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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6246376 No.6246376 [Reply] [Original]

How can I dupe my brain into thinking that its still young and healthy? Since I'm over 25, it's no longer neuroplastic and we all know that its nearly impossible to learn how to draw without fresh neurons

>> No.6246381

take adrenochrome

>> No.6246386

Put yourself in a situation where drawing seems life or death kinda thing, Your brain will quickly shift resources over to make it happen.

>> No.6246387

Had no idea about this. I'm giving up.

>> No.6246390

no fuck off esdeath.

>> No.6246397

Give up, since you obviously don't have the passion for it. If you enjoyed drawing, you'd just do it, at the very least for fun.
>we all know that its nearly impossible to learn how to draw without fresh neurons
No person over 25 has ever learned anything new, that's correct. Old dogs, new tricks blah blah blah.

>> No.6246399

I'd explain but your brain is too old to understand it now. So.. take it easy chief :)

>> No.6246403

Why did the nurses allow you to go on 4chan? Go play croquet or whatever it is old people do.

>> No.6246416

Marshal Vandruff learned perspective at 28.. kek

>> No.6246451

In all seriousness, just do it. If you want to draw and paint, better to do it and enjoy it now, than start much later and still suck at it then. This "my brain old" shit is just lazy cope. Just draw and enjoy it.

>> No.6246456

youre not a boomer you fucking retard, youre a waste of a human if youre so lost, just draw nigga

>> No.6246457
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well aint that just the mirrion dorrar question m8


what does this even mean, you don't need "life experience" for drawing...maybe being a good person sure, but being a good artist is all about connections, real and imaginary. stimulations, not simulations. I'm sure even sakimichan gets bored of being successful. (she be 31 years old

Last week it was adderall, the week before piracetam, when's it end diane?

This is just an internet post, but do give up, on trying to solve this question, not drawing. Trying to cope with a lack of nueroplasticity is like trying to understand thinking, take acid once and bounce man you'll never come back.

You can THEORETICALLY do anything you want, it's just gonna suck and it's debate-able whether that pain is worth it.

you can learn something new any time you like, it's called a job, you learn the ropes and eventually get neurally padded into a routine.
You reek of naivete. Enjoy the pimp ride for now playa because you'll be old too one day, but by then you will have at least watched of vilppus videos.

explain what a waste of a post this is

betcha can't even write in cursive

>> No.6246463

i promise you, adrenochrome will work

>> No.6246470

If you're unable to learn anymore why do you think you can learn the answer to your question?

>> No.6246496

stop drinking
stop smoking
start exercising on a regular basis
wait 6 months

>> No.6246511

go away Makima troll

>> No.6246517

neuroplasticity is a fucking meme, and if you have fallen for its trap, i pity you. you can always improve, dont fall for this shitty crab cope.

>> No.6246547

You’re 27..stfu kid

>> No.6246594

I'm over 30, started to draw in my thirties and now have 1k+ followers and comms lined up. It's all about actually starting, doing it and posting it.

>> No.6246602

>It's all about actually starting, doing it
That's really it. The big issue with age isn't people's inability to learn, that's cope, it this dreadful shame that you should be better than you currently are because of your age. So if people are getting into art, people become ashamed that their skills are worse than a child's, but the child is actually drawing frequently, so of course they're better.

Let go of any preconceptions of where you should be in whatever it is your starting, and just go for it.

>> No.6246606

Can you give more details? Your post makes me so excited I'm almosy getting horny.
So like, how often do you post online?
How many comms a week or month do you have to finish?

