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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 119 KB, 1137x816, 1655426651332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6154942 No.6154942 [Reply] [Original]

Official video course general. Don't let it die this time.

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

/ic/ official torrent

Uncharted waters, lots of contents

Last thread: >>6113862

>> No.6154944

Vilppu Studio
The Spirit of the pose (Gnass)
Beginner head drawing (Huston)
Dynamic Sketching 1 (Han)
DS 2
Schoolism - Drawing people with Viktor Kalvachev
Analytical figure drawing
Schoolism - digital painting https://mega.nz/folder/6hMBxQDQ#z3lhLfkZPzLgE7SHJ_cwLQ

>> No.6155321

What course would you recommend having no previous analogue drawing skills/knowledge but wanted to jump in straight into the digital painting (and drawing)?

Normally I would start by drawing on a paper but I'm 45yo and have no time to loose.

>> No.6155326
File: 79 KB, 900x900, stanislav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, nothing new to rep- I mean download, haha......

>> No.6155418

can someone link me to marco bucci's head lessons pls?

>> No.6155426

>he doesn't know about the secret discord

>> No.6155449

whats the point of these links if half of them are broken

>> No.6155451

is that where you hoard even more resources?

>> No.6155514
File: 955 KB, 1600x900, 48EFEFE4-0D65-400F-8404-E30963E1D5A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone upload proko anatomy courses in a zip file please

>> No.6155545

>you don't wnat a 90Gb zip file that you would need another 90Gb hdd space to unpak. THat's just dumb as hell.

>> No.6156187


This is a tradition.

>> No.6156199
File: 154 KB, 800x521, 1435910239212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reason why no one uploads anything new nowadays?

>> No.6156210
File: 1.03 MB, 1267x981, 1641521600788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone have CGP account, only permabeg crabs still look for new stuff here

>> No.6156419

i keep missing out

>> No.6157655
File: 437 KB, 839x768, lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horrible tutorials
maximum 1,5 GB download, missing out on the better tutorials
>online courses club
have to download single tutorial parts separately

am i doing something wrong?

>> No.6157656

Is Erik Olson really the best perspective course? I started watching but it feels like he talks way too much.

>> No.6157663

Personally I'd recommend Gary Meyer's course. It's much shorter and teaches you most of the stuff that you might actually need in practice. You can supplement that with Scott Robertson's DVDs if you want.

>> No.6157908


OP here. I just copy and paste the previous post. Those website are shitty, but I don't think there is anything better. If you have something better, let me know, I will add it in the next round or someone else will.

>> No.6158159

Does anyone have "Evangelion: TV Animation Production Art Collection"
Can't find it anywhere any links will be much appreciated

>> No.6158184
File: 1.45 MB, 3507x2480, 131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6158194

It's easier to get in than you think.

>> No.6158224


Holy shit , Thanks a lot

>> No.6158243

hmm This has a lot , But its also missing a lot . :/
Thanks Regardless !

>> No.6158463

Get a download manager like JDownloader, and then you won't have to download lessons individually.

>> No.6158517

cgp closed like 2 years ago, anyone that doesnt have one is literally a newfag zoomer

>> No.6159312
File: 423 KB, 1280x720, 01.mp4_snapshot_00.01.046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about Thomas Fluharty?

>> No.6159343

Anyone have Stephen Bauman patreon stuff?

I opened a request on cgoeers if anyone wants to contribute

>> No.6159404

how do i get an invite from cgp?

>> No.6159430


Kind of sucks his sketchbook on Conceptart.org is gone forever.

>> No.6159439

hes a pretty amazing caricaturist and portrait artist

>> No.6159446
File: 215 KB, 755x900, CZqFc5uVAAAj6MT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohoho big jaw! very funny and creative lol! XD

>> No.6159449

That's a decent caricature, what's your gripe retard bro?

>> No.6159476

Is that Hillary Clinton? Glad I pirated.

>> No.6159516
File: 208 KB, 886x1024, antisemiticroths-e4061f-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caricature in general is a shitty art form. There's a few older Euros who made some decent stuff, like pic related, but what it amounts to nowadays is the same generic, bland exaggerations across the board. If you've seen one donkey toothed celebrity you've seen them all.

>> No.6159579

Scott Robertson’s dvd? Is it on rutracker?

>> No.6159604

Has anyone here tried the coloso Rinotuna course yet? If yes is it worth buying?

>> No.6159775

is it in english? i only see it in coloso korean site. as I understand it need to be published on the coloso.us site and that take months?
anyway looks cool, but I doubt it have some groundbreaking learning methods, there is quite a few similiar courses, hope im wrong.

