with this and give you money cuz u r reel artiste
lol and lmao
get real, nigger

>> No.6249999
File: 42 KB, 597x222, Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 2.49.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rules have never changed. theft is theft, and the law will be updated to the times.

>> No.6250002

the problem here isn't making money, it's about the jobs.
The concern here is that there will be no jobs, and if there are it will have negligible pay.
"doing art" was never in question here. If you have a vision and want to post your little indie game by yourself, which is fine, then there's no reason to be in this thread talking about alternatives.
doing art as a "profession" is what's in question here.

>> No.6250003

>being this illiterate
Tell me retard, where did I say we should kill him? He can have his "prompt writer" gig, which I'd love to know if that shit even pays well, but the judges should consider him a cheat. The only thing I want out of this is for the award to go to an actual artist.
Geriatrics run government. That plus making laws being a slow process and it still being niche, is what's keeping it legal

>> No.6250007
File: 19 KB, 480x350, 1568432313564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i say it's theft, it must be because.. it just is ok
It's not theft, you're retarded and don't know shit.
Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.6250010
File: 162 KB, 595x721, ko theft 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain how it is not theft.

>> No.6250012

>AI devs are just a bunch of nerds
PPFT hahahaha .... do you realise how much money has been poured into all this? Artists could only dream of a one hundredth of the amount of dosh to fund their projects
Don't forget this is where it all started https://web.archive.org/web/20220123075226/https://www.caiac19.org/about-us

>> No.6250014

>i don't know how copyright works but this is theft... because ME ME ME
shut the fuck up its not

also pyw

>> No.6250017

>no arguments

>> No.6250023

It is theft but any artist who seriously believes the government full of over 60s is going to understand or care about this shit - and even then, if they're actually going to do anything when Amazon lobbies them to stop - is even more senile than Old Joe

>> No.6250026

>pyw because youve been btfo
First week on /ic/ huh?

>> No.6250028

They want us jobless and starving in order to submit to the cockroach milk by 2030
You could have prevented this

>> No.6250030

I think the argument could be a little more airtight if the gulf between shitter artists and good ones wasn’t so wide. If more OC anime coom artists and mercwip generators gave up on their dreams maybe people would take us more seriously as a whole.

>> No.6250038

Time for arguments is long over.
I already had my fill will all the other 65451651 threads

You're still wrong even if i don't argue you

>> No.6250045

yup. it's time for lawsuits and court

>> No.6250048

Not even luck will aid you in your effort.
Because you're wrong and don't know shit.

>> No.6250060
File: 2.23 MB, 2048x3072, animeps-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're also destroying manga, anime, anime illustrations, and everything you stinky dweebs jerk off to.

Soon every child will be able to create their own entertainment with a thought and it's beautiful.
Seethe all you want. It's over.

>> No.6250076

they can do that if they continue stealing images and feeding it into the machine. If the theft stops here then AI will degenerate into generic nonsense.

>> No.6250081

You think porn addiction is bad now, the generation that gets to spawn new porn video and never run out of new porn is completely and utterly fucked beyond belief.

>> No.6250083

Why are so many people so certain that these hundred trillion dollar companies who can buy and sell countries are going to shit their pants and withdraw all their funding when they get given a lawsuit by a bunch of /beg/ coom artists? Was everyone asleep when Twitter banned Trump?

>> No.6250089

If it truly gets to that point where the people have no power then we have no choice but to take up arms, because this isn't stopping at art. Look at the housing crisis, agriculture, food plants being burned down. The pods and cockroach milk meme isn't a meme anymore, but a prediction. The AI programs itself, and everyone will be at the mercy of the technoelite.

>> No.6250095

Good luck fighting against drones and robots. Rebelling is impossible. You will embrace the robots and love your cockroach milk.

>> No.6250096

>AI is stealing
Is still the only meme trannies got left because that's what their other e-celebrity tranny friends are pushing for emotional outrage to farm clout and clicks.

I really hope this shit goes to court or some lawyers talks about this shit in depth and the trannies get yet another low effort meme argument taken away from them, but will it matter? Of course not, they will have some other shitty meme argument they're going to spam.

Man, women's right really were a mistake, it's been only downhill since then.

>> No.6250097

You watched an election get rigged in the sloppiest possible way in front of your very eyes and did nothing, not one bullet fired, shut the fuck up and stop larping

>> No.6250101

Sorry you can't cope with the fact that AI is just a regurgitation machine. It invented nothing, but has stolen everything.

