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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6225546 No.6225546 [Reply] [Original]

>post art on twitter for years
>sub 50 followers, 2-3 likes per post
>post le epic “money shot” process video on tik tok
>instantly hundreds of likes, comments and followers

Is this really the only way to make it now? I have to film myself to some shitty trend doing an epic shitty reveal? The final piece got practically no attention on other platforms, but my tik tok keeps blowing up.

>> No.6225599

Not to take a hot sloppy diarrhea shit in your cereal but I believe tiktok is engineered to make the first couple of your vids go viral to addict you to the platform. I could be wrong though

>> No.6225700

Yeah I was sparingly posting before this but non art related content (retarded gaming shit). I’d have the occasional “moment” but nothing serious. However now that I’ve uploaded ~3 art videos on to the same channel they’ve all mogged my other post & gotten people interested in my personal work. I’m sure interest will come & go, but this is infinitely better than the crickets I’ve had elsewhere.

>> No.6225709

The tiktok audience don't care about your art really. They just want another artsy video to fill their feeds. Your 50 followers on twitter could probably bring you more money than a thousand of them on tiktok

>> No.6225723
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>The tiktok audience don't care about your art
While I'm all for giving OP the death sentence for using this zoomzoom AIDS, the same could be said about the audience on any normalfag social media such as Twatter, Instanigger or Facekike, there is no platform for "people interested in art" that gives you any traction anymore.

On Twitter you can interact with others a little better, but have to deal with colored hair people.
On Instagram you won't ever get to interact with anyone cause everyone is just a like drone (or a bot, same difference).
On ChinkTok you'll be dealing with zero-attention-span children (even more than on Instagram) and the bottom of the barrel low IQ strata of society, if you want to use your art to molest some little kids or to sell some pyramid scheme bullshit, go for it; otherwise, you're wasting your time and working for Xi Ji Ping for free.

>> No.6225730

the internet has scrambled your brain

>> No.6225734

Become the andrew tate of art and get millions of people advertising your 50$ Picasso University course

>> No.6225761

I don’t do commissions, Id just like people to be interested in story I’m working on. However with that said, I have been messaged already by two people asking about commissions. Obviously this doesn’t mean they’re going to buy anything (nor is hundreds to two a good ratio), but this is more interest than I’ve gotten from Twitter specifically. I think if you put a sob story or marketed towards a specific demographic you could source some income.

Tik tok is definitely NOT friendly to beg artist though. You couldn’t get away with charging even pocket change if your art has noticeable flaws to non artist. There’s such a big incentive to troll beg artist on the platform it’s actually kind of surprising how mean they are to retards totally unprovoked.

>> No.6225790

Idk man, if you want to get your name out there, any other platform that doesn't rely on adhd zoomers would be better to advertise a long run comic. You should try reddit or something like that, I'm sure there are subreddits dedicated for such things. I don't use tiktok and only use reddit to post my art once in a while so take my opinion with a grain of salt though

>> No.6225818

Hmm maybe you’re right. I’ve not tried posting my work to Reddit much yet, but I’ll give it a try. Thank you for the suggestion!

>> No.6225846

I think they promote your first couple videos to get you hooked. Good luck all the same. How do one’s copyrights hold up when you upload your work to changtok?

>> No.6225855

Mental illness

>> No.6225876

DO you have any more of these /beg/ cats?

>> No.6226016

So do you earn money from TikTok? There's no point in having lots of fake followers if you aren't bringing in cash.

>> No.6226020

Zoomers are addicted to social media dopamine rush, that's why you see so many threads asking why bother with art if you aren't even getting likes/up votes. They literally don't see a point of doing anything if they don't get online attention

>> No.6226027
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Seems like I retain my ability to write a cohesive, properly typed message, whereas your useless quip could make an average tweet feel like an Odyssey.
Are you sure you're in place to point fingers? Those poo sausages should not be brought to the table unless extremely necessary.

>> No.6226129

Terminally online syndrome. Touch grass nigger, touch grass.

