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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 555 KB, 803x554, 1633635621306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6245315 No.6245315 [Reply] [Original]

People still pay for porn, even though every fetish imaginable is out there for free including billions of pictures and videos you can access from anywhere.
People donate thousands to unfunny ecelebs online, even though they put as much effort as their 50,000 copycats.

Your art is not your brand, it is part of your brand.
YOU *are* the brand. Your consistency, your witty, personalized ideas can be more valuable than any AI.
A layman is going to be way too fucking lazy to create their own images, comcis, and whatnot, and will find much more joy in finding someone who he or she believes will put actual effort and consistency into their work.

This whole breakthrough in text-to-image technology is going to be a great filter.
There will be a phase where commission prices will drop significantly, people spreading more fear than they ever could across this board.

But in the end, comission artists will succeed again. Those who have quit artistry will have lost a lot of investment for nothing.
Be mindful, believe in yourself.

>> No.6245323

I hate normalfags so fucking much.

>> No.6245325

This is Eric Rhoads tiers of cope. Just give up.

>> No.6245326

I would rather share the board with normal fags than with retarded trannime posters. Normal fags are naive and fun, trannime retards are cheap, smell like shit and want to fuck children.

>> No.6245331

Reposting what I said elsewhere, this image ironically makes me feel less worried about being "replaced" by AI. I never wanted a corporate art job, I always wanted to build a following making my own content independently. There were already many artists way better than me, so it was always going to be an uphill battle, so an influx of generic normies with generic normie taste making generic images with AI isn't even a challenge, we aren't even playing the same game.
99% of them are probably just going to use AI to make basic "muh heckin Avengers teaming up with muh heckin Overwatchers to fight muh heckin Sithlords!!!" shit.

>> No.6245330

oh my god shut up

>> No.6245335

I am so fucking depressed about the future.

>> No.6245337

Stop drawing naked children maybe I'll stop then

>> No.6245340

you're dumb and stinky
nobody will follow you cos u suck

>> No.6245341

I haven't seen a single person even interested in making avengers or star wars shit with ai. Most ai users are generating trannime garbage

>> No.6245344

>There were already many artists way better than me, so it was always going to be an uphill battle,
I think creativity beats pure skill.
You can be a turbo-xerox machine creating god-tier renders on Art Station, but someone making cute and goofy duck comics on Twitter will probably have 10x more followers than you.

Of course, that is not to say that artistic ability is to neglected or put aside, creating a brand of yourself is something you should slowly digest starting now.

>> No.6245352

People still pay for brand name garbage for one hundred times the price of the exact same bootlegs. Making a name for yourself as an artist is how you survive. Skills are secondary.

>> No.6245355

tranime is normalfag shit

>> No.6245359

Yes but normalfgs aren't trannime posters. They might watch random Nike once in a while but don't want to have sex with animated children or spend years trying to draw children having sex or post inane trannime shit on 4chan

>> No.6245360

This is how techfags respond when they know they've lost. Their goal was to kill artists, and they will forever cope and seethe when they realize the soulless mind of an ice cold machine will never put out the fire of the human spirit.
Probably because it hasn't been trained on it sufficiently yet. It does Spiderman well, but then other characters just come out looking like shit for some reason. That'll change eventually, and the moment they can do it, they will.
Maybe they'll do the occasional "muh heckin Goku fighting muh heckin Superman!!!" thing.
Either way, my point is normies will always make generic crap.
I agree with this 100%

>> No.6245363
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>complaining about anime
>on 4chan

>> No.6245366

AI is not th-ACK!
Love the cope boyos. 3 AI threads on the frontpage. Keep it up.

>> No.6245367
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>> No.6245381

Yeah better complaint about le dumb normalfags and how we le quirky 4channers are so much better and unique. This being said trannime has over 10 containment boards including shitposting boards where they can post their inane pedophile crap

>> No.6245387


>> No.6245412
File: 170 KB, 1080x1282, 16479841123654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy, you got my post so fucking wrong.
I said to accelerate, but all that's waiting at the end of the tunnel is a wall.

The whole landscape as you know it now will be completely different.
Commissions? Dead.
Followers and social media? Dead.
AI? Standard practice for the industry, animation, illustration, marketing and more.
Brands? This the exact thing AI will replace. And it's a good thing.

I do have to agree on one point:
>Your personalized ideas can be more valuable than any AI.
The effort and wit you think you have to put into that, make it 100 fold.
Unless you have a really exceptional work that btfos the AI in every way possible, the layman won't even care about the existence of your work.

Your only chance is to be an actual genuine person than try to sell yourself or pander to an audience.
It's a rebirth and unless you aren't afraid to show your soul, you ain't making it out of limbo.

>People donate thousands to unfunny ecelebs online, even though they put as much effort as their 50,000 copycats.
I can tell you that all those donations are not coming from real people, but it's money laundering.
Just wait a few years and you will have someone hacking into the all the payment sites and exposing this information.

>> No.6245417

Anyone with a brain knows AI isn't the end. All this doomposting about it is from people just wanting to shitpost and weren't drawing in the first place.


Really, why do people keep trying to push this as an insult? It's like something a twelve year old would think he was smart for coming up with.

>> No.6245423

>I can tell you that all those donations are not coming from real people, but it's money laundering.
This is the shittiest cope ever invented and never proven.

>> No.6245425

2025 is going to be a great year for shit going down
screencap this post

>> No.6245435

Will 4chan survive to 2025?

>> No.6245440

Artcel cope agaisnt AI is hilarious. There is no way to copy a specific non-dead artist's style yet, and choosing the right prompts is still horribly long.
Basically, non-shit artists with a definite style and soul won't care for a pretty long time.

>> No.6245441

4chan is already dead. Has been since a decade.

>> No.6245442

ugh... fine, but it's going to be put in a 20k file folder so don't expect me to repost it when shit actually happens

>> No.6245446

clean up your folders holy shit

>> No.6245470

I'm not worried about art, I have a plan for that.

The problem is everything else. Realize that at the end of this, the most powerful person will be the smartest programmer. They might already be born or will be born sometime in the future and you better hope he isn't evil or we will be truly fucked. To put it in art terms, think of a programmer version of Michelangelo, there is only one Michelangelo and there will only be one of that person who is so smart that even the current smartest programmers can't even understand him because he is so otherworldly intelligent. He'd be able to communicate in fractals and formulas.

>> No.6245498

I can't believe I started drawing a year before the AI revolution
I probably would've never gotten good enough to make money anyway, but fuck I would've liked to get good enough to be able to create something better than what the average person can create
I couldn't even comprehend when I started what a pathetic waste of time it would end up, should've spent that time getting friends

>> No.6245500

AI will be your friend in a few years.

>> No.6245501

/ic/ used to be completely different. I remember you couldn’t post anime without getting roasted, even if it was good, and there weren’t really any generals either other than a pirate thread. I kinda miss it but it was cancer in its own way.

