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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6151088 No.6151088 [Reply] [Original]

>Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours. Apply here.
What do you want to see the new Janitors do on /ic/?

>> No.6151098

Delete/ban doomer ai threads

>> No.6151100

/ic/ can't have good jannies, people who don't draw can't tell apart shitposting from legitimate discussion and people who draw won't bother wasting time cleaning this cesspit
jannies can't delete threads

>> No.6151103

Less porn would be swell, right now 90% that gets posted here is dumb coomer trash, bringing it back to 40% porn or so would improve discussion on this board by a whole lot. Ban the pedo general and its posters.

>> No.6151106

Isn’t that basically all they can do?

>> No.6151107

Jannies can delete threads on their assigned boards.

>> No.6151112
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>> No.6151113 [DELETED] 
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Permanent Tonyo sticky to explain why there's no mega thread anymore.

>> No.6151114

loli is 4chan culture. we're not going anywhere

>> No.6151115

Am actually black irl, but no one believes me.

>> No.6151116

Ban demotivation doomer threads
Ban twitter screen cap threads
Ban ai threads
Ban covert drama/off topic threads
Range Ban schizo poster who avatarfag with shitty drawings and disrupt threads
Ban international derailers who repeatedly responded to days old post for sake of shitty up threads
Ban porn bait thread
/l/ was deleted for a reason, send lolifags back to /b/ there general only attracts board tourist who don't draw but argues day about pedophilia

>> No.6151117

Thinking about it logically, if the mods allows it to stay then why would you think you can get rid of it?

>> No.6151135

delete/ban /lsg/.
The board has only gotten worse since it's inception

>> No.6151137

remove stupid question threads or like, send them to a specific /sqt/ general

>> No.6151138
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>delete/ban /lsg/
>d-don't look at the shota threads you biggot
Gee I wonder who could be behind this posts

>> No.6151139

ban men
ban women
ban children
ban OP
ban jannies
ban art

>> No.6151142

Ban all reoccuring threads such as AI, too old to draw, talent, social media bullshit threads etc etc.
Im not gonna apply for a janny but I guarantee I would morph this board so hard you would forget the tranime posters ever made stupid threads about losing two followers on twitter. What Im trying to say is: thats possible and would happen if good people were allowed on the janny position. Which they arent.

>> No.6151145

Lsg could go but cbsg will NEVER be deleted now that you have the army defending homosexuality and autigynephilia. It would shut this place down I could ve wrong, Id be down to try and see what happens.

>> No.6151148

>All this unnecessary filtering
No need, just:
>ban women
>ban children
>cleanse the jannies
And your board is fixed, tada

>> No.6151150

I want them to ban pedo threads, but that's a tall order from pedos

>> No.6151151

These are also very good suggestions, as they show awareness of subtle/covert tactics of destroying a board or a discussion. Again, this requires good, honest people being allowed to the position.

>> No.6151152

ban the tonyo poster

>> No.6151153

I agree

>> No.6151155

to acknowledge the tonyo happening

>> No.6151158

>Y-you don't understand, it's WRONG to post images of little girls! But it's BASED to sexualize and post images of little boys!
God I fucking hate women and their double standards

>> No.6151164

It literally has nothing to do with women. Higher force is at play. You think women are forcing you to endure homosexual propaganda for a whole month?

>> No.6151166

If lsg goes then fag and cbsg(shota) should go too

>> No.6151169

ban tableguy

>> No.6151174

This is extremely cringey

>> No.6151175

>Janitors CANNOT...
>Ban users.
>Access any administrative functions.
>Use capcodes, make "official" posts, or set rules.
>See user IP addresses or hostnames.
what's the point then. I want tonyofag's IP so I can force him into suicide.

>> No.6151176

Posters in /cbsg/ have complained about shota and some don't want it there but shotafags won't let them be. /lsg/ is a cesspool so they migrated to /cbsg/ to ruin yet another general.

>> No.6151179

Why would fag go?

>> No.6151180

cute boys aren't shotas?
I'll never understand wymyn

>> No.6151181


Exactly. So why would lsg go?

>> No.6151188

While the general should have been cute male instead of boy to not attract that shota crowd, shotafags already have /lsg/ and should just stick there.

>> No.6151190

I don't understand the comparison.
Pedos should unironically off themselves

>> No.6151193

Ban pedos

>> No.6151194

Stop coddling pedos and other perverts.

>> No.6151195

The feeling is mutual. I think dogfuckers should ring their neck around a lamppost over highway traffic.

>> No.6151197

Ban OC trannoids.

>> No.6151198

ban DAD/Towergirls/Drawpile threads as promotion of external material

>> No.6151203

The threads have degraded in quality but they still have a lot of work posted and some of the best anons skill wise lurk there and post occasionally.

>> No.6151206

Delete and ban ALL discord threads and ultimately all community based threads. They're useless. Full of vendettas and have no right to stay here

>> No.6151208

Does this apply to anthropomorphic ones, or just realistic animals?

>> No.6151212


>> No.6151214

Shit take then

>> No.6151215

shit opinions deserve shit takes for shit human beings such as yourself

>> No.6151217

A full grown woman covered in hair is more appropriate to spank your dick to than a little girl.

>> No.6151221
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Remove "do in your style" threads if op doesn't provide a drawing of his own

>> No.6151224

this is why nobody likes you mentally ill freaks

>> No.6151225

>Hecking transphobia
My request is to ban whoever this is for being a little bitch

>> No.6151229

>low IQ and a hypocrite
Anything to justify your double standards huh

>> No.6151231

remove the loli threads, they shouldn't have been allowed outside of /b/ in the first place.

>> No.6151234
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Remove the board.

>> No.6151235

There's literally no double standard there.

