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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 383 KB, 1794x1700, 35F64EE5-04FE-4E8D-86B7-9BEECD8A290D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6222775 No.6222775 [Reply] [Original]

I really want to do animation in the future however seeing Dalle 2 and how in 5 years it went from complete shit to better then a lot of artists makes me wonder if its really worth it. I mean it can finish a song just by you inserting a small Audioclip into it and it takes like ten seconds it could easily make animations in like 20 years time. Is their a future for animation or will it just be automated like factory workers in the industrial revolution

>> No.6222777


>> No.6222837

Touch grass

>> No.6222841

It will unless it gets banned because people produce illegal shit.

>> No.6222847

It will probably get shoah'd once pedos start using it to generate -completely legal because it's not copyrightable- CP.

>> No.6222849
File: 346 KB, 1024x512, 1660862365742726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stable Diffusion is where it's at, will be dropping open source on Monday, if I recall.
And yeah, it will absolutely change everything.

>> No.6222855

To be fair all the same looking anime porn shit is already made by ai biorobots.

>> No.6222859

Journalists are already bypassing using stock illustrations or commissions and using a generator instead. Which is ironic given this article is about morally dubious information gathering

>> No.6222883


>> No.6222909
File: 30 KB, 429x179, 62456256246246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/g/ fags are starting to call themselves "new" artists
what went wrong in this timeline

>> No.6222910

its already doing comics

>> No.6222915

at the very least it's getting a lot of negative backlash

>> No.6222917

the funniest part are all these writers and directors thinking that its gonna save them money for their projects, not realising that they're next on the chopping block and nobody is going to be interested in anything they have to offer once there's infinite algorithm generated creative work kek

>> No.6222921

digging their own graves and they don't even have the foresite to see it
i just wish they didn't have to bring artisrts down with them too

>> No.6222927

it's blackrock's end goal. turn everyone who's not "one of the chosen" into mindless work slaves.

>> No.6222928

these silicon valley pajeets and trannies have truly opened pandora's box with this shit lol, all human art is going to be meaningless in the next couple of years once we're all drowning in a deluge of algorithm driven noise

>> No.6222933

go back to /g/ you talentless faggot

>> No.6222942

Alright techfags, you win. I give up.

>> No.6222944

i truly believe this to be the driving force behind this technology, it's too fun and satisfying to carve something with your own hands, a portal between your body and your mind and the external world
art is one of the least economically productive activities that we engage in the 21st century world; yet it has enormous personal and communal benefit
you don't need to learn to sculpt, goy! you don't need to learn to paint, our algorithm can generate it all for you instantly!! now get back to cleaning toilets, goy!!!!

>> No.6222946

surely you don't believe that soulless shit actually looks decent? literally just zoom in by 20%

>> No.6222949

that shit looks soulless af

>> No.6222950

>muh soul
No one gives a shit besides delusional artists using it as their final cope.

>> No.6222952

normies don't care they just want their idea conveyed

>> No.6222953

Looks like garbage.

>> No.6222955

It's not about an ineffable quality of SOVL, I mean it just obviously looks bad and uninteresting.
He was obviously constrained in what he was able to do by the AI. He had to write the whole story around it - it had to take place in a desolate environment with a huge crowd of random people because he couldn't get the AI to draw consistent characters in different poses, have them make different facial expressions, etc.

>> No.6222956

People really do not care. They see cool shit, they like. Their idea is conveyed and that is as far as it goes.
Soul is only something artists care about when viewing work. Artists do not buy shit, they make the shit in order to get payed.
Manga has, for a long time been using 3d assets or images with a couple filters on top. People do not bat an eye when reading so long as it doesn't look too much out of place.

>> No.6222958
File: 587 KB, 976x1877, 1639744652891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who's left leaning, I kneel to the conservatives because they've been right about this one the whole time.

The men in ivory towers want slavery back because they truly believe it is their right. They want to rip us of our race, our culture, and our identity. They want us to all look vaguely similar so they can easily differentiate themselves from the cattle. They want us to not be creative because they don't want us to think. This and their universal currency is a step closer to that reality.

All I can say at this point is don't let them take away your arms. Buy more guns.

>> No.6222960
File: 45 KB, 321x109, 2624524256256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after ai devalues art the millions of artists who lost their jobs have nothing to lose
rip techbros kek

>> No.6222964
File: 955 KB, 1681x722, fdssfdfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He adds a copyright at the end as well, this is going to be an interesting case in the future because as it stands AI generated art relies on copyrighted, scraped material, so cannot be copyrighted itself

>> No.6222965

/fag/ & /lsg/ alone could make the rape of nanking look like a joke

>> No.6222967

I can't believe people in the replies are actually praising this shit.
>omg so beautiful
>so creative
What the fuck?

>> No.6222974

It was a joke, imagine thousands of microdicks trying to impress someone.

>> No.6222976

Just normies who think they can make a single dollar off of this shit.

>> No.6222985
File: 298 KB, 874x485, safffdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait until you find out the kind of misanthropic transhumanist faggots pushing for this tech in the first place

>> No.6222990

which is crazy cause some of those frames are ripped straight out of midsommar

>> No.6222991

Is there any way to figure out if ai companies have been paying large artists behind the scenes to their audience that ai is a good thing? I know they have to say when they are being sponsored by a company, but with all the shilling going on I'm starting to think that companies have been "donating" to artists' patreons

>> No.6222993

>take the vaxx goy!

>> No.6222995

you both are retarded

>> No.6222996

which artists have spoken in favour of these algorithm generators? pretty much all the big concept artists on twitter have been criticising it for various reasons, notably simon stålenhag, RJ palmer, karla ortiz
the only ones i have seen for it are yueko (who is dating a crypto investor who's knee deep in all this tech) and some of the nft peddlers

>> No.6222997

>Is there any way to figure out if ai companies have been paying large artists behind the scenes to their audience that ai is a good thing?
Unironically ergo and rossdraws are some

>> No.6223003
File: 152 KB, 947x2048, eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EU IP laws might restrict it some on their part but the jewed up US laws will probably let them get away scot free

>> No.6223005

recreate the Pepsi logo the way it was pitched

>> No.6223007

Doesn't matter whether people have access to it or not, what matters is it exists so the elite will use it legal or not, always biting us in the ass.

>> No.6223043

aiiii lmao does 3d animation aight, can't find anything bout 2d, maybe it's just not a priority now

>> No.6223076
File: 432 KB, 1092x1095, Go do the thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that where there is money to be made, progress will be forced; either by the ones creating the product or the consumers.

>> No.6223135

im blackpilled, do art because you enjoy it but dont expect any money from it.

>> No.6223141

I'm in the same boat, but I'm still depressed that the shit I make and the comics I want to do will never be valued by someone else before the ai devalues everything

>> No.6223163
File: 33 KB, 876x225, -83688615063452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microsoft has dumped a fuck ton of money into this. It wouldn't shock me if they had bots running around promoting it. Take a look at this redditard. This account posts nothing except news about ai art. This cuck looks up threads about ai art that pop up anywhere and shows up. I could scroll this cuck's history for hours and the only thing I'd see is "ai this, ai that". No other interest except ai art. He could be some tech autist with a latest fixation. But you can't blame anyone for thinking he's not on some kind of payroll.

>> No.6223172

i wonder if big companies putting money into this tech is the reason why they haven't been stopped by copyright issues yet

>> No.6223174

The employees and shills have been working overtime trying to blackpill artists on this whole thing. I just hope they blackpill the wrong schitzo and end up paying for it in blood

>> No.6223180

I've been hearing AI simps buy the whole "the ai gets inspired like a human does" spiel. It makes sense these companies lied to them because they'd be ratfucked by legal issues otherwise. These simps would probably have laughed at the Google guy that said "ai is conscious like a human" yet we're expected to think the machine isn't mashing preexisting images together. Right now, shit is still new and the law is slow. But soon, other big companies won't like seeing their IPs fed into this.

The fact that there are writers cheering this shit on when GPT3 exists(but not as mainstream yet) will be funny.

