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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.04 MB, 1064x1634, 1660927239988031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6236102 No.6236102 [Reply] [Original]

old thread; >>6233855

in this thread, vve discuss prompting

pls no hate tradchads and digital "artists". we appreciate everything you did for us, but now it's our turn. assimilate/ join us or perish

>> No.6236115

No matter the tech, manchildren will find their way to turn it into generic trannime. Literally infinite possibilities and you choose to create yet another generic trannime image, hilarious

>> No.6236116

What will joining you accomplish? You will never earn money doing this.

>> No.6236120

I will report every single one of these faggot nigger threads

>> No.6236124

Let AI do the work so you can never improve even faster!

>> No.6236125

Tradchad here you are clear for take off, over.

>> No.6236128

thank you for posting your work online for years. it really helped in training of AYs

>> No.6236132

Lol, lmao.

>> No.6236135

"This is totally a real thread and not something to piss you off, h-haha!!"

>> No.6236137

tfw I search the Laion data set and only find one stupid pixel art I made 10 years ago... I feel excluded. :<

>> No.6236139

>>This nigger really thinking writing wont get replaced as well
Stories come from within and are always going to need a human element, but sure, AI can help flesh out things if you become a prompt engineer there, too.
>>There's no paywall. You could always pick a pencil
And spend 10 years to learn how to draw a human, this is much quicker.

>> No.6236140

topkek. pyw

>> No.6236141

aii lmao

>> No.6236144

Seconded, tradchad here. Assimilate all digital content and make it your own, ghost rider. The sky's the limit.

>> No.6236145 [DELETED] 
File: 454 KB, 512x512, 1661144399440895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could a brushmonkey fix up the mustache for me?

>> No.6236147

OP posted my work.

>> No.6236148

>10 years to learn how to draw a human
But you said the artist skills werent even good enough.

>> No.6236154

I want to make a comic but I never bothered to draw backgrounds. Should I even bother learning them?

>> No.6236156
File: 528 KB, 512x512, 1661366072235520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236160

not like that

>> No.6236161
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, 51wILUyiNTL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236163

I'm saying a sketch from a mediocre artist didn't warrant money, i didn't say it didn't take time to get there, still.

>> No.6236165
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236174
File: 154 KB, 716x838, 1661360171501350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you even tell if your art has been fed to the machine? that's like saying "I don't want my art to be looked at as a reference!"
It's just inevitable, and sad that you'll just have "furry porn in the style of Moebius, thank you very much", but it is what it is.

>> No.6236176

No shit. That's literally every other job.

>> No.6236183

learn about how these algoritms work ignorant faggot

>> No.6236186

> imagine work in the style of X
> work sampled some of his drawings and even outputs his signature in a distorted way

more than enough proof the software was trained on their works without authorization.

I think this really could be a new way to monetize art, to license styles for the AIs to train on while paying the artists, however the AI companies had to be jews and want everything for free and for maximum profit.

>> No.6236192

I'm imagining an AI prompteer getting a job as a concept artist and sweating after rolling the dice for 5 hours and not getting the right solution. then when someone asks for a minor revision it starts all over again.

Its like the sad situation when tracers become comic book artists, every page is a new impossible task that requires grafting together all this stolen shit when they could have just drew it.

>> No.6236196

Why would the prompteur be bothered with a minor revision? Send it to the brushmonkey, the creative work has been completed

>> No.6236198

Retarded to think that concept artists would bother cleaning up someone's work when they can literally just use the AI and fix it themselves

>> No.6236199

What >>6236196 said.
It'll be a new type of pipeline, they're not just gonna hire a prompt engineer without knowing what their expertise and skillset is.

>> No.6236203

What happens when the brush monkey learns how to google? We're back at square 1.

>> No.6236206

Google what?

>> No.6236210

Literally a retarded job, prompting consists of using a dozen phrases. Anyone can do it, even retards can just look at what other people used as a prompt for their work and go from there. I can't wait till "prompt stealing" becomes a thing.

>> No.6236213

text prompting is just google searching

>> No.6236215

>Send it to the brushmonkey
Why hire a brushmonkey AND a prompteur? Just require all brushmonkeys know prompting.

>> No.6236216

The prompts? There are literally websites that provide you prompts and give you exact instructions on how to do it. It's not exactly difficult to type a dozen words half of which are "Instagram art station" or by X artist.

>> No.6236217

Show your prompt and seed, brushmonkey.
There's a lot more to it then you are giving credit for. Stay in your lane and get back to removing extra arms.

>> No.6236218

prompt engineering takes as much skill as actual drawing.

>> No.6236220

You're already seeing retards become covetous and possessive over prompts, its like watching monkeys fight over shiny pebbles.

>> No.6236222

this, you can become a prompt master in 3 days, unlike with traditional art. btw what does proko think of all fo this ai madness?

>> No.6236225

Yes, and it'll become increasingly specialized as times goes on and AI art becomes the mainstream way of making art.
I wouldn't be surprised to see some schools or courses on it pop up, in 3 to 5 years.

>> No.6236226

kek, if this were true then you would just draw instead.

>> No.6236227
File: 28 KB, 431x711, nochance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236228

he probably loves it since he cant draw for shit and has no imagination.

>> No.6236231


>> No.6236232
File: 2.26 MB, 1536x1024, grid-0028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah so fucking difficult to make good images. Guess what? I just started using it today and made this so fuck you retarded cunt. Anyone braindead tard can copy what I do.

>> No.6236236

Share prompt and seed otherwise you could have just stolen that

>> No.6236238
File: 344 KB, 512x512, 00136-48_a_photorealistic_dramatic_fantasy_render_of_adorable_young_girl,_blonde_hair,_blue_eyes,_by_wlop,_artgerm,_greg_rutkowski,_alpho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah it's so hard that even I just went to a website got a prompt, made a word change and do as good as any other tard using this software

>> No.6236239

> Imagine thinking that people that mastered Photoshop, Zbrush and Blender aren't able to learn Google Image search syntax, kek.

>> No.6236241

May we post our work in these generals that was made with the assistance of AI? Someone helped me with a prompt by making a heart pillow for the background, are these generals strictly for Prompt Smithing?

>> No.6236243

you are obviously stealing the prompt from estabilished AI artists.
this will become a felony in the future.

>> No.6236245

Reverse images search it you retarded cunt; I'm not giving you any prompt. Seed is 125.

>> No.6236248
File: 76 KB, 609x751, spiral apples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ that brow in 2 is some Junji Ito shit

>> No.6236249


>> No.6236251

>stolen that
Since when can phrases be stolen? Are you going to copyright them? Lmao the chutzpah of image gogglers

>> No.6236253

I saw you requesting it and I would like to see what it turned into!

>> No.6236254

Nobody posts art in these threads. It's all just people shitposting about how AI will replace artists, and people shitposting about how AI will not replace artists.
So, you know, pretty much like any other thread.

>> No.6236255

See, I'm totally cool with this application of AI art, because it looked good in the end, so many AI poofters just post it as is and get angry that anyone points out faults. As it currently stands, illustrators are still needed to fix this shit up.

When you can outright command the AI to draw in the style of an artist, that's proof. In other cases the AI has drawn an artist's signature. There's also something to be said about how "trending on artstation" is a common prompt command; it likely means you're works been scraped in if it's on there.

Perhaps twitter and it's shitty gallery options was the best art site, cause I doubt an ai (or human) can easily find art on there, keeping it safe.

This is what's going to happen. The poofters are desperate to be artists, but why hire two, when you can hire one? And why keep the talentless one?

>> No.6236257

>posting your work on ic

>> No.6236260

When is this thing going to be able to make something other than headshots of women?

