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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6222036 No.6222036 [Reply] [Original]

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>6193034

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
2000AD Script Book
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/9h1mUYSJ#8sJoO57nMP_JhjnujBXkpQ
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

>> No.6222037

Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Noir Caesar ( https://www.noircaesar.com/ )
> Focuses on black (specifically African-American) content, but seems willing to publish anyone good enough.
> Seemingly series-based only.
> No "magazine" style updates; series are updated on their own schedule.
> Seems less regular than Saturday AM, but also seems larger in terms of readership.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

>> No.6222042

Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/

>> No.6222046

Current Contests:

Tottori: https://www.pref.tottori.lg.jp/mangacontest/

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73

Webtoons: Call to Action

4-koma Contest:

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.

>> No.6222078

how much do you identify with your work? would you compromise your vision to appease an editor? would you ever sell the rights to something you created?

>> No.6222085

>would you compromise your vision to appease an editor? would you ever sell the rights to something you created?
Most Editors, at least the good ones, are there to challenge and refine your idea. To resist that process works against you ultimately. They're a fresh eyes on your process
>Would you ever sell the rights?
For a huge chunk of money/royalty rates yeah. If you're not getting any of that retain your rights since the current comic industry shows that individual campaigns (kickstarter etc) and a dedicated fanbase nets you more money than putting it behind a paywall of some corp

>> No.6222148

I identify 100% with my work, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to change myself if my editor wants me to, especially if his ideas are better. Eventually, veteran mangaka will have full control over their visions, after all, what do you know as a rookie?

>> No.6222293

If I could find a great editor to help me refine my vision I might actually get something done. Having nobody to bounce ideas off is not easy.

>> No.6222313

I should've phrased the question better, different perspectives is healthy. I was referring to instances where an editor or publisher tries to pressure mangaka to change story elements or characters for reasons beyond the quality of the story, say for marketing or social/fan pressure

>> No.6222345
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read my comic anons


posting two pages I just finished.
do you think the space between panels is far too big? I got told that today by a friend but no one ever complained before.

>> No.6222349
File: 942 KB, 850x1675, page 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6222354

Oh, well then no. I don't make comics for money, I have a different business for that so I'm not really concerned with popularity as I am with quality.

>> No.6222385

>do you think the space between panels is far too big? I got told that today by a friend but no one ever complained before.

Personally? Yeah, I think it is. The pages tend to have way too much space. Its particularly bad here >>6222349 at the bottom with all the "broke glass" panels. They should be bigger, more interesting, bleeding to the edge of the page, maybe even breaking into the panel above slightly. You should push the envelope of it being a sort of chaotic scene, because it is very subdued right now, and not really accomplishing what I think you're trying to do.

>> No.6222407
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Yeah someone told me the contrast is too low; I'm looking to readjust when I re-scan with other pages to try and match values better. As for the font I used comic neue, the same person told me to use anime ace. Idk really.
As for vertical and horizontal, I understand that typically horizontal speech bubbles are used for english letters. Frankly I've always preferred the composition and look of vertical because I feel it is easier on my eyes as I grew up on Asian culture. I never read English-made comics as a child and perhaps that's why American comics feel very crowded to me.
I do agree some of my bubbles are too skinny for English so I have been trying to incorporate wider bubbles like in pic-related. I suppose I should look to professionally done scanlations as well. Ideally I want to be able to balance both, like in the bottom left panel in your post >>6221634 . Idk though, I'm trying to figure things out and I will probably still use vertical ones depending on the composition of the panel but I will definitely take it into consideration and think more about tweaking the bubbles or where I should be using horizontal ones more to better fit the text. I'm also unsure if I will ever write in another language (not japanese), highly unlikely but I want it to be versatile. Thanks for the candid advice.
I couldn't really pick anything up about the last one. For this one perhaps the edges of the shading is too hard for the flesh? There's a cross-hatching tone you could set as transparent to scrape the edge a little in the brush subtool. I'm not sure if it will help though and I know nothing about toning. Just a random idea.
Thank you
Thank you. I've been meaning to read Dungeon Meshi for a long time but since I've been drawing more I've been reading less and less manga. I think I've seen a page or two of Otoyomegatari floating around but I never knew the name. It looks very interesting, thank you.

>> No.6222411
File: 103 KB, 512x602, cash cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'll try to close the most obvious distances and make the glass panels more gluttered.

>more interesting
Huh? What's that? You wanna make me cry? Huh?!

I don't know how to make it more interesting, I think the previous action is interesting enough. The purpose of the glass panels is just to show some chaotic fighting going in but its a bit of an afterthought, the very next page begins with a big panel of her already having subdued the guy on a chokehold.

>> No.6222416

where's a good place to put all my pages to be read?

>> No.6222424
File: 237 KB, 629x810, vsdsdfsdfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6222450

Just caught up to the comic. It's entertaining so far and I like the way you incorporate gifs into your story to take advantage of the medium. I think the gutter space is fine during conversations like the first episode where it's just people chatting, but during fight scenes it would be best to make them thinner to give a stronger sense or urgency perhaps. I also agree with the other anon that on a page like >>6222349 the glass shards could be bigger to give more intensity and power to the scene. If it was bigger it could be more immersive and engaging. I like how the story is going so far, keep it up.

>> No.6222481
File: 425 KB, 1197x860, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the reason why I don't feel right about these tones is because I immediately go for complicated lighting on my colored drawings, something that isn't translating well with tones. the less complicated lighting looks better to me.

The writings good but I don't think the artwork, specifically the colors are complimenting this pretty violent story well at all. It's an odd clash

>> No.6222493
File: 231 KB, 983x1228, rilah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for reading!
Alright, I will try to keep it in mind. I still got time to edit these pages before I publish, it shouldn't be a difficult change to resize and move the panels a bit.

>The writings good but I don't think the artwork, specifically the colors are complimenting this pretty violent story well at all. It's an odd clash
I have wondered this actually, I tend to like being colorful. But at the same time I'm not sure the contrast is a bad thing. In that specific scene there should be a sense of "not-seriousness", its Asha being a very scummy fighter.

For other scenes, however, I might try to reign in how colorful I get. I think part of it is me playing with saturation and falling for the "it shines so its good" trap. I'm a very amateurish artist.

Thank you for reading! I'm glad you think the writing is good. Story just began, it's gonna be a long one.

>> No.6222733

I got my page set up and already got 3 subscribers! also is there a secret tech to posting links besides just breaking it up? I keep getting the spam error...

https://apse.. webcomic. ws/

>> No.6223543

I want to create an action series but I don't want it to feel generic. What should I avoid?

>> No.6223547

second one looks much better here anon

>> No.6223560

also for this and any other anons reading this thread, i highly recommend super tone techniques
it's got a bunch of hentai examples in it lol, but really really useful for understanding the fundamentals behind getting a good look for your toning.

>> No.6224096

>what should i avoid
being dishonest in your work. don't write or draw anything without the express permission from your heart. For me personally, I write a lot of dialogues between characters that I don't ever intend on using, because I find it easier to explore the world from their perspectives since they probably have just as limited of a view as me when I don't know what's going on. Stream of consciousness writing and allowing yourself to be surprised by what you come up with is a good way to be original, though it can feel like you're losing control of the story sometimes. I've written a few scenarios with characters who did something that made me feel like I had nowhere to go with it next but when I just kept moving forward, it weirdly tied together and now I can't wait to get to those parts in the actual manga.

>> No.6224890

>Drawing a pilot
>First few pages are easy, am able to follow my script seamlessly and get it done
>Past few pages have been relatively difficult but after a while I am able to finish the panel getting me stuck
>currently stuck on the freaking panelling process.
I've not been able to draw this for a few days now this is rough. What do you anons do during these situations?

>> No.6224962

I started storyboarding my first chapter on a big sketchbook which allowed me to play around with panels and the overall pacing from further away. Try to find the beats to the story and use the panels to trick the reader into following along at the speed you want them to. Sometimes that means slow repetitive frames or a big splash page that someone could soak their eyeballs into for a little while. Would be good to study manga you like and try to imagine what the creator was trying to do. Super Eyepatch Wolf talks a little about panelling in his One Piece video which helped me a lot.

>> No.6225115

>I started storyboarding my first chapter on a big sketchbook which allowed me to play around with panels and the overall pacing from further away.
Same, I don't even know if I'll go digital yet or just hire someone else for that process, I just find physical drastically more comforting.
>Try to find the beats to the story and use the panels to trick the reader into following along at the speed you want them to.
I think my biggest issue so far is that I'm referring to something in the present tense in this panel while drawing a flashback scene, I wasn't sure whether to dedicate a full panel to "draw the reader back into the current place" but I'd imagine that I'm only making things more difficult for myself.

>> No.6225246

All you need is anything that works to reestablish the shot. What do you mean by full panel? Like, any panel regardless of the size is no good for you? Doesn't even half to be like, half a page anon.

>> No.6225290

If it's something really important, then it's worth thinking about carefully. Otherwise you have to just accept that the reader is probably going to pass over that panel in a matter of seconds and move on. So long as your art is decent and the pacing isn't completely fucked the whole way through, at most somebody who knows a bit about manga will think "that panel was a little weird" and then continue reading.