>> No.6250102

>this one poster spamming every thread trying to imply that the only people against AI are trannies
you glow, dilate + seethe + kys

>> No.6250104
File: 1.99 MB, 2048x3072, maids8-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think porn addiction is bad now, the generation that gets to spawn new porn video and never run out of new porn is completely and utterly fucked beyond belief.
Nah most people will still have sex.

You can't copyright art styles. Again seethe and cope.

>> No.6250106

Biden won and you're still mad. You don't even contribute to society.

>> No.6250109

Why is this retard assuming everyone lives in america

>> No.6250114
File: 83 KB, 1080x1080, 1577372881774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah most people will still have sex
that's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.6250116

you can copyright artwork, and copyrighted artwork was stolen and processed by AI algorithms.

>> No.6250118

Aren't millennials having less kids? Probably less sex too.

>> No.6250120

Nah, you're still wrong.
>n-n-n-n-no trannies arent real u r the tranny
do a 50%, trannoid

>> No.6250129

you've devolved to shitflinging because you have no arguments or points to back yourself up. It's inevitable that AI art will sued to oblivion because of the very nature of how it works. Doesn't look so good for deepfakes either.

>> No.6250130

>you can copyright artwork, and copyrighted artwork was stolen and processed by AI algorithms.
Well Artists should try and sue then. Let's see how it turns out.

>Aren't millennials having less kids? Probably less sex too.
Nah people are having less kids not less sex that's a myth.

>> No.6250139

I live with a girl that fucks a new guy every month and she thinks she’s exploring her sexuality, and is always confused why I don’t get dates (let me edit your tinder, you just don’t have the right photos) or why women never approach me at the bar. Actually delusional thinking, that she’s somehow doing something right that I’m doing wrong. The sad thing is girls line up to be my roommate, I could get any hot girl in this town to live with me and model for artwork but I’m so eternally friendzoned like 99% of the male population. At least I’ll die having painted some titties comrades.

>> No.6250768

Nice quads, but that bitch is delusional.
The Genie isn't going back in the bottle, certainly not because of a couple of artists suing.
This will be the new normal sooner rather than later.
Millions of images will flood the internet every hour of every day, until the very concept of looking at a piece of art will become completely uneventful and boring (more than it already is).

Just look at photography, now that you can take 3000 selfie per second, taking a photo has lost any meaningful value.

>> No.6250838

This anon is right. Best case for the AI generator devs they'll have to pull all of an artist's work when told. Worst case they'll have to ask consent instead of making it opt out and it will fucking wreck their databases.

>> No.6250854

The issue is that for some reason a lot of countries are moving to support AI broadly- currently utilising copyrighted material from data scraping for anything beyond research is illegal in the EU and legally grey at least in the US. The UK (where stability AI is based) is trying to introduce an exemption for copyrighted data scraping for AI, which has caused a big pushback from both the film/ acting and music industries, which both have stronger unions and organisation than art and illustration does. Remember as well that the EU and UN are also funding StabilityAI. So even if what they are doing is arguably illegal in multiple jurisdictions, there is a global push to try and normalise and develop AI as much as possible in the near future. Japan already has such an exemption, which is causing a lot of the friction between illustrators and AI over there, although iirc it is not supposed to be used for personal expression or infringe on people's copyright (the output; not the learning)

>> No.6250858
File: 468 KB, 986x578, 565626562456.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

share the fuckin petition retards

>> No.6250884

sorry, i'm not a commie

>> No.6250890

go consume elsewhere techbro

>> No.6250894

The actual communism is hard working artists having their work stolen and mass produced and handed out to babies

>> No.6250904

The UN representatives are certainly a problem, but the past project they were involved in wasn't public. They could have simply not released the unmoderated public instance of SD either to prevent troubles like having their name associated with a CP and art theft generator. The problems that will surge are unavoidable if they decide to keep playing this game of minesweeper

>> No.6250908

Emad has stated stable diffusion in its current form has ties to the UN, although I don't know if it's a remnant of caiac19

>> No.6250910

its already too late now that this is public
people are working on ways to train models by using computers connected over the net too
soon enough you'll be able to train your own model for fuck all

btw you can use copyrighted material for personal use with no restrictions

>> No.6250913

The issue is that stable ai is a for profit company

>> No.6250916

>using tinder as a standard
there's your problem

>> No.6250920

how does that mattter?