>> No.6246675


>> No.6246808

I post once or twice a week. One pic comm I can shit out in 1-2 days. 3 pic comms take 2-4 days. Currently have 7 comms lined up, paid upfront. Lately each comm post has brought 1-2 new comms

>> No.6246861

at first i think neuroplastical is not a meme. until i know many artists that start around 30 and still success.
then i think it is a meme

from what i know cutesexyrobutts start at age 27

>> No.6246865


>> No.6246913

you can learn new things your entire life
not with your mindset though

>> No.6247117

Its not because of neuroplasticity or anything.
You dont draw because you dont want to
You dont learn because you dont want to
You will never make it because you chose not to
dont forget this

>> No.6247174

Fu k uou

>> No.6247183

Honestly if you don't want to draw nobody is forcing you to.
You don't need to cope with stupid excuses like Asian genes, neuroplasticity, AI or any other inane cope

>> No.6247412

didn't cutesexyrobutts start at 29?

>> No.6247431

Its better to start at 27 than 28

>> No.6247564
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Listen up, shitstain, since 25 is the "crossing line" of neuroplasticity, let's call it the "100" point, the standard.

Now let's suppose you're 40 years old.
Your neuroplasticity is still at 75% capacity.
A 18yo, age at which people generally start drawing a bit more seriously, has 125% neuroplasticity.

Now let's supposed getting good takes 2 years of efficient practice to a 18yo.
That means a 25 yo can do it in 2.5 years.
And a 40yo can do it in 3 years and 4 months.
And a 60yo can do it in 5 years.

If you can't make progress, it's your fault, not your age's.

>> No.6247578

This. Lazy retards just want an excuse to not improve. And it's even the other way around: Learning new things is the best way to keep your brain young.

>> No.6247821


also law of diminishing returns

as you get higher and higher and higher in any field, the amount of work required increases, thus more concentration is required, if it proves to be too much to handle, with little reward.

long term suffering and longer term suffering

welcome to art

>> No.6248018

you forgot something very important - how good the system he's working in is, if you are working with powerful instruments and can understand them the time reduces drastically

>> No.6248078

you forgot something very important - reading the post you're replying to

>> No.6248278

its not true thats why lmaooo

>> No.6248280

Im 27 and I started drawing at 19. Op lied to yall LOL

>> No.6248282

This is why A.I. will win. Humans peak too early. An A.I. can pump out masterpieces forever.

>> No.6248293

Your brain didn't die. What died is your motivation for drawing. You've grown up and unconsciously noticed you've lost any reasonings to draw anymore. And that's a good thing, for doing other practical stuff for you. Be positive.

>> No.6248373

Have you tried not wasting time?

>> No.6248378

Tulpas, mindgasm, meditation.
Also, the older you grow, the more your mind closes. The most energetic seniors I have met were extremely open-minded.

>> No.6249441

wtf those numbers on y axis nigga like niggas putting numbers like "brain points" that shit retarded just draw nigga lmafoooo

>> No.6249486

Age has nothing to do with it. 100%, you've had this problem since birth and there's literally no hope for you and there never was.

>> No.6249502

>Trying to learn to draw while the art AI singularity is happening before your eyes
Literally why bother, if you just wait three years you will be able to create exactly what you want just by entering a prompt into a program that costs less per month than Photoshop. It's OVER.

>> No.6249511

>for doing other practical stuff for you
nigga where do you think you are? people here spend 10 a day hours shitposting and then tell anyone putting effort into learning something that theyre wasting their time

>> No.6250931
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You don't need neurons to draw. Instead of worrying about producing new neurons you should focus on destroying your old ones, I advise severe head trauma or huffing paint.

>> No.6251951

that's not even what >>6246386 meant at all

>> No.6251958

*drains your neurons*

>> No.6252774
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Ask 5828653 anon

>> No.6252803

You van even convince retarded women to be their stay at home husband i doubt you can trick your brain into thinking it's young.

>> No.6252806

Just draw.

>> No.6252816
File: 134 KB, 339x319, 1335121318426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27 years old

>> No.6252819

Fuck off.

>> No.6252851

Just pursue a hobbie more fitting for your age.

