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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 151 KB, 1158x1032, biya1024-1485051940358991881-20220123_014908-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6213191 No.6213191 [Reply] [Original]

being a cute artist woman is literally cheating, take photo, copy or trace your body and you are done. And if you pubbish a photo of yourself, then BAM 200k coomers following you instantly.
If you are a male you can just reference yourself for ugly bastards and no one will care about your selfie

>> No.6213202

That's cute and all but where's her dick?

>> No.6213203

I larp as a south american girl online, I pay a venezuelan girl to pose for pictures with my shit and shill it online, works for me

>> No.6213208
File: 213 KB, 975x1221, 1643629634460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a lady is great and all but as a man we can look like this! Wouldn't trade this for anything.

>> No.6213209

No dick = worthless. I only follow good artists like Ikemeru, sorry not sorry

>> No.6213212

Why did they shoop the one-term hat onto the chad?

>> No.6213230
File: 786 KB, 2891x4096, 3b54c5e8bab94c7030005493e95eedfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrelevant, the appeal of anime girls is that they surpass real women. Basing your anime girls off a real woman is only nerfing your true potential and the appeal of your work.

>> No.6213233

Why the fuck even draw with booba like that?
I'd just masturbate whole day on Chaturbate and count money after.

>> No.6213235

t. tranny

>> No.6213248
File: 95 KB, 618x589, ub real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I model my Ugly Bastards after myself, how did you know?

>> No.6213251

attain /int/ level then just trace photos and 3D models, bonus points for learning basic blender to create your own figures and bgs to paint over
then just do coom comics, not generic illustration, COMICS, and after some time after having a good following, invest some time into learning basic animation with after effects or other software where you can just animate your still images and start making coom games

thank me later

>> No.6213252

a fellow ugly bastard artist, its rare
keep on spreading the love

>> No.6213255

haha the girls should start peeing as i the photographer take this picture just as a prank lol lmoa

>> No.6213269

>that shading
>that cheap straight on phone angle
>those hands
>that elbow
>those hands
>that thigh completely changing
>those hands
Cheating, kek, what a joke. You can't cheat fundies, son.

>> No.6213293
File: 28 KB, 916x110, 3WyoGpK7Bn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is making at least 8k/month(patreon/fanbox) with his "shitty" art, she already make it, COOMERS DONT CARE ABOUT FUNDIES.
She jumped from 80k followers to 700k in less than a year, after she showed her body/face and that also affected their income (patreo/fanbox).
Krenz is right, AGAIN.

>> No.6213305

Post body

>> No.6213316

>actually true
What the fuck. Clown world. Or maybe she's just a really good person at heart. Personality over skills as they say.

>> No.6213319

aint no one looking at the art, how is this lost on you?

>> No.6213459

cause she probably has the face of a horse that was run over by steamroller

>> No.6213663
File: 1.51 MB, 892x1332, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She uses heavy make up
she is korean so...

>> No.6213685

She couldn't be bothered to trace the phone in perspective?

>> No.6213697
File: 749 KB, 1000x525, influencer-edit-photos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image on the left is 90% beauty filters anyway. Put on a bra, download some chinese beauty apps and you can be the big boobie reference of your dream.

>> No.6213706

There's a reason why Gooks have the arrr they rook same phenomenon. Also didn't know she did art.

>> No.6213724

I think it's bizarre how people even fall for low effort edits like this, especially on this board.
Just zoom in on that face for a second, it's blurred completely flat, with warped eyes pasted on top. Is this attractive, or do i just not get it because I'm not chinese?

>> No.6213749

It's a Chinese and Korean thing.

>> No.6213793

because the right picture is almost entirely 3d models

>> No.6213804

>If you are a male you can just reference yourself for ugly bastards
Well there's your problem. Lose weight, shave, start taking care of your hygiene, dress well and get more sunlight exposure. Then see whether you're still this bitter about other people's self portraits.

