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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 472 KB, 1080x1387, Screenshot_20220825-192705_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6241256 No.6241256 [Reply] [Original]

It's already game over https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/wyduk1/show_rstablediffusion_integrating_sd_in_photoshop

>> No.6241264
File: 1.07 MB, 536x706, d0e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's over
>it's game over
>it's over
>it's over

>> No.6241274

AI assisted photobashing lmao

>> No.6241368

dont care still drawing

>> No.6241369

This, pretty much. And it's frustrating to use, you might as well just learn how to Photobash yourself.

>> No.6241370

it's not /ic/ without 10 daily ai threads

>> No.6241380

Why would the removal of having to copy/paste an image NOW mean it's over? Shouldn't it have been over prior?

It's a somewhat important happening in art, but all these AI shitters are annoying.

>> No.6241384

Even if AI doesn't dominate human art, the marketable skills an artist must have are already changed forever. A dude who got his degree at an art school this year is essentially starting all over again at year zero, and that's even IF human jobs are left.

>> No.6241389

>essentially starting all over again at year zero
You guys spend five minutes proompting and somehow think you have a skill that few others can learn, such grandiose delusions, children could do this shit.

>> No.6241396
File: 143 KB, 1024x1024, spongebob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6241399

i am screeching like a pig laughing

>> No.6241406

Photobashing skills are quite transferable to AI art.

>> No.6241410


New paper that shows consistent characters and objects in a different context https://dreambooth.github.io/ you could fine tune the model with your own pictures of a subject and it will keep perfect fidelity in new contexts. This will solve the weakness the current AI have.

>> No.6241413

I mean at a certain point it's like, man I'm doing so little here this isn't even enjoyable. It's barely even drawing anymore...

>> No.6241419

you know most people in the field can use more than one tool or you AI faggots so up your ass you want it to do everything

>> No.6241423
File: 482 KB, 744x734, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally talked about this a few days ago but the zog droids wouldn't have any of it, and jannies thought removing threads meant removing threats. It doesn't. Reality doesn't go away when you put your hands over your eyes.

Next week will be even more fun I suspect. Lots of new updates coming out.

>> No.6241437

alright but I mean the field was already bloated to all fuck and most techies suck ass in creating stories or marketing them selves
most of them are impromptu dumbasses that random corpo's use as pump and dumps, same thing with passionate artists as well but that was always a thing
>for them saying it will kill artists look at the mobile market for games and how shit mass generating stuff did to it
>are they gonna out rice the chinese

>> No.6241438

this is honestly gonna decimate the entire entertainment industry because copyright is worthless when you have an IP washing machine that eats and shoots out shit with little to no human intervention and intellectual property is the only thing that allows us to profit off of anything creative and digital.

>> No.6241442
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Exactly this. People are trying to dodge the inevitable with "Well why can't it do {this irrelevant thing}?" but they're missing the bigger picture. They're too young to even comprehend why such a tool was made, and why there is so much push behind it from corpos.

The artpocalypse is real. God bless the omnissiah.

>> No.6241444

Art was the last big reason the elites were reluctant to get rid of non-elites. Now there is no such reason.

>> No.6241449

Why are ai trannies either frog or trannime posters

>> No.6241472

you will own nothing (not even the art crafted by your own two hands) and you will be happy :D

>> No.6241520

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcOUG47KV1Y indie developer implementing ai in his pipeline, good bye entry level jobs

>> No.6241526

stupid retard doesn't realise that AI generated art is all CC0 so anyone else can use the shit you make in their game if they want, also game design is next in the katamari ball of AI

>> No.6241530

I don't think ai will take on game design soon, but engines simplify shit so much these days you can get some pajeet do it for pennies

>> No.6241537

Still gonna draw and paint. I'll just use this for professional work and speed up my already decently fast turnarounds.

>> No.6241541

Did he mean to obstruct the road like that? lmao

>> No.6241546

Sure that's impressive but when can it do this with correct perspective and not making some fucked up looking collage?

>> No.6241550

When can we try it?

>> No.6241553
File: 16 KB, 250x271, IMG_4109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just switch to traditional... Unless you are telling me you can't actually draw and have just been relying on a computer this whole time.
And if that's the case you can't really complain about people relying on computers to make art can ya?

>> No.6241554

Indies using AI to make their work easier is one of the good things about AI. The sooner a single indie artist can compete against an entire big shitty corpo the better. That said, he's commentary on AI and it's impacts on art or even his industry were exceptionally dull and boring.

Also music is definitely going to be next on the AI chopping block.

>> No.6241558

the downside that indie devs don't realise is that this fundamentally undermines what allows us to profit from independent games or comics or whatever, which is that our work is unique and our intellectual property. if you have a game you worked hard on and created many unique assets (even assisted by AI) for there's now a precedent set that anything you made can be fed back into an algorithm, shake it up a bit, now there's a different product and all your work has been absorbed into the machine for others to pilfer

>> No.6241562

>On the chopping block
Have you heard what ai music sounds like? The shit it spits put sounds worse than the ones in tv commercials. Sorry, but just like art it's yet another example why something that has no self evaluation will always be worse than a human. I genuinely cannot imagine how a shit AI is going to give me goosebumps. It sounds worse than two steps from hell

>> No.6241564

they're going to rape everything eventually and the cattle will keep eating it up

>> No.6241566

This is why tradchads are unaffected by this. Digital drama means nothing, for some digital is a tool to get some ideas down, while others don’t even use it. They already have next gen printing technology that can accurately reproduce a painting for a print in multiple layers, preserving any impasto and delicate brush work. You can tie an AI thing into this to generate oil painting prints. But you know what? It doesn’t fucking matter, because the kikes can never take the joy of drawing and painting away from trad artists. There’s no meltdown because they’re not even playing the same game.

>> No.6241570

cattle already eat shit up. It will only ruin commercial kitschy shit even harder and sorry if i sound too cold but i cannot be arsed to care that garbage is going to become even bigger garbage

>> No.6241571

There's already robots that can make actual drawings and paintings.

>> No.6241574

sure but those commercial kitschy jobs are what employs 90% of the industry.

>> No.6241575

Like...4 of them, such a threat...

>> No.6241583

That's more than 0.

>> No.6241588

I have at least 4 hammers.

>> No.6241589

Good luck dealing with the AI security guard which is actually an automatic sentry. There's 50 of them guarding the AI art office. Also the building is an AI.

>> No.6241590

wait, I mean... "I only need 1 hammer" *puts on sunglasses* YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHH

>> No.6241593

bro trad is already dead

>> No.6241595

I dress as a QR code that takes them to a website that injects some malicious code.

>> No.6241600

In what way?

>> No.6241602

That might work.

>> No.6241620

at which point do we stop pretending that they're printers with extra steps. It's a worthless gimmick. Like a drummer robot. Who cares

>> No.6241623

to increase profits you can either increase how much money you earn or decrease the money you spend, ai is going to make worse products and bring in less money, but it's so cheap that
it will increase profits massively. Anyone who chooses not to use ai will be unable to compete. Maybe non ai art will survive as a luxury good so we can make a living making the kind of art that appeals to the dickheads who are into rolexs and caviar.

>> No.6241626

Why did companies choose to hire expensive artists that draw well instead of shitty artists that can mass produce for peanuts if it's all about quantity over quality?

>> No.6241627

Yeah and there are Chinese bootlegs everyday and people still buy Gucci. If you aren't making your name valuable as an artist you are not doing it right.

>> No.6241632

Shitty and mid artists can get hired atm for indie gigs or doing production work. AI will weed out those opportunities.

>> No.6241635

Sad emojui

>> No.6241638

Pajeet sirs` we won.

>> No.6241658

Then stop coping and shitting on digital artists like they're the only ones being affected by this. The human involvement aspect will never go away, traditional or digital.

>> No.6241666

In the way that photography and digital art killed it. Yes there are still trad artists but similarly there will be digital artists in the post AI era, it's a trivial novelty.

>> No.6241667

>more effort to create a less cohesive looking scene then just photobashing
but for why

>> No.6241688

The code is still unreleased.

>> No.6241731
File: 173 KB, 601x507, 1661619170518398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like model 1.5 will make better hands.

