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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6164422 No.6164422 [Reply] [Original]

I’m talking about the current online art community. I tried to give a couple of my favorite artists some criticism on their art because I love them a lot and I want to see them improve. 2 of the 3 artists I gave crit to fucking chimped out and blocked me and one of them is vaguly tweeting about me when all I wanted was to see them improve because I care. I wasn’t even rude about it either, I was very polite. Why in the fuck are current artists like this? Half of the time the criticism is deserved and is usually nice too. People get dogpiled and “canceled” for critiquing art now.
I’ve never been like this so why do some people straight up have breakdowns over critique?

>> No.6164430

No successful artist has ever given a shit about critiques from random fans who don't even know anything about art themselves. Also you need to let go of your childish mindset that art is all done for this lofty higher purpose of self-improvement. Art is just a career and a means to make a living for professional artists. No one really gives a shit about improving once they're past the the point where they can comfortably make a living with their work.

>> No.6164431

depends. you a big boy or a nobody?

>> No.6164433

Not saying this is the case, but they may be viewing unsolicited advice as a subtle insult against them.
Like, you're implying they're shit but under a thin veneer of being helpful. That's what's difficult about communicating through text. You can never tell the author's true tone.
With all the cynicism and sarcasm rampant on the internet, it's difficult for people to gauge sincerity.
Or, they're just typical hypersensitive zoomers who can't handle crits, and would rather surround themselves with yes-men "positivity" bubble.

>> No.6164435
File: 617 KB, 800x619, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsolicited crits from randos on twitter who never drew a single thing in their lives are typically worthless and annoying.

Now, if you were on an art forum, the guy posted it on the channel where crits are expected, and you're not too below him in terms of skills to have the right to even look at his work, and he dragged the fight to Twitter where he's invincible, he's a little bitch and you're right.

>> No.6164450
File: 21 KB, 349x338, 1651147439219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet what really happened is that they looked through your Twitter, saw that you drew WAY worst than them despite you crit and then blocked your faggoty beg ass. Now pyw to prove otherwise.

>> No.6164452

Are there realy people as clueless as OP, or is this sime kind of ruse?

>> No.6164453

yes i very much care about some nodraws opinion

>> No.6164455

Seen quite a few threads like this over the years. Makes sense since a lot of people here lack social skills.

>> No.6164458

Post screencaps, I want to laugh at the sensitive artists you messaged

>> No.6164459

Unless if you're a successful artist yourself or have some considerable skills and mileage, you don't have the credibility to criticize an established artist. It's not prohibited, just annoying because it's akin to leaving your garbage in their property. Who are you? and why should anyone listen to what you have to say? PYW.

>> No.6164464

It doesn't matter how skilled of an artist you are, and it's baffling so many people here are saying it does.
No one wants unsolicited critique when they post their work.

>> No.6164483

Yeah that's fair, but it's even more annoying if it coming from a nodraw fag.

>> No.6164487


>> No.6164489

I'm autistic
Please instruct me on how to handle constructive criticism

>> No.6164490

You can't criticize art if you're not an artist

>> No.6164493

Bc nobody ask lol. You giving critique to someone who doesn't need it does not make ur a good person, but a party pooper.
Only give critique when ppl ask for them I thought everyone knows this basic etiquette lulz
You may have good intention but have you ever consider how they may react to it? Unless ur a pro, don't bother critique others bc it's a waste of time, and if you rlly feel the urge to, ask them first.

>> No.6164513

ITT: Artists with a thin skin
Who cares about the skill level of the person giving critique? If they say "Hey they perspective is off" it's more than likely true.

>> No.6164515

Youre never supposed to give unsolicited critique. If you go to a critique thread and people are posting their work its fair game, but if you just go to someones personal social media and throw out random critiques then youre a sociopathic retard.

>> No.6164519

But we don't know OPs skill level. There's a chance he actually has no idea what the hell he's talking about in his critique so not only is it unsolicited but it's bad too.

