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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6227862 No.6227862 [Reply] [Original]

What's makes a character appealing to you?

>> No.6227870
File: 3.95 MB, 2250x3295, 100516506_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something but I can't quite place it...

>> No.6227879

Looks to me that it's a high sexual charge applied to a youthful, innocent appearing character. Also feet.

>> No.6227888
File: 2.00 MB, 1960x1869, artist to study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed recently that most of my favorite mangakas and videogames artists do their best to differentiate clothes and body proportions so that might be something I value a lot personally, bonus point if it is stylish. Pic related are my initial sources of studies for now.

>> No.6227897

schrodinger pantsu

>> No.6227920

I hope it was mostly kids who put those red dots on design B

>> No.6227930

no gabe

>> No.6227945

For me, it's B.

>> No.6227966

Hi gabe.

>> No.6228670

for american properties, does the character feel like it was made by committee or a diversity quota? then I fucking hate it.

for any other country, whats the characters personality.

for the image,

A looks like a westerner trying to copy anime and failing at it in every way. aspects of it may look better, but that fucking face just screams 'hello children we have something to sell you'
b while it's simpler, looks like I could could expect to see that exact thing in a show, while A looks like those are the promo shorts, and they take a massive skill level decrease in the actual thing, be it a show or a comic.

>> No.6228681
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1619025672278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a good character design when it gets my pp hard...

>> No.6228709

You're over thinking it.
A just looks like typical western cartoon. It wouldn't be out of place in Dora the explorer or any nickelodeon show.

>> No.6228741

This. Soul is what makes art appealing.

A feels corporate and therefore gross. B is too foreign for my American eyes to interpret is as corporate.

>> No.6228772
File: 112 KB, 361x500, 1956791342_8cc11eec1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuteness. In my eyes, the ultimate character design is this.

>> No.6228809

> B is too foreign for my American eyes to interpret is as corporate.
It's super corporate, and it's an irony that you need a certain level of weeaboo-ness to tell.
Before fellating Japan, do remember they're the same country that feeds the gacha game monster.

>> No.6228815

Gachas are soulful.

>> No.6228829

Gacha is anti soul.
It's porn and gambling, wrapped up in a convenient package to prey on the weaknesses of humanity.

>> No.6228904

I'm not fellating Japan, it's just that my gaijin eyes see that and think "ching chong nip nong sonichu hentai" because I haven't had much exposure to corporate anime.

>> No.6229028
File: 39 KB, 640x628, 1632544483349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are either a Chinese woman or a massive faggot...

>> No.6229301

I honestly hate the head on the A but the body on B also doesn't look great. I honestly hate that made by committee crap that the west tends to put out, sanitized to all hell to try and target one group specifically.

honestly corporate stuff in japan... that's what hello kitty feels like, what mascot characters feel like... B doesn't feel corprate in the same way that A does.

>> No.6229363

>hello kitty
aggretsuko was made by sanrio and, unlike 100% western animation, that was full of soul

>> No.6229365
File: 137 KB, 463x453, 1612664933279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gachas are soulful.

>> No.6229431

yea but aggretsuko also isn't a mascot that needs to be sanitized.

>> No.6229437

but bro they made a whole city out of that in a place where nothing can live.

>> No.6229453

You are just a faggot weeb. Probably hispanic too.

>> No.6229477

for me it's B head with A body

>> No.6231385
File: 117 KB, 740x527, BRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to bump the thread, what exactly gives the "almost good for main characters but still not quite there" vibes to these designs? They used to look worse and forgettable in the past but I've learned plenty of things in the meanwhile and tried to fix things. I mostly focused on shape design and consideration of the world they live in/what the story is about.

>> No.6231405

>You are just a faggot weeb. Probably hispanic too.
What's with spics and idolizing Japan? I see this too often.

>> No.6231410

I can't gather anything about the characters from the clothes/hair they have, so because of that I just kind of categorize them as side characters.

The guy makes me think "mercenary guy you can hire in Fire Emblem."

>> No.6231411
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Clean, easy, simple, flat, CHEAP.

>> No.6236098

Why did you delete your discord user italianno, hmm?

