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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 756 KB, 674x670, gokupiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6169305 No.6169305 [Reply] [Original]

stupid question thread

>> No.6169307

Haven't come to ic in a couple months.
Why are there no mega links anymore?
Is Batmanon still uploading?

>> No.6169312

I feel like if I want to get at the same skill level of friends more skilled and experienced than me in just around 1 year (and that's being generous) I would have to cut off books and videogames and draw for a pretty big amount of hours (like around 8 or even more) everyday. How do you switch between drawing and other hobbies when you're determined to improve quickly? Or alternatively, can you fix the gap in skill between you and an artists muxh more skilled and experienced than you if they're still as determined as ypu to drawing?

>> No.6169325

>How do you switch between drawing and other hobbies when you're determined to improve quickly?
You can draw while listen to an audio book

>can you fix the gap in skill between you and an artists muxh more skilled and experienced than you
Yes, there's is a cap. They're probably not gonna make it to masters so you'll catch on. Go draw

>> No.6169333

batman anon posted a torrent link 2 threads ago but no one ever got past retrieving metadata

>> No.6169573

why do beginner drawings frequently have so much soul?

>> No.6170007

how do I improve my speed? it takes me like a week to finish a drawing.

>> No.6170010

what humans perceive as inanimate objects having "soul" is literally just flaws.
Anything made without flaws just seem sterile or bland.

>> No.6170073

They don't have enough knowledge yet to worry about whether they're doing something right. They just do whatever, so it's loose and instinctual, which has soul.
I think soulless is just shorthand for being able to tell when an artist was trying too hard.

>> No.6170098

How do you even come up with clothes for your characters? Do I need to study clothing design so I don't just rip off shit from pinterest?

>> No.6170151

Character design includes studying fashion design yes. Fashion and clothes are their own area of expertise, that has its own application of principles like balance and values.

>> No.6170162

Are you talking about costumes, or plain clothes? Just have a folder for outfits you like, mix and match elements from different pictures. Learn how basic articles of clothing are constructed, like shirts/blouses and trousers.

>> No.6170163

you need creativity

>> No.6170179
File: 260 KB, 803x790, 1567054170337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the difference between beg and int?

>> No.6170193

>the difference between beg and int
Skill, creativity, and intent

>> No.6170313

Is tracing bad or not? Can you actually learn anything from it or is it pointless activity?

>> No.6170316

dick size

>> No.6170319

being able to use fundies and make a finished piece using them

>> No.6170351

You should be copying to study instead of tracing, but once you reach a part of the reference that really stumps you, tracing is a good way to figure out how it looks made from lines so you can copy it better next time.

>> No.6170377
File: 29 KB, 636x637, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cross-like lines on the ball are pretty impossible for me to get right. Is there a tool that can cut this process short? Im using Krita.

>> No.6170378
File: 464 KB, 1078x1670, Fb7d0QOSQAZV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner myself so take what I say with the green of salt'

Tracing is fine if you're trying to get better at figure art, did inspiration from a particular person/object (ie you want to draw an anime character doing doing a stereotypical Instagramer pose like pic rel), etc. I don't see it as bad at all to be frank. The only time it's a problem is when you straight up rip off other people's artwork and claim it as your original untraced work, or just being a tracer in general but denying you do it at all.

Notable artists like Shexyo and Chibirose or particularly infamous (here. Hardly anyone else cares about it) for doing that. See links below for more details on what NOT to do as an artists who traces:


Again, tracing is really only bad if claim is 100% your effort with no outside help or references.

>> No.6170383

>Hardly anyone else cares about it
The reality is that the only people who give even half a shit about tracing are other artists, and even then it's not all of them. Everyone else only cares about what the finished product looks like. If they like it it's a non-issue for them.

>> No.6170407
File: 747 KB, 1078x1641, R0xXQeBJCJbT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention, to add on to this, I personally don't think tracing should be your main art style. It should only be used if you are trying to change the art style of an existing image to your own like pic rel. If you rely too heavily on tracing then you'll get very little, if any improvement in your skills. Like I'm sure many other people have told you, simply practice and you'll eventually get good..... Eventually......

>> No.6170431

>The reality is that the only people who give even half a shit about tracing are other artists, and even then it's not all of them.
This. I mentioned Shexyo earlier and despite being caught and called out for tracing over Cutesexyrobutts' art and sort of copying his art style, the vast majority of people still do not give a shit and he still making Bank off of commissions. I'm pretty sure if he and Chibiirose had just shut the fuck up and ignored me accusations instead of getting defensive then the drama would have died off in less than a week. It does not fucking matter. It's still art at the end of the day. It's elitists like /ic/ posters and low- effort YouTube commentary channels that mostly care.

Also see this thread's OP: >>6165425

>> No.6170442

well, problem is begs gonna read all this and begin to trace and stagnate never learning anything
to even do a decent trace you already need to skill to do it without tracing, thread you mention is an example of the artist being able to do it anyway, same with shexyo or wtv

apart from retarded crabs, telling people to not trace is the correct thing to say since most are beginners in skill or want to improve

comment above with that instagram post is a good example of the shitty art people make when they rely on tracing instead of actually developing drawing/painting skills first

>> No.6170458

also theres the problem of wanting to draw shit that has no real img to trace from, you will have to rely on your drawing skills for that even if you trace parts of it

so ye, trace all you want but at the end of the day the better your skill is the better the final image will be and until then its just a crutch to try and get "muh social media numbers"

even if the objective is doing commissions what happens if the person asks of you something you cant fully trace, again, you will deliver a shitty image so even if your mid is focused on the fastest way to make a dime off art, its a bad crutch

>> No.6170477
File: 489 KB, 703x1031, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so fucking lost bros.
look at picrel. it's a girl, and an attractive one at that. but the more I look at her, the more I think... why is she attractive?

her hips are tiny.
her shoulders are wider than mine.
her neck is the size of a fucking 100 year old tree.

and everytime I do a study of a wom*n, it ends up like that. I see the ref, go awoooo, open it in csp, actually loook closer at the picture... and just see, there is nothing feminine in there.
what is going on with my brain?

>> No.6170492

Come to /lsg/.

>> No.6170503

Coom and anime rotted your brain. And men are more effeminate than ever so the gap between male and female is smaller. The solution is to give up your hentai and start lifting so you look like a real man.

>> No.6170504

You don't need to be touched by voluptas to be an attractive women. A good body is much the balance between features, smooth skin and not being fat (not chubby). What is feminine about her are those features, even her silllhuete is feminine. Anime girls have more promienent features like that to make up for the cartoony proportions of the face, so if you give them a normal looking neck it will look weird since her face is so wide and in focus, this is so the first requirement, balance between all the features, can coexist as you exaggerated what you want to exaggerate without looking off. The same happens with male characters in several ways.

>> No.6170513
File: 1.73 MB, 172x308, EGFsChLAahCp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comment above with that instagram post is a good example of the shitty art people make when they rely on tracing instead of actually developing drawing/painting skills first
Doesn't matter to most people. Especially if it appeals to coomers like his account. Instagram is filled to the brim with people doing those generic "look at my ass" posts so he has plenty of material to trace over. I wouldn't be surprised at every single one of his posts are traced. It's really not that important to end the day unless you're actually trying to improve your art work but I don't think the guy I posted has any intention of improving. I screwed through his entire account and the artwork looks basically the same despite him posting for a couple years. No major improvement at all as far as I can see. I don't really blame them either because why put in a bunch of effort to improve if what you already put out is good enough for your followers and it makes you money via commissions regardless? Most people don't have the time or patience to get on the level of artists like Cutesexyrobutts so they see improvement as a waste of time and effort.

