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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.17 MB, 1080x1467, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6187356 No.6187356 [Reply] [Original]

What makes this piece so touching? What does this illustration have that AI art never ever has?

>> No.6187367

From the thumbnail it looks like the white girl has extremely long stick legs

>> No.6187373

A soul. It's something really special that art made by AI or Americans can't have.

>> No.6187379

And /ic/, because they only draw nude floating figures without hands or feet.

>> No.6187381

This is the most boring fucking painting i have ever seen. I’d rather see some random AI spew than click on this thumbnail and be inundated with disappointment.

Why would anyone waste their time painting this. Who gives a fuck about any of the shit in this painting. I dont care about the girls. I dont care that they are on a boat. I dont care that there is a anthro cat. None of it even looks well rendered or painted.

It’s digital, its not even trad. Their faces look bored as fuck. I bet the artist didnt even paint it from imagination. They probably used a ref. Next time just take a picture ass hole.

>> No.6187388

npc/ai response

>> No.6187389

Looks better than 99.99% of anything /ic/ can ever produce, I'd like to see anyone post their own better work.

>> No.6187395

It's cheap progressivism, there's nothing touching about it.

>> No.6187402

Just because it has a black girl in it? How do you feel about Olympia?

>> No.6187413

Kitschy but thats what is popular right now

>> No.6187423

not really.

>> No.6187453

honestly anon, well done. this was one of the most impressively crabby responses ive ever seen on here. i feel like maybe youre trying to bait, but its so crabby that its a little too obvious that its bait

>> No.6187463

The painting would have been touching if it had both figures the same race, mixing races together would invoke thoughts that the painting has an agenda behind it and the minority was forced in which quickly makes the painting tasteless.

>> No.6187466

It perfectly encapsulates the potential of humanity and their open mindness to diversity.

>> No.6187467

You see what I mean?

>> No.6187472

Any artist worth their salt understand color theory and recognizes that too much white is boring. Brown girls kissing White girls is objectively the most appealing composition choice because the contrast helps emphasize the beauty of both figures.

>> No.6187474

They should have had the cat person sitting next to the white girl laughing at the black girl eating a fish from the pond

>> No.6187475

This is a MIND hooked up on /pol/.

>> No.6187476

>What makes this piece so touching?
Looks like the person who painted it had fun while also being educated in art. Looks like a mix of Sargent and Ghibli.

It's really dumb how people don't understand basic color composition.

>> No.6187477
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J-just shut up.

>> No.6187483
File: 248 KB, 384x649, Ugly_Bastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will never draw soulful delicious lolis

>> No.6187773
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>> No.6187997

has as much appeal as a renaissance painting

>> No.6188004

That looks like an AI painting

That bullshit "paiterly" style is the easiest to copy for AI because it's basically all blurry. For example, when an AI has to paint hands it shits itself, but the blurriness of that style helps it to fake it.

>> No.6188187


>> No.6188238

nothing really, you just find the subjects touching/cute.
there's a word for that i think. for that feeling you get when looking at cute and young things.

>> No.6188239

a boner

>> No.6188253

pedophilia? the answer is pedophilia?

>> No.6188254

A boner.

>> No.6188256

A boner

>> No.6188318
File: 93 KB, 313x382, 1642955803246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that wasn't what i was getting at.

>> No.6188321

It's touching to see two people of different races, from different cultures, come together as equals.

>> No.6188323

nah, i didn't even notice that really until i saw ppl itt sperg out about it.
but then again i don't find that image super exciting in the first place.

>> No.6188328
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, g4KYQorOQynpC5_o.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I do think brown x pale is peak yuri.

>> No.6188340

the cat has suspenders

>> No.6188346
File: 3.18 MB, 1080x1467, 1642222655711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go, anon, now you can stop malding about anime and be objective.

>> No.6188377

will you reveal it's done by ai? that the twist you are going for? otherwise there is nothing interesting or touching about this image. just the typical mediocre girly painting.

