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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 61 KB, 1382x702, shadowban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6170466 No.6170466 [Reply] [Original]

It's unironically over for me lmao

At this point it would be better to just make a new account and start over as a different person.
Anyone deal with this? Did it ever go away or did you just end up abandoning the account? If people can't search me up and find me on twitter there is literally no point in posting my art lol.

>> No.6170469

What were you posting to get shadowbanned?

>> No.6170474

also would like to know

>> No.6170489

What in the world did you do? I argue with the wokies to the point they want to cancel me and even I haven't been shadow banned that bad yet.

>> No.6170535

Only art, literally only art. I even made it a point to not reply to anyone about anything political or anything. I looked it up and apparently twitter thinks you are a bot if you don't constantly reply to posts. I'm just gonna make a new username and carry on.

>> No.6170536

What does being shadowbanned even mean?

>> No.6170539

show us your @ pussy
these bans automatically go away after some time anyways

>> No.6170543
File: 227 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means people who you don't reply to can't see your messages, so posting art with the hope of getting traction is pointless. It also means you don't show up in searches when someone searches your username.
Fuck you lol, I'm not gonna get connected to this dogshit of a board. I'd rather someone connect me to /v/ instead of this place.

check your own accounts, I bet it's not just me

>> No.6170548

You need to reply and talk to people to grow an audience. The catch 22

>> No.6170558

Try a different SB checker. Everyone I search for on that one doesn't exist in tweets or replies. Even people who are model standard denizens of Twitter. I think it's broken.

>> No.6170561

The one I used originally went down, and I guess this one too
This one seems to work fine, however it still says my acc is shadowbanned lol. I fucking hate twitter.

>> No.6170746

>ill come beg for help from you guys but dont dare associate me with you lower life forms!!!
yeah go fuck yourself, you are not remotely as important as you think you are

>> No.6170768

Neither are you retard. Do you feel some kind of stupid pride for being an anon on 4chin or what? Anyone sane or even schizos would know better than to associate with you fucks. It takes only one retard mindbroken by AI marketing or soemthing similiar to lash out on the first person they see, and there's no way you can do to prevent that.
>that's never happened before
Lurk more

>> No.6170769


Here’s one that works

>> No.6170772

This one also broken, it says my replies are deboosted but I have like 100s of likes on my last couple of replies

>> No.6170775

board tourist faggot, your art probably sucks which is why you cope with social media bans being the reason for your woes

>> No.6170782

I had been search shadowbanned before 50k~ acc , stopped liking, retweeting and posting for 2 weeks and it seemed to have gone. Try not to use hashtags on each tweet and don't reply with only images or one word tweets, the algorithm sees it as spam.

>> No.6170796

I don't have spare phone to register twitter

>> No.6170808

>It's unironically over for me lmao
>Anyone deal with this? Did it ever go away or did you just end up abandoning the account? If people can't search me up and find me on twitter there is literally no point in posting my art
>Fuck you lol, I'm not gonna get connected to this dogshit of a board.

What an absolutely entitled retard lol, I bet your work sucks like hell. You're not shadowbanned, people just don't care about your shit.

>> No.6170815

>You're not shadowbanned, people just don't care about your shit.
If that's the case why would the site say he's got a Ghost ban?

>> No.6170818
File: 82 KB, 720x638, Shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post art weekly
>reply and like my friends
>still fucking got shadowbanned

Twitter is dogshit

>> No.6170823

Pretty much every Jap porn account is shadowbanned but they still reach people through the retweets. At least that’s last I checked using that site.

>> No.6170825

asian jeeeenz

>> No.6170833

That site is broken use >>6170769

>> No.6170835

that website is unreliable, why are you using it?

>> No.6170837
File: 37 KB, 500x430, 1630419020776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know anymore dude

>> No.6170838

I checked.
Still shadowbanned.

>> No.6170847
File: 391 KB, 1079x791, MrFrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was me
I did EVERYTHING to keep away from a shadowban
>didn't follow anyone political, only followed other artists
>never said or retweeted anything political
>would like, retweet, and comment often on other artists posts
>but not too much
>still shadowbanned

>> No.6170849

Literally Nobody among you are shadowbanned, People just don't interact because they don't like your work. Get back to the drawing board and practice. Git Gud.

