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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 695 KB, 1200x776, 1645392432803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6224583 No.6224583 [Reply] [Original]

Why did americans always have an aversion to anything aesthetically pleasing?

>> No.6224590

>Why did americans always have an aversion to anything aesthetically pleasing
Americans were pumping out so pleasing that they helped birth the very manga and anime you consoom retard. The longest running manga in Japan for years was an american comic strip

>> No.6224610

>template thread
faggot nodraw

>> No.6224629

From my research it seems that back then cute things weren't acceptable. They were considered unmarketable to males. Originally, Pokémon was going to be turned down in the west because they believed that Pikachu was "too cute".

>> No.6224635

I like the right one better. Cute is so overdone post the 10's.

>> No.6224636

Beauty is boring, ugly is interesting.

>> No.6224671
File: 996 KB, 1850x1200, 1645397501639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6224688

So the "westoid" insult should actually be "american" instead.
It's not westerners who suck as a whole but only americans.


>> No.6224707

CIA niggers, non-ironically

>> No.6224723

America has always done everything to choke the creativity out of its everyday citizens. The techniques of the golden age illustration would be lost if not for the few books that we have. The Art Students' League of New York was the premier school for learning that style until it was stamped out by the post-modernists, look at their student gallery today, a far cry from what they were capable of in the past. It is only now barely making a come back.

>> No.6224731

can you name a single modern example of what this image is depicting? or even just any example at all?

>> No.6224754

Pokemon vs Digimon
>sure, both properties lasted but one garnered more attention

>> No.6224767

I don't get it.
They're both Japanese IPs, neither is modern, and neither is a localized version of the other. They also don't reflect one being cutesy and the other being ugly edgy "cool" shit.

>> No.6224768

>aesthetically pleasing
Kek what

>> No.6224772

that design on the left is faggy and tries way too hard to look cute. I fucking hate how the lazy default for cute character design is overly-rounded features on every part of the body. The Kirby series is like the only franchise which effortlessly pulls of this aesthetic

>> No.6224773

Its not even Americans so much as corporations guessing at what kids will like and not changing for anything. Hence why kids liked Pokemon anyways.

>> No.6224778
File: 127 KB, 720x514, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas be like "the post modern leftists ruined american art" meanwhile every conservative cartoonist draws like this

>> No.6224785

that's how every political cartoonist draws. Every single one of them. It's been shit since its inception.

>> No.6224874
File: 1.51 MB, 1937x2344, 1645836201875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6224875
File: 78 KB, 680x594, ExbgLcAUUAIZXK9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point he's trying to make is that if OP was right, then Digimon would be more popular than Pokemon in America. Because supposedly uglier and darker illustrations were cool but cutesy looking characters weren't. Picrel is a fan art of Charizard from Pokemon as a Digimon monster.

>> No.6224896

I would much rather play Nina Vinneheart than Nivin-chan. Nivin-chan is ugly as shit and looks like her game would be absolute garbage.

>> No.6224914

>every conservative cartoonist draws like this
All political cartoonist draw like that.

>> No.6224924
File: 174 KB, 1020x1200, 1534811827917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Why did americans always have an aversion to anything aesthetically pleasing?
Because you limit yourself to only one form of art and an extremely narrow version of that. Weebs talk about beauty and aesthetic all the time, but they only seem to know about Japanese cartoons and nothing else.

>> No.6224925
File: 212 KB, 800x380, 1645845510610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? They only change the promo art and booklets, the in-game graphics are the same.

>> No.6224933
File: 1.73 MB, 1080x805, 1641358541937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown person
Thus proving OP's point.
Even when Westoids get something right, it quickly goes down the shitter once there is more than one person in charge.

>> No.6224936

>the in-game graphics are the same.
they aren't in the game you just tried to use as an example though.

>> No.6224940

Return from whence you came culture warrior.

>> No.6224944

not the retard but who even is the nigress? Was she in dlc or something?

>> No.6224946
File: 175 KB, 320x480, 1659939534565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6224967

that's not the game you used as an example. you're really bad at this.