>> No.6236261

>uh, learn more about how the software that stole your work functions
how about you kill yourself

>> No.6236262

What we need....

is an /ic/ vs /g/ prompt-off

>> No.6236266

I'm making a Patreon, highest tier gets one on one mentorship from me, I was a prompteur way back in the old days of VQGAN+CLIP, So I know my stuff.

>> No.6236267 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1249x898, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m8, the background still needs a few touch ups but it's coming along great thank you for the help.

>> No.6236268
File: 18 KB, 512x468, 103978904-The_meme_formerly_known_as_Kuk_1.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my best not to bump these shit AI threads but did you really spend 1.5 hours on this just to shitpost?

>> No.6236270
File: 407 KB, 512x512, 00065-10_portrait_of_the_most_beautiful_young_male_ever,_modern_style,_by_greg_rutkowski_and_alphonse_mucha,_d_&amp;_d_character,_gradient_wh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not anytime soon, can do headshots of men but that's it.

>> No.6236271
File: 317 KB, 706x838, 3gxtkknm2262cbg6225bm84326vbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will ai create lolis?
preferably of the lewd variety

>> No.6236272

why is she lying on a placenta?

>> No.6236276

Those look incredibly mediocre, you can smell the amateur prompting a mile away.

>> No.6236281


>> No.6236283

This fucking picture is quickly starting to grow on me.

>> No.6236285

It was from a pyw situation a week ago.

>> No.6236298
File: 214 KB, 910x829, Illustration5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236303

>Logic comes from within and are always going to need a human element
>Visual arts come from within and are always going to need a human element
(You) are here!
>Stories come from within and are always going to need a human element
>Science comes from within and are always going to need a human element
>General intelligence comes from within and are always going to need a human element

>> No.6236308
File: 2.44 MB, 1667x1911, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this any different from going on google images, search a picture and calling it art? No, I'm not trying to be mean, is a serious question.

How is this any different than download some app that add filters on top of a picture and calling it art?

I can also go on google, find 3 or four pictures do a quick collage, using two or three artistic filters on photoshop like clipout and call it art, but I don't do it because is honestly really boring and shallow In my eyes you are just larping, pretending you are an artist without putting the effort into it

I just want to know what kinda of satisfaction you guys have of self expression or anything that you do from using a photo image search with filters on top, I'm serious. I mean, I think it looks pretty, sure, but is also kinda looks hollow and samy, all the works feel the same and have no real personality, how can you be an artist if you don't have a distinct style for you to experiment and try to grow? I kinda feel bad for you guys, really. I know art is hard but is also really rewarding, learning and trying to seek something that only yours is why people do it, why people prefer to be poor and miserable for the sake of creation. But now that people have this shallow and soulless mass product that is nothing but a visual simulacrum of the process without the struggle and learning that comes with art, without the experimentation and innovation to change things, how many people will be filtered on actually doing real art and choosing simple the shortcut version that doesn't have 1/100000 of the real value. That is honestly really sad in my eyes, I'm a huge art shill, I always try people to get in to art because is honestly one of most amazing experiences people can find out there, nothing come even close to it in my opinion, but how many people that never ever had the opportunity to try will never find the pleasure that it has because this silly tool. Is really sad. My work for reference, in case someone asks.

>> No.6236312
File: 207 KB, 1156x771, 1661282067833850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what's going to happen. The poofters are desperate to be artists, but why hire two, when you can hire one? And why keep the talentless one?
thats exactly why i created this thread. i am here since 2010 and you guys helped me a lot with your critiques. ai is a huge gamechanger and i think we SHOULD discuss it despite copehads

>> No.6236313

This ai sure loves Asian girls and the Harry Potter girl when she was younger.

>> No.6236319

How have you not improved in 4 years?

>> No.6236322

Post something from four years ago.

>> No.6236324

Not reading that wall of text but cute art

>> No.6236326

Also, at same time, I kinda want to get popular, I want art to die, I want people to stop looking to learn and just use this sort of tool. Can you image? We will be the last generation to truly understand. To get the techniques, process, abstractions, theories, composition, colors and how the process really works, how to use a medium, any medium as a form of self expression and self learning, we will be the last and them nothing, everything will be a repeat of the same things over and over again, no more growth, no more change, no more innovation from that one person who managed to push past the limits and bring things to a new sort of height.

I really want to see that, just to see what happens next, how people will deal with a world were art is dead to them. I mean, it won't die for me and probably not for a lot of people I know, since what I enjoy is the process of creation as much as the end result, of feeling proud after finishing something I know I did. But for others? For the normies who never felt that, that always just coonsomed and felt owe unable to do anything? What will be next to die and become mundane, shallow and oversaturated like semi realistic digital look become? Anime? Cartoon? Abstract? I can't wait to see how the world will deal with the idea that there is nothing left. It makes really excited for some reason, true void, true nothing, everything that will be left are just what those pictures are, puddles of iridescent liquid in the sun. So pretty and so shallow with nothing to it, not really art, just something trying to be that.

>> No.6236328
File: 54 KB, 828x828, 1661184503467386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236330

with this ai there is a new job on the art industry now , "art engineer" now there has to be a real artist to fix the ai imperfections so the production can increase maybe 50 times ,it would change illustration and concept art jobs but animation would take a while

>> No.6236331

>How is this any different from going on google images
It's not.I thought it was the end of art from some of the cherry-picked examples but as soon as I went to try it I realized that it really feels like royalty free google image search. It's actually more frustrating than using google because the result is often completely random.

The technology is currently overhyped, it may eventually replace a lot of professional artists and kill off the hobby but its much further away than I initially thought.

>> No.6236332

it's not very different from pinterest for me.

but I take back what I said, the brushmoney argument, this could actually work for background artists, imagine, now you can offset all the bg artists in animation to AI and use these same guys to do characters instead.

this honestly is pretty great, since backgrounds are always kinda of a bit generic, devote your resources only to the stuff that really needs to shine, AI can be a helper.

ihowever if you use it to draw characters instead of having an artist you are retarded, it's terrible for it.

>> No.6236337

this , it wont take jobs if it means the production can increase as a whole

>> No.6236338
File: 90 KB, 512x512, 1661368986718333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with the hair? Fix it. Those ripples on the left look weird and unnatural. I'm not even getting started in the background which you completely fudged. Correct it.

>> No.6236341
File: 74 KB, 750x695, wordswordswordswords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236342

It can't even draw the same character consistently across multiple drawings, how is it going to be ready for animation any time soon?

>> No.6236346

the artist goes there and fixes it

>> No.6236347

Why wouldn't they just make the artist also be this "art engineer" you're talking about? Why do you need to hire someone completely devoid of a creative brain to just punch prompts in a program? Even Vanessa the secretary can do it when she's not sucking off the CEO.

>> No.6236349

Unironically can it do any facial expression besides a blank stare? (And slight variations on it like "blank stare but she's smiling a little bit").
I'm not even going to take on any other requirements, I just want to see if it can make ANY other facial expression.

>> No.6236351

it will take a while for the tecnology to catch up , i know it can't do much now

>> No.6236361

He's obviously baiting. Truth is, jobs that needed 10 people do will be cut to 1 or less people so don't count in anyone getting hired for anything besides selling prompts

>> No.6236362

That eerily sounds a lot like your boy K*vshinov, and look where he is at now - living the dream in anime land with a harem of j-idols at a studio where he animates himself as a Chad doing aerobatics and beating up his own OC in Kung Fu.

>> No.6236366

We go through this process every time there's a new tool, photo bashing, concept art speed paint with vague texture brushes, 3d, procedural generation. After the fad is over and everyone realizes the limitations of the new process its fundamentals that reign supreme. The thing everyone wants to see are simple sketches and line art, the best illustrators and concept artists are still those that draw well. I work with artists very proficient in 3d, they struggle hard any time a task comes up that is outside their tool-set.