>> No.6151236

You’re biased and retarded

>> No.6151240

>remove people who draw
thirty keks

>> No.6151244

loli shit has to go, they can just go to another certain image board where pedoshit is allowed

>> No.6151249

half of this thread conflating good moderation with "remove this thing I dislike" is why most of you will never have any power in your life whatsoever

>> No.6151253

loli shit is banned in my country and half of europe, just get rid of it so i can use this board without vpn again

>> No.6151255

removing the pedos is good moderation

>> No.6151257

why should it be removed for you?

>> No.6151258

Remove all digitoid art threads

>> No.6151259

>pedophilia is 4chan culture
It never was, newfag. Hang yourself.

>> No.6151260
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anyone can fake a discord screenshot

>> No.6151262

for the board*, if you want pedoshit just go to websites for that shit, i'm sure there are plenty of them for you with likeminded pedos

>> No.6151265

you confusing 4 to 8, where all the truly degenerate stuff goes

>> No.6151266

lsg is for drawing the subject just like every other general, explain how removing a thread devoted to this boards subject is "for its own good".

>> No.6151267

Honestly there's not a whole lot that a change in moderation would help on /ic/. The problem is the amount of retarded shitposters and schizos, not mods allowing certain threads or too much porn on a red board or whatever. AI threads are cancer but they are ultimately relevant to the board.
A change in moderation philosophy on /ic/ would change nothing right now.

>> No.6151268

explain how gore and loli porn generals aren't allowed, either allow us to draw anything or deal with people who wants your general to go

>> No.6151271

i want everything to be allowed too, but your argument is "double standard exists so I want to shit on people who literally have nothing to do with me that i dont interact with" how do you even connect these dots in your head? stop trying to enforce your feelings

>> No.6151272

global rule 3, loli and gore outside of /b/ are against the rules

>> No.6151273

not feelings, they are illegal for half of europe and a nuisance for anyone coming to /ic/ from here

>> No.6151274

so loli threads should be banned then?

>> No.6151275

/lsg/ has been on /ic/ for almost 3 years now. You wined for 3 years and you will wine some more for another 3 years and beyond.

>> No.6151276

Mods don't browse here, you'll have to report it and see.

>> No.6151277

youve proven you dont even browse the thread enough to know nsfw isn't permitted. why should an american website be beholden to eurocuck laws in the first place?

>> No.6151279

Mods don't look at /ic/ for 3 whole years? Doubt it.

>> No.6151280

nah, they've been getting less and less artists recently. soon they will be banned because its 90% pedo discussion now.

>> No.6151281

anytime now

>> No.6151282

you're still allowed to post a link to loli porn on the loli general

>> No.6151283

Same with /fag/.

>> No.6151284

how does this impact you?

>> No.6151286

that can go too
the pedo general does

>> No.6151288

not an argument, go away please

>> No.6151289

I just saw jannies can't see IP address. Do they have any way of identifying people trolling the board by posting the exact same bait threads over and over again?
/ic/ is so slow that a lot of the worst issues aren't even breaking any rules.
Slow but dedicated doomer posting and rotating through a list of bait topics like neuroplasticity or aphantasia or sorolla's beach children don't break any rules but erode the board.
Avatarfagging is basically legal here due to posting your own art so you can just spam with low effort art avatarfag in every thread. If you were here a few months ago you know people can basically hold the board hostage with this.
Bumpfags aren't unique to this board but it is even worse here because the board is so slow that you can see the same thread for weeks without no new discussion as the op revives it with random sentences.

People generally just doing slow but legal spam is the most annoying part of this board.

Can't look to jannies and mods for everything though, we need people to post quality threads. Like there could be generals on each fundamental with archives of the best posts from previous threads kept in the OP so people don't have to reinvent the wheel every time someone asks about something basic like "how do I learn color / shading / perspective / composition".
But we also need people engaging with those threads, I've seen great threads on color just die cause no one fucking cares. But people love posting in the bait threads.

If you look at /ic/ from 2015 the engagement was much greater, people actually replied with their own drawings outside of generals. People RARELY post drawings in random threads now. We have slightly more people than 2015 but somehow less % of them art actually drawing.

>> No.6151290

yeah, its illegal, that's my argument, i'll leave my 2cents here and whenever a meta thread is allowed, hang yourselves pedophiles

>> No.6151291

because law has always been the arbiter of morality, hasnt it? should we ban Muhammad depictions too for your little european country?

>> No.6151292

>openly littering
That's all you dog lovers are good for. Pick up those 2 pennies.

>> No.6151294


Its a containment thread you idiots, just hide it. This board has worse problems like DEMORALIZATION POSTING 24/7. I REPEAT THIS THREAD IS BEING DERAILED!

>> No.6151295

Jannies don't even draw
Jannies in 4chan don't use 4chan
Mods in 4chan don't use 4chan
They are all Discord trannies and Redditards

>> No.6151297

On second though maybe I shouldn't join dad.gallery if the users there are like this

>> No.6151298

This, I've seen weird attempts at "topicals" that feels like a single autist trying to jam some obscure subject into a bunch of new OPs to bait people, or the most braindead "is coffee good for you?" blog threads that start trending out of the blue for a couple weeks. These posters really need to go.

>> No.6151299

/fag/ /lsg/ were a mistake, it made good artists completely avoid /ic/

>> No.6151301

This, what the fuck? At least pretend to know how to 4chan

>> No.6151303

guess you aren’t a good artist

>> No.6151304

instead of banning coomer threads (-happyness)
permit only one mega coomer thread at a time and problem solved
dont be racist to coomer artists, be racist to permabegs and bad artists

>> No.6151305

No, I'm a great one

>> No.6151306

So I guess all the good artists upgraded to great artists and that’s why you don’t notice them anymore. Because they’re so damn great, right?