>> No.6241761

that pic wasn't made by the 1.5 model by the way

>> No.6241762

Just a lucky hit?

>> No.6241804

>Why did companies choose to hire expensive artists
Because there's no such thing.
They all work for peanuts.

>> No.6241819

I don't care, I'll always be better than a prompt using faggot lmao. DEAL WITH IT

>> No.6241822
File: 1.51 MB, 3300x1476, ymmtiotdt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll preface this by saying I'm just a hobby artist, so I'm not worried about losing my non-existent career to AI. But here's what confuses me about AI art: where's the fun?
To me, the process of making art is what makes it fun. If all I did was type a sentence and stitch some scribbles together, that would be boring. The fun is having an idea, and actually working to make it.
This is just like if you played a video game and used a cheat code to win instantly. Where's the fun? The fun is learning to play the game, losing a few times, and challenging yourself until you can beat it.
I'm honestly impressed by the technology, don't get me wrong. I never would have imagined this stuff was possible before. But I just don't see the fun in actually making stuff this way.
The other thing is a lot of this AI art looks really same-y. So I feel like the one major flaw (in my opinion) is that by getting the computer to do the rendering and heavy lifting for you, it removes your individuality as an artist. Honestly I thought all the Wlop clones and wannabes felt uninspired before, but now that anyone can make it it's going to get really kitschy really fast.

>> No.6241824

Thanks for adding another reason to kill myself.

>> No.6241830

it's not about if it's enjoyable when a jew like this https://www.instagram.com/markdviraj/ is making hundreds of dollars of unaware and mislead people easily by literally doing nothing

>> No.6241842

printing robots

>> No.6241856

Who's buying these?

>> No.6241883

If anything it was hard for me to adjust to digital, took me years to get comfortable with it.
Though it'd probably be a pain to go back, especially in terms of costs.

>> No.6241891

>Just make your own game, bro.
>Just release a trillion shitty AI assisted indie games every month that nobody will ever even see, let alone play.
What could go wrong with flooding the market with garbage more than it already is?

>> No.6241899
File: 1.99 MB, 236x224, be9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. A dude who got his degree at an art school this year is essentially starting all over again at year zero

That was the case before AI

>> No.6241902

Some of the fun is in the surprises, like Art Gatcha. I am quite tired seeing people generating the same anime girl/sci-fi/fantasy/celeb pics though. Make something different! And I agree about the uninspired works becoming kitschy, One good thing from this might be that artists are forced to step way out of their comfort zones.

>> No.6241907
File: 12 KB, 171x266, 198384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are ai trannies either frog or trannime posters

>> No.6241909

>most techies suck ass in creating stories or marketing them selves
So do the artists on /ic/.

>> No.6241917

>thinks his spam is a threat

>> No.6241926

>Make a category called "Non-AI produced"

>> No.6241930

>x is better than the artists on /ic/
I really wonder you guys are trying to accomplish when you keep posting this. It's like saying x is better than rancid, fermented, milky rotten dogshit.

>> No.6241983

has anyone tried ai generating some poetry and feeding it into an ai art generator yet?

>> No.6241985

>but for why
Because you don't have to deal with copyright this way.

>> No.6241989

I'll do it

>> No.6242007

Oh well. Good thing I learned blender, substance painter, zbrush, cinema 4d and after effects to do 3d modeling and motion design instead of putting all of my eggs in 1 basket.

>> No.6242009

I'm getting into ZBrush after Blender. I'll probably do animation too. AI forcing artists to grow their skillset might be a blessing in disguise.

>> No.6242014
File: 476 KB, 448x704, 20220828075335_1253465264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok... I will add "a painting" next run...

>> No.6242017
File: 634 KB, 448x704, 20220828075556_1212835533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When in the epiphany the artist took life from the depths, sleeping with his woman in the French countryside, lying before the silent open sky with his partner dead, he found himself above the echo of his own voice. So where art is no longer alive, the poet finds his corpse on the pen, still writing

>> No.6242030

I recommend Simon Fuchs videos about Blender. First one The intro is 4 hours and it goes mainly about add-ons and keyboard shortcuts. But if you bite the bullet and go through it, it will speed up your work forever by a lot. The course is not for beginners tho, more for intermediate already, as he don't goes over basic concepts of 3d work flow there.

>> No.6242039

Thanks, I have that one but pretty new to Blender so I'm just going through some intro courses. It's frustrating but enjoyable and rewarding when I see a 3D model I made.

>> No.6242040

anon, i...

>> No.6242057

I just tried it... it's useless. It would be faster for me to just metaball a shape.

>> No.6242060

>it's a trivial novelty.
There are still art galleries, there's still art funding, there's more money in art than ever. Traditional Art might be shittier than ever, and relegated to the sidelines deservedly so for being so shit, but if all the artists DID lose their jobs to AI (and I don't believe it will be anything like that), I imagine we'll see an explosion of great trad art.

Haha, awkward AI art turned into a stiff 3D model. The future is going to be interesting.

>> No.6242068

There's a more advanced model being trained over Stable Diff's AI, basically it can predict the proportions and sides of an image In a 3d plane so simpler models like a 2d house or a helicopter can have their pictures transformed into something with a toy-like object. By toy-like I mean it won't show the house's electric grids or the helicopter's motor, but it will generate everything in plain aight perfectly. Maybe more specialized models can allow you to fill in rooms inside a house after being developed to apply blueprints

>> No.6242069

when are you people going to fucking stop spamming ic with these fucking ai demoralization threads

go make a good use of your waste of a body and kill yourself, the soil could use some manure

>> No.6242073

>doesn't understand what motion design is

>> No.6242083

you are not entitled

>> No.6242084

>makes up words with a straight face

>> No.6242085
File: 1.39 MB, 463x600, ThefutureIsNOW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we are at least a few years away from usable 2d to 3d model generators.

>> No.6242087
File: 56 KB, 477x876, Screenshot 2022-08-28 083608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

view from the front.

>> No.6242093

This thing will be 3D printed with an AI chip with only one mission: to kill humanity.


>> No.6242120

the final nail in the coffin for nuclear family and healthy relationships

>> No.6242130

At this point pajeets propagandizing their cheap and unskilled work ethics abroad have done more damage to humanity than any nigger or jew could ever hope to achieve by themselves

>> No.6242139
File: 1.82 MB, 512x524, Itsover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6242147

AI isn't here to replace the tools, I'm here to replace the people.

>> No.6242163

I don’t understand the kind of autism that makes people find this fun.
I’d hate to be a concept artist right now. This looks soul-crushing. Although it’s also not too far from what concept artists were doing already.

>> No.6242180

What is the point of that kind of "concept art" there is nothing there. It's more like a redundant image for a mood board, where you are better off just using some great fantasy art from whatever inspired your project.

>> No.6242181

Can't you already do this? Does no one remember Photoshop Battles?

>> No.6242186

At the 40-41 seconds mark the redditor simply took a castle pic from some Korean Pinterest and put it in "his" picture lol. (Though this AI already do that when you look at the images it was fed)
>concept art by greg rutkowski and john stephens of a lush green alpine canyon with a heroic knight on horseback riding down a path toward a massive fantasy castle!! in the valley, another knight stands in the foreground right holding a banner and looking at the castle, gorgeous sunset in the background, godrays, dramatic lighting, detailed, intricate, beautiful, 8k, artstation, Game of Thrones
Everything in the near future is going to be heavily derivative. People are going to scrap every barrel looking for artist's portfolios of yore to get different styles for the AI

>> No.6242188

>greg rutkowski
Is this the only concept artist they know? What the fuck!

>> No.6242192 [DELETED] 

Spear will die. But his soul will choose to go back in time, the time when he was happiest, and he will be at season 1 first episode. Fang who loves Spear wants to be with him too and wants to be in a time when Spear love her, but since he already loves Mira she'll go back in time before Spear is born, and become his mother.

>> No.6242198
File: 183 KB, 557x561, 1659380109494419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing furry porn will be the most stable field to work in, because people care more about the prestige of getting commissions from known artists than the actual product itself.
Get fucked robots, you will never obsolete me because I'm basically cranking out art that's equivalent of Gucci bag status symbols.

