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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.43 MB, 3584x2816, StableDiffusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6208614 No.6208614 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, how can you outperform a machine?

>> No.6208616

more like how can you outperform the pajeets who will sell this shit pretending they made it

>> No.6208617

Do the needful

>> No.6208627

All AI threads should be deleted immediately.
No board would tolerate threads that went against the purpose of the board.
Imagine dozens of threads on /a/ every week that told people not to watch anime or read manga.
The mods would delete these threads on sight because they clearly serve no purpose and are off topic.
These are troll threads and very possibly shill threads, the mods need to do their job.

>> No.6208631

AIs can't fulfill specific requests, in most cases they can only be used as inspiration to help an artist's workflow. If you want to make something they can't go find an obscure topic even Google knows nothing about (like the culture of Negros island in the Phillipines) and paint that.


>> No.6208632

You do realize that there will come a time when AI artworks will be indistinguishable from regular human art, and there will be no way of telling when it's posted here at all?

>> No.6208634

There should be one (1) general thread about AIs and the rest should be deleted imo

>> No.6208636

There will also come a time when posting AI art and passing it off as humanmade in art forums will be boring and pointless, so nobody will bother.

>> No.6208637

>Realistically, how can you outperform a machine?

>You can't

I'm not talking about art only either.

A.I will take over 99.9% of all jobs available, it's not a matter of "IF" but "WHEN" at this point.

Will UBI be implemented in time, or will the world turn into Land of the dead (2005) ?

>> No.6208639

>nobody will bother
Nobody will bother, because by that time it will all be AI art anyways.

How many horse drawn carriages have you seen roaming the streets recently?

>> No.6208642

The only way these AI threads can be helpful is if we use them as inspiration. I.E (Hey anons try to draw this AI drawing in your style)

>> No.6208648

Most commercial art will be made by AIs, but there will always be some things they can't do.

Protip: there are a LOT of plants that get so little attention even Wikipedia has no picture of them. Obscure botany, historical events Westerners don't care about and third world cultures are all topics AIs will wreck until there's related material on the internet they can be trained with

>> No.6208650
File: 20 KB, 499x483, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on Artstation and 99% of the shit look the same anyway.
How many more "totally original" spaceships and fantasy warrior variants do you need anyway.
art AI is probably for the best. Just replaces the people who were already machines to begin with.
Hopefully the entire entertainment industry crashes down soon.

>> No.6208651

Better to draw unoriginal stuff than just shitpost on 4chan hoping for people to stop drawing

>> No.6208655

kys you ai loving crab

>> No.6208663

>for people to stop drawing
People will not stop drawing.

There are still people assembling and wearing mechanical watches.
However, for precise timekeeping, digital clocks are just better.

>> No.6208666
File: 160 KB, 181x191, c30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did I say people should stop drawing?
draw all you want.
I'm just saying all of the professional art in the industry were already just products rather than "art" (whatever the fuck that means). It was replaceable to begin with.
It's like arguing people should go back to making shit with their bare hands instead of using industrial machines.

>> No.6208720

Those people have no intention of creating art, they're trying to create generic products to sell to corporations.
If they get replaced nothing of value will have been lost.

>> No.6208749

I keep thinking of Avatar (cartoon) when I see this image.

>> No.6208750
File: 60 KB, 1122x864, Screenshot 2022-06-16 090059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realistically, how can a machine draw lollies like I do?

>> No.6208759

>realistically, how can a machine draw lollies like I do?
Train it on soft core pervert drawings.

>> No.6208765

I'm full on doomer mode about this AI shit nowadays in general, not just about AI art. We have less than a lifetime before the dystopia ensues

>> No.6208796

>dood computor maek photobash pic so gud huehuehuehue

>> No.6208824

Scumbbags already jumping on how to sell this junk

>> No.6208829

Instead of getting butthurt about AI you can still stay on topic and you know critique the art..

>> No.6208857

>my safespace is being invaded reeee
there there

>> No.6208866

How can you critique the AI and have it adjust accordingly or choose not based on the quality of my critique?
If the person posting the "art", what a laughable concept, is part of the ones pushing it, then it's a shill thread because otherwise my "critiques" will be completely unheard on this place.
There is no "art" to "critique", AI threads should be deleted immediately.

>> No.6208868

i unironically agree with this, artist threatened by this are the ones who constantly post generic soulless shit, those who create the things they wanna see will thrive.

>> No.6208871

I just want to see the full level of cope and reality denying when this really hits big and artists finally get the rope.
Its one thing to be mad about change, but the fact most of you cannot accept a new change is really sad.
You all need to accept what is going to happen and not pretend you are going to go on biz as usual.

>> No.6208885
File: 112 KB, 540x365, 820D7186-9952-48E1-A950-F951BF13DF25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no artist will ever be able to vomit out images at the speed an AI can obviously. Really, I think the main lesson artists can learn from AI is the importance of developing a large visual library and doing studies regularly of artists you admire. Since essentially, all AI do is scrub the internet for millions of images that they then use as a framework for their pictures.
Now you might say “an AI can study millions of images in a second, how can I learn that fast?”
Well you can’t. But you also don’t need to. There’s diminishing returns here, and the truth is even if you could study as many images as an AI, it would actually be a waste of time to do so. The gap between someone who has never studied and copied images versus an artist who has done 0 is massive. But that gap closes after a certain point.
The point is, real humans can still produce art that competes with AI, they just can’t do it as quickly as AI can.
Furthermore, look at your picture, if you told the AI “now draw this character fighting that character” from your image pool, it wouldn’t know what to do. Once it creates something, it “forgets” it. Therefore, you can use it for ideas that you can then evolve from in your own art, but it will never be able to fully remove the human from the process.

>> No.6208887

>The gap between someone who has never studied and copied images versus an artist who has done 0 is massive
I meant to say “...and an artist who has done 1,000.”

>> No.6209029

Datablender AIs are a red herring. Neuralink is going to end manual art faster than it. The microscopic chip can already translate one's thoughts into code, write texts, and even make online purchases. All through Bluetooth. Coma'ed people who were used as "willing" tests subjects to it all passed those tests. So how long until it can generate imagery? Retards with aphantasia will be left out, but everyone else will be able to generate 24k pictures. Top notch artists would be on even grounds with AI coupled with prompters who mastered the engine, but just doing by thinking beats the need for any technique

>> No.6209034

t. Failed BEG

>> No.6209042 [DELETED] 

I don't need to "outperform" glorified google image search with extra steps. Unlike these delusional discord faggots who think A.I can make them "real artist", human artworks will be even more valuable from now on, because A.I artworks already saturated the media and no one really want something cheap, souless and huge in quanity. They want rare, exclusive stuff that they cannot generate from the A.I.

Flaws and perfection give soul.

>> No.6209045

I don't need to "outperform" glorified google image search with extra steps. Unlike these delusional discord faggots who think A.I can make them "real artist", human artworks will be even more valuable from now on, because A.I artworks already saturated the media and no one really want something cheap, souless and huge in quanity. They want rare, exclusive stuff that they cannot generate from the A.I.

Flaws and imperfection give soul.

>> No.6209056

But AI draws all its art from preexisting human artwork, so it's art is still done by humans. Gold stolen by a thief is still just as valuable as any gold. The human factor in a canvas is set to become indiscernible as quality and consistency is to be expanded upon

>> No.6209058
File: 77 KB, 480x682, 20220812_074428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are already many faggots selling it. This is videogame trailers all over again, using fake shit to sell their products.

>> No.6209063

And does it keep the artist's original intention or it distorts and kitbash the crap out of 100 different artworks into a visual vomit? Can it draw something that doesn't have rainbow all over the places? Yeah ofcourse it can't, it has no manipulative humans behind its function.

>> No.6209066

>constantly post generic soulless shit
Jesus fucking Christ, you have a mental capacity of a 12 year old.

>> No.6209068

Peak retard

>> No.6209072

No no, he has a point. Industry stuff you usually see on Artstation by AAA pros are indeed generic souless stuff. They have oversaturated the media and market, ignore 1 artwork and you will see another with the same artstyle.

However, this A.I stuff won't replace those AAA pros, because photobashing and 3d models are still the ideal method in the industry. Usually companies ask for 5 to 10 years experience artists. They won't hire bunch of plebs who make random visual bogus by A.I

>> No.6209076

Their photobashing from millions and millions of datamined artworks. The AI could pump out so much different artwork at so fast and so cheap that no business will pick artists over that.