>> No.6151308

We could probably improve the board if everyone just picked a topic they like, saved some interesting links, images, tutorials, videos and then made a new thread for the topic where they dump all that into over a few days to space it out.

>> No.6151310

banning /lsg/ would be a start, i mean look at it >>6151156 there isn't even anyone posting in it anymore. It's just going to be filled with off topic shit in a few hours

>> No.6151311

I notice them in many places outside 4chan, but nice try on the guess I gotta go now

>> No.6151314

point at /dad/ first before you point fingers, loser.

>> No.6151315

/dad/ doesn't at least break any site rules

>> No.6151316

neither does lsg

>> No.6151318

>loli and shota
pass 5th grade reading first and take another look at the site rules.

>> No.6151319

Ban idiots who reply literally 20 times in the same thread with their inane avatarfag bullshit

>> No.6151321

pass my dick across your mouth again and i’ll push it in myself

>> No.6151322

get help, your brain is rotten

>> No.6151323

do you even use it? why does it live rent free in your head?
even if it did get high use you'd just complain about there being "too many pedos" instead of "not enough attention" anyways. go post in it if you care so much about it's life cycle

>> No.6151325

at least I still have a brain

>> No.6151326

I don't draw that disgusting stuff so no.

>> No.6151328

that is obvious, even a bot wouldn't dare to defend pedophilia

>> No.6151329

How about not banning anything as that would be censorship. But just keeping a heavier eye on both or having janitors for those specific topics, so as to keep problems from arising? Then everyone wins and we don't crush peoples speech.

>> No.6151330

yes it is advertising of another website

>> No.6151331

by that logic, the lolishitters advertise catbox because they seem to use that exclusively these days.
thats a double infraction.

>> No.6151332
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>/fag/ /lsg/ were a mistake, it made good artists completely avoid /ic/

>> No.6151333

>thread is essentially "ban lsg (but let's say nothing about cmsg)"

>> No.6151335

Not really comparable. You don’t have the cat box admin come inside the threads and announce updates and changes to his website while also encouraging self dependence without needing to advertise on 4chan without paying a single cent for 5 years all under the guise of also being a “for 4chan except we’re not” stance.

>> No.6151336

cbsg actually has artists and doesn't shit up the board so yeah

>> No.6151339



>> No.6151340

>it never was
ah yes, all the cp/sink threads were merely a joke haha

>> No.6151343

the catbox admin is more than happy having links to it being dropped heer, even facebook does the same thing on every other website and you don't even see them directly write down on update on the hundreds of thousands websites facebook appear as a share button and tracker

>> No.6151344

Going by that, this thread is shitting up the board because no one is drawing.
Stop bitching and draw.

>> No.6151346

You're reaching at this point.

>> No.6151347

its explicitly allowed, look at the OP image brainlet.

>> No.6151348

point is you don't need admins coming inside threads to announce updates, most advertisers never do that either

>> No.6151350

>Brainlet glossed over the main issue

>> No.6151352

>attempt to derail using whataboutism
this thread is exempt from needing art or artists for a reason.

>> No.6151353

This thread was allowed to be made, there is no need to draw in this thread, drawing is not the point of this thread

>> No.6151354
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Ban anyone who doesn't post their work when prompted to, doing so will eliminate all the crap from the board and it would be glorious.

>> No.6151355

The1banana guy hasn't announced a single thing in years. Their thread is on life support just getting bumped every 12 hours with nonesense posts and no art whatsoever. The shriney OP guy posted art every single thread as an excuse to keep up the appearance that it's a thread for art/critique. If any thread had to go it would be that thread at this point.

>> No.6151358


>> No.6151359

>Still doesn't get it
/ic/ has a bitching problem. Twitter threads, eceleb threads, not to mention what you're doing right now. Remove bitching.

>> No.6151360

so... you should be banned? ok i guess

>> No.6151361 [DELETED] 
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You see how easy it is

>> No.6151362

You still didn't make any further progress with this piece, miku sama?

>> No.6151363

We both should be banned

>> No.6151364
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>ban /lsg/
Do women really?

I'm ok with all these containment threads, there's one for fags, one for dogfuckers, one for pedos, one for coomers...

>one for coomers
Okay, I meant to say 10000 for coomers.
We need to address the amount of braindead niggers who only think about balloon-titty anime girls all day long.

I don't know what is the solution, but probably something like /pol/, where you can post NSFW pics, but if your post is deemed as "posting porn just to draw attention", you get the hammer.

>> No.6151365

>Their thread is on life support just getting bumped every 12 hours with nonesense posts and no art whatsoever
same as towergirls filled with rolls and drawpile has one guy pumping it
both advertisement

>> No.6151366

Why is /lsg/ still a pedo ring no one has done anything about it? Oh right, jannies are pedos too

>> No.6151370

The solution to fix people's fixation with porn and other dopamine activities is to fix this shitty society. Life's gotten too hard for some people.

>> No.6151371
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>Why is /lsg/ still a pedo ring no one has done anything about it? Oh right, jannies are pedos too

>> No.6151372

you guys realize you’re going to do it for free, right? You’re not going to get paid. Time is money you know.

>> No.6151373

They do it for the power trip, something that which our current resident tranny loves.

>> No.6151377

the meido is fair and just
and she does it for no compensation

>> No.6151379

i wouldn't want to do it because its pretty clear with threads like this that everyones going to hate you no matter what you do. its like trying to moderate twittards

>> No.6151381

>talking about yourself in the third person
also, no wonder we are getting new jannies when everyone can spot which poster you are from a mile away

>> No.6151387

what's wrong with drawpile threads?

>> No.6151389

I certainly hope there's going to be a new Janny the Mods should rotate these losers to other boards so that there wouldn't be personal vendettas resulting in micromanaging the fuck out of a board.

