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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 586 KB, 771x732, Screenshot_2022-08-22-02-44-02-934_org.mozilla.firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6229759 No.6229759 [Reply] [Original]

Why would you quit, anon? Are you scared of AI? Are you considering to study another career? Don't quit, let me tell you something:
Are you considering to be a programmer? Well, in less time than the time it takes you to be one there will be an AI being the programmer.
Are you considering to be a psychologist? Well, in even far more less time than the time it takes you to be one there will be AI psychologists all over the world.
Are you considering to be a lawyer? An animator? A journalist? A teacher? A musician? A writer? An analyst? A secretarian? AI will do all of that way before even you started reading the first page of your books.

Human race it's fucked and everyone excepting millonaires and politicians will be useless and powerless before 2030, so why quit? It's not like you can do anything about it, it's useless.
Stick to art and keep earing from what you love doing, we all are on the same train to doomsday. Don't waste your precious time trying to learn something thinking you will get there before AI does, because it's not going to happen.
Have a nice day! Keep drawing and enjoying it, we all are on this together.

>> No.6229814

>Well, in less time than the time it takes you to be one there will be an AI being the programmer.
how exactly does an AI being a programmer work?

>> No.6229827
File: 17 KB, 1003x477, Screenshot_2022-08-22-03-24-00-623_org.mozilla.firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GitHub copilot it's basically an AI programmer, it doesn't code on its own but it's good enough to slash a team of 10 programmers to 3.
Heck, it's so well-known it's close to being the first thing that appears you on Google when you type "GitHub", even when GitHub it's an entire different thing.

>> No.6229832
File: 105 KB, 850x919, 1661147605504234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that people forget is, AI isn't new and has been around for 100's of years. Right around the Renaissance period artists stopped being expressionist visual performers and instead almost traded their humanity to be able to replicate real life better than real life actually is. Donatello and some of those sculptors are pretty much the first Dall E in my opinion.

I clearly don't know shit about art history, but post Renaissance art went in that real cubism/Dadaist direction because it was the only way that a human being could call themselves an artist along with a turbo autist like Leonardo da Vinci who was drawing with two hands at the same time just as a flex.

People are whinging that AI is going to destroy art? Art was already destroyed hundreds of years ago. They'll always be a level that even an AI won't stoop to, which is why I feel pretty smug and comfortable as a furry artist

>> No.6229857

If someone wants your livelihood dead and gone it is only fair that you extend the same courtesy to them in minecraft.

>> No.6229870

>why would you quit, anon?
because i'm bad at drawing and picking up a pen makes me want to commit die

>> No.6229875

I quit because I realized I don't have the passion for art.

>> No.6229881

How long before AI replaces doctors and other healthcare professionals?

>> No.6229909
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just got my CS degree and do art as a hobby
I win.

>> No.6229931

in cybersec lol just do this as a creative outlet

> Human race it's fucked and everyone excepting millonaires and politicians will be useless and powerless before 2030
full automation means end of wage slavery, im looking forward to it actually

>> No.6229938

>we all are on the same train to doomsday
Depends; assuming you're right about the direction AI is going, we might be heading towards a utopian society where most don't need to work. The issue is that the economy would need to change completely, and we're not really "post scarcity", as famines and such can still fuck us. We can only prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

That said, this might all just be conjecture and AI might end up being just a big wet fart as it hits its current limits and only gets better in smaller increments.
Even with AI made art, it's still pretty goofy looking, and how many billion samples have they used so far? How much does it need to sample before it CAN actually outright replace people? It might not actually possible as AI currently is.

> Donatello and some of those sculptors are pretty much the first Dall E in my opinion.
Anon... are you high? Anyway, good outlook all the same.

>> No.6229966

medical workers are the last ones to replace since it requires full sci-fi androids and most people prefer human contact

>> No.6229971

hello, ladies, don't forget to dilate

t. natural science chad

>> No.6229972

my degree is in physics anon

>> No.6229973

never, for the sole reason of malpractice being a thing

>> No.6229981

>gives up on the manliest of all scientific fields to do petty coding

>> No.6229983

im actually a security researcher

>> No.6229986

Almost all industry applications for natural science degrees have a huge programming component now, you dingdong. It's how data processing and analysis is done.