>> No.6236184

No idea. B is obviously better, but I can't really say why. Surely "make the eyes big" can't ALWAYS be the path to success.

>> No.6236214
File: 1.33 MB, 2160x1440, 1651321777936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the proportions
a character should have something big to make him/her stand out
like lips or boobs or butt

>> No.6236306
File: 749 KB, 721x1200, 100639369_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't understand why some characters are just so much more appealing than others.

>> No.6236334

Looking cute, soft, hugable and friendly. It's too hard to explain.

>> No.6236335

nigga why westerners always give their charachters nose and big bimbo lips?

>> No.6236575
File: 350 KB, 1255x1674, 73711a6998bf6e0d4b8fbc8b9ca2a906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Looking cute, soft, hugable and friendly.
While beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, these particular elements are pretty popular. Even then, what is "huggable" can vary from person to person, and a character that looks too friendly can seem dishonest to some people.

>> No.6236820

I associate the left art style with media aimed at little girls, and the right with media that I enjoy. Because of the connection that I have, I find the left art style to be very unappealing. It's the result of growing up with American culture.

>> No.6236837

>I associate the left art style with media aimed at little girls, and the right with media that I enjoy.
No matter where Anon went, he could not escape it...

>> No.6237113

In OP A looks formulaic, iterated and safe. Like it was built by committee until enough boxes were ticked to "maximize engagement".
B looks like they gave the design to the artist and just let them work.

>> No.6237122

Japanese corporate styles are ironically less homogeneous because they actually have multiple definitions of appeal and their marketing culture is itself packed with mascots and iconography to the point that even very srsbsns stuff like hospitals have kawaii animals somewhere in their corporate identity.

In turn they making a cute doll just feels like them making a cute doll because they like cute dolls, instead of corporate drones trying to min-max images that mess with your amygdala and compel you to consume because the loan sharks that own the company demand infinite plus one dollars in dividends each quarter.

>> No.6237126

They're force-fed American propaganda while inherently abhorring the progressive agenda. So they become more receptive to media from places where turning kids gay isn't the whole point of the cartoon, like Japan, India and Russia.

It's not just Latin America who's going this way, Africa and SEA are now resisting western media too.

>> No.6237149

>Japan is less homogeneous
>that's why every single business has the same kawaii animal characters
are you retarded?

>> No.6237173

A looks like a kids toy design. Like the illustrated version of some doll line for 8 year olds.

>> No.6237180

Why do westerners give characters noses? Maybe because people have noses?

>> No.6237207

There's a notable difference between everyone trying their own version of cuteness as one part of their corporate identity (i.e. Hello Kitty vs Domo-kun) and everyone forcing their entire corporate identity to adopt Memphis globohomo because every single western corporation answers directly to BlackRock.

>> No.6237211

You literally can't see your own nose unless you go out of your way to focus on it or you're a kike.

People don't want to see noses.

>> No.6237241

>Mirrors don't exist.
>Every non-Jew should look like Voldemort
You can't see your own eyes either Anon.

>> No.6237267

>japan good!
It's literally all the same style like the OP.
It's extremely homogenous.
Every shopping center has the exact same character with a different jacket.

>> No.6237486

ok, lets put it this way.

I don't know a single person who likes the memphis design, its just inoffensive and ignorable

meanwhile japan mascots are inoffensive by the nature of being a mascot, or the B actually appeals to people.

>> No.6237488

you would think that they would figure out a style where a nose doesn't look like shit.

>> No.6237505

Body/clothes on left, face and hair on right

>> No.6237510

this is adorable


>> No.6237573

>turning kids gay
There's a difference between realizing you are gay and becoming gay, with the latter not happening unless you have a crippling femboy addiction.

>> No.6237581

B because it doesn't have those lips

>> No.6237582

Having a very small (or even in some cases, none at all) makes the character baby-faced
And in a society that fetishizes youth, it's appealing

>> No.6237651

Being attractive doesn't make it less homogenous retard.
Stop sprinkling /pol/ buzzwords everywhere and expecting people to take you seriously.

>> No.6237730
File: 502 KB, 1527x304, chrome_2022-08-25_06-46-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheres the buzzword? I said what the style is fucking called.

you want to bitch about japan's mascot shit being corporate


every one of them looks like they are from a different company, still being cutesy shit you could see on a cellphone keychain, but so many of them are actually distinct.