>> No.6245502

I can still scrawl on it's corpse...

>> No.6245503

>This is Eric Rhoads tiers of cope
What does that mean?

>> No.6245511

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Streets_(performance_art) that's I'm gonna do from now on, my final masterpiece.

>> No.6245524

If you mean making art with it, I don't want to

>> No.6245557
File: 561 KB, 717x717, yourAIfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I think they mean that the only relationship most people will have is with an AI talking to them. I'm sure once GPT-4 will be released, someone will make bots that will chat up people on social medias or dating app and millions will be fooled. Shit will be annoying since you won't know if you're wasting time talking to a machine online.

>> No.6245565

Oh god i'm dooooomiiiiing
Somebody stop this, I want to live in 2005 level technology forever

>> No.6245573

What nobody thought of is that it dawns the end of onlyfans and pornography in general. When we can make nude and porn of anyone and even real time fake cam without being able to tell difference with the real thing then they will lose everything, not sure when but it's coming very soon. I'm already hearing the cries of the e-whores. Everyone will taste the bite of its sword.

>> No.6245578

>I'm going to suffer but at least women will suffer too!

>> No.6245579

>Standard practice for the industry, animation, illustration, marketing and more


2D animation is not even near to getting replaced

>> No.6245580

How did you not get the point of the OP this badly?
OnlyFans is always going to exist because people don't crave the raw content, they crave exclusivity and interactivity.

>> No.6245597

And how you don't get the fact you won't know if it's fake or real anymore? Anyone could make that content, I could make you believe I'm that person easily. Exclusivity and interactivity will only exist in real life.

>> No.6245611

Simps don't donate to e-whore for the content itself but they get off on "supporting" her or thinking they have a chance to date her.

>Exclusivity and interactivity will only exist in real life.
Which is very based. Fuck the internet and it spewing bullshit 24/7.

>> No.6245618

They don't deserve to be called women. They're just parasites and never produced anything meaningful for the world, they don't even build a family, work or take care of anyone. They're just blood sucking bed bugs.


Which is why I said anyone will be able to pass for a whore on the internet...who the simps are going to support when they won't even know which whore really exist if they haven't seen her in real life? Get the idea?

>> No.6245620

Getting real life interaction will become harder than ever though, nobody will want to hang out, your job will be work from home, festivals and such will die

>> No.6245622

>And how you don't get the fact you won't know if it's fake or real anymore?
We already have people catfishing horny men into donating their savings on them.
Usually, however, women will be able to provide some sort of organic proof that they exist, something that's hard to replicate with even future deepfakes.

>> No.6245623

I am not a very competent man in life.
I don't like studying, My main hobby is drawing/sketching and honestly i am not even too good at that, which is why i constantly at least try to attempt improving.
I used to care a lot about computers but going though a CS/CE university has killed all of that for me(my hope is that with the end of uni soon that interest will reignite)

Not gonna lie this AI stuff is concerning but, i still want to try making something. For people like me that beat myself up over past failure(and i try not to) this is the only hope.
When i open up krita or draw on my sketchbook nothing around me matters.

>> No.6245663
File: 552 KB, 512x640, 1660763765696197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months ago anons were saying how AI will never be able to draw tits
I don't need to repeat that technology can only improve, do i?

>> No.6245672

2D animation is more complex then making a drawing. Try making a bot watch out for secondary motion, slow in slow out, over-exaggeration, overshoot, clean smearframes and arcs while keeping a consistent style

>> No.6245675
File: 302 KB, 1000x1426, fd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI will never be able to generate images
>AI will never be able to generate anything more than weird images
>AI will never be able to mimic art styles
>AI will never be able to generate faces
>AI will never be able to generate tits
We are here now
>AI will never be able to generate hands
>AI will never be able to generate feet
>AI will never be able to generate images with randomness gone
>AI will never be able to generate multiple characters in unique poses like having sex
>AI will never be able to generate HD artwork
>AI will never be able to generate 2D animations

>> No.6245683


>> No.6245711
File: 762 KB, 1001x1001, 1641355922422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shazamposting on ic
holy jej
but very appropriate

>> No.6245714

Imagine opensource GPT bots flooding every board by the hundreds because /pol/ trolled a tranny subreddit. It's literally over

>> No.6245723

i didnt say never i said that it wont be realistic anytime in our lifetime

>> No.6245727

We would finally get that 1cc lunatic captcha we always wanted for /v/.

>> No.6245740

When will be able to FUCK AI?

>> No.6245745

>the shazam black magik has begun

>> No.6245746

How far will we have to go before we can finally admit that Ted Kaczynski was right about everything?

>> No.6245762

I'm looking on how to strap some minecraft TNT to this aerial drone pet mod I just downloaded. His legacy lives on!

>> No.6245769

zoomzoom moment

>> No.6245777

Future forum battles will revolve around their AIs DDoS each other's blockchain while users reside in closed VR bunker chatrooms
>GPT-88 vs GPT-41

>> No.6245802

Wife_WIP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReUbp5yHxPo

>> No.6245806

One of those engineers put their dick in it already.

>> No.6245831
File: 188 KB, 1280x517, mylesbian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YOU *are* the brand. Your consistency, your witty, personalized ideas can be more valuable than any AI.

You will have to share your life with the normies because ther normies want some of your greatness to rub onto them (yes, their lifes both external and more importanatly internal are really that dull). Are you ready to do what it takes (pic very related)?

>> No.6245874

There's nothing stopping you using ai for animation now if you think about it for a few minutes.

>> No.6245924

People don't seem to understand that the more abstract a field becomes from manual labor, the more people working it make stupid amounts of money. The people complaining are mid-tier technically-inclined artists who churn out brain-dead work that just happens to look nice. Artists with top-tier technique will be fine, AI won't reach that level for some time and will probably never be able to copy their specificity. Artists with creative ideas will probably be fine. Anyone whining is outing themselves as mediocre.

>> No.6245930

>unless you aren't afraid to show your soul
This is the part that scares me, as someone who knows what Mekko Rarekko and Participet are. Society isn't ready for my soul.

>> No.6245937

How do you even get the nsfw ones

>> No.6245963

Artists are getting dumped and it's only the beginning, think of the ones in debt in art school https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y28Diszaoo4 Instead of pointing the finger at /g/ you should wonder why tv/mass media and the goverments are oddly silent about all this. A revolution is happening while the normies are asleep.

