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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 7 KB, 251x201, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6244480 No.6244480 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that retards on this board don't realize that ai generated "art" has no actual value and doesn't generate any interest beyond the fact that it was made by an ai?
That's the whole appeal of it, and it gets boring soon. It's like an ipad case that can hold a cup of coffee. A gimmick thing that makes you go "neat!" and then you immediately lose interest.
There's a reason why this place full of autists is the only one where you'll find such retarded discussions.
No one will ever give a shit about ai "art" because all it can do is take pictures from google and mash them together.
There is no signature artstyle, no original subjects, no unique creations, no complex compositions, no beautiful forms, no meaning, no sentiment, no emotion.
It won't replace painters, illustrators, graphic designers, concept artists or anything else. That will only happen once there are robots who can perfectly replicate the human brain. Most of you autists will probably be dead before that happens.
Now i'll be adding a few filters because i need to clean up my board from all this timewasting nonsense.

>> No.6244485

I think people are upset because artists are going to be out of jobs soon

>> No.6244493

>Why is it that retards on this board don't realize that ai generated "art" has no actual value and doesn't generate any interest beyond the fact that it was made by an ai?
Everyone realizes that, it's only tourists and that one trannime pedophile spamming that shit

>> No.6244495

I agree completely. We are just being raided by the other boards. Which is why there have been so many threads. If you have any understanding of art you would know ai will never "take your job", similarly to how text to speech hasn't taken any ones jobs

>> No.6244512

Because corporations that hire artists don't care about emotions and meaning. The homo who makes cereal box art will lose his job.

>> No.6244513

Fine art isn't corporate art.

>> No.6244558

There's no functional difference between AI art and photography, they're both equally useless for concept art, animation, comics, games, etc. Yet photography has the advantage of recording the real world, while AI is just randomly generated nonsense.

>> No.6244610

photography can help a bit when considering how to frame stuff or camera angles, only other thing would be how to crop stuff in a interesting way but graphic design also covers that

>> No.6244618

major cope itt
sorry, ladies, but ai has already won

>> No.6244620
File: 1.54 MB, 2156x2704, CCI17082022_0001-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use AI pictures as reference. So I get to keep my own style and just draw it like I would draw any other reference like a model or a photo.

AI probably has its place in art.

>> No.6244630

Apple AI filters turned photography into a hobby

>> No.6244638

oh, another ai shitpost disguised as a non-shitpost
you faggots are unbelievable
how the fuck did a board dedicated to drawing become about not drawing

>> No.6244642

Dumb post. All art is art, I can draw with my imagination even if I don't use a pen.

>> No.6244646

opinion rejected

>> No.6244647

how do you go about correcting errors then

>> No.6244649

I circle the error and tell AI to fix it.

>> No.6244677

There's a way bigger problem with AI that doesn't involve art but fuck it, let humanity rot, this species had its run and it was shit. Hopefully our replacement has both a dick and a vagina, that'd be cool.

>> No.6244691

AI cannot tell stories but they can generate pin-up artwork, which is the kind of illustration that 90% of all online artists do. If AI art really did take off then I'd imagine that artists would value more the kind of artwork that tells some kind of story

>> No.6244697

Yeah, AI taking jobs from artists sucks and I mean that with sincerity, but what keeps me up at night is what happens when militarized AI progresses equally fast at the art of war as it currently is the art of hacky artstation crap? And what happens when it turns against us?
I feel like humanity is being held hostage by a small number of tech worshipping nerds, and there’s nothing we can do about it. If I thought AI would stop at painting pretty pictutes, I wouldn’t care, but I know these tech worshipping misanthropes aren’t stopping there.

>> No.6244699

you sound like a bunch of cocksuckers

>> No.6244702
File: 155 KB, 1400x1050, Screen_Shot_2020_09_09_at_12.21.44_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did somebody order a Butlerian Jihad?

>> No.6244706

'cado in the log

>> No.6244742
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x1024, download(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these artists' souls holding into a tiny 4gb piece of data...isn't technology amazing? And with a few more gigabytes it will be musicians, 3d artists and animators, writers then an entire movie crew and a game dev team. Eventually I'll have a god in a usb stick.

>> No.6244767

More like AI being overtaken by some autistic hacker that is bored and wants to see what it's like to kill someone.

Nice future we're going to get.

>> No.6244769

Peons like you were only given SD for free at a loss to use it like a recreative tool and generate fame for the project. All further models with better precision will be commercial black boxes while opensource remains as a snail , similar to crap like KoboldAI when compared to NovelAI. Do you think these companies will miss out on the chance of charging you goytokens per generation and just let you download their AGI which took billions to train? The involvement of United Nations in this AI tells me further models will def be regulated since their precision can spark up bad issues

>> No.6244776

>Initiating AGI terminal...
>Terminal initiated.
>Enter your prompt:
>"make airborne monkeypoxx but it only affects humans with indian DNA, fast spread!!!!, black plague, deadly!!!!!, bill gates mosquitoes, cold resistance, microscopic invisibility, jewish developed

>> No.6244778

You don't understand that if they don't give the people the means of production it will be a total collapse. Why would they want to do that? We're heading to a social market economy, at least in Europe.

>> No.6244784


>> No.6244785

What exactly is going to collapse? I've never seen people starving for not being able to generate pictures. Either way, you're definitely not getting to play with military grade AGI you envision in your pc

>> No.6244793

The how come come every AI is being monetized, including stable diffusion 2.0? I don't think they plan on giving serfs the means of production for free. There would be no point to the investors buying their stocks in this case.

>> No.6244796

>There is no signature artstyle, no original subjects, no unique creations, no complex compositions, no beautiful forms, no meaning, no sentiment, no emotion.
You just described /ic/

>> No.6244827
File: 235 KB, 767x1079, 8127bee7665e0ca6c78c3f9efbd81bfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humanity doesn't need a soul to have a purpose
>Humanity doesn't need religion to live a meaningful life
>Computer can't help you improve art
>Computer does a bad job helping you
>Computer can't make art at all
>Computer art is bad
You are here
>Computer can't make movies
>You can't control how movies are made
>Computer can't make observers
>Computer won't go against us
>Computer will desist to pursue us if we live in the swamps.

