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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 845 KB, 1078x949, F4659718-FC46-4231-8670-B2A7B1F1FEAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6223393 No.6223393 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll cut to the chase. I’ve been drawing for years now, and grinding hard to improve because 1) I love creating things, 2) I wanted to make a career/money out of it and 3) I’ve never been ‘good’ at anything and just wanted to be ‘good’ at something.
As a result, making art (and music, and writing, for that matter) has always meant a lot to me. It made me feel like I wasn’t going to be a loser forever, it was a way out, and something that made me stand out from my peers.
But with the prevalance of AI, the one thing that made me special is becoming irrelevant. Which is depressing because I’ve spent so many years and so much time out of my life honing this skill.
Sure, I could say my ideas are still unique enough to stand out. But nobody will care about that in the long run. None of my work will mean anything to anyone because it’ll be drowned in the sea of superior AI art.
I can’t even enjoy it anymore, because it’s just a reminder of how my ‘one way out’ is being taken from me. And because drawing is my one way to cope with depression, I’ve been borderline suicidal.
I just feel like my existence is meaningless now.
Anyone else struggling with feelings like this?

>> No.6223396

If you drew for others and not for yourself, then it was already over.

>> No.6223397

Idk if you've noticed but AI creates the type of art 50 year old boomers put on their facebook walls.
>b-b-but it will learn muh anime!!
idk try having an artstyle that isn't super pozzed and common? the ai has eaten all your chinkoid insectoid inspirations and will copy them better than you so you might as well do your own thing

>> No.6223398

don't let them get you down anon
the instantaneous gratification of letting an algorithm poo out pixel slurry can never compare to the satisfaction you get from slowly drawing an image out of your body with your two hands and a pencil
i'll never be interested in pretty meaningless things and i'll always look at any human drawing as a triumph of our imagination and spirit, including anything you ever want to draw anon

>> No.6223416

Have you ever tought about drawing just because its fun?

>> No.6223419

I can understand why people get despondent. Even if it was never going to happen, people dream of escaping the wage-cage.

>> No.6223445

i quit but not because of ai solely, i just don't find it feasible to grind for years to be able to earn pennies

>> No.6223461

I don't draw for money or anything but the AI can't shitpost for fuckall so it's useless there

anything remotely edgy or insensitive is free game since the AI shillers prob can't afford to make it look bad on purpose

>> No.6223470

Should've gone into STEM and learned coding.

>> No.6223474

swaying from one meme to another

>> No.6223477

I mean there's modeling, animation, sound, printing, editing, and bunch of shit that be applied with art then just coding
>and most still use their own form of coding that placing an AI in is just gonna completely drop that spaghetti coding you think will save you

>> No.6223481

Nope, I'm incorporating AI into my art when SD comes out.

>> No.6223485

One less whiny shitter.

>> No.6223489

art was made as a mean of communication

>> No.6223491

there is no "incorporating" into your art bro, the AI makes 100% of the artistic decisions for you, and anything you make with it is going to be meaningless when there's gazillions of these drawings produced every second. Nobody is going to give a shit about what you make. So if you're creating for yourself only, might as well keep doing it the old-fashioned way.

>> No.6223492

So is my dick going into your mom's pussy but it doesn't seem like you're getting the message that you're a little bitch.

>> No.6223494

>Nope, I'm incorporating AI into my art when SD comes out.
this is what I'm fearing. The comic book industry is going to look fucking bleak in the next 5 years.
I can see most artists going "lmao imagine drawing backgrounds let the AI do it", so artists will lose entire skillsets in a relatively short timespan. Which is going to fucking suck

>> No.6223532

Why yes, I'm creating for myself only. I don't post anywhere. Nobody gives a shit anyways. Unless you are a big name nobody sees your art. There are tons of literal whos creating great artwork that gets overlooked. Anything we make is already ultimatelly meaningless. There are gazillions of conventional drawings produced every second.
And no, the AI doesn't make decisions for me.

I feel like most art is already bleak. At least if you've been around for a bit.

>> No.6223537

Make it millions.

>> No.6223549

I did that and regretted it, wasted my time. Fuck you and cunts like you who gave me that advice

>> No.6223551

For the last time, no. The "problems" you're citing already came with the package of being in a thousands year old civilization with billions of people in it. You can be perfectly content keeping up with your own work, capturing your own audience, developing your own ideas, and living in those moments to come.

>> No.6223573

This is like quitting art because photography was invented.

>> No.6223592

I feel like my world is collapsing.
Art isn’t even how I make my money, but it’s what I base my identity on. I always thought “no matter how bad things get, at least I can draw. That gives me value, it gives me something that other people don’t have.”
Now everyone has it. So what’s the fucking point of anything?
I can’t even cope that the AI is still shit at most things. It is, don’t me wrong. It’s still quite shit. But people don’t care. They love it anyway. Even at the current level of quality people are already generating hundreds of pictures and going “wow this is great, I’ll never commission an artist again.”
If they’re impressed by this level of quality then what will happen when the AI gets even better?
I won’t quit drawing. Quitting is what they want. I can at least not give them that satisfaction. But I feel like we live in an evil world now, and I don’t have any hope that it will get better. Mass surveillance, no human interaction, swipe left and right on dating apps like it’s a meat market, no human art, just let the magic box entertain you with pretty colors…
Computers should never have been invented. This shit is demonic. I can work to be a little bright spot in the sea of darkness but ultimately I don’t think it will matter.

>> No.6223606

It's just a gimmick dude, chill

>> No.6223633

Put it this way—if all you were doing was floating loom is heads and anime girl naked or wearing a bikini staring into the void then chances are an AI would marginally help you and your stale imagination.

For everyone else who can think, who has voices in their heads, the muse, the seeds of God that the technocrats so desperately want to invade and capture what it’s like to tap into this line of thinking..we’re fine.

>> No.6223648
File: 1.59 MB, 1024x1024, stable diffusion fur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not equivalent problems. AI directly competes with human creativity, and we haven't even begin to explore everything that can be done with it.
Everything has always been meaningless, but now it will be much harder to pretend it's not.

>> No.6223653

AI existing does not invalidate you or your years of work. You're not looking for what an AI can provide, you're looking for yourself, and you won't find it typing in commands for DALL-E.

>> No.6223724

>AI directly competes with human creativity
Not really. In your picture, it's fairly obvious that the AI is just copying things from the body of human art it has been taught. It can identify specific elements, and it can combine them in novel ways, but it doesn't know anything that wasn't in the input data.
Maybe you can eventually train a neural network that can draw hands, and furry snouts, and even a passable two-point perspective, but the way you'd currently do that is by showing it vast amounts of artwork drawn by humans, featuring these things. There is no mechanism for AI to actually mimic creativity. Maybe there will be, one day, but it's firmly beyond the reach of the AI we have now.
I think it'll go exactly like it did with photography. Photography was exceptionally good at portraits and landscapes, but it had other limitations, and though it irrevocably changed the professional art scene, it didn't end it.

>> No.6223879

>If you drew for others and not for yourself
Artists are literally making thousands on Patreon/Subscribe Star, learning to draw to make money is as much a valid reason as any.

>> No.6223883

Is it just me or the only retards quitting art because of AI are trannime, furry and pedophile artists?
Maybe ai is actually a blessing for the art community.

>> No.6223909

>I started making art to feed my ego and ultimately to sell it and now I feel threatened
You should reflect on your motivations

>> No.6223924

It's not just you. Looks like this is going to be a great filter for artists.

>> No.6223926

If you quit then the Jews win. This is exactly what they want and why the technology was created in the first place. They already have all the money in the world and can make more of it whenever they want, that enough should tell you the purpose was never financial gain but to further rip the goys of their spirit.

>> No.6223935

>my creativity and/or skills are threatened by a literal subhuman, should I quit?
Yes, stop wasting your time, find more productive usage of it.

>> No.6223954
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did you just call an AI model subhuman?

>> No.6223972

Yes. It's even less than a nigger.
Imagine, just fucking imagine! being threatened by that.

>> No.6223977

probably calling the pajeet devs

>> No.6223985

Exactly this.
If you quit, they win. Just keep telling yourself that if you feel your motivation waning.

>> No.6223991

Nah, until your art is artstation schlock that already got mass copied a million times by the other artstation drones you will be fine, Ai is just copying the copies.

