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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.80 MB, 1700x1250, Cbsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6150615 No.6150615 [Reply] [Original]

Thread to study the male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute boys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>figure drawing for all its worth

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Only post SFW shota, link NSFW from catbox.
>Don't fight about different male body types, shota/ikemen/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
Previous thread >>6130014

>> No.6150620
File: 2.33 MB, 2279x1832, 0_bandages_compiled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread prompt draw a cute boy with bandages

>> No.6150625
File: 3.41 MB, 1822x1465, 0_military_compiled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw a cute boy in uniform

>> No.6150648
File: 19 KB, 690x388, EdJlpWzWoAAKakT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that we're about caught up with the dc prompts since those are monthly. So if you have any ideas for future threads feel free to suggest them.

>> No.6150716

thanks for the new bread and op

>> No.6151209

Bandages and eyepatches are my weakness. Good prompt!

>> No.6151264
File: 1.36 MB, 1497x1060, Movie studies (Underwold-Midsommar).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current thread prompts are very nice, but could I suggest another one from the OC thread >>6145042 to draw characters in movie scenes? I found it to be a fun way to practice.

>> No.6151302

>draw characters in movie scenes? I found it to be a fun way to practice
Agreed and I think it'd be fun to see what movies and scenes others would choose. There's a prompt similar to this in the dc, though they're a little more specific. I'll post them too in case some anons happen to like them

>> No.6151307
File: 540 KB, 621x499, 0_redraw_compiled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More thread prompts pt1

>Redraw a Scene or a Cute Male from your Favorite ____
1 Studio Ghibli Movie
2 Video Game

>> No.6151312
File: 428 KB, 414x499, 5mediaredraw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More thread prompts pt2

>Redraw a Scene or a Cute Male from your Favorite ____
1 Horror Movie or
2 Shounen Manga

>> No.6151324
File: 643 KB, 977x788, 1639796841511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you may like guy in picrel
lovely artwork I always get lost in your paintings
i will shill my favorite website for movie screenshots

>> No.6152174
File: 1.28 MB, 896x920, ouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite boys
Bless you OP, thanks for including my boys.
Gah your paintings are always lovely!

>> No.6152177
File: 635 KB, 2072x2740, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate colors, i give up
this is beautiful, god job
cute scout

>> No.6152187

They're not that bad. I even like the color scheme he has.

>> No.6152199
File: 156 KB, 1000x1462, DRAGONLANCE-Dragons-of-Autumn-Twilight-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stole the color scheme from pic rel, actually

>> No.6152426
File: 35 KB, 450x582, 20220708-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make more D&D shota.

>> No.6152434

Based tradposting

>> No.6152505
File: 35 KB, 450x582, 20220708-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small fix, its unfortunate you cannot delete old posts.

>> No.6152631
File: 100 KB, 783x1120, crow belly wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may or may not bother to draw the hands holding up the shirt later.

>> No.6152652
File: 503 KB, 1000x1250, Abe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally an anime artist, but for today drew the cutest boy.

>> No.6152689

I draw cute boys to try and forget about how horrible the real world is...

>> No.6152696

he's being sugoi kawaii desune in heaven now...

>> No.6152713
File: 491 KB, 862x862, Screenshot 2022-07-08 231933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never draw boys, trying to be more well rounded

>> No.6152720

this looks really neat, i think the only critique I could give is that the hand that's holding the sword looks flimsy, considering he looks like a cool character his grip should be more strong and firm

>> No.6152742

thanks fren :)

>> No.6153012
File: 765 KB, 2160x2160, Sketch 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6153552

Steal smart, put your pallet/image in here and tweak it
berry good likeness

>> No.6153560
File: 1.85 MB, 1000x1357, 1657395063939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one you fags drew this?

>> No.6153569

It would be best not to single out anons.

>> No.6153599

Have you tried reading the thread?

>> No.6153608
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2448, 20220709_143543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute but I think the shoulders are way too pointy
Good job

>> No.6153912

Yes..? I don't see anything about them?

>> No.6153914

lurk more faggot

>> No.6153971


>> No.6153974 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 618x800, 20220709-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6153992 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 643x832, 20220709-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6154039

very nice musculature anon
your stuff are always eye candy. I luv..
nice tradwork!

>> No.6154045

literally this guy

>> No.6154073
File: 52 KB, 621x804, 20220709-02-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6154081
File: 37 KB, 500x500, Q61q2IpGG3x0QvIQ-FRIyHw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6154132

is it wrong that i feel sexually attracted to an emoji?

>> No.6154134

good one anon

>> No.6154269
File: 454 KB, 613x911, zelen slutty trials -sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd been meaning to draw something based on the new trials armor.
I'll clean it up later, I can never wait to put colors down.

>> No.6154531

>t. boyfriends reader

>> No.6154554


>> No.6154612
File: 28 KB, 593x533, 2eb65156b991e6139ebf641ae164d32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6154628

i have no idea what this is but
>glasses boy
therefore I simp

>> No.6154690

Are you sure about that?

>> No.6154692

it's that shitty boyfriends comic btw

>> No.6154693

what the actual fuck is this

>> No.6154701
File: 363 KB, 1422x1000, handler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to do more of scene with this than the usual
The foreshortening on the left arm looks a bit off, he's meant to be holding a kebab skewer

>> No.6154707
File: 34 KB, 640x484, 1644038725315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a thing for wimpy nerds with nasal voices but god this was insufferable to watch. I will draw an ugly bastard chucking the living shit out of that ugly goth boy though

>> No.6154822
File: 1.61 MB, 1134x1830, bestboiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stranger things isn't very much horror but i've been obsessed with these two for the past week...

>> No.6154829

I am now Homophobic

>> No.6154836

shoutout to artists that draw pieces with actual composition instead of plopping characters into monochromatic voids. One day I'll get there.

>> No.6154837


>> No.6154839

i am really liking this, the POV makes it look very ''intimate''

>> No.6154841

Gonna be more pleasant to cuck then

>> No.6154850

Based FUB will set her straight. They always do in my doujins.

>> No.6154863

> I will draw an ugly bastard chucking the living shit out of that ugly goth boy though
Post it when done.

>> No.6154902

Everyone but the goth is a boy. But they're all a different flavor of insufferable.
Refrainbow has a cute style otherwise, if not kinda boring.

>> No.6154968

Maybe draw the hand bigger? Looks nice so far.
Great colors

>> No.6155394
File: 907 KB, 1684x962, schlop schlop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's just something about thirsty comments in the wild that always puts a big dumb smile on my face

>> No.6155398

kek this is why I love going through columbo's posts to read the comment section

>> No.6155434

columbo as in the old show from the 70's?

>> No.6155461
File: 1.46 MB, 1880x1108, boydoodles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6155521
File: 394 KB, 2048x1865, DudlesNoodles-1487530726794870789-20220130_045856-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's @DudlesNoodles, ,columbo/ThisUserIsAngry's r18 alt which I just found out is already deleted
every post were full of goldmine reaction images of horny users

>> No.6155524
File: 509 KB, 1402x2642, IMG_2710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like cute boys

>> No.6155530

Damn did you managed to archive it?
This is cute, i really like the style we need more boys with cruella deville's hair

>> No.6155552
File: 699 KB, 1819x1716, IMG_2712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!

>> No.6155555

yeah I may be missing a few posts before the account got wiped out
I love him

>> No.6155559
File: 859 KB, 1899x3300, DudlesNoodles-1407461155497562115-20210623_061103-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY DIGITS TURBO BLESSED. Thanks for the mediafire link never heard of them before but their stuff is amazing

>> No.6155676

pinterest always has dumb horny comments. kinda funny, but I wish people cited the works more often.