>> No.6242199

I don't see how it's not just advanced photobashing. Unless an artist can hide the obvious tells that it was an AI generated image then there's not reason to worry (at the moment).

>> No.6242204
File: 1.88 MB, 315x178, Bdzt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the test showing in the meeting room

>> No.6242205

Yeah, it almost feels like gang stalking, wtf is going on? Although some time ago it was all about Beksinski, so maybe it's a cyclical thing.

>> No.6242207

The most prestigious furry prompters will dominate that sphere then.

>> No.6242228
File: 572 KB, 768x512, 000272.1076237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think ai image creation is a lot of fun

>> No.6242243

fucking scab

>> No.6242244

soulless vs soulless

>> No.6242249

that's probably the last to go but I wouldn't bet on that being that far off either. But does the furry community run on the money it generates? Not really, people just like making oc's. And that's arguably a step up from hentai that is just "popular ip character getting fucked by a muscular man without facial features".

I dunno. Art doesn't have to be commerical, most artists who lived died poor and destitute, is it really bad if it becomes mostly just a hobby to partake in?
Do you enjoy bringing someone else's idea to life more than yours? I can definetly vouch personally for the former but that's mainly due to the money factor, some of the clients don't bring anything exactly interesting to the table. Now remove that, I'd rather explore my own ideas.

>> No.6242258

I think you’re a dumb retarded nigger

>> No.6242259

>that comment
Mhmm yes I wonder what kind of different any new ideas people will create with this AI
Please kill us already AGI

>> No.6242276


>But does the furry community run on the money it generates?

Yes, easily. There's a retarded amount of money in those circles because most folks there are extremely well off.
Most of my customers are 6 figure earners.
Anyone who's above average and doesn't do the most saturated vanilla stuff, will have more work than they could ever handle, due to the ratio of creators and consumers being so insanely out of whack.
And most stuff isn't just making and endless amount of OCs, it's people making a bunch of them and then commissioning normal art or their fetishes from artists who are popular.
It's not just figuratively like a bunch of people buying designer bags to show them off, but the exact same thing in digital format.
Most folks who commission artists have zero other venues to spend their money in. Commissioning their OCs is the only outlet for their consumption because their identity is tied to their ideas and consumption habits.
A machine can't intrude into those circles other than on the lower price levels, who are the consumers who are already out of the markets due to their nonexistent spending ability.

>is it really bad if it becomes mostly just a hobby to partake in?
Yeah, because it's a living for me. I don't do this stuff for fun, I do it to make money because the earning potential easily dwarfs the ~3k a month limit you can reach in my country and it allows me to work from home with my own terms.
>Do you enjoy bringing someone else's idea to life more than yours?
No, most of the work and customers are absolute ass to deal with, but that's just the nature of any work.
Personal and fun work comes after the money factor.

>> No.6242278

>Midjourney class

>> No.6242283

I had my GPT-4 webmarketer model generate one million prompts and create AI images out of them with 100 variations each to post in boorus, and your OC just looks like one of the pics it created so your idea is uninspiring and washed out

>> No.6242284

fortnite but everything is hyper realistic because realistic = better

>> No.6242289

That's called PUBG or Apex Legends or whatever shit that came out. I can't keep track of them all.

>> No.6242292

I seriously doubt just spamming these boorus will be allowed. you'd be forced to manually submit.

Case in point the guy making pics with half assed a.i. had his gallery nuked in furaffinity.

obv. nothing's stopping another site to pop up but I think some curation is to be expected.

>> No.6242300

My guess is that as people self-indulge in AI created works more and more losing their agency, from stories to comics to movies to entire games, things like organic communities will die out due to how much products are being pumped out at the same time. AIs are going to form fake fandoms and such to make up for the lack of human discussions, and only media with the highest paid advertisements will get touched by humans in this dead sea that the internet will become, so corporations wins again in the end

>> No.6242303

Better find one of those actual artist cliques fast before you get locked out and have to deal with the braindead AI buttom mashing masses. The gate must be kept.

>> No.6242304

or nukes fly.
wonder which is preferable.

>> No.6242313

Nukes would be the best option.
Please reset this shithole.

>> No.6242319
File: 448 KB, 637x670, very creative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too hard to spot the people with not a single artistic bone in their body.

"I will now proceed to do the thing I could simply do in photoshop with 2 layers"

>> No.6242353

Are there any forums/discords/whatever specifically with the mission statement of being anti-AI?

>> No.6242390

I don't think so but it will happen I suspect

>> No.6242391

it's going to become as easy to use photoshop to get more exactly what you want, but there are still bajillion people not willing to learn even the basics of that and will never do.

>> No.6242401

AI literally works by reusing existing shit, kek.
It's the opposite of different new ideas and it shows, since everyone using it just wants to see the usual concept art fantasy/cyberpunk bullshit that's been painted a trillion times.

>> No.6242406

plenty of subreddits dedicated to games and other media have already banned or enforced rules about dumbasses spamming ai art
some discords have done the same
this is the closest thing i know
among the normies some find the art fun to look at since its still a novelty while most just find it annoying and not real art to begin with
mix that with how you can easily create loli porn and porn with celebs likeness and i think this whole ai trend will die out into corporate lock and key instead of being spammed by schizos and literal permabegs

>> No.6242411

You likely wasted more time browsing Reddit to save this AI pic, examining it and thinking of a critic to post about it on 4chan than the redditor spent to generate that. Don't you feel robbed of your time and brain memory space?

This is what I'm talking about. We are going to have an entire "professional industry curators" workforce in the next years to increase tenfold the standards on popular platforms, like Steam or Netflix, otherwise it will be bad for their servers and revenue to accept and host so much average AI-propelled content that doesn't even get viewed once. Today Gelbooru rejects /beg/ art, tomorrow it rejects /int/ art, next week you will need to buy a subscription to post images there, unless you want to post your work in some AI-infested space like reddit and risk having it seen by nobody and attracting bad ratings from hater GPT bots. People who want to become content producers in the near future will need to come in with some frontloaded money for a slice of viewership

>> No.6242414

true, it'll likely become paywalled and extension of an existing software while keeping the current models behind their own paywalls. The Pajeet is gonna feel the hammer and made example of one way or another.

>> No.6242422

>how you can easily create loli porn

The potential for CP creation is what's going to kill it for the general public.
Not to mention using corporate assets to generate pictures, which is one massive thing that this has to face sooner or later.
There's not a chance in hell some giga corpo like Disney is going to allow AI to study their material for content creation and same goes for every other corporation that has paid to create art.
AI art is a can of worms that's a novelty for now because it's so new and small, but it's not going to withstand the light of day when people start asking very simple and inevitable questions.
It'll without a doubt become a corporate tool to cut costs and will be utilized by big programs like Photoshop that can pay for a bank of pics to educate the AI on. Also it will remain in the hobbyist circles as open source programs that simply can't be banned.

>> No.6242427

You'll have to define "anti-AI." This is something I mentioned a handful of days ago in one of the AI threads, and now we are here. I mentioned that sooner or later all of this tech will be in Photoshop, and some people will not even know to what degree they are using "AI" because it's so tightly integrated. Your cintiq line smoothing program can be considered AI because it beautifies your line quality. How is that any different from img2img taking your shit sketch and outputting a higher quality rendition?

>> No.6242432

You need a strong GPU, so normal fags won't be able to do it. So i will save for a good 12GB GPU or just the next gen that comes soon.

Anyway, the shit is gonna change various parts of the workflow, my take, next year i'm going to start mass producing hentai like there is no tomorrow or at least speed the process x2
We are in the jungle anons, prepare to fight, i don't want to see you bleed

>> No.6242435

speed the process x2
That would be ideal. Having to slash comms prices but doing it double speed is hardly an issue. But I know damn well it's gonna be more than just half

>> No.6242447

pilpul at it's finest everyone

>> No.6242451

You don't need to draw to generate AI, you can find a blind illiterate hobo and tell him to say something to the AI and have it generate a masterpiece, I think that's quite a step in difference from line altering software, since you're just commissioning art at this post

>> No.6242459

It was an example. If Photoshop tomorrow offers an "enhance" feature that's img2img, and it still requires you to draw or provide it a sketch, how is that any different from a prompt?