>> No.6159980

I've had a CGP account since forever, but didn't use the site for two years because of life and severe depression issues. Today I found that my account is inactive, I'd like to get it back but can't figure out where the heck I'm supposed to chat with someone? Nothing works, and I don't understand the IRC thing at all. Can someone help me?

>> No.6160484

anyone have this? https://www.nma.art/courses/visual-development-dynamic-sketching/

>> No.6160548

>anyone have this? https://www.nma.art/courses/visual-development-dynamic-sketching/

Yea, it's on CGP, but 40.8GB

>> No.6160657

You'd better star with undertand the IRC thing, then. It's the only way.

>> No.6160661

Why are anons not letting newfags in on CGP? Did you pay for the courses?

>> No.6160692

my friend told me they stopped giving invites

>> No.6160890

40.8gb that’s so gay lmao

>> No.6161102

>Why are anons not letting newfags in on CGP?
We're full. Also we don't want any more post-2015 riff raff. Tiktok zoomers and cancerous third-worlders who only got an internet connection in past 7 years can go to hell

>Did you pay for the courses?

>> No.6161112

>third-worlders who only got an internet connection in past 7 years can go to hell
What's your problem with us? It's not like we're gonna pirate the courses, it's already pirated.

>> No.6161164

is any drawing/painting stuff on skillshare good

>> No.6161166

What are some good courses for painting in Corel® Painter®?

>> No.6161172

Brent Eviston’s courses are very great. The Arucelli’s course is decent too i think.

>> No.6161183

Depends on the instructor. Most of them aren't good at art or teaching. Just cash grabs where they just regurgitate what they learned from someone else. Half the courses are just demonstrations instead of well designed instructional courses.
Try to find pro/good artists courses, then check their free stuff to see if they can even teach. Take David Finch for example, hes pretty good and his YouTube videos are decent too. So his course would be worth pirating at least.

>> No.6161193

Is Brent Eviston's Art and Science of drawing the best fundies video course?

>> No.6161208
File: 404 KB, 1280x1024, 08.mp4_snapshot_05.46.855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6161209

They ruin everything they touch and never seed. I'm a mod at another private tracker (not related to art). Virtually all of our infractions, like hit & runs, are from these people. After they get banned they call us madarchods or beg us to let them back in only to pull the same shit yet again

>> No.6161223

no, i don't like his hat

>> No.6161251

I really enjoy watching instructional videos
but I never actually do the exercises or improve

>> No.6161265

I understand. Optic fibre is starting to spread in my region, we get minimum 50 Mbps now, still not as high as 1st world countries but it should be enough to seed. Few years from now it will get better. I'll just go the legal route and buy courses ig.

>> No.6161298



>> No.6161322



I have created a torrent. But added random open free trackers so I have no idea which one will work. If you have some good tracker, reply, I will add.

The magnet:


>> No.6161343

Is Charles Hu better than Peter Han? What are the main differences in teaching style?

>> No.6161353
File: 68 KB, 645x729, e09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personally I'd recommend Gary Meyer's course


What in the hell am I watching and listening to? I can't follow this boomer, one moment he says the viewer is seeing a square but I just cannot visualize what he's talking about.
>tfw too unintelligent for perspective

>> No.6161381

anybody has subtitled krenz stuff?

( those that aren't on cgp)

>> No.6161430

I just started but it seems really good
actual instruction and exercises

>> No.6161433


I won't answer, because I did not start any (I have only listened 2-3 videos in each). Charles Hu is nicer, I think, lol. If I would do Dynamic Sketching in the future, I would use them both and interchange.

>> No.6161518

keep going, it'll click if you keep exposing yourself to the information

>> No.6162428

complete newfag here (day 4 of art) what's the recommended stuff to watch/read? Just want to be able to draw characters to a decent level one day. Started watching prokos loomis heads. drawn easily 100 so far. Is it simply just a matter of grinding heads/bodys until it "clicks" or is there a secret that is hidden behind patreon walls

>> No.6162769

It's actually one of the worst

>> No.6162771

t. brainlet

>> No.6162828

pyw, Brent

>> No.6162858 [DELETED] 

trying to download it. Seed is 0 (1) and Leech 0 (4) I tried to add lots of trackers i found online with "free open tracker" search. Hope i can download it.

>> No.6162862

I'm trying to download it. Still trying to download metadata. Seed is 0 (1) and Leech 0 (4) I tried to add lots of trackers i found online with "free open tracker" search. Hope i can download it.