>> No.6155681
File: 45 KB, 631x816, 20220710-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6155683
File: 356 KB, 1056x1503, Ext9bj1VEAEjYqi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so far i have only been drawing women, shota and twinks where do I even start with muscle men?

>> No.6155689

adorable, how do you draw so fast?

>> No.6155690

will you ever leave your comfort zone, stagnation anon?

>> No.6155692

is it really comfort zoning if that's what he likes to draw?

>> No.6155694

its boring so yeah

>> No.6155696

i think it's cute plus the fact that he draws them almost daily is fascinating

>> No.6155697

it's literally the definition of comfort zone

>> No.6155708

and? unless it's a problem you want to overcome because it hinder your artistic abilities I don't see why ''comfort zoning'' is a problem, especially when it's anime. Not everyone wants to draw space marines in photobashed backgrounds.

>> No.6155712

pyw buddy, i want to see something interesting that you have drawn recently

>> No.6155716

you could argue he could just do a lot more than just a cute boy just standing there i a white background, like draw the character actually doing something or interacting with something

when your comfort zone is limited to standing poses floating in a white bg, the yes its hindering, but, people can do wtv they want, just giving a more realistic and balanced perspective perspective as opposed to the extremes of comfort zone bad vs comfort zone good like most convos end up being, it becomes less about whats objectively best and more about winning an argument

>> No.6155728

their main acct is still up if you want to follow them

>> No.6155729

also wanted to add, seeing an anon who is actually good be limited to the same standing pose and white bg is sad and seeing so many people pile on top of the asshole anon that mention confort zone is even more sad

like, you guys have a good artist in your general and you rather him keep limiting himself and defending the limitation instead of encouraging the person to make use of their skills to the fullest

its a mix hugbox social media mentality or jealously veiled in good intentions

theres literally no logical reason for defending self imposed hindering limitations unless your secretly jealous but too much of a coward to be honest about it

>> No.6155734
File: 178 KB, 600x762, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta dedicate your time now with how musculature works

>> No.6155736

sick foreshortening anon

>> No.6155737
File: 307 KB, 770x680, 1629906906172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's amazing

>> No.6155738

he won't change anon, he has fun drawing cute shotas standing, let it be. He's working on a game too so he probably does these quick sketches for fun

>> No.6155741

Not the other anon, but I'm still confused on what the best approach for this is? Like do I just go through each muscle group like in a medical anatomy class? Legit keep drawing torsos and what not until it clicks?

>> No.6155743

thanks, hopefully someday i can rely on reference less

>> No.6155765
File: 3.89 MB, 4932x4139, 1214_sketchcompile_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if there's a quicker/better way to learn it but in my case, I went through anatomy books and some tutorials online and try to absorb as much as I can by doing drills and copies of them. There's too many anatomy guides out there, find one that is easily digestible to you and go through it. The one I like the most are from the morpho series and this account https://twitter.com/kato_anatomy/..

there's no harm in using references! foreshortened poses are hard to draw

>> No.6155771

rkgkanon isn't going to push himself beyond his comfort zone just because a bunch of people whined about his art being boring and whatnot, he has to make the effort for himself. You should take that energy and use it to make your own art better, maybe you'll inspire him to try harder that way.

>> No.6155772
File: 2.25 MB, 3403x3000, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded question but how do you learn while copying, do you just copy it while using construction or try to copy the lines?
i am trying to learn from Yoh Yoshinari but I have no idea how to, or if I am doing it right. Yesterday I tried copying what I saw and then tracing it. Is that the right approach?

>> No.6155773

are there any women in this thread? would you like to groom me I'm a 19 yo 5'4 guy

>> No.6155775

meant for>>6155729

>> No.6155776

post cock i am needing some refs right now

>> No.6155791

Definitely on the right path gmi
3d gtfo

>> No.6155797
File: 611 KB, 3508x2480, FXS7eOWaMAAEpqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you learn while copying, do you just copy it while using construction or try to copy the lines?
the former, I pick one artwork and try to deconstruct/break it down into boxes or simpler shapes while at the same time figuring it out how the artist stylized their work (what head-body ratio they're using, what body types they usually draw, how they bodies in certain angles etc)
i.e pic rel from https://twitter.com/BUM_HICO/status/1546066761652793344

> or try to copy the lines?
learning how the artist do their line/brushworks is a separate session but still a good stuff to study nonetheless

>> No.6155802
File: 836 KB, 814x2509, 8.30.20_30082020122806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a yoshinari study I did a while back
it's mostly tryna figure out how he does the shapes of his characters

>> No.6155818
File: 209 KB, 1280x927, 132 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks a lot, i am going to buy a cheap sketchbook to do it in trad too. Your studies look really nice too! i was thinking about using that approach to his whole sketchbook, hope it helps I really love how he draws

>> No.6155825
File: 145 KB, 1280x962, 153 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting one more because i love how he draws male faces. It's amazing how he's so varied as an artist, men, women, children, animu moeblobs, backgrounds, mecha, and SFX. The only thing he lacks is ''sex appeal'' but he doesn't really need it for his job.

>> No.6155853

what is this artists name?

>> No.6155855
File: 168 KB, 1280x949, 173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoh yoshinari

>> No.6155949

Does the method of copy lineat and artstyle apply to rendering? Can i just steal painting techniques and what not?

>> No.6155983
File: 882 KB, 708x510, 09_튜토리얼.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I want to study someone else's painting style, I'd probably look if they've posted a step by step process or a timelapse, but don't count me out on this bc I haven't done any rendering practice in a while

>> No.6156037
File: 1.73 MB, 1400x2400, 220706a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6156043

thank you!!

>> No.6156045

really nice

>> No.6156378
File: 428 KB, 1353x931, handler2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping the elbow down fixed it, was a bit short
idk about the background now feels a bit blank and the table/chairs seem off perspective.

>plopping characters into monochromatic voids
Hand up, that's been me the past year. I do
adorable, monsterboys are a rarity

>> No.6156420 [DELETED] 

They're simple things usually. A standing pose is usually just 2~3hrs, but trying something more difficult like sitting, moving, etc tends to take longer 3-4hrs. I try to draw daily so that helps. Surely if I wanted to add a background, completely clean the linework, think about colour and shading beyond it being simple, etc, it'd take much longer by virtue of extra work required.
I should start using refs and 3d models, that'd probably speed it up even more.
Don't know why this became a chain of comments. Truth is, right now, I'm a programmer, not an artist. I want my art to hit a point I can create the visuals and pixel art for my games so I spend less time drawing comparatively to other things.
It's much less 'comfort zone', and more 'the only art I will ever need to make are standing profile cut-in images as characters talk, act, etc'

>> No.6156495
File: 1.93 MB, 850x1202, snowy tree js.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been procrastinating a lot, but I hope to finish this one soon since I like the composition.

>> No.6156844
File: 646 KB, 3963x5000, 3256Afitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you, and your style is gnarly!

>> No.6157316 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 375x486, 20220711-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just draw often and it becomes faster

>> No.6157328
File: 31 KB, 375x486, 20220711-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw often and you get faster

>> No.6157529
File: 732 KB, 1200x1000, wheeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little hxh doodles and an oc I'm trying to design.

>> No.6157564

oughh very nice linework!
do you have a blog?

>> No.6157621

The sketch on the right is gorgeous, I want to see more of your oc

>> No.6157658

New chapters never ever ;_;
He's cute great design

>> No.6157792


>> No.6157804
File: 379 KB, 1000x1000, 0307222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you pyw?

>> No.6157818

Liking this wip already really nice color and composition

>> No.6157861


>> No.6157974


>> No.6158204
File: 1.21 MB, 1744x1200, handler_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'm done with this, got some last minute feedback that I should frame the picture better in the top left so I slapped on some crates in a net real fast.