The crime is that new artists will either give up or be swept away with this tide before realizing they were already on the right path.

>> No.6236370
File: 599 KB, 628x761, 1661190572216714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall niggas be wrongerino. What is actually going to happen is not proompters (they are just betatesting aylamos AI's for free) stealing your job, but the clients bypassing you. Simble ass.

>> No.6236371
File: 1.54 MB, 1024x1024, thyljnwe1fc91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just gotta ask for expressions. However, I do wonder if you can get a clean illustration style image with expressions, I am not seeing much expression in the majority of images that use artists names in the prompts, most portrait artists don't paint expressions, so it will weigh against that, you'd need to emphasize the expresion in the prompt with a lot of !!!!

>> No.6236374

Studios require an art test before you are hired, prompt monkies would be lucky to even get past a recruiter let alone succeed in an art test.

>> No.6236375

>Why wouldn't they just make the artist also be this "art engineer" you're talking about? Why do you need to hire someone completely devoid of a creative brain to just punch prompts in a program?

because its faster , faster than loonking for inspiration ,references, when the ai can do 4 high rendered paintings in seconds ,on the video game and movie industry this is amazing but you still need artists to fix and improve the images

>> No.6236377

>keeps metadata in
>artists find out
>you have been served a subpoena

>> No.6236380

imagine a team of 10 peoplea working 40 times faster

>> No.6236382

yeah, try to sue Activision or disney...

>> No.6236383

Art tests actually require very specific things, the AI doesn't do very specific well whatsoever, and it can't do hands. so really all you have to do for an art test is ask for a full body shot with hands doing something like holding a gun.

>> No.6236391

How is it faster? You're getting some guy on the street to put in prompts, that knows nothing about art fundamentals or design. Why not just hire a literal chimpanzee? At least you wouldn't have to pay it an actual wage. Train that chimpanzee to hit the random word button in a dictionary program and reward it with 1/8th of a banana every time it finishes an AI image.

>> No.6236394

and what about the woman whose body was used? surely the nude figure accounts for 95% of the prompt?

>> No.6236399

More like Disney will sue them. Mickey Mouse lawyer is no joke, you fuck with them and they'll put a legal precedent down that makes styles bound to copyright laws.

No studio is going to make a merc_wip test

>> No.6236403

You make a good point, what /ic/ fails to realize is that the AI essentially references several images and composes it based on your input. It's no different from what we do from referencing a figure and making interpretations of our own.

>> No.6236405
File: 288 KB, 1200x630, og_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After the fad is over and everyone realizes the limitations of the new process its fundamentals that reign supreme.
Stable Diffusion can already do perfect hands in the latest model. They are expanding AI into operating 2D on a simulated 3D plane and vice versa so people will be able to rotate body parts and explorable environments out of 2d pictures soon. Right now any of these AIs can already be overtrained through other models like picrel to generate fully accurate anime images, it's quite literally a cataclysmal disaster waiting to happen as all these tech startups are now competing with millions of frontloaded backing to see which AI can fully automate art first.

>> No.6236406

because ai images are "imperfect" they dont do hands well (yet) and they dont have direction , in the end of the day an ai generated image is not ready for commercial use without touches it need to have supervision of someone who has artistic vision

>> No.6236408

If the metadata points to an actual person then they'd have grounds to sue too.

>> No.6236409

hiring 10 humans to all attempt writing a prompt to get a specific thing, would maybe just cost the same or more as just hiring an artist to do it. That artist could use AI img2img to get a photo finish(or whatever style the client is after) quicker.

>> No.6236411

No it sure as shit can't do hands. Post a single image where it can actually make 2 hands that don't look extremely deformed. Also lmfao waifu labs has been out for over 2 years and hasn't replaced a single person.

>> No.6236415

>picrel to generate fully accurate anime images
It can generate photorealistic human faces right now but as soon as you zoom out to the whole body, let alone include multiple objects in the scene, it starts shitting itself.
You can train it to do any one object perfectly but no AI can handle multiple objects well right now.

>> No.6236416

>it need to have supervision of someone who has artistic vision
That person is called an artist.

>> No.6236418
File: 118 KB, 602x828, Screenshot 2022-08-25 081944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so sure about that.

>> No.6236419
File: 125 KB, 498x441, doomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right now

>> No.6236423

You couldn't assimilate one sentence from the post. Either way, wait for the next 3° open beta version of Midjourney to end up with your mouth gaping once again seeing the fully drawn hands and feet since you are vastly underestimating what the AI is capable of

>> No.6236424

It's not exactly like the tech is going to get much better soon, they trained the models of datascraped images from websites like art station, in the petabytes at this point. If it can't do it now, feeding it a million more images isn't going to make it any better.

>> No.6236427

Didn't the midjourney discord state hands will be fully concise by End of Year? It's right by the corner

>> No.6236429

we'll see but I'm not exactly going to take conjecture to be the truth.

>> No.6236430

No, you're misunderstanding what I'm saying here. If the metadata finds that an artist's name was used without consent as in the filename here >>6236370 then they'd be liable to sue you. If in your picture, the left image was used and someone did some digital sleuthing and found "Karla Ortiz" in the name then she'd be able to sue them.

>> No.6236432

and having those 10 humana being artists can guarantee the production control
exaclty ,the ai is for artists to become faster in production thats it

its innocence to think that right now teams on riot , blizzard or movie productions arent already using

>> No.6236434

You said there would be a new job in the industry called an art engineer >>6236330 though.

>> No.6236435

You haven't used it have you? Its currently like asking a retarded ESL to google something for you .

>> No.6236440

I don’t care if companies keep improving the models as long as they don’t keep releasing them for free.
The official sources will always have nsfw filters on them to keep people from doing a wrongthink. I don’t care if the next AI can do 100 perfect hands in one drawing, as long as it can’t do porn I’m happy.

>> No.6236444
File: 2.38 MB, 2448x3264, 1657329313433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then they'd be liable to sue you
thats kinda retarded. does this law apply worldwide or only for burgerbros?

>> No.6236449

Waifulabs can and will be used to FEED newer anime-specific AIs into perfection. Of course it didn't replace artists before, it was only the fucking face that was being drawn. Now the high detail face will be merged into a full body. Fags on /h/ are already talking about this possibility to train a model. Your doomsday clock is on the hands of coomers and discordfags

>> No.6236451

sure I submit AI Chad's just tell me when it's free and in app form I don't pay for my programs I rather use free stuff

>> No.6236452

i said "art engineer", the name doent really matter its one more thing to put on your resume ,like concept art in 1961 wich the profession was a lot older than the name

>> No.6236455

>on the hands of coomers and discordfags
thank god, i'll be dead by the time they get their tech working.

>> No.6236458

You can't just use other people's work and then make money from it. If they find out then you can get sued unless you're in China.

>> No.6236462

it can't replace artists, all of it's shit is all distorted.

however for anything that is mountains, architecture, islands, rocks, it's much, much better to gather references than fucking pinterest.

>> No.6236463

Ironically the Japanese law allows any kind of machine learned data and application. Japanese artists are fubared while at least americans have some copyright grounds against AI

>> No.6236465

No, you said a new job called art engineer (new job) will open up and then the artists (old job) will have to fix it up. I literally linked to your post in my reply just then. How are you this retarded?

>> No.6236469

Coomer communities like loverslab are more threatening than OpenAI itself if they get a grip on effective model training

>> No.6236473

> much better to gather references than fucking pinterest.
No its not

>> No.6236479

the name doent mater it could be the same people it doenst even need a name ,never worked ?