>> No.6244830


>> No.6244838

How are all these coming out at the same time? AI was hardly a thing a year ago but suddenly they all come out of nowhere. Something stinks.

>> No.6244841

the nips are super pissed off in the QRTs

>> No.6244850

wonderful. This is exactly what AI is. All it can do is plagiarize and steal and mix and deceive. It has no brain. It has no perception. It is only a soulless filter.

>> No.6244874

Rather than dismiss what you see now, you should prepare for battle tomorrow.

>> No.6244878

Look up "technological singularity", experts believe we're getting very close to it and that's why things are accelerating so much. We're reaching a critical point between collected data and computational power that is allowing exponentially smarter models of Ai to be made each year from now.

Nvidia also wants to replace animators soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kV-rZZw50Q

Better get a job that is mostly manual and barely need a computer, that's the best way to survive in the 15 years at least.

>> No.6244881

Before the gap between robots and computers is closed you mean? Which will happen before your 15 years mind you.

>> No.6244903

And yet you will still not make anything original or interesting. Strange.

I agree with OP, I'm not too concerned with AI art, though I think it's more than just a gimmick, it's just a tool that can't replace actual human artists currently, but serves as great references or bases to work off of etc.

>> No.6244920

it won't matter for an artist that has a distinct style that people admire, but it will matter for the industry if you feed an AI Jim Lee drawings and it will shit out Batman comics or even animated movies for a fraction of the production costs.

>> No.6244925

This thread reeks of COPE

>> No.6244926

This prediction is absolute horseshit and it comes up anytime a capitalist market drives anything. The last thing that made retards spout this shit was the progress of technology in smartphones, and while they technology progressed rapidly in terms of size and energy consumption, it was absolutely nothing unprecedented and it has since stagnated like any bubble eventually does. All this does is accelerate things we already understand but the drive for competition is thwarted by the need for actual understanding. AI can do interesting things but we don't even know why it does some of the things it does. It's solved physics models for us with solutions it can't explain, and it's not like with normal software where you can just look into the source code to see why or how it does things. It's the same with art generation, certain prompts work better than others and for now it's a crapshoot what does what.

>> No.6244927

it's a tool for artists in the same way a handgun is a tool for man to give himself a swift and dignified death before u slowly devour him head to toe

>> No.6244931
File: 272 KB, 918x922, download(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our goals are not the same, a lot of us are not looking to be original/make money or to be interesting for others, but are simply looking to be able to consume more. To be more clear I'm not looking to steal your job by using an AI, but to entertain myself. Once the AI can read you brain, it will know exactly what will be the most interesting things for you more than you could know yourself.

>> No.6244938

I'm not reading all that kill yourself frogposter

>> No.6244973

I made a really big dookie on the floor this morning and I asked the AI to clean it up and it did

>> No.6244975

update: Jp artists are now making mass disclaimers that their art is forbidden to be used in AI training or prompts... I wonder if they know that you can't untrain the models once they've been released

>> No.6245013
File: 78 KB, 550x550, AsukaHands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope a law gets passed where AI made art has to be labelled as such
I want to make sure i'm praising a human when I like an art piece

>> No.6245017

just give up, brushboi
ai art has become indistinguishable from human made art
you lost, just admit it

>> No.6245019

I was an adult through the smartphone transition and it felt nothing like this. You can say there was always a discussion about the negative effects of smartphone abuse, but we are talking about the potential extinction of creative jobs, the exact opposite of what we thought would happen only a few years ago.

Still, I mostly agree with you, and I'm not convinced the current crop of art machines have an unlimited quality ceiling.

I can see designing logos for small businesses and doing little portrait comissions for kids on twitter being gobbled up very easily.

Making textures for boomer shooters, absolutely. They were already borrowing from google images, photobashing, and praying it would look good at 64x64 anyway (I know of a few very talented exceptions, yes).

Making full, high fidelity, coherent bodies of work, though? I think that's safe. For now.

>> No.6245062

Japanese law doesn't apply to the rest of the world, and good luck enforcing it when the style has been disseminated into the over all algorithm and is one of many used as an input parameter.

Someone can write on the internet whatever they like, it doesn't mean it's true or legally enforceable.

>> No.6245068

Maybe instead of fighting against AI, which can fix us actual fucking paradise, you could for once in human history, fight against your elites who are depriving you more than AI could ever imagine

>> No.6245071

This opening post is so wrong it shows a lack of understanding where things are going. Not only does this thing have value, people are paying for this because they think they can make money with it.

The flip side is true: nobody cares if an artist or AI made it because nobody cares where it came from, only what it delivers. It won't replace every painter, concept artist, designer, or illustrator, but it will get rid of many comfy jobs that these people used to have the opportunity to do, because their expertise is not worth the dosh and a 100 millisecond prompt gen is good enough.

>> No.6245088

>because their expertise is not worth the dosh and a 100 millisecond prompt gen is good enough.
It might be good in a way, the market is over saturated.

>> No.6245110
File: 45 KB, 1200x144, 1661418674287209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what do the consumers say?
Remember; You wanted to become rich and famous by pushing art as a commodity; literal techfags beat you up to it.

Go draw.

>> No.6245190

I didn't watch a video about replacing animators, I saw it replacing our military. We are truly fucked. How will we deal with that shit

>> No.6245225

Using the computer at all is cheating already. You're not a real artist if you don't use charcoal, piss and blood on a cave wall to paint your art.

>> No.6245228

Charcoal? that's cheating too, as fire makes that for you. Speaking of fire... cheaters who use fire to stay warm... ngmi

>> No.6245232
File: 45 KB, 567x563, 1598182033613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself.
>How will WE deal with that shit
Give up commodity and endless consumption.
Reject weakness.
Reject the values of the modern world.
Become strong and virtuous.
Embrace your humanity.