This is some killer work anon really inspiring

>> No.6158483

previous OP pic

>> No.6158510

Welp nothing on the op pic was good so his point still stands

>> No.6158519


>> No.6158752
File: 1.17 MB, 2116x2404, 1654466584077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6158769
File: 743 KB, 250x207, 1649121589993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id take those Asian and Chris Hemsworth' you can keep the rest

>> No.6158817

None of these men appeal to me personally desu

>> No.6158885

>what the gays like

>> No.6159045
File: 60 KB, 597x772, 20220712-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6159129

>3 bottom not natty but only the the 1st gets away with it because facial aesthetics.
>top are all ugly except nu-spider boy
lol you didn't even try

>> No.6159215

all of them are too old

>> No.6159223

the left foot's perspective looks a bit weird, for a second I though it was really small

>> No.6159402
File: 145 KB, 1200x780, peter-cushing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon, this is more my type. all those men you posted are very ugly desu

>> No.6159438
File: 102 KB, 1218x680, E_ByHThWEAkQqCq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's genki nerd boi
also, i noticed how women have more varied taste in men than men have in women

>> No.6159452
File: 1.56 MB, 1022x684, johnny mnemomic_just look at those GLOVES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. they are all caca

>> No.6159456
File: 543 KB, 769x878, male_power_fantasy_vs_female_gaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6159457
File: 405 KB, 1918x1280, DuzOsc5WkAA6OGl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See also: marketing

>> No.6159465

idk anon, i wanna fuck all of them

>> No.6159546

Now I know you're malding. The art on OP is always good wtf. Pyw.

>> No.6159549

I go towards fighting game husbandos, but I like all the guys there so...

>> No.6159589 [DELETED] 

Doodling and made this sort of pulpy adventurer guy, I kind of like him. What do you think?

>> No.6159593
File: 138 KB, 416x590, 1657659645557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never really drawn men before but I made this sort of pulpy adventurer guy, I kind of like him. What do you think?

>> No.6159613
File: 101 KB, 736x909, 3f66c97b5560d5dc0da9fba0127bcb57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see more of your work. I thin he looks fine, and you have a good emphasis on the neck and traps for a masculine frame. I think his expression could be a bit "tougher" or more confident. Maybe adjust the lips and have his eyelids closed about halfway.

>> No.6159621

I'd bottom all of them desu

>> No.6159678

The legs were a bit too short and feet small in general
I fixed it in other uploads to the main sites.
Was trying a 1:1 body to leg ratio but it was making them look a bit too squat

>> No.6159732
File: 1.02 MB, 1300x1114, eep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@nekromagi on twitter
Thank you! He's a viking dragon hunter, whom, up until now I've only ever bothered to draw in this dumb fun modern au me and my friend have.
>New chapters never ever ;_;
Soon, very very soon. Judging by Togashi's twitter posting.
Thanks! You too, putting a character in a background-heavy scene is not easy.

>> No.6159790

Oh you're the dark souls twink guy! I love your stuff. We had an exchange in the oc thread awhile back

>> No.6159815

I like the entire top row but don't care about bottom. But then again I have a muscle fetish

>> No.6159829
File: 2.43 MB, 1628x2048, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tb h my tastes are weird
I had a muscle phase 5 years ago, went to shota phase then now I'm back to twunk/ikemen/muscles again
I guess my taste right now boils down to gentle-ish muscle guys

>> No.6159936

You posted the Sweet Pool stuff a while back right? Did you make a comic too? I remember you had like some incestous twins or something.

>> No.6160033

sugoi, its been a while since ive watched that show
cute kid, i like the 'fit's color

>> No.6160084

Thanks anon
The lips were based on River Phoenix's sneer, I wanted something sort of "pretty boy" on the masculine build, but maybe it just ended up looking weird

>> No.6160167

happy i recognize your pic. great character.
by the way, the main character of the manga Gosu has a similar personality, and is one of my favorite characters of all time. it’s a classic i’d recommend to anyone.

>> No.6160366
File: 940 KB, 866x864, bonesaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(My brain has been nothing but tf2 for the past weeks) My husband...
Thanku. Trad inking with a g-pen is oddly relaxing
In love with your art and your boys!

>> No.6160371

fucking based medicposter
great style and love the body language

>> No.6160373
File: 211 KB, 620x620, icnrgdm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but where is your work anon, I still can't find it

>> No.6160385

nta but from what manga is this?

>> No.6160388

theres been anonymous polls done on female forums before women have a huge bias towards primarily himbo daddy bod and super thin and toned. though i think everyone still 'respects' the bottom 3 immensely which probably strongly correlates to attraction since it takes a lot to get to it

>> No.6160394


Depends on the female.
I prefer jacked with good face. Can't have a guy that looks like a crayfish.

>> No.6160398


>> No.6160410


Neither will you, fren :)

>> No.6160488
File: 2.34 MB, 1896x2400, 220706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not exactly a cute young boy, but i want to paint like @4hazime, with the stylistic choices of "kaneoya sachiko" (japanese Paul McCartney eyes fan).
I'm a bit upset bc 4hazime deleted her twitter don't know where to find her again.

>> No.6160523

Thanks! I kinda want to go crazy with the lighting/colors but I have no idea what to do haha
He's still cute anon! Droopy eyes are top tier

>> No.6160763
File: 54 KB, 574x743, 20220713-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6160891
File: 2.60 MB, 1962x1865, IMG_2761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6160905
File: 602 KB, 1600x1600, 8BB74433-F57E-405D-A9AF-56397DC6430F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some feedback on my watercolor study (Ishida Sui style attempt/ref) and how I can improve on it? /beg/ didn’t give me any feedback so I came here.

Wasn’t confident enough to do the same dark tones as the reference pic so I went for muted. Prolly fugged up the anatomy in more than one place but I’m coming back to digital after being mostly trad.

Any advice on how to improve on this, either on color/light-darkness or anatomy is much appreciated.

>> No.6161012

>Any advice on how to improve on this, either on color/light-darkness or anatomy
Everything needs improvement.
There's not much use in pinpointing specific parts to improve for now because you'd need to redraw and repaint everything.
If you really want to improve, take some time to study fundamentals starting with accuracy or learning to draw what you actually see, since you seem to be symbol drawing heavily.

>> No.6161135

If you could fix ONE specific thing with that image to make it better what would it be? When you have that answer spend the few days studying that one thing aloneside your other drawings. You're not aiming for mastery here so please don't slave over the perfect Loomis heads for the next 5 years lmao You're a begginer so it's best to 'learn how to learn' and you do that with tackling bite size task over and over until you improve and eventually expand your scope tackling everything at once. Good luck and always use reference for literally everything!

>> No.6161316

Watercolors are supposed to be transparent, but I don't think they should be so streaky. I'd need to see the original to really critique.

>> No.6161332
File: 349 KB, 620x985, zelen slutty trials -s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up completely redoing the face.

>> No.6161363

Holy shit, looks great. Medic is still top tier on the TF2 husbando rating list.

>> No.6161387

where did you learn how to render faces? they look so good.

>> No.6161664
File: 70 KB, 540x790, shironeki1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep. That's what I'm doing (though I am admittedly rusty on gesture. Thought doing this alongside the fundie-study would help to gauge progress (or lack thereof) and kind of break up the monotony on constant fundie-grinding.

If I could pinpoint a specific thing anyhow, it'd be just anatomy/linework in general.

>symbol drawing
Hear that passed around a lot and never really got the full gist of what that means (pardon my ignorance). Is that just trying to copy something pound-for-pound or what?

Yeah loomis heads suck dog ass. If I focus on drawing floating heads I'll never improve.

