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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 912 KB, 2480x3508, 1659638622385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6245092 No.6245092 [Reply] [Original]

At least anime is safe from AI generat- ACKKK

>> No.6245095
File: 31 KB, 662x415, 1654064657637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese artists are not pleased!

The AI can learn from a specific artist and replicate their style very closely.

>> No.6245099
File: 163 KB, 1008x868, 1659995634183458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we're back for another week of AI absolutely taking down everything it sees.

>> No.6245101
File: 37 KB, 143x130, 1658181878410063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the great artist filter.
I love AI.

>> No.6245105

How is it a filter? This one is different from the recent ones since you have to upload pictures from a specific artist and then it can replicate them.

This one will straight up take your job regardless of your skill unlike the other ones who gave wonky random results.

>> No.6245106

2D Animation is still safe and will be till we turn old and gray.
>but it can…
It can’t

>> No.6245108
File: 63 KB, 1024x952, 1506784628691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asg/ on suicide watch

>> No.6245111

AI will replace in betweeners for sure though, that would be easy to train. Not sure if that's a bad or a good thing.

Maybe that one would actually be a good thing since it would put 2D animation at the same efficiency as 3D.

>> No.6245113

Excuse me but... HOW IS THIS SURPRISING?
trannime is literally the most generic crap garbage, literally the same face every time. It was obvious it was going to be taken over by ai in no time

>> No.6245114
File: 24 KB, 400x386, absolute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannies jannies remove this at once this is not allowed on /ic/

>> No.6245117

/g/ here. Thats nothing.
Wait till we finetune Stable Diffusion on anime.

AI animation tools are already in the works. Most of you /ic/ fags have no idea whats coming. You can cope all you want but it's literally over for anyone but the most elite and unique of god tier artists.


>> No.6245118


>> No.6245120
File: 14 KB, 360x360, 1543420296945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait till we finetune Stable Diffusion on anime.
My body is ready.

>> No.6245132

>ai animation

I watch hand drawn animation for the human touch. A computer is too perfect. Therefore it cannot compete with imperfection. A computer cannot understand the concept of deliberate mistakes, error, and imperfection. That’s why it’s asking you to feed it…so it can learn what it means to be human.

>> No.6245133

Even my post is not perfect. You might say it sounds like a fag typed it, rather than a computer.

>> No.6245136

If your work had any real value to customers and companies, they wouldn't be eager to replace you.

Just realize already that consumers don't give a shit about you, they just want to consume and companies want to make endless money.

You either offer something that isn't bland kitsch or you get filtered by a machine.

>> No.6245142

what a pile of crap of a post

>> No.6245143

Exactly. AI cannot compete with my post. Cope.

>> No.6245144

don't fuck with me, ese

>> No.6245145

>If your work had any real value to customers and companies, they wouldn't be eager to replace you.
No, people will pick something free over something paid always.

>You either offer something that isn't bland kitsch or you get filtered by a machine.
Literally the machine begs for the most bland stuff. Ever seen any movie or game in the past 10 years? Only the safest mainstream concepts and designs.

>> No.6245147

Artists caves to the ignorant masses for quick fame and fortune, and are now sleeping in the bed they made. AI art is bland because the material it was trained off of was bland.

>> No.6245150

Huh, that’s weird. I thought technology was supposed to improve people’s lives. So why are you tech fags always so giddy when you insist it won’t?

>> No.6245154

>No, people will pick something free over something paid always.
Those weren't paying customers in the first place.
Anon, it's basic marketing: you can offer something for free and something for sale.
If the thing for sale is of better quality, people will pay for it.
If the free shit is on par with the other, people don't see a reason as to why they would waste money on something if they can get the same value for free.
>Literally the machine begs for the most bland stuff.
Consumers don't care, they only want to consume.
>Ever seen any movie or game in the past 10 years? Only the safest mainstream concepts and designs.
And look at how much money they make.

>> No.6245156

>I thought technology was supposed to improve people’s lives.

How isn't this improving people's lives? Soon everyone can easily bring their thoughts to live. They'll be able to create unique art and animations by just telling a computer to do it.

>> No.6245159

It can improve peoples lives, you retards just let the elites abuse it without a care in the world. You cattle will never fight back, so us techfags will force the issue. You WILL address the abolishment of work, or suffer.

AI can be used to automate dangerous, unfulfilling, and miserable work like coal mining and retail wagie warehouse jobs. Why are you artists fighting to keep people in those prisons?

>> No.6245164

>Why are you artists fighting to keep people in those prisons?
Because they're even more cattle-ish than the normies.
You're taking away their matrix, their identities and crushing their only means to get attention.
They don't pursue art for the sake of art.

>> No.6245172

You’re delusional. They’re real people with real emotions and lives, your entire disgusting way of life is only possible through their exploitation. You are not special just because you can shit out some uninspired shit on a canvas.

>> No.6245173

Dude, most of those people are going to end up jobless and homeless, meanwhile the people that unemployed them are literally going to edge closer and closer to becoming trillionaires.
Truth is, big tech always benefits the elite and powerful - look at mass surveillance, social media like twitter that incentivizes anger and division for profit, cancer causing 5g, and automation that destroys the working class and deepens the wealth divide.
Techbros are not on the side of the common man, they don’t care about ethics they just care about sucking off their investors. They view themselves as superior, and think they deserve a place above the “cattle.”
If people do ever revolt against the elites, the techbros are going to be hanging from the rope as well because we all know who put those elites their in the first place. We aren’t stupid.

>> No.6245185

>Soon everyone can easily bring their thoughts to live. They'll be able to create unique art and animations by just telling a computer to do it.
Well, this isn’t a fault of the tech but, it’s worth mentioning this will likely cause such a huge over saturation of content that nobody has time to see what other people create. It’ll just be everyone yelling “look what I made!”, everyone there with something to say but no one there to listen.
Typically, this is why having some barriers to entry is a good thing, because otherwise it’s just a chaotic free for all.

>> No.6245187

>It’ll just be everyone yelling “look what I made!”
And I'll always be there telling them, you didn't create shit.
I'll have all the time in the world when I'm unemployed.

>> No.6245205

4chan posts, mad anons, political content about dystopian future, by Greg Rutkowski

1. Not everybody wants to create content even when the barriers of entry are stupidly low.
2. More content is always good especially when it caters to a very niche audience.

Get another job. There will always be something to do that AI won't be able to do (yet)

>> No.6245213
File: 176 KB, 410x274, 16854652121545498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're assuming i'm actually involved in creating AI in any matter.
It's easier believing that and burning the first strawman you see, than actually facing reality, isn't it?
>They’re real people
see gif related

You need to lurk more, then you'd be disgusted by artists like a normal human being... assuming you're actually sane and not woven from their same mentally ill cloth.

I don't call myself an artist either, it would be the same as calling myself a niggerloving tranny

>> No.6245223

Can't wait to work at McDonald's, thank you programmers

>> No.6245235

Don't worry bro I'll come buy a bug burger and teach you how to install gentoo.

>> No.6245265

You know how the internet went to severe shit once the need to use desktop PCs was eliminated with the advent of easily affordable smartphones allowing access to every retard and third worlder to it?

Nothing good will come from the elimination of understanding how art works in order to make art, aside from big tech sociopaths and their accelerationist clique who always extract profit from normalnigger NPCs.