>> No.6252899
File: 307 KB, 338x552, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pray that this ends the "too old to make it" bullshit

I'll never forget the jealousy I saw in my stepmother's eyes when she saw me do a watercolor painting knowing that she always wanted to do it, yet consistently chalked it up to "I'm too old at 40" and "I don't have any time"

when I worked a fulltime job just like she did.

>> No.6253227 [DELETED] 

Goddamnit I'm 24 and I've felt this way for the last year.

>> No.6253228

Goddamnit I'm 24 and I've felt this way for the past year.

>> No.6253247

>didn't cutesexyrobutts start at 29?
>cutesexyrobutts start at age 27
Why do people even bother learning to draw coomshit in their 30s? Shouldn't old boomers be raising children and stuff instead?

>> No.6253257

it worked out for them, maybe if you took some risks in your life you would get it.

>> No.6253259

>it worked out for them
Did it? Middle aged men with normal careers are bringing home 150k+, I somehow doubt even the most succesful coom artists are anywhere close.

>> No.6253261
File: 217 KB, 900x900, hiruma-eyeshield-21-manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Neuroplasticity" doesn't end with 25.
You do stop growing, and it's slower but not impossible to learn new stuff.
Otherwise, literally everyone who turned 25 would have sudden onset anterograde amnesia.
Nevermind, it would be worse than that, because even patients with that amnesia can learn things, even when they don't remember it https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13854046.2012.655781

If you want to keep your brain well functioning, sleep, move and eat well and build new neural pathways by challenging yourself to learn new things, e. g. learning to draw instead of falling for these crab memes.

>> No.6253301

It depends, do you wanna get into art because for the fun of it or do you want to get into art because you want to do it professional? If it's the later then don't do it won't end well, you would be in your mid 30s till your reach a acceptable level, and only if you make drawing your main priority. That means your wasting the years were you should start a family and settle down in life for one of the most insecure and underpaid jobs out there. If you want to pick up art as a hobby than it's never to late and you would even have something that enriches your normie life

>> No.6253490

Top tier bait, you probably convinced a few kids to give up with this. I salute you gentlesir.

>> No.6253701

Faggot stop giving out numbers like that when you dont take into account cost of living. Your 6 fig is the equivalent of poor in san fransisco.

>> No.6253994

Take the 3D pill. You will be replaced by AI but not nearly as fast as the 2D artists and its alot easier to get good at than traditional drawing.

>> No.6255634

>why do people do thing

>> No.6255636
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>> No.6255637

>we all know that its nearly impossible to learn how to draw without fresh neurons
We do not know this. It is possible, but you'd rather make an excuse, while also begging for attention in the form of arguing from strangers on an online forum. Until you fix whatever mental illness causes you to act like this, pursuing any creative activity is pointless.

>> No.6255808

>27 years old boomer here
Shut the fuck up zoomer, your life of suffering have just begun

>> No.6255888

Let me guess. You ask for $10-$15 per com. Lmao don't give false hope to losers.

>> No.6255890

Why do you think you even know what that means? Why are you convinced that your brain just suddenly works differently in the first place? Because life makes you sad and you know some big words that can be applied to it? Either do the thing you want to do or die trying. Besides, if your brain is actually as fucked as you say, you might as well die anyway. Die doing art or for everyone else's sake die quieter.

>> No.6255900

>Middle aged men with normal careers are bringing home 150k+

>> No.6257403

Neuroplasticity ending at 25 is a meme.

Two months ago I've been hired in a ceramic workshop as a decorator. I've never worked with ceramics nor engobes. But in two months I've learned enough to catch up on the rest of the team. I'm still not as good as them since they have years of practice but I'm good enough to complete orders from museums all over the world (Louvre, British Museum, Rijksmuseum, and so on...).
I'm 32 and I'm still learning at a good path.

>> No.6257434

I started drawing at 28 and had massive gains.
I mean literally starting to draw, I wasn't some lifelong doodler that decided to take it seriously. It's all about having a healthy mindset, no defeatism.