>> No.6224970
File: 309 KB, 1024x680, 1657739011165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6224973

what the fuck is this?

>> No.6224985

Polly Pocket.
Yes, that still exists.

>> No.6224989

Old internet image my friend.

Pre subversion.

>> No.6224994
File: 366 KB, 1200x800, 1651980515953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6224997

First one is more tomboyish
Normal people prefer girls to act girly.

Look at the left activities, she being cute is secondary to her COOL personality. The right one is just standing there like a doll.

>> No.6225004

does mighty max still exist too?

>> No.6225019

American animation and comics literally gave birth to anime and manga you retard

>> No.6225022
File: 8 KB, 250x243, 1648923578186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-Did Disney buy Mr. Marsh??

>> No.6225063
File: 142 KB, 1206x1769, 4A970A43-BDBC-4E8A-9FB8-D33964A80D05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we wuz anime n shiet
>Americans were the original japanimators

>> No.6225067

it's true tho, Osamu Tezuka was the original Mangaka and his art style was greatly inspired by Walt Disney.

>> No.6225073

something something resting on laurels

>> No.6225088
File: 720 KB, 1576x1553, C4DDB54A-01D1-42BF-8A3B-5E26AFC2BDEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sus post

That’s not localization

If there was a game that bad made, it would only be via some Israeli golem troglodytes that have yet to discover that they have completely lost control of the USA yet buy their own propaganda.

Yeah, the OP pic thing unfortunately happened.
But these kinds of things don’t keep happening. People learn. If every new movie is bad then that just means we stop going to theatres as unfortunate as that is. As much as we love movies.

Infinite bad sex isn’t worth one good sex.

Most of Gen Z just watch and do home grown and extremely niche relative things

Besides, blacks do make up fun words but I read half of that post before I stopped reading and I’ve never heard a person use any of those words except in propaganda trying to convince people to be the kind of people who don’t question anything and ignore that wage slavery is real slavery.

>> No.6225090

The japanese who literally redraw american comics wholesale even before tezuka you self hating weeb

>> No.6225092

Oh god it's that stupid zoomer hippie from the last thread

>> No.6225095
File: 4 KB, 229x229, 1620690872608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cute black weeb goth gf that would want me to call her a nigger during sex

>> No.6225097 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 750x937, 058791C2-8C20-439A-91C5-4015C457EA4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no it’s the kid whose against evil

Will you cut your balls off if your rabbi tells you to of he ritually tortures enough chickens?

>> No.6225098
File: 20 KB, 460x259, 1580493885635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've just awakened something incredibly primal inside of me, is this what the conquistadors and the vikings felt?

>> No.6225100
File: 217 KB, 1125x1298, D2D9E792-459A-4BDC-B485-C5D60530354A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6225092 #
>oh no it’s the kid whose against evil

Will you cut your balls off if your rabbi tells you to if he ritually tortures enough chickens?

>> No.6225102
File: 43 KB, 500x603, 1654654651645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this what the conquistadors and the vikings felt
Yes. And i'm angry that i can't follow that instinct anymore because laws and shit

>> No.6225104
File: 43 KB, 256x384, 51Fb3-fe65L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6225106
File: 32 KB, 256x384, Princess_on_Ice_jpn_ds_character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6225112

Nigger you are the rabbi

>> No.6225118

What is this, the 90s? Nobody gives a crap anymore there are barely any localization differences anymore and it sucks because most of these games appeal were looking at all the oversea differences.

>> No.6225120
File: 520 KB, 1508x1678, 21115811-43A9-4F69-B0D8-58CBB666C670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then hear my words

Israel falls.
Forever and permanently.
All hell, dystopia, and evil permanently leaves where it is and goes to Israel.
Judaism ends forever. All Torahs are burned.
All good souls are freed.
The world becomes heaven for all forever. True-love/Real-progress rules all absolute forever.

>> No.6225139
File: 42 KB, 683x421, 1652589171944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm your autism, don't you have a loli general to spam with empty threats?

