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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 744 KB, 1646x2383, 4A0976DB-8387-4CBA-B046-1BABCB0C4FA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6186478 No.6186478 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been trying to draw seriously for 6 years now, with odd attempts here and there for basically my entire life.
And to put it bluntly, I’m horrible. Beyond horrible.
I’ve taken art classes in high school and college, I’ve taken several online art courses. I’ve watched countless YouTube tutorials, I’ve read art books, I’ve studied artists I like and studied random prompts. I’ve attempted to do gestures, and even attempted those asinine lines and shapes over and over. But no matter what I do, my art is always trash.
To make matters worse, literally everyone I know is miles better than me. Like, I will meet a random person, start chatting, and than instantly discover that they’re an amazing artist while I draw like an autistic twelve year old. My lack of all artistic talent is a source of extreme depression for me. So much so that whenever I’m done drawing I instantly attack myself for hours. And I automatically assume any praise I do get is a mockery j disguise because of how disgusted I am by the lack of quality in my work.

Every time I see good art it just depresses me further because it’s proof that I’m bad and will never improve. I don’t feel as if I improved at all, in fact I feel like my ability is almost work.
I have spent countless hours drawing, causes neck pain, arm pain, hand pain, you name it, I work through the pain in hopes that I’ll get better, then I don’t and the pain that causes me is even worse.

I legitimately was in the verge of killing myself two weeks ago and a fucking ban message from a mod asking me to not was the only reason why I didn’t.

What do I even do at this point?

Pic related is my most recent drawing

>> No.6186480

find something else to do, like music or programming

>> No.6186481


>> No.6186485

Have you had another artist mentor/teach you?

>> No.6186490

Closest was a friend who promised to, but gave up after 3 days.

I am completely tone deaf and failed to learn several instruments despite months of lessons on piano, guitar, and drums.

I failed 2 programming classes in college and was never able to do much beyond the most basic of/then statements

>> No.6186495

Anon, I'm going to be absolutely honest here. There are people who just can't do things. But there's more to life than being good at something. You can get by just fine with a simple job, a good wife, and enjoying little things in life. You don't have to stress out to much about not being able to do something.

>> No.6186496

politics might be a good avenue for you

>> No.6186500

I’m a terminal failure. I have never managed to hold a job longer than 1 year, and recently I haven’t been able to find real work for 3 years. I even paid to get my resume revamped and it still hasn’t helped me get an interview.
Every girl I have ever dated left me within four months for one reason or the next, so it’s looking like marriage is impossible. I haven’t been able to do anything but fail in my life and that has prevented any sort of happiness.

>> No.6186503

you just sound like a bitch

>> No.6186504

Still nicer than what I call myself

>> No.6186508

you're welcome

>> No.6186511


>> No.6186512

Fucking crybaby

Post one of your 'studies' to see what you're attempting.

>> No.6186516

and so another woke useful idiot for the ideological cause is born


>> No.6186518

you are more retarded than the op

>> No.6186521


You probably just need to find the right medium to work in.
I drew for years and was terrible, I tried everything, pencil, ink, paint, digital you name it, everyone said I had no ability.
Then I tried working in Midjourney AI, and I suddenly started improving, I had found my medium!
Now i'm getting praise for my painting skills and eye for detail on social media every picture I post.
It just took persistence and the knowledge to use the right tool for the job and I made it.

>> No.6186525


Maybe you just need to practice basics for a while. Unironically do the draw a box course and learnt solid construction of forms.

Doing people, moody lighting and painting are all quite advanced. Learn solid fundamentals first.

>> No.6186532
File: 1.65 MB, 498x278, ludacris-i-like-that.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good anon

>> No.6186540

You can't improve if you only draw 4hrs/week

>> No.6186549
File: 624 KB, 793x950, 3B526F1C-CE2C-4D34-8742-2CB7572118F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do that basically all day, and have for years. Hasn’t helped.

Here’s some fruit

>> No.6186551

4-5 hours a day, all in one long session with no breaks outside of taking a piss

>> No.6186558

You're just drawing the mental image, not what you're actually seeing.

Take the apple for example
Ref apple has shadow up to the middle, your drawing only on the leftmost side
Shadow direction isnt the same
Your drawing has a completely different shape

Its not that you suck, its the fact that despite using a reference, you're still drawing your mental image of an apple.

>> No.6186567

I actually like that drawing. You're exaggerating about your art being trash.

>> No.6186575
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So one thing I can see that you are doing wrong is that you are symbol drawing to a degree.
You are painting what you know a banana looks like, not what is actually in front of you.

How you fix this:
1. You need to forget what it is you are drawing, and think only in terms of abstract form/contour/value etc. The books drawing on the right side of the brain and Keys to drawing both focus on this.

2. Another thing you can do is trace the subject first to get a sense of the shape, like I have with your work here.
Notice how I only used one shape for the pears? Start with a large overall shape, focusing on getting the angles and placement right, then go back over it again and again, adding more details each time.

