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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.25 MB, 1361x689, 00101010101001010100010101000101010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6201645 No.6201645 [Reply] [Original]

Look at these images. To commission any one of them from an artists would cost several 100$. Instead, for a small subscription fee of 10-30$ / month and with a few hours of practicing prompts, anyone can make as many of them as they like. No normie is able to tell the difference now, and soon, neither will you. Awarness will spread, there is no stopping it.
A whole industry, a whole profession, ended by the press of a button.
People will continue to draw for pleasure, and select artists who have already an established name and/or belong to the 'fine arts' bubble, may continue as usual. But the bulk of commission-based work on digital art will go completely extinct before 2025.

>> No.6201650

>look at soulless shit

>> No.6201661
File: 80 KB, 494x538, 1656582749839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all these cocky motherfuckers >>6181513

People were already using Dall-e like crazy, even though it still looked shitty. Somehow this prompted artists into deluding themselves that AI would not be able to bridge the gap. Well, it did, in the time while the original cope thread is still up.
Midjourney is self-evidently orders of magnitude more powerful than Dall-e. It's performance is very erratic, most images, especially humanoids, don't look great by industry standards. But the ones that do look good are on par with human performance. If you're not a complete moron, the implications are bovious.

Compare pic related to the OP, and tell me with a straight face that we are not witnessing a historic paradigm shift.

>> No.6201662

>every day until you like it

>> No.6201664
File: 21 KB, 257x300, 92bd33241fbd0214eeffe935ae340de4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey stabledallejourney-kun, draw a full body character illustration, have him gripping a sword with boths hands and don't fuck up the hands, I want to see his wrist tendons flexed, his knuckles turning white.

>> No.6201666

Use any of the available AIs to make a high quality anime illustration of Loid and Yor having sex, on par with what a good human pro would draw.
I’ll wait.

>> No.6201667

Is this AI art? Looks amazing desu
Luckily I want to become a mangaka, not an AI artist. So it doesn't affect me.

>> No.6201669

>people will never draw art digitally, it looks too soulless, only traditional art has soul!

This is how retarded you sound. You're making a philosophical argument about an economic issue.

>> No.6201670

Sexo is forbidden, Satan. I'm sure it'll be unlocked as a special subscription feature eventually.

>> No.6201672
File: 754 KB, 512x512, udjnsf04e4g91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumbass we were talking about dalle-2. dalle-mini was just something thrown together by amateurs using a fraction of the data. anyway you AI schizos are going down. I have proof it's ripping off true and honest artists.

Look at picrel it has the signature still on it! As soon as I get the leftist communists to tweet about how big tech is fucking over the tranny artists your faill-e journey, diffusion is gone.

>> No.6201685

Last month AI could barely create a blurry image of a semi-humanoid figure in motion >>6201661, today it can create a vritually flawless painting of Assassin's Creed >>6201645.
You draw your own conclusions from this information.

>> No.6201688

Well yes, that was my point.
Also the AI starts choking as soon as there are two people in the scene. Let alone three or more. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an AI image with three or more people where it didn’t look like everyone’s faces were melting.
Just focusing on the sex part though. I doubt any of the big companies will ever allow sex, because no one wants to be associated with that. And don’t assume that the free alternatives will catch up any time soon. People have been working on Linux for 30 years and it still lags behind Windows in a lot of areas.

>> No.6201692

You can't put the ghost back in the bottle. Good luck proofing this shit in court.

>> No.6201694

tbf the diffusion one is now as good as dalle-2 but that's because OpenAI are complete shit.

>> No.6201695

>"This cannot be replicated using machine learning"
Anon the AI FUD was good while it lasted
/ic/ isnt falling for it anymore

>> No.6201697

I'm curious about AI's applicability for 2d animation as a 2d animator.
Could I feed a character model sheet to one then animate a rough using shorthand and have the AI bring each frame on model?

>> No.6201699
File: 1.27 MB, 1420x1080, The_Bully_184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The artist is irreplaceable
>"This cannot be replicated using machine learning" oxford researchers have concluded


>> No.6201702

Which one? Give me the link to it?

>> No.6201703

>another ai schizo thread
Mods instead of giving me a warning for calling somebody a nigger do your jobs and remove this off topic bullshit

>> No.6201705

Wait till google parti becomes available, homie it's over

>> No.6201708

>But AI can't do [thing] yet!
Notice how [thing] becomes more specific with each iteration. There is no reason to believe that the trend of improvement will halt, in fact, it's accelerating. The number of tasks only human artists can perform will continue to shrink until AI has reached complete parity, the only question is whether this will happen within a few years or a few motnhs.

>But the porn!
May possibly remain as a niche, but I doubt it. Building these powerful AIs becomes easier and cheaper all the time, so eventually a dedicated porn art AI will be incorporated eventually. Heck, corps such as pornhub could incorporate it into their subscription service and advertize tailor-made 2d porn based on your specific searches and fetish tags.

>> No.6201709

AI is a blackbox it's a zero-shot transformer. So in theory we feed the AI all of youtube. Then we plug your images in and say draw a walk cycle. It will get the walk cycle of a mongolian sheep herder and look fucked up. And then you'd have to keep prompting it until you got it correct. You could easily make an animation in it's current state. Google: Cogvideo github (there is a free one) but it will take well over a year to join all the gifs together.