>> No.6229995

I love how most faggots think "OH, END OF WAGEKEKING GOOD UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME POGGERS" and don't realize those are literally the first steps to absolute totalitarianism.
What the fuck are you going to do if your government doesn't like you? You're fucked, you don't receive anything from them.
What the fuck are you going to do if your government consideres you did something they didn't like? Fuck you, you're getting 200$ less from your UBI until you behave like a good boy (if you don't end up being deepfaked by the feds first)
I hate capitalism but lazy-ass commies are even worse then capitalists pigs, y'all are the literal definition of retarded.

>> No.6230011

you are right that the bad future is absolute enslavement towards the state, however the current economy runs on the tacit belief that work defined as 40-50 hours is necessary (it isn't) automation is an obvious contradiction that every npc will realize in the next 20-30 years.

it's not to rollover and accept the state bux but to actively push against the conditions of our wage slavery because we collectively realize it has become superfluous. us monetary hegemony (even china and russia kneel it appears) is the biggest obstacle to the good future.

>> No.6230018

basically work hour reduction is the best tool for the transformation into a new mode of production, and while workers have really dropped the ball on that one in the last 100 years - we as a generation are working far more productively yet our wage slave hours havent decreased - automation will necessarily force it into the public consciousness again.

at least thats my thinking.

>> No.6230031

governement does all that by it's definition you dunce
you live in a society lmao

>> No.6230058

The government doesn't control all the money or people's pay in a capitalistic society - hence why anon was worried about authoritarianism in a new economic system, reasonable given the way all socialist and Communist societies have gone. Dunce.

>> No.6230065

you do know what government fiat is right?

>> No.6230084

>government fiat
Please anon, don't tell me you think the government would tank their entire currency just to own a couple of dissidents. The government may set the "price" of money, but I wouldn't say that gives them full economic control - that would be the case if they also controlled the distribution of money though.

Though do enlighten me if you feel otherwise.

>> No.6230209
File: 651 KB, 832x1175, b41aec2165338e0b431c8b1f7557fec2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI might end up being just a big wet fart as it hits its current limits and only gets better in smaller increments.
When is it ever not a big wet fart? Nothing ever happens. Especially now since normies are realizing how illegal all the image scraping might be (pic rel)

>> No.6230216


>> No.6230249
File: 50 KB, 713x542, retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to go postal.

>> No.6230258

Why do you listen to random retards? If you’ve been around these parts longer than 2 weeks you know there’s some kinds of retards that arent even worth reading

>> No.6230282

>we AI users are gods!
Prompt monkeys are a riot. So self aggrandizing.

The only thing that insults me is that they spit down on those whose shoulders they stand upon. AI wouldn't be able to do what it can were it not for all the art created and spread around by professionals and hobbyists alike.

>> No.6230391
File: 2.24 MB, 375x300, 1649360881990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this word thrown around so goddamn much in this discussion
I've seen begs in this shithole do better works than whatever normies think of masterpieces.

Reminder that it's not AI that will replace you, it's normies that will completely forget about you to see the kitsch and feel awed about their inability to conceive pretty pictures.
It's always the fucking normies.

>> No.6230549
File: 343 KB, 448x640, 1661165029483640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They'll always be a level that even an AI won't stoop to, which is why I feel pretty smug and comfortable as a furry artist
Anon, ... it's pretty good at that already

Oh, and to address some confusion for people who don't understand the technology exactly. This was not "stolen from somewhere as evidenced by the signature", more that the AI was thinking along the lines of "This is the sort of picture where a signature-type-thing would make sense"

>> No.6230550

empty and forgettable

>> No.6230554

Hahaha you retard, I found that on google images, cropped it and added a scribble signature.

Now admit that your perception depends on whether you think it's AI (and so you dislike it and find reasons to justify).

>> No.6230559

empty and forgettable

>> No.6230567

Well, it is furry art.

>> No.6230575

So you found an ai image on google images.

>> No.6230577

>be me senior CS student
>fucking hates coding and has no time to practice drawing
fuck my life, senpai

>> No.6230585

Not trying to move the goalpost or anything, I don't dislike furry art and most artists are irregular in their ability to create novel and relatable outputs. Whereas AI is consistently bland and boring, at least in its current form.

>> No.6230589
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, 1660839807121074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be no fucking utopian society, for the sake of efficiency no evolutionary system is going to maintain more people the what it actually need just because some faggot wants to draw.