>> No.6151391

>which poster you are from a mile away

>> No.6151399

Don't bitch at drawpile. It's the only thread where you come in and draw. It's not it's fault most people on this board don't draw.

>> No.6151402

Legit cringe from /vt/

>> No.6151405

that’s actually a /jp/ meme, newfag.

>> No.6151407

Shit, I wasn't there much. I usually just lurked Elona threads. How old is that meme?

>> No.6151409

more than a decade old

>> No.6151419

DAD/Towergirls/Drawpile are advertisement threads can't you read

>> No.6151420

Too bad now trannies are involved.

>> No.6151423

In case of drawpile then it's an advertisement for free service you can use anonymously, it's much better than hundreds of shit AI threads that mods ignore.

>> No.6151424

you willingly attach that label because you think about tranny dick all day

>> No.6151426

Maybe it's indeed an psyop to fracture the community. I don't know anymore, it's so tiresome.

>> No.6151432

Perverts hiding behind art criticism.


>> No.6151438

kys pedo

>> No.6151444

fucking BASED

>> No.6151461

Seconding this post hard. The ratio of bait/FUD/"is coffee good for you" spam threads to genuine threads on this board is insane. It's not like they're hard to spot either, they've been using the same bait for years. Even the AI doomposting shit isn't new. These low quality threads should be pruned much more aggressively than they currently are.

But like anon said, the problem isn't just the spammers constantly shitting up the board. We don't have enough people dedicated to making good threads to counteract the tide of garbage. I mean holy shit, I haven't seen a general /draw/ thread for the last two weeks. If all the shit troll threads were banned, there wouldn't be enough good threads to take their place. The ratio of malicious posters to good faith posters on this board, not to mention how dedicated that the malicious posters apparently are in comparison, is concerning.

>> No.6151490
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>Bar people from posting content in regular drawthreads because you don't like a particular style
>Stop liking what I don't like!
>Board becomes segregated to multiple generals each with their own niche communities
>Front page of /ic/ becomes a chat room for gossip
>Regular draw threads are desolate
>Gee, where have all the good posters gone?!
The original animu/mango threads way back when was the final nail in the coffin which sparked a frenzy of "x" general threads because all it took was one special snowflake to have their fee-fee's hurt, cause a boardwide temper tantrum, force others into a niche group and if you repeated this process several times you end up in a situation where the board is completely split up into several niche groups resulting in what you observe today. This splitting up into different groups based on tastes, style, genre, and fetish will only continue as long as we have crybabies like you who do nothing but bitch and moan. You may observe the complaining with the animation generals where people are getting butthurt over tits on the OP and soon we will have animated porn generals in order to appease these snowflakes and as a result we we will start having a vicious cycle of more complaints about how dead the regular animation generals are with nothing but spam and off topic conversations.

>> No.6151495

>complaining about something you propagated from the start

Which personality is this?

>> No.6151498

>Ban demotivation doomer threads
>Ban twitter screen cap threads
>Ban ai threads
>Ban covert drama/off topic threads
these are good, the rest are you being a bitch.

>> No.6151501

We need a blue /ic/ with general loli and shota posting banned

>> No.6151506

so... all the rest of the internet?

>> No.6151511

Shut the fuck up you fucking retards! No one cares about containment boards they exist for a fucking reason. BUT FUCKING BAN ALL THE AI DALL E THREADS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. They refuse to keep to themselves in a containment board, and deliberately avoid putting the word AI in the title to evade filters. They know full well they are shitposting things no one cares to look at if they know it was about AI. This includes all the AI generated drawings to bait (YOU). AGAIN, BAN ALL THE AI THREADS AND THINLY VEILED AI THREADS

>> No.6151516

>containment generals
Sorry,l ack of sleep and full of anger

>> No.6151517

One more vote for /lsg/ to go from me

>> No.6151518

>Ban anything which causes me to feel angry and confused.
And here we have a prime example of what will result in an AI General with content made from the use of 3d software which is ironically what most of you strive to do.

>> No.6151520

One vote to keep everything in place and ban all AI, Dall E and similiar "I'm so depressed/demoralized because of X" threads

>> No.6151523
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>One more vote for /lsg/ to go from me

Upvoted, silver medal, gold medal, wholesome award

>> No.6151524
File: 60 KB, 768x471, 1628739506995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleting things you don't like IS NOT the way to fix the board, contributing and making threads about the things you like IS.

What /ic/ needs is people that actually draw to contribute to threads about drawing and there should be more studying, knowledge sharing and more drawing.

"Nodraw" threads are cancer.

I will say though, generals kill a lot of discussion. I don't even check 3/4 of the generals here outside of /wtc/ when I need to let some stupid shit out.

This is the only thing I agree with deleting, demoralization threads have no place here.

>> No.6151525

imagine wanting to be an internet janitor

>> No.6151527

don't reply to me pathetic faggot, go moan to your mother about AI taking your job instead. Your threads are never about art but all about you bemoaning the fact AI exists. Kys, you will never find happiness otherwise

>> No.6151528

I'm going to create AI general threads out of spite if you continue.

>> No.6151529

Get rid of /dtg/ shitposter thats been running the damn threads or nuke the thread entirely, fuck it. And yeah no more lsg or threads like dad where nobody talks about or posts art

>> No.6151530

rofl those threads really rub you the wrong way dont they

>> No.6151533

Go ahead faggot, keep dedicating your shitty, meaningless life to be an epic troll on 4chin, that will just bring about all the sooner the day when you realize how pathetic your life really is and then we can all be happy when you kill yourself for good.

>> No.6151536

What he's trying to demonstrate is that the cute boys generals are ironically the most active and supported generals which tells you that this board is filled with nothing but homosexuals and Fujos which explains a lot.
Don't test me boy.