B may also be corporate, but it at least looks decent, look at fucking A and tell me it looks better than B with a straight face.

look at this shit and tell me with a straight face that there isn't a night and fucking day difference between corporate japan trying to appeal to people and the west trying not to offend people.

>> No.6237754

>B may also be corporate, but it at least looks decent, look at fucking A and tell me it looks better than B with a straight face.
Not that Anon, but I think they both look fine. Both are corporate, but I also think they're both effective in their ways. B being more popular in Japan should not be some kind of Judgement on American cartooning, as B is designed to appeal to Japanese tastes. People here like B more because /ic/ is packed with weeaboos who get faint when a cartoon character has a nose.

>> No.6237755
File: 54 KB, 1000x559, 1578813400879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name of upper middle?

>> No.6237760

I feel I need to clarify a bit on why I regard weeaboos different from Japanese, and I think this post: >>6236820 is a good example of why. The Anon here Says A is for little girls, and B is stuff he likes. I can only assume the stuff he likes is Pretty Cure, Jewel Pet and My Melody, because that's the kind of style B is. They're both designs made to appeal to little girls, but Weebs have a tendency to try and assert pride about watching foreign shows for little girls as a mark of superiority.
It's like bronies talking smack about K-On fans to me.

>> No.6237774
File: 68 KB, 717x895, saturn_devouring_one_of_his_children_minimalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corporate Memphis
Joke's on them, I guess, since I actually do find this style somewhat offensive. I'm not even sure why. I just feel slightly disgusted when I look at it.

>> No.6238453
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>> No.6238691

>Weebs have a tendency to try and assert pride about watching foreign shows for little girls as a mark of superiority. It's like bronies talking smack about K-On fans to me.
Whether they're japanophiles or horsefuckers, it doesn't matter, they have the same kind of mindset: "it can't be for little girls if I like it".

>> No.6238696
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x680, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6238705

Still B

>> No.6238712

yeah fucking cheek bone ruins it maybe if we compare real women i would choose european girl with more pronounced cheekbone but in cartoon cheek > cheekbone

>> No.6238716

are you retarded and have mental brain damage
t.idiot who plays a gacha gemu

>> No.6238721

the face is proportioned terribly outside of the inferior color picks so B still looks better

>> No.6238782

This is far FAR closer now, I think its so close of a toss up at that point that I could choose a or b

>> No.6238793
File: 87 KB, 194x179, chrome_2022-08-25_18-29-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, its the 'finally, the made a good show and not just mindless shit'
an important factor to remember is that parents usually have to sit and watch or listen to the kids shows, making it not painful for parents is a great thing to do.

A makes me think of shit like this, I wasn't able to find the really bad sex dolls that I was looking for but I was able to find the robotics face.

>> No.6238803

its not offensive, at least in the way I was meaning offensive, I meant it in a you're not thinking anything racist inherently from the art style.

magic knight rayearth

I think it goes shaman king, rayearth, bastard
made in abyss, diamond is unbreakable, fist of the north star

>> No.6238804

dont encourage him, he is doing better off fucking discord

>> No.6238832

> No, you don't understand! Akane-chan's battle with the Darkness Murder General Gorland is a lesson on forgiveness, and how one cannot truly forgive if they are not willing to accept they have been hurt!
I am playing, mainly because I do recognize that some Japanese girl cartoons can be compelling in their way. There's a reason Doremi gets so much affection and I myself was captured by Sailor Moon when I was young too. I just don't accept "japan cartoon good western cartoon bad" as I see on this board. It's a sort of tribalism that I personally find pointless since I enjoy animation in general, even growing up as an American and being frustrated with comic/cartoon output for a while now. I like Japanese animation a lot, but venerating it to the point people here do seem off to me, as it's full of just as many cliches, stupid plot points, and other negative qualities that poorly made western cartoons have. I haven't watch seasonal shows for a while because so few of them seemed interesting, same reason I don't care to follow cartoons at this point.