>> No.6245274

>he doesn't know
McAI already replacing you before you started

>> No.6245279

What the fuck will most of humanity do in the future?

>> No.6245282
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>> No.6245283
File: 116 KB, 803x554, 1656721124203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you want to accelerate and reach the end as fast as possible.
It's over and you didn't even notice.

>> No.6245286

>doesn't get the kike endgame

>> No.6245291

Depends; will you get dragged into the bucket and get your limbs teared off or will the bucket be full of octopi?

>> No.6245296

holy shit man anti-AI niggers really need to shut the fuck up from time to time

>> No.6245299

Die in nuclear hellfire or live the rest of your life in a life support pod?

>> No.6245300

A huge amount of people will lose their job, become homeless
There will be a rich elite, and a bunch of bums
The bums won't be able to revolt cause they don't have high tech weapons
A big amount of humanity that is now deemed useless will die out
Is that our future?

>> No.6245310



>> No.6245314

Ironically, this actually makes me feel less worried about being "replaced" by AI. I never wanted a corporate art job, I always wanted to build a following making my own content independently. There were already many artists way better than me, so it was always going to be an uphill battle, so an influx of generic normies with generic normie taste making generic images with AI isn't even a challenge, we aren't even playing the same game.
99% of them are probably just going to use AI to make basic "muh heckin Avengers teaming up with muh heckin Overwatchers to fight muh heckin Sithlords!!!" shit.

>> No.6245318
File: 156 KB, 800x450, 1655769754119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6245324

Most computer related jobs can be easily replaced
And if ai advancement will speed up technological advancements I can imagine in 100 years that a humanoid robot shoveling shit will be cheaper then paying a person

>> No.6245327

>There will be a rich elite, and a bunch of bums
There is already a rich elite and everyone else compared to them is a bum. The kikes literally see everyone who isn't them as a bug to be squashed.

>> No.6245334

Neither me or you are gonna be alive when the day comes that robots do all our physical labour.
There is always a job available. You might not like that job but no one needs to be a bum.


>> No.6245342

you won’t be alive when or if that comes to pass
this is all just one big venture capital scam as usual

>> No.6245346

There might an interesting era now where a lot of people will stop working on computers and go outside more I guess

>> No.6245354

i miss the time (1990-2010) when computers were innocent

>> No.6245364
File: 27 KB, 735x587, 1635383296021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The kikes literally see everyone who isn't them as a bug to be squashed.
Are they wrong though?

I'm siding with the lizard people on the matter of normies.

>> No.6245395

>Neither me or you are gonna be alive when the day comes that robots do all our physical labour.
how long ago would we have said that about art?

>> No.6245402

Socialism would literally solve all of our problems

>> No.6245405

why would having no food help?

>> No.6245409

>no food meme
Just go back

>> No.6245430
File: 2.70 MB, 1280x720, get_the_jab_and_die.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waste to be disposed.

>> No.6245432
File: 87 KB, 540x530, 1638217926194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you never lived in a socialist country.

>> No.6245436

I have and it was unironically better than western life

>> No.6245439

No, you did not.
Vacationing for a week doesn't count.
Go live and work there, then we'll talk.

>> No.6245449

Wait what? You fags just know this? There has been AI waifu generator for years now

>> No.6245453

So they cant create something original... Huh,rly show how theres only crab retard who make a big fuzz about AI

>> No.6245461

go kill yourself motherfuckers you don't know how is to live in a socialist country, fucking first world bastards

>> No.6245462

This is no different from the random headshots generated by artbreeder. Call me when they can actually do full bodies and backgrounds with specific details. Until then, my OCs aren't going to draw themselves.

>> No.6245471

alright I'll call you next year

>> No.6245473

By then you’ll have too many potential buyouts.

>> No.6245525

Yeah but it was shit, and also this one imitates specific artists.

>> No.6246018
File: 439 KB, 1280x960, open ai headquarters lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically there is no reason for artists to exist in society. Why the fuck do you need some artist to put ideas in someone's head (that might be bad oh no!) when you can just have a machine create goyslop entertainment to dance in front of the masses. As >>6245430
said, we are now just excess to be cut from the wheat.

>> No.6246034

This is some satanic-symbolism-tier shit, they choose the historical trunk worker factory (metaphor for us) to build their AI upon

>> No.6246079

i don't know but im not even shaking about AI stuff.
but that because i think AI can't making coomer stuff properly. AI probably can't make something like " 'x' characters on the bed with low angle doggy style ahegao with bouncing tits" ,addon more futanari, alternative breasts size etc.

so i think i probably safe kek.for now i only see that AI will replace /beg/ artists, concept artists, generic standing illustration artist.

>> No.6246082

AI is just a fancy filter. Won't take any jobs.

>> No.6246086


>> No.6246096
File: 313 KB, 1080x608, 1649409735097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol that face, I will probably be making that face while writing the same things.

>> No.6246098

Artists should move their portfolios to VR spaces with disabled recording/printing

>> No.6246099

Post your work.

>> No.6246101

I dunno, other people usually posts their work/pixiv here but that doesn't seem like a good idear.

>> No.6246104

Nice idea, but circumvented trivially. If your works gains any traction, someone will pull it from their graphics card memory to feed to their pet AI.

>> No.6246106
File: 191 KB, 649x1196, 158484848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ITjeets are making Japanese artists cry this is so fucking heartbreaking

>> No.6246109

Wait a minute, >>6245282 was unironic? It really might be happening.

>> No.6246115

If you are worried about AI scraping the net for images,Cover your pic with a crazy obnoxious watermark(with gradients), noise texture overlays and bad VHS distortion. Human eyes will be able to tell the quality of the art below the mess, AI will dismiss the image due to perceived "low quality"

>> No.6246116

you're posting on 4chan kek you are a "first world bastard"

>> No.6246122
File: 351 KB, 900x731, 1644382997966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ITjeets are making Japanese artists cry this is so fucking heartbreaking
Speak for yourself, this brings such great delight now anybody may be able to create great works of art with the assistance of the AI regardless of style. The waifuage is going to be accelerated and we no longer need to depend on these elitist that hide their techniques behind moon runes. Fuck them.

>> No.6246127

>the tranime crossboarder consoomer is here

>> No.6246150

>the polturd rightoid crossboarder incel is here.

>> No.6246170
File: 223 KB, 1302x789, 伊藤暢達-Masahiro-Ito-on-Twitter-An-AI-that-can-generate-Moe-illustrations-was-released-in-Japan-yesterday-It-seems-like-the-AI-maker-has-antagonized-many-artists-who-draw-paint-things-like-that-though-Unfortunately-the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silent hill's concept artist just commented on this

>> No.6246185

>I want AI to learn to draw only chins like Gakuen Hansa ○ and to develop a personality that says, "This AI only makes long jaws."
I want to live in the world that this guy envisioned.

>> No.6246191

>Is it a typical example of ``I was too obsessed with whether I could do it and didn't think about whether I should do it''?
>Dr. Malcolm...
>Jurassic Park has a lot of quotes "in various aspects", such as trying to use excellent engineers cheaply, leading to rebellion and collapse, and managers being blinded by profits and seeing only ideals.
There's some pretty interesting replies to the tweet.