>>6170442>to even do a decent trace you already need to skill to do it without tracing,

Do you though? I'm below /beg/level in skill yet I was able to shit out traced art like vid rel in a relatively short amount of time (I think I have a time lapse of it saved somewhere).

>> No.6170521
File: 33 KB, 200x216, fPhXeqsGRlZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgot to unrandomize file name


>> No.6170525

Is moving to Japan worth it? Is it true they'll never accept foreigners?

>> No.6170526

its all about hip to waist ratio imo, and curves in general

>> No.6170627
File: 318 KB, 1073x925, blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn blender.

>> No.6170640


>> No.6170650
File: 1.15 MB, 1170x1181, F4636B87-0FF5-4D9A-83C8-EF1CF9E67BCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a tutorial for painting and blending like pic related in Procreate?

>> No.6170660


>> No.6170680

I'm using hard round brush on clip studio with pressure opacity turned off.
Should I have the brush density set to maximum though?

>> No.6170743
File: 468 KB, 220x197, eUKomJdqEtye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Particularly to people who've "made it" and have a relatively large following on sites like Twitter, Pixiv, Patreon, Fanboz, etc.

What do you want them to know you occasionally browse this board, or even this site in general every now and then? I'm torn as to whether or not it's even a good idea to ask for critique here because I would hate for someone to find out I work here and then assume am some neo Nazi or some shit. Does it really matter?

>> No.6170745

even sinix has admitted to lurking and shitposting here, and I haven't seen him get cancelled over it. You should be fine desu

>> No.6170877

ok. thank you.

>> No.6170985
File: 143 KB, 1024x762, 1649346027546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many comic book chapters make a movie?
Let me put an example; let's say I'm making a 4 chapters long mini series, each chapter should cover what in movie form would be roughly half an hour so that 4 chapters would equal a 2 hour long movie; how many pages long should each chapter be? Thanks in advance anons...

>> No.6171182

>understand volumes
>shade with mostly black and white (no varying the hue, possibly using Dodge/Burn)
>blend very smoothly
That's about it.

It looks bad, by the way, like every element exists in a vacuum where other elements don't affect their color. Don't think it'd fly nowadays when digital art has reached a good development. Yugioh's strength is not in the execution, but in the design.

>> No.6171187

it always looks off if it's from obvious /begs/, look at chinkboi1 his stuff looks like utter shit

>> No.6171188

Page is not a good measure. Compare something like Watchmen with Naruto, by the time Rorschach has discussed the ins and outs of society with Ozymandias, Naruto will only have delivered three kicks on the bad guy after many splash pages and WOOOOOSH.

I made a 450 pages long comic that had up to 12 panels on a single pages sometimes, but mostly 6.
I estimated if it were adapted into animation, without filler, it'd span 8 episodes, or 4 episodes of 40 minutes. So... about 2 movies.

But movies can also change a lot in terms of pacing, an anime studio, for instance, would try to turn those 8 episodes into 12 to make it a typical cour and it'd drag a bit. A movie would try to shorten it to 90 minutes and make it confusing to absorb.

I suggest you do some stickman animatics, imagining the camera shots, the cuts, the soundtrack and whatever, then comparing that to how many pages you need to tell the story. But it's all guesswork, as the two mediums are not 1:1 in terms of efficiency showing different kinds of scene.

>> No.6171212

What are "basic textured brushes"? i've seen multiple anons talk about using the usual round brush but that they also use the basic textured brushes here and there. I look up textured brushes but all i get are really extreme brushes which do all the work for you, like "draw plant" brushes. Where do i get the ones just to make my drawing look more painterly and such?

>> No.6171249

like the basic round brush settings but with texture brushtip like chalk with maybe addition of other textures in settings like paper or canvas

thats what a "basic" textured brush is, literally just basic settings but texture form the tip and the add texture setting

>> No.6171363

In CSP is there a quick way of just drawing a straight line
I don't mean like a smooth line I mean a ruler straight line

I want to get better at perspective and being able to just draw some straight lines would be super helpful

Also is there a way of quickly plotting down a floor grid?

>> No.6171368

Being honest why you come here would be how I would go about it
> getting legit feed back
> harsher critiques
> No fame/no hug box mentality
> getting unique art requests you wouldn't normally draw

If you're that worried just clarify you don't support the racist/problematic stuff but appreciate being able to be anonymous

You're also not gonna be as famous as you think - so just flipping or tilting an image will stop reverse google searches if you are so inclined

>> No.6171385

the line tool, press U
you can also right click a layer and hit ruler/frame>create perspective ruler, haven't really messed with that too much yet myself but it's probably what you're looking for. you can adjust vanishing points/horizon line etc much easier than manually doing it with the line tool

>> No.6171401

Oh alright, i found it thanks.

>> No.6171403

4chan != pol
I just use ic and the ck lemon pig general i aint no natzey

>> No.6171407

wtf source?

>> No.6171464

why do i suddenly notice so many mistakes when i do something else for a while and come back to my drawing?

>> No.6171466


>> No.6171480

Because you're looking at it with fresh eyes. It's important to take small breaks ftom looking at your drawing so you can come back to it and notice mistakes. You can also flip the canvas horizontally for the same effect.

>> No.6171588


>> No.6171772

He did an AMA on various sites, one was this board.

>> No.6171794
File: 99 KB, 1200x675, star_wars_ep_3_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's hard to make a comparison. I have the Star Wars Episode 3 comic book adaption and it's a 100 pages long volume, basically it's 4 chapters each of 25 pages collected as a single volume, each chapter does cover about half an hour of the movie, however a handful of scenes are missing. I guess the pacing in American comics is that a fight sequence should last about 2 pages, like, a big splash page showing you just highlights of what the fight is supposed to go like. The rest is sort of each page does represent a minute of the movie.

I have some JoJo's volumes, I have Star Dust Crusaders vol. 1 and it's a 200 pages long tome, the first 2 chapters are the first episode of the Anime adaption, the first volume ends in what would be episode 4 or 5 of the anime adaption. That'd be two 20 pages long chapters are about half an hour of screen time, although I noticed that manga tends to be around 4 panels per page so the panel count in american comics tends to be a little higher.

>> No.6171795

am I a schizo or does CSP change things around every time you open it up? My gpen feels different every day and I have to spend hours tweaking the pressure and size and opacity to get something that isn't a blurry mess.

>> No.6172019

Nobody can masturbate to a /beg/'s work.

>> No.6172083


>> No.6172094

They don’t care about being good or making it or mogging some random anon they’ve built a homoerotic rivalry with in their heads. They just draw because they like drawing.

>> No.6172285 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 1300x895, ghost-in-the-shell-1995-animation-gits-001-BKGC69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bloom effects for the lights in old cel painted anime, how were they able to make that? were they compositing the light effects directly onto the film somehow?

>> No.6172288 [DELETED] 
File: 1013 KB, 1482x583, 1221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image

>> No.6172345

I currently have an old Intuos 4 tablet and it is absolute hell to draw with. My entire drawing background has always been with pencil/pen on paper. I got this tablet as a gift a long time ago and have tried using it off and on since then and always end up giving up because it feels so terrible compared to actually physically drawing on paper.
Looking at the screen and not at my hand feels like too big of a disconnect, and even if I do get sort of used to it, when I go back to paper and then back to the tablet it feels completely terrible again.

So my question is, does using a display tablet alleviate the problems from non display ones? My lines always feel shaky and a lot of times will go to the wrong place and then I have to spam undo or erase a lot.

>> No.6172352

I had the same problem and yes a display tablet helped heaps. I was unable to draw digitally for years, and could draw better with a mouse than my tablet. I hear osu helps, but I got my display tablet before I had heard of it. As far as feel goes, sinix suggests a sheet of paper fixed on the tablet. For display tablets thought, even the matte or paper mimicking screen covers are way to slick feeling for me.

>> No.6172367

Is Clip Studio Paint suitable for low end notebooks?

>> No.6172401

it lags hard on my 4gb ram and intel driver laptop when i'm using a textured brush, i guess you can use krita or alpaca for lowerend pcs i like krita better since it's closer to PS

>> No.6172402

Thanks! I only have 4 gigs RAM too. I guess I will stick to FireAlpaca for now.

>> No.6172564

Where do you even start with coloring? I've spent all this time mostly ignoring coloring but now I'm interested in dabbling with it and I just feel completely overwhelmed and lost. It's like I just started drawing again.

>> No.6172633

Studying notan vs chiaroscuro helped me. Also, direct color painting courses. There's good ones on NMA and I think ctrl paint has one too. James gurney's book and blog are good resources for when you get stumped by colors acting weird.

Make sure you can control your values first though, because that is literally half of what you need to know for color work. After that it's only hues and saturation.

>> No.6172637

I think it's fine because this is an art board. Just don't associate yourself with any of the shit boards like pol and you should be fine. Lots of well known artists have visited us here, some have talked about it on podcasts and stuff. None have been cancelled for it.

>> No.6172668
File: 192 KB, 900x735, 230377A0-9907-4983-A495-FBCC0F331C0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with basic color theory combinations. Color using flats at first to get a feel for how to distribute your chosen color combinations in a balanced harmonious way. If you work digitally, using flat colors on individual layers and adjusting them with color/saturation/luminosity sliders until they look good to you is an effective way to get a feel for how those elements interact in a piece. Once you understand how to apply the principles of art (balance, unity, etc) to color specifically, you can move to more advanced color theory and light physics which involve more intensive thinking. You're a ways off from that if you're just starting.

I'll help you out with pic related as a quick free art lesson. Here the artist used analogous colors blue, green, and yellow/orange. That's the basis to think about first.
Then you'll see the bottom half is mainly green and the top half is mainly yellow. That's a 50/50 split in color that creates a simple balance.
In the center you get the small use of intense blue for the birds. that's the focal point you pay attention to using the emphasis principle. It's a heavily saturated area because saturated colors demand attention from our eyes. Try not to make everything saturated or your work will give people a headache and become unclear.
Then the artist splashed small areas of every color all over the place, being mindful to match it to the nearby values or the saturation, so the focal point stays obvious. They mixed some light blue into the light yellow trees, some dark yellow into the dark green grass, and some saturated orange/green into the saturated blue birds. This scattered distribution created harmony and unity.
In short, start with what basic colors to use, and then how to arrange them in a pleasing way, while simultaneously thinking about how you're arranging the light parts and the dark parts, the saturated parts and the desaturated parts. Colors work in tandem with all of those things at once.

>> No.6172675

What skill level for drawing anime art do I need to be at to be able to make money from commissions? It doesn't matter how much, just enough to get the ball rolling at least. I would draw anything as well as long as its not too obscene.

>> No.6172692

Thanks, I guess I'll start out with basic values for now. A large part of this confusion seems to be the fact that I'm not nearly as familiar with CSP as a software than I previously thought. I guess I never really interacted much with the features with the stuff I was doing.

>> No.6172799

how do I get the resolve to finish my work instead of starting new shit?
can you train this power?

>> No.6172807
File: 1.19 MB, 286x253, KvVk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon. This post made me cry like a child.

Why would I even think of giving up piece im working on in the first place? Burning out is bullshit. Preparing is bullshit. Just draw and learn along the way as much as you can till you finish it.

>> No.6172817

you're welcome zhong xina

>> No.6172837

Look for inefficiencies in your process. If you're constantly undoing, you need to train your hand better. If you're constantly going over stuff you've already painted, you're probably not thinking before you make your initial strokes and instead you're just moving shit around haphazardly. If rendering out a piece takes ages, you likely need to configure your brushes better so you can make broad strokes that achieve your desired goal.

Either way, the key to speed is just to eliminate the things that waste your time.

>> No.6173281
File: 558 KB, 680x547, tphOPD8oIr7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is using hashtags on your art social media account a bad thing? I've noticed a lot of them, especially bigger accounts, use very little if any hashtags. I've seen a couple people say new accounts should not use any hashtags period But doesn't that make it a lot harder to grow your account? Are we supposed to just NEVER use them or just use them sparingly?

>> No.6173325

tldr, saved image

>> No.6173329

Anyone know good masters to study from with rendering in graphite and colored pencil? I have trouble finding artists to mastercopy from.

>> No.6173340
File: 841 KB, 850x1200, 1658215686017128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good opacity for sketches?
My sketches look like line art.

>> No.6173451
File: 15 KB, 661x185, Screenshot 2022-07-21 130608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? A sketch is a sketch regardless of opacity. If it "looks like lineart" it means you made line art.

>> No.6173625
File: 404 KB, 1080x1982, pEDcsvN0hIPn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo uuuuhhh..... How do I fix this?

>> No.6174390
File: 3.14 MB, 996x1362, joust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good way to have your work reach people? I made an instagram a while ago but I feel like I'm doing something wrong like what this >>6173281 anon is talking about. Is instagram a good platform or is there something better?

>> No.6174430

How come some people seem to regress in art? You see those yearly "improvement" pictures and some people seem to get worse over time. How do I prevent that from happening to me?

>> No.6174552
File: 404 KB, 500x522, cfee4eed767ce8a3cc897c6e870a6b59a89682036c8a53066f733ef734c650ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6174612

i wonder that too. i think it looks like some real world form of flanderization, where somebody just gets fully up his own asshole about some idea of appeal.
maybe the solution is to just hope you have an appealing asshole with broad appeal.

>> No.6174637

You can't. You have to either finally make it, or have a pro teacher who can point out where you're making weird choices. Learning a new skill can fuck with the good shit you weren't even aware was good because those good traits were lucky picks from foundation-less intuition. This is also how art becomes soulless.

>> No.6174769
File: 119 KB, 820x1050, tactics-ogre-let-us-cling-together-ogre-battle-the-march-of-the-black-queen-super-nintendo-entertainment-system-final-fantasy-vi-playstation-png-favpng-EfycNa9eVeeBrNAXm81Gev7ib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the foreshortening on the sword here off? Looks strange.

>> No.6174772
File: 353 KB, 1120x1556, 1592665599993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

yeah, it's off

>> No.6174773
File: 3.84 MB, 1487x3861, 1499941490933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6174774
File: 1.83 MB, 5100x3300, 1592642070578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this?

>> No.6174776
File: 1.20 MB, 800x960, 1601150258650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a lot

>> No.6174777
File: 1.38 MB, 2480x3508, 1586716924465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this is the last one i have

>> No.6174811

>>6174777 (checked)
Anon, bless your soul and have a kiss on the cheek (homo).

>> No.6174860

what's the best resolution and size for portrait and landscape drawings?

>> No.6174886

I would say time, but this board has proved otherwise.

>> No.6174911

>Girl face, very cute
>Tits are fucking immaculate
>Nice curves, not flat
>Soft, soft skin I wanna gently grab
Idk wtf you're on about she has more than enough features to exhibit feminine beauty. Her neck? It's fine. Her shoulders? They fit well with her figure. Fucking autistic dipshit, she's beautiful, stop being a gay.>>6170477

>> No.6174916
File: 59 KB, 500x750, pexels-photo-3586798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trace this, post results

>> No.6174924

Be confident and funny. Be outgoing, like actually talk to girls who you are interacting with. Don't hit on every single girl you talk to, try and pick up on hints, though sometimes girls are just prepared to not engage because guys are always staring at them. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to chat up girls you don't like, but are also giving you the time of day, you may be surprised and end up liking them a lot.

>> No.6174947

is there a “quick and dirty” guide to setting up csp? getting back to digital drawing after a hiatus and forgot how to do everything

>> No.6174961

>hoarding lists of things to hoard

>> No.6174966
File: 165 KB, 807x808, cambion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about my design :)))

>> No.6175081
File: 61 KB, 234x215, 1658498721332319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it considered cuck shit to draw non POV coom art?

>> No.6175094

If i'm going to message a japanese pixiv artist, should I message them in English or use the google translate and send them something that I'm not even sure is a true translation?

>> No.6175100

Am I the only one who genuinely feels like they belong in this place? Like it always felt like this place existed for me. I can't imagine being an artist without /ic/.

>> No.6175103 [DELETED] 

I see the term here often but I can't ffigure out exactly what it is. What is constrution?

>> No.6175105

When you finally give up in art and too dumb for STEM you will be a Construction worker.

>> No.6175116

I see the term here often but I can't figure out exactly what it is. What is construction?

>> No.6175305

Should I go to /k/ for help on how to make functional fantasy armor? I think I'll just end up triggering them cause I draw mostly jrpg-inspired fantasy stuff and I know it can look stupid or dumb but I don't care too much about the silliness sometimes as long as it is somewhat functional and that's the problem because I don't know if me being unable to draw in perspective say the couters or foreshorten it or bend the arm is due to lack of skill or cause it's impossible. I can't rotate the pauldrons and I don't know if it's because my design is illogical or because I lack skill. What is the best resource for understanding how armor works or design cause just knowing the parts isn't enough to draw action scenes in a comic.

>> No.6175318

Using basic 3D shapes to build a more complicated 3D image. Everything solid can be broken down into cylinders, prisms, and spheres so you draw those things arranged together to make the basic 3D form of your subject, and draw the subject on top of them.

>> No.6175385

Never thought about it. Interesting.

>> No.6175594

How do I properly add a background to a piece that already has a figure? Working digitally

>> No.6175624

Create a new layer, put it under your figure layer, then draw on it, thats basics dude.

>> No.6175657

Obviously, but how do you match the perspective of the character?

>> No.6175660

Make out your pose vanishing points and horizon line first, then build up scene accordingly.

>> No.6175673 [DELETED] 

So it's not possible to add a background after stay a gesture 1 minute gesture drawing turns into a figure?

>> No.6175692

So it's not possible to add a background after say a 1 minute gesture drawing turns into a figure? Or after a random sketch turns out really nice?

>> No.6175723
File: 1.80 MB, 316x564, 004dda990155ce6a4e4d5d57f7408153_316x564.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't be much better than the one I posted since I haven't done this in months but I'll give it a shot whenever I can

(Ignore socials text at the end. All are outdated)

>> No.6175727

>1 minute gesture drawing turns into a figure
if your 1 minute gestures dont resemble figures, something is terribly wrong anon

sometimes /beg/ gestures look like warped bananas or crooked lamp post, but even then you can tell its just a human drawing

>> No.6175739

>can't answer the question
Just admit you don't know

>> No.6175753

forgot to type nta kek

but since you ask, adding a bg to a figure is just like the other anon told you, just create a perspective grid based around the figures own perspective

if you cant eyeball this, then just draw a box around the figure ad that box should indicate the figures perspective and serve as a base for the grid

you can also resize the canvas as needed to adjust to wtv bg you want to add especially if its about making it a big scene


>> No.6175761

Thanks, if people would just answer I wouldn't even have to ask anymore. I've asked this more than once and I can't find any material on adding background to an existing character

>> No.6175894

any recommendations on gouache paint and paintbrushes? I've never tried trad painting before, how much does the quality of gouache paint matter

>> No.6175906
File: 489 KB, 1211x658, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell does this mean? If I have the construction at 1. I get the horizon and a set of 90 degree vanishing points. The center of vision is somewhere between them on the horizon line and if we got a a square at the bottom of this construction the diagonal will point to it and finalize establishing the perspective. Yet pic related suggests that if you have just 2 vanishing points you get the center of vision. Or am I reading something wrong? How are the ellipses in step 2. decided?

>> No.6175922

make a point in the middle of the vertical line,

take the distance of the bottom or top of the line to the middle point and this gets you the half of the length and now apply it to the horizontal lines creating a point that is at the same distance from the top and bottom of the vertical line as the middle point is, basically you are creating the middle points of the other sides of the cube

join the point in vertical line to the ones in the horizontal lines with a curve and this will get you half of the circle, the other half is just continuing the curved line that will natural curve inwards connecting with the other points making a circle

then just double th distance of the points to close the cube or just draw lines touching the edge of the formed circle

>> No.6175928

to add to this
the circles/ellipses are decided just based on creating the points indicating the middle of each side of the cube which will give you the full cube when doubled
and when you draw a circle/ellipse touching the sides of the cube, the part of the circle/ellipse always touches the middle portions of the sides aka the middle point

im not near my tablet so cant draw a proper visual explanation but hope you understand

>> No.6175998

Not really, what do you mean by "apply it to the horizontal lines"? Also here's an illustration of why I think the center of vision decides where the corner lands. I realized I don't know how to put the height of the cube onto the receeding lines, but that's beside the point and I'm sure I'll get to that soon. The important thing is that by my construction the corner of the "floor" of the cube will land on the purple lines, so clearly the two cases are different. And by how I understood the >>6175906 that construction is supposed to work given just the two vanishing points, which would mean that the center of vision doesn't matter, hence why I'm confused. Unless the "apply it to the horizontal lines" implies using the cv (mind you in that case if you get the points you see in step 2. why not just double the depth by extending 2 diagonals on the sides? seems far easier).

>> No.6176002
File: 353 KB, 1724x3150, 2point cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck my peanut brain

>> No.6176040
File: 46 KB, 674x567, how NOT to be a fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good books for medical and anatomy drawing? Looks like I really like it. Had a lot of fun drawing pic and want to do it more.

>> No.6176047
File: 28 KB, 1097x645, sphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a real ball and trace. After few studies you can do it from imagination. Or use an ellipse tool and erase the invisible half, and rotate as you want.

>> No.6176307

How did YOU find that ideal brush for sketching on your digital program of choice?

>> No.6176315

got tired of using ad looking for something i liked from other peoples brush sets so decided to take the time to learn how to make my own brushes

literally only 30min of looking at videos and trial and error until i was making brushes for my own specific needs without wasting time lurking the internet

>> No.6177376

I'm VERY BAD at pressure control also my tablet is a cheap one so I chose brush that don't use pressure (1px pen) and a brush that don't require much precision (constant size pressured opacity hard round pen).

>> No.6177382

What tags should be used for such pics?

>> No.6177404

kind of, the point is that using a different medium always requires learning again the medium, like or not. So you always gonna start worse than your current established medium.
Screenless is more time, screen less, to adapt, you have to adapt in both anyways, that's why the discussion is about the money, because if you have a lot of money, then buy screen if you want, if you dont have enough, with a screenless you're ok.
People tend to not recommend screen tablets to begs, precisely because they are begs and are starting so it is subjective if investing so much money is necessary for something that we don't know if they will continue doing later, because a cheap screenless can be as cheap as 30-40usd

>> No.6177456

Setting aside fundamentals for a moment, what is the best process for guiding learning? Small projects? Big projects? Something else?

What I mean is, I know the fundamentals are important, and involved in everything drawing-related. I'm not saying this isn't to learn them, but just wondering how people actually go about learning. I could just grind 200 hands in a week, then 200 feet in a week, or whatever. But just grinding like that becomes kind of boring.

>> No.6177550

When drawing from imagination, is it okay to look at something as a sort of guideline but not directly copy it?I struggle with drawing the rib cage in space and want to look at bridgeman drawings I already did to get the image in my head but not sure if that counts as imaginative if I have a visual aid, even if not directly copied

>> No.6177559

You don’t switch. Either drop them and focus on drawing or you stay a ngmi forever.

Videogames are cancer. You’ll realize eventually. Better be now than in 20+ years when it’s already too late.


>> No.6177585

I want to start drawing. I've done a little in days gone by and from those experiences I know I need to start with forms. is there a book on drawing basic cubes n sphere n cylinders n crap, or is it something I can just wing and grind for the next little while?

>> No.6177590

I'm sure that's fine. Peter Han and Jim Jung whatever his name is drew from ref like how you're describing for years before being able to draw without it. I think you just eventually learn the shapes well enough to not need ref through huge volumes of practice.

>> No.6177798

Did stephen rogers peck and bridgman have the same teacher or was peck a student of bridgman? Their drawing styles look identical, some of the concepts in their books are identical too

>> No.6177823

You need to learn perspective. Also, you should do studies of armour from photos, or you can go to the artbook thread and they can recommend you some books full of good references.

>> No.6178118

does the "im not good enough" feeling ever go away?

>> No.6178140

I've reached the point where it comes and goes in waves.

>> No.6178286

What is the advantage to drawing from life as opposed to a photo? Is there one?

>> No.6178394

Yeah, something about lens distortion and photo angle fucking up the proportions of bodies.

>> No.6178396

How can I tell if my monitor's colors are correct?
I got a second monitor and the colors look a bit different, now I'm questioning if my first monitor even had correct colors.

>> No.6178619
File: 157 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain to me a summary of this video seriously. Collecting all that information and translating it makes it very difficult for me to understand what he is saying


>> No.6178632

take a screen shot, send it to your phone, and check the difference between your monitor and phone

>> No.6178995
File: 465 KB, 2312x912, Apustaja Angles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on the bust as position reference, how do you rotate the Apu's head (A) & (B)?

>> No.6178999

you need the monitor calibration tool to tune up the monitor's color to be correct.

>> No.6179187

Try to delete some of your tweets, especially the ones that you think are problematic, also change you display name.

>> No.6179465

Its hard to know what's really correct because everyone is using different devices with different calibrations. You could fine tune your monitor but if it's not the same display as someone else's shit there will be some color differences. I just google the same good color reference on both my phone and my monitor, then tune the monitor to match my phone colors as close as possible. Most people on social media looking at your art are going to be doing so on mobile.

>> No.6179901

how strict does anatomy have to be?
is it bad to start breaking and twisting spines/joints to exaggerate poses?

>> No.6179924

is there any art course where one of the exercise is to draw a donut? not meds map

>> No.6179976

There are exceptions to every rule. If it makes sense in the picture to break or twist the joint, then try it out.

>> No.6179999

Why are there 2 beginner threads

>> No.6180030

Mental retardation

>> No.6180035

one got nerve gas

>> No.6180049

>like around 8 or even more
Just keep at the grind you don't gotta go monk. I caught up with my friends, mostly cause their lazyfags
Otherwise great: they can be guides for help

>> No.6180054
File: 1.52 MB, 1200x822, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an extremely ambitious vision: I want to draw fantasy landscapes like Rodger Dean.
How do I learn from an artist and how do I come up with an environment?

>> No.6180077

Learn by emulating that artist. Try to reproduce the picture and other pictures by that artist. With enough study, you can begin to create your own fantasy landscapes.

>> No.6180163

not that anon but you're reading too much into scott robertson's techniques. his techniques may seem advanced and people jack off over them but they're actually not accurate or technically grounded at all, and are much closer to just freehanding than people realize.

Yes a center of vision usually needs to be specified to get actual perfect cubes, but scott robertson is concerned more with PRACTICAL techniques that don't require marking constructions that won't fit on a sheet of paper, that's why its the technique drawing freehand ellipses in-situ to make cubes that gets shown

>> No.6180297

Why shape design is a lame technique?

>> No.6180658
File: 802 KB, 3048x1068, wtfbros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6180664

Lens distortion. That's becoming curvilinear 4pt perspective. Set your FoV to the equivalent of 60° and that will stop happening.

>> No.6180668

cone of vision

>> No.6180671

but I already set it at 60°, at least on the minecraft menu lmao, but I guess it's not a true 60° or something idk

>> No.6180720
File: 59 KB, 741x600, 1658789774455432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Tumblr still a good place to post your art and gain a following?

>> No.6180728

no but it's comfy

>> No.6180770
File: 186 KB, 657x979, Cadia-Stands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eventually emulate this art style. What do I study to learn how to paint like this? I'm not familiar with any mediums, besides painting minis with acrylic paint. I'm studying figure drawing right now.

>> No.6180849

Yeah it isn't a true 60° unfortunatley

>> No.6181065

vanishing lines extended in the wrong direction

>> No.6181568

How do I make my paintings not look as muddy and have sharper edges

>> No.6181575 [DELETED] 

How do I make my paintings not look muddy and with hard edges

>> No.6181617
File: 1.83 MB, 304x540, Infinite Stories (@Vaskange).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If artwork like this was exported into one single jpeg/picture file, how large do you think the file would be? My guess is a few hundred MB at the minimum

Sidenote: this video I post here isn't even the entire thing. I had to cut the original down to only one minute, speed it up to around 2x speed AND compress it in order to be able to post here due to 4chan's file constraints.

Full original video is here:


>> No.6181623

do circles for loomis method heads need to be perfect and how the hell do you measure shit by thirds?

I'm about ready to go to another head drawing method

>> No.6181624

Will I feel the form better if I read loomis in braille?

>> No.6181654

in which general can we post truly degenerate work? assuming mid int but degenerate art (really explicit stuff)

>> No.6181661
File: 41 KB, 546x662, 1632310612454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its subjective, but how long should you spend between video lectures? I have free time and could go through them all in a week, but I want all the info to sink in and practice what's taught.

>> No.6181864

what are some good resources for drawing ears

>> No.6181940

As many as you want as long as you're taking notes, explaining it to friends so it burns into your mind (if you have any), and taking good naps
Sleep is very very important

>> No.6182256
File: 3.03 MB, 2480x3508, 1658874809342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to find good resources/reference images for drawing gore? I've found stuff for cuts, dismemberment, scrapes, bruises, entrails, and viscera but right now I'm just trying to draw a dude getting stabbed in the neck with a sword and I have no clue how to draw that correctly.

>> No.6182274

go to hentai sites and browse the tag guro

>> No.6182286

try >>>/gif/rekt

>> No.6182399

Incorrect. It's >>>/gif/, then look for rekt threads. You might have a hard time finding good references for children since most of the gore is up adults either an auto accidents or gang related killings. Most of the child deaths are just accidents or one specific case of a murder suicide where all of them are hanging

>> No.6182505
File: 147 KB, 1000x1000, 4a759c122d2898e2f9a101c737619f57-sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a dick growing out of ter tits this looks weird

>> No.6182508

looks menacing. like a late story jojo stand

>> No.6182956

Cameras compress small variances of color in shadows into black. They tend to flatten shit together too much. Lens distortion can fuck things up. Digital cameras have weird issues with edges of objects if they're too cheap. Also instead of making artistic decisions on how to portray things your decisions are being made for you by the camera.

>> No.6182959

The Art & Science of Drawing by Brent Eviston is a good starting point for an absolute beginner, I think he has good explainations on how to draw with form and a lot of basics like block ins and visual measuring.

I'd say do a still life that you work on throughout a few months whenever you don't feel like doing other studies. Maybe you can have a day for figure drawing, and dedicate a few hours to hands or feet or whatever when you feel like you aren't understanding something well enough while you're doing figure drawing. It can also be good to give yourself weekly projects, work on cast drawings or bargue plates. So basically always have a big project going but break up the boredom by doing lots of small ones throughout your week. Maybe you give yourself an hour to paint something and see how far you get and where you tend to waste time in your painting process. Or try doing studies with limited color palettes. Stuff like that.

>> No.6182963

why do some artists wear that glove while drawing, you know the one with two fingers cut off

>> No.6182967

to prevent smudging.

>> No.6182972

It isn't bad if you understand anatomy and know what you're breaking in order to make something aesthetically pleasing to you. Lots of artists do this. Go for it, it's more fun the more you learn.

Honestly I'd recommend you start with acrylics first, gouache dries darker/lighter than the color you put down wet depending on the color and paint brand. Can't recommend a brand because I hate that shit but the art supply thread bros can probably help you if you have your heart set on it.

Reuben Lara video on how to work in CSP for relearning the program. If you mean workspace setup you can just find a popular one on the store and download it.

Ugh. On instagram you have to use like 11-15 hashtags or the algorithim thinks you're a bot, unlike Twitter where anything above 3 is shadowbanned for bot/annoying behavior.

When you're big you probably get promoted onto other peoples feeds anyways and don't need to worry about them anymore. It's probably better to time your posts with the active times on your platform, engage with other artists, and post on some kind of regular schedule.

Mid to high beginner. If you learn all of your fundamentals first you'll get more commissions though.

>> No.6182975
File: 11 KB, 304x320, orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just orange
>earth tones
they're just orange
>flesh tones
they're just orange
>"warmer" colors
they're just more orange
why does orange get abused like this?

>> No.6182976

To keep your hand from sticking to the screen or skidding around if youre sweaty or living in hot climates. It also keeps the screen nice and clean in general. Clean screens don't get scratched to shit.

>> No.6182977

Because orange deserves it.

>> No.6183187

Someone traced my artwork, and then had the gall to ask me to draw his waifu after someone else comm'd me a waifu from the same series as his waifu. But everyone knows he traced so nobody really takes him seriously.

>> No.6183221

Was he the type to trace and then claim it's his own work? I feel like if they give credit to where they got the inspiration from/who they traced from then it's not TOO bad. I specifically have a problem with people who do it without giving any credit and then getting defensive when people point out that it's traced.

>> No.6183280

do different polished metals shine brighter than each other?
is gold brighter than silver or steel?

>> No.6183341

i remember someone posting about a website called artsomething, where you could deliver commissions, get paid through paypal and not have to show your info by getting money directly.

>> No.6183350

nevermind i find it, its called Arty if anyone is interested

>> No.6183570

>t. colorlet
All those things could be any hue depending on the lighting. Even in a completely blue painting, desaturating the blue is how you add warmth, not necessarily orange.

>> No.6183581

>desaturating the blue
by adding it's complement
which is orange

>> No.6183593

any really good artists, like realist artist that do figures on youtube? i tried to look for some gesture but found only shitty wannabe artists that think they are they good. i dont want zoomers.

>> No.6183599

>realist artist that do figures
what you mean by this? like, not anime?





>> No.6183644

Go ahead and do it that way, enjoy your poopy browns.

>> No.6183650

those are nice. i guess what i mean by real artists is like masters. the ones who draw paintings. not interested in comics or anime or commercialized artists. i dont want to learn from an /int/ on youtube that is interpreting a master. i guess really good artists dont put stuff up for free.

>> No.6183664

>like masters.
create a time machine ad go back a few centuries then

>> No.6183685

How hard is it to migrate from digital to trad?

>> No.6183702

That ones on me, I shouldn't have given you the opening to be a smartass by saying blue. Should have said a monochromatic green or purple painting.

>> No.6183812

What are the benefits in sketching with a ballpoint pen?

>> No.6183819

can draw with similar technique as pencil but since you cant erase you are forced to pay more attention to what youre doing and think before you draw

and thinking while you draw is how you improve as opposed to mindlessly scribble

>> No.6184235
File: 154 KB, 256x256, bed1cc53-0d0b-11ec-80fe-77478d243b2e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I cope with the thought of being just a deterministic meat computer?

Does it ever disturb you guys that consciousness is basically just a physical thing that exists in your brain, each thought is the combination of a few neurons firing that a different part of your brain interprets into "thoughts." Which is a bit like looking at the user interface on your phone and then realizing the fucking python or java or whatever behind that, and the machine language behind that an the binary behind that. And the individual little microscopic bridges opening an closing on a circuit board to route the electrical signal between different combinations of chips.

Who the fuck knows how that works?

But it becomes really bad when I start seeing that pupils are not block dots on the surface of the eye but rather a hole in the eye, which is basically hollow. It's like a creepy cheap halloween mask.