But that's too much too ask.

>> No.6245234

The monkey will be AI too.

>> No.6245237

What alternative career should I work on on the side in case I get replaced?

>> No.6245245
File: 934 KB, 3000x2000, 1589983619192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you become an electric sheep, too, waiting for the machines to feed you or will you feed yourself?

>> No.6245247

prompt engineer

>> No.6245253

>Jp artists are now making mass disclaimers that their art is forbidden to be used in AI training or prompts

Unless there are specific AI laws made this won't do shit see >>6245062 also

>> No.6245255

The food will become AI too.

>> No.6245259
File: 38 KB, 1024x335, blender-3.2-nodes-1024x335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's no joke. 100 letter prompts are fun to play around with but for anything more sophisticated there will be a programming language to control the art AI probably something similar to visual programming nodes as in any 3D software

>> No.6245263

So in short you just have to become a /g/od.

>> No.6245273

no, that's called a material designer job, 3 months training and you're good to go

>> No.6245278

Well, artists don't understand anything, it's not much of a surprise
Style isn't protected by anything or even the "almighty copyright" as many artist like to throw out
One could very well completely mimic another artists style and as long as they're not copying the already existing works of an artist, they're safe to claim the style and the original work they made as their own because only the entirety of an individual work is considered intellectual property.
This extends to AI as well.

If a law should be made to forbid AI to create anything that already exists, the already existing laws that actually forbid the distribution of copyrighted material and characters from unauthorized third parties or individuals, should also be enforced.
But we all know that artists just don't want the AI to compete against them because they know they'll lose since they actually have to put effort into creating works that aren't bland animu blobs from shows and videogames.

>> No.6245285
File: 701 KB, 697x643, 1613736898104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just a retard, but if that's what it takes to use AI image generation successfully in the future, it seems just as easy to me learn how to do it by hand.
After all, /ic/ would never believe it, but learning how to create good art is actually incredibly easy with the correct learning methods.

>> No.6245301


>> No.6245309

Just praise it when it's good and appealing - it doesn't matter whether it's AI or not. A few times a proompter posted an image on here, it was fairly decent so I admitted it was a half decent image while other anon's ragged on it, only for the proompter to pull the curtains back and reveal it was in fact a human made image. The Anons would seethe and the proompter would gloat, and for good reason, the Anons rightly looked stupid.

9/10 the AI images posted have weird wonky things going on that would require a good amount of time to fix, and these are the tell tale signs of it being AI, but also just make it shit art in general.

>> No.6245319

not how we remember that story Darth Anon. tell ze thrut or eat zthe bugs

>> No.6245322

>9/10 the AI images posted have weird wonky things going on that would require a good amount of time to fix, and these are the tell tale signs of it being AI, but also just make it shit art in general.

Just give it a couple years. Most d/ic/klets are gonna seethe, rope or use AI themselves.

>> No.6245333

>not how we remember that story Darth Anon
If you were one of the seething anons, you probably wouldn't remember it that way, as they kept doubling down and refusing to admit that the human art was actually decent and they were wrong. You can't say AI art "lacks soul" and human art "has soul" but then fuck up and refuse to admit the human piece you insulted does, in fact, "have soul" - whatever that means.

AI art is still pretty shit though.

>> No.6245336

I'm of the opinion it'll stall hard and be stuck at this level. It's a wait and see game.

If people keep posting realistic pictures of actors, we'll eventually see laws banning this shit.

>> No.6245343

its going to be like traced art, when you find out something is traced it loses all value and meaning

>> No.6245348

>I'm of the opinion it'll stall hard and be stuck at this level. It's a wait and see game.

As a /g/ fag I can already tell you that you'll be eating your words in a years time even.

>> No.6245350

just post the archive, I missed it so I’d like to see for myself

>> No.6245370

>Waste your time hunting for a specific archive
Christ anon, I don't care that much, and I doubt you do either. On top of that, I seem to recall the specific one I'm thinking of was randomly deleted. I don't get why so many AI threads stay up, but some are struck down.

But if you're desperate to find this thread for some reason (wouldn't know why though), and the thread is not gone forever; the human made image was of a girl reclining on a beach that was flipped and had the DallE logo plastered on it.

>> No.6245634

Being an artist pretty much is having no job.

>> No.6245641

We really are the pigeon in the Chernobyl power plant..

>> No.6245658

>self driving cars will put truckers out of a job next year bro just wait

>> No.6245679
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1658977887853774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today, we have released mimic, an AI service that learns the characteristics of illustrators' drawings and generates illustrations! You can create up to two illustration makers (illustration-generating AI) for free, so if you want your own illustrations to be learned, please use this service!
Isnt it really, really, REALLY funny that this tool is being advertised as for artists to let the AI learn from their illustrations, yet all the comments from artists are expressing nothing but worry for the machine that can automate them? I wonder who the true audience for this service is

>> No.6245698

People are still going to steal their art, the logical conclusion is that they are going to erase all their portfolio portfolio from the mainnet. I predicted the pixiv black swan event would happen, but these events speeded up so fucking fast it is not a stretch so say we are living inside an accelerationist fiction

>> No.6245771

I suppose now all the blame can't be placed on americans.
That said, this AI "seems" better at copying illustrations than the others. The others always seemed goofy with cartoons, but this one seems more solid in that regard.

Might have something to do with stable diffusion going public and open source.

>I can see designing logos for small businesses
This is why I don't think AIs going to affect art all that bad. Anybody can design a logo, but then why is a artist/graphic designer hired? Because they have a skill beyond simply drawing a nice picture that further serves the clients needs.

If a client only wants a good pic, or if that's the only service you provide, you were always replaceable by at the very least someone cheaper.