>> No.6188392

now thats gotta be the biggest copium i've ever come across
sorry that nobody gives a shit about your doodles and loomis/boxes heads
>Why would anyone waste their time painting this. Who gives a fuck about any of the shit in this
i'd pay a big price for it and hang it on my wall, hostile crab but keep inhaling the copium if it makes you feel better

>> No.6188394

>/pol/brainrot is an avatarfagging tewifag

>> No.6188400


>> No.6188404

ah, yes. it's this. but now that i read it, it doesn't fit completely.
but it probably still applies. cute and protectable things will still engage the viewer in this unusual way.

>> No.6188412

Moe, dumbass. You're on a weeb site, learn the lingo.

>> No.6188413

cute and protectable things will still engage the viewer in this unusual way.
Like a boner.

>> No.6188414

but i wasn't talking about moe, you retard.
moe is more than this from what i know.

>> No.6188424

What is the purpose of a clear umbrella on a sunny day? The artist is just trying too hard to male the image cute

>> No.6188427
File: 76 KB, 349x493, 1646929417233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6188449

An utopian (arcadian) vision
devoid of suffering and fear,
of loving and lovable subjects.
Youth, wealth and care
and whimsy.

Put together with skill and care, without needlessly bitter irony.
BTW every time we put these qualities into words we potentially feed future transformers.

>> No.6188514

The police won't unrape you.

>> No.6188518
File: 248 KB, 1080x1498, hh56hhhgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly loli

police wont help you

>> No.6188522

Moe literally comes from "moeru" or burning. It's the warm feeling you get looking at a cute character. Get informed, retard.

>> No.6188535

it comes from 萌える, which is apparently also intended to be a pun to 燃える (burning up).
either way it has s a more complicated meaning and that's why i didn't use it here, even if it very likely applies. i only wanted to talk about that specific feeling towards young people and animals, not a baggage filled word like "moe". if you read shit like genshiken you'd know this isn't that simple a term.
but i see /ic/ hasn't changed at all. still full of uppity retards.

>> No.6188538

It's one specific uppity retard that you're talking to, aka mikufag

>> No.6188541

mother of god, that retard is still around?
i can't believe i come back here after years of absence and everything is the same.
has he improved at least?

>> No.6188542
File: 62 KB, 540x482, fg3662t8uy2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has he improved at least?
take a guess

>> No.6188554

That's so boring

>> No.6188558

The answer is no

>> No.6188804

do better instead of bitchin', crab

>> No.6188897

>bitching at a crab instead of drawing

>> No.6188923
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 165283916555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6188936

i like the kitty

>> No.6188937

>"so touching"
>anon sees children
>first thought is about touching
Seek help.

>> No.6188938


>> No.6188952


>> No.6190051

retards circlejerking each other, pyw

>> No.6190084

the cat is still too anime 1.5/10

>> No.6190088

im sure if the ai is fed enough lolis it will get there eventually

>> No.6190912

it's fine, but the pussy could be much more touching

>> No.6190937

What makes Americans so braindead?

>> No.6190962

because the photo was taken exactly 15 seconds before the right loli smashed an oar over the lefts head, raped her, stole her necklace, then swam into the lake

>> No.6190982

except that the brown loli doesn't look like a minority at all, Adolf
could as well be green or purple: japs love making tanned beautiful people instead of ugly mutts, and my penis agrees with that

>> No.6191018

Ouch! edgy

>> No.6191022

A black woman is the artist.

>> No.6191200

wrong. it's a chink, from hong kong, that also speaks japanese

>> No.6191204

silly anon brown lolis cant swim

>> No.6191235

implying sheboons can into art
literally name one sheboon artist who has soul i dare you

>> No.6191462
File: 102 KB, 550x965, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, you think a chink would support BLM?

