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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.13 MB, 1186x1678, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6220545 No.6220545 [Reply] [Original]

People with zero artistic skills are already beginning to bypass the artist by using AI.

Hobby artist chads. At least we're still safe.

>> No.6220558

>hobby artists
Any reason still left for you to do art as a hobby will be destroyed when you show your mom your average art and then she shows the Stable Diffusion portrait of my dick in oil painting trending on artstation high resolution bronzed background

>> No.6220565

>>Faggots didn't even draw the thing


>> No.6220566

For how long will animation be save?

>> No.6220568

It’s like you have no idea what a hobby is.

>> No.6220569

the question is, will anyone buy it?

>> No.6220571

What the fuck i'm supposed to looking at?

>> No.6220573

Morons are already buying it right now, with standard commission price no less.

>> No.6220579

>thousands of stolen art glued toguether by an algorithm
enjoy the golden age of image gen, it'll be coming to an end, member AI dungeon? lol, lmao even

>> No.6220588

Fuck that shit and fuck you faggots
I'm fucking my right hand right now
Fuck I'm so fucking horny whole fucking time
It looks like shit tho

>> No.6220592

Aren't the images unable to be used for commercial use at the moment?

>> No.6220601
File: 2 KB, 160x147, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 years? I think AI will tackle music first though.
Videogames will be the last thing to go. So err...become a game Dev?

>> No.6220603

>waaah art will not be worth anything anymore because people will not validate me and give me attention
Can't expect actual intelligence from an animal

>> No.6220607

Drawing for attention is 2 sides of the same coin. It gives you some motivation to draw more, but then, it can also make you a petty bitch and nolonger maintain your personality as an artist. Happened to alot of industryfags, tho.

>> No.6220612

Art is about both expression and communication. Humans reaching out to one another will be lost in the sea of algorithm generated mush.

>> No.6220658

Looks like shit.

>> No.6220665

Is the text also ai generated?

>> No.6220672

Yeah it’s hilarious how similar all these AI projects are so far.
>”finally, I can express my totally unique artistic vision… of a hero who journeys through a fantasy world with dragons and wizards!”
With how weird the AI output can be, I would have expected at least some people to be trying to do absurdism and surrealism, or Lynchian-style horror. But nope, it’s all the most generic kitsch you can possibly imagine.
It just goes to show you the type of person who is most excited about AI: tech bros with no actual appreciation for art and no aesthetic taste whatsoever.

>> No.6220679

>It just goes to show you the type of person who is most excited about AI: tech bros with no actual appreciation for art and no aesthetic taste whatsoever.
So, what are you going to say when the masses start eating the kitsch up?
Are you going to change your opinion?
Genuine question btw
I won't accept a; it won't happen, as an answer.

>> No.6220683

A.I art is a literall cope from BEGs and attention whores. They will either say they went for surreal abstract, creepy artworks or they have hand disability and can't hold the pen, as if were born fingerless.

>> No.6220685
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I think it's pretty cool that normies can create art like pic related.
Maybe AI will finally motivate artists to get off their asses and go create beautiful, mind-blowing art.

>> No.6220690

>Maybe AI will finally motivate artists to get off their asses and go create beautiful, mind-blowing art.
by making us make less money?

>> No.6220691
File: 451 KB, 512x512, Trump_in_a_video_game_00032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already a site for people to sell Prompts,

Yes just prompts.

>> No.6220692

But what if i don't want to create mindblowing MCU shit? When everything are mindblowing special then nothing is.

>> No.6220694

As a consumer along with being an artist, i don't want any of "mindblowing art". I want streamlined, simple artworks with a slight of complexity. Super epic mindblowing rendermonkey art is boring.

>> No.6220700

Change what opinion?
We already live in a world where the masses eat up kitsch. People love formulaic isekai anime and western (((AAA))) games. I already know that people have no taste and the market for real art is small. That’s nothing new.
My only real concern is that the AI will get to a point where it can do everything that I ever could, but better. That I could just give it a script for a comic or game and it could draw it better than I could ever hope to. That would be unfortunate. But until that time comes, I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing, and trying to realize my specific artistic vision the best I can. If the masses want to gorge themselves on AI-generated kitsch then it makes no difference to me.

>> No.6220701

AI in gaming is just stupid. It will be more like a movie or those text adventures. Most games run via spaghetti code, you don't want to add more to that

>> No.6220702

around 3-5 days

>> No.6220704
File: 139 KB, 529x944, slonem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average is meaningless, nigga

>> No.6220707

They didn’t create shit.
I mean even at just the level of the content of the image. If it was a cool looking picture then maybe I’d throw you a bone and say sure, you “created” that with the AI, champ. But these are completely indistinguishable from Chink Artstation Painting #47271648. It’s like looking at a big field of grass or the ocean or something, your brain just tunes out all the details and it all melts into one vague impression. What could possibly be the value in “creating” more of this shit?

>> No.6220726

As others said, it's just like mastering body language, becoming a master of speech, learning 10 idioms, only to proceed to talk to yourself in front of a mirror. Art and all sorts of expressions were developed with an inherently communicative goal, but at some point there'll be so just much buzz in the radio that you won't ever know if anyone who calls you is an AI or a human anymore.

>> No.6220735

No different from trippy photography. Can you animate Evangelion with photography? I thought not.

>> No.6220737

Ngl this guy's art has something to it. The black rabbits are looking at my soul

>> No.6220739

>prompt engineer
What an awful phrase. Even more sickening and soulless than "content creator".

>> No.6220744

I wouldn’t pay $7k for it but it is good

>> No.6220745

They have been calling themselves "A.I artist". The narcissism is real and absurd.

>> No.6220746

I don't think I will look at art made after 2021 ever again in my life. Looking at this AI generated content is just a massive waste of time. You don't try to understand the artist behind it, you just know someone found the image visually attractive and took it from the tenths of millions the generator could have made with the same prompt

>> No.6220751

You can just paint it yourself if you like it so much

>> No.6220755

So digital artist that share their works online actually contribute to obsolescence of their jobs?

>> No.6220758
File: 459 KB, 512x640, 1660749556154852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a load of bullshit. Think of being an AI artist like that of an Orchestra conductor. You have to use the right Prompt, level of detail and specificity. Too much noise and your image is muddled, too little and you lose specificity. Its actually quite challenging to write a good prompt, and I doubt many people here could do it consistently. It's these little nuances the normie artists miss.

>> No.6220759

>Its actually quite challenging to write a good prompt
and you think it will stay that way?

>> No.6220762

Use AI to draw me three people fishing on a boat with one person about to fall overboard

>> No.6220763

if it's so challenging then why'd it only take you a week to get it right

>> No.6220765

The Web (2) is a rigged game. The people that were seen as crazy for covering their cellphone cameras with tape are the only ones to not have their faces extraviated through datamining social media and sold in bundles to these AI conglomerates. Everyone is feeding their lives to the machine so it can dispose it's need for them soon enough

>> No.6220766

this is the seething buckbroken weebtard who gave up drawing and spams all of these AI threads btw

>> No.6220767
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>yfw you'll soon start having to critique artwork created by an AI

>> No.6220769
File: 2.41 MB, 225x255, N.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Stable Diffusion allows nudity? What the fuck? Why are art brahs not posting Child-Porn with this thing? You could easily bring this whole AI art thing down with bad publicity.

>> No.6220772

This is also true of commissioning artists; you have to clearly articulate what you want from them, communicate etc. But at the end of the day, we still call them commissioners, because the art itself is realised by a client (in this case, the generator).

>> No.6220773

My laptop only has 8 GBRAM and it needs 10 to runs it

>> No.6220775

Whenever I see a thread on one of the AI subleddits that show lists of artist like Greg Manchess or Craig Mullins for style references it drives me up a wall.

A lot of these training models are fueled by jacking artists work via web scraping, which is legally pretty grey, last I heard, with Microsoft threatening to continue their LinkedIn case, and Clearview AI facing several legal challenges.

It makes me wonder if there's an appetite for a private, members only art community that doesn't display anything publicly to avoid scraping, or some shit...

>> No.6220790
File: 114 KB, 1028x720, 1611203611530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, no legal battles are going to happen as the AI technically references said images and most images are of free use. Unless the AI directly plagiarizes visual art that is proprietary on a 1:1 but it doesn't do that instead it composes a library of images based on your input to create something new. Think of the AI as an elaborate collage putting together images that suggests what image you're attempting to describe. Most of the AI art is also somewhat abstract and suggests a painting of a figure rather than giving you an actual figure. AI is here to stay either learn to adapt or get culled.

>> No.6220796

>Prompt engineer
>AI artist
AI Janitor

>> No.6220807

Incorrect, there are 5 billion images in these repositories the ai learns from, 99.9% are not "free use" in the sense of cc-0 or the like. Github copilot has suffered from similar issues in spitting out copyrighted code. There is a huge difference between artists consenting to having their work viewed by another human vs eaten by a machine and spat out in an ugly art poo. A writer generally would not mind someone consuming their work and writing a fanfiction, however I'm sure they would not want an algorithm churning out automated writing for them endlessly. This is a huge legal grey area atm and start ups just want to get it out the door before legislation catches up with them.