Imo this pic is probably a good wake-up-call to get myself back on improving gesture/anatomy.

I find myself having trouble achieving that affect with digital watercolors. Maybe it's my lack of experience with the medium in general (I use CSP).

Picrel is the ref btw.

>> No.6161694

I recommend drawing from life. Do some figure drawings and bargue plates, don't try to focus on the gesture first just try to replicate academically. I think you need to work on your proportions try the academic method of figure drawing. When drawing a figure use real references and measuring lines to keep certain proportions in check. For example in some of your previous drawings I notice you tend to make the wrists very skinny. I find it is much easier to stylize once you have experience of drawing from life since you will know how to stylize from realistic anatomy. I suggest you also practice hands by drawing your own hands.

>> No.6161765


>don't try to focus on the gesture first just try to replicate academically

You got any recommended resources on this academic method or these bargue plates you're talking about? Forgive my ignorance, but I don't know what either of those are (and Google gives a bunch of varying definitions).

Insofar as I've been grinding fundies, I've been going with mostly that one Hampton book for my whole journey. Perhaps I've been focusing too much on gesture and not enough on keeping my proportions in check... cause I did think I had those under my belt at one point. Maybe I did get too confident there cause I have been eyeballing proportions a little too much.

But yeah, I'll start using more real models instead of anime-tier refs. I just like Ishida's style but, then again, he's also good at drawing real-life faces as well, which furthers the whole point you made about realism first and stylization second.

>skinny wrists big hands

I see what you mean there, and I do use my hands for reference. Again, I'll attribute my poor handiwork (no pun intended) to my lack of experience, to which I'll make a note for improvement and further studies.

>> No.6162001
File: 587 KB, 875x1050, akio pondering how much acid it would take to chemically lobotomize himself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried painting a weirder angle this time. tonight I will do some limb studies!

god yes I love the kaneoya rep, beautiful rendering!
cute character design, what kind of animal is he/wearing?

>> No.6162021

nta but bargue plates can be found here

>> No.6162037


Okay, wait... is it like those things where the face is broken up into geometric shapes and a realistic form is built off of that? (I know all my questions likely belong in /beg/ but the crowd seems a lot more cordial here.)

If that's the case, it sure seems like a more surefire way to replicate a real face than symbol drawing. Thank you kindly for the resource, anon!

>> No.6162174
File: 2.17 MB, 3071x2266, adonis (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any reccomendations/favorites for dynamic pose refs

>> No.6162469

Fighting games, I reference poses from them a lot. Try spriters-resource.

>> No.6162477

try finding gymnast videos on youtube, pause the video and draw the pose

>> No.6162501

>what kind of animal
he's a snowleopard!

>> No.6162956

These are both very creative, thanks guys I'll try these tonight

>> No.6162991

Does anyone know of hair rendering guides/vids for shorter or spikey hair? Most anime hair rendering vids just have long hair on girls for the example.

>> No.6163020
File: 336 KB, 666x749, chinci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done with this for now
pants is visually tasty
love the expressions

>> No.6163034
File: 3.06 MB, 2122x3200, Arthur-expression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty anon, I used to practice them a lot. I should get back to that

I really love how you color and design characters, this looks very retro

>> No.6163058

>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.

>> No.6163089


>> No.6163115

This is really cute but for once I actually agree with the instant >>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
spammer. Androgyny is just easier to achieve with simplified styles. Not that you should have to change anything, I like his design but he might be too fem for safely posting here, personally idgaf he looks fine to me with the style you usually draw in in mind, long face, adams apple eyes high up on face, visibly flat chest, but just to avoid futa femboy schizos ruining more threads.

>> No.6163118

Nah I understand. I just feel weird posting sfw stuff in salt. I assumed he was masculine enough for the thread but I suppose that was wishful thinking.

>> No.6163128

Anyone has image refs/potraits of cute guys to study values and rendering? I am tired of cute girls

>> No.6163232

you first

>> No.6163244

>he might be too fem for safely posting here
This is bs. Should >>6151264 be removed as well to appease the resident schizo, or does that design with long hair somehow pass as more masculine? What about fanart of long haired characters like >>6157529 , or fanart of dudes in makeup like the Crow? Should goth and metalhead designs be avoided because of those traits?
Androgyny does not equal trapshit, don't adopt the schizo mentality.

>> No.6163248

it's fine as long as you're not a trapfag but crossdressing is treading on thin ice

>> No.6163259

>crossdressing is treading on thin ice

>> No.6163260

I mean, >>6163034 is literally a femboy. Why are you getting so heated?

>> No.6163265

pretty boy =/= femboys. When will people learn that?

>> No.6163266

I don't like it

>> No.6163273

because if you've already got an androgynous boy and then you add crossdressing to the mix, that's really close to femboy/trap territory

>> No.6163277

I like it

>> No.6163281
File: 123 KB, 308x500, ash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Even with the femme presentation, if they went more twink/twunk in styling no one would care

>> No.6163291

Is fishnets exclusively female clothing? I hope no one draws a shinobi character then.
He is not even that soft or feminine, he clearly looks like a flamboyant dude in goth make up. But you are right, why care at this point.

>> No.6163312
File: 781 KB, 960x960, Featured3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why hate this shitty rule. Op clearly posted his skinny goth boy in good faith so there should be no problem here. Metal guys always ether effeminate twigs or viking chads and crossdressing and heavy makeup should absolutely be allowed in this thread.

No femboy/trap rule is just disrupting this general at this point and the rule should be changed to exclude clearly transgenered OCs and futas.

>> No.6163322

Are you being facetious? There's a big jump from androgynous to "draw a girl and slap a dick on it".

>> No.6163327

The femboy/trap rule was made, I think, to counter the schizo that would spam the thread with random pixiv pics of flat dickgirls. It's not the rule itself that's the problem, but rather anons not realizing what you said
>Op clearly posted his skinny goth boy in good faith so there should be no problem here
For some reason people can't tell the difference between something that panders to trapfags and a character that is just flamboyant. No one would get "heated" if anons applied some critical thinking.
Whatever dude, if you think that's a girl maybe porn has rotted your brain.

>> No.6163343
File: 3.50 MB, 4608x2592, 20220715_193932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck at wage slaving and I'm convinced the place it haunted as I'm hearing footsteps in the corridor, either way have some more men drawn on sanitary papers, I wanna go home.

>> No.6163348

>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.

>> No.6163352

How did you transition from purple to green for that background?

>> No.6163375
File: 392 KB, 850x1389, sample_20c23d7abee3dbf9fe6dfbf3ff509585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with boys that look nothing like boys? Are you saying they're invalid? Shame on you!
Besides, I thought we stopped following that rule since the last general. After all, there's a very thin line between twinks and traps these days.

>> No.6163386

Like i said this rule is just an excuse for bored nodraws to derail every cbsg thread since the very beginning with pointless shit, not to keep the trap enthusiast at bay. it should be removed and appeasing them was dumb to begin it.

and there it, the bad faith bullshit made to further derail the thread. like i said this rule needs to dun away with at last.

>> No.6163391

Soo... are you people gonna actually pyw or just bitch more?

>> No.6163403

where's your work anon?

>> No.6163407
File: 1.13 MB, 888x698, sakl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, I have found my kindred soul

>> No.6163429
File: 257 KB, 604x524, Animal crossing doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any recent male doodles to post but sure.
>>6163034 Doesn't strike me as a femboy with such strong features like a thicker nose and pointy jaw, so I am not sure why he shouldn't be posted. Even if his clothing is a bit femme, I get more of a twinky goth vibe than a trap one. Perhaps I am biased, but he still looks like a guy to me. It would be a shame if a regular is discouraged from participating due to fear of schizoposting.