>> No.6236481

Yeah so easy to gather petabytes of data, fuck me do you actually know how much it costs to train a model? It's not exactly easy for some braindead tard to do

>> No.6236482

it is , a lot

>> No.6236500

what are you using? Stable diffusion is awful

>> No.6236507

just use this https://10minutemail.com/

and milk it for all that's worth, they stolen from thousands of artists, I don't give a shit about giving them money.

>> No.6236508

Fuck off Pedro.

>> No.6236509
File: 1.58 MB, 1590x826, 1661172032614461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>petabytes of data
A few images from someone's portfolios will do the job

>> No.6236511

Meant for>>6236481
One can literally compile hundreds of images in a package tailored for specific themes like furryshit and give it to the model

>> No.6236513

what ,you wanna doompost in peace crab ?

nothing, fucking changed, its one more tool.
Go draw.

>> No.6236519

I refuse to use AI for characters, literally no AI can outdo a human in this area, I'd better learn how to draw than getting inferior work from a collage software.

>> No.6236522

>they stolen from thousands of artists, I don't give a shit about giving them money

>> No.6236526


just use the 10minute mail and get as many generations as you want.

>> No.6236537
File: 639 KB, 2000x1710, 1661362014379494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want a picture of the future, imagine a proompter prompting a human face, forever.

>> No.6236538

I already set up the offline version, i can run it on my GPU for free. It's so shit i don't want to use it that's why i was asking if you were using something else

>> No.6236545
File: 505 KB, 750x1144, 15872783857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These AIs will likely give diminishing returns since at their best they will become a sidegrade to the pro artist, still requiring proper color theory, angle and etc. But still within the end of this decade, tools even better than AI such as brain-reading and projection technology will appear to make objectively superior images to both the photobashing bot and the pro artist. This will likely disenfranchise a lot of coders too so I'd better start learning trade

>> No.6236547

What was your prompt that gave such bad results?

>> No.6236552

I'd like to see a analgous AI for music with a dataset of millions of copyrighted songs. Let's see how the music industry takes the "oh it's just like an artist getting inspired!" argument.

>> No.6236556
File: 844 KB, 1118x1681, 1661364289404646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a /g/ thread today:
>a white guy and vietnamese guy create FN Meka, a digital rapper
>an AI generates rap lyrics which are performed by a human using an AR character, a cyborg nigger
>sois complain that no one who created the nigger is black (no blacks working on something innovative and technological, hmmm...)
>complain that the AI uses the word nigga in some AI-generated songs, despite not being black
>now the non-existent virtual nigger lost his record deal
The tiktoker AI almost got into a music contract lmao, but it was cancelled by sjws before it could take flight

>> No.6236558

this shit is dangerous.

I feel we are one step away from having a internet wide always-on DRM protocol.

>> No.6236560

Yeah, I need music for my indie game and don't wanna spend money I don't have to.

>> No.6236562

Holy fuck, it is really getting dystopian around here. It feels like we're living in a simulation, what the fuck

>> No.6236565

Everything I've seen come out of it is bad whether i'm using it or someone else. do you have examples of characters or environments that are more interesting than some random shit off pinterest because I haven't seen any. Its all blended stock images or generic first page google image searches with filters and fucked up consistency.

>> No.6236574

That's all I want from it honestly, I just make it generate generic pinterest backgrounds.

I can draw my own porn, so much I am sick of it, I just need some backgrounds for my commissions.

>> No.6236576

based moonman ai overlord i kneel

>> No.6236583
File: 81 KB, 474x711, th-2219142182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITards just hijacked reality. The World as we know it is now forcefully being pulled into the digital realm

>> No.6236589

That's the thing though, its worse than pinterest in the same way that google is worse. Nothing is curated by anyone with taste so its a bunch of boring stock images whereas pinterest is full of nice art and has pretty good algorithms for displaying similar stuff. Its actually worse than even google because its frustratingly random and easily confused.

There's a future for this as a good reference tool but its currently completely useless.

>> No.6236590

some of the backgrounds generated are clearly fucking derivative and I won't be using these, they seem extremelly recognizable for fors who know what it's from.

>> No.6236595

This is lost opportunity anon. Why don't you just download every single schizo art made in the entirety of /ic/ and let the ai do the work? I'm tired of seeing schizo art I want you to de-schizofy them with AI. This way we can get rid of the schizos once and for all and we can go back to conceptart days.

>> No.6236608

daaang you just started prompting? i can tell you have some asian prompt genes

>> No.6236611

funny, when you put pixar in the prompt on a background, it just throws in a fill-in ambient light with a lot of bleed and ambient occlusion at everything.

>> No.6236613
File: 65 KB, 1920x1080, Skynet_Terminator_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not sure what you mean. but your prompts reads interesingly well, enolabre your thougths pls fr

>> No.6236627
File: 743 KB, 512x832, unknown4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more interesting than some random shit off pinterest
Maybe give some examples, I feel like everything is on pintrest and could be deemed random shit. I do agree though, if you are trying to get something like line drawings or characters interacting, you're out of luck.

>> No.6236633

VGH what could of been.......

>> No.6236635

There is only so much demand for art, which is already an over saturated field. It’s impossible for most people to get their work to stand out even without AI

>> No.6236677

The AI still has a tiktok with at least a million views for each clip https://www.tiktok.com/@fnmeka/video/6975649885047557382 , which brings the question that AI characterss have its own flavor over human musicians. Though as you can see at least his videos were a net positive for humanity kek

>> No.6236689

im pretty sure that a million views on tik tok is pretty much nothing

>> No.6236710

>i need it to make the art of my indie game
>i need it to make the music of my indie game
>i need it to make the plot of my indie game
>i need it to make an indie game for me
>HMMM why is nobody playing my indie game? Notice me please? HELLOOOO?
Idea guys think they will profit from this kek

>> No.6236717

Maybe AI could play my indie game?

>> No.6236724

I already made it, and all the art myself before all this AI stuff started. AI can't do good pixel art nor animation. so it's useless to me.

>> No.6236733

OpenAI has made a pro Minecraft bot that can speedrun its way into killing mobs and getting a diamond pickaxe within 20 minutes. The most ironic part is that they actually paid people to train the bot through individual gameplay videos, while the millions of artists weren't even notified about having their data scrapped

>> No.6236749

If the laws around copyright aren't amended I don't even know what it's going to mean, art itself will become worthless. Humans aren't allowed to copy paste someone's drawing into our canvas lest we get accused of tracing or plagiarism, meanwhile, it's fine for any piece of art to be fed to a bot to be reproduced infinitely and improve the algorithm so it's faster and better than you. What value would even AAA games have anymore if they can just be cloned slightly differently using machine learning?
There aren't gonna be any art jobs after this is all over since the entertainment companies are all gonna be dead after IP becomes meaningless

>> No.6236751
File: 34 KB, 480x360, main-qimg-01ccd81ba63b8b4ee1d199c95afc32ca-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's truly over isn't it?

>> No.6236756

Not in the US at least. Their trademark office did a pool on the current state of copyright laws with 200 or so executives, and ultimately they said America is "well prepared" to work with AI models. Right now you can upload an AI NFT on Opensea and claim it as yours in the blockchain forever, even thought the courts say you don't hold copyright you can DMCA anyone lmao. These boomers have a clear disconnect from reality so they will murder the creative genus out of their country

>> No.6236757

So Open AI's mission statement is:
>Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity. OpenAI's mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI)—by which we mean highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work—benefits all of humanity.

Yet, so far they've done the following:
>Make an image generator
>Make speed running robots
>Make competitive moba robots

How the fuck does any of this benefit humanity? All useless pet projects and all of which are antithesis to the human condition.

>> No.6236765

The irony is that that AI NFT could be fed to the machine and iterated on so it itself has no value. The ideological drive of this tech is around the mass production of creativity, so the value will ultimately shift from the art to the tech (remember that stable diffusion is open source but for profit, they are partly funded through Amazon)
Who is really benefiting from this change?

