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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 37 KB, 633x474, C3025E2F-8751-443A-AEF8-696904ED85F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6235511 No.6235511 [Reply] [Original]

Threads explicitly about “prompt engineering” and the production of AI art should not be allowed.

Not everything related to the production and acquisition of images is considered on topic for /ic/.
A thread purely about google image search results would not be considered on topic for this board.
Photography is not considered on topic for this board.
Graphic design discussion is generally redirected to /gd/.
My claim is that “prompt engineering” is closer to google image search or photography than drawing.

There is no need to get into a philosophical discussion about whether AI art is “really” art or not. Photography is “real” art, for example. It’s just not the kind of art that is on topic for /ic/.

There will be cases that blur the lines. People might post works in the drawthread that are a hybrid of AI and human drawing. These can be handled on a case by case basis - there’s no need to get autistic about deleting all of these posts or anything. But despite that, we can still confidently say that threads like “prompt engineering general” should not be allowed.

>> No.6235513

Agree but also draw redundant trannime threads too

>> No.6235517

Ban deviant art (OC) threads

>> No.6235523

ban tower girls thats a /tg/ thread

>> No.6235525

I welcome the AI threads. It's a gateway into the artworld and will bring a more active community with more people getting interested in art. I don't fear it, I hope to embrace it one day and utilize it with my own artworks.

>> No.6235528

Ban all of the threads on /ic/.

>> No.6235529
File: 8 KB, 500x232, Screenshot 2022-08-24 174751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.6235548

Ban the Drawing Tablet General schizo.
Theres currently 3 threads and 2 have been opened by that same retard.

Also AI art is not art.
Its like saying youre capable of making delicious food and your method is ordering them in some restaurant.
>y-you gotta be creative with the prompts
Sure, its like having to choose which restaurant to go.

>> No.6235558

>Ban the Drawing Tablet General schizo.
No I like those threads.
>Also AI art is not art.
I agree, but the point is that you can ban it without having to prove that it's not art.
There are all sorts of art that are not on topic for /ic/. Doesn't mean they're not art. It's just the wrong board, that's all.

>> No.6235574
File: 3 KB, 332x72, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban AI shit full shop. it's not art, it's image dumping at best and adds absolutely nothing to this already dead board. redirect it to /g/ where it belongs

my man

>> No.6235584

seething nodraws

>> No.6235598

Ban lsg

>> No.6235607


>> No.6235612

idk why lsg cant merge with asg, both are nothing but anime girls and anon who rarely improve

>> No.6235622
File: 53 KB, 576x512, 1567830033500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prohibiting something just because you don't like it doesn't mean it'll go away, hypothetically speaking if you manage to persuade the mods to ban AI related content how exactly do you expect the mods to enforce something that which was created by an AI or a person or both for that matter as we're seeing AI and individuals integrated in art. Secondly, you're going to continue seeing AI related content elsewhere from your news feeds, blogs, twatters, etc. etc. it's not about what you want. I for one welcome the AI and see the AI as tool or assistant it's the perfect method for creating concepts and having thumbnails as different ideas to pick and chose from the best composition and story telling.

>> No.6235629

ban ai shit

>> No.6235632
File: 17 KB, 354x360, 18699889_316988455424458_8298738546045006331_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about AI. It's just that this one retarded faggot became a jenny and went even more rampant. tonyo, makima, pepes, every other shallow shit-thread. All single faggot. He also made this thread, the reason it's still up. There is no point in protesting anything, /ic is effectively dead until schizo get bored or banned by proper mods. And that's unlikely since he's been having his fun for at leas 1.5 years now, since tonyo-force began. I didn't pay much attention before that, but doubt /ic were as shit as it is today.
Just fucking od already, you waste of space. Cure that itching sensation in your brain.

>> No.6235634

>Prohibiting something just because you don't like it doesn't mean it'll go away
It literally does tho, you just need good moderation. Literally every website does it

>> No.6235640

and how exactly are the mods going to ban AI, will the mod have a way to tell whether an image was created by an AI or not? What if someone reports you out of spite claiming your work was created with the use or assistance or has elements of AI in it where it in fact does not, would it mean you're going to be banned just to accommodate the few but vocally loud minorities who do not want to see AI?

>> No.6235646

ban ai shit, simple as.

>> No.6235648
File: 52 KB, 720x720, 1569640466689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nigger you're so buttmad you have a one track mind with ban AI ban AI bonging inside your head. Stay mad.