>> No.6162877

brent evistorn (got name wrong probably just google it) is decent course for beginners, hated here on /ic/ for autistic reasons.
then just watch some perspective course,
watch some artist you like draw on youtube or course about characters. thats it dont waste anymore time on watching stuff, its worst beg trap. If you watch stuff I mentioned then you most likely watched more then your favourite aritst watched in their life already.

>> No.6162917

What about Dynamic Sketching by Peter Han? That is very frequently recommended by people and it's not a beginner course.

Why not Ctrl+Paint or any of those other digital painting courses? Most people here are going to prefer digital, so shouldn't they be watching videos to optimize their knowledge?

What about if you want to draw cloth? Again, very different skillset to characters and standard volumetric construction doesn't really work.

And what about books? The majority of /ic/ will say you have to read all of Loomis, Keys, Drawing on the right side of the brain, How to Draw, Perspective Made Easy, Vilpuu Drawing Manual, Huston, Hampton, Beverly Hale and more.

>> No.6162921
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1642290116538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like you fit here already, enjoy your stay in /ic/.
Remember, never practice, only watch other people doing the work

>> No.6162924

Still waiting for an argument.

>> No.6162977


I was sleeping, I am in the EU zone. It should be OK now.

>> No.6162985

>Remember, never practice, only watch other people doing the work

Wait, what?! How the hell... Do I know you?

>> No.6163005

UUUU thanks! Will try!
yeah i wasn't complaining really i was unironicali wondering if i was doing something wrong

by the way, does any of you know a good course on folds in painting? Lately i discovered that i get a hold of how volumes work really faster if i approach the study with painting instead of drawing

>> No.6163009


ok i seem to have found what i was searching

>> No.6163221

thoughts on meds map?

>> No.6163687

Any course that specifically teaches you how to improve on your observational skill? (Like the ability to draw correct proportion of an object using a pencil to measure etc etc) tks

Books r fine too ig.

>> No.6163696


IMO the best digital course for beginners

>> No.6163710

if you really want to learn digital painting
take the krenz course
and the update version(Still in progress)
this anon took the course

>> No.6163719

thank you for your insight
will be checking these out, thank you

>> No.6163720

sight size
keys to drawing

>> No.6163731


>> No.6163740

Krenz as in Krenz Cushart? Which course exactly may i ask? Iirc he has a lot pf courses on his Gumroad lulz

>> No.6163741

Hu is better. Han's course is just him telling you to do a couple of exercises and the rest of the videos are just him flexing on you.

>> No.6163756

I'm guessing you mean his teaching is better because I can't imagine someone drawing that ugly and thinking it's an acceptable quality to present unless they compensated elsewhere.

>> No.6163795

>Iirc he has a lot pf courses on his Gumroad lulz

With not the best rating, to be honest.

>> No.6164082

Does anyone have the new Steven Zapata course? The course's assignment book got leaked.

>> No.6164224

steven zapata fishing for whales now

>> No.6164522

you mean Form From Imagination?
the website looks cool...

>> No.6164632

welp it got privated

>> No.6164677


And you not going go share it.

>> No.6164682

>I have created a torrent. But added random open free trackers so I have no idea which one will work. If you have some good tracker, reply, I will add.
>The magnet:

Guys, I will be seeding this files via Torrent only for the next 5 days, just letting you know.

>> No.6164692

okay ill go snatch it rn after i finished work tks for the stuff btw anon!

>> No.6164737

sorry i guess...

>> No.6164742

There was nothing good or actionable in it, just a bunch of random, very specific advice with a few images.

>> No.6164746


No problem Anon! I am really happy I could help!

>> No.6164749


OK, thanks, it's good to know. As a painting and drawing video courses collector (who is not using it at all) I would be very sad not to have it in my collection.

>> No.6164759

But does anybody have it uploaded somewhere? The only working links from the OP are on gfx-hub, but each part takes like six hours to dowload from the non-premium servers.

>> No.6164788

i downloaded it from the ic torrent but batman mega has it too >>1081149

>> No.6164790

oops i don't know how to post a reply cross-board sorry

>> No.6164797

Very nice, thank you.

>> No.6164949

i can't access to both links :(

>> No.6164958

they privated it, maybe this+that anon's note could help if you're really interested

>> No.6164961
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x1463, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops i forgot this

>> No.6164998

man i guess they will never open it again won't they...
but thank you, i'll savour any drops i can get

>> No.6165107

any torrent for croquis cafe's videos?

>> No.6165994

>i downloaded it from the ic torrent
what is the path? I don't think it's in there

>> No.6165999

nvm I used the other torrent anyway

>> No.6166155

which is better concept artist or illustrator?

