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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 489 KB, 1170x1495, E08E9E48-4070-4FCA-813F-F8115D788D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6220259 No.6220259 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6220265

Thanks, havent laughed in a while

>> No.6220267

Oh yeah I saw this. Cub Porn and Feral porn that's drawn won't get you arrested like that. There's a good chance he had some real life stuff on his computer. Be it real kids or real zoophilia stuff.

Besides many more NSFW artists don't draw cub or feral porn so nothing of large effect will happen.

>> No.6220277

isnt that implying he had actual CP on his computer lol

>> No.6220286

were do you think he got the refs from lol

>> No.6220290

Using cp as a reference shouldn't be a crime

>> No.6220294

for his mum to report it to the police I think it would have to be that

>> No.6220298
File: 881 KB, 940x1121, nooooo its just a ironic picture of cheese pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they did a digital search and records
100% he had CP and got slapped with additional charges for the zoo and drawn porn since that's how it usually works.

>> No.6220302

having them stored on your pc and looking at them sure is

>> No.6220308

Imagine living in a country where having a picture saved can send you to jail

>> No.6220311
File: 74 KB, 600x542, 1636856264904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom reports you to police
Good example of how broken families create furries/fetishists in general.

>tranny says a guy being a furry and a criminal is proof that furries are all criminals
Should we bring up some grooming stats to give more confirmation cases for our fellow man's research?

>> No.6220318

anon. I'm gonna assume you are ether retarded or are in a pedo cope.

>> No.6220325

Imagine simping for a totalitarian government

>> No.6220459


>> No.6220467
File: 156 KB, 660x720, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6220471

Imagine simping for a totalitarian government, you must be chinese
>noooo you can't just save a picture it hurts my feelings, go to jail !

>> No.6220478

Redistributing pictures of exploited children partaking in pornographic acts is not allowed, amazing how your degenerated brain cant understand it. Hopefully you end up like the furfag from the op soon

>> No.6220486

>Imagine living in a country where having a picture saved can send you to jail
Yes, faggot, we don't want your kind alive.

>> No.6220494
File: 39 KB, 400x286, 1463434741613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6220503

Why does everyone want to be a nsfw artist these days including underage fags? they are flooding r34 with their shitty ass drawings most their is just some disgusting ass fnf shit

>> No.6220506

Anon, a picture of Real Life CP means that a real life child was harmed to make it. There's a difference between some made up fictional character and a real person. Come on now.

>> No.6220518

So anyone having any kind of video or picture of a crime happening like a murder, a rape or something should also go to jail? What an asinine comment.
Its hilarious because you can save a video of a child getting beheaded by Mexicans but not a picture of a naked child

>> No.6220522

there is little to no demand for gore that contributes to black market industries surrounding it, there is with CP. If you are you seeking out, there are people who are going to be willing to sell it.

>> No.6220531

If anything that's an argument for legalization of already existing CP, as long as no new CP is created I don't see why would it be bad.

Banning CP doesn't make CP go away. Same with drugs, guns, etc. It only creates black markets and more violence and shit.

>> No.6220537

Wow you are fucking stupid.

>> No.6220553 [DELETED] 

Let's do a thought experiment

You film yourself jerking off when were 14, now you are a consenting adult and a pedo woman offers you 1 million dollars for the video as you are her type of guy.

Who is being hurt in this transaction?
Why shouldnt you be able to sell your own video?
Consider that if this happened in real life and you sold the video you would go to jail for cp distribution.

Let's just admit that the cp ban doesn't make sense and you can have hundreds of these thought experiments showing the absolute retardness of it all.

>> No.6220561

>Who is being hurt in this transaction?
No one
>Why shouldnt you be able to sell your own video?
Because it's still CP. It's banned because the market is evil AND children are hurt.
>Consider that if this happened in real life and you sold the video you would go to jail for cp distribution.
Yes I tried to but friends said stop.

>> No.6220564

Not necessarily, since the cub porn was apparently grounds to search his computer which means it was considered criminal

>> No.6220570 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 472x472, 1639834834840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a woman just because someone touched you as a kid.

>> No.6220608

probably had CP yeah, bestiality possesion is not illegal in most of the US, only sale and distribution, don't think it applies to drawings

don't know about european laws though

>> No.6220622

It should and is you worthless waste of oxygen

>> No.6220625

>It only creates black markets and more violence and shit.
This is just something people say based on meme-tier history of the prohibition era and doesn't stand up to any amount of scrutiny.
It turns out that making something illegal and Enforcing The Law(key step) does in fact reduce it.

>> No.6220632

I honestly don’t understand the appeal of CP. my porn habit is go on pornhub and click one of the videos. Who honestly gives a fuck about what porn they watch, or has any kind of preference. “Big boobs”. Done.

>> No.6220669

>Banning CP doesn't make CP go away.
Something that you kid diddlers are unable to conceptualize is that the wild distribution of CP would literally create millions of new pedophiles and victims alike because you created an accessible market for it.
>muh thought experiment
How about arguing reality you stupid faggot pedophile, access to CP = more people abusing children because videos/pictures made them lust for the real thing.

>> No.6220673

>my feelings are hurt therefore I need a totalitarian government
Sup liberal

>> No.6220689

>hating pedophiles is a liberal stance
WTF i love the left now

>> No.6220697

You can hate pedos all you want. Another entire thing is allowing a totalitarian government to jail people over saved jpegs

>> No.6220705
File: 73 KB, 960x488, 1602633933952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pedos btfo, youre next mong. have fun being bummed in prison

>> No.6220740


>> No.6220754

You sick fucks can't even emphasize with how damaging it could be to have your innocence been stolen from you immortalize on the deep web forever and just how much it tortures those who have to live with it and the people who love them. This is why neither the government nor its people tolerates you creatures, you're subhuman.

>> No.6220757

Dont care, you're still a pedophile.

>> No.6220760
File: 614 KB, 900x1601, FaR-izTVUAAvB0V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send someone for jail because drawings
>politicians go raping actual children for decades and they do nothing

>> No.6220776

Every time I see an image of loli getting posted here that I just so happened to like on Twitter I unlike it and perhaps unfollow that artist because that just means my tie strength is getting too close to faggots like you.

>> No.6220778
File: 529 KB, 850x1518, FaR-WkGUUAI4V5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, did I asked?

>> No.6220779
File: 103 KB, 828x817, 1653453920963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's not pedophilia when i do it
mental gymnastics at its finest

>> No.6220781

Back up off my chest; I don’t need your permission.

>> No.6220782
File: 133 KB, 311x355, 1416616552265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a friend's server
>Small server with artists, a lot of em I don't know but they're really cool and skilled
>Suddenly new person joins
>Posts their art, it's all cub
>Try my hardest to ignore out of respect for my friend
>Another artist joins the server, once again another cub artist
>Can't deal with it anymore, make a goodbye post and leave the server

>Years later that first cub artist followed my twitter
>They're still making cub stuff
>Tempted to block them out of sheer disgust

>> No.6220783

Stop simping for a totalitarian government. It doesn't and didn't make cp go away. Pedos still exist, children are still being abused and no amount of power given to a totalitarian government will change that banning guns doesn't work, banning drugs doesn't work and banning cp doesn't work.
I know this hurts your feelings and you seethe and foam at the mouth at this fact but it's the truth

>> No.6220786
File: 428 KB, 784x1550, FaR-aIcUYAA9zmq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you send the actual rapists to jail instead of just some losers fapping at drawings? Or is that too hard? Maybe you just want to masturbate mentally how holy you are because of your psedo morals instead of doing actually something worth while. But nah, it can't be that, you can be certain you are doing god's work here shitposting about drawings while you KNOW actual children are getting molested on hollywood and by some old crusty politicians. God's work, anon.