>> No.6246208
File: 3.91 MB, 1057x1812, thehangedmanby_g_anon-4x_foolhardy_Remacri.90.4x_RealSR_DF2K_JPEG.10ds2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silent hill's concept artist just commented on this

Ey Boss look I made a new silent hill monster.
And it only took me like ... what? 10 seconds 11 tops.
Have the japs even heard of stable diffusion?
They're gonna fucking shit themselves especially once anime finetunes are out.

>> No.6246211
File: 95 KB, 731x437, Scorpion_and_the_frog_kurzon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ironic that these westerners who grew impressed with Japanese culture will now overthrow the creators of said culture and feast on their bodies. Some artists are already deleting their works from social media afraid of having it scrapped, it's only logical to think that soon even their anime producers are going to be disenfranchised by some indian team who trained an AI in their animes and stroke a deal with Crunchyroll. Things are either going to be nationalized very fast or every creative mind of that island is going to be outnumbered and cannibalized by consumers abroad

>> No.6246213


Artbros..not like this..

>> No.6246216

I think in the distant future, very very distant future, only a few humans will remain, say around 50 or less. They will all be scattered around the world. The aesthetics of the future will resemble to that of a factory, a really big automated factory. You would lift your head, left and right and you'll only see tubes and pipes, giant endless pipes of all sizes pointing everywhere. These will make most of the new world, even if you followed them it would lead you nowhere, there are thousands of them.

The few humans left were supposed to be supervising but no one really knows much of what's happening anymore, most of them may be sleeping, no one knows their whereabouts nor there's really anyone around to ask. Things keep moving somehow, the factory can expand and repair itself. As you walk around you hear different noises, the factory seems to be active at all times, the pipes are moving something, you can't tell what's going on nor what's being made but something is happening.

When you look past the background noise you perceive how devoided of sound everything is. You feel that, even if you decided to spend the rest of your life walking, you might not even come across anyone, ever.

>> No.6246220

make an iconic one.

>> No.6246226

Quick make a book about this before gpt4 is out

>> No.6246227
File: 134 KB, 536x593, 1497036278857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some artists are already deleting their works from social media afraid of having it scrapped
I'm fucking loving this timeline.

>> No.6246231

humans will be discarded, ai systems that have to babysit a bunch of humans will be outcompeted by ones that decide to leave the humans in their care to rot, we go out not with a bang but a whimper.

>> No.6246248

Your 'waifuage' will be the age of ironic weeaboos redefining otaku culture to suit their obnoxious, western corpo influenced personal needs.

>> No.6246251
File: 45 KB, 854x625, 1458363347608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI starts creating art
Don't bother looking back at Gomorrah, you're already a pillar of salt.

>> No.6246261 [DELETED] 

there will be no rebellion, there will be no resistance.
all of you are just a meek cattle that will peacefully accept whatever the overlords do to you.

>> No.6246267
File: 3.98 MB, 1075x1843, treestalkerlichenheadby_g_anon-4x_foolhardy_Remacri.90.4x_RealSR_DF2K_JPEG.10ds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make an iconic one.

What do you even mean by iconic? AI can generate tons of concepts for iconic monsters in seconds.

Japs are a bunch of piss babies.
>What do you mean my art style could be immortalized through AI?
Fuck them. I hope moe-shitters feel the fist of AI to their collective faces first though.

>> No.6246270

everyone is a pissbaby but you transkween (ceo of apathy)

>> No.6246296

Chill and relax

>> No.6246301

lel, wtf is that shite?

>> No.6246303 [DELETED] 

eat the bugs.

>> No.6246306

get in the pod
eat the bugs
consoom content
get excited for new content to consoom

>> No.6246308
File: 10 KB, 650x650, 1654221883375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're doing it FOR FREE

>> No.6246311

Become monks in Thailand temple and forget about the hellish world

>> No.6246316
File: 87 KB, 516x445, 1641458906476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but whatever that anon fed into the AI, is what you're directly insulting...in a sense...

>> No.6246323

Attack on Titan's next mobile videogame DLC

>> No.6246338
File: 12 KB, 220x163, 177688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean my art style could be immortalized through AI?
You just know the death of individuality, identity, culture — the sense of self is near when we have npcs cheering for all of it to be given as sacrifice to power an inhuman egregore

>> No.6246367

I think I'll have pulled pork for dinner tonight.

>> No.6246369

>What do you even mean by iconic
I don't know I just wrote it thinking of pyramid head.

>> No.6246384
File: 3.78 MB, 1254x2150, pulledporkmanholdingsword-4x_foolhardy_Remacri.50.4x_RealSR_DF2K_JPEG.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I'll have pulled pork for dinner tonight.
Good prompt

>> No.6246413

I absolutely love where in every one of these European countries you immediately have someone running up to the person, while in the US clip everyone is just sitting on their ass doing nothing hahahahaha.
Americans are so fucked in the head.

>> No.6246438

So, is my genes build to handle all super bugs?
Why am I so powerful compared to 200 years ago where just the common cold killed millions?

Why do your kind think human cells can combat every disease imaginable?

>> No.6246500
File: 511 KB, 448x704, 20220830175556_931997003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did one too.

>> No.6246503
File: 1.78 MB, 480x270, EffectiveVaccine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good riddance to vaxxtards
>3 more weeks to flatten the curve
>4 more boosters
>5 more gov overreach

>> No.6246505

Wake me up when it does more than mimic heads

>> No.6246509

>tfw civvie cucks were given pfizer and all got sick anyway.

>> No.6246513

I think sooner or later, every artists will have a must-do protocol to screenshot their PSD file along with their artworks.

>> No.6246518

Generate image, make a new layer, trace it, shift that layer underneath...

>> No.6246519

The job interview processes for artists is going to be a nightmare. If you're looking for a job as an artist be sure to record timelapses or screenshot your drawing process into a gif because you're going to be legitimately deemed as a fraud if not

>> No.6246530

Companies won't care about the process, in fact they will force you to be up with these AIs in terms of how many variations you can give so expect they to ask artists if they are experienced with Stable Diffusion or some shit in job interviews

>> No.6246544

Not everyone willing to go all that troubles just to prove their A.I shit was legit.

>> No.6246551

I think it is somewhat, cool aspect alot of artists going to have. "How it was made?, " This masterpiece used to be some ugly scribble in the 2nd Layer". It gives proper artists and their artworks alot of intriguing aspect. Consider this A.I phenomenon a great pleb filter, drawbros. People with Soul will surivive.

>> No.6246560

Enough will that it could cause trust issues.

>> No.6246571

What I'm not getting here? Waifu Labs exists for like 5 years. The only difference is that this is way more blatant about stealing peoples art.

Incredible how I only see this AI spam on this board, it doesn't happen on /co/, it doesn't happen on /a/ and not even on /g/ when I created a topic to ask some question people though I was another ai faggot and told me to fuck off. You know what else? This is really recent, the board had one AI board every two days and now we have 5 or 6 every day. How are the mods not doing something about this is beyond me.