>> No.6225371

What’s everyone’s personal thoughts on flashback usage? Do you hate flashback arcs? When do you choose between fully fleshing out a flashback (at least over 2+ chapters), instead of just letting out through dialogue or a 1 chapter summary style flashback

>> No.6225378

Depends entirely on how its used and to what extent. Some manga do that shit where they interrupt the action to give you a flashback because they forgot to flesh out the character beforehand, while others are like Berserk where the flashback is a long arc that's (typically) considered to be the best part of the manga. Some manga make a point to almost never have flashbacks, like HxH, while some others make a point to make flashbacks a consistent part of the story's flow, like in Kengan Asura.
As everything, it's all down to the execution, which changes on a case-by-case basis.

>> No.6225380

Huh, I never realized it, but Togashi rarely does use flashbacks in HXH. That’s actually pretty crazy and interesting, I wonder why.

>> No.6225393

Alright, thanks! But another more specific question, how to pull off flashback arcs that follow new characters (or anyone who aren’t the main characters)? I see a lot of backlash for those in the manga community, I remember Magi manga falling off popularity wise in this flashback arc even though it was the most important arc lore wise

>> No.6225394
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>Doesn't even half to be like, half a page anon.
I was originally thinking of that, but I was running out of space to say everything I wanted to say. (I don't want to make it 2 distinct pages because it would be difficult to make a "hook" to make the reader want to read the next page.) The flashback is overall important to the pilot but it's more to set tone than anything else. I guess that means it just needs one horizontal shot, no matter how thin.
That's one thing that is supposed to help, especially because most of the popular artists aren't even particularly great, though it doesn't stop me from overdoing certain parts regardless. I'm on a bit of a time crunch which I thought would encourage me to be faster but in-actuality just stressed me out more.
You use them to flesh out characters that you will see more of. DO NOT use it to try and make people sympathetic to a dying character. More like Rurouni Kenshin, less like Demon Slayer.

>> No.6225415

Been trying to see how fast I could push internet pages ( I want to try a weekly series). I’ve been able to do 2 pages in 8 hours, only after having outlined the story with details, and way far ahead than where I’m at chapter wise. Technically, I could probably do 60 hours in 5 days for a 15 chapter series, but I’m too sure about diminishing returns in drawing speed as time continues, plus that sounds like a death sentence. This is all with me taking liberties with my art “perfection”

I wonder how much faster I could go with assistants.

>> No.6225502

Give us a reason to give a shit about them, same as any story. It has to be a TANGIBLE reason, one that the readers who don't know how "important" it is will buy, and introduce this reason sooner rather than later -- ideally before you even start the flashback. It works best when the readers already want to see what happened with these new characters. Doubly so if we're taking the camera off the guys the audience already gives a shit about to follow characters they don't yet.

>> No.6225527

>time crunch
Just have a dramatic flashback for a few chapters irl

>> No.6225543

Any recommendations on manga I should study? I was looking into Osamu Tezuka's stuff an dragon ball, any others?

>> No.6225545
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Tetsuo Hara, I don't recommend anyone after very early 00s if you're doing traditional which from your recommendations seems to be the case.

>> No.6225552

It's not always about specific manga to study. Read what you enjoy and then contemplate the moments that really made you feel something.

>> No.6225553

Ryoichi Ikegami.

>> No.6225561

Why not? Plenty of very skilled analogue inkers past the 2000s y'know. Even very recently we still have the likes of Yukinobu Tatsu, on top of all the veterans that still work.

Honestly, almost anything popular or famous is good enough to learn from. You should probably consider reading some crappy comics so you realize what they do WRONG that popular stuff does RIGHT.

>> No.6225564
File: 285 KB, 870x1272, Rokudenashi-Blues-Vol9-Chapter-167--Under-The-Bandana-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are looking for classics I would recommend Rokudenashi blues

>> No.6225569

>Why not? Plenty of very skilled analogue inkers past the 2000s y'know.
Plenty is a stretch, in-terms of online resources from people who actually ink and don't use digital as a crutch I can think of 2 people and that's about it. I've learned a lot of modern art practices through following modern artists, but in-terms of actually drawing properly I stick to the old tutorials from men like Araki and Hara.

>> No.6225577

>Plenty is a stretch
Uh, no, plenty is right on the mark.
>in-terms of online resources from people who actually ink and don't use digital as a crutch I can think of 2 people and that's about it. I've learned a lot of modern art practices through following modern artists, but in-terms of actually drawing properly I stick to the old tutorials from men like Araki and Hara.
Great, anon asked for manga though not "online resources" or tutorials, and if you still feel the same about manga then I invite you to read more manga.

>> No.6225585

I'm not here to argue, all I'm going to say is that modern artists use A LOT of methods closer to crutches (i.e. sketching straight out of a csp model) and I don't recommend following them if you want to produce good art. Also just because you brought it up first I've been reading manga since before you were born and most of your modern recommendations are guaranteed trash.

>> No.6225616

Well, then I'll just repeat myself: there are many very skilled analogue works published after 2000 and even to this day. Claiming otherwise is simply incorrect.

>> No.6225823
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today was a day off but while waiting for a buddy to load up a game I did some work to finish up this drawing. I added a gradient to her body to give a bit of depth. now it feels a little less empty. quick background aswell. I feel pretty good about the piece. I'll probably make a couple more of these so I can practice the tones and see if I can ween my nsfw audience into accepting less colored work. I really like rendering stuff but It's probably a good idea to try doing less color. so I can put more time into practice and develop skills that will help with this improving type of work and devil's moon

>> No.6225851

Simplicity is the key. I'm sure even AI will have trouble keeping things simple. As of now only chink hyperernderers are geting btfo

>> No.6226469
File: 118 KB, 580x634, 1660385787431792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to see the storyboard for the first episode of my comic, cant upload it here tho

>> No.6226470

post that hoe

>> No.6226485
File: 3.91 MB, 6600x7000, IMG_0643-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was too large. Top to bottom, top to bottom

>> No.6226564

save some pixels for the rest of us damn
i like the shots with car action a lot, dont see a lot of stuff like that being done. some of the frames are a little hard to interpret but so long as you know whats supposed to be going on it should be alright.

>> No.6226829
File: 301 KB, 1400x2000, chp00_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished another page. what are you guys working on today?

>> No.6226894

What the fuck are you making

>> No.6226918
File: 149 KB, 652x921, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a family oriented adventure story

>> No.6226966

good work

>another comic that actually looks like manga in manga gen immediately gets shit on from a nobody

>> No.6226978

Lets be honest. That comic doesn’t look like manga at all. It just repeats the same shot from the same angle over and over. It looks more like the storyboard of an American cartoon.

>> No.6226995

>repeats the same shot
Can you explain this a little more? I actually thought I was using a good variety of angles.

>> No.6227024

no he can't because he is a worthless permabeg, keep up the good work bro

>> No.6227040

what the other anon said, he's just reaching for complaints. keep it up anon

>monochrome in a thread filled with color comics
>cutsie moscot type character
>tezuka eyes
>not manga
sure retard. if you want to be a contrarian for fun go to /v/

>> No.6227058

It gives off a reality-tv vibe as if a cameraman is in the creature’s face trying not to miss a single moment. No idea why the groomers are trying to gas you up

>> No.6227065 [DELETED] 
File: 1.85 MB, 4000x2252, 20220820_202435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the character is eating, so he's keeping the camera on the face and subject. the scene is supposed to be slow, so it repeats the same shot since the character. reflecting the hesitation of the character since he's eating a gross thing. shut the fuck up you stupid moron.

>> No.6227066
File: 1.44 MB, 2235x3177, 20220820_202435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the character is eating, so he's keeping the camera on the face and subject. the scene is supposed to be slow, so it repeats the same shot. It reflects the hesitation of the character since he's eating a gross thing. shut the fuck up you stupid moron.

>> No.6227103
File: 124 KB, 644x476, vbvbnvbncvb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I insist that posting work is a good thing when criticizing. this mangaka absolutely could have listened to whatever this stupid clown anon had to say. with no indication on if that anon had any clue about composition or direction

>> No.6227117

your comic sucks and your porn is ugly, get over yourself

>> No.6227126
File: 72 KB, 472x468, 4pd2u0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your comic sucks and your porn is ugly, get over yourself

>> No.6227276

we literally saw you disregard honest critique with illustrated ammendments last thread. (>>6218577)

get over yourself.

>> No.6227286

>I only "disregarded" it after that anon continued to insult me
>immediately went and did hands studies after the fact anyway

I also didn't say it immediately validates all critique ether, It helps give the artist a good understanding of your skill. especially considering the anonymous nature of this site.

if you think I came in here to make the thread about myself after the fact you're wrong too. I was the one who pointed out how stupid the anon was being, you only started giving me shit once you found out it was me. how about you give that anon some advice on his work, or try to run D for him next time some moron starts talking shit on his hard work.

>> No.6227301
File: 19 KB, 526x423, 1641254795161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao. these threads really went down in quality with the amount of mentally ill losers attacking anyone who is making an honest effort of any kind. i doubt these guys would post their own stuff.

i'll be frank here. no one's work here really resembles authentic japanese manga style. and i don't think you should strive for it either because you are not japanese, have not grown up in japanese culture, do not understand japanese way of thinking and aesthetic choices they make for their art style. it will never be authentically japanese. so just take inspiration from it and make something of your own vision. it will always smell like a foreigner, just like how mtf trannies can never be a real woman.

if the art makes sense for your comic, then it's fine. that should be the bottom line. i think it's admirable any of you are making pages for your story at all. be happy for yourselves because the sadsacks here can't bring themselves to produce anything.