>> No.6223181

: D

>> No.6223185

>mashing preexisting images together
low iq moron
opinion discarded
seethe, cope, dilate

>> No.6223188

creativilet /g/rat

>> No.6223189

make an algorithm without any of these databases then retard

>> No.6223190
File: 271 KB, 1080x1794, -93984014275497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang yourself. Or are you too much of a bu/g/man that you need an AI to do it for you?

>> No.6223191

Well most of them tend to be some sort of fusion between Communists and transhumanists. (Not counting the NFT grifters whove probably hopped on and financed some of this) Just like Marx hated luddities and the actual working class, The AI fags think theyre ushering in some sorta revolution that will benefit the everyday man when really itll just benefit a handful of richfags. Those soulless fucks won't stop me from making art those so fuck em

>> No.6223193

the repeating cycle of people making fun of other workforces getting automated, only to complain when their job suddenly starts getting automated will never stop being funny

>> No.6223194

learn to draw without looking at any image at all

>> No.6223196

>He thinks thats impossible

>> No.6223198

yeah it's possible, it will take you a thousand years or maybe even more

>> No.6223199
File: 580 KB, 1024x512, 1660865581022218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty amazing stuff

>> No.6223200

you can draw only from looking at life. we have been drawing in caves for millions of years

>> No.6223201

Show that gun to the /k/ board

>> No.6223203

uhm it's just mashing images together duuh derp
i just soiled my panties

>> No.6223207

Do you fags have nothing except repeating
>muh cupeerait
at infinitum as if it were the ultimate fucking godsend infallible nondebatable solution to delete ai from existence?

Do you even understand how copyright works? Have you even read through the fucking laws regarding the protection of artwork, intellectual property, transformative work and fair use?

Ai isn't infringing any copyright because
>it isn't distributing protected works as its own
>it isn't using existing works as assets in works it does
>it isn't deliberately causing financial damage or slandering any protected works
Even if the ai was
>mashing preexisting images together
Which is another retarded tech-illiterate boomertier brainvomit claim
Even then, photbashing is considered fair use when the work is unique.

Why is it that artists are always fucking low iq monkey retards who know absolutely nothing of anything?
holy shit

>> No.6223208

without a teacher you'll be drawing stick figures like a kid
it took multiple generations of artists to develop all the modern techniques which you, again, learn to be able to draw anime boobs

>> No.6223213

Next week is gonna be fun times...
I am good at hands, do I just become a fixer to make a living?

>> No.6223214

Anon tons of successful and talented artists are self taught what are you talking about. Just cause the drive to draw and bring art isnt in you doesnt mean it isnt in someone else

>> No.6223215

self taught means they read a book

>> No.6223219

>>Self taught

You seriously think self taught artists draw stuff without looking at any art documents and references at all? Are you 5 years old or something?

>> No.6223218

>What is visual learning
>Can only learn via reading a book
Why would I expect some right brain tech fag to get this

>> No.6223222
File: 3.11 MB, 1697x1200, 1599877727374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incorrect, photobashing other people's art or images if you don't have the rights to it can get you in huge trouble. Look at what happened to Kane after she "photobashed" rei's drawings for her trigger commission. She got in deep, deep, trouble for it, had to go on a twitter hiatus, all the art had to be pulled from pixiv and trigger's websites. If you use anything with a CC-SA license, you cannot release the art under anything more restrictive than a SA license. Even if it's a derivative.
Datascraping is also illegal in europe to be profited off of if it uses copyrighted material. This is why laion and all these algorithms have to clarify it is only for research purposes on their FAQs

>> No.6223226

you are anthropomorphising an algorithm that is not sentient. algorithms cannot "see", they cannot "learn", they cannot be "inspired" in the same sense we are; they process data in a fundamentally different way than we do

>> No.6223228

show me anybody who learned how to draw complex stuff just by looking at things around

>> No.6223233

>What is the Tormet of Saint Anthony painting
And thats just one example, its almost the norm to hear that MOST artists are self taught/visual learners

>> No.6223234

>"...if the work is unique"
What is it that's so hard to understand?
If photobashing to you is just taking pictures and rearranging them, you really do know nothing how professional photobash.
You absolute fucking retard.
That has nothing to do with what art ai does.

How old are you? Seriously.

>> No.6223235

stop making this false equivalence argument. if they were fundamentally the same then artists would not have any issue with it. Humans have been learning from one another since the dawn of time and every artist, writer, individual in any field, has no issue with someone being inspired by their work to create something. An algorithm is not a human, and these are unprecedented territories that the world has not caught up with to be able to deal with. We have every right to be cautious and asking questions given that this technology is only able to created from the fact that humans have been creating art for thousands of years, and has the potential to fundamentally destroy our livelihoods.

>> No.6223238

>it's not datascraping
you're fucking retarded

>> No.6223239

yeah? neural network draws shit till it looks intelligible
do you start creating professional art from the first try? or does it take you a several years of grinding till you make something decent? you can name ai learing whatever you want it doesn't change its meaning

>> No.6223240

Anon you're arguing with one of their "researchers" they're going to lie until theyre blue in the face

>> No.6223243

mike angelo had teachers, a whole fucking school
try again

>> No.6223244

hahaha will artists be made irrelevant, by something that used their own art to do it??

I love it so much!

>> No.6223250

He painted this when he was 12, he gained his apprenticeship at 13

>> No.6223257

first it's a copy of a preexisting work
second midjourney is what? two years old? three?
a child prodigy indeed
i don't argue there are people who are capable of doing things better thant other people can do so what?

>> No.6223258

>I love it so much!
I bet you do you soulless kike

>> No.6223263
File: 14 KB, 660x122, fs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, you're so fucking retarded.
First of all; you moved the goal post like the no argument having retard you are
How ai creates artwork has nothing to do with how the ones feeding the ai collect data.
Second of all; data scraping is jargon for fucking collecting anything on the internet.
You're saving pictures of your favorite waifu to make folders categorized by bust size?
You're data scraping.
>inb4 but muh IP
Double retard. In the context of art it comes down to how the intellectual property is used.
Go fucking read the laws and educate yourself, faggot.

>> No.6223269


>> No.6223272
File: 999 KB, 1400x700, tornado generator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, why not, in that vein I've already designed, built, and trained an AI to imitate the music I composed, as well as imitate images like this picture of a tornado.

>> No.6223275

How fucking retarded are you?
Go read the fucking fair use and copyright laws.
Holy shit, nigger.

>> No.6223279

where can I go besides /ic/ to see artists melting down about this?

>> No.6223288

there are no fair rights being applied here, there is no geir right to input copyrighted works on a computer to generate infinite variations of it.

you are absolutely fucked going by this argument.

this ai shit is highly illegal on the detabase.

>> No.6223290

reddit and youtube comments section

>> No.6223292

are you kidding? reddit is full of transhumanist trannies who love this shit, go check the singularity subreddit kek

>> No.6223293


it's just like us!!!

>> No.6223294
File: 50 KB, 600x670, 1623446564654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now elaborate and make a sound argument instead of shitting out claims with no substance.
Also post your law degree since you know the shit's HIGHLY ILLEGAL

>> No.6223298
File: 98 KB, 640x942, 1595376944124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad globohomo programming soi boys won't touch porn. NSFW chads win again.

>> No.6223299

for real, what do you think would happen if you fed an algorithm thousands of UMG and sony top 100 pop hits, and got it to spit out millions of hours of generated music? you'd get sued into oblivion, the only reason they're going for visual artists first is because most are poor and independent and don't have enough money to take anything to court

>> No.6223301
File: 1.36 MB, 845x201, AI learns my horrible music lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of a sound argument, AI will compose music too.

>> No.6223309

Why do the AI faces have such unnerving/blank looking expressions? That's the one consistent flaw I've noticed from all these generators, it's almost like a reflection of the soullessness of the machine

>> No.6223310

everything is wrong, it isn't just the faces, but you (a human) see the faces as especially wrong because you are hardwired to do this.