>> No.6242473

the only reason it's a masterpiece is cause of the given context it was made in, maybe he can buy robo eyes with that money.

>> No.6242490

>Behold, this art was made by a blind man!
AI reveals a tier of moron I didn't know existed.

>> No.6242491

img2img can improve a sketch, but if you think this will be enough to give your sketch a consistent quality to post it as a finished picture then that's on you, unless you're aiming to become a touch up artist and give it some fixes, but even so it's easy to tell 3d tracers from actual artists so in best case scenario one would need to redo a lot of things to get good art from what is essentially AI-made concept art. The worst case scenario would be one where anyone can get fully consistent drawings in an AI-simulated handmade brush of their choice and high fidelity style thanks to some upgraded cutting-edge img2img black box software, and at this point our discussion would have to reason to exist since art would be fully dead

>> No.6242507

There WILL be someone who will do a tiktok clip of this and then sell the picture for millions due to it being a historical hallmark of technology or whatever despite the art being a nonsensical mix of sampled pics, this would be the nightmare scenario where the pajeet devs get rich with 100x advertising and NGOs giving him multiple prizes

>> No.6242513

Not a bad idea. You can start a fundraiser or whatever the fuck selling the hobo-generated art and claim that they get a cut.

>> No.6242541

I only came here for Ellison

>> No.6242553

too bad, there's only suffering here

>> No.6242563

Alright just called my grandma to play the blind hobo. I'm gonna use all the money AI-loving faggots give me to hire one of Disney's lawyers so he can sue these indian AI projects to the ground. Redditors will hate me but I will go down in history as a martyr who saved art

>> No.6242580

>A billion dollar industry is suddenly accessible to amateurs.
>This is bad because...

Stop being such a crybaby. I had no interest in art prior to this because I have no talent. It benefits me as a programmer, because now I no longer have to pay someone thousands of dollars to launch a product.

We will all get replaced eventually, the skillsets will shift to improving and maintaining AI. It's inevitable.

>> No.6242582

By the way, I definitely chose to program because I saw this coming to every job. It's called foresight.

>> No.6242594

I don't think any artists are being replaced when AIfaggots need to type "Greg rutkowski" "Junji Ito" or other names in the prompt to get good AI generations. It's more like these people are being exploited, isn't it? Oh nevermind, they're just whiny crybabies

>> No.6242617

Will you have interest in art 2 years from now?
My guess is probably not, that is unless you have an actual interest into it and the creative process.

>> No.6242621

Github has that AI to help coding. You are also going to be replaced, mate.

>> No.6242631
File: 468 KB, 986x578, 565626562456.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sign my fucking petition faggots

>> No.6242633

Hilarious to think it wouldn't come to the ones you are directly working with a robot to begin with.

Your "foresight" was you noticing that working in the art industry has turned into soulcrushing machine with only seniors able to make a living and the furry porn artists outside it.

>> No.6242636

You know, there will eventually be that time where our children or their grandchildren need to learn valuable skills. I'd rather be the replaced programmer teaching children AI than replaced artist with nothing to teach.

>> No.6242637

by the time you have kids there will be nothing left to teach

>> No.6242640

I think I will become a lawyer now. Perhaps specializing in IP.

>> No.6242641

You could also become a replaced gardener, useful after everything turns to shit.

>> No.6242645

depressing as fuck job desu

>> No.6242647

You seriously want to regulate a tool that's not capable of thinking or innovating on its own? Are you that bad of an artist? All it does right now is force you to innovate instead of recycling art.

>> No.6242649

Making new art styles is just a patch update for the algorithm b’ u’b

>> No.6242650

that's postal 2 right? how many fucking people here are old enough to have played that one, nevermind the original.

>> No.6242651

>>A billion dollar industry is suddenly accessible to amateurs.
>>This is bad because...
From this greentext one can drawn out three possible meanings to the thoughts of the /g/fag
1° - He implies that amateurs never had "access" to the art industry before. In his conception it's either because he believes:
1.1 - We live in some Victorian era where you need to be part of the elite to pay for private tutor classes if you want to learn how to draw
1.2 - /begs/ can not ever hope to improve their skills in order to grow as an artist, and /pros/ are already born with fundies and color theories learned.
2° - He implies there will be an art industry still standing to be accessed by amateurs, when their prompts can be even more easily automated by AI, while also contradicting himself later by stating artists as a whole will be replaced
3- He thinks the top art industry of museum and money laundering scheme will ever be accessible to amateurs, or be replaced, when they're going to remain there until the end of times while the actually legitimate artists go down

>> No.6242657

Drawing has 0 financial barriers as long as you’ve got a ballpoint pen. It was always accessible.

>> No.6242658

anyone in their around their 20s who has a steam account

>> No.6242659

/g/ here. Just so you know we're all laughing at you. Install Gentoo.

>> No.6242662
File: 1.31 MB, 1124x906, 1661641676932589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it an RMS-approved distro??

>> No.6242664

It's simple, really. We as humans and consumers have a choice.
>Pay for works made by AI generated images
>Don't pay for them and only buy from companies known to hire humans.
I for instance know that I would never support anime or manga created by AI, and I can verify this easily by looking at the company. It's really that simple. We as consumers have a choice, you are overreacting.

Drawing takes way more effort for me than it does a professional artist. All this does is help me compete against the big corporations with my small indie game unless there is some regulation.

>> No.6242665

your programming knowledge will be obsolete for your grandchildren

>> No.6242666

how that one anon has done nothing make the perfect body pillow of Emma Watson doing
have they made her both in lifesize and kid size yet

>> No.6242667

You have to understand, they are barely human themselves.

>> No.6242669

The issue is that your indie game is worthless since it can also be fed into a machine learning algorithm. You do not appreciate how undermining IP (and scarcity) destroys the ability for artists to make a living.

>> No.6242670
File: 165 KB, 600x596, 6245225646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art was my life, the only thing I ever enjoyed. I'm a engineerfag, art's not my real job, but this whole thing has been fucking up my life. why must you faggots make everything about consooming as fast as possible

>> No.6242671
File: 34 KB, 739x415, detroit_become_human_marcus_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bos why didn't we see this coming

>> No.6242676

Because it's a shit "game" I had no interest in.

>> No.6242679

I see so someone doesn't design shit thinks this looks good

>> No.6242680

As long as marketplaces ensure that I am a human who can advertise his game, it's not useless. Corporations won't have unlimited funds to keep pumping out trash nor social media followings that we humans do.

>> No.6242682

>Drawing takes way more effort for me than it does a professional artist. All this does is help me compete against the big corporations with my small indie game unless there is some regulation.
This is the worst assumption one could make. You know, we already have primitive AI-made games on par with Agar io and such, but what do you think that will happen to the gaming scene when it gets infested with AI-assisted games created in 5 minutes with good art and music and writing (AI-done too)?

Your game is not getting played, or even found by anyone in this sea of AI works. The only entities who will profit from this will be corporations with enough money to buy lots of ads to highligh their own games.

>> No.6242683

help, I have art brain, I'm too retarded to do anything useful

>> No.6242690
File: 64 KB, 771x476, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are turning the creative industries into a katamari ball of IP. The end goal is for consumers to interface with algorithms (that are elaborate databases that interpolate between different points) rather than art directly from other humans.
There will be no marketplaces in the future, other than nfts and crypto bullshit

>> No.6242695

>trusting the algorithm for a game
get class of clans/farmville or mobile game knock off copy pasted a thousound times over
>what does he mean by this

>> No.6242701
File: 60 KB, 680x593, 1660530901597820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6242705

The fundamental issue is not how good or bad the AI is but that the legal and ethical grey area around the training datasets renders copyright and intellectual property obsolete.

>> No.6242713

Even when it comes to that, I am not putting my eggs in one basket. We've already seen what happens with mobile games and their replicas. People haven't stopped playing those.

>Your game is not getting played, or even found by anyone in this sea of AI works. The only entities who will profit from this will be corporations with enough money to buy lots of ads to highligh their own games.

It's simple. You create a marketplace that doesn't allow replicas, with a system that values human ingenuity over AI. You focus on offline marketing first to make it big enough. Unless these corporations start killing people, there's no threat.

