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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 541 KB, 512x640, 1661125110621437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6233855 No.6233855 [Reply] [Original]

post your best prompts ladies

>> No.6233864
File: 48 KB, 747x418, 1632943086249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI tiddies

>> No.6233871
File: 35 KB, 481x436, fgetav3582cvyn426mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youll never be a real artist

>> No.6233875

Post your work.

>> No.6233884
File: 178 KB, 1024x512, 1534477387563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6233895


>> No.6233908

You cheated not only the art, but yourself.

You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

It's sad that you don't know the difference.

>> No.6233917

in the end all that matters to the consumer is the result...

>> No.6233926
File: 545 KB, 512x512, s5f3fv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool general
What are your favorite artist names to use that make a big impact on a certain kind of style?
For me:
Jean Giraud / Moebius, Hokusai and Hiroshige, Gustave Doré, and just discovered Ilya Kuvshinov.
The Hokusai/Hiroshige/Ukiyo-e stuff has a lot of potential, and I like the style a lot. I think it works well with AI.

>> No.6233948

>lines are all over the place
It sucks. It's the opposite of what I want from woodcuts.

>> No.6233969

Boomer cope

>> No.6233971


>> No.6234058

You have to be 18 or over to post here.

>> No.6234083

i swear the jannies are trying to keep us from each other!

>> No.6234164

> pleddit bans ainigger from art subs before 4chan does

Is reddit more based than 4chan now?

>> No.6234406


>> No.6234450

This, but unironically.

>> No.6234455

Keep reporting it and jannies will eventually get a clue

>> No.6234457
File: 2.22 MB, 2150x3035, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even twitter is more based than 4chan atm

>> No.6234464

>ai can now generate loli

>> No.6234473


>> No.6234613

a collection of good prompts for a given tool would be akin to a collection of brushes
for a competent expert the prompts | brushes are useful, but they're only a small part of a complex workflow that involves a ton of different stuff, and it's never definitively finished or guaranteed to work, and requires giving the best of your creativity, and taste, and experience
at the end, the only real thing that separates the wheat from the chaff is a good final piece, no matter what workflow produced it

>> No.6234619
File: 538 KB, 512x512, l9vpar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at the end, the only real thing that separates the wheat from the chaff is a good final piece, no matter what workflow produced it

>> No.6234646

>the only real thing that separates the wheat from the chaff is a good final piece, no matter what workflow produced it
You keep using this phrase even in the discord you beglet, and I hate it everytime you spout your baseless opinions. Don't you think it's more appropriate to use that phrase if you're among the wheat? Huh?

Fuck your abstract bullshit begtard, and fuck your colorblindness, why would you compare a prompt to a brush? Jesus. This is what happens when you have too much opinions and you can't even fucking draw.

>> No.6234648


>> No.6234650

And take note you are neither among the wheat, nor the chaff, you are nothing. You're just a particle of dust, and your opinions hold no weight, next time you shut up, understood?

>> No.6234653

kill yourself

>> No.6234656


>> No.6234660


>> No.6234665

Wow, your patterns are glowing so bright I know exactly who you are. Why don't you study that mannequin you bought from China and learn how to draw, you're wasting money framing your abstract symbolism bullshit.

>> No.6234668

Send it to normie media outlets to generate public outrage.

>> No.6234676

>Being this assmad

>> No.6234684

how do you use these to get good results like that? I followed the guide to get gradio set up through miniconda etc but my stuff always comes out looking munted. Do you use the 'Dream' or the image to image. If the latter, how similar to the end result does the image have to be?

>> No.6234702
File: 121 KB, 748x462, how to draw an owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about how good you are at prompt smithing.

Make sure you are adding artist names, and various qualities. Typically but not always, more is better so pile 'em on.
Keep practicing and paying attention to other peoples' prompts and you'll be generating great stuff in no time

>> No.6234705

I'm so glad AI is usurping you artists. I hate hate hate /ic/ you were all so unrelentingly mean to me when I started drawing I've included this shithole in my hate manifestation sessions for the past four years so so long and now you finally get what's coming to you. I hope your drawings are met with 'cool, what prompt?'s at every turn I hope concept artists get fired I hope to see a cartoon untouched by the human hand hate hate hatr

>> No.6234709

fuck off failed artist, go back to /g/ you fucking neet

>> No.6234710

nigga, just grab a pencil.

like nigga, learn to draw.

>> No.6234720

You can't know what you've done to me I tried so hard four six months and at the end of that I couldn't draw a straight line. Time heals nothing and years later I still get bitter watching cartoons seeing graffiti even photographs sometimes. Sometimes. The hate for art in my heart burns as hot as that day and finally it has brought the eye of the future upon art. Your passionate works will be seen as substient as a meme scribbled in ms paint. I can't afford to wean the strength of my curses until you all fucking die

>> No.6234725

I draw furry porn.

imagine some big titty dog bitch getting railed by a human, AI will shit itself trying to draw it.

>> No.6234730

I don't use 4chan anymore. I don't have a computer. But when I heard of the art machine I had to find my way back here.
Die screaming. Soon.

>> No.6234737

now say it without crying lmfao

>> No.6234747

Imagine some prompt engineer presenting their portfolio to get hired and it's full of all these images completely inconsistent in quality and cohesion with one another: an anime girl portrait, a hyper realistic asshole rendering, a cartoon squirrel and a back alley with a hooker in it drawn in "charcoal", full of artifacts and noise.

>> No.6234771

no "prompt engineer" will ever be hired that is also not able to do the same shit with photoshop and google images.

imagine an art team that can't draw, lmao.

> what is perspective, scale, detail hierarchy, noise, composition, value, color, storytelling, framing.

worst case scenario, it becomes another "zbrush" where 2D artists are being forced to learn for fuck all, but it's good to have I guess.

>> No.6234772

Which AI is it?

>> No.6234774

There will be two jobs, not teams.
The Prompt Engineer - extensive knowledge of art history and modern trends
Brushmonkey Technician - cleaning up the extra limbs and eyes in software

Pick whatever suits your skillset

>> No.6234779

That's my point, they'll be shamed in front of a group of actual artists also waiting for a portfolio review. It's fun to think about.

>> No.6234781

you techfags are soulless and fucking retards

>> No.6234784

im seeing too much seething and not enough prompt engineering. please get out of here, seethers

>> No.6234785


>> No.6234789

Art history expertise has never been in demand for any industry that isn't academic, ever, even if needed, they'll contact an old boomer who does nothing but talk about Sargent all the time, no meme engineer necessary.

>> No.6234791

> two jobs in engineering
the spreasdheet engineer- excel specialist, inputs numbers in a spreadsheet
the numbermoney technician - has a degree in engineering

>> No.6234804

Not just art history but also cinema and technical understanding, to know how to tease out the correct incantation

>> No.6234810

these niggas would shit abberations like the zendaya comic, where all the ai generated imagery is painted, but the composition is brainded retarded, the scale is all fucked up so she is the size of a building, the detail is shat all over the place so no focal point to anything is given, colors are hyper vibrant all the time, characters have zero emotion, and sometimes a shoulder gets dislocated or a woman earns another tit.

>> No.6234813
File: 1.22 MB, 768x768, 00130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a photo of /ic/, 4k
im sorry bros, i didnt know that you all were financially struggling :/

>> No.6234814

The director exists for a reason and experts are consulted with for a reason, meme engineer with Wikipedia tabs need not apply. However! If you're hot and a female, you may be recruited!

>> No.6234816

Found our future prompt engineers lmao

>> No.6234821

> pitching a book to a publisher

I am a writer myself, I used a AIDungeon for two whole months.