>> No.6238944

The business model may be cancer, but goddamn if it doesn't have some great designs

>> No.6238973
File: 463 KB, 1200x1100, anime vs carton 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a much better example of the west being mogged

>completely void of volume and perspective
>no sading
>extremely simple.

>> No.6238975


>> No.6238976
File: 458 KB, 762x666, Anime vs cartoon Twitter2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no nek
>no joints
>flat, still no volume or perspective

>> No.6238988
File: 125 KB, 640x813, netflix animation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And people wonder why cartoons are dying.

>> No.6239083

US: Let's make our characters cartoony
Japan: Let's draw children you can fap to!

>> No.6239087

why completely flat tough? is perspective something olnly east asians master?

>> No.6239092
File: 30 KB, 512x384, 1638133304376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely flat
To make them simpler to animate as to produce episodes quickly. Japan has hordes of otaku slaves working for free so the time and money spent on their drawings don't really weight on their budget.

>> No.6239204
File: 204 KB, 1000x713, tumblr_mfc9qq4s101riwl6fo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love well used shapes to create a unique silhouette and attitude. I also usually prefer a limited colour palette.

>> No.6239313

for just terms of appealing design, I'm going to give it to anime over cartoons almost every time, even the good cartoons in the west kind of always had shoestring budgets but wanted more fluid motion, while japan works within their animations limits to make it not only look good but mask the motion issues. this over time has seen cartoons get far FAR more abstract in artstyle which to me has never been appealing in the slightest.

in terms of story, we can go childrens anime and I will say the west and japan is a wash, potentially leaning japan as there are some kids/full family animation that seems to have lived longer/for more episodes than anything in the west

for older kids I want to give the nod to japan but there is very little in that demo that gets translated at all but the bit I did see a long time ago was a bit less insipid.

then you get into the 10-13 demo, and japan thoroughly shits on what the west offers. the west still wants to try and push messages in this category and moral stories, japan will give you giant robots fighting kaiju here.

older teen japan absolutely shits on the variety, the west more or less has 'family guy' 'stoner/you are an adult what the fuck are you still watching cartoons for' and 'we put blood in this to get a higher rating' all of which tiptoes around 'sensitive topics' other than the one time they acknowledge them. depending on the year sometimes its better in the but most of the time its better in anime for this demo, adult animation, non porn, also tend to fall in this category but skews up because now they can say fuck.

it just hits a point where you write off the western side entirely due to it almost never hitting you, accidently hitting you and hating you for liking it, or comes up with a funny idea and runs it straight into the fucking ground episode 1

>> No.6239340

I'd put a sticker on the retail cutie in the middle

>> No.6239397

How much seasons are there? I only see flavor of the month crap and forgotten by the next cute animu girl show, Ruby Gloom's finished but the other two are still unfortunately going. Not to mention, this makes it obvious that the sole purpose of these shows are fap bait that are replaceable.

>> No.6239475

>cp thoughts
Uhhh bro?

>> No.6239750

Weebs are absolute cancer, and if you've seen one anime you've practically seen them all. There is almost nothing watchable that came from that radioactive dumpster. Name at least 3 chink cartoons as good as the best American comics and cartoons:
>Sandman by Neil Gaiman
>Avatar The Last Airbender
>Everything by Frank Miller before the 2000s
>And many many more
I'll wait

>> No.6240813

CP are the initials of the show creator lol. He is the one who is going over the character designer's drawing.

>> No.6240962

Interesting that A has more interesting/dynamic poses while B's poses are less so, as if the artist was trying their best to make A as appealing as possible while for B it's as though they know just the visual style alone will carry it

>> No.6240992

>interesting/dynamic pose
this is your brain on /beg/

look at the gesture you dumb faggot. the shapes on A are directly contradicting itself leading to boring forms even if the line of action is more extreme.

>> No.6241093

Am I speaking to an AI generated post or something?