>> No.6164521

Considering this board, hell this site,it's more than likely not a ruse

>> No.6164551

like >>6164519 said, it's like taking into account a wiccan crystal buying hoe's advice on how to excise a tumor instead of a doctor's

>> No.6164555

because you need to have a certain IQ/upbringing to comprehend the concept that someone can tell you something negative with positive intent, they cannot understand that the very act of critique or criticism is sincere effort that a third party extends for the artist's own sake, whether or not the criticism is valid is another topic entirely
the average bugman will automatically fast-track any form of negativity into being some kind of personal attack against them, triggering absolute bigotry towards the critic, usually manifesting as some kind of schizoid rationalization that the critic in question is a malicious actor that wants to attack the poor artist for no reason, which is obviously completely ineffective, but enough to morally justify their narcissistic pathology; to the bugman, all forms of criticism are a veiled personal attack that they will seek revenge for by any means necessary, unless that 'criticism' is unbridled praise
none of this is particular to art in any way and is a ubiquitous fact of life; i haven't read the replies to this thread and i don't need to, i already know they will prove me right

>> No.6164557

OP be clear with us, what exactly did you say? Context matters.

>> No.6164595

Hahaha no it isn't! I'm bad at drawing faces, but I definitely know when one is wrong.

>> No.6164599

Imagine you're trying to sell a product to a customer, then out of nowhere, a rando just comes to you and begins criticizing your product in front of your customer. I can't believe no one actually said this

>> No.6164600

why should anyone put up with criticism from people who don't know what they're talking about?

>> No.6164611

Don't be a fucking bitch. If you flip out and block the person for criticism, then that means they were right in some capacity, otherwise it would not have bothered you.

>> No.6164617

Doesn't matter if it's right or not, they're causing damage to the artist.

>> No.6164619

you're not entitled to anyone else's time

>> No.6164621

Why are you applying your 4chan skills in the real world? Are you fuckin retarded?

>> No.6164638

Grow a spine.
>implying reading a rando's message is a considerable amount of time.
If you're on Twitter or hanging out on Discord then you're already wasting your time.

>> No.6164643

Truth be told.
Unless you want to market yourself. There is no reason to socalize in the first place.

>> No.6164648
File: 587 KB, 600x655, fuckouttahere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you publicly critique them? If you literally did not directly message the person with your critique, then you are trying to subvert the artwork and distract from the "overall vibe" aka "Neurotypical Standards of Normality on the Internet" (NSNI) aka the juice which pumps the algorithim.
People just want to have a good time on 99% of the internet. It's like stopping the party and saying (you) have an announcement to make, only to then read a philosophical essay about how the person hosting the party is a plebeian.

>I’m talking about the current online art community.
There is no such thing, there is only people whoring themselves out to get likes and views so they can have clout and potentially make money.
>I tried to give a couple of my favorite artists some criticism on their art
>because I love them a lot
stop, you are already creepy, you have never met these people before.
>and I want to see them improve.
No you don't, because you are fixated on actual people, with (semi) public profiles, who aren't there to get critiqued.
> I wasn’t even rude about it either, I was very polite.
>Half of the time the criticism is deserved
tWhat if the people don't want to improve?
>why do some people straight up have breakdowns over critique?
Sounds like you are projecting, who is having the breakdown here? The artist who blocked someone who "loves" them or the guy who posted a crying doge on 4chan?

Look I get it, rejection hurts, especially from someone you thought you had good terms with. Just learn from the experience and move on, if you're still a nobody you can't really get "cancelled", just focus on drawing and improving yourself and one day you'll be the big star on twitter getting random critiques from random nobodies claiming to love and care for you.

>> No.6164650

>Grow a spine.
you're the one who's throwing a fit because someone decided they didn't want to give you the time of day.

>> No.6164653

I'm not the OP.