>> No.6163436

Oh adding to the small critique, if it helps at all, maybe try broading the character's shoulders a little bit? I used to have a habit of drawing them too narrow as well, but a wider back can make a silhouette noticeably more masculine.

>> No.6163438
File: 611 KB, 700x1054, 094b156f06b0778ec6edb4a4e30eef24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree wholeheartedly. Appeasing uncultured anti-trapfag nodraws was a mistake that limited this general's creativity.

>> No.6163441

Yeah I have a bad habit of either drawing heads too big or shoulders too small. It's something I'm trying to work on. This character is especially scrawny so it's a bit difficult for me to find a good balance

>> No.6163472

It's a shame fighting game dudes aren't as "empowered" as their female counterparts...

>> No.6163478

How do you mean?

>> No.6163485

Contorting their spines, moaning when they get hit and wearing the skimpiest costumes, of course. All in the name of artistic expression and empowerment!

>> No.6163486

I don't know, I feel like the fighting game men are oftentimes more naked than the ladies nowadays.

>> No.6163488
File: 76 KB, 526x1360, Urien_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends on which games you play

>> No.6163489

It's shitposting. Empowerment had been the schizo flavor a few threads ago, just ignore.

>> No.6163490

False equivalence

>> No.6163492


>> No.6163494

I was hoping Luke being the "future of street fighter" meant we'd be getting more pure sex shirtless cute boys but looking at sf6 that's not gonna be the case. Disappointing

>> No.6163497
File: 1.66 MB, 1115x1459, Sf6-jamie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Jamie

>> No.6163507

he look like a flamboyant version of ricegum

>> No.6163510

'muh empowerment' is just nodraw shitpost along with shota and femboy complaints. stop feeding into it.

>> No.6163511

Checks out considering only a single person posted work.

>> No.6163514
File: 303 KB, 673x485, nightmarekini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just being shirtless and maybe wearing shorts is nowhere near as sexualized as the female characters. Get back to me when they make the dudes pose sexy and wear ribbons that emphasize their package.

>> No.6163531

Some close-ups of him look like James Charles and I hate him already

>> No.6163582
File: 446 KB, 776x1200, Efz5XgsXYAEljqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not always full on sexualization like women, but many of the associated artists for fighting games draw fanservice-y stuff for the guys

>> No.6163591
File: 1.36 MB, 1620x2160, FVdeZxoWAAIKM5Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's cute. Moveset looks fun too.

>> No.6163668

Nice muscles bro

>> No.6163681

>The femboy/trap rule was made, I think, to counter the schizo that would spam the thread with random pixiv pics of flat dickgirls.
Pretty much and on queue
here come these faggots, it's either a small portion of art be discouraged or threads go to shit nothing personnel
You can post whatever you want in the discord though
Also this
Ignore retards and draw your boys everyone

>> No.6163684

this. it's proven to be mikushitfag. You people should move along really.

>> No.6163875


>> No.6163879
File: 20 KB, 819x437, glassespokemove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The raised brow one looks sick, it's always a fun expression! and thanks it is my first retro theme attempt
I did it manually by shifting the hue around 10 times until i got to the second color. I think 10 is too many, I wanted to make it 5 with dithering in between but got bored. There are gradient fill tools that I do not know how to use.
Drawing early in the morning keeps me positive at work
>I'm convinced the place it haunted
Perhaps it is a cute ghost boy who wants to befriend you

>> No.6163882

He looks better in fanart, but he looks like fun. As any drunken martial artist should be.

>> No.6163900

You're clearly gay if you think an image like this was meant to titilate. Why aren't the guys squeezing their pecs together like Chun-Li and Laura with their tits all but spilling out of their bikini tops? Why can't I see Zangief's muscular butt? Their swim-trunks should obviously be smaller!

>> No.6163905

This is really not good material to study from, anon, most of the forms are in shadow and hard to distinguish.

>> No.6163924

I, for one, argue we should keep the no traps/femboys rule in place. No one here likes trapshit since they look nothing like men with their "puffy" tits and birthing hips.

>> No.6163938

nah I'm tired of nodraws looking for excuses to bitch over stupid shit no one here draws anyway. if your wanna cry about troon and faggots go to /pol/

>> No.6163945


Yeah I realized that belatedly. I'll go for stuff more study-able next time I try my hands at a study.

>> No.6163955

You're asking for more futa spam this way. It's for the best that trapshit STAYS prohibited
>You can post whatever you want in the discord though
No, their rules are the same as here. That also includes the no trap rule.

>> No.6163957
File: 771 KB, 2880x2880, 20220715_204148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No prob anon! I really like how you draw faces, it's super iconic

I hope you continue with this retro theme, you pull it off really well

I didn't notice if anyone asked before, do you have a blog?

>> No.6163961

there's no change this schizo's mind so why giving him so much power over your thread? just do what they do in lsg and mass report it until jannies start deleting shit that derails the thread on site. simple as.

>> No.6163969

He was much quieter after the no traps rules was enforced, though.

>> No.6164054

You can post whatever you want, asking for critique on general art is allowed
Jannies aren't around 24/7 the rules are fine as they are, it helps keep spergs and coomers away, people only get annoyed when the futa retard shows up, but yeah report off topic no draws and move on

>> No.6164145
File: 2.58 MB, 2432x1000, figure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the late reply. I kind of regret saying that because I was just being duning kruger and am too beg to answer so don't take my word or advice too seriously, but I saw that you really seemed to want answers and this helped me at improving from before when I couldn't draw anatomy at all, so maybe it will help you and it doesn't feel good to not reply back even if what I say might be bull. What the anon linked you I think it a good place to start. For figure drawing references I used line of action for this: https://line-of-action.com/ . It is good for beginning figure and practicing proportions though bad for shadow shapes, there is also quick pose, croquis cafe, and gesdraws. There is a thread on this >>6158695 . Free resources might not be the best quality but pretty good for being free. By academic I mean sight measuring, search that. It will help with handiwork or eye-to-hand coordination. I get what you mean, even if you use ref it never comes out perfectly like what you want so practicing with measuring and comparing parts can help in correcting the anatomy (kind of what I tried to do in pic rel, of course my eye to hand coordination still needs a lot of work as you see I circled a lot of errors). I usually use construction and gestures with the spine, ribcage, landmarks and all down but for some reason didn't and this was supposed to be a quick thing but I droned out on this while someone was calling me, kind of dumb of me. You can also try the grid method and a good example for that would be Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres' figure drawings. Of course trying to measure everything perfectly all the time can lose a lot of the weight and dynamic movement of the figure or soul, but I do think it helps for proportions and practicing eye-to-hand coordination. Again I might just be dunning kruger here, so please don't take what I say too seriously I was in good faith but now that I think about it I'm afraid of this being a blind leading the blind.

>> No.6164161


Ty kindly for the resources, anon. I was so sure I had proportions down-pat at one point-- hands, not so much (those are a monster of their own).

If I may ask, what, in particular about >>6160905, proportionwise was off?
Again, I did kind of eyeball it, and I have a harder time drawing on a tablet than on paper (I use Intuos S if that matters). But, due to the dark composition of the ref >>6161664 I had to infer what might've been in the dark spaces.

>> No.6164164
File: 1.66 MB, 5000x5000, eternalbgwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the perspective on this one.