>> No.6214017

I'll do you a qrd because you have no idea what you're talking about, you need some jp artist background so I don't blame you.
This bitch is called Biya, she literally didn't exist before december 2020, when she post some random beg FGO fan art, clearly beginner artist. Then she starts uploading fanarts and improving pretty quickly until she posted this :
Then this mf enters the scene, he's called K Pring and that's his main OC, rly famous on jp twitter, used to post a lot but not anymore. When looking at her illustrations from this point on, you can see insanely visible ressemblance from her drawings and his, same bodytype, sameface, same rendering, everything. It's simple, he teached her how to coom art exactly like him, why you should ask, because he's her bf, a photo with a faceless dude a the beach proving it because of K pring tagged on it.

tl;dr: this girl is literally a boosted artist and her artstyle has been taught to her by her bf

>> No.6214030

>copy or trace your body and you are done
you realize that you can copy or trace anyone's body, right? it doesn't have to be your own?
You're on the internet in 2022, there are billions of images of women for you to trace from.
What you described isn't even slightly the reason why being a woman is life on easy mode.

>> No.6214034

I can't imagine being you, letting this worthless information occupy any portion of your brain.

>> No.6214045

life is so infair bros...

>> No.6214048
File: 176 KB, 410x274, 1647975713454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is extremely autistic bro

>> No.6214059

>girl is mentored to draw
>sh-she's j-j-just b-b-b-b-b-boosted!

>> No.6214060

She draws better than me i confess but her artstyle is still somewhat stolen
Seething can lead you to remember a lot of things

>> No.6214066


>> No.6214074

there is no stealing, she got mentored. you're just some seething faggot downplaying the fact that she still had to go home and do the heavy lifting in order to learn because of your weird ass hang-ups over women. Never gonna make it.

>> No.6214079

>your weird ass hang-ups over women
no idea where you're pulling that shit, most of my favorite artists are women, the rest is correct tho

>> No.6214096

shit guys I read loomis, now my art is all stolen :(

>> No.6214101

>we can look like this
but do you?

>> No.6214109

Your post reads like the cold opener to a kiwi farm thread rather than something a fan of the artist would write. Or do you orbit every female artist and shit-talk them like this?

>> No.6214113

Have you seen your doctor lately? This is a sign of school shooter syndrome.

>> No.6214121

Why dont you trace pics of the infinite whores posting on social media and porn hub?
There is little to no chance anyone will know.

>> No.6214125

>There is little to no chance anyone will know
read the thread you retard

>> No.6214171

>be OP
>complain about issues you fantasize about
>don't work on your art
>die after you've accomplished nothing

>> No.6214177

We can use 3d models of hot women

>> No.6214186
File: 756 KB, 863x1076, 1651499765914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't trace/reference his own body
I've had hentai comissions where I basically draw myself with another face fucking yo waifu.

>> No.6214329

butlerian jihad when?

>> No.6214375

Monkeypox faggots

>> No.6214402

>Or maybe she's just a really good person at heart
oh sweet anon

>> No.6214481

Make me, faggot

>> No.6214482

These are different people lol

>> No.6214487

Gamer brainrot

>> No.6214917

Didn't really need the info but it kinda explains why this girl knows Korean.
>mfw an ugly gook got to bag a banging JPgirl cause of art.

>> No.6215055
File: 344 KB, 2023x1453, j2hvbklytnv61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i had a bf that'll mentor me like that :(

>> No.6215069

It doesn’t work as well if you’re a gay dude

>> No.6215075

>thicc thighs
hmmm....no, id still fuck her, but no, those are not thick those are sticks

>> No.6215077

Women do have it easier in the art world, but it's both a benefit and a curse.
On one hand, they get easy follows and numbers because female. On the other, they can only draw themselves and coom.
Yes, they can just post themselves next to their drawing and get a bunch of interaction. But that's all they'll ever be, coombait and a tool for masturbatory purposes. Nobody actually cares about their art.
The easiness of this also gives them less incentive to improve.
Also, if it's that big of a deal to you, then just trace/reference a porn pic or something. Then, get a female friend (you DO have one, right?) to hold it up or something.