>> No.6245968

Where is our /ic/minem

>> No.6245981

>People don't seem to understand that the more abstract a field becomes from manual labor, the more people working it make stupid amounts of money
Good heavens I would take /mlp/ raiding us over /g/fags equaling arts to software engineering programs

>> No.6246005

>Good heavens I would take /mlp/ raiding us over /g/fags equaling arts to software engineering programs
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that a "brand management expert" makes more than a logo designer. The more you can obscure what you actually /do/ while still being able to prove that your work is /effective/, the more you can charge (because your clients can't go to a market and draw up a list of specific tasks requested and the prices people are paying for them).
Okay, so, actually drafting/rendering art is devalued because AI makes it cheap and easy. People are still going to pay "concept artists" and "interior designers" and "architects" to make cool shit that enhances other products or spaces or whatever. What's more, those clients won't even be able to point to pro artists and say, "Okay, I'll pay you like an employee," because /literally everyone/ has the ability to generate a finished image. And yet, look around, these concept artists and interior designers and architects are producing more successful works than your middle schooler. What they hell are they doing different? Who knows, but if you want them, you're gonna pay, because they can't be replaced. It's a bit of a tautology, but you see this shit in so many places, it's almost inevitable that this is how things progress.

>> No.6246017

Then it will be only bots. Bots can already play video games far better than all humans.

>> No.6246023

>That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that a "brand management expert" makes more than a logo designer. The more you can obscure what you actually /do/ while still being able to prove that your work is /effective/
So you're telling us to cave in to become mass produced AI "art directors" instead of remaining as artists? I will opt to learn trade in this case. If the artist's work is to be reduced to minor touch ups that fast photoshopping can fix, chances are this will be even more easily automated in the coming months too so there is no point in even holding this discussion

>> No.6246031

>So you're telling us to cave in to become mass produced AI "art directors" instead of remaining as artists?
>chances are this will be even more easily automated in the coming months too so there is no point in even holding this discussion
Computers still cannot come up with prompts that resonate with people, across the scope of an extended and involved project. Hopefully this is the end of shit like amazing animators who waste their talent on braindead concepts because they can't come up with anything else and aren't motivated by other people's ideas.

>> No.6246761
File: 1.04 MB, 1029x580, _k1CRVfga2W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the problem artist have with A.I.? Do they not enjoy drawing or something? Do they not experience the joy of creation of their own work? It's all money, money, money huh? It is good that these types of artists go.

Artists will no longer be have their value in being able to translate their thoughts into an image, but in creating an artistic style of immense value. If you can create an art style that aids in the creation of amazing A.I. art, think all the prompts that use "Drawn by Da Vinchi" or "Painted by Carravagio"

People will still search for Human artists with exceptional styles to draw from, the wheat will be separated from the chaff, the strong will rise, the weak shall fall, no more bad art, only the cream of the crop of artists will survive in my NEW america.

>> No.6246975

>What's the problem artist have with A.I.? Do they not enjoy drawing or something? Do they not experience the joy of creation of their own work? It's all money, money, money huh?

It's basically money and attention with these types. They don't care about art itself.

>> No.6246998

Fuck off you dumb fucking nigger.
>”hurr just be an individual and do whatever you think is fun hurr”
This is a toxic ideology that keeps you isolated and enslaved. “Hurr durr who cares if megacorps destroy out culture, I can just sit at home and masturbate by myself and have fun.”
Yes I like to get attention from people for my art, yes I like to be paid for an honest day’s work, these are HEALTHY and NATURAL things to want, and if you don’t want these things it’s YOU who’s the sick and abnormal one.

>> No.6247068
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, BT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will make you all miserable like us. Next target is music, I hate them for getting all that attention and money just because they know how to sing or play an instrument.

>> No.6247104

Senator Basedstrong gets it
Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, uh?

>> No.6247118

I don’t doubt that this sort of resentment is driving a lot of AI research.
I can’t just act like an anime protagonist and say “you won’t win!” AI does have the power to do a lot of damage to culture and human relations and we have to brace ourselves for that. I’m still confident though that no matter how powerful AI gets, humans will still create meaningful art and form meaningful relationships with each other.

>> No.6247254
File: 162 KB, 785x539, 168546854651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"don't have fun, be a slave to the rat race and do everything to become rich and famous"
Oversocialized effeminate.
I can count the soi particles in your blood just by your post alone.

>> No.6247255
File: 80 KB, 477x592, FYOxHciVUAEUMqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lawsuits must be made. AI is trained on large data-sets of stolen copyrighted art.

>> No.6247256

How long are you going to spam this twitter image made for the sole reason of triggering an emotional response to generate clout and activity on the original post?

>> No.6247257

until the ai threads stop.

>> No.6247261

Why don't you stop replying to them then?
Or why don't you post your drawings and make them stop?
You do draw, right?

>> No.6247262

AI style reminds me of those people who bring photos, frankstien their fav part from each, exposure it to the max then apply the oil painting filter in photoshop
It's good for normies, but needs more to appeal to artists

>> No.6247263

> form meaningful relationships with each other.
That's already over and did not require AI.

>> No.6247284
File: 8 KB, 300x168, images(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least soon I'll be able to have a meaningful relationship with an AI.

>> No.6248961

It doesn't matter if 2% of today's artists will be able to eek out a living due their personal strengths. 98% of artists will be obliterated and lose their source of revenue.

>> No.6248965

>needs more to appeal to artists
you do art to impress other drawies? are you cereal?

>> No.6248984

This image reads like sour grapes

>> No.6248991

Im gonna find your kid photos and make an entire doujin in your likeness

>> No.6249045

>People still pay for porn, even though every fetish imaginable is out there for free including billions of pictures and videos you can access from anywhere.
You would be surprised how wrong you are if you would spend just a little time on /d/

>> No.6249051

No. The subject is AI so I'm talking about how AI isn't the tool yet to people (artists) who can pick apart the mistakes.

>> No.6249081

Still, niche fetishes don't apply to normalfags.

>> No.6249194
File: 182 KB, 323x325, 1637375066416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





Here is a picture of a Janitor taking commissions that I made with AI, to participate in this wonderful thread.

Have a bump, why not?
These threads are 100% approved and allowed by moderation, after all.

>> No.6249289

actually according to my calculations AI is the end... of /ic/

>> No.6250902

>“Hurr durr who cares if megacorps destroy out culture, I can just sit at home and masturbate by myself and have fun.”
yes,i generally don't care what the megacorps do so long as it doesn't interfere with my day-to-day life. why should i care what they do after all? they've been playing the same games and fighting the same wars for as long as man begun civilization, and yet civilization and culture still remains. if it doesn't affect me or those i care about, why should i care? i'll simply do what i want, and it's infinitely more productive than whatever rat race you're competing in
>these are HEALTHY and NATURAL things to want
money isn't a natural concept anon, and so is civilization and the economy. humans have been straying from the natural design ever since the birth of agriculture.
> if you don’t want these things it’s YOU who’s the sick and abnormal one
what's normal will change along with the majority, what's normal now isn't the normal then, and what's normal then isn't the normal now

>> No.6250995

Pretty much. OMG guise, photoshop oil paint filter is gonna replace artists!

>> No.6251057

I draw furry porn, someone paid 90 usd to draw braixen being railed by a human.

soon I will make animated visual novels, then 3d, then virtual waifus, by the time ai catches up I will be four steps ahead.and retired.

>> No.6251062

it still can't, ai should learn 2 loomis.