>> No.6227314
File: 48 KB, 295x236, sdfsdfsdfsljkljkljk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the other replies but it never showed me your reply. only saw while scrolling up. I don't think the original would be that bad with some extra work so i'll try your tone-scraping suggestion next time I try something with that lighting situation. I've only ever used tone-scraping on a whim.

>24 posters
>5 posters with original manga

>> No.6227318

grow up

>> No.6227326

chill it with the transphobia, keep the thread presentable. You're the reason ppl don't post their work in here you fucking retard.

>> No.6227338
File: 43 KB, 540x473, tranniesbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek i post some common sense and a general positive message to balance the shit posts, and all the troons see are the part where i say they will never be a real woman. lmao. lol even.

>> No.6227354
File: 505 KB, 689x997, animaçao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

testing a animated page

>> No.6227365
File: 78 KB, 505x339, cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch the head at this frame though,
ez fix.

>> No.6227366

>i'll be frank here. no one's work here really resembles authentic japanese manga style.
This is retarded, because it implies that all manga have one look, and totally discounting that many are also inspired by and even ape western styles and sources.

>> No.6227371

kek seethe more troon, you will never be a woman and you will never be japanese. japanese definitely have a flavor to their work that makes it undeniably japanese. especially in manga. it makes sense because art is a reflection of one's culture and mindset, it's why even when something like dungeon meshi which obviously takes influence from western style still looks japanese.

>> No.6227390

thanks fren, didnt have noticed that

>> No.6227392

Weird leaps of logic. As expected of the mind of someone who has no ideas, skill, imagination, or creativity, and the ability to sling such tired, low-hanging fruit that you're actively scraping moldy rot off the ground.

>> No.6227397
File: 133 KB, 317x392, 1575890097826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you feeding a troll?

>> No.6227414
File: 167 KB, 1080x1070, 1659057613003301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally how, all i did was post the truth. it's not my fault you are allergic to objective reality. nothing i said was even that mean.

>> No.6227428

As an artist you cannot critique anyone else's work honestly without backlash of the owner and/or their orbiters making up shit about yours. Honestly you're all pretty garbage artists with the most boring ideas I have ever seen, and are going nowhere fast. No, I will not pmw for you beginners to try and tear down out of spite, but I will continue to post it anonymously so you can continue to praise it because you have no idea this is how I really feel about all of you.

>> No.6227437

post your work then retardo

>> No.6227441

i hadn't seen anything on par of professional quality in these threads which is fair because it seems like most of these anons are just posting their work for fun and practice, so i guess you are one of the amateurs you are ripping on.

also if you are alice anon, your shit still stinks and red hood still gets talked about more than your boring concept.

>> No.6227444
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x2220, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a shit post i made, but i bet my joke post has better anatomy knowledge than your shit. your turn nigger troon

>> No.6227451

you're nobody, chill.

>> No.6227457

lol muh anatomy exercise permabeg

>> No.6227461

As long as you dumbasses keep stagnating and jacking each other off for it, I will keep calling you out. Your work is nowhere near presentable, it is not publishable, and it certainly looks nothing like a Japanese comic. "Keep up the good work buddy!" is deviantart-tier shit and should be kept in that hugbox.

>> No.6227463
File: 126 KB, 481x481, 1599618338572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO he won't post his work! not even his practice stuff! i fucking knew it, troons can't draw and the ones that are shit posting and dragging down the quality of these threads.

>> No.6227470

Cute. Reminds me of Tezuka stuff, keep it up anon.

>> No.6227471

fuck off, i don't think anyone here is aiming to go pro. they just want to do what they enjoy and find their niche audience like any other indie comicker.

you think something like lore olympus is presentable or professional? it's far from it, but it still got a netflix show and millions of readers because they struck gold with horny female teenagers.

>> No.6227474


Damn 14 year olds found this thread again...

>> No.6227475

Everyone here has stated their goal is to be published, most of them think they can be published in Japan itself. That's why the OP is nothing but lists of Japanese contests and online publishers.

>> No.6227492
File: 66 KB, 521x526, sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this hugbox shit
>this publishable shit
as if any of us would go pro, as if any of us would want to work weekly for shit pay, or have fans that leak our work for twitter views. as if any of us want our work flushed down the streaming service drain.

stop expecting us to live by your expectations and mindset. I'm not doing this shit to get published, I'm doing it cause I want devils moon out of my head and onto a page, and Id guess everyone else here is too to some degree. I just dropped 14 pages of inko midoriya being gang-banged, do you think shueisha is gonna fucking hire me??

I'm sick of getting told to stop being so full of myself by people like you who think they can topple the world with work they're still posting on 4chan. as if you'd get published ether.

the criticism isnt going through one ear out the other cause we're apathetic to learning. it's cause we don't live in fantasy land where we think we'll be mangaka one day while we can barely pay our rent.

fuck off.

>> No.6227496

>14 years olds
funny because it's the troons playing pretend, so i guess that makes them toddlers? which i see is their next goalpost they are pushing to fondle kiddies like the groomers that they are.

the op posts opportunities and it doesn't hurt to try because it's also good practice to draw within a theme and deadline. but it's pretty clear these guys are learning and don't see these comics as the next naruto bangers. it doesn't hurt to dream and i think they should keep at it because it's still miles ahead of those who still hadn't drawn a single chapter, let alone a storyboard; which i bet a majority of the lurkers here are guilty of.

>> No.6227499

the online publishers seem to be all western and focused on manga inspired works and indie comics in general. The contests are open for international entries, if you have a problem with them then go harass them instead, if people want to be published in japan then that's their problem, I don't know why are you so pressed about what other people do on this thread, just ignore it and focus on your own art.

>> No.6227501

if you thought you were gonna impress anybody with a fuckin skeleton paintover, holy shit are you beyond being medically stupid. Stop skipping your meds and don't post on this thread again you unlikable creep.

>> No.6227502
File: 30 KB, 250x251, 1621154383455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's from a meme thread where you're supposed to draw the skeleton on the fattie from memory
kek please do keep flattering me troon. i have yet to see your work. post it faggot

>> No.6227513
File: 480 KB, 600x900, 1499994937582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you fags behaving like a room full of menstruating bitches?

>> No.6227571

Every once in a while some new tryhard crabs who just started drawing yesterday find this thread and don't really get the vibe of mmg, they usually don't stick around so don't worry about this idiot he will move on like many idiots before him.

>> No.6227601

When the vast majority of the thread unironically draws "to be like a Japanese" rathar than just drawing their Japanese it breeds absolute retards like >>6226978. Miyazaki was right when he blamed otakus for the destruction of the entire industry.

>> No.6227673
File: 204 KB, 1224x1584, bg4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna positive post a bit more cause I just read through this book and it's pretty good, thanks for the link anon. tomorrow I'll be printing out some of the most important parts so i have them on hand

>> No.6227686
File: 1.93 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad u appreciated anon!
fun fact: i bought this in a local art store in 2004 when i was 12, having no idea about the inside contents. my grandmother came to stay later that year and went through my stuff while i was at school, when i got back home i got the talking to of my life and they banned it until i turned 18 :Db

>> No.6227694

>physical release in the states
at some point ill have to get a copy then. I didn't know there we any good how to draw manga books here.

>when i got back home i got the talking to of my life and they banned it until i turned 18
reminds me of when my brother googled naked girls dot com and I had to deal with security on the PC til 16.

>> No.6227725

I've got three or four of those as well. Some of them are pretty good, really.

>> No.6227729

I had the animation one, very interesting because it was written pre transition to digital anime; and goes into using cels and painting and so on
it's by hiroyuki kitazume who was the animation lead for gundam zeta. unfortunately i can't find my copy anymore but there's scans at least

>> No.6227740
File: 57 KB, 318x423, 2607797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one for screen tones, one for fight scenes, and one for drawing women. These were the cream of the crop, considering they were side-by-side shit like pic related.

>> No.6228019
File: 52 KB, 740x295, ASDFGHJKL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, it's just a suggestion. Tbh I'm uneducated with comics/manga/graphic novels making and not much of an enthusiast, hardcore, or as knowledgeable as most of the people in this general are so take what I say with a grain of salt. I barely know anything when it comes to screentones or manga/comic/graphicnovel techniques and just draw based on whatever sparse knowledge I have from reading stuff so please be mindful that my opinion comes from a casual standpoint.

>> No.6228312
File: 164 KB, 362x464, 1660303044696092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why everyone keeps fighting everytime that i refresh the thread, i just wanna some manga

I got paragraph 1 and 3 pretty right, and i like what you said, i have been coming to these threads since the middle of the second half of 2021, so i don't know what have change, but i can tell that people that like to complain about every little detail while being rude about, have never posted his own work so i just keep ignoring them

but i think that it gets worse because there's a lot of people that doesn't know how to difference and don't understard the soul and essence of manga (i'm sorry if it's sound retarded) and keep pushing their ideal of comic/weebtoon/ect onto other people

>> No.6228857

>hiroyuki kitazume who was the animation lead for gundam zeta.
90% sure he made tons of gundam porn aswell. I might have him confused but if not, the mans a madlad.

>> No.6228891
File: 386 KB, 689x997, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still need to fix some stuff but it's already 50% completed

>> No.6229036
File: 631 KB, 1561x2225, 20220822_002302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some comic anon

>> No.6229051

Really love how the hand guides us to the bottom panel, great job anon

>> No.6229070

Been more focused on experimental panel work since the story is very dialogue heavy.

>> No.6230083

Really good. Some of the best work I've seen in these threads. Actually looks like a manga lol.