>> No.6215198

>thinks he knows many things about the art world
>never leaved his room to attend actual exhibitions

>> No.6215210

Dubs have spoken, just accept your place as a masturbation tool.

>> No.6215216


>> No.6215285

I don't believe in dubs or trips or any other religion. Wash your ass, leave your room, be an adult.

>> No.6215291

lmao hews is literally the entire definition of a seamonkey and yet approaching 1m followers on twatter.

social engineering > e-whoring

>> No.6215395
File: 35 KB, 480x270, 1659536811374486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see artists on Twitter that are better than Biya in terms of anatomy, colour work, background...and yet their works aren't as popular as hers. She's a good artist, there's no denying that, and we all have our own style/approach. But when I see other artists being set aside while Biya gains the spotlight under a small amount of time? (while the artists I mentioned have been around much longer) I wonder what makes her different from everyone else that advertises their art, there's gotta be a trick. I guess it's because lol girl and all the coomers flock to her.

>> No.6215464

sup gayboy

>> No.6215567

Good for her. That's really wholesome. Help the people in your life.

>> No.6216214

You have no fucking idea what thick thighs means, mate.

>> No.6216297
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x608, 1654654635112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be attractive woman on the internet in the year of the clown 2022
>everyone and their mom follow you
>everyone likes you
>get free money from kids and social rejects
Her success has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her art.
The drawings are a pretense to post herself half naked on the internet.

But always remember that everything on social media is fake;
Her followers might be mostly bots.
Her patreon/fanbox might mostly be money laundering
Her drawings might as well be just a comic filter.

Being a woman is literally easy mode at anything you want and drawing coom is double easy mode.
You could draw literal coom scribbles, have some pictures of a woman in your profile and you will have everyone praise your artistic skills and give you money.

>> No.6216307

>Her patreon/fanbox might mostly be money laundering
How and why would someone launder money via patreon/fanbox? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.6216309
File: 111 KB, 1242x1222, 16864546545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's harder to trace.
Have you not heard of all the twitch streamers who were washing money for turkish criminals?

>> No.6216382

>be woman with okay bod
>mostly want to draw men
I've tried tracing myself and removing the tits but it still looks off

>> No.6216390


>> No.6216615

I don't understand, are you saying that the artist is a broomstick compared to her voluptuous art? Those Asians have that shitty body of anorexia and crooked bones, but they draw themselves with voluptuous bodies, they obviously have a complex

>> No.6216949

they are not advertising and marketing enough

>> No.6216953

idk if thats true i dont know any super popular female artists that do that compared to men who post art


>> No.6216958

actually the opposite
quit complaining and get to work you loser

>> No.6216989

neither do 90% of these labelists

>> No.6217074

I'm a cute girl but I've had zero luck marketing my art this way. Do I actually have to post pictures of myself on social media to capitalize on this? I have zero qualms using this to my advantage but I genuinely don't know how to go about it.

>> No.6217210

cover your face with masks and get a boob job like the one on OP pic. Guaranteed followers

>> No.6217251

bruh shes an online whore, theres no personality required

>> No.6217290

Nice masked face is an oxymoron

>> No.6217291

why bother posting art if you know they only care about your body? why not just be a regular e-whore at that point? don't do it, anon, you'll lose your love for the craft

>> No.6217295


>> No.6217325

>I'm a cute girl
Post boobs please

>> No.6217331

>still hasnt realized the following isnt because of the 'art'
Retarded hole, only your body is worth any attention.

>> No.6217338

>"cute girl"
>no brains
checks out

>> No.6217977

she has to spend a lot of time photoshopping/filters on her own images though. you can literally see the blubber tucked in waist line and enlarged tits on her 'real' photo. has to smooth/air brush all the imperfections on skin too. its easier to just trace some other instathott than do all this work.

>> No.6217980

Are you drawing yourself as the fat stinky guy fucking the anime girl ot is it the other way around?