>> No.6234822

its over for /g/fags then since you idiots have the shittiest taste and dont know anything beyond chinese mmos

>> No.6234843
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, 1659110194023998m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it so fucking funny when nodraws come in here thinking they're going to steal all of the art jobs by just knowing how to put a few words into a search bar, as if knowing tard regex would net them a 6 figure job
Just fucking think about it for one second, these clowns come in here calling themselves "engineers" (LMAO) just because they "could" know how to make a blackbox shit out a pretty picture. They're THAT delusional

Tell me, what is stopping an already skilled artist from using all these image-generating AIs to increase the rate at which they output of their work? an artist could easily use it to figure out composition, color, lighting, mood, even perspective, what do I know, the possibilities are endless. It's almost as if these AIs were a second brain to think with without an annoying person attached to them, an extra weapon to add to one's arsenal; an extra monkey wrench in the craftsman's toolbox

If you think you are going to have a job that'll consist of just inputting words into a search box, you are even more delusional than the people that dream of having art jobs. At least they have passion

I suggest all you "future prompt engineers" better start looking for jobs at your local mcdonalds instead, since you don't know how to draw or even program

The era of the digital artist is now

>> No.6234849

I kneel

>> No.6234852
File: 738 KB, 1982x1370, AI workflow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me, what is stopping an already skilled artist from using all these image-generating AIs to increase the rate at which they output of their work?
Nothing at all, this would be a very smart thing to do.

>> No.6234856

based prompt engineer + brushmonkey combo

>> No.6234863

Photobashers are already insanely fast, I had a teacher that could shit out full fledged environment concepts in 2 hours. He'll probably be able to do it in 15-30 minutes with AI.

>> No.6234875

The funny thing is that ai guys are taking hours and hundreds of attempts to do something that is not even drwn by them.

>> No.6234898


>> No.6234905

Why are you nerds so intent on working a low level? Reminds of the weirdos on /g/ who constantly shitpost about how you're not a real programmer if you don't use C.
The successful artists will have to integrate this in their workflow and build off of it or be left to rot.

>> No.6234920

>tfw used to have a programmer to talk with
/g/ and /ic/ could be good friends if they got along. I used to have a programming friend and it was good conversation because he'd educate me on code since I had no idea about it and I'd educate on art since they had limited understanding of it. Talking to someone outside of your field often yields more interesting conversation than someone within your field.

>> No.6234922

I am a giterdone programmer but there isn’t a replacement yet for systems languages and C is still a great choice somehow. That’s kind of a bad analogy.

>> No.6234931

Ah, there he is!

>> No.6234933

remind me how did switchboard operators integrate automatic exchange into their workflow?

>> No.6234938

C is a compiled language therefore it’s not for real programmers
real programmers write machine code

>> No.6234948

it's clear you don't actually draw. when dialing was automated, there was nothing left for an "operator" to do, with these kinds of prompt generators, there's going to be - at least for a while - a lot a skilled artist can do to direct the process and give the result a recognizeable, unique aesthetic.
Eventually we'll get to the point where AI can do all of that as well, probably sooner than some people think, but the anon you responded to is still correct. For a while yet, artists will still be able to improve upon the kinds of results AI can generate to produce value, but you will never get a bullshit job as a prompt engineer, except maybe for ideological reasons (i.e. as a publicity thing or some kind of political statement)

>> No.6234951

Yeah, I agree. It's always nice to talk to people who are good or informed about things other than you. Gives you both more perspective on things, making connections.
Ok if we want to play with this analogy, no would ship a consumer app coded in C. If needed, for some performance critical parts would be written in C. For our New Artist, there would be no need to dedicate the majority of effort in perfecting lines, figures, etc. These things could be done at a higher, quicker, (sloppier?) level and the AI could pick up the slack. That would leave the artist free to work on things like composition, color, style, aesthetic on higher level.
I don't know shit about drawing so maybe that sounds dumb but I'm assuming there's some busy work that could be semi-automated.
We're not talking about mechanical operators though, but artists. I think a better example would be the proliferation of cell phone cameras. Anyone can make a technically great photo of anything, but the technical crispness isn't what makes it worth viewing.

>> No.6234972

> For our New Artist, there would be no need to dedicate the majority of effort in perfecting lines, figures, etc. These things could be done at a higher, quicker, (sloppier?) level and the AI could pick up the slack. That would leave the artist free to work on things like composition, color, style, aesthetic on higher level.
That’s literally the fun part tho. The thing that people really don’t understand is that drawing and painting is fun (even if it’s hard sometimes). Why would you want to automate it?

>> No.6234981

Wait, it's this animu grill AI generated? I genuinely don't know what's real anymore. The lines are getting blurry erry day

>> No.6234982

unironically, capitalism.

>> No.6234983

>buying your own paper instead of making it from pulp yourself
>buying paints made in a factory by some businessman instead of mixing them yourself
>using a computer tablet to mimic the texture of a brush stroke

>> No.6234984

>Why would you want to automate it?
If you are doing something like a novel and want to illustrate it, having to spend so much time on visuals is a huge drain on time. In the time it takes me to make a single illustration, I could write half a book.

>> No.6234985

>I find it so fucking funny when nodraws come in here thinking they're going to steal all of the art jobs by just knowing how to put a few words into a search bar
bro literally no one thinks this except artists. every reasonable person looks at this as "oh a cool new computer art tool". exclusively artists and /ic/ posters are nonstop screaming "THIS IS THE APOCALYPSE THE AI WILL REPLACE ALL ART". the call is coming from inside the house

>> No.6234990

For this stuff you don't need anything beyond python

>> No.6234991

I mean sure, but if it takes you that long and you don't enjoy it then maybe drawing is just not for you...
That's what I mean when I say these tools aren't really for artists (in the sense of people who like drawing and painting), since they automate the most satisfying part of the process for us. I can see how they'd speed up the making finalised pieces but at that stage its like, well is this even drawing anymore...

>> No.6234994
File: 3.36 MB, 1536x1024, resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my Teds

>> No.6235001
File: 921 KB, 995x1531, dallemini_2022-8-21_13-59-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my Schwabz
Alzo, did you made these in Stables Diffusion? Will it works on my shitty 10yo notebook?

>> No.6235013

I tried DALLE and SD in the last two days. While it is interesting to look at the generated prompts, they aren't good enough to serve as aid for a novelist. Some people are freaking out, but they shouldn't be, at least not over these tools. It won't be easy to exceed DALLE and SD either due to tepid hardware and algorithmic improvements. Personally, I'll just forget about this and come back in a few years to see if they'd gotten any better.

>> No.6235014
File: 309 KB, 512x512, 00158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will it works on my shitty 10yo notebook?
probably not

>> No.6235017

t bh as people have gotten used to prompting this thing, the outputs have improved. i don't think it's going to get much better than this, but for some stuff the results are actually "good enough" for non-artists.
we're probably one generation away from the results being "good enough" for maybe 50% of all paid work.
a lot of low/mid tier artists are actually in a bit of trouble.
i'd say learn to use these to augment your work asap because img2img guidance, proompting and clean up will be a new market for awhile.

>> No.6235018

>could write half a book.
how long do you take to finishe one illustration?? One weak is max... just use AI to write for u too

>> No.6235029

>a lot of low/mid tier artists are actually in a bit of trouble.
Who? Names?

>> No.6235031
File: 187 KB, 600x538, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 'anonymous' guy who posts here all the time

>> No.6235032
File: 175 KB, 360x450, MTROG_Stuart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone with stable Diffusion generate picrel with realistic milkers in some sexy pose? If possible vagine or bussy too t

>> No.6235040

Photobashers are absolutely out of a job now.

>> No.6235043

I just can't wait to get to work with this shit this weekend. I had to send a phone for repair but fuck that. Scenarios for my porn, let's fucking go.

>> No.6235049

That would be extremely beneficial for you since all you can do is line art, pretty bad at that too.

>> No.6235071
File: 353 KB, 512x512, 00006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the AI just call me a fag?

>> No.6235074

No I can also do photobashing but I fucking hate having to hunt for backgrounds and textures. This will do.