>> No.6225146
File: 378 KB, 535x687, 1655439702213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, I'm part of a game community of about 30 active members, we all speak our native language but most people have decent English skills from watching too much YouTube/Twitch.
They all use these cookie-cutter zoomzoom words, including the 30yos, and it's disgusting.

There's an international community (with almost a thousand active members) and they also use it all the time, so just because you don't see it, doesn't mean there aren't people using it.

>> No.6225147
File: 689 KB, 1232x1600, Blacksad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some beautiful western comics but most arent the mainstream

>> No.6225152

its called caricature you fucking idiot, this is done by EVERYONE who wants to satirize/make a political statement in drawing form.

is it good... it can be, but almost universally in 1 offs that are made on a daily/weekly basis, its crap that tries to get a point across. and to that end, it succeeded, look at your pic related, weather you agree with it or not, point they want to say is clear. in that regard its one of the better political comics.

>> No.6225159
File: 124 KB, 800x1123, 3635DB3D-8ADE-44EE-8C9B-6C9F12DED822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me think maybe 9/11 wasn’t actually bad for the world.

2022 isn’t actually so bad

Afghanistan is free.
Populists reign while the “monopolies” fall.

The 90s were a hell world.
Real progress has happened

>> No.6225165

you dont see it nearly as much today, look at most snes/genesis era games and eirly box art for example, one of the best known ones being megaman.

look at nier where they replaced the main character entirely for the west going from the brother to a grizzled old man.

however now instead of westernizing properties, the more common thing is to censor for the west, or just not release in the west because of the problems it will likely cause.

in the west, or at least america, cartoons are seen as something only for children, and even today STILL seen that way, and not as a valid form of artistic expression. in europe, you will find comics that are for adults, cartoons are made with the expectation that adults will look at it too.

so in america it took for fucking ever for anime to stop getting changed out for realistic dnd style or some shitty 'rad' kid style over the original... part of that is that anime/manga seeped into a sub culture in a big way, some of that is the fidelity of the games was such that they a box art with a wildly different artstyle/aesthetic would just be false advertising.

>> No.6225166
File: 626 KB, 1335x1466, 623377D5-E540-4FA3-A24D-63AC5C00C8DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


30 people that can stay in their hell

Those aren’t Gen Z words.

Gen Z isn’t what “Hollywood” shows.

Theres plenty.

As much as we hate the guts of these examples of “localization”, lets stop calling them mainstream. Everyone hates it as much as we do.

>> No.6225170
File: 39 KB, 640x628, 1632544483349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something something resting on laurels
Anon, I'm going to save you the embarrassment of admitting that you don't even know what that expression means.

>> No.6225172
File: 462 KB, 833x1280, b8153f9e-8c59-443d-b533-e927566b7778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6225174
File: 1.05 MB, 1921x2560, Jeunesse-Tome3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, literally any other western country makes better art.
Comic from belgium for example

>> No.6225180

how do we know the red dots on Anime Polly weren't placed there by Western Weaboos in the con, and the red dots in the Western Polly by actual kids that product is designed for?

>> No.6225187

resting on your laurels isn't exactly a difficult expression to understand, and applies here you stupid motherfucker.
Bragging about how western art is where japanese artists first got their inspiration as a defense of current shit tier western art is a textbook example of being too busy looking at past achievements to do anything of note today.

>> No.6225189

>say something stupid
>get proven wrong
>"C-calm your autism!"

>> No.6225195

>one of the best known ones being megaman.
you're telling me the nips DIDN'T have a weird blue and gold dude with a pistol in front of some vegas looking casino/fortress blowing up as their cover art?

>> No.6225198

Tempo the game about the hip hop cricket

>> No.6225199

cap, bussin, sheeeeeee are all slang that took hold, granted longevity of the slang seems to be fleeting, though yeet seems to have stated around its just not a punchline slang anymore.

chud is commonly used in left spheres, mostly the activist side of thing though, along with the pronouns being relatively common. gg is also used almost all the time by them, useing yikes and oof are also common, though oof tends to be used by anyone, yikes seems to be centered around left. sussy is used more as a meme/self aware cringe word...

but yea, people actually talk like that.