>> No.6235651


>> No.6235654

dont care, ban ai

>> No.6235675

agreed, same shit with the tranny posting tumblr/pinterest image collection threads as "inspo"

/ic/ i artwork and critique, if it isnt about making art and its creation then shouldn't be part of it

>> No.6235680

>will the mod have a way to tell whether an image was created by an AI or not?
Yes, even retards can tell

>> No.6235711

Is the AI with us in this room right now?

>> No.6235714

I am learning about artists living and dead from other peoples' prompts, finding some really neat stuff

>> No.6235778

Based as hell. Most bs threads have the same condescending, mocking tone, its weird. But its allowed and at this point I think jannies are in it or something. 4chan is like one of the biggest psyop sotes anyways, its the #1tranny maker website. Where do you think most trans propaganda comes from, reddit? Sure, politically, reddit is up thete, but underground, unseen, sexual brainwass happens on 4 CHAN threadd.

>> No.6235784

Also there are no "schizos" derailing anything. Schizophrenic people dont give a shit about stuff like this, they suffer like 24/7. This is done by bots and discords and occultist larpers.

>> No.6235787

Just make a containment general for AI discussions. Prohibiting that shit only makes it worse.

>> No.6235789

burn in hell, kill yourself, die

>> No.6235797

> Thread encourages no draw faggots to draw
> W-we can't have that! Ban it!

>> No.6235811

Why are you like this?

>> No.6235812

> Ban the Drawing Tablet General schizo.
Theres currently 3 threads and 2 have been opened by that same retard.

This. That Wacom shill literally provides nothing of value other than sperging out on anons who are asking legitimate questions.

>> No.6235829

it's literally /tg/ syphoning free art when they can easily have their drawthread on /tg/. request threads are banned on ic but this shealth begging one remaining is dumb as shit

>> No.6235839

no rules only tools

if I had to type words in to get the image then it's art

>> No.6235840

let it sink in

>> No.6235856

Nah, the randomized aspect of it is great for making you draw/render stuff that you normally wouldn't. If you insist on banning begging threads, I'd argue that the OC redraw thread is more relevant.

>> No.6235893

OC has more reason to be on ic than /tw/ since it often ends up with artists doing trades with each other as supposed to supplying another board with free art. At worst OC should be on /i/ because of lack of crits and from how low quality the general became

>> No.6235894
File: 31 KB, 315x307, Kadse ärgern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing about these threads and posts is that they are clearly made just for either stirring shit up or someone thinking they're a comedic genius. It's the mass of these posts that get on my nerves.

>> No.6235896

Other boards have been raiding us since this ai shit started. Anyone claiming that the ai shit is "art" and that it should be allowed is one of those people

>> No.6235900

I've been claiming AI is art since its inception, who are you to say what is art and what isn't? This type of elitism is exactly what makes others pick on you.

>> No.6235902

>If an ai text to speech said something that means the person really said it!
Back to /v/ faggots

>> No.6235904

It's art but there's no need for it to be on the board for critique since you can't redline AI results expecting to apply those changes.

>> No.6235907

Not an argument, and your example of text to speech is a very poor argument. You as an "artist" should know that art is a visual medium which gets a message across. If the message/idea gets across to the general masses it fulfills its purpose regardless of what method or medium was used. Just like text to speech you get the message across it matters not if it was generated by an AI or a person.

>> No.6235909

jannies should just listen to the board for fucking once or give us a new mod.

>> No.6235911

What happened to the newly recruited janny anyway?

>> No.6235914

Hunkered down over at /lsg/ go say hi.

>> No.6235916

>I-its not an argument despite them being the same thing because of my arbitrary definition of what art is
This is the people spamming ai threads

>> No.6235919

Not all lolis and shotas are in the anime style

>> No.6235924

Please define art.

>> No.6235932

>the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
"the art of the Renaissance"

Google is lying... Because they just are okay. They just changed the definition of art to exclude ai a second ago so you can lose this argument

>> No.6235934

You know what isnt art typing in keywords and waiting for a image to pop up ie Google search

>> No.6235936
File: 82 KB, 551x743, Eq27FRfXMAIWeSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New /ic/ rule:
Ban every art""work"" that required less than five minutes to create.

There, I fixed it. I fixed the whole board.