>> No.6250924

They are piggybacking him to have first hand access to the high-grade models. For what specific use? We'll never know

>> No.6250925

It means that they are not using copyrighted material for personal use but as part of their business model.

>> No.6250926
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>> No.6250930

again how does that matter?
its already released
seethe and cope

>> No.6250932

I was responding to
>btw you can use copyrighted material for personal use with no restrictions
by stating that it is not personal use for stability AI.

>> No.6250933

i was referring to training your own model with copyrighted material for personal use
which you can then upload for non profit use too

>> No.6250935

>consoomer thinks the developers can't be held accountable because they released something opensource
I will partner with him to release your mom's nudes opensource too

>> No.6250938

who cares nigger
its out in the world now, the genie is out of the bottle
none of your seething will change that

>> No.6250946

None of the AI art is good though
Art is a reflection of the artists ideas and personality, the AI paintings are just random mashups of elements that have no significance. The input of the user is infinitesmal compared to the amount of input an artist has on his painting. Ms paint drawings from /v/ are more enticing.

>> No.6250948

>muh genie
there are only a few companies, and they can all get dismantled

>> No.6250950

Lmao the genie is out of your ass your fucking bot. No one listen to this mantra you keep repeating, consequences are coming for the pajeet who made this in one way or another, and he'll be made an example of for all further iterations of datamining AIs.

>> No.6250954 [DELETED] 

Someone should get that faggots address and cut off his head. Let's see the ai save him when his head is cut off.

>> No.6250955

Now you're finally understanding the innate superior value of soijaks

>> No.6250956
File: 1.07 MB, 3027x1457, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe and cope

>> No.6250958

>he's never heard of roko's basilisk

>> No.6250959

its already on my hard drive running on my graphics card completely disconnected from the net
eat shit

>> No.6250960

>needs to use an artist's name in the prompt to generate any passable image

>> No.6250962

AI only thrives when you continue feeding it images. Otherwise it stagnates and degenerates, but i'm sure you already know that

>> No.6250965
File: 711 KB, 1362x1304, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dedicate this piece to you. Generated offline using my graphics card.

>> No.6250969

i can smell your bitterness. Too bad. you'll never make anything beautiful, only rip offs of greg rutkowski

>> No.6250972

You're the one that's coping.

>> No.6250976

it literally doesn't matter what you think anon
the best ai will be opensource/4chan created anyway
and again someone will come out with a folding@home type training solution soon enough

>> No.6250977

kindergartener insult

>> No.6250980

you know I'm right. once AI devs get sued into bankruptcy it all ends. It's a parasite that dies when its separated from its host

>> No.6251014

Tinder is the standard retardbro, women compare you to their tinder matches even outside tinder

>> No.6251714
File: 32 KB, 405x405, 1637792570093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This painting is pretty deep. An old man, in the middle of no where, with nothing but his art tools with nowhere to paint. Hmmm....really makes you think.

>> No.6251883

He's probably a poorfag who couldn't afford art school or flunked out because he spent too much time browsing here and smoking weed.

>> No.6251929

What? Being an artcel is the definition of being a poorfag. Quit projecting

>> No.6251959

>there are only a few companies, and they can all get dismantled

>t. absolute retard

it's open source, retard : https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion..

anyone can get it. it distributed and not centralized. you can't 'take it down'. 'it' is an idea.

>> No.6253962

/3/ bro here. Am i fucked as well or do I still have time? From what i see is that Illustrators are fucked the most and will be replaced in 1-2 years.

>> No.6254937
File: 257 KB, 1024x640, Homesick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one will lose their job over AI, you can test this yourself.
I made this picture 4 years ago, it's a photomontage with a lot of color correction and photo manipulation, it took me 4 hours.
Try to get an AI to generate something that looks similar enough to replace this picture.
You are not allowed to use my picture as a "base" tho, I wasn't looking at any sort of reference when making it so it should be fair.

Can AI do this?

>> No.6254956
File: 541 KB, 512x512, lazy_janitor_doing_nothing_among_mountains_of_garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies literally just recruited and literally don't do shit when 9 iterations of the exact same thread clog up the space.

Ban AI threads.