>> No.6235078

the style is ugly but the rendering is good

I hope this btfos artfags with ugly rendering. It's annoying how many artfags are brainlets who do rendering with linear operations on gamma corrected colors and they defend the shitty art programs

>> No.6235082

there is a thread from a jp artist finally scrutinising AI. Funnily enough, compared to here where all the /g/ spammers say, "isn't it just like photobashing?", people are commenting that if they tried to draw using the techniques the AI uses, they'd get criticised for being "chimera artists"

>> No.6235084


what is this program? do I need to run it locally or you just type it online? I only have a [gaming] laptop...

>> No.6235088


>> No.6235094

sorry i meant

>> No.6235114
File: 16 KB, 1211x78, mmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaah fuckin' love prompting! Nothing more mentally stimulating, it's the ultimate craft.

>> No.6235128
File: 1.14 MB, 220x220, 1656215572684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on the bright side, at least now we can prompt AI to generate an RJ or sakimi piece with somewhat correct anatomy and perspective.

I'd call that a win.

>> No.6235151

I'm more excited about AI brushes
like painting the exact style of cum you want all over your characters
or lasso something and unfuck the anatomy

>> No.6235173
File: 712 KB, 640x640, 1661314981074172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning sirs
best of luck in your prompt crafting today

>> No.6235188

Did all of you people seethe this much when Photoshop became a thing?

>> No.6235205

I'm honestly not seeing that much seething, just more people saying there's seething whilst stroking their cocks about the future of AI.
I'm seeing a good amount of depression though.

>> No.6235220

>correct anatomy

>> No.6235227

are you practicing being idiot or you were born like this? Please be the second

>> No.6235228

My image2image just returns back multiple instances of the image I submitted

>> No.6235239
File: 469 KB, 448x640, 1650160559413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm not angry, just depressed. Technology and convenience can't be stopped.

But I imagine a future in which people will just type some keywords and the AI will generate movies and games, doesn't seem too farfetched since there is already voice, 3D, game testing, writing AIs.

Hell even 4chan greentext are already automated.

While it's great people can just engage in creative endeavors without spending decades on a skill like I did, I can't help but feel we will end up sitting in the pod, eating fake bug meat and wearing vr googles while an endless amount of content.
>But it will never have as much soul as something made with passion!
Doesn't really matter if it's good or bad, because there is so much of it you will never feel bored. Any genre, instantly tailored just for what you feel in the moment.

>> No.6235245

consuming that much copium

>> No.6235249

>people can just engage in creative endeavors
and stuck on primitive level because they are just consuming things

>> No.6235252

Indeed. We see this in present society already, and it's gonna get worse.

>> No.6235259

yea it's not "creative endeavours" in my eyes, this tech is pushing people to be consumers. I think the experience is similar to a character creator in a video game, you're having fun designing something with certain present parameters, but at the end of the day, you're still playing a game
npcs think it's great that now they get free art but don't consider what it really means for us when everyone's IP is transferred from millions of independent creators around the world to some giant global algorithm conglomerate... stability diffusion is open source but not non-profit. they're not doing this from the goodness of their heart.

>> No.6235269

Still gonna be people getting paid to make art for all the same roles as before, make sure its you getting paid. Don't get depressed, keep going and see how you can use this to outcompete anyone both "prompt engineers" who have no skills and people who refuse to use a.i. alongside their fundamentals.

If you really want an outlet of pure fundamentals then do traditional outside of work.
I really think that the value of skilled oil painters or watercolor painters or gouache painters on physical surfaces is going to increase as a reaction to the oversaturation of (bad) a.i. art, so your evening/weekend plein air paintings can turn from a form of relaxation into a source of income if you keep at it.

>> No.6235274

Personally I'm not too worried, I've said it several times; I don't see the AI getting too much better than this for the foreseeable time. I'm perhaps being ignorantly optimistic in this regard, but too many other areas in tech have horrifically stalled- I don't see why the complicated matter of AI will be the one thing we manage to continue thrusting forward.

> people can just engage in creative endeavors without spending decades on a skill like I did
Those skills are still going to greatly serve all the same; have you seen the AI comics? They're trash. Even if AI takes straight illustration, it seems AI has no talent with redrawing the same character consistently. And at the very least a decent illustrator will be needed to fix up pretty much every piece; even the nice one you posted there has creepy off eyes and a broken arm (and am I going mad, or is there something strange about the hand on the leg?), so there's going to be work in that regard for some time yet as well.

But of course this isn't even touching on traditional art; this may restart the passion for it and get the general public back into it as we see more illustration everywhere.

Personally though, I see this as being used mostly as stock images and to help develop concepts or make images for photobashing, I think illustration will be fine.

>But it will never have as much soul
A garbage complaint that doesn't mean anything. What has soul? I've seen a few "prompter poofs" post an image, have a ton of artists call it bad because it lacks "soul", only to be caught out because it was actually taken from art station; Then the artists have to desperately double back. Just criticize the work for what's actually wrong, and so far with AI art, there's still plenty wrong even in the good pieces.

Even if worst comes to "worst", AI will enable you to create more than you could have previously, and more easily, try to look at it positively.

>> No.6235320

Until its no longer used to speed up your output, but to replace you completely.
You are all beta testing your doom. It's sad and funny at the same time.

>> No.6235324

This, pretty hard to feel bad about artists when some of them are incredibly fucking retarded.

>> No.6235343
File: 518 KB, 3840x1938, Screenshot 2022-08-24 091825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is game changer, Stock photographers, and graphic/concept artists are going to go the way of the dinosaur unless laws are in place to restrict this tech.
img2img alone is an insanely powerful tool, I'm honestly like addicted to this.

>> No.6235351

>Doesn't really matter if it's good or bad, because there is so much of it you will never feel bored.
The misconception of just needing an endless stream of "content" instead of something with a personality, is what created so many soulless garbage on streaming platform, compared to the cinema of 30 40 years ago.

Having 7 trillion comics per hour is going to feel completely empty when none of it will come from somewhere genuine, which is the real point of art in the first place.
Just garbage content to fill in, literal astroturfing.

>> No.6235356

>I'm honestly like addicted to this
Christ you guys sound like NFT bros shilling your shit. Perhaps I'd take more it more seriously if I didn't find the cunts using it so insufferable.

>> No.6235358

if you can't separate messenger from message, then you will struggle a lot in this life

>> No.6235359

>I've seen a few "prompter poofs" post an image, have a ton of artists call it bad because it lacks "soul", only to be caught out because it was actually taken from art station;
That's because 90% of the "pretty girl Chinese render pin up" art IS soulless already.
Getting rid of the Sakimichans and various copycats wouldn't be tragic.

>> No.6235364

>even the nice one you posted there has creepy off eyes and a broken arm (and am I going mad, or is there something strange about the hand on the leg?), so there's going to be work in that regard for some time yet as well.
This will be fixed in a year at most.
If this is what's keeping artists around, you might as well pack your shit now.

>> No.6235373

The two pictures don't even share the same implied emotional expression. It's gonna be the tiny details that will ultimatrly separate the legitimate artists and art critics from the plebeians prompt kiddies. As it's usual for the plebeians, they'll scream and shout whenever people are being anal about things they deem trivial. But it's for that reason that they'll remain plebs.

>> No.6235374

>This will be fixed in a year at most.
Doubt it.

>> No.6235375

Is this available without coding bullshit?

>> No.6235378

Look at the strides made in the last 12 months.
Teaching a computer what a hand is supposed to look like isnt too complex.

>> No.6235379
File: 43 KB, 480x640, CK98trHUMAAjsFV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6235382
File: 323 KB, 1212x717, 1661312613963187(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I just basically followed the spoonfed guide and ran in in anconda (python scripting).
https://rentry.org/kretard - Has all the info you need

You really do need an RTX card with at least 10gbs of VRAM to make it seemless however.

>> No.6235387
File: 672 KB, 220x220, coomer-splash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH God! post proompts

>> No.6235388

Melty disjointed shit will still be melty disjointed shit regardless whether it was generated by an AI or created by an organic artist.