3. You need to do iterations of your own work. After you finish, look at what is wrong and really think about it. Compare a tracing. Then do the same study again. And again. And again. And again.
Make sure it is the same study, and fully analyze the result each time.
Kim Jung Gi used to rage draw the exact same thing for hours every night dozens of times because couldn't get it to look right because he was a terrible artist. Now he can look at something and draw it from any angle in any perspective near perfectly.

I wish I could see how you are studying, I have a feeling you are focusing on the wrong things. Just putting in hours wont make you better at art, you need to be extremely conscious of what you are doing.

>> No.6186597

I'll try to give some feedback without repeating what other anons have already said.
Desaturate your reference to see what value ranges the original has. Now look at your painting. You basically painted everything with extreme contrast for some reason. To make things even more obvious you could run the image through a posterize/threshold filter to see the different value shapes more clearly if you're having difficulty with that. Also the textured brushes don't help at all, try limiting yourself to a couple of basic hard/soft round brushes first.
I think you would benefit from trying to dabble a bit into photo manipulation and/or photography because it will force you to understand how light behaves so you can start applying the principles you learned to your own work.

>> No.6186600
File: 325 KB, 718x1041, 1432411007469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So if you want to improve at observation drawing, I recommend reading one of the two books mentioned.
I am going to drop the pictures I think will help you too.

Think about what you are drawing in the ways this images describes. Look at the angles of things, look an plumb lines (how things line up with each other, look at the negative space. Try not to even think about what is is you are drawing.

>> No.6186606
File: 502 KB, 1000x2470, 1639563338171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is somebody showing the correct process for a study. It doesnt even become apparent he is drawing a bird for some time, its all about placement and angles.
Each pass adds more detail, work from big and simple to small and complex.

>> No.6186610

where that picture cames from fren?

>> No.6186616

>what zero fundies does to a mf
I like your original artwork though

>> No.6186624
File: 2.68 MB, 1920x2517, 1639634112530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From here. Basically every info graphic I have is from here.


Also,if you want to draw from imagination, you need to learn to draw basic forms, especially a box, in perspective and to be able to rotate them in space.

Look at this dude's pic. Notice how even very complex subjects are just boxes. I know people here shit on it, but draw a box is actually useful. after a couple of lessens I started noticing improvements to my hand control and the way I thought about shape. It is boring as shit and hard to get through though, I still haven't finished it, keep going back to it.

>> No.6186628

I like plumb lines retarded swastika

>> No.6186634
File: 371 KB, 1233x622, 650EC427-B349-40DF-A5F5-2F945E159432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish I could see how you are studying

As it happens, I record every drawing I do for future reference. This was a study of a head of some porn artist’s drawing my friend sent me to use as a study.


I know I fucked yo the curve, the eyes, and the shape. This was before the fruit

>> No.6186636

I've also attempted gestures and shit, didn't stop yet

>> No.6186643
File: 1.44 MB, 1118x947, 4AB865CA-F0C2-46CF-9352-00770D95F029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you would benefit from trying to dabble a bit into photo manipulation and/or photography.

I’ve tried photography for years. landscapes, animals, plants, objects, and humans, all were bad

>> No.6186646


Its not that bad, the main problem I see it that the pupils are not aligned, again use plumb lines in your study.

Other than that, it is relatively accurate to the source, it just needs some polish. Vary your line weight more and thicken your thinnest lines a little, and the ear needs to be a little rounder and a small point on the chin. These are only small details and would be easy to correct. A good idea is to put your work on a layer over the original after finishing it, make it transparent and compare. See what is different.
Your base colors are pretty close, you just need to lighten the highlights and saturate the shadows a little more.

>> No.6186652

The problem I have is this took me 5 hours to draw, and I was hyper fixated on emulating as close as I could.
Nothing has carried over to my other art and I don’t feel like I learned from this. All I have to show is higher than usual quality for me, but something that’s u showable since it would be blatant plagiarism

>> No.6186653

I tried to search that pic and most of result is uncredited pinterest or archive of /ic/..

>> No.6186660

based on this snippet you have bigger problems than not being able to draw. please watch https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EBxMs8JiJ2Y

>> No.6186663
File: 457 KB, 2500x2000, 44194E8E-4110-407B-B4D7-40A7F7A81FAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was study I did more recently, July 2nd to be exact. I don’t have the source in me since I just found it from google.

(The ink blotches was me trying out a texture effect I didn’t like at the end)

>> No.6186666

Forgot the video

>> No.6186667

>all were bad
None of the ones you posted are particularly bad though, aside from some overexposed spots in 3 of them and the lack of a proper focal point in bottom left. Top left could use some color enhancements too but I feel like you're severely underestimating yourself.

>> No.6186740


This is an interesting post to comment on because, of course, everyone has their own thoughts and opinions to ramrod down your throat. Everyone can relate to the underdog and everyone has a piece of dog shit to share. While I don’t think that all these posts are incorrect, or even that I’m necessarily saying anything different, I do think there is a trend of perspective that is missing in a lot of them.

First and foremost art is a river that runs broad and deep. It is a river so broad and so deep that it cannot all be learned by one person. Schools of history, expression, and craft all nest comfortably into the large umbrella that is “art”. You may find yourself asking “what do I want?” “why can’t I achieve artistic skill?” “what is the point of it all?” While I can’t answer any of these questions fully in depth after some thinking I have some of my own advice to ramrod down your throat that may help with your own approach to them.