It's "Blizzard, Hire this man" for 2D artwork.

Putting Mario to run In a photorealistic copied asset Setting, doesn't makes it tasteful.

>> No.6223993

Racist piece of shit.

>> No.6223994
File: 400 KB, 1003x786, 44cfe26319c16e97dd2d9089baf8127f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you quit then the Jews win.
I would usually agree but its pajeets behind this
>We will use the jews to litigate the pajeet

>> No.6224000

I feel more motivated than ever before.
Fuck the AI. I'll be drawing purely out of spite even if this entire board turns into an AI-"artist" hub.

>> No.6224002

Have a (you) my fellow racist. How's your day?

>> No.6224007

the jews are paying the pajeets

>> No.6224009

Without niggers so far so I rate it a 7/10

>> No.6224020

Not to brag, but I haven't seen a single shitskin today, but I wasn't very productive this week, so.. yeah 7/10 looks like for me too.
Have a good weekend, king!

>> No.6224023
File: 75 KB, 1262x712, pNftG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the jew to defeat the jew

>> No.6224026

Digital/trannime artists are pathetic lol

>> No.6224030
File: 1.32 MB, 1242x1133, 0A1220E1-1627-4E2E-926C-546475E62B97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either two things will happen:
1. AI brings in a new age of unprecedented economic prosperity, in which you no longer need to work for money and are free to truly create art without needing money (unlikely)
2. AI brings a total collapse of civilization, the technology is lost and your drawing skills become relevant again (more likely)

>> No.6224082

I was literally just arguing with a guy on reddit who was saying “I want to use AI to generate hundreds of pretty paintings of landscapes and sci-fi shit, I don’t care what it means, I just want pretty colors I want to consoom consoom consoooommmm”
Then I went through his post history and it turned out he was a pajeet.
I guess it’s just some genetic flaw in the race? No ability to understand art?

>> No.6224084

What a worthless post

>> No.6224102


More like the guy's being paid to say positive things about it. Always follow the money

>> No.6224148


>> No.6224268
File: 108 KB, 718x720, 1658018616633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your drawing skills become relevant again
Relevant to what?

I've been telling this shit over and over again but you niggers really only care about the attention you get with doing art.
You don't like drawing and for your disgusting faggots it's just a tool to be somewhat socially relevant.
You cannot even fathom the utter disgust i have for non humans like that; like Hitler's disgust with jews, if not even stronger.

>> No.6224360

If you are competing creatively with an electric abacus, you are lower than a nigger.

>> No.6224450

>I’ll cut to the chase. I’ve been drawing for years now
what a waste of time

>> No.6224639
File: 250 KB, 960x540, Kannagi4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he is mediocre and replacable and art, being mediocre and replacable in coding won't make him any better. For all I know, he'll be replaced by indians, if not AI. I see boomers trying to get into coding, forcing themselves to grind these stupid webdev courses. Meanwhile real enthusiasts easily spend 4-12 hours everyday on it, it's just fun and they're loving it, it's effortless like playing a game. Money-driven people cannot possible compete with enthusiasts.

As seen in OP, as seen here>>6223549 and here >>6223445 , no offense meant.

>> No.6224645
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>he went into for money instead for the primal drive to create

>> No.6224654

>stop trying to survive

>> No.6224744

What I meant was, there's likely something OP's passionate about and no matter what it is, he'll make much more money and be happier in general doing this thing rather than trying to compete with whatever the big thing is right now.

If not, suffering it is then. I only wish he won't whine about
>muh no jobs zoomers with CS majors reee
on /g/.

>> No.6224758

1. go trad
2. avoid coom
3. ???
4. profit

>> No.6224961

That sounds like a you problem.

>> No.6225017

>It's just a gimmick dude, chill

>> No.6225129

AI in art has existed for freaking decades why are retards in this thread suddenly fearposting about it now?

>> No.6225142

Artists will always be a thing and you shouldn't feel discouraged by these AI's because they can only take from something that already exists and will never have the same ability to interpret art as us humans.
In the future AI will probably have the ability of creating art that looks like it was done by a human, but never could have the same originality and vision of humans.

>> No.6225163

>Anyone else feel like quitting because of AI?

I felt like that yesterday, but then I found out that AI will never replace Hentai, Furry art, and Gore because DALL-E banned those topics.

Open source AI may be coomers last hope about that, but I'm pretty sure that Governments will outlaw it, and send their devs to jail for obvious reasons (Too easy to create illegal content)

DALL-E also have a hard time with animation

TLDR: You either draw NSFW art or quit art

>> No.6225167

pyw. i bet you're a literal /beg/-tier retard. only /beg/s would think like this
actually i bet you don't even draw your just trying to start discourse about the same tired "muh AI is replacing us" rhetoric

>> No.6225194

Bruh you’re behind the curve.
Stable Diffusion is free and already does porn, check the threads on /h/

>> No.6225243
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As long as you can draw better hands than this, you are safe.

>> No.6225275

Don't worry about AI. Its effect on art today is nothing compared to the effect of photography on art 150 years ago.

>> No.6225306

Patreon and or Subscribe Star or Fanbox or Fantia wasn't a thing back then, baka.

>> No.6225310

Please quit, and quit this board as well, you spamming sheep.

>> No.6225312

>You don't like drawing and for your disgusting faggots it's just a tool to be somewhat socially relevant.
Soooo.... just like every professional artist ever?

>> No.6225313

My primary motivation for learning art is so I can give my friends personal gifts because I love them a lot. Am I a lost cause?

>> No.6225317
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I don't want to be replaced, anon...

>> No.6225320

guys im from /g/ and all I will say is that at least from the stand point of a coomer this ai generations is definetly not going to replace artists not even comissions. artists (ex. twitter ones) have much more than just their art, their drawing style, small community, and humanity (the communications between audience and author). It feels super weird to coom to a computer gen artwork, beacuse it fells so null so empty, sure it might fill a fetish that most artists will reject, but overall I will definetly keep suporting artists.

>> No.6225327

>overall I will definetly keep suporting artists.
definitely respect that, but the reason everybody is freaking out is because art ai will, soon enough, mog the fuck out of the turing test. Nobody can tell if someone is actually making the art, or if they're just pressing a button and saying they made it from scratch, meaning there will be no trust in whether an artist actually made something or not. Nobody wants to pay somebody for something they can do within a minute on their own computer, and even if somebody wants to support an artist they have no idea if they just used an ai and scammed them out of their cash

>> No.6225341

>pyw. i bet you're a literal /beg/-tier retard. only /beg/s would think like this
Also people who don't draw and need an excuse not to.

>> No.6225352

I dont even know what to feel, its like a sick joke. Art will die and be replaced by a derivative product and so many people are fine with it, whatever.

>> No.6225354

>Nobody can tell if someone is actually making the art, or if they're just pressing a button and saying they made it from scratch, meaning there will be no trust in whether an artist actually made something or not.
tradchads... we won

>> No.6225413

>Nice oil painting technique. Did you copy an AI painting? Did you use a projector?
Just kill me now. Maybe I need a new medium... Origami... AI can't do that...

>> No.6225421

>AI can't do that...
Yet. Human race is fucked, might as well become a hermit and live in a forest.

>> No.6225433

The ironic thing about the AI vs begs and all the “how do I paint like X artist?”, is that AI shamelessly copied and analyzed and recreated and recreated who knows how many times and leveled up to a state where it’s impossible to tell if it was done by an artist or AI. Meanwhile the /beg/ still shuns copying because he’s afraid it’ll stifle his creativity, and as a result he hasn’t done anything.

>> No.6225434

My new medium... Is live humans... I shall impregnate a lady, creating a living breathing work of art! Now to find a willing volunteer...

>> No.6225439

I think most people are confused about AI generated art. It would be more correct to call it machine imagination. If you had something that could read your mind and dump the thoughts or dreams, that'd be similar to what you'd get. It can't really replace (until you get to AGI) your hand drawn stuff (even on a computer), but it is something relatively entertaining to play with, not like GPT-n's are fun to play with for fiction, but that doesn't stop people from writing long stories. (human or machine) Imagination will always have some flaws and be more raw compared to something you iteratively improve.