>> No.6236773

Maybe some of the image stuff can help with machine vision? robots to help us in our old age...

>> No.6236778

Try not to troll for one second.

>> No.6236779

You will own nothing in all senses of the word

>> No.6236782
File: 304 KB, 2300x768, CharacterConcept1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My feel when a talentless normie like me who can only draw stick figures can now do this in a few seconds.

>> No.6236791
File: 1013 KB, 1075x1631, craiyon_182142_According_to_the_geniuses_in_this_thread__you_both_have_bright_futures_ahead_of_you_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am taking this one. Will ad some fingers and details. I am going to put it in my portfolio and you can't do anything about it. Thanks for all your hard work prompt monke.

>> No.6236794

The seed is mine faggot I created the prompt not you fuck off

>> No.6236795

You're right nothing good will come from this in the slightest.

>> No.6236797

Too late, I've already published it on Artstation because me too I'm a big boy now. No banana for you this time.

>> No.6236800

"black and white digital art, creepy female sci-fi character, tsutomu nihei, 8k, trending on artstation, high contrast"

>> No.6236801

I really don't think normies have woken up to how much of an attack on our social and cultural fabric this is yet

>> No.6236803
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 2w6fc70y3xy51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Imma unironically doing this
Promptards on suicide watch

>> No.6236807

Smart people make gun. Dumb people use gun. Dumb people kill smart people. Dumb people kill dumb people. End of people.

Happens all the fucking time!

>> No.6236817


Already received a message for a job offer on creating characters for a game. Not bad, I just need a few brushmonkey assistants to start my art career. Looking to get that prompteur director post.

>> No.6236818
File: 14 KB, 377x414, 1660449102569462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid the huge majority of the population are exclusively consumers for all their life, so like monkeys being given fireworks to play with, they will not care at all since being overwhelmed with an intermittent trip of content is all they could ever desire

>> No.6236825

it's pretty shitty to just steal someone's prompt, ngl

>> No.6236826
File: 489 KB, 448x704, 20220825115202_2966282039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda cool... The split background makes it, and those ribs/zip up the neck look interesting.

>> No.6236829

Change a word with a synonym, if the prompt is at least 30% different the prompt owner cannot issue you a DMCA through r/AIart admin rules

>> No.6236834

Friendly reminder that prompt engineering will be made by AIs in the next few months.

>> No.6236840

GPT-4 will release in early october and crumble the entire marketing field

>> No.6236842

Dumb retards don't realise any art being made with AI is worthless because you can just get the algorithm to iterate on the AI art enough that it's different.

>> No.6236860

is this ai?

>> No.6236869
File: 62 KB, 1280x863, jozef-boza-tumblr-mptma3jbtz1s970slo1-1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel wtf, even 8 years ago he had shit taste

>> No.6236876
File: 1.20 MB, 1332x1408, 23134234234545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art on it's own maybe. but as part of a project? a comic?

>> No.6236877
File: 1.71 MB, 606x423, 848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, looks like he's done some random scribbling on top with the mixer brush to try and hide what it is, expect a lot more of this bullshit

>> No.6236878

Prompteurs and brushmonkeys, post your uncommon artists / movements

too much Mucha and Rutkowski

>> No.6236883
File: 36 KB, 574x534, 185848384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*nice art bro!"

>> No.6236887
File: 28 KB, 1188x418, greg rutkowski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236890


>> No.6236891

>Hey dad, what prompt did you use back in the day? Why don't you make art anymore?

>> No.6236894

Big windfall for Greg... hope he has a print store or something up and running...

>> No.6236895

Imagine being that dude right now.

>> No.6236896
File: 77 KB, 1024x1024, jozef-boza-if-you-want-a-picture-of-the-future-imagine-a-proompter-prompting-a-human-face-forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls wake me up

>> No.6236897

The comic you make will be able to be fed back to an algorithm to churn shit out infinitely too. They're working on writing and animation models as well. Intellectual property will cease to exist when all creativity is a free for all for an algorithm which can statistically manufacture art 100000x more efficiently and effectively than we can.

>> No.6236898
File: 17 KB, 461x665, 1584848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236912

>slippery slope

>> No.6236913

Transhumanists aka trannies are the worst, literal cancer to the species

>> No.6236914
File: 1023 KB, 600x450, tatsuyuki.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good animation won't happen before AGI... acceptable to normie animation however... you might be on to something

>> No.6236920

Sweet, born just in time to see the undoing of humanity. Maybe I'll do something funny before AI can predict my actions

>> No.6236921

Actually, I've been thinking in going on twitter on the AI community, looking at some of their images and recreating on my style just to dunk on some NFT faggots. Of course I'm not really doing it because it would feel cheap and just a way to farm followers, maybe on alt account, but sounds like fun, huh? You take their idea and actually do some real art with it and see how they react.

>> No.6236922

I know how they can do it but I'm keeping that shit to myself. I wonder if I'll be right.

>> No.6236925

I mean the developers have made it absolutely clear that they intend to steam roll the entire creative industry, it's not even conjecture
The issue is that "good enough for normies" is the bar that the industry cares about if they can save money. Alot of people think cel animation looks nicer than digital, doesn't stop the fact that 100% of animation produced today is not cel painted.

>> No.6236929
File: 21 KB, 300x450, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99% of /ic/ seethers if they were Greg Rutkowski right now
Guys, guys, let's not over-react... it's not the end of the world...

>> No.6236930

live in a forest and paint on tree bark with squirrel shit, i don't care

>> No.6236931

imitation is the finest form of flattery cope most likely.

>> No.6236934

WTH prompt bros, AI took our jobs

>> No.6236935

>My intent is to be number one in everything
This guy comes off as an egotistical psychopathic crackhead.

>> No.6236943

Sounds like he couldn't figure out Power Point and embarrassed himself at a meeting, and in a rage decided to fuck us all.

>> No.6236945
File: 27 KB, 604x604, the monster inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the entire point is that would be on my style. At the end of the day even if AI takes over it can't create aesthetics and styles, it can only copy it.

I keep saying that, I really want all of this to take over and legitimate kill the entire industry until the new and interesting ideas are overtaken by people only using a tool that can't really create, only copy it. Until there is nothing else to copy it, all the database they need are full of already AI images and people are already sick of what AI can create for literally being reheated shit just like nowadays people are sick of reboots. I mean, is kinda like how Anime evolved from the 90's to the 00's to the 10's style, you know? Was mostly small linear changes in the industry create by a limited number of popular works that complete changed how an entire industry work, is kinda the same with most visual arts, the visuals AI is copying right now have been polished and hanerst since the early 00's as people learned how to properly use art softwares, but if AI takes over there is no more of that, no more people trying different things, Visual aesthetic dies the number of artists that can a competent job is all time low ad IF they are posting it online and not only doing for themselves and small communities, what happens next? I'm really really curious to see what happens next. I'm okay in living a dystopia and watching the world burn and be dragged to hell if that means normies will come with me, I'm really okay with it. I will still be able to create and improve, what they will have?

>> No.6236947

He's a cryptojew pajeet who is an ex hedgefund manager and thinks the future of art is nfts.

>> No.6236948

smol peepee energy

>> No.6236952

>it can't create aesthetics and styles
says who? you?