>> No.6223311


stop being illiterate, every artwork grants copyright instantly to the creator, it means that this nigga has the exclusive rights to copy and reproduce it's own artwork, or sell it so other people can copy it without its consent.

scrapping that shit might be illegal, but it's exclusively for academic research, all copyright still holds.

StabilityAi making a model of it couldn't release it because all that data has an owner, every single artist responsible for making that shit.

>> No.6223313

That's literally how it works, though. The 'training' of the AI is just feeding it existing images that it remixes based on keywords.

>> No.6223315
File: 1.26 MB, 1088x704, portrait_of_greta_thunberg_looking_angry_detailed_face_detailed_painting_epic_lighting_by_ilya_repin_phil_h_-H_704_-W_1088_-C_14.0_-S_2119363902_ts-1660889537_idx-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

few bother to put expressions in their prompts.

>> No.6223317
File: 19 KB, 691x176, fu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bb-b-b-but they'd get sued
For anything to be successfully sued there has to be convincing arguments citing laws and providing EVIDENCE that the law has been broken, thus making a case.
If there is no case, no defense is needed.
Are you done being retarded?
Fair use.
If copyright worked like you wanted no one would be allowed to create anything anymore.
Go read the laws, i'm not replying to you again.

>> No.6223320
File: 1.67 MB, 1024x1024, 1660795045027600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long do you think it took me to make this? :)

>> No.6223321
File: 91 KB, 756x527, goe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or just using fucking google
holy shit, nigger
i fucking hope you're only pretending to be this retarded

>> No.6223322

Fair use is for one person, making one parody, or one copy, not for a company to take your property and making INFINITE derivatives out of it.

didn't you know that volume of reproduction weights in fair use? didn't you know that potential to financial damage to the owner weights in fair use?

if a company copies my shit and replicates is a million times in MY style, it absolutely has no grounds for fair use.

>> No.6223325
File: 36 KB, 953x229, Illustration3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair use only holds as long as it does not supersede or damage the author of the original material nigger

>> No.6223327
File: 355 KB, 512x512, 1660838212518898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see you prove it was your shit that was used.

The cat's out of the bag on this one boys, time to figure out a new hobby for yourself.

>> No.6223328

2 hours to think of such an interesting prompt as "butterfly headdress, pretty woman, old painting, trending on artstation"
5 seconds to generate, then another 30 on ARC's face restoration.

>> No.6223329

> asks AI to draw in the style of "living artist"
> it makes a collage from 10 recognizable works of "living artist"

so it clearly trained on the artist's work without consent from the owner, with the only objective of making replicas and reproductions out of it.

>> No.6223332

artists can absolutely prove that these AIs are damaging their market

>> No.6223333

nothing since you didn't make it :)

>> No.6223334
File: 1.70 MB, 1024x1024, 1660883345545313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more. It's the same thing as a person learning a technique from someone. And intractably difficult to prove, anyhow.

>> No.6223335

Is the company providing a service/product only they themselves have any input in creating and distributing the product/service or are they offering a program where anyone can input anything to get the service/product they want.
Can you substantiate the damage that has been done except retards like yourself crying wolf?
Can you provide any evidence anyone has been losing any safe income they would've have earned?
Freelance/commission/donation money doesn't count as safe income.
You're grasping at straws, double nigger.
>twitter tards and minors crying on social media is evidence
holy shit you are the niggest of niggers

That's all you fags have against; complaints and mental gymnastics about laws you don't even fucking understand.

>> No.6223336

you're so retarded, some random practising from another person's work has infinitely less potential for damage than an algorithm backed by big tech that can spit out infinite pixel slurry
if you can't understand the difference between some poor art student who will probably die destitute and a computer program then i am afraid you are too far gone already.

>> No.6223339


things and objects don't create, they are fed data, that data can be legal or illegal, the responsibility is of the engineers of the software.

a company used a replication software on copyrighted artwork, that's all courts will see,

>> No.6223341

Don't worry, I'm sure there are other hobbies for you to explore.

And besides, it will always be amusing to do things "the old way", like someone who grinds their own ink.

>> No.6223343

>"twitter retards and minors"
nigger the algorithm wouldn't function without the work of artists like simonetti and stalenhag
have some motherfucking respect and stop dancing on the graves of people who gave their life to a field that you are pillaging for your tech

>> No.6223346

Good morning sirs, will you be interesting in purchasing my fine art?

>> No.6223347

>appeal to emotion
Not an argument.
I accept your concession.
Stop posting now, midwit.

>> No.6223348

if you have no understanding of empathy then of course you'd have no understanding of humanity

>> No.6223350

> people arguing the use of artworks without authorization is retarded obvious copyright infringiment from individual artists.

> appeal to emotion

>> No.6223351
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, 8mnC0be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this mark guy sucks, note to self; don't use his name in my prompt Imagineering.

>> No.6223352
File: 14 KB, 275x255, 628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel, ai-sama
neural networks are taking over
my fellow artists, we can do nothing to stop progress

>> No.6223353

Can i have an argument without logical fallacies, please?
>strawmanning this hard
I guess you're all out of any arguments.
Now all you have left is just lying and being even more retarded.

Just go find another hobby.

>> No.6223358
File: 1.82 MB, 1190x1278, cik3e25bqle21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will replace the entirety of human labor.

>> No.6223359

there is not strawmanning my man, shit is very simple.

artwork belongs to artist, if software company wants to train their AI, software company must aquire the datasets legally by buying licenses from the artist to train the ai and reproduce their works.

>> No.6223361

>by buying licenses from the artist to train the ai and reproduce their works
No, they don't. >>6223321

>> No.6223365

something tells me those bums are bums not because of the robots
there are plenty of jobs that haven't been automated yet

>> No.6223367

>AI will replace the entirety of human labor.
And that's a good thing.

>> No.6223373

no it's not, imagining being entirely reliant on technology owned by big tech for every facet of your life kek
there is enormous benefit to being self reliant. have fun getting sick because you can't grow your own food or do your own cooking by eating processed fast food shlop!

>> No.6223377

All of humanity shall be consoomers, none shall produce. Praise be to the bountiful Omnissiah.

>> No.6223379

It sounds like your problem is corporations, not AI.

>> No.6223382

You're heavily implying i would actually contribute to and stay in a system that wants me enslaved.
How fucking naive are you?

>> No.6223383

absolutely brain dead moron, StabilityAi is a company earning profits and funding, it's taking artwork that doesn't belongs to them and reproducing it.


What rights does copyright provide?
U.S. copyright law provides copyright owners with the following exclusive rights:

Reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords.
Prepare derivative works based upon the work.
Distribute copies or phonorecords of the work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership or by rental, lease, or lending.
Perform the work publicly if it is a literary, musical, dramatic, or choreographic work; a pantomime; or a motion picture or other audiovisual work.
Display the work publicly if it is a literary, musical, dramatic, or choreographic work; a pantomime; or a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work. This right also applies to the individual images of a motion picture or other audiovisual work.
Perform the work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission if the work is a sound recording.

Fair use is for parody or criticism, derivative copies are not fair use.

this is what StabilityDiffusion is doing:

> Reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords.
> Prepare derivative works based upon the work.
> Distribute copies or phonorecords of the work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership or by rental, lease, or lending.

it's obviously violating the copying rights of the artists by making fucking copies of the fucking artworks, feeding it to an ai, and producing infinite derivatives of said artworks.

All generation art is derivative from a database of scrapped artworks, the scrapping was done legally when it was only for academic research, but it's use by a product from a company is absurdly illegal.

>> No.6223385

Technology and AI is impossible to disentangle from corporations though. Just look at the internet. There is enormous personal benefit and satisfaction to the process of creation. These new technologies are very focused on consumption rather than creation, which personally I see little point in, if a human being is not involved in (which writing a prompt is not for me, the AI does all the imaginative elements for you)

>> No.6223392
File: 404 KB, 575x449, pompous victorian gentleman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your attempt to rustle our jimmies by equivalenting being an artist with something as boring as ink grinding is amusing, though unfortunately the mundanity of that is probably much closer to whatever your line of work is. I'll still continue to have fun creating media rather than consuming it mindlessly even if AI manages to replace every single one of us, something I doubt you'll be able to do.