>> No.6191915

>chinese BLM
obv, if he lives in america and can read the room

>> No.6192464
File: 42 KB, 736x736, 112152152512512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obnoxious politics
>more politics
>even more politics
>even more obnoxious politics
Why the fuck are Americans like this? I follow because I want to see cute anime girls, I don't give a shit about annoying politics. And I certainly don't want to risk seeing them in my feed.

>> No.6192486

non americans, like op's artist, do it all the time, if they want to get american clients. it's just bussiness, you're not expected to be honest or anything

>> No.6192516

>add 4 links to your header about something you're passionate about

>> No.6192519

if the artist were so "passionate" about it, could have spelled right "resources" in the english version of his site

>> No.6192522

The fact that the girl is being nice with the monkey and treating it as her equal

>> No.6192528

The question is are they both american? If so, they are both subhuman abominations that deserve the to be flayed and burned. If not, all is well.

>> No.6192529

I just want to clarify, that I'm NOT being bias.
If I clicked on a link an artist had in their bio and lead me to a pro MAGA or "blue lives matter" site, then I would say the same exact thing. I don't care if it's left or right wing american politics, I find both of them annoying as shit. I wish people would just keep their opinions to themselves and just draw.

>> No.6192536

>keep their opinions to themselves
no such thing, if you want to become a public figure with lots of followers: showing your support for [current bullshit propaganda] is pretty much required

>> No.6192557

If not for the nigger I would actually buy a print, what a shame

>> No.6192560

Good for you. But normal people aren't robots and actually have a personality outside of LOOMIS

>> No.6192562

AI art can be touching. If you told me that's an edited version of something made by Dall-e 2 I would believe you.

>> No.6192602

For real nigger?

I don't get it, why are you proudly telling everyone you're a retard without anyone asking? Is it some forms of self-depreciation?

>> No.6192662


>> No.6192713

It's not progressive or showing an agenda. Look at the clothing and think about what time period this picture likely takes place in. The black girl likely the white girl's property. Classy "indoor" slaves existed and this is a prime example of that practice.

>> No.6192714

I'd say part of it is that ai has a hard time knowing when to apply details and leave some out. Like an ai might have been happy to draw out individual blades of grass while 'stylizing' the faces into a smeary mess.

>> No.6192718
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x1024, 80ccca69-bda2-11ec-b85a-c7584ea17163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually funny what ai chooses to apply more detail too. Sometimes uncanny reallly.

>> No.6194034

>What does this illustration have that AI art never ever has?

>> No.6194357

>the contrast helps emphasize the beauty of the white girl
A more honest answer.

>> No.6194966

its not and go back to /pol/

>> No.6194969


>> No.6197694

who drew it?

>> No.6198329

The perspective is all fucked. They seem to be falling down the river.

>> No.6198336

anime faces would feel alien in a renaissance painting. You would get slapped in the face.

>> No.6198338

then redline it for the rest of the class

>> No.6198343

Americans imagine a black penis when they think of god.

>> No.6201593

implication of experience
the author has experienced race relations and distilled his reaction to them in his art. The AI is like a basement autist. It can only draw porn and dire mockery of experience

>> No.6201743
File: 390 KB, 2048x2029, 8971e761cee4945fea805220f5dcae87f68df4c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for your parents.

>> No.6201763

She will have some long stick inside of her, if you catch my drift.

>> No.6201765

>find some generic forgotten pointillism painting
>reproduce it with anime girls

>> No.6201778

>>Virtue signaling whitoid and niggress friendship
>>Souless boring oilpainting

I don't know, OP. Post something else that's actually soulful. This art is no better than AI garbages.

>> No.6201921


>> No.6202391

sounds based

>> No.6202432

>Just because it has a black girl in it?
There is nothing wrong with having animals in the composition.

>> No.6202459

Cuz they mixed with niggers, duh.

>> No.6202561

Wow this thread is pathetic. The replies are so bad that OP doesn't look like a fag at all. 2016 was a mistake.

>> No.6202601

I'm pretty sure it's just one guy heavily samefagging the cringe racism posts.