>> No.6217983

>she's boosted!
kek you mean taught? is the entire world boosted?

>> No.6217988

male pelvis is so strange. wish I could find good genital refs without having to sift through shittons of porn

>> No.6218008

get on twitch and stream your process, people will simp and shower you with free money even if you do and say nothing

>> No.6218016

boosted means that the account was advertised or piggybacked on another high follower account.
Skill level doesn't mean shit on social media.

>> No.6218036
File: 2.79 MB, 540x304, 1660541791766214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Skill level doesn't mean shit on social media
not true me and my shit skills have sub-20 followers

>> No.6218051

>Women do have it easier
you could have just pressed post after that.

>> No.6218069

Your skill level isn't the issue

>> No.6218091

what am I doing wrong then? what can I do better?

>> No.6218116

yo, have you seen white women without makeup? the only leap that asians take in beauty cheats is cosmetic surgery, and whites will also do that when they can afford it

im convinced that nigger women only seem uglier because they dont go deep into cosmetics, and just end up looking white when they do

>> No.6218123

If you still haven't figured it out after all this time, you should just give up.

>> No.6218126

Stuff like this makes me smile knowing soon all of these garbage "Artist" will fade away to irrelevance once true ai art is distributed everywhere for free

>> No.6218133

AI art is going to fall into another category in the same way photography did. In the end, making interesting art is better than making correct art, and people will always be better at that.

>> No.6218136


>> No.6218142

People will just guide the machine to make the "interesting art" you are talking about.
Man + machine >>> man alone.
Give it 2 years.
This attitude is why artist need to die.

>> No.6218143

So kinda like photography? Idiot.

>> No.6218180

No, you fucking retard, it's nothing like photography.
Don't you EVER reply to me again with that nonsense.

>> No.6218187

The only help you want is attention.
>This attitude is why artist need to die.
Art is already dead.
AI will be final nail in the coffin.

>> No.6218189

>The only help you want is attention
what are you talking about? did you mistake me for another anon?

>> No.6218192
File: 460 KB, 870x722, 169854654444872123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your work

>> No.6218197
File: 1.54 MB, 480x264, 1620764744467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said skill doesn't matter

>> No.6218200

Gauging your skill level isn't relevant to this
Just post your work

Last (you) btw

>> No.6218208

it's fine, I'll just ask someone else

>> No.6218209

I would use his rectal cavity as my personal toilet.

>> No.6218503

>cute artist woman
No such thing

>> No.6220594
File: 3.39 MB, 2700x4160, 85794260_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this is beg?

>> No.6221146

Would it be worth it to get my female friend to let me pretend to be her on Twitter?

>> No.6221156
File: 3.90 MB, 2812x2048, cinnabus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of many artists who actually draw a character based on themselves as coombait.

>> No.6221160

uhh yes. high/beg/

>> No.6221184

If anything goes bad, she can threaten you with revealing to all your followers you are lying and tell them you abused her etc.
So no don't do it.

>> No.6221231

just use one of those face swap/gender swap apps ad some good ol photo manipulation on either you or random sluts pics
but if youre a cute femboy you already have easy mode pretending to be a girl or just being bait for fags

>> No.6221539
File: 12 KB, 309x304, yahhhooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting nigger fat lard piece of shit

>> No.6221627
File: 1.09 MB, 877x1660, 8c3deb66-710c-43e4-869a-aa54f88cab9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like to wack off to her shitty cosplay photos

>> No.6221636

Literally just use design doll or other posers. I’m a wahmen but 90% of poses I need references for are completely unrealistic to pose anyways.
Plus I think at least some of us can agree that wanting followers for the sake of having more followers is basically pointless.
You’ll just get horny simps begging for nudes, and simps will compliment your art in a weird parasocial flirting kind of way, so you’ll never get genuine feedback. I have had a lot of success keeping my gender out of the picture. Many of my long time commissioners still think I’m a dude. I just never correct them.