>> No.6209091

>>Hey can you photobash our mocap actor with an exosuit for our new FPS game? Make sure the design fits his likeness. And please train our 3 new rookies, we can use some extra hands in this project. You have 15 years experience, i'm counting on you.

Yeah, you won't have a shot in AAA industry, A.I BEG.

>> No.6209098

He has a point, but he acts like he is in a fucking Disney movie.
Soulless-Give me a fucking break. An average consumer with fried dopamin receptors doesn't give a flying fuck about quality nor advancement in art. Everything is a product now.
This guy doesn't even realize in what kind of era he lives.

>> No.6209114

No, the soul is what alot of art directors nowadays seeking when they want to hire someone. Because the market is oversaturated, they will more likely pick artists with an actual banger artstyle on top of AAA quality.

Take a look at Johnson Ting - the photobash guy. He had to make his works stand out alot before finally had a shot to work with Bungie and Microsoft in 3 consecutive years.

>> No.6209116

Even if the scenario you make can happen, only the top 1% artists like the ones with overwhelming amount of fame and prestige that work for Nintendo will retain in their jobs.

Talking about /beg/ and /int/, no future artist will have encouragement to grind for 15 years like you envision to maybe get a job. When all the art they do have 0 views and likes because it's floating among a sea of AI-generated art, there's simply no incentive to waste time in being a shoemaker.

Besides, even more dystopian technology will appear within the next two years. You are only typing these posts because AI already went far enough to unsettle you too. Dismissing this situation as anything else is just insane.

>> No.6209126

>>Even if the scenario you make can happen

What i said above is what have been going on since the birth of photobash and can be traced way back in the early years of videogame. They won't gonna hire A.I BEGs for their big budget product. The last time they used A.I for videogame was that GTA definite edition, and it was so big of a failure, it made Rockstar canceled their entire roster of remaster versions.

>> No.6209159

I'm thinking about migrating to 3d unity shit in order to make bucks selling vrchat anime girls avatars. AI will surely come after me sooner or later, but it will be only after the last 2d inflation furry artist becomes irrelevant by how advanced AI became, since there's no fucking way it can rip 3d models to 3d planes as easily as it is doing to the pngs in plain view all over the internet.

>> No.6209165

Don't worry about it. Even Reddit normies and Facebook brainrotted plebs starting to notice the AI phenomenon and hating it.

>> No.6209182

>Stage two: Anger

>> No.6209186

I would get angry too if A.I retards spam a channel i usually visit.

>> No.6209190

Whatever is the outcome of this ever-escalating shitshow, the situation should sound an alarm to people that every thing you post in the current web WILL be datamined and used to exploit you in the future. From your texts; to your voice; to your face; to your behavior patterns; to your art; to your time. Everything contributes to the Library of Alexandria big tech is making for their uses.
Another thread there were talks about integrating art to blockchain and web-3 systems to nullify datascrapping potential provided by browsers, well that should be of foremost importance to us.

>> No.6209194

You could choose to skip the next two stages; bargaining and depression and just jump straight to acceptance. Don't worry anon there are lots of pipes and wires that need to be installed, time to learn some new skills!

>> No.6209200

>he thinks i'm not aiming for that
Lol i'm already two steps beyond you. Good luck trying to get into plumbing when all the spots got filled already

>> No.6209213

The machine is only as creative as the person making the prompts. Soon artists will be able to create works of art that would take a legion of artists years to make. You're just a farmer scared of new machinery because he loves his pitchfork and you fail to see the scale you can take your own ideas. The AI will never have ideas. The average knuckledragger using the AI will never have ideas. It's always going to be *work* to make stuff people want. All the AI is doing is cutting down on labor time, or rather, allowing you to scale your own labor.

In our lifetime we will see feature length, high quality animated movies created by a team of several artists with the assistance of AI.

But you're too busy mad that your digital painting garbage is being intruded upon.

Imagine being mad because modern game engines made it so anyone can make video games. Imagine being mad because Substance Painter made texture work trivial.

>> No.6209222

I wonder what souless artstyle companies will adopt from here onward. Most used the 1$ cheap globohomo art provided by pajeets, but now that they can create literally anything, what will they go for?

>> No.6209223

>>and just jump straight to acceptance

I don't bargain and accept garbage bags with maggots in my room.

>> No.6209227

This. Buckle it up chuds. No matter where you will go you WILL get replaced by wholesome corporate AIs trained on your artwork. Praise Silicon Valley. Science will prevail.

>> No.6209229

These kind of copyright violation technology will be noticed by the government and other corpos sooner or later.

Don't forget how Piracy became quite useless now since every media became encased in website's security and videogames require launcher to play. Every newer cracked games now quite shit since they are all extracted from the Launcher version with bunch of bloatwares from developers shoved in. A.I softwares will meet the same fate once other corpo fuck its ass by copyright strikes hidden inside the assets A.I uses.

>> No.6209236

>But you're too busy mad that your digital painting garbage is being intruded upon by AI
>But you're too busy mad that your online games are being intruded upon by AI
>But you're too busy mad that your workplace is being intruded upon by AI
>But you're too busy mad that your social life is being intruded upon by AI
>But you're too busy mad that your brain is being intruded upon by AI

>> No.6209242
File: 75 KB, 874x666, Industry Requirement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Imagine being this delusional

Take a look at Industry's standard for artist hiring and what they usually ask for, then we will talk. Naive A.I BEGs

>> No.6209243

Dall-E, Craiyon and Midjourney all have occasional remaints of stock photos logos and even artist signatures. It`s a mystery how nobody from above called them out until now

>> No.6209256

It is more like limitation of a machine. It doesn't how what is royalty-free assets and what is copyrighted. Sure they can code it into royalty free only, but by then, its already limited capability will be worsen and became a pointless memeshit no one care.

>> No.6209262

These requirements are there to reflect on the wage being paid and what is to be expected from the human worker. You could say kings had a lot of standards back in the day and expected a lot from the artist who made their portrait, after all they would be paid for that. Nowadays everyone takes their own selfies for free because that`s free, quick and good enough

>> No.6209265

I hope you don't digitally paint anything otherwise I might call you a hypocrite. You better only use traditional brushes and paint.

>> No.6209272

Kings back then wear the finest clothes with finest room and palace, which they are priviledged to depicted as artworks. Peasants usually not as aesthetic and artists only chose to draw them out of personal ideas.

Nowadays, famous actors and videogame's mocap actors have a new kind of King's priviledge. Artists will be hired to photobash, illustrate them into epic and pretty posters to promote their public popularity and fame. They don't slap their selfie on their professional albums and movie posters, they always hire graphic designers, professional photographer, fashion designers and artists to design them.

>> No.6209276

Digital painting is only a virtual form of traditional painting. Computers don't draw entire thing for you, unlike A.I. Even traditional paintings got scanned into digital formats, so what's the differences? Overall the only lazy garbage here are the A.I and the shills.

>> No.6209282

>>These requirements are there to reflect on the wage being paid and what is to be expected from the human worker.

Try to make A.I give opinions and work closely with other people in the staff, then? Can A.I work as a 3D modeler? Can it train and supervise the junior artists? No, then? Feel free to fuck off.

>> No.6209283

Realistically, how can A.I shills stop being mega faggots?

>> No.6209299

Realistically, how can jannies clean up the AI spam?

>> No.6209300

Completely agree, using digital brushes is just like commissioning art from a fauxtomated bot that might have some watermarks of the datamined human-made work it scrapped to generate the very original and thoughtful picture lying around in the corner

>> No.6209302

people in fiver will die
people that are being paid over 1k per drawing will get paid the same

>> No.6209309

Jannies already made a thread for these A.I garbages but retards keep spamming it outside of their personal General.

>> No.6209314

Examples of 1k worth drawings?