>> No.6164180

I think your proportions are ok. I didn't mean your proportions were off, but rather describing how measuring can help practice proportions and eye-to-hand. Not on your drawing, just on a general statement about how measuring can help with that. Your wrist here >>6160905 is pretty fine in width too which is good, I was mostly referring to your past drawings because sometimes you make it really tiny, not trying to shoehorn it, just an example. The fact that it is thicker this time is good because it seems you're drawing more what you see in the ref. I think the more erroneous part is the anatomy itself as some musculature of chest seeming to be too blocky. I think that may be what the other anon meant by symbol drawing? Pretty much drawing from what you know and not what you see. I think drawing some nude models will help a lot with that, especially focusing on the more academic rather than the gestural side will help with drawing what you see and training eye-to-hand. Of course nothing wrong with gestural, it's great for stylization, movement, weight, shapes, contrapposto, rendering styles etc. Don't take my word for it. I understand though with how transferring trad skills to digital skills can take some time, maybe I'm just being dumb duning kruger. I think getting an additional ref next time would be good for the muscles because like you said it's not there. I like seeing your work on the board and watching you improve over time so maybe that's why I felt the need to say something, though it may be a dumb comment or useless crit now that I realize.

>> No.6164206


Yep... I just am a bit rusty from not really drawing for the past several months due to college getting hectic; so a good portion of my drawing practice this summer is just learning how the heck to draw anatomy all over again.

I think I focus so much about how the forearm tapers off to the wrist that I kind of overexaggerate it-- especially when drawing females.

But, again, tyvm for the direction. While I'll keep doing gesture, I kind of felt like I was going in circles lately with focusing on gesture.

>dunning krueger
Man, I trust anyone's opinion more than my own. In the end, it all boils down to learning by doing.

>> No.6164332

really like how u did the nose on the left there, something bout how u drew him facing down is quite nice. love drawing face down mfers

>> No.6164391
File: 629 KB, 2500x2452, Untitled_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head is hard

>> No.6164412

But that's fan art. I've yet to see official art of fighting game dudes posed sexy and wearing bits of string.

>> No.6164418

Suggestive and slightly creepy

>> No.6164426

You're a faggot.

>> No.6164442

thanks, I’ve been trying my best to always include some kind of “story” or idea in my drawings to make them less boring c:

>> No.6164497

Its part of the official swimsuit edition. Plus, look at Soul Calibur then.

>> No.6164740

>Soul Calibur
You really should try to come up with a better example than a game infamous for skimpifying and upgrading the bust sizes of the female characters (especially Ivy) with each game and that got a fucking hentai artist to design costumes for said female characters.

>> No.6164779

b..but i like jin kazama, he's my husbando

>> No.6164780
File: 58 KB, 716x782, rBVaGVUYGoWAR4ugAAJC4vG-Zs0197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more thing I believe is an objective point is defining the muscle's entire outline doesn't make much since, assuming that he is wearing a suit. If it is a skin-tight suit it would look more like pic-rel where you don't see the full outline of the muscles but instead creases that hint at the volume. If your character were shirtless the decision to draw the entire outline would make more sense, but it seems he is actually clothed. If the outline is just there as an underlying sketch to get the form and not intended to be part of the finished drawing then ignore what I said. I also realized that maybe the reason why the fingers are so curved without much joints in the drawing might be because your hand reference may be on the more rounded side. If so, use additional refs as well for hands because muscular men tend to have more pronounced joints, so instead of curves it's harder edges. Anyway, I hope to you see continue to improve! Learning by doing really is the best thing you can do, take care and sorry to the others for spamming of the thread.

>> No.6164794

reminder to not engage with dumbass male sexualization anon, they never post art and just bitch

>> No.6165291

He's a big guy

>> No.6165311

for you

>> No.6165640


Yeah, I'm just used to drawing shirtless bodies, and I thought the same logic applied if the clothes were really, really skin-tight; and here's the part where I could spout some bs about the fabric being super-special self-healing yada-yada, but that would be the easy way out. Guess I forgot the golden rule: use lots and lots of refs!!

As for the hands... I kind of struggled to find a pose to put them in since the ref was so unclear. Again, I was using my hand as a ref, but varying, non-hanging hand poses are something I gotta get the hang in-general.

I'm gonna save all these (You) posts from this thread so I can keep reminding myself what the heck I need to keep studying-- also take care yourself, man!

>> No.6165807
File: 55 KB, 910x692, elderglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are kind thank you! and no I don't have blog
>I hope you continue with this retro theme, you pull it off really well
The retro theme is only for this character parallel universe doppelganger, the sun glasses is a transmission device of some sort. I haven't fully figured out how all this works it's a stupid fun gimmick.
Agree facing down enhances the badassness, I was happy with the nose too thank you!

>> No.6165906

I wish I was 1/10th as cute as that kid

>> No.6166102
File: 416 KB, 1350x2180, Sketch 230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6166348
File: 709 KB, 877x926, xahasin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something for artfigh
Love your use of colors. It reminds me of a cool indie game

>> No.6166356
File: 2.84 MB, 1700x1250, 1643232221644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enbie is a cute boy?

>> No.6166381


>> No.6166390
File: 97 KB, 352x358, 1644359250808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6166409

isn't that luke from prof layton

>> No.6166585

luke is not nb

>> No.6166750

gross. fuck off to /lsg/

>> No.6166751

pyw crab

>> No.6166756

cute nose

>> No.6166766
File: 2.29 MB, 1512x3558, eltanin_genshin_ref_complete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's clive dove from professor layton. learn your boys before posting here.
here's a genshin impact oc that i did after accidentally huffing in some paint fumes.

>> No.6166770

nigga shut up

>> No.6166783

genshin honestly has some of the worst character design philosophy in media now

>> No.6166784

It is obviously suggestive. Some anons make perfectly fine sfw material but this isn't one of them

>> No.6166787

it fucking does, but the only one i like is zhongli

>> No.6166790

I do like his design and the fact he manages to pull off an unpopular color scheme (brown/black). Most other genshin characters are painfully boring. They squandered Itto by not making him actually muscle-y.

>> No.6166800

yeah, i don't know how they managed to do it but fucking up itto is the worst crime mihoyo has done.
they probably didn't want to make a new model for him, which is stupid. because, why bother make him a twink with painted on muscles?

>> No.6166803

fuck off tranny janny and post work

>> No.6166804

i give them something and it's that there is a lot of male TUMMY, which I am thankful for

>> No.6166808

Stop talking like an ape and accept that there is more than just black and white opinions. Sfw shota is fine but that one was in bad taste. Consider it critique if you must. I wish the thread was named cute males instead so we wouldn't have to bother about retarded crossposting with /lsg/ to begin with. (You) pyw

>> No.6166811

this is 4chan, go to discord if you feel offended by cute and funny posting

>> No.6166812

Get off the internet if you get triggered by different opinions and criticism

>> No.6166813

i am not the one asking for a poster to go to another thread because their art is ''in bad taste''.

>> No.6166819

>Only post SFW shota, link NSFW from catbox
>lsg is already a thing

>> No.6166821

that's not nsfw though otherwise, tranny jannies would have nuked it a long time ago
>lsg is already a thing
and discord is also a thing, see ya!

>> No.6166823

shota anon is so clearly butt hurt he did not receiving an asspat for his work that he will protest till thread reaches bump limit. You are the reason shit like the meta thread give this general a bad name for refuging degenerates

>> No.6166825

Feel free to pyw anytime to prove you aint the one who drew that

>> No.6166828
File: 707 KB, 2072x2740, archer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not that anon though. pic rel my work. I just can't stand newfags that want the site to cater to their needs when they can migrate to normie sites like Twitter or discord, if you choose to be here you have to adapt to the site's ''culture'' which is edgier and has an inclination for cute and funny posting. seriously, what's stopping you from going to the discord, or twitter? there you can have your little safespace without shota

>> No.6166831

stop engaging with a troll and post more of your art

>> No.6166833

Is it really such a foreign concept to you for people to want certain things to stay in certain threads? 4chan is no stranger to containment generals/boards. It's always had a "fuck off to your little corner" atmosphere

>> No.6166835

The shota pic was done in poor taske but derailing the thread by complaining about it is does nothing but drag down the thread. Shut up and draw.