>> No.6236953

There will be no human entertainment industry remaining once AGI is out on the eve of the new decade. AI will erase the middleman between consumer and infinite stream of entertainment, just like it will do for jobs. Might as well keep drawing knowing that prompters will only have a fraction of time to thrive until prompts are automated

>> No.6236955

I don't even think we need AGI to destroy the entertainment industry, just algorithms with large enough databases to shit out endless crap

>> No.6236962

You can already flood places like artstation with AI images without repercussion. All it takes for someone to highlight how stupid this is to put a bot that posts infinite generations of the same prompt

>> No.6236965

Why? It can? I'm not seeing doing it and the way it works I don't see how it will be able to do it. You even know how a artistic style is born? Art styles are born trough mistakes and vices an artist has, is mostly subconscious stuff but is something presented in the process of creation. The closes thing Ai has from an "aesthetic" is how fucked up it looks. Without any human input for it to copy it and being a perfect machine with no room to make mistakes there won't be a point to try new things and the people who even tried won't know the subtle machinations of why something like anime works or why digital art looks good and not uncanny. Uuuhh, I can't wait, I can't wait. What do you think it will happen? People desperate for something knew asking for the AI to do weird shit with no real human connection completing destroying the average sense of aesthetics we have now? Or they start scrapping the bottom of the barrel, since the well is dry drinking mud just for a new high? Uuuh, I can fucking wait.

>> No.6236968

Why are they doing it anyway? artstation is for portfolios, do they think they will get work?

>> No.6236973

I feel like artstation probably sold everyone's art metadata and tags etc to laion, data is money after all...

>> No.6236974

Well, pretty much like OP and the /g/ faggots they want to be artists bu don't have what it takes, so they just want to larp as one doing this shit and posting on artist spaces for validation on themselves.

>> No.6236975
File: 2.93 MB, 1727x939, begtopro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prompts are obsolete, it's all img2img now, get with the times.

>> No.6236978

hopefully they get bored of it... or are they actually feeling proud of "their work" lmao.

>> No.6236979

>three owls in three different styles
Normies will probably not even notice. But to me this is atrocious.

>> No.6236981

Liar! those hands and that book! also what the hell is going on, is she standing with one leg up? or sitting?

>> No.6236982

img2img still uses prompts promptlet
In fact it's not really separate from text2img, it's all just a loop that iterates on the previous picture it generated (leaving a lot out here.)
text2img just starts with noise, img2img starts in the middle of that process with a picture.

>> No.6236988

typical techlet with his vague "subconscious", "soul" etc
how many styles have you created? none
you are not a divine being, you are a fucking machine, everything you can do can be emulated in silico, it's been already done, computers can draw

>> No.6236989

I myself am training to withhold from any NSFW art in the future. Most of the interest came from "did the artist really went through all that to draw this degenerate shit? Respec++" soon when AI can do even the most taboo imagery at demand all my coomer fetishes will disappear as if they never had existed in the first place

>> No.6236990

Computers can't draw, they can generate noise.

>> No.6236991

I don't want to get bored, I want every normie under this hell hole of a earth to starting doing exactly that, I want real art to be dwarfed by fake shit, I want the techfags killing selfexpression for profit and seeing what it happens next. i was really sad with how many people this will filter, I really want people to create their own things, I want people to know how amazing art is. But this is also really fun in a morbid way, is like watching a kid do something stupid like eat glass and not realize what it is doing because is to stubborn and arrogant to stop, but in this case is less a kid and more the condition of human technological growth that at same time is almost inevitable.

I would be more freaked out by all the possibilities this implies, with art being solely a propaganda tool for whatever government can pay the best AI, from humans being completed removed from the creation process with big techs using algorithms to know what people want and will like the most making even the prompting redundant because it would always be inferior to the numbers, to even the aesthetic sense of beauty dying by cheer entropy of information and becoming nothing but mundane noisy, boring and shallow shit. But I'm kinda immune to those things, I create for the sake of creation and the only thing I want to do is to make what I imagine in my head by myself, without cheap tools. The fact that so many normies will be fucked by a tool of their creation is really cartatic in a way and how exactly that will happen make me really curious.

>> No.6236993

Hey man, I draw anime style with a twist!

>> No.6236994

you generate noise, shut up

>> No.6236995

Technological progress is always ideological and it is never inevitable.

>> No.6236998
File: 91 KB, 1150x968, not sure if accurate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236999

I'm gonna bully these normies by asking them to draw on any immediate available surface.

>> No.6237003

this doesn't mean anything

>> No.6237005
File: 881 KB, 1875x2500, porforever-phuchong-chavapun-01-cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does in my mind

>> No.6237006
File: 319 KB, 540x537, 1660855953891767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI is just like us so I let it take my job and fuck my wife!!!

>> No.6237007

>how many styles have you created?
Lmao, are you crazy or just have no idea what a style even is? Every artist has his own style, is a combination of artistic limitations, aspirations, tastes and process. Is a literal human condition born from each unique form of desired output and growth. Is like a seed, nigger, is unique to every person because each person is unique in a way.

AI can generate noise but still needs the input of real art to know what to do, without new art, styles and aesthetics the Ai can only copy itself at some point. What happens next? You are the one that is knowledgeable. What happen when a data is copied 1000000 times over and over again?

>> No.6237010
File: 42 KB, 1150x968, 65465151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6237013
File: 54 KB, 736x736, d2091580ae7dc09b2c8157859527aab7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.6237016

Too late now, the tool is out there and will do some damage, liking it or not. if you are an artist it will hurt, sure, maybe less jobs or a exodus to traditional art again, but ultimately? Artists are always natural loners, weirdos and individualists, any sort of terrible social catastrophe this causes to people will affect you as much as you going to your weirdo space to complain how retard people are.

>> No.6237019

I am not kidding when I say playing around with AI generation will give you brain damage, in the same way zoomers all have atrocious handwriting, can't navigate or read a map, can't spell or do basic arithmetic without spellcheck or a calculator

>> No.6237024

Now they can have GPT do all their homework

>> No.6237026

>is a combination of artistic limitations, aspirations, tastes and process
is nervous system and physiological traits, that's not fucking magic
by tweaking settings you can make new style and who knows what
do you know why dall-e's mascot is an avocado chair? well think about it

>> No.6237029

I think it will atrophy aesthetic sense in a way. Pretty much in the dark ages were everything people can and will consume will come from one place that will affect all perception of what they think and believe. But once was the church and now will be the AI (that will probably be controlled by the government and their friends, be real)

And it won't have any counter, people will also have their sense of expression atrophied for anything that is not using an AI, well most people. I can also see big tech paying millions to artists and their weirdness if everyone exodus to traditional art just to scan how they do things and keep the population happy with things to coomsume since is all they can do, it will be no different of how they need to deliver clean water or electricity, if we go full dystopian, but lets be real, we are almost there.

>> No.6237032

Lmao, you don't know what a style even is. What tweaks are you going to tweak if all the inspirational is the same? The best you can do is increase the weirdness but without the aesthetic sense of experimentation and how and why it works all you are doing is making the work more chaotic and noisy.

>> No.6237033

Actually it's a good cognitive therapy to describe a picture and is used as an exercice by pscyhologists. Prompting is good for your mental health.

>> No.6237035

it's already begun man

>> No.6237037

Isn't the point of that procedure to be the one imagining that picture? The AI would just imagine it for you. The AI subsumes your thinking entirely.

>> No.6237039

You believe all styles can be created by mixing previous ones, but it's only partially true. There will be many ideas that are not reachable by the arrangement of weights in a given trained model. It could be different with agi still.

>> No.6237043

>in the future the signals of your orbital lobe will be able to be read and turned into finished drawings by AI
>aphantasias are cucked again

>> No.6237049

Atrophying mental imagination by having the AI visualize everything for you seems like an one way ticket to mass aphantasia

>> No.6237052
File: 391 KB, 1024x1024, if you want a picture of the future imagine a prompter prompting a human face forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6237056

Our imagination works like shit though. Try looking at anything in a dream for more than a second, it looks a lot like AI abominations.