>> No.6186742

Let’s approach probably the worst question first. “Why can’t I achieve the artistic skill I desire”. I wish I had the answer. If I had it I’d stop surfing this board and go professional. I think that the truth of the matter is that we all have our weights by which we are burdened, abated, and moderated by. Something I call to mind is the saying “we serve life sentences on our gifts from god” —all the good, the bad, and the downright frustrating. When I was younger I wanted to be an astronaut and the truth is that I still would love being one. The problem is that NASA is a highly selective organization that takes none but the cream of the crop and I have long since realized that while some people are the “cream” I am just the “crop”. The picture you paint makes it seem like your case seems downright hopeless. You make it seem like a miracle you don’t choke to death on your toothbrush or stick your pencil through your hand through sheer mechanical ineptness. I would highly doubt that, and from the looks of your work such things are very far from being true. What I will say is the artistic sense of hopelessness is a common harvest when cultivated. More than anything, I think it far more likely, regardless of the fact that this is conjecture, that you either aren’t cultivating the right area and need to find more fertile ground or you need to amend your expectations of what the fertile harvest is supposed to look like. That leads nicely into the next question.

>> No.6186749


“What do I want?” said every child once gaining autonomy. Perhaps the child is thirsty and recalls the sugary niceness that is apple juice and gets the immediate reward of a full glass. Art is nothing like this hypothetical situation and you know that well. Yet, while it is not immediately gratifying it is also not without gratification. Would it not be ridiculous for a child seeking gratification to continue doing some un-gratifying activity until they lose hope of gratification and then continue? Yes, it would be. It appears you have answered the question you may have asked your primeval self, “is trying to draw this certain way gratifying for me in process and in execution?”. The answer is “no”. It is not gratifying for you. Does it mean that you should give up art? No, absolutely not. Do you remember what I said earlier about art being a river that is deep and wide? I know I’ve said quite a bit but I’ll ask you to humor me and remember what I say, regardless. Art has many different schools of thought. Take the common phrase (and own specified art movement) “arts and crafts”. Let’s delve into that. You’ve explored artistic art and, for whatever reason, there is simply no juice. What about artistic craft? What separates art from craft is craft is focused on convention, construction, and quality, rather than the creativity focus of art. You’re not getting juice where you are at so the sky is the limit as to where else you can look. Book binding, calligraphy, making clothing, and woodworking can all be explored. Art is what you make it and, who knows, it might help. The same can be said about art history. Personally, I’m not that good of an artist, but I love art history and I feel like I can fit I into many artistic circles because of it regardless of my physical artistic skill. So let’s get back to the question “what do I want”. The answer is “juice”…

>> No.6186750

…You want juice. So act rationally and search for that artistic juice. This leads into the final point.

“What is the point of it all”. I struggle with depression as well and I know exactly what forms it can take. For me it’s looking out into the world and feeling nothing or what is common for me when I’m in more depressive states is the obsessive repetition of disturbing imagery or words. Two things that have been common for me recently have been the phrase “dead flesh” and the image of a torso running into a metal hook and ripping out the stomach. So I often ask myself, as you are most likely asking yourself now, “what is the point?”. What I tell myself is that “I serve a life sentence on my gifts from god” the good, the bad, and the downright frustrating. This may seem gratuitously edgy or cheesy but it’s real life. So, cheese established, find something fun. Find that spark. That lifeline. Right now you're confusing a noose with a lifeline and it’s not going to work. I didn’t really intend to write an essay on this but it just felt natural for me to tell you all of this, because I am you or was you at some point. So as a gift to my primordial self, live your life, go to museums, watch good movies, read good books, and look for that spark in art that is truly beautiful for you. That’s the point of it all.

>> No.6186755


>> No.6186763

I feel you misunderstand me. I know exactly what kind of stuff I want to draw and how I want to draw. Part of what depresses me so heavily is that I have images in my head I can never hope to realize.

>Book binding, calligraphy, making clothing, and woodworking
I have tried all of these throughout my life. I took tailoring and sculpting classes every summer for 4 years as a kid, I did book binding and calligraphy in college(never graduated because I’m a retard should couldn’t pass algebra) and I did woodworking in middle school and high school. I didn’t really enjoy doing any of those. I have always tried to be well rounded but all it’s shown is that I have no skill in anything

>> No.6186770

Your fruit is pretty good but from your OP, I'd probably kill myself if I were you lol. Drawing is wack, people who can draw decent gestures after drawing for a total of like 2 days are Satan, I wish skills were like in video games or something where the more you grind, the better you get, it's much harder when you don't even know if you'll ever see results.

>> No.6186771

>I feel you misunderstood me
I agree. I didn’t stay in the thread long enough and I missed some stuff that could have helped me write a shorter response lol.

C’est la vie

Either way, I hope you got something out of it. I have insomnia so I was going to be up regardless and it was a fun hour and a half writing that.

>> No.6186778

I’ll add a bit more because I’m actually a loser. Or maybe my screws are looser? Who knows?