>> No.6235938

i agree all AI faggots should be banned at least the ironic trolls, this board has the worst moderation in the site, FUCK THE JANNIES

>> No.6235939

>if a robot competes in basketball that means they are an athlete according to ai tards

>> No.6235940

>Loli and Shota
literally anime shit lol

>> No.6235943
File: 43 KB, 554x554, 1570800488161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google is not lying, Google is absolutely correct in the sense it took a human with creative skill and imagination from Prompt Engineering and Prompt Smithing through a medium which utilizes AI. The AI is a blank canvas and it took the creative input and ingenuity of a human to create an impression.

>> No.6235949

>new mod
new mod is in. he's making all these threads

>> No.6235950

Example of an AI shitstirrer.

>> No.6235951

Weeb terms, sure. My point still stands, some post non-anime lolis there

>> No.6235952

this! i don't know why the extremely quality rule is never enforced on this board

>> No.6235954

Post your extremely high quality work right now.

>> No.6235957

Excessive amounts of cope.

Also this is a Wendy's.

>> No.6235963

literally "trolling outside of /b/" one of the few rules of this board, yet these faggots aren't being banned, good job jannies good fucking job

>> No.6235964

i meant low quality rule

>> No.6235966

I still haven't seen a single fappable picture made by an ai yet.

>> No.6235969

>Anything I don't like is trolling therefore Jannies should ban anyone I don't like and anyone who argues against me because it's trolling me.

>> No.6235973

Just have one (1, uno) general discussing A.I. shit

>> No.6235974

yes nigger this is an artboard and all of cancer plaguing this board has nothing to do with drawing.

>> No.6235975

smoothest, tiniest brain in this thread

>> No.6235976

There are dozens of threads about it across multiple boards. The whole point of this board is to help people practice and get better at drawing. Ai does nothing to help

>> No.6235978

they literally have a drawthread on /tg/ retard why does another board need a draw thread here?

>> No.6235980

The only good way to deal with this is Blu letting the board resume to it's status quo.

If people want to post ai generated images let them, who the fuck cares. It's all shit that's very easy to spot.

>> No.6235985
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 1604811545370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the case then /ic/ should be split between two boards for traditional and digital and have AI created content in the digital board while enforcing zero digital works on the traditional board that'll essentially "ban" AI that way you can have real and true "artists" circlejerk each other on the elitist traditional board.

I propose to gather enough people to proclaim to the mods that a new board for traditional medium works of art should be created in light of the advent of the AI.

>> No.6235989

>traditional chad board
>digital containment shithole
I can only get so erect.

>> No.6235990

We've been calling for this split ever since CA.org shit the bed. Where were you?

>> No.6235994

hes raiding from /g/

>> No.6235995

Mods should make /ai/ already. There's a lot of stuff to discuss about it even not taking into account image generation models.

>> No.6235996

1) Their drawthread is for general purpose only.
2) Their TowerGirls thread is not a drawthread.
3) TowerGirls is enjoyed by plenty of people outside of /tg/, namely people from /v/.

>> No.6235997

No. And this will all settled down fast.
Photobashers get what they fucking deserve, this is on them. Everyone else shouldn't see this as threatening in any sort of way.
I come here for references, book recommendations, art advises and nothing else. Be it digital or not. Fuck having to frequent two boards just because some faggots are salty about it.

>> No.6235999

It'll be dead in a month once the ai images stop improving in quality

>> No.6236000

I don't participate in traditional generals because I am strictly digital, the want to split /ic/ has become a necessity since each general is practically its own board I never go in other generals that don't meet my interests. With that being said how do we alarm the mods to consider creating a traditional medium art board and set new ground rules to ban all digital art work?

>> No.6236002

Even if they do, shit like Photoshop will in the coming years incorporate much of what is blatantly considered "AI" into a streamlined, invisible workflow that you won't know where it starts and where it ends.

I'm still in favor of splitting it into /trad/ and /dig/ above trying to silence AI prompters, because that shit is a moving target and good luck enforcing that in the near future.

>> No.6236006

Traditional artists should be the one embracing prompt art. It's a fucking free and completely new refenrece for you to use.

Once weekend comes studying that is going to be my life.

>> No.6236007


>> No.6236011

We clearly have a divide between traditional and digital on /ic/, we're like oil and water we don't mix at all and we have different philosophies about what is deemed as art. The need to split /ic/ from the arrival of AI has never been so painfully obvious.

>> No.6236014

We don't really need it. The beauty of nature has more fidelity to provide us with ideas and variety than we can ever consume in a lifetime. Besides, the prompt isn't our bottleneck, it's the raw amount of time needed to complete the work and let the paint dry.