>> No.6251095

WTF Shazam is actually based now!!???

>> No.6251097

> AI gets ignored by the normies because it all looks like the same shit

>> No.6251102
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>> No.6251164

Always was.
Not that I'm happy about AI having potential to fuck us over.

>> No.6251269

>gets ignored
>when it only takes them 30 seconds or so to generate an image as opposed to months and months of waiting for an artist to fuck off his bed and actually do his commissions

>> No.6251656

I despise megacorps, but you are too weak to survive the communist revolution either - it has been way overdue for a purge of bourgeoisie like you

>> No.6251800

>You can be a turbo-xerox machine creating god-tier renders on Art Station, but someone making cute and goofy duck comics on Twitter will probably have 10x more followers than you.
That's actually really true and heartening.
>Of course, that is not to say that artistic ability is to neglected or put aside, creating a brand of yourself is something you should slowly digest starting now.
Exactly. Realizing that until now we've been living in "the before times" is distressingly capping off all the soul-searching I've been doing as to what exactly I want to bring to the world.

To blogpost a bit: abstract and aesthetic thinking, conceptualization, and technicality may be easier for me, but it's infinitely more difficult to be vulnerable and relatable, whether to friends or to strangers. I guess the key is to feel, to be human amongst others, and to be honest and spontaneous in your communication and expression.
I think we're all going to have to continue deeply searching for and articulating our "why", both to ourselves and others - not just to survive the incoming flood of banal content, but to interconnect and grow inwardly in some deeply human and artistic sense while doing so.
The alternative is to letting creative thinking atrophy, and relegating as much ideation and production to a machine as possible. That's not far off from relegating away all of your thinking, period.
Even if that's the way our corporate overlords want all creative production to function from now on in the name of efficiency and convenience (and likely pacified distraction), we should resist automation within our most personal work, or we would insulate ourselves from ourselves.
Further on in the future, UBI joblessness combined with a perfected AI holodeck would mean the potential numbing and crippling of each of our souls. Early consumerism was the beginning of that, and algorithmic addiction and artificial entertainment is the exponential path to its' perfection.

>> No.6251827


>> No.6251830

>do his commissions
you can scream at an AI to do something exactly how you want it, it will never do it because it has no consciousness or self-evaluating possibilities. to be fair you sound like one of those faggots who wouldn't spend more than 10 dollars on a commission and then wonders why no one does whatever trash you requested. it's okay though, since you're a deranged coomer, an AI generated image of a little anime girl with huge deformed tits, clubfoot, burn victim fingers, adult proportions and baby face will suffice

>> No.6251831

>UBI joblessness
is not gonna happen

>> No.6251886

Jannies really did wipe out everything aside from pro AI/cope threads

>> No.6251918

people are flooding every group and platform with this bullshit
int he final fantasy, lord of the rings, and other fandoms and games subs/discords etc the sentiment is the same
people getting fucking tired of the low effort flood of samey content with 0 effort

artists dooming over this dont understand the tech
but tech retards who think this is the end of art dont understand both the tech and the art
like it has been mentioned, this isnt "AI", its just algorhythms photobashing from a billion unit database, and that database is all scraped off the internet, theres os many issues why this wont last long term its ridiculous

and regarding running the shit on your own pc? ye good luck with that
as if corporations are gonna let you use their IP, celebs use their likeness, and ofc create your own pedo shit out of a cp database

this tech is gonna be good for only very specific jobs and tasks nothing more

inb4 i dont get replies by the retarded ai shills or they do reply but its with same bullshit arguments and cope

>> No.6251938

I mean I would be glad if my job would still stick around.
But there has been no sign of any brake be put in place to keep this bullshit in check yet. I guess I would be less mad if a machine " intelligence " actually outdid humanity , instead of it being another way for some flesh-suit mfs to steal from the masses

>> No.6251946

no brakes are put in yet because it is still flying under the radar
all that is needed is a CP pedo scandal, or some shit regarding a corpos IP or peoples likeness/identity

hell, in /d/ people were doing porn images of naked little girls and celebs, you think the devs behind these projects gonna survive long if they let people do wtv they want with this?

the problem isnt this amalgamation of random algorithms photobashing managing to make art like a human artist
the real issue is everything else you can use the tech for
people are too blind and focused only on the art part
you think with the open source you dont have already pedo rings trying to mass reproduce cp shit? or people making mass porn pics of celebs or even real life people from socials?

again, all thats needed is one scandal, and its inevitable

>> No.6251952

>all that is needed is a CP pedo scandal
Here you go. >>6251165 Now go send it to journalist so this AI garbage finally gets regulated.

>> No.6251953

Lolicon laws may actually loosen up due to how easy it will be to create virtual CP.

>> No.6251984

Smart commissioners will use AI art to illustrate better what they want in their piece and ask skilled artists to better articulate what they want but maybe from a different angle or arranged in a certain way to better convey an idea/motif/mood. Only nigger jew hacks will use AI art alone to lazily slap their shit stories on and fraud people with nfts.

>> No.6252221

Exactly >>6252163

>> No.6252264

>Only nigger jew hacks will use AI art alone to lazily slap their shit stories on and fraud people with nfts.
so basically what already happens with /beg/s tracing pics/3D models and it still looking like shit
and these begtards at least draw, so the ai shitters are even lower on the totem pole, must be pretty pathetic existence and will only make them even more bitter towards those that draw, beautiful

>> No.6252354

>I guess the key is to feel, to be human amongst others, and to be honest and spontaneous in your communication and expression.
The start of disruption between human communication was social media, but this brings it to a whole new level. Normies will gobble AI syrup without thinking twice, starting off with AI entertainment, then AI pets, AI houses, AI friends, AI partners, AI neural interface integration to talk and think for them. Humans who say to be different from a machine will be seen as the new extremists as transhumanism becomes the next trend, and society will consider living without AI harder than it is living without a cellphone. Something like this is set to be the final step to complete alienation from the self, they weren't kidding when they said you would own nothing and be happy

>> No.6252368

>imagine being so scared of a computer program that you try to get it banned
You would have never made it, even without AI.

>> No.6252381

Bros I just downloaded a PM422 Songbird 3d printed minefract bow for recreative use

>> No.6252385

You literally took the opportunity for bowmakers to earn money. You thief!

>> No.6252416

Idk man my government and microsoft banned this modpack because it violated the TOS but I still got it, now I'm about to test out this recreative minecraft bow trolling some players from the indian server

>> No.6252424
File: 62 KB, 760x623, 165465141545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're taking away the opportunity for hired helpers in the minecrafting department to earn money! You thief! You troll!

>> No.6252477

normalfags are the tranime fags. I have several in my department. That's the state of normalfags right now.

>> No.6252526
File: 477 KB, 3755x2244, 1661550799532500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have your image generating AI perform the following task
>The same OC character
>Multiple poses
>Doing a backflip

AI image generation is cool but it is still useless for complex content creation

>> No.6252544

>Government won't allow it!
This is such gigacope. The shit is open source lol, good luck banning that.