I didn’t realize how well studied you were, but as I said, “art is wide and deep” even if you can’t pass some stupid classes with stupid metrics you can still explore art. Find something that sparks joy.

Mainly I wanted to add that depression is awful. Take care of yourself. We all need to, and sometimes it’s nice to be a retard online just to remind each other that we should all look out for each other.

>> No.6186781

> Part of what depresses me so heavily is that I have images in my head I can never hope to realize.

You should be very thankful. Some people would kill to have those images.

>> No.6186786

look at mike judge who drew beavis & butthead
would you say he is an amazing artist? Yes "talented" maybe but really not but it fills a niche and he made a living

>> No.6186812

I've wanted to write a method for a long time but what's the point if it's to have my 10$ pdf/videos stolen? Or worse that it hangs out on a website that no one ever visits.

>> No.6187230

What kind of method?

>> No.6187295


>> No.6187308

Looks like a democratic consensus has been reached. I’m going to henceforth be retiring from 4chan to perform coitus with my own gender full time.

>> No.6187429


>> No.6187478


seems like you forgot about rule number 1:
have fun with it

you are stressed out and it blocks your brain. you need to find a way to change your mental state either with the help of some kind of drug or through the force of total resignation

>> No.6187488

Seems to me you're just really unfocused, study 1 or 2 artists and don't jump from one topic to another until you've improved at it

>> No.6187538

It’s my lack of quality that makes it not fun. I don’t know how to change my mindset.

I do tend to focus on no more than 3 artists

>> No.6187551

Drawing, painting, mindset, tools, how to learn new soft, how to do research, etc... Everything I learnt for art and by art.
Sorry for the depression I can't take the med for you, be strong :)

>> No.6187554


>> No.6187563
File: 1.93 MB, 1600x2793, nsio_explains__psychological_take_on_making_art_by_nsio_da5xx7i-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your goals??


This is all great advice from real artists you should feel lucky OP.

The problem is however, all of this advice relates to completely different types of goals in art. A lot of this advice is based on sight painting and learning how to properly break past symbol drawing Bert Dodson/Betty Edwards style. And some advice is based on forms, boxes, and perspective drawing.

Basically, what do you want to be? Do you want to be a painter who can set up a canvas and paint what he sees in front of him well? Or do you want to be an illustrator? Do you want to have scene in your mind and be able to achieve that scene in your head.

From what ive gathered you are by no means a BAD artist, you need to stop being hard on yourself. I just don't know what your goals are, you need have a specific goal so that you can have a proper break through.

We cant help you properly unless you know exactly what kind of art you want to do.

>> No.6187570

I want to be an illustrator who can either do characters, or full on landscapes. I’ve never been the kind who likes looking at a character doing a pose in a blank setting. My goal would be for everything I draw to have composition that tells a mood or story in some way. Though I’m far from that.
I don’t see myself being a painter mainly because I have no concept for how paint works as a material. I’ve painted in the past of course, but it’s never really been something I could grasp. Which I imagine is normal since people spend their entire life learning the mechanics of paint on canvas.

>> No.6187586
File: 1.30 MB, 1587x931, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, Then here's my advice:

Btw im going to post my work, the people in thread can say I suck or whatever and they would be right but I am talking from personal experience as someone who is in the same boat except ive only been drawing for two years and I have been making gains way beyond what I thought I could. I am sure everybody in this thread is miles better than me too, but im still going to be a man and post my work anyways. This art is from a years difference between each other and I started drawing when I was 25 now im 27. Also the project on the right is still a WIP and a piece im working slowly on every now and again.

Keep doing it and be ambitious You posted your studies of apples and banans like that, but you need to be making attempts at drawing full scenes, even if you THINK you are bad, maybe you ARE bad. But you need experience in doing it and failing. I can tell you I have learned more about drawing by slowly fumbling my way around a scene and being a perfectionist to myself, constantly analyzing references, constantly correcting, sometimes I completely erase everything and redraw it when I get frustrated and try to make improvements every time.

im not saying "just draw" but I am saying just draw, but with a goal and strong purpose.
Secondly, you need to be prioritizing what to study. If your ambitions are crazy big like mine, which I can tell they are. The bigger the depression an artist has, the more ambitious they are. Seriously, I can tell you have dreams. I know what its like man. But with your crazy ambition you need to think about what you need to be doing in order to achieve those dreams with any success.

I realize I have to work on every fundamental to improve across the board as an artist, but I chose to work on 3d Form, perspective, and line quality first because I knew those were the fundamentals that were keeping me so held back from even getting close to what I wanted to draw.

>> No.6187600

I hope you will achieve your goal

>> No.6187623
File: 948 KB, 1235x860, 2536BAFB-D8D2-4571-95B3-22D2E737C2AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do attempt full scenes, almost always in fact. I only do singular characters and objects as a study. I’m also constantly trying different characters to get different drawing techniques down.

For what it’s worth, I am also 27, I just draw like I’m 12

>> No.6187632
File: 108 KB, 968x713, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright this is what I wanted to see. People can actually help you now with what to study and practice. You are completely lacking any sense of 3d forms in your work. It looks like you want to draw cartoons but I think you need to be attempting less abstract art styles first in order to improve your overall abilities. You need to start pushing yourself harder, look for artists who truly draw really complex things and scenes and push yourself to try and draw like them.

