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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 186 KB, 828x698, 818788C9-864E-4393-8626-BB86897D5637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6208878 No.6208878 [Reply] [Original]

Should you treat your art account for business/professional or shitposting/personal?

>> No.6208888

>oh no I lost one number on my numbers from my numbers social account
Go fuck yourself, how about that? How about you just going fuck yourself and stop giving a fuck about this sort of garbage? What do you think? No, wait, how about that, crazy idea but just stay with me, okay? How about if is a account you want to threat like a profession you make your account professional or if you want just to fuck around make more shitpost? Huh? How about that? Crazy, right? Or you could just go fuck yourself and die.
A world of possibilities.

>> No.6208891

quads of insecure media tab

>> No.6208895

Bitch please, I only post drawings and mental breakdowns to my shitty twitter.

>> No.6208896
File: 194 KB, 1548x1392, drawgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that's my senpai I'm always talking about.

>> No.6208900

Yeah honestly speaking I don't give a shit about you I just wanna look at the art

>> No.6208902

holy based.

>> No.6208908

youre still an attentionwhore, the least you could do is accept that being an attentionwhore requires a little bit of cleanup so its easier to give you attention

>> No.6208918

You are just jelly of mt schizo twitter swager.

>> No.6208926

Kyu mostly posts art. What I dislike is when artist "media" tab is 60 percent reaction images/gifs or selfies.

>> No.6208951

I can't accept some personal stuff but I would prefer art with a personal caption.

>> No.6208980


>> No.6209054
File: 3.33 MB, 270x138, 1D03BB86-FEEF-4BA4-9512-8411DECDA16E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if an art twitter posts
>reaction gifs
>discord screenshots
>five million text posts a day
>anything remotely political
>vague drama participation
then i unfollow or don't follow in the first place. simple as

>> No.6209059


>> No.6209071

Personally I just want to see their art, I dont mind the usual personal post, even better if it somehow relates to their art. But whenever they go off into politics or just start spamming more non art posts than art, i unfollow

>> No.6209078

The problem is that Twitter is a shitty platform for artists to post their work on but people use it because of it's the most popular and has most visibility.

Tumblr had an option to filter the posts on someone's page by hashtag. So you could post all your artwork under the hastag #art and when someone clicks #art they would only see your art. You could still reblog and post other bullshit without worrying about your art being hidden

>> No.6209079
File: 122 KB, 500x555, 1656784967107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social media thread #654654654115454541154759141
Someone should really delete social media

>> No.6209080

The early days of tumblr were great, sucks that the weirdos came in and ruined it with their degenerate bs

>> No.6209097

always have two or more brands

one ultra professional, one for propaganda art

>> No.6209101

The worst part is that the freaks from Tumblr transfered in droves to Twitter once the porn got banned. Like the "MAP" community wasn't a thing on Twitter until the porn ban. And the bullshit drama that only used to be discussed in Tumblr circles

But the website itself was still better for artists than Twitter. It's was easier for new artists to gain exposure because the website encouraged using a lot of hashtags. On Twitter if you use too many hashtags Twitter thinks you're a bot and your account gets shadowbanned

>> No.6209141

Twitter isn’t set up to be a portfolio. But yeah if you want people to follow you for your art, post your art. Sounds like the artist in the OP dgaf If people follow them or not and more power to them for being passionate about something they enjoy.

>> No.6209375

>mental breakdowns
what's the difference

>> No.6209380

>Open artist's twitter
>Scroll to the top
>Click their pixiv/artstation link

>> No.6209384

That's why you create a subaccount for other tweets and maybe some roughs and game screenshots, etc.
You can always link it on your description.

>> No.6209404

Once I see a single political tweet I remove and block, unfortunately it's never a single tweet but scrolls of basic-bitch political hot-takes.

>> No.6209411

I love Gashi Gashi's twitter even for the text posts as the english ones tend to either be a single worth or short phrase like "Piss hell" or "cold"

>> No.6209415

>they dont have it
>its censored on pivix
>the pivix page isnt updated with all the drawings

>> No.6209419

>media tab is filled with female celebrities laughing gifs
Not only I don't want to follow these people, I want to murder them

>> No.6209420 [DELETED] 

And now I have an autistic urge to talk about kyu all day long. Fuck I think it may be a problem but I want to be as good as him.

>> No.6209433

Truth be told Twitter is pretty shit for artists. I have no idea how you guys use it.

>> No.6209435

You need to be famous toward specific fanbase. That is what Sakimichan and her clones have been doing.