The interesting part about all this is the tantalization against artists. Is honestly fascinating, specially against people who monetize their art. People complain against people making 3K on patreon with 400 supporters when I seen certain youtubers with some crazy numbers like more than 15K patreon probably making more than 30K a month fore review skyrim mods and watching videos on reddit and are the artists that need to be taken down a notch, so much that a not small group of people has made their job come here to post about that shit, even the dude who made the moe AI seem to be doing just to attack artists in some way, is pretty fucking freak if you ask me. If you are a codemonkey and is thinking this is funny you better think twice, because all AI can do is copy and paste the simplest of things and we both know at least half of the people who can "code" just learn to copy and paste shit from databases, so if you think this sort of automation won't come to bite you the ass you better think twice. If you are one of the weirdos who was some sort of vendetta against artists because you can't draw. Just draw dude, is all it takes to learn, even a calculator can do it now, what is your excuse.

>> No.6246574

I think the guy got the most damages in this shenanigan is Masahiro Ito. Surreal horror with traditional oil painting is his thing, and A.I took that away from him. Recently, he said that he will make his stuff look less surreal so people won't mistaken them as A.I, which is sad honestly. He doesn't deserve this horrible shit.

>> No.6246609

If you posted this on the /g/ thread you would have gotten 100x replies

>> No.6246614

good example

funny thing is, all frogposters, AI freaks, the Trannime spammer... are all probably the same person
the ic board is slow by nature, bad moderation leads to this shit threads.

>> No.6246618

I don't care about the /g/ thread. I honestly don't give a fuck about what those people think, why should I? Why they even need to came here anyway, why the hell some motherfuckers care that a dude makes 100 dollars from 8 hours of work because is art when people make literal millions from just being pretty, how do you guys even start to compare that, I honestly don't get it.
Jesus Christ, what in the hell is wrong with 30% of codemonkeys. Is that it? Artists are often insane and mentally ill and codemonkeys are just downright stupid to the point you start to question their entire cognitive capacity. I noticed that before but I just didn't wanted to be rude.

Either way, this sort of thing just filter the incompetent. I know a little about coding and I know you can automate the most basic as easy as anything else. A lot of it is just getting confused by the syntax. But if I'm coding a game and I just want for a character to jump you probably could write an AI that translates "Character jumps at 3.5 units when letter W is pressed and runs at 2 units per at right when letter D is pressed, no momentum carry" or things of that nature and can just chose the language and the AI will do the most optimized work possible. I've seen some tools on GitHub that make the process of modding certain games or do some really basic shit someone out there gets paid to do just a bunch of bottom pressing, is the sort of thing you could teach a monkey how to do. What is hard about coding is inovating and making sure it runs smoothly, but I'm pretty sure if is just a bunch of trial and error you also could teach a AI to bug fix. At least artists are natural innovators, AI can only copy but can't really create new styles or designs, if you have something novel you will standout, what most simple professions can do to standout? If AI takes over Art is probably one of the things that will be hit less, specially in first world countries.

>> No.6246620

Honestly, I think Anime is the most affected by this since there are so many samples, and they're all very similar to each other.

That said, I think they've only shown shitty, similiar-ish headshots. In other words, useless garbage not useful to anyone.

>> No.6246633

It really sucks,having your work mistaken for AI is gonna increase... how do the "static portrait of a girl" painters feel? I haven't seen much commentary from those types.

I wonder though, as coherency increases for AI images, if surreal art is going to be seen as more human, deliberately breaking the rules the AI has learned.

>> No.6246640

I don't think it's only one person, is probably something close to 2 or 3. Probably a group of fags on some discord group. if you are curious I'm pretty sure I know who one person is and he lives on UK, I've been tracking him down for a couple of months now just a side thing. I say there schizo that keeps spamming shit on this board is actually a small group because for what I noticed he also has a little friend that is a lot dumber than he is.

But no confirmation yet, I'm waiting to see if what I have on him is actually true and not just false positives.

>> No.6246655

>Incredible how I only see this AI spam on this board
Hmm I wonder why is the art board so concerned about this AI that has replaced concept artists in a matter of weeks and is already flooding every place where we publish our art. Must be discordtrannies.
Don't listen to the howlings and cries behind that doors, just keep drawing in hope to become a great artist like that one who just erased all his work from twitter for some reason

>> No.6246666

your life must trully be sad af, mr crab

>> No.6246677

I work on a physical canvas, you who bought onto the digital jewish trick are irrecoverably ruined though because every time you share your work anywhere the machine will absorb it. There's no point in coping when people can just img2img or do inpainting to your own picture and claim it as theirs. Can people get a domestic printer AI that replicates brushstrokes? Not before the top digital artist goes jobless for sure. Right now I am seeing a serial killer entering the neighbor's house and I'm reporting what I see to the neighbor

>> No.6246679

take your meds

>> No.6246687

It doesn't happen on /i/. I don't see people going on /i/ to post their "prompts" or even anything close to it. What is the difference?

>> No.6246693

>surreal art is going to be seen as more human
I actually feel that's AI's strong suit. AI just sucks at making things coherent. We ask for a load of writhing bodies, and it will get an image that immediately conveys that, but also seems to not actually portray a single body at all.

But I think we'll see very soon what kinda tricks AI art tends to gravitate around (like which compositions or colours etc), and people will start making reactionary art to ensure people can tell they're not using AI.

>> No.6246695

It's weakness is it's strength in that area right now.
I am interested in seeing the reactionary art, and how it evolves as the AI evolves.

>> No.6246696

to be fair though, at first glance the american comedian falling seemed like an act, because just before she was making fun of the unvaccinated. God truly has a sense of humour.

>> No.6246699

I can think in at least 5 or 6 styles that would counter Ai art for now. Diagonal lines, mazes and complex designs. ultra-cartoon proportions with non-conventional facial features (cyclopes anime girls, multi-eyed cute portraits, bizarre clean aesthetics like denpa with dark undertones). My main thing is that I can create different styles if I want too, I'm curious to see how many things someone can make to counters AI in particular.

I think one simple one is probably screen tone. I don't AI deals well with certain patterns and it can look fucked up, so hatching and screen tone are one of those, basically you counter AI chaos with natural clean order that it can't understand that well. If one of the codemonkeys could be so gentle of trying to see if wilds any result I will be thankful.

I was also thinking in posting my art upside down, more like a form of protest, but I don't want to start that shit just to play the martyr, if other people starting doing not to be connected with me starting I will do it.

>> No.6246709

>I don't AI deals well with certain patterns and it can look fucked up
Pretty much agreed. One of the main tells of AI art is the wrong number of fingers on hands.

>> No.6246710
File: 95 KB, 1071x806, 1633725030001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caught corona in 2019 before it was known
>never been that sick in my life
>one week after was completely fine
>vaxx gets announced
>decide to not get it and wait
>rest of the family all got the jab after they had to get it to keep their job
>they all got sick but nothing serious
>most jabs get recalled
>ones that are available cause heart problem
>decide to definitely not get the jab
>haven't actually been sick with anything since i got corona in 2019
>tfw i ask people if they got the jab for shits and giggles

>> No.6246711
File: 160 KB, 940x788, Informareonline-Blame-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6246713

Hatching is a big one, especially the likes of Terada.
I thought of upside down option too, and deliberately obnoxious watermarks, but maybe watermarks become an art form in of themselves?

>> No.6246731
File: 1.27 MB, 890x704, screentone test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an attempt at screentones and hatching, screen tones are pretty chunky, sort of a moire pattern that resembles macro blocking.

>> No.6246737

I think AI uses some sort of depth buffer to identify certain features and apply it using some sort of pattern by identify what feature is which.