I would recommend taking perspective courses, practicing lots of forms, and drawing a fuckload from life. Like actually go out in a town/city and practice drawing buildings and trees with people standing in them.

But most importantly, be conscious of 3D space always, ingrain it into your work, obsess over how well does every object fit into 3d space and how well are you creating the sense of illusion. You can't just study making your art have more depth, you have live and fucking breath 3d shapes.

>> No.6187663

I don’t “want to draw cartoons” those are just easier. I can’t make anything realistic

>> No.6187688
File: 117 KB, 800x600, sketch (16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can you just don't know it yet. Forget about your age, forget about how long you have been drawing for, Go out with a fresh mind like you are new to drawing all over again and put the work in. If you can't draw anything realistic, then you have to just literally start trying to draw more realistic looking things.

Basically, when I started I never put myself in the mindset of "I suck therefore I am only allowed to try and draw simple sucky things until I get good".

I want to be on the same level as the best furry artists and manga artists in the world one day so I put myself in the same "Bracket" as those people in my mind. I just told myself "I am the same as these people, im just really bad at it, im going to draw the same way as these people until I start improving."

I know it seems illogical and the feeling that you will never improve is so strong, but like seriously if you test yourself enough, if you put yourself in drawing situations that are truly difficult and challenging, your brain will start learning how to do it.

Here's an example of one of my early sketches that helped me realized I can get good. I don't know what happened but something "clicked" and I drew the entire body from memory. All the sudden constructing with 3D shapes just clicked for me and I already had simplistic figures subconscious in my visual memory. A year and half before this I could literally only draw stick figures

>> No.6187690

>What do I even do at this point?
stop fucking drawing?

>> No.6187691

has OP posted his work yet?

>> No.6187756

All OP

>> No.6187785

Why'd your friend give up?

>> No.6187940

Drama in his personal life. Stopped replying to me

>> No.6188007

Art might just not be your thing. It sounds like you have some other problems to deal with based on how hard you are on yourself. Life is too short being miserable trying to be someone and something you’re not. If you can’t enjoy doing it for its own sake it’s time to move on bud. Best of luck

>> No.6188173

I want to be an artist, that’s one of the few things I want.
It’s my inability at it that depresses me and makes me unhappy. If I were good at it, I’d be happy

>> No.6188186

Good luck with your art; stay motivated

>> No.6188622

You need a muse that's more important than how you make it look. Just drawing to be good is dumb and working hard just to be good is dumb. You work for your muse, whatever that winds up being. "Good" is only relevant relative to the quality of your muse. That's why some people think one piece looks like shit and others think it's perfect amazing. Or why One got so successful with Mob. The muse matters more than the quality.

No muse no purpose might as well be a robot ai or dead period. Find a thing that you like to draw and do things that make that thing bigger in your head.

>> No.6189387

Stop listening to /ic/.
Repeat after me:
You cannot make it.
You will never become an artist.
And? So what?
Not everybody has artistic ability. Not everyone can draw.
People can spend years for nothing, like you.
But that doesn't mean your life doesn't have value.
It only means that you don't have what it takes to become an artist.
And there is nothing wrong with that.
Go get a job, commission artists instead. You can still help create beautiful works.

>> No.6189572

I do commission, but that never leads to what I imagine in my head

>> No.6189587

Work harder on your commissioning and communication skills. Find the right artist, not only in terms of style, but communication that suits you.

>> No.6189813

The dumber you are the harder you try. When I was a child I was proclaimed as some sort of genius, they sent me to skip grades and I read five years above my level. I was also molested and fell in with a poisonous group of friends who basically encouraged and bullied me toward a terrible life. I fucked up my brain with drugs and alcohol to the point where I wasn't capable of anything, much less learning about anything. My basic reasoning skills and cognitive functioning were heavily impaired. Science dictates that that sort of damage can't exactly be undone. So I just kept working at shit. I started with weightlifting because I figured fuck it, ANYONE can pick stuff up off the ground right?
Turns out yeah, I could do that. So then I went alright if I can make myself do one thing I can make myself do another thing, so I picked up learning a second language, figured out a study plan and started that, then I picked up learning to code through a textbook I found online, and bit by bit I built more and more confidence. Im not gunna say I magically figured out life and I'm a millionaire but, I'm half way through my second degree, work a stable part time job (too ill to work full time desu) and have made some major l progress with art and music and I will say that I've begun to seriously unfuck myself and think that I could help someone who needs it.
So basically if you're still there anon, feel free to reach out in some way if you need :)

>> No.6189885
File: 3.93 MB, 2932x3026, EF9C87C2-EFA6-4513-8E92-144AAAF5D587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physically can’t draw. This was all I could manage after hours of trying


I’m still here, except I have the opposite. Never did drugs, wasn’t molested, wasn’t ever smart, never skipped grades.
I failed to learn a second language including one I took 10 years trying to learn, I failed at coding several times as I said before, I was awful at all forms of exercise or athletics so I am a noodle armed skeleton, I was too stupid for college so no degree for me, I am awful at literally everything only I don’t get better.i get worse and worse. I don’t know if it’s my lack of intelligence or just being the most unlucky person on earth

>> No.6189895

Are you a boy?