>> No.6237057

Fuck, I meant *occipital lobe of course. Reading half a dozen books on neuroscience should count for something.

>> No.6237060

Machine-made horror could be its own genre in art

>> No.6237061

No, it doesn't. What the hell is wrong with you? I know this happens if you look at a mirror or something like that (I actually look really cute) but there is something really wrong with if everything looks fucked up, I never even ever seen that sort of thing being reported before.

>> No.6237064
File: 313 KB, 1080x1920, AI Wombo - Beksinski Pusheen and friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually a weird thing: Ever since the AI stuff got big I paid more attention in lucid dreams to details and how they shift. Hands and writing were already a good indicator but everything else feels so AI-like as well. Maybe that is because I have looked at too much AI shit recently or maybe because it was in the back of my mind or - and that might be the most terrifying conclusion - maybe AI really is the closest image generation has come to how our brains work.

>> No.6237066

the duality of man

>> No.6237068

Monkeys actually had their brain images read and pictured by an AI once. It was in fact extremely blurry like something you would get from a lucid dream but faces were recognizable like another monkey and a researcher

>> No.6237070

I feel that way too. I even tried looking it up, but I haven't seen people really talk about this.

>> No.6237071

I think a point that is being overlooked is that all the art that was used in the database (ie. drawn by humans) was a result of the artist interacting with the medium of drawing and painting. AI can mimic the end result by analysing the pixels and data but since the result is not there, the chance for stylistic innovation is not necessarily present, because a lot of the factors that led to the stylisation in the first place are simply not present in the process that generates images.

>> No.6237077

Lmao, so you have the mind of a monkey? Cool, not judging it.

>> No.6237078

It definitely cannot create an entire culture like anime drawing or renaissance paintings out of scratch. If no one ever used water brushes it wouldn't be able to know how to apply them effectively either, or even have an idea of what it was to be trained on

>> No.6237081

Working on your art and actively dreaming makes the visualization better, I learned. After some practice my dream hands and my mirror image even looked quite normal and took longer to shift and blur. Water in motion on the other hand, now that looks plain weird in a lucid dream. Like something from a PS1/PS2 game. Really spooky and uncanny.

>> No.6237085

So you think humans will get AI to picture whatever is in their minds in 8k resolution full color because yes? There's no proof or implication this will be possible even by the institutions that conducted the test and certainly knew better than you

>> No.6237088

Finally someone who gets it. Exactly, no medium interaction and no experimentation. Complete aesthetic entropy by the lack of innovation and everything looking exactly the same, it will be the calarts effect times literal a billion because everyone will be doing it and it won't have a way to get it out, it won't be a trend that it will die, it will be their reality and that's it.

Can you see how morby beautiful it is? Is some monkey pawn bullshit, normies can get all the art they want, but all art they get will be forever soulless and shallow until they get fucking sick of it and kill their own sense of beauty and tastes.

>> No.6237090

I don't know about 8K, but shit looks pretty clear in my mind, doesn't look at all like what Ai does.

>> No.6237091

I practice art on and off over the decades and it's always a joy but also frustrating, and I admire it.
I don't think artists are being replaced anytime soon, this is very much a novelty.

That said, I have to admit, it is bringing me a lot of joy, and I'm learning a lot about artists I've never heard of, and I also am feeling the urge to improve enough to where I could put images that I generate onto canvas.

I mean it when I say Best regards, everyone.

>> No.6237092

can you?

>> No.6237094

Something i think about is how video games have gotten more and more elaborate graphics, there's less chance for us to exercise our imagination. Like if you were a millennial, playing pokemon red or blue was insane, everyone could perfectly superimpose the environments and creatures onto the super rudimentary abstracted art. If you show kids games from that time period now, they treat it like some ancient artifact, it can't hold their interest. I think in the same way, when you draw, especially as a /beg/, you need to have the creative ability to see the potential in your drawings - a lot of very young children have this ability, which is why they are so creative despite their drawings looking so scribbly to adults.

>> No.6237096

Him? Hard to say. Humans? Yeah, what are you even talking about? That just because one person can't do it that somehow invalidates the fact Ai also can't? When the entire point is how people change something overtime based on themselves and how do their thing? Imagine coping this hard, jesus.

>> No.6237100

I've seen this point a million times, stupid retards who pretend there's no difference between an algorithm and the history of human creativity
Pay them no heed

>> No.6237105

Nah, I want them to realize what they did, how they fucked up, what this really means. Artists themselves and even naturally creative people are immune to this, we may be affected financially for a limited amount of time until we adapt, they won't have a choice.

>> No.6237109
File: 147 KB, 840x843, Beksinski 2005 Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If AI is so great then why can't it continue Beksinski's paintings the way he would've painted after 2005?

>> No.6237110

While these AI are currently pre-trained, AI will be doing live training at some point, observing the natural and digital world, taking things in, discarding others. Changing.

>> No.6237112
File: 9 KB, 259x194, inasdsadex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could AI ever?

>> No.6237116

>tfw Beksinski probably would've already used AI by now as a tool if he was still alive
Bros... why did he have to die? ;_;

>> No.6237123

>taking things in, discarding others
Explain how. AI researchers only know how to train models based to a loss function. Humans don't need such target since they have their own sense of tast

>> No.6237129

Deep Streaming Linear Discriminant Analysis

>> No.6237132

AGI will likely develop previously unthought art forms by having a meta perspective and logical conclusions on every boundary of the physical realm

>> No.6237140

So science fiction. That's cute and all, pretending I will listen to the reddit tier stupid comment about le future was is the point if Art, the thing that humans made to self expression and create has zero human input.

Even worse, being created by something that is subvert of something like big corporations and things like that, how do we know that the AI styles are just no created to subvert our opinions as propaganda tools to control how we think. If AI could ever create an entire sense of aesthetic by itself that would be easy.

>> No.6237145

Even things like a slightly predominant color choice could completely change the way humans act at long term. The same thing already happens with mass-streamed media like Netflix series, but except it to be way more subtle to the point that the AI knows more about your psychology than yourself

>> No.6237146

science fiction that is already on github? You asked how, I gave a real example.

>> No.6237147

>In the future, AI will do this and AI will do that, I know nothing about coding, let me pull the future out of my ass because I saw it in this crystal ball I bought at the local pawn shop last week.

>> No.6237150

That is literally the end goal of these gestalt projects. AGI is set to become the definitive religion of the new world

>> No.6237156

I didn't pull it from my ass, It's from current research. get up to date.

>> No.6237158

So you can see how incredible stupid this AI business is, right? How dystopian to take the power of creating from humans, give to a machine that will be used to nothing but personal gain of already powerful people.
Ai cannot create a entire aesthetic style yet so it doesn't exist. You are just a faggot trying to deflect what I just said. Fuck off and cope harder, there is no way AI will ever create something like an artstyle on itself with the way it works and the only way of doing it is by treading on science fiction territory that is just you two faggots making shit up and fantasising bullshit.

>> No.6237159

But it's even less accurate than offline training and still limited to a loss function.
You need imperfection for the thing to become creative. Quantum machine learning is potentially one way AGI could happen though.

>> No.6237169

I think they will lean on human brains for next step machine learning. You got these neural chips that collect data to the cloud and map your neurons so you can write your thoughts without needing a keyboard (this already happened). This could easily lead to predicting individual human behavior, eventually scalling to entire societies

>> No.6237171

Deflect? It's you who are shifting the goalposts.
>AI will be doing live training at some point
>Explain how
>Deep Streaming Linear Discriminant Analysis

>> No.6237175

>less accurate
>Need imperfection

>> No.6237176

I never asked you how, you are confusing with someone else. More than that. Saying it will happen one day and the future is exactly what I'm talking about, you are just making shit up with no real proof of it and using as an argument.