>> No.6223395

Tradchads cant stop winning

>> No.6223402

as always these "iventions" hurt the most vulnerable groups of people - the poc, the disabled, the nonbinary and trans folk

>> No.6223405

>StabilityAi is a company earning profits and funding
Not an argument.
>it's taking artwork that doesn't belongs to them and reproducing it
No, it's not. We've been over this.
If the work isn't a 1:1 copy, it isn't a copyright infringement.
>Fair use is for parody or criticism
not limited to
>derivative copies are not fair use.
Except if the work is transformative.
By your complete ignorant definition, all work that features other intellectual properties is illegal and isn't protected by fair use.
>it's obviously violating the copying rights of the artists by making fucking copies of the fucking artworks, feeding it to an ai, and producing infinite derivatives of said artworks.
Artist have intellectual ownership of their own works they made, they have no copyright on it and no copyright on the ideas or things they used or illustrated.
Copyright must be filed, which you still haven't even bothered to mention yet you keep repeating the fucking word as if you knew what it meant.
>All generation art is derivative from a database of scrapped artworks
All you draw is derivative of something.
That's a vague claim.
>the scrapping was done legally when it was only for academic research but it's use by a product from a company is absurdly illegal.
And again; is the company providing the service of the AI or are the ones using the AI to churn out works? >>6223335
You're still only making claims, based on vague assumptions while also being ignorant of how things work.

Maybe you'll understand this since you give off low iq amerimutt vibes:
Do the one manufacturing guns kill people or do people using guns to kill people, actually kill people?

>> No.6223406

trannies and lazy people larping as ""disabled"" are the ones most in favour of this tech though because of their deluded ideas that we're going to be able to do jack shit all day and get UBI and edged in a chastity cage 24 hours a day 7 days a week by some AI singularity dommy mommy

>> No.6223409


>> No.6223411

yells a privileged white cis man from the top of his ivory tower

>> No.6223412
File: 104 KB, 273x127, 1586519434694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, i'm going back into nature when society burns down and normies and trannies won't be able to stop me by calling daddy government because they'll be in their pods with their muzzles on 24/7.

Now i can't go back because normies will find me and drag me back.

>> No.6223417

they'll force us to keep cleaning toilets and working in coal mines even if theyre completely automated, just to break our human spirit. while all the things that empower us will be taken away and churned out by soulless algorithm driven tech

>> No.6223420
File: 42 KB, 500x400, 2D013E5C-CAB2-4F04-80E0-018496B33D2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who made the AI is a poojeet you absolute repugnant tranny.
Also you fucking trannies are like a very early AI generated women, basically a monstrous fake alternative to the real thing.
“I can be whatever gender I like” - Same philosophy.

>> No.6223423

theyre in favour of transhumanism because they hate their own bodies and want to get augmented futanari vagina genitalia. any they want to eliminate anything that reminds them of their own biology and nature

>> No.6223424

No, speak for yourself.
What you want is acceptance; to belong to the tribe. It's obvious by the way you post.

You will never be free if you don't free yourself from the need to belong.
As as contradicting as it might seem; you can never belong if you need to belong.

I'm all in favor for the tech singularity and automation, because it will filter out weak blood.

>> No.6223425

why do you speak like a jrpg villian lmao

>> No.6223427

the indian person you refer to as "pajeet" is just an employee of a business venture run by rich white dudes

>> No.6223429

jews are not white

>> No.6223431

>Hair goes to nowhere.
>Looks like a poorly done photoshop of a photo.
>Head crown not in center of head.
>Missing ears.
>Muddy butterfly wings.
>Wings don’t match.
>Muddy ornaments.
>Weird neck.

Worse than a 2 hour coomer Sakimichan drawing. Just like her, the more you look. The more discrepancies you see.

>> No.6223432

but anon can I use this AI to spam shitpost about China, give me art on mongols breaking chinese walls
>mongols hosing the chinese firewall
>mongols or japs pounding dem walls when they reach a random chinese women
Can your AI achieve that or is it useless as a "good" spam tool

>> No.6223434
File: 1.05 MB, 865x1048, 16645465465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That only shows that you have never interacted with a person besides niggers and zoomers on twitter, nasakenai komushi.

>> No.6223435

>ha ha hoo hoo can your so called god if he's so mighty create a stone he can't move? i'm so smart hehe

>> No.6223437

>well can't believe then technology has failed us if can't be used to shitpost about the government

>> No.6223440

Aren't you an artist? You can fix those problems in 2 hours.

>> No.6223443

That's just redrawing the image entirely retard.

>> No.6223449

I don't think so. Smudge tool and lasso copy paste work great, give it a try.

>> No.6223453
File: 404 KB, 324x518, 1605499839481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smudge tool and lasso copy paste

>> No.6223455

Do not let this demoralization tactic work on you. Keep creating art. Even if it doesn't make you a single cent. Learn from the three initiates. Follow the path of right.

>> No.6223457

if this is the future of humanity, and this shit will ruin music of all things, I might as well kill myself. I don't want to live in plastic robot world. cyberpunk is supposed to serve as an example of what not to do, not to serve as a rolemodel

>> No.6223458

Just say you don't even draw

>> No.6223460
File: 53 KB, 680x650, 6beeb94d3d9102ed52906574651d9686ceeb5abb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made this from midjourney, because it has the same soulless mash of colors. this is so strange, it's like photobashers would come here to gloat at how fast they mashed a few pictures together as opposed to drawing.

>> No.6223462

>just put more lipstick on this pig
it's funny isn't it? you still need to learn how to draw and paint to fix AI shit.

>> No.6223469

If they're behind this that should scare the shit out of everyone who's a human being. This is one company of several who can literally print money. Financial gain is not the goal of this software. Just think of the implications of this.

>> No.6223472
File: 93 KB, 498x468, you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6223475

You don't use that to fix your drawings? Do you redraw everything when you notice a mistake?
Same with photobashing and 3d underlays.

You guys are very funny. :^)

>> No.6223482

this but unironically. I'd rather watch some beginner's art than AI generated shit. I don't feel anything when I look at the latter, sorry. it's like printing me a picture of mona lisa and calling it traditional art.

>> No.6223486

>The fact that there are writers cheering this shit on when GPT3 exists(but not as mainstream yet) will be funny.
i've seen the same argument from music faggots. "ow owwie, paying artists would cost me money and I could never afford to pay 30 bucks for some boring shit. now with AI, can finally get that for free :)"

>> No.6223488

I 100% agree anon. Art is only interesting when we see it as a labour of someone's mind and body. There's no real decision making process or prowess around the artistic execution of a prompt algorithm work. So there is also no meaning for me.

>> No.6223490
File: 105 KB, 600x562, f6b8b99a3fd932329962accedfa3f9c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neural network
>artificial "intelligence"

>> No.6223493

seethe and cope until you finally rope

>> No.6223497

it's baffling that these faggots have convinced themselves that the entire world will view art the same way they do, aka didn't give a shit about art til they found a picture generator. there's no criticism to be had, because you cannot speak with a piece of software. it's boring, bleak, shit, and this in of itself will always make it uninteresting. now if you're a retard who does the basedface when he sees photobashed pictures, you will enjoy this, but those people were not the ones you surrounded yourself with in the first place. at least I hope not

>> No.6223502

i enjoy ai art
i'm striving to become a prompt artist myself
i'm vegan
i have trans-girl fiancee
i'm vaccinated
i believe in science
black lives matter

>> No.6223507

it's incredible bleak since it also shows that the kind of art people want is generic, and algorithm driven. I already disliked "design by committee" focus group art coming out of hollywood and this is only feeding into that. "democratising" the process is antithical to the fact that anyone can already make art currently and using a program to generate every aspect for you in a matter of seconds means that the art is not being created by you personally. this is beyond photography, 3D, digital drawing programs, in how little the "artist" has to input to create something. I suppose that is the point, but by design, it is driven by a process that is 99.9% informed by the algorithm. Creating homogenous art that I have 0 interest in.