>> No.6166174

Any book from your local library. Pretty much every corel tutorial online would talk about the same functions and then quickly move on to transforming photos into paintings.

>> No.6166217

>The Arucelli’s course is decent too i think.
Do you have a link for this? Doesn't seem to show up on skillshare's search.

>> No.6166223

anyone have the new steven zapata course? seems pretty extensive

>> No.6166236

interesting, seconding

>> No.6166239
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again politely requesting for these coomer tutorials from lerapi/alerriaV

>> No.6166252

Seconding. I didn't know her, she is a really good painter. Any of her tutorials would be welcome

>> No.6166284

Damn i apologized i checked it again it wasnt on Skillshare, it was on Class 101.
This what i meant: https://online-courses.club/create-an-entire-portfolio-ready-character-design-project-with-arucelli/

I snatched it long ago, and even though te course is kinda short ngl and it only scratches the surface level of some topic, but i think its good nonetheless.

>> No.6166288

It depends on what ur taste are and ur art direction. Both is different, comparing them is like comparing apple and orange.

>> No.6166296


>> No.6166584

What the FUCK was his problem?


>> No.6166826


OMG it looks delicious. Please, anyone?
I'll do anything (almost).

>> No.6166866
File: 54 KB, 501x615, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck will pay that much
I bet you don't even get critiques from the guy himself

>> No.6166915

You do not have access to www.formfromimagination.com.

The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site. Contact the site owner for access or try loading the page again.

Sorry guys. I wanted to buy it for everyone here, but looks like I can't.

>> No.6167025


That's the 1st thing, although I have seen much more expensive courses. What's bother me more is thet there is no overall video time included in this summary. Those videos might be 10 minutes long each.

>> No.6167038


Are you from Russia? They are rich and don't have access to some websites because of the aggression to Ukraine.

>> No.6167472

I hate art teachers so much. All the information you need to draw is freely found in books, yet they'd all rather scam beginners out of their money with thousand dollar courses. First Marc Brunet, then Ahmed Aldoori, and now Steven Zapata. I guarantee you they are not teaching you anything new

>> No.6167499

I don't care for Marc, Ahmed is okay but Steven has 100s of free videos that tackle subjects no one else talks about. If anyone deserves to make some money it's him. His other courses was very affordable too. He doesn't target beginners aggressively like the others either.

>> No.6167799

>dynamic sketching with Charles Hu
Is he better than Peter Han

>> No.6167812

Overall the courses are very similar. But Hu actually gives some useful advice on how to tackle different specific subjects in the later parts of the course: advice on birds, costumes, cars, animals, etc. Meanwhile Han's kinda like 'hey just watch me draw, look how cool this is :)'. Though to be fair it's been a while since I did Han's iteration of DS so I might be wrong on that one. I still personally just find Hu more likeable. His version also covers some things that Han doesn't, like folds, composition and doing thumbnails with a limited range of values.

>> No.6167829


Tbf it's where the money is at. See how many "artists" have made a living out of it. I do agree that most of them regurgitate the same things with not that much effort.

>> No.6167848

Honestly, most of such websites are scam.
Thank you for telling me.

>> No.6168294

>First Marc Brunet, then Ahmed Aldoori, and now Steven Zapata

This is All about the systematic approach when constructing the content. Not everyone likes to search specific topics and learn it that way. I like Aldoori because of his learning path: step by step. It's just easier for me. That is why I did not pay for his course, but just pirated it (actually I have paid, but 30 bucks not 300, as far as I remember, with 10 other people in May 2012 and then someone has ripped it and posted it "for free" in this shitty Online course club). But anyways, this is all about a curriculum.

>> No.6168297

review on meds map pls

>> No.6168315

yeah can you give us a general thought on Med's map? since ur alr finish the course

>> No.6168370

Anyone have Will Weston's lectures? It was passed around 2 year ago but all the links are dead.

>> No.6168475


bro just download the course and see urself

>> No.6168478


>> No.6168654

>Ahmed Aldoori
Krenz Cushart Digital Painting >>>>>>>>>> ALL

>> No.6168691

do i have to speak chinese first anon kun

>> No.6168700

>he doesnt know

>> No.6168704

i really don't :(

>> No.6168731

I bet you like anime

>> No.6168746

I bet you like men

>> No.6169472

Anybody got any good courses for digital drawing, mainly coloring?

>> No.6169522
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 6d526696b64991718dfb28b81a9c1d72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Vilppu actually made a course on drawing anime girls and did live lessons for them, would that be enough to convince you to buy an NMA subscription?

>> No.6169859

Anyone have the Russian Academic Drawing Approach by Iliya Mirochnik?