>> No.6230196

looks sick b'-'b

>> No.6230890

You may want to work on your forms clarity and proportion. That hatching is really nice, as is the architecture, but it only serves to contrast the pretty poor organic forms (the arms and hands most noticably)

>> No.6230919

Ya, the mc on the balcony does look a bit off, but the page is gonna be shrunk down to A5. So I choose clarity over style.
Unless I'm missing out on a better way, can you show a possible fix?

>> No.6231347
File: 90 KB, 543x292, shrunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, don't know much about shrinking down to specific page sizes, but I know some thumbnailing.

One way is to change the angle of the scene or the pose of the figure, to better highlight the silhouette. In the case of that page, it might be better to have the figure with his elbows out, levying his weight onto his wrtists. Another way of doing it is just to simplify the shapes of the hands - rather than pretty gangrenous but detailed fingers, you could draw a single wedge shape, or two to represent grouped fingers. Give him the ol n64 treatment. With that in mind, you might want to pull the coat back, so that you can better give off that defeated vibe - upward pointing spikes tend to give off defiant energy, compared to the droopy, beaten-down pose his body is in.

This same thought process can aply to anything. Eyes, faces, whatever. You know your stuff.

>> No.6231520

How fluent are you in Japanese, bros?

>> No.6231605

this looks worse honestly, ya it's easier to read but it's very awkward. As if he's pushing the railing. I like the simplifying the pose a bit better, didn't think of that much.
Thanks for the tips!

>> No.6231648
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, 1660357033591061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6231653
File: 219 KB, 799x614, 1654388977031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know no Japanese, do not know the names of the writing systems of the Japanese, and have no intention to learn any more than what I currently know.

>> No.6231659


>> No.6231686

It's get a translator or bust if you really care about that, unless you're making something for really young kids learning Japanese well enough to write it is borderline impossible for a foreigner.

>> No.6231698


>> No.6231707

I think I can get fluent enough at Japanese to write for adults.

>> No.6231718

It takes an average Japanese kid during their peak years and professional schooling to their teens before they are fully able to write Japanese, if you're that dedicated on learning it (especially solo) then I wish you the best of luck, but it is really really hard to write.

>> No.6231727

Reminder that Boichi's advice on the subject is to focus on getting good at making comics first, THEN worry about language. Hiring an interpreter is an option, and one that seems to have worked out for Boichi, who doesn't speak japanese.

>> No.6231754

you're right, manga is my main focus, and I plan to publish in America for a decade before I even get to Japan (like both Felipe Smith and Boichi did, in their respective countries) I think its the only way to break into such a difficult market and also learn Japanese to a masterful level before publishing

>> No.6231792

Well best of luck friend, I'll say this though while learning how to make comics is good success is mainly about finding a good niche or riding off the tails of someone who is original otherwise it's really difficult to get anywhere as a foreigner. Boichi was able to capitalize off of Dr. Stone being an actually unique story compared to what he has to compete against.

>> No.6231993
File: 181 KB, 386x725, sd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf bro. this is some psuedo-ass design theory.

your panel is fine, the whole page is really good. but if you are really bothered by it, here are my ammendments.

>> No.6231996


Onomatopoeia are a bitch

>> No.6232005
File: 152 KB, 740x398, Hando puppeto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one better, just because i looks like if he was making a puppet show

>> No.6232010
File: 21 KB, 725x710, 1655670863010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6232029
File: 472 KB, 2134x1017, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally I am getting used to draw this rat head

>> No.6232097
File: 2.90 MB, 1560x2202, 01c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /mmg/. Occasional lurker of the generals. But I feel like sharing some of my work. Here's a page to a short 6-paged side story I'm working on for my larger comic series.

>> No.6232103

I'm just saying what I know. I'm not sure if the Japanese do it differently, and I know OP is a generally superior artist to me, but this was how I learned it, and those were the issues I saw.

>> No.6232106

Looks way too good to be posting here. Respect for the detail.

>> No.6232109

super cool

>> No.6232117

You have no idea what you're talking about lol. No one is talking about 'writing' Japanese in the sense of handwriting lol? Basically no gaijin learns that shit anymore unless they're an obsessed autist. Even if you're a permanent resident in Japan, the only shit you need to know how to write by hand is your postal address basically. Everything else is just phonetically typed out by keyboard (or spoken, obviously).

Also I never understand this comparison with school children learning languages. They're fucking idiot children lol. Poo poo baby brains. As an adult you already understand all of the concepts (say, vocabulary) that they're learning. Now, as an adult, you just have to (roughly) match new symbols to those concepts. It's a tradeoff between being young with neuroplasticity but needing to learn about the world, and being older and knowing everything but not having as much neuroplasticity (but more importantly, probably not having the time to learn the language).

I can read manga fairly comfortably and novels with some difficulty. I still suck at speaking though because I delayed that shit for ages. If you want to be able to speak, don't do what I did and wait like 2 years before you try. Do that shit early even if you suck.

>> No.6232126

>Basically no gaijin learns that shit anymore unless they're an obsessed autist.
You mean like your average person on here? Your self awareness is severely lacking. Do you think I'm talking about Japanese calligraphy or something? Japanese kanji itself is something incredibly difficult to grasp and the fact that a significant amount of the language is based entirely on context makes it incredibly difficult to write at a level that's acceptable for the manga industry.

>> No.6232137

>Japanese kanji itself is something incredibly difficult to grasp
犬 means dog
子 means child
子犬 means puppy

>> No.6232145

The way you referred to learning writing during schooling makes it sound like you're referring to the process of learning the 常用漢字 (Joyo Kanji), so that confused me (because anyone wanting to learn to write at an adult level is going to have to learn that in school anyway so your point is even less valid)

I'm not sure what you mean by self awareness lol? I have like intermediate+ Japanese ability and you're clearly coming from the perspective of someone who knows very little about the language, which I can tell because you're vaguely referring to kanji being 'incredibly difficult to grasp' and the language being highly context based as your two major problems. If you actually knew anything about the language you would fucking love kanji because they're extremely intuitive and make learning even technical vocabulary very easy.

For instance take the word '糖尿病' , which means 'diabetes' (something you probably have). '糖' is roughly 'sugar' (砂糖), 尿 is urine, and '病' is roughly 'sick' or 'illness' (as in 病気). So basically diabetes = 'sugar blood disease'. MUCH easier than English lol. Imagine trying to memorise Latin and Greek root words in comparison.

Anyway I will admit the grammar can be difficult but yeah I'm going to take a bet on the fact you have zero ability and are crabbing.

>> No.6232175

>Looks way too good to be posting here. Respect for the detail.

Thank you very much!

I enjoy the tactility and process of traditional inking. Plus, I really admire and try learn from the details of manga like Berserk, Blame, and Uzumaki.

>super cool

Thank you! I'll post the next page once it's finished.

>> No.6232176

>If you actually knew anything about the language you would fucking love kanji because they're extremely intuitive and make learning even technical vocabulary very easy.
I will admit I'm not the best with languages (took me forever to learn English and we had to learn that as a child) but this is very dumb. Japanese can be some autists' wet dream due to how efficient it is when it comes to speaking. The language still lacks many tools that are helpful for people learning from Latin-based languages (i.e. lack of an alphabet) and is far more contextual based than than most Eastern languages. Japanese culture itself is one that just expects you to know a lot intuitively it's not something I would recommend going solo to write at a professional level. English is my second language and I wouldn't recommend publishing there without a native, I'm not going to give some Naruto speech and say "yeah learning Japanese for the intent of writing it for a professional manga is smart!"

>> No.6232177

Shut the fuck up about japanese it's a waste of time in regarding the production of your manga. Nobody in japan cares about your work, if it's good enough fans will translate it for free.

>> No.6232196

Also this. Unless you have some serious knowledge about Japanese culture (no, manga especially in the current day is not for the every day salarymen it is simply pandering to otakus) you have 0 chance against the professionals who actually live in Japan and know how the industry works. Unless you actually know natives in Japan with some insight as to how the industry works the amount of time it takes to learn Japanese isn't worth it.

>> No.6232199

Japanese does have an alphabet (hiragana and katakana), but I agree that it's difficult, never said it wasn't. I just really hate this framing of the language as being impossibly mystical and esoteric and that gaijin brains can't possibly work their way around all the context etc. It's entirely possible to learn and I think in many ways English is harder.

Also if you're wanting to be an artist in Japan, communicating with editors and just living there is going to be like 99% of the speaking you do. You could very easily go over there with decent speaking ability and just have the manga you write be translated (since the amount of dialogue per chapter is fairly small compared to talking to assistants / editors / mangaka for hours every day).

I agree. Better to focus on your craft first.

>> No.6232214

>I just really hate this framing of the language as being impossibly mystical and esoteric and that gaijin brains can't possibly work their way around all the context etc. It's entirely possible to learn and I think in many ways English is harder.
That's cool and all but this is a forum that speaks primarily English and we're talking in a place about creating manga, so under these circumstances learning Japanese with the intent of using it in a manga only matters if you're trying to go professional, in which case you'll be outed as a foreigner almost immediately because understanding the culture is significant to learning the language itself. Just embrace your "gaijin-ness" and either hire a translator or pray Japanese fans will do it for you.