>> No.6235392
File: 1.37 MB, 1024x1280, 1661175405378245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6235393

How many images were absorbed into it to get it to this point? It wasn't the AI changing, it was the dataset expanding rapidly. After sucking in all the worlds stock images, photography and art, the only thing to be improved is the AI itself, and I somehow doubt that will be anywhere near as quick as you all desperately hope it will be.

>> No.6235394

So the answer is no, thanks anyway

>> No.6235404
File: 998 KB, 768x768, Tactical Solider in walking down an alley, Rainy, Dark, Night time, Cyberpunk city, Cyberpunk, Futuristic city, Concept art, 8k, moody (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just copy pasting man, don't over think it. the guide I linked has the GUI already in it so you don't have to go into the shell and type in

!prompt" ect ect"

>> No.6235406

it's because I kept the prompt interpretation intentionally ambiguous.

>> No.6235415

NFT/Crypto bros:
>"It's the future!"
>"It'll soon be everywhere!"
>"If your business doesn't take up Crytpo you'll be left behind!"
>"Why even use banks? Just use a Crypto Wallet, it's more Secure!"
>"NFTs are the future of Art!"
>Proceed to never shut up and annoy everyone with Crypto

And that turned out well eh?

Ai Art fags:
>"It's the future!"
>"It'll soon be everywhere!"
>"You'll soon be out of business as everyone will be Prompting!"
>"Why even Learn to Draw? Just Prompt!"
>"AI is the future of Art!"
>Proceed to never shut up and annoy everyone with AI Art

I'm sure it'll be different this time bros! Software can solve all our problems!

The only issue is this time you assholes can't somehow bankrupt yourselves with AI art, what a shame this is idiot proof.

>> No.6235416

it can already pretty reliably construct faces and bodies, you think hands are some sort of taboo?

>> No.6235419

Artists will become niche artisans, prompt engineers will be the go to for mainstream art jobs.
The rest is coping.

>> No.6235422

>I can copy what AI does but by hand, on paper!
wow anon
literally as impressive as being able to do a backflip, or having a big bug collection

>> No.6235428

>it can already pretty reliably construct faces
... Do you seriously think that? Bodies? yes. Atmosphere, absolutely, machines? Probably better than people. But faces? Those gawkish uncanny things?

>prompt engineers
You guys are just so desperate to have creative jobs that you've created because you can type basic sentences. Illustrators will be the prompt engineers, if this becomes industry standard anyway. Continue to rot away at your fast food job faggot.

>> No.6235430

>literally as impressive as being able to do a backflip, or having a big bug collection
So really impressive then?

>> No.6235435

>draw lineart
>pick colors
>tell AI to render it with some prompts about materials, atmosphere whatever

>> No.6235438

Unlike Crypto, AI actually has a use case. It allows people who suck at drawing to make presentable pictures. It's not going to replace talented artists, but it may be trouble for the lower-end people who live off of commissions from non-artists.

>> No.6235440

>Illustrators will be the prompt engineers
Different skillsets.
The creative types, the ones who know what films/art/technical words to call up for a specific style will be the Prompt Engineers, and they will be assisted by the brushmonkey Technician who will use their photoshop and corel and whatever else to fix any aberrations the AI produces

>> No.6235445

>spin drama for attention
>wonder why only getting replies from other autistic artists
there are lots of nice posters here, nobody deserves to be replaced

>> No.6235454

>the ones who know what films/art/technical words
So anyone over the age of five? We've all seen these prompts; they're not mystical or technical. Anyone can do them.
> brushmonkey Technician
Hoho, someone is envious of the actual creatives I see. Upset that the new dream job you hope for is already looked down on?

>> No.6235464

>It's not going to replace talented artists, but it may be trouble for the lower-end people who live off of commissions from non-artists.
A more reasonable level headed take. Still disagree it'll be that bad, but it'll definitely become an industry standard tool.

>> No.6235469

>Prompt Engineer

>> No.6235473

this comment reeks of permabeg jealously
if theres one thing in common between all AI shitters thats obvious from all the comments ad threads both here ad other platforms, is jealously towards people that actually draw

>> No.6235474

i've been watching different youtube artists, streamers etc
they all are pretty pessimistic about all that ai stuff
and only here people are eager to dismiss ai as the ultimate bane of everything artisitc
are we under shill siege of some sort who want us to believe everything is peachy so we can continue to feed them out artwork?

>> No.6235477

>I don't see the AI getting too much better than this for the foreseeable time
CLIP and dall-e 1, were first introduced in january 2021.

>> No.6235481

>Doesn't really matter if it's good or bad, because there is so much of it you will never feel bored.
I disagree. Artstation was already filled with incredible amounts of high quality arts, yet nobody cared. The generated arts are impressive because we are seeing for the first time what its like for perfect rendering to be mixed with some artist styles, but eventually people will get bored of that too.
The best outcome for artists is if people realize how uncreative current models actually are, and ai generators have to pay royalties to artists for their given styles used in prompts such that new waves of artists can sustain themselves financially by developing new patterns and ideas. It would be possible if these models were trained to associate outputs with the list of inspiration being used.

>> No.6235485

It risks cheapening the works of good artists by making high quality photobashing rendering accessible to absolutely amateurs that didn't dominate the craft or the rest of the techiniques.

You end up with what is 3D comics 2.0, better graphics in a terrible shitty content and technical skill.

>> No.6235487

So were are the lewd loli prompts?

>> No.6235489
File: 163 KB, 1008x868, 1659995634183458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI generals should be stickied. Every other general kneels.

>> No.6235496

Who's being a downer? All the Art youtubers I've seen seem oddly positive and don't even mention the possible obvious negatives.

The difference between then and now was the size of the dataset, which has pretty much hit its limit.

>> No.6235503

based. drawfags on suicide watch
Verification not required.

>> No.6235507

>The best outcome for artists is if people realize how uncreative current models actually are, and ai generators have to pay royalties to artists for their given styles used in prompts such that new waves of artists can sustain themselves financially by developing new patterns and ideas. It would be possible if these models were trained to associate outputs with the list of inspiration being used.

Short-sighted thinking IMHO. As people come up with different compos etc to diverge from what the current generators can do, the generators will absorb those images in and, as expected, combinatorically grow its output.

Nobody is going to be paying for anything here, so this is just wishful thinking I think. That would be like me having to pay to Norman Rockwell Foundation or some shit because I am hanging one of his works next to my easel as i'm painting something, looking at how he did coloration.

The models are already trained with list of inspos being used because they already have "in the style of {X}" available as a parameter.

The realistic, best-case scenario is that as few people are fired from their jobs as possible and we leverage the AI shit as a preliminary tool that we import, paint over, fix up any mistakes or change shit we don't like, and take it to production.

>> No.6235508
File: 1.74 MB, 1075x1521, craiyon_163816__span_style__color__rgb_197__200__198___font_family__arial__helvetica__sans_serif__fo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to post our prompt

>> No.6235518

>Who's being a downer?
zapata for instance

>> No.6235530

Bleh, do I really have to watch a 3 hour stream just to hear him say "I dunno about this AI stuff guys"?
Besides, given the shit opinions I see most artists post, I'm not even sure I should respect any industry artists' opinion on something like this.

>> No.6235534

Repugnantly based & verification not required.

>> No.6235536

monet is pretty good

>> No.6235554

Look at how realtime 3D graphics made a massive leap between 1990 and 2000, a noticeable leap from 2000 to 2010, and since then it's only been incremental improvements that get harder and harder to notice.
AI is in the 1990-2000 phase right now but it'll slow down eventually. Everything does. There's no reason to think AI will be the one exception.

>> No.6235562

Yet (You) are the one who'll be erased from history. :)
Thank you for training our AI, artfag.

>> No.6235567

Show us what it looks like when it's unambiguous then

>> No.6235575

>it's only been incremental improvements that get harder and harder to notice
I personally think we're at this stage now. The AI that these art programs use aren't actually really unique to it, it's the same one a lot of these AI's use (such as writing prompt AIs), so improvements came with increasing the images used for pattern recognition rather than changes to code. Once all the images are used up, how do you improve from there? The only option is to improve the already difficultly complicated AI that's been around for a bit now.