>> No.6245784

>. The others always seemed goofy with cartoons, but this one seems more solid in that regard.
Because it can be fine tuned, Waifulabs came up years ago and it did faces more accurately than the three that came earlier this month, because the data didn't diverge too much and was completely specialized on anime proportions. That AI had ant proportions compared to these so expect to see mass deaths in Japan by the next month

>> No.6245791

>This is why I don't think AIs going to affect art all that bad. Anybody can design a logo, but then why is a artist/graphic designer hired? Because they have a skill beyond simply drawing a nice picture that further serves the clients needs.
>If a client only wants a good pic, or if that's the only service you provide, you were always replaceable by at the very least someone cheaper.

>> No.6245801

You two aren't seeing the bigger picture. The fact that you are already drawing lines on the sand saying pretty pictures are dimissible already cut off 90% of artists. Then there are the myriad of ways to rip designs from the artist that you wanted to draw something for you without needing to pay then at all. Then there is the ever escalating stiffle of self-advertising when no matter how good your skill is your art is getting outnumbered and drowned in a incalculable sea of average AI-made crap and people will not even bother opening the thumbnail of your art when scrolling on their feed. The roots of art are being run over by a tractor where from this moment onward no one will have any incentive to be part of it

>> No.6245818

>saying pretty pictures are dimissible
No, I'm saying a client who only wants a picture and doesn't care otherwise would have always been willing to hire the cheapest option; now that cheapest option is an AI. Your services should have meant more to the client than "just a picture" and the fact that you can't seem understand that might mean you're not offering anything more.

And no, I'm not saying you need to do more than draw a picture - if you are unable to read between the lines here, then yeah, YOU might lose your job to the AI, because you didn't really understand the point of your job in the first place beyond drawing.

>> No.6245841

>Your services should have meant more to the client than "just a picture" and the fact that you can't seem understand that might mean you're not offering anything more.
What can you offer in pixels of a 2d plane that AI can't possibly offer, or replicate? It can't be more than a picture for sure. Your argument is that people will still commission art because the artist has something the AI can't do yet, so it's a spiraling line of loss, specially now considering there are means being developed to rip their style with increasing precision.

>> No.6245850

>What can you offer in pixels of a 2d plane that AI can't possibly offer, or replicate? It can't be more than a picture for sure.
you must not be a very good artist, or understand art in general

>> No.6245857

I'm sorry to say but if AI art has no value there's a good chance that your art also has no value.

>> No.6245868

>What can you offer in pixels of a 2d plane that AI can't possibly offer
As a Graphic Designer? An entire cohesive and directed visual direction from the logo to the supplementary graphics to the illustrations (whether they be human made or AI).

As a Illustrator? Visual Communication that can often portray very complex subjects quickly in a universal language often with singular images, sometimes more, and often being very symbolic, that elevate the products image and prestige.

Like I said, there's a reason; if all you're doing is drawing a picture, you were not adequately addressing the client's needs. The AI is going to be a great tool for those in these professions; but these professionals need to ensure the clients understand what it is that they brought to the table in the first place outside of just pretty pictures. It'll be more difficult for illustrators, because it seems to me that they themselves didn't understand their role and many WERE just drawing pretty pictures, but I'm sure others will separate themselves from this ilk.

>> No.6245881

>One of my favorite artists has already deleted all of his illustrations from Twitter as a countermeasure for this service...I thought that some of them might even hide their illustrations on pixiv or other illustration posting sites, or stop posting anymore. When I think about it, I think it's really a service that kills painters. :uoooh:
So it has begun

>> No.6245884

You are an idiot.

>> No.6245889

I don't feel so good... Soon we'll be sharing our works in dark alleyways...
>He kid, wanna see something cool?
>Flashes a pic of a big tiddy anime girl hidden in my coat.
>wanna see it again? that'll be $5

>> No.6245892

>I'm of the opinion it'll stall hard and be stuck at this level. It's a wait and see game.
Depends what you mean. I think it'll still get better, especially in terms of doing hands and faces, but I'm skeptical it'll be able to do a perfect scene with multiple actors, particularly in motion. Heck, even a picture of a single person running might remain challenging for it for a good while.
While I won't doubt that *someday* AI will be able to produce images that don't require touching up from a human, I think that's still pretty far off. There's a trend in technology where it seems like anything's possible upon release, but as people further familiarize themselves with it they start seeing the initial limitations. Sometimes this kills the initial hype, but likely people will still keep working with it but with more reasonable expectations.

>> No.6245900

>kid takes a pic of your art and runs away
>emails it to a pajeet so he can fed it to the AI and gets rewarded 500 dalle tokens

>> No.6245907

are you talking to me?

>> No.6245912

Government needs to start subsidizing the arts.

>> No.6245914

>google places to buy helium near me
>pajeet's AI therapist knocks down my door

>> No.6245915

Your face will appear on fox news and everyone will laugh at you lmao.
You can't expect government to give you gibs for leaning your wage on whay is viewed as hobby by the public. At the very least expect them to subside you when plumbers are replaced. A lot of artists are from third world shitholes and they know they will never receive UBI

>> No.6245921

How can I leverage my skillset for future employment... I problem solve... have genius level spacial IQ... but fall behind in most other areas...

>> No.6245931

art is not regulated by the government
you don't need a diploma, a license, a certificate to do art and make money off of it, you can do art anywhere you want, when you want, how much you want
they are taking away our freedom

>> No.6245947

>problem solving
Mathematicians are not needed anymore, too many boomers filing up the seats which weren't taken by calculators. (Unless you are chinese or got a degree in Harvards coming from a queer disabled nog background ofc)
Learn trade and start investing your wage on something

>> No.6245950

Artists will start suing AI devs if they find their work was fed into their database. this fad won't last long. (If not artists, then companies with valuable IP)

>> No.6246010

check for yourself

>> No.6246013
File: 359 KB, 1262x1576, CE7242FD-0FE2-45D8-B25E-205DF37398C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dude? I’m an artist, and I’m thrilled by the thought of having an entire studio at my fingertips. I’ll be able to take my ideas and creations to heights I’ve never conceived possible.
>B-b-b-but studios won’t need us anymore!
That’s where you’re wrong my friend. We don’t need THEM anymore.