>> No.6236015

What will happen to my furrybros who do trad art? Will there be a /trad/fag/ general?

>> No.6236017

/ic/ can't even keep /trad/ threads alive all year around so a whole board would be dead in a month. Ai is /g/ shit plain and simple.

>> No.6236020

I think the intent is to split it into /trad/ which will become the new art board, and /dig/ which will be overrun with AI shit in less time than it took to write this message.

>> No.6236021

We would just turn into /po/, plain and simple.
Fuck photobashers, imagine actually defending those pieces of a shit.

>> No.6236022

I like it as a tool. But those threads about shitting out dozens of mediocre and terribly cursed images claiming they are "art and I made it" is either deliberate shitposting or sad.

>> No.6236023

It's still /tg/ and there zero reasons for it to be hosts on ic instead of it's native board.

>> No.6236024

Talk about a canary in the coalmine. I totally forgot about photobashers but yeah, that's where this whole thing began lmao

>> No.6236028

>Ai is /g/ shit plain and simple.
AI will eventually flood /g/ too.

>> No.6236033

I see, so it seems like a /trad/ board wouldn't bode very well because of the lack of traffic and general interest. If only there was a sub board where /ic/ will direct you to a niche imageboard sort of like how there are hidden text only boards on this site.

>> No.6236035

im not defending photo bashing but they at the very least need to know how to draw in order to be good at it. what are ai niggers doing? they don't even bother touching a damn thing just shitpost endless.

>> No.6236038

You know what's funny? if you hadn't made it clear that this thread is meta and allowed by the rules, the incompetent jannies would have deleted it but the IA threads would still be up and running.

>> No.6236039

In earnest I am okay if trad is a slower board. Relatively speaking, /ic/ is one of the slowest boards. It upticked sometime during the pandemic (i think postcount doubled or some shit?) but it was fucking slow as molasses.

>> No.6236040

Now you know how it feels to be COVID vaccinated and being a /pol/ user.

>> No.6236042

Just make an /ai/ board and delete it in a few months when the fad and novelty is over.

>> No.6236043

It's sort of like how you have to make it clearn that your drawing is 18+ even though she's flat chested.

>> No.6236045

No one is forced to be a /pol/tard.

>> No.6236047

We don't have a rule that allows for meta threads.

>> No.6236050

I tried making a meta thread to discuss the ai threads and was instantly deleted a couple weeks ago

>> No.6236051

it's a global rule new faggot

>> No.6236053

>no argument
yeah thought so bitch

>> No.6236059

>projecting this much when he could have just linked the rule (which doesn't exist)
There is no argument. We're at an impasse because I don't accept "it's /tg/ because it just is" as a legitimate argument.

>> No.6236060

Having said that, we did have in the past a few lukewarm (like, not even registering a pulse sort of lukewarm) attempts to migrate off of /ic/ over to a custom forum of some sort because it was clear /ic/ and the jannies are in on the troll threads and they don't remove the shit they should, and remove the shit they shouldn't. Maybe now is the time to consider it, but i'm pretty sure given how sweeping of an influence AI gen has had so far, that many other communities will be thinking the same. A new champion will arise.

>> No.6236061

i don't mind the /tg/ threads, they stay in their general and some do posts art there albeit slowly
wish A.I. shitters would do the same

>> No.6236063

obviously trolling outside of /b/ or being completely retarded

>> No.6236067
File: 2.56 MB, 319x239, 1660701783478891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots and trannies losing their shit over threads they can easily hide
>mfw posting in a comfy thread on /ic/ that lasts up to three weeks at a time now

>> No.6236068

I can't even tell which one of the idiots I am quoting you're representing.
Let's find out by waiting until the other guy replies.

>> No.6236071

If you'd only keep it to the threads it would be fine. But some "haha I'm so funni" guys post obvious AI shit in /trad/ threads and it's tiring.

>> No.6236072

What you're proposing is to have an extremely niche community, even niche communities are centralized by social media in one form or another such as D*scord servers. I doubt anybody from here would invest money, time and resources creating a forum with the same format from the dinosaur age of the Internet, a forum is just not viable anymore.

>> No.6236073

Not a forum, but even an image board that replaces this one with better jannies would still be a net win. Bonus points for actually segregating trad/dig/ai.