>> No.6242716

ah yes and where's the balance team at or every fuckin game gonna be a broken unfinished mess that lasts less then month

>> No.6242717

Most people struggle to make one 512 pixel image on their comp with stable diffusion and you think we will be making and playing games in real time? You must kill yourself.

>> No.6242719

That is so insanely retarded, as is expected from reddit. What I want from any form of entertainment is to experience the vision the creative team had for it. not something that scans my brain to give me Half-Life 3, the me experience.

But it's not hard to see them think this way when everything modern is 90% just a checklist tailored for most consoom.

>> No.6242725

If your game is already using AI generated art then your game is not unique. You would be relying on charity
We're not there yet but my point is that the precedent is set that anything is fair game if you feed it to an algorithm which can iterate on it. This is not even conjecture on my part, the Stable Diffusion CEO has been very upfront about where he wants to go with all of this. We do not live in a post-scarcity world with UBI so all destroying intellectual property does is destroy the ability for artists to make a living.

>> No.6242734
File: 616 KB, 2048x1319, FaFf1x6UcAAcdbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You create a marketplace that doesn't allow replicas,
Uuh that didn't work well for art, we have a lot of NFTs clearly made after artists's styles like picrel.
Taking Dark Souls for example for this game marketplace in your ideal future, would another game Nioh be allowed in it even though it could be simply prompted as "dark souls in Edo Period with Yokai"? And you're aiming to use AI art to make your game, yet don't think it would be hypocritical to have your game allowed in?

>> No.6242742

I consider it a mercy killing almost desu.
Shit's been fucked for years and would had gradually gotten worse for artists regardless.

There was no light at the end of that tunnel to be foreseen. Now when it comes to the pajeet wanting to create an autoconsoom machine he can just fuck off.

>> No.6242744

>If your game is already using AI generated art then your game is not unique. You would be relying on charity

I would agree if we were talking solely about art. Games are not forms of art, the main thing you do is play them.

>> No.6242745

The Midjourney CEO specifically said he hope we can achieve UBI by the end of the decade. Lmao these people are displacing millions and hoping the government can come in and fix all the pipes they bust at random before someone goes after them.

>> No.6242752

AI music, AI graphics, AI storytelling, AI programming are all becoming a thing. You can consider these either art or not, but they're all a game can be made of

>> No.6242762

It's not impossible But I don't think that's going to happen much beyond Europe any time soon, and that is in the event the retard from the east is contained. Even if there'll be a techno utopia the road will be paved with misery by these oblivious tards

>> No.6242763

yeah that is not happening lol, he's a lying snake hiding the legality of the datasets for his for profit company behind university research and open source

>> No.6242764

How about this:
A marketplace that allows a total of 10 unique releases per verified human per month. By the way, I am talking in a hypothetical manner. I really couldn't care less where all this goes. Of course, in such a hypothetical market, you could disallow whatever you want, such as AI game assets, or have seperate communities for those who allow it and those who don't.

>> No.6242767

Dev hell- your AI game needs an entire redo and debug menu error messages are a mile wide
>refund central

>> No.6242770

Seems something indian shills could be paid to outnumber devs working alone

>> No.6242771

>also most definitely lawsuit central
they hate pirates why do you think they would let it be legal

>> No.6242773
File: 123 KB, 1000x1545, 61Z8sHNNFPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We laughed at them, we should had known better.

>> No.6242778

who fucking knows, the UK is looking to amend copyright law though so that there is an exception for AI though (where stability diffusion is based). if that really happens then everything is fucked

>> No.6242788

pics retarded with a leg about to scratch his ass or coochie from what ever trannie boi you just created

>> No.6242789

All they managed to do was expand the shit-filled streets of India to the whole internet with digital AI poop

>> No.6242792

So maybe we should agitate Pakistan and blame it on india?

>> No.6242793

Brits are really keen on allowing datamining, their dystopian government recently broke any existing limitation just so these corporations could spy on the citizen. I don't think anything good will come from updates on their laws

>> No.6242803

my country is so shit

>> No.6242819

you know to most assets and code is considered confidential when making a game why the fuck would let an AI touch that is beyond me it's just begging to be hacked and pirated

>> No.6242834

Good Morning Mr. Hidetaka Miyazaki. We members of Game Diffusion listened to your claims about having our A.I trained on the data of your games. Please know that we don't use any copyrighted material in our dataset. Also please know that all derivative AI created user content falls under fair use so don't try to sue us. Good morning.

>> No.6242838

teach it on a letsplay, advanced enough, it would be able to gather enough data, but this is probably after it's taken rest of the remaining jobs anyways.

>> No.6242839
File: 199 KB, 386x590, eroge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stable diffusion dataset has a bunch of visual novel and eroge cgs in it

>> No.6242841

It's over, sisters. Technology has won over pityful flesh. Klaus Shawb, my body is ready. Give me a whole bowl of bugs.

>> No.6242842

all niggas what to let Nintendo here any of this most definitely gonna be blacklisted from the industry shut

>> No.6242843

>The Midjourney CEO specifically said he hope we can achieve UBI by the end of the decade.
what a delusional retard. god I fucking hate this clown world where we have libertarian retards pushing for literal Marxism
anon, these techies are mentally ill. seeing them pass these uncanny monstrosities as something that's good and impressive is pretty much the same thing as the drag queen abominations. it's like a reflection of their tasteless, ugly souls. i'm starting to believe Satan is real

>> No.6242846

Don't give up sisters, the only way forward is to outpace and reach the top before the gate closes and we are locked out forever. 16 hours a day sisters. This is the FINAL stretch otherwise we'll NEVER get in.

I have no recourse left, it is do or die. See some of you at the top.

>> No.6242850

this is how the normaltard brain functions. I'm not talking about the delusion that frankensteining something together like this at the press of a few buttons is something that's possible in their minds. but look at the shit they would plan to use something like this for.

>> No.6242858

Addendum: According to a study, neuroplasticity is GREATEST when you need it, in other words, NOW. You will make INSANE gains as the AI version of the Moon from Majora's Mask rapidly approaches.

>> No.6242867


>> No.6242868

idk man, better than literally nothing no matter how bad.

Unless you think death is preferable.

>> No.6242871

don't worry, there's still labour shortages all over the world! once the creative field is decimated, there's minimum wage to be made cleaning up incontinent boomer's diapers in old people's homes :-)

>> No.6242883

most boomers be dead by then, they know they'll won't be seeing the fruits of their labor
>and prob most of the current obese if they already require mobile scooters

>> No.6242900

i don't know what's funnier. the fact they think sheer quantity is gonna be revolutionary, the fact that their idea of "innovation" is naming a few existing things together, or the fact that they're missing the joke which marketing experts have known for a very long time about "customers don't know what they want"

>> No.6242904
File: 42 KB, 488x628, 1684848585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw be zoomer
>get into drawing thinking one day surely i'll become a pro artist like my favs and do just enough commissions to live near minimum wage while making cool pics
>check out this AI mini some pajeet released that generates images on demand
>"this makes some dorky pics lol"
>timeskip of a few anime seasons
>sus pajeets team up at the same time and launch three-headed cerberus V2 AI models that hunt and eat artists
>it's the R.S and normalfags love it
>all artists had no agency and just took the L
>dreams falling apart in real time
>halt drawing for now to try and find a real job
>"maybe the coding area is where shit's lit"
>learns about github copilot and the incoming IT bubble burst
>tfw learns about klaus schwab's 2030 predictions
>tfw learns about neural chips and fourth industrial revolution
>tfw learns AGI is just around the corner
>tfw became AIpilled
Pursuing a degree is totally not bussin since the world will be upside down in a couple years. Thank Nietzsche i didn't go to art school. Should i just become a janitor until elon musk robots replace me? Surely we're not far from communist gay space utopia or complete societal collapse with the devaluation of labor these AIs are doing

>> No.6242906
File: 102 KB, 900x506, 1298838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a millenial and this shit has made me wish i was 70 years old already

>> No.6242910

I stopped drawing since I just wanted to illustrate some characters for my fiction, but these threads concern me just as much when Dall-E 4 is just around the corner

>> No.6242912
File: 2.32 MB, 327x251, CircularAncientEnglishpointer-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be forever online psyoped retard
>2030 arrives
>le funny german technocrat became irrelevant years ago since all of his affiliated candidates got voted out by disgruntled farmers, detransitioned little girls who are now adults and the niggers who dont actually like gay people
>you were a janitor this whole time
>life amounts to nothing, but at least you didn't take any risks
by all means become a minimum wage shit cleaner. you are clearly predisposed for it.