>> No.6189909

OP it sounds like you got other problems. I think seeking out professional help would help you out a lot.


Also, like for someone who's been at it for 6 years this is like...ok. Tbqh you should be doing these over and over and over again until you draw these with your freaking eyes closed. If you have been approaching other things in life like you have your art despite being unemployed then I can see why you are not getting too far in life. This is why, again, I implore you to seek professional help.

>> No.6189933

Not sure why that’s relevant, but yes. I’m a guy.

“Professional help” has always been useless. I’ve tried it and it’s always just rambling on with no actual solutions

>> No.6189941

>Also, like for someone who's been at it for 6 years this is like...ok. Tbqh you should be doing these over and over and over again

Kek, just say it’s awful, we all think so

>> No.6189966

Why are you even creating art if you don't find any enjoyment or satisfaction in it? Anyway, just keep drawing, lol. If you keep drawing, you'll at least have a chance of getting better. If you don't draw, you'll have no chance of getting better. If you really despise drawing 'seriously' so much, just stop drawing seriously, and draw for fun instead.

>> No.6189969

If I were good, I would be having fun, I hate it and get so much depression because I hate myself for being so awful. It really is a scenario where if I were magically good tomorrow all of my problems would be gone. Obviously that’s impossible but it’s the truth

>> No.6189985

Then just stop trying. Go get yourself some heroin and shoot up. If your only choices are having fun or dying, drug abuse should be a good fit. If a rush of dopamine is all you want from art, you're really barking up the wrong tree.

>> No.6189988

A rush of dopamine is not what I’m after.

>> No.6189995

It is though. You said it yourself. If only you were good enough to have fun, all your problems would vanish, right? I'm telling you again, drugs. Why spend years trying to learn something you can't do to gain something you can easily get from something else?

>> No.6190002
File: 194 KB, 1500x1000, 2bcd99dc-f873-4193-a766-218ff49ddcdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm don't think anybody's mentioned it yet, but you're over-focusing on rendering. You are good at seeing where to place colors, as well as light and shadows - but - you're lacking in one area: drawing.
For your next few studies, just draw the contour lines of your reference & don't allow yourself to shade it AT ALL. It's gonna suck at first, but it'll get better as you go & you'll start to see shapes a bit better.
>Also: Stop symbol drawing, it makes your life harder

>> No.6190006

Because I want to be able to draw. It’s a desire I’ve heard my entire life.

What I said is “I would be having fun if I were good.”
And that’s not because I want some dopamine hit or ego boost. It’s because I know what good art looks like, and I can objectively say my art is bad. And despite how desperately hard I tried, it always ends up bad and it kills me inside to know that I’m in the same talent category as people who get laughed after like Chris Chan or Linkara. Not because I want fame, I don’t, but because I’m nowhere near the level I want to be or even at a place where I can create the stuff I want to create

>> No.6190009

I rarely ever render, when I do it’s to intentionally mask my awful art.
I also have no idea what symbol drawing means in this context since google being sup like 5 definitions, none of which I do

>> No.6190018
File: 532 KB, 1284x974, F8287200-3C2D-4685-A8DD-A15BF693F838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a study where the goal was to draw upside down.
I did the hideous one to the right. No shading here

>> No.6190031

Just end it OP. From looking at the thread it is clear that you have no intention of actually trying or even wanting to get good. And that goes for every aspect of your life. It's not like some cosmic coincidence singled you out and made you bad at everything you try to do. You simply have a shitty attitude and you perception of reality is skewed. Getting better at drawing will do absolutely nothing for you, because you would be blind to any improvements.

>> No.6190054

>what do I even do at this point?
Kill yourself

>> No.6190087

Use shortcuts like 3D and photobashing if you just want to make art but can't stand drawing.

If you literally just want to get good at drawing, then truly FPBP.
Keep practicing. There is no other way. If you want to learn a skill, you gradually improve. If you have no focus such that you are trying to learn the complete thing all at once, it will take you years. It takes everyone years. There's people out there who've been drawing for 15 and are still on your level.

Good luck, but, the likes of this 4chan thread will absolutely not help improve your situation.

>> No.6190224

I am also a dude for whatever it's worth, if it is me you were asking

So it took you a great length of time to produce a pretty decent looking eye right? And I'm guessing a concern might be that, "if it takes this long to draw an eye how will I ever draw a face?", or something like that?
So what I would suggest is not drawing a perfect eye.
Draw many many many "bad" eyes that vaguely represent what you're trying to achieve. "What are the basic shapes that make up this eye?" OK here's an arch, an oval, some more arches, some abstract shapes that make up a highlight section. So look at the first eye you've drawn and look at what you did to get there.
After you've done this, draw it again, but don't try to nicely line the lashes or shade in the highlights, just draw where all the stuff should be VAGUELY and do this a few times.
Why should you draw something bad? It won't always be bad,.you just need to get faster at putting things down, once you've got the process of just putting things down you can start making it "nicer".
Also by lowering your standards of what goes on paper, you'll be able to achieve more.