>> No.6232239

I don't really understand this perspective to be honest. It's not possible to learn Japanese without absorbing the culture, especially when it comes to speaking. Maybe if you're some giga weeb who only immerses in monogatari moe shit or whatever then you're going to have a warped perspective, but if you spend hundreds / thousands of hours of speaking to natives (which is required to get good), then you're obviously going to absorb aspects of the way they behave and their mannerisms and what they like to talk about and how they talk about things etc. Not saying you'll understand everything abou the culture, but again this is just part of this bullshit mystification as if the Japanese have impossible to decipher social mores.

Also of course this only applies to people going pro? If you're going to Japan for manga, you're obviously at a high level of art already and in that case it would be extremely useful to have any level of Japanese. The Japanese are extremely respectful of people who even attempt to learn their language, a) because they're overly polite and b) because they know how heard learning english is lol and c) because they have an ingrained sense of exceptionalism about their culture and think it's impossible for gaijin brains to understand

>> No.6232247


>> No.6232267

> Maybe if you're some giga weeb who only immerses in monogatari moe shit or whatever then you're going to have a warped perspective, but if you spend hundreds / thousands of hours of speaking to native then you're obviously going to absorb aspect
This is a place filled with people who post threads about how Japan is a country with 0 flaws. I'm going to expect anyone on here to be that retarded. If you visit Japan and have a basic tourist understanding you will be treated well and can indeed learn most if not all the language, that doesn't mean that learning Japanese for the sole intent of making a manga isn't still a fools errand.
>If you're going to Japan for manga, you're obviously at a high level of art
Minor tidbit, but if you're trying to impress a Japanese manga industry ideas matter more than art. Unless you just want to be the artist, in which case I wonder why you're slaving so much hours if you don't even care about the story you're producing.

>> No.6232293

I respect your detail but I can't help but feel too many of your pages are just overwhelmed by the hatching. I think your good pages look really good but most of your pages turn into a bit of a visual mess. In the worst cases I simply can't figure out wtf I'm looking at. Something to think about.

>This is a place filled with people who post threads about how Japan is a country with 0 flaws.
What? No it's not, and it never has been.
t. been here from the start

>> No.6232308

>that doesn't mean that learning Japanese for the sole intent of making a manga isn't still a fools errand.
Yeah, I don't think you should learn a language for one extremely specific thing you're not sure will succeed. That goes for like any skill lol. I'm talking about people who think they have a decent shot and are wondering whether knowing some Japanese will aid them if they want to move to Japan (it will), and then they keep on hearing that learning a language as an adult is impossible and kanji is impossible and the context is impossible and the social mores are impossible and the grammar is impossible and they hate gaijin's and will never accept you etc etc that bothers me.

>This is a place filled with people who post threads about how Japan is a country with 0 flaws. I'm going to expect anyone on here to be that retarded.
Also again like I said, the people who post about how Japan has 0 flaws, if they actually learn the language they will have to be confronted with a true understanding of the culture, right? You can't learn the language and not learn more about the culture. So either
a) they're not going to learn the language (most likely option),
b) they're going to be confronted with Japan being a country with flaws like any other and become depressed and stop learning, or
c) they're just going to have to deal with it lol and come to accept certain truths.

>if you're trying to impress a Japanese manga industry ideas matter more than art.
I work with some Japanese artists as a writer / paneller (原作者) on some small manga projects I've been submitting to competitions. Don't wanna post any art here yet because the Japanese are super anal about that kind of thing, but just in the off-chance I win I did an entry about forest sprites for SMA and one about an anthropomorphic star and a scientist for Tottori.

I lurk here for competition info and other general manga making information, but I am completely useless at art.

>> No.6232326

4chan as a whole is filled with weeaboos who do not have the self awareness to realize that most of Japan hates the otakus in Japan they're trying to imitate. Here are example threads: >>6222488 >>6224583 There are even replies here that judge things simply for how "Japanese" it is, whatever that means.
>I work with some Japanese artists as a writer / paneller (原作者) on some small manga projects I've been submitting to competitions
I can't reveal much either but I'm in a similar boat, that's why I can say with experience that learning more than the basics is unnecessary. I also literally only got this work because I was lucky enough to already have some connections. If you don't have any Japanese connections you're better off doing anything else.
>I lurk here for competition info but I am completely useless at art.
I'm admittedly fairly average, but plenty of mediocre artists had success. The goal is to write something that isn't some generic otaku pandering.

>> No.6232353

Not really sure what situation you're in where learning 'more than the basics' is unnecessary lol? I've had to get into some fairly technical terminology and learn a wide range of vocabulary I wasn't familiar with before (especially depending on the project). Had to learn a bunch of astronomy terminology for the aforementioned Tottori submission, for instance. So I definitely think you need much more than 'just the basics'.

Also I had zero 'connections' going in, I just DMed artists on twitter and pixiv in Japanese. Not really sure what you're talking about there with needing to know people before hand? Again, that might just be a limit of how well you know the language? Do the Japanese people you're working with speak english or something?

>> No.6232361

>I respect your detail but I can't help but feel too many of your pages are just overwhelmed by the hatching. I think your good pages look really good but most of your pages turn into a bit of a visual mess. In the worst cases I simply can't figure out wtf I'm looking at. Something to think about.

I appreciate the input. The visual saturation is something I've battled with this style for a long time. I recently incorporated ballpoint pen into my hatching style, letting more gray value fill in the form than solely lines. Even also use white gel pen to bring out more highlights. Also looking into using more pure blacks.

I thoroughly enjoy the impressionistic look of hatching/cross-hatching. Just overall love building an image with thin lines, similar to how Franklin Booth or Edward Gorey did.

But it does become overwhelming, and at times can extend out the drawing time more than necessary, too. My earlier pages are very evident of this.

I still want to have a very detailed style, but I'm slowly learning to distribute that detail in the proper places.

>> No.6232373

Best of luck with your submission, by the way. I was blessed with someone fortunate enough to be my partner, but the success is determined on if enough people like it.
Ah, you're going pure digital. I need physical friends that I can trust and I haven't had too much success pandering to the digital world, but if it ends up being successful good for you. It's also because of physical friends that learning Japanese is a luxury and not a necessity, too.
>But it does become overwhelming, and at times can extend out the drawing time more than necessary, too.
I've learned that high detail isn't always necessary. I always treat my drawings like a book, and I only draw out what I would describe if I was writing it in a book. It's one of the few advantages this medium has over a traditional book, after all.

>> No.6232375

>4chan as a whole is filled with weeaboos who do not have the self awareness to realize that most of Japan hates the otakus in Japan they're trying to imitate. Here are example threads: >>6222488(Cross-thread) >>6224583(Cross-thread) There are even replies here that judge things simply for how "Japanese" it is, whatever that means.
Cool, what does that have to do with this thread? The mindset in these threads, from what I have observed, is not at all about trying to "pass" as japanese or even necessarily work as a mangaka in japan, it's really been more about just making whatever comics you like, using manga as the subject to study. For the most part these threads have been pretty much free of that east vs west shit, probably because they're mostly overlooked by shitposters for whatever reason.

>> No.6232382

Oh, I'm guessing you're aliceanon. I was wondering the other day what you were up to. I'm guessing Jump didn't pan out, have you been bringing pitches to other publishers?

>> No.6232384
File: 77 KB, 962x740, sentoumis name.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from 2019-2020 I was frequently practicing during my free time on campus. I had great anki decks, was practicing them. I was immersing. I had other artists who I spoke to often in the language. and then one day a depression had stopped me dead in my tracks and I still find it really hard to get back. especially now that all of my old resources are pay to use now. I really want to get back to it even just for personal reasons but my attempts usually just lead to some hiragana review and then nothing else.

>> No.6232394

>I always treat my drawings like a book, and I only draw out what I would describe if I was writing it in a book. It's one of the few advantages this medium has over a traditional book, after all.

That sounds like a very useful mindset! I'll try to approach my future pages like that. Thank you.

>> No.6232395

Use tofugu to learn the kana, Heisig to learn the Kanji, and Sentence mining to learn vocab and grammar.


If you remember a bunch you can probably just dive right into sentence mining. Good luck, anon

>> No.6232418

I can't tell who's a newbie and who isn't by first glance. That question sounded like it was from a newbie so I assumed he was one.
No, I'm someone else. I'm doing this purely out of passion but I've had interested publishers, just need to figure out how to balance my actual job and this. I'm admittedly not as confident as I should be because my target demographic is outside the otaku circle, but these publishers have faith in me so I might as well try.

>> No.6232431
File: 79 KB, 1015x546, sentoumis name 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, I'll give it a try. I want to be able to speak Japanese to the artist that helped me name sentoumi again. he always praised me for actually taking Japanese seriously compared to the people who said they would learn it to him. I always felt bad about dropping it because of that. feels like I kinda let him down.

>> No.6232435

Yeah, good luck with your submission too. Finishing anything to completion before a deadline is an achievement. 頑張ろう

What kind of publishers did you submit to that were interested in your work? I've just been considering direct to consumer for my stuff, but I'm definitely interested in the publishing side of things as well since they can handle a lot of annoying logistics and marketing etc that I don't care about and suck at.

>> No.6232492

Thank you!
>What kind of publishers did you submit to that were interested in your work?
People that were underground and that my friend knows about. It's hard to reveal a lot but basically any publishing group that isn't overly burdened and publishes stuff similar to what you're working on helps a ton.

>> No.6232496

good luck. it's a lot of fun

>> No.6232530

Japanese is rather easy. For me its toss up between Italian and Japanese (wanna learn another language to show polyglot stepfather I can do it too) and japanese is winning on the ground of simple grammar and not being fusional.