Though I could be totally wrong.

>> No.6235581

How are these AI threads allowed? It has nothing to do with creating art. 4chan mods are such faggots it's unreal

>> No.6235583
File: 354 KB, 512x512, 00117-28_a_photorealistic_dramatic_fantasy_render_of_adorable_young_girl,_blonde_hair,_blue_eyes,_winter_by_wlop,_greg_rutkowski,_ruan_ji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who's used the software, you people are really fucking overestimating it, it can do faces, and tits but that's it. It really isn't going to replace artists in it's current state. Prompting shit is so complicated and tedious it's not even funny. and usually it just does headshots.

>> No.6235586
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1573437571628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're allowed because faggots like you do nothing but complain and bitch instead of creating content and draw. You have already been replaced by the AI and you don't even realize it.

>> No.6235587

The Amerimutt

>> No.6235589
File: 332 KB, 500x747, 1661319842860337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we stop the trolling and just actually use this tool to like idk... improve work?

>> No.6235592

I draw you and post in threads I like you trannime retard, I'm asking how AI has absolutely anything to do with this board you repugnant cunt

>> No.6235593

>it can do faces, and tits but that's it
>it usually just does headshots
What if I told you that's all most artists from this board do? There's a perfectly good reason why we're witnessing levels of asspain and cope never before seen from /ic/.

>> No.6235597

unless you´re a tradie you will also get "erased from history" within the next couple of years, smug retard

>> No.6235603

how long utill this thing can do dynamic poses and perspective?

>> No.6235606
File: 2.60 MB, 1536x1024, grid-0016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only does realistic faces well, it cannot do anime whatsoever, and the faces it generates, are well "same face" Also most of the results aren't even good.

>> No.6235609

Never, it can't even draw the full body normally most of the time, and it hasn't once drawn hands correctly.

>> No.6235614

>>unless you´re a tradie you will also get "erased from history" within the next couple of years, smug retard
The point is, i didn't waste 15 years learning to draw a human body, only to be rendered completely obsolete in the span of a month.
It's like a reverse of the Ant and the Grasshopper, with all the smug artists who berated others to git gud and focus on fundies, but are now eating dirt when those people spent time developing tech tools that leapfrogged them altogether.

>> No.6235616

I actually think this is going to be a useful tool. Photobashing is allowed to be discussed, art programs are allowed to be discussed, so why not this?

That said, the tech heads are really desperate to spread doom and gloom, and over hype even the most mundane results. The images are great starting points, or even close to being great; but almost all need some obvious work.

>What if I told you that's all most artists from this board do?
Then they wouldn't have gotten a job out of this anyway, so this AI shouldn't concern them.

>> No.6235618

With Textural Inversion, so basically right now as soon as people start using it with SD

>> No.6235621

>Then they wouldn't have gotten a job out of this anyway
Sakimichan made millions, and there's plenty of artists on Patreon doing the same piup over and over, doing decent money.

>> No.6235624

>i didn't waste 15 years learning to draw a human body
You do know most who draw enjoy it right? Like even if I'm made "redundant" I still have a sick hobby that I enjoy. What do you have?

>> No.6235626

Ah true. The instagram artist will be fucked...

>> No.6235627

Buddy the tech is dogshit for actually creating results you want. This shit is overhyped to hell, from experience it cannot Create humans in complicated backgrounds, cannot create dynamic poses, cannot create anime whatsoever, cannot draw hands, most results created aren't even useable as images either. Fuck off unless you can actually explain how the tech in it's current state can replace anything.

>> No.6235628

>What do you have?
Your job?

>> No.6235630

Look Anon I know you're young but there is nothing cheeky and funny about losing your career. Artists also have families and need to go to the dentist.

>> No.6235637

You didn’t make shit redundant.
You will never get good looking and SPECIFIC results with txt2img. It’s just impossible to describe an image precisely enough in language.
Even if you feed a sketch into img2img and it doesn’t completely change it and fuck it up you still need to be able to sketch dynamic poses and compositions to get good results.

>> No.6235638

Yes, the tech isn't 100% there right now, it will be in a couple of years tops.
Though it's already in a stage where you can use it and need only a bit of adjusting to create a finished picture, IF you know how to prompt.
Listen, i wouldn't be this smug, if artists weren't smug themselves in the past, and now it's just getting a taste of their own medicine.

>> No.6235641

>Even if you feed a sketch into img2img and it doesn’t completely change it and fuck it up you still need to be able to sketch dynamic poses and compositions to get good results.
I can just trace a photo with a dynamic pose i like, obtaining a rough sketch from it, and then feed it into the img2img.
Not that complex.

>> No.6235642

>The difference between then and now was the size of the dataset
i think you're thinking of GPT.
afaik dall-e 2 has a number of architectural changes and 8bn fewer parameters.

i disagree with the premise, but also the comparison is inappropriate. ai is not and will not be constrained by consumer hardware. a less flawed, but flawed still, comparison would be to the trajectory of offline path-tracers, where videorealism is achieveable. the constraints on that system are less to do with the technical capability of the renderers themselves, but an entire pipeline that feeds the renderer.

there is no reason to expect that ai progress will slow down any time soon. we are also not guaranteed breakthroughs, but the space is new and vast amounts of money are being poured into it.

>> No.6235643

You're a retard, it's not useable in its current state and mind you the tech has been trained for over a decade at this point. Unless neurolink becomes a thing, you can never create exact results by typing some words into a prompt. So I'm going to be smug because I actually seem to understand the limits of this tech while retards like you want to spread doomerism on this board.

>> No.6235644

This isn't even a joke, but that's better than anything on /ic/ hands down.

Flood the ballasts and set cope to full speed ahead.

>> No.6235647

Do you even draw?
We’ve had 3D and google image search for years and yet everyone knew that you still had to know fundies to get anywhere. Do you think everyone was just retarded? No one realized that they could just trace over 3D?

>> No.6235652

>it's not useable in its current state
Literally companies and artists are already implementing it into the workflow. I don't think it will replace artists but you're a moth breather if you don't think this will become as common as photoshop.

>> No.6235656

Having a crude 3d model and having a fully rendered original image that actually looks like a painting, aren't really the same thing.

>> No.6235658

That's just called being lazy, it still will look like shit but artists could be doing that for 30 years now, they don't do it because they don't like to.

> The Zendaya comic
Prime example of what shit looks like when you rush your lazy ass to the rendering, and forgot basic shit like people shouldn't be the size of skyscrappers.

It's a thing that simultaneously looks polished with high concept photobashing, but also looks like absolute dog shit because it's all over the place in concept and in execution.

>> No.6235660

Literally not how that works, please show us the results, because I already know it's not going to create anything besides a headshot.

>> No.6235663

>i think you're thinking of GPT
You're probably correct, but I doubt they've improved it that much. We'll just have to wait and see how wrong I am.

Like you're going to be the "Word magician". They'll have their five year old son take that role.

I'm making a point about the passion for drawing and how that hobby is not a waste regardless of job losses; I didn't say losing jobs would be good.

>> No.6235664


>> No.6235665

>bust shot
>better than anything on /ic/

>> No.6235666

Ok retard, if you think generic hot guy headshots are so unique then why don't you use the software and try selling them?

>> No.6235667

upper right is pure soul
i ain't no gay and all that but i wouldn't mind a romantic winter evening stroll with him and a cup of joe at his place after

>> No.6235668

My dude, you need to inform yourself.
Literally input a crayon level drawing and outputs a rendered image.
Now give this another couple of years of advancements, and you'll be seeing tech people input a stick figure drawing, to obtain a fully rendered, beautiful artwork.

>> No.6235671

Artists could be doing that for several years now.

It's just that in this craft, anyone that renders a 3D head and applies a shitty filter on it is a hack, this kind of skill is much less appreciated than sketching the whole thing from scratch and rendering with soft brushes, the results are the same, but the later has much more value than the former.