Any artist that wants to speed his process up is gonna be using AI generated starting points --> art is cheaper to produce --> fewer artists needed to satisfy market demand --> being a professional artist just won't be viable for many people any more.

>> No.6252552

AI doesn't have to do 100% of the work. It just has to make art production faster for people to start losing jobs.

>> No.6252578

If it comes to that Brave New World type shit and all of us primitives have to live in reservations, at least I'll have the solace of knowing that all the people who allowed it will either die of radiation and low-gravity bone rot on Mars, or be wiped out by the climate along with us.

>> No.6252714

sounds very gay

>> No.6252724

art can't be stolen
art wants to be free :^)

>> No.6252726

>steal from the masses

>> No.6252728

seethe artcuck
the genie is out of the bottle
the cat is out of the bag
there's no going back

>> No.6252732

>wiped out by the climate

>> No.6252768
File: 1.12 MB, 2018x2000, 488672@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu yeah, it's going to be indirectly slower and much worse when tens of millions of subsaharans who can no longer farm or fish invade my miserable corner of europe. hopefully i can find enough animals to hunt while i live and draw on the walls of my cave.
but until then it's crucial to keep hoping and creating.

>> No.6252799


>> No.6252800

>to be fair you sound like one of those faggots who wouldn't spend more than 10 dollars on a commission and then wonders why no one does whatever trash you requested.
i don't spend money on commissions silly, i just draw them myself because even i wouldn't stoop so low as to pay for porn

>> No.6252811

you don't even know what part of production AI would replace

>> No.6252848

Cant wait for AI to be good enough to create entire anime shows. Just enter a few parameters such as "slice of life", "teenage characters", "tokyo", "adolescent experiences i've never had", and hit enter. Now I can quickly watch though it and put another rating on MAL.

>> No.6252854
File: 5 KB, 200x202, 3828B26A-D678-483A-9F99-F0C66C805956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The absolute state of artcels

>> No.6252859

I don't care about AI's impact on artists, I draw for fun.

What I do care about is it's impact on human creativity. What happens when all our media is literally just regurgitations and remixes of shit that already exists fed through a grinder?

>> No.6252862
File: 452 KB, 1355x1250, 1661311912990641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we tell him?

>>What happens when all our media is literally just regurgitations and remixes of shit that already exists fed through a grinder?

>> No.6252863

Hope you don't look for criticism online for your art. You won't be able to tell if a human or an AI is responding to you.

>> No.6252866

and all anyone and you prompters will get is paid in "exposure"

>> No.6252867

>What happens when all our media is literally just regurgitations and remixes of shit that already exists fed through a grinder?
this. Humans innovate, but AI can't.

>> No.6252868
File: 162 KB, 723x666, 1661791488340609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens when all our media is literally just regurgitations and remixes of shit that already exists fed through a grinder?
This is why we must keep drawing, dreaming, visualizing. If we become the last real artists alive so be it, someone will have to show these future bugmen what it means to truly be human. Real pneumatic shit.

>> No.6252870

I'll simply point you to alphaGO, the AI that completely changed how a board game was played by innovating

>> No.6252875
File: 12 KB, 563x199, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't deny that AI art (and AI in general) will completely ruin the human experience sooner or later because we're retarded monkeys that are too distracted by shiny things to heed uncle ted, but we're not there yet. Most people who spend time online outside the water brains paying for it are already sick of it. A lot of subreddits for example are banning it not out of a moral cause, but simply finding it low effort dog shit.

AI art is an impressive novelty at present, but that's all. Anyone who's seen a few peices of it instantly spots it for what it is and it's flaws.

>> No.6252876

it innovated towards a goal, it cannot create new goals.

>> No.6252881

theres generally a difference you know of being inspired and referencing something than doing what is basicaly a recreate the source
>the AI generating thousands of copies from the guy who posted Elsa isn't trying to draw a character inspired by or dressed as her, it's just trying to make Elsa unless you can tell it otherwise

>> No.6252883

Tick Tock drawniggers Tick Tock

>> No.6252894

prompting is more fucked you know since your just giving your prompt information to the corpos so they can simplify the prompts further
>for the amount of buzzwords use you can prob have a selection of person, place, or thing

>> No.6252898
File: 2.95 MB, 1066x600, hayao miyazaki AI drawing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody sane has any fucking fear about this shit
3DCG didn't immediately erase 2D animation artists even though at the time people might not have been able to tell the difference and just thought "Hey, this looks fucking awful, why? Oh, it's a 3D model? huh"
3D renders didn't immediately erase 2D artists even though people might have not been able to tell the difference
RPGmaker didn't instantly erase all RPG games from existence
Ren'py didn't immediately erase all VNs from existence

times change, winds blow
what I absolutely cannot fucking stand, though, is how no matter where I retreat to, AI spam follows me. /d/? AI art! /h? AI art! /vg/? AI art! /ic/? AI art! Some place for degenerates to talk about characters? Pages full of AI art and 'commission me to make this art!' (they never once state it's AI generated)

Zoomers can create '''content''' in a second, pages of AI art outputs that they can then flood every board imaginable with. It's drowning out the people who are actually making some good quality content.
And I'm fucking mad. Not because "We're being replaced", that's a process that will take decades. No, mad because we're being spammed to fucking death and someone needsf to make a fucking site-wide rule that this shit is banned.
I'm going out of my way to shit on it, because no matter what communities I leave, the next one over is also fucking overrun.

>> No.6252902

It's an organized and concerted effort to market their AI and grab investor money. AI Art as it stands right now might as well be a random image generator, no matter how specific your prompt or what line drawings you feed it. The precision in art direction and style is just not where it needs to be to replace human artists, especially in film, tv, games, comics production pipelines. It won't even replace anime commission artists. It's just not there and it won't get there until neuralink hooks up the AI to the human brain and grabs the image from their head

>> No.6252909

I hope it blows over, but it will always remain lurking in the corners of communities if we don't gatekeep it out.
We've had AI image generation for years. It hasn't really improved in terms of quality, it just does a wider variety of things now.

The thing that pisses me off the most is posters defend it by saying "This is just concept art!" or try to make it "Which one of these should I totally think about making an actual thing?" or "I'll just hire an artist to fix all the little flaws with the work!"
People pretending like they're actually here to make content like everyone else, when in fact they're just shitposting about how they're totally gonna not do anything for 10 years waiting for AI to get good enough so they can make their game/art/whatever. In gamedev, we call this a "Nodev", an "Ideaguy", "Cris" or simply a "nodev crab shitposter Crisona".

>> No.6252915

Drawing was my last chance at being recognized as useful by society, if IA takes it away from me I'll just kill myself. Not gonna lie, the only thing that took the suicidal ideas away was finally starting to get good and recognized for it as an artist.