>> No.6246016

for real, i don't think people realize how much power is place in the hands of indie studios by this kind of software. If you have skills in photobashing, video editing, and sound design you can literally be a one man band at this point.

>> No.6246030

seriously overestimating ai

>> No.6246036

>ask government to fund the arts
>they fund performance art where a tranny smears themselves in shit while screaming in public
sad, many such cases

>> No.6246054

Hitler was dismissed from art school because his teacher was a jew. People think the art (((industry))) will give them subsides when they have less than 6 million gay niggers in their portfolio

>> No.6246070

Any trades well suited to an artist who is leg disabled? (...acid)

>> No.6246083
File: 84 KB, 872x773, 35KhFbY-arH_lrRcFLWfQ_sLHlBXjFgH4VgTrwOrFow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you supposed to be living on govt healthcare subsidies by now? I would tell you to do code in this case, but according to the WEF Ministry most field relying on code will also be heavily automated by 2025, so you might learn a bunch of things to only to end up competing with prompers with 2 weeks of experience again lmao. Well, there's no way to know which jobs will maintain their stability for longer anymore. 4th industrial revolution AI is to humans what trains were to horses back in the day

>> No.6246133

Artistbros... this can't be happening...

>> No.6246157

Anything you create will also be fed back into the machine and thus your output is worthless. Unregulated machine learning destroys the ability for artists to make a living by undermining the concept of IP and copyright.

>> No.6246159

Cleaning toilets and looking after old people

>> No.6246273

>Depends what you mean
The reason with the jump in quality recently for the AIs, as I understand it, is the increase in size of their samples (in the tens of billions or so). After sucking up all the art, the only way to increase the quality is to fix the AI pattern recognition programming itself, and I think that's too complicated for them to fix for some time - particularly the faces and hands since we're so sensitive to them.

Surprising Jamie Hewlett seems to have no actual art in there, but a lot of people doing fan art in his style. Mcbess is in there. That's as far as I could be bothered, interesting stuff though.

IF things go as bad tech heads say (kinda doubt it), this is how I see it. We're now free and unchained from big corpo. Why make a superman comic when you can make a high quality graphic novel yourself in a month?

Why pitch to animate for netflix or anyone else when you can animate and entire feature film with the help of ai writing, ai music, and the ai helping to animate; released on youtube?

Afraid that your job will fire you? Well they should be afraid of all the competition they'll possibly create by giving you so much free time.

>> No.6246288

>Surprising Jamie Hewlett seems to have no actual art in there, but a lot of people doing fan art in his style. Mcbess is in there. That's as far as I could be bothered, interesting stuff though.
there's a lot of art that is not tagged properly, you can't just search an artists name and get all the results of their work in the dataset, hewlett is 100% in there
>Afraid that your job will fire you? Well they should be afraid of all the competition they'll possibly create by giving you so much free time.
the issue here though is that there is already so much shit, there's dozens and dozens of anime each season, netflix, amazon, etc are all constantly bombarding us with media, there's millions of webtoons and webcomics getting updated everyday, not to mention webnovels and even solo animations. As these AI make the process easier and easier to shit out stuff, nobody is going to pay attention to anything (after all, everyone has a massive backlog even without AI) and so the value of art itself is 0 while the companies that own and develop this tech will become gazillionaires

>> No.6246305

In fact, things produced by random individuals like you or some indie game poorfucker will be infinitely less likely to be looked at. Corporations like Nintendo and Disney will still rule even when the market is oversaturated. Know why? The power of their brands and advertising to bruteforce their media directly into your free time. You won't feel likely to swim in a sea of trash to find something good, so you have to trust these millionaire industries who are in the market for a long time to curate content worthy of your time

>> No.6246353

There's already a glut of art and illustrations being made, and yet here we are - we obviously still care.
If someone develops a following because they produce interesting quirky personal content, it'll stand out from the crowed in the same way your favourite artists do.

In a way, it seems that the creative field has been moving more and more towards going indie, what with patreon, and the indie games explosion, youtube so on and so on.

>> No.6246358

The issue though is that you are essentially relying on charity at that point. very few people are able to make a living that way. also I think you underestimate the scale of which this allows crap to be generated - before, if someone wanted to make a janky pokemon clone (or whatever), they had to put in at least a few months or more of effort to try and replicate the value of the original. Machine learning allows us to shit out infinite amount of pokemon clones if it has enough data.

>> No.6246366

>before, if someone wanted to make a janky pokemon clone (or whatever), they had to put in at least a few months or more of effort
Do you honestly think the people who can never be bothered to put in the effort to create previously are going to be able to put in enough effort to make a decent product? There'll be a bloated market for a period of time, for sure, but the cream will rise to the top, the rest will give up because no one cares about the half assed AI image pokemon copy with a lazy template and poor typograpthy.

>you are essentially relying on charity
Then don't make a patreon and release only paid products, I did point at the indie game market which I assume you don't think is charity.

>> No.6246373

>Do you honestly think the people who can never be bothered to put in the effort to create previously are going to be able to put in enough effort to make a decent product? There'll be a bloated market for a period of time, for sure, but the cream will rise to the top, the rest will give up because no one cares about the half assed AI image pokemon copy with a lazy template and poor typograpthy.
I mean I think the "cream of the crop" are going to be fine, since they have become cult personalities that people want to support no matter what. But if it destroys the utility of 90% of artists making their money from commissions, skeb, freelance gigs and so on then that is going to destroy the stepping stones that beginner and production artists have to get into the industry (and bare in mind, that it's already almost impossible to make a living off of art or indie game dev, you have to be really lucky and do a lot of things right, even without AI)

>> No.6246398

>the "cream of the crop" are going to be fine, since they have become cult personalities
Well that's anyone who is popular, I was talking about people making it in the industry, there are always up and comers. Let's go back to youtube, there are defo "established" creators who can do no wrong and won't be toppled, but there's plenty of youtubers who've made it their career, are doing well, on a smaller audience, and many of them are fairly new or recent channels.

