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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 660 KB, 1125x1523, 0AhLAKnSFd2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6165507 No.6165507 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a complete novice artist. Well I wouldn't even call myself an artist. More like an editor. How long would it take for me to get on the level of pic related? I know it will probably take years but I feel like I will never ever be satisfied with anything I create unless it looks at least half as good as this. Is this possible with pure practice or it it mostly talent from a young age? (I'm 21 btw). I have pen, pencil, and paper at my disposal. But I also have a Tab S8+ on me right now with multiple drawing apps pre-installed on it. Where should I start? How the hell do people get this good and to where do they find the time? I'm not talented or even good at really anything so I want to at least be good at something like this. Did I wait too long to try to get good at this?

>> No.6165510

You need to think in terms of decades, not years little man.

>> No.6165511

3/4 years with reference. 12/15 without.

>> No.6165512

2 years

>> No.6165517

21 years old? no you cant ever go beyond beginner youre already an old man near death, maybe if you had started when you were 4 years old you could have became decent

for fucks sake you newfags repeating the same shitposts /ic/ always had but do it unironically

>> No.6165518

If you have doubt then you're ngmi.

>> No.6165519

Lmao, I just realized it was shexyo and not sexyrobutts, I really thought it was weird how terrible the art looked and I was thinking with myself this is probably his worst art in 10 years.

If you just want to be a copycat 2 years. One year learning the basics and another one learning how to copy and steal.

>> No.6165521

It seems you're only interested in being good, you don't love drawing and making art itself, it's very clear. In that case don't bother, this is not for you. Focus on your true interests, the one that you would love to do whether you're good at it or not.

Also, I find it amusing when beginners start obsessing and idolizing anime, like c'mon, it's just a stylization, you will have to go through realism first.

>> No.6165523

The background wasn't hand drawn, probably used references for the poses, fanart so no character design.
If you have several hours per day to spend on drawing you could produce something like this in probably 2 years, although it will take a lot of time and effort

>> No.6165524
File: 250 KB, 1106x1012, hc8HytypnQ1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm guessing you can do better? Post actual criticism and/or your own examples then.

>> No.6165526

There are some people that have no passions. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and choose something creative to build skills in. This is why children are usually forced to practice things when they're young even when they don't want to. Once you have the skills it becomes more enjoyable, but it takes discipline to get there

>> No.6165538

Actual criticism? Outside the background not lining up with the perspective of the characters, not matching the colors so it looks off, being just a picture with a blur and he going out of his way to hide the hands where the arm of one character is cut off, fucked up back anatomy, weird proportions for well know characters, weird proportions in general, the nonsensical draped that don't follow the line of the body but only what he thinks it should be made to highlight her ass. broken neck and the simple fact he is copying a style without understanding what makes the style work what else you want me to criticize? This shit is obvious, only one glance and you can tell how off everything feels.

The thing that is good about this drawing is the shading and colors, and both sexyrobutts does infinitely better. Shexyo should receive a beaten with a bullwhip for his own good, can you imagine how creepy it must be to sexyrobutts to have this weird version of himself that had a stroke walking around? Shexyo will always be the off-brand shitty version of something better, if you can't see that you might as well quit art, you just don't get it, don't matter how popular or skilled you are.

>> No.6165545

most artists come from money

>> No.6165546

>weird proportions
stopped reading, ngmi

>> No.6165551

but OP is already dooming without even starting, imagine now trying to dedicate thousands of hours into this semi-useless skill

trying something to see if you like it or not is fine, but forcing yourself to get to an advanced or even just /int/ level in something you dont like just because you like the idea of doing it feels more like something is wrong with the person

if they are already dooming without even starting then not wasting their time with this and just do shit they enjoy is good advice
time is something you never get back and life is too short to do shit you hate as a hobby

also you talk as if forcing children to do shit is good, it is not, especially since in most cases the kid only does it cuz the parents force them to
pls dont tell me youre one of the newfags or fujos, cuz you do seem like it with your retarded logic of trying to seem nice on the surface but saying toxic shit
at least the schizos and crabs are more direct with their autistic retardation or bad intentions

>> No.6165552
File: 210 KB, 960x540, 5SlLs3Jc6XnY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool blog post. Would you mind posting your own work so you can explain to us simpletons why you are so much better so that we don't make the same mistakes he did?

>> No.6165553

The proportions are weird dude, if you look at were the floor is and where the calf should start and end her legs are like are 70% tight and this stubs of calves. You legit can't see that? Are you really not seeing how lazy and fucked up those hands are? Can you imagine defending Shexyo of all people? I'm not even sure he is a person, my personal running theory he is a chimp in some zoo with access to a Wacom and internet. How else would explain his behavior?

>> No.6165554
File: 336 KB, 4096x2640, 43d659701149be945ce13201d6319913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, here it is. Is that good enough for you?

>> No.6165558

Too long didn't read your crap.
But realistically if you learn art 12 hours a day. Maybe, 6 months.

>> No.6165560

you crabs gotta work harder
the fujos and reddit/twitter tourists doing more dmg to the board in a month than you retards in years, gotta step up your game bros

>> No.6165561

Let people do what they want. I prefer to encourage, which I guess is toxic here
How much are you making on Patreon/fanbox?