>> No.6209439

based quads

>> No.6209463

if you don't want to sabotage yourself it's best to keep your account clean. I do and often times new followers scroll through my art deep to stuff I made even years before, which brings new life to art that would be otherwise ignored after the first week.
If you want to meme/interact with the most active portion of your followers you can just make a side account.
it's very good to find work and network, get commissions or to join an animation/game project. With the new algorithm your art has a reach bigger than only your followers. You just have to time your stuff well (and use an eye-catching color palette, the algo loves it for some reason)

>> No.6209485

The fact that Twitter can randomly putting your post into recommendation and spread it to hundreds of people, makes it the best platform for artists right now. Pixiv is also good, but it is harder to get commissions there.

>> No.6209488

I think if you wanto pursue art, make the art aspect of your account to be the majority of the content.

Also, only teenagers and stupid manchildren use account as their personal politic blog. Keep every opinions and personal shits to yourself, people came for the arts, not because you are a Hollywood star.

>> No.6209509

>it's weibo/naver

>> No.6209526

highest follower ceiling, all the big guns benefit from it more than any other social media, and everyone else follows their example

>> No.6209533
File: 189 KB, 418x498, 1649556941897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same (a few here and there are ok).
The spam of unrelated pics would be solved if Twitter allowed you to categorize what kind of post you're making.

Or maybe not, bet some people wouldn't give a shit and just post however it comes by default.

>> No.6209540

If I see an art reposter account, I immediately block that account.

>> No.6209545

What the hell is an art reposter? People who retweet often?

>> No.6209550

They repost the art themselves without including the source.
It's better if they just retweeted the image.

>> No.6209552

Yeah that's reportable not just blocking

>> No.6209554


>> No.6209574

>it took a popular tweet for viralniggers to even partially realize that everyone who isn't a total normalfag finds the memes, selfies, food pictures, hottakes, and retweets obstructive to the actual work
i am going to find the person at tumblr who indirectly triggered the mass artist twitter transition and shit on their lawn

>> No.6209600

Speaking of Tumblr. I heard it got calm after the ban, so it seems like a decent place now for art.
How lewd and gory stuff you can post there?

>> No.6209607

I've seen plenty of edgy shit but for sexual themes mostly ecchi at best.

>> No.6209610


>> No.6209617
File: 254 KB, 516x704, picrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been so scared of twitter ever since some wolf obsessed account went through all tweets (some nearly 3 years old) and liked every post I've ever made featuring a wolf or wolf like creature. They didn't follow me either. I don't tag my work. I have sub 60 followers and only upload art to my account. Most of it isn't of wolves. Maybe if I had posted some vidya
screenshots this wouldn't have happened. picrel

>> No.6209670
File: 768 KB, 2896x4096, 99536692_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is some guy who is obsessed with the type of multiple eyes multiple arms girl. He has been lurking around my pixiv for awhile and even support me on Fanbox just to unlock nsfw stuff i usually do for the characters. I suggest you don't cockblock these dudes because they are bumping your stuff's popularity.

>> No.6209675

>see a good art post
>check out artist's pixiv profile
>It's all fanbox e-begging


>> No.6209678

Yeah, how dare those artists try to make a living?!

>> No.6209816


>> No.6209828

Make a living without shit bait and switch.

>> No.6209837

Seethe. If you want to see 2D pussy and vagina, open your wallet!

>> No.6209839

Sometimes I unironically would except they include borderline pedoshit in there and I won't pay a single dime that would go to exploiting children.

>> No.6209842


>> No.6209879

As a Fanbox content creator, Fanbox is like your average 4chan red board. Almost everything are allowed, but if you violate a specific rule, you will be banned from the platform.

>> No.6209885

So gore is okay, but no nipples, genitals oe sex.
I can work with that.

>> No.6209927

1% of tweets is actual art.

>> No.6211107


if they were actual photos involving children and not a bug eyed anime lolicon you would have a point.

Personally anyone who cant tell the difference and foams at the mouth at anything involving "children" with autistic rage, should be banned from porn in general. Hypocritical faggots beat off to more fucked up shit than a loli.

>> No.6211129

You are asking irrational people to be rational. Is basically simple book-burning mentality. Pure mass hysteria combined with heard mentality, there is no point arguing with someone like this, just ignore and make sure they have no access to anything worth anything. Objectively speaking they are not people, not really.