>> No.6164654

either way its such a non issue

>> No.6164656

>leftoid version of no u
quit acting like a woman, faglord

>> No.6164658

>leftist version
thats right buddy, everyone is a leftist

>> No.6164666

>giving unsolicitated criticism

No one wants this

>> No.6164768
File: 50 KB, 500x387, 1635931390628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone said something about my drawing without my consent!

>> No.6164776

>unsolicited criticism
>on a public social media post, designed to be publicly viewable, by the public
see, here's the problem, you don't know what you are

>> No.6164811

You're free to say whatever stupid shit you want, they're free to call you a retard and block you.
It's mind boggling this thread exists

>> No.6164814

great picture

>> No.6164815

you're free to shit in an adult diaper and serve it as dinner too, what's your point?

>> No.6164842

lol you have autism and are ugly

>> No.6164853

lots of literal autists in this thread think blocking someone on twitter is some kind of crime. its the twitter equivalent of shift-clicking your dumbass threads.

>> No.6164857

if there was no internet, everyone in this thread would get together and take turns punching you in the mouth until you changed your behavior
food for thought

>> No.6164863

Critique is rather useless if you're beyond /beg/ level, also nobody wants critique from a random /beg/. Sorry, pal. Focus on your own art first.

>> No.6164870

yeah man, it's wild how people that have never even directed a single hollywood blockbuster go online and talk about how good or bad a movie is, like, who do they think they are?

>> No.6164875

>do something people dont like
>gets the same treatment
>waahhh how dare they do this to me. I'm infallible

>> No.6164878

not sure thats true man

>> No.6164881
File: 113 KB, 749x1022, EcHtVn8WsAYu2qB[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't want random critique from a professional either, unless I asked for it.
But no professional would randomly shit on someone's art either. It's only people like pic related that do this.

>> No.6164891
File: 250 KB, 377x259, 1640317527040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, we're in the era of selling every inch of ourselves as a digital commodity, you are damaging the product by saying anything not-positive.

There are enough people looking to improve who'd welcome your criticism that you wouldn't in 100 lifetimes be able to provide criticism to, do not waste time trying to change the window shopping culture of social media.

Just be a good artist and help those who seek help. Or collab with people, when you're part of a team criticism is welcome.

Stopped reading there.

>> No.6164897

people like that inn the pic have some serious mental issues
wonder how they live their day to day life, are they just twitter LARPers or they actually act the same way with other people IRL

>> No.6164900

>unsolicited criticism
>social media
What world do you live on that this is not a normal every day thing? Everyone gets this, it's best to learn to deal with it instead of what many people do and hide and block.

>> No.6164911

people like that don't spend any time with humans irl. A lot of society is almost entirely online now.
Their life is most likely
>wake up
>go to work (from home)
>order food from uber eats
>go on twitter to be angry about things
>watch youtube or netflix

>> No.6164922

The account just looks like it was made to sub tweet popular artists and bait attention.

>> No.6164924

1: Because most of the critic now consist in "this is sexist". I mean, look at Genshin fandom.

2: People want to draw animes girls with big tits and ass (or husbandos), not Marvel DC comics with anatomically perfect near photorealistic arts. That's considered too much work for a boring impression because it looks near real life. So critics going towards photorealism is meaningless for them.

3: Reading how to draw stuff from ichi-up.net makes more sense than reading random critics.

>> No.6164947

>DC comics
>anatomically perfect

>> No.6164960

vague posting is cringe of them to do, but I don't see anything wrong with someone silently blocking another person if they find them annoying. Some people really don't care about getting gud that much, or some people feel a strong personal connection to their work and their art might be strongly ied to their ego while someone who actively asks for critique may be a lot more detached from their work emotionally. For most art is just an outlet for expression or a hobby, they aren't trying to turn it into a professional thing or see it as a skill to market or sell. You shouldn't take it to heart as well.

>> No.6165105

because unsolicited critique is cringe. /ic/ is different because it's specifically tailored towards critique, but if you're posting unwanted criticism on a professional artist's public twitter or even messaging them critique it could be seen as annoying and rude. Possibly even could be misinterpreted as an insult.

