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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6217340 No.6217340 [Reply] [Original]


>refuses to pick up digital
>refuses to use a pen
>only ever uses a kuru toga roulette, a mechanical pencil designed for handwriting
>casually draws all kinds of buildings and houses accurately from imagination
>draws far better than all of /ic/ who all the fanciest digital tools and handicaps available

>> No.6217341

I will now have fun with a pencil

>> No.6217346

>draws far better than all of /ic/ who all the fanciest digital tools and handicaps available
meant to say "who use"

>> No.6217371

lmao he gets an iPad ®™© a month after this vid
paranoid hypocritical schizo afraid of big bad tech

>> No.6217401
File: 460 KB, 1600x699, Digilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Digital is inherently jewish.

>> No.6217406


>> No.6217414

nah he was afraid that going digital means no more trad
ngmi if you let tech control you

>> No.6217421

tradcucks.... I don't feel so good...

>> No.6217423

This guy's art is mediocre, which is understandable because he's mainly an architect. Dude can only draw buildings and architecture, pretty boring at that too.

>> No.6217425

Basically, take that $1000 you were about to drop on a tablet/pc upgrade and add it to your trad budget. Become a based tradchad

>> No.6217432

>uses a ruler
oh no no no

>> No.6217434

>paranoid hypocritical schizo afraid of big bad tech
You are mentally unwell.

>> No.6217435

>400k subs
>a few thousand views per vid
damn wtf happened to youtube? Back in the day subscriber count really mattered.

>> No.6217439
File: 30 KB, 689x445, images (51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are modern men so obsessed with being able to prove they can live in frugality?
You see all these internet men who feel the NEED to point out all the time how much of an anti consumerist snowflakes they are.

Look I only draw in pencil and printer paper
Look my room has only a mattress and nothing more
Look I only drink water and season my food with nothing but salt
Validate me, I'm special!

Its quite pathetic lmao, but for some reason it really fills them with extreme pride. I wonder if it's some kind of subtle brainwash by our economic masters. Using the personality of contrarians against them.

You don't want to be like those embarrassing consumerist funko pop soiboys right?! Sleep on the floor, eat nothing but slop, that's superior you are special, yes!

You'll own nothing and you will be happy

>> No.6217443

youre an absolute smoothbrain nigger gorilla faggot

>> No.6217444

algo chooses what gets seen and what doesn't

>> No.6217506

>Validate me, I'm special!

Projection. They make you seethe becuase they are inherently based.

>> No.6217510

>draws far better than all of /ic/ who all the fanciest digital tools and handicaps available

The medium isn't the problem with /ic/. It's the mindset

>> No.6217529


>> No.6217539

I only draw with pencil.
I know digital artists that improve faster than me.
As much as we like the feels of trad, zoomers just don't care and prefer their tablets or whatever.
We should respect their decision.

>> No.6217546

>Digital is inherently jewish.
aside from this statement being retarded, what would it matter?

>> No.6217554

Struck a nerve huh

>> No.6217557

>he puts ketchup on steak

>> No.6217576

>Digital is jewish

Based technocratic overlord jews, how can goys compete?

>> No.6217741

I like both :)

>> No.6217747

i have do admit the pic looks extremely cozy, and the room is easy to clean

>> No.6217751

>doesn't even look at the canvas
I like this one because observation is such an ancient staple of drawing traditionally yet in this particular meme format it sounds like a shit post.

>> No.6217752

>You don't want to be like those embarrassing consumerist funko pop soiboys right
I mean...yeah

>> No.6217754

my nigga if you can live in a house with a bedroom that big that probably means you also have enough money to deck it up
this image doesn't showcase poverty, it showcases laziness

>> No.6217831

Probably unrelated but I went from digital to mechanical pencil (KOH-I-NOOR using 3B lead by Faber) a while ago.
I felt like I missed out on practice since setting up my tablet, getting used to the feedback look and preparing the files etc. created a barrier to drawing. Now I just have a clipboard with some blank paper and my pencil next to me when I'm at the PC and whenever I feel like sketching I just pick it up and go ahead. Also take a small blank notebook ánd pencil with me so I can sketch on commutes or when I have some downtime.