>> No.6225204


>> No.6225217

>or even just any example at all?
as for modern i don't really know, i think western publishers have finally realized that people like art thats more visually appealing than realistic
personally, i think it can be attributed to the success of Overwatch and Fortnite

>> No.6225219
File: 94 KB, 789x750, 1650394951027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current shit tier western art
can't argue against that

>> No.6225260

leftists and jews

>> No.6225281
File: 1.53 MB, 1031x1200, 1635790567521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I've already admitted to my mistake, did you miss the part where I said "Ok."?

The point still stands, most localized games are just rebranded marketing with the same content.

>> No.6225412

Right is hilarious.

>> No.6225436

Never seen anyone actually posting screencap comparisons

>> No.6225438

Nigga what ya bawling about? English localization is even worse then ever!, member the Treehouse saga?

>> No.6225440

>i am not stretchin, YOU ARE!!!

>> No.6225535

Wow, who would've thought some garbage trash where beta males literally pet women in the middle of the shower wouldn't make it to the West? They tried to salvage a garbage game, didn't work. Maybe go back to the 90s and nab things from when Japan used to make decent stuff while you're at it.

>> No.6225672
File: 137 KB, 640x360, 1660887011842124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you even real?

>> No.6225677
File: 114 KB, 815x853, nishimura vs mcginty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because americans have SOVL

>> No.6225787

She is literally riding a snowboard on the right.

>> No.6226155
File: 126 KB, 640x408, dd-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first generation of otaku-creators were the ones who grew up in the 60s and 70s absorbing everything from the fledgling anime industry but were also total dorks for anything that was niche or out of the ordinary. Science fiction and fantasy were consumed en masse and since Japan had only a very limited amount of it at the time, they were very open to Western science fiction or fantasy. These were the people who started working in anime during the 80s. Just in time to get there for the massive economic boom and the introduction of the home-video market through VHS and and industry. This was the generation of Studio Gainax. Of nerds who loved not only anime, but all things "nerdy." Who had so many varying influences that they could put into their work.
It was the next generation of otaku-creators who came to work in the latter half of the 90s that started the decline. People who found themselves in these "nerdy" pursuits were always the ones who were "off" or "odd." Rates of people on the autism spectrum are likely to be far higher amongst them. Not that anime makes you autistic, but that it's just the sort of thing that attracts those sorts of people. But back to the second generation of otaku-creators, they grew up on anime and nothing but anime. The work they made was inspired by nothing but the anime they consumed. There were still hints of the non-anime influences. But they were only second hand at this point. As the 2000s progressed, the next generation of otaku-creators has emerged. This generation of young creators are the ones who grew up consuming nothing but the anime by people who grew up consuming nothing but anime.
And their creations are the second generation of inbred anime consumption by autistic weirdos who outright refuse to consume any media that isn't plastered with anime faces.
And this is the road the whole industry is on. Inbreeding on top of inbreeding. It's like Kentucky.
Anno, as always, was right.

>> No.6226831
File: 266 KB, 1280x720, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still get a point across and look great doing it at the same time.

>> No.6226905


>> No.6226919

It ultimately comes down to the face, theres something uncanny about trying to keep "realistic" features on a moeblob

>> No.6226922

Holy shit that flag is awful, would've looked fine without the red/white/black triangles on the bottom

>> No.6227026

there is nothing stopping you from getting a black gf

>> No.6227037

you're clueless about tone, not everything needs to be pretty or epic, much less if its satire and needs to be published fast as events occur

>> No.6227288

>I don't live in the reality where I get to be a plague doctor/gladiator hybrid killing doctors in the biggest Roman LARP since the HRE
Man I really rolled snake eyes on the old cosmic dice

>> No.6227304

It's supposed to look shitty on purpose because it's caricature. It's mocking politics. And no one reads these

>> No.6227547

And you are not white

>> No.6227919

The left is more dynamic, the right is cuter. Swap the faces it's perfect.

>> No.6227942

What about it

>> No.6227976

Americans are fucking retarded and have shit taste of about everything.