>> No.6169878

instant yes lulz

>> No.6169879

is anyone even seeding the torrent? or is my torrent client fucked up?

>> No.6169988


I have it. Where to upload (not MEGA). It's 31 GB

>> No.6170085

Lmao krenz courses have been translated into English but in text form you can find it on /asg/

>> No.6170157

maybe try 1337 or qbittorrent?

>> No.6170253

thank you i think i found it

>> No.6170563


I meant what storage system apart of MEGA? But OK, I will create the torrent.

>> No.6170631


I have created a 31GB torrent with "Russian Academic Drawing Approach by Iliya Mirochnik". It will be up for the next 10 days, but only during the day EU timezone.


>> No.6170675

Has this class actually helped anyone here? Like is it worth the space?

>> No.6170708

Thanks anon

>> No.6170721

the lessons are legit but i think he stutters to much

>> No.6170813

asking again, im getting zero seeds on the IC mega torrent. can anyone upload week 5,6,7,8 of science and art of drawing?

>> No.6170822

its in the fundies folder? i have it, i can uploaad it fot you if thats the case

>> No.6170827

I have downloaded it back in 2020. He stutters a lot. Most important thing I learned: Russian academic drawing differs from other western styles and methods in a way that it uses both construction and sight size but with more emphasis on anatomical construction. Very subtle difference you can learn on your own by doing studies of figures, drawing the underlying dominant forms first instead of pure sight size in which you draw just exactly what you see.

>> No.6170829

yea in that folder. ive made it all the way to week 5. if you could upload it, ill dl it all at once instead of doing an episode at a time.

>> No.6170870

thanks. must have been my client that was fucking up because im getting it now.

>> No.6170876

so ur are able to snatch the remainings? im zipping the file rn c: ur still need it or...?

>> No.6170928

oh, yea i got it, lol sorry. i thought you meant you were seeding it.

>> No.6170932

Looking for this one


anyone have it?

>> No.6171026

Requesting Krenz Digital Painting Course and Krenz Perspective course on Mega, dont tell me to go on CGP anon, i dont get an acc there.

>> No.6171033


>> No.6171090


>> No.6171412


>> No.6171500

Is there a way to download so many separate files at once without paying for a premium account?

>> No.6171567
File: 143 KB, 640x480, VTS_05_1.avi_snapshot_00.12.573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Vandruff deserved the hate he got for his 1994 Perspective lectures?

Do you forgive him?

>> No.6171585

it's been asked a few times in prev threads unfortunately no

>> No.6171744

I can never forgive him, may he burn in hell for all eternity.

>> No.6171774


Heya anon Idk if ur able to see this, i was wondering if u can extend the timing just for 1 or 2 days more? I’m at 80% rn and my download speedo is around 300-600kb/s (slow i know :( )


>> No.6171934

>"tip" instead of "spin"
he deserves every bad thing that has happened to him

>> No.6172272

>Heya anon Idk if ur able to see this, i was wondering if u can extend the timing just for 1 or 2 days more? I’m at 80% rn and my download speedo is around 300-600kb/s (slow i know :( )

Yes, no problem anon.

>> No.6172440

>the secret discord

>> No.6172754

Kind of forgot about this thread so posting this here as well.


>> No.6172794

finally finished! Can't thank u enough anon :) and other seeders too. Have a nice day.

>> No.6172795

Requesting Rinotuna Design Class

>> No.6172828


>> No.6172868

he said english release is coming this fall
unless you can understand korean?

>> No.6172895

it is? nvm then I'll wait

>> No.6172964


No problem. I hope it will help you to be a better artist. Have a nice day anon!

>> No.6173821



>> No.6174416

>he said english release is coming this fall
>unless you can understand korean?
I can understand Korean, so I guess that means an English release won't come

>> No.6174423


>> No.6174446
File: 2.08 MB, 1974x2732, Illustration2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some rendering courses you recommend? pic rel my work

>> No.6174450

look up hand rendering tutorials

>> No.6175058

anyone have stuff from sinixs' classes? preferably the mecha one

>> No.6175059


>> No.6175071

Ok got recs? Also have work to post so i can see you take your own advice?

>> No.6175095

Not that anon but he has a point.
Your values are neat but you need to understand perspective to even render properly and anatomy to know which part to shade or highlight.
And then pick up how render by Scott robertsen.

>> No.6175169

>he doesn't have a decade old cgpeers account
i'm laffin

>> No.6175218

But what should i pick up for anatomy or perspective?

>> No.6175237

Anyone happen to have Portrait Accelerator by Angel Ganev? https://doodlewarriors.com/

>> No.6175597

My opinion
Anatomy: Scott Eaton / Vilppu / Steve Huston / Michael Hampton (Pick 1) + anatomy for sculptor’s book
Perspective: Marshall’s 1994 course + perspective handbook d’amelio. After this take other courses/books if you want but those two cover enough the basics.

>> No.6175616

thankfully no, shit like that can only hurt you as an artist

>> No.6175641


Where is the price, FFS? He is probably selling the course after you receive this PDF, but what is the price?

>> No.6175658
File: 181 KB, 1284x604, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not worth it imo

>> No.6176674

Form From Imagination: A Course On Mastering Imaginative Form By Steven Zapata

>> No.6176708

>Form From Imagination: A Course On Mastering Imaginative Form By Steven Zapata

Yea, I am waiting too. But I don't think we wil ever be able to get it.

>> No.6176714

It's a scam and a waste of time.

>> No.6176720

600$ is a high price for even the most charitable of anons or pirates

but maybe we can get it somewhere, more expensive courses have been gotten

>> No.6176801

>600$ is a high price for even the most charitable of anons or pirates

I was in several groups where, let's see 10 people, are collecting money to buy a course. But indeed, even in this case $60 is a lot, especially now, where in my country USD price is very high.

>> No.6176844

you can say that about anything
I think what you are really paying for is structure.

>> No.6176845
File: 389 KB, 2560x1656, 81uCjeUnycL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can books be requested too?

Requesting: Figure Drawing for Kids: A Step-By-Step Guide to Drawing People (Drawing for Kids Ages 9 to 12)


We need some more brainlet-friendly books.

>> No.6176849

This is literally loomis lol

>> No.6176894

Fake course, don't buy it. He just collected random material from internet.

>> No.6177103

Trying to download Charles Hu torrent, but there is no seeders :(

>> No.6177110

Waist wide tube baby, it just clicked

>> No.6177244

>>6164682 >>6177103
>Guys, I will be seeding this files via Torrent only for the next 5 days, just letting you know.

Because of this.

>> No.6178274
File: 3 KB, 188x91, iamag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys just found out about this website? any ideas or thoughts abt this? they also got classes and mentorship https://masterclasses.iamag.co/catalog

they got Craig Mullins and Feng Zhu too

>> No.6179810

Has anyone have this course:

Fundamentals of Observational Drawing

I have seen it on https://online-courses.club/fundamentals-of-observational-drawing/ but the MF owner has divided it into million parts and downloading it is a pain in the arse.

>> No.6179926

is there any art course where one of the exercise is to draw a donut? not meds map

>> No.6180074

need to see vilppu draw some Lolis

>> No.6180097

It's not a bug, it's a feature. Natural hoarding prevention mechanism

>> No.6180125

one of the Craig Mullins parts is here https://online-courses.club/painting-ian-mcques-vehicle-by-craig-mullins/

onlinecourses has some of the courses from that site but not much

>> No.6180127

ps: seeing craig mullins on a very basic setup of just medium tablet and laptop is cool when nowadays everyone wants to make it look like they use some sort of sci-fi tech tier setup or something

>> No.6180256

yup i actually found out abt the iamag website just the day before (thanks to ooc) and want to bring it up bc i hardly see anyone's talk about it. idk if stuff on there is worth to snatch or nah. most of "online art school" is revolved around schoolism or nma or cgma.

but thanks for the link ;) hoarded!

>> No.6181405

Daily bump.

>> No.6181705


Perspective Drawing Creating Illustrations with Dimension by Matt Laskowski

This guy covers the basics of 1 2 and 3 point perspective better than anyone I've seen in under 20 minutes. The rest of the course is good too.

>> No.6182324


Thanks Anon!

>> No.6182387

Digital painting question. I have tried to do Med's Map but it seems too hard for me at my current level (which is level -1). So I am thinking about Ctrl+Paint.

Has anyone have a successful story with it? If so, what did you do? Have you went from all the free videos there and then follow the paid videos from the store? Is it how you do it?

>> No.6182866

Any subtitled Krenz stuff? Preferably anatomy

>> No.6183595
File: 1.48 MB, 500x500, eyds-19930967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vid bros any course or video on correcting/ enhancing illustration levels/color balance...etc. and it's formula/logic like the one attached?

>> No.6183626

ctrl+paint is exactly like meds map the only benefit you might have by switching courses is that you may understand thing better with a different "teacher" giving slightly different explanations of the same thing

anyway im pretty sure ctrl paint stuff is in one of the links in the OP

>> No.6183631

he basically teaches loomis and hampton, even taking imgs directly from hamptons book

>> No.6183672
File: 49 KB, 736x520, 1658947649360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like his simplifications, I never saw this in Hampton's book for example.

>> No.6183744

Krenz teaches anatomy too? Iirc the Notion note that a kind anon has given to us is only abt Rhythm/Perspective/Color.

>> No.6184149

>ctrl+paint is exactly like meds map the only benefit you might have by switching courses is that you may understand thing better with a different "teacher" giving slightly different explanations of the same thing
>anyway im pretty sure ctrl paint stuff is in one of the links in the OP

Thanks, understood.

>> No.6186664


>> No.6186703

Is there a bypass method for coloso? I would like to get this course, it looks fun https://coloso.us/mediadesign/2danimator-marykim-us

>> No.6188190

Does anyone here have any download link or torrent for Mogoon's class?

I checked the old thread archives and all the links are dead. I'm not going to download it off some shitty site with 9 parts download. Please help an anon out onegai

>> No.6188417

Found what you are looking for but refuses to click on button.

No anon, I won't help you if you do help yourself.

>> No.6188500

Why do anons mind the OCC numerous download links?
>download first
>wait 1 min
>download second
>watch the first while second is downloading

>> No.6188506

>watch the first while second is downloading
You're being optimistic

>> No.6188880

requesting Patrick Ballesteros' Dynamic Sketching 1

>> No.6188904

>oops i don't know how to post a reply cross-board sorry
you can do it like this:

>> No.6188908

thank you!

>> No.6188930

let the right one in

>> No.6189151

>requesting Patrick Ballesteros' Dynamic Sketching 1

That would be great!

>> No.6190387


been looking for this everywhere but all I've found is dead links and premium purchase offers. I would've bought the fucking thing but Visa doesn't work since the whole world, as well as god, have forsaken my shit country. 4chan is literary the last resort

>> No.6190427


If this is "Coloso - Hyoungtaek Nam - Realistic Character Design (KR, EN SUBS PROVIDED)" it is on CGPears.

>> No.6190457
File: 13 KB, 564x86, Screenshot 2022-07-31 at 21.21.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, what is going on with this anonymous hosting [https:// ano nfiles. co] I am trying to upload a 13GB Zip file and that's what I get:

>> No.6190629

Does anyone have chyan's course?


>> No.6190728

it's on ooc if you don't have cgp

>> No.6191170

I am a newfag so can you please give a link?

>> No.6191172

Registration is closed so that's not an option.

>> No.6191186

sure mate

>> No.6191215


>> No.6191479

/r/ paul heaston course

>> No.6191594 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1301x726, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 226GB, come on Anon, upload it :^)

>> No.6191827

Will Vilppu really help me draw sexy anime babes?

>> No.6193196


>> No.6193290

Did this nigga finally put together a more thought out course?

>> No.6193328
File: 786 KB, 2480x3002, 1658935412791701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just focus on the Gesture and Spherical forms lessons. the rest are less important

>> No.6193349

What's the 100 hour video course on perspective?

>> No.6193352

Olson's from NMA

>> No.6193366

Anything by Alessandro Barbucci?
I know he does some kind of class but all his shit is in French.

>> No.6194538


The fucking subtitles for this are almost not understandable, are the other courses better with subtitles? Does anyone have alternative subtitles in english or japanese?

>> No.6195114


anyone got this course? help please. i need this.

>> No.6195389

watch the official english version https://online-courses.club/mogoon-fundamentals-of-stylized-character-art-korean-eng-sub-updated/

>> No.6196176

I know Eviston's art and science of drawing course gets recommended a lot, but what about his figure drawing course? How does it compare to Vilppu/Huston/Hampton/etc?

>> No.6196194

is it possible to get the psd file of the course ?

>> No.6196198

It's like comparing Chink tablet to genuine Wacom

>> No.6196214
File: 132 KB, 1106x877, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got Craig Mullilns stuff and or Robh Rupel?

>> No.6196216

Could someone give timbougami new vids?

>> No.6196219

robh rupel has a paid course?

>> No.6196308

what are the main differences between Hampton, vilppu and Huston?

>> No.6196328

So... his art and science course is okay but his figure isn’t?

>> No.6196357

The guy you are replying to is an idiot who very clearly hasn't watched it

>> No.6196358

This one is way better didn't realize they were basically the same course. Watched the first two videos from the other one and understood nothing, rewatched it in the one you linked now and it's a whole different world.