>> No.6166837

>it's a shotafag

>> No.6166838

what should I draw?

>> No.6166841

just wanted to prove that the autists don't draw
>Is it really such a foreign concept to you for people to want certain things to stay in certain threads?
it's peak newfag behavior and it's annoying to the original poster for no reason other than to be a crab, /ic/ is a slow as fuck board, most anons posts in different generals and containing yourself to you ''little corner'' in an ''art critique'' board has to be the most retarded idea ever. Again, don't like hoe the site board? you have twitter and discord

>> No.6166856

>it's peak newfag behavior and it's annoying to the original poster for no reason other than to be a crab
No. The criticism came from the fact that the anon thought he was so smart for lightly censoring a pic with heavy nsfw implications to post it on a sfw thread. It's not unjustified crabbing. It's pointing out smug behavior. The reply says it all >>6164442
>Again, don't like hoe the site board? you have twitter and discord
Yes let us shit on every thread because nice things are a twitter exclusive

I dont even mind the actual sfw drawings but retarded shotafags will go to any lengths to defend themselves

>> No.6166860

Change the name to cute male already
/cmsg/ when

>> No.6166864

>No. The criticism came from the fact that the anon thought he was so smart for lightly censoring a pic with heavy nsfw implications to post it on a sfw thread
first of all, you can't even post nsfw shota here, second, this is red board, there aren't ''sfw threads'' I could post gay porn right now and it wouldn't be breaking any rule.
you made me post mine now it's your turn.

>> No.6166869
File: 25 KB, 400x400, cryingsadpaindismemberment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fags always do this shit. don't you ever get tired? I mean damn, even I dislike the shotashit but at least I don't sperg up the thread every single fucking day

>> No.6166873

that draws better than you

>> No.6166874

sorry that nobody accepts your trapshit futashit bootleg women here, seething and moralfagging about shota won't change that

>> No.6166877

suggestive work is in.bad.taste. get over it
and have a shotafag malding every time I post no thanks

>> No.6166879

Fuck off already shota isn't going anywhere
shotacon is fujoshi culture

>> No.6166881

i am gonna stop now, sorry. It's just that it's annoying that us, shotafags, can't post fucking anywhere without these people crying about whatever random bullshit they invented to throw us out. Again, don't like shota? twitter, discord, simple as, if you are /here/ it 's because you know those sites are filled by cancerous people that will try to cancel you for drawing a brown characters slightly lighter, and you are trying to bring that shitty culture over here.

>> No.6166882

because it makes 1 single retard uwu uncomfy?
you're free to leave to twitter

>> No.6166884

Cant believe anons in the meta thread were right to shit on this general

>> No.6166889

you don't need to bow down to their needs, draw and post what you like no matter what, you can't please everyone, most of the shota stuff here isn't even of NSFW so its really retarded to complain about it in the first place (aside from someone being insecure that someone that has a different taste from theirs can draw better than them)

>> No.6166893

the problem is someone here wants to disallow drawings of young boys because 1 person complained about it, it isn't fair is it? especially when nobody has posted porn

>> No.6166907
File: 491 KB, 540x663, 1494438247191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, so tired of all of this nodraw divide and conquer shit in every thread

>> No.6166913
File: 731 KB, 749x866, alucard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another AF attack (I pray that the routers of all nodraw derailers break instantly)

>> No.6166917 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 643x801, Untitled_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you so much for all the support <3 made a quick sfw edit :)
head is hard wink lol

>> No.6166938

No one called for no shota tho? They just said put nsfw in /lsg/ which makes sense.

>> No.6166941
File: 1.96 MB, 3841x2732, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, i just get defensive about nodraws trying to make artists they don't like leave this board, I have been on this place for too long to see good artists go because of the non-stop crabbing( I still miss you....Simon...Fisher..Nessie... ;_;7)
anyway here is a value study I am trying to make, I like how the face is so clean and then the rest is an absolute mess

>> No.6167020
File: 350 KB, 875x1050, el sombreron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these coom-brain crabs wake up every single day and SEETHE knowing that we male-enjoyers are working on our gains *daily* meanwhile all they can do is masturbate to to their loomis-wannabe, concave-foreheaded anime girl drawings and sob uncontrollable over their supposed lack of asian genes

jokes aside this is my oc, el sombreron (I think I will name him Paco but I'm not too sure yet). he is based off the Guatemalan legend of a manlet in a big black hat who sings to and braids the hair beautiful women, swooning them into following him to hell.

>> No.6167071

oh no my sfw edit was deleted even though it had nothing naughty on it :( why am I being censored this is not twitter!!

>> No.6167089

It was already proven you don't draw, give up. It's over.

>> No.6167095

>y-you dont draw!
the ultimate cope

>> No.6167103

Why should anyone care about the opinion of someone who doesn't post work?

>> No.6167130

Cry me a river shotafag

>> No.6167132

Better shota than trapshit. At least shotas look male unlike the "draw a girl call it a boy" moeblobs every coomer draws

>> No.6167161
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, 20220717_200006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sketch for the day

>> No.6167193

just a lil guy

>> No.6167194

cute, i think the head is a bit big, otherwise good sketch

>> No.6167236

>cute and funny
Show me what's "cute and funny" about turning a meme into creepy pedoshit

>> No.6167240

The drawing is cute and the butthurt reaction by moralfags is funny

>> No.6167242

Widen the shoulders and torso

>> No.6167245

Do you hear that? It's the world's saddest song playing on the world's smallest violin just for (you)
>fujoshi were always pedophiles
Makes sense

>> No.6167248


All pedos will literally look for any excuse to justify their sick habits.

>> No.6167257

Shota is not going away keep seething and start dfawing instead

>> No.6167259

I'm not the one trying to say fighting game dudes are "more naked than the ladies nowadays" when all that seems to qualify is "w-well they're not wearing shirts"

>> No.6167265

Nodraws must be really lonely today, they cannot stop responding to hours/day old posts

>> No.6167271

>t. bitter shotafag

>> No.6167274
File: 1.37 MB, 1500x1727, 88791593_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's past bump limit and OP is dead so it's shitposting time

>> No.6167297
File: 257 KB, 1000x1000, it can&#039;t be suggestive if there&#039;s no nudity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned a cat meme into porn please laugh!

>> No.6167335


>> No.6167345

You're critiquing a shitpost making fun of shotafag mentality

>> No.6167358
File: 935 KB, 560x420, Null Fanservice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Nymphs femboys from my webcomic

>> No.6167359

Still, needs loomis

>> No.6167360

How is everyone feeling about the Hololive designs with Tempus? I'm curious if anyone here could improve them since people keep blaming "fujos" for the quality or something.

>> No.6167369

>>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.

>> No.6167376
File: 353 KB, 1350x2180, Sketch 230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped WIP for now
Back to Wagie Work

>> No.6167378
File: 293 KB, 220x196, confusedanime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there I joke I'm missing? Thought this was the cute boys thread, plus the gif is inspired by kurapika falling down his chair in the HxH ova

>> No.6167390 [DELETED] 

Ignore them. They're the same nodraw crab thats been shitting up these threads since conception.

>> No.6167397

No one follows that rule here. Plus /salt is just porn exclusively

>> No.6167400

We avoid femboys in this thread because trolls try to use it as an excuse to spam straight-up futas and traps, which already have their own respective threads.

For future reference I'd just avoid calling them femboys since they seem visually masculine enough maybe?