>> No.6241123

from 1987
>Sandman by Neil Gaiman
89-96 don't know about the newer versions of it
no real opinion, never got into league of legends and never really got into its lore, I kind of want to watch it
>Avatar The Last Airbender
while I liked the 04 and 08 movies I cant speak to the comics
>Everything by Frank Miller before the 2000s
20+ years ago
never liked this growing up but 94-97
netflix agenda meddling, I dont know how in character it was, but did they need to put that in the show
>And many many more

you realize near everything you mentioned
is 20 years old if not nearing 40

and as for watch one anime you seen them all... I argue that for western media is largely the same, you have 1 thing in one genre and you largely have seen it all with specific shows sticking out, you dont like weebs who base their personality around 'i watch anime' and I get it, but japan gives me what the west doesn't. I want a fantasy world that doesn't force every race to be racist and push a message about modern times, I just want it to be a nice if not braindead comedy, I want it to feel like I could genuinely see a group of friends fucking around a table playing a d&d session, god dammit I cant find the image to post about it.

>> No.6241131

It's Chris Prynoski. You can watch him interview other animators on this https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPRtUI-aWvvnpkJtUVJhYLw

>> No.6241831
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>> No.6241844

Being too /beg/ to understand the post doesn't mean you're talking to an AI

>> No.6241880

> I want a fantasy world that doesn't force every race to be racist

what do you mean by this? like plotlines about racism bad? I don't get this take.

>> No.6241888

Not him but its just so overdone and so hamfisted

>> No.6241922


>> No.6241953

>show for lonely weebs = show for actual children
Ah yes, why don't we all design our children's shows with the same philosophy as fapbait for 25 year old males?

>> No.6241990

that's not what I meant, I meant your post has every aspect of /ic/ distilled into a single shitpost in such a way that it's hard to take you seriously. if you want to get a better response maybe try a different approach or something

>> No.6241995

Are you retarded or something?
The post was explained about as clearly as you can.

You're retarded and your opinion are retarded, A is not more dynamic or interesting, its a mess of a pose.

>> No.6242010

>Unnecessarily aggressive and hostile for no reason
>Immediately calls someone a beg
>Provides an explanation/criticism just vague enough to attract opposition due to unclear vocabulary (says 'shapes are contradicting themselves' which can be misinterpreted and invite further shitstorms and provide further fuel for shitposters)
That's what I mean, all you're saying is the pose is a mess. You're essentially saying nothing at all. It's posts like yours that usually marks the beginning of arguments on this board. That's why I asked if the post was AI generated.
My post was explained about as clearly as you can read it.

>> No.6242018

You might actually be retarded.

>> No.6242022

All I'm saying is there's really nothing worth reading off your post if you're not going to give clarity to your criticism. Remove all the fluff and all you're really doing is calling someone a faggot and a retard, which is hardly even a good shitpost.
0/10, poor effort. Too obvious you're not genuinely trying to engage in a real conversation and just wants to do a little trolling

>> No.6242025


>> No.6242027

If you're too stupid to understand shit like the basic forms of a character, then there's no way of helping you.

Take LITERALLY any basic dynamic drawing course or read a gesture book. This is literally day 1 type shit.

>> No.6242028

>Has no ammo left so resorts to "pyw" and still calling someone a retard
I'm sure with enough practice you can make better shitposts, but try not to go so hard otherwise people will see through it

>> No.6242034

how dare you call iris horrid you motherfucker

>> No.6242050

You're missing an "identifier" -- something that makes the concept stand out from the side characters. Need some "I'm not like other girls" glasses, or interesting and unique hair. Weird body proportion. A prop. Something.

>> No.6242059

why should they stop the sexual dimorphism is hot

>> No.6242081
File: 88 KB, 898x637, shitdesign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here the design itself is just some generic junk -- but the idea is there. You need asymmetry and identifiers.

>> No.6242606

does every single fantasy world that the west comes up with have to be the most gungy dirty backwater 'fuck that dwarves we X are far superior' world setting?