>> No.6220823

blow your brains out already. You're not even "adapting" to shit, you're spamming /ic/ with your horrific monstrosities

>> No.6220825

Even if 99.9% of the images are not of free use, tell me what is the difference between what the AI does with these images and you referencing an image pulled directly from the web? Before you state that your work was conceptualized by a conscious being the AI still requires an input from a person before it generates an image, is that not the author of the image that was created with the use of the AI as a medium? Who's to say the AI itself isn't a canvas?

>> No.6220827

>AI dungeon?
what happened to that? i used to have some fu with it when i had 10min to kill but havent heard talk of it in a very long time

>> No.6220831

Creators were fuck off-huge mormons and it didn't sit well with them that people were raping nonexistent children on their game so they censored it to hell and back, which had such a catastrophic knock on effect that it basically rendered it nonfunctional

>> No.6220832

There is a huge difference, you'd know if you picked up a pencil. Humans experience things organically and our brains are do not consume raw data in the same way computers and algorithms do. Artists can get in trouble for photobashing or collages btw, if they have not done due diligence in their sourcing, even when using creative commons materials. Look into derivatives and attribution and law cases around it.
Also I would never ever feel comfortable "photobashing" with another artists work; nor would 90% of artists on this board I'd gander. Studies and the like are generally produced for personal use and rarely published.

>> No.6220836
File: 16 KB, 184x184, 1626292220235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sataniafag is right.
There is no law infringement going on with AI, no matter how much you fags cry about copyright laws you actually don't even understand but parrot because you believe it to be an actual infallible argument.

If you must enforce copyright law to AI, you must also enforce it to every artist out there who break it with every piece of art referencing other intellectual properties the original holder doesn't approve of.
-no more fanart coom fotm
-no more designs that are similar to each other
-no more gay ass OCs
-no more furryshit
uh, actually, let's enforce copyright law to artist.

>> No.6220840

This argument is stupid and absurd. Sure it seems that way because it's somewhat similiar to the referencing process of human artist but it's not the same.

Tell me this, in academia, say, a lazy student uses an AI text generator, GPT-3 or whatever, to mix and change someone's essay's sentence structures around so it can't be detected by anti palagrism programs. After the process no sentence is the same as in the originally essay anymore. Does that mean the new essay is an original work created by the combined effort of the prompter and the AI? No it's fucking not, it's just advanced palagrism that's hard to detect. Why? Because the actual content, the arguments, the abstraction, the conclusion are the real meat of the thing. You change the prose but the content stays clearly the same, so it's the same thing. Doubly so for any other kinds of prose, since style and substance both contribute to the work, but morso the content.

What about art? Most people agree modern art where only the idea matters is barely art. The meat, the essential content of an artwork, a drawing or painting, is the artist's brushwork, composition, his style, how he tackles visual problems. Most of the times the subjects don't matter as much. The prompts you input, like, a lion, a knight, a girl, those are just basic bitch ideas, and what matters most in visual art is how you express the idea through your medium of choice. What does AI steal? Not the the prompts subjects but the style and method of the artist(s), the essential. "Artist A's style but in a lion drawing" is not a new thing, just the style and skills stolen but applied on something to pass as original works and make it unable to be detected by an anti-palagrism tool just like essay copiers in academia.

>> No.6220842

totally didn't happen before

>> No.6220844
File: 75 KB, 874x666, Industry Requirement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A.I faggot defend A.I, then after being bullied enough, he starts spamming every replies with some goofy shit he sketch or random A.I garbage. Next step, he is gonna railroad the convo into some meaningless stupid shit he came up with every seconds. Sadly, the reality does not obey the schizos.

>> No.6220846

Then why do you persist in arguing against the AI to continue composing images if there's a clear difference between what the AI composes and what you create? You state that "studies" are for personal use well that wasn't what your boy Kuvshinov did his "studies" were called tributes and his "studies" were monetized and his "studies" is what caused the majority of his success through fanart he attributed to being nothing but mere "tributes".

>> No.6220847

What the hell are you talking about? Fanart and bootleg goods get taken down all the time, especially if the owner can prove that there has been a loss of income and damages to them. The reason that it gets ignored by the ip holder is because fanart and fan culture often funnels people to the ip and is a net boon for them. If the scale of fan activities is too large, then they can and do get c&d. These generators are created with the intention of replacing the artist that they """learn""" from, so a case in terms of personal loss could absolutely be argued.
Furries and ocs and shit have no issues, I don't know why they're bringing them into this argument

>> No.6220849

Hand drawn animation? I think for a good while yet, ai still struggles greatly with line art and then once it has that down animation is another step further. Line art and understanding how things move in a way that makes sense are big hurdles to cross imo. Youd need an ai equal to a human brain to do it. But maybe im just coping

>> No.6220850

What about humans referencing? Most artists won't apply all of the skills and style of someone else, but their own style and preferences leak through all the time. And that's not just from artworks they have seen like AI but their life experiences, the media they consume, art both visual and non visual. Humans are much richer in imagination and draw inspiration from all those things. And even in the hypothetical case of someone copying exactly an artist, his skill and hardwork are still appreciated and understood by artists who knows the artist struggle. Even if you claim it's still palagrism by my own definition, it's still impossible to know what an artist referenced from most of the time. While we have hard evidences that AI steals from all artists there are. It's a machine that just steals mindlessly while limited in its understanding

>> No.6220853

The difference is that Ilya published them in a professional portfolio with no attribution, not within the context of study. And he was criticised by pretty much everyone for it in the art community.

>> No.6220855

Are you saying that one cannot derive from a common concept and that you as an artist will own an idea and if anybody else rearranges or reformats your idea you're going to cry foul because the original concept was still there? Nothing is new under the sun.

>> No.6220857

The owner can choose to do what he wants with fanart of his IP, even if he is in a shit mood and just doesn't want to see it.
>The reason that it gets ignored by the ip holder is because fanart and fan culture often funnels people to the ip
The reason it gets ignored is because there is too much of it and you don't want to upset the autists which make up the majority of your audience.
>These generators are created with the intention of replacing the artist
And you lost the argument.

>> No.6220860

Most of the time, fanmade content were either being allowed or just too varied for the copyright holder to punish them all. I remember that Ultraman Tiga actor became an absolute copyrighted guy by his agency that he was banned from even appear on magazines. Now and then, artists always ban people from even reposting their artwork somewhere else. But ofcourse, A.Ifaggots gonna justify every copyright violations just because majority of artists and content creator don't being such a bitch about their media being spread around. This A.I shenanigan like those NFT scams, taking existing copyrighted properties then edit them abit to sell on the crypto market. No matter how they justify it, they will always be laughing stock for sane people.

>> No.6220863

It's funny how you use the same phrases when someone tells you that the AI will replace the artist. How are you not bored of doing this for hours?

>> No.6220865

As an artist, I would feel honoured if another artist was inspired to pick up drawing from me. Algorithms cannot feel emotions right now, so it is not inspiration, but spitting out the image in a slightly different way, after eating the data. Art is created for ourselves and other people, I don't think most of us dream about our art being fed to a machine. That's the difference.

>> No.6220867


>> No.6220870
File: 270 KB, 1024x896, 16546584654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr stop replying y r u replying and talking about shit waaaaaah stooop
What i do with my eternal life is none of your goddamn business, meatbag.

>> No.6220871

Then there's nothing ever that is palagrism in the world, not even copying a pre existing art and giving it a mustache. Sane humans with a brain knows what stealing is. Those normies on twitter still know just by seeing when the program mix or imitate an artist style that it's palagrism. You're just stupid or too used to the common kind of palagrism that is tracing to know that art is not all about the subjects

>> No.6220872

It is not a person. It is those A.I art makerting team. You can see that anon never sleep, never stop posting and replying even after 24 to 72 hours he will still being active around here. The fact that jannies even allowing literall rule violations from these faggots is just sickening.

>> No.6220873
File: 52 KB, 720x720, 1569640466689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You now realize the reason why /ic/ is throwing a fit is because /ic/ is having an OC donut steel moment from an AI that anybody may use and steal muh style

>> No.6220875

See the pattern? He never eat or sleep, and will keep spamming every single one of his post with dumb photos.

>> No.6220880

Literally no artist will have an issue with someone being inspired by them, although every artist I know deplores these generators. Why do you think that is? Could it be that there is a fundamental difference between humans communicating and techbros trying to take advantage of your life's work for their nihilistic experiments?

>> No.6220883

just because you saw the thread on /g/ doesn't mean you have to go full reddit mode on /ic/

>> No.6220884

>You don't try to understand the artist behind it
Who gives a fuck about an artist? "Oh! He didn't eat well, I'm sure this picture is now so much more delightful to look at!"? That's just bullshit.

>> No.6220887

here is the comment section from where OP got his picture
The issue is that insanity and lunacy is getting a grip on the world. The AI is a scam and creates vastly inferior results. The AI isn't the issue, it's the insane world we live in that's the issue. I'm not an artist so idk how the majority of an artist's customers are, but i can only wonder how widespread the mentality in what ive linked is within the consumer base of those who commission freelance artists and how much of an impact this dystopian shit will have

>> No.6220889

You're using that word as if you actually know what it means.
All i read is:
>"If people start using AI then it will make me obsolete because i base my entire identity and existence on getting likes and followers from posting pandering art on social media"
Consumers don't give a flying fuck about artists, you still don't get it.
You're a short dopamine burst printing machine, that's all you are.