>> No.6252917

you were never gonna make it if a glorified image search engine is all it takes to stop you.

>> No.6252919
File: 386 KB, 512x512, buny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that anon but its not anyone can compete against a computer that makes images like this in just 3 minutes

>> No.6252920

Absolute worst case scenario that AI ever becomes any good anytime soon, focus on:
>Simple, meaningful images. Look at 4komas and chibi characters as great examples: Clean, easy to make, expressive.
>Work for an extra end, like to make sprites for a game where every detail in a background, on a character's attire, in their appearance and pose and stance has meaning as it all adds to a greater whole. Animations which have their own qualities that need a human touch (you'll have to read up on the many nuances of 2D animation) or painting textures for 3D models and modelling.
>Learn about overall piece composition, use of color theory and contrast, general character design, skills that would help with AI-guided design.

>> No.6252921

Noo don't kill urself ur art too good aha

>> No.6252926

and what us the story behind the piece

>> No.6252931
File: 448 KB, 512x512, the future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The input was Giant bunny destroying a city

This one was Artist sitting on a deteriorating empty room

>> No.6252934

I wonder how many thousands of paintings it took to blend it into this

>> No.6252943
File: 486 KB, 512x512, hamburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, the ai wont take your job anytime soon, i asked for Midna eating a hamburger an instead it turnde Minda into the hamburger, monkey's paw

>> No.6252945

You just aren't a good enough parameter artist

>> No.6252949

I wonder if people will soon make videos and blog tutorials explaining all about parameters
Parameter artist doesn't sound bad

>> No.6253174

Incredibly based.

Most of the screeching at this point is coming from """concept artists""" and people who are mostly social media-tier. The former dug their own graves already by adopting photobashing (which is basically what AI does, except an order of magnitude faster) and the latter mostly turn out porn, saccharine "quirky" comics and incredibly bland and generic commissions so that they can call themselves a "professional artist" while their hearts are eaten up with acid and hate towards the world for not recognizing their greatness. People are going to stop spending $25 on a commission (which you have to print out yourself if you want to put it on a wall) when a free AI can get them something "as good".

>and regarding running the shit on your own pc?
Now, sure. Ten years from now? Lol. We're basically at the point with this where we were with 3D thirty or so years ago - each frame of CGI in Jurassic Park took literally dozens of hours on an entire farm of machines and now you can produce results that blow that level of CGI out of the water on even a moderately power machine.

The cat is already halfway out of the bag; unless we all go full Kaczynski right NOW, sooner or later something comparable to current AIs will be available to end users and the first fucking thing someone is going to do with it is optimize it for producing faux CP.

>> No.6253184

Lol redditors seething

>> No.6253188

>Humans innovate
I don't see modern day hollywood doing jackshit lmao

>> No.6253189

Prompt engineer sounds badass

>> No.6253191

Lol based

>> No.6253235

Nice projection. When can we expect to see you on the news?


>> No.6253238

nice to see EVEN redditors think this shit looks ass.

>> No.6253244

This. It's annoying as hell. Other than art communities, I also lurk in music and writing communities, and this AI nonsense is rampant there too. I'm so sick of it. This trend cannot die soon enough.

Haven't heard of this one, what does it stand for?

>> No.6253282

Cris is a notorious ngmi shitposter on /3/

>> No.6253312
File: 1011 KB, 1080x1794, techgoys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted was right

>> No.6253313

At this point I'm sure that people who make these threads don't draw and just want to doompost.

>> No.6253320

>t. /beg/ Hobbyist who doesn't know shit about art history
I don't even want to indulge your kind, you don't care about art, you do not care about it, you are a permabeg who fantasize what it means to be an artist when you haven't even given up a percent of your life for it.
Yes it's all about money because you need to eat, you chose to be an office worker or something, some people made art the skill they want to hone and be paid for.

And guess what? Almost every single painting you see in a museum was done by such artists, those who were paid for it because they kept honing their skill to the point where it allowed them to eat.
Until we actually have UBI ( And still ) money will always be an extremely important part of art.

It's depressing really, we have Silicon Valley sociopaths gleefully saying in their blogs "Oh yeah we want to replace 95% of the population" because of pure capitalist ideals of removing the human factor and more and more of managerial power and you have retards like this saying "It's actually fine GUYZ".
Go ahead and reply "Lmao get rekt artist cuck i'll NEVER be replaced i'm too smart" as if this destructive progress will not get to you eventually.

>> No.6253324

Literal cattle.
Redditors would be extremely happy with a collar around their necks and being zapped when they get too rowdy following the line.
That is the natural state of these dysgenic fuck.

>> No.6253338

>techfags and consumers are so cut off from themselves that they can only parrot the reductionist narrative that we're input/output computers too unoptimized to efficiently consume and produce
>this soul-crippling mental midgetry increasingly corresponds to their inner reality
>anyone who argues against this paradigm is abnormal nuisance in the way of more content production and consumption
>these people will flood the decaying corpus of humanity's increasingly artificial imagination, culture and narrative into numb meaninglessness
>we powerlessly squabble with them and amongst ourselves over art, humanity and metaphysics while big tech parasites turn the wheels of history
Why are we in this timeline. Fuck

>> No.6253340

Techbros feed on human misery.

>> No.6253349

been saying this and more and more each day its showing to be true
all this random algo photobashing dick sucking is made by bitter and jealous people

reminds me of the average redditard atheist or leftie tranny, theres too many groups of people trying to spread their own misery onto others and the world
good thing is, these people are the only ones actually suffering from their fucked up inner selfs and when this algo photobash app dick sucking ends they will be left in the dust
the fact Stable Diffusion discord is filled with people thinking art is gatekept already shows most of these people are just miserable parasites

>> No.6253351

They are even admitting to being NPCs themselves. Living in this time period is has to be some sort of purgatory.

>> No.6253358
File: 342 KB, 640x877, 1510213756826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actually not surprised, that basedboys and tech fetishists are in love with AI generated images. They see themselves as nothing more than soulless machines and this fits perfectly into their nihilistic worldview.

>> No.6253369
File: 26 KB, 1067x800, how-the-grinch-stole-christmas-christmas-movies-17366303-1067-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miserable grinches

>> No.6253370

>"I'll just hire an artist to fix all the little flaws with the work!"
This sounds terrible tb h. I'd rather work from the ground up than try to fix whatever garbage got spat out by the generator.

Semi related but I've done translation work before, and going from machine translation to actual readable shit was way more of a pain than going from one readable language to another.

>> No.6253372

What am i supposed to do?
I decided to follow my dream after dropping out of college 5 years ago, last year i started making minimum wage through commissions alone.
I finally had something to take pride in, i spent 5 years practicing something, 5 years of my life have went down the drain.

I feel like the universe is mocking me.
What the fuck am i supposed to do?

>> No.6253378
File: 79 KB, 750x750, 1623349348143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continue what you're doing and create art. Art is meant as a vessel to communicate your ideas and emotions to other people. AI will never be able to do this, because it has no soul, no emotions and doesn't come up with its own ideas.