>> No.6209326
File: 35 KB, 540x513, IMG_2241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused about how to feel with AI art. I feel like I see a lot of people underestimating it, and a lot of people overestimating it, and I don't know where the line is.
It's true that a lot of AI made right now either looks like shit, or looks good at a first glance until you start analyzing the details and seeing its full of flaws, but I think it's naive to assume it'll stay that way. The truth is all AI made art used to be a laughingstock just a couple years ago, and it has objectively come very far since then. There's certain aspects of art I have a hard time believing AI could replicate, but I also don't want to deny the possibility.
At the same time, I feel like some of its most vocal proponents make it sound more like magic then technology. The idea that AI will be able to wholesale replace the human entirely from the creative process, to the point where whole books and movies and complex games are crafted entirely by AI, seems more like something out of science fiction than real life. Some proponents speak of a world where entertainment becomes so individualized, everyone has media handtailored to suit their exact personal tastes; just like algorithms recommend you shows it thinks you like on streaming services, proponents speak of AI that crafts shows from scratch based off qualities you like.
Could some of those saying AI art is the endgame of creativity be no different from the people in the 1950s that thought we'd have flying cars by the year 2000?
Besides, it ultimately ignores the subjective nature of art, and fails to realize that just because an AI can create great art instantly doesn't mean it can create art that is objectively more valuable from what a human can make, simply because that is a subjective judgment. Some people like Beethoven, some people like Cardi B. No AI, no matter how advanced, can ever change that fact.
Still, I don't want to underestimate AI. It's potential could truly be limitless... or not?

>> No.6209329

The moment AI paints at a higher resolution than the biggest brush size in CSP it will be unironically over for humanity

>> No.6209349
File: 702 KB, 810x810, Bombalurina_jedi_noble_female_bone_mask_injured_sitting_concept_950d01df-6e3e-4a40-a86f-eccfbc0e94df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me literal minutes to make these... I think it's amazing, but I feel nothing making it. I feel like how Marty McFly's mom in Back to the Future II "made" a pizza.

>> No.6209351
File: 1.14 MB, 810x810, Bombalurina_jmw_turner_yoda_dagobah_swamp_bright_colors_1f534282-6155-4c9f-8032-b7e4a9a11569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6209358
File: 1.49 MB, 1024x1024, grid_044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6209379
File: 1.51 MB, 3800x4560, aa865e22b4436fc5e2c3dcdb8a3bc6c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another AI shit thread
Don't care, AI will never create anything as sexy as this.

>> No.6209383

you sick bastard

>> No.6209431 [DELETED] 
File: 763 KB, 2896x4096, rfsggdưetr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ

>> No.6209432
File: 763 KB, 2896x4096, rfsggdưetr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My character is sexier

>> No.6209436
File: 382 KB, 1051x595, 1659316167894049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ai fags should get their own board already its so tiresome seeing them bitch and moan

>> No.6209444

Everyone start using watermark asap like making the background covered in watermarks so that the dumb AI ends up putting your name on the images it generates

>> No.6209461
File: 311 KB, 1322x1334, brett-marting-stalker-reskin4claws-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. Corpos always put watermarks on their official posters and concept arts. It is just the matter of time before they sue the crap out of the tech jews for monetizing their stuff.

>> No.6209465
File: 414 KB, 750x1000, 11379166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realistically, how can you outperform a machine?
I paint a face in a 3/4 angle instead of a front angle.
Your move Yugi boy!

>> No.6209653

Why the fuck are you all obsessed by performance while producing shitty generic drawings on this board ?

>> No.6209746
File: 339 KB, 892x1200, classy_the_barbarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A.I will take over 99.9% of all jobs available
ai fags are so lame. why don't you just kill yourself at this point? seriously. go overdose on heroin while masturbating. or maybe shove some fungus down your throat and choke on it in a dark room. i'm not sure exactly. i'm just trying to come up with something that fits your mindset.

>How many horse drawn carriages have you seen roaming the streets recently?
transportation is still operated by man. you can go from horse to car to airplane and it's all operated by man. same with ai. it's nothing without the human operating it. we were supposed to have self-driving cars like 3 years ago. so much for muh exponential growth.
ai can't do anything by itself. it's literally just numbers. it's a fancy algorithm and nothing more. 'real' ai cannot exist for the same reason a perpetual motion machine cannot exist. you'll be chasing muh singularity but really you're just desperately wandering through the desert chasing a mirage.

>> No.6209797
File: 2.11 MB, 1792x1024, 25a2d8613e3a5521bc5a773ca2cf64d62a133b52abbc120bbccc2f903e364f21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant

>> No.6209804
File: 547 KB, 512x704, 16602517370870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noone cant

>> No.6209812
File: 771 KB, 704x768, full_body_painting_of_chuu_loona_cyberpunk_mercenary_smiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey now! my k-pop inspired merc got 1000 likes this week! how can you call that souless, it clearly resonated with peoples souls!
lol, I just searched mercenary, in the SD discord and this was the first result

>> No.6209829

Midjourney is not impressive anymore. Try and make something not well suited to it's mind. say... kids fending off zombies at a playground using school equipment. There's like 10 images MJ can make with slight variations. Impressive at first look, but all MJ womens faces have the sames structure, Like they over-trained the AI on one instagram whore.

>> No.6209884

>>Midjourney is not impressive anymore

What do you mean a glorified photo kitbasher is not impressive?!

>> No.6209888

i cant be outperformed if i dont draw at all

>> No.6209897

You're outing yourself as a tourist, try harder noggers

>> No.6209901

>photo kitbasher
People who say this really don't understand the technology behind Dalle and other generators.

>> No.6209903

>don't understand the technology behind Dalle and other generators.
and you understand it anon, lol

>> No.6209906

>>Y-Y-You don't understand it!

It is a photo kitbasher, along with some filters. Literally that's its entire function. It search google images based on what you typed, then shoved all of the matched results in a blender.

>> No.6209912

Stop posting misinformation.

>> No.6209915

>y-y-you cant tell people how "AI" works
cry harder tranny

>> No.6209916

Look at anime from the 00s. Then from the 90s. Then from the 80s.

Notice something? Anime is simple, but style evolves over time, because of the input of new artists changing the mainstream average.

AI can't do that. It can reproduce a style if it's being fed it, but it cannot "evolve" toward a new style without input, because of the very nature of how it works.

Therefore, AI generated art means stagnation, which always lead to uniformisation, and ultimately degeneracy.

AI can be a tool, but ultimately it's a creative dead end if you over-rely on it

>> No.6209929

>and you understand it anon, lol
Nobody does. How Transformers do what they do is an open research question.

>> No.6209937

No it's more like stealing money from the people who make real brushes and paint.

>> No.6209938

the fags who created the AI would probably put some sort of block on it, so the media won't ask for their head on a silver platter.
Basically just draw degen stuff to outperform robots made by NFT cucks.

>> No.6209944

No, the open source AIs will not have those limitations. There are Open Source solutions that running parallel (albeit 6 months behind) the closed solutions. The closed source AIs will always have filters and anti-copyright stuff but the open source AIs will be truly degenerate and have no care for copyright.

>> No.6209949

>AIs will not have those limitations.
no they have
go and try to generate some GW stuff, like warhammer 40k and other

and this is a totaly FUCK situation, not because it will not generate them, but because gw has protected its art and art from community artists from getting into the dataset, and ordinary artists do not have such protection at all

>> No.6209951

I forgot you people have room temperature IQ and have no idea how anything works, computers are just magic boxes to you.

>> No.6209959

Probably been here longer than you, I just never happened to run into that before.

>> No.6209962

Quit being a fucktard and look up how it works.

>> No.6209969

lol, try harder imbecil
Go and try
you will get, at best, remotely suitable images, much worse than in any other case with popular
"figure", for example Marvel, it will draw it more specifically and almost perfectly convey the image of some kind of iron man or Thor...and then try spacemarine, or astartes(ai won't understand what it is at all) or Emperor of mankind,it will not understand this even with specific clarifications in prompts like "spacemarin warhammer 40k"

and dont pull bullshit about "there are not enough examples in the web" bc Warhammer has one of the most illustrated universes of all

>> No.6209974

This is a good example of why I'm not impressed by AI art. The longer you look at this image, the less sense it makes. AI makes up for lack of substance and thought with lots of clutter that looks visually impressive at first but ultimately means nothing.

>> No.6209980

Holy shit you're so stupid you don't even understand what I said. I said "you can make your own beer at home" and you said "nuh uh you can only buy Bud Weiser at the grocery store". You're so fucking dumb. Room temperature IQ.

No shit you're worried about being outsourced, you're a moron.

>> No.6209982

The AI doesn't think, it hallucinates pixels.

>> No.6209988

Basically A.I art is a fundamental vomit. It got color balancing right, light and dark values, composition. Everything right, except human brain behind it. The more you stare at it, the less sense it makes.

