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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6157126 No.6157126 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6157128


>> No.6157132

The US is a Christian country and porn is SIN

>> No.6157138

If he spins this the right way he'll probably get a job off of it even if he isn't readmitted.

>> No.6157142
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how does this nodraw gossip article from a nodraw conservative shit site relate to /ic/?

>> No.6157147

Fuck coomers

>> No.6157148

Other adjectives deriving from deriving from words ending with "nym" use the coda "onymous", so you can get pseudonymous by analogy with eponymous or synonymous.

>> No.6157160

Good thing I'm not going to Crab School, By this logic I'd be in prison with multiple life sentences by now.

>> No.6157171

how'd they know it was him?

>> No.6157202
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>going to art school when all the literature is free

>> No.6157207

This is why you don't tell people irl how to find your sockpuppet accounts online.
Bet he was a zoomer with no concept of compartmentalizing internet and real life.

I went to art school because it was free and I got a degree out of it.

>> No.6157227

Lol exactly what I was thinking. Keep your porn locked down. Still stupid he was expelled though.

>> No.6157287

This. Coomers and premarital sex havers will join the prostitutes and abortionists in hell

>> No.6157292

I don't care.

>> No.6157318
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>mfw my pixiv account is bound to my main e-mail address which happens to be bound to my university mail

>> No.6157355

pixiv doesnt expose their users' emails even in their profiles

>> No.6157365

People don’t go to art school to learn, they go for the networking.

>> No.6157366
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>> No.6157377

I use my work email for PayPal payments on fetish commissions

>> No.6157479

So what was the retweeted art that got them expelled?
Also, shit art school for impeding self-expression, the whole point of art. It was on a platform that has nothing to do with the school, they had no business in that student's personal interests.

>> No.6157488

An art school of all places has a problem with this? Why are so many institutions reverting to puritanism?

>> No.6157503

They've been taken over by progressive fanaticism.
Far lefties don't understand what art is, they don't respect freedom of speech.
It's all about feelings, which are subjective, disregarding universal (to the US) rights.
This isn't to say right-wing religious fanatics don't exist anymore, but they are way lesser in terms of influence and control over the current social climate in America.
Extreme progressives have the same fervent absolutism as the religious nuts in older generations. The only difference is it's no longer about God and "morality", but their own egos and perception of right and wrong.
They have no problem using the same repressive methods as fundamentalist Christians.

>> No.6157505

>Create DeviantArt account to post fetish art
>Make the username your real actual name
>Contact me at (realname)@gmail! in bio
How do south americans do it

>> No.6157657

I mean, when you're all named Jose Martinez, you're not exactly in danger of getting doxxed.

>> No.6157662

I love puritan woke america.

>> No.6157667

so many "free speech advocates" in this thread curiously not defending /fag/'s honor and right to yiff.

>> No.6157735

It baffles me as an alumni of a pretty prominent academy
We had several extracurricular workshops where the instructor was painting naked babies and statues of men kissing while discussing his drafting process like everything was normal
Nobody in the zoom call seemed bothered by it, even the students I had seen complain a lot before
This was a pretty accomplished guy too, been in magazines and galleries all over

>> No.6157765
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>going to art school

>> No.6157767

I hate sjw
I hate zoomers
I hate retards
I hate idiots

>> No.6157808

So I actually read the article and a bunch of things aren't how the headline is making things out to be.
Firstly: They were not "expelled" in the common sense. They were enrolled, but not actively taking classes yet.
Secondly: It was a private college. Businesses have the right to turn away any customers at their leisure for any reason unless in some kind of contract or a violation of Title IX. The legal defense his team is mounting is essentially making arguments that he and the college are in a contract, but none of you people even knew that anyways until I typed this post so it's irrelevant.
Thirdly: Not pertinent to the student's expulsion, but Mikkelsen (the student) is actually a they/them enby. /ic/ is usually a shitter board that whines endlessly about trannies, so I think it's a little ironic that even some of you are mad about something happening to a person that in other circumstances you would relentlessly wish death upon
Fourthly: They were thirsty as shit on main and a shotacon. It wasn't just one tweet of some big breasted anime lady, but a whole twitter account of being constantly thirsty for shotas and drawing shotas. Regardless of one's personal feelings about shota or the goings on of an art college, one can at least kind of understand why the college would have that reaction given the media landscape and legal grey zone of loli/shota porn. It also wasn't just any uni, but a Kansas uni, and I hope I shouldn't have to explain that a media firestorm about shotachads on campus would NOT go well in Kansas.
>disregarding universal (to the US) rights
You do not have universal rights to be served by businesses. You do have rights for entities to not actively hamper your first amendment rights, but "not actively hamper" and "forced to be served by a business" are two monumentally different legal perspectives and I promise you that you do not like the society where all businesses are forced to serve all customers universally.