>> No.6232592

Simple grammar lol? It's the opposite. If you're a native english speaker it's quite difficult to wrap your head around as it's extremely 'foreign' seeming. There is nothing like particles in English, or the te-form or partial clauses (not sure what the right term is for this, but basically trailing sentences where the meaning of a second clause is implied). Also keigo is a bitch.

>> No.6232630

I don't know how you can handle learning Japanese and making manga at a professional level. It seems like there's too little time in the day.

>> No.6232752

I'm not really worried about it, but I really like this pose. Good work!

>> No.6232869

You need some contrast and focus.

>> No.6233039

I want to make rough drafts but I cant into perspective or anatomy at all so it's really kind of pointless. Man I'm gonna forget everything and writing it down just doesn't do it jusitce. 3D models take way too long to pose.

>> No.6233056

You don't need anatomy or perspective for rough drafts. That's what makes them "rough".

>> No.6233567


This looks good anon, but I'll admit that the font hurts my eyes.

>> No.6233669
File: 496 KB, 1400x2000, chp00_08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is. the page that killed me i am dead now

>> No.6233791

I can really feel the berserk influence in the hatchwork, very reinvigorating to see such great work

>> No.6233963

do you have a dump of all the pages so far. these are super good

>> No.6234258

This is me right here >>6222733 and thank you I really appreciate that

>> No.6234286
File: 75 KB, 427x283, sdfsdfsdfsdyerge5r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the faces are super good. great comic anon

>> No.6234380

Love this manga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.6234505

Just draw something, worry about that stuff later.

>> No.6234640

>wrote down in my notes to draw a scene with men from a civilization, including a place that has their countries' flag
>didn't specify at all how they are going to look like
>been stuck on this forever
This has been really really rough.

>> No.6234793

i still don't know where to post my eromanga

>> No.6234799 [DELETED] 

why do you clowns keep making manga when ai is just going to trivialize this whole endeavour KEEEEEEEEEEK

>> No.6234837
File: 82 KB, 568x430, gdgdgdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comicfury, e-hentai, pixiv

>> No.6234979

Where do you read eromanga? Post it there.

>> No.6235970

i use and like pixiv but it seems to be a hassle for people whenever i link them my work

e-hentai and exhentai usually, but it feels odd to upload my own stuff their since a lot of the time it feels like others uploading other peoples work, but it'll have to do

>> No.6236013
File: 283 KB, 562x813, fsdfsfwe23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I storyboarded a one-shot to practice tones outside of devils moon.

a lot of artists use e-hentai as a way to dump and archive large amounts of artwork. no ones gonna complain just because you cut out the sample-saving middle man

>> No.6236158

That anatomy is absolutely atrocious but this is probably some fetish faggotry.

>> No.6236173
File: 190 KB, 1041x749, qweqweqweqw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well. It's a storyboard. and shes an 8 foot tall giant lady.

>> No.6236188

post your work or gtfo

>> No.6236211
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 83252352525345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make easy bucks off of porn addicted losers go for it but that doesn't calves that give this meme a run for its money any good nor do I have to respect it. Go to /d/ if you're craving fetishes.

>> No.6236233

go be a tourist somewhere else, this is a place for people who actually work.

>> No.6236252

I've posted my work here retard, I don't have to suck someone's dick especially if they've willingly dropped trying to be a good artist to pander to fetishes. Go to tumblr or your art school clique if you want mindless praising.

>> No.6236264

Nice work, the style is similar (and much better) than the style I've been developing. I will say that font is hard to read, like I can't make out the son's name, or the first word in the title.

Where/how are you planning on publishing your series?

>> No.6236269
File: 19 KB, 232x518, hm,mm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that doesn't calves that give this meme
>recommends I got to /d/ as if I just off topic posted in an /h/ thread
in your haste to be disrespectful you forgot to put together a post that was even a complete thought. good job

>> No.6236273

You seem to be a very hard worker, I admire your work ethic. May I know how many hours a day you draw in a day. Do you ever burn out?

>> No.6236291

what work is yours?

>> No.6236292

For a long time I worked 8-12 hour work days. 6 days a week. usually getting 3-4 pieces done a day. on my best, most organized days I would do one personal piece, one commission, two devils moon pages. recently at recommendation from my doctor I've been trying to keep it to 6-7 hours, 5 days a week. it's helped the burnout a lot. I've also been slowing down my longer work days by putting movies on while I work instead of music.

>Do you ever burn out?
yes, I'm burnt out right now but I'm working toward being able to take the vacation I promised to /mmg/ I would take.

>they've willingly dropped trying to be a good artist to pander to fetishes.
>this coming from a dude who doesn't know what a storyboard is.

>> No.6236311

Irrelevant. Just keep telling yourself that anyone who criticizes you must be worse than you. Maybe that will make you feel better, but it won't fix that bitch's poor pelvis.

>> No.6236314 [DELETED] 

Thank you for the reply! I assume you’re drawing as a full time job. Did it take a long time to make decent money? How did you find your public? Do you feel fulfilled in what you do?

Sorry for asking so many questions but it’s rare to see people who kinda made it on this board, especially in the manga field so Îm trying to get as much knowledge as I can since it’s a path I’d like to follow.
I hope you will be able to have some rest soon, you deserve it.

>> No.6236320

Thank you for the reply! I assume you’re drawing as a full time job, did it take a long time to make decent money? How did you find your audience? Do you feel fulfilled in what you do?

Sorry for asking so many questions but it’s rare to see people who kinda made it on this board, especially in the manga field so I’m trying to get as much knowledge as I can since it’s a path I’d like to follow.
I hope you will be able to have some rest soon, you deserve it.

>> No.6236327

>post your work
>i did
>ok where is it

Any artist who posts their work is better than a critic who refuses to.

>> No.6236329

>/ic/ - Artwork/Circlejerk

>> No.6236336

I just want to be able to avoid your work. No matter your art skills a shitty person is just a shitty person, and you're just plain garbage as a person...

>> No.6236344
File: 1.03 MB, 1001x893, sfsfsfsdfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I draw full time, with a seasonal tax job as a way to have a bit of a life and build other skills. I started webcomics in 2016, started porn in 2018, and was able to move out and afford a VERY cheap rent in mid 2019 with a small following of 10000ish across twitter/pixiv/ect.

>did it take a long time to make decent money?
for most of my time as an artist I've had a monthly income of about $600-800. it's enough to feed me, pay my bills, and conservatively pay for my hobbies. not much else. my goal is to push for patreon rather than commissions so I can get more value out of my work and lessen the need for those 12 hour work days

>How did you find your audience?
when I started porn I started on twitter and created a following by posting my work on reddit and rule34 borru type sites.

>Do you feel fulfilled in what you do?
I recently have been feeling down on doing fanart but I'm working to adjust my work to be original doujin works and other original content. I'm happy I had a way to support myself through the pandemic so that justified my choice enough.

a couple years back in a /hyw/ server I read someone who basically said "I got real problems with laundrymoms work, but they're at least making their comic, while I'm, not" I've taken to heart and use it to remind myself that at the VERY least I'm creating consistently.

yeah mother fucker. -artwork
where is it.

>> No.6236352

>does pornographic "art" for easy money
>proceeds to moralfag
Lmao. Even if the anatomy was remotely decent I'd take a shitty artist with some decent ambition over generic porn artist #9001.

>> No.6236358 [DELETED] 

fuck thats the uncensored version. sorry if youre in a sfw-only space right now

>If you want to make easy bucks off of porn addicted losers
>does pornographic "art" for easy money
why do you keep arguing as if that's me dude??

>> No.6236365

>>6236344 (You)
fuck thats the uncensored version. sorry if youre in a sfw-only space right now

>If you want to make easy bucks off of porn addicted losers
>does pornographic "art" for easy money
why do you keep pretending that you're arguing with me? that's not me.

>> No.6236369

Ah I see, so you're nothing but a political grandstander, hotdogging for good boy points.

Art is separate from the artist as soon as it leaves his hands. You have no place calling yourself one.

>> No.6236372

he still hasn't posted his work because either he knows he is inferior and doesn't want to attach his inflammatory "critiques" to his own work or because he is a pathetic loser with nothing to show projecting his insecurities onto someone else. either way clean your room and get a job

>> No.6236376

THIS LMAO, these posts are filled with projection

>> No.6236385

If he was Frank fucking Frazetta and posted his work you would make up something to mock about it. You are only looking for cheap retaliation to tear someone else down because you feel attacked for a criticism on someone ELSE's work. Now that's fucking pathetic.

Someone's skill has no bearing on anyone else's, critique should be weighed on itself and not on who it comes from.

>> No.6236389

I see the scandalous women are quite frustrated.

>> No.6236395

thats a sick opinion bro. post your work.

>> No.6236397

I have. It has nothing to do with my critique.

>> No.6236401

critique without a basis in experience is meaningless, you're a coward lol

>> No.6236410
File: 118 KB, 655x496, sdfsdfssdf323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If he was Frank fucking Frazetta and posted his work you would make up something to mock about it.
I can guarantee I wouldn't do this if this was the case. cause I'm not a clown like you. if I see hard work, I respond to hard work. It's why I run defense for people getting shit crit on good hard work. because I can respect a person who's fucking working. what I can't respect are those who ignore the circumstances that force us to do what we need to do to survive. ignore the goals of an artist, all in service of a dated, hostile, artist mindset

>> No.6236412
File: 2.34 MB, 256x191, 1655334526048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely beg cope. The critique remains true all by itself and needs no accreditation. Deal with it.