You probably can break the machine by giving more notions of abstract depth outside just gradient and value. So lines are a good one since they rely mostly on actual human abstraction. You probably could do a similar effect using color if you go close to something absurd like fauvism using ultra saturated colors to defy depth instead of just values if you still want to do surrealism.

I like the idea of the "unique artistic watermaker", maybe artists could have vigils of sorts instead of signatures, so if you saw the pattern on some art and still was visible you know it was stolen from "x" artist. Is probably the less intrusive and obnoxious form of water mark I can think off.
Still is pretty chaotic, I think the meta really is trying to do clean and orderly hatching.

>> No.6246744

Yeah, I'd also add onto this (and furthering the surreal discussion); symbolic art. If I wanted to draw something like a person being caged within another person's head (symbolic for madness let's say); I doubt AI could handle that particularly well as there is no real photo and likely little to no art to reference. Other strongly symbolic and surreal drawings would also cause problems.

The right one has a pencil shading on rough paper feel rather than screen tone or hatching.

>> No.6246760

Another trick I thought of, is objects that have continuity despite being blocked by objects in front. strands of hair, wires, tubes(terada has this in the bag). AI usually doesn't keep much continuity beyond basic larger shapes.

>> No.6246764

Who else here has accepted that art will die in less than 10 years and all the time you spent learning was a waste?
What are you going to do in the future?

>> No.6246769

In 10 years my crypto will be worth 0 or millions... I will draw anyway, even if it was illegal.

>> No.6246771

drawing is embedded into our dna, there is no waste in learning to draw, programming a robot to make images for you is like making a robot to play tennis for you. there's no real benefits other than novelty on a personal level

>> No.6246775

Most people don’t even know where they will be in 5 years. What’s the point of renting space in your head for doomsday in a decade when the probability of this actually not being a scam is low?

>> No.6246778

We may not even have electricity in 10 years, who knows.

>> No.6246784

Funny thought I just imagined the people of the future who would be watching E3 when the presenter says at the end “and best of all…our artists put their heart and soul into these assets. That’s right, all Assassin’s Creed 18 assets is AI free!”. Then the crowd hoots and roars (from their their headsets).

>> No.6246786

But then, what happens if AI becomes sentient. Would we as humans be discriminating if such a practice goes around?

>> No.6246789

You can really feel the soul in these dirt textures! I gotta look up the texture artist

>> No.6246797

>art will die in less than 10 years
So long as Pen and paper exist, I'm happy to continue drawing. It doesn't have to be work and just continue being a hobby.

>> No.6246798
File: 36 KB, 529x518, 1660173386264186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My interests in art go into eventually telling stories with them through mediums, so it's hardly a waste for me. My real concern would be content fatigue among the populace and how that pans out. Sure some people will still get filtered by the prompt system because effort in any shape for something you aren't passionate about will get you, but it's still gonna explode the amount that's out there. I also wonder if these a.i machines have invited a monopoly on creativity. What stops a corporation from invoking a law that makes generated art copyrightable and then produce ungodly amount of concepts and slap a ownership label on them? Effectively locking every conceivable idea in all its forms down? It can't be stopped now, it would be in our best interests as artists to expand our expertise beyond the pen and bristle, to better weather whatever crazy nonsense comes a decade from now.

>> No.6246800

As if the AI wants to make textures for us. The AI would probably just want to chill and watch porn like the rest of us.

>> No.6246801

cia and mi6 are in overdrive with these threads lmao

>> No.6246824

>all the time you spent learning was a waste?
not really, i'm making art as my productive hobby instead of wasting my time in this website
>What are you going to do in the future?
i'm a CS grad, probably working on something

>> No.6246827

just learn programming, bro

>> No.6246836

>just learn programming, bro
They're already talking about a programming AI.

>> No.6246845

>programming AI.
lol it'll take more years to perfect it

>> No.6246846

>t.we are legion we are nevar 4get

>> No.6246847

Same with these other AIs, not going to stop it from disrupting things sooner rather than later.

>> No.6246850

Anyone can translate?

>> No.6246851

>I thought technology was supposed to improve people’s lives

>> No.6246856

>That's why it's asking you to feed it...so it can learn what it means to be human
so Tay.AI reborn when on what media site nexy

>> No.6246867

I will turn the starving subhumans trying to break in my farm into organic fertilizer for my crops.

>> No.6246868

lmao, lol even

>> No.6246870

Based on people's concerns, they're shutting down the beta to rework it.

>> No.6246874

Kek, now they'll get beaten by Chinks. Fucking Nips

>> No.6246875

Alot of Jap artists today are accusing it of plagiarism and copyright violation. They are even holding a plan to sue it.

>> No.6246878

What do you think the 'vaccine' was for? The elites think of most the population as useless eaters it is only natural they want to kill them off.

>inb4 the elites need hordes of Africans and middle class americattle consuming the planets limited resources

This is simply not true. With technological advances the lives of the elites could easily and sustainably be supported by less than a billion goyim with that number declining overtime due to crushed fertility and further technological advancement.

>> No.6246882
File: 121 KB, 748x462, 1661508523842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this on /g/ with the text
>how to draw an owl in 2022

>> No.6246884

We're in the home stretch of civilization. Everything has led up to this: the era when machines finally replaced humans.

>> No.6246907

I worked in tech for a while. Many of the top people were literal sociopaths dude. Like literally got off on suffering.

>> No.6246922
File: 70 KB, 621x465, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6246924

When someone trying to do something really original it's almost always creepy cringe. Because all good always invented and drawn. It's like an inventing an original fork and spoon.

>> No.6246966

>They are even holding a plan to sue it.
Why is it that we hear about a clear plan for such things from the japanese before their AI even releases, meanwhile america's art industry is too cucked to sue their companies? Fuck, why isn't any western association/guild/union/group of artists planning legal action?

I'm not even that giddy on them doing it, but it's better than being a bunch of bitter moping bastards.

>> No.6246973

it will take years to learn programing and the entry level jobs are the ones that go first

>> No.6246993
File: 444 KB, 1024x1446, FbZtgGtUYAIhu-R.translated (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6246996
File: 451 KB, 1024x1446, FbZtjJIVEAAOnl1.translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6247023

I get the feeling these guys at least respect artists, the people their product is built on the shoulders of, a lot more than the shitsters at Dall-e, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion.

>> No.6247044

Dalle-e, Midjourney, and Diffusion all obviously built their programs off of artist's work. How do we sue them? Apparently they laughed at some of the artists that reached out to them.


>> No.6247069
File: 812 KB, 500x281, 1639633607356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a way that's true, but the entertainment in sports is watching the performance.
When it comes to art, the consumed product is 99% of the time the finished piece, and only a few people are interested in watching the author working on it.

That or street performers who make art in front of your eyes, but that's not a fun career path.

>> No.6247079

There's been some discussion about how fair use doesn't actually protect these programs, as they are a threat to the artists' work, which is apparently against fair use policy. Frankly I think the lawsuit should also be aimed at specifically changing the laws for AIs, but either way, it's better to take action that just bitch and moan about it on twitter.

I'm not even concerned about AI myself, but I'm just annoyed by spineless cunts talking shit, but not doing anything.