>> No.6209992
File: 502 KB, 512x512, The_God_Emperor_of_Mankind_as_a_fantasy_DD_character_portrait_art_by_Donato_Giancola_and_James_Gurney_digital_art_trending_on_artstation_-n_9_-i_-S_1750514582_ts-1660118175_idx-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?
It does struggle, since he has so many different depictions, whereas marvel characters are super consistent (and simpler forms)

>> No.6210005

even so, wouldn't google's censorship fuck it up?

>> No.6210012
File: 974 KB, 600x754, God Emperor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Name the file as God Emperor of Mankind
>>The "artwork" looks like something came out of the Warp without protection

My expectation was low already, but damn!

>> No.6210041

No because all you have to do to train these AI is 1) have a good Nvidia graphics card like a 3090 and 2) have a series of images that have been properly labeled. The algorithms are agnostic, they're just reading the pixels and associating them words. It "loosely learns" but it doesn't fundamentally understand what anything is, just the pixels associated with words. With enough training and a large enough dataset you start seeing interesting results from the pixel hallucinations. Essentially DALLE 1 to DALLE 2 shows what more training and bigger data does to the AI. But right now this technology is a dead-end for truly creative purposes, right now at best it's good for creating mood boards or concept art for inspiration. Realistically it's going to replace Googling images for Victorian stairs or whatever.

But believe me the Open Source stuff is going to be trained with some perverted very anti-Google shit.

>> No.6210069
File: 924 KB, 688x688, m71g44uujge71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how far it has come in 1 year. What will next year bring?

>> No.6210079

they have been in existence since 2007...In fact, even earlier, I'm more interested in when they hit their limit

>> No.6210106

This piece actually has SOVL, they've regressed.

>> No.6210115

Referring to Efros' work? I can't actually find any examples.

>> No.6210227
File: 389 KB, 1414x2000, 1659660976829772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check comment section of video where artist expresses his concern about dall-E 2
>"woah the future is AWESOME and SCARY!!! I've been in the field for xx years but no hard feelings, this super legit AI artist deserves to take my job. Great video [Youtuber]!!"
All these comments, mostly the same format. These people are either lacking in critical information about the part about this datamining project scrapping their entire portfolio without permission and selling it, or they are cucks. Honestly it makes me a bit disgusted of the art community that none of these faggots are even invested in the possibility of a solution like those talked about here. Maybe they do deserve to get their work monopolized after all, but not me.

>> No.6210238

literally looks like someone photobashed Scottie Young art with a few filters

>> No.6210241
File: 2.38 MB, 3072x4224, fc0oa4lzaah91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one?

>> No.6210257

It was 1 year ago, Warhammer 40k x calvin and hobbes.

>> No.6210260

this is just sex
the neck is a bit off tho

>> No.6210311
File: 59 KB, 310x112, watermark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottom left corner

>> No.6210323

Is that where the AI tries to sign it by bashing all the signatures together?

>> No.6210325

>put big watermarks around my characters
>publish it in artstation
>get the AI to generate something very similar
>the big watermark is still visible
>sue and win 6 billions

>> No.6210327

See? This A.I shit is a fraud. Photo kitbasher merged with google image, some smudge filters. Nothing more.

>> No.6210330

Good luck it's hallucinating pixels and they can demonstrate in court it's not "photobashing" any more than you think you're creating drawing things you subconsciously saw 10 years ago

>> No.6210346

If the authority really want to investigate further, they will check entire program's blackbox and see what assets did it used. Even plagiarists can't get away with their more complex evidence erasure.

>> No.6210352

I hope you didn't look at any artist's paintings before you started painting yourself. Also they can prove using math the images are unique and not just a little unique, extremely unique.

>> No.6210361

A visible copyrighted watermark title, a brand, or a logo can still give several legal trouble just by being used, distributed or modified as it can happen in any of these generated works. It's won't a matter of "whoops it's just hallucinating random things our AI is just like a human fr" and more one that it's simply appearing there

>> No.6210368

Learning in one thing and slap a copyrighted artwork from a billion dollar corpo into your stuff is another thing. They can make you rot in jail.

>> No.6210373

The AI isn't using real copyrights or trademarks, it's hallucinating symbols that look like signature or copyright because it thinks that's what goes there. There's a reason why words are basically gibberish. The AI is as stupid as you think it is. But it's also completely agnostic, it isn't trained on anything except words and pixels. Lots of pixels.

Again, you people are so ignorant about the technology it's embarassing. It's like describing a car to someone who uses horses. You simply are too stupid to understand.

>> No.6210379
File: 103 KB, 718x454, 286959483(.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this corporate datamining tool is just like a human and has feelings and dreams. want proof? see this allegory
Go back to r/AIart

>> No.6210382
File: 1.42 MB, 1884x1550, 16603008742750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the images are unique
unique as FUCK

>> No.6210383

You screaming in the night won't change what's happening you retard. You can't even articulate a good argument, you sound like a luddite complaining about machinery. Good fucking luck. Either get smarter or get ground to dust.

>> No.6210386

Let me guess, you uploaded that image and then had it generate art from it? Also there are more than one technology we're talking about. Wombo.art isn't something to be taken seriously.

>> No.6210387
File: 657 KB, 594x594, FZ6KyRcXgAAvOx4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>it's hallucinating symbols that look like signature

These things literally took photo from the internet.

>> No.6210393

How do you not understand it's obviously gibberish? It can't even properly do words of a meme. Let me guess the prompt was "Biden meme".

>> No.6210396
File: 257 KB, 540x270, D1xD0_hWoAA83LE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The AI isn't using real copyrights or trademarks, it's hallucinating symbols that look like signature or copyright
Yeah it sure isn't, it's not like craiyon just placed a giant Shutterstock brand name in the center of these cats
You can't even back up your claims AIcuck lmao

>> No.6210400

>Let me guess, you uploaded that image and then had it generate art from it?
no im not

>> No.6210401

Oh I didn't know it was illegal to use "shutcerstuck" as a watermark

>> No.6210404
File: 58 KB, 256x256, FUvJfuDXsAEnpR5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6210405

Tell me how you produced that image. I'll wait.
>inb4 someone else posted it on 4chan I have no idea how they made it, definitely not by uploading that image

>> No.6210406

There is literally a shutter stock site link here AIcuck >>6210404, now be a hypocrite or fuck off

>> No.6210407

Don't care about the text. Obviously took Biden's internet photo for this shit. Same thing with every other artworks. Real life technology is not magical, deal with it.

>> No.6210411
File: 34 KB, 640x427, rbifn9flr3h91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If ai could find images on Google to kitbash, then coherently(ish) place them together, and hide the evidence(but occasionally leave a smudged signature), that would be AGI. Photobashing a unique shape and then create almost perfect reflections, remembering to depict the reflected object in perspective... How? The only logical explanation is that it is not photobashing.

>> No.6210416

anon it isn't copy pasting a signature from a specific picture, it's trying to create its own signature

>> No.6210419

What did you use to generate that?

>> No.6210424
File: 2.19 MB, 1034x1034, art-station-digital-painting-of-tree-that-makes-people-mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6210426
File: 217 KB, 384x384, FTIjT4haIAMJ5Lt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is from latent diffusion
A journal also quoted the tweets grouping them with more rips https://mobile.twitter.com/amoebadesign/status/1534542037814591490

>> No.6210427
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Photobashing a unique shape and then create almost perfect reflections, remembering to depict the reflected object in perspective

That thing doesnt apply to the concept of photobash. As its name, photo bashing is using real photography as textures and assets for your design. Reflections, coherency and other stuff are what professionals usually do to make the photobashing look convincing as if it was real.

Sometimes photobashing being used along with digital art, like how Johnson Ting create his works. A.I used the same method but with usually give vomits instead.

>> No.6210429

same generic shit, ring me up when the ai can actual do full illustrations without needing a human to paint over it

>> No.6210430

Show the source Shutterstock image. I'll wait.

>> No.6210431

Wombo let's you upload images to fuck with. "The image you select will be used as a reference for the final output"

>> No.6210432

even the AI is becoming a CSR clone, dear lord...