>> No.6225458

maybe you can sustain on enthusiasm alone but i need some form of gratification, and money is the best form

and soon people won't be sure if you really draw the pictures you show or ai does, and you're just a fraud

>> No.6225462

How many people were willing to take an experimental government goo in hopes of being told like good little goys they can take off their masks in public to take a sip of water? Separate yourself from the sheep and continue to create real art, because that's what improves yourself and gives you true enlightenment, not a cheap dopamine rush like typing in a google search for some pixel vomit.

>> No.6225477

>Did you use a projector?
I mean, people could already ask a painter that on account of photos. AI doesn't change that. That technique is centuries old at this point.

>> No.6225521

no because what else is there to do? I only enjoy playing guitar and want to learn doing art. if I give up these things what am I gonna do, play video games all day?

>> No.6225565
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I'm never going to quit, it's the only escape that I have. It does kind of suck that the whole community part of art will be fucking destroyed though

>> No.6225568

Nigger, this is like quitting writing because DungeonAi exists.

Go be retarded somewhere else

>> No.6225570


Lol at you code monkeys that think learning AI algorithms won't make 90% of you obsolete.

>> No.6225573

are they even allowed to sell the art....

>> No.6225576

even if they could no one would pay them kek

>> No.6225582

It's more fucked than us.
>bro please share with me the origami manual you downloaded from this insane artist who deleted all his stuff 13 years ago
>no only if you give me the 50$ origami png this artist is selling

>> No.6225588

You can't copyright ai shit so no.

>> No.6225593

It's not time time lapses or streaming was invented.

>> No.6225595

meh, I will go on.
if anything I will use it to create my own art faster.

>> No.6225600
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Yeah you described my feelings on it to a T. I've been trying to improve enough to eventually make bank on Patreon off DnD/tabletop asset creation, I'm still at least 2-3 years off from that though. I can only hope these AIs end up overrated and can't get stuff consistently right, otherwise my career path is fucked and I wasted all this time trying to gitgud.

>> No.6225601

not really? but that's because it's already "destroyed" since it's full of hacks that cheat their way with tracing stolen art, and other shit like that. they'll just move unto this AI shit instead now.

>> No.6225606

this. i actually played with it for a few months to generate retarded stories and got bored eventually. i actually never even crossed my mind that "AI dungeon" would replace writers after the fact, that sounds way too retarded. did writers panic over it by any chance?

>> No.6225611

>“The time is at hand when you will have forgotten everything; and the time is at hand when all will have forgotten you. Always reflect that soon you will be no one, and nowhere.”
> ― Marcus Aurelius

>> No.6225613


>> No.6225620

ai dungeon got shot in the food because it wasn't open source iirc and the creators put a lot of limitations on it. it'd be similar if the creator of one of these ais put a million limitations so it was useless (dall-e kind of does this, which is why everyone's jumping to stability diffusion). the trouble is that SD wants to put out the source code so anyone can do whatever they want with it, without looking at the stipulations of what the tech could be used for (likeness porn/CP, stealing artists styles, etc.)
something similar is bound to happen to writing within the next few months as well though, it's gonna displace a bunch of journos and creative writers imo

>> No.6225623

>>6225620 (me)

>> No.6225641

>news wrote by AIs, with AI art as pictures, and bots spamming the comment section
I don't want to live on this planet anymore

>> No.6225644
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Dall-E's dev said that the very reason he didn't open source it like stable diffusion did is to avoid these situations. I guess he was playing smart by trying to avoid dangerous shit like CP which would bring these AI projects to court, but now nothing is safe anymore

>> No.6225646
File: 24 KB, 603x393, e2cd06c02bb420839e64156bb9c46a02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should have listened.

>> No.6225652
File: 145 KB, 728x646, 2829582385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just turn off the internet and go out with your friends dude, what's the worse that can happ
>all your irl friends are robots wearing synthetic in disguise

>> No.6225655
File: 153 KB, 702x1343, fdsfsddfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trouble is that we are seeing an arms race in real time between all these companies, it's classic startup culture where if you can get your foot in the door early on you'll become a pillar of the tech after getting bought out by microsoft or whatever
thus all ethics are out the window, artists like karla ortiz have been trying to talk to the devs on twitter and they just skirt around the questions. doesn't seem like there's been any consultation with the artists who's working their modelling uses cause they know they're on dicey ground using peoples scraped data without consent like this

>> No.6225657

my friends are internet addicts lmao, and my best friends are foreigners since i live in a third world shithole so the internet is the only way I can communicate with them. it's funny that you tell me this, because yesterday I made a list of shit I will enforce upon myself to curb my internet addiction. limit myself only to chill boards that have nothing to do with media like /an/, check out on my favorite artists occasionally and using youtube only for music, etc. what was once a joyful addiction turned into shit 5 years ago or so, because the internet was gradually sinking into said shit

>> No.6225662

Stuff like this further ignites the disinformation war. It's scary to think that someone can generate a realistic looking image and a bogus article in mere seconds. You can manipulate everything from politics, stock prices, even national security.

>> No.6225665

stop being such a luddite lmao. get in the pod, eat the bugs, listen to the deepfake etc.

>> No.6225666

i think this is the thing that bothers me; i wouldn't even care about the ramifications on the mainstream art industry as long as i never had to see or interact with it in any capacity ever. But having to second guess if anything is the product of a person or an algorithm mushing together a bunch of data (which can vaguely look human; after all it is an average of elements created by humans originally) is going to drive me to become a schizo

>> No.6225675

A homemade GPT bot raided /pol/ for an entire day and made up 10% of its posts. Honestly in the near future i would stay away from imageboards or any social media besides using it to read metanews. I can foresee a lot of these content creators automating the interaction with their fanbase through chat bots trained on their speeches to streamline community interaction too. Bots replying to bots. I also live in the third world but at some point I will prefer walk around the falloutpunk streets rather than do any kind of interaction online, because the internet as we know it will be just the like a maze where you have no idea if some rando you see is a genuine person or an AI

>> No.6225681

I think everyone will have 3 options going forward:
>love the machine and consoom whatever reality the algorithms feeds you
>become a schizo, never certain if anything you see is real
>abandon the internet (or at least social media) completely


>> No.6225686
File: 190 KB, 656x590, httpswww.dailymail.co.uksciencetecharticle-11112653Brain-implants-let-lawyers-scan-years-material-fraction-time-report-suggests.html.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microsoft is probably going to buy OpenAI despite Stable Diffusion having more prospects, since the opensource model will grow to have a lot of controversies in this time window. The remaining ramifications of autocompletion AI will be sould out to other companies such as growing neurotechnology ones for uses such as pirel

>> No.6225693

those aren't 3 options, those are the steps

>> No.6225714

Nothing will ever stop you from pursuing this hobby

Just like model train enthusiasts, people who make their own paper and ink, people who make "scrapbooks", studying esoteric programming languages, collecting cool rocks or bird feathers for your collection, it's all fine.
Don't worry about what other people think, just have fun with it. In a way it's kind of cool even.

>> No.6225718

Yeah maybe it aint so bad, now I can finally ditch the disgusting digital art and go back to my beloved traditional

>> No.6225726
File: 104 KB, 632x900, 1634111144370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I told 2020's IC about this AI magic genie generation stuff they would find it absolutely insane and call me a larper
I wonder what we, as of today, would find absolutely insane and is going to happen in the next couple years

>> No.6225729
File: 74 KB, 700x473, lee sedol v alphago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into ML way back when recognizing handwriting was cool and cutting edge.
Then I saw AlphaGo and realized it was MASSIVE. A lot of westerners aren't aware of Go and didn't realize how big this was, how different it was from a computer beating chess masters.
Watching the matches with Lee Sedol and others, and how utterly and completely AlphaGo destroyed them, was eye-opening.
I haven't seen the latest with video and audio, though I've seen some very good video ML and heard some interesting audio ML. I'm sure it's better now, though I doubt live rendering is past the threshold of human detection, but I give it a year or so.
It's not just static images. We're on the threshold of non-verifiable recorded video footage, and soon after, live footage.

My advice to digital artists, would be to hone your "touching up" skills. Fix those deformed hands, third tits, etc. But it will be more of a technician sort of job.