I get racism and classism are a thing, probably would play a prominent role in the story but somehow japan manages to side step it rather than make every fucking interaction a 'do you see, racism is bad' bullshit. I mean for fuck sake before ANY other world building happens, I have to have over the top racism tossed in my face. all the counties suck dick except the one country that treats them all as equal, that's the only one where people actually act like people

then mix in their version of fantasy being 'here is a human but smaller, here is a human but long ears, here is a human but they have some fuzz on their feet' like mother fucker, humans will stick their dick in anything that has a warm wet hole and for quite a lot that is optional. where are the hybrid humans?

the fantasy worlds where i like the base building of the world tend to be 'young adult' settings, but none of these are ever given more than a children's story to go along with them

>> No.6242611

>>Sandman by Neil Gaiman
>>Avatar The Last Airbender
>>Everything by Frank Miller before the 2000s

Tranny leftoid trashes. Give me something that is actually entertaining instead of "this character is gay/black/lesbian tranny, now cry for xir"

>> No.6242620

No offense to the Netflixfan anon, but Western media has alot of trash and overrated trash mixxed just like how Anime is. They are no different. I can't take Watchmen comics seriously, i just can't. Movie looks pretty, but it is still a 80% copy of said garbage comic. The fanbase gotta be the most pretentious and short sighted people on earth.

>> No.6242827

the only two that may fall in this category would be arcane as I have not seen it but its netflix, and castlevania, the rest are old enough to predate the very moden bullshit.

>> No.6242909
File: 266 KB, 736x749, Screen-Shot-2021-06-07-at-2.19.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, everything has foundation. Sandman and Watchmen are 2 biggest culprits and fuel. Manga and anime are also going on this path with their popular mainstream stuff as well, which making me sick.

>> No.6243122
File: 1.28 MB, 1953x531, comedy and tragedy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The west does comedy better, unless you are literally japanese and relate to their style of comedy.
I'm sure there's well thought out japanese comedy, but if I was a betting man, I'm sure there aren't many punchlines outside of "so aaaa white man rook rike dis"

>> No.6243192
File: 425 KB, 1160x800, __iris_ruby_gloom_drawn_by_akkiyosu__2778df7469be85080f527b00def139d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is weird because Ruby Gloom had a sizable fanbase in Japan. Atleast big enough for a restaurant based on the property to be built there.

>> No.6243348

PPG and RWBY were massive in Japan too afaik.

>> No.6243378

Some Japanese humor can be funny. Zai x 10 got a few laughs out of me. But SoL in general tends to be better than straight comedy because they can play up more natural humor.

>> No.6243493
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, [qcc] Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - 13 (BD 720p h264 AAC) [F3F90AE9].mkv_snapshot_05.37.952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jap can make some of the top tier if they put enough efforts in it.

>> No.6243516
File: 433 KB, 867x488, rksvdsjccqmbkqchxqri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese humor

>> No.6243518

>a prompter and a real artist stare at each other

>> No.6243572

It's interesting, because I can't think of any releases in recent times that look anything like A; but B's look is extremely over saturated, to the point it could be said to be cookie cutter.

Also true, infact every single one of A's poses look more dynamic than B's - I'm surprised that the votes were so one sided. I'm actually sort of wondering if the votes were done because B looked more like properties they liked, than them actually putting any thought into which aesthetic they liked more.

Yeah, western character design tends to abstract more for comedy purposes. I love Ed, Edd n Eddy for example, and it's a "good looking" show, but the characters and art are ugly at the same time. It's good design. Meanwhile Japan's stuff is all the same design choices regardless of the properties tone and genre (with exceptions, there's Panty and stock, and Pop Team Epic for example), it consistently looks good, but is always the safe choice from them.

Love Robert Valley's stuff. He has a youtube channel now as well where he talks about his art/animation process. Though he hasn't updated that in a while.

>> No.6243583

so you want monstergirls basically?

>> No.6243594

I want a fuckload of half humans of damn near any race, I want a shit load of fantasy races that aren't just monsters, I want monsters that have human level intelligence that aren't treated as a direct threat but not treated kindly due to their own motivations for doing things.

monster girls, at least in terms of anime/hentai/porn... I wouldn't be opposed to it, I mean lets put it this way, why doe those monsters look kind of human like? run with it from there.

shit is so frustrating to me that you have fantasy, you have your own fucking world you could make, and the only races that are good are the human looking ones. why the actual fuck do the marvel movies have more of a fantasy world then most fantasy stories in the west.

>> No.6243595

>tranny ends up dead because the Moon wouldn't let her use the women-only magic, and her friends didn't think to include her in the "none of us die" clause of their Morpheus boon
I'm not sure how to interpret this.