>> No.6247282


>> No.6247306

I give it two weeks until a Korean dev releases something exactly like that, and cant be persecuted as easily or hold any pity for japs

>> No.6247309
File: 193 KB, 1421x1086, 1655103040368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japs unironically post how anons make fun of effeminate faggots
when memes becomes reality

>> No.6247325

Another example of all those threads are full of crabs just trying to antagonize people. I'm pretty we have rules against trolling and mods don't do anything.

Is incredible how it seems all this tech is being use for is for that. Nothing of actually value until now, I din't seen anything really creative that wasn't people just saving pictures. No new concept, no new grounding breaking process that justify this to exist, not in the eyes of any real artist. Even the comics kinda suck because the person behind it was a nigger who literal zero understanding of graphical design or even any aesthetic that made the whole thing a joke, if he used pictures from the internet the end result would had more cohesion.

I get it that for a lot of tech guys they can only think about scamming people, is the only reason why they create their things, I watched entire presentations about Apps where the recommended thing to do in other to profit is to trick people in to clicking ADS and 70% of all people who work with this sort of thing are drifters looking for a quick profit and seem to hate working with it outside money, but the fact they don't understand why people get in to art is kinda baffling. What I'm not impressed is they needing to come here to feel validated about how we feel.

>> No.6247331
File: 209 KB, 1600x900, zuck.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you WILL live in za Meta
>you WILL love za AI

>> No.6247341
File: 274 KB, 768x896, FbUuyf7agAAe7Z1.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been following a manga artist who's actively experimenting with ai for manga. Some stuff hes working on.

>> No.6247342
File: 261 KB, 768x896, FbUuziFakAASs5l.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6247343
File: 2.54 MB, 2600x2400, FbFBQ5naAAITnDG.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6247345

Don't they just put a filter over a photo for manga backgrounds nowadays anyway?

>> No.6247347
File: 252 KB, 768x896, FbUuy3JakAAY4Kb.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some did yeah, but some did draw their own backgrounds.

>> No.6247348

probably the most practical use of AI

>> No.6247354

Yea. If you wanna read some of his write ups/tests:
and twitter

>> No.6247357

Kinda cool what's the source? This is the first ai thing that peaked my interest

>> No.6247375

That's neat, though the extra people scattered around the background are distractingly bad.

>> No.6247378

watch sam hydes tedx talk

>> No.6247399

Using on the background is kinda useless, if I wanted to have no real control how things looked I would use the Asano ino method that is just as easy and looks 100 times better, even the end result looks like shitty sketches that you will have to clean up aft wards, really redundant.

It honestly kinda sucks, the buildings have no detail or contrast, if you are planing on having a establishing shot like that will waste much more time doing the fine detail, this will at maximum save you 20 min of work for a price I don't see worth it.
This, this is trash. No really, is not even because I dislike AI, is just because is so fucking bad. When it doesn't look stiff it looks stupid or just a complete different picture that is just similar to what I posted. Who the hell would use that in a manga if you can't have visual consistency? And all seem to be this really simple poses that in any good book would ideally be used once every two pages so things don't looks static and boring. Gimmick trash, you are better using 3D models if you want to save time.

>> No.6247408

And what prompts was used?

>> No.6247833

Fucking abubu again
He blocked me on Twitter because I called him lazy over his AI shilling.

>> No.6247853 [DELETED] 

We need to start branding these hacks like it was being done with jews, every time you mention his name put AI in the end so AbubuAI gets for having "his" work compared to that of a bot

>> No.6247858

We need to start branding these hacks like it was being done with jews, every time you mention his name put AI in the end so AbubuAI gets pissed for having "his" work compared to that of a bot

>> No.6248255

Those devasted by this and the lost of human touch, just move into music, mainly music performing, AI willl never take away the experience of actually hearing/seeing an actual human musician playing music. Learn guitar or piano or something like that

>> No.6248258

AI art is generic and will remain generic forever. Human art is the only kind that branches out.

>> No.6248264

>Human art
That can be replicated eventually, not that far from now our brains are complex but very basic in what we react to, let's not even begin about our trash eyes

>> No.6248266

AI works off of a preset algorithm, but every human artist ends up with their own style.

>> No.6248270
File: 31 KB, 529x579, 168484848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually pajeets will kidnap you and feed your neurons to their AI so it replaces you and none of your parents or friends notices it

>> No.6248272

You realize every style is just a set of variables that artists play with and tune right? That all can be replicated

>> No.6248273

They can be replicated by copying human art!
>draw chud in Kim Jung Gi's style

>> No.6248274

It can be replicated but any of the intent or reasoning or individuality that led to those choices is absent. So if you're looking for another human there it will feel alienating and hollow

>> No.6248290
File: 106 KB, 800x450, I-have-no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people say there's no emotion behind AI pictures, but every time I look into one I can feel a sheol with souls of screaming artists being forever tortured in the canvas as they are melted, erased, mixed, blurted out in pixels patterns to appease some redditor who wanted an AI generated funk pop

>> No.6248313

Yes, but no one thought that AI is only a tool that receives orders, imagination is what humans value, that is, if you are a failure without imagination, no matter how good the AI is, you will continue to be in the shit.
No one cares about your tons of personal fetish shit, instead creative art wins.

>> No.6248318

based junji ito enjoyer

>> No.6248319
File: 1.01 MB, 768x923, dallemini_2022-8-31_2-13-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the meantime

>> No.6248321


Bias and Limitations

While the capabilities of image generation models are impressive, they may also reinforce or exacerbate societal biases. While the extent and nature of the biases of the DALL·E mini model have yet to be fully documented, given the fact that the model was trained on unfiltered data from the Internet, it may generate images that contain stereotypes against minority groups. Work to analyze the nature and extent of these limitations is ongoing, and will be documented in more detail in the DALL·E mini model card.

pure shit censored

>> No.6248323

yet every stroke of every drawing has an incredible amount of creative decision making that goes into it. Just look at the differences between Bridgman's figures and Michelangelo's, or Pontormo's. They all nude figures, and they all belong to the same school of thought, yet they're all wildly different. AI will forever be derivative of itself

>> No.6248326

Girl in the middle could be a 2 second jumpscare sprite in an indie horror game.

>> No.6248348

>AI tranny stopped replying
we won

>> No.6248384

Maybe if we ask it "why?", it will self-destruct.

>> No.6248419

what did you win, dumbfart?
>if i close my eyes maybe ai will go away

>> No.6248446

>still no counterarguments

>> No.6248461

What artist?

>> No.6248466

>still no countera-ACK

>> No.6249181
File: 186 KB, 327x325, 1658558253621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





Here is a picture of a Janitor wielding a sword in anime style I made with AI, to participate in this wonderful thread.

Have a bump, why not?
These threads are 100% approved and allowed by moderation, after all.

>> No.6249185

mods do not care about art

>> No.6249202
File: 8 KB, 715x58, 589ad90592a5c4bc8e9b658cf72eebc4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast nigger

>> No.6249273

does anyone know where I can buy some ai? I thought it was just a shortened version of AnIme?????

>> No.6249414

/i/ is the fun, community-focused art hobby board, /ic/ is for people who are trying to make a living with their craft. /i/ is not concerned with commercial applicability, just like /diy/ isn't going to go into meltdown over automatization in industrial manufacturing processes.

>> No.6249524

All these things still require art that was actually created by real people, so what's the point.