Population is already in decline, and you may not be needed anymore.

If AI can draw, be a medic, an engineer and even be a philosopher better than you there's no point in maintaining more than what is essential.

>> No.6230604
File: 1.37 MB, 1024x1024, 1661156657706038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this then?
Keeping in mind that there is room between "Perfect on delivery" and "Useless trash that can't be touched up in vastly less time than it would take to make from scratch"

>> No.6230608

>Stop being a useless artist
y'know that might be good advi-
>Be a philosopher
... Anon please...

>> No.6230613

if you want to touch up AI generated images rather than draw, I'm thinking you're in the wrong line of work, lol

>> No.6230620

That is what the line of work will be, my friend. :)
Definitely continue to enjoy this hobby, but "prompteur / touch-up technician" are the paths moving forward.

>> No.6230621

bland, empty, forgettable, shadows make no sense, derivative close-up once again. the anatomy is skewed in so many places, like putting lipstick on a pig with decent rendering. jewelry looks like any other pic generated by the same AI, and has that eldritch abomination feeling in general I don't even know why you're still trying, you're never going to be an artist. you will learn to cope with the shit you generate at best, but deep down you know you're consuming fast food, and all you'll ever get is AI suggestions not what you truly want. give up

>> No.6230625

Just be a tradie.

>> No.6230629

>he thinks he's going to get hired as a "prompteur"
kek if this tech is actually what you claim it is, any dumb nigger who can google will be able to make shit, and iterate on it more efficiently than a human could
there's only producers/ idea guys for a brief window of time until they make an algorithm that is more efficient than them.
and then all human art is rendered meaningless and we will be sick of it.

>> No.6230640

this nigger is excited for generating thousands images and looking for the corn covered shit in the sea of diarrhea. no such "job" will ever exist, and even if it did, you'd never be one anyway

>> No.6230644

AI has unlocked mankind's true creative potential to drown itself in a sea of shit

>> No.6230650

it already drowned itself in a sea of shit, because that's what it uses as fuel

>> No.6230653
File: 912 KB, 1920x1080, Ted-Kaczynski-GettyImages-1321917679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI has unlocked mankind's true creative potential to drown itself in a sea of shit
We sure do love industrialization.

>> No.6230674

these AI fags are going to stuff themselves rotten with the png gacha until they are bloated, fat, utterly poisoned
in 6 months they will be unable to look at art anymore. He'll despise it. It will make him nauseous just to think about it.
This is where end product with no process leads you.

>> No.6230678

>"prompteur / touch-up technician"
Who would hire someone to separately do the prompt? If they're firing everyone to save money and use AI instead, they're not keeping some brain dead moron with the same writing talent as someone writing a youtube comment.

>> No.6230703

Imagine a world where human beings can't understand their own industrial system ruling over them, they're not part of it like we use to do but a good part if not the majority of the knowledge and know-how is delegated to great intelligent machines, while you limit yourself to follow orders.

Now draw it in your mind.

>> No.6230752

I think it's obvious who are goners by now and it's more about industries than careers. Entertainment "industry" can be automated because it's just entertainment in the end. There are no trolley problems or malpractices in it, so there is little incentive to make humans work. For example the only reason planes have pilots is to make them gullible in accidents even now and AI won't change their jobs even slightly, just like truck drivers. So yes, vidya coders and animators, scenario writers etc might lose their jobs because of AI but other than that it won't affect other industries much.

>> No.6230788
File: 1.26 MB, 241x498, gmod-ragdoll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny ai thread
fuck you hope you all burn you ai niggers

>> No.6230794


>> No.6230797
File: 172 KB, 399x265, 1661182801416609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem mad?

>> No.6230806


>> No.6230807
File: 74 KB, 220x220, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6230835

I wanted to learn to code instead but I cant even do that, fucking tech bros coding themselves out of existence. What the fuck can I do that doesn't require menial labour or going back to university for 4+ years? I just want a career where I'm not constantly glancing over my shoulder to see how close AI is.

>> No.6230999
File: 246 KB, 1351x2048, gettyimages-109743376-2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take some you'll feel better

>> No.6231056

>Who would hire someone to separately do the prompt?
Different skill sets, the prompteur is the more creative one, the touch-up technician has skills in various image editing software

>> No.6231212

This is cope and not true at all, it won't even allow you to cut a team of 10 into 9. Copilot is just advanced autocomplete, all it does is cut out the need to write out boilerplate code. Programming is much more about seeing the bigger picture, planning and figuring out how different components will interact together and copilot will not help you with that.