Aside from the lower barrier to drawing, I really enjoy the freedom a pencil provides in terms of which marks I can put down.
I do know that I'll have to switch back to digital sooner or later if I want to publish, but for now I'm enjoying the gains and freedom.

>> No.6217854

>can draw boxes accurately from imagination

>> No.6217882

This guy! is an example of exactly what NOT to do when learning figure drawing!
I remember coming across him months ago when he was using a ruler to draw skeletons in perspective and was 'working his way up to drawing people'. now he's drawing box mannequins with a ruler in perspective. still not a single figure drawing on his channel!

The process of learning something REQUIRES you be bad at it first. but this guy is desperately hoping that because he can draw a box in perspective (on top of proportional grid lines) he can use that skill to meet all the challenges of figure drawing, and as such never have to draw a bad drawing. NO. you HAVE to draw bad drawings. only then will you start answering the challenges you meet with techniques and ways of thinking outside of your comfort zone. for example, I don't think this guy has ever once thought about how important 2d shapes are in figure drawing. and he never will if all he does is draw dry ass boxes in perspective.

He's scared! terrified that he'll let go of what he knows, draw a gesture drawing, and what will be staring back at him is the shit beg level drawing of someone who's been at this for close to a decade. BUT THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GROWTH. praying he makes this leap soon.

>> No.6217901

This guy has been drawing the same shit for like 7 years. I think construction broke his mind or something

>> No.6217935

i came here just to post this.... its over

>> No.6217942

You are such an embarrassing, cringe-inducing idiot it's funny.

His building drawings are fantastic and better than anything a piece of trash like you will ever draw.

>> No.6217947

Why do low intelligence people like this think only humanoids with gesture count as good art? There is nothing wrong with architectural drawing.

>> No.6217949

notice how i never mentioned his building drawings.

post a figure drawing he's done that you think is good. oh wait you can't because they don't exist because he's too much of a pussy hole to draw one.

>> No.6217952

Hey idiot, there is more to art than the figure.
Why are you so obsessed with the figure and gesture? Because that's all you studied? This is why you are a pea-brain.

>> No.6217954

yeah, that's all well and good. but it's pretty clear he wants to get good at figure drawing. I just laid out that he's going about that like an absolute retard

>> No.6217957

>t's pretty clear he wants to get good at figure drawing
Good for him.
>I just laid out that he's going about that like an absolute retard
Which is why you come across as an insecure, unintelligent spastic.

>> No.6217960

Struck a nerve huh

>> No.6217961

Troon spotted

>> No.6217965

where are his good figure drawings then, mate?
look back at his channel, he's been drawing mannequins for over a year. and he's had close to a decade of drawing experience.

don't you think by now he should have been able to produce a figure that looks halfway decent. or at least one that exists??

i'm not wrong about this, anon. if you see parallels with what i've described and your own habits i hope you change them.

>> No.6217966

Why are constructoids always so bitter and angry

>> No.6217982

>where are his good figure drawings then, mate?
Why are you asking this question? Which part of the post you quoted implied anything about his figure drawings?

How stupid are you exactly?

>> No.6217993

I said I've laid out how he's going about figure drawing badly.
you tell me that I'm an unintelligent spaz.

so what, he's going about figure drawing intelligently? so where are the good drawings.

god you're autistic.
>what exactly in my post are you making reference to, sir??
shut the fuck up. where are his good drawings, dickhead! that's what it all boils down to, everything we've been talking about comes down to that. If he had good figure drawings I wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

>> No.6217995

>I said I've laid out how he's going about figure drawing badly.
And you've successfully exposed yourself as both an idiot and an insecure sperglord.

>> No.6217996

The guy draws houses and buildings better than you could ever dream of, but being the insecure spazoid you are, you hone in on his figure drawing, something he fully admits isn't his specialty and something he's trying to get better at.
Nobody cares about your insecurities you unhinged loser.

>> No.6218010

>something he fully admits isn't his specialty and something he's trying to get better at
and as i've said, he won't get better at it if he keeps doing what he's doing.