>> No.6151537

>Delete AI threads for spam, constant containment evading, and doomposting plaguing
Can you make it more obvious?

>> No.6151539

I think either a containment board, like /vt/ or a containment thread like, /lsg/ or /fag/, would be better, and that anyone who posts AI content outside of the board/thread would get their posts deleted.

Either way, something has to be done. It's getting out of control here.

>> No.6151540

>that this board is filled with nothing but homosexuals and Fujos which explains a lot.
I mean, all this talk about banning loli but ignoring underage boy drawings was a pretty dead giveaway

>> No.6151541

Oh no no no no no, please don't mr. epic 4chin troll, don't tell me you're going to employ your trolling, baiting skills earned from decades living solely on the net to ruin this shitty board, oh no your mom will surely be so proud of you and may even step into the stinky basement you dwell once in a while to clean your cum filled socks because of that.

>> No.6151544

>ignoring underage boy drawings
You are actually retarded. Even the anons in that thread are complaining about it. /cbsg/ has the luck to be more that shotafaggotry tho, that's why it's barely mentioned here

>> No.6151548

cbsg isnt for pure shota but lsg keeps hating on shota and so they migrated to cbsg when they should be contained in lsg

>> No.6151552

What's your real gripe with /lsg/? Someone called your art shit or something? This much animosity over NSFW stuff you don't see kept behind catbox can't be the main reason for all this.

>> No.6151555

>bringing it back to 40% porn or so would improve discussion on this board by a whole lot
I don't care about coom, but this is just nonsensical

>> No.6151558

Give women a finger and they'll take your arm off, they want to ban everything that hurts their feelings as always. This is not uncommon, and this board is plagued with them.

>> No.6151563

There're some moralfags going around crying about lolis, probably normies who found this board sonehow from words of mouth, and now that they like it here they want to clean it from unwanted elements, or as a safety net in case their followers find out they use this board. Keep in mind shota isn't an instant red flag for a majority of normies while loli art is much more infamous

>> No.6151568

I'll be honest, it's because those threads are created by a Janny who has a bias towards who is allowed to post without getting banned. If that's the case, just delete those threads.

>> No.6151570

Why are you so obsessed with equating loli with pedophilia? Sounds strange coming from someone who doesn't think furry is zoophilia.

>> No.6151571

>muh women
>muh tourists
>muh big follower accounts
There must always be a boogeyman right? There is no other possible reason most anons prefer shota and loli to be in a single thread, or even moved to an appropriate board.

>> No.6151574

It's unfortunate that the boys thread appears to have the most artists nowadays. It's clear /ic/ has a high amount of female artists (or gay men).

>> No.6151575

>equating loli with pedophilia
they're literally the same thing.

>> No.6151577

I never participated in any of that shit, don't @ me nigger.
The reason those generals exist isn't primarily because of people bitching and moaning and forcing others out, /fag/ and /cbsg/ posters (that aren't shota pedos anyways) could post in /ALT/ just fine. They're choosing to create them of their own volition, not because they were bullied so hard they had to leave Egypt for the promised land. Understandable for /fag/ since there's a large constituency of furshitters and furshit is a major genre of its own, but /cbsg/ is incredibly redundant. The only reason it exists is because the homogays and fujoshitters wanted their own clubhouse.
I'm convinced that /lsg/ only came about as an incursion of pedophiles from /b/ as there wasn't actually that many instances of loli and shotafags in the drawthreads to begin with. And even with the likely influx of /b/ users, those threads are STILL dead as hell with hardly any artists actually posting their work.

>> No.6151582

How are they the same thing?

>> No.6151583

I have never stepped foot in those threads and I have never been annoyed by their presence in anyway. Like just one general or two, not that big deal. What weird me out is why people's hating on it so hard like it's actively ruining their day, unless it's for the mentioned reason: to keep good appearance before followers in case they are found out.

Lsg is no where near as annoying as the constant doomer/ai threads which are obviously never about art in the first place

>> No.6151585

>The only reason it exists is because the homogays and fujoshitters wanted their own clubhouse.
Many anons from the oc threads had an interest in drawing males and since alt rarely provides feedback they made a containment thread to share prompts and resources for drawing men without spamming other generals

>> No.6151584

/lsg/ primarily exists because 1. double standards (/fag/ existing, so why not a loli thread) and 2, it was a branching experimental thread for a short term for the loli posters from /dad/ who are long gone now but proved itself that it could work somewhat.

>> No.6151588


I bet you are the one who banned me for accidentally posting that MLP drawing. For 3 days the AI threads went rampant while i was banned because i couldn’t do my civic duty to clean them up.

Anyways, i got about a month left, then this story arc will come to an end.

>> No.6151590

Also, it was intended to be a SFW thread. Clothed lolis only. But people like Wyst kept posting NSFW and so to accommodate the pervs catbox was introduced. Some people don't like using catbox (like mikufag who complains until this day) while others abide by it like how /fag/ uses catbox hence why both threads seem to be allowed.

Therefore all of this bickering about wanting to delete threads is pointless.

>> No.6151591

/lsg/ serves no purpose, we've done fine for a decade without it. Now we get pedo threads opened once or twice a day that I need to be reporting

>> No.6151593

4chan has always been known as the rebel of the internet, and quite frankly it is the last sane place left for art (and that's saying something considering it used to be seen as insane by most the internet). Given that it's the last place where people can still express themselves in art, draw what they want and not have to face the mobs of offended wokies like Twitter, DA, and what has become of the other sites...

Can't we just not have censorship, but better moderation? Assign janitors to specific threads maybe? This place is still sane. I'd rather not have it be the next Twitter.