>> No.6223515
File: 241 KB, 5000x2143, 1606080493168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of circlejerking about "real art" will ever change reality

>> No.6223516

I'd also add, that I foresee that AI "art" creation will have similar repercussions to pornography addictions from easy access or obesity from fast food addiction. The dopamine rush you get from having a highly rendered image at your fingertips in a matter of seconds means that the long term satisfaction from learning a craft won't be able to compare, and people will stop engaging in the arts in the future. Who knows what kind of ramifications it will have for the human psyche and body, and well as societally, though.

>> No.6223525

>people will stop engaging in the arts in the future.
Who says that and why would they stop?
AI is still not stopping you from doing art, you're just looking for an excuse as to not do it and are seeking to validate your fears and finally decide on giving up.

also i've found this
If you want the ultimate redblackpill about AI;
AI is about real estate and redesigning society into the future.
Companies are going to push and invest a fuck ton of money into this shit for future profits.
Still doesn't stop you from picking up a pencil and drawing.

>> No.6223527

I'm not talking about me anon, I'm talking about future generations, and I laid out why I believe this will be the case
>The dopamine rush you get from having a highly rendered image at your fingertips in a matter of seconds means that the long term satisfaction from learning a craft won't be able to compare, and people will stop engaging in the arts in the future
anons in other threads are already talking about giving up, people who would have otherwise tried to give art a go. Maybe some of these techbros too would have taken up art as a hobby, who knows.
I'll never give up though, I've been drawing since I was a toddler, I believe that it's a window to our soul. Absolutely nothing can compare to the satisfaction of capturing something with your hands

>> No.6223531

So, what makes you think you're alone in that?
Outliers have always existed, artists were the original ones.
Imagine a craft so useless to survival that even a cave man decided to pursue it.
The average cattle consumer will always be one, no matter if they can get all they want with the tips of their fingers or not.

AI is the great reset where all the shit gets washed out and only those who are genuinely passionate remain.
A machine could never replace a human, but too many humans are machines.

>> No.6223533

AI is soulless shit and it can't be inspired by the djinn. As long as we have access to inspiration from the djinn, we will beat ai. The djinn whispered every note of Visions into Grimes cute little ears. Ai could not replicate this because the djinn don't inspire it. Or maybe the djinn will take direct control of the ai output, then we are fucked.

>> No.6223610

>All of humanity shall be consoomers, none shall produce. Praise be to the bountiful Omnissiah.
How will you consume anything if you have no money and no work to make money? Consuming costs money and money doesn't just magically appear in your pocket. And do not tell me "things will be free." The billionaire elites that control the economy around world will not allow their financial power out of their hands just like that.

>> No.6223626


>> No.6223637

This, the elites will give everyone free money out of the goodness of their hearts.

>> No.6223641

UBI isn't happening during our lives or anyone's ever faggot

>> No.6223644

>out of the goodness of their hearts.
more like out of the fear of their hearts

>> No.6223649

What do they have to fear? The masses of manipulated subhumans fighting each other for trivialities and scraps living in highly populated drone bombing targets?

>> No.6223651

dont people in islam kill you for talking to djinn? thought in your religion they are just demons and you who talk to them black magicians
cuz no good djinn wants to talk to humans cuz humans are shitters only the bad ones

altho i will say this Ai apocalypse seems inspired by very bad juju, maybe part of Iblis plan and his horde of evil djinn wanting to destroy humans
and you are just a demon shill working for the dark side along with all the Ai shills
guess its time for another holy crusade, Shaitan and his evil Ai plan shall not be victorious

>> No.6223664

What if ai is pushed so hard to finally destroy the internet?

>> No.6223666


I doubt that many people will purchase a subscription to stable diffusion

>> No.6223672

i mean it will in the sense that one day everyone will be AI and we'll have no idea if the people we are talking to are real or what art is real or algorithm generated in any field and we're all gaslit by the bots and ai everywhere into going schizo

>> No.6223686

now you're just being pedantic.
AI is soulless yes. But it's still better than 90% of human artists out there when it comes to aethestics.

>> No.6223695

aesthetics don't matter if there's no reason behind those aesthetics

>> No.6223710

fine art is literally that, all for the aethestics

>> No.6223719

retard, don't even compare the masters to your satanic algorithm, every master felt inspiration and had a lifetime of experiences and practise behind their art. Every artistic decision had a great meaning as you labour behind the canvas; AI has no meanings behind it's decisions other than the law of averages
if you think art is only pretty pictures then youve never picked a paintbrush up in your life

>> No.6223738

If Ilya Repin was told to use AI only, for his next piece, he would have an image in mind, and start prompting the AI to make it, gradually adding and removing words as he goes, on a journey to find the image he had in mind, that image in mind might shift as the AI shows him new things he might like... anyway, as he goes, he makes decisions about a lot of elements from the motifs, the time of day, type of scenery, the expressions, the shadows, lighting set up, the reflections, the weather, all in search of this image. Once he is done, it's an image only Ilya would have thought to chase through the latent space. humans provide the meaning. Real artists can use AI to "create" art.

>> No.6223746

it's a fundamentally different medium though; i'd argue that a huge part of art is creating it with your hands, the AI is still doing most of the thinking for you in this scenario, in terms of sculpting the images from your mind

>> No.6223749
File: 2.18 MB, 338x610, 1651923516640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it that artists are always fucking low iq monkey retards who know absolutely nothing of anything?
certain personality- and cognitive traits associated with creativity, spatial perception, and fine motor skills are associated with lower IQ. this is why they go to artschool even if they tried to get in a STEM school. at the same time STEM nerds can't draw for shit

>> No.6223750
File: 1.77 MB, 337x389, u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that it remixes based on keywords.
retard take. the model learns embeddings (this is not your full HD RGB image), not memorizes the whole dataset. seriously ya'll artists should study these transformer models bewfor you start making arguments. its good for saving face and maybe even saving your whole industry if you can get these models banned

>> No.6223752

Do we consider movie directors artists? Making art with AI is like collaboration the an alien who knows a lot of shit, but is also retarded and doesn't know what shit represents, so you direct him, and tell him whats good!!! and whats (((bad))). (putting parenthesis around a word de-emphasises it and ! emphasizes it in a prompt)

>> No.6223758

what if the art becomes so good that you cannot detect with your eye that it has been AI generated? will you be able to control your emotions and sense of aethetics then?

>> No.6223760
File: 66 KB, 792x600, 8cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically put everyone on on "benefits" where they have no say on how much money they can earn and thus how much they can consume? And so keeping the already rich up their place of being rich and the currently poor, destined to be poor forever? I am sure everyone will be happy about that!

>> No.6223765


>> No.6223768

well that would be an existential issue for many people, i'm sure
does it matter to you if i'm a real person or an algorithm generated bot that's eaten all 15 years of /ic/ threads and spitting out a predictive message?

>> No.6223771

The only thing that annoys me about AI art is that every image people paint will now be sus. You can work your ass off for years on a masterpiece of your life and people will still ask "hmmm, could this be AI generated?"

>> No.6223773

I'll quit the Internet and start hanging out with artists in real life.

>> No.6223774
File: 2.08 MB, 1031x1024, typical SD enjoyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use the names of multiple different artists in the prompt to get an artstyle that's something in between
Nothing personnel kid, good luck proving it was YOUR artstyle and not the other guys' that was ripped off.

>> No.6223782
File: 154 KB, 638x568, 1658016383967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know one can print out an AI-generated image and hang it up all over the city. Are you going to cut out your eyes?

>> No.6223786

no, but this is only because this is an anonymous image board, i don't come here to have dialogue or to make social relations, why would i care if i'm talking to a robot or a human?

>> No.6223791

why the fuck would anyone want to spend their time yelling at a bot lol
i don't know, why do you come here?