>> No.6221651

How to recognize a beg drawing:
>Drawn at eye level, no perspective. Makes it easier because proportions aren't tricky or skewed
>Cropped at thigh level so you don't have to worry about the overall balance too much. Legs can't be wrong if they aren't drawn
>Arms perfectly align to have as little foreshortening as possible
>Feet already hidden because cropped? Hide the hands too
>No background at all

This is, for all intent and purpose, a well-rendered high beg drawing. Lineart is clean and colors are nice, but don't let it foul you

>> No.6221676
File: 447 KB, 1395x2048, FaFPCS0aAAAGhUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... she's got us figured out.
this is her at comiket.

>> No.6221683

there's nothing high IQ about doing what an attractive piece of tits and ass does best

>> No.6221717


>> No.6221801

At this pace this nigga will become a stripper
Girls like this are retarded and don't think there this path will lead them to.
You have an amazing body, cut the drawing part, work on your social skills and marry some millionaire geez.

>> No.6221826

i wish i was her dammit

>> No.6221828

I hate Women so much.

>> No.6221844
File: 2.69 MB, 372x800, 1612051293846.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, her chest skin looks like silicone
reminds me that women suits exist

>> No.6221850

If I wanted to jerk off to real proportions then I'd search for real porn. 2D allows for much better stuff than 3D can offer.

>> No.6221874

Gotta respect the hustle tho
Dont hate the playa hate the game

>> No.6221919

How to recognize a beg cope

>> No.6221938
File: 1.02 MB, 544x900, 1638116170816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is selling her erocosplay pics on fanbox.cc
btw so many mysogynists here. what the hell guys.
this isn't alright.

>> No.6222002

>being a cute artist woman is literally cheating, take photo, copy or trace your body and you are done.
The fuck? you realize that you can do this as a man, change some proportions and draw a woman, right?

>> No.6222025

drawfags... https://discord.gg/UHcPQZjf

>> No.6222072


>> No.6222081
File: 53 KB, 816x624, TROLLlook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, i´d kiss her entire body and ask for marriage. So perfect.
You´re all gay.

>> No.6222082
File: 2 KB, 125x113, 16544652641646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ain't a woman, if you knew your anatomy you'd know, too.
Show me her actual vagina and i'll reconsider my view.

>> No.6222088

Please tell me how I'm wrong then

>> No.6222124

Kys groomer

>> No.6222135
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1625515876508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nigger I've missed your antics

>> No.6222548


>> No.6222560

How the hell do I squish a drawing in TVPaint 10? It only scales down the whole thing rather make it skinny or wide

>> No.6222590

i dont know whats real and whats fake anymore.

>> No.6222594
File: 2.94 MB, 540x960, 1545848059496.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6222668
File: 383 KB, 295x479, CC64FA2C-F38D-4A00-B89C-D65C2D014387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also use shit tons of filters and facetune video. All egirls, all instagrammers shop their face. Way more than people think

>> No.6222677
File: 1.24 MB, 4320x3240, D25922DF-8D7F-4808-A6B7-CCF98D52BD71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6223599
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, ryan_dengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he shooped his face and the maga hat. That body is from ryan dengler. I guess is some gay fetish humilliation thing

>> No.6223923

Dark nipples are so disgusting.

>> No.6224553

99.9999999% of you basement dwellers would never look like this. women thin body is easier to achieve.

>> No.6227774

>thick thighs

>> No.6227820


>> No.6231392

>How and why would someone launder money via patreon/fanbox?
It's a classic cope by envious crabs.
You hear about "Patreon money laundering" all the time when a big creator is mentioned.

>> No.6231557

Those women aren't the artists, they're just models with ghost writers but with drawing instead.

>> No.6231583

The OP woman's body type is also fake idiot.

>> No.6233534

you mean literally marketing? if you want to get into the art business, you need to treat it as a business. the horror the horror.

>> No.6236702

Bros i just had an idea.... can i use these filters on myself to appear like a korean model?