>> No.6151596

they’re just drawings lol

>> No.6151598

eighchan exists for your pedoshit, and the hidden eighchan also exists for the really fucked up shit, go there

>> No.6151600

Twitter exists, go there

>> No.6151601

So you just feel compelled to report a general huh? I don't use that general but still think you are a special kind of snowflake. Get a grip.

>> No.6151602

I'm not defending pedo, that's why I said better moderation. Nor do I even look at porn. I'm speaking in purely, this place can still take a joke. Half the internet can no longer take a joke. Just better moderate the problematic areas the topics get to, and keep the tame things and make everyone happy.

>> No.6151603

they require phone numbers now, so no

>> No.6151605

There hasn't been a single catbox link of shota porn nor it that thread centered around pedo post but nice try.

>> No.6151606

burner phones cost $20 at the gas station

>> No.6151607

came in here to post exactly this.
AI schizos gotta go!

>> No.6151608

Why don't you just leave then? /lsg/ is allowed, this board does not exist to be your stage for virtue signaling

>> No.6151609

I didn't say anything about reporting the general, but the pedotards trolling with their new threads asking retarded questions, before there was no place for pedos in here because we didn't allow a circlejerk thread for them

>> No.6151610

>dumb coomer trash
>roasty trying to shame the male sex drive
you gotta go.

>> No.6151611

Burner phones aren't legal in every country anon

>> No.6151615

What are you retards talking about? I used an email address to sign up just fine

>> No.6151616

all your shit is bannable i knew you are a jannie dick sucking fag since non of the furry porn you posted got removed

>> No.6151619

Lots of projection there, same as the other post

>> No.6151624

Another reason why we either need a new Janny or have Jannies rotated to other boards to avoid the bias.

>> No.6151625

like most other decent artists did? maybe I should too let this place rot into pedophiliadom

>> No.6151627


Umm.. I thought the application rules says not to say what you are or else be removed? Does that only apply for new ones applying?

>> No.6151628

its art.
You gotta go

>> No.6151629

Don't let the door hit you on your way out, Mr. Decent Artist

>> No.6151634

Oh i am not a janny, i just couldn’t report any of the AI threads and they were spiraling out of control and infesting the board

>> No.6151636

Bitch I didn't say anything about your porn, nigga fr?

>> No.6151637

Before /lsg/ youtubers would often make a joke about /ic/ culture, now that this place is infested with pedophilia no one would want to be ever so slightly related to /ic/. This sure will help /ic/ grow in the long run

>> No.6151639

>Bumpfags aren't unique to this board but it is even worse here because the board is so slow that you can see the same thread for weeks without no new discussion as the op revives it with random sentences.
Fucking BASED. Ive noticed this too and am so glad someone else did. Dog threads, croquis threads, pixel scribbles threads. Any I missed? Its so easy to spot these but jannies wont do shit because its vaguely related to art.

>> No.6151641

I still stand by what I said before. /ic/ is one of the only art places left of the wild west era of internet. Please don't turn this place into a space space too.

>> No.6151645

>Deleting things you don't like IS NOT the way to fix the board
Its not what ONE person doesnt like, multiple people are agreeing that theres a wave of board desttoyong threads with mocking/troll undertone and nothing is being done because it technically doesnt break rules. Jannies are bitches.

>> No.6151646
File: 213 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dood this art isnt popular here its hurting our REPUTATION we need to get rid of it so we look better to outsiders

>> No.6151648

i agree fuck everyone its only one(1) thread in a sea of ~150 threads on /ic

>> No.6151650

Fuck off. You are one of the people posting weird shit as well. Thats not wild west golden era internet, its the new age demonic gibberish. Just fuck off and rot.

>> No.6151653

And what praytell did I post that was weird? I haven't posted my art here yet (waiting till I finish a current piece) since 2008. So I'm pretty sure you're confusing me for someone else dude.

>> No.6151654

The term comes from a russian novel where the protagonist sexually obsesses over a 12 year old girl.
It literally means viewing young (or young looking) girls sexually.

>> No.6151656

you are the cancer

>> No.6151659

Leave the generals alone and let people draw what they like. A general will die when it dies (probably /dad/ soon)
The only things should really be deleted are the obvious troll posts like AI/asian genes/am i too old to draw/talent

>> No.6151662

Allow gore, NSFW loli, gore loli generals. Thank you based jannies, I'll even consider donating for this

>> No.6151665

Fuck. Off.

>> No.6151667

Tripcode existed back then. I recall seeing plenty of people use it.

>> No.6151668

Exactly. For now at the least. Board had much more fundamental issues. Even lsg is derailed by pointless arguments now.

>> No.6151671

And I forgot necro art general

>> No.6151673

based on how the lolitards spent hours doing damage control in here while their general remained barely alive, i think lsg should be banned

>> No.6151675

fed posting, off topic 24/7 drama, magnetic for board tourist, and very few actual artist who draws. Say way you will about /fag/ /cbsg/ and oc but they all draw and have good mini-communities with a vested interest in art and regularly motivate each other to be better artist.

>> No.6151680

Hard working lolichads are at work to afford roof over their 2D daughters heads while you spent your NEET butt in a worthless meta thread getting nothing done.

>> No.6151683

why go into a that you’re not interested in? you can just ignore it

>> No.6151685

The thread will hit bump limit with only 6 drawings posted just like the previous 20 lsg threads. "Hard working" my ass

>> No.6151686

there was no projection you moolie
go back to slip and fall school

>> No.6151688

>a wave of board desttoyong threads
What threads are destroying the board?

>> No.6151690

It's not a stretch to believe it's just the same tonyo guy from January causing maximum chaos. If you remove those things you mentioned you're left with a slower thread but a homely thread with familiar faces. It's small and doesn't need to be any more bigger than it already is.