>> No.6220787

Do I need your permission to save and post anything here? No? So I guess I won. Lmao.

>> No.6220792

No, you don’t need my permission to be gay. Your father was supposed to prevent that.

>> No.6220794

Lmao, deflecting hardcore now. I asked again, did I asked? Do I look like I care for your input? Why are you quoting telling me all that?

Can't wait for the other faggot also try to deflect what I'm saying without even acknowledging that he is wasting his time here just so he can act holy-than-thou about drawing in 3...2...1...

>> No.6220802

At least post your own loli drawings.

>> No.6220806

Too much and is giving ammunition for me getting banned and my posts deleted. I want they to seeth knowing that all the reports are useless and in the end I'm right so much they can't even there setting a foot on the thread again and trying to defend themselves without looking like massive self centered faggots, that they are, but making they realize that is always a pleasure.

>> No.6220809

Its funny because government is the only thing keeping you fucks from breathing ironically enough. Do you realize that people would gleefully kill you and your kind if they could? Even in 3rd world shitholes they drown and hang the people who fuck with kids. You have no soapbox to stand on and still you bite the hand that keeps you comfortable.

>> No.6220811

Most third world countries know how to differentiate drawings from reality, my dude, no one is going to get killed because of a drawing.

Is about getting kids raped, why are you not doing something about that again? Oh yeah, because is a lot easier to play to ultra moralist about how drawings are so bad instead of doing something, so you came here to say your stupid shit but you don't have the courage to do something about like the third world monkeys do. What a fucking joke.

>> No.6220813


Pathetic. But what was I expecting?You're just as weak then as you are now. Go ahead and use your usual 3 word text macros now, you know the ones.

>> No.6220816
File: 103 KB, 423x752, FHTiMXZWYAQ3E0p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic? I complete ended this shit conversation in half a hour? All the faggots? Silenced because they know they are a bunch of bitches who can only complain about drawings but do nothing in real life. Even you can do much but call me names but give no real argument.

20 min nigger, I'm good or what? Want me to count the number of replies too? Because they not that many.


>> No.6220818

If what you were doing wasn't wrong you wouldn't need to deflect to others when called out. It's not a crime remember, so why do you squirm and protest from being called a pedophile? Japan calls it pedophilia as well btw.

>> No.6220821
File: 76 KB, 611x633, 1405474552855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone in this thread is actively arguing FOR the acceptance of child pornography

I really, REALLY hope you're trolling because no matter what argument you use to defend yourself there's no outcome where you come out looking like anything less than a lunatic

>> No.6220822

i live in a 3rd world shithole and its true
if youre a pedo or even entertain pedo shit, you get beaten to death there was even a case where a neighborhood just poured gasoline on top of a pedo and lit him on fire and just turn around and went back to their homes letting the fucker suffer

also despite having some of the most brutal prisons, pedos have to get a separate facility inside the prison or else they get killed, and even then, the guards themselves will fuck them up

>> No.6220826

Did I say something about being wrong? I'm asking why are you only here, complaining about drawings instead of doing something in real life about real rapists? Why are you not doing that exactly? Right or wrong? Who gives a shit, most court cases are won with money because niggers like you can't do nothing but sit down with your asses doing nothing but bitch about inane shit like drawings while your politicians go around probably shoving led pipes down the vaginas of kids and even when brought to the light of day you do absolute nothing, you stay there, bitching. Ayy, how can you say anything about third world countries and try to use as an argument when they are leagues above whatever the hell you call common sense for sending someone to jail for a drawing while allowing CHILDREN ACTUALLY GETTING RAPED.

What a fucking loser you are, no amount of MENTAL GYMNASTICS will change that.

>> No.6220828

Pedochads dominating ITT

>> No.6220829

>look at our politicians and elites actually raping children, how nice

>> No.6220830
File: 21 KB, 349x338, 1651147439219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's seething now you pedophilic bitch?

>> No.6220838
File: 124 KB, 722x967, FHTiMXZWYAQ32132E0p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No argument? appeal to emotion? I guess I won this one too.

Come back when you do something about actual rapists instead of the fast food equivalent of proving how morally superior you are on the pedo site, not that I expect you to get out of your chair to do anything than pay your taxes and eat the bugs like the good little dog you are, bitch.

>> No.6220841

Imagine believing this bullshit
>real life child was harmed to make it
Why then videos of real children being beheaded by mexican cartels are legal to posses and distribute, on pol you can find these videos regularly
>allowing some google search to dictate your worldview
You are a dumb soulless NPC
I don't understand retarded NPC logic that liking loli drawings makes you a pedo but liking violent video games and movies doesn't make you a violent bloodthirsty psychopathic murderer/criminal?

Why is fictional sex=bad but extreme violence and murder is ok?

>> No.6220854
File: 166 KB, 1080x503, IMG_20220817_220219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This hysteria about underage sex is extremely recent. Honestly, this is how it was for most of human history (at least recorded history). Shakespeare married a 14 year old when he was in his late 30s, pilgrim men in their 30s regularly married 11 and 12 year old girls. Nowadays in the third world having kids at 15 is a normal occurrence. Its hard to explain because people only see things from the time their in but the age of consent and how its enforced (le decades in prison lmaooo) is relatively new spawning from the feminist movement and roasties being upset that men always go for girls in their prime.

>> No.6220859
File: 244 KB, 329x615, jojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This big crime has gone unpunished therefore this lesser crime should be ignored!
>If [x] is illegal then why does [y] still happen?

>> No.6220861
File: 26 KB, 275x274, 1646540769840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a pedophile who's mad about being reminded that you're a pedophile so you project into other pedophiles to escape criticism from your peers. Maybe don't die on this hill if you're going to be this asshurt about not playing into your pedo posting. Ironic or otherwise.

>> No.6220864

A drawing of a fantasy character is just that. They aren't a real person so trying to "Save" them by calling the authorities is utterly useless. CPS and other authorities have even said online to stop calling them over drawings of fictional characters because it's a waste of time and resources. They can't do anything about it.

The only way someone would actually get arrested is if it turns out they had some real life shit on there. That there was proof that a living and breathing minor, or in this case, animal was hurt in the making of the pictures.

That's more than likely why the furry in OP's pic got arrested. Either it was real life CP or real life Zoophile shit that was found on their computer when they got searched.

>> No.6220866

>saving a picture is a crime because... My feelings are hurt ok? Go to jail!!

>> No.6220876

>draw a picture
>go to jail
Does american law really allow this?

>> No.6220879

>allowing actually children to go raped while you mentally masturbate about how you are owning the pedos because drawings
Yes, yes I'm a pedo, what you are going to do about it? Report me the authorities? Nothing? Yeah, that's right you can't do anything, all you co do is complain about and bitch because is easy.

If I was an actual rapist I doubt you would even get out your fat ass, you would do the same thing you are doing right now, absolutely nothing. Why you don't even acknowledge the fact that while you complain about drawings actual children go being molested and you do nothing about again? You can't even bring in the argument, all you do is that, the MENTAL GYMNASTICS.

>> No.6220881

You look like nothing more than a raving lunatic psychopath.
The replies stop because you are just parroting your same argument over and over and ignoring anything to the contrary.
I pity faggots like you

>> No.6220882
File: 67 KB, 1200x800, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care didn't read
still drawing loli

>> No.6220885

Everything goes when it comes to the anti pedo hysteria

>> No.6220886

And somehow I'm winning. Crazy right? But the bar is pretty low, so is not worth bragging about.