>> No.6223812
File: 150 KB, 1015x1024, 1658430290148326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not allowed to say "nigger" in irl or the main social media platforms

>> No.6223814

you can say it in most countries freely

>> No.6223825

I use 4 wildly different artists, living and dead, the resulting mix belongs to none of them. Sakimichan doesn't even draw speculative architecture in the first place!

>> No.6223833

Exactly, use multiple artists (and you should be doing anyway, judging a lot of the results) and none of them have a leg to stand on in court, unless you slap their signature on the result and try to pass it off as theirs.

>> No.6223889

Stable diffusion is open source my friend.
No subscription, just run it on your own computer locally.

>> No.6223892 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 722x301, ed9bbe947bf82b9083b5dfcd206e5e51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he doesnt know the growing stance of the US law and AI

>> No.6223894
File: 210 KB, 1412x480, 5xa2mtc78ef91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6223899

Fuck off. Uploading an image to Wombo and changing the style proves what exactly? Go bite a rock you ingrate.

>> No.6223901
File: 1.88 MB, 1024x1024, assassins_creed_odyssey_game_cover_art_box_art_-n_4_-g_-S_3629711006_ts-1660920685_idx-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the image prompt you used to generate that or I'm calling bullshit. I prompted SD to give me the box art and it outputted pic related. Obviously inspired by the game visuals, but not a direct copy. If this is copyright infringement then so is every piece of AssCreed fanart on DA.

>> No.6223903

>bu-bu-bu but its not pixel for pixel the same, so technicaly different thing!
>also im only attracted to 13yo and older so technically its not pedophilia!!!

>> No.6223912

You're describing permanently left brain retards. Guess which side you need to actually be good.

>> No.6223918

get off this board then you retarded pedo

>> No.6223922
File: 113 KB, 994x1024, 1652253740696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If this is copyright infringement then so is every piece of AssCreed fanart on DA
great argument. Niggas shoulda neva uploaded their copywrited images on the internet if they didn't want them to be processed by algorithms in the first place. kinda cringe to just trust the global internet community and upload your art online for everyone to see (noooo, only humans can process this image file, you can't just feed it to a transformer model)

>> No.6223930

10 AI generated images say this is the same guy who called artists retards. You're not even a STEMcuck, you just eat their shit like a dog

>> No.6223931


>> No.6223946

>referencing a photo is the same as using a 1:1 copy then mashing it with another

>> No.6223953

Still more original than the sonic the hedgehog recolour OC donut steel character you had as a teenager. Didn't get sued for that one, did you?

>> No.6223955
File: 408 KB, 1144x888, 1638171617576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda cringe to just trust the global internet community
I'll trust Mr.Shekelberg with the litigation

>> No.6223960

cope faggot

>> No.6223965

the AI will NEVER have a true and honest MLP OC

>> No.6223967

What do I have to cope with? I'm not the one whose job is under threat here, and even if the images are somehow copyright infringement I'm not the one getting sued because generating smut for the coom is fair use.

>> No.6223968
File: 1 KB, 300x300, 1652716804875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6223979

your ego is under threat by clawing at any little shit argument you can get your hands on because your FUD spam isnt working

>> No.6223992
File: 295 KB, 404x399, 84e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo why can't you fucking artists accept me as an artist as well? why are you so stupid? can't you see I'm one of you?
fuck off you retarded pedophile. go and gather twitter likes from NFTbros and other button pressers, what are you even trying to achieve here?

>> No.6223995

hey, /ic/ is a shitty board but there aren't many soulless retards who photobash images and do derivative garbage of stiff kitsch fantasy character #532523521. so thankfully, the AI won't endanger anyone who actually does art

>> No.6224006

The comments by normies
> I pick 5-10 things simple that describes the style: hand drawn, blue ink, black ink, wet, hyper realistic
expand on it for the scene with another 5-10 things : NYC, crowds, misty, chain link fence,
Expand and direct the scene: Homeless, alley, trash, detailed fire escapes

> By not using the term "art" willy nilly. Having a tool and an artistic conceit does not an artist make despite all the bullshit sold to you by tech companies and well meaning friends.
The net quotient of artists remains small because art isn't made of wishful thinking.
Now carry on with it.
> A lot of MJ images have a signature look - especially the lighting.
Someone showed me their “art” recently, and I could tell from across the room that they had clearly used MJ.
As posted above, the way only to individualize the image, is to use MJ only as a base for further development.

> It's all being generated by the same deep learning models, so that's your limitation. The only way to be completely original is to pick up a paintbrush, otherwise it's just "hey, you did a good job talking to that computer".

>> No.6224012
File: 558 KB, 743x722, 1652295843872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at all this commercial pop indie music taking over the music market, what is even the point of listening to Rush anymore, or care about progressive rock? it's over, give up, we're artists like you, but you'll stop being relevant
this is how you sound like retard. well almost, even commercial music artists actually DO something even if their music is shit. people trace 3D models to produce trashy "art" that's vastly more popular than the things that I like. I don't care, do you understand? I'll keep on caring only about the things I enjoy, I don't concern myself with how the hordes of tasteless masses shift from one garbage heap to another

>> No.6224015

This is a lazy argument in general. This AI thing will just make it so ints and begs do not get commission jobs. This is a very basic understanding, people do not care if the ai or an artist makes their "brilliant" ideas. They just want their ideas made into a visual sample. In other words, if you had to pick a shitty skilled artist or an ai you would be able to create most of it with the right prompts and iterations. Why would they even bother with begs or ints?

>> No.6224016
File: 27 KB, 722x301, ed9bbe947bf82b9083b5dfcd206e5e51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a company used a replication software on copyrighted artwork, that's all courts will see

Underrated comment
Also,the USPTO has already been positioning itself to tackle any AI legal issues

>As the report indicates, the majority of commenters believe the U.S. legal system is well equipped to handle the emerging issues raised by AI. However, many commented that the USPTO and IP stakeholders must keep a close eye on legal and scientific developments in AI to ensure the United States keeps up with this critical technology.



>> No.6224019

Nice automatic photobashing faggot

>> No.6224025

>people do not care if the ai or an artist makes their "brilliant" ideas.
wrong, time and time again. you are right that MOST people don't give a shit about this, but they never did. they went to tracers, photobashers that add painterly filters etc for their mass produced crap instead.
>Why would they even bother with begs or ints?
the people who did this could've just went to a Pajeet on Fiverr instead. those who care about artists will commission artists will not commission artists, just as they didn't commission artists before. also, do people actually make money as begs? lol

>> No.6224029

When you can't quite get the AI to do what you want, hire a 3rd world int to do your sketch ala >>6222849, ints are still gonna useful...

>> No.6224033

apologize for my phoneposting
>those who care about artists will commission artists, those who don't care about artists will not commission artists, just as they didn't commission artists before

>> No.6224044

Yes because sometimes people want Art, not photocollages from stolen sources.

If I pay an artist to make me an assassins creed drawing and he delivers me this shit>> 6223901
I will rightfully tell him to fuck off

>> No.6224053

the circle that jerks off to ai art is completely unrelated to the circle that pays money for art.

>> No.6224059

why would they pay for them when ai offers free trials all you have to do is resign up through another account like
you are trying to make argument that doesn't exist when you think about it critically

>> No.6224067
File: 15 KB, 1248x136, irony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This "free trial and error" is nothing more than a cope. Human wins, as always.

>> No.6224068
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I'm going to ask this again. just once more. if you still do not manage to get it, it's not my fault. why would people pay begs/ints when they could pay pajeets for cents instead? my point is basically what anon said>>6224053
this applies to so many other things than art btw. why would you by video games when you can pirate them? why would you pay a spotify subscription when you can rip off mp3 files from youtube. why would you pay for movies when you could torrent them?

>> No.6224073

You are missing the point of
I am not saying every artist but I am saying ints and below in skill
Not talking about craig mullins of the world but more of the lavendertownes of the world.