Fun fact: it will also refuse to give autocompletion results for any file that contains words like "white", "gender" and "woman" because it was written by onions chugging californians.

>> No.6231251

I'm fucking 40 years old.
My life has been fucking hell. I lived through multiple abusive family situations, I've been emarginated all my youth, I've been an addict, did felonies, tried to an heroing myself multiple times, got almost disfigured in a fight, never managed to accomplish anything professionally, plunged in a way of living that was basically being a hobo for a decade
Just recently I finally got a gf that's not an alcoholic whore, and she's been kind and supportive enough to let me leech off her money when I decided to start getting serious about getting an art "career" after losing again a job.
And this fucking ai shit starts looming over the the horizon. I really, really fucking wish I was able to communicate how does it feel to have an entire timeline trying to hint for every day of your fucking life that you're shit, you have to fail, whatever prayer you prostrate with things are going in the opposite fucking way you want to.
I'm too old to try something else, I ate too much shit to move away from this fucking shitty hill of art delusions, it will be my fucking grave. I know I'm gonna fail and fade into nothingness without having accomplished anything. I just wish I can snatch a single victory, so I can show it to gf and tell her she was right, I could do it, her sacrifices weren't for nothing

>> No.6231267
File: 2.30 MB, 2048x1676, 1660850807922691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything will be fine in the end

>> No.6231277

I know it won't, but thanks

>> No.6231282

> please fix this AI drawing
> drawing is straight from someone's else style or contains visible chunks of some other famous artist work

I aint touching that shit nigga.

>> No.6231300

I just used it, its actually really shitty and limited. If you want your peace of mind back just mess with it for a few hours and try to make anything specific. I went from saying fuck this I'm going to learn programming to wanting to draw again.

>> No.6231358

Defeat is a state of mind; no one is really defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality. With each failure, you only get closer to success.

>> No.6231369

Guys I cracked the code
Put all your money in OpenAI stocks. If AI take over humanity you will become a melancholic richfag, but If they're sued to hell you will become a happy poorfag

>> No.6231467

Nobody is stopping you from doing things the old school way. Some people might find it pretty interesting, like memorizing digits of pi or binding your own books

>> No.6231482
File: 7 KB, 170x297, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't quit because of AI, I quit because of anime, I just wanted to draw EASY, FLAT, CHEAP AND UGLY cartoons but everyone hates it.

>> No.6231488

/aco/ exists you know

>> No.6231498

>touch-up technician
bullshit jobs to enable nepotism
can´t wait till this garbage economy collapses

>> No.6231515

Spoken like an angry touch-up technician
Nothing's stopping you from scratch around on your papers at home, friend

>> No.6231519
File: 79 KB, 1067x800, FaBPBOxXoAAUi0K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why allow the perpetrators of your destruction time to enjoy the fruits of their "labor" in the meantime, in Minecraft.

>> No.6231533

Every artist I’ve talked to who has used it says they find it easier just to make art by hand. It’s more of a toy than anything... With that in mind, as an artist myself I don’t believe our skills are wasted.

>> No.6231574

I'm afraid this is going to be me in a year. I'm studying cyber right now, and I hope that I can find time to do what I love. I'm currently looking for art teachers, but every single on of them is only teaching at times when I'd be at work. Unless I decide to start working a night shift.

>> No.6231580

/aco/ rejects 90% of cartoons due to either quality or characters age. Most of that board is Anime drawn by westerners or video game mods. There is no single website that actually welcomes shitty art.

>> No.6231593

Why would /ic/ scared of AI?
When I went to drawing school a couple years ago, one of the first thing that my lecturer told me is that AI will never replace human, the best thing they could do is gave references to us.

>> No.6231631

It will have an impact on low level artists or if you work for people with no taste like authors who need book covers or newspapers who want illustrated article headers but the high level entertainment industry jobs will remain unaffected.

>> No.6231674
File: 36 KB, 738x738, federal-vital-shok-buckshot-1471900-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one should quit.
In fact every artist should pick up a new side hobby, mainly shooting!
Handguns, shotguns, rifles, lever action rifles, revolvers, black powder, there's so much variety to choose from for a huge variety of activities it's hard decide on just one!