>> No.6157811

>No one posting names of the art student, the anonymous twitter account and the said pictures

Fucking useless just draw already

>> No.6157833
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>This isn't to say right-wing religious fanatics don't exist anymore, but they are way lesser in terms of influence and control over the current social climate in America.
They are the same people, retard, it's just the leftist agenda is what grooms fanatic people into their ranks nowadays, rather than batshit protestants.

>> No.6157858

Lmao, I just realized he fucking retweeted, not made himself. This is insane, what right they have on doing this? Ins't like getting expelled for having a poster of a naked lady in your wall?

>> No.6157870

>I just realized he fucking retweeted, not made himself
The letter of expulsion given does not explicitly state they were expelled for retweeting.
Here's an article with links: https://www.thefire.org/kansas-city-art-institute-expels-student-for-retweeting-sexual-art/
They were an incredibly thirsty shotacon on main and the letters of expulsion just state that they violated "other published college regulations, policies, or federal, state, and local laws..."
with the addendum "*Specifically, content on social media that has contributed to the development of a hostile environment and potentially reflects potential Sexual Harassment".
Again, it wasn't a low profile account with one retweet of an anime lady with her titties out. It was an incredibly active (based on what I can find from wayback) account that was constantly shotaposting and retweeting shota and the title of the account is "Natsuo’s fat cock ring-COMMS OPEN" so not exactly a subtle person.
>what right they have on doing this
Colleges are businesses. Businesses are not entitled to serve every customer that walks in their door, unless their refusal of service violates some contract, federal/state law, or a constitutional right such as discrimination protections as outlined in Title IX.
>Ins't like getting expelled for having a poster of a naked lady in your wall
It's like getting expelled for wearing t-shirts with shotacon porn on them, but you only wear the t-shirts off-campus and while wearing a mask.

>> No.6157945

Didn't you hear? /trash/ furfags turned /ic/ into Artist/Commissioner Rant General: The Board.

>> No.6157955

art school is a dead end if you want a job anyway.

>> No.6157964

uh vpn anyone?

>> No.6157992
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Based of based

>> No.6158182

That was my point?
I was saying extreme lefties are following the same censor-happy path as the extreme christian groups before them, the only differences are their political alignments.
How am I a retard if we're saying the same thing?
You even quoted the part where I said the religious right has less influence compared to the left.

>> No.6158227

>That was my point?
This is not a valid question?

>> No.6158237

Shut up bro context doesnt matter
Just consoom headline and then discuss headline

>> No.6158242
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would you consider playboys or any magazines with nudity porn?

>> No.6158250

This post is important

>> No.6158260
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>painting naked babies
Are you retarded? Judging by the way you type I'm going to say you are autistic. Naked babies have been the most mainstream painting subject since the renaissance, you are a freak for interpreting it as sexual or abnormal.

>statues of men kissing
What is the problem? Is your instructor a neoclassical chad? Babies/cherubs and adult homoeroticism are two traditional western painting subjects.

>> No.6158264
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>This isn't to say right-wing religious fanatics don't exist anymore, but they are way lesser in terms of influence and control over the current social climate in America.
Wasn't abortion just banned in half of the USA, which would never happen in Western Europe? Sounds very woke leftist.

> The only difference is it's no longer about God and "morality", but their own egos and perception of right and wrong.
The concept God/"Morality" isn't derived from human egos and perception of right and wrong? Surely you can prove it!

>> No.6158267

* The concept of

>> No.6158287
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>Wasn't abortion just banned in half of the USA,
>just banned
This is what consuming titles of news articles gets you folks

>> No.6158293

I don't care about the rhetorical gymnastics amerifaggot, Roe v. Wade overturn just wouldn't happen in a woke leftist cultural dictatorship, your country is not leftist.