>> No.6242919

anon it's your lucky day to meet the former internet star Nickocado Avocado and change his. diapers! He won't be for long with us in this world so savour the moment!

>captcha: GAYTA

>> No.6242922
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 168384848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the shit that this Klaus fella said would happen is happening one after another, the burden is on the opposition to prove that this technocracy can be stopped, or even delayed. Shit just gets worse by the day and don't think we're ever going back to the past if you factor in that neither the government nor elites need to worry about goys anymore when there's automation and resource amassment

>> No.6242926

The irony being that when I'm 70 I'm likely clinically blind without advancements in medicine and the only way I can make art is to say words into a machine.

>> No.6242928

Stable Diffusion has already partnered with the Indian government. Anyone who doesn't see this is another way for the wealthy and powerful to amass power is deluded

>> No.6242933

Bugs are dying, the planet is dying.
There won't be bugs to eat.

>> No.6242935
File: 99 KB, 548x640, 771px-Claude_Monet_-_Weeping_Willow_1918-548x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monet kept painting even into blindness. The drawings people make even with limitations are beautiful. It is a reminder of our biology and dna.

>> No.6242936

They absolutely had to choose India so young pajeets can flood the internet with AI NFTs from a young age

>> No.6242939

That's not what technocracy means.

>> No.6242941

Some evil US political polish nigger years ago predicted this shit too... that the US would lead in a technocracy.

>> No.6242945

i'm gonna do you one favor, pal. go look up peak oil right now, then look at the demographic pyramids of china and all western nations, then look up the phytoplankton levels and its effects on oxygen and a ton of other shit that could be happening that can end this party one way or the other within the next 20 years.

None of this shit is new, all of it is hypoteticals and i promise you that none of it is going to happen in your lifetime. Technocrat psyops are probably one of the oldest tools of population control in our rulers playbooks. The most valuable resource here is you, and you are going to panick all the way into the fucking pod unless you sit the fuck down and start wondering if you are being led by the nose.

>> No.6242946

Then NRx accelerationism

>> No.6242950

To be honest things were changing too fast even before AI came into the picture. I grew up dreaming about growing up to be like Frank Frazetta or Boris Vallejo drawing bitches on canvas and selling them to sci-fi magazines or whatever. But that bus sailed and took off and deorbited long time ago.
Now we're living in a sci-fi magazine.

>> No.6242951

That's just everything is a remix electric big igloo version 2.
Novel ideas are vastly overrated especially if you're just trying make money. The most profitable things are the ones large number of people are familiar with.

>> No.6242954

the human brain has not evolved to deal with the highly abstracted and inorganic world we are living in. This will only proliferate wide-spread misery

>> No.6242961

>Novel ideas are vastly overrated especially if you're just trying make money. The most profitable things are the ones large number of people are familiar with.
NFTs are popular though

>> No.6242967

Then mint one and sell it.
It's not a new idea anymore though.

>> No.6242975

Nowadays you need 2 of 3 things to sell NFTs
>enough money to buy at least 5 times from yourself in rising prices
>huge twitter or discord following so retards believe you're legit
>some stupid utility like being able to use the NFT in your unity3d game

>> No.6242982

And remember to make it a portrait of Elon Musk or 500 funny monkeys.

>> No.6242985
File: 80 KB, 682x749, twit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek the stable diffusion pajeet just said on twitter that they're going commercial with it next month and for artists to get their lawyers ready if they wanna do anything about it.
He knows that we're just a bunch of ants standing at the foot of goliath.

>> No.6242987

now imagine a tech bro telling you that AI midjourney is just as impressive as this lmao

>> No.6242989

I think it's a bit tough to pursue this angle anyhow since the actual distributed model doesn't include the initial data it was trained on.

>> No.6242992

it doesn't matter that they've abstracted the data, they still utilised copyrighted material in their training algorithm. Just because I do not distribute a font with my project doesn't give me a license to use it unless the license permits in an image.

>> No.6242993

Is it a crime for an artist to look at copyrighted material and learn from it?

>> No.6242995

So you're implying we are going to end up in some multi-continental struggle for resources. Well I don't think anyone is going to take the blame for the phytoplankton holocaust and just stop the engines of the country to chill sea temperatures, so we are going to see wars and societal collapse either way if scentists dont find a gay solution to solve this

>> No.6242997
File: 75 KB, 675x565, twit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not try to hide behind anthropomorphisms of an algorithm. Just because there are other humans out there like us does not give big tech permission to profit from your copyrighted data.

>> No.6243000

I mean I don't know if you just lack reading skills but the model literally doesn't include the copyrighted data.
It's able to produce something that approximates the data but it's not the same data.

>> No.6243001

Good? Lol no, I deliberately aimed to get an uncanny ugly thing. The prompt was Richard Nixon, big nose, neanderthal, robot, stoneage and so forth.

>> No.6243002

Also this guys doesn't seem to know anything.
The whole point of a neural network is to be an analogy to the brain.
It simulates neurons that approximate the way real neurons work.

>> No.6243004

the only reason an AI can do anything is because it was fed millions of pictures drawn by artists. without artists it would be nothing
>but but but humans did the same
humans learned to draw from real life. they designed stuff from real life. dragons don't exist, yet we came up with them as a concept from what we've learned from nature. we didn't find millions of pictures lying around that we copied through some rng algorithm that lacks self evaluation. try to feed it real life footage, make it come out with a style from that, let's see if muh artificial "intelligence" can do art wit hthat, and not just bruteforce stolen art by a street shitter

>> No.6243007

>an analogy to the brain
so is the CPU, that doesn't make it remotely close to the human brain

>> No.6243006

It is not an issue of distribution of the source images. The abstraction and compression of the dataset does not negate the fact that artist's IP was used in the training. This is a breech of copyright. It has nothing in common with the way that humans see and learn from art.

>> No.6243011

Okay so you don't know how a CPU works.

>> No.6243013

you don't know how a human brain works

>> No.6243014

The way he comes off is that he clearly doesn't care about any impacts or legal issues that is going to arrive. I get that pajeets are either alien to the consequences of their own actions or he's not worried because he's not to take the blame if legal battles spark up. Emad seems to be leading most threateing plans compared to the other two projects who kept their models away from opensource due to moral concerns

>> No.6243017

I know it doesn't work like a fucking CPU.
Yours doesn't seem to function at all.

>> No.6243022

It's because he's a billionaire crypto hedgefund manager who has enough money to shield himself from the fallout. Going open source was intentional to try and obscure the legality and ethics of the fact that they are already monetising behind closed doors.

>> No.6243025

You guys realize that if AI doesn't go FOSS all it will do is benefit the elites? On top of still taking away the jobs of artists.

>> No.6243028

where is your tard wrangler? that was my point, that the CPU is a trash analogy to the human brain. so is everything else in this world that is an analogy to the human brain

>> No.6243033

That was my exact point. The CPU is a trash analog for the brain so stop using it as one.
The neural network on the other hand directly emulates the way a brain functions on a neural level. That's what separates it from traditional computing.

>> No.6243034

open source is worse because this tech is the creative equivalent of an atomic bomb in terms of the consequences of what it will mean for the creative arts. if the training set cannot be regulated then it will render intellectual property worthless. IP is the only thing that allows us to have ownership (and profit) from our creative work. if nobody can profit from making art then there will only be hobbyists and no professionals.

>> No.6243036 [DELETED] 

Yes that's why I said he's not going to take the blame for this. They want to crash content producers like artists, musicians and writers so we all have to fall back to the same hole where the consumers lie

>> No.6243041

You can't fight this. Big tech would love nothing more than to make open source illegal. If they can't do it what hope do you have?