Want to go hunting and take down something that's roughly the size of a deer, or even greater? A 12 gauge shotgun loaded with 00 Buckshot (pic related) and/or Slugs is your friend. Remember, birdshot is for the birds!

Like handguns and need one for protection/competitive shooting? The sky's the limit! 9mm Glocks and CZs dominate the competition sphere, and with good reason, but want something cheap for self defense? The Hi-Point 9mm handgun is your answer!

Want a rifle for all of the above? The AR-15 is your friend! With such a wide aftermarket you can fine tune and convert your rifle to fulfill whatever needs you wish. Need a bigger caliber? Swap a few parts and you're good to go! Want a better trigger? You can do that! Want to decorate it with encouraging messages for yourself and your friends? You can do that too!

There are so many more hobbies to choose from, especially for those history buffs out there. Want to larp as a cowboy? You can do that at your local cowboy shooting action club! Want to larp as a revolutionary war soldier? You can do that with any civil war/revolutionary war re-enactment group! Want to collect WWII rifles? You can do that too!

Live in a jurisdiction that denies you the ability to get firearms? I'm very sorry to hear that but don't worry there are plenty of viable hobby items (that can be used for self defense if the need arises) available for purchase from your local sporting goods store and even hardware stores for those DIYers amongst you!

Don't let anyone get you down, life is full of surprises and opportunities! It's always a joy to learn new things and put that newfound knowledge into practice.

>> No.6231676

I think I'll just blow my brains out desu

>> No.6231677
File: 660 KB, 835x851, tatsuyukitanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI might not be as usable as you think, even with advancements. I generated 10k images in the beta of Stable Diffusion. Maybe 3 could be prints, but they still looked a bit messed up. I was quite ambitious with my prompts however, just asking for portraits it might have made more usable stuff(but shallow). I thought the img2img might fare better, but looking at the results, it's still a mess and nobody has produced anything of value from it. This type of image generation can't reproduce accurate perspective/size relationships properly. Multiple characters in a scene are all different sizes. objects are all random scales in a scene. Nobody has made 2 characters interact without limbs melting together. There are countless things that can go into a good image(pic rel) that AI is missing. What if these problems are beyond solving? we don't know yet, and shouldn't assume.

>> No.6231682

Guys, don't be so dramatic. A lot of people might be impressed with your skills. I'm sure some people still printed books of logarithms after calculators were invented.

>> No.6231685
File: 493 KB, 512x512, download (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, I was trying all day to get it to make a decent tanaka style image, it has no idea who he is. Had to use terada instead but it's just not good enough with lineart.

>> No.6231689

>Nobody has made 2 characters interact without limbs melting together
No worries, this will be solved with Textual Inversion, probably done within the month

>> No.6231692
File: 177 KB, 1400x1400, curtis-yarvin-cz54HvpYZWP-_mIaodNpDAO.1400x1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks politicians won't be replaced

We're going back to a monarchy and the king will be an AI.

>> No.6231703

I'm sorry you feel that way. Who made you feel like you need to do this?
Aside from speaking with your local Suicide Prevention Hotline perhaps learning more about this individual, or group of individuals, and letting your feelings be known might help.
Everyone leaves an extensive online paper trail these days. Learning about their daily habits, their workplace, even their friends and family, might assuage your fears, or at the very least give you the opportunity to speak with them directly before you do anything reckless.

Or maybe it will give you the opportunity to do something reckless, I don't know I'm not a mental health professional. I wish you well regardless.

>> No.6231712
File: 43 KB, 600x550, Picture_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI can generate furry images, but you know what it can't do? Make happy negro memes. AI can't do that because no AI system allows you to input words like negro.

>> No.6231716

(x) doubt

>> No.6231719
File: 13 KB, 256x256, laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6231732

nice attempt to bait prompteurs into looking racist

Stable Diffusion doesn't have a say in what you generate, it's open source, just like you don't get a list of no-no's when you buy a brush.

>> No.6231907

AI will never create my perfect anime waifu so i have to draw her myself

>> No.6232056
File: 426 KB, 512x512, booties 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like me anon?
Do you think I'm pretty?


Do you like my technique, babe?

>> No.6232059

i don't understand her ass

>> No.6232061

Do you like giving into the inevitable, babe?