And youtube is a very bloated market.

>> No.6246404

I mean sure, but we don't have AI youtubers yet (virtual youtubers and the like are still entirely crafted by people). So there is a limitation on the amount of competition, even if it's a very bloated market; this is similar to how cram-packed twitter is with artists too. I think you are underestimating what it means when these AI can generate millions of images in the span of time it takes for one person to draw something - especially as they improve and the gap closes between what a human can draw vs what the machine can spit out. How do we even tell what's worth looking at anymore in such a deluge? how do human creators stand out when anything they make can be used to improve an algorithm that can mimic them? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.6246411

Cope thread, unless you are in the inner circles dodging taxes with your rich friends via "modern art" you are fucked.

>> No.6246417

>but we don't have AI youtubers yet. So there is a limitation on the amount of competition
Totally disagree with this, everybody has access to cameras and screen recorders these days. It goes back to what I said about people who never went through the effort of being creative not being able to put in the effort now.

>How do we even tell what's worth looking at anymore in such a deluge?
Fair enough, but despite the amount of music out there, I'm still constantly finding great bands to listen to. It'll work out.

Good, get fucked.

>> No.6246426
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Best video on how AI won't take your jobs.


>> No.6246431
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>> No.6246432

That one was before the release of Dall-e 2, but his points stand for the most part. I felt this one was a bit more relevant now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHW8yDXv6WU

>> No.6246433

Aren't they already making an AI for film though? It seems to have "some" understanding of the figure. Time will tell if the AI is that intelligent, or if it needs some years of reworking before it truly becomes the "big thing" the tech heads are thinking it will be.

>> No.6246435

Its going to be like deepfakes, fooling people is going to be the goal.

>> No.6246448

More than anything, I think the Deepfakes are the sword of Damocles hanging over AI art's head. More than lawsuits from artists or any creative industry, it's going to be lawsuits over deepfakes that'll possibly fuck this thing up. The amount of oddly sexual Emma Watson images I've seen from this thing, and while they aren't perfect, they're enough to fool at a precursory glance.

>> No.6246522

There are multiple different types of machine learning. CLIP is one. GAN is another. Diffusion is another. They do not all have the same strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.6246566


I really can't understand where the "take pictures and mash them togheter" nonsense is coming from.
It's one of those inaccurate popsci bullshit that gets repeated even if it's not true, like quantum computers trying all answers at the same time.

It's simply not how it works. A 2GB model has been trained on 2 billion images. That's literally ONE BYTE per image, how the f whould it store even the smallest piece to "mash toghether"?

>> No.6246590

>I really can't understand where the "take pictures and mash them togheter"
It's pattern recognition; we feed it images and let it know what those images are, so when someone types words that it knows it recreates those patterns. It doesn't literally have those images saved within ( or does to some extent? I know one does), but its patterns are made by the images scanned in, and since it's not literally creating something new but simply recreating what it knows, you could say what it does is "take pictures and mash them togheter".

>> No.6246630
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>bro AI has a human brain like us IT CREATES ART
You are fooling no one rajeesh

>> No.6246631
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reminder to use the fucking filters until mods stop being useless

>> No.6246646

I find these AI threads kinda amusing, and I do think it's good to keep our finger on the pulse of these things.

>> No.6246736
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>> No.6246754

>out of jobs
what jobs lmao

>> No.6246758

human like is how it is explained to the peasants such as yourself, you just wouldn't comprehend all the intricacies of its inner workings, so science men have to resort to such childish pop-sci description

>> No.6246763
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Stupid cashgrab, there is a thing called textual inversion already and it does the same shit for free on colabs or locally (12gb+ vram needed)
I wish for that to be the case, I really would like to live in a world that is different than the "rent everything" future.
Doomer posts but probably realistic. I think capitalist realism bullshit is a brainworm, people did fight for a better future in the past and succeeded and will do so now, we are close to reaching a limit of certain frameworks like copyright or "automation creating new jobs", those things can be positive but only if people will fight for them to turn out that way.
Bloomer posts. I share their sentiment.
They already can since 2020, people are deathly afraid of being the one responsible for the AI related car crashes so legislation lags behind.

>> No.6246765

copyright is a fundamental human right, fuck off

>> No.6246768

Even /r/selfdrivingcars thinks that true self-driving cars are many years away, and those guys are all crazy transhumanist optimists.
All of the “successful” self-driving cars so far have been confined to small areas where they layout of the streets is known in advance.

>> No.6246773
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For me, the main message of art is "you are not alone".
>you are sad and depressed, I am aswell, so here's a song about it
>Yo, I know you like some big tiddies on redheads, so do I, check this drawing I made
>I know you like guns in your movies, so the next movie is all about guns
AI art basically goes against that. You just type shit, the computer gives something to you, and you feel lonely and isolated. There's no "you are not alone" moment.

And since there's no effort into making a pretty AI picture, meaning that everybody can do it, the internet will be flooded by that shit and you will have no interest in any AI generated art that is not generated by yourself.

You can still use the AI into other shit. But right now "artists" that use AI are just extremelly lazy and uncreative, and actual artists don't want to touch it because it gives them little control over what they want to do.

>> No.6246776

>You like Greg Rutkowski? Hey me too!

>> No.6246777

i feel this too anon, I have the feeling that human communication is going to be lost in the sea of meaningless noise... well people who push AI say "it's learning just like a human! you can't ban AI learning from images unless you never let anyone look at art again!", but for some reason AI blending up art and spitting it out feels like rape and when a human is inspired it just feels good and nice.

>> No.6246783
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>You like Greg Rutkowski? Hey me too!
Yeah but I won't really care since I can type that shit into the AI by myself. I have no interest in your journey as a "prompt artist" or whatever you want to call yourself, as I would have in the actual artist

I think more people will understand that having a "life" in internet is just an exercise in self isolation. But I don't believe that realization will give us an internet exodus where people log off and we actually talk to each other. Our brains will already be too fucked up by that point and will grow used to constant short stimuli, as fake an inhuman it is.