>> No.6210433
File: 1.98 MB, 1034x1034, realistic-photograph-of-someone-who-hates-machines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6210441
File: 1.34 MB, 1034x1034, shutterstock-image-of-a-cat-with-a-woman-wearing-a-white-shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6210444
File: 1.45 MB, 1034x1034, shutterstock-image-of-of-smug-business-woman-with-a-cat-and-dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is bright

>> No.6210449
File: 2.14 MB, 1034x1034, repeating-texture-of-autumn-leaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6210450
File: 589 KB, 750x779, 1654666480175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Trust me bro, A.I will take away our jobs, bro.

>> No.6210451

Reminder that the guy ranting about photobashing is spreading literal misinformation. Don't believe his lies.

>> No.6210455

Already backtracking so much from your last claims retard? There is literally a link straight to shutterstock's site on all images above, the AI-generated picture will obviously not be there since it's being blended with another one. But just the fact that it's harming the brand's reputation by linking pornographic to its name in the same picture already throws it outside legal grounds. You're baiting or retarded for shilling for corporate dataminers fed off people's works, so no more replies

>> No.6210458
File: 1.81 MB, 1034x1034, concept-art-flying-mechanical-castle-watercolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so what you're saying is the image is original? Also it would be the person responsible for posting the image, not the AI for generating it. Nice try though. If I paid an artist to create Shutterstock images and posted them after they delivered, who might be liable, huh?

>> No.6210460

Ai does not use any part of an image. There is no photobashing. Every pixel is unique to the generated image, nothing is sourced. The AI starts with a noise texture, and guesses at new pixel colors, while checking in with an AI that can recognize images, asking, am I there yet? Can you see the prompt words? Repeat x hundred times. The latest ai have been training like this for a long time, and don't have to guess as much.

>> No.6210463

Coping A.I faggot. Learn how to draw before entering here and stop infesting this place with your vomit garbage from some dumb photobashing smudge program.

>> No.6210464
File: 1.78 MB, 1034x1034, oil-painting-of-a-swamp-at-dusk-with-fireflies,-lots-of-purple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the fact is the day of the technical artist is here. You people were always going to be outsourced by technical artists that know art and know how to code.

>> No.6210465

every artist should sue the AI company for using their trademarked images

>> No.6210466

>>The scripted program learned, bro. Please trust me bro

You faggot will never make it.

>> No.6210469

>If I keep being retarded maybe the big mean AI will spare me waaaaaaaa!!!!!

>> No.6210471

>> You people were always going to be outsourced by technical artists that know art and know how to code.

Why would companies hire BEGs that puke out random craps when they can hire actual artists with proper art knowledge?

>> No.6210472
File: 1.53 MB, 1034x1034, artist-filing-frivilous-lawsuit-without-proof-or-merit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck claiming damages on an image you published publicly and is impossible to replicate.

>> No.6210477

Machine learning. Are you from the past? Seriously, have you not been paying attention to tech advancements? How the fuck did you think self driving cars work? What did you think those image captchas were doing? You trained the AI too.

>> No.6210478

Ban all A.I spammers.

>> No.6210479
File: 1.48 MB, 1034x1034, time-is-money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, explain to me how 10,000 concept images produced in less than a day might be useful?

>> No.6210484

>>explain to me how 10,000 concept images produced in less than a day might be useful?

They are not. Higher ups didn't hire you to shit out 1 billion types of random craps. They want proper high quality. These A.I shits you posted are laughable and not gonna past the rookie selection. You can trust me on this.

>> No.6210485

Ban all luddites, instead.

>> No.6210488

This is a luddites channel. Draw it yourself or get out.

>> No.6210489
File: 1.59 MB, 1034x1034, it's-not-what's-now,-it's-what's-the-future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand, I'm generating these with Gen 1 tech on my computer. Gen 2 (DALL-E 2) is much better. Gen 3 is already being shown by Google. Every year the quality goes up by a magnitude.

Your issue is you don't see where you fit in because you don't have vision because you're unironically stupid. A cog. The point isn't these images are *usable*, any of these could be cleaned up and turned into a professional image. Basically bypassing the mockup stage completely.

The problem is most of you people aren't even creative.

>> No.6210490

Get off the computer and send me a letter about it.

>> No.6210498

Scamming is creative. Being lazy has its own creativity. However, majority of people are not scammers and not lazy. How can your project that involves over 100 people progresses with proper consistency, huh? These A.I shits don't have a goal and intention behind them, they shit out random garbages and if you have to go all out to edit the shitty jpg file into something you and your team wanted, why not, you know, draw everything by yourselves. Save the trouble.

>> No.6210503

>>Imagine being this retarded

Why don't you let the A.I type the posts for you instead?

>> No.6210506
File: 1.51 MB, 1034x1034, it's-not-what's-now,-it's-what's-the-future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you're going to be left behind. The cat is out of the bag, the future is coming. Guess what, they just announced cars and you're in the horse and buggy business. You either adapt or you die. You can either be an artist that takes it to the next level or you get left behind getting the scraps until you simply get outcompeted.

>> No.6210507

Feed the algorithm with images who have a shutterstock watermark
He identifies it as a pattern and produces an image with the same watermark
It's working EXACTLY as intended here

>> No.6210510

Ban AI threads.

>Realistically, how can you outperform a machine?
You're not supposed to compete with a machine, you idiot. You don't compete with your lawnmower or your microwave oven. They are tools. You learn to use them and use them.

>> No.6210519

>>The photo supposed to containt his message
>>Look like random bogus with no meanings

Are you mentally retarded? Are you having schizophrenia? Replying meaningless A.I vomits, i can't understand what are you trying to say.

>> No.6210521
File: 515 KB, 640x427, ta2fb8x9h4g91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey art employee, we need a pretty background for our visual novel, spend 15 hours painting it, ok cheers, wait, what's that AI Kun, you can do it in 5 seconds? Oh shit!!!!

>> No.6210523
File: 1.47 MB, 1034x1034, inspriational-poster,-it's-not-what-is-now,-it-is-what-happens-in-the-future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already know you have 100 IQ. That's why what I'm saying makes no sense to you. You're in the horse and buggy business and you think it's crazy anyone would want a car, it's just a buggy without a horse. Completely forgetting that maybe people want to travel more than 20 miles.

>> No.6210524

>You learn to use them and use them.
So you agree that art made by AI should be allowed here.

>> No.6210540

I unironicaly do need backgrounds for a VN. Can it make interiors too?

>> No.6210541
File: 1.92 MB, 1034x1034, black-and-white-drawing-of-house-interior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not

>> No.6210545

>>So you agree that art made by AI should be allowed here.

A.I shits go to A.I shit, an A.I general. Don't try to invade this place with your retarded doomposting and other generals with your garbage computer vomits. No one repsect you for the A.I art you "made" or give compliment to your talents, because you will have none once you became "AI ARTIST".

>> No.6210552
File: 756 KB, 1018x512, j7qsi49qqtg91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, small objects/clutter can be an issue, but wouldn't take much to fix.

>> No.6210562
File: 1.79 MB, 1034x1034, ostrich-with-head-in-the-sand-oil-painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty mad for someone who thinks AI is a nothing burger

>> No.6210585
File: 3.81 MB, 1550x1684, Screenshot 2022-08-13 at 12.25.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DALL-e mini

>> No.6210599

reminder that OpenAI is a for-profit company, and shills are very real

>> No.6210606

>wouldn't take much to fix.
fucking mongoloid never tried to draw, you'll spend a lot more time trying fix this shit than by drawing from scratch

>> No.6210607

Reminder that stable diffusion(all the good images in this thread are SD) is open source and you can run it in your home PC(if you got 10gb VRAM), in a month or so.

>> No.6210610

yea until some big company wants to license it and they just close everything down once they get a whiff of the money

>> No.6210619

Who said anything about fixing it to perfect realism? The lighting, perspective, color palate, ambient occlusion are sorted, I would just paint some recognizable objects in places. Maybe straighten some stuff with warp. Your /beg/ is showing.

>> No.6210647

go do it then

reducing details is not at all like drawing from scratch or adding detail somewhere, even in normal images where you understand what kind of object is in front of you
and in this mess you still need to understand what where and what "it" is before fix it

>> No.6210671

You talk like someone who's never done and over paint before. Many here would agree it would not be a big deal to clean it up, especially since the added objects would be mostly backlit.(block in shape, lock transparency and do a nice rim light, maybe some bounce if you want) Heck, just paint stacks of cardboard boxes over the worst areas. Floor is an easy job, paint the wood seperated file flat, insert, transform. Paint some curtains, some sunbeam dust(I'd add more defined volumetric shadows too) done.