>> No.6220896

Are you kidding? One of the most delightful things about consuming an artist, director, or musician's body of work is slowly being able to see what kind of crazy individual is behind the work. Recognising patterns and themes, relating to your own struggle. Art allows us to communicate in a way that interpersonal relationships don't.

>> No.6220898

fucking horrifying

>> No.6220900
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>> No.6220902

I do, you nihilitic techfaggot. And it has nothing to do with them not having money to eat. I don't just browse random art like your dopamine addled brain dies. I do it because i like their personal style and the way they choose to communicate through art that they themselves made with their own hands after training for years. That's an exponential modifier to their art's value, but a mindless degenerate who consoooms pedophile art would never understand that. Your brain is wired differently than mine, yours is no different than a basic animal's

>> No.6220905

Fix your detector, my nigger.

>> No.6220906

From what I'm seeing people who commission art will still commission artists. As the program is still not flexible enough to satisfy the demands and the audience who want custom art have a lot of specific demands in the first place. However, the dreadful things here is narcissistic autists like in this thread will fancy themself "prompt artists" and shit up the net with low effort uncanny valley shit, and shitty drawer who use AI as a clutch to spam shit art without ever developing their skill. There used to be a barrier of entry to filter those tards or limit their turds a to a few pages a week on deviant art, now it won't be there to save us from a massive influx of turds anymore. The only hope we have is fot normies to quickly catch on, get sick of it and demand a tag for AI "art" so we can filter them from our sight

>> No.6220910

I'm an artist and i don't lack any source of customers at all. A.I don't really satify you as a consumer at all and people always find actual human artists to draw their stuff out, even when those human artists are BEGs like me. Mostly also due to the "Fear the unknown" of human, we don't want to look at something completely created by the most inhuman thing.

>> No.6220911

Nice twitch emote, my fine sir :Db an upboat for you!!

>> No.6220918
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>being this new

>> No.6220922

>The AI is a scam and creates vastly inferior results.
Well nothing to worry about then, right? Your clearly superior results will never stop amaze the people and give you attention an money.

>> No.6220923

Awww you aren't even trying to argue anymore, lay off with the name calling, I'm old enough to be immune to it. Sure normies don't care about small time singers singing copyrighted songs. Normies don't care, but that doesn't mean they will get away without paying royalty to music publishers

>> No.6220924

Instead of looking at the AI as a competitor why not change your view and look at it as just another medium that allows for anybody to be creative? You see what the problem is with the likes of you? You're elitists that believe everybody else should have gone through the same grind and sucked dicks to be given the privilege of being a part of a guild that only those who swallowed enough cum will be recognized as a genuine artist. Before you claim that I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't draw the reason why I embrace the AI is because I wouldn't want anybody else to go through the same crap I went through you cock suckers in trying to learn how to draw by picking up scraps of information and learning on your own while at the same time bearing the weight of some anonymous armchair general giving you nothing but crap. In reality those who are going to make anything out from the AI are going to be other artists like you that'll eventually realize the AI's use as yet another crutch to churn out concept/coomer art and those who have had an infatuation from making "art" off the AI will be short lived. If you truly enjoy drawing for the sake of drawing AI "stealing" from you shouldn't bother you one bit.

>> No.6220925
File: 134 KB, 1965x896, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From what I'm seeing people who commission art will still commission artists. As the program is still not flexible enough to satisfy the demands and the audience who want custom art have a lot of specific demands in the first place.
pic related in that thread

>> No.6220929

I wasn't even calling you any names, but you sure showed how insecure you are.
>but that doesn't mean they will get away without paying royalty to music publishers
music =/= visual art
go back to >>>/mu/

>> No.6220930

>Instead of looking at the AI as a competitor why not change your view and look at it as just another medium that allows for anybody to be creative?
quit reading there, fucking kill yourself

>> No.6220931

What a creepy obsessive faggot. People like you is why people of any renown have to have bodyguards.
Neck yourself, filth.

>> No.6220932

DnD community is made from bunch of faggots anyway, don't bother. I used to do commission for them for awhile, and majority of their DnD characters look like some of the shittiest design you can randomly stumble on DeviantArt.

>> No.6220935

Allow me to highlight the part that describes you
>You're elitists that believe everybody else should have gone through the same grind and sucked dicks to be given the privilege of being a part of a guild that only those who swallowed enough cum will be recognized as a genuine artist.
Get fucked.

>> No.6220936

In this economy... That mentality will spread rapidly. However, The art style may become super kitsch? Anything that looks like it might be generated will be valued lower. Gotta draw good hands in your art to avoid being perceived as AI shit.

>> No.6220937

These the type of losers who lowball and ask for a hundred revisions for free. Good riddance.

>> No.6220938

Well, you are trying real hard to tell us you don't draw while claiming you do draw here

>> No.6220940

guys, if you want to actually do something about it. Pretend to be pro ai fag and post on reddit everywhere about how you don't have to commission artists anymore. Watch the twitter fall apart

>> No.6220941

I'm not an artist and what I said went completely over your tiny head. Why the pointless mental effort ?

>> No.6220942
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>You're elitists that believe everybody else should have gone through the same grind and sucked dicks to be given the privilege of being a part of a guild that only those who swallowed enough cum will be recognized as a genuine artist
Also known as the crustacean mindset.

>> No.6220944

I'm disappointed friend, can you at least offer an argument?

>> No.6220945
File: 67 KB, 350x407, 1502677416072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the case it seems like we're going to have to redefine the term "drawing". What is drawing?

>> No.6220947

yes im the original guy who brought that thread into question. That's what i was wondering about mainly. If these are the cunts who ask you to draw virtually for free.

>> No.6220948

>>You're elitists that believe everybody else should have gone through the same grind and sucked dicks to be given the privilege of being a part of a guild that only those who swallowed enough cum will be recognized as a genuine artist

When you draw just to be regconized as a part of some stupid art community, then you completely misunderstood the purpose of art.

>> No.6220949

I would rather see scribbly /beg/ drawings from all you ai shills, all drawing has value to me, I find it all captivating and one of the last bastions of our human spirit. Drawing, painting, sculpture, won't be able to compete with the dopamine rush a novice artist gets from a million generated conglomerations in 1 seconds. So mankind will stop engaging in the arts as we know it. Maybe we will be the last generation.
In general, I'm not in favour of technology that does not require creativity. The ai fills in all the gaps; no imagination is needed on the part of the searcher.
I want humans to keep dreaming about the things only they can carve with their two hands, with their heart.

>> No.6220950

"I like this author's piece, I go look for his other works" is quite different from "oh no he was raped?! Now his pictures are so much better" or "oh noes it was drawn by nigger?! I guess I don't like his pictures anymore" don't you think?

>> No.6220953

ergo, AI should be embraced if you understand the purpose of art.

>> No.6220958

The difference here is, the nigger actually drawn it and not the robot. When you see a big dick artist's name on certaint anime project, suddenly that anime got attentions. Art is a pocket Hollywood.

>> No.6220959

>I would rather see scribbly /beg/ drawings from all you ai shills, all drawing has value to me, I find it all captivating and one of the last bastions of our human spirit.
>Needs more Loomis. Read the sticky, faggot.
Don't make me laugh.

>> No.6220961

Can you? I'm literally starving for arguments that aren't
>asspulls about my affiliations
>fantasy psychological evaluation of my sanity
>slippery slopes
>butthurt artists who fear they won't get rich and famous
>feigning ignorance
>arguing from ignorance about laws and shit using exceptions as the rule
>double think
Literally ONE good argument. That's all i want.

>> No.6220964

You can draw for many reasons, taking part of a community is one of the reasons people do many things. I went to the gym for this reason. What's the point you're trying to make exactly? That you're mad at humans factually being social animals? Does this make you seethe because you're a social outcast?

>> No.6220968

The purpose of art is when a HUMAN express him/herself through the media that HUMAN crafted by his/her brain, mindset, knowledge. Draw with dream, ideas and passions, along with your own skills.

Robot's art is robot's art. It doesn't belong to you or crafted by you.

>> No.6220969

What? I'm genuinely thinking I'm replying to a bot. Are you drunk or what? Do you understand what an argument is?

>> No.6220971

>my work is superior, it's just entire world suddenly went insane
My nigger, your ego is amazing.

>> No.6220972

I'm serious, no two novices draw alike, even if theyre starting from zero. Everyone's mind is different, everyone's body is different. The art you create, even if crude, will be unique to you and your innate biology and experiences. Nobody can take that away from you.
Compared to ai, where everyone is working from the same databases, there's nothing unique, even one image has 40000 copies in a second. Its not the kind of art I want to produce, it's not the kind of art I want to consume.

>> No.6220975

If you go to gym just to be complimented by another gay gymbro, instead of for your own good, then you are being a shill, nigga. Being social and belong to the hivemind are different. Why must serve, when you can rule?