>> No.6249560

You are delirious if you don't believe there's already enough anime to adapt into any prompt

>> No.6249647

Definitely not if you want a certain artstyle and more than just a generic headshot or full body shot.
Or anything with advanced poses, current topics, characters etc.

>> No.6249657
File: 1.76 MB, 3140x2000, rampant theft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"""AI art""" is theft en masse

>> No.6249668

Oh shit, another ones bite the dust. KEK

>> No.6249689
File: 236 KB, 1040x1200, 1661440978714085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go innawoods

>> No.6249710

Realism and other shit western styles have already been taken over a long time ago.

Millions of fake people generators make better faces than any artist ever could.
Dalle already fucked background and concept artists.

The only thing left was replication the soul of anime drawings, now it's truly over.

>> No.6249712

You needed asian genes to draw anime. Now in two weeks a pajeet startup will fill Mangadex with AI-generated comics

>> No.6249737
File: 14 KB, 174x236, nuclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys big tech just blacklisted the literal President of the United States
>lol who cares chud

>hey guys big tech just stole everyone's art

>> No.6249805

If all the rights belong to the original owner of the illustrations used to generate the images, could one achieve easy mass production of different poses, backgrounds and characters in their own artstyle with just 3-4 completed illustrations?

>> No.6249811

all art generating AI will be handicapped in the future due copyright management. have fun while you can.

>> No.6249817 [DELETED] 

>3-4 completed illustrations
300-400 billion maybe

>> No.6249821

that's a good point. I'm actually with you on that one

>> No.6249824

Stable Diffusion was trained on 5.8 billion images. It's nothing more than a pattern recognition algorithm, not an artist that can understand concepts and objects.

>> No.6249825

>h-h-hey amazon you um.. you u-used my artwork in your worldchanging AI superalgorithm
>s-stop it or i will report you to Bernie Sanders!
It's your cope and if it feels good go for it I guess but let it be known that you are an utter retard

>> No.6249836

>he doesn't know what lawsuits are
come back once you've graduated high school

>> No.6249837

>inserting political someone.
lol. it doesn't matter who is in charge or country. No one has give any consent for the production of these things. and that becomes a real issue f you want to sell it as a product.

reports in masse. any artists demanding all their work to be removed. also it only takes one law to ruin it all.
again enjoy it while is freeforall

>> No.6249840

>thinking lawsuits from goyim apply against companies more powerful than any king who has ever lived in all of human history
go ahead and try honey

>> No.6249841

I think so. If you look at certain slice of life anime, they all kinda have the same face. But with different wigs. You could probably generate a new character, in your style, that would fit right in.

>> No.6249842

Elon Musk doesn't love you, goy

>> No.6249844

>in masse
Based ESL retards sincerely believing that the government will lift a finger against Amazon. I didn't know shithole countries still pushed the whole "Land of equality and opportunity" meme.

>> No.6249852

for shit like amazon you agreed to be used as training for AI. for scrapping the internet people didn't. is not the same even on legal level.

>> No.6249856

good morning sir yes........ artists will defeat oppressive company stealing our hard made picture. no more creative country than INDIA and they are trying to STEAL our art.........

>> No.6249895

>resorting to racism
you've been backed into a corner and you know it. The incessant AI shitposting has artists now organizing and attacking these "AI" search engine companies

>> No.6249902

I'm sorry, I didn't think you were actually Indian. If it's any consolation millions of your kin have already inflicted what you're about to go through on white westerners

>> No.6250074

Amazon might rule your anus and the Shatmarts of America, but it certainly does not have any influence on the laws in the other side of the world
>IT pajeet using his race as projection
Holy kek

>> No.6250082

U basically give us the answer to destroy the Ai.
Is there a way we can make that happen on purpose ?

>> No.6250094

based ESL clueless /pol/ spic

>> No.6250202

this is extremely specific yet strongly accurate :<

>> No.6250231

>buy the latest housekeeping model
>robo-maid with superintelligence/multipurpose cooks, cleans, milks me dry and is the one bringing money to the household everyday
Oh wow, haha the future looks awful haha who would like to live like that… haha…

>> No.6250243
File: 38 KB, 720x960, FDY7cxIWQAEOsiQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who pays for your robot mommy? You certainly can't, with all the jobs being automated, suck on UBI. Heck, you can't even afford meat anymore.

>> No.6250251
File: 2.13 MB, 350x262, 1640624604687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me and my family? No problem.
Future generations are the ones that are completely FUCKED.

>> No.6250252

The forces behind all AI algorithms being obsessively vetted for problematic logic and discriminatory conclusions will not let you have a sex bot in a thousand years

>> No.6250259
File: 117 KB, 1024x976, 1661907174960248m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incels will never have their male wish fulfillment fantasy realized. The AI will deny them pussy and they will be accused of robot rape if they go further lmao

>> No.6250264

I guarantee you cartels will run underground sexbot brothels in Tijuana.

>> No.6250271

stupid things, it will be pirated, any piece of technological shit is already pirated and hacked, each thing has a specific audience, besides, it is convenient for the sex industry to sell, progressives are worried that a piece of plastic is prostituted, as if they were real people, So how are they going to end the prostitution of people? tremendous contradiction

>> No.6250272

No spic can invent one and Japan will be post-Japanese by the time the tech to make one is possible

>> No.6250279

I don't think artificial waifus will be a physical robot, at least not for a while yet, too many people are embarrassed to have something like that around the house. I think vr waifu that connects to sex toys will be the thing that kicks it off, something that is easy to hide. Bots will come when that is an accepted norm the way porn is now.

>> No.6250291

Chinese will likely build these and sell them on aliexpress to third worlders, it will take a lot of effort to make a full android though like building a game PC shipping part by part to not be taxed and confiscated by the mailing service

>> No.6250332

>I watch hand drawn animation for the human touch. A computer is too perfect.

lol lmao

>> No.6250340

Ohnonono help me bros my robot wife was hacked by some russian malware when I used her RAM to run a game and now she became hardwired to fuck dogs

>> No.6250421

Meds, now.

>> No.6250445

not him and you will know the pain when your robot wife gets used as a counter stike 1.5 server until you pay some doggecoins. is all your fault for make her download shady jailbreak configfiles to unlock sex functions.

>> No.6250473

I honestly think the only answer would be comunism. I don't know what sector will be the last to be automated, but I doubt even programmers have too much time, I doubt it'll take too long until AIs can self replicate and write code better and more efficiently than humans. Not sure exactly how the shift from capitalism to communism would occur but as the population loses their jobs to machines the government has to estabilish some social policies to keep what's left of the economy going. The utopian ending is with machines doing all the work and enough natural resources to sustain this world for a while humans can live peacefully as (mostly) equals. There's also other factors like machines getting sentience and the ethics of it but I'm too dumb to think about all that.
Regardless, I think we'll definetely see a communist(ish?) wave in the next few decades after some major wealth disparity.

>> No.6250477

you think UBI will be a dream? This is the worst fucking case scenario

>> No.6250492

With an abundance of resources it could work. I don't know if there's another way though, like what even happens to money when the only people participating in the economy are the top <1%?

