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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 44 KB, 500x500, 1602876106126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6230937 No.6230937 [Reply] [Original]

It's 25 too old to star drawing?

>> No.6230949

this fucking question again
dude you can start as early as 1 second old or as late as 1 second away from death

>> No.6230950


>> No.6230957

If you are asking these types of questions you never would be able to draw in any timeline. Artists don't ask for permission to draw, they just do it.

>> No.6230963

>starting now when AI is already this good

>> No.6230980

Yes, learn prompt engineering instead

>> No.6231040

You can draw stars at any age

>> No.6231046


>> No.6231048

everyone can draw stars
even your dog

>> No.6231081
File: 203 KB, 949x1222, frazettagirls-art-print-fine-art-print-stretched-on-wooden-bar-18x24-moon-maid-print-28209194374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too old to learn, it's too late in terms of expected artistic life, all artists start to decline in their late 50's, some in their 40's, some change style in their 30's and downgrade, it takes around 15 years to peak, what is left then if you started at 25?
Frazetta painted this at 45, just look at your favorite artists and see what type of work they were doing in different ages and compare with your skill level.

>> No.6231119

assuming you grind hours every day: 3-6 months to get commissions, 1-2 years to get gigs, 3-5 years to get pro gigs

>> No.6231136

>learning how to play chess when AI is better than humans
>learning how to cross country ski when snowmobiles exist
>learning how to run fast, when cars exist
>learning how to speedrun, when "TAS" exists
>learning math, when calculators exist
>learning how to play videogames when cheatcodes or aimbots exist
>learning a new language when online translators exist
>learning how to cook, when restaurants exist

See how stupid you sound?

>> No.6231179


>> No.6231186

correct on all fronts, except cooking, don't trust anyone with anything that can kill you fast or slow or deny you when you want it.

>> No.6231188

yeah just commit suicide, it's ogre.

>> No.6231227

the difference being that AI art is worse than most of the things you described too. like chess....it's an algorithmic math game, just like Go. make it complex enough and it will obviously beat humans since humans are bad at algorithmic thinking. it's also better at algorithmic art, problem is that algorithmic art is shit no matter how much make-up you put on it
>inb4 but it's good enough for normies reee
I don't care. it's not good enough for me

>> No.6231231

pic related its an average 25 year old

>> No.6231236

decline in what sense? like start making worse art? do you think everyone has dementia or something lol

>> No.6231443
File: 240 KB, 900x1393, s-l1600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They start taking too many shortcuts and shorthand and that sort of thing.
Of course mental and physical decline takes a part also.
Some artists don't decline much, McGinnis was doing amazing painting in his 80's but he traces... if this isn't a reused painting he did this at 93 or 94 years old.

>> No.6231526

Absolutely not.

>> No.6231561

Give it a shot. Do you have anything else to do with your time?

>> No.6231623


>> No.6231680
File: 320 KB, 750x1160, 1660947870628754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6231687

>learning a new language when online translators exist
To expand on this point, machine translation still hasn't replaced translators. Besides learning art for hobby's sake, I still believe the future has room for artists pursuing an art career.

>> No.6231695

He's now my hero.

>> No.6231724

Ai translators are pretty good now

>> No.6231751

I'm gonna be realistic, if you've been sketching and drawing a lot (even if badly) as a kid it can work. If you're 25 and just starting to draw circles, I have doubts.

>> No.6231753

For everyone else 25 is fine. But since you had to ask you're not going to draw anyways.

>> No.6232200

how do you know about vilppu and you havent started drawing? stop wasting time, anon

>> No.6232933

>They start taking too many shortcuts and shorthand and that sort of thing.
So thats why picasso went from alright to child like scribbles, intresting

>> No.6233059

I don't think so. Grind how many hours? Because 3 hours a day won't cut it.

>> No.6233063


>> No.6233067

It is NEVER too late to learn anything

Anyone telling you otherwise is either a zoomer who wants to make himself feel good about starting early or a self-hating perma /beg/ boomer who never draws and only complains

>> No.6233069

Wasn't that because all "good" paintings were painted by his father?

>> No.6233154

The point of learning skills isn't to outcompete the world but to outcompete the ego. Come on anon. Youre high on pessimissm.

>> No.6233159

do you really want to spend the next 40 or so years not doing something you wanted to do?

>> No.6233197

are you going to banter with your foreign friends or flirt with your exotic overseas future wife using a phone app translator? cringe

>> No.6233209

Theres literally no proof of this

>> No.6233210

When your benes falls off then its a later.

>> No.6233225

ooh let's crush your post to smithereens

-people play chess as a recreation activity and it doesn't take you decades to learn how to play and master it
-you do cross country or any other kind of sport for health benefits
-again health benefits and good looks
-speedrunning is retarded to begin with, it's a complete waste of time
-learn what math is about first
-the same as chess
- >>6233197
-cooking helps poorfags like me to save lots of money, also it's a tangible craft, you can eat the result, you can't eat art

you sound stupid

>> No.6233330

Is drawing not a recreational activity for most good artists? Art is usually a hobby first and foremost

>> No.6233337

it is but where does satisfaction come from?

>> No.6234825

Of course not. My mom is a chemical engineer and is now about to graduate in psychology at 61. It's never too late to start doing anything.