>> No.6220978

you've seen many solid arguments and you made many retarded ones like comparing humans vs ai with horses vs cars. It's just hard to convince you on anything because you're painfully stupid and you've already made it part of your schizophrenic mindset that artists MUST be replaced by AI. It's pure ideology at this point so nothing will sway you. Whether because you're a failed artist or a tech bro is less relevant, what's relevant is that you have this mad obsession of seeing this come to pass

>> No.6220979

>i went to the gym to belong to a community
holy fuck
the absolute soi on this oversocialized faggot

Community is what evolves naturally out of a common interest.
The interest being the main drive.
If the community is your main goal, nigger you're not even a real person then.

>> No.6220981

>So mankind will stop engaging in the arts as we know it
Good. Art will be finally free of all the industrial bullshit and will exists solely for fun.

>> No.6220982

It will kill commission jobs that were high paying. Dnd? Well now you can see on reddit a million of ai posts about how they don't need to spend 500$ for art of their oc. So now we are going to see people not get paid for art unless they are best of the best.

Do yourself a favor and go get another skill if you think you are going to do coomart for a living

>> No.6220984

I have no idea why some faggots have to live and build themselves into community's standard when they can just be themselves. These kind of guys are boring as fuck.

>> No.6220986

If you did draw you would know the difference between an AI image and an image drawn with intention. As it is you can't fool anyone that an AI image is human made without calling it an abstraction style. People who do be fooled mostly are fooled because they pass it as the artist's terrible skills in particular areas, like hands or edge control

You would also know that learning to draw and drawing and especially the freedom of creating images from nothing in any way you can are the best feelings in the world. It works differently under the hood, but generating AI images is no different from searching for an image on google. You're left with a subpar result or keep generating in hope of getting one that fits perfectly to your imagination.

There's nothing painful about the process of drawing to the point of wishing it away altogether, and you probably only get that idea from lurking on /ic/

>> No.6220988

>Make retarded arguments that can be taken apart while also contradicting yourself
This is why i make fun of you.
You have no arguments and the only weapon you have is insults.
Because it's easier to demonize someone as lower than you trying to discredit them in your own head than actually own up and admit you might be wrong.
Your ego wouldn't handle it; you'd actually commit suicide if you started questioning your own beliefs.
You're not worthy of any respect whatsoever.

>> No.6220989
File: 266 KB, 1280x720, 1643924821921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art imitates life and life imitates art. Your expressions are derived from life, AI compliments that through what you expressed from your observation from life. In other words, the same processes which took place to create a piece of expression was brought directly from observation, without observation one cannot express themselves and will be rendered null and mute. AI is mimicking our observations and directly allows art to imitate life through a new medium you do not comprehend yet.

>> No.6220990

you can do both, it's not an exclusive thing. Obviously if you get into things only for that you're probably going to fail but it's an amazing perk you know. To be a part of a community of artists and communicate with each other through art, that's what makes me envious towards them the most. But i suck it up and move on knowing i ain't going to be part of it. I don't want to see it smashed to pieces because my ego is so fragile as to take over my soul

>> No.6220991


Majority of DnD stuff must be rather serious because they usually bring their OCs into group to play the game. The real problem will soon spawn when they got horny and wanted some coom stuff for their BustyElfWithFireVeinonBoobs but the A.I ended up creating abominations as usual. By that point, they realize it is too late due to how they trashtalked the lowwage artists they usually abuse and they left the community for the green pasture.

>> No.6220992

I didn't say that you fucking homunculus

>> No.6220995

when you try to reason with an incoherent animal such as yourelf, insults are all that's left. If you ask me, you need a beating as well

>> No.6220997

I've said before that AI art is mostly abstract and suggests a figure rather than actually drawing one. I already knew that.

>> No.6220998

It's less making fun and more throwing insults with no counter arguments attached. You're doing a very bad job if you're a shill. If you were just mindbroken by the shills then seriously seek help.

>> No.6220999

I used to participate in some Artist community and they are all jealous nitpicky faggots that try to drag each others down. I left them, became independence, draw alone and suddenly my career got better. Rule the community that actually craves for people like you, instead of trying to be foot soldiers in a hivemind that treat you like garbage.

>> No.6221001
File: 170 KB, 255x255, 16546561561.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insults don't work
>resorting to violent threats
I broke you.
Please, do kill yourself and live stream it; i'll make sure to follow you, leave a like and a comment.

>> No.6221005

yeah I've seen a lot of examples that are the opposite of what you say. Even on Twitter of all places

>> No.6221006

>implying you will not accept money
lol. of course you will. or some monkey from 3rd world will, it's of no importance.

>> No.6221007

I suddenly remember some A.I colorist that can turn your scribbles into some abominations artworks. Alot of losers tried that and sold their trash as "professional artworks". This thing went down quite fast, though. Why are shills thinking this new A.I generator gonna be any different?

>> No.6221010

You didn't break anyone you projecting cunt. Look at how you're spending your time here daily. You almost make me want to pity you. Almost

>> No.6221013

>>implying you will not accept money

Majority of DnDfags communicate through Discord. Once the artist left the community, it is very hard to trace and the faggots will only pay some tiny 15 dollars for an absolute nonsensical commision. Not gonna cut it.

>> No.6221016

You keep using coomer anime drawings in your replies; are you one of those tranny transhumanists that hate artists while hating and wanting artists who produce the art to suffer?

>> No.6221019

Because now you can sit through a million prompts and get one that looks alright if you just squint a bit and look away when your eyes start focusing on details smaller than a limb. Definitely an improvement I will give them that

>> No.6221020

I already said to you. It is not a person, it is entire team of A.I generator marketing team shilling their trash on this place. Probably paid jannies some cash, too.

>> No.6221021
File: 752 KB, 1280x720, 1657671125168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A more important matter, is anybody here ITT worth their salt to be even arguing about the AI? Last I checked /ic/ doesn't even draw.

>> No.6221022
File: 914 KB, 750x770, 16874965156461546564151454656145564654544 next post will be about how i reply this fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were give plenty of arguments.
You choose to always ignore them and go for self-serving pseudo arguments and wild assumptions;
Nigger, you lurked /pol/ once and you learned a few new buzzword.
Get fucked and replaced by AI.
You hate art and drawing and you will never be rich and famous.

gtfo my board
Now i get why you're so incredibly fucking scared of AI; it can come up with more original posts that you could ever fathom.

If someone rather come off as bots, it's you faggots.

>> No.6221023

i wish that were to be the case. Unfortunately I've lost my faith in humanity a long time ago and he's just another example of a deluded broken husk

>> No.6221024

I'm an engineering student trying to get by selling commission stuff

>> No.6221025

>still feeding the schizo
You fags are letting GPT-4 leech your dictionary

>> No.6221027

Of course, of course, you wouldn't mind posting your work?

>> No.6221029
File: 436 KB, 512x512, 00003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witness the powerfull stable diffusion in action, ie. what some fag on /a/ painstakingly generated

>> No.6221030
File: 527 KB, 1280x720, 6676745675467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sign and share the petition you faggots

>> No.6221031

it's painfully obvious you are a tourist here

>> No.6221034

Jesus, stop replying to him, the poor guy's already broken

>> No.6221035
File: 274 KB, 615x894, 1588010383381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going for the tourist buzzword
lurk moar you quintuple newnigger

>> No.6221036

Oh lol, it's afraid.jpg

>> No.6221038
File: 185 KB, 364x337, 1655270231276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only are you intimidated, you actually fear the AI.

>> No.6221040
File: 211 KB, 777x656, 1625279768272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, keep circlejerking.
Not even two of you at the same time manage to bring ONE actual argument against AI, only buzzwords and petty comments.

Peak discord tranny behavior.

>> No.6221041

Better than 90% of /ic/ is capable off.
Fuck begs, fuck generic waifu/coom trash """artists""". AI is about to replace you.

>> No.6221043

Why do you resent artists and drawing so much? Do you realise these algorithms couldn't exist without artists having drawn for centuries?

>> No.6221045

I resent elitists faggots like you who will not allow others to flourish with a new medium given by the AI. Art should be made available to anyone and anything.

>> No.6221047

you should be fine with a tool that plagiarizes people's artwork for the profits of scammers because... because you should be, okay?

>> No.6221048

Don't reply to them. They A.I Generator's interns, marketing their garbages around here. You can notice how that anon never sleep, never eat, always active. They are a team.

>> No.6221051

You're replying to literal bugman shills.

>> No.6221052

Well 95% of /ic/ don't draw, including you. The ones who do pick up the pencil once a week can copy a better anime face than that. Maybe you should try lurking on /ic/ for a while before posting, tourist friend

>> No.6221056

yeah give me a sec, ill try to get a picture of my warmups from this morning

>> No.6221057

oh no, I'm not going to appreciate your randomly generated image. This upsets you. What are you going to do about it, post a smug anime face again? Won't change the fact that you're worth less than the last thing I've stepped into. This isn't elitism, this is at least having a basic level of standards

>> No.6221058

Is that not what you as an artist do? Whatever happened to the saying the good ones copy while the great ones steal ala Kuvshinov? You are quick to restrict, regulate, and cry foul when you're not the one stealing you fucking hypocrite.