>> No.6225736

the issue is that art is already an incredibly precarious field, there's a reason for the "do it for exposure" and "starving artist" etc memes are real, this will kill at the bare minimum 9/10 of those precarious jobs, meaning art as we know it is completely decimated
i don't understand what issues they are trying to solve with this, after all artists are not well paid in the first place... is it that we are too slow and need to be eat, unlike an algorithm? what is the meaning behind "democratising" AKA destroying the livelihood of a group of very poor and struggling people lol, why can't they destroy the livelihood of the upper-class instead if they really want to fix equality issues in society like they claim
>be artist
>try to make it for decades, pour your life into a craft by practising everyday and posting your work on /ic/ to improve
>techbros scrape your data and decide they like your work, feed your drawings to an algorithm which can displace you entirely

>> No.6225738

>how different it was from a computer beating chess masters
To elaborate, on a 19x19 board there are roughly 10^170 possible board positions. To give that some perspective, there are around 10^80 atoms in the observable universe.
So this is a very different situation from chess, which has a lot of identifiable sequences and historically has been "brute forced" by computers checking possible moves.
For a very long time after computers beat chess world champions, computers could not win against go champions, and the early confidence that everyone had about the AlphaGo matches was quickly cut down.

>> No.6225739

>>>6225657 #
>A homemade GPT bot raided /pol/ for an entire day and made up 10% of its posts.

>> No.6225741

There are no issues to be solved. Do you really think these companies spent millions so they could give you some wobbly generator to make art "democratized"? They don't even believe their own claims. All this turmoil is exactly what they needed to advertise their AIs to bigger companies. IT jobbers don't care about art at all, never cared, this just happens to be an early side feature of the culminating project these AIs aim to be part of.

>> No.6225744


>> No.6225745 [DELETED] 

anon, chess is a math game. it's completely algorhythm based, all possible combinations have been discovered in years. that is definitely something computers are better at than humans. it's not impressive to me personally, it's like being surprised that a calculator can add and subtract faster than a human

>> No.6225747

..... Right, which was exactly my point.
Beating Go was extremely different, and mostly lost in its importance on the western world, much like it seems to be lost to you even while trying to spell it out.

>> No.6225752

>My advice to digital artists, would be to hone your "touching up" skills. Fix those deformed hands, third tits, etc. But it will be more of a technician sort of job.
it's better to not draw digitally at all than do this

>> No.6225753
File: 338 KB, 800x1172, tesuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machine Learning has been around long before even computers. Math paved the way, as it usually does. But the techniques weren't computationally feasible. With modern technology and especially certain aspects of how GPUs work, this old work has found life.

In other words,
>i don't understand what issues they are trying to solve with this
You're looking at it wrong. It was already here. OpenAI didn't invent it, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, or earlier VQGAN stuff, none of them invented it. Maybe iterated on it, but the trajectory was set in place a long time ago. If it wasn't them, it'd be someone else. Of course everyone wants to take their credit, but the idea of neural networks goes back to the 1940s, at least.

>> No.6225756

Explain to me how does it work please, is it really creating something new or just matching pictures together

>> No.6225762

I don't want to dox myself but believe me I saw these models in labs in 1993 via three layer neural nets including hooking them up to CMOS and the usual training and dreamscapes etc. Yes it is not particularly new.

>> No.6225763

I don't know how to without knowing your background or level of interest in detail you have, nor do I really care to to be honest, sorry.
No it's not just "matching pictures together." Nor is it exclusive to generating pictures.

I have this that is supposedly a good intro but I haven't checked it out. It's probably more than you're looking for though.

>> No.6225764

Mmm thanks

>> No.6225768

>To elaborate, on a 19x19 board there are roughly 10^170 possible board positions. To give that some perspective, there are around 10^80 atoms in the observable universe.
weird comparison aside, what is the point you're trying to make? that it wasn't bruteforced like chess and therefore it's totes real AI guys? anon, it's still a very algorithimically constrained game, and it's not a secret that humans suck at algorhythms. this is a math game, just like chess. so if the AI would learn to only extrapolate on some move choices and not others it would reduce the amount of required calculations to a number that a computer can calculate, and deep-learning algorithms do it by playing hundreds of millions of games the same way and then basically discarding certain patterns that lead to loss. humans don't think like this, they can't think like this, computers can and they are better at doing it than humans.

art/drawing is not math, it requires abstraction and judgement, so this comparison will always be stupid

>> No.6225771

it is mashing pictures together though, theyre all based on these databases of billions of images, if you only limited the database to CC0 stuff and non copyrighted images, the stuff it output would be shit

>> No.6225773

if it's not doing this, then why can't AI make a classical painting by feeding it pictures from real life?

>> No.6225777

hey OP what I'm hearing is that the reason you grind hard to improve instead of building a career is because you feel you are a loser and it gets reinforced every time you work to improve and realize that you're still not good enough because no one taught you to have value outside of accomplishment and that your happiness is tied to your success.

There's a lot to tease apart when it comes to everything you've said and if you're feeling depressed and suicidal I'd have to wonder if you feel like quitting because AI is so super good or because at some point in life prior to art you had lost faith in yourself and hope and you blame yourself for everything wrong with your life which makes you hate yourself and like all that shit has formed into a set of beliefs and assumptions that whatever you do is meaningless so you don't even really try.

>> No.6225778

literally all machine learning is based upon bruteforcing. he used the Go example above, but the machine brutforces still, it just bruteforces something else to decrease the odds of loss and increase the odds of winning. to claim that the AI is not bruteforcing these images together is asinine.

>> No.6225781

NTA but art can be objective to an extent. Things like the Golden Ratio and the intrinsically attractive patterns shaped after it, color theory, posing it all gives an universal value to the image.

>> No.6225798

>Machine Learning has been around long before even computers. Math paved the way, as it usually does. But the techniques weren't computationally feasible. With modern technology and especially certain aspects of how GPUs work, this old work has found life.
Namely, image recognition lies at the heart of it. That evil shit ruins everything it touches

>> No.6225801

problem is, AI has no self evaluation skills. art is not Chess or Go to have a victory condition

>> No.6225806

your point is stupid because it's still an algorhythm based game. it takes a different approach than chess, but it will still beat a human for obvious reason

>> No.6225810

The current model doesn't, it isn't even a proper AI like people think it is so to speak. But you are severely underestimating what further models can do with ingrained knowledge of the human nature. Can you really be sure that until the end of this decade, at the very least, we won't see AGI assisted-generators?

>> No.6225814

>But you are severely underestimating what further models can do with ingrained knowledge of the human nature. Can you really be sure that until the end of this decade, at the very least, we won't see AGI assisted-generators?
honestly? yes. i believe AGI to be as likely to happen as teleportation and space travel. and if you ask me, art being overtaken by computers is the last thing you should worry if something like that happens. what you're describing is the apocalypse

>> No.6225816

sorry meant to reply to>>6225810

>> No.6225819

Actually, it doesn't even need to be AGI for the image generator to completely understand what a human would like to see ideally. You can do that with brain implants like Neuralink. It's already being done without them however: though the experiment ran on a severely data-starved AI, it generated images specifically tailored to activate certain neuron areas on a monkey's brain: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/05/ai-evolved-these-trippy-images-to-please-a-monkeys-neurons/588517/

>> No.6225820
File: 377 KB, 1472x1352, Screenshot 2022-08-20 at 1.57.41 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys please tell me this is clickbait

>> No.6225821

i don't see how this will assist the AI in such a way. but even if it did, by the time this would become relevant i'll be off this shit world in peace

>> No.6225824

nah man that's completely legit
i myself started to make serious bucks doing ai art
that shit's bussin fr

>> No.6225825

It assists precisely because the autocompletion method it uses will also be based on parameters from your mind converted into code such as memories and current emotions to deliver you the thing you want to see the most (or the least). This in special has many applications besides making artwork, like converting your photographic memories into computer images like it did to the monkey (he recalled his relatives before being taken away to experimentation and the female doctor who was looking at him hours earlier)

>> No.6225828

I'm not saying this in a positive light btw, we will never be able to imagine to know how fucked up people will be when corporations draw data directly from their brain to hook them up with an absurdly addictive self-absorbed entertainment form

>> No.6225833

>like converting your photographic memories into computer images like it did to the monkey
amazing. recorded thought crimes lmao. again, if this happens I will definitely go and live off the land like a hermit behind a fenced yard, fortunately I can afford such a thing. this is beyond "art sux now"

>> No.6225834

So are you just lying to clients about the process? How long can you keep that up?