>> No.6151692

>now that this place is infested with pedophilia no one would want to be ever so slightly related to /ic/
And that's a good thing.

>> No.6151695

more contribution than /dad/
your point?

>> No.6151697

For you or for 4chan's revenue?

>> No.6151698


>> No.6151701

whataboutism isn't the defense you think it is.

>> No.6151702

Read previous posts, you will find your answer jackass.

>> No.6151703

The origin of the term does not define how it is used in contemporary speech. Lolita as a name existed way before Nabokov's book and it does not mean anything sexual, you're thinking of "Lolita complex". "Gay" used to mean "happy".
To take your logic about language to its conclusion: do you think that all Japanese women dressing in gothic lolita fashion are sexually obsessed about 12 year old girls?
>It literally means viewing young (or young looking) girls sexually.
So is it young (assuming you mean "too young") or young looking? One of those is pedophilia and other isn't.

>> No.6151704

For all of us, lolifags are gatekeeping the normans. You don't have to go into loli threads if you don't like it, personally I don't ever go there and I couldn't care less about what they post.

>> No.6151705

You can't refute so I suppose it is.

>> No.6151707

Sure, I'll take being a norman over a pedophile. You should too

>> No.6151710

Personally I'd like to hear what a mod has to say about this.

>> No.6151711

no way you're this retarded

>> No.6151715

both threads should be banned is what I'm saying dumbass.
nondrawing drama and offtopic threads have no place here.

>> No.6151717

there used to be an entire loli board newfag.

>> No.6151718

you mean a short lived loli board

>> No.6151719

I'm starting to see the reason why we no longer have it

>> No.6151720

So do you have an actual answer or no? So far all that's been posted is an appeal to dictionary.

>> No.6151725

no, he really is that retarded.
>I don't want to fuck 12 year olds, just girls that LOOK like they're 12!

>> No.6151726

You should define what a loli is if you don't agree with the dictionary definition. The discussion is halted until you do just that.

>> No.6151727

people from 2016 calling others newfags lmao
you had no idea how 4chan was

>> No.6151732

I never said anything about fucking anyone. The fact you can't post anything other than straw men arguments confirms you have nothing of value to add.

>> No.6151736

I'm married to a 14yo girl, deal with it first worlders roasties

>> No.6151738

can you define what a loli is if you don't agree with the dictionary definition?

>> No.6151742

For the sake of this discussion, let's have "loli" be any drawn character that looks underage.

>> No.6151745
File: 599 KB, 405x720, 34263462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6151750

>that looks underage.
so pedophilia? I'm pretty sure that's what it's called

>> No.6151751

Literally all derailers, posting so thread reaches bump limit faster. Just fuck off with your braindead debates, noone in the world cares.

>> No.6151752

I dont mind sfw lolis posting in asg or making a cute girl study general equivalent that has many types of female characters. I simply don't think it was an appropriate decision to give child enthusiasts their own playpen on a board with nonexistent moderation and is hard to argue that it wasn't a bad decision in the long term.

>> No.6151758

>so pedophilia? I'm pretty sure that's what it's called
No, pedophilia is (at least in the lax, general usage), the attraction to underage human beings.
My question was: why do you assume threads about lolis equate pedophilia, and why do you assume people who consume loli materials are pedophiles, regardless of whether there's any sexual content? I'm asking you to substantiate why you think those consuming the fiction must want the real thing too, since the equivalence hinges on it.

>> No.6151763

>regardless of whether there's any sexual content?
that's literally what loli is. Just drawing a little girl isn't loli until she's sexualized.

>> No.6151766

Most drawings on /lsg/ are representing child in a sexualized and very minimal clothing, it really should be banned, most posts there are from very obviously pedophiles

>> No.6151770

English isn't your second language

>> No.6151775

Oh boy, this argument again in every single thread.
>Loli BAD
>I hate you
>You're not my real father
For 200 posts

>> No.6151776

>why do you assume people who consume loli materials are pedophiles
The attraction to the underage depictions is why I am assuming pedophilia.
The essential qualities of a drawn character are contained in how it visually appears to the viewer, not in any arbitrary age given to it. To act as if the age isn't inconsequential and contributes in any way to the evaluation of attraction to the character is to be very disingenuous. The fact characters are deliberately created to look underage is important in the judgement of the intent. Any dice rolled number for age doesn't change this.
Additionally, the vast majority of lolicons have some very pedophilic tendencies in the way they discuss these said characters. It is not a stretch of logic to assume lolicon=pedophilia.

>> No.6151777

Some people use "loli" to only refer to a body type, but okay, for the sake of simplifying the discussion, let's assume that all the drawings in the loli threads are sexualized. Why do you think that the people who view them, by necessity, would want to have sex with actual children?

>> No.6151779

>why do you assume threads about lolis equate pedophilia, and why do you assume people who consume loli materials are pedophiles, regardless of whether there's any sexual content?
you retards be posting real kids in lsg threads, get fucked with this gay debate me bullshit

>> No.6151780

Now imagine if /lsg/ wasn't a thing to begin with and this thread would be a lot more productive with people just ignoring the 2-3 pedos in here

>> No.6151785

>The attraction to the underage depictions is why I am assuming pedophilia.
Just so that I am sure I didn't misunderstand you:
you claim that enjoyment of the fictitious sexualization of a fictitious underage character is enough to assume pedophilia?

>you retards be posting real kids in lsg threads, get fucked with this gay debate me bullshit
I never posted in any lsg thread.

>> No.6151786

Imagine how productive you would be if you didn't argue with anon for hours a day and you just hid posts instead.