>> No.6165571

1.5k lmao. Why? Does that really matter when I'm criticizing how shitty his work is and not how much money he is making? Lmao, look at this dude legit defending Shexyo, I'm chucking at myself just thinking about what kinda of nigger would go this far.

You can literally consume something utterly superior to him for free, knowing full well is not only better and not some off-brand crap and humiliate a try hard nigger copycat that only cares about money for free even but you still choose to eat crap, it's your own decision and no one is holding you. Or are just another chimp trying to show support for your fellow bonobo? Because if you are I kinda get it, must be hard being just a fucking filth monkey and not being able to think like a human. No hard feelings.

>> No.6165577

Cope, I've never even heard of this guy. Keep letting him live rent free I guess

>> No.6165578

>Does that really matter
for /ic/ crabs ye, they always ask these kinds of questions to try and cling onto something they can mock you about

>> No.6165579

So you are a bonobo, I knew it. If you don't know what I'm talking about why do you have such a strong opinion about it? Damn, nigger, you really are just a fucking monkey aren't you?

Go draw something, missing link, stop wasting people's time where you don't belong.

>> No.6165586
File: 8 KB, 116x123, ic_1657409631508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be 18 to post here my guy. Even /pol/ fags don't get as ass blasted as you

>> No.6165590
File: 103 KB, 1200x1070, 1457636902312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6165595

this is incredible probably the best take on tatsumaki that I've seen. maybe 10 years?

>> No.6165602
File: 825 KB, 850x780, ic_1657082830889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the scam like treating you Shexyo?:)

>> No.6165612

Zoomers were a mistake…

>> No.6165621

your biggest problem right now is that you think the image you posted is aesthetically sound or appealing in any way shape or form, and at the age of 21, i think any chance you may have had at acquiring taste is gone
if you are a disciplined neet and you dedicate yourself to it, creating something like the image you've posted in about 3-5 years or less is pretty much guaranteed, and since you will not be counted among the victims of your appalling soggy cardboard midwit aesthetic sensibilities, congratulations! your suggested search result current thing dreams can become a reality

>> No.6165656

The best thing you can do is leave this board of you actually want to make something of yourself. The loudest ones in this thread are indicative of the state of this board. No taste nor understanding of art

>> No.6165843


>> No.6165860

your biggest problem is you're a bitch

>> No.6165885

>Tatsumaki is not a midget

>> No.6166117

I'm 31 and a complete beg but I can easily get to that level in 2 years (1) year if I try hard but right now I just can't see any reason to give up my high paying job just to draw and earn nothing and even if I get to that level I will be earning less than 10% of what I earn right now. I'm an accountant btw and commissioned lots of artists on skeb and patreon. I think being a consoomer overlord isn't that bad though.

>> No.6166119

Im this, I don't like anything but making comics would be fine. I just don't really like drawing.

>> No.6166138

>2 years
Damn, how is this even possible? It's been a year and a half since I started drawing and I'm nowhere near this

>> No.6166142

skill acquisition isn't linear

>> No.6166143

just do it

I wish I did that instead of playing pointless games and shitposting on 4chan all hours
I would make fanart and maybe H games or something at least

>> No.6166158

Im on literally the same boat as you (age and everything, different job but still)
Keep in mind most of the posters here are either teenagers or really young adults so they have this kinda distorted view of reality where they can make it and swim in money off comisions and patreon.
The sad truth is, they'd be lucky to pay rent just by working on comissions, and most of us should just keep drawing as a hobby.

Being a hobbyist doesnt mean you'll be bad at that thing, it just means you dont pursue it as a means of making a living out of it, simple as.
Im pretty sure theres plenty of hobbyist that are better than actual professionals.

>> No.6166231
File: 53 KB, 360x450, 450-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long would it take to reach this capeshit level from kindergartner level? I'm 32.

>> No.6166238

not long enough

>> No.6166242

It's 2 years assuming you have a clear goal of trying to produce something exactly like the OP pic and you practice for several hours daily. You also have to use all the tools available on digital to help you

>> No.6166250

csr clones are all fags
>Resting bitch face
>Balloon shaped asses
>Same poses every time
>Hide hands and feet
Complete garbage. I sincerely hope you're not planning to be another one of those OP

>> No.6166307

With your mindset? More than 10 years and you’ll never make it to that level. Art is not worth it, you’re already too old to start from zero. Just wait for the AI to get better in two/three years and give up.

>> No.6167470

That dogshit? A year or two to hard grind the rendering and then trace the poses and anatomy just like the industry professionals do. What's stopping you?

>> No.6169164

Honestly that’s not even that great. 2 or 3 years from absolute zero if you follow a good course of study. Look at this post and its 4th response:


>> No.6169955

Learn figure drawing. Check the google doc in /beg/, you dumb dumb.

Comic book artists (good ones, at least) are really good at exaggerating gestures to invoke emotions, and draw the viewers' eyes along a path the artist wants them to see. The line art isn't all that crazy, just mastery of basic shapes and telling a story with lines.

Now go to /beg/ and read the OP.

>> No.6170014

Probably, probably not. Do what you think best.