>> No.6167404

They look horeendous can't believe they are trying ro compete with Luxiem with those shitty designs

>> No.6167405
File: 217 KB, 400x1336, Null.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, didn't know much about this troll spamming problem but thank you for the info. The character is just more fair looking than "female", it's just a joke among the ocs he makes them confused

>> No.6167431

>No one follows that rule here
sounds like we should get rid of it then

>> No.6167432

Cute and good

>> No.6167436
File: 110 KB, 850x1233, sample_1c6e01621a790ce87d6946551287530f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one follows that rule here
Thank goodness <3

>> No.6167438

And let the troll spam dickgirls again?

>> No.6167444

npdraws shit up this thread whether you appease them or not so what's the point of rules anymore?

>> No.6167445
File: 447 KB, 1500x1200, Terry by.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are like... tons of resource regarding muscle men. One of the few things that (you) must remember that there are also a lot of variety when it comes to musculature and the over all size of a mans muscle mass to their bone structure. There is a reason why some people designate animal types to different muscle types like otters, bulldogs, pugs etc. Lol there is even a 'door' mode and other modes too so yeah... draw, learn and have fun with muscle men.

>> No.6167447

To stop shit like >>6164391
from happening

>> No.6167453

what are you going next time that anon draws shota? derail the thread for 60 post? rules only deter the people who draw, never the fags who don't.

>> No.6167454

Thanks asshole. now you made me set a bad first impression. :/

>> No.6167461

>rules only deter the people who draw, never the fags who don't.
So we should allow explicit shota and trannyshit then? Y'know, since rules deters the drawfags and all.

>> No.6167477

no, but not because we personally don't like it, it's because this thread is mostly fujos meanwhile people that like traps are gay man and they honestly won't get much critique or a sense of communitty here

>> No.6167483

>people that like traps are gay man
Gay men don't even like traps. Only straight dudes do

>> No.6167484

liking traps is gay

>> No.6167487

Just draw cute males you losers. It aint deep

>> No.6167500

>trapshit futashit bootleg women
But I thought for sure my flat futas would be welcome here. No one follows that rule anyway
Fucking barafag prudes always have to stifle creativity >:(

>> No.6167506

uh huh

>> No.6167526

That's what you get for asking for shit no one even likes to be alowed

>> No.6167530

those proportions are all out of whack.

>> No.6167550

Ultimate Cope.
If you are into Traps you're gay, that's a fact.

>> No.6167625

What exactly is gay about liking "guys" that look nothing like guys? And don't just say "the penis", because that makes futa gay by that logic.

>> No.6167626

futa is gay too, liking penis is the definition of being gay

>> No.6167628

Pretty much

>> No.6167636

I'm surprised no one pulled a "uwu it's just a drawing" (shota) or "it's fantasy" (trapshit)

>> No.6167646

>shotafag and scared of "muh cancel culture"
Sorry you're not allowed to be a pedo

>> No.6167657

Because fujo dont have a track record of being into cp unlike lolifags.

>> No.6167663

Then why does every "uke" look like he's barely out of middle school?

>> No.6167665


>> No.6167670
File: 9 KB, 380x385, 1656793226234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you give up nodraw-chama? we all know you don't draw, you shot yourself in the foot by not posting work when asked, so now your ''input'' about the thread and its posters doesn't matter. Go to draw, or to sleep, or hug your mom.

>> No.6167674

So we should allow futa just because penis?

>> No.6167675

If it doesn't matter, why do (you) feel the need to respond?

>> No.6167676

to tell you to stop embarrassing yourself, you might die tomorrow, do you really want your last interaction in life to be fighting with some random anon on an anonymous autism support forum?

>> No.6167683

Do you really want your last interaction in life to be defending bootleg women and suggestive pedobait to the death?

>> No.6167685
File: 25 KB, 852x480, 1646405519199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167752

>tfw even lsg looks down on the roastie general

>> No.6167776
File: 1.95 MB, 1350x2180, Sketch 230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167814

Could use some highlights in the eyes and darker shadows on the yellow.

>> No.6167844

ill try next time

>> No.6167927

>subhuman schizos who only know to scream at each other or dicksuck one specifc artist look down on the thread that actually draws
oh wow how terrible, kys dickcheese scrote, traptrannyshit/femboyfaggotry will never be apart of fujo culture like shota

>> No.6167936
File: 116 KB, 656x872, niggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey retard
>Don't fight about different male body types, shota/ikemen/bara. Nobody cares.
The exit's down there sis(if you are even one LOL)

>> No.6167942

i unironically feel like its a falseflagger considering we barely had anyone complaining about shotatas, probably mad that down at their own general people are always deraling their threads so now they pretend to be someone who hates shotas so they could ruin/divide the general since we were free of drama and always posted work only
proof is >>6167752 this moid outting himself to lurk there
i think from here on we should just ignore their posts and report and move on.

>> No.6167952
File: 60 KB, 735x1102, Build Strength Like Strongman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, nodraws are on a whole different level I tell you. I wish I had the power to spend all day in a thread I hate, refreshing a page over and over to find any chance to start some shit. That's a lot of time that could've been spent drawing. Also, collage-anon are you there? If not, I can make the next OP pic.

>> No.6168005

>other shotacons look down on the fujoshit general
>clearly just bitter trannychasers

>> No.6168008

>himegoto/this scrote-pandering coombait was made by a woman
>crossdressing is a popular trope in yaoi

>> No.6168015

>shotacons look down on the fujoshit general
you pulled that one out of your own ass, im not sure how it is on the western side since i dont hang out with them, but in the jap circles shotafujos and older male drawing fujos get along pretty well and follow each others work and find them cute, this contrarian-wannabe autismo only exists on western circles
that's like saying lolicon is fujo culture because the kodomo no jikan author is a woman

>> No.6168022

>that's like saying lolicon is fujo culture because the kodomo no jikan author is a woman
You missed the "inb4". Meaning some retarded coombrain dickgirl fetishist will surely make this argument in argument of why we should allow shit like
in a genera dedicated to men who look their gender

>> No.6168029

You're not Japanese

>> No.6168033

Just want you to know this is being done by same flaseflagging schizo that's been shiting up this and the oc thread for ages now. This dude literally talks to himself and bumps it's own post in hopes someone eventually responds so he can derail this general. He's attacks this general and the several anons in it because they doesn't feed into the outdated competitve self loathing culture which hasn't produced a single good artist in years. On top of that the faggot in question is mediocre at best and his self importance is completely unwarranted for all of his deranged behavior. Just ignore this sperg he's just mad drawing can't land him a girlfriend (as seen in the current beg thread kek)

>> No.6168037

Cool, but your boobless dickgirl fetish is not and will never be fujo culture. There's a reason they're not allowed here.

>> No.6168042

This is exactly the kind of shit that makes me wish everyone needed an account to post so these mongoloid schizos could be weeded out immediately.

>> No.6168044

You're better off posting to discord

>> No.6168050

i'm not but i love their art and love how they have fan circles for very specific ans obscure things that you cant find on the western side, its a shame cause it reminds me of the 2000s western weeb circles in a way, aside from the fact they have their own very special panels at comiket for those circles

>> No.6168054

Pretty much this. It's pretty amazing how dedicated they are to samefagging the same 2 moot points because no regular male-enjoyer could possibly be this retarded.

>> No.6168057

is this the same guy who goes to those loli generals and goes
" this drawing is disgusting you pedo
the lolicon community hates you " something like that
it has the same writing style too

>> No.6168059

So a bitter trapfag

>> No.6168065


>> No.6168067

where is da new general

>> No.6168069

It's easier to ignore shitposters than to waste your energy in replying at all, frends. Cant wait to see your cute males in the next thread

>> No.6168077

It was proven that it's falseflaggers anyway, they were trying to divide us by pretending to be a fellow yume "worried" about the thread but failed to post work. Pathetic.

>> No.6168090

New bread. You better behave...