>> No.6220888

There’s no contest. You’re a pedophile and therefore the laughingstock of this whole thread. In nobody’s eyes but your own are you “winning” anything you sad little man.

>> No.6220891

On adverage we live nearly three times as long as the people of the early 20th century and before did, who died in the late 30s to early 40s. This effectively means that from a biological standpoint there's little need to reproduce as young as possible anymore because we're all living way longer and don't need to make up for the early to maintain the population. Sex with children is purely hedonistic now. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.6220894 [DELETED] 

Yes, i already said it, I'm a pedo, are you going to do anything about it other than bitch and nag? No.


You are lucky I have no real interest in raping kids, not that you would do anything about that either.

>> No.6220897

Motherfucker probably has child model or child porn in his devices. Because my cousin also got searched by usa police because my filipina step aunt reported her to them. She was not jailed because she doesn't even browse porn sites, all her shota hentai art are all referenced from her giga brain.


>> No.6220908

That's a theory (a geuss) people back in the day didn't really die in their 30s that often. The average life expectancy was just lower because of child mortality. From 1200 to 1745, 21-year-olds would reach an average age of anywhere between 62 and 70 years

>> No.6220914
File: 1.03 MB, 1856x3172, mummy found my hentai drawing - DoomedAnon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6220916

By your logic you have to enforce a law to agree with it for some reason. I’m not with the police moron.
Is murder wrong? Yes. Is it illegal? Yes. Do I agree with that? Yes. Am I expected to go out like a vigilante and stop murders? No.
Your talk about mental gymnastics is ironic

>> No.6220917

>You are lucky I have no real interest in raping kids, not that you would do anything about that either.
And like that the mask starts to slip...

>> No.6220926

By my logic you need to do something about actual rapists before complaining about drawings you nigger, did you do anything about them yet? Oh, no wait, you are still being a little bitch. But is a lot easier i guess, beats having to do anything and you get all the ego rubbing don't, ya?
That I'm not a rapist? Cool, did you did anything about the actual rapists yet, btw? Asking for a friend.

>> No.6220934

>i-im not a rapist

>> No.6220939

You just repeated to me what I already said,
I also think gore videos are wrong.
So I should go out and try and enforce that and get the videos taken down?
No. It’s not my job.
Your pathetic morals are disgusting

>> No.6220943

Don’t worry moron, nobody here is gonna take your CP away, cause like I said that’s not our job.
But we still think it’s disgusting and that you should hang

>> No.6220951

Do you have any argument against what I'm saying, that in the end you are just a self centered holy-than-thou little bitch that only complains about drawings so you can feel morally superior while allowing actual crimes that have been proved that happened happen without doing anything, if you forgot? no? Only ad-hominem. Guess who won again? PEDO NUMBAH ONE.
if is not your job why are you here complaining about drawings, nigger. Call the cops, go full soccer mom, everyone loves those btw, they tottaly dind't ruin the good will people had for conservative rights, telling how people are posting those evil drawings on the internet. Or, I guess that's also too hard ins't? Or you just don't feel as morally superior to even actually in doing the bare minimum? Guess not, only the ego rubbing because you are so righteousness and perfect, everyone should praise you for not liking drawings.
C'mon anons, praise the anon, he think drawings are bad, go ahead, he is waiting, tell him what a good boy he is.

>> No.6220952

you sound like a whiny little faggot, share your social media so i can blacklist you

>> No.6220955

What the fuck is cup porn?

>> No.6220957

Its a better explanation than shaking a fist at those gosh darn feminism and not wanting little kids to be raped and exploited by adults twice their age that's for sure.

>> No.6220962

You have no concept of right and wrong, you’re no better than an animal.
Saying I agree something is wrong is not tantamount to lording it over the scum who engage in it.
I don’t know where you made this “ego stroking boogey man” somewhere along your schizophrenic rant, but I think you need to reread the thread.
Also learn fucking English your posts are almost indecipherable drivel.

>> No.6220963

Loli or shota furry.

>> No.6220965

im going to groom a naive 18 year old into the perfect wife who deserves my affection when im 37+ years old and there is nothing anyone can do about it and every insufferable man-hating roastie who cries about it will only reinforce my position that women become less and less worth people's time as they age

>> No.6220966

>mimmimi you are so sick in the head
>zeee drawings don't you see, they are bad, child porn
>is like you have no concept of right and wrong, the drawings, don't see? They are drawings I don't like because they remind me of things I don't like because they are crimes
>I will now complete ignore everything you just said about the elites raping children and focus only on complain and try to ban drawings, that is the right thing to do

>> No.6220970

…Good for you?

>> No.6220973

You have no reading comprehension.
I’m done here cause I might as well be talking to a child

>> No.6220977

You still had done anything about actual rapists. Only complain and nag about drawings and send people over to jail about drawings, and not actual rapists.

Go to sleep thinking about that, nigger. That you praise the idea of someone going to jail because of drawings while people like you put actual rapists in power and do absolute nothing when they do rape actual children with actual feelings and actual consequences, not only drawings.

Fucking loser.

>> No.6220985

>argue with me
What is there to discuss, you pride youself in being an edgelord attention whore until people call you your proper label, then you seethe and cope like every other bitch faggot with this shitty anime meme fetish. You're a pathetic fucking pedophile, simple as.

>> No.6220987

This is a boogey man you made up.
I am not enforcing CP laws, and I’m not condoning corruption among the elite.
Take your meds, get off the internet, and finally kill yourself

>> No.6220993

>send people over to jail about drawings
When did anyone here do that, schizo?
Read this slowly:
You do not have to enforce a law to agree with it

>> No.6220996

Better get off of 4chan and get a job then, noone wants some fat ugly neet as a sugar daddy

>> No.6221000

i already said what is to discuss, you are the sort of person who praises people getting to jail so you can masturbate your ego for nothing but drawings but the moment actually something serious happens you don't do anything, only nags and complains about what is easy so you can feel better but actually tackle and try to do anything about real problems? Nothing. Zero, nada. You can even acknowledge that, you loser.
>if you like drawings you are a pedo
>if you are a pedo you need to go to jail or killed

>> No.6221003

You literally said people here in this thread are sending people to jail over drawings and ignoring corruption among the elite.
Nobody here has done that or has that power.
You are delusional.

>> No.6221004

>trans flag

>> No.6221011
File: 56 KB, 225x350, 332470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asodnoiawndiajmspkidajmsidjha hahaha ahah are you serious? I'm taking about taking up arms, do like you do with drawings and try to get banned? How do you have the audacity of saying anything about reading comprehesion and get that from what I said;

aiusdha I'm losing my shit right now, what a fucking loser, jesus christ, this fucking thread made my night. haahaha

Also, now you are grasping so hard at straws to have anything to say. Fucking loser, loser loser loser, can you imagine, back paddling this hard and the only argument you have is this fucking stupid. What loser.

>> No.6221014

Ok, schizo

>> No.6221017

loser loser loser hahashdahsdh lawenforcement my ass. You guys legit have something wrong, fucking law enforcement? What you thought I wanted you to pick up a gun and go full punisher, aosjhdaisdap jesus christ. I'm legit printing that shit.

>> No.6221026

Okay, I recomposed myself. I'm sorry for the burst but that was pretty funny, how old are you again?

Anyway, I'm talking about that if you motherfuckers did half of what you do to complain and try to get things like drawings banned to actual rapists and against the elite that actually does shit this would never ever been a problem. Do I really need to spell that? You really can't grasp at the idea of using your voice and complain about actual real important real world shit.

I'm not surprised 70% of the elites are pedos, seems like normies are either stupid or lazy, easy to be a elite when everyone else is a dumbass.