>honed in on
jesus fucking christ! of course i've honed in on the thing he's doing poorly and that i don't want to see other anons doing because it will impede their growth.
why would i hone in on the thing he's doing competently?
you know what critique is, yeh? you know that in order to get better at something you need to focus on your weaknesses, not your strengths? am i talking to actual fucking children?

look, you lot can keep calling me a spaz when you're clearly on the spectrum drawing your buildeings with rulers like fucking nerds. but where are the good figure drawings.

Also his building drawings have no soul

>> No.6218017

>mentally unstable freak is still going
Again, nobody cares you worthless idiot. Everyone can see you're boring trash looking to vent your insecurities.

>> No.6218021

>and that i don't want to see other anons doing
You are literally the only one to mention his gesture drawing in this thread you mong.
Stop acting like an arbiter here. You're a garbage artist and you're in no position to judge others.

>> No.6218025

why you still debating with the twitter tranny logic using anon
you should already know to never keep talking with those kinds of people
remids me of one random discord from /ic/ that said its about raw critique and not a hugbox but the had permabeg mods who always got defensive if you said what they do is shit and you needed to link a million sources and write literal essays for them to even acknowledge their shitty art

that is the type of people you want to just ignore and move on, like the anon youre replying to

>> No.6218028

nta but perma deflecting anything negative and imploring for people to only focus on the positives is the true insecure attitude here and youre a projecting faggot

>> No.6218032

i ahve to add to this i literally had to dump full essays and resources on a fucking rule of thirds to make one of those retarded discord mods even begin to understand what that basic shit was
well it were the same mods who got mad i said Dave Chappelle was funny and began spergging out twitter shit so maybe i should have see it coming
anyway, again, just stop feeding the tranny crabs

>> No.6218035

>being so mentally ill you have to reply to yourself
>don't even bother changing your posting style
Lmfao, you're such a sad little idiot.

>> No.6218041

saying i am the name anon, alright, whatever makes you happy in your little schizo head

>> No.6218042

What is this schizophrenia?

>> No.6218049

this is so predictable
"wow this guy so based because I think he is so unique just like me"
like jesus, can we stop allowing kids on this place

>> No.6218052

We can all see you're a mentally ill schizo mate. Time to let it go.

>> No.6218064

tranny tourists from other boards, twitter and discords from 1-2 months back
about same time the fujo general began and all the shitty reddit tier shitposting too

>> No.6218067
File: 30 KB, 433x419, 1453198304678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to yourself again

>> No.6218082


>> No.6218104

Google Fregoli delusion, anon

>> No.6218124

>>refuses to use a pen
How is that supposed to be based exactly?

>> No.6218145

im sorry architrannies but even comparing your rulered boxes to something as complex as figure drawing is nothing short of an insult.

>> No.6218161

Why is his work so soulless? Just look at the channel's thumbnails.

>> No.6218171

but he is working from simple (boxes and mannequins) to more complicated (boxes --> anatomy). The mannequin helps him to keep his proportions and perspective intact. Is this wrong? Should you just start with the basic/simplified shape of the body but not so far as to rely on mannequinized boxes?

>> No.6218182

Such is the constructoid life

>> No.6218183

I use the $1 3x pencil pack pencils for any and all I art I do.

>> No.6218195

everything he's doing is perfectly fine, i should make that clear. you can probably even learn from the way he's constructing things in those exercises.

What i'm saying is this is not ALL you should be doing. when you start you should have sheets and sheets of low minute, bad looking, gesture drawings, to get your intuition accustomed to what drawing a figure feels like. Figure drawing is an incredibly intuitive process and this guy is leveraging none of his intuition when doing these box mannequin studies.

he's got the apollonian, he's missing the Dionysian.

and of course, you don't need a rigid separation between the two. you can let construction and boxes seep into your gestures. and let gestural lines seep into your mannequins. it's about the marriage between the two. it's a dialectic, okay. the basis of life!

>> No.6218214

But he's coloring digitally.
Also his gesture just sucks and everything feels stiff, but fucking hell his drawings have a great feel.