>> No.6236075
File: 70 KB, 1200x1200, 1660700919923913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my problem

>> No.6236078

The only customized or user created image boards are found from hotwheels and the sort. Come to think of it I believe there is a /loomis/ board that mirrors /ic/ from one of those alt chan sites.

>> No.6236079

you are not cool, you are autistic sorry

>> No.6236082

there is an artgain board too but is dead af

>> No.6236083

Not to move goalposts but it would be nicer if we could have something that isn't shunned by the internet at large anymore than 4chan already is. A bit more eyeballs on such an image board is not always a bad thing, as long as reddit can be contained.

>> No.6236085
File: 1 KB, 125x125, 1660683564002264s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch all you want.
Comfy thread is comfy.
Sucks to be every other thread on here right now.

>> No.6236087

Point in case creating an extremely niche community will result in failure. The only reason why I proposed a /trad/ board and split /ic/ was to give a form of an olive branch to the fags that are having a bitch fit over digital art/AI. Our philosophies may be different but one thing still remains clear that an image created by an AI or not is still an art form of in itself.

>> No.6236090

>as long as reddit can be contained
the same way those retards began shitting up /ic/ and other boards they would shit up ay other platform aswell

>> No.6236095

Reddit didn't shit up /ic/. /ic/ shit itself up because it's tied to an anime community and the jannies are fucking retards who let the inmates run the asylum and it killed all of the good concept art shit and gain making that this board offered. Now there's no way out of /beg/. /ic/ doesn't offer any kind of a path or honest crit.

>> No.6236097
File: 60 KB, 673x673, 1620858136178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complaining about alcohol being served at a Bar
There's just no pleasing you is there, no matter what anyone does you're never going to be satisfied anyway.

>> No.6236099

>concept art

>> No.6236100

zoomers grew up and learned about 4chan and /ic/. they ruin everything

>> No.6236101

Early on, CA was the gateway drug to get people to at least attempt to do good work, combined with crits from people who were leveling up. /ic/ actually had succeed stories and people crediting their career goal successes to /ic/. This time is long gone and this board, and really this thread, feels like the last vestige of a sinking ship.

Don't play dumb.

>> No.6236112

cute cat

>> No.6236119
File: 236 KB, 705x1024, FNxrv0hVsAEtF5N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity the ones who don't have more cat images saved than what the AIs are trained on.

>> No.6236130

As a rather strange mirrored example of what happened, I suppose Crimson Daggers was formed as a direct response to the falling of CA.org, wasn't it?

>> No.6236143

your problem is with anime, no everybody wants to be a souless western concept artists, concept art as a carrer isn't viable anymore oldfag

>> No.6236153

>CA was the gateway drug to get people to at least attempt to do good work, combined with crits from people who were leveling up. /ic/ actually had succeed stories and people crediting their career goal successes to /ic/. This time is long gone and this board, and really this thread, feels like the last vestige of a sinking ship.
Yes, it certainly feels like you're one of those that were complaining about not having the anime/mango generals way back when out of concern from the anime draw threads bringing in newbies and shitting up the quality of the board. I can say for certain you are partially correct, I'm not entirely biased and I'm one of those that helped to pioneer those anime/mango generals. The problem isn't with different art styles of in itself, the problem is the lack of actual participants of the medium and those who do not create content instead create context in the form of gossip and shitposting.

>> No.6236170

Normally I wouldn't be, and it's nothing to do with anime per-se, it's that we have 4-5 different anime generals using different terms (salt, anime, etc, it's all the same shit) that most of /beg/ is basically people trying to draw anime rather than doing basic drawing exercises to level up quickly so they can actually draw anime. So when 80% of the board is like that, and then any refutation is on the terms of "well huhu 4chan is anime community," there isn't much leeway to argue with that kind of mindnumbing response.

/ic/ has not done anything to foster anyone's growth or really help anyone get good in almost a decade. The usual trope here is how the community is raw in it's feedback as compared to the "reddit hugbox", but when everyone's bitching about AI gen and very few people can draw well enough to crit and level begs up, it's just embarrassing. No success stories since the CA crew left. All of the actual art work migrated to places like ArtStation and, to your point, this place has turned into gossip and shitposting.

>> No.6236178

I agree and I'll give you /lsg/ as an example, in /lsg/ there are a very few and limited participants of actual artists in that thread but because of the specific genre that general harbors it also attracts a great number of quirky individuals. Take for instance the two homosexuals who play buttgrab in the dark in those threads, they do not participate by creating content instead they play hide and seek by giving cryptic clues and signals to each other from elsewhere that somehow ends up in that thread. It's as you say, it's embarrassing because most of these faggots are only here to play armchair artists.