You said you physically can't though, is it due to a disability or do you just have extreme difficulty in doing things? If you don't mind me asking, sorry for rushed reply btw I'm on break at work lmao

>> No.6190272

op, you arent drawing the image next to you.
you dont appear to be actually trying.
have higher standards for yourself or you will never improve.
If you cannot see the issues with this beyond calling it "hideous", no one will ever be able to help you.
dont just call it hideous, examine why it is so.

>> No.6190320

Better than me, for what that's worth.

>> No.6190389

show us some art you'd like to make. Like artists you look up to or respect.

>> No.6190418

Why is so important to be good for you?

>> No.6190584

I actually tried extremely hard and spent 7 hours on that. I can’t “try harder.” I’m just not good.

Because it’s what I want in life.

I want to actually draw. I only cared stand it because of how awful the end result is. Practice is not helping me at all.

The fact that decent is the best I can muster after a long amount of time is the problem. I have very limited free time as is, and my standard pace would never allow me to finish anything, and by the time they’re done it’s all trash that looks worse than some child’s deviant art.

This eye was redrawn 27 times.

I never said I physically can’t. I have no disability, I’ve just been unable to improve regardless of “technique” or “approach”

>> No.6190773

Just drawing for hours and hours, over and over is a waste of time, it will drive you nuts.
You need to study. Draw, then look at whats wrong, find theory how to do it right.
I think it should be a cycle of theory-practice-theory-practice-theory...

>> No.6191011
File: 3.45 MB, 2775x1152, 1558092321803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because it’s what I want in life.

so you want to draw or you want to be good? I mean, maybe the cause of your suffering is vanity.

I've been there, and sometimes it still bothers me. Not to the point of thinking in sudoku tho.

>> No.6191079

Soul. Keep doing your best.

>> No.6191088
File: 155 KB, 1037x676, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally need to go back to basics. Study line, study how to hold the pen, study how to draw with your shoulder, and most importantly you need to learn how to study measuring. Look how he's translating curved lines into angles so he can properly measure and accurately draw the curve, instead of constantly guessing with freehand lines.

Literally just go do Brent Eviston's course and drop your art ego at the door. Become a beginner again. I know hes getting shilled a lot recently but hes the real deal.

Your problem is you lack fundies. You need to grind fundies so you can draw confidently and smoothly whilst also being able to deconstruct complicated things you want to draw into basic concept and ideas that can be tackled without pure suffering and guesswork.

>> No.6191115

Pro tip: if you are horny and perverted af you already done halfway because perversion is the strongest motivation. The same reason why many coomers and pedos are great artists

>> No.6191128

>copy a picture
>didn't even copy

nah you are consciously failing yourself

>> No.6191257

I’m incompetent but it’s not from lack of trying

I don’t want to be known as a porn artist

None of that has ever helped

It’s not vanity and I have no ego

>> No.6191267


shit i would be depressed if i drew something that stupid

>> No.6191275

Wasn’t my idea

>> No.6191482

You tried a psychiatrist? The psych can diagnose you and give you any meds you may be in need of.

Also, maybe you need to CBT instead? CBT is supposed to help you do things rather than just talking about shit like psychotherapy does.

lol that's what you need in order to find the motivation to do much of anything. That or serotonin.

>> No.6191622

>It’s not vanity and I have no ego
If that were true you won't care about good or bad at drawing.

>> No.6191671

it's terrible the advice everyone gives, telling you push harder when nothing is working. if nothing is working, that really means you should do less of that thing. don't be a fool pushing harder into a brick wall, instead notice what you're doing isn't working, stop doing it, reorient, find a better way around it. this can all be done gently, without hard work, but you have to be aware and always noticing, always being smart and focused in your management. it is hard to avoid hard work, and to apply this habit of solve problems rather than brute forcing everything like an idiot.

think of what I'm saying like a doctor telling you to wear a cast, so your injury will heal. be less harsh with yourself, figure out a way to be less harsh and more understanding. I recommend you have a different view of yourself, you are not strong, you are weak, so you cannot use the methods of a strong person, but must be crafty if you want to win as a weak person, managing yourself well, "fighting" only when it is to your advantage, and carefully avoiding any fight that is not to your advantage. you cannot do things their way, so ignore their methods and ways, do things your way - it's the only way that really works for anyone actually. throw away all your scruples just do whatever works and wins. your own enjoyment and suffering actually matters to the equation, don't be a fool and pretend it doesn't. Draw with love and desire, when you try to make something the way you love it, or the way you find it lewd, you will draw it better.

at it's heart, skill is simple: do more things that succeed without needing so much effort, do less things that fail. if you can win more often, your situation will improve as mine had when I was in your shoes.

>> No.6191680
File: 882 KB, 760x1382, craiyon_172637_I_ve_been_trying_to_draw_seriously_for_6_years_now__with_odd_attempts_here_and_there_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6191870

I don’t need meds.

At least I’m better than an autistic deep fake AI. There’s that.