>> No.6225836

"a 5 part series...", subscribe to get notified when part 2 is out. part one tells you nothing about money. It's fake.

>> No.6225838

people forget the absolute the sheer amount of scams this will generate

>> No.6225917

>there will be no trust in whether an artist actually made something or not.
There's already dumb teen drama with artists painting over photos and stealing ideas from each other, so it's not like that'll be anything new. Just another way to "cheat".

>> No.6225922

i've seen this furfag on twitter just stealing art en masse for months and tracing it. he shits them out at unbelievable speed. he's still not banned yet

>> No.6225929

Why not get a real job?

>> No.6225934

The only reason of this existing is because the jews couldn’t draw anime for shit or control the Japanese industry, so they made from pure spite an AI that can generate that type of content

>> No.6225943

>the end of this decade
I don't see any point in worrying about the future. Maybe AI will crack human aesthetics like it cracked chess. Maybe Skynet will kill us all. Maybe it's an unsolvable problem, and the future of computing is mentats. There's no way to know until someone tries.

>> No.6225946

He's using AI to autogenerate perfect excuses. No human mind can ever catch him.

>> No.6225952
File: 39 KB, 588x591, E68B8F11-1CE7-41DB-A4BE-8F6069497590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Your art can represent emotions and life experience which a ai can’t replicate.
2. Would you rather have a lovingly crafted and intricately made shoe created by a skilled crafts man or a pair of Nikes from a sweatshop.
3. From a money perspective fetish art usually is very specific which makes it hard to replicate with ai.

>> No.6225954
File: 351 KB, 787x787, 0687E2DD-D860-489B-B704-4E6FF34695A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry not sorry but the fundamentals of Neural Networks come from experimenting with giant squid axons, the mathfagging comes later.

t. biotechfag

>> No.6225979

Do you play games? Watch movies? Shows? Do you get paid for it? When you actually think about it, playing league of legends or counter strike, startcraft 2 or any other online competitive game is an incredibly demanding task, I'd argue solving homework exhausts teenagers less than playing their 4-5 matches in a row. Do they get paid for it though? Get any form of gratification other than their in-game rank? Do you?

And even if people soon won't be sure if you're really drawing, why not record yourself drawing and post it on youtube or stream yourself? I've seen videos like these to get millions of views. Speedpaints and the like. Think of something, be creative. I mean when computers became widely used, the so-called "digital art" emerged. Artists of the past generations adapted to the new environment, and so will you, why not?

>> No.6225982

If people aren’t sure if you’re “really drawing” then it is, by definition, over. If the AI can produce a perfect drawing of your obscure seasonal waifu getting gangbanged then there is no reason to commission an artist to draw it. You can just do it yourself for pennies.
Human artists can only keep existing as long as they can provide something that the AI can’t.

>> No.6225990

Let me take your words and put them in the concept of cybersport:

>If people aren’t sure if you’re “really aiming” then it is, by definition, over. If the cheat engine can give you perfect headshots in CS then there is no reason to attend counter strike tournaments or donate to the players. You can just download the cheats yourself.
Human players can only keep existing as long as they can provide something that the cheat engine can’t.

How does it sound?

>> No.6226011

>Guys please tell me this is clickbait
no, this is your industry rapidly changing

>> No.6226012

Remember, even if the future robot AI god finds a way to revive your consciousness and torture you for millions of years in its VR hellscape, it’s unlikely that it will ever find a way to reverse entropy, and like everything else it will be torn apart during the heat death of the universe.
Nothing can last forever. That is the law.

>> No.6226019
File: 147 KB, 775x767, 1660978474118688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bad example. many many many online games have been utterly ruiner and crushed by bots
>i dont have to play the game myself, lets just hook the bot to grind the mobs so it earns enough cash/honor so i can buy the end game item
this killed practically all MMOs
>aiming is too hard, lets use this script which gives away position of enemies and clicks their heads
and cheaters decimanted practically all multiplayer games which werent big enough to hire people to discover and ban the cheater. and even really big games like CSGO or LOL is unplayable for newcomers because smurfs and cheaters creating new accounts are completely decimating any potentional new comers to the game.

>> No.6226021

Does anyone have a good filter list for posts like these?

>> No.6226028

Ok. You won. I wouldn't lie if I said I could keep going in this argument till this thread reaches bump limit. It's just that defending a defeatist postion is always easier and I'm not claiming to be a winner, just see for yourself
>why do anthing if we die anyway
>why earn money if some braindead junkie who stored 500 bitcoins in a darknet store is a millionaire now
>why code anything useful if you can just outsource to indians
>why learn fundamentals of programming if most people are using their OS as a bootloader for Chrome and most of the applications they use are web-based
>why get into webdev either if there are online website constructors that make sites automatically, as well as the libraries and neural networks that are capable of gluing them together

See how it goes? Maybe you'll think about it and get what I mean, you'll feel a lot better. I wish you to practice today, sincerely all the best

>> No.6226041
File: 61 KB, 640x640, a6c28019dce3339617276ea00671644f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ here. do you believe reputation systems on blockchain would be a solution to this or have opposite effects? not saying human artists can necessarily be saved, but it may be possible to have structures incentivizing deep creative understandings of reality rather than bland mixtures of anterior outputs. art could evolve into something more scientific (and vice-versa), at least if some entity wants to earn money from it

still vague early concept but idea is to have some kind of entanglement of voting power inside algorithmic markets, combined with a depolarization mechanism (token burn) similar to biological neural networks as sybil resistance

>> No.6226077

I'm loving this AI since its a great way to generate new ideas, the ultimate anti-art block.
Also I don't think people will ever fully embrace AI, I mean look at self driving tech, it drives better than people in 99% of situations, but people aren't willing to give it up. A few years ago we were worrying that truckers and taxis will be out of jobs, yet here we are with manual food delivery services being bigger than ever.

>> No.6226088
File: 30 KB, 960x960, dffle83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that you put a machine in a same comparison with humans, niggers or even invertebrates is pretty fucked if you ask me

>> No.6226100

art is more important than whatever shit you're doing.

>> No.6226104

>yadda yadda
people still play them, and most of them do it fairly

>> No.6226109

>If people aren’t sure if you’re “really drawing” then it is, by definition, over.
over how? and why now? why wasn't it over for decades with all the photobashers as that also fool people that it's art? is it over for photographers because photorealistic artists exist? this argument just makes no sense
> If the AI can produce a perfect drawing of your obscure seasonal waifu getting gangbanged then there is no reason to commission an artist to draw it.
it's over for the gaming industry. if you can torrent video games for free, there is no reason to purchase games on steam

>> No.6226112

the ai is gonna make better art than you soon though, there's no "inspiration" when the art is already finished when its generated, unless you wanna draw something inferior to the AI (in a commercial sense)
if it's non commercial why use the ai at all

>> No.6226120

>the ai is gonna make better art than you soon though
assuming he is a beginner forever, maybe. I got to laugh in the face of you retards for over a decade after threatening that my job will be automated by AI, every single year. that's not gonna happen anytime soon for my job, and it won't happen any time soon for artists as well either. because the AI is incapable of self evaluation. it's not capable of abstraction, it's only capable of generating mere suggestions, like you're browsing for names in a fantasy name generator because your tiny head cannot come up with one. the AI is incapable of placing your thoughts unto canvas accurately. you can refresh that prompt for hours, if you have an idea in your head and want to transform it into reality, it's impossible to reflect it accurately with the AI. maybe I'm talking with someone who has absolutely no standards, no taste whatsoever and doesn't care about these extremely important details when it comes to making art. i find it baffling that people do not bring this up more, maybe this aphantasia shit is actually real

>> No.6226130
File: 431 KB, 919x919, 1661005808125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to cut out a niche that makes you better than a robot. If it's concept design you can plug into a robot "cool futuristic girl with armor" and even if it's 1000x better than dalle it'll take someone dozens of refreshes to get something good. And that "something good" probably won't have some crucial elements that make up a good character design. You can have a robot make an image that would take a lot of skill, but it'll miss out on the more fundamental things that make a drawing appealing. And this is just for concept art, probably the most likely thing to go. As for fine art it literally doesn't matter. There will always, until the end of time, be a market for genuine human expression. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. It's already unrealistic enough for you to get a career in art at all, if you have the motivation to trudge through that minefield of a life a fucking robot shouldn't bother you. Just go beyond.