Glad they're killing their own kids and living in perma depression. Fucking plebs

>> No.6227998

The fucking bigger with those nigro lips lmao. I feel sorry for Americans being fed this bullshit.

>> No.6229399
File: 329 KB, 640x480, durandal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not "Americans" as some kind of unified hive-mind of cringe, it's the fact that the localisers for foreign content were people without a shred of artistic integrity or understanding, whose sole prerogatives were advancing profits.

You had meeting rooms full of corporate execs and bigwigs who themselves didn't give half a flying fuck about any form of art, operating purely on the assumption that what artistic efforts had leaked into the mainstream were the *only* thing that could succeed in the american market. When you take that fact, and time it with the 80's counter-culture scene of gross-out art that went against "conventional sensibility", alongside the fact that said art scene was moving into the mainstream in the 90's because of how much financial success it gleamed, you get a bunch of creatively bankrupt fucks asserting that something isn't financially viable because they only heard of dnd and gross-out art succeeding.

So they squander the art and style of the foreign media they're translating not because they actually know how to sell it in the country they're operating in, but because they're so far removed from the actual art in the artistic scene they're involved in that they can only operate on conjecture and the few things they've heard are popular.

That's why you get >>6224671 where the executives thought that the art needed to look like Graffiti art, not because they had some perfect understanding of what would actually appeal to americans, but because they heard graffiti art is popular.

It's also why the art actually produced *by* american devs at the time, though obviously of different style, was still way more interesting than what fat balding boomers watching sitcoms and the simpsons claimed would "pass" in the american market.

Hell, the sheer amount of actual americans bitching about localisers bastardizing the product should tell you that these weren't changes americans actually liked.

Pic related, from Marathon 2.

>> No.6229406

You get it with other countries too, the sheer amount of movie titles that got butchered when localised to German should tell you that much.

The reality of localisation is that the decisions are neither made by consumers, nor with consumers in mind. It's just out of touch cunts who understand an excel spreadsheet more than they do the artistic medium they're selling because they themselves are salesmen, not artists.

Don't mistake the retarded decisions done by corporate elites who are out of touch with the real world, let alone the country they're in, for the decisions of the consumers they're trying to appeal towards. If that was the case, then the lack of this kind of shit localisation wouldn't be so rigorously celebrated, applauded and encouraged right now.

>> No.6229961
File: 85 KB, 680x1008, 1528311933279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6230856

Christ, this reminds me of the retards that thought "Butt Ugly Martians" would actually succeed with that kind of retarded naming sense.

She looks like a Rice Crispies mascot

>> No.6231045

The right one is objectively more creative and interesting, save that kiddy shit for the kiddies.

>> No.6231052
File: 71 KB, 514x410, FZt_JcwWAAkts6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's also why the art actually produced *by* american devs at the time, though obviously of different style, was still way more interesting than what fat balding boomers watching sitcoms and the simpsons claimed would "pass" in the american market.
It was but no longer now
Sad really.

>> No.6231177
File: 1.71 MB, 300x300, 1648441296190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to pretend anime suddenly looks good because turbo-kikes have been consolidating & buying everyone out.

You lament the "homogenization" "caused" by the "American empire" while simultaneously (and quite furiously) beating off to some of the most sterile, corporate copypaste crap to pour out of east-asian studios. You worship Little China's cheap rip-offs of what your culture used to produce better and effortlessly, and you do so because you're too weak and untalented to forcibly drag the world around you back into a state of respectable civilization. I'm never going to let you live it down. Your love of anime is a hylic's cope at best, worship of what you claim to hate at worst.

>> No.6231216

how do you know that this entire thread isn't populated entirely by CIA agents and CIA false flag agents trying to get you and you alone to reveal something incriminating?
you literally cannot prove that it isnt

>> No.6231221

Because those are toons of real people, not Japanese cummables...

>> No.6231234
File: 100 KB, 735x720, 9M1NN0n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6231301
File: 30 KB, 547x381, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post is on point but my opinion of you is greatly diminished by the fact that you posted matt furie's pathetic attempt to taking pepe back.

pepe is ours now, and no amount of fancy '2deep4u' animated onions imagery will make him a marketable PC mascot for him to exploit.