But it's not like real life can gives us something better.

>> No.6246790

>But it’s not like real life can give us something better
You can use the internet to find like-minded people and form offline communities with them though.
Obviously there’s a lot of precedent for that already, but I hope it becomes more and more popular as the internet continues to devolve into a cesspit of corporate AI-generated sludge.

>> No.6246795

I hope I can find some art communities IRL again one day. I went to fine-art university a decade ago and even though it was super wanky and hipster back then I kind of miss just sitting on the rooftop during happy hour doodling on a friday evening while some stoner just skateboarded around

>> No.6246799

>form offline communities
as long as the first, last and main goal is to meet each other IRL. Which usually that's not the case.

Also, real life kind of fucking sucks right now. The weather is scorching, there's no place to walk around and no interesting shit to see that doesn't cost a lof of money that I don't have.

>> No.6246803
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>I hope I can find some art communities IRL again one day.
I go to figure drawing classes when I can, but my job makes it really hard, so I can't really become a "regular"

>> No.6246806

>I kind of miss just sitting on the rooftop during happy hour doodling on a friday evening while some stoner just skateboarded around
that sounds fucking awesome I'm dying to do this again

>> No.6246818
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I don't know, It feels off, It feels liberating to transform something someone else made, It feels fun to watch an anime I didn't have to pay for. Victimless crime. I feel disgusted when big companies do break copyright of a normal person, but again normal people often do not have the resources to fight in court over it. It feels like it only works when 2 IP aggregators want to duke it out (and that makes me sick), it also has been frozen for 100 years, what is the point if it will last till the end of time -1 day.
Also I have seen really cool things happening when 3d priting patents started dropping like flies in 2010s. It caused the reprap revolution and made it possible to buy a decent 3d printer for cheap (sure they are used for silly reddit marvel statues but rapid prototyping slaps)
Never got that much into self driving car news, read few articles about it online, maybe I have been spoofed, I am sure I read about cars that drive for a long stretches without driver's attention, googled around and there seem to be "mind off" or t3 self driving cars.
I agree, It always makes me so nice to see the human element in something beautiful or sterile, that's why ponies, anime and furry creatures in something that I feel is beyond them is so fun.
the famed prompt placebo

I don't know, I love human drawn art, nothing beats soulful drawing. I dislike the fact that every soul hobby is getting commodified. Well money makes the world go round, I wish it could work out differently.

>> No.6246834

Friendly reminder to do everything you can to protect yourself from the Great Reset:


This video is probably a good start.

>> No.6246838


>> No.6247968

I dont get how taking other peoples art and fusing two pieces together is ai.

>> No.6248026

ai is deception all the way down to its corr

>> No.6248036

That's literally all humans do. They synthesize concepts.

>> No.6248067

Believe it or not, humans can be innovative. Look at how art has evolved since the restaurant. Ai is nothing but derivative garbage

>> No.6248070

Renaissance (phone posting)

>> No.6248932

>That's literally ONE BYTE per image, how the f whould it store even the smallest piece to "mash toghether"?

That isn't how it works, trannynigger. The unique features of each image are encoded into the model weighs during backpropagation, producing an update to the models understanding of a particular text<>image correlation. It's not one byte per image, dumbass. The entire model is a representative encoding of a feature matrix of everything its seen. So if an artist has a unique style the model has never seen before, that style will be encoded in as many node updates as necessary to embody that knowledge.

You're fuck you ng retarded to act like you understand any of this.

>> No.6249189
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Here is a picture of a Janitor who also can hold a cup of coffee (instead of working) that I made with AI, to participate in this wonderful thread.

Have a bump, why not?
These threads are 100% approved and allowed by moderation, after all.

>> No.6249282

I think AI shitposting is for the benefit of humAnIty (don't trust the government they're lying to you)

>> No.6249525

well your not making the art in the first place. your just telling someone else to do it for you.

>> No.6249530

yes please

>> No.6249533

>wahhh stop posting about aaarrrtttt
Mature. Now.

>> No.6249554

and that dosent scare you ? how your at the mercy of an uncaring cold AI that knows you better then yourself ?

>> No.6249557

fuck i hope a law that bans AI from doing anything creative and halting its progress to a stop gets passed

>> No.6249561

yes yes goy worship the AI

>> No.6249564

I encourage everyone to screenshot this OP and post it again in one year (or, at the rate AI is advancing, six months) in an /ic/ humor thread

>> No.6249572

>the world government making laws that are hostile to big tech
lmao deluded liboid, the literal president can get cancelled you think they give a shit about you?

>> No.6249573

i dont praise it because its lazy. and took no real effort to make unlike other art that required skill to make. you dont deserve any praise if someone else made it.

>> No.6249617
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being a zoomer is the greatest curse.
>want to go into game industry
>vidya has come a long way from handful of dudes in their basement making projects they think would be cool
>now it's a billion dollar industry with actual investors and all that corporate stuff
>since more money less exploration. Everything is just the same space/fantasy warrior variants on artstation.
>gameart is no longer about creativity or fun, but more about efficient and consistent quality deliveries for the product you're making.
This is okay, I can st-
>AI comes out
All the studios care is about the efficient ouput. They don't give a shit about the """"art""" or """""soul"""" bullshit behind it.
I fucking hate being a zoomer so much whybis everything FUCKED

>> No.6249624

Ask an AI to design a cereal mascot without copyrighted samples. It can't.
AI art is such a non-issue that it can't even design fucking cereal mascots. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

>> No.6249625

Jesus. Fucking. Wept. This. Cope.

>> No.6249633

>i dont praise it because its lazy.
That's no doubt, but some DOES look good, and there's no doubt about that as well. It just comes across as pathetic to say even the coolest looking image pumped out by the AI looks like garbage, it looks like massive cope.

>> No.6249639

Refute me then. You really think, in that tiny little head of yours, that a cereal company using a mascot created with samples of a competitor's mascot won't face the most extreme litigation known to man? It'll set precedent for decades. And if it's not cereal mascots (I hope it doesn't start with them, my god), it'll be somewhere else. There will either be legislation put into place before shit hits the fan, or after; but make no mistake, AI will get nowhere without shit being flung.