>> No.6226132

i hate AI too but i think artists who think it's not gonna displace most of the industry are naive. I don't believe it has any place in our workflow in any capacity since it's designed for non-artists to bypass artists entirely.

>> No.6226141

>there's no "inspiration" when the art is already finished when its generated
You've never been inspired by a finished piece of artwork? What the fuck is this argument hahahahhaah

>> No.6226143
File: 3.96 MB, 1602x1002, art1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imo this just means that you need to re-think your production process and focus more on image, branding, style, merchandise etc. Higher order products and broader project based works.

Don't forget, someone WILL make an AI that generates lineart for you to paint over yourself, among other things, and it will kill the digital art marketspace.

>> No.6226144

i'm not an artist and I don't think it's gonna displace artists. I think that artists need to find their collective balls with this whining. of course it doesn't belong in your workflow, that garbage is in the same territory as painting over photobashed pictures or tracing a 3D model and coating it with plastic looking rendering. guess what, I and many others never followed those retards. yes they are far more popular, yes they put less effort than you, yes they will earn more money than you, yes these are the same people who will use AI, but this has always been the case because are normies are retarded and that's what they seek. and despite of this, there are artists that make money by doing a sketch, and painting over it, like you'd do on paper, many without even any texture brushes.

who do you think that makes more money? Ed Sheeran with 1 billion views on YouTube after 1 week, or bands like Rush that normies will grimace towards in confusion of never hearing the name? but guess what, those bands still play, they still make money, far less, but it is what it is. you either sell your soul to become a scammer and a cheapskate to make a lot of money, or you don't.

>> No.6226147
File: 3.90 MB, 1603x1002, art2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6226150

Rush is a great band

>> No.6226151
File: 160 KB, 501x625, 1607817548922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn art into some capitalistic profit making hellscape. this already exists already. also your argument would be more sound, if you wouldn't accompany it with these ugly soulless abominations

>> No.6226154

indeed they are

>> No.6226165

it's not going to displace well established and popular artists, sure. everyone had to start somewhere though, and 90% of paid gigs are grunt work right now

>> No.6226169
File: 602 KB, 705x744, korny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't use state of the art image AI?

>> No.6226173

I find it ironic how a humanities board became more fixated on technology than /g/pol/biz/. Something like this wasn't ever supposed to happen, yet you can't ecoect things to go back as they were. At least you now have an idea od what to expect from the future.

>> No.6226178

Maybe because the board is getting spammed and of course the prospect of artists getting replaced...

>> No.6226211

When you scroll by any 4chan board, chances are you will find an AI thread up. Normalfags are so enticed by the idea of having it generate art on demand that we will be getting the catalogs filled with the anime reactions or le funny pics made by AI in no time becoming the norm. This makes me puke, like have my humanity being surgically extracted from me. If your picture could be generated by AI, and your comment could very well be generated by GPT-4 too, who's to say you are any different from a bot?

>> No.6226217

I'm not sure why you're so disgusted by the idea of AI-generated art. I think it's really cool that we have the technology to create art that looks completely realistic. And as for the comments, I don't see why it would be a problem if they were generated by GPT-4. I don't think it would make people any less human.

>> No.6226218

>and your comment could very well be generated by GPT-4 too, who's to say you are any different from a bot?
Already happened in /pol/, ahh the future...we will get a never ending stream of derivative soulless ai produced entertainment while we enjoy our ubi and bugs, thanks utilitarian techbros!

>> No.6226220

You're exactly the target for automatization, you dont care for understanding, crafting, nothing. You just want to have your pretty product to consume, congrats the future will be very bright for you

>> No.6226223

You wouldn't care if you learned that you live in a simulation where every human you've ever interracted with was a robot, would you?

>> No.6226227

>he thinks we're ever going to get ubi
kek we're gonna be fighting over housing and gasoline and food and water while the algorithms generate infinite art

>> No.6226230

>And as for the comments, I don't see why it would be a problem if they were generated by GPT-4.
Imagine making a forum filled with bots talking to themselves. Imagine wasting your time replying to some bot thinking it was a human isn't this insane haha

>> No.6226234
File: 642 KB, 500x500, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6226237

I think boards will transition to VR chatrooms or something when it gets this bad. The flow of information will get clunkier, but normal web places are going to become unusable with the intrusion If AIs everywhere you can think of. For some more years we are still safe from one that can talk, interact and move adapted for any situation exactly like you would expect a human to be

>> No.6226239

>I think boards will transition to VR chatrooms or something
Discord trannies, we've won.

>> No.6226243

Here in mexico, politics twitter is already like this but I think its real people who get paid for it instead of bots so you get a bunch of paid accounts circlejerking or fighting against the paid accounts of the other political party

>> No.6226277

The upshot of all this is that maybe if it gets bad enough, people will start interacting in real life again.
I enjoy going to local fighting game tournaments. I at least know that those people are real, and not AI bots.

>> No.6226281

ok boomer, enough screaming at cloud today, back to your wheelchair

>> No.6226287

Do we just become street artists then?

>> No.6226293

They'll have the upper hand in physical art, since even if some silicon valley robot hand could do that there would be importation fees, physical resource usage and such. That is, until domestic printers get the "paintbrush" option

>> No.6226295 [DELETED] 

the post your replied to sounds like gpt-3 post. I'm 90% sure it's a joke post.

>> No.6226296

tattoo artist is looking more like a real option...

>> No.6226297

wait I changed my mind, customers showing up with their AI generated images asking me to tat it on them. no no no!

>> No.6226301

What will people even do when ai takes care of every job if even non functional activities like art will be automatised?

>> No.6226302


>> No.6226303

How do you want to meet up in real life when we have [Current Pandemic] going on? Back to your pod

>> No.6226312
File: 99 KB, 736x1019, dajoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI can't break the law, can it?
I'd paint on people's houses. Then I'd paint on people. They can't stop me.

>> No.6226319 [DELETED] 
File: 915 KB, 704x704, 1661008971647119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coomers are already doing some next level stuff with this. Deepfake of real people will simply not compare to the capabilities of this demo model

>> No.6226320

River of time, short story where time starts flowing differently for different people, the people stuck in slow time suddenly see a blur of color, their clothes removed and their bodies painted. idk remembered it cos your comment.

>> No.6226332

Do you guys remember waifulabs? It could generate perfectly consistent images due to being trained extensively on a thousand of drawn anime faces. That was the biggest redflag we had to see what was coming. It's only up to someone fine tune it to reach and surpass that level

>> No.6226333

The thing is AI's take over isn't going to be instant, it'll be a gradual take over lasting decades as non-AI jobs become more scarce and more and more people scramble for what few jobs remain.

>> No.6226343
File: 62 KB, 400x400, wl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its really over isnt it

>> No.6226344
File: 2.89 MB, 200x234, 1654029621450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to the World Economic Forum's "The Future of Jobs Report 2020", AI is expected to replace 85 million jobs worldwide by 2025. Though that sounds scary, the report goes on to say that it will also create 97 million new jobs in that same timeframe.
I can only wonder what these new "jobs" will be

>> No.6226345

It'll be over sooner if you don't struggle.

>> No.6226346

Answering captcha for bots.

>> No.6226353
File: 652 KB, 1184x666, 903690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he warned us

>> No.6226356

code monkey or worse

>> No.6226365

You have to be 18 or older to use this website

>> No.6226387
File: 74 KB, 912x1024, 1648580221127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should kill yourself OP.

Kill yourself for being a faggot weeb and kill yourself for thinking "Art" would never mastered by an AI. I love watching you losers squirm, "muh creative mind" lmfao. It's over pussies, time to stop drawing furbait for coomer degenerates and get an actual job.

>> No.6226389

Hey man, my OC is soooo creatve. She has vitiation, and eats spiders! plus she is immortal.

>> No.6226401
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, 1644475093903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i can't even draw an anime face but AI did it
It really is over...