>> No.6231309

I posted his work for free without a watermark. This should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.6231507

Why are frogposter so full of themselves?

>> No.6231777
File: 8 KB, 214x236, 1633704793343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They wanna stay out of controversy
>They wanna sell their shit in China
>They advertise themselves and their products as "very gay" anyways
>Get banned in China
Any other company in any other part of the planet would probably just say "Talking about Sexuality of any kind is become Too Political, and we don't can't to cause controversy" or something along those lines, and then avoid LGBT anything in their products, and proceed to make bank in China. But Disney too fag ridden to realize gay anything isn't "family-friendly."

>> No.6231824

This, Just because something is a steaming pile of crap doesn't mean a turd with sprinkles is good. I hate the mentality of the modern consumer.

>> No.6231922

>OP posts shitty /v/ culture war thread
>thread is complete shit

>> No.6232227
File: 180 KB, 1920x1082, Depressed Stella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody hates cartoons

>> No.6232244

as much as i hate the time it's probably one of the only actual valid definitions of toxic masculinity.
look at kirby. couldn't just have a cute game, no. we had to add angry eyebros least the balls of every single man suddenly implode into vaginas.

>> No.6232266

Based AF. I didn't know this power level was possible.

>> No.6232319

american culture is super gay. they ban anything sexy and hate sexy or even cute girls. so they have repressed macho anger and pretend to like retarded stuff like guns and ultra violence. not to mention all the forced ugly PoC meme and fat women pandering. hell on earth tbqh. glad I can just focus on other stuff online.

>> No.6232840
File: 1.31 MB, 498x478, 1660677093002874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't really change my point though.
Corporate bigwigs dictating changes not based on what the consumer wants, or based on what is succeeding outside of their own personal corporate spheres, but instead either on their myopic view of art, or on some kind of ulterior motive, is not actually indictive of the country they're in.

It's part of the reason why threads like these frustrate me; they're made under the assumption that the desires of fucking corporations are the "real" desires of the average american when in reality those businesses couldn't care less about the people they're marketing to nor the art they're selling. In reality they're playing it safe and hoping that their product will succeed through the economics of scale, as well as squandering any products with artistic integrity so that they dont have valid competition. I mean god help *me* if people started judging the content of my character based on the kind of TV that's popular in Australia, where one of the most popular tv shows is a reality show about people watching other reality shows.

Don't mistake the bullshit decisions of a big business for what the culture they're selling to actually want, and especially don't blame a country for the decisions of a dumbass private entity that couldn't care less which country they operate out of. If you fall for *that* meme, you leave yourself open to other low-grade consumer garbage so long as it doesnt seem indicative of the *other* kind of consumerist garbage. Rather, you should demand a higher standard out of the artistically bankrupt businesses that exist and not shrug your shoulders cause "well they're *insert nationality here*, what did i expect?".

>> No.6232865

I used to hate cartoons until I saw how many top tier cunnies /co/fags get

>> No.6232936

lol wat
disney consistently cuts out the most minutely gay background characters to appease more conservative countries, that's why the 56th iteration of Disney's First Gay Character is always somebody that has small screentime so it's easier to edit out for chinese or middle-eastern versions

>> No.6233797

so true

>> No.6234172
File: 24 KB, 680x500, 76c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They hate gays too
>That's why they add gay characters in the background that can easily be edited out of the China version
More like Disney really fucking wants to put gay characters in their movies but China won't let them.

>> No.6234325
File: 107 KB, 967x1280, 1594796674521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black goth weeb cosplayer
Now that's a fucking 11/10

>> No.6234678

For this one they actually might have done them a favour.

>> No.6236949

America should have been nuked instead.

>> No.6236954

how long is her boyclit?

>> No.6236969

Somehow this stinks harder of propaganda than the shitty cartoons.

>> No.6237001

they're young nation
they've only be around for like 200 years and have to compete against thousands year old civilizations who have a more developed culture