>> No.6151787

>body type
No, and you know it

>> No.6151788

>why do you think being sexually attracted to children means you're sexually attracted to children?
Whether or not you'd actually act on it or not is irrelevant. =

>> No.6151789

lsg is just seething because they are once again faced with the reality that no one fucking wants them around

>> No.6151790

>you claim that enjoyment of the fictitious sexualization of a fictitious underage character is enough to assume pedophilia?
Yes. Thanks for putting it more simply for me.

>> No.6151792

Range IP ban the retard who keeps making the tablet discussion threads

>> No.6151793

You're dishonestly skipping a step here. I was asking about a fantasy, not attraction to actual children.

>Yes. Thanks for putting it more simply for me.
Thank you. Do you then agree that violent video games (and discussion of them) should be banned?

>> No.6151794

>you claim that enjoyment of the fictitious sexualization of a fictitious underage character is enough to assume pedophilia?
sexual feelings directed toward children.

Why is this a hard concept to grasp? You don't have to stick your dick in a toddler to be considered a pedophile.

>> No.6151796

>Why is this a hard concept to grasp?
It's not hard, but for many people making the argument against loli artworks, it seems the difference between fiction and reality is really hard to grasp and I want to know why.

>> No.6151797

>hours a day on 4chan
You may have a problem if you think people do that here

>> No.6151798

>Thank you. Do you then agree that violent video games (and discussion of them) should be banned?
Muddying the waters with unrelated issues that are also not 1:1 comparisons.

>> No.6151799

both of those gaslit posts were deleted by mods
what's the issue here?

>> No.6151800
File: 66 KB, 814x750, 1642770225817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you all can see the first step to making /ic/ great again is to delete /lsg/

>> No.6151802

>Muddying the waters with unrelated issues that are also not 1:1 comparisons.
Do you agree that violent video games depict murder? Yes or no?
Do you agree that people who enjoy these video games engage in fantasized violence? Yes or no?

>> No.6151803

I mean, I gotta side with the other dude here. There's people that like to read rape fiction but doesn't mean they want to see, do, or have it done in real life. There's people that murder things in games, doesn't mean they want to go out and do it. It's called setting a boundary between IRL and fiction.

>> No.6151805

>gaslit posts
>been happening constantly every thread since the inception of /lsg/

>> No.6151810

More reason to allow a NSFW loli, gore, loli gore and necro generals. Please jannies let me have them

>> No.6151812

Look at thread 6 hours ago, come back 10 minutes ago and see 300 posts worth of seething. They've been here all day with no sign of stopping. I'm going to come back tomorrow and they'll still be at it.

>> No.6151813

You're likely the same individual who posted that to collect conspiracy against /lsg/, huh Tonyofaggot?

>> No.6151814

>violent video games depict murder
> people who enjoy these video games engage in fantasized violence
also yes.
However, you attempting to lead to the retarded reasoning of "if loli shit is pedo then violence in video games is murder" which is not a sound logical comparison.
If there was some defined word for "attraction to fictional violence" then that would be the analogous for lolicon and pedophilia.
It shouldn't be of any surprise to you that lolicon is pedophilia as I am merely using the definitions you yourself provided earlier.

>> No.6151816
File: 163 KB, 500x500, 1578162376682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like the general consensus of this thread was that we'd like to see more of you fags draw, post your own created content, spend less time arguing over trivial matters and provide feedback. Can you faggots do your part and post your work without going full retard?

>> No.6151820

This is a meta thread to discuss /ic/ itself, it's not for art and critique. Stop derailing the thread

>> No.6151821

I post my art in threads where it's appropriate.

>> No.6151822

Kek and based

>> No.6151825

I still don't understand why you seethe over this.

>> No.6151827


>>violent video games depict murder
>> people who enjoy these video games engage in fantasized violence
>also yes.
Therefore, if you are against violence, and think that people who fantasize about violence want to commit it, you should also be calling for bans of violent media, like video games.

>It shouldn't be of any surprise to you that lolicon is pedophilia as I am merely using the definitions you yourself provided earlier.
The problem here is that, just like fantasizing about violence does not imply a person wants to commit violence, fantasizing about sexualized underage people does not mean one wants to actually sexualize them. There is no consensus among medical professionals, last time I checked, that such fantasies actually indicate pedophilia in and of themselves.

>If there was some defined word for "attraction to fictional violence" then that would be the analogous for lolicon and pedophilia.
So do you care about the issues, or just the naming?

>> No.6151828

>does not mean one wants to actually sexualize them
They are sexualizing them on /lsg/ already

>> No.6151829

>I post my art in threads where it's appropriate.
Therein lies part of a problem, you should openly post your content in any thread as the entire board was created to post user made content.
We may discuss about the board itself while posting your work in order for us to see whether you have any merit or are just here to shitpost and not actually draw. Another problem we have are tourists that have no business being here in the first place.

>> No.6151830

Then those who do so (and I mean making such posts about actual children) should obviously be banned.

>> No.6151831

I will once the pedos start

>> No.6151833

You mean loli too

>> No.6151834

>Therefore, if you are against violence, and think that people who fantasize about violence want to commit it, you should also be calling for bans of violent media, like video games.
This is false. Nowhere in this thread have I said lolicons wish to commit certain crimes, merely that they are indeed pedophiles (which is true).
Now if someone has infatuation with violence in video games then I would indeed say that they have some infatuation with violence or even some fetish for violence. This does not mean that they may commit a crime based on this.
>fantasizing about sexualized underage people does not mean one wants to actually sexualize them.
Please re-read what you have typed and see that the second clause is implied in the first
>So do you care about the issues, or just the naming?
I couldn't give a shit about "the issues". If someone commits a crime defined in law, they should be punished accordingly. Thinking about a crime isn't the same thing as doing a crime. Don't strawman me, brainlet.

/lsg/ should be banned because they don't draw, