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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 110 KB, 1080x1080, ef027b67-bffe-4c6b-9cc0-ccd6fa8f6582_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6174652 No.6174652 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on my manga? finally living my childhood dream could use some support for my epic tale



>> No.6174722


>> No.6174731
File: 382 KB, 500x375, 9e1d65661abab8a4ae9beea7125673ec.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon this post made me cry like a child.
Why would I even think of giving up in the first place. Struggle till you make it or gtfo. Now im gonna pmw on reddit, thx for the inspiration... Thx...

>> No.6174739

Are you drawing with a mouse? Dont, you better to take pen and papper pill or actually get a tablet.

>> No.6174744

no i am drawing on paper and pen but just got an xp pen tablet.

>> No.6174751

Before starting drawing a entire webcomic with plots and multiple characters and environments, why dont you learn fundamentals? You lack character making, you lack color theory, you lack anatomy, you lack proportion, you lack lineworking, you lack gesture, you lack perspective and, last but not least, you lack a cock up your ass.
>inb4 muh style

>> No.6174759

Its even souless
Op no one gonna read it with such art, learn to draw and write first.

>> No.6174767

fuck you guys it is just how i style it. it looks good bro people on tiktok say my arts fire

>> No.6174782

Shut up, passion projects are important no matter how unfeasible they are. A beginner should first and foremost have fun.
Shitty line quality clearly isn't part of your "style", it's just a lack of skill that's holding you back from creating what you truly want. Your comic looks like shit, but don't give up, you have the spark needed to make it. Just don't make excuses and be honest with yourself. Dedicate at least a small portion of your drawing time to learning and you'll be all good.

>> No.6174786

Fuck you, my comic is better than what you do, pyw. Uh... U not gonna do it, knos what! I think you are a permabeg, just like everyone on this site. Im quite popular on tiktok and you are not and my style clerly became better before my hiatus. What the fuck even is this site, are you idiot?

>> No.6174790

Im gonna be like one punch man guy you will see

>> No.6174791

I already have a better story.

>> No.6174813

Of all the loser no-draws right now in this shithole /ic/ you managed to be the most pathetic one. Good job I guess

>> No.6174822

Op you ngmi.

>> No.6174827

Its so unappealing dude.

>> No.6174828
File: 658 KB, 2760x3508, Chain Mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but he's right. I respect your dedication to make a manga and I can tell your scope is really big, which is far too unrealistic. You remind me of my teenage self, with a massive story that I started to draw that never went anywhere with a derivative story. Work on your fundies so that it's at least pleasant to look at. I'm not saying to quit, just to keep learning.

>> No.6174834
File: 1.79 MB, 4961x7016, Glaive Brandon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More likely to be like Chris Chan with that atitude and story-telling. It's so stale and rehashed:
>exposition right off the bat
>protag as a child who has a dream but can't
>random person getting beat up to set the protag up as a hero
Jesus Christ, mate! How many mangas have you ripped off here? OPM works because it's a parody. The artstyle there further incremented the gag of the scene. This super hero protagonist is just a hobbyist? LMAO!

>> No.6174839

Is this a mf mail dog, looks nice.

>> No.6174859
File: 569 KB, 3508x4960, Edgy Lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of humor, what the hell is up with yours? Your humor is peak lolsorandumXD! 2005 called. And the character writing, if you can call that, is atrocious. For some reason, the protagonist is putting all his heart into punching this one dude for beating a kid he's never seen in a foreign land. Why? You just skipped character motivation entirely. And the speed at which you change pace and mood is atrocious. I'd be willing to let it slide, but with an attitude like yours, I really don't care about hurting your feelings.

You write like a 13 y/o would write. In a world filled with not only professional-level art, but professional-level writing, your manga is really subpar. You spent nine (?) pages on a battle that has no emotional appeal. I don't know the people involved in the fight, I don't know who any of the people fighting are, so I don't care about it. And because I've read this a hundred times before, I ALREADY know MC will win and save the other guy who will give loads of exposition. Big surprise there. Other manga can get away with it because they have the cool factor working for them, but your designs are bad. By the way, you didn't add the OBLIGATORY frontal shot of the protagonist so we get a good look at him. Something like this >>6174834. You are hiding your character because deep down you know your art is bad and you don't want to give people the time to look at it. You are ashamed of your copium "muh style".

>> No.6174868

I'll tell you what i told my other cracker ass haters:

Everyone's style is different tho, even manga artists styles, many are similar, but look at the wacky characters that oda sometimes draws in one piece, an example is characters like Charlotte lola, who in my opinion doesn't look like anime at all, yes manga is geared towards a certain set of characteristics and features when it comes to drawing people, however even if these characteristics are changed for example, my style, it still doesn't mean that it's not manga or good manga. my writing is good and you just can't keep up with it. You're clearly avoiding the plot because reading too hard for you. My friends and people on the tok find my humor funny almost like its suggestive clown

>> No.6174870

>You write like a 13 y/o
Op he gonna groom you, dontACK...