Only give critique if you're also on their level or beyond it and if you've been asked, or are in an environment catered specifically for that.

>> No.6165110

What exactly does the criticism you posted look like? Because there's a lot of assholes who think they're giving "polite criticism."

I want pics.

>> No.6165112

Ok this is dumb. If a half-decent critique is posted publicly posted everyone who reads it can learn from it.

If it's a DM then only one person can read it (assuming they even check their inbox)

You're suggesting the artwork equivalent of
>I messaged u the fix ^_^

>> No.6165123

I don't agree with this. If I draw the thumb on the wrong side of the hand or something I'd prefer someone tell me.

Especially if it's a public picture on a professional account.

>> No.6165131

he won't provide them because this is a scenario that never happened.

>> No.6165135

Based schizo poster

>> No.6165146

There is a conspiracy that the person in the image was the person who "hacked" them and that it was all just a ruse to promote their shitty porn
I believe it
>suck at drawing porn
> see artists "fixing" designs they don't like and getting shit for it
> make a fake twitter to farm outrage
>It works
>Act like you hacked the account

>> No.6165174

>op makes a claim
>never provides any proof or further elaborates on anything he said

>> No.6165433

because 99% of twitter artists live in an eternal hugbox where everything has to be positive

>> No.6165503

>it could be seen as annoying and rude. Possibly even could be misinterpreted as an insult
oh, no! whatever shall i do fr no cap? some male woman that is explicitly unreasonable and overtly scorns and dismisses strangers that have done them no harm is is going to assume that i'm an asshole?!
>Only give critique if you're also on their level or beyond it and if you've been asked, or are in an environment catered specifically for that.
it's seriously insane how up its own ass this western socmed art scene is, no fucking wonder the artistic heritage of western civilization is completely degenerated and its corpse is being raped by transheviks
just imagine:
"i don't like this EDM song"
>please don't speak until you've mixed an EP
"i don't like this movie"
>please don't speak until you've directed a hollywood blockbuster
"i don't like this house"
>please don't speak until you've overseen your own residential architecture project
it's just insane, you are insane, you know what you're saying is wrong yet you still type it out and even the strongest dose of bottled aphantasia extract injected directly into my pineal gland can't prevent me from imagining you people cheekily smirking to yourselves as you do it, like a fucking spoiled brat that broke the flower vase that knows they can just lie about it and not get in trouble
i fucking hate people like you so much, you are so vile

>> No.6165540

can someone give me a tl;dr of rage against the machine here?

>> No.6165569

if you've ever got criticism on art you'll realize not everyone is good at it and only few people are worth your time to get it from
otherwise, why would people even pay for art classes

>> No.6165581

You need to be in a position to give critique for people to appreciate your unsolicited opinions of their work but even so it's still rude.
What you should be mad about is artists asking for crit then getting pissed when someone gives it to them.

>> No.6165583

very few people will "appreciate" unsolicited opinions of their work, regardless of if you're skilled or not. I've never seen someone that wasn't complete shit openly "fix" art though.

>> No.6165605
File: 57 KB, 398x599, dobbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet back then would chastise you as an artist if you've ever rejected criticism. Even tumblr of all places acknowledged that criticism was important.

Now a days everyone acts like Tom Preston, it's incredible.

>> No.6165619

What is Andrew doing these days anyway? Does he still have a blog? You expect he would find more of a professional success since big corporations start "thinking" like he did and his long history with "harassment" for his "political views".

He could really easily capitalize on that with the right audience, pandering for the right public and using the right tools to defend himself and elevate his own fame, good or bad, so he is just more than a lolcow.

>> No.6165762

Nah id rather punch you in the mouth.

>> No.6165771

Great. Thanks. That’s really fucking helpful. Your post wasn’t a total and complete waste of my and your time. No, not at all.