>> No.6254962

the shitters all mass applied to be jannies dont you get it?
all they needed was 1 shitter to get the job and ic is fucked

>> No.6254969
File: 455 KB, 704x448, 20220903222946_1992484262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I did asked for an invisible horse..

>> No.6254974
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, tc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soon i'll be able to generate all the horrifying porn fetishes i could ever want
yes. YES.

>> No.6255001

mass flood loli guro art inc

>> No.6255038

>I made this picture 4 years ago
of course you did, trumpbabby

>> No.6255044

? I'm not american
I signed a contract to work in a foreign country for a year and it was really terrible, the money was good but everything else was just terrible.
And I could not "opt-out" at any point, I had already signed that contract, sometimes I really, really wanted to just leave, but I couldn't.

>> No.6255054

isn't that in the clause about "derivative" (art)works? they might get away with fan art.

>> No.6255066

Soon ai will be able to replace doctors too. We're just the fruit bats in the knife factory. Soon, there will be a plenty more bats joining us in the slaughter.

>> No.6255068

This. They'll never get us porn artists!

>> No.6255072

>The sad thing with new tech is it’s in the richest peoples best interests that they promote and shill for the technology they’re making
Is it? It seems to me like AI art is going to go a long way towards making game development accessible to the common man since you no longer need to pay ridiculous amounts of money for an artist or be stuck with placeholder "programmer art".

>> No.6255079

can you even think of any scenario that isnt making a game?
especially one that isnt about media itself the techs use by corporations or nefarious private use?
narrow minded retards like you are why we are getting more and more fucked up as a society

>> No.6255081
File: 64 KB, 771x476, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're coming for game development too buddy.
they want retarded ready player one style entertainment for everyone!

>> No.6255082

I mean, as a game dev that's what matters to me. I don't have the budget for an artist.

>> No.6255084

>they're coming for game development too buddy.
They already came for gaming and flooded it with shit. They can make whatever other crap they want, it will not prevent people from making games that they themselves want either.

>> No.6255085
File: 192 KB, 720x720, 1653722380119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're coming for game development too buddy.
Based. let's go

>> No.6255088

>Soon ai will be able to replace doctors too.
Nah ethical risks are too much there. Same reason we don't have auto driving cars.

>> No.6255090

If they dumb down the population to the point watching the same show with different characters is "entertainment" then i'm sure this will succeed, AI can't write proper characters and a proper story yet.

But hey, people eat shit for entertainment these days, if it keeps going that way, i'm sure this will be a hit.

>> No.6255091

meme languages that only startups care about. they all either go bankrupt or switch to java or c++ as soon as they become successful businesses. for the jobs you're talking about cobol, fortran, ada, and c/c++ are the languages to know. but it's not about languages for those jobs, it's about everything else you need to know to create mission critical software. new languages can be learned quickly so any employer who insists you know a specific language before hiring you will treat you like a disposable cog. worrying about which language to learn instead of which field to study is a good way to end up in an open office packed shoulder to shoulder with smelly arrogant pajeets for 40k a year.

>> No.6255095

holy shit rajesh, please learn english or go back to your containment board. /g/ was made to keep you currytards from shitting up /v/ with your brand wars threads and blatant shilling of meme software. you have a whole board just for yourselves, so use it.

>> No.6255096

doctors and medicine actually have powerful boards and unions and regulations so no way would they immediately roll over like a dog the way artists have

>> No.6255098

>hahaha fuck you we're automating your livelihood away haha take that bigots
>help my job is being automated away we need to work together bigo- i mean friends
lol, said the scorpion. lmao

>> No.6255100

this, professions that have strong unions and some kind of ethical case against being replaced will be able to hang on for a few decades yet. I'm thinking not just doctors, but also counselors, teachers, lawyers, police officers and politicians. Also people working in ethics committees and other thinktanks.

>> No.6255110

AI will revolutionize 2d animation at least, but not via this text input nonsense being pushed.
It is very conceivable an AI will be able to bring shorthand to a cleaned up and coloured completion based on a character turnaround sheet. The technology to do it probably already exists and it's just a matter of implementing it.

>> No.6255115

>ethical risks
Went out the window when they decided to open source a thing that blurs what was made by a real individual and what was made by mixing a plethora of things together.