An what's worse is you aren't a soul looking out the eyes like windows. We are blind. We are dreaming/ hallucinating all the time. And the only difference is when you're dreaming that input data comes from memory and imagination, but when you're awake it comes from the light data hitting your retina.

How can you say a robot couldn't be conscious?

What's the fucking point of living besides following hedonistic pleasure and doing so with the knowledge of delayed gratification unlike a lower animal?

I feel weird after thinking about this.

This must be existential dread.
These thoughts are why I quit drugs.

>> No.6184681

Why do people act like Color Theory is this complex thing?
It's literally not that fucking hard.

>> No.6184699

This never made much sense to me. Much like guns, erasers don't erase things, people do. Just don't use it.
And then as a bonus you're not locked in and can experiment with other things on top for more practice.

>> No.6184745

Oh yeah?
Name all the color theories.

>> No.6184783

How can you be absolutely certain that the physical world is all that exists?

>> No.6184820

What brushes are must haves for digital drawing/painting?

>> No.6184972

There is a difference between being certain that something doesn't exist, and having never seen any evidence that it does exist.

if i dont have evidence of something i can not convince myself that it's true.

but i did not say it definitely isn't true. I grant that it's possible.

>> No.6185228

In CSP, how can you paint values in grayscale, add the flat color layer, and still control the hue/temperature of the shadows?

>> No.6185353

Holy shit even with your pic related I didn't know what you meant by that until I read >>6176047. Dude, you might wanna go see a doctor or something.

>> No.6185707

Can I start painting without being able to draw?
I just want to create something and painting seems more forgiving, but maybe drawing is a good skill to have before starting to paint?
Complete beginner here I can't even draw a dog

>> No.6185858

how does someone even get their foot in the door for concept art? even if its mobile games
just being a lone artist at home grinding away, i don't think there's many ways for me to reach out

>> No.6185861

the best painters know how to draw

>> No.6186302
File: 607 KB, 1393x2048, 20220420_201812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you go about learning fashion? Besides practicality, I'm always stuck with bland and boring outfits... Is it just a matter of redrawing other outfits over and over until you just get an eye for it? Or are there any good books about fashion AND character design around?
I know my way around character design and I consider myself an /int/, but fashion has always been difficult for me... I have vague ideas, like mixing certain cultures, but I simply don't know how to even begin doing that without it becoming some gross frankenstein amalgamation of random fabric

>> No.6186673
File: 203 KB, 600x525, e0155e94088b2c9ec94952b72985bf7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that when I try to understand a subject I can't seem to understand any of it but if I were to just scribble something half assed I get a better understanding of it.

>> No.6186762

What are the benefits/downsides of painting in greyscale then coloring from there instead of just painting in color from the start?

>> No.6186827

Color temperature

>> No.6186950

How many layers is too much?
I use like 80-100+ by the time I'm finished.

>> No.6187039

So painting values in grayscale really isn't all that viable as a workflow? At least in CSP. Better to just use colors throughout the process. I'm trying to figure how to paint faster

>> No.6187090

Is there a way to bypass the fucking paywall with coolors?

>> No.6187196

do whatever works for you

>> No.6187417

But what I'm doing right now isn't working for me and I'm looking for something faster. If I had something that worked already I wouldn't be in this thread

>> No.6187433

You may be interested in this

>> No.6187452

What's a good place to look for pin-up poses to use as reference?

>> No.6187494

Thanks for sharing, but I have seen this. At the time I was using only SAI so I couldn't do this, but I'll have to learn how to do it now that I have CSP

>> No.6187496

>I'll have to learn how to do it now that I have CSP
right click layer -> new correction layer -> gradient map

>> No.6187499

I know where it is, I just don't know how to use it, but thank you

>> No.6187502

If you're looking for pin up, you might wanna consider finding adult magazine or some photo sets since they're easy to be learned with.
You can find digital adult magazine on torrent site, and photo sets on /hr/.

>> No.6187533

Gabe just shut up and draw

>> No.6187587
File: 3 KB, 241x108, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did something happen to CSP very recently? I don't remember if this used to pop up when I opened it but for like the past week its popped up and stayed up for ages

>> No.6187589


>> No.6187592

>Waist to hip ratio
>Facial bone structure
>Small, soft frame
>Smooth skin
>Small hands
>Long, full hair
And good lightning and pose to accentuate all of this

>> No.6187790

What are the give me money websites?
I know paypal, ko-fi, patreon and that's it.
What else?

>> No.6188086

If I get >1k likes consistently on twitter and artists outside of twitter who don't know my twitter account stop talking to me once they see my art does that imply they're intimidated or is it still possible I'm dogshit? Art outside twitter is of a different and unassociated style than the art that I post inside twitter, so no chance they recognize me. Legitimate question because I'm starting to go insane from loneliness and nobody will talk to me except fags shmoozing on social media for free stuff. It's so hard to get people to talk to me.

>> No.6188098

Do you use references when studying fundamentals? Like do you look at pics of spheres at certain angles and try to replicate that. Or do you have to do it by imagination

>> No.6188127

How did you meet your friend group or art community

>> No.6188161

What is a "sperg" and "sperging"?

>> No.6188172

Asperger's syndrome.

>> No.6188225

use references

>> No.6188228

How to draw spiderman?
Pls help

>> No.6188229

It pops up momentarily but goes away very quickly for me.

>> No.6188230

How do I get a CGPeers Account.
The urge to download resources I will barely look at is too strong...

>> No.6188233

First draw a man.
Then give him eight legs.

>> No.6188260

i dunno i had an account like 9 years ago when they would occasionally open sign ups every few months
probably have to slurp on someones dick to get an invite nowadays

>> No.6188702
File: 138 KB, 1022x1332, Screenshot_20220730-114614_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do

>> No.6188847

do not do this.

>> No.6188868


>> No.6189259

How do I into composition, and color theory.

>> No.6190430
File: 74 KB, 900x675, 1395372851610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it make sense to mix up tradition drawing with pencils and digital painting when it comes to my studies?

Let's say, I wanna spend this week drawing skulls, should I draw a couple of sketches with pencils, then do a couple of shadings in photoshop, etc.?

Or should I keep them both properly seperated, one week of digital painting, one week of sketching, etc.

>> No.6190547

How is Loomis a bad beginner choice exactly?
And what does /ic/recommend instead?

>> No.6190588

stop caring about le bad beginner choices and start drawing, as you are self-taught its inevitable that you will fall into the darkness of dunning-krugerism so just take the jump already.
as for your question: fwap assumes that the reader already knows basic perspective and form which for someone who has literally never picked up the pencil before can be quite overwhelming.

>> No.6190596




I've noticed that about fwap too, the part on perspective is flawed and barely teaches you anything about drawing hands, the most difficult part of the human anatomy.

>> No.6190675
File: 236 KB, 1024x670, cartoon_vs__anime__a_battle_between_art_styles_by_mast3r_rainb0w_dabiwc0-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway I can unlearn the Japanese stylization aka the "anime" style?

I ask because I'm not Azn and the manga style was played-out for decades. Plus I wanna develop my own style

>> No.6190679

you already asked this question

>> No.6190732


I know but I wanna a definitive answer

>> No.6190736

why pretend you've ever drawn something that looks remotely japanese?