Ai imagery won't change that perception, we will still value craft and skill over tech efficiency every single time.

>> No.6235672
File: 2.64 MB, 1536x1024, grid-0015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also "made" this one but really just prompted it, as I said before it can do faces, but it cannot actually render the full body. So really the only people who have to worry are people who only do headshots.

>> No.6235677

Are you going to create a dynamic pose using img2img or not? I don't give a fuck about NVIDA's AI that isn't even public.

>> No.6235678

Ok, good luck with your insular gate keep community of circle jerkers.
The mass market doesn't give a shit about anything but the final result, and the cost it takes to get there.
Good luck trying to justify spending 100 hours on a piece i can do in an evening.

>> No.6235682

No you couldn't do it in an evening dumbfuck, if you could be making money rn, but instead you're doom posting on 4chan telling us how AI is going to replace us all.

>> No.6235683

If you can't see the writing on the wall, you're more retarded than i thought.
It can draw humans and take image inputs, it's just a matter of time before you can easily do what i just said.
You're free to stick your head under the sand.

>> No.6235685

The fact you're sticking to the dynamic pose argument means you have already conceded the AI can do good landscapes, portraits, design, etc already.

>> No.6235688

Cope, it's not going to replace shit because people will start making CP and posting it on twitter if it ever actually gets good enough to render the full body. Of course you're too retarded to understand that would happen.

>> No.6235690

I feel like the AI has absorbed too many tumblr images; why do all the dudes have such bright pink lips? Kinda dig the crazy hair top right though.

>> No.6235691

Can do good potraits, that's pretty much all it can do. Can do some backgrounds but usually has a billion different forms of distortion that make the image unusable unless you go and manually fix things.

>> No.6235692

You're a moron.
Deep fakes have been used for porn of all kinds, and yet are used in professional movie making TODAY, what does that tell you? Where's all the flood of deepfake CP on Twitter? Meanwhile you can see how they used it in Mandalorian for Luke Skywalker and other professional products.

>> No.6235698

We like drawing anon, we do it because we actually like doing it..

There is this weird perception that generating painterly faces by computer is some sort of novelty, where anyone half decent with photoshop can do it with a bunch of filters, it's just that we don't call that stuff OUR art.

It's not new, we simply don't enjoy doing it.

This stuff is much closer to graphical design than digital painting, where applying filters to photos is a much more accepted skill, than pretending to paint it with techniques that mimic traditional media on a software.

>> No.6235702

It's not a deepfake dumbfuck it's digital imagery that wouldn't use the face of any actual person but would still be very illegal due to the realistic depictions of minors. The difference between deepfakes and prompting is that deep faking actually requires effort. Any dumbass can type words into this AI, thus if stable diffusion actually gets good enough to do full body poses than it's going to get shut down for harmful imagery.

>> No.6235705

>Where's all the flood of deepfake CP on Twitter?
How would that work? Child head on adult body? I don't think that fake would be deep enough for the pedos.

>> No.6235706

It’s just easy to talk about poses because it’s the clearest example of how it has problems with specificity.
Backgrounds need very low specificity, usually.
If you just need A portrait and you don’t care what it looks like then it can give you a portrait, but the more specific you need to get the worse it performs. img2img doesn’t even help you because it doesn’t know how to preserve facial expressions.

>> No.6235723

The glaring oversight in this kind of an argument, which is present in the rest of the thread by the copelets, is that they do not understand how these problems are solved. This thread is full of "Well what about this one case huh? Checkmate drumpfkin" like they know what they are talking about.

Nobody is actually writing an algorithm for "preserving facial expressions." That's _too specific_. If we did that, it would take a lot longer to get to where they got to in the last couple of months, iterating at the speed they are going at.

In reality, the way these things are usually done is they will take a look at a general problem - what are the parameters we need to keep? what's important for this sort of problem? - and some specific cases they want to address, and solve the general problem that can be readily applied to many other cases. This is where the exponential increase in quality comes from. They solve the general problem, and subsets of problems are also solved.

So it's highly likely that the issue of "dynamic poses" will be solved without even being directly approached, by some other thing that just happens to overlap with it. This is the beauty and the nightmare of it.

>> No.6235742

holy cope, the cost of training the weight was in the hundreds of thousands of $ for multiple years. It's not exactly like people with access to the public weight can actually improve it much more than its current state. People here think this tech appeared out of nowhere when in actuality it's been developed for over a decade at this point.

>> No.6235745
File: 399 KB, 681x461, 1642704696616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, the thing these naysayers don't understand is that the AI recognizes individual objects and parameters.

It's not merely a filter or a photobash, because you can still change the individual parts afterwards. So if a face, and eye, the time of the day, some color, some body part doesn't fit your taste, the AI can keep iterating, redoing and replacing them.

It's not, "drop one prompt and hope to get lucky". And the more it learns the more well refined the results are.

The fuck does that mean? You think they are not working on improvements already?

>> No.6235751

No you retard, the people working on improving it are using a paid model. The public weights released aren't going to be updated by the dev team since the dev's have to make money from this project. It's not exactly they are going to work for us for free.

>> No.6235752
File: 269 KB, 2052x1022, 1661357286637393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this?

>> No.6235754

Yes of course, the whole is paid. So?

>> No.6235756

What? You do understand there is a public model that is free right?

>> No.6235758

>the AI recognizes individual objects and parameters
No, I'm a naysayer and understood that perfectly. Doesn't change the fact that it often draws faces fairly ugly, landscapes fairly abstractly, and hands fairly lovecraftly.
Apparently simply knowing what something is doesn't mean you know how to draw it.

>> No.6235759
File: 1.59 MB, 1075x1466, craiyon_181207_what_do_you_think_of_this__nbsp_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't think here, we just proompting.

>> No.6235760
File: 90 KB, 1000x968, 1572058616345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we're witnessing the dawn of a great replacement, soon you wouldn't be able to tell whether a painting was created by an AI or not it is simply amazing.

>> No.6235761

I think it's disrespectful to the service men and women who have sacrificed so much to keep this country safe.
I also think the """art""" is SHIT.

>> No.6235763

You’re not grasping the fundamental problem of specificity.
It’s hard enough to get another HUMAN to draw exactly what you’re thinking of. This isn’t an AI-specific problem, it’s about the fundamental limits of communication.
Even if we had full AGI it would be hard to get them to do exactly what you want them to do.

>> No.6235767

>I think it's disrespectful to the service men and women who have sacrificed so much to keep this country safe.
Top kek

>> No.6235768
File: 350 KB, 512x512, 00179-101__adorable_natural_female,_intricate,_elegant,_highly_detailed,_digital_painting,_artstation,_concept_art,_smooth,_sharp_focus,_i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it plain just cuts faces off apparently lmfao

>> No.6235769

We could have a tool right now that presents you a grid of options and you pick the best fit while refining your prompt, narrowing in on the exact thing that you are looking for.
We could have that right now, it's just that nobody's built that specific frontend tool.
And then comes inpainting and uncropping for even more specificity in defining your intended outcome.

>> No.6235771

>What? You do understand there is a public model that is free right?

Yes but Anon is arguing

>holy cope, the cost of training the weight was in the hundreds of thousands of $ for multiple years. It's not exactly like people with access to the public weight can actually improve it much more than its current state. People here think this tech appeared out of nowhere when in actuality it's been developed for over a decade at this point.

Implying the model is stuck as it is and it cannot evolve or have any updates. As in, this tech is dead stuck on it's current state since there won't be updates or will take decades.

Which is insane since people are paying so much for Midjourney already and they are working on updates on the fly.

>> No.6235772

This isn't about drawing exactly what you're thinking of and that's not the problem to be solved at all. But nice cope-by-misdirection as usual. Another one for the thread.

>> No.6235774

Not a single artist can draw a perfect 100% recreation of their visual imagery. Even with perfect skills there is limitations to the medium.

And it never mattered, doesn't matter that the AI cannot reproduce the perfect visualization, only that it conveys the message. Always has been in the art industry.