>> No.6210690


This is from last year? Those backdrops are better than this years.

>> No.6210719

It's open source. The techniques to train the models are open. They can't close it down even if they wanted to. The genie is out of the bottle. And the nerds who want open source are more powerful than the corps who want to close it down. Even Open AI is telling their secret sauce of how they make their models which is how you get the spin-off projects to begin with.

>> No.6210756

go do it

>> No.6210757
File: 94 KB, 512x512, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stable diffusion

>> No.6210760
File: 582 KB, 512x704, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt this is copying some artist's style.

>> No.6210762
File: 235 KB, 1024x1024, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stable diffusion

>> No.6210763
File: 260 KB, 1024x1024, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6210770
File: 79 KB, 512x640, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already an #AIartcommunity, everyone can be an artist now by prompting the algorithm to copy and regurgitate/vomit some poor artist's original work, because of course the AI is nothing without the exertions of better men.

>> No.6210778
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x1792, 1659815661189746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6210781

Your mistake is believing that artists won't willingly feed the beast once they realize the benefits. Low IQ people are short term thinkers so they'll always be behind the curve.

>> No.6210804

Don't worry anons once 3D AI comes it will kill all these pesky 2D models

>> No.6210809

>realize the benefits
what benefits
and what artists

>> No.6210819

>concept artists
>pixiv artists
>pixel artists
>furry artists
>loli artists
>3d artists
Here is the list of who's getting replaced from first to last. They're coming for the music industry soon too

>> No.6210830

Refer back to you being low IQ
If you can't sit back and think of reasons then you're honestly too stupid for this conversation. Go back to your crayon doodles.

>> No.6210844

>>Shilling A.I garbage and still hasn't stop after hours

Failed BEGs will continue to be failed artists and finally know their places, stop improving and only playing with A.I all days and looking at their garbage profile being rejected. Meanwhile big dick GMI artists will be valuated and work for industry with stable income. Just as planned.

>> No.6210851

time to learn oil painting

>> No.6210858

>A.I will take over 99.9% of all jobs available
no it wont

>> No.6210881


>> No.6210938
File: 16 KB, 272x244, IMG_E2551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I've been drawing for like 3 years now. Seeing how quickly AI has improved, just tell me straight: should I quit? I was excited to regularly learn my fundies (I've gone through Proko's figure drawing and anatomy course, I regularly do master studies, I'm currently reading Color and Light by Gurney, etc) but now I feel like there really was never any point to that. I'm definitely losing my motivation to continue, so like in your HONEST opinion, is there any reason to learn to art? Or should I just accept I'll be replaced and move on?

>> No.6210940

>low IQ
why you have so strong fixation on iq, do you have a medical diagnosis of dementia and you're trying to reflect here with your problem or what?

anyway can you answer the question
>what benefits
>and what artists

>> No.6210945

Start learning art AND include AI tech in your workflow. This is the way.

>> No.6210974
File: 17 KB, 215x161, 16603373204170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the point of that?
you don't need any drawing skills or competencies in art skills like composition, light, proportion etc if you use AI

all competencies what you need in the end is you like or not like the result...absolute instagram experience

>> No.6210984

>you don't need any drawing skills or competencies in art skills like composition, light, proportion etc if you use AI
That's not true right now, and may never be. A competent eye in the loop is always needed, even if the machine does most of the heavy lifting.

>all competencies what you need in the end is you like or not like the result
Which is not as insignificant as it may seem. To make art that humans like, you need to know what humans like. Who could know that better than a human?

>> No.6210990

I predict it will be just like the Parametric movement of the 2000's. Basically you will not be able to just use the program, you will need to become an expert scripter to fine tune the AI just like with the parametric scripters.
Basically academia wins again since they define the rules.

>> No.6210994

Legit answer? If AI keeps progressing as it is, without government and corporation© fuckery, chasing art for profit or prestige won't be viable anymore. Every artwork made past two years from now will be seen as tracing from AI or just generated art itself because that's what most artists will resort to. Anyone's style will be replicated perfectly, rendering their worth meaningless. And it won't be only art, a lot of other mediums will take a massive hit once OpenAI speeds up their machine learning with the profits. Every human content creator will have their work squeezed in a liquefier for the hordes of apathetic consumers.

>> No.6210998

A senior artist that knows his shit always more desirable than retarded zoomer with an A.I generator to me.

>> No.6211000

its especially bad because all that same looking frop shit it literally made to be that way. I you start drawing content that is actually evocative, something that might get you killed or arrested then the person pulling the AI switch is just a much in the hotseat for assassination as you. But nope, art is shit, no one but photographers and propogandists even try to rip some meaning into their work, and then its just for advertisement. Baudrillard was right

>> No.6211007

>make art that humans like, you need to know what humans like
YOU in that statment the AI, and ai doing it by defolt, again you dont need any drawing skills at all, you dont need practising them at all
ai - the artist, ai have them

>> No.6211012

>To make art that humans like, you need to know what humans like
There are people feeding AI their tastes right now by downloading a favorite image from the rest of the the generated set Dall-E made, so it's being fine tuned for that too

>> No.6211015

its like no one has ever heard of a photoshop filter before.

>> No.6211030

Continue studying until we see if AI art is close to its diminishing returns point or not. If the exponential growth continues then well, it's going to be interesting.

>> No.6211031

>its like no one has ever heard of a photoshop filter before.

filter != A.I.

>> No.6211046

>make AI to find image sources for AI

>> No.6211051

3D will be even more powerful. AI will procedurally generate environments, objects and living things and use them to train which it could hardly do with 2D.

>> No.6211054

I got access to DALLE 2, out of the 10 prompts I gave it it failed 8
The AI is still not good enough

>> No.6211057

Even if that were true, I think there'll always be a market for human made drawings. Computers have surpassed humans in chess a long time ago and yet chess is bigger than ever before.

>> No.6211123

No point, even if I did it, you would shift the goalposts.

>> No.6211137

Yeah but all this reproductive AI is limited to 2d canvas or movement patterns as of now. That many differing 2d pixels originating from human artists with different senses of scale and line weight can't be used for AI to be trained on to measure scales and planes at all.
They would need to make a completely different and difficult AI from scratch to even be able to assimilate and reproduce 3d props tailored for use in specific software, which also happen to be way harder to be datamined by the billions since there's nowhere near as many of them in free libraries are there are pictures on display everywhere you browse. By the time AI has true visual recognition ie just needing to play a 3d game to be able to copy the measures and models of the surroundings just by looking at them, I dare say the world outside the internet will be much more fucked by automation by then for us to even be worry about the takeover of takeart

>> No.6211167

this, mods are fucking useless. and arguing about this shit is useless.

>> No.6211169

Stable Diffusion can make porn so you faggots are actually fucked.

>> No.6211179

>you faggots
we already knew this ai shit was an idea-fag crab raid but you're saying it outloud now.

>> No.6211185

Can you imagine how shitty the future will be when the entertainment industry becomes filled with "Prompt engineers" who must learn different prompt line languages optimized for each AI model in order to even be able to make art? No one born in the next generations will have a reason to touch a pencil ever again. The creative drive will stall and be monopolized by a Zeitgeist of eternal robotic regurgitation.
I believe people will look back to the artistic works done up to ~2020 and hold them in great regard, like the feeling of nostalgia but multiplied a hundred times, after all pretty much everything until then was made exclusively, undoubtedly by our hands

>> No.6211188

Show proof (for scientific purposes) then faggot

>> No.6211212

it will literally be the same thing that happened to architecture.
Artists will just become software engineers by a different name whose profession relies solely on their academic "necessity" BUT unlike architects, artists do not require licensure and have not spent the last 200 years legally guaranteeing their position via millions dumped in lawyering and corruption

>> No.6211213

imagine if they developed ai to create animation
that's probably what's next honestly

>> No.6211226

Can't Dall-e 2 create short gifs already? I'm sure i saw some ai-generated gifs while browsing in terror through the galleries

>> No.6211230
File: 744 KB, 925x519, 1659727731247611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is AI taking over the codemonkey bubble? They can't be allowed to escape from this crab buckst they created in the first place.

>> No.6211277

Do what AI don't want to do.

>> No.6211292

Dude with a scythe can't compete with a harvesting machine. It's over. You lost.