>> No.6170930

Then why did the site say he was shadow banned?

>> No.6170937

That site is not reliable, just like your skills.

>> No.6170938

This. I've seen loli artists with 100k followers not get shadow banned so there's no way that you and your /beg/ scribbles and 3 followers got shadwoband OP

>> No.6170939

no, you didn't get shadow banned. Your art is just shit, get over it

>> No.6170940
File: 180 KB, 686x960, 1581293788070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a similar thread about Twitter followers about a month ago and it was established that people were getting 1,000s of views on their account but next to no engagement because their art was whack. Instead of coping and seething go fucking draw.

>> No.6170941

OP and everyone else who think they are shadowbanned should pyw

show us you really are shadowbanned and not just ignored for shitty art

>> No.6170955

This. I always look up if i am shadowbanned. I never am. I just make unlikeable drawings. The truth hurts

>> No.6171291

lol, just looked up my twitter to see, apparently im search banned, for what I have no idea.

>> No.6171305

>search profile once
>no bans
>search again
>search ban
nice tool

>> No.6171306

This one is broken too, it can't see accounts flagged for sensitive content and thinks they are shadowbannedm checked for myself and few others NSFW artists.
https://taishin-miyamoto.com/ShadowBan/ this one was able to see me.

>> No.6171310

Serves you right for using Jewish propaganda tool.
Tbh I don't fucking know any alternative since I'm a fucking hermit

>> No.6171673

NSFW stuff has a light shadowban on Twitter tho. You won’t get suggested to general users, just people that regularly engage with NSFW content.. The only reason nsfw is so strong is the power of the coom.

>> No.6171715

>stopped liking, retweeting and posting
>Try not to use hashtags on each tweet
Then how the hell are /Beg/ and Pre/Beg/-tier folks supposed to grow? It's already hard enough to grow an account on Twitter without getting sort of Lucky and getting noticed by bigger accounts right? I'm pretty sure Instagram is way more artist friendly and don't have those sorts of hurdles. At least not as bad

>> No.6171887
File: 3.43 MB, 1208x2041, aerithEC-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The websites say I am shadow banned, I think.. though it doesnt seem like the websites are very reliable. This is one I'm currently working on. Sorry it looks sloppy in places atm.

Please ignore the roses, most are put for placement.

>> No.6172066

You people aren't even PHANTOM banned.
Never gonna reach my level.

>> No.6172070

@_@ Can I follow you?

>> No.6172074

Make friends on 4chan and hope people retweet your shit

>> No.6172086

You draw like a girl, are you a girl? If you are a girl I will follow you. Please be my gf. Horny, lonely, goddammit, etc.

>> No.6172100

I am currently not finished with it yet and it will take some time, but my @ is @hyn_uka. I don't post too often as I get busy from time to time but I do try my best to post decent stuff

>> No.6172409

Kage-banned-shen no juice so

>> No.6172433

Hashtags will do it, excessive retweets, any external links will do it, certain words related to sex, politics, etc will do it, bad retweets will do it (as in retweeting a small artist and it only gets 100 likes).
It goes away after like 2 days if you keep posting or comment and like a couple big posts. If you post a link though like to Patreon for example, instant ghost ban again usually

>> No.6172445

I'm shadowbanned on /ic/, when I post work I get zero replies. I think you just need to take your meds and complain about things that are real, like me

>> No.6172454

Did someone leave the window open or is it just windy in here?

>> No.6172500

i was both banned. then i removed one of my drawings i did and it went away. dont post NSFW stuff i guess.

>> No.6172886

no ur not ur just bad lmao

>> No.6173184

I am being boiled alive

>> No.6173644

the same will happen again if you start another acc and don't act the way algo likes
it's not that big a deal
if someone wants to find you they will, through links from other accs or google
the biggest reach comes from retweets from big accounts, not from being searchable.

>> No.6174236

thats the joke retard, same with OP