>> No.6190744


Because I'm a recovering weeb and I'v spoiled myself with manga and animu.

I have no azn genes so I will never draw animu.

>> No.6190757

your drawings look western and you were never a weeb

>> No.6190776


I never posted my drawings. If you mean this>>6190675
Then that not mine I just posted that as an example

>> No.6190790

Just draw

>> No.6190859

Who has that epic rant an anon went on a while back, destroying /ic/ for posting about every single stupid irrelevant and timewasting topic, all except for actually how to draw or anything about drawing itself

>> No.6190870

anyone else find drawing an appealing male character way harder than drawing an appealing female character? why is that?

>> No.6190900
File: 330 KB, 1114x1600, otonari_129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The marks aren't putting themselves on paper without your deliberate intent. There is no weeb ghost possessing you and forcing you to draw things weebily despite your best efforts. If you can't draw something not "contaminated" by a "style", it's because you only ever knew the abstracted shorhand language of that "style" and little else. In short, it's using memorised elements like a crutch, rather than actual deliberate choices you're consciously making, which is what stylisation actually consists of.
There's nothing to unlearn because once you start actually learning the very basics, like accuracy and measuring, there's no fucking way it'll unintentionally look anime. The anime curse you're under is just habit and muscle memory.
I'd say the type of truly ingrained tendencies people actually have are more on the level of mark-making and sense of aesthetics, and even those you can change with enough effort. Only being able to draw in a certain way is just a byproduct of not actually understanding what you're doing very well. Once you start studying you should be able to just flip your anime switch on and off.
Attached are some studies from life by Japanese animator Yoh Yoshinari, the dictionary definition of "anime artist". He's also capable of drawing in a very western-y cartoon style. That's because he has enough knowledge of the fundamentals it's down to what choices he makes and what "filter" he puts things through.
No truly competent artist is "locked into" a style, so what you have is a futile worry.

>> No.6191192
File: 1.18 MB, 3024x4032, 20220622_204759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for phoneposting, tf you do when you know the fundies kinda well but lost all of your soul? I just sketch all the fucking time now

>> No.6191193
File: 1.56 MB, 2628x2635, 20220718_162446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6191194
File: 1.54 MB, 4032x3024, 20220717_154611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting more work

>> No.6191196

Last one for now. Kinda just stuck atm. Any advice helps, and yes i am "Just drawing", have been for months

>> No.6191317
File: 9 KB, 213x223, Pixiv is....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I posting character with bare belly on Pixiv should I mark picture as adult content? Also any bare skin other than face and hands is adult content? Looks like pixiv rules written by some /lsg/ schizos.

>> No.6191376

why do so many artists seem to simplify the finger to just have 1 joint instead of 2?
not counting the knuckle of course

>> No.6191417

>implying you've ever drawn to have drawings that could be posted
yeah, I've never posted photos of my supermodel girlfriend here either bro.

>> No.6191816

Hey, any tips that will trick me to draw? The hardest part for me is just starting. I can usually take it from there.

>> No.6191921
File: 369 KB, 1500x1371, 1653207615078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read an anon claiming that this game's exercises helped him to draw better.
Spatial thinking and visual memory exercises do seem like they would be useful, anyone here got any experience with that?

>> No.6191925
File: 416 KB, 661x517, 1646924690793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop looking for "tips" and fucking draw. Close your browser and open whatever the fuck you use to draw instead.

>> No.6191926

im taking the traditional pill, im pretty broke

Does anybody know the best way to get a standup drawing board for cheap? All of my instructors are telling me my paper needs to be upright so I can draw with my arm. Right now I got a big flat drawing board that im just keeping upright propped on my legs and my desk

>> No.6191950
File: 28 KB, 342x342, 1641299583235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard the same thing but they were talking about this game instead. Hey wait a minute, why are 3DS suddenly so expensive?!

>> No.6191959

These have plenty of soul my friend. Your mind is getting the better of you. Keep up the the good work, I like your style

>> No.6191993

Because it's best handheld. And sadly not produced anymore

>> No.6191994

Post an example of an appealing male character
1. Stop posting
2. Take a break from drawing
3. Read something
Try something outside of your usual selections

>> No.6192029

I don't see anything prohibits exposed stomach in all of that wording. Weird that they call out the neck, tho.
I think it's because the hand looks too claw-like when all the joints are drawn.
That's the way I would do it: prop it in between your lap and desk.

>> No.6192039

I've fucking up most of my life and developed awful habits related to drawing. They come flooding back whenever I pick up a pencil.
Can I break them and learn properly?

>> No.6192098

Speak for yourself.

>> No.6192279
File: 3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 20220801_151918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, just a lil worried, heres another! Moth boy for a D&D character

>> No.6192287

>Depictions that suggestively expose or emphasize ... other body parts
This maniacs have hugging listed as sexual behavior, so clearly the line is set pretty far into tame drawings.
I'm surprised hand holding isn't listed too.

>> No.6192307

>I don't see anything prohibits exposed stomach in all of that wording.
>and other body parts
i.e. any part? IDK what exposing is suggestive and what isn't.
And swimsuits also adult content. So it will be filtered for users without account?

>> No.6192430

Is it possible to be a right winger AND an artist?

>> No.6192432

Literally most of the artists on pixiv are that

>> No.6192433

no they aren't
and name a westoid who is

>> No.6192435

Mustache man

>> No.6192437

The Japanese usually are. For the westoids, if they don't mention politics at all then they probably too.

>> No.6192514
File: 25 KB, 245x250, 1659339912134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Galaxy Tab S6 Lite 10.4", what software am I supposed to use so I can draw with it and look at my monitor?

>> No.6192678

Any good smaller sized discords? I want a place where I can get actual critique.

>> No.6192706

What I do is put a large drawing board on a painter's easel. They're not exactly cheap, but since you're going the trad route an easel is a good investment.

>> No.6192708

Use references, then try to draw it from imagination without references, then compare what you did to the reference.

>> No.6192719
File: 212 KB, 1452x936, ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most good anatomy books should have a section on ears. This pic is from Form of Head and Neck, which is on Libgen. Also try photo references and 3D models from Sketchfab.

>> No.6192981

When is it appropriate to use the airbrush tool?
I see a lot of people use it poorly and it looks like ass, what's the best way to use it properly?

>> No.6193108
File: 109 KB, 759x800, kc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing board leaning against a table in lap was pretty normal i thought. could prop it up on your kitchen counter/cabinets since that's already at a nice standing working height.

>> No.6193163

How do I actually get good at rendering? I have literally no idea where to start

>> No.6193244
File: 270 KB, 539x1073, adv_1659326848941145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long did it take you to get good enough to charge for commissions?

>> No.6193245

As soon as you can feel the form and rotate a cube at your whim, you usually can.

>> No.6193254

at what point should i stop doing trad if the end goal was digital, specifically a screenless tablet
i was thinking by the time i have experience in construction or anatomy but im not sure

>> No.6193300
File: 469 KB, 1000x900, b_1659320549501948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money have you made from commissions?

>> No.6194882

depends on the art and artist. Some people have specific tastes so you cant please em all

>> No.6195081

Zero dollars.