>> No.6237178

Loss of information is not imperfection. It just means the algorithm discarded some data.

>> No.6237189

Never said it will happen, I was proposing ways it might. I'm not the AGI guy...

>> No.6237193

>tfw /ic/ became /g/
You guys could become AI programmers yourselves with less effort than most people

>> No.6237194

So science fiction.

>> No.6237196

I'd rather become a lawyer to sue AI programmers for copyright.

>> No.6237204

What is the main barrier? We have algorithms for live training, someone couldn't expand on that for AI art making?

>> No.6237205

You should hear yourself, you sound like a cultist.

An AI creating a new art form is such a absurd thing to say when the reality is that we barely even understand the human brain to begin or where creativity even comes from. How would it arrive at something like anime without prior understanding of the world? Is it going to organically "evolve" into Osamu Tezuka? Abstraction is harder than you know and no programmer is going to understand the complexities involved because they're limited by their programmer worldview. Even for artists it's extremely difficult to arrive at completely new, revolutionary styles. It took centuries of art history to learn more about what makes art appealing and interesting and even then, it's so subjective that all of that can be discarded at a whim because there are no rules in art and by discarding things you believe, you might develop a new art style. I don't go into /g/ and assume I'm an expert on computers which is what you are doing, you don't understand art at all.

>> No.6237209

I can code, spaghetti code shit but I'm not complete ignorant towards, I'm actually quite good at it because I'm really good at thinking outside the box when it comes to logic and having ideas, I try to explain a lot of the things I want to do to some people and they don't even get it that is really frustrating when seeking help. I probably could get decent at in 2 years if I put half of the effort I put in to art. It's just really boring compared to art and creating something, but is fun to see my stuff and ideas take form in a game or mod, just not nearly as rewarding as the creative process.

>> No.6237214

That's assuming the computer won't immediately explode when you try to digitize literal quantum mechanics.

>> No.6237215

You could make an AGI focused on destroying AIs

>> No.6237217

Live training won't do much when it comes to stylization and creation of sense of aesthetic, it won't make a difference because the "AI" complete lacks what it makes aesthetic a thing unless you get in to real of being just as intelligent and emotional sensible as a human to see the world as he does to achieve the same objective, that's my entire point you doofus, how is that not science fiction?

>> No.6237233

would you recognize a new style even if you saw it?

>> No.6237237

Jesus christ dude, what kinda of acute autism do you have when you can't even tell what art style is. Not seriously, I'm not trying to fuck with you, I want to know exactly what do you have to be this confused about something like this.

>> No.6237242

Either you're willfully obtuse or you have a neurologic deficit which I wouldn't be surprised about considering you're excited for a program to do all your thinking for you.

>> No.6237247

You misunderstand. I know what art style is. How will you judge if an AI has made a new artstyle?

>> No.6237250

Art styles are high resonated with a cultural hit of the times. The AI can technically do many art styles per sets of image, but will even the prompt make find it unique enough when he's most likely using "drawn by [Artist]" to upgrade the quality? Chances are new art styles accidentally developed by AI will be left behind since everyone who uses has the intent of making something at pixiv or artstation standards due to creative bankruptcy. In fact, they wouldn't even know how to discern a unique style since that would require actual artistic expertise, so the only way someone could dig one out of the AI would be through having art knowledge first

>> No.6237249

>willfully obtuse
Yeah, a bit.

>> No.6237251

AI art is already an art style. Art style is connected to specific people and groups. AI managed to blend in modern Google-searchable art into an uncanny mess. That's a style.

>> No.6237259

The moment it stops shiting out every concept art work that has been created in the past 20 years. Trust me, I know my shit, what Ai does is as souless as a rock and for the looks of it, it won't get better.

>> No.6237262

Nope, going with neurologic deficit. For you to act in this way concludes that you are indeed an idiot.

>> No.6237265

AI is only good at impressing nodrawies. If you have any skill in art you will get bored with AI generated images pretty soon. And you'd especially not post them as "finished pieces".

>> No.6237270

>I managed to blend in modern Google-searchable art
AI told to make art that is further from the data instead of closer... might lead to more novel artworks?

>> No.6237275

Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

>> No.6237276

Probably just actual noise and nonsense without the guiding hand of actual artworks to know what is doing it. But maybe if enough people do it they can find something. 1000 monkeys on a typewriter sort of thing.

>> No.6237286

Not 100% in the opposite direction of the data, It could be allowed to stray near certain categories, geometry, form, color etc.

>> No.6237291

Wouldn't it be easier and infinitely more consistent to just draw something instead of messing with so many parameters

>> No.6237302

If you observe the AI stumbling upon a new style, with Textual Inversion you can keep it.

>> No.6237307

Friendly reminder that no one here made artistic progress in this thread.

>> No.6237316

I drew the whole time between replies and I even drew on one of the replies.

>> No.6237350

So basically sketchers who can never finish their work won

>> No.6237354

No they lost because they will never develop muh style™.

>> No.6237365

Tracing won

>> No.6237389

>to the best of our knowledge
How is it even possible for them not to know their own dataset? Did they deliberately shred their own log files, or is this a straight up lie?

>> No.6237397

They already have commercial animation software that can automate inbetweening, don't they?

>> No.6237401

Honestly I'd rather fuck the AI than a human wife.

>> No.6237402

>start by already being able to draw
/ic/ is truly doomed.

>> No.6237432

They lie about it, openai say it was only trained on cc0 material but it can ape ghibli and junji ito if you put their names in

>> No.6237445
File: 476 KB, 1280x834, jozef-boza-x-ndhh10gufk1s970slo1-1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even prompt an nonminecraft mural irl? Wth

>> No.6237467

That's because Karla Ortiz doesn't have a distinguishable style, or Mid-journey goes to it's default when an unknown name is entered. However there are guides that show the big effects entering certain artists DO have, they are most certainly entered into this system.

>if you want a picture of the future, imagine a proompter prompting a human face, forever.
Truly the bleakest existence.

Wouldn't the comment you copied the the one who created the seed... Am I creating a seed right now? No one touch this, this is copyright mine.


Honestly, that better be the end goal of all of this. If I don't end up with a hot robo wife at the end, I'm joining the Luddites.

>> No.6237469
File: 465 KB, 512x512, 1661385876970-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6237523
File: 1.14 MB, 250x250, sensible_chuckle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6237543

Pinterest is just a catalogue of art, it's only as random as your search.

>> No.6237618

That’s the most practical AI application I’ve seen so far. Can you do this on a crappy PC too?

>> No.6237626
File: 864 KB, 1600x1582, C0D7AE2F-51F3-4BA2-9AB1-1966688AD3B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m also really curious how it would manage with a rough Frazetta sketch like this.

>> No.6237701

That would be interesting. Frazzeta is in the database too, so it could get close to what he might've painted (while very drunk).

>> No.6237712
File: 1.25 MB, 995x1531, dallemini_2022-8-25_13-32-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI is shit with anatomy. For now. I am giving it 2 more months.

>> No.6237771

Yes, but stable diffusion is more capable than dalle mini.

>> No.6237909

Any quick tutorial for offline stable Diffusion for retards? I mean ; where can I download it and make it work?

>> No.6238744

Itch.io, get Grisk's stand alone program. Need high vram, 8gb for 512 x 512 images, though I've heard reports of it working on less. Might be Nvidia only. I use a 1070.

>> No.6240058
File: 35 KB, 748x468, merle-dixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>illustrahomos copy works all the time but fill their own drawings with watermarks
>animefags live to steal styles and elements from other characters to assemble their own
>everyone "invents" irrelevant brushes for digital drawing and thinks they own that type of stroke
>now want to patent their own command phrases for AI
I love being a tradchad and being able to laugh about it all.