I don’t know how this applies to art

>> No.6191902
File: 19 KB, 360x270, 1615835233591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of different anons gave you solid advice, and you're just shrugging off everybody. Now you're just getting fucking annoying. You want sympathy? I have zero. You can stay depressed and never draw again for all I care. Your shitty attitude is the reason why you suck at drawing. You're just a leech that's starting to become an attention whore. Either stop being such a little bitch and draw or wallow in your self pity for the rest of your life.

Btw, the story would be the same if you were doing any other skill. The problem isn't that you're depressed because of Art, you're depressed because you hate yourself. Because you're a bitch. Figure your life out.

In the end you might just be a lost cause, I hate to break it to you. There are millions of unsuccessful people who go nowhere because they can't get over themselves, you can't even fix them. You might just be another statistic and a waste of energy to anybody trying to help you.

>> No.6191945

I didn’t shrug off anyone though.

>> No.6192927


>I’ve been trying to draw seriously for 6 years now

HAHAHAHHAHAH 6 years. You know pal, when people say they have drawn for 6 years seriously, they mean that they drew un-seriously for atleast 20. I hope you had atleast some background in drawing, because this shit ain't easy. People really don't understand how much work and effort it takes.

>> No.6192941

Have you ever tried them?

Either way I agree with >>6191902
Everyone here gave you really good advice, but you blew off everyone and have a fucking answer for everything. I suspect that is the true reason you haven't gone anywhere in life. You don't even have the motivation to help yourself.

>> No.6192985

Fuck off sam

>> No.6193789

I bet op is just trolling us lmao he’s probably a great artist irl and is just larping as a bad one cause he’s bored

>> No.6193804

that's my art goal too

>> No.6194079

I wish. But no. My art is trash.

>> No.6194115
File: 87 KB, 610x574, drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, honestly. Currently trying to apply advice from here but I still feel hopeless. I don't think I have the smarts or discipline to self teach and am considering taking college classes. College is the only place I can commit to paying attention as I literally can't afford to fail.

>> No.6194117

>>6194115 (me)
and to make matters worse, I'm 26 so this makes me even sadder that I have the skills of an autistic child.

>> No.6194122

there you go anon, you don't wanna be an artist, you wanna be a celebrity

>> No.6194210

Sound like you hate drawing lol.

>> No.6194444

You’re never, ever, going to have fun if all you do hate what you create. If you find no enjoyment you’ll just stunt your growth and give up. No matter what your skill level is you’ll ALWAYS find something that can be improved or someone’s that’s better. Not even pros are immune to this.

You gotta learn to stop beating yourself up over this. You might not be where you want to be now, but you’ll get there quicker once you come to terms with your current skill level. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep practicing, but it’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t come out exactly how you envisioned. Fucking up and learning from it is just part of the experience. You get a little better each time.

It’s not gonna happen overnight, but you gotta learn to love the process if you actually want to get better.

>> No.6194492
File: 187 KB, 1757x1728, 6C4B0C8D-1DBA-430C-A9E7-BFE2F580BD97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

This was a study I did today.
No shading at all as previously said by another poster

>> No.6194792

There is no way you spent 7 hours on that. If so please quit drawing as your attitude will not take you anywhere far in drawing or life.

>> No.6194809

Kill yourself. You're not worth it and you'll never make it.

You'll never get good if you haven't already. Loser.

>> No.6194928

There's no such thing as creativity. Sure, some of us are more intelligent than others but in art, it all boils down to a couple of things and none are creativity.

1 - Interest. You're not drawing because you most likely don't enjoy it that much. You would like to be a successful artist because of your ego or perhaps as a cope for other shortcomings (like most of us artists wannabe) instead of the sheer pleasure of drawing/painting.

2 - Culture. Obviously, any great artist has a tremendous cultural background. Not just in painting but in other arts such as literature, philosophy, and cinema. I'm talking about real artists, not illustrators. Not that the latter is any easier but it's different. Culture gives you sensitivity and taste, otherwise, you will always lack the capacity to be objective about your work. Happens too much here, you see people posting absolute dogshit without realising it. At the same time, you and they won't see any potential in their attempts. So having an interest in art is vital. Van Gogh started painting in his 30s, but since he was a young boy he'd collected master copies and drawings.

3 - Intelligence. You have to be able to think about what you've learned and what really matters to you in art. Is it beauty, is it expression, is it storytelling (illustration), or the human figure? whatever, you figure these things out if you practice and study art long enough, but you will have to use your brain to be aware of concepts that will be important to you. And that's why the previous points are vital. Without study, you won't know shit and without interest, it will be a chore and you'll remain here, crying about your lack of self-discipline.

These 3 points however need a decent basic level of drawing. This is why the University courses are a good choice for those without a relentless passion for drawing because at the end of it you come out with a decent foundation.

>> No.6194970

just end your life loser, why the fuck are you even still trying

>> No.6195853

I’ve got all of those things, I just don’t have talent

>> No.6195855

I dont have any of those traits but I have talent. am I GMI?

>> No.6196376

i dont understand why you are trying to make it symmetrical human faces are very asymmetrical also draw a real person from reference fuck the weeb shit

>> No.6196440

ITT: imposter syndrome