>> No.6243046

stable AI is big tech dipshit, they are funded by amazon and have a partnership with the united nations. emad is a trillionaire who's tied up in all kinds of crypto bullshit and funded laion + the supercomputer they used to compress the dataset out of pocket. yea surely he's doing it all out of the goodness out of his heart and to promote open and democratic software for all and not to get his foot in the door in this technological arms race and be at ground zero while all this shit is going down

>> No.6243047

kek, why the hell are they so predisposed towards scamming.

>> No.6243054

Honestly the only hope you have for getting AI banned on moral grounds is getting this to the attention of the same evangelicals who banned aborting fetuses and convincing them the neural network traps souls that immediately die after the program stops running.

>> No.6243058

Point is, elites have no reason to attempt to fight opensource AIs. The paid models will be objectively better than the timed prototype they release for free advertising as normies flood the internet with art from their AIs. Having AI completely locked behind paid models would prevent people from being able to generate and spam thousands of images free-of-charge, or track the work that they put in it to avoid CP and clear usage of an artist's work

>> No.6243060

>yea surely he's doing it all out of the goodness out of his heart
Well maybe he does. I'm not enough of a marxist to think all rich people are inherently evil.
Because certainly big tech would benefit more from hoarding all the AI tech to themselves.

>> No.6243061

*gimped not timed

>> No.6243062

we will ban ze ai, and you will get vaxxed, you will eat ze bugs and live in a pod
here's the contract, sign with blood

>> No.6243066

I haven't really been following this but at which stage does the fetus need to be to be considered a person according to these people? And how many neurons does it have at that stage and how does it compared to Dall-e?

>> No.6243067

You can see ITjeet are good person when they talk about "democratizing" art when no artist ever had a choice about having having their pictures used as data to train AI

>> No.6243069
File: 73 KB, 1000x563, pirate-bay-logo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I'm getting out of this is people should pirate stuff online more because why bother paying a motherfucker from you can get it for free

>> No.6243070

it's literally techbro billionaire steamrolling and raping millions of artists for his pet project with no consent or care given to the ethics.
seems evil to me

>> No.6243071

AI will be the pod you dumbass if you niggas want the matrix levels of AI

>> No.6243073


>> No.6243074

The steamrolling is going to happen whether this one guy does this or not, that's what you don't seem to be getting.
At least he makes the fruits of his work free so you can also use them.

>> No.6243078

there was an ethical way to approach this tech (using creative commons 0 images, licensing artist's work or asking for volunteer images, etc.). I'd argue that OpenAI/DallE has been better in stableAI in this regard because they are blocking some living artist's style, regulating use of certain IP, as well as the issues around CP and deepfakes. Releasing this shit as open source is absolutely irresponsible given the damage it is doing.

>> No.6243080

You don't understand. If you give over this demon core to everyone for free, unmoderated use then you're lawful good

>> No.6243088
File: 75 KB, 604x726, 1660957962682937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OpenAI pajeet dev had a Twitter fight with StableDiffusion followers regarding this issue

>> No.6243091

the tech is useless you fucking retard. try using it yourself.

the 'successful' results you see posted online are 1 in a thousand prompts, and are still moslty useless for commercial use.

>> No.6243097

Why are both of you deflecting the argument?
Are you trying to make open source illegal or not?
Because it's not going to fucking happen.

>> No.6243098

It's a program that makes pictures.
Is it going to kill billions of people in the wrongs hands?
That's only reason nukes are regulated. Besides being a major cudgel in geopolitics of course.

>> No.6243100

You're the one deflecting by saying the pajeet was good for facilitating this >>6243088 . To answer your question why yes AI should be regulated to the fullest, or else we'll have people like you soon defending AI mass password crackers because your destructive philosophy is that any technology that's invented must be made available to everyone or whatever

>> No.6243102

>pajeet was good
Nothing to do with my actual argument.
My actual argument was, you can't fight open source.

>> No.6243104

>AI mass password crackers
This will be a thing too. I don't need to defend it, just like I'm not defending open source art generators.
I hate them. But they're inevitable.

>> No.6243106

>pwese make it illegal
what's up, chudster? where did your libertarian spirit go?

>> No.6243108

Intellectual property and copyright exists for a reason dumbass. You can't just hoover it all up and make it open source.

>> No.6243109

>I will co-opt AI...FOR FOR THE POD MEME GUYS HAHA. it's not the AI that should get associated with living in the pod, I swear. if you don't want to replaced by an AI, it means you want to live in a pod and eat bugs totally

>> No.6243110

prove ai infringes copyright

>> No.6243111

prove you're not a retarded tech bro who is trying really hard to make this thing have any sense

>> No.6243112

>pleads daddy government to ban the evil ai
>goes to /pol to whine how the government is le bad and literally white genocide

>> No.6243113

defeat accepted

>> No.6243115


>> No.6243117


so i opened twitter and u artfags are still bitching about this tech,but do u realize if u wanna ban this,then u would have to ban literally every other ai since its always trained on someones work ? Moreover Ai and machines have replaced so many crafts in the past too,but why no sympathy for them ? might aswell ban all machines and go back to fucking stone age

>> No.6243119 [DELETED] 

I mean the matrix had that idea first and a shit ton of other things refrence that but I guess you don't get shit like that
>exactly how old are you

>> No.6243120

OpenAI paid people for footage of them playing minecraft to train an AI to play minecraft.

>> No.6243121

there's no defeat to be had when you're arguing with a retard like yourself. i'm not about to argue with someone who will tell me "prove that the sky is blue". that would be retarded wouldn't it? I believe that even having an argument with you on this matter would affirm that your implications deserve a chance lmao
tranime pedophile schizo, were you trying to have a point there?

>> No.6243124

oh i have sympathy for them you fucking vermin. i have a job that tech retards have been gloating about how it's gonna be automated since the early 2010's but it didn't happen. I enjoy watching them seethe as they impotently still try to convince me that it'll happen in this lifetime

>> No.6243126

are techbros all legitimate sociopaths who find glee in seeing their fellow man lose their livelihood and reason for living?

>> No.6243127

oh you poor fools fail to comprehend due to most likely low iq that baby ai when it hits its puberty won't need all your pictures
you can't even imagine what is coming for you

>> No.6243129

pretty much. they also like to feign being caring by telling you that you should be thankful for "making your job easier". even when this is the case, the intent is not to make your job easier but to eliminate your livelihood. these "people" will eventually become pariahs in this world, mark my words

>> No.6243132

Codemonkeys could code airborne AIDS into existence and make their whole village whither, their emotions can wait for after the paycheck

>> No.6243133

this will affect worthless consumers like you in the long run. artists will keep creating for themselves whatever they want with extreme accuracy, while you bathe in inaccurate derivative shit, and you will be served such shit constantly. it is you who doesn't realize what's coming for you, you JRPG villain sounding bugman

>> No.6243135

>what is fair use

>> No.6243136

You're correct, the change from nomadic to agrarian society was the fall of man

>> No.6243138
File: 13 KB, 668x211, fairuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair use only holds so far as it does not use damage to the original copyright holder. considering that AI can easily displace entire markets (see people adding artists' names or artstation to their prompts) I do not see that holding here.

>> No.6243139

weeb spotted
i only play crpgs

>> No.6243142
File: 124 KB, 288x292, 1660043634477860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a proud indian a coder and a friend of Emad, and due to the comments here a couple of GPT-4 AIs were deployed along this discussion. Expect more of them if you seek to harm Emad's reputable image

>> No.6243145

why are indians so chad? they own tech corporations, they have money, white women want them, indian men are well endowed and overall handsome

>> No.6243146

imagine thinking this will save you. lmao.

>> No.6243148


>> No.6243149

you'll be considered like the chink then and more people will spam you
>Xinnie the Pooh estranged cousin Apooh

>> No.6243151

I know it won't but it's frustrating that these tech giants are able to bend the laws that allow our industry to function. Like wtf was the point of us all being so respectful of one another's ip and not using photos unless we have the rights or buy 3d models if we want reference etc if these AI companies just suck everything up without remorse

>> No.6243158

art has always been a thing where only the top few make $$. Don't think much will change. Talentless cartoon big boob girl drawers might not get comissions anymore, did they deserve it in the first place?