>> No.6221059
File: 906 KB, 1280x646, husbantconfirm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6221061

If A.I shills want to be machines so bad, i say, we should treat them like machines. Shove their fingers into electricity.

>> No.6221064

It's not about what you appreciate, it's about what the general populous appreciates and seeing how Dall-e exploded in both demand and popularity there is definitely something going right with the use of AI which makes you yourself worth even less than the last thing you stepped on especially if it's coming from a back water anonymous basketweaving internet forum.

>> No.6221065

Today i will remind them.

Literal tracers and plagiarizers who got found out and made bank because consumers don't care.

>> No.6221066

I don't resent artists. AI will weed out low level, trashy ones with illusions of grandeur, that it.
Nothing of value will be lost.
We still see and enjoy new great artworks that speak to the soul.

>> No.6221068

Except both of those guys don't draw literall blobs with 400 rainbow eyes

>> No.6221071

The thing is i don't really see a demand for "ai art", in the sense that people don't really want to pay one another for it, the algorithm itself is what people are interested in. Not the output of other people using the algorithm.

>> No.6221073

>generic anime face
>it's an art!!!
Have a taste, artcel.

>> No.6221072

Again you weebshitter, i am not an artist i speak from the perspective of a consumer. I feel like ive had this argument with you 10 times before, I'm not going to explain again why an algorhythm is not the same as a human brain, nor why a CPU is not the same as a human brain. just know that you will never convince people who enjoy art (and not technofaggot hype) that whatever inspid trash you generate has any value.

>> No.6221074

>b-b-but it does the bad thing
You have no arguments.

>> No.6221075

>"I, as a lone consumer, speak on behalf of all consumers"
Who the fuck do you think you are? LMAO

>> No.6221076

The scandals made both of them lost a large portion of followers and customers. You don't know what happened behind the scene. If you think you are indestructible for being a famous artist, think again.

>> No.6221078

>i am not an artist i speak from the perspective of a consumer
Thank you for clarifying that, I didn't bother reading the remainder of your post. Now fuck off you have zero merit to be giving any form of insights.

>> No.6221079

yes, consoomers are a blight on the world and will always be easily impressed. It won't be any different with AI, it will just split those fanbases somewhat. Different kind of shit will attract the same flies

>> No.6221081

Good. Learn a trade to bring value to the society and pay it back. You can have your scribbles on the side all you want in your free time.

>> No.6221082

Argue about what? Between thiefs that actually make the scam looks good horny and robots makes the scam looks like abominations, you know who will the rich consumers pick. Even when it comes to scammer and literall plagiarist, human wins.

>> No.6221083

Excerpt number one of faggot who unironically had his ego shattered because i insulted his rendered random character generator. Careful with the delusions anon, i know someone who killed himself over it

>> No.6221085

You guys are just too new to know that we have one retarded tourist who comes around every so often to tell people to find a real job, same argument as before: he thinks art is not efficient for making money and offer nothing to society. And you dumbos fall for the bait every single time

>> No.6221086

on the contrary my insight is what's important on this subject

>> No.6221088

Yeah, they lost followers and regained 20x the amount.
Meanwhile shexyo earns 6k monthly on patreon alone while Irrya has even worked on GitS and gets paid to have his work in magazines and billboard.
>you know who the rich consumers will pick
Oh, boy, you know nothing at all about the art market and still keep talking.
>actually being this delusional
You fully outed yourself.
Stop posting, your opinions are shit and everything you say has no value.

>> No.6221089

> techbro inventing satanic abominations that literally nobody asked for that will make everyone's lives a living hell telling people to contribute to society

>> No.6221090 [DELETED] 

anyone want to be art frens before ai makes it hard to tell who's a real artist anymore?

>> No.6221092

And the jannies always went silent with every reports deal with the faggot. Talk about being useless piece of shit.

>> No.6221094

steal but not literally you retard. If you steal someone's style, or if you steal a pic but trace it and then change its style you are a degenerate who should be shunned. Don't call people hypocrites over something they never said you monkey brained retard

>> No.6221096

This isn't an echochamber, this board isn't a hugbox.
Maybe twatter and plebbit are more your cup of diarreah.

>> No.6221097

>>Oh, boy, you know nothing at all about the art market and still keep talking.

Yeah i worked for 3 years+ in the market. You are a faggot who has been playing with A.I generator. You have no idea what kind of freakshow usually happen in the market.

>> No.6221098

>that will make everyone's lives a living hell
how so? So far I see mostly "oh cool, now I can do this and that!". Doesn't sound like they are suffering, quite the opposite.

>> No.6221099
File: 33 KB, 500x500, artworks-xygcn2L1yy7W86IA-suySVw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to be art frens before ai makes it hard to tell who's a real artist anymore?

>> No.6221101
File: 211 KB, 319x338, 1635780333681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are my consumer, you belong to me, you consume my content, you are my bitch, and I am your god now sit down and shut the fuck up your gods are having a rumble making your little world you use to fap that we create quake and shatter.

>> No.6221102

>clearly showing how unknowing he is
Nigger, you're not even 18.

>> No.6221103

when did /g/ migrate to /ic/

>> No.6221104

entertainment has value you shallow nigger, that's why it costs money. Unless you live only to breathe and stare at the ceiling . "Real job" is a term used by wagies like you who hate their on job. Go ahead and tell me what job you have

>> No.6221107

Because Shexyo still able to bait coomers and Ilya is famous to normiefags. However their names became somewhat a taint and can never go full capability anymore. Sexyrobutts might report the crap out of Sexyo if he has a bad mood and everything has his name on it instantly became taboo. It is not worth the price being cheaters.

>> No.6221108

>implying it is easy to tell if an artist real or not in CURRENT_YEAR

>> No.6221109

Silicon valley seeks to automate anything we find fun, hence why the arts are first to go than toilet cleaning and call centre work. Same with driving, soon it'll all be automated because driving around is too liberating and enjoyable

>> No.6221110

you make no content, you're a deluded parasite. And above all else I don't consume weebery

>> No.6221112
File: 165 KB, 600x596, 6245225646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6221114

Why do they all have that really shitty fake brushstroke texture to them

>> No.6221115

>>Y-y-you are not even 18 obviously!

Bitch, art market will eat you alive if you are being reckless as you are now. Imagine thinking it is an easy heaven for you to sell your A.I garbage.

>> No.6221118

>Sexyrobutts might report the crap out of Sexyo if he has a bad mood and everything has his name on it instantly became taboo
Not how it works.
csr would also have to delete all his works and he doesn't have any right to stolen fanart of his own fanart
>is not worth the price being cheaters.
He already has earned enough to afford being deleted from the internet.
Irrya is still earning money.

Cheating totally pays off, always. Get real.

>> No.6221119

the ai works by generating a low res image and continuously adds more detail and resolution until you get the finished image, so they tend to look a little fucked up at this point in time

>> No.6221123

Entertainment has value, yes. What now?
>real job
Never used that term. Projecting much?
>what job you have
Programming. No, not AI related at all.

>> No.6221124

When I was a kid, I thought we'd have robot servants to do the things we don't want to, like clean/take out trash... Instead billions of dollars are invested in having robots do the things we do want to do. what the fuck tech bros! where is my robot slave??? you fucking retards!!!

>> No.6221126

>nigger still doesn't know what he's talking about
What is the art market? You should know, right?

>> No.6221127

Luckily everyone who works in AI is terrified of their work being used for porn so it gets intentionally hamstrung. And even beyond that, people are much more sensitive to the weirdness that generators add in the details when its supposed to be sexual appeal.

>> No.6221128

how do you feel about github copilot
not trying to be a dick about it, just genuinely curious

>> No.6221129

>Cheating totally pays off, always. Get real.

I will fuck your wife and you will be paid off with a healthy child. Get real, pal,

>> No.6221131

These losers are definitely trying to bait artists. I agree with you and you should ignore them. Art based jobs are real jobs 100% and artist do bring value to our society.

But there's nothing wrong with telling artists to switch careers. I'm saying that now because of AI. Have you seen what Midjourney is capable of right now? It's insane, and God knows what it will be capable of in a year or two.
Stable Diffusion, another art AI, is about to release and go open source. It will be accessible to literally everyone.

Soon there won't be any money in art. That's a just a fact.

>> No.6221132

What is your faggotry? You should know, right?

>> No.6221133

Its sorta funny but thinking about it technological advancements don't always result in better art. Most people I know prefer hand drawn mech animation over cgi, or the look of cel animation over digital. Although both arts are basically dead now since it's too expensive to pursue anymore commercially.

>> No.6221138

>no arguments
>gets pissy
what a cunt

>> No.6221139

the thing with previous technical advancements in art is that it made a new medium that is distinctively different from the old one, while ai is replacing the ones we already have

>> No.6221141

>"I don't know shit but i'm going to keep going because i'm fucking retarded"
Now say how you are pretending to be retarded.

>> No.6221144

>Silicon valley seeks to automate anything
No, it seeks to automate *everything*, because that *everything* will become cheaper and more affordable to more people.
>driving around is too liberating and enjoyable
Sure thing. Ask taxi drivers and truckers if they feel liberated and enjoy driving for money.