>> No.6221028

I know that baby babble your mating with the kids but please use you big boy words lmao

>> No.6221032

Tad too late, mate.

>> No.6221050

Still a seething pedophile mad that 4chan isn't running to you aid

>> No.6221060

No argument? appeal to emotion? I guess I won this one too.

Actually looks I won the entirety of the thread. Unless any of you guys have any more embarrassing things to add to this mess.

>> No.6221091
File: 659 KB, 760x760, '1212323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won. That was very pleasant.

>> No.6221106

Same reason everyone is dumping their life savings into imaginary internet coins. The promise of getting rich

>> No.6221166

it's "empathize" not emphasize

>> No.6221172

>So anyone having any kind of video or picture of a crime happening like a murder, a rape or something should also go to jail?
I wish, all those /gif/pol fags deserve the rope for literally getting off to people dying just to fuel their racism.

>> No.6221185

Based. BTFO'd

>> No.6221191

>if youre a pedo or even entertain pedo shit, you get beaten to death there was even a case where a neighborhood just poured gasoline on top of a pedo and lit him on fire and just turn around and went back to their homes letting the fucker suffer
God that's fucking based. We need to go back. Manipulators of the innocent deserve death.

>> No.6221197

I thought it was pretty clear cut and simple here, child pornography is wrong because there is a victim. There is no victim with a drawing. What's the problem here?

>> No.6221203

>This hysteria about underage sex is extremely recent. Honestly, this is how it was for most of human history (at least recorded history).
Yes, because until the early 1900s medication to extend human life didn't fucking exist so expecting to die at the age of 40 was 'reasonable' enough to fuck young females just to make sure humans didn't go extinct
Now there's 8 billion faggots and 75% of them can live up to fucking ~80 years old. There's no worries of extinction anymore to fuck children you mental nutcase

Just because it was "acceptable" doesn't make it right. Just because coal was always used to give humans energy, now we shouldn't stop despite it's literally killing the planet?

>> No.6221218
File: 51 KB, 719x720, shino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main problem afflicting those here from the west is the recent lack of public hangings for child abusers. Those third world monkeys mentioned earlier that regularly kill rapists don't get their panties in a twist over artwork, since they know actual abusers get beaten to death. As such they don't see artwork as dangerous. In the west however, the law and general public are so unspeakably weak that rapists get only a few years in prison before being turned loose to rape and destroy more kids. If westerners had confidence that actual rape reliably results in actual rope, they wouldn't get so stressed out over art. Instead the west is in an effeminate mindset of trying to lower the probability the mass of serial rapists in their midst commit more rapes by sweeping any potential triggers like artwork under the rug. It's a pathetically weak mindset to hold. The chad approach is to snap their necks outright, then you don't have to care about art anymore.

>> No.6221221

>Just because coal was always used to give humans energy, now we shouldn't stop despite it's literally killing the planet?
Ohh, you're one of those. Let me guess, public hangings are 'barbaric' and 'primitive', so we should just jail rapists for a bit before letting them roam free again to commit more abuse and destroy more lives.

>> No.6221224

>Just because coal was always used to give humans energy, now we shouldn't stop despite it's literally killing the planet?
nta but never bring up another topic that can easily be used to derail ad deflect even more never offer escape routes in a debate always assume the other person is retarded enough to cling to any single word or phrase

>> No.6221238

>it's possible to commit a crime locked in a room by yourself

>> No.6221247

>Just because coal was always used to give humans energy, now we shouldn't stop despite it's literally killing the planet?
Good lord what a great way to out yourself as a bumbling fuckwit retard and discredit everything you've said up to this point

>> No.6221263

t.malding boomers poisoning our planet. Die off already so we can rebuild what you destroyed.

>> No.6221271

I'm a zoomer tho frfr no cap

>> No.6221279

Yes reinstating corporal punishments will do wonders. Most of people don't understand words, you have to speak to them in beatings.

>> No.6221298

More technically, the goal of a public beating/execution is to burn it into the brains of the crowd (esp. their amygdalas) the connection between the crime in question, and violent physical retribution. This is the primary purpose of making it a public event. But even in the parts of America that still do the death penalty, they manage to fuck it up by doing it in a closed, quiet room with an injection administered in a faux-medical setting, out of sight and out of mind leaving nothing more than an abstract concept for the public to ponder. No, it's SUPPOSED to be violent and traumatic, to scare the shit out of anyone watching who might be prone to contemplating committing similar crimes. It gels well with how our brains subconsciously process fear and aversion, which is why it has always been done in every culture (minus our very recently malfunctioned western societies).

>> No.6221462

>a drawing of simba from the lion king with a penis should get you arrested and placed in prison
these niggas wilin

>> No.6221474

Drawn pedophilia is still pedophilia.

>> No.6221482

>Yes, because until the early 1900s medication to extend human life didn't fucking exist so expecting to die at the age of 40 was 'reasonable' enough to fuck young females just to make sure humans didn't go extinct
>Now there's 8 billion faggots and 75% of them can live up to fucking ~80 years old. There's no worries of extinction anymore to fuck children you mental nutcase
Based. Pedophiles always dodge when you remind them that we don't croak at 40 anymore.

>> No.6221483

funny how this thread became a debate about pedo shit
kinda weird tho theres even a debate with a side defending pedos

>> No.6221486

>Those third world monkeys mentioned earlier that regularly kill rapists don't get their panties in a twist over artwork, since they know actual abusers get beaten to death.
We still do that too, if you want to get rid of something, do it right, doing it half assed will only make it come back.

>> No.6221500

>kinda weird tho theres even a debate with a side defending pedos
They can't stand being reminded that for of the cheeky 'uuuoh' pedobear ironybros shit their fetish is still wildly regarded as pedophilia to people on the outside looking in. Even their precious Japan deems it as such and begs people not to offend on real children.

>> No.6221609

Okay but there's no victim, so whats the problem?

>> No.6221633

Do people not know about encryption? Veracrypt containers anyone?

>> No.6221637

Let's do a thought experiment.
You see a guy selling a video of himself he made when he was 14 for a ton of money, and it's somehow legal

Therefore, you can go to a cute underage girl, tell her to film herself masturbating, and you will buy the video when she turns 18.
Perfectly legal and moral, right?

>> No.6221639

Difference being there are hardly any people on this site that populate threads with their insisting that murder-rape is really hot and good actually.
Pedophiles on the other hand...

>> No.6221672

Still pedophilia.

>> No.6221675

Pedophile always dodge logical post like this. Gives no room for arguments.

>> No.6221678

whatever. still legal

>> No.6221689

Situationally enforced =/= legal. You can be charged at border for the distribution it in some countries and if you're caught with CP they will charge you with drawn porn as well in the states.

>> No.6221719

Pedophilia will be accepted in the next 15 or 20 years. Get over it

>> No.6221722

he could have been caught like the silk road guy
standing behind your back when you are on your computer

>> No.6221740
File: 54 KB, 192x190, 1604100131749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, that's so crazy

>> No.6221742

depends on the country, it’s mostly production and distribution that’s illegal
technically, you could have cp on your computer because you opened up a thread with cp in it and your cache wasn’t wiped or you saved an embedded image because you can’t into 4chinz and you thought you were saving a sink ref

>> No.6221752

I'm a zoomer and you're retarded. Coal burning is natural

>> No.6221753

US doesn't care anon. We can draw whatever we want. Fuck your kids

>> No.6221755

Lol I thought it would be obvious that u could only do this while in ur home. Even if you get raided while u are drawing, you got a couple of secs to lock ur PC(and therefore automatically unmount all veracrypt drives).
Leaving no trace.