>> No.6174871
File: 78 KB, 1366x768, Nantes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your framing is too narrow, everything seems too zoomed in into your characters and you don't know perspective. You aren't even trying to make things make sense spatially because you lack the skills to make space work. As a result, I feel lost and disoriented while reading your shit. Damn, dude, Perspective is hard and I too struggle with it, but I don't go around claiming "bad" is a style. Just acknowledge that it's hard and eventually you will get good at it, but if you hide behind the emotional blanket of "muh style", you will cripple the possibility of progress. Back to drawing boxes until you get good.

>> No.6174873
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6174875

Go fuck your crocodile hater. Im ending my hiatus because of you. ANGRY

>> No.6174876
File: 647 KB, 3508x2480, Assuming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, fren. This is Brandon. He was my D&D character. He was a fighter who wore a chainmail. There is when he found the mail in an armory and put it on. It was cursed, so he got genderbent for the rest of the dungeon.

I used it as a gag that people kept ASSUMING his threat range and got hit before they got to him (or should I say, xyr).

>> No.6174877
File: 997 KB, 946x528, satyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh im good at perspective check out my gohan drawing in my art style its almost `1 for `1 minus the style

>> No.6174885
File: 2.95 MB, 2400x3393, Will Save.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bruh im good at perspective
He says while drawing full frontal. Could have at least tried to draw an interesting angle.

>> No.6174888
File: 421 KB, 547x824, mynaruto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro. check this then and cope harder because I'm actually good at foreshortening and perspective.

>> No.6174892

He says while drawing full FLAT frontal.*

>> No.6174894
File: 242 KB, 2080x2154, Pero caca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean this thread up, janny! Hurry up!

>> No.6174899

Can i mimic your style op?

>> No.6174900

go ahead bro

>> No.6174901
File: 195 KB, 266x351, chrome_bNOu24E3ax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6174902
File: 772 KB, 3600x2800, PENTEX tongue my ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft! Ahahahaha! You managed to screw up worse than me! AAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

>those proportions
>those hands
>those shadows

>> No.6174913

You're way too good for youtube, you should stop making videos.

>> No.6174917
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x2959, Clean it up!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, regardless of your style, you should be able to communicate visually with your viewer, far too often, I have no idea what's going on, which is even more amazing because you use colors where a regular manga is black and white.

>> No.6174918

You also too good for weebtoons, you should stop making manga.

>> No.6174921


>> No.6174929
File: 188 KB, 698x1046, shitart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot is raging in his discord server right now that were calling him out LMAO

>> No.6174930
File: 1.80 MB, 2480x3508, MMB_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His art got me dying
His discord server for this shit https://discord.gg/5r5XVhkqWW

>> No.6174932
File: 7 KB, 202x250, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.6174935

The trash art made me not read a single line. Get better and re do it if you really care about that story. If not, just hide it and never show it to anyone again.

>> No.6174949
File: 85 KB, 886x578, Printscreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, anon! You are TOXIC!

>> No.6174952
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, 1257636902312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I did the same OP did, posting my shitty art and I getting completely destroyed. Good times, I almost cried btw. Of course, I took a lot better and tried to listen to the criticism, but I did almost cry.

Good for you, OP nigger, you need to be broken to rebuild yourself again. If you really think your art is good you are a complete deluded fuck. But I admire the commitment towards such ambitious project, it would take me a lot to deliver 20ch of a comic, even if is complete shit like yours.

What you are felling right now, the pain, the hate, the humiliation. Hold to it, never let it go, dominate it and don't be dominated by it. Came back here, again and again, 1000 times over, 1000000 over, never forget. Prove all of them wrong. Can you do it?

>> No.6174958

>Of course, I took a lot better and tried to listen to the criticism, but I did almost cry.
Op will just cry on his discord to his no brain shills. Yep, zoomers are downfall of civilization.

>> No.6174962

He just need to be educated, I was a bit older then him and had the luck of finding a decent place to teach me some values. Better now then later, I tried helping some paperskin faggots past their 40's that never got a good beating to understand they are not the prodigy ultra talented genius they think they are and is 1000 harder. Kids are good malleable clay to work with.

>> No.6174964

You lying fuck, piece of shit, you are done. We kicking this clown from our discord. Thx for showing us his true face 4chan.

>> No.6174965
File: 68 KB, 875x468, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some fag from this thread is saying our criticisms will mess him up LMAO

>> No.6174968
File: 404 KB, 220x219, nervous-scared.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6174969
File: 174 KB, 1754x2180, Encounter With a Mech Patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some fag from this thread is saying our criticisms will mess him up LMAO
Anon, I'm the one who posted the majority of the criticisms on this very thread. And I stand by what I said: this place is a mental drug and it's not a good place for young minds. /ic/ is crab central and the other boards are even worse.