>> No.6257441

Because he gave up and needs an external factor that he can't control to justify his resignation. Not a single fucko like this one will ever blame their own attitude for their lack of will.

>> No.6258034

You suffer from a fixed mindset and rigid thinking.
Those mental proceses has nothing to do with your neurons aside from firing your pathological thinking into believing you'll never learn anything new.

If you've trained your analytical and observational skills, and information dessimination and gathering to create pathways for retaining knowledge, you're not fucked.
Anyone who says it's useless to learn anything new or can't are ignorant and wants to reject the pain of having to process.

Draw and read, study and walk outside. Hydrate and do puzzles. Eat protein and fruits.
Don't be a self-defeating crab thinking you'll have amnesia by 30 because you can't recall certain things.

>> No.6258123

neuroplasticity is nonsense. change your sleep schedule, rearrange your furniture, change your diet, etc. neurons have some degree of agency but they only move when they have to. older brains have the potential to learn better because they have more neurons to set in motion, but they're harder to get moving. making multiple changes at once forces your brain to break mental habits and start reforming new patterns. it works for everything, not just drawing. good luck, OP, and be sure to post some updates of your work. at least some of us enjoy watching each other's progress and sharing criticism and advice.

>> No.6258240

Age is a meme meant to shame you by ageist cunts

>> No.6258244

just draw faggot

>> No.6258287


This desu OP

>> No.6258337

Same experience here, if anything you get better at leaning in your thirties because you start doing the math and realize you don't have time to fuck around anymore.

The main reason why adults suck at learning is because most healthy and sane people have too many committments to dedicate time towards someting new.

>> No.6260154

>How can I dupe my brain into thinking that its still young and healthy?
Exercise, work on your body. The brain will follow suit.

>> No.6262211

I'm 47, I just started two months ago and I'm improving. Don't believe the lies.

>> No.6263744

Its not the neuroplastic shit that will stop you, its the other shit in life that fucks you up. If youre not some 18 year old with rich parents covering your ass youre not gonna make it.

>> No.6264614

Lmao @ the neuroplasticity meme
Youre just fucking lazy and impatient
I learned 2 languages in my late 20’s

>> No.6264703

wait til these faggots learn that you lose 95% of your brain's neuroplasticity in like 2 years after you're born. that's why language development is so important to be taught at an early age

>> No.6264707

That explains why violin and painter geniuses are born like that, in reality they were only forced to learn their craft very young. We should blame our parents for not giving us the best chance of becoming the best in the world OH THE MISERY and then they complain about zoomers being incompetent at everything no shit we are, it's like you didn't bother teaching us anything worthwhile I'm better off being on vrchat

>> No.6264785

Why cant you teach yourself? Tf?

>> No.6264805

Do intense exercise. Do low carb.

>> No.6264808

Lmao @ low carb

>> No.6265008

>Lmao @ low carb
Wise up. Read up on the clinical trials on pubmed. Carefully. Check the funding and conflict of interests. Science.

>> No.6265052

Or I can just live my life lol
All my shit is in order, that carb shit is a meme

>> No.6267087

???? I started drawing at 37 about 3 years ago. Never to late to start…

>> No.6267132

based hopium post

>> No.6267168

based hopium post 2

>> No.6267188

>Draw and read, study and walk outside. Hydrate and do puzzles. Eat protein and fruits.
Good advice

>> No.6267252
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You have mental issues that need to be dealt with. First off, your mother is a bad enabler letting you browse 4chan everyday. This place is known for grooming the next Chris-chan where the most susceptible are the ones with an underlying metnal disorder. I fear you are going down that path as we speak. Let's say in 10 years tops. Switching to multiple personality types while coming up with demoralization terms like neuroplasticity and carpal tunnel is making it harder for you to discern what you can realistically do versus what you think you can do. The moment you draw a line, you are not thinking about where the line should be but thinking about the next shitpost thread you want to start. I suggest scheduling a physician to talk about your experiences. Lay it all bear, and you might be able to draw the makima of your dreams. Not today, not tomorrow but when you are 47 years old. Depending on your choice, By then you probably became rather successful or ended up in a ditch somewhere. Godspeed anon.