>> No.6221759

The Hysteria is ridiculous. Not everything is hurting your kids. You're kids aren't going to die seeing sex

>> No.6221767

All these anti loli and shota fascists need to leave. You are all tourists. Freedom of expression all the way baby

>> No.6221773

ah yes you also must be the same type of americans who support the groomer teachers telling little kids they are trans, government aswell as tranny adults wanting kids to take hormone blockers to be trans etc etc etc

in regards to pedo shit its always the americans defending it especially lefties

>> No.6221781

nice bait mate
i with the US was actually fascist, maybe then there would be less tranny shitters on the internet and real life in general

>> No.6221805

Drawing children in a sexual manner is exactly like doing that to a child in real life. The person drawing it is in total control of their actions, they manipulate that child with their twisted reality by drawing smiles on their faces when deep down inside that child is scarred for the rest of their lives, they feed of that helplessness like no other being on this planet. To those defending drawing children in a sexual manner, you've already done it, in some form or fashion, and you side with those who feed your disgusting power trip. But what you fail to realize is that for every loli and shota drawn is the soul of a real life child who was probably molested or sexually abused. Drawing children like that is akin to the red shoe paintings that the elites commission to hang on their wall. You side with the elites who willingly abuse children every day.
You're not human. Your humanity was lost a long time ago, and in its place, lies whom you are. Yours is already a hard lot.

>> No.6221831

>questioning the validity of giving the power to the government to send you to jail over a saved jpeg is 'defending pedos'
Lmao. Just admit you simp for a totalitarian government. Admit you are a bug

>> No.6221861

>How about arguing reality you stupid faggot pedophile
>proceeds to make a strawman
boy i didnt plan to post itt, but it sure is full of puritan retards, that actually dont save any of those poor oppressed children, but virtue signal on an anonymous basket weaving forum
what a shame

>> No.6221862

>Freedom of expression all the way baby
Until you're called a pedophile right? you only want freedom of expression when it benefits you.

>> No.6221910

Call us whatever you want as long as you don't use the government to jail people for saving an image

>> No.6221914

I've heard of cameras stealing people's souls, didn't realize artists could do the same with drawings. Thanks for the heads up anon.

>> No.6221921

Incitement to violence (as has been done in this thread a lot) is not protected freeze peach.

>> No.6221922

>the wild distribution of CP would literally create millions of new pedophiles and victims
Not necessarily, on the condition that its legalisation is paired with a reintroduction of capital punishment for CSA. Do both and you won't have a problem, you only run into trouble with only one. A society cannot have both freedom of speech AND no public executions of rapists, the former is built on the latter. No deaths at the gallows = freedom of speech disappears.

>> No.6221932

It absolutely sucks for them and I would demand the lives of those who violated them. We still cannot hand our free speech over to a totalitarian regime, even if it hurts the victims feelings. Those hurt feelings are nothing compared to the societal scale pain of suffering under the boot of a demented, despotic regime. The total human suffering is far greater in the latter case, it is an existential threat to our civilisation itself.

>> No.6221941

See ya in hell when you're living in it.

>> No.6221960

Good, zoophiles get the rope. I hope many more get rekt by tyrone in jail.

>> No.6221976

Prison rape is filthy faggot shit, Tyrone should also be executed as a rapist. Punishment shouldn't be sexualized, it is a flaw in the character of those excusing "some" rapes. No, kill every last one of them. No compromises, no excuses.

>> No.6222146

>twitter tranny
>trying to control others
Still drawing cat porn btw

>> No.6222163
File: 792 KB, 900x793, junk_sketch_109_by_catplus-d3hu2tf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who use real CP for reference are weak. There's a shitton of loli drawings out there that you can use for reference, many by extremely talented artists. If accurate anatomy is a concern, just study anatomy and learn how to draw naked adults. If you build up enough skill you'll be able to downsize/stylize your drawings of naked adults into drawings of naked children without ever having to look at CP. TL;DR don't be a criminal, just git gud

>> No.6222167

Are you really comparing coal to pedophilia?

>> No.6222181

This post is so idiotic im sure its a falseflag

>> No.6222208

>Fetishizing kids as sexual deviants
>Fetishizing kids as sexual equals
>Fetishizing your art to compensate for the lack of real women
>Fetishizing kids, period
Pedophiles are so easily identified now by how they speak and post things like this. They try to cope so hard by telling others, look, look, professionals do it to! You're all sick in the head and you've probably molested someone or had underage sex with someone in your lives.

>> No.6222221

>There's a shitton of loli drawings out there that you can use for reference
Yeah, just like you can reencode the same jpg 100 times until you get mushy shit. Why would you settle for something inferior
>many by extremely talented artists
Pic unrelated I assume?
You don't need to reference CP. There's plenty of safe reference everywhere. Just don't reference adults. That's how you end up with bad loli drawings with awful proportions.

>> No.6222235
File: 1.81 MB, 640x640, FB78CEBD-B63A-4A2E-8C09-74DA72FA9E67.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls someone else a loser
>jerks off to cartoon children
The jokes just write thenselves

>> No.6222244

Are you fucking retarded?
People literally DONATE high quality camera equipment to ISIS so they can send messages through gore videos, inspire fear and new recruits.

Very funny story, the actual harm of sharing ISIS videos is rarely if ever punished, and totally okay even on 4chan.
And this is inspite of the fact that these terrorist organisations have a significant influx of western recruits who wish to escape le degenerate west that has abandoned grand purpose.

>> No.6222256

>Yes, because until the early 1900s medication to extend human life didn't fucking exist so expecting to die at the age of 40 was 'reasonable' enough to fuck young females just to make sure humans didn't go extinct

This is a myth. The "low life expectancy" is a dishonest statistic that is heavily weighed by infant mortality. "Life expectancy" is not the same as "average adult lifespan". For a brief example:

For American men, life expectancy in:

1907 – 45.6 years
1957 – 66.4 years
2007 – 75.5 years

Infant mortality rates in the US:

1907 – 10%
1957 – 2.63%
2007 – 0.68%

>> No.6222267

>If you support [this thing], then you must also support (and be associated with) [completely unrelated thing]!

>> No.6222283

The funny story is that ISIS videos are legal because they are not real. They are Mossad/CIA productions, so they are protected as works of art and fiction. The same reason they fake any other deaths instead of killing real people, there are no real consequences even if they get exposed because faking shit is not illegal.

>> No.6222285

>real zoophilia

There's plenty of websites about this disgusting shit, and it's really easy to come across it... Why aren't those websites banned?

>> No.6222295

>Why does everyone want to be a nsfw artist these days including fags?

Because A.I. will kill artists, except for porn artists, besides that...


The richfags on Patreon are all NSFW related

>> No.6222299

>Something that you kid diddlers are unable to conceptualize is that the wild distribution of CP would literally create millions of new pedophiles and victims alike because you created an accessible market for it.
We literally have a study that showed the opposite trend, availability of pedophilic stimuli DECREASING CSA.

>> No.6222314

>This is why neither the government

I hate the sickfucks in this thread as much as you, but I hate the government even more, totalitarianism ain't it chief.

>You're going to jail because a 2d drawing done with literal shit resembles an alien girl...

>> No.6222324
File: 250 KB, 635x404, RealisticAnime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resembles an alien

>> No.6222329
File: 1.26 MB, 1592x1888, 1649455659348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead the west is in an effeminate mindset
The epitome of effeminate behavior is to say and do anything to be socially accepted as virtuous, hence why following through with actual punishments is seen as "cruel" by western feminized society.
That's why americans and europeans go out in the streets demonstrating for criminals to not get punished, feminism and other inane shit; because it will increase the individuals social value by being seen as virtuos by their peers.
But who will you find marching in those demonstrations; criminals, plain and simple.
They choose battles they think they can win and that will boost their public virtue to hide their own sins, hence why they go after fictional media.
You wouldn't suspect someone fighting against something for social justice to be guilty of those things he speaks out against, right?