>> No.6226410

kill yourself for being a proud pozzed wageslaver

>> No.6226418
File: 60 KB, 563x1000, CHADMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be soon as well artfag. Let's see how putting "I can draw, you know like the Superman S? Yea, I can do that, I err, also draw like cute anime girls" on your CV helps you in the real world

>> No.6226419

No,but at least it makes me feels less guilty with using shortcuts and stuffs like that.

>> No.6226420
File: 47 KB, 615x694, DqJRMjnU0AEKysE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rising sun shall rise once more. Should've never fucked with anime titties.

>> No.6226427

Where is my AI generated loli porn? It's only over when it can do that.

>> No.6226431
File: 995 KB, 500x370, 1642104125197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you guys remember waifulabs?
No I don't, no one stopped commissioning anime artist just because waifulabs existed.
Really makes you think about all these retards on twitter that are panicking instead of drawing

>> No.6226435

I had savings on ethereum in case of mass unemployment but even that is crashing rn because corporations exert complete control over the crypto scene and every bit of the web. Every inch of data is to be monopolized by them. We are only seeing the roots of these problems sprouting now, once it gets to normalfags they'll have become severely alienated to be able to continue on with their day-to-day lives

>> No.6226441

Dumb post. You can't make requests to waifulabs, just press buttons until a cat eared character appears. With these AIs people can request any catgirl they want, it's an universal commission artist

>> No.6226443
File: 454 KB, 640x480, 805B08B7-0CCA-4883-A8A3-F44CD91CE734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro just like draw for yourself bro draw for fun bro who cares if anyone ever sees it bro
I realized that this is actually a really shitty attitude.
Yes, egotism and the need for attention and validation can be taken too far. You can overdo it. But at the same time, people desire attention for a reason. It’s good and healthy to want to share your work with others and get appreciated for it. That’s the entire foundation of our nature as social beings - communicating with each other. It’s a big part of what makes life worth living. If you’re just sitting at home by yourself, doing whatever you think is fun, never sharing the results with anyone or communicating with other people, then how is what you’re doing any different from masturbation?
The logical outcome of “bro just do what makes you happy bro” is everyone being hooked up to the Matrix being fed an infinite stream of content to consoom. Apparently that’s the world that the techbros want. But it’s not the world that I want.

>> No.6226448

Check the other board, saw some of it. Worryingly accurate body proportions

>> No.6226450

you don't undestand what you are talking about, that'a not what drawing flr yourself really means and your comparisons don't make sense, and seeking for validation is a toxic behaviour, you need to fix your personal problems first, drawing will not fill any holes in your emotional deficiencies

>> No.6226456

Humans are designed to seek SOME level of validation. You can take it too far, but you can take anything too far, so that’s not a big revelation. It’s healthy and normal to want other people to know about and like what you do. If you literally do not care what other people think of you at all then you’re a psychopath.
This ideology of “just be yourself, don’t care about other people, they don’t matter” is just another piece of propaganda from modern neoliberal capitalism to encourage further atomization and make it harder for people to organize.

>> No.6226460

Based if true, but I don't believe you.

>> No.6226467
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1660699803351166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 4channers will push for AI=good optics because muh robowaifus
Conformism and self-indulgence will be the hallmarks of our end. At some point, real life started sounding no different from a bad dream. With the lines turning blurrier, maybe there'll really be no difference

>> No.6226471

New repeat every day thread. AI joins LoliShota/DAD/whyarejapanessocool/cuteboys in the Janny Editorialship pantheon.

Jannies suck. Fauxtraversy pure and simple.

>> No.6226473

i like fmab and don't give a shit about what other people think because if a bnha fan tella that fmab is shit i know for sure that is not true and that he is a retarded consoomer and at the same time i like yuru yuri i know it's shit but i enjoy it anyway so if someone comes to me and say that yuruyuri is shit i know it's true but i will still enjoy it, you have a beta male thinking, you don't need anyone's approval, you can listen to what others think, but you still have to remain true to yourself and understand why you enjoy things, maybe you need to share your hobbies with only one person aside you but that's all, fame is cancer the larger the group is the more retarded it becomes

>> No.6226477

it feels like a shitty sci fi plot

>> No.6226483

You think traditional artists felt like this during the rise of digital art?

>> No.6226484

Fuck. listening to the discord talk right now from the stable diffusion discord. They said they have a model that does perfect hands. Just a matter of time for them to integrate.

>> No.6226488

If anything it just created a new medium for artists to use.
It is pretty cool to know what it felt like for artists when photographs became wildly used, they also thought it was over. In reality it just meant artist had to adapt to the changes and create new mediums.

>> No.6226491

I'm going to start accusing all art on here and online in general of being AI lol

>> No.6226493

When anyone can be an "artist", no one is.

>> No.6226497

Yes art is inherently communicative. You aren't supposed to become a master of calligraphy if all you're using your skill for is to write cards destined to yourself. That would be madness. There's a bunch of thoughts we have every day, but unless we find them interesting enough to share with someone, we won't have any reason to take them out of our mind either

>> No.6226498

AI has been better than humans in Chess for decades now but human Grand masters still make money and people tune in to the their streams
No one watches AI chess matches

>> No.6226501

I dont understand people like you

>> No.6226508

You don't have much control on the ai either, the more specific you get with the prompt the more sloppy the results will get
You can't really tell an AI to produce a piece of someone's OC either, you can just describe it to the best of your abilities and hope for the best.
I'm not even sure you can ask an AI to produce a piece with a videogame or anime character, you can't get your dataset from google since you'd end up with your dataset full of shitty fanarts, and I don't think someone's manually sifting through thousands of images just to tell an AI how Tifa Lockheart looks like

>> No.6226509

This shit is fucked. It's all fucked up. Get whatever art you out there while you can before having it asphyxiated in an infinite sea of AI garbage

>> No.6226511

Have you seen the results that people get with image2image? Also the more specific the prompt the better the image gets

>> No.6226517

>before having it asphyxiated in an infinite sea of AI garbage
It's already been happening, look at reddit and twitter. We are just the last to go, anon.

>> No.6226521
File: 1.62 MB, 892x801, MYSTERY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not too late to course-correct depending on how old you are, if you're under 40 don't consider art a serious career path. You will only fuck yourself over and have no one else to blame - the AI revolution is not stopping and it won't stop desu. It can't because of external pressures outside the US/EU.

You've been warned. Continue as a hobbyist if you want, but you'd be a complete fool to into this as a career.

>> No.6226523

You can already have a model with perfect hands

It's called Blender

>> No.6226524

Chess is performartive. Digital art has been increasingly streamlined with tools that's just boring to watch because there are a lot of software gimmicks involved, AI in specific flipped and broke the entire table at once

>> No.6226525

fuck you

>> No.6226528

most reasonable post itt

>> No.6226529 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 489x424, 1661020173103186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no response

>> No.6226532

Those images that look like poorly made photobashes?
>Also the more specific the prompt the better the image gets
The more specific the prompt the more the chances the AI misunderstands something and fumbles the really specific image you're requesting

>> No.6226533

I don’t get how this shit is happening so fast when it allegedly costs millions to train one of these models?
And then this multi-million dollar software gets “leaked” and anyone with a good recent PC can run it for free themselves, no need to even pay for a subscription to a website.
I swear to God this feels like a coordinated demoralization campaign by globalists who want to sap the goyim of what little spirit they have left. Why are these people pumping so much time and money into this for apparently no profit?

>> No.6226535

look, I have had friends that thought they could make serious money as an artist working for big corporations, or failing that becoming big like Sakimichan doing lewds just for money. It's a real crapshoot, and AI has only made it harder. People are constantly forced to work as contractors with no benefits, small stints at one job or another - no career stability. It'll only get worse now.

As a friend I'm telling you, look out for yourself and find a viable way to feed yourself and your family.

>> No.6226536

>No one watches AI chess matches
Depends. The neural network games where deepmind / leelachess taught itself how to play without outside data were a pretty big deal. It also shook up some of the GM meta, with people launching A/H pawns now being seen as a legitimate threat due to Leela's creativity and positional mastery.
Tbh it often felt like watching a human play with some of the strategies employed.
Nobody watches Stockfish because it brute forces everything and has endgame tables memorized which is just fucking lame. The closer the computer is to simulating human creativity, the more humans want to watch it.