>> No.6267371
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'Lifestyle, not age, rules cognitive function'


>> No.6267462
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Thanks for this. I saved it. I'm going to print your post and hang it in my bedroom. I turn 24 this year and I only realized that I want to be an artist and started studying like 3 months ago. Was seriously considering the rope.
>2 years at 18yo vs. 5 years at 60yo
Even the worst case scenario is not that bad actually. I hope to draw until I die of old age (God willing). Starting at ~24 compared to starting at 18 (I couldn't really start any earlier since I was too immature to take anything seriously) is maybe 10 years of extra improvement I've potentially missed out on. If I don't drink or smoke and take good care of my body I hope I can squeeze out an extra decade of productive work in my old age so it will all balance out in the end. Thank you anon!

>> No.6267518

Good luck, anon! We're all gonna make it. Provided we actually try.

>> No.6267545

This is actually stupid, despite the age you can still learn new things in life and people who believe on this probably never learned anything new after highschool.
Most people still seek knowledge based on their profession, interest or something they never encountered before. Don't get discouraged on a stupid papers research and a google search result because some of them are up to debates by a fellow scientist until publicly proven. So for my conclusion sit on your drawing desk and start learning how to draw.

>> No.6267552

I'm 35 and just starting to draw decently now. There's no need for neuroplasticity, you just need to understand some concepts and practice every day from life.

>> No.6268937

neuroplasticity is literally unprovable and unobservable beyond singular individuals at arbitrary points in time, a single passing thought is enough to realize the incalculable time, resource and labour cost of monitoring something like that in a single human being over the several-years-to-decades it would take, let alone the hundreds of thousands of people required to obtain any sort of usable case study data(of course, necessarily particular to your region and ethnicity, with full control for types of diet, sleep schedules and every conceivable genetic or idiopathic illness or any other unknown sum of environmental factors that may arise and compound each other in, again, literally incalculable ways, not to even fucking mention the fact that the brain's complex congitive functions remain largely not understood to this day)
neuroplasticity is the sorely desired, socially engineered excuse of the stupid to remain stupid, it's identical in its pop-science-as-religion insanity and as politically encouraged as gender dysphoria, every single one of these people is that one kid you knew in elementary school that just wanted to say "i can't do it" to anything you tell them to do, until you noticed that they revel in their ineptitude because it garners them attention, the person in whose eyes you saw hatred and disdain when you insisted that they were capable of action, then they grew up and read about the neuro word on buzzfeed and they've found their god to which they pray for plentiful victimhood
just tell them to commit suicide, these people were bred as slaves by a dozen generations of slaves and only exist to subsist as servants in search of a master's permission, they are not human and you can't make them human

>> No.6268960

Makimafag is only projecting. You see tons of people in their 30's switching careers or even going back to school for something more interesting. Makimafag will never achieve the "growth mindset" aka the one secret /ic/ has been looking for so long.

>> No.6269019

What is a "makimafag"?

>> No.6269528
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I would be more worried about being this retarded at 27. Seriously, i dont get how is that people use any excuse to just dont start working on something.

>hey guys im 31 im too old to study
>hey guys im 26 im too old to fuck
>hey guys im 29 im too old for working

You just dont want to draw dude. Just keep on consuming pasive content and dont do anything proactively. I mean is too late to enjoy life at 27, your train has passed just lay down and rot, be as mediocre as you can, what can of fucking excuse is that, drawing is like the most retarded thing you can do, kids with crayons fucking draw, at 27 you cant move your wrist? Are you that fat? Fuck off.

>> No.6269550
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>> No.6269556

nigga he has no concept of "time". Queen Elizabeth died serving for the good of manking for an eternity. By the time he has drawn a single line it's already 40 years too late.