>> No.6234943

I assume for most natural artists they simply enjoy the process. They draw because they enjoy making marks on a some form of canvas. That's why some "just draw" without needing any sort of encouragement

>> No.6234949

I'm older than you and I had started drawing not so long ago

>> No.6234954

From experimenting and trying new techniques? From solving a confusing perspective problem and making it look good? From getting that idea you imagined onto paper just right? From seeing yourself improve other time?

No wonder you’re a fucking favela-squatting third worlder, can’t expect a soulless darkie to know shit about the utter joy of drawing for the sake of drawing.

>> No.6234988

no. just do it. let go of negative thoughts. just draw.

>> No.6235024

This poster does not enjoy creating art and think only of it as a way to make a living.
Sad, truly.

>> No.6235036

Extremely based, thanks for the motivation

> I still believe the future has room for artists pursuing an art career.
I also believe this, for two reasons, namely:

1. Currently AI is pretty good for creative art, yes, but it's shit at making very specific commissions, and faces. A good example of this is furries, cuz they want very specific details on art and characters. (also, the demand for AI-made furry art is very low from the general public, so it'll take a while for a AI to be made for it)

2. Eventually, if it takes 50 or 100 years, AI will in the end become better at art than humans in every aspect. BUT, since it's so easily made, the demand (and price) for human-made art will go up, it's gonna be considered a more luxury thing to have human-mad art than AI-made art. Just like we like handmade stuff more than not handmade stuff

inb4 >lol ai can do faces
yes, but there's no AI that can do faces in a scene with other stuff

>> No.6235042

AI does not create anything. It just slaps drawings that have similar tags together and blends them.
>Inb4 artists copy too
Artists learn from life and can also draw from imagination.
I'm getting so fucking tired of this AI shit.

>> No.6235048

did I say "creative" art?
sorry meant "generic" art

At the moment I didn't know what word to use. But I hope you know what I mean, the kind of art that is really well made but 0 soul and it's a million of those. Since that's what's it been fed, that's what it spits out

>> No.6235139


Furthermore, another important point.
Like __ is saying, you don't do it to sell and make money, or to be better than others. If this is your motivation then ngmi, it must merely be a bi-product.
You make art to "flex on the ego", to have fun, to do something, so you can feel like you have accomplished something in life.

"Why do you learn an instrument when there's apps and programs for that?"

Please OP, just start drawing this very minute, don't waste it on debating whether you should.

>> No.6235140

Fuck i forgot to fill in the blank.
I meant >>6233154 on line 7/4 (depending on how you count)
also >>6233067

>> No.6235400

Thank god i started at 17. But i am still shit tho

>> No.6235743

most artists tend to start as children, but the best ones can start as adults if they end up really talented

It's like hockey, most of them are born from Jan-April but the best ones are born from Sept-December

>> No.6236244
File: 282 KB, 634x1051, Mechas are cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it depends on what you want to draw. You can draw in any age you want, but others may won't you draw certain things after certain age. Maybe you too lazy to learn drawing, but it's usually not in 25.

>> No.6237519

if you don't even know how to hold a pen, to reach the level of reflexes and logic of 20 yo kid drawing for like half of its life you would need ~2-3 years drawing as a main occupation and don't forget about talent

>> No.6237522

languages are very nice for memory and overall brain development, also we were thought handwriting in school, which also gives a lot

>> No.6237529
File: 906 KB, 440x248, 15850641644552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly I think it takes around 8 years to become pro level (as in most of the week is dedicated to learn the craft), a kid has all the time in the world to reach that level but if you're in your late 20s early 30s it's almost impossible to do that especially if you're working, maybe there are some outliers but for most guys in that age it's a impossible task especially if you want to start a family.
If you want to pick up drawing as a hobby than literally no age is "too late" but if you want to actually make art your job it's a very unrealistic goal and you may spend years of your life trying to achieve something that's unachievable to you.

>> No.6237530

lol bro if only

>> No.6237533

>most of the week
> i want to lay in a couch and do my benis things but i wanna be a pro

>> No.6237549

I can tell you the core difference between our generations.
Zoomers usually lack self control, they are ADHD fueled faggots who can't learn for shit.
So you have an advantage, you can just sit and learn therefore you can actually progress.

>> No.6237559

Yeah because you know all of them right? Stu grandpa. Your retarded fried brain is past the prime to learn anything

>> No.6237744

>don't forget about talent
Are you trolling us?

>> No.6239271

>as a kid
At what age do you mean a kid is at?
I started learning when I was 16, is that good enough?

>> No.6239274

do 1g(no more no less) of magic mushrooms weekly for 6 months or forever lmao additionally drink coffee every day(but not too much) and avoid pretty much every single other drug that exists especially weed and all depressants (that shit makes you retarded)

you'll get better at learning new stuff and overall just way fucking smarter, just trust me on this one even if it makes no sense, also meditation and exercise are two massive IQ boosters

>> No.6239318

Yeah, pretty sure lots of artist started to get into art in their teens. But my point was that around that age you can focus solely on art and slowly learn the craft while someone in the 30s just doesn't have the time to do so especially if they are a total beginner (I'm speaking about becoming a pro not about someone who just wants to do art as a hobby)

>> No.6239323

This. As a career it might not be a good choice anyways, considering what's going on with technology. If it's for hobby though, knock yourself out. Never too late to start.

>> No.6239330

Where can we buy this magic mushrooms?

>> No.6239343

Getting more rest helped me a lot. I was pushing myself too hard, working and drawing until midnight every day because I want to get better. Had to realise that it only slows my actual progress down.

>> No.6241712