>> No.6243602

The moon is based like that.

>> No.6243630

>Meanwhile Japan's stuff is all the same design choices regardless of the properties tone and genre (with exceptions, there's Panty and stock, and Pop Team Epic for example)
Westoids say that often.
Yet outside of otaku-oriented proprietes I feel like the most popular manga/anime in both Japan and the west tend to be easily recognizable stylistically. Just taking in consideration mainstream Jump titles, If I showed someone Jojo, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Saint Seiya, Toriyama works, Slam Dunk, My Hero Academia, Kinnikuman and Fist Of The North Star next to each other, even the normies of normalfags would be able to observe that they're objectively different on a visual level. On the other hand, the vast majority of Marvel/DC schlock looks even more similar than most popular shonen.

>> No.6244063

>On the other hand, the vast majority of Marvel/DC schlock looks even more similar than most popular shonen.
Wow, characters by the same company, set within the same universe, often within the same story, have a similar art style!? CRAZY!

And while I agree with you that there are exceptions (as was stated by you and the person you're trying to refute), it'd be deceptive to say that there isn't an obvious similarity in much of, if not most of, anime/manga's art style. The fact that we're able to recognise and categorise what is and isn't within that style so easily based purely on it's aesthetic is evidence enough of this.

Hell, even the exceptions have some sort of commonality between them and the bog standard shit - we can still tell if something anime just by looking at it. Must be something to do with the shape choices or particular traits they just love emphasising (the eyes and hair).

>> No.6244109

Eh, to be fair, those are regular cafes that completely dress up for a season of whatever they signed up for. After that period is over, they return to normal.

>> No.6244115
File: 428 KB, 1280x1024, cromartie high_76_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan gets some real winners sometimes.

>> No.6244443
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PPG is flat, and yet, far better than otaku shit. Cope.

>> No.6244472

how the hell is that better?by what measures? it has nothing going to it, it looks more like graphic design than a drawing.

>> No.6244483
File: 267 KB, 500x381, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the hell is that better
Because I said so
>by what measures?
By me, a non coomer, saying so
>it has nothing going to it
And yet even the Japs worship it
> it looks more like graphic design than a drawing.
So now you control what defines a drawing now?

>> No.6244489
File: 107 KB, 471x369, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the amount of r34 of loud house, I think it's safe to say the characters have appeal.

>> No.6244492

To be fair, people just want to fap to anything they watched as a kid.
I remember wanting to fuck trixie from the fairy odd parents. Or jenny. Or even that girl from hey arnold.

>> No.6244504

yeah, and children aren't watchign cartoons anymore so new generations wont find them appealing in hte slightest.

>> No.6244509

Kids still watch them, my niece loves some of that garbage on cartoon network or whatever.
Its honestly some of the most disgusting shit I've seen, not even just the designs or characters. They are actually fucking disgusting and do the most repulsive shit I've seen.

I mean then again, characters I used to watch like 20 years ago did plenty of disgusting shit too. But somehow it just feels even more disgusting now.

>> No.6244536

>They are actually fucking disgusting and do the most repulsive shit I've seen.
That's why they call them cartoons.

>> No.6244723

>They are actually fucking disgusting and do the most repulsive shit I've seen.
Glad to hear someone's still making good cartoons.

>> No.6244729

>>Doesn't know Gendy Tartakovsky is a massive weaboo
>>Doesn't know PPG was a weaboo cartoon and eventually had an actual anime adaptation

The way the Western milenials jerking off to these toddler cartoons is sickening

>> No.6244737

>conveniently forgets to mention the anime adaptation was complete generic dogshit with none of the appeal of the original

>> No.6244752


As some grew up with PPG, this cartoon gave no specific impression or any memmories. Whoever still fapping to these toddler cartoons in the age of 20+ should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.6244832

>Doesn't know Gendy Tartakovsky is a massive weaboo
... Powerpuff Girls were by Craig McCracken. How do you know enough to name drop Gendy Tartakovsky, but seemingly have no idea who Craig MacCracken is?

>Doesn't know PPG was a weaboo cartoon and eventually had an actual anime adaptation
They were also massive fans of the Big Lebowski, does that make PPG some sort of spiritual sequel to it? What's even you're argument here? Are we surprised animation people like animations from different countries and taking influence from them? Surprisingly no.