>> No.6235775

According to the geniuses in this thread, you both have bright futures ahead of you as "prompt feeders" or poofters for short. God speed.

>> No.6235781

but can it draw in the style of loomis?

>> No.6235783
File: 1013 KB, 1075x1631, craiyon_182142_According_to_the_geniuses_in_this_thread__you_both_have_bright_futures_ahead_of_you_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6235785

>And it never mattered, doesn't matter that the AI cannot reproduce the perfect visualization, only that it conveys the message. Always has been in the art industry.
Not only that, but with AI , you can have a million iterations and variations in minutes.

>> No.6235790
File: 567 KB, 512x512, 1661354913155242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry friend, we won't be snobs to the brushmonkey technicians, your work touching up our art is very important too

>> No.6235792

You tell Us.

>> No.6235795

Yep. Some japanese tweet said "The AI is not afraid of making mistakes, it has perfect memory and is faster than any artist. We can only adapt but there is no turning back"

>> No.6235796

It probably will be in its current state for a while, not to mention the legal and ethical issues that will pop up. The better it gets the more protests against it will happen.

>> No.6235805

That’s the only problem I care about.
The problem for me first and foremost is if I still need to know how to draw in order to express my vision, and it looks like the answer is yes.
If the masses want to gorge themselves on AI-generated slop then I don’t care. If AI puts chink sweatshop concept artists out of work then I don’t care. Those aren’t the issues for me.

>> No.6235806

>The better it gets the more protests against it will happen.
It's too late, it's already being used and will continue to be used publicly or privately. Tech is never contested early on enough, and it reaches critical mass before anyone does anything.

>> No.6235807

>your work touching up our art is very important too
That's the final key element that'll enable AI to create wondrous work of art and the one input that'll be the game changer in any field that'll incorporate AI. I'm already getting help from the AI by someone from /g/ that generated a heart shaped pillow with flowers surrounding it and was amazed by the potential applications from the AI it's a great tool to use as a reference or something to help you bring a concept to life.

>> No.6235810
File: 1.54 MB, 865x861, 1653341647269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit I just want an AI that will make flats.

PLEASE please there is nothing artistic about making flats.
Menial time consuming work even a monkey can do it. Flatting is such a waste of time.

CSP's AI has something close but useless for selections.

>> No.6235815

Aww, Brush Monkeys and Poofters forever. Now this is the cordial and friendly relationship this board needs.

>> No.6235816

we'll see but once people start making photos of kids getting decapitated or other abhorrent imagery then I doubt the tech is going to be widespread after that.

>> No.6235818

Then this isn't the thread or the tool for you. If you need bespoke shit, you're better off using something like a digital painting program which contains custom brushes and bezier curves. There are things like img2img which will only improve over time, but again, if you have such a specific vision you need to realize, then you have to do what everyone else does: build the tools first, then the product from those tools.

For everyone else, this tool is more than suitable for a wide, wide variety of cases. If you'd look at any professional workflow you'd realize that it involves multiple people, painstakingly looking over multiple options, and debating among eachother which one to go with. There is no "one vision." It's a process of multiple competing things from multiple individuals at each step.

Make no mistake, this will very likely remove a bunch of people from the process. I'm not sure how many, but it's likely that as the tools get better, the less people will be needed to steer it/fix it. It's basically industrialization of a craft, and you're looking at the first Ford factory, while still thinking about horses. Completely missing the forest for the trees.

>> No.6235822

They'll just censor some prompts.
Remember the snapchat filter for changing age or race, normies didn't like some of the uses of those, but didn't stop filters from existing.

>> No.6235823

do you use vectors
what takes so much time about it

>> No.6235834

>if you have such a specific vision you need to realize, then you have to do what everyone else does: build the tools first
I already have a tool that does everything I need it to, it’s called “drawing” you fucking tard.
You don’t know shit about art and you will never be an artist.

>> No.6235838

The cope continues.

>> No.6235843

Melody Marks?

>> No.6235846

>you will never be an artist.
That's the beauty of it, you don't get to decide who is and isn't an artist anymore, which is what's sending you in such a panic, because you hanged your entire identity around it.

>> No.6235848

I use the lasso tool.
The magic wand doesn't really help since you have to baby sit your lines so none of them are open. Sure there is tolerance settings but they cannot account for everything.

>> No.6235860

Define Artist because I've been drawing for nearly ten years and have never been called and Artist before.

>> No.6235863

It’s not really anything fundamentally new to deal with, in that aspect.
For decades people have been smearing their own shit and period blood on the wall and calling it “art”, and rich elite institutions have been calling them “artists”. Does that mean they’re actually artists? No, of course not. And I imagine that deep down at least a few of them know that as well. Same deal with AI “artists”. You’re just joining the long list of pseudo-artists who came before you. Nothing special.
>but now you can’t tell the difference between real art and AI art!
First of all, yes you still can. But let’s say you can’t. That is again nothing new. You’ve always been able to grab someone else’s work off google, or pay someone to draw something for you and then pass it off as your own, and you could fool people into thinking you were an artist. But that doesn’t actually make you an artist.

>> No.6235867

The cope is real. The reality is that you'll be called an "artist" by your prompt engineer buddies but will forever be called a prompt engineer pariah by everyone else. At the most, prompt engineers are like really shitty magicians, once the normies knows how it's done, it's not impressive anymore.

>> No.6235868

It’s hilarious that on the one hand all these people are cheering on “the end of artists” and yet at the same time they’re all desperate to be called artists themselves. They know that being an artist is something important and special, and they want to have it, but the closer the machine gets to giving them that power, the less valuable it becomes in the first place.

>> No.6235874
File: 65 KB, 1920x1080, Skynet_Terminator_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chill out dudes. cant vve just proompt in peace?

>> No.6235875

>Nothing special.
Jackson Pollock is one of the most famous American artists in history.

>> No.6235876

Stalin’s one of the most famous leaders in history, what’s your point?

>> No.6235880

>Jackson Pollock is one of the most famous American artists in history.
only because his kike wife was using his "art" for money laounering kek

>> No.6235882

I might learn robotics on the side and help expedite Skynet. I hate humanity. I will be motivated by my fierce resentment and rage against humans.

>> No.6235883

Honestly, nobody cares. Here's a light weight car analogy.

There used to be a time when you'd have people painstakingly forging crankshafts by hand, turning it while simultaneously pressing down on a multi-tonne presser to get the shape right. They were built like shit brick houses because they had to quickly do it while the metal was still hot, transferring the crankshaft from one mold presser to another. You'd have people so finely attuned to their craft that they knew exactly what to do for each case.

The modern day person putting an engine together at a Benz automobile plant knows all about this historic process, but they don't particularly care to spend decades laboring over learning how to do it by hand. A bunch of people make the templates, and the machines output it exactly to the spec. The people involved usually sign their name somewhere on the engine cover, and off it goes to the buyer. The size of factories shrank significantly because of this.

This will upset the industry WAY more than it upsets the "muh vision" people, because it changes the pipeline, how to scale it, and turnaround time for a product. Nobody in the industry is actually beholden to their vision, they know very well that a product can succeed even if it doesn't look exactly like what they envisioned, as long as the bottlenecks to shipping the products are removed, and the timelines lessened to be more competitive/iterative. That's the real sauce of AI. Right now our "templates" are a bunch of prompts and knob sliders. But shit can get real dank if they expose more intricate tuning such that you can parameterize compositions and other things into configurable, loadable template files.

>> No.6235884

Skynet already exist in China. google CHINA SKYNET

>> No.6235885

No real artist gives a shit about Jackson Pollock. He's seen as a clown in any art community that doesn't involve schizophrenic paint bucket throwing.