On the other hand, it's not unwise to assume that if someone is really into extreme loli (really child like loli) or cub, it's not that wrong to assume they might be irl predators.
As an example; this is still loli but it can very well count as petite.
The major mature-signaling proportions are there, which are mostly developed hips and the lower body in general.
It is not uncommon even for real 20+ year olds to look like that.
Everything else like the face and the size of the head is simply stylization.
Leaving out all the nuances and details; It's understandable how that could be visually appealing even in an erotic context.

The issue is when the loli looks really child-like.
>flat as a cutting board
>very skin and bones
>highly innocent child-like expression or visual mannerism
It shouldn't make any sense for any male to be aroused by that.

People don't bother to actually stop and think about the things they point fingers to, because having a "completely evil enemy" you can put down and insult however you want, makes you feel good about yourself without having to use your brain.
This goes on on both sides.

>> No.6222355

certified fried brain moment

>> No.6222359
File: 1.23 MB, 1821x2368, 1658950364241990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
do l*lifags really

>> No.6222368

They've gotten desperate enough to defend the cub porn it's so fucking funny
i expected this thread to dab on the diaperfur for shits n giggles rather than some edgy ironic weebs talking about kiddie fiddling just because mammothposting made it a meme :sob: :sob: :anger: :anger: uooh

>> No.6222371 [DELETED] 

I literally live in iraq you retarded lil boy diddling pedofaggot, it's not an " normal " occurence outside of our village goatfuckers
ابن قحبه

>> No.6222386

I literally live in iraq you retarded lil boy diddling pedofaggot, it's not an " normal " occurence outside of our village goatfuckers
ابن قحبة

>> No.6222398

This nigga really seething over some guy getting arrested for animal diaper porn
only on 4chan

>> No.6222413


Kys pedo

>> No.6222421

pedos really are shamelessly obnoxious in defending their "just drawings".
These scumbags have no integrity and will ally themselves with left and right politics, using "It's a mental condition I can't help it" and "This is a free speech issue!" respectively.
and don't forget the attempts to rebrand themselves as "maps" They are truly monsters that live among us.

>> No.6222501

>Both are bad
Yes. Bad is bad.

>> No.6222504

>He thinks child sex = death
Nice try, but try using an actual rebettle next time to prove your pedoism isn't bad, which isn't possible.

>> No.6222507

>but I hate the government even more
So you went king n shiet? No, I don't want one dictator that wants the death of non his race types around.

>> No.6222513

Your personal anecdotes are irrelevant

>> No.6222519

Not on the same level

>> No.6222520
File: 107 KB, 840x1003, FaQODVlX0AEmaXg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plot thickens.

>> No.6222521

>Drinking piss is ok just because it isn't shit!
Die late. Your kind will never be normal.

>> No.6222522

Is this is a bot reply? It has nothing to do with the post it’s replying

>> No.6222523

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.6222524
File: 466 KB, 538x348, Pac-Nerd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this is a bot reply? It has nothing to do with the post it’s replying

>> No.6222526

>has an actual zeta in his name
I really pity his family dog

>> No.6222528

Pedo Chads keep winning

>> No.6222529

So this is it. He got completely mindbroken he can only schizopost.

>> No.6222535
File: 99 KB, 688x1100, 973cf5ad6969e47fc379a5be762399e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this is a bot reply? It has nothing to do with the post it’s replying
Are you expecting basic reading comprehension here? You're arguing with people that want to kill someone for liking drawings, idiocy of this level should be expected

>> No.6222570
File: 170 KB, 413x388, 7855776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rebellious early 20s westoids who jack off to animal porn in diapers modelled after babies and have furry orgy wankfests look up to our bottom of the barrel savages as role models
saddam should've killed more of you, no wonder the first thing you did when you invaded here was molest lil iraqi boys in abu ghraib

>> No.6222578

No kids are getting diddled. Still not seeing the issue here.

>> No.6222586

Damn that's a lot of brown seethe, continue, it's amusing

>> No.6222593 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 110x124, 1659072452286350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For such a sophisticated person you sure look up to our " brown " 60 iq inbred mudhut dwellers when trying to defend your stance kid fiddling huh

>> No.6222595

Keep going, let the brown seethe flow. Tap tap tap little brown fingers on a Chinese keyboard, hurry up, they might shut down the electricity at any moment

>> No.6222596

>cub porn
good. A jail is where that faggot belongs.

>> No.6222597
File: 1 KB, 110x124, 1659072452286350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For such a sophisticated person you sure like to look up to our " brown " 60 iq inbred mudhut dwellers when trying to defend your stance on kiddie fiddling huh

>> No.6222605

..........then why did you defend them in the first place and now insult them because it didn't go your way
p*do's goin damage control it seems

>> No.6222606

First they came for the flurries, then for the pedos, then for the chuds. Giving power to a totalitarian government is never a good idea

>> No.6222612

You're so autistic holy shit

>> No.6222613

I'm not defending pedos you imbecile. I'm stating facts, it's a fact that the age of consent only a couple hundred years ago was as low as 7. It's a fact that having children at 15 is a normal occurrence in most of the third world. It's a fact that the raise in age of consent was pushed by a feminist movement. These are facts. You can seethe and spit all over your screen all you want but that won't change history.

>> No.6222623
File: 329 KB, 750x491, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a dumb soulless NPC
Because he cares for the wellbeing of our youth? Is that what it takes to be an NPC these days?
You're not allowed to be the "main character of life" unless you're a deranged psychopath with a fucked brain?

>> No.6222632

> You're not allowed to be the "main character of life" unless you're a deranged psychopath with a fucked brain
Hmm yeah? What do you think shounens are about

>> No.6222633
File: 4 KB, 168x150, 934894398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fact that the age of consent only a couple hundred years ago was as low as 7.
No it wasn't shithead westoid, none of my relatives married at the child diddling stage, the youngest was 16 and thats my great great grandma (not counting village inbreds), i bet you're referring to that meme image of the two from sneedville that pops around often in your circlejerk, reminder that guy was mocked alot back then, it wasn't a " norm " as much you like to push it because of your kiddie fiddling fetish
> It's a fact that having children at 15 is a normal occurrence in most of the third world
If you mean raped girls who can't have an abortion or girls who make babies to sell them because they are poor or teen whores who end up alone yeah, nice role models fag, you can go back to /v/ to your UOOOOOOOOH CHILD EROTIC CUNNY CUNNY BELLY AND CHEST echochambers and stay there

>> No.6222636

Do you even know how to read? You comoletely missed the point

>> No.6222637

Hey man, stay away from my siblings, thanks.

>> No.6222641

Yeaaaah i'd rather be soulless NPC than rape some random kid and destroy their future thanks lol
>Why then videos of real children being beheaded by mexican cartels are legal
They should be banned too but i have no idea why they are allowed on the internet along with zoo porn

>> No.6222644

Zoo porn is easy. Most people give 0 shits about animal welfare so as long as they dont have to see fido being raped or thrown into a dried up well with their own eyes they just dont care

>> No.6222649

He didn't miss the point, because things aren't going your way you prefer to act like you don't understand them, typical damage control

>> No.6222651

It's sad really

>> No.6222689 [DELETED] 

wtf is this cancerous twitter-tier thread?