>> No.6243164

I would settle for this statement if it didnt apply to every other creative medium like writing and music they're overtaking

>> No.6243176
File: 73 KB, 594x538, Screenshot 2022-08-28 025231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entirety of art twitter seems to hate boner for AI so maybe you could try checking it out

>> No.6243186

Twitter is artist central because it allows for mobs and circlejerks to easily form in way that cucked sites like artstation does not. Some of these people are going to be bitter about AI until the day it leaves them with no room but to do something drastic if they want to have people notice their art again

>> No.6243190


>> No.6243194

AHAHAHAHA OHNONONONONO wtf bros we are literally facing the spearhead of the new world order

>> No.6243199

Why is Natasha so mean?... "She/Her" no surprises there, fucking hypocrites.

>> No.6243200
File: 2.44 MB, 1024x1355, ai_apocalypse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all going to fucking die and pea brains are arguing about copyright. Sad!

>> No.6243201

i dont know what this means

>> No.6243203

Emad was the architect of the plandemic! HOLY SHIT!

>> No.6243204

have a look here, apparently emad was the leader of this organisation that processed big covid-19 data for governments

>> No.6243205

The dude worked directly with UN, EU, Unesco, Neuroscience corporations and Stanford back in the plandemic by mass scrapping data of everything possible and handing it over to their masters. After it was all said and done the project was erased from mainnet, but he made a creative AI model out of whatever the real thing was purported to be

>> No.6243209

it's funny because apparently the UN is already involved in stable diffusion too

>> No.6243215
File: 29 KB, 629x488, 16948484884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A coalition of AI groups is forming to produce a comprehensive data source on the coronavirus pandemic for policymakers and health care leaders.

>Why it matters: A torrent of data about COVID-19 is being produced, but unless it can be organized in an accessible format, it will do little good. The new initiative aims to use machine learning and human expertise to produce meaningful insights for an unprecedented situation.

>Driving the news: Members of the newly formed Collective and Augmented Intelligence Against COVID-19 (CAIAC) announced today include the Future Society, a non-profit think tank from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, as well as the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence and representatives from UN agencies.

>Within six to eight weeks, CAIAC's platform will produce a decision-making tool that will initially focus on digital contact tracing of coronavirus infections, ferreting out misinformation about the pandemic and identifying second and third-order effects of COVID-19 that go beyond illness and death.
What they're saying: "With COVID-19 we realized there are tons of data available, but there was little global coordination on how to share it," says Cyrus Hodes, chair of the AI Initiative at the Future Society and a member of the CAIAC steering committee. "That's why we created this coalition — to put together a sense-making platform for policymakers to use."
Looking at the first paragraph it really is a funny coincidence when you realize that Dall-E mini came out during the peak of COVID haha I wonder what these unmentioned "AI groups" participated and were also created within this project with geeenlight from global governments to operate I wonder what implications are there

>> No.6243216 [DELETED] 

jesus man

>> No.6243218
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>> No.6243220

james bond please save us

>> No.6243226

>"It's bad, and you should feel bad."
I'm anti-AI, but could the creative actually be creative, and not rehash things more than the fucking ai.
That said, it was an objectively terrible comic.

>> No.6243228
File: 47 KB, 750x691, EAmr-PAWsAEoiWR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope everything's gonna be ok bros...

>> No.6243233

The UN is obviously aiming to lean on this AI after they saw true power of the CAIAC gestalt in whatever it provided them to be able to knot all ties of information the world scenario

>> No.6243255

it was really tiresome seeing the weird little cargo cult that formed around a former hedge fund manager pitching himself as a populist AI revolutionary

just as tiresome seeing conspiracy theories about a former hedge fund managed trying to grift billions of out of govt's, companies and ngos that were handing that shit out in the middle of covid to all their rich cunt friends

he's a rich cunt
he's a tech bro
he posts cringe garbage thinking it's 'creativity' because like all these people, he has no real idea about these things other than what he read in a management book
there's no stopping this shit
it's just about the money

>> No.6243335

If fair use is so fair then explain to me why doing a parody (which could be a mockery) of a work is okay while making a cover (derivative) is not. I think you know the answer to that. The law has caused serious damage due to corporate greed, and it's intentionally designed that way. You are not suddenly threatened in any significant way if someone across the world decided to create a slightly different version of what you created, or a homage to it. As long they don't take credit for your name, and your name is visible in the public, you are fine. All it does is create free publicity for you. But due to your closed mindedness, only some globohomo corp gets to publish your works wherever and whenever they desire, however scarce that may be compared to a worldwide phenomenon where all share and enjoy your work.

>> No.6243341

Even parody is less permissive than a lot of people think. A character that reminds the viewer a little bit of Superman who is called Pooperman and has say, yellow and orange costume is okay.
Just using Superman even if the context is humorous is not okay.

>> No.6243515

this shit is not even about art
>AI will fuck up supply-demand and probably kill capitalism because labor doesn't matter anymore
>if we're lucky states will try to band-aid the system with UBI, if we are not an oligarchic dystopia worse than ancap memes will ensue
tech bros are supposed to be smart, they should stop before it's too late

>> No.6243575

AI can't generate merc_wip

>> No.6243582

>Paul Cockshort

>> No.6243585

Thanks god I can program.

>> No.6243633

You'll be crowded out of the industry just as well.
Better to become plumber, construction worker or anything that requires a bipedal humanoid to achieve the task in the future. Those skills will be useful even in the "everything goes to shit scenario and we have to build up from scrap"

Alternatively put on the socks and start selling ass, you are practically halfway there.

>> No.6243685

I wonder how long it will be before automation takes over even a lot of that stuff, boston dynamics robots are getting pretty good at traversing meat space

>> No.6243729

Robots will take much longer than Ai. If things go really fast then most creative/intellectual jobs are going to be taken by Ai by 2030 then all manual by 2040. In 20 years no humans will be useful anymore so either you merge with Ai and become a posthuman to stay relevant (Neuralink) or you will end your days in a pod (Meta).

>> No.6243781

Plumber robots won't take off until AGI because the complications of mass maintenance, exportation, production, political surfacing, logistics, public safety and spatial mastery will all be there compared to the digital plane these projects can freely roam. There are tesla androids coming next year however they're supposed to be butlers or carry mules

>> No.6243816

You could also have an optimist take and say that Nuclear War is more likely.

>> No.6243873
File: 56 KB, 1024x749, 523532235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"artist" lies about creating artwork
>tranny lies about their gender

>> No.6243907

promptbase has a bunch of useless stuff for useless shit but who's gonna make the Bad Dragon product template?

>> No.6243985
File: 2.28 MB, 1114x2712, 1661298927448875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it went so fast that you were never able to get past the "stick figure". time to quit I guess...
just stfu and draw you fucking faggot

>> No.6244008

so the idea would be to use troll/spam AIs into doing degenerate furry/fag/loli porn using Mickey Mouse tm, and then spam social medias with the result until Disney's lawyers kill the AIs with new copyrights laws for us...

>> No.6244116
File: 3.23 MB, 2048x2048, Black Widow-v4-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was just playing around with it, and just by adding Shigenori Soejima to a prompt it improves the output like 10x.

>> No.6244364

lel, he deleted it, there was a lot of dissatisfaction going on in the comments

>> No.6244734
File: 255 KB, 1009x1013, stabledifusionmercwipwtarwars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrongerino. ive proomped this one in a few seconds just for you

>> No.6244746

anyways how y'all turn arounds coming along

>> No.6245219

>dragons don't exist

>> No.6245712
File: 983 KB, 1728x1870, Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 4.46.33 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope faggots

>> No.6245816

>if the training set cannot be regulated then it will render intellectual property worthless. IP is the only thing that allows us to have ownership (and profit) from our creative work. if nobody can profit from making art then there will only be hobbyists and no professionals.
Sounds like a dream come true to me. Fuck copyright/IP law.

>> No.6245846

hoe$ mad. go next

>> No.6245851

Based fanartist

>> No.6245852
File: 101 KB, 608x856, 1647747476192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defeat accepted

>> No.6246162

Automation should be welcomed and used for all of us to do less work and enjoy life more.
Instead, it's abused by your corporate overlords to fire you. Change the system. Automation is not the problem.