>> No.6255124

jesus fucking christ this is just some local competition, stop making it huge already, how authistic you have to be not to see difference between printed and real work is the question here, i would kick the jury the fuck out after this

>> No.6255127

>now /ic/ knows why reddit is hilarious

>> No.6255139

I can see why artstation guys who get comissioned with vauge prompts are concerned by this. But if youre involved with anything that requires specific conscious design decisions to be made there is no threat this is just another tool. Until ai reaches levels of consciousness equal to a human it cant become an artist, but at that point no job on earth is safe from it.

>> No.6255151

I would honestly love that. The clean up and coloring process are my least favorite part of the process, all the creative decisions are made in the rough/key stage and the rest is tedious busywork.

>> No.6255213

>NOOO a machine viewing my art is theft

>> No.6255216

I want big uncut futa cock

>> No.6255220

if AI is so great, then why can't it make art unless it gets fed actual real art created by humans into it? and still just outputs a bootleg version of that art, sometimes literally including signature, at best and nothing new?

>> No.6255347

>if AI is so great
it's not
>why can't it make art unless it gets fed actual real art created by humans into it
Because humans can't either. Even worse than that, if you want to make analogies, a human that hasn't yet experienced anything is already akin to a pre-trained neural network : it knows how to do some things, the weights aren't completely random. A fully grown human has seen and felt so much data it's unbelievable.
>still just outputs a bootleg version of that art
An AI can't create new neurons or connections by itself, and basically all but the fully-connected layers are radically different from how a brain works.
>sometimes literally including signature
First, of couse it would include it sometimes, it "sees" it in a good chunk of the data (which is literally its universe, it has no concept of what is a signature) so it'll churn out one sometimes. Second, AI mostly has no concept of text, this is why it'll spit out shit that looks like text but are incomprehensible.
>nothing new
That's just cope though

>> No.6255396

>Because humans can't either.
can't read, huh. read it again, very slowly:

why can't it make art unless it gets fed actual (here! look!) real art created by humans into it?

>of course it would include signature
because the image it need to literally shit out anything of value at best was created by, i dunno, a human who signed it?

>> No.6255429

>can't read, huh. read it again, very slowly
Just say you didn't understand what I wrote
>why can't it make art unless it gets fed actual (here! look!) real art created by humans into it?
Because that's how neural nets work. How do you expect to randomly get the right point in a phase space with a billion dimensions?
>because the image it need to literally shit out anything of value at best was created by, i dunno, a human who signed it?
That's what I wrote yes

>> No.6255445

so now that you admit ai relies on human art, literally why would you need a machine to read millions of pieces of stolen artwork when you can just directly hire the dude whose signature that thing shits out (together with garbled visual nonsense no details etc), and just give him your "prompt" so he can actually create something that's actually good and coherent for a change?

>> No.6255466

>so now that you admit ai relies on human art
Never said otherwise
>stolen artwork
Viewing isn't stealing
>just directly hire the dude
Can't hire dead people, have to pay, takes longer than 5 seconds per image

>> No.6255479
File: 423 KB, 600x584, f3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats something
>converts it to shit
>shits it out
"guys its ok i only viewed the food for real i promise"

>> No.6255486

anyway im gonna go draw more hands now. might even be paid to fix some of that ai nonsense, have fund typing

>> No.6255499

>food analogy

>> No.6255506

>food analogy
The only thing it "ate" was your crap prompt, retard. In this bad analogy, the neural network would be your digestive system, trained by natural selection and evolution, not the food.
Otherwise 250TB of data into 4GB is some nice compression lmao

>> No.6255593

>yes it needs artists' work to function
>no it doesn't, only 4 GB bro
>yes i need to feed pictures into it so it can process them
>processing is only looking btw it doesnt use them or their data but i need them for the data!!
ad infinitum

>> No.6255599
File: 39 KB, 644x800, 1659608891814372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take tons of CP and feed it to an AI
>heh you can't jail me because this AI actshually was only trained on the parameters of your children's pics but it doesn't have any CP png actually stored In itse— WHAT NOOO WTF LET ME GO AAAAAAAA

>> No.6255621

The charges would be possession of pedopornography, because you'd need to have some on your storage to train the network

>> No.6255628

Training and inference isn't the same thing. Training takes 250TB of data, months of intensive compute for more than 500k$. Inference takes a 4gb network and barely even needs a GPU for 10s.