>> No.6221145

They could absolutely automate those things but they want us to be miserable poor and humiliated. Technology is not pursued to empower the working class (most artists are poor as shit)

>> No.6221148

Sunrise still doing 2D Gundam now and then, and they still make shitload of money each year. Some random mecha Jap artists on Twitter have been doing cel paintings. No matter the advancement, old stuff will always emerge as the new hotshit.

>> No.6221149

No argument what? It is literally what you have been saying. Cheating does pay off right? Yeah totally, i fuck your wife you get a kid. You don't have to suffer the manual child creating part, absolute win!

>> No.6221151

No it won't, more shit has been automated at this point in time in history but the cost of living is through the roof and nobody can afford jack shit anymore. The companies will just pocket the profits made on a shrinking workforce. Nothing will ever trickle down to us

>> No.6221152

No they're not, the mech animation in gundam incl Hathaway is all 3d now, only the characters are 2d.

>> No.6221154

It produces garbage. It takes more time to vet what it generated than write it myself.
But if it improves beyond that (highly unlikely) it will help with generation of boilerplate, which would be much appreciated.

Now smaller, a few lines of code at once, AI-driven helpers are much better. I was skeptical at first, but they do have their use even at their current level.

>> No.6221161

Are you actually retarded and illiterate or just incredibly butthurt that you're not getting validated about whatever the fuck?

Seriously, if you can't handle discussions, just leave.

>> No.6221162

>silicon valley trying to automate everything while the world is in a crisis
though I prefer the process of automating art never started in the first place I kind of just wish silicon valley could've kept it in their pants until the world got their shit together and had something like a ubi first

>> No.6221164

>>No they are not

Gundam IBO has 2D mecha animation. Upcomming G Witch tv show will have 2D mecha animation. Sunrise does not always go cgi autistic on every single one of their mecha. Hathaway is the only cgi turd in a jungle of 2D Gundam recently.

>> No.6221167

No fuck you. Give me your wife. It is not different than A.I art generator. You don't have to do the work, only receive the good shit right after that. Leave the labours making babies to me.

>> No.6221169

>UBI will be good
Oh, you don't know a thing.
All the doomdays death of humanity anti AI fags keep saying will be nothing compared to what UBI will cause.

>> No.6221173

Learn some history, my friend. You have objectively better cost of living than just 100 years ago.

>> No.6221174
File: 38 KB, 412x542, FC83FB74-F69E-4AAC-9B77-DBF9588F2486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly bros, I just want to draw comics of my own original characters. As far as I can tell, AI can’t do that, and even if it “could,” it couldn’t do it exactly the way I wanted.
I think doomers are overestimating the extent to which artists will be hurt, but I imagine there will be some artists who have to shift their priorities to stay relevant. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

>> No.6221175
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1625288073141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strawmanning this hard because he knows he has no arguments
Just kill yourself already lmoa

>> No.6221176

Nah gtek had alot of 3d cuts in it, origin ovas were totally 3d and cucuruz doans island
Well there are still people drawing 2d mech but as an artform it's a bespoke thing rather than the norm. There aren't a lot of mech animators these days.

>> No.6221177

How is AI stopping you from drawing comics?

>> No.6221179

>>anti AI fags

No one is anti-ing A.I. It is garbage and people are simple ridiculing it. You don't anti your garbage bag or the turd you just shit out of your anus. You get rid of them.

>> No.6221180

I was waiting for something like this to pop up:


>> No.6221181

Houses are over $1.5 million dollars in my city.

>> No.6221187

>no one is anti AI
>proceeds to make a petition and make endless shitty arguments about how humanity is going to die because he can't get rich and famous
Please, do tell me how you don't actually care about the discussion and how you're not literally shitting yourself and the thought of AI replacing you.

>> No.6221189

>have to work a wagie job just to pay the $1500 in rent every month, can barely afford food let alone save anything
I don't even live in a nice area or big city, it's fucked up

>> No.6221193
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1604860354427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great replacement has already started and coomsumers are now spilling their seeds over a concept that is entirely artificial.

>> No.6221194

Who said you are entitled to live in that city?

>> No.6221195

Hathaway is cg because the stupid duck mech are too complex and expensive to animate in 2d. G witch is set to use mostly 2d, but almost every anime shows nowadays have cgi anyway. Sunrise is still unique for animating 2d mechs. Kyoukai Senki was entirely 2d, and it was mostly a project to train young animators

>> No.6221198

>targetting nips
holy shit, kyoto 2.0 when

>> No.6221199

You're literally fine. Comics and animation will probably be the last thing AI figures out due to the complexity of sequencing.

The only people who should be "scared" and I use that term loosely is the Craig Mullins chinese factory men and guys who try to paint landscapes. But I've literally never met anyone professionally or online that wasn't full funmax mode with landscapes.

It's probably the only genre of art on this board where you can tell people had fun on a consistent basis. Any other genre you can almost feel the pain and frustration of learning in 90% of content posted.

>> No.6221200

I was born here man, there is nowhere cheap in my country unless you want to live in a town of 50 where they have to truck in water.

>> No.6221201

Doesn't change the fact that IBO still 2D, due to having Masami Obari on board. Doan Island and Origin stuff have short time length compares to 50 episodes Gundam shows. Not to mention the recent Kyokai Senki from Sunrise has 2D mecha as well. There is a conflict of cgi and traditional media going in Jap for a long time. Godzilla Final Wars director accused the marketing team to favor stupid Disney cartoons instead of the conclusion of Heisei Godzilla franchise.

>> No.6221202
File: 77 KB, 300x360, 64184541651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now i will wait for some anti-AI fag to start calling the thread as being full of shills

>> No.6221204
File: 401 KB, 512x512, 1660767298589508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one reminded me of an artist who was called redjuice guy from way back when.

>> No.6221208
File: 606 KB, 1024x896, 1660768453129248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually pretty nice ngl

>> No.6221210

>>Never sleep
>>Never eat
>>Always on this board, spreading A.I abominations

And you are saying you are not a shill?

>> No.6221213

Don't give a shit about your stupid arguments. Once you call yourself "A.I artist", you will nolonger do anything yourself. Now give me your wife, cuckold.

>> No.6221216
File: 36 KB, 600x449, 158656862852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is just one guy
>you can only circlejerk about the things I approve of
typical shill post trying to meme the thread in his favor


>> No.6221217
File: 187 KB, 800x1230, yongming-yang-152-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happens when people begin to keep shit private and the number 1 prompt - trending on artststion begins to flood artstation with AI created work?

Will the AI begin scraping other AI made images

>> No.6221220

fuck this is a real artist right

>> No.6221222

The real question is, why must i not accuse you being a shill, or a marketing team of those A.I abominations? You never sleep or rest at all. You are always active on this board. Answer my question with a straight answer, faggot/s

>> No.6221225

Yeah some Chinese dude. The problem is what is popular on artstation is beginning to look like AI.

The fact that we even have to double check on some stuff means we got spooky shit headed our way or we're going to go into a new rennaissance where art is about evoking emotion rather than creating a visually appealing image

>> No.6221226

I have nothing to say on this because it seems to be in realm of finance/econmics/regulations of which I know very little. But it is a fact that to have access to X costs much less in time, effort, and money now than 100 years ago. And much more people have access to than X. Not mentioning that we now have access to Ys and Zs too that didn't exist back then.

>> No.6221233

As someone who has been working my ass off on the side to try to use my art as a way of escaping my wagie job that I hate, or at least having a little extra income to escape this shit hole, this shit's depressing af. Feel like I've wasted years of my life working for something that ended up fucking me in the span of a couple months because some rich tech bros. didn't care to think of the people who's work was being sourced in their training models...

AI was sold to us a way to relieve humanity of repetitious and tedious bullshit so that we could be creative and pursue our passions. Not use them against us in a commodified form so some tech bro can get rich gatekeeping the outputs our outsourcing their methods...

All those articles that said creative jobs would be the last to go...

Fuck me...

>> No.6221235
File: 257 KB, 462x544, 1698949685646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you sure do like to make up fantasies about me.
Would you like to know what i've doing throughout the day and what i'm doing right now?
Though luck, it's none of your damn business.

The fact that you're prone to call anyone who doesn't agree with you or argues something a shill only proves how much of a newfag you are and how you're trying to actually censor any debating and arguing by also quickly jumping to insults and present convenient made up characterizations in your head about others as actual arguments.
I don't need to make this shit up because it's all posted in this thread.
You're the one behaving like the typical shill.
If you still don't get it, see pic related.

>> No.6221236

this whole thing motivated me to devote my life to fucking over silicon valley
good thing I still have neuroplasticity left

>> No.6221237

Draw tits and asses. The safe route.

>> No.6221240
File: 492 KB, 800x619, 1596384143485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to use my art as a way of escaping my wagie job that I hate,

>> No.6221245

I don't for your vague ramblings, faggot. ANSWER MY QUESTION. Why do you never sleep, eat or stop being active for awhile on this board? You have been active for 24 hours+ on this board and i cannot catch up with your activity time length anymore, i have to rest now for the later works. Are you a marketing team? Do you even have a job? Answer now.