>The way the Western milenials jerking off to these toddler cartoons is sickening
Are you just conveniently forgetting the whole loli culture surrounding manga and anime?

>> No.6245887

> Whoever still fapping to these toddler cartoons
People can like things without wanting to have sex with them.
Sex is not the only factor of appeal.
Remove your mind from the gutter.

>> No.6246458

>Sex is not the only factor of appeal.
This. It is interesting that when people do find something appealing, they often start sexualising it though. I think there's probably tons of PPG porn (haven't actually seen any surprisingly), but I don't think it's anything to do with age, and more an already pre-established fondness for the character from the show.

In the same way we're more likely to find someone we know attractive, we'll find a character attractive because we've come to know them, thus all the "age-up" porn out there. I don't think (most of it anyway) it has anything to do with their age.

Anyway, this is veering very closely to a loli debate, so I'm going to stop right here.

>> No.6246462
File: 494 KB, 1438x1035, 74910f07-42c3-4bdd-900a-6814eeadfffa_1438x1035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironically the original designs didn't have big enough eyes

>> No.6246468

I like the PPG's style, but I gotta say that the original designs are more immediately appealing, probably wouldn't have been as lasting though.

>> No.6246473

I'll add in by agreeing with what you said, not that other anon btw, and the best way to tell if someone likes a character for the appeal over their actual underaged appearance is their willingness to age them up into adulthood. Showing sexual attraction to adults, as expected, but the idea the character in question "aged up" like seeing a highschool crush meet up again, single, and get that chance to socialize with and hit it off, that feeling is attained with fan art of childhood characters interacting with self inserts, OCs, in universe relationships, etc.

A pedo would rather have the underaged body type and fetish the fact such a body is near exclusively to underage girls, compared to people that, like you said, don't even see age and are more than happy to see the adult version of the already appealing design used in ways seen appreciate

Basically, coomerism aside, appeal doesn't always equal sex, but what gets you off gets you off. If someone's hot, you want to see them get fucked. It's only a problem for most to see people get aroused by underaged body types, verses the idea of seeing them grow up and be attracted to them as adult characters.

>> No.6246474

It's the intangibles. It's not any one thing you can objectively point to and go "this, this is the one" but instead the feeling that it evokes. I know the word is a meme but it's just fucking genuine "Soul" that makes character art look good. I want to look at art that I KNOW the prompter poured their heart into, sorting and filtering results, trying variations of keywords and guidance scales, iterating with different diffusion models, gregging/wloping/etc. until they created the art that truly meant something. Even though I can't describe it in terms of strokes, pixels, or lines, I certainly know it when I see it, and most people do too whether they realize it or not.

>> No.6246488

it's the more defined shapes of the character
the more easily you can distinguish the shapes the better

>> No.6246545

I hope you one day manage to be the first to get the AI to create a single decent piece of work Anon. Godspeed.

>> No.6246552

Thank you, anon. I hope so too. Emma willing, I will do it. I won't give up.

>> No.6246563

The top drawings are the original.
The bottom is an idea Craig had to change the designs to be more realistic and detailed because he was afraid of people being weirded out by the ragdoll designs.
Cartoon Network urged him to stick with the old simple designs and so he did.

>> No.6246567

>I'm making something that appeals to little girls
>I'm making something that appeals to myself AND little girls

You get stuff on the left out of having an obligation to meet a quota. You only achieve stuff on the right through a little bit of self indulgence.

>> No.6247856

Read this >>6237760

>> No.6247870

A is trying to sell toys while B is advertising an anime about the toys they want to sell (in cgi) ala shit like Aikatsu.

>> No.6247896

Polly pocket rip off
Polly pocket rip off, but Japan

>> No.6251186

Thats her dumbass

>> No.6254464
File: 460 KB, 704x532, 1662078628978067.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's makes a character appealing to you?
You Wouldn't Get It

>> No.6254469

Why left side option has less space to put red points?

>> No.6256878
File: 824 KB, 1022x574, 1641729120658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6256966

The clover forms in her hair and eyes, maybe?