>> No.6255654
File: 163 KB, 506x1024, 1659852353564633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. You don't need to posses CP to have the AI train on it. You can just have it base naked chests after a lot of flat breasted pornstar pics it was fed, then also train it on the ordinary picture of some kid. The result? You can have it go for a more realistic style instead of painting tones, which would get you banned here for posting it
(Picrel is just a +18 painting jannies)

>> No.6255671

>You don't need to posses CP to have the AI train on it
By definition you do. Training on an image means you need to have such an image. The original even said "take tons of CP"
What you meant just now is that you can combine topics to make a prompt that would make CP without training it on CP

>> No.6255701

>What you meant just now is that you can combine topics to make a prompt that would make CP without training it on CP
So? Are the SD devs guilty because hypothetically someone was able to generate tons of CP this way?

>> No.6255703

No, that's my point. >>6255599 talks about someone training a model on CP, not making CP with a model not trained on CP

>> No.6255705

Yeah I'm NTA but what if someone generates CP because a model was trained on nude models and children pics separately? Outcomes are still the same for what it can do

>> No.6255710

That sounds bad at first glance but that's something you can do yourself, and desperate pedos probably already did that : photoshopping a kid and a small porn actress. Does photoshop prevents you from doing that or snitch on you to police? No

>> No.6255772

Though this AI gives anyone a whole new level of facilitation to do something only a few people would bother doing, or have the knowledge to. You could take the profile pic of every hoe in your class, tell the AI to make photos of them being fucked in a dirty bathroom with laser precision high consistency and put it in giant catbox collages to send to their parents and bfs anonymously. All of it done under an hour.

Onlyfans will obviously be put out of order when you can take a photo of anyone in the street and make porn of said person. Add that to OpenAI's motion AI and deepfakes plus photoshop will be rendered obsolete in a couple of years, the law will obviously have to do something about this

>> No.6255778

What made those pictures?

>> No.6255787

The opensource'd demon core one

>> No.6255792

>Because humans can't either.
>he doesn’t know about cave art
Humans innovate, machines copy. You have a very weak argument

>> No.6255795

Most of what you're saying isn't gonna happen anytime soon, and I don't see why the law should make it so businesses that are rendered obsolete due to tech progress should be protected.

>> No.6255803

As I said, a human that hasn't yet experienced anything is already akin to a pre-trained neural network. Evolution means you brain isn't blank at birth, everything was gradual. Neural networks have random weights at the beginning.

>> No.6255814

Yet humans can innovate, and machines can’t. Clearly there’s a difference between the two

>> No.6255817

>opensource'd demon core one

>> No.6255831

Yes retard, that's what I am saying. Are you even able to read?
A blank-slate human cannot innovate, and in the same way a machine can't innovate. But humans aren't blank slates at evolution exists for humans.

>> No.6255837

Since when is not wanting to have your pictures used by anyone to stage porn considered a "bussines"? People like the Emma Watson poster keep posting SD porn of her in the other board, while he'd never have the disposition to do such a thing before. Most of this tech is already here too, though obviously out of public use; cameras of high security banks in the UK have an AI that can project yo ur entire face even if you're wearing a mask. The lack of privacy when this level of technology gets on your neighbor's hands is of public concern and no rationalizing can deny that.

>> No.6255840

Machines can only blend images together, while humans can invent new things. It goes beyond genetics or random weights.

>> No.6255850

It also affects public discourse, with deepfakes and voice emulation taking off. Ai really needs to be extremely heavily regulated, on the level of firearms

>> No.6255861

>it's a religionfag
Yeah yeah muh divine light haha

>> No.6255864

>he'd never have the disposition to do such a thing before
>Ai really needs to be extremely heavily regulated

>> No.6255891

Not anymore than photoshop and other photo editing apps allow morphing and conversion of things to CP

>> No.6255892

>All of it done under an hour.
Then it would just desensitize it lol. If anyone create deepfakes, the real stuff loses all its meanings.

>> No.6255896

>, the law will obviously have to do something about this
Because Adobe and Onlyfans are huge lobbyists and friends with politicians??

>> No.6255898

>machines can’t
*Yet. Machines could only produce garbage until a few weeks ago

>> No.6255902

>while humans can invent new things
so what have you invented?