>> No.6221246


See: https://boards.4chan.org/h/thread/6798931/

>> No.6221248

I said tits and asses, not A.I abominations.

>> No.6221251


>> No.6221255

Answer me now faggot, don't ghost me with your stupid vague reply. Why do you never sleep, inactive or rest?

>> No.6221257

The only one cope is you because no one is gonna buy that turd

>> No.6221259

Buy what? Those images were provided by someone else who used the AI and shared them for free with zero paywalls.

>> No.6221260

It's no different than photographers coming into prowess my dude. Just an evolution thats going to be used to create a new movement or push art in a different direction.

Art has been commercialized to hell and back since the fucking 19th century. Even one of the most premier illustrators in history J.C Leyendecker could have effectively been out of a job immediately. Instead his work was referenced and studied by the guys that came after him and it gave us guys like Norman Rockwell.

Start thinking of how you want to treat this A.I shit now to give you new purpose. Do you want to incorporate it into your work? Do you want to make work that is so unique and different that it stands out from it? Maybe you want to start learning how to be a visual storyteller instead.

The age of commercial art I think is coming to a close with this A.I stuff. It's going to go back to effectively the glory days where people value emotion rather than "yeah that looks neat. Retweet and scroll".

Being a faggot doomer about it won't do much and if you quit because some program can make a Mullins knockoff better than you, you gotta dig deep as to why you want to do this.

If it was money than I got bad news for you. Money is shit in art. If you want money than learn to trade stocks because you can bankroll 7 figs over 3 years in a QE environment if you're smart.

>> No.6221261

>all the things that /ic/ predicted back in april are actually happening

>> No.6221262
File: 850 KB, 320x213, 1373737895377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6221264

>where people value emotion
>the ai can just copy artwork with emotion
if it's visible to a viewer it's visible to the bot anon

>> No.6221267

What does it matter when natural world has been destroyed, we can't earn a living from things we have forged with our hands, modern processed food is plentiful but makes us fat and sick, we're codependent on modern technology with the attention span of a goldfish
What is even the point of elongating this miserable existence?

>> No.6221272
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 16584654651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vague ramblings
Typical shill damage control tactic.
Trying to discredit anything by calling it "insane" or calling the poster a "schizo".
It's not the first time these tactics has been used in this thread alone.

See how he's not even trying to argue but posing a trick question;
The only answer is to not answer it, because that's what the shill wants.
He already made up his mind i.e. trying to depict an anon as a shill, basically someone who has an interest in pushing or censoring specific narratives and discussions.

Now, the contradiction he isn't aware of is that he's been observing multiple anons for 24 hours straight, but is only condemning me for something he believes to be true in his head.
He wants to know something personal, as to use as weakness, only to reject it and further push his narrative; just because he didn't get his opinion validated.

Imagine, going out of your way like he did because someone doesn't agree with him.
Not to mention how he doesn't even know half of the shit he ever talks about.
These are dangerous people that shouldn't be allowed to interact with other people.

Good thing AI is getting rid of all of them.
Also to answer your questions:
Still none of your business, niggeroo.

>> No.6221280

Nah it's something almost indescribable. Go stand in front of Raft of the Medusa and it's literally just feels. The technique is absolutely there but seeing this fucking huge canvas with mountains of bodies on top is something no digital print can do justice.

That being said I do think us digifags might start going back to trad though because or that.

>> No.6221281

>>6221267 (me)
Forgot to add but unregulated neoliberalism and globohomo has destroyed ended divided our communities and towns so we don't even speak the same language as our neighbour, nobody can afford to have kids, if we can manage to move out of our mother's basement it's into a tiny bug hive that costs us 75% of our salary each week

>> No.6221282

You sound like one of those misogynistic trannies who want to replace women with sex dolls.

>> No.6221284

fuck its over innit.
damn, the fuck do I even do? learn how to weld or some shit?

>> No.6221286 [DELETED] 
File: 376 KB, 3000x2000, 1658013324539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. increasingly nervous Roastoid.

>> No.6221290

Have fun being a miserable misanthropist relishing the last hours before the downfall of humanity

>> No.6221291

>Owning a doll equates to the downfall of humanity
Not everything revolves around your putrid hole you stupid narcissistic cunt.

>> No.6221292
File: 64 KB, 700x393, 1423356664462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To continue:
An actual anon would have ignored me, but this one actually keeps going.
Why would he do that? Because he is the shill.
Those practicing the work of a shill having the habit of always accusing others of things they're guilty of, because they project their own insecurities unto others.

Perfect example:>>6221282
He "hears" written words while calling others insane and schizo, which he ironically fits the description through his own behavior.

So, two are the possibilities: Anon is either unironically an anti-AI shill or he is an incredibly butthurt tranny trying to get a "win" on a mongolian goat milking forum because his ego is hurt by not having his bias confirmed because he isn't used to people telling his his opinions are wrong by excessive use echochambers and parents who noticed his narcissistic personality disorder and don't risk him going on an autistic turbo tantrum and killing their pets.
See how fast he is on branding others as socially inept or social rejects; because that's the only value an oversocialized effeminate tranny knows; the validation of others, which he will not get on here that easily, thus he lashes out.

tldr see pic related

>> No.6221300

you should be tortured to death, pedo creep

>> No.6221302

If you're blind to the repercussions that every connection you have with another human being, from your relationships to the art you consume, being replaced by a corporate algorithm, and the effects this will have on us on a personal and societal level, then nothing anyone can say to you will change your mind

>> No.6221303

>Anon is either unironically an anti-AI shill
what the fuck is an "anti AI shill". you pedo scum think you achieved normalcy already. you live in fantasy land.

>> No.6221304
File: 157 KB, 345x377, 169746214668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please refer to the image attached

>> No.6221306 [DELETED] 
File: 361 KB, 3000x2000, 1658013794892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Roastoid cries pedo as she strikes the wall
Life is a mirage of illusions, you should know this as an artist I am quite surprised /ic/ isn't embracing the AI actually.

>> No.6221309

i think you should refer to the end of a bayonet, groomer

>> No.6221311

nothing is more enticing than a sick fuck posting child porn as he gives you vapid philosophical platitudes. holy shit how I would enjoy torturing you

>> No.6221313
File: 255 KB, 468x435, 165465847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, i am the discords trannies worst nightmare.
Every time i appear they can do nothing but post the same shit you do.

>> No.6221314 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 1344x2016, 1647141176811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6221315

really? because you seem to be a discord modto me

>> No.6221316
File: 193 KB, 1421x1086, 1655103040368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going as far as reporting
now you know you're dealing with an actual shill

>> No.6221319
File: 778 KB, 1920x1280, 1658001966241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dolls and AI confuses and angers the /ic/
I think we're on to something big here.

>> No.6221320
File: 156 KB, 596x699, 165465465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, anime girls must really be the indicator here.
You truly have figured it out.
You're clearly showing how you've lurked enough on this site.

>> No.6221321

Even beg doodles have more soul than this shit.
Something that has been "created" effortlessly has no real value.

>> No.6221322

in the future you are going to be viewed the same as some weirdo whose hobby is collecting earwax or tonsil stones

>> No.6221323

there is no doubt that somewhere in your house, you have a creepy sex doll overlaying a real human skeleton

>> No.6221325

The amount of jimmy rustling here shows how threatened meatbags are by a forming incoming Machine God.

>> No.6221326
File: 72 KB, 828x1104, 1650062479183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But of course! It all makes sense now, this board is filled with catty and vindictive bitches who want to destroy anything that draws (no pun intended) attention away from them even if it is something purely conceptual like an AI!

>> No.6221328

ya big anti ai pays people to posture as artists, you're onto us all, couldn't be that the board focused on drawing would have any issue with automating the process

>> No.6221329

Already had the discussion; AI isn't doing shit and it isn't stopping you from drawing.
All your arguments are just about how you will be unable to get clout.
That is really your issue.

>> No.6221332

>All your arguments are just about how you will be unable to get clout.
it upsets you that artists get it (and they'll always get it) and you won't lmao. you child fucking subhuman

>> No.6221333

Art is communication, talking and listening. Both components are important for humans to connect to one another. Generated art will flood the world so nothing can reach one another anymore.

>> No.6221337

and here it goes again
>u must b mad cuz u jealous
Textbook delusional narcissism.
Nigger, find a new script.

>> No.6221344

it's true though. seethe harder pedo roach

>> No.6221355

what the fuck did you use the generate this shit, because it will still take a skilled painter to fix it up into something usable.

>> No.6221358

>"AI artist"

>> No.6221362

> Nope, no legal battles are going to happen as the AI technically references said images and most images are of free use

that's copyright infrigiment you absolute retard.

avaliable on the internet =/= free use dumbass, the copyright is fully intact on public works.

also AIs don't reference or think shit, they simply use it, which is the legal standard courts will use to define if it the software engineer had the rights to use it (if the scrapper actually bought the licenses to the 5bi of images) or if it didn't.

shit is a legal timebomb waiting to happen, they are probably trying to find a buyer to get rid of these companies ASAP before shit goes south.