>> No.6253381

I never felt threatened by AI on an artistic level.
But how will i eat? I actually need to eat and pay to have a roof above my head?
I'm 24 years old, in my country people already left college at that age and are already in their active life, last time it was a miserable experience for me.

That's what people so caught up in philosophical debate fail to realize, these "progress" will make hundred of thousand of people lose their love and hundreds lose their lives.

>> No.6253385

I actually hate techbros so much it's unreal.

>> No.6253391

Time to start cultivating a semi parasocial relationship with your followers/commissioners. If AI art starts becoming more common people will want that human interaction. Selling art is pretty much making a brand of yourself.

>> No.6253392

>But how will i eat? I actually need to eat and pay to have a roof above my head?
if you truly were worried about starving and being homeless you wouldnt have any problem getting a normal job
youre either underage or a dumb NEET if you only think in these extremes of "its either art or nothing"

>> No.6253396

I feel like this is something a lot of AI doomposters miss. Most of the times people follow the artist, not the art itself.

>> No.6253398

I don't think outside of a select few it'll be a reliable source of income.

I'm sorry that you're so /beg/ you can't fathom people actually earn their lives that way.
I have no other qualifications, it'll be McDonald or retail for me, maybe the army or the police force and nothing is guaranteed, no real long time career goal in those fields, i'm in the same situation as a perfum maker losing his scent.

It's telling that even on /ic/ people do not consider art a real job.

But these people will no longer commission, concept artist will no longer be needed, those flyer design will be made for free.
Maybe our numbers of follower will stay the same, but not our paycheck.

>> No.6253402

>I'm sorry that you're so /beg/ you can't fathom people actually earn their lives that way.
im sorry youre so dumb you cant fathom people earning money in any other way
wtf kind of mentality is this?
>but...but...muh no qualifications
again, youre either underage or a NEET who doesnt touch grass, who the fuck actually takes starving and homelessness seriously but still refuses doing any kind of work of study?

]sometimes i forget this is 4chan and especially /ic/, this shit full of deranged people not funcitonal adults

>> No.6253406

Art is literally my job retard, how is that NEET?
Holy fucking hell the projecting is unreal, what is this mental retardation?

>> No.6253411

again, if you are so afraid of starving and being homeless you wouldnt be bitching but having a plan B

at least pyw, would be nice knowing im talking with a retard that draws at least

>> No.6253413

Do fucking med students have a plan B? Do IT students have a plan B? No the one i knows DO NOT ( But you're going to say yes they all do for the sake of argument ).
I'm so fucking tired of hindsight masters, you were already exposed as a retard when you failed to understand that NEET and having a job are mutally exclusive.

>> No.6253425

Concepting, backgrounds, starting points that human artists will then edit into a finished piece.

>> No.6253426

>you failed to understand that NEET and having a job are mutally exclusive.
i got no reason to believe you have a job, you havent posted work despite always mentioning working as an artist and you cry and whine like a little spoiled brat cuz "muh dream job" while at same time fearing no food or house?

if you really were starving and homeless youre tone would change quick
now pyw or show proof of working as an artist since you like to parrot those statements so much

>> No.6253443

ai is already being used for stuff like shaders and textures, all the boring rote work of production thats just pure labour and a time waster

>> No.6253509

he said humans

>> No.6253540

NTA, but you're acting like a retard now.
It doesn't matter if he /personally/ has a job in artistry. You are debating a general trend of things, not someone's personal career.

>> No.6253715

Sure, and fewer artists will be needed to produce the same amount of art = fewer pros needed to satisfy market demand = less people can viably be employed as artists.

These things happen all the time.

>> No.6253859

don't do it, fag. you're still worth more than the anons who responded to your post with petty mockery. if we're all going to spend the rest of our lives being useless, I don't want to be stuck talking to only to evil, poo-flinging monkeys who are too gleeful about the suffering they see around them to consider that they aren't off any better.

>> No.6253954
File: 235 KB, 485x339, 1607809625948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY BASED. /ic/ is the laughing stock of 4chan right now, even worse than /biz/ at its darkest times.

>> No.6253957

>nothing is guaranteed,
That's life moron.

>> No.6254259

Ok AIfaggots, what AI apps are available that I don't have to pay for but can do anime shit? Dall-e sucks for that so is there any for anime, mainly faces

>> No.6254271

Well you banned all of us from /ic/

>> No.6254292
File: 3.77 MB, 600x338, 1662161999756064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6254302

That's pretty amazing

>> No.6254342

oh, they are already on youtube and it's the funniest shit
they make it sound like they worked in the industry as prompteur for a decade
they are selling courses don't you know

>> No.6254351

i know somebody who makes a modest living streaming. if you saw his patreon you would think he was making six figures but in reality most of those patrons are non-paying. i don't know if they're faked to create some illusion of popularity or if there's something else going on but i do know he lives in a tiny apartment and can barely afford groceries after his internet and vidya bills.

>> No.6254357
File: 21 KB, 421x421, 1662126495828890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It absolutely is the end, you don't get it - there goes every entry level job you ever had a chance getting, polish the AI turd art-cuck.

You spent a decade trying to get decent, all for this and I don't suspect it's going to get less sophisticated as time goes on. Every entry level job is gone and morale matters, and this isn't what cellphones was to photography (I keep fucking hearing that but cellphones don't manifest every possible landscape on a mere word). And the industry will absolutely settle for trash if quality is of concern; you, the working artist are fucking obselete and it will spread to every branch. You have zero protections against this AI demon, you sold your soul to art, YOU are the forever cuck and there is no going back.

Even if you're a degenerate, all of your precious fanbase will over the next 10 years abandon you, they already settle for garbage.

>> No.6254363

>Computers still cannot come up with prompts that resonate with people, across the scope of an extended and involved project
vertical synergies reverse propagated through collectively focused branding can increase our profits by 13%

>> No.6254447
File: 46 KB, 338x345, 1639442212410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants be recognized
>don't care die
>hates technology
You know what to do.

>> No.6254477

at this point i kind of don't give a shit. if the jobs all go away i'll just stay on neetbux and keep drawing for myself just like i always have. hopefully there is still a place to make drawfrens and talk about the actual craft and joy of drawing & creating things.
i feel like it's gonna have to become standard practice to share a timelapse with every painting you share just to differentiate yourself from the spammers and grifters. maybe even just stored in the metadata

>> No.6254484

Also, when publishing art you should make it only like 1/10 of the full canvas, with the rest being your name on it along with a lot of low quality pixels and scribblings so AIs either automatically filter your low quality image out of their database or put a giant watermark when sampling from your picture

>> No.6254488
File: 463 KB, 2100x1500, 1661751413292042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add /biz/ to the list. That place is souless as ever. They stopped creating mumus/bobos and now have semi-daily AI thread where some retard BUYS tokens for souless dall-e 2 requests, yes the fucker doesn't even use SD that is free but rather funds the shortest path to the AGI devil. /qa/ is the last bastion of culture

>> No.6254540
File: 505 KB, 692x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck trying to teach your AI to produce crisp, quality lineart.