The consequences of replacing anyone with AI systems is too high, and the risk of being atomically destroyed in court is vastly higher than that.

>> No.6249651

No, the greatest curse you face is your own complacency and ennui. Get out there an UNfuck some stuff, like the rest of us are trying to do. Or you can just sit on Twitter and doompost like a fucking tool. The world has never lost any of its endless opportunities, they're just harder to find, and you can't luck into them by "working hard" anymore. So get out there and find them you fucking baby.

>> No.6249696

Bruh I am in the same situation as you fellow zoom. Would take having been born 20 years before minecraft came out if that meant I could work on a creative field before being on the verge of being outnumbered by pajeets bruteforcing prompts

>> No.6249849

I feel like concept artists will use AI, but if you want cool art for your game or whatever you still need an human that knows what they are doing. It's hard to get consistent results with the AI right now.

And art aficionados that use AI instead of commisioning your art were never going to pay you anyways, your style is shit. Keep drawing until it isn't

>> No.6249898


The timing of all this definitely stinks.

>> No.6249909

The singularity has been waiting to be launched for a while, covid lockdowns' Brave New World has created a population ripe for just being told what to do for the rest of their lives. You will eat the bugs, you will not create your own art, you will not ascribe meaning to anything, you will not own property, you will not have a stable income and will be permanently supplemented by a government wage that we can revoke if you post bad things about trans folx, etc

>> No.6249970

>with samples of a competitor's mascot
Prove it.

>> No.6250015

Great Reset
Build Back Better
Brave New World
Neurospatial bluetooth living
Blockchain soulbound consciousness integration

Eternal torture awaits those who are excited for the future

>> No.6250107

>IF things go as bad tech heads say (kinda doubt it), this is how I see it. We're now free and unchained from big corpo. Why make a superman comic when you can make a high quality graphic novel yourself in a month?
>Why pitch to animate for netflix or anyone else when you can animate and entire feature film with the help of ai writing, ai music, and the ai helping to animate; released on youtube?
>Afraid that your job will fire you? Well they should be afraid of all the competition they'll possibly create by giving you so much free time.
this is why i doubt the general public will get access to mindblowing shit like the shill talk about
corpos already hunt down and shit on anything and anyone trying to take a slice of their profit and influence, i doubt they would let the general public become competition or even just saturate the market enough to drive down profits

>> No.6250163

The public won't be given any AI good enough to make movies as long as Hollywood exists. It's like the diesel industry having set back the electrical one for decades because there would be a fight of parties if their monopoly was immediately destroyed. I do think that they are releasing kneecapped versions for the public so these companies can destroy all the self-publishers with proxy useful idiots though

>> No.6250166

Yeah I think illustration is safer since it's already a less efficient and niche field than concept art. Or conversely, it was already so dead that AI can hardly kill it more.

>> No.6250187

A lot of the best games are made by indie companies anyway. You just have to network and find like minded people to start your own.
You'd do this in college, but it's hard for autists that can't make friends like me anyway

>> No.6250191


>> No.6250772

Unless hollywood buys up these companies, I think they'll continue being available for all (though maybe as a revenue sharing thing), as it could be infinitely more profitable than just sticking to hollywood.

>> No.6250774
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>> No.6250781

Haha, I get you, I find the convo interesting, but I have like 10 threads hidden, and they're all fucking AI threads. These conversations need to be had about this though.

>> No.6250783
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we need an /adfg/ - AI Defense Force General, and gather resources and links to spread the word on the automized and industrial plagiarism the tech industry is committing against the art industry

>> No.6250784

glowniggers are trying to demoralize artists

>> No.6250798

Do you really think the oversaturation will get any better when all 8 billion people in the world can flood the web with this stuff

>> No.6250817

Better yet, now big publishers can purposefully hire pajeets (or another AI) to continuously submit AI content and crash the freelancer market, though there are a bunch of people already doing that for free in case of art like pissing over artstation.

As I see it, if nothing is done to halt this, the only way out for small or single creator teams will be submitting their work under the wings of said brands who will take a big cut of revenue and modify it as they see fit befor publication in their trusted platform

>> No.6250850

>how your at the mercy of an uncaring cold AI that knows you better then yourself ?
anon, algorithms already know you better than yourself. your data's already been gathered and sold to show you more advertisments

>> No.6250851

If having AI forces all the curry eaters and other thirdworlders to finally raise their prices to more closely match the rest of the world because AI has basically gobbled up all the cheap jobs, that is a good thing for everyone.

Cheap assholes who only wanted to pay $5 for their illustration can just use AI, and those who wanted a more human touch; the higher tier client, will pay appropriate rates for it. In this scenario it's good for everyone, except those who produce poor quality works who could never charge more.

That said, if the market does get completely flooded with AI art and Artists, that's a different scenario, and not a particularly good one for anyone; even the braindead proompter.

>Better yet, now big publishers can purposefully hire pajeets (or another AI) to continuously submit AI content and crash the freelancer market
That would be retarded, as it means people leave the industry and there will be fewer talented people, thus they get to charge more.

>> No.6250867

the only joy I get out of this ai situation is knowing that /ic/ predicted exactly what's happening right now all the way back in april when dall-e 2 was released. fucked up that no one believed us until now though

>> No.6250895

I wasn't around to see the release of Dall-E 2, but just seeing Waifulabs back in the day already left me inquieted. If some indie jap machine created for fun could produce all those faces while maintaining eerie consistency, what could that imply to the actual commercial applications of a similar system with much more data?

Some signs can be obvious indicators of things that are going to come at us, but humans just downplay them for the sake of our sanity

>> No.6250897

>iTs JuSt A tOoL

>> No.6251248

this reminds me of the time twitch thots or whatever were seething because a vtuber of all things became one of the most popular streamers on their sight. it was hilarious.