12 year old boys are cute af

and drawings of fictional characters are just drawings of fictional characters

gtfo newfags

>> No.6222693

jannies allow it because jannies are antis themselves

>> No.6222694

wait what?
details pls

>> No.6222695



how is it there?

are u guys getting rid of the nato-backed turkish faggots or western planted leadership?

>> No.6222713
File: 6 KB, 119x125, 99993993933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallahi those roaches randomly bomb our safespot places when they feel like it and use the excuse that the " pkk " are dwelling in there (which they aren't), last time they did it it actually got the world talking about it and the turkish government had to write a fake apology letter that it wasn't them who did the attack but just some " terrorist group " after that i have no idea if they actually got held accountable
but the iraqi government at baghdad did release a statement a while ago for all turkish consuls here to get out after what happened and people started boycotting turkish products here
>western planted leadership
sadly no, after the fall of saddam, america does have a hand in the planted leadership behind, if anything the iraq war was an excuse to invade here to steal all the oil (considering 9/11 had nothing to do with iraq), they don't want these countries to improve and progress because it won't benefit them

>> No.6222722
File: 141 KB, 1146x372, 8438934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are americans so obsessed with homosexuality and child grooming holy shit

>> No.6222724 [DELETED] 

it's in their blood, look at hollywood

>> No.6222730

it's in their blood, look at hollywood and all the zoomers there who think having a sexuality and made up pronouns is some sort of fashion trend

>> No.6222732
File: 170 KB, 1088x428, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this it for nsfw artists?


NSFW artists are the only artists that will survive the GREAT DALL-E EXTINCTION

>> No.6222737

Nazifurs will inherit the earth

>> No.6222757

Reminder america wanted japan to become a 3rd world country too after the war, but things didn't go their way, no surprise alot of americans on twitter have some sort of anti-jap mindset going on even to the point of demonizing/mocking people who like to consume japanese products or just because they like japan, bitter from the fact they aren't the one's being loved by outsiders and have cultural appeal

>> No.6222766

>having them stored on your pc and looking at them sure is
that actually makes no sense. The one distributing it should be in jail, not someone having it saved.

>> No.6222782

NEITHER side should have that kind of material in their possession, period. Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.6222788

>drawing kids and calling them fictional characters
femcel claws typed this

>> No.6222796

No no, anyone should be able to have any kind of material in their possession, only distribution should be illegal.

>> No.6222799

fictional kids?
what u wanna sound edgy for saying kids or wat
also the whole third world + japan war talk is way more interesting i'd rather discuss that than the samey UHHHH THIS IS ILLEGAL for the 29393th time on this board

>> No.6222824

You're a fucking idiot and you troll game is weak. No you for you, zippertits
Because they are kids, ESL. Now face the wall.

>> No.6222825

its only illegal to do it in some places

>> No.6222834
File: 228 KB, 1180x2048, bc7f7d1a3671b1dc7e07dddc6c20c3bb3c29488c065cedf3185a93147a15dde7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6222930

Why would you ban something just because you find it disgusting? It's called freedom you subhuman.
Banning things doest make them go away.

>> No.6222969

>Yes, yes I'm a pedo, what you are going to do about it? Report me the authorities? Nothing? Yeah, that's right you can't do anything, all you co do is complain about and bitch because is easy.
>If I was an actual rapist I doubt you would even get out your fat ass, you would do the same thing you are doing right now, absolutely nothing. Why you don't even acknowledge the fact that while you complain about drawings actual children go being molested and you do nothing about again? You can't even bring in the argument, all you do is that, the MENTAL GYMNASTICS.

That anon got destroyed by an unironic pedo, what timeline am I in? kek

>> No.6222987

>Yes, yes I'm a pedo, what you are going to do about it? Report me the authorities? Nothing? Yeah, that's right you can't do anything, all you co do is complain about and bitch because is easy.
>If I was an actual rapist I doubt you would even get out your fat ass, you would do the same thing you are doing right now, absolutely nothing. Why you don't even acknowledge the fact that while you complain about drawings actual children go being molested and you do nothing about again? You can't even bring in the argument, all you do is that, the MENTAL GYMNASTICS.
youre doing the same shit, easy to talk behind a computer and talk big
please repeat this same exact little paragraph in the face of someone IRL and try and not get beaten the fuck up if not killed
typical coward pedo hiding behind a computer with the teenager reply of "what you gonna do about it" and projecting
you know youd get killed either in prison or on the streets
its such absurdity you are either mentally ill or a LARPer, and in both cases you deserver the treatment we in my country give pedo's, the rope

>> No.6222988

a yes, a jpeg of CP shouldnt put you in jail, sure
at this point i cant even tell if this thread is full of LARP or actual pedos

>> No.6223052
File: 162 KB, 785x539, 168546854651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you literally got no arguments you resort to violent threats over the internet.
You proved him right.

You got btfo hard by an unironical pedo
holy shit this is the funniest shit i've seen in a long this on this board
I mean, fuck, how the fuck do you think it was going to work out if you talked shit liked that, trying to intimidate him:
hahahahaha wtf

btw not a pedo and not that anon either
i came here to laugh at you, nigger

>> No.6223114
File: 92 KB, 720x811, FOo5nDtXIAEFwMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no single citation available at all for the idea that "cartoon animal people that have prepubescent traits drawn in erotic situations" is illegal at all anywhere in north america

prove me wrong

spoiler: you can't

>> No.6223125

Pinch harmonic face aka 5150

>> No.6223161

This is precisely it. No one is exploited or harmed in a drawing. Its nothing more than a knee jerk reaction from people desperate to signal their virtue and show that they arent a pedophille. Its exactly the same behavior from "anti racists". So desperate to show they arent a racist, they will let a nigger bash their skull in with a brick and theyll take a knee.

>> No.6223210

Americans have been utterly corrupted by faggotry and now see rape as normal. It is telling the American public wasn't screaming for the blood of those filthy soldiers. All of them should have been hanged.

>> No.6223223


>> No.6223225

>get arrested for child porn
>hold on I need to tweet to the world that I'm being arrested and sent to prison for child porn

Something tells me furries aren't all there.

>> No.6223262

>You wouldn't suspect someone fighting against something for social justice to be guilty of those things he speaks out against, right?
Exactly. For this reason I cannot trust the legitimacy of someone's stance unless they are ALSO demanding all child rapists be put to death. More than anything, I assess whether someone is legit based on their position on the death penalty for child abusers. This is also the reason politicians deflect onto artwork; not one of them will promote a law that could lead to their own deaths if they got caught. They also instituted weak laws allowing convicted child sex offenders to walk after a slap-on-the-wrist of a few short years behind bars. For a worked example, see Epstein, who was only jailed for only 13 months after raping up to 36 girls (and it is doubtful he served much if any of that sentence). Incidentally, this is the reason for current CP law in general. If a video of a rich or powerful individual raping a toddler were to leak, the government needs a way to quickly scrub it from the internet to protect their own members. Now every online mechanism and software needs a baked in killswitch to prevent free speech from getting too free. The purpose of CP law is to protect child abusers from getting lynched.

>> No.6223273
File: 676 KB, 1026x589, Rapeface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wouldn't suspect someone fighting against something for social justice to be guilty of those things he speaks out against, right?
>On the other hand, it's not unwise to assume that if someone is really into extreme loli (really child like loli) or cub, it's not that wrong to assume they might be irl predators.

is anybody gonna tell them lmao literally baby's first stupid assumption

>> No.6223280

I just hate pedos. I don't care that you never raped a child, I just hate your kind just like I hate weebs.