>> No.6221366

I get zbrush, maya, substance unreal and unity but

> 5+ years of experience plus game shipped

what the fuck

>> No.6221367

I'm not dumb enough to shill for the shitty AI, but no one's going to do jack shit about it. It's funded by corporations and print money for investors, who are backed by big legal team. The laws only apply to the weak, not the elites of the capitalist world.

>> No.6221369

they are probably going th get sued to hell by artstation and the companies that own the works of the artists being scrapped

Ubisoft, Activision, Blizzard and shit.

it won't be pretty.

>> No.6221378

Nah, the corpos will use AI so they wont have to pay artists

>> No.6221382

Your immediate impression of this image is that it looks cool, but then you realize that it's empty of actual content. All you have is a humanoid figure and some bottles, every other part of the image is pure nonsense. No face, no hands, the clothing design is random, it can't decide if it wants to be snow or smoke, the posture is schizophrenic. The hype over the AI art is a symptom of consumption culture where all that matters is first impressions even if that's not actually what makes something stick.

>> No.6221383

there's no way the word will collectively downgrade to "creepy doll like figures with bubble gum ice cream filters" as a standard for art dude. imagine seeing this insipid shit in video games everywhere. same with music. but even if you're right, then that means the world is doomed, I'll sever my ties with it as much as possible, and spend the rest of my life as a hermit in a village, close to nature. i don't like the idea of using cyberpunk dystopias as an example of what the world should turn into

>> No.6221385

AI art cannot be copyrighted

If you use AI generation all your shit can be copied

>> No.6221388

I mean true, i think it has been discovered that the average normalfaggot spends mere seconds looking at a picture, closing it and never looking at it again. the AI is not a big deal on its own, but since it molds so well with the simple normalfag brain, it suddenly becomes a big deal. idk what to say, these retards used to browse insipid soulless traced shit anyway, so they'll just switch to the new garbage instead. on one hand I don't give a shit what these consoooomers concern themselves with now, because I didn't before. on the other hand, it's impossible to not notice how cringe and low IQ normalfaggots are when they're so loud about it

>> No.6221389

Although what will probably happen is that Adobe might include AI generation photobashing straight into PS.

They won't use NFT scammer database like StableAi but they might use their own adobe cloud for that, it will be like Nvidia Gan, photos of landscaping and shit.

Microsoft has a whole photo license service, so they might come up with a solution as well.

Although I feel Microsoft might be the one to sue Dall-E, Midjourney and StableAi, if the blizzard/Activision merge occur, a lot of the stolen images from artstation will be theirs, and they have an obligation to protect the copyright.

>> No.6221400

After having seen hundreds of these AI images I can safely say if you have a lineart heavy artstyle, you'll probably last longer in the AIpocalypse.

>> No.6221405

One thing peeps here don't seem to remember is that a large portion of the world don't fucking care about art. The rare one who follow artists on social media most of the time don't give a drawing more than a glance. Those who do appreciate it though will at most expand the drawing and spend about thirty second at most looking at each detail. Anyone other than the last group of people I mention will never care enough to pay for art in the first place. Worst case it would be harder to grow a following on social media.

>> No.6221412
File: 161 KB, 612x1061, 1658961922597307-01-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk man I've been browsing some of these AI communities and looks like it's copying even the average brush thickness of artists

>> No.6221419

True, when was the last time I looked at another artists work for more than 30 seconds? (that I wasn't studying)... I suppose my desktop background on my 2nd monitor... the seconds add up...

>> No.6221424
File: 3.25 MB, 1536x1280, 1660805385229293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's bretty good as a base to work on or sketching your initial idea and especially on the colors. It saves time and no plagiarism is involved.

>> No.6221434
File: 293 KB, 719x1213, Screenshot_202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This art sure is original when AIfaggots NEED to use an artist's name to generate good images lol

>> No.6221440
File: 742 KB, 512x640, fuck u gonna do about it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loomis wont save you now

>> No.6221446
File: 504 KB, 900x1105, 1644607-middle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit so hot. i found her perfect match too

>> No.6221448

>no plagiarism is involved.
pedophile thinks that if he repeats a lie, it will eventually become truth

>> No.6221453
File: 1.96 MB, 380x380, 1546112593029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that heroes 4 portraits aesthetic
>those nipples
>those tranny tits
>that 4th panel

>> No.6221455

looks like someone skinned a character from Lineage 2 and used her skin as a suit

>> No.6221472

Mozart and Beethoven wrote perfection 200 years ago yet hobby muscoans still record music in their bedrooms today. Artists will always create.

>> No.6221485

Those aren't important, AI won't replace artists, at most only replace the artists nobody even cares about in the first place. And it's useless for concept art, because it doesn't have concepts. All this AI paradigm is capable of is generating thumbnails, but then again, they're so derivative that you might as well rip off already extant thumbnails instead.

>> No.6221505

AI can't even make a pepe that looks manmade or worth using (bar the novelty), it won't be doing good art within decades

>> No.6221530


> Although I feel Microsoft might be the one to sue Dall-E, Midjourney and StableAi, if the blizzard/Activision merge occur, a lot of the stolen images from artstation will be theirs, and they have an obligation to protect the copyright.

I mean, wasn't it Microsoft that vowed vengeance on the ninth circuit case against HiQ for their scraping of LinkeIn material?

Multiple lawsuits brought against Clearview AI for scraping, as well, last I heard.

Also, has a link been found between the vibe of animosity towards artists during all this BS, and salty NFT/Crypto bros that were ignored at large by the artistic community for failing to participate in their MLM circus?

>> No.6221541

>>has a link been found between the vibe of animosity towards artists during all this BS

Most of animosity came from morons who don't understand the intrigue of human-made works.

>> No.6221574 [DELETED] 

It's like you faggots keep forgetting you're not as anonymous as you think you are from your posting habits alone. A select group of you type in the exact same fashion.

>> No.6221576 [DELETED] 

For example, this guy is not white.

>> No.6221618

At this point I would rather trace and paintover a honey select 2 model or a daz3d one.

If I want to be lazy as hell I can already be, what is the point of this shit.

>> No.6221623

This is super confusing, it knows what a sexy design and breasts are, but I am sure if I trace over this it will be straight plagiarism from some chink at at pixiv.

>> No.6221632

>At this point I would rather trace and paintover a honey select 2 model or a daz3d one.

You can, nothing is stopping you. Want to know why you're not doing that, though? Because there is nothing driving you. You have nothing to stay. Nothing is screaming out from your mind to get an idea out into existence by any means possible, even if you have to trace Illusion models.

You have a wide array of tools in front of you, but you don't use it. Not because you think it's cheating, but because you have nothing to say with art.

>> No.6221638

Well, yeah that's the part of "actually being good" at drawing shit that people train for.

How the hell tracing a base like this makes me better at drawing anime?

This is inferior even as reference to using actual pictures from the artists.

>> No.6221642

> has a link been found between the vibe of animosity towards artists during all this BS, and salty NFT/Crypto bros that were ignored at large by the artistic community for failing to participate in their MLM circus?

It's 1:1, all of the people pushing that shit or defending it have some sort of ml role or NFT scam shit or crypto in the profiles.

>> No.6221646

What even is that supposed to be

>> No.6221720

Honestly I’m offended that people are so entertained by this.
Almost every pic in that thread looks like shit, and I don’t mean that in a coping “oh but it doesn’t have SOUL” way, I mean it in a very obvious way of the faces are melting and limbs aren’t attached right but people are still fascinated by it.
Why do people have such shit taste?

>> No.6221744
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, 8F900B9B-4A9A-4ADA-8F16-8B5F916F422D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the hell tracing a base like this makes me better at drawing anime?

You’re being mislead by pros who want you to buy their courses to keep you permabeg while funding their lifestyle. Trace, photo bash, hack and slash, use AI—do anything to get your idea realized.

>> No.6221785

They are entertained due to the thought that they themselves made the picture. It might look like shit, but it's a step above anyone there could ever reach, so AI is like their messiah

>> No.6221925

>being offended by what others like
The issue is with you.
If someone said the exact same thing you said about your work, you'd throw a hissy fit.

AI art is as valid as regular art, because if it isn't, neither is your art.

Grow up.

>> No.6222225

The ones calling others /beg/tards are the ones who will get bullied by the AIfags, because those AI generated images will always be better than what the pros and the “take a pencil” pros can make.

>> No.6222226


>> No.6222719

The AI learned how to make pic related from artists, retard.

>> No.6222832


Apparently comics now guys. its over

>> No.6222896

I mean, I'm surprised people are even still talking about AI, the moment dalle2/MJ dropped I just didn't get caught up in sunken cost fallacy and quit trying to pursue professionally.
I'm mildly irritated at all these AI threads recently however...
I do however understand how frightened those who previously wished to pursue it professionally though...

>> No.6223026
File: 346 KB, 1024x512, gottahandittothem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all happening so fast. They can hand now!?
(not a doomer, even if AGI eventuated, I would still draw everyday)

>> No.6223403
File: 438 KB, 512x512, 00009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still produces fucking horrific images if you put the word anime in it. Also can't have sex scenes so hentai artists are still safe.

>> No.6223982

Shit. It got deleted. What did it say?