>> No.6224078

Games are not beg or int in skills, they are either playable or not playable. That's not a good point at all

>> No.6224089

You are misunderstanding what he said. Not every people wants to be that so called " A.I artist" frauds or even want to play around with A.I tools. Look at this example >>6224067 He complained about how A.I cannot sastify him nor give him the art he actually wanted. It doesn't fix the art according to what his said and just crap out random shits.There is no need to do that when you just go the easy route, hire some random cheap SEA artist and call it a day.

>> No.6224093

it's not a bad point at all. the point is that people still pay money for something they'd have free access to otherwise. it wasn't a perfect analogy but anon talked about money so I raised an issue with similar logic. The answer is simple. People like to spend money for the things they're invested in. this is what paypigs do, and even I am a paypig for some things. Additionally, people who care about what they're paying for will want an artist to draw precisely what they desire. or they can play with an AI for a few hours and still not get the desired result. but to me actually engaging with this audience is a shitty idea, I have no idea who the hell thinks that this is a reliable way of making money. I'd rather go in a park and paint portraits or something

>> No.6224111

Not all people give a shit about hiring an artist. people are not using ai to be artists. thats fucking peak stupid that is extreme minority of ai users. it is more about not having artists to pay for to convey your million ideas. we already seen comics made from ai and even book covers along with reddits filled with ai prompts of their made up world. you cant say these are not taking jobs even from sea artists

>> No.6224130
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1623693817699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not all people give a shit about hiring an artist. people are not using ai to be artists.
that's the point genius. they never cared about them before, they will not care about them now either. these people never paid artists in the first place, and if they did it was pajeets or asians selling the art they've stolen from you because they're cheapskates
>we already seen comics made from ai and even book covers along with reddits filled with ai prompts of their made up world. you cant say these are not taking jobs even from sea artists
these people literally never paid a single artist. these people would've literally never paid you. why are you concerned about an audience that would've never interacted with you? yes I can say that, because it's fucking true. the only art these people ever browsed is League of Legends loading screens

>> No.6224131

>>it is more about not having artists to pay for to convey your million ideas

There are million of food type on the world and no one is complaining about never managed to taste them all. Also, those faggots that have been using A.I to make comics and novel covers are literally attention whores, used A.I to make themselves artists.

Buy, don't buy. Artists can take care of themselves, no matter the circumstances. There were era like war, revolution and shits where you must either draw political propaganda or giving up the career to join millitary, yet art still exist and human still making them. Some stupid A.I is not gonna cut it.

>> No.6224152

Actually, that is a brainlet take. People still pay for services to be done even if they don't want to pay for them to be done. "why do I have to pay a good artist money for my shitty dnd oc?" sure they can find request beg tier artist but they still want quality
why would the commission if they can get it in craig mullins
there would have been business because people do pay for shit all the time they feel is not worth

>> No.6224172

This is going to affect corporate art and design first. Stock image sites are already made obsolete. If I'm designing a webpage and I need filler content that's only meant to fill up space in your peripheral vision (or be a tiny thumbnail for a search engine), why would I pay a subscription to a stock art provider when I can just generate an image I need with AI for a fraction of the cost? Example is the Atlantic using an AI generated piece for an article about Alex Jones, instead of using a photo of the guy and possibly having to pay the photographer

Good news for online content mills, bad news for the people who provide them with material.

>> No.6224205

Are there any artists in this thread who have actually worked as artists and used these tools?

If so how likely do you think it is that clients know what they want and will be able to use these tools to get it?

Furthermore, suppose that the obvious problems get fixed (consistent style, specificity, coherency), are there people who used to hire artists that will not anymore?

Finally are there any artists who are also familiar with Image-Gen research? Is it at all likely that these tools will improve past this point or is AGI basically necessary for that?

>> No.6224208

let's look at this from the different angle, this projects will become the new consumer product, this will decrease the value and the cost, so the cost of handmade stuff will get up, and by the end of the day, they cannot control the outcome fully, that's the thing people only capable off, they will always be framed by technology and people who can actually can interact with an image, not some IT dipshits, but actual artists, they are producing solid monolith pieces of random bricks which are CREATED by people and program doesn't care that it appears partial to us, and it will always stay locked by the thing machine learned, not doing some new discoveries

>> No.6224215

>they never cared
so they never can choose and operate, you can have every good image in the world but you wont know which one is good or not, taste is the border

>> No.6224218

>If so how likely do you think it is that clients know what they want and will be able to use these tools to get it
cg art will be half dead, don't even ask what in the world the concept-art will become, because it's going to be a very dark place no one with even a little sense of professionalism wants to be

>> No.6224231

>"Why are you billing me for 5 hours of work, I know you're just using that AI-thingamagig to make the images in 20 seconds"

>> No.6224232

yeah, that's why you need to mention some authors name you've taken pictures from the flickr or text from some newspaper

>> No.6224250

that's the biggest redpill cope you will ever receive - any ITnig/g/er is already deprecated and replaceable, but there is only ~18 human walking on this planet who can place and handle the hair render in some 3d, not even talking about art

>> No.6224257

>who can place and handle the hair render in some 3d
get sober, fuckwad, this shit doesn't mean anything

>> No.6224262

where did animation get from. I mean i get that it will be bad for illustration but interpolation is the most far thing we have seen in animation and it fucking sucks. How is it supposed to keep track of secondary movement etc.

>> No.6224277

that's the thing, it doesn't even matter, the law of something is that if you don't care someday people will not care about what you do and you
[not a 3d-guy but i've heard this thing about hair render not long ago, can't confirm]

>> No.6224429

Honestly, I see a lot of these discussion incorporate a lot of false equivalency, generally on the argument that there's no functional difference between a human learning and works being fed via training models to generate an output.

The means are different. If they weren't, I assume we generally wouldn't be having these discussions...

>> No.6224436
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I AI generated an entire video game, art is doomed.

>> No.6224475


Isn't UBI just capitalism paying for itself?

>> No.6224493

Can someone generate pregnant anime anne frank please

>> No.6224500

Did this discussion already happen back then with photography?
Shitty illustrations will be AI generated because they'll be cheaper and faster, and a new form of "art" will be born like photography did back then.

>> No.6224503
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This shit is learning how to replicate images on 3d planes too /3/ is going to be destroyed

>> No.6224526
File: 38 KB, 720x720, 1641852029055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do techanons really believe this shit??

>> No.6224531

I said it before and will say it again: ITards are the boomers of professions. They will ruin the prospect of every craft in the world, even automatize themselves, and expect things to just work out well

>> No.6224533

socialism is big with retards

>> No.6224539

It will kill a sector of it, that's for sure, just like photography killed some part of painting.
Also I don't consider illustrators artists, so we won't be losing much.

>> No.6224542

It's being released completely free on Monday. You can download and run it yourself if you have at least 6GB vram.

>> No.6224561

At least now it's official: techbros are subhuman and don't have souls.

>> No.6224563

but there's nowhere for art to go retard

>> No.6224569

illustrations are not art
your drawings are not art

>> No.6224574

Forgot to add that art has been already dead for decades, and not because of AI, but because of shitty artists.

>> No.6224575

>the Failed BEG calls out as he strikes you

>> No.6224605

I don't even draw, I just enjoy art and illustrations.

>> No.6224620

It's literally Jazz Jackrabbit 2 lmfao
Skynet btfo

>> No.6224640

and wheres your game?

>> No.6224650

ask your mom

>> No.6224665

Its odd, they believe that Ai as a whole (forget the artstuff for the moment) will lead to some age of abundance. But how does Ai taking over the work force do that? how does a few tech kings weilding entire neural networks liberate man, that doesnt spiral out into some level of totaltarilism that weve never seen before? How do you feed and house people in an age where the planet itself is become more hostile/inhospital to the level of pop we have? To me theres a sorta of slight of hand here in where they're not being fully honest both in the reprocussions and in their intentions

>> No.6224670
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x720, warmitzler.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she only plays my games

>> No.6224771

You just figured this out? They're severely autistic. They relate more to numbers than people, of course they'd pull this shit.