>> No.6174971

this dog lethargic af

>> No.6174972

Says permabeg furry

>> No.6174974

this is a cope for the fact your art is shit and youre a degenerate living out of your moms basement. enjoy being a furfag living for the next coom while never improving

>> No.6174975

Case in point.

>> No.6174978

>wtf 4chan is toxic as HELL
Poor boi, how will he cope with normi toxicity

>> No.6174980

He wont maybe gonna khs. Truly was a mistake to cum here, he was talentend like Miura and now he may already be gone... His hiatus will never end. We lost another master bros...

>> No.6174981

I almost want this to be true, I don't remember the last time I made a kid kill himself.

>> No.6174983

>4chab le bad
Both post no skill cringe

>> No.6174985

Guys I think it's legit someone pretending to be OP. We should report it.

>> No.6174986

His discord to fbi, sure.

>> No.6174995

The kid's a minor, he won't be coming here, plus he talks like a legit black kid unlike OP.

>> No.6175000

Just checked his discord, it might be Michal making this thread out of spite idk.

>> No.6175004

Also RingasOrange-Wolf is sus.
I think itz time to vote the mods out.

>> No.6175010


>> No.6175014
File: 2.09 MB, 1350x2048, chrome_screenshot_1658496615287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino soul i kneel

>> No.6175020

>t. Underanged

>> No.6175024

Whats going on in this shot?

>> No.6175068
File: 3.84 MB, 2484x1280, tardcomic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about these pages is making me laugh my ass off. they look like a toddler drew them

>> No.6175073

you didnt make these

>> No.6175176

This isn’t 2003 anymore
If you want people to look at your comic you gotta know how to draw

>> No.6175187

Put it in your portfolio (along with still lifes and portraits) and apply to art school

>> No.6175267
File: 614 KB, 498x498, pepe-angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6175334

You welcome

>> No.6175503

Hello everyone on this thread pls listen the original who post "someone" else art is IMPOSTER who proclaim his art by bein the artist himself, the original artist was very nice to his fanbase, this guys who proclaim this pls report him

>> No.6175515

Im not an impostor i already said it, unban me in discord guys, please.

>> No.6175561

It's creative, nice work anon and ignore the dumbasses here criticising your fundies.
If anything you could use a little perspective work but what you do have is not bad. Some of the wide shots are cool. Also the
Setting is interesting. Keep doing you.

>> No.6175628

bro his arts amazing yea

>> No.6175637
File: 1.82 MB, 498x281, meme-let-me-in.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow op you so good i fugured you drew Eric Andre from the first chapter by his look alone, you gonna go far kid.

>> No.6175655

I swear OP pic just changed, fucking cursed. Somehow now its even more fucked, wtf.

>> No.6175971

Why would you give your rat a gunt?

>> No.6176369

It's better than Sonichu.

>> No.6176444


>> No.6176458

gmi. keep on going, op
learn from your mistakes and work on your weaker sides and don't let the crabs discourage you. godspeed

>> No.6176545

at least OP posted his work. Keep it up

>> No.6177756

thanks man

>> No.6178919

OP what the fuck did you expected when you came here? This is not reddit where people pretend to be nice because they're afraid of losing karma. Even leaving your art aside your story is the definition of generic, your fucking title is one letter away from "isekai". You fucking misspelled the very first word in your shit "tresures".

I wanted to finish reading the first chapter out of respect but it was just painful, I was starting to think this was just trolling but this has way too much effort for just a troll.

Go back and try again, next time start with a storyboard and ask someone if the story is interesting at least.

>> No.6179377

shut up hotshot nerd idiot. my art and story are on par with dbz and bleach

>> No.6180757

nothing more i love in this world than a full of himself retard

>> No.6182439

fuck off idiot. lets see you do this many chapters.

>> No.6182983

>retards falling for a bait thread
OP is pretending to be the artist, please stop being dumb

>> No.6182987

Of course he is pretending, his art is pre beg tier, he will never be an artist.
Btw you are idiot.

>> No.6186294

jays art is fucking top tier check out his new tiktok!

>> No.6186350
File: 1.94 MB, 1300x942, Screenshot-2022-04-06-at-9.55.11-PM-1300x942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this shit OP? This shit RIGHT here will replace your comic in a couple months or next year enough to make quit art. Better start flopping those burgers because AI art is the new future of replacing you LMAO

>> No.6186410

No way im letting it copy my style, btw, planning to end my hiatus soon, i think my art skills increased since last chapters.

>> No.6186452

shut up michael no one likes you go back to eating boogers

>> No.6186474

No it isn't, Sonichu has soul, this is just gay