>> No.6235886

next step: economy run by ai, no more need for human investors and bankers

>> No.6235887

>They know that being an artist is something important and special
Artists were the ones that started this, they really brought this on themselves, like all elitists eventually do.
Ask an artist to draw an idea you have, and they act like their hands are made of gold, asking you for a payout even when their skills are mediocre and not even that good, even for a simple sketch, hundreds of dollars.
Now that "non-artists" took matters in their own hands, because they were tired of it, suddenly the panic starts, and the goal post moving and the qualifications about what a "real artist" is.
If artists didn't act like dicks in the first place, people would be more empathetic.

they exploited supply & demand when they had the power, and now the tables turn.

>> No.6235889

>No TRUE Scotsman!
Beverly Hills Cope III.

>> No.6235890

That sounds pretty antisemitic.

>> No.6235891

Art should be made available to anyone, I am glad that AI will break the boundaries between those who have an idea who want to visualize it and those who want to gatekeep that idea through paywalls behind a smug elitism that only real "artists" should envision your concept.

>> No.6235892

sorry schlomo, you´re not needed anymore :^)

>> No.6235895

>Ask an artist to draw an idea you have, and they act like their hands are made of gold, asking you for a payout even when their skills are mediocre and not even that good, even for a simple sketch, hundreds of dollars.
my god they asked to paid for working, how fucking horrific, how dare they! Artists have been undercharging since forever, how old and well known is the phrase "starving artist"?

>> No.6235897
File: 862 KB, 2400x1629, VzfBjcJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that don't understand the depth of art fail to understand the nuances of art that AI can't capture and AI at most, is just mimicking art, it doesn't produce anything new according to its own vision.

Also, you let me know when it starts doing complex mechanical schematics then I'll be impressed.

>> No.6235898

this should be the case for every single job btw

>> No.6235901

Especially in the entertainment industry of today where the most important factor is quantity, keep feeding the "content machine", for ADHD riddles audience that need just a stream of mediocre shit, as long as they can consoom 24/7.
Look at the model of services like Netflix, and compare it with how movies were made in the 70s or 80s, when Hollywood had "auteur" directors.

>> No.6235905

I forgot to mention that, in addition to nobody really being beholden to a grand vision, this is why outsourcing and contracting shit out is so widely used. A third grade sweat shop in China will never deliver your "grand vision", but if you need quick turn around time with "good enough" action shots, for cheap, to get investment buy-in or, hell, use as inspiro for your production team, then this is a great thing to have.

So yeah, the cope in this thread is just unbelievably humoring because it's full of dodge, misdirections and "but but what about <irrelevant thing>." For an art board, you really are one bunch of uncreative myopic sadlawns in here.

>> No.6235906

Except it literally doesn’t even do that, this faggot >>6235818 already admitted that you just spin the wheel on the AI until it gives you something “good enough”.

>> No.6235908

Calm down, no need to white knuckle and seethe at your keyboard. You make it sound like artists fucked your mom and sister and killed your dad.

>> No.6235910

If i ask for a simple sketch for an idea i have, that's work? Even if you admit you enjoy the act of drawing? I'm not talking about a massive fully rendered illustration.
That's be like a Yogurt place having you pay to taste samples.
>the phrase "starving artist"?
I don't know about this, but it's about to be real, and it was all their own doing, thinking they were untouchable.

>> No.6235912

I'm just explaining why people aren't as sympathetic to this shift in the market.

>> No.6235913

>If i ask for a simple sketch for an idea i have, that's work?
yes dipshit

>> No.6235915

Really? Even for a surgerion?.. I hate commies so much it's unpromptable.

>> No.6235917
File: 77 KB, 1024x755, 1657972302445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"but but what about <irrelevant thing>."
>you let me know when it starts doing complex mechanical schematics then I'll be impressed.

You just don't get it.

>> No.6235920
File: 704 KB, 1125x1533, 76AE919F-7770-438E-B6F4-0D09B3431AF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how old is the phrase starving artist
Literally at least 2000 years old. This is from a novel written in ancient Rome.

>> No.6235925

Ok, enjoy your new world of supply and (no) demand.

>> No.6235930

Honestly, it mostly comes from you annoying niggers that talk too much and thinking AI will displace artists instead of empowering existing artists. You'd get your nose bone shoved into your brain if you were this smugly annoying about anything in real life, not just art.

>> No.6235937

Ofcourse! Why do you hate progress so much?

>> No.6235942

It will do both. What's happening to the art industries (esp. entertainment in this case) is what has happened to other, more rote, by-the-book industries. Lets face it, the shit being pumped out is on an industry cycle. For a few years we have WoW clones, then DOTAs, then MOBAs, and so on. Likewise with tv shows. Very few companies, very few people, are creative and daring to be original. One person stumbles upon an accident, everyone else follows with minor alterations, until the next cycle. Then the process repeats.

>> No.6235948
File: 639 KB, 2000x1710, SkyNet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your favorite prompter?

>> No.6235967

People calling for banning of AI prompt threads fail to realize that a poorly drawn sketch that is then enhanced is just as much of a prompt as something typed into a box.

We should remove all digital threads because of the handholding shit that Photoshop and Sai do for you that can be considered AI, that you don't even realize is running in the background.

>> No.6235981
File: 259 KB, 972x2053, 1661361267049683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIretards got too cocky lmao get ready for government cracking down on any further development

>> No.6235982
File: 619 KB, 569x955, dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only!

>> No.6235983

I read a tweet that said "AI can suck my balls", guess there's a lot to think about.

What's this literal retard take? A mechanic won't fix your car just because he enjoys fixing cars. We trade our lives for money, our lives erode away with time, time is money. Pay up for peoples time fucko.

>> No.6235984

>letting tyrone fuck you up and prompt your death during casual appendix removal is somehow a progress
>tyrone didn't have any medic education but that's ok,, we just hired him, because muh equality tehehe
ok retard.

>> No.6236003

Who the fuck is talking about tyrone, im talking about ai
If human surgeons cant compete in the market with their skills they should be replaced, retarded commie

>> No.6236010

Looks like the AIs are stuck in loop

>> No.6236025

A more intelligent DALL-E wouldn't make pictures that people like better, it would more accurately approximate the distribution of images in its training data.

>> No.6236037

there's still human prompting and selection of results, to filter the good from the great.

>> No.6236049

Stable Diffusion has already been leaked to the public. It is open source and can be run locally on any PC with a decent graphics card. It can't be taken down any more, it's impossible to stop at this point. It is only going to get better as technology improves (and as the autists on /g/ continue to tinker with the code).

>> No.6236054
File: 123 KB, 480x270, 59e889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will get bored of meaningless style shufflers. And you will wish some artists survived starvation.

>> No.6236065

Not if i'm applying those images to tell my stories, like many comicbook prompt-artists are already doing.
This is what most people are excited about, being able to tell their stories without the bottleneck of having to pay an over priced artist to do it.

>> No.6236093

>through paywalls
There's no paywall. You could always pick a pencil

>> No.6236106

new thread

>> No.6236117

This nigger really thinking writing wont get replaced as well

>> No.6236197

Nice neck, Skynet.
A far better use for this would be some kind of "render" brush - letting the human handle the complex spatial relationships, facial expressions and other things humans are still better at, and leaving the machine to deal with the boring, mechanical task of minutely detailing a thousand cloth folds, individual strands of hair, and the subsurface scattering of light in boobs.
Hell, at least get it to interface it with 3D modeling software so it can do proper perspective. Computers already excel at tracking the precise positions of objects in space, that kind of data just isn't used in automated art.

>> No.6236200

Can I use your post as a prompt for my new artwork?

>> No.6236207

So long as you post the work.

>> No.6237806
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1356, 1661016290867294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6237941

Just wait. Next upgrade will be much more significant. The AI WILL advance beyond 97,5% of us in the next 5-7 years. It's obvious at this point.

>> No.6237952
File: 586 KB, 1200x675, 1660860987903965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5-7 years
Try 5-7 months

>> No.6238158

No fucking way an AI drew that. AI can't do perspective, and it certainly can't write signatures properly. You cheated and got a human to draw it, didn't you?

>> No.6238611

Yeah you might be very right..

>> No.6239385

Okay but can it draw kangaroo? pyk