>> No.6255903
File: 99 KB, 500x414, 1649751248397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ai really needs to be extremely heavily regulated, on the level of firearms

>> No.6255907

>disposition to do such a thing before.
Deepfakes have been a thing for over half a decade now.
Photoshop has been for over decades now.

>> No.6255910

>no rationalizing can deny that.
Ah yes the irrational schizo cries out in pain as he strikes you. Cope + seethe + dilate

>> No.6255939

>humans can invent new things
Humans *could* invent new things.
Say bye bye to imagination, very soon. Why would yo ever exercise your imagination with games and shit like that, if you can have the computer display it for you on the screen?
At some point, I believe humans will lose the ability to imagine altogether, creativity is already dying, so imagination might be the next in line.

>> No.6255964
File: 3.29 MB, 2244x3134, 1662176537662249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheering for acceleration of disruptive globohomo technology
Hmm I wonder who could be supporting the UN's collaborators, surely there are only /ic/bros in this thread?

>> No.6255965

this shit is basically shadi safadi's wet dream, I hold the photobashers and 3d model tracers at least partially responsible for all this bullshit

>> No.6255976

Nothing is getting regulated, quite bitching about it, we hold ourselves accountable for our own actions instead of needing big daddy government to step in and you will need to let this fact sink in. Artists like you will just be homeless in a couple weeks so you should learn how to code if you want to have a roof under your head like I do. Now I will be getting to make all my ideas reality while you need to clean toilets kek

>> No.6255983
File: 664 KB, 498x488, 1695520593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for artcels

>> No.6255985

based Satanachia poster

>> No.6255987

1. schizo
2. the only reason people seethe about AI now is because you can use it without the corporate globohomo filter

>> No.6255991

Out of a thousand homeless artists some ought to become mass killers who will target at least a couple of techbros.

>> No.6255992

People like you don't understand that beign able to create stories and making them is part of the same skillset.
No, a random person that hasn't ever held a pen in their hand won't be able to create their own entertainment just because of AI. Actually drawing a comic page is part of the creative process, deciding the composition, the colors, every detail in an artwork is used to tell a story, and it's something that you can only learn while doing it.
That's the reason why corporations pay millions for a random shitty logo, this is why screenwriters exists and producers don't write movies, this is why artists exists. It's not about making pretty images.

>> No.6255993

feds don't really have any interest in killing techbros though, so they won't finance those

>> No.6255998
File: 391 KB, 500x280, 1679382918537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. will break his pencil with tranny dilator eraser while saying ARTIST LIVES MATTER

>> No.6255999

I hate the IT christ. I hate the IT christ.

>> No.6256001

>That's the reason why corporations pay millions for a random shitty logo
Dall-E 2 can do logos.
>this is why screenwriters exists
This is why GPT-3 exists.
>and producers don't write movies,
I can just keep rerolling until I get my idea theough.
>this is why artists exists.
Literally not needed anymore.
Creativity beats out all the hacks when you got a robot to make what's in your mind as many times as you want.

>> No.6256002

>That's the reason why corporations pay millions for a random shitty logo
that's just overspending
AI probably already does that better but those "artists" actually have some money and power compared to twitter beglets who just cry online

>> No.6256008

>Creativity beats out all the hacks when you got a robot to make what's in your mind as many times as you want
What creativity? Beglets that have to settle for the closest approximation to the desired result because they don't have the skills or talent to actually produce what they have on their mind?

>> No.6256020

This is just backyard elitism. Like a boomer teacher seething that students are allowed to use calculators now. The long time-wasting strings of numbers are irreverent when you can get the calculator to give you the result at hand.
Are you going to call your boss a /beg/ when he tells you to rate his AI art or are you going to clap? Guessed so

>> No.6256028

>ethical risks
haha xd lol

>> No.6256032

>Same reason we don't have auto driving cars
Only reason we don't have those is because of a liability issue. A driver running over someone in a regular car is liable, but with self-driving cars the company is liable. So even though self-driving would make it much safer overall, company interest block it, not the ethical risks you're dreaming of.

>> No.6256042


People should look into this Emad guy more. His story doesn't add up. For one we know that he didn't pay for any of the compute time to train any of these models. Amazon basically gave him over $30 million in free compute to get everyone in open source AI to use AWS. If you dig into who Emad got funding from to start Stability AI, it starts to become really clear who he's working for and what his agenda is. That guy is not trustworthy.