>> No.6226304

Yes, you can. There’s a creator fund similar to YouTube. However, I don’t need to make money from my art, nor do I want to — so I’m not sure how much money it pays you.
I’ve been perfectly fine tweeting my art into a void for about 4 years now. It’s just irritating to realize if you market yourself as a gimmicky faggot you can reach a larger audience in half time. It makes me feel bad for artist who do need to make income from their work that are stuck chasing trends for tik tok videos & insta reels.

Do you want to edit yourself to the newest bass boosted imagine dragons c radiohead trending audio to maintain relevancy? It’s not something I could see myself doing long term, even if the interest I’ve gotten thus far is nice. I’d much prefer to have garnered a small audience on practically any other platform through regular posting & not le epic moneyshot.

All I’ve ever really wanted out of my work though, was to have enough followers to be able to do interactive post. I’d like to post a question asking for thoughts/opinions and receive feedback from people familiar with my work. I think the solution (for me) will just be to continuing uploading content to tik tok, but less gimmicky shit and more speed paints and panels from my comic. Even if they don’t get as much traction, I highly doubt it will ever be Twitter levels of dead as even 10 people interacting with my work would be improvement. I uploaded something explicitly anti algorithm just last night as a test and it received engagement from my existing followers and non-followers. So I think it’ll be alright.

>> No.6226307
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>> No.6226311

artist friends don't even act like your shit after a while, friends become passive followers basically any person you talked to for more than a month is a useless follower. So you actually have nothing if its just your friends

>> No.6226361

I laughed when LAS kicked you out like a dog.

>> No.6226368

soulful and truthful

>> No.6226371


>> No.6226378
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if it's this easy then why can't 99.8% of /ic/ do it?

>> No.6226379
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Dude posted his comics and admin twink sent him to a ngmi channel or smth without saying a single bad word or any outrage or argument. Never saw him post again. It was pretty funny for some reason.

>> No.6226385
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>admin twink sent him to a ngmi channel or smth without saying a single bad word or any outrage or argument
nta but that's actually hilarious thanks for sharing

>> No.6226408
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>NGMI channel
People like this actually exist?

>> No.6226412

Uhuh. It was way too funny. You got shat on.

>> No.6226413

I’m not in the server anon… I just followed the guy on Twitter before he. nuked it. I draw old man art. That does sound funny though.

>> No.6226415


>> No.6226428

to be fair a dedicated NGMI containment thread would fix /ic/s problems in a week

>> No.6226433

Got any more? They're funny.

>> No.6226458
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Unfortunately this was the only other one I saved. I don’t know anything about the artist though or why they nuked their account. I only use discord for card games & found them via a blog I followed from this board.

>> No.6226935
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Nice Twitter buzzwords, how did you learn them outside?

>> No.6227295

im part of the .2% i guess and i run the discord too, but i invite low follower count people. i just dont like shitty artists, artists with huge egos, and pronoun faggots. which one are you?

>> No.6228118

The first couple vids go viral to get you addicted part of the algoritm might be more subtle than litterally first video goes viral. Maybe its something like "treat him/her like a normal user untill they do a content switch"
If you are gonna go on tiktok dont scroll , and be careful because that app is basically a digital crack den.

r/ICanDraw that seems good if you wanna get drawing ideas

Same , i mostly stick to small discords for that matter, might need to start posting on other social medias idk , never could be bothered + will have to deal with those perpetually offended motherfuckers that will screech hellfire if you do a perspective mistake that looks like a boob bounce.

I require more /beg/ cats , I thought you did the beg cats
(who is the artist?)

>> No.6228213

Lemme guess another dime a dozen, top 3 artist is lowint at best, ic away from ic server right? Yeah noones impressed by that shit lmao

>> No.6228981

you clocked me so well im going to kill myself now anon :(((

>> No.6229231
File: 2.31 MB, 1160x2013, practica2-Recuperado3-Recuperado2312312222redux22213123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this as I was practicing rendering legs, and it shows because composition is non existent in this work other than the effects on top and a really basic Background, Will be on more incredible projects soon I dont draw that much anymore