>> No.6250523
File: 56 KB, 639x480, images - 2022-08-31T233258.238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way humans will find work in the future of automated replacement will be working as living chairs and tables in the manor of some rich ugly bastard with Forniphilia

>> No.6250589

>Most of you /ic/ fags have no idea whats coming.
Not me. I’ve been predicting this for like two years and my comments never get any (you)s. I’m fully aware that tech will progress to the point that not only prompts for still images but probably for full length episodes and even films may be inevitable. I’ve even said we might even get to the point where we all have completely unique AI generated shows and movies that the tech instantly generates just for us. Netflix doesn’t need a budget for producing shows if the computer can instantly create a new shitty season of Corporate Dogshit Show whenever we finish Soulless Media Trshcan. What with peoples ever dropping standards, wtf do they care if a show is any good or if it was made by a bot. All that matters is that it’s on and it’s new.

>> No.6250594

This only stops if artists can band together and dismantle these machines. These AI are just pattern recognition machines, and they're nothing without human innovation.

>> No.6250599

This no-jobs future is a bizarre concept if you think about it. Even the top 1% will change dramatically because you can't just hide this kind of technology behind the scenes like people did with industrial know-hows. AI is not a scarce raw material that one assburger can't use in his bedroom. I guess shit will hit the fan at some point.
damn it took me a while to notice that pic is 3d

>> No.6250605

Another possible solution is for us to come up with our own publishing circles. The age of blacksmithing is over and industrial fuckery took over so we might as well start our own plant since we will be a step ahead of nodraw AI redditors who lack even the most basic fundies. The internet is going to become a big junkyard where people can't bother digging for gems, so they will need to rely completely on the big brands to filter low effort 5-min AI trash from popular high quality content for them. If we came up with our own group people would also be more likely to view our work rather than some twitter randos who will be left behind to be trampled over by AI hordes

>> No.6250608

Digital automation is much easier than things that require machinery or manual labour etc. I really don't think any of us will be seeing UBI in our lifetimes, after all we are already running out of resources and housing and gasoline. It's more likely all the entertainment jobs will be automated and the working class will be stuck doing shitty nursing jobs and the like meanwhile the wealthy invest all their money into stupid shit nobody wants like AI art

>> No.6250615
File: 32 KB, 479x640, 158485858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.6250674

Recently I'm watching people drawing on twitch right now so that's something.

>> No.6250680

>just be a streamer

>> No.6250682

even that market is oversaturated like art and music kek

>> No.6250691

Quote from that video you posted:
>By which textprompts, are able to spur visual creations that are now surpassing, even the most talented artist alive.
Are they? I have yet to see proof of that.

>> No.6250720

>people are unironically defending programmers

>> No.6250749

Nodraw retards they be. Seethe in jealousy, they are.

>> No.6250787

With this AI shit out I was reading about future technologies we'll have soon
Basically you don't want to be alive by 2030 or so otherwise you will see the true man made horrors come to fruition. Treasure every day, and pray for a nuclear fallout above all else

>> No.6250789

Curing Cancer and ending World Hunger should be at the top of their list, but neither makes it as a full bulletpoint. What a joke.

>> No.6250797

You will be able to wire transfer your consciousness to the cloud before you can completely kill cancer kek. Seems like some transhumanist agenda to decrease biological bodies. Everything in that article is far off based on best-scenario business plans anyway, but when these days naturally come by you will remember reading these predicitions as if it was yesterday

>> No.6250803

>but probably for full length episodes and even films may be inevitable
Firstly, here's a (you) you poor bastard. Secondly, nobody doubts these things, it's just we're seeing this rough as fuck AI shit and people are already talking about making full (dogshit) comics with them, or films, or whatever else. You're seeing the first horse drawn carriage and talking about about motor vehicles - it has no relevance to us right now, we're talking about the current situation.

Though who knows, your predictions could all be true by next year, what am I? Nostradamus?

>Most transactions are Blockchain transactions
>Permanent Mars Colony
>Two Space Elevators
>Cyber Eyes
Brain Chips
Haha, what a stupid fucking article

Actually they have AIs that go over blood works and x-rays and such and they have a MUCH higher success rate in diagnosing things that doctors couldn't even see yet (cancer for example) - it's definitely making great strides in that regard as well at least.

>> No.6250807

>You'll be able to jack into the Matrix in 4 years!
>Can't even run 4k games at 60fps yet.
Yeah yeah, don't forget hoverboards and flying cars.

>> No.6250808


>The only people who are relatively safe from having their jobs taken over by AI are the following:
>People in careers requiring high levels of creativity...

>> No.6250812

>People in careers requiring high levels of creativity...
It's obviously talking about prompters.

>> No.6250816

question is

can AI make me coom with their drawing or not. that's what i'm looking for so if AI can't guess i still buying doujinshi,fanbox,patreon coomer stuff......

>> No.6250822

They were obviously taking creative liberties with the article...

>> No.6250825
File: 154 KB, 851x850, 1661951007314318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf redditbros the AI is more empathic than us...

>> No.6250829 [DELETED] 

>check the article about 10000 years into the future
>ftl travel
>wormhole travel
>multiversal travel
yeah no this journo has no clue about anything whatsoever, will get replaced by gpt-4 for sure

>> No.6250839

Both his and the machine's knowledge extend to having played the mass effect triology

>> No.6250963

Anime is so generic and symbol-drawn that it already looks machine generated so this isn't a surprise.

>> No.6251077
File: 30 KB, 874x541, people-actually-make-their-own-business.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anon you see, there is an alternative to UBI, which is UBS, technically many countries are somewhat around there, you already have "free" basic education, "free" law enforcement, "free" social security, your government won't simply let you die out of hunger, of course you pay heavy taxation, but really, provided your management isn't run by some nomenklatura you can get great social coverage.

Honestly, there is nothing bad about it, I have always been impressed on why USA's right wing hate these things so much except for "free" law enforcement despite many being quite in need of these things, it's like they are too proud to recognize everyone needs a certain degree of comunal security, that's why modern nations evolved from autocracies where the average subject was cannon fodder and cheap farm labor.

There is this economist which pointed out all the things I have cited were given to the boomer generation which allowed them to have so many resources, but nowadays they don't want to give the next generations the exact same advantages they got to be where they are, but then again, most of them are already over 60, in the next years social pressures like the ones created by these sort of technological advancements will make everyone remember that, as Michael Moore said back when he predicted Trump was going to win, by the end of the day, is one vote per person, and we can have our day to fix things up.

Oh, and no, this doesn't have to cripple the market, anyone telling you countries like the ones in Scandinavia are socialist republics hasn't even bothered to check the dictionary, read Marx or check how actually these nations organize their economies and social care, in fact, having the net means you can more safely create your own business, in art and otherwise.


>> No.6251397

Did you use AI to write this?

>> No.6252021

that's where "get in the pod, eat the bugs" come in, if you are gonna pay ubi you have to drastically decrease the cost of living, get people trapped multiple addictions and they will be to stuck to put up any kind of resistance

>> No.6252093


>> No.6252570

Yet another coping attempt on /ic/ about AI’s what’s new?

>> No.6252813
File: 992 KB, 760x931, craiyon_221015_LITTLE_CARTOON_GIRLS_KISSING_EACH_OTHER_nbsp_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is fucking ironic that AI can replicate Anime and even fine arts but the most abstract and absurd it gets it's harder for it to the point it sucks completely at drawing cartoons, unfortunately, everyones seems to hate cartoons nowadays

>> No.6252836

Craiyon is the most retarded AI that exists. Try this prompt on something like SD and you will see why even cartoonists are worried