>> No.6223323

cool story bro

>> No.6223340

did the dog fucker just call someone a subhuman

>> No.6223349

" if u don't like my dog in diapers shitting itself ur a pedo in denial too "
oh ok

>> No.6223355
File: 120 KB, 1253x1072, 875356985743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care that you never raped a child, I just want to bash your head open because you like things I dislike
The absolute state of antis, lmfao

>> No.6223366

>Avatarfagging with le smug anime gorl i found on the first page on google which is also your steam pfp
l*lifags really are ironic weebs aren't they

>> No.6223370

The last guy who posted your exact same words ended up in jail for molesting kids.

>> No.6223371

What was that lady going to do? I dont get it

>> No.6223380

I'm not avatarfagging as a girl like an teenage eva watcher posting asuka memes on a thread over a guy who got arrested for animals in diaper though

>> No.6223408

lurk more

>> No.6223508

>Cub Porn and Feral porn that's drawn won't get you arrested like that.

It does, certainly. Law in theory != how some judge/jury/laywer/LEO interpretes it.

And no, I cannot give citations, proof or anything.

But who'd champion that guy? Nobody. Probably also has had loli porn, even if just for reference. And even though this is not the real deal, it would have gotten him in jail, as it happened before.

>> No.6223512

So LGBTQ stuff causes LGBTQ? Conservatives were right after all. Why not ban this to protect mental health?

>> No.6223514

it's not illegal to be a pedo. Missed the point.

>> No.6223518

This thread glows

>> No.6223550

Good thing I only draw MILFs with huge, smelly dicks

>> No.6223570

>as it happened before

nice fanfic, link to more?

>> No.6223576
File: 64 KB, 500x750, thought_police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at a picture
>you are now a criminal

>> No.6223578

>turtleneck swimsuit
How the fuck do you put that on?

>> No.6223635

Can I point out faggots reproduce through rape for a moment? If you allow prison rape, then once that guy gets out you've just added an extra faggot to the next pride parade, and likely more abused children down the line.

>> No.6223657

based MILF futa with smegma enjoyer

>> No.6223660

It's really quite horrible.
The post shows an individual who has abnormal, fucked-up interests. They're also young and horny. There's no easy cure for this, just like you can't easily just cute 'anger' without doping someone into a barely-alive state.
>No, shooting them or jailing doesn't work either because you cannot easily find them / you're demanding government money to abuse human rights
So, they want an outlet.
Do they look at this 'cub porn', where extreme fringe porn is found to reduce the chances of sexual crimes?
Or do they become an active, real-life repeat offender instead because the government drove them into a corner and poked them with a stick until they did something fucked up?

Friends, I will preface this with "I am not your lawyer and this is not legal advice" but you have a legitimate case to press the police for inciting paedophilia and rape, as you would for a group purposefully targetting and harassing a mentally unstable person until they went nutso on the public.
Extreme NSFW artists do the public a service that vanilla consensual artists never could.

>> No.6223690
File: 12 KB, 600x600, 7keSk54I0Bah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it got lost so I'll remind y'all again

None of this is a problem with current technology.
You just have to use the right tools.
Veracrypt is your friend.
Also use a VPN
And if you want to make a living, use crypto.

If you get caught you are just retarded.

>> No.6223797

I wish I could bash your skull with an iron bar

>> No.6223802

Mentally deranged people such at the ones you describe deserve being shot in the head without a warning.
Simple as.

>> No.6223804

can you please link to a tutorial or something

i am a bit retarded

>> No.6223822
File: 61 KB, 1015x1024, 1655111592009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left for a day only to see that you've been mind broken into admitting that you where a pathetic sniveling pedophile and samefagged in my absence, Hilarious!

>> No.6223829

And smug loli brats deserve rape correction. Are you going to give it to them?

>> No.6223848
File: 78 KB, 480x360, 4M8Urdl1fJXm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




All these talk about the legality is rendered moot with the above.

>> No.6224477

Stable Diffusion is open source and uncensored.

>> No.6224484

>Mentally deranged people such at the ones you describe deserve being shot in the head without a warning. Simple as.
And you deserve being shot in the head for plainly advocating innocent people being shot in the head, as this is also a clearly deranged thought.
We repeat this ad nauseam until none is left alive on this planet.

>> No.6224501

What crypto?

>> No.6224504

Alhamdulillah my brother

>> No.6224515

>admitting to something is now being guilty of it
If i said i was a murder, does that make me a murderer?
Ah, i forgot that with zoomers it's now
>guilty until proven innocent
>everyone i don't like is hitlerpedoalbinojewishshilllarpertrollschizo
You completely missed anon's point you'd otherwise knew if you lurked enough.

>> No.6224527

No, I actually agree with the pedo, you're pathetic, if I had the choice I'd save that pedo Anon from harm rather than you.

>> No.6224536

it's technically illegal under some child protection act passed during bush

>> No.6224550

I don't make a living out of it but I'd probably choose monero.

>> No.6224556

I also don't plan on making a living out of it but thanks!

>> No.6224559

yes and my dad works at nintendo

>> No.6224599

>no citation
cool story bro

>> No.6224606

>Cub! Tehee.
God I hate furry faggots so fucking much. Using cringey ass gay names for everything like holy shit, why are these retards not bullied off the internet.

>> No.6224619

Pathetic, as expected.

>> No.6224871

depends where he lives, a lot of places make even drawn depictions of children illegal
while kikes and muslim fuck real kids and walk free you can go to jail for drawing a naked kid like character

>> No.6225078

In angl* countries yes.

>> No.6225153
File: 64 KB, 562x361, Furry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are these retards not bullied off the internet.

Because they control it.

A lot of webdevs, and other tech cucks are furries...

>> No.6225182

>Stable Diffusion is open source and uncensored.

I wouldn't be so sure that model access won't have the same restrictions as OpenAI.

From the repo:

"To prevent misuse and harm, we currently provide access to the checkpoints only for academic research purposes upon request. This is an experiment in safe and community-driven publication of a capable and general text-to-image model."

"We are working on a public release with a more permissive license that also incorporates ethical considerations."

It seems that anything is allowed right now, but their "open version" will take "ethics" into consideration...

I'm sorry coomers, but nsfw AI will be outlawed

>> No.6225186


"Mostaque acknowledged that the tools could be used by bad actors to create “really nasty stuff,” and CompVis says that the public release of the benchmark Stable Diffusion model will “incorporate ethical considerations.”



>> No.6225190

Not as cringe as loli or funny to be honest

>> No.6225192

* cunny

>> No.6225196

You are deluded and a pedophile

>> No.6225200

Furries are tech cockroaches

>> No.6225256
File: 300 KB, 2086x462, Screenshot 2022-08-19 213734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6225296

Without bothering to dig into specifics these don't always mean what you think it means.

Likely he plead guilty, then attempted to appeal. However appeal courts don't look at the legality of the ruling, but the preceding of the lower courts. If he plead guilty then its an open and shut case for them as there's nothing to really judge about the case.

>> No.6225897

it should be, castration is a proven effective cure.

>> No.6226825

you have to go back

>> No.6227191
File: 119 KB, 473x709, fus-si01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without bothering to dig into specifics these don't always mean what you think it means.
I looked it up.
They charged him 75 times with the same shit, they bumped up it up from category III to a category VI offense since he had previous conviction and then added in extra for failure to find a job after being released last time, and apparently there we 14 real images in there? The problem is the ruling contradicts itself on this, once saying it was cp, other that it was naked kids, and then it says the jury couldnt decide if they were even underage or not but since he did a search for age play they convicted him anyway.
It was a single 20 page doujinshi from what im understanding.

>> No.6228068

People like sex , thats my explination.

Some might be in it just for the money but I think most NSFW artists just like drawing sex

>> No.6228849

Anthro climate change is real, kill yourself
Please end your own life.

>Coal burning is natural