>> No.6211305

I never saw a harvesting machine that uses scythes as fuel to work

>> No.6211319
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x646, paintoverstablediffusion copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to give it a shot. About one 1.5 hours.

>> No.6211331

very convincing, damn.. we really don't need to learn fundies at this rate

>> No.6211332

It was due to my fundies that I could do the paint over, but, yeah, if I had Dalle-2 access, I wonder how far it could get with just the in-paint feature.

>> No.6211350

i dont know man, it looks chinese to me

>> No.6211389

Realistically, do I give a damn?

>> No.6211572
File: 892 KB, 1280x646, oohhusbant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6211580
File: 906 KB, 1280x646, husbant2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I forgot her moles?!

>> No.6211588
File: 906 KB, 1280x646, husbantconfirm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd forget my own head if it wasn't screwed on...

>> No.6211617

that's better than what I could ever wtf

>> No.6211638

k, she provides
i'm just gonna drink all day

>> No.6211925

I just received an email from WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) after inquiring about AI art, and they basically said they don't give a fuck about it because that's not on them to decide.

>> No.6212128

Can I use this now or is it behind a paywall?

>> No.6212210

sign-ups for the beta closed today. It'll be public in a couple of weeks I hear. It's an open source project funded by a rich Indian guy who wants to "democratize creativity", so it will be free for all.

>> No.6212246

It's already true, I've been posting AI artwork I "made" for the past week and nobody has been able to tell, kek.

>> No.6212253
File: 19 KB, 624x351, _81763098_risitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based my friend!

>> No.6212263

Amen brother. I wonder if normies will start using the ai for filler images instead of Google, be used if they are so lazy that they don't even do that then you could realistically be nothing but a prompt enterer and people would still value it

>> No.6212266

Show me.

>> No.6212308
File: 1.18 MB, 2761x1502, 1660299228381326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you already have tons of these sort of hyper realistic art from professional artists everywhere already? I don't think adding AI into the mixture will really change much besides being another useful tool for references. People never really liked hyper-realism to begin with which is why that shitty anime doodle made in 15 minutes always keeps getting more likes than the hyper realistic ones.

At the end of the day, even the most technically inclined artists are unable to produce the vague phenomenon known as SOUL and a super technical AI would probably do even a worse job at it. People can start worrying once computers actually begin to function and evolve similar to a human brain but at that point people would live such comfortable lives under AI support that nobody will really care.

>> No.6212371
File: 2.22 MB, 1024x1536, StableDiffusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it can do anime too.

>> No.6212373


stable diffusion is worse then dale2

>> No.6212380

The problem isn't that AI will replace artists overnight. Normies who can't draw a straight line won't be able to fix a generated picture so it looks right, and for artists who will paint over them it will be little different than photobashing, only that the process of searching for photos will be eliminated, so the ones who'd benefit the most are actually concept artists themselves. It's insane how people think artists will run out of job from such a clueless thing that us only really good at thumbnailing.
What I really dread is the prospect of seeing god awful uncanny valley images everywhere from now on. Those trashes legit give me nightmares worse than the average schizo's scribbles

>> No.6212390

This is the future of the internet. GPT-3 generated posts, neural net generated images and even video and music. At some point you will wonder if you're talking to a real person, or if the image they posted is actually from somewhere or if it was made by an algorithm.

>> No.6212392

>Normies who can't draw a straight line won't be able to fix a generated picture so it looks right
Through an extra prompt one can literally have dall-e erase or add a person in a picture, as well as fix the surroundings. It won't be long until they add lace tools for fixing expressions or shadows that seem a bit of like in >>6212371

>> No.6212420
File: 403 KB, 1360x1702, Screenshot 2022-08-13 at 11.12.52 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it can also work from sketches. very cool

>> No.6212429

So what? That just means repeating each part of an image a million times until one looks fine. And even then symbol drawing still applies means they won't know what they are really doing. Not to mention free use assets site with advanced features like picrew already exist to assemble images from pre made pieces, but no one bothers to use them. Plenty of cheating tool out there like photobashing or filters still exist but most don't use it, even though one can make decent art out of them. At most you will have autistic amateurs who spend hundred of hours to tweak generated images only to have an alright image. Only real artists can make effective use of the base thumbnails. But even then guided by the tool, creative will be lost and laziness means shitty art that look just fine at the first glance will still flood everywhere on the net

>> No.6212467

>"You can BECOME a PRO Artist In 30 Seconds with this TECHNIQUE"
I can already see the tutorials with millions of views in youtube

>> No.6212485

Why does it need to be a competition? In every other field that employs AI and machines in general, you don't try to outmatch the machines, you use them. They are a tool. Just like you.

>> No.6212494

Finally SD can make coherent bodies on demand. I just need to take a silhouette(from google or use blender and pose a figure), and let it do the rest.

>> No.6212531

>they are a tool, just like you
So why are you dismissing the competition that is inevitably factoring in? Contractors will just switch to the better tool and ditch the slower one. Whatever jobs remain tomorrow in the field of Humanities will outsourced to pajeet prompt engineers who can fine tune the AI and present a thousand pictures to the project management

>> No.6212553

The same thing still applies even in anime. I'm not really talking about a particular art style. Plenty of technically impressive anime drawings out there as well, it's nothing new but once again lacks SOUL. 80% of all media will always be universally shit/boring because quality isn't something you can consistently maintain. Unless this AI can somehow completely remove the human element ( the fact that it's already basing itself off human elements with all its flaws means that's impossible already ) then somehow manage to pump out quality consistently, which is also hard because 'quality' is already hard to define to begin with then I really wouldn't worry about this too much.

All this AI fear mongering is just one big excuse for people to procrastinate and people should just shut the fuck up unless this is your job as a computer scientist. No better than perpetually fearing that a meteor will hit the earth soon.

>> No.6213164

>>Gross sharpening effect
>>Can't even get the light values right

>> No.6213185

They obviously look bad with terrible consistency but also look just good enough for an 'AIartist' to consider uploading them somewhere. Wouldn't it be funny if places like Pixiv and Gelbooru were flooded with low quality AI images and the users became riled up against them?

>> No.6213197

yeah no this doesn't make me worried at all cause it looks like shit

>> No.6213231
File: 14 KB, 377x414, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6213232


>> No.6213430

>They are a tool. Just like you.
You're an obsolete tool that no one will want to use.

>> No.6213499
File: 54 KB, 512x512, stablediffusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this is out, how will coomer artists even deal with it?

>> No.6213533

I wonder if artists from 19th century dilated this hard when the first camera was created.

>> No.6213535

Harvesting machines can’t be regulated because they’re able to draw child porn or infringe upon copyright.

>> No.6213544

One thing that isn’t being discussed enough is the sheer amount of computing power you need to generate an AI drawing that’s passable as being done by human hands. All the really impressive shit you’re seeing right now requires a bunch of graphics cards running simultaneously over multiple cycles to generate a desirable result, it’s running at a major loss every time it’s done basically. At the very least this won’t be in public hands for a long time, not because the AI isn’t advanced enough but because most people literally cannot have the hardware required to run it

>> No.6213552
File: 1.49 MB, 768x768, stable_diffusion_a_spiked_horned_detailed_semiork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The models don't always take all that much horsepower to actually run, only to train. VRAM is the normal bottleneck but even that's not necessarily always an issue. Stable Diffusion fits in <10GB of VRAM and generates an image in a few seconds. You can run it on a RTX 3060 just fine.

>> No.6213628

>>Comparing proper technology that captures real life momments with some garbage softwares that give visual bogus

>> No.6213750

Believe it or not anon, photography is a skill that actually requires skill to execute. It is also not accessible, as the camera itself is expensive. AI is not expensive, and does not require skill to use. However, to answer your question, they did. Anytime you see a photograph on the cover of a book you can think of lost illustration job.

Personally what I am most upset about, is all the absolutely dreadful “personal projects” e.i. shitty card games that will be cropping up featuring tasteless AI imagery. These shit tier projects were formally filtered by in the ability to either purchase good art or create it themselves. But now every autist who believes they have “good ideas” will be flooding forums with half baked magic cards and vidya gaem concepts.

>> No.6213754

>The inability

>> No.6213820
File: 2.99 MB, 512x512, 1638126191251.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a thing for a while in various forms

>> No.6213859

Brother I have some news for you


>> No.6213913
File: 59 KB, 1080x616, FaGVftaXwAEH_Zk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, the only way we kill this is to not play it's game. It's true it does need human input no matter how much others deny it.