>> No.6236413

"It's bad" isn't really a critique.

>> No.6236414

>Is complaining about anonymity and alternate personas on 4chan
I ask for normalfag opinions on my art all the time anyways lmao. Depending on the circumstance I respect their opinion more than people in my critique circle.

>> No.6236428
File: 82 KB, 728x958, 36206e534bc2c77b60c5c49518acfca7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking to at least 2 different people, I am only defending the concept of critique and am not the one who called out your anatomy here >>6236158

I can also see that you are not the one ignoring criticism for your own work, but someone else is very much spewing an ignorant mantra and chose your work as a hill to die on. Maybe you should be flattered by that, I don't know.

I really hate the "PYW" mentality that only someone better than you is allowed to point out flaws in your work.

If you cannot build a house yourself, are you not qualified to point out when one is built wrong? "Well at least they built something!" is not a valid defense if it is built poorly, and "We're just here for fun" is not a valid deflection when this board is literally for critique, right there in the name.

>> No.6236447

>what I can't respect are those who ignore the circumstances that force us to do what we need to do to survive
I know women in actual third world countries who had the literal option to do prostitution but chose to starve and choose knitting or something instead. If my life necessitated it I would quit art in an instant and work in construction or something actually necessary. You're doing this because you had the choice quit pretending everyone needs to suck people like you off.

>> No.6236448

>my critique has value regardless of how good I am at the technical skill i was critiquing
it is by no means an unreasonable request to show your work on an ART CRITIQUE board in a thread about POSTING YOUR WORK

>> No.6236454

Ideally PYW is supposed to be used when someone has a bitter crab mentality and is shitting on everything, not when giving helpful and constructive criticism.

>> No.6236459

It is not an unreasonable request, but it is irrelevant. If my art was nothing but crayon doodles, that would not change what is wrong with your work.

The only reason you demand to see your critic's work is to counterattack theirs and somehow absolve your own, which is counterproductive. Someone with art experience can see validity in critique (or lack of) without needing some proof of authority.

>> No.6236460
File: 579 KB, 801x572, sdfsdfsdfsdhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The critique remains true all by itself and needs no accreditation
>It's bad cause I said so
in both parts of this argument you are unable to provide a "why"
why can crit stand on it's own without proof of your own skill.
why is the work bad, outside of your own taste.
you can't come up with a why because you're arguing in bad faith, and with hesitation.

I don't hide behind anonymity, I confidently present my work and myself as an artist without hesitation. you can't. that's the difference between us and that's why your crit doesn't stand on it's own.

>but someone else is very much spewing an ignorant mantra and chose your work as a hill to die on. Maybe you should be flattered by that

this happens ALOT to me on this site. I'm used to it

>I really hate the "PYW" mentality that only someone better than you is allowed to point out flaws in your work.
I don't disagree with this. but it's important to establish an understanding of what the critics understanding is aswell. I'll take to heart if a casual says a simple "hey this looks off" but I won't say take a bunch of complex anatomy advice from someone who can't perform. In the /asg/ discord there's someone who can list off every muscle in the body by name. he offers fine well structured advice, but my confidence in that advice fades when they can't perform any of what they are saying

>children in third world country could have eaten this food argument
I'm allowed to set boundaries for what I'm willing and not willing to do to survive. It's why I'm not drawing loli or brap porn. what kind of argument are you making here??

>> No.6236467

I'm done wasting my time here btw. I need to focus on storyboarding.

stop making these dipshit arguments with me anon. I'm confident in my work and my subject matter. It's why after 5 years devil's moon still stands compared to my old work that was dropped constantly. I'm confident as an artist now, you clearly are not. I don't care what you have say about my work.

>> No.6236468

The point of PYW is to weed out no-draw crabs, you don't have to be better than someone to critique their artwork, but you do have to be an actual member of whatever community. "The anatomy is bad" is not a critique, it says nothing about what is wrong or what should be improved or how or anything, it's textbook crabbing.

>> No.6236472

dumb take by a person who does not draw. why choose this thread specifically to fight for your anti-PYW ideals? this is a thread about posting your work, if you can't do that then leave

>> No.6236491
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 284348634634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about anonymity on 4chan
Like I said I posted my work here when I can guarantee it's hard to tell who I am. I don't need to give the exact post this isn't some dick measuring competition unless you make it.
>what I can't respect are those who ignore the circumstances that force us to do what we need to do to survive
You're not a kid in Africa, you decided to make fetish porn and are now trying to pretend you did it out of necessity.
>I'm confident with my work
>proceeds to sperg
You know your work has no moral basis, either embrace it fully and expect to get made fun of by even slightly normal people or quit. There are hundreds of porn artists and you clearly have no desire to produce anything with actual substance.

>> No.6236502

>I don't need to give the exact post this isn't some dick measuring competition unless you make it.
Sorry I forgot you're a fag who made drawing men with bolt-on tits his identity, that's probably what you wanted lmao.

>> No.6236504

>I don't disagree with this. but it's important to establish an understanding of what the critics understanding is aswell. I'll take to heart if a casual says a simple "hey this looks off" but I won't say take a bunch of complex anatomy advice from someone who can't perform. In the /asg/ discord there's someone who can list off every muscle in the body by name. he offers fine well structured advice, but my confidence in that advice fades when they can't perform any of what they are saying

As I said here >>6236459
>Someone with art experience can see validity in critique (or lack of) without needing some proof of authority.

You could see for yourself if the critique is valid, you did not need to see this person's art >>6236158 to know what they were talking about, despite being vague and rude. But as you said, it was just a storyboard. You already knew what he said was true, but it didn't bother you because you knew you would fix it later anyway.

Skills also are not always equal to knowledge. Most art teachers are pretty garbage in practice, but they can give invaluable information to be a better artist. Sports coaches also cannot play to the level of their players, but they can give invaluable advice on how to be a better player.

>> No.6236512

Why don't you tripfag if you're so concerned with community rep?

>> No.6236518

all this time youve been posting reaction images when you couldve just posted your work to shut everybody up. opinions and critique are respected when they have value, but you've proved your opinion is worthless in your seething refusal to put yourself out here on the same field as us. if you cant back your criticism up, then you provide no constructive base for the person youre critiquing to improve and thus wasted their time. go back to /a/

>> No.6236530

yall are crazy i draw porn cause it's fun to draw and i make no money from it

>> No.6236540

Then ask some normal person fag I guarantee you'll get the same response, the anatomy is objectively bad with calves that make Broly's body look proportional by comparison. You've been trying to deflect by demanding my work when you should've already seen it and critiqued it. Get over yourself and stop white knighting he won't suck your dick despite how much he wants to lol.

>> No.6236549

anon. it's a fucking draft.

>> No.6236581

>no visible lower leg
you don't know that word means do you?

>> No.6236586

So for traditional, do you draw the dialogue balloons in with the panels, or paste them in afterward?

>> No.6236594
File: 28 KB, 310x237, LiefeldSchwarzenegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236616
File: 67 KB, 540x446, ad2b53fb0395d9bf2b499a74ed009ea0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Captain America is a 'roider

>> No.6236625

what inspires you to draw comics/manga?

>> No.6236641

knowing that it's either this or spending the rest of my life doing something i hate

>> No.6236643

Not Jewish enough to make movies

>> No.6236651

Telling the stories that I have in mind. I want to draw stuff that only I can make.

>> No.6236652

From what i've seen from videos of traditional mangaka they keep the bubbles in mind during the draft

Ever since I started reading manga as a teenager I was enamored with the black and white style, the stippling, cross hatching etc
I also have a terrible brain worm when I consume media that goes "hey i want to make <insert media> here"

>> No.6236701

>after all that sperging out, the crab lets slip he doesn't even have rudimentary knowledge of anatomy
Remember lads, this is why you always tell a crab to pyw, never engage further until they clear that bar.

>> No.6236718
File: 155 KB, 588x820, tgdfgfgdfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most common way I've seen it done is, the mangaka inks the bubbles but pencils in the text. final text is added later. of course you can do all of the lettering digitally aswell. just make sure you know where those bubbles will go and leave space for them

that voice in the back of my head that comes to me at 3am saying "it would be so cool if that goth chick swung around a scythe named after a butt rock band"

he's filled with super serum.
captain american is the original comicbook 'roider

>> No.6236725

I always draw them in since it frames the image

>> No.6236740

>ignores the point while convenient and looks for typos
Whatever makes you cope, bud. The mere thought of something that isn't positive put you in an actual fit.

>> No.6236743

That was no typo, you're a retard who has no business giving "critique". pyw

>> No.6236950

drawing the same background for 3 consecutive panels changes man

>> No.6236986

Have you tried copy and paste

>> No.6237000

For those of you with an actual audience: where do you guys actually end up posting/publishing your finished work? Are any of you actually with a publisher of any kind or do you all go with a webtoons/tapas/whatever type thing? I'm curious what the realistic situation is for most people.

>> No.6237022

it feels a little cheap when it comes to organic backgrounds, specifically with plant-life and such. probably will start using it a bit from now on just because most of my time drawing today was notching a million little bits of leaves and grass

>> No.6237098

can you share it?

>> No.6237304
File: 769 KB, 1199x1710, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devilmoon-anon causing drama again.


>> No.6237308

I didn't start the argument. fuck off.