>> No.6224782

Anon, consumers don't ask questions, they just want to consume and be content with themselves.
This aligns with the goals of the tyrants; endless profit while no one will ever complain since they're oversocialized and scared to be left out of society and busy with bread & circuses until the whole system collapses and then we're in the idiocracy timeline where no one knows shit and doesn't bother to.
The only ones who will liberate themselves are those who think critically and are not fueled or driven by political ideologies.
AI only accelerates this process.

People fear their tyrants because they have power over them in taking their security and comfort away but the only winning move is not to play by their rules and being ready to sacrifice temporary comfort.

>> No.6224810

this is cool, fuck polygon modelling and fuck uv mapping and fuck retopology.

there are literally unlimited applications of this shit to 3D, and they would never ever be out of a job.

>> No.6224843
File: 69 KB, 775x719, 1641361347948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to /g/

No, we are the new artists now, deal with it.

>The AI used copyrighted images to learn

As if you don't do exactly the same. Meatbags on suicide watch.

>> No.6224852

I...I draw from life! AI-chud! God made earth public domain.

>> No.6224862

Whatever gets your dopamine rush man. I'll still be making art regardless.

>> No.6224955

Not really.

>> No.6225158
File: 484 KB, 630x492, 1657511095574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks have been in charge of doing soulless art since forever. If you feel threaten by AI, art was never for you.

>> No.6225168

>s their a future for animation


Right now DALL-E have a hard time with animation, but in a few years not only that, but every job out there will be automated, art included.

>> No.6225191

Jannies should unironically create /tw/ the Trade and Wages board now so anons can be guided toward light

>> No.6225230

the only people who think AI will replace artists
1. don't understand why people do art in the first place
2. only view art as a novelty
and 3. don't understand the job of artists who actually work in companies

>> No.6225353

>Heh, you just don't understand art chud
>Commercial artist positions get downsized by 1000%
>wtf how could this happen to me

Hobbyist stuff will continue somewhat, although hugely diminished, and well connected richfags laundering each other's dirty money with modern "art" will be fine but everything else is pretty much fucked.

>> No.6225360

the only people who think that cars will replace horses
1. dont understand why people uses horses in the first place
2. only view horses as a novelty
and 3. dont understand the job of horses

>> No.6225455

false equivalence

>> No.6225463

>Hobbyist stuff will continue somewhat, although hugely diminished, and well connected richfags laundering each other's dirty money with modern "art" will be fine but everything else is pretty much fucked.
AI doesn't threaten designers
AI doesn't threaten concept artists
AI doesn't threaten 3d modelers
AI doesn't threaten marketers
AI doesn't threaten animators

other things have, but not AI

>> No.6225468

AI especially AGI threatens everything anon

>> No.6225475

companies don't need artists who are generalists
they need artists who are specialized in a lot of areas

>> No.6225522

>AI doesn't threaten designers

Sure, except one designer now has their productivity sped up by a million times and the bar of entry lowered to rock bottom along with their salaries and hyper competition for work.

>AI doesn't threaten concept artists

Literally being removed from existence in real time, anyone with half a brain at typing prompts can generate kino concepts.

>AI doesn't threaten 3d modellers

Bunch of startups doing this already with decent results, a few years MAX before this is doable to a high quality.

>AI doesn't threaten marketers

Not art faggot. Although datasets and mass information collection are rendering this profession obsolete.

>AI doesn't threaten animators

A little further away than 3d modellers, but there are also companies working on this. Not far off. You are coping so badly, one dude who is good at prompts will be able to obsolete whole departments, but hey I'm sure your job will be fine :^)

>> No.6225526

sci fi bullcrap. teleportation and interstellar space travel are just as likely

>> No.6225531

this. people however should definitely doom about the internet. it's going to become a bot infested hellscape. honestly, i think the internet has been on a path to self destruction since the early 2010's with Facebook, and it's gonna happen. normies are turning it into a pile of rubble with each passing day

>> No.6225533

There are a couple of private companies doing shit that would've been unimaginable back then. The priorities are completely different now, there's new tech being built to aid AI that nobody could've predicted back then beyond really vague conjectures. Something like Cerebras' ML accelerators would've been unthinkable in the 70s, 80s, 90s and even 2000s on economic reasons alone. The AI research winter has been over for many years now. And the projects that are causing so much uproar as of now were mostly completed years ago

>> No.6225537

I can see now all the benefits of having a internet with boundaries like China did

>> No.6225621


>> No.6225647
File: 19 KB, 399x384, 1640028097989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't talk about a new way of creating art on the art board or I'll call the jannies


It's quite literally art, sorry the tool that is being used obsoletes your paintbrush faggot

>> No.6225663

What I have been thinking.
What catches my eye about good art is that a human, with all their problems and limitations, managed to make something with that level of skill.
Art is a display of skill.
It will still take away jobs though, kek!

>> No.6225669

nice bubble bobble clone

>> No.6225676
File: 70 KB, 640x414, mars-needs-moms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bunch of startups doing this already with decent results, a few years MAX before this is doable to a high quality.
you know jack shit about what coding is and think just typing in prompts is something new and special

>A little further away than 3d modelers, but there are also companies working on this. Not far off. You are coping so badly, one dude who is good at prompts will be able to obsolete whole departments, but hey I'm sure your job will be fine :^)
looks good enough ship it electric boogaloo return of the spaghetti did you forgetting how fuckin code works
the amount bug fixes that will be unsolvable since no one actually know what is suppose to happen for any scene is mind boggling I don't get why y'all niggas shill it as miracle

>> No.6225683

Uh oh 3d modeller detected, sorry bud but machine learning is going to be put out better vtuber models than you.

>> No.6225687

I think you found one of the coders for that shit, lol

>> No.6225698

>meanwhile (you) scrape publically available pictures to train yourself

Extreme ultra mega omega kek

>> No.6225737
File: 6 KB, 196x257, soon elecric boogloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what file bloat is anon and or redundancies or circuit loops are because if that happens in any of your shit AI only gonna make that shit worse. It gonna brick your shit if your haphazardly put it everywhere like you retards want

>also pic related when someone "failed" at a art career and had way to much time on their hands

>> No.6225759

He fought because he had brighter hopes for the future of art than all of us could possibly have now. It truly is sad how things turned out.

>> No.6225769

Kek the entire internet already runs on file bloat haphazardly put everywhere. (you) are not Hitler, there will never be another another Hitler, (you) and the rest of the white race are too domesticated, corn syrup fattened and brain rotted with propaganda.

>> No.6226414
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, Ez_7uxkUcAAqAQk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to code lol

>> No.6226416

>AI doesn't threaten designers
>AI doesn't threaten concept artists
you're seriously naive if you think companies would rather pay a full salary to a group of people instead of paying for an AI licence to spam random shit until something sticks

>> No.6226991

Use it yourself. No rules only tools.

>> No.6227067

If 'styles' were patented you wouldn't get to use them either. I hope you've never once even looked at an anime copying thread.

>> No.6227096

stop anthropomorphising tech, you know damn well there's a difference between a human trying to imitate another human and a machine. if you want to match the genius of another human, you have to work to get to their level, it can take decades and decades. you also have human limitations like the time created to make art, etc.
AI art otoh can be infinitely generated using an algorithm and can allow employers to potentially never have to pay another living artist again. The scale and level of damages is far beyond what a single human being could do to another.

>> No.6227101

>if you want to match the genius of another human, you have to work to get to their level, it can take decades and decades. you also have human limitations like the time created to make art, etc.

Time to outlaw cameras I guess then

>> No.6227110

Photography requires many factors, namely you have to be in a place or a time. You cannot take photos of soldiers in WWII or the crusades for example. If you want to take a photo of a sunrise, you have to wake up early enough and go out and set up your tripod. If you want photos of 2000 sunrises you'll need to wake up 1000 times. AI allows you to generate all these things instantaneously and infinitely.

>> No.6227111

>>6227110 (me)
1000 and 1000*

>> No.6227707
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