>> No.6254581
File: 291 KB, 2582x1450, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>coomers are filth
get bent in all directions

>> No.6254871

Philosophers had to work to support themselves. You will survive.

>> No.6255369

I like that term and hate it at the same time. It really fits but I don't want to call these people "engineers"

>> No.6255377

Yeah, most people just coom over text2img but there is so much shit released alongside it's insane. Style transfer, img2text, img2img (which means you can do generations of AI drawings and select the best to conitnue), superresolution, region filling, region deletion...

>> No.6255402

i'd rather paint on my walls with human shit than to relegate my ability to think, feel, and imagine to an art button. at least literal human shit comes from a human, instead of the AI syrup we're going to be fed en masse for the remainder of human culture and history

>> No.6255415

It's not like people will bother seeing art anymore. You already got that mid journey/stable diffusion image hosting site with 5+ million AI picture uploads from the proompter's to add to his 'portfolio'. But who will scroll through that pile of robotic trash to look at whatever they post there? Who is to say that a robot can't set up its own portfolio there since all it needs is a random prompt string?

>> No.6255485

Scream and shout all you want, the amount of artists making money is about to drop by 90%. Thanks for playing.

>> No.6255507

This is just the start, brehs.
We've had people bitching about AIs for a long time now, and when normalfags start waking up for reals, we'll see so much psychosis of this caliber or higher.

>> No.6255512

absolute state of neo-puritans

>> No.6255514
File: 158 KB, 564x823, 1653288522994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine redditors declaring the butlerian jihad. KEK

>> No.6255525

Already began
>PLEASE GUBMINT save us from tech progress, make it inaccessible to the public and only to corporations!!!

>> No.6255535 [DELETED] 


>> No.6255548

this but unironically

>> No.6255567

Reddit is in support of AI, check r/AIart revisionist
>inb4 trannies are against CAIAC19

>> No.6255592

>check the AI subreddit, bro!! They are all in favor of AI, for some reason?!
When the anti-AI nation is sending us their people, they are not sending their brightest.

>> No.6255613

>wow, nice picture mr. STEMcel, very cool
>now please do another one exactly like this but from a different angle
>what do you mean you can't

>> No.6255614

Add it to the list, Shazambrother >>6255613

>> No.6255626

Film didn't kill painting.
Photoshop didn't kill photography.
VFX didn't kill practicals.
Digital composing didn't kill live music.

AI is not a replacement, it's just another tool that artists will learn to add to their arsenal - one that will, of course, be used for making a lot of low effort crap (like every new tool) but will ultimately result in enabling vastly more people to create content and enable artists to do more than they could before.

>> No.6255638
File: 907 KB, 640x640, copium-copege.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 1% famous artist youtuber take

>> No.6255661

>"guy who can't physically draw but was still able to get into art later in life as digital tools became more prevalent" take
if new technology enables more people to create, and more talented people to create even more amazing stuff, then we all win

future's so bright we're gonna need shades

>> No.6255666

>Your art is not your brand, it is part of your brand.
>YOU *are* the brand.
pokras lampas go fuck away from here with your marketing please

>> No.6255682
File: 124 KB, 288x292, 1660043634477860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that right, fellow artists? Lord Emad's newfound partnership with the great Indian world power will enable billions of little indians to do art too! Not only this democratizes art, but it will enable every artists to create more than they could do by having to mass churn art every 3 minutes (and pay our commercial models) if you want to stay afloat!

Rest assured, this is just a recreative tool for the little indians to use, it's not like we're making an entire school for prompting so we can outsource and plagiarize every culture and artist by outnumbering them.

>> No.6255685

>>"guy who can't physically draw but was still able to get into art later in life as digital tools became more prevalent" take
Ah yes, the incredible story of the blind man who can do art. Truly revolutionary, like a turd that fell on my keyboard and gave me a godlike proompt

>> No.6255770

AI is just the new excuse for nodrawing permabeg trannies to complain about people not being as miserable as them.
>y-y-y-you can't just make pictures
>haha ai goes bzz brrr

>> No.6257466

Weird to see some positivity here but thanks
I think some of them are doable for me
A bit tempting ngl

>> No.6257613
File: 14 KB, 256x256, download (83).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the AIs are getting so good. I'm having fun.

>> No.6257715

Ai can replace art but it cant replace soul

>> No.6258150

everything single opinion this faggot posted is invalidated by the fact he posted an anime image to go with it. weebs are fucking scum, this pseud was given access to everything he listed and uses it to watch chinese cartoons for children

>> No.6258152

what do people who think IP shouldn't exist think of AI generated art?
>le corporations bad, all software should be free
now what?

>> No.6258171

you are in an otaku website, newfag.

>> No.6258176

shut the fuck up.
I've been here longer than you.

>> No.6258185
File: 59 KB, 324x414, youwaSMUG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i brought this smug drawing to help you seethe more for my amusement, newfriend.

>> No.6258216

The more i read about AI and Singularity shit, the more i get depressed, it really sounds like nerds eschatology.

I think i'll just try to find a house in the countryside, a garden and everything i need to try to become self sustained, solar panels and a windmill, lots and lots of books, films and video games written before 2020, and a rifle to end it all if madness get to me.

>> No.6260957













>> No.6261644

lol the image misses the point, its not "normalfags" doing it its the elites. You have no control.

>> No.6261651

This is only true for the best of the best talent. AI generated imagery and art will remove many potential customers/ patrons. The remaining will be people who have the means to spend for original, non-AI art. So, it's likely many will have their entire operation cut deeply over the decade.

>> No.6261656

It will be the same for music-fiction-movies-games along the decade with a small delay

>> No.6261688

Your art still has value. Show your friends what you’ve made, and don’t listen to internet strangers.

>> No.6261797
File: 2.32 MB, 1313x1800, b4e4669eb00f718d4ebd5f973de6a758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You just made me realize vtubers will soon get replaced HOLY SHIT LMAO.... well I kind of embrace it NGL

>> No.6261804

It would be fitting if the vtuberbot simps were bots as well, with only a small parcel of legitimate human fans engaging in discussions with them

>> No.6261805

I don't hold a grudge against all Vtubers but some bitches and content creators embraced this shit.
Well if the art ship is taking a hit then so should they. I would watch AI Vtubers and even if I wouldn't like it how would you notice it if the technology is advanced

>> No.6261809

Well they would push the numbers but if entertainment is created then it should also put out profit.
Ais don't get ads and don't donate or sub.
Even if they somehow get ads big corpo would prevent this because they don't make a profit

>> No.6261852

>No I think they mean that the only relationship most people will have is with an AI talking to them
One more than I have now