>> No.6226537

>Why are these people pumping so much time and money into this for apparently no profit?
the end goal isn't money, it's dominance. The US can't sit on its ass not doing anything while China is going full steam ahead. The relative "peace" the west has enjoyed for the last 80 years isn't going to last forever.

>> No.6226538

If you think like that whatever job you choose could be automated in the next 10 years for all you know now
I'm gambling on art because I'd rather be dead than a wageslave

>> No.6226539

>source: I said so

>> No.6226541
File: 38 KB, 528x581, 16948588483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bombs will begin to drop monday.
The masses will fine tune AI to do anything you could possibly think of. Put any art you have done in NFTs blockchain to hold them dearly before they can be claimed by chance in one of the millions of generations some automated AI prompter does per day. There's no going back from this.

>> No.6226542

>spent 30k a year on a prestigous art school (arts academy)
>graduated with 100k in loans
>working starbucks job while i break out
>ai coming to take it all away

it just isn't fair bros. they can't do this

>> No.6226543

>If you think like that whatever job you choose could be automated in the next 10 years for all you know now
I'd say 20 years to get everyone, but yes eventually. It's just that art is already in peril right now and might only have 2 years left.

Also I hope it works out for you, the indie mentality is better. Most artists I know are stuck being wageslaves or contractors and getting treated like shit. Hentai/porn is probably the last lucrative bastion

>> No.6226544

Literally every industry is threatened by automation, retard.

>> No.6226546

Dumb post. You can participate in a hobby in solitude and not needing validation. This isn't a fucking "psychopathic" thing, it's actually called doing something for your own interests and enjoyment.

Doesn't mean you don't seek any other forms of validation in other facets of your life. Very stupid reach of logic.

>> No.6226547

well the AI model makers/engineers will probably go last

>> No.6226549

>That over focus on money and job opportunity
hi /g/rat maybe you should learn from your ai how to mimic other boards

>> No.6226550

only billionaires are free from wagecuckery, sorry to break it to you

>> No.6226555

By the time you learn enough code to be where those pajeets are, they will be retired, having ther work automated and the current AIs will be like Nokia phones compared to more complex weblink ones. Trade requires much less investment to enter it's field so I'm going with that

>> No.6226556

They said they are coming for Music next year. Something called Harmon AI.

>> No.6226559

Good, record labels will hire hitmen to take every ai researcher out.

>> No.6226560

huh that'll be pretty interesting, I wonder if they'll be able to generate tabs for me to play along with. And like, tabs you could actually realistically play on a guitar. Though I'm sure Tim Henson could keep up haha

>> No.6226569

Music already died in the early 2000's. If that brings about a renaissance of real music then that would be the only silver lining.

If the feds aren't doing anything to keep this dangerous tech out of the hands of the public then nobody will do anything.

>> No.6226572

If anything more people will probably start posting gifs of whatever they compose. 100% see that happening.

>> No.6226573

>only billionaires are free from wagecuckery
Fighting against it is good enough for me

>> No.6226577
File: 77 KB, 940x960, 1656796336337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just glad I used my savings buying productive land instead of comsoomerist crap, and that my parents forced me to pursue art as a hobbie rather than a career path

>> No.6226578

I don't know about that, companies like Shutterstock are going bankrupt in less than a year thanks to AI and they do nothing about it despite the overwhelming amount of generated images with their logos on it

>> No.6226582

>If anything it just created a new medium for artists to use.
kill yourself

>> No.6226584

until you train ai to generate live streams of art being painted
you could even train it to generate fake game and play them while generating the stream itself with fake human avatars and such

>> No.6226585

They are just trying to profit off of the AI. 100% music industry isn't going down without a fight.

>> No.6226586

they do nothing because they can't do anything, i bet some of their ceos have already invested in ai startups

>> No.6226588

Oh, the Emad, the leader of stable diffusion is afraid of clowns. How can we use this?

>> No.6226590

Consoomers and companies stopped caring about the process a long time ago otherwise they wouldn't dare spend money in fastfood chains. No one will care about where the Romanian got a rolex watch as long as he's selling it for extra cheap

>> No.6226596

YouTubers and tiktokers will be the first on the chopping block when AI can do full fledged videos (it can already edit the surroundings like playing tennis on the Bech/Garden/Mars). The amount of content to be trained on is overabundant

>> No.6226613
File: 19 KB, 624x351, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhahahahahahahahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6226618

Use his likeness dressed as a clown/being murdered by a clown/diddling children as a clown

>> No.6226622
File: 3.69 MB, 2352x1323, bugpods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, and you will be doped up like a monkey in a lab. In fact, you WILL live in one and you WILL be happy.

>> No.6226623

Mere art generation is not the main purpose of any of these AIs. They are being made with a way bigger integration purpose, such as being able to illustrate your thoughts into imagery >>6225825

>> No.6226626

>pods, bugs
I don't care, schizo. Nothing compares to the death of art as we know it.

>> No.6226627

I always find the reassuring attitude they try to impose hilarious. It's like "Yea we'll take your job, but worry not you'll sit in an office coding for 12 hours a day like everyone else on the planet. Are you not happy with that? I mean, people have lost their jobs before."

>> No.6226631

No, but they're for sure the ones laughing now.

>> No.6226638

It's all the same thing. Killing creativity is one of their first goals.

>> No.6226639

Send him deepfakes using his own portrait where he is being l guro'ed by a clown. In fact use photoshop to make it even more realstic, then flood his mail, emails, car, house, carpet, clothes with these. Surely will make him regret working in the AI, or doing any further progress on it if it means the pictures will only get better. Even if other parents came to replace him they would be increasingly wary of the things they do being used against them

>> No.6226642

I'm a schizo? Everything I'm saying is literally being foretold and you're calling me a schizo? I think you're a retard. No shit everything is going to die and it's thanks to faggots that think every technological advancement is a good one no matter what it is. You either wait for the collapse, check out of society, or suck on a shotgun. I'm going with option B. Look at /o/ everyone there is seeing where cars are going and fa/g/ots are probably gonna laugh at them too. Everyone is going to hate the "new" world but no one is going to do anything about it except for the skinny fags that sit at their computer all day typing.

>> No.6226704

lol yeah bro

>> No.6226727

>thread goes really fast on a really slow board
>thread reaches bump limit
>replies stop
Mhh... guys I'm starting to think something's up

>> No.6226793

>Cropped porn
You deserve any bad thing that happens to you. A cancer only exceeded by Wojack fags.

>> No.6226980
File: 1.96 MB, 500x341, 1521093566_kenshiro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder what we, as of today, would find absolutely insane and is going to happen in the next couple years
that AI was a nothingburger, artists have gone up in demand and that you should've been drawing this whole time

Screenshot this and comeatmebro in 2 years

>> No.6227572

Just shut the fuck up jesus christ, atm it costs money to use all of the AI art gen websites, or fairly powerful hardware, also most results are incredibly shitty unless you wanna make incredibly complicated prompts that also don't usually work.

>> No.6227573

Waifulabs has been out for over a year and it hasn't replaced anyone

>> No.6227672
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>> No.6227682
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>> No.6228134

>t. a 19th century portrait artist who lost his entire livelihood when people started taking photos
Your pictures will never reach the perfection of those drawn by nature's light.

>> No.6228144
File: 260 KB, 985x657, alhambra_tiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My top three scenarios:
>Nothing happens
>Islam takes over the world and images are deemed heretical. All historical paintings are burned, and those artists that refuse to pursue calligraphy and geometry exclusively are ruthlessly oppressed
>It becomes impossible to tell apart the output of an AI and a real forum troll. Anyone can host a personal simulacrum of /ic/ on a home computer, and it will be just like the real thing, complete with AI alarmism threads.

>> No.6228145

>this killed practically all MMOs
If it's desirable to make a bot play the game for you, maybe it wasn't a good game to begin with.

>> No.6228321

hold on
is this cropped porn ?

>> No.6228666

>b-but art IS for others
>defines illustrations
I dislike gatekeeping terms, but trying to pass-off your products as creative endeavors without even knowing the difference is just irresponsible.

>> No.6229742

Great post and makes me think.

>> No.6230274

>) I wanted to make a career/money out of it and 3) I’ve never been ‘good’ at anything and just wanted to be ‘good’ at something.
You got demoralized because you saw art as a trendy hip thing to build your personality around. You arent meant to be an artist dude.