>> No.6256051

>I can just keep rerolling until I get my idea theough.
Can you? I am waiting to see if an AI bro can overcome this simple challenge >>6254937

>> No.6256053

meant for >>6256001

>> No.6256101

it's also kind of concerning how there's a cult of personality around him too that he actively cultivates. shit is really unsettling...

>> No.6256159
File: 1.13 MB, 676x679, 2022-09-03 20_27_08-Stable Diffusion - a Hugging Face Space by stabilityai — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a picture of a field with flowers and clouds in the background, pink clouds, transparent diamond horse, digital art by René Magritte, tumblr, neoism, vaporwave, aesthetic, dystopian art
Man, AI is shit when you try to generate a specific picture, ain't it?

>> No.6256165

they will never understand this, don't even try anon.
the only answer to this will ever be "but it can generate something!!!!!" they dont get that it has to be relevant and coherent and founded on actual thought. they see generated shit, they cum, rinse & repeat.
oh, and they want your art too, because their machine is so great but can't create shit on its own.

>> No.6256182

You have no idea how deep the delusions of grandeur go with these techbro retards. I'm in their inner circle servers now because I'm one of the few people who actually know how to write code that isn't shit, and the stupid shit these fuckers believe about themselves and what they're doing is absurd. Groupthink echo chamber like you can't even imagine. They literally believe they're true artists with actual talent.

>> No.6256195

One would need to go on more than a single iteration to get what he asked for, currently it's easier to do that with Dall-E. Eg add a unicorn spirit in the middle and done

>> No.6256200

where did the asian guy go

>> No.6256361

Learn how to photobash and edit art. Sell you yourself as a fixer-upper for Midjourney. Those who do that are going to make a ton of money

>> No.6256372

>two more weeks guys
>just stay the course
>where we go one we go all
lmao at your life

>> No.6256390

>trending on artstation
>by an actual artist
what is this cringe shit? lmfao is this all stable diffusion is? that image sucks nigger dick full time and you had to sperg like a name dropping art hoe at your gpu to make it. i refuse to believe any artist is actually worried about this.

>> No.6256411

i dont even need to among those gorups to see that
just reading every comment on several platforms is enough to know these losers not only dont know anything about art but dont know anything about technology,
the very idea these dudes think they arent BTFOd even by any artist since they are slaves to a computer generation without much control shows how dumb they are

exactly, hell they dont even know the bare basics or business and marketing along with consumer psychology
they keep parroting that people dont care about anything except end result, not realising consumers consume not for the end result but for what the product represents, be it the creator, the story, the utility and so on
you just have to point at /beg/ tier artists who make money form normies to understand it isnt the final artwork, but everything else associated with it
this shit is crypto and NFTs all over again, it has the exactly same M.O, the exact same arguments, exact same delusions and dunning krueger ridden zealots
you will never get a reply, they cant generate anything by request and any modifications they can do are basic and superfecial af
again, even a /beg/ can BTFO any AIcuck
artists are the ones who can use this shit to its full potential by being able to make it a tool at will while these retards are at the mercy of the russian roulette that is these photobashing algorhythms

>> No.6256420
File: 844 KB, 1920x842, thomas-pringle-serpent-pringle-pringleart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigs on artstation not sharing their prompts, greedy fucks.

>> No.6256432

I don't work in AI but I work in tech and a LOT of AI people I meet seem to resent artists and athletes for getting the lion's share of female attention.

>> No.6256434

The dataset has supposedly literally billions of tagged images yet almost everyone use the same tags. This is weird

>> No.6256437

Most techies are incels. Makes sense.

>> No.6256462

Because ai just cucked our entire passion you dumb fuck. Let us cope

>> No.6256477

For all the seething artists and curious anons I'll summarize this shitshow of a thread:

Drawing ai are massive theft bots but this won't change the fact that this tech exists and will still be used

Nobody is stopping you from enjoying drawing, you can still hand make furniture as a hobby despite assembly lines existing. Just don't try and make a job out of it.

This can and will be used for porn but major companies are heavily censoring porn, illegal opinions, and "offensive" content so you'll have to wait for some codebro to make one. God knows the porn industry won't be happy with free custom made porn

Ai art is better than yours cry about it pussy

Prompt makers being the new artists is cope, the ai will get better and prompts will be far easier for a normal person to put in sooner or later

You WILL eat ze bugs