>> No.6196421

I know it's probably still an unlikely chance. But does anyone have the Chyan or Okku Coloso courses Korean machine translated or English? I keep adding gigs to the CGP requests (we're up to 1.7TB now) but these still remain out of reach so far.

>> No.6196526

Someone post Stephen Bauman Stuff reeeee

>> No.6196568

Well, one is ching Chiao machine translated, the other is official English release.

>> No.6196660

holy shit man I had to look up Robh Rupel because name was familiar and he's done some amazing stuff in recent decade; but the most important thing is he was one of the original artists that worked on Icewind Dale games. One of the first PC games to employ dedicated concept artists.

>> No.6196832

looking for marco bucci's "art mentorship - video package"

>> No.6197699


>> No.6199956

Do anyone here have "The Art & Science of Drawing" book? I have the video course but really want the book.

>> No.6199987

Zlib. I got the book from there yesterday.

>> No.6200005


>> No.6200019


>> No.6200139


>> No.6200149
File: 591 KB, 872x3557, pussybox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the love of god

>> No.6201346

Huh...this was ok I guess. I'm looking for the painting and rendering though. Which is the whole point of buying tutorials from her

>> No.6202086

Icewind Dale is aesthetic as fuck

>> No.6202184
File: 608 KB, 927x612, Screenshot 2022-08-07 113911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have this?

>> No.6202236
File: 589 KB, 917x614, Screenshot 2022-08-07 120431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this as well

>> No.6202318

go look at cunts and fucking paint them

>> No.6202339
File: 49 KB, 564x423, 88bec465adafb398420409e1d02f923d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear anons, is there a market for that kind (or even more complex) lettering design? I would love to learn it from somehow, so my 2nd question is what to do to learn it? Any ideas?

>> No.6202617

Didn't mean to come off as rude. The rendering is good as you said, but terrible pussy anatomy is a sin

>> No.6203123

>yeah..., and so, basically, umm..

>> No.6203434
File: 97 KB, 1176x231, image_2022-08-08_175606776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting the new Even Amundsen Domestika course.

>> No.6203631

has anyone in here finish the brent eviston's art and science course? as in reaching and finished week 8. if so how are you faring? is the course helpful for you?
i'm currently on week 1 rn, doing okay (sorta) but having people's insight would be nice.

>> No.6203716

You'd have better luck asking this in /gd/ since that's their specialty.

>> No.6203735

You can be a sign artist, I think they get paid around $14 an hour, was a few years ago so it might have gone up since then.

>> No.6203998

They are both on online courses club

>> No.6204150

Does anyone have any recommendations for an anatomy course? Currently considering Rey Bustos’ anatomy on NMA.

>> No.6204204

Don't do anatomy if you're a /beg/ is my recommendation. Head there only if you're a solid /int/, before that, keep your anatomy study very, very light.

>> No.6204242

oh awesome, ty for the heads up!

>> No.6204264

What would be some good exercises then? I considered just doing a bunch of figure drawing and using basic forms. However, it seems hard to really go from there to drawing from imagination.

>> No.6204491
File: 537 KB, 832x545, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have this one?

>> No.6204493

nevermind, sorry for wasting anyone's time (﹏)

onlinecourses has it

though while i'm at it is there any faster way to download stuff from there?

>> No.6204675

Requestin Dorian Iten's stuff

>> No.6204721

i kinda feel like ctrl-paint is outdated. any other courses that teaches rendering?

>> No.6204769

meds map? haven't taken it though so can't vouch for the quality

>> No.6205103

the accuracy stuff from him is on /asg iirc snatch it long ago, his render course is on ooc

check the pastebin

>> No.6205513

thanks senpai

>> No.6205618
File: 48 KB, 219x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any experience with lack's membership contents?

>> No.6206513

any recommended course for learning how to color? Is marco bucci good? What if I want to do anime style?

>> No.6206601

>You'd have better luck asking this in /gd/ since that's their specialty.

Thank you, I will check them.

>> No.6206619

>You can be a sign artist, I think they get paid around $14 an hour, was a few years ago so it might have gone up since then.

This is an interesting comment. But I think on Art this is the same like in the fashion design: it likes to come back. In some places, shop windows no longer have flashy advertisements stuck with self-adhesive, colourful stickers. Some of them would like to hire an artis for handcrafted lettering.

>> No.6206661

eh learning fundamentals, gitgud at it then apply it to any styles you want.
Marco's is undeniably good.
Probably ur fav Nippon anime artist also go to art school and learn color theory by mixing it traditionally, ever think about that?

For color imo: Marco + Bill Perkins.

>> No.6207351

new thread?

>> No.6208074


Stop answering then this thread will be closed and I will open a new one.