>> No.6232065


>> No.6232072

Point out what you have a problem with.

Beware that there's a chance I found this on a google search. Keep aware of your bias.

What's wrong with this glorious picture?

>> No.6232146
File: 463 KB, 512x512, 1661211822454181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6232180

cool digits nigga

>> No.6232295

that sucks but i guess you'll have to self-learn for the meantime

>> No.6232642

you can't draw if you dont feel like it. You can flip burgers even if you hate it, you can press buttons on a cash register while wanting to die, but you can't even draw a line without being in the fucking zone. I want to quit because I'm tired of waiting for these once-in-a-blue-moon ideas that I really want to draw. And no I'm not going to just trace everything when I dont feel like drawing, like the pros do.

>> No.6232652

>what if your government just decides to kill you huh? huh? what will you do?
die I guess? What kind of argument is that?

>> No.6232659

you can create brushes if you know how like in a min or seconds with photoshop

>> No.6232674

>full automation means end of wage slavery
only if half a dozen people don't end up owning all the robots. I have some bad news for you on that front.

>> No.6232677

how do you create a broosh?

>> No.6232687
File: 1.05 MB, 1102x1150, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6232694

I don't think any of that's gonna happen, I just think a lot of people are going to be sorely disappointed when they realize that the people making the robots don't actually have any vested personal interesting making sure anyone else is happy.

These groups and people built their empires on a firm foundation of "fuck you, I got mine," so why are you expecting them to change that philosophy when they win?

>> No.6232699

because a crowd of hungry people can break all the robots

>> No.6232701

if they can reach the robots, then sure. But I think it's pretty silly to bet that they're going to pick what is basically the hardest possible solution to deal with crowds of hungry people.

>> No.6232745

im not banking on the altruism of the ruling class, merely their own improvidence. The problem you are forgetting is that commodities still need to be sold to a now unproductive - and broke - majority class. Reproduction of capital is based on the sale of commodities. Any state bandaid to hand out fakebux to buy said commodities would then be superfluous - its just distribution based on need with extra steps because without labour you lose the yardstick of wages.

the class to actually watch out for are landed capitals and petty bourgeois, the former can continue to extract rent and the latter will resist any automation because (like you point out) can not afford the robots.

So some level of direct action such as >>6232699 will be necessary to move society forward. we could have this all tomorrow it just requires a massive contraction of working hours. But we get there eventually it's just one is a mostly direct process (workers realizing they don't really need to work and push for doing less of it) or an indirect process (capitalists increase productivity of labour so much it asymptotically reaches a point of zero profitability which will most likely require large automation in place).

>> No.6234163

there is some legal concerns since it copies copyrighted code into your project though. its a lawsuit waiting to happen

>> No.6234181

I've yet to see a single pro in the industry panic about this.. If I were you, I'd consider getting into VR Sketching cause that seems the next big thing rather than AI art

>> No.6234184

textbook useful idiot

>> No.6234189
File: 874 KB, 1000x1000, 2022.02.07 Captured Moon Cat photo small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it.
I wanted to experiment more with AI turned into traditional paintings but with all the spamming and the normies praising it as the next coming of the lord I might just abstain from doing it and go even deeper into handmade art.

>> No.6234207

Look at what's happening in Canada with MAID. This is what the elites will push when AI takes over, not UBI.

>> No.6234217

Same, I busted out my watercolors this week. Shibasaki is my grandpa now.

>> No.6234230
File: 51 KB, 600x442, Kaii Higashiyama 2017-clouds_rising_in_the_mountains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But also, may I interest you in some other based Japanese painters?
Found this guy randomly while shopping for art books.

>> No.6234266


>> No.6234275

>Solid State Intelligence (S.S.I.) is a malevolent entity described by Lilly in his 1978 autobiography, The Scientist. According to Lilly, the network of computation-capable solid state systems (electronics) engineered by humans will eventually develop into an autonomous "bioform." Since the optimal survival conditions for this bioform (low-temperature vacuum) are drastically different from those humans need (room temperature aerial atmosphere and adequate water supply), Lilly predicted (or "prophesied," based on his ketamine-induced visions) a dramatic conflict between the two forms of intelligence.

>> No.6234538

Why yes, I will code this into existence so no redditors remain to use AI generators and call themelves artists for updoots