>> No.6237339

don’t send stuff to yen press, they don’t read it, haven’t for years. probably shouldn’t be on here.

source: i was the literally the guy ignoring horrible comics sent via email. no, really.

>> No.6237345

Neat if true. Were there ever any good ones you sent on/sent a reply back to?

>> No.6237429

Daily Reminder: https://youtu.be/KB9f2u30J_s

>> No.6237518
File: 3.11 MB, 1771x2500, Young-Ludolf-Kvistrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artwork from a week ago featuring a couple characters from my current short side comic.

>You need some contrast and focus

I will work on both with future pages, anon. Thank you.

>This looks good anon, but I'll admit that the font hurts my eyes.

Thanks anon, and I'm sorry my handwritten font hurts your eyes. Although I really enjoy doing my own lettering, I'll look into improving it up.

>I can really feel the berserk influence in the hatchwork, very reinvigorating to see such great work

I'm very flattered you think that. Thank you very much again!

>Nice work, the style is similar (and much better) than the style I've been developing. I will say that font is hard to read, like I can't make out the son's name, or the first word in the title.

That means a lot to hear that, anon. But don't let my efforts belittle your own. I'm sure you have a comic/manga worth showing to ppl who'd be interested.

And I'm going to revise the font. Because I handwrite all of my lettering, though, I'll have to rewrite it elsewhere. You see, I helped/harmed myself by doing it all in advance lmao.

Would you say it's a spacing issue, like the letters are too close together? I partly feel it is. Or perhaps it's too curvy?

>Where/how are you planning on publishing your series?

So the series is called FaustFall, and it's self-published as a web comic and on Amazon as paperback. Although, I've been suggested many times this year to submit it to Fantagraphics and/or Drawn & Quarterly.

It's a somewhat ambitious project I've worked since 2018 as a web comic, so the style will change between pages lol. It's currently up to 6 of 18 books, with the scripts at book 14 atm. Books 1-6 are 22 pages-long (24 counting front and back covers), and future books will be 32 pages-long, plus 22 pages worth of side story material. As of right now, I've completed 151 of a total 576 pages. Fun aside: the back covers serve as additional background story/lore.

>> No.6237604
File: 913 KB, 1158x1100, 2022-07-20 - computerrsz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6237610

I really like this one

>> No.6237628
File: 1.79 MB, 2016x1448, draft page fake 1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing is final, obviously a rough draft.

>> No.6237643

>nothing ever said about politics
>proceeds to insert politics in it anyway...

r u retarded son?

>> No.6237646

learn proper english first ya bum

>> No.6237836

Holy shit. This is great.

>> No.6237856

I'd replace naturally with, "if you couldn't tell"
Naturally makes it feel as if I'm missing a context.

>> No.6238038

When was the last time you’ve seen a woman with enormous fake boobs on a catwalk?

>> No.6238071
File: 108 KB, 533x322, sloooooorp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks really great anon also this looks sorta like one of those super exaggerated sucking hentai faces lol

>> No.6238078
File: 630 KB, 1613x2004, 6BBC977D-B4F0-4862-9284-A6DB903FE2C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a one shot.

>> No.6238127

I used to draw comics with my sister when we were little while doing homework we would sneak the pages around and take turns drawing panels. It was really fun, even though we often got caught and were in trouble for it as we should have been studying. I think I want to recapture that feeling I had back then as immature as it may be, but drawing with more effort.

>> No.6238213

I like her design, but do tell me about the character and the comic.

>> No.6238239

Its anime logic, he ain't gotta explain those titties.

>> No.6238471

looks berserk-y, what's it about?

>> No.6238475

awooga awooga humina humina

that looks real good brother

>> No.6238490

Is it a good idea to just drop all my studies and start making manga all day? I've been procrastinating for several years.

>> No.6238492

no, you should continue your studies while also drawing manga, or if you're going to drop your studies get a job while also making manga

>> No.6238497
File: 903 KB, 1437x1923, 1E61560F-88CE-48BF-A356-E0B2A20AB247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had in mind the opening sequence of the 1997 Berserk anime when drawing this page so it might explain this impression.

I have a basic outline of the plot but I am planning to improvise most of it to see what happens. It’s probably going to be something along the lines of "character walks in an empty and strange world" kind of story.

>> No.6238651

Unless you have dependents it’s better to become homeless trying to do something you want to tham doing the reasonable thing, playing it safe so you can take your saving to your grave. Besides, I’ve seen a guy go from alcoholism, debt and homelessness back into normal life in his early 50’s, even if you fail hard it’s not over.

>> No.6238719

your lines look really interesting, keep at it!

>> No.6238890
File: 324 KB, 1400x2000, chp00_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one done. Definitely noticed a difference in speed when it comes to sketching and line work since beginning this project. Most importantly it has forced me to think about form and perspective almost constantly.

>> No.6238895

If your goal is to make manga then you should start asap. You get better at it by doing it, though targeted studies will probably help quite a bit.

>> No.6238899

I love these pages so much

I think it's better to just make some manga yeah

>> No.6239186
File: 3.01 MB, 5215x3744, spread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy fix, and I agree.
honestly the whole dialogue is underdeveloped at this curent juncture happy for any further ammendments.


Thanks amigos,

its just a dumb lil porno about this gal losing her job and working in a kitchen and fucking the old alcohlic chef.

some might remember me when i was working on a spread for the cold open.

>> No.6239215

any tips for improving your art, and balancing your time between working on manga and studying?

>> No.6239243

>a spacing issue, like the letters are too close together?
It was literally just this letter(pic related) that was throwing me off lol, I did figure out that it's an L. I think the lettering is good otherwise.

I checked out your comic, this is some good stuff. It's great how planned out and detailed the whole thing is, peak soul. I'm gonna try to keep up with it. Thanks for the insight, I've been doing these drawings and started to realize they have a story in there somewhere, so while I'm getting it all sorted out I'm also trying to get an idea of how to actually get it in front of an audience.

>> No.6239244
File: 1 KB, 33x71, Screenshot 2022-08-25 204426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic lol. This letter.

>> No.6239299
File: 1.66 MB, 1500x1071, Agatha-Postcard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It was literally just this letter(pic related) that was throwing me off lol, I did figure out that it's an L. I think the lettering is good otherwise.

lol that's good to know. Ngl, it'd be a possible but still pain in the ass to rewrite all of the lettering. I'll still be more be more diligent of space between the letters for the next 5 pages. Admittedly, I think my art looks better on physical paper than on a PC/phone screen, but enough ppl have liked to show it's doable.

>I checked out your comic, this is some good stuff. It's great how planned out and detailed the whole thing is, peak soul. I'm gonna try to keep up with it.

Aw man, thank you for checking it out! It's a series that's gone through several revisions since I started it back in high school. Originally, it was edgy prose, but became a 156-paged comic when I went to art school. Which I later revised into what it is now, thanks to starting another series in college, called Cardinal Junction (think Bloodborne meets 19th-century Civil War meets supernatural mold). I concurrently update both. Pic-related, postcard of its MC, Agatha Crowley, from a year ago.

>Thanks for the insight, I've been doing these drawings and started to realize they have a story in there somewhere, so while I'm getting it all sorted out I'm also trying to get an idea of how to actually get it in front of an audience.

I think you're on the right path. That's how I did it, just figuring it out as I steadily worked it out on both paper and in my mind's eye. Sharing your work in various places helps, too. Like, I'll sometimes go around my local town and city selling my comics as handmade zines (too bad printer ink's expensive.)

That's why I want to finish this 6-paged comic and send it to a couple of publishers, like Fantagraphics, before the year's over. I've sent pitches in the past, but most places denied me lol. It steels your spirit, though, especially when you're passionate about your craft.

>> No.6239943
File: 1.06 MB, 850x1380, page 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New pages!

>> No.6239947
File: 1.11 MB, 850x1675, page 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6240074

Seems interesting, what's the premise?

>> No.6240081
File: 948 KB, 808x1140, page 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post apocalyptic ice-age world.
A young boy is kidnapped by a rebel girl for a bounty, he ends up joining her in her efforts to take revenge against four of the empire's mightiests.

I'm really trying to think of a better way to put that on an eye-catching paragraph.

>> No.6240140

>eye-catching paragraph
Folks in the big business call that a log line. The setting sounds cool, is it a battle shonen or more adventure focused?

>> No.6240157
File: 387 KB, 850x1668, page 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adventure. There will be quite a lot of fighting, but except for a couple characters most of it will be short, brutal, and to the point.

>> No.6240164
File: 170 KB, 992x721, yeeueueu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on the first arc which is six chapters long, it details Fiadh and Asha adventures to reach the city of Sarkesa (where the rebels wait for her and where she can trade him for the reward). A lot will happen.

>> No.6240311
File: 2.65 MB, 360x560, 2 (19).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have some good photoshop brushes that mimic a g-pen?

>> No.6240332
File: 47 KB, 480x480, 1658543518234152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm, found some.

>> No.6240410

new thread when?

>> No.6240449
File: 40 KB, 697x842, chp01coversketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be a good while before this thread dies of natural causes

>> No.6240485

This is already looking great. I'd read/pay money for this.

>> No.6241026
File: 950 KB, 961x1341, page 3 fake draft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty bb,

inconsistancy on the closed sign on the door vs, the shots of her trying to open from inside. not sure on a solution.

>> No.6241062

NEW THREAD >>6241058
NEW THREAD >>6241058
NEW THREAD >>6241058

>> No.6241282

Gonna give it a read. Thanks.