>> No.6213974

literally what goes on in my head when i dont jack off for more than a day

>> No.6214011

it literally feeds on the existing art on the internet. That's why it's vile.

>> No.6214051

Yea that's my point, stop posting art on the internet. That's how we adapt, we cut off it's oxygen supply and quickly. It wont happen though and people will accept AI with open arms because maybe in the distant future they wont have to work a day in their life. They'll be able to consooom marvel movie and forever be child.

>> No.6214053

It's not gonna replace artists
The main argument ATM is that it fucks up begs and advanced artists by flooding the market with cheap art
Just like how traditional artisans were replaced by cheap shit made in china

No one is going to take up the profession when you need highly specialized skills to compete, but cannot get funding for the first 10 years of your study

>> No.6214103

You dont.
You let it over saturate to a point it produces no value.
Then find the angle where the machine cant compensate.

>> No.6214104

Someones butthurt

>> No.6214126

we are just gonna get all the artists in the world to stop posting their art online? are you fucking retarded?(you are, the answer is yes)

>> No.6214138

better idea: post art exclusively on the blockchain
if they copy and save it, it's infringement according to bored ape law
literally anything to avoid free custom AI waifus for all

>> No.6214170

Heres something I posted in an ai thread a while ago:
I have a plan, I'll need your help but it's gonna be fun. Use ai programs to make lot's spicy artwork using characters from companies known to be very litigious. Mickey mouse tonguing hitlers ass, mario gassing jews, you get the picture, get creative. Post it on social media and tag the companies involved and the ai software you used to create it, try to frame it as not your work but the work of the ai eg"hey @mcdonalds check out this cool picture dall-e made of ronald mcdonald fisting george floyd, thanks @dall-e". Hopefully this will goad one of these big companies into suing one of the ai companies, if it doesn't work it'll be pretty funny anyway.

-This plan got called out then because dall-e is strictly moderated so making these kind of images isn't really possible. Stable diffusion changed all that though, they let people do pretty much what they want, so that plan has just become totally feasible. Is anyone up for it?

>> No.6214223
File: 154 KB, 339x332, 1630845541792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like trying to get adobe sued for using photoshop for the same purpose

>> No.6214233

photoshop doesn't draw the picture for you

>> No.6214251

it's a tool, you use it to make pictures
it doesn't do shit by itself

>> No.6214266

>create ArtAnticheat
>people need to have this application running to see your pictures
>any sort of unusual process in the background will blacklist your account linked to your crypto wallet credentials
>screen capture crashes the application
>your art can only be seen on VR, will do iris verification every 10 seconds to see if it's a real person

>> No.6214276

this shite again. "man in a hat sitting on a bench" wow I put so much fucking work into making this picture, look at how much drawing I did

>> No.6214279

it still doesn't do shit by itself
if you existed in the late 19th century you'd be complaining that all it takes to make a photograph is to push a button

>> No.6214284

professional photographers exist almost solely because of their equipment; their skills are basically worthless
photography basically killed a large portion of artist jobs, AI will do the same

>> No.6214288

and to get the AI to give a good result takes a proper model with good weights, using the correct vectors and feeding it the right dataset
do you seriously think the AI will give you exactly what you want just from a single sentence prompt?

>> No.6214294

in a decade, for 95% of applications yes

>> No.6214296

you literally cannot communicate anything concrete with one sentence
"man in a hat sitting on a bench" can shake up literally in billions of different ways

>> No.6214324

Is that in your pic the Demiurge?

>> No.6214326

man dressed in a gray suit wearing a black bowler hat sitting on a bench in central park at dusk

>> No.6214330

ok, how tall, what race, where's the bench, what time of day, what angle, what time period, what style etc etc

>> No.6214342

lmao half of the things you listed are in that sentence and the others can easily be added

>> No.6214345

you are talking about this like it's hypothetical, the ai already exists, it doesn't need that information to make the picture

>> No.6214349
File: 1.06 MB, 757x855, 1656199561990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just time of day
so we're both tards
anyways here's my point made visually - sure this specific AI sucks, but assume it doesn't
what if what I need specifically is none of these? just keep hitting retry for a week until I get something that's vaguely like what I need?

>> No.6214357

than you'd need something so hyper specific it falls into the 5% that doesn't get completely done by ai
but 95% of uses won't need something that incredibly specific

>> No.6214360

say I need a character for a videogame or an animation, and I want the character to be drawn over and over in all sorts of poses and making all kinds of facial expressions
you cannot do this by just telling the AI "gimme a bench guy that frowns"

>> No.6214366
File: 289 KB, 512x1024, close up character portrait of the white princess being crucified in the english garden, bondage, bdsm, color page, 4 k, tone mapping, doll, akihiko yoshida, james jean, andrei ria s-1709844417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6214377

if the ai gives you a 3d model that can be positioned you can easily pose it yourself
and if you wanted to sit there and refresh and think of new phrasing every time you'd certainly still be much better off than paying an artist since artists are by far the most expensive part of game development

>> No.6214380

If the AI lets you make granular adjustments to every facet of the result and reposition everything in 3D itll double back into being an actual artform imo

>> No.6214384
File: 533 KB, 918x710, 1632380550888.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the ai gives you a 3d model that can be positioned you can easily pose it yourself
yep, and as such it is a software tool like any other
>and if you wanted to sit there and refresh and think of new phrasing every time you'd certainly still be much better off than paying an artist since artists are by far the most expensive part of game development
I concur, even at its worst it is a definite improvement over the current status quo

>> No.6214557

>should I quit?
Absolutely, it will be a waste of your life, you'd better spend your time learning new languages, welding, plumbing, etc. You can still do art on the side though.

>> No.6214804
File: 741 KB, 2048x1943, tumblr_ed81561cbcd51f6f84b529d8eca8b4e4_7d13565d_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the market was already saturated it will get worse, the only way to 'compete' with the cheaper and often better looking ai generated artwork will be to get commissioned by people who cares for you as a person and don't want you to starve to death

otherwise, why would you pay for a $40 illustration when you can get some free cover art for your new disposable album in less than a minute?

it's not perfect but good enough for a lot of industries, like concept art, clothing, posters etc.


i think the safest forms of art will be comics since you actually need them to be consistent from panel to panel and coherent to a storyline which is something that ai can't currently do


when you work for the industry you do what the industry tells you to. a lot of professional artists keep their most creative stuff for themselves

nobody will pay you for your quirky sketch, quirky sketches don't get likes on instagram

>> No.6214811

currently 19 and studying arts. is it too late to study a real career like big data and such?

>> No.6214836

Maybe but that's good enough for a lot of people


>> No.6214873
File: 18 KB, 741x680, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait wtf, stable diffusion just got suspended, did people dig up a 10 year old tweet of them saying the n word or something, lmao?

>> No.6214939
File: 170 KB, 1000x750, lakhania_dari_cave_arts_-_panoramio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be ahead of 80% of millennials (maybe more) who either refused or couldn't study a real subject or work a real job. Big data may still be safe, but A.I. is showing advances in programming itself (OpenAI's Codex), so I don't know how safe it will be in the future. Just be careful what you choose as a lot of white collar jobs will be heavily automated by A.I., it's already happening with accounting, and it will keep happening in law and other fields. My best bet for safety is STEM or heavy duty work like welding or technician at a cargo ship.

>> No.6215241

I used to work in welding but covid just drove up the price of iron indefinitely. You spend days making a shelf and get a 15-25% cut above the costs. Then I worked with a freight truck, and the price of oil went up right after. What I got from this life experience is that the elites don't want anyone self employed

>> No.6215383

Where do I get a cute carpenter wife, WHERE?!

>> No.6215396

I don't get it

>> No.6215427

>machines are hardwired to be unable to draw loli art
The hilarious rubber band effect to this will be artists flocking to becoming cunny artists leading to a golden age of shadmen

>> No.6215430

People can say this looks like shit all they want but generated anime pics like this are already better than like 90% of twitter artists, and if it just keeps getting better than people will really have no reason to pay to have a character commissioned

>> No.6215490

the cake is a lie

>> No.6215956


>> No.6215992
File: 72 KB, 634x798, 720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6217152

Those don't look that good and won't be used in any professional art industry. Only $20 pleb clients will buy those for their DnD campaign.