>> No.6236185

and the biggest irony about /lsg/ is that the general's creator is a Janitor who does a piss poor job and even deletes content by those who want to participate that doesn't fit his view of what should be allowed and what isn't.

>> No.6236189

Hell, I don't even care about concept art. Like I said, it was a gateway drug for people to get inspired to create work, sit down and draw and paint and get better. It was a catalyst. What it's about is that /ic/ experienced a migratory effect of a forum in disarray, more tailored towards professionals, who swooped in here and were like gods of art passing down alien technology to the primitives and teaching them the secret of fire and steel. Except instead of the primitives passing this secret on to the next generation, once the gods left, it was the end of that. Eventually, they found a new home and migrated. You had great artists posting here and once they left, the greatness left with them. /ic/ has been riding on their coat tails crediting itself for skills none of it's members presently possess.

>> No.6236190

Who knows what you’re talking about? Literally nobody but you.

>> No.6236195

A handful of us were here before /ic/ was even a board.

>> No.6236202

I didn't get to experience Crimson Arts or the like, but I did experience something that was somewhat similar with Teal line guy used to give input with hand written critiques and redlines. Those were the days where /ic/ used to even have redline generals too.

>> No.6236208

>Crimson Arts
I meant Crimson Daggers or something I can't remember what it was called.

>> No.6236240

Yeah. I don’t want to rose tint it but CA and later to some extent CD were incredibly conducive to peoples growth as artists. They didn’t need a trad general when every other thread was somebody’s sketchbook with pages of crits from advanced artists and questions from beginners. People didn’t need to hide their identities, they took photos of homework assignments and their attempts. 4chan isn’t conducive to this because stuff expires, gets dropped off and cannot really be brought back easily. So we are left with TikTok-esque flashes of content that come and go quickly. Maybe the internet changed idk

>> No.6236263

I’m talking about your schizophrenic discord talk between randos, not your street credentials. In fact that’s even more embarrassing you’re still here and not working in some studio.

>> No.6236265

the personal sketchbook threads o CA and Crimson Daggers were great
fuck i should have taken drawing seriously back then while those places existed now i regret it
probably would have leveled up way faster in that small amount of time than i have been by myself over the years

>> No.6236275

I run some of the generals while I work. I have a big team working for me so I can shitpost.

Nowadays there's more one on one mentoring available from these people, or people who grew up on CA. Although I wonder if they're slowly starting to close up shop because of this whole ai gen thing. By the time /ic/ found out about this, it had already spread in professional circles.

>> No.6236278

sure you do

>> No.6236282

Anyways, do you guys really expect a 4chan jannitor to go againdt AI? He would get executed. AI is some demonic big tech globohomo bs, janny will never do anything against it he would DIE.

>> No.6236286

Try working in a corp environment. You'll see what I mean. People's productivity plummeted during the pandemic, even with my shitposting I still come out on top as productive.

>> No.6236295

You’re just some idiot in the office posting on his smartphone on company time leaping that you work at Ubisoft or whatever.

>> No.6236296

Its the same as the OC thread imo. It's fun and all, but its clearly an /i/ thread which belongs there.

/ic/ is specifically for critiques while /i/ is for fun doodles, which both towergirls and OC threads belong in.

>> No.6236304

>Try working in a corp environment
no thank you, i'm not retarded enough to kill my passion and make art my main income

>> No.6236672

>/ic/ has not done anything to foster anyone's growth or really help anyone get good in almost a decade. The usual trope here is how the community is raw in it's feedback as compared to the "reddit hugbox", but when everyone's bitching about AI gen and very few people can draw well enough to crit and level begs up, it's just embarrassing. No success stories since the CA crew left. All of the actual art work migrated to places like ArtStation and, to your point, this place has turned into gossip and shitposting.
it's not just /lsg/, /cbsg/ and /oc/ has the same schizos who keep trying to manufacture some gay beef with thread because of some small overlap of users. It's all really fucking gay, and does nothing to foster a drawing environment.

>> No.6236679

>Threads explicitly about “prompt engineering” and the production of AI art should not be allowed
oh yes, why the fuck one of the most urgent and critical themes should be toned down by a canceling tranime dipshit npc faggot, go fuck yourself, try some /pol/ to start understanding difference between shilling and real discuss, i've probably got my own thread about machine learning thoughts removed