>> No.6158309 [DELETED] 

you brought it up nigger so get your facts straight if youre gonna talk about it you retard lmao

>> No.6158314

you brought it up nigger so get your facts straight if youre gonna talk about it you retard lmao

>> No.6158352

>Far lefties
Liberal identity politics isn't far left.

>> No.6158392

When do you guys think people will start getting expelled and cancelled for following the wrong people? Can't be too long, right

>> No.6158429

following????the left was always extremist and its goal is to implant extreme communism, since the cold war they put their claws in the west from academic education to bring it down with its biased pro-cancellation policy culture, the boomers started all this shit when they swallowed the story of social equality without seeing that the price was losing freedom and generating poverty at a social and cultural level.
the left has no culture because they cancel everything, in Europe they censored a lot of art because they considered it sexist or homophobic.

>> No.6158439

It's amazing how much political illiteracy you can cram into a single post.

>> No.6158536
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>rhetorical gymnastics
>made an objectively wrong statement
fucking congratulations

anyway, that aside, if you wish to indulge my """conspiracy theory""" here's what I think: It is indeed something lefties would want because of the amount of abortions done on niggers. They LOOOVE niggers and hate whites, limiting access to abortion means a lot more negroes being born. More blacks, so the population shift will happen faster. Keep in mind that blacks almost ALWAYS vote Democrat. Bigger black population means more retarded Dem voters. Keep it up for enough years and the Dems will stay in power indefinitely and have control over everything. Notice how they're already spouting bullshit like "Republican party is a terrorist organization". Don't be surprised if they take it further and further and make serious attempts to delegalize Reps. Then USA will truly be a one party state.

>> No.6159016

people hate trannies, as in the very vocal, obnocious, my life and everything about me revolve around the transition, pieces of shit. no one actually cares about trannies who act normal, same thing with faggots, no one like the obnoxious cunt, everyone needs to know I suck dick by looking at me and if they aren't sure they know by my voice, everything revolves around how many dicks they can take faggots. no one really cares about the gay man who acts normal and isn't constantly trying to get you to let them fuck you.

granted this tranny decided to act like a faggot online, very hard to defend, but I would still defend the right to speech to death, that said, there is a non small chance they end up on headline new about "Former art student of (university here) caught (irl compromising position that's not just drawn here) and all the warning signs where there".

Its honestly a hard one.

>> No.6159020

already are in the most left institutions if they know your socials, they tend to make it really hard to prove though without court appearances.

>> No.6159807

>but I would still defend the right to speech to death
very noble on paper until you realise that when the situation is flipped NO leftie ever defends the right of some right wing person wrongfully accused or punished. So you defend the rights of those that happily trample over yours. What now?

>> No.6161067

Art schools are scams anyways.

>> No.6161074

I hate america
I'd rather die than go back there

>> No.6161116

Personally I dont respect an artist unless they're a little bit weird and draw some weird things. Hentai included.

>> No.6161513

yea... politically i'm an accelerationist, I want shit to get so bad so fast that non politically active people take notice and recoil in horror.

im 100% fine with making their side live by their own rules, I would still defend them, but fuck them, they get what they deserve.

>> No.6161576

>until you realise that when the situation is flipped NO leftie ever defends the right of some right wing person wrongfully accused or punished.
Not him, but what a retarded thing to say.
Your ideology ought not to be shaped by other people's ideologies.
You are talking like a sheep.

>> No.6161577

midwit thread

>> No.6162868

Stfu falseflagging fag

>> No.6162871

>politically i'm an accelerationist
congratulations you fell for glownigger memes

>> No.6162873

Self expression =/= bedroom degeneracy

>> No.6164129

while its retarded, its how shit works. the right generally defends their values, while the lets defends their own and flips their values when someone they don't like is their opponent.

im either looking at slow steady change that gets worse and worse and only gets better at the end of my life, or I could look at a horrific 5-10 years with people snapping in the other direction as fast as they possibly can, between these two realities, I prefer the one that see the least amount of my time being shit.

>> No.6164135

Hahahaha, coomers BTFO