>> No.6211392

>see unexpectedly good art trend post by twitter calarts troon
>check their media tab
>scroll through nothing but drama, "10 minute wip"s that really took hours, their OC but so randum

>> No.6211466

> Gif reactions
> Fighting/gatcha game screenshots
> Only cropped drawings to promote Patreon or some other subscription thing
> Food/travel pics
> Excessive text posts bitching about life
> Pronouns or fag flags
> Unfollow
The last one was pretty bad. There were a few artists I really liked, but their sudden inclusion of pronouns forced me to unfollow them out of principle.
I just post my art whenever I'm done with it, so about 1-2 posts a week.
Or, if an artists I follow creates certain threads, then I post older drawings that are relevant to it.
Trying to keep a balance of posting to remain active, but also not spamming/annoying followers with uninteresting content.

>> No.6211468

Also, turn off retweets from everyone you follow. Your feed will be slightly less shitty.

>> No.6211528

Have a personal/shitpost and an art posting account. (link them if you want , like "and my art account is [twitter link]")

No one wants to go though 5873 reaction gifs , drama , text posts and god knows what just to see one piece of art.

>> No.6211533

These autistic screeching people slowly turning child protection into a virtue signaling hypocrisy, which is sad. Children don't need these faggots as protector, they have their family and the authority.

>> No.6211538

>>How dare those artist try to make a living?!
>>I will accuse the legal website as pedo!

When you can't shut up about child porn, even when no one discussing it, then you are having some serious metal illness, nigga.

>> No.6211553

Gender pronoun is one of the most annoying shit ever on Twitter. I'm glad that most of artists i followed don't write that shit in their profile.

>> No.6211766
File: 155 KB, 1200x821, 1629068186625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had any followers when I was an 'art gallery account', and now that I interact with (no one) and shitpost all day I don't have followers either

>> No.6211803

Lolicon is still illegal in most places and is heavily looked down upon everywhere else.
Typing your name and money to that is the dumbest move you can make.

>> No.6211805

>muh principles
It takes 5 seconds to add to your profile and wins you brownie points with the zoomed. Who cares?
The only people it scares away are /pol/incels so it's honestly a win win.

>> No.6212164

>>F-f-fuck you, rich people! How dare you buying lolicon drawings from artists?!

>> No.6212217

If you want to shitpost just Livestream and rant about stuff while working

>> No.6212226

>your average 4chan red board.
>Almost everything are allowed
good one anon, almost made me kek

>> No.6212413

Its not because you're rich.
Its that you tie your name and billing info to your activities which is stupid.
I don't want to do that, it might be legal now but that doesn't make it free of future legal issues or issues if a leak were to happen.

By locking that content behind a paywall it forces you to tie your personal info to it as opposed to freely being able to access it.

>> No.6212428

If you intend on getting followers for your art, then keeping the media tab free of useless shit like video game screenshots and react gifs/images is a good idea.
You can simply have 2 accounts, like many artists have a NSFW and SFW account.
Of course all your useless garbage won't get seen by your 140k followers, but only your 2k followers because no one gives a fuck about your garbage gifs and video game screenshots.
React gif spamming "artists" get the rope.

>> No.6212675

> wins you brownie points with the zoomed. Who cares?
That's why you SHOULD care, keep the zoomers away.
It demonstrates progessive lefty mentality, which shouldn't be supported or propagated.

>> No.6212688

post your following.

>> No.6212826

>>Paranoid conspiracy theory shit

>> No.6212834

Add food photos to that list. I want to see your art, not your gross food.

>> No.6216391

Personally I separate the two. I also prefer not having to wade though shit when I follow someone. A lot of jpn artists are fucking amazing but god there really is a lot of gacha posting and bullshit. It totally eliminates anyone putting on your post notifications too
I have three accounts
Sometimes I original shitpost on either main if I think they're especially funny or something. Not like I post much right now anyway

Bottom line is I say it wholly depends on how much and how often you off topic post. If you're known for being an artist, you don't want to have your consumers scrolling for miles to see the old content they actually want

Twitter is just shit for artists in general

>> No.6216397

Also my SFW and NSFW are JUST art. I don't retweet posts unless they're especially inspiring to me to the point I have to stop in awe and study it. I can't resist. And those are rare
If anyone wants to see posts I like they can just go to my likes. I think retweets are useless if you're a content creator, besides ofc boosting friends or peers

I have a better question:

Should an artist reply a lot? Quote retweet? I've always loathed how anytime you reply to someone it's ass blasted into all of your follower's feeds. It makes me feel paranoid and over critical of myself. It can be good to bump your own drawings or a friend's drawings yeah, but I can barely get myself to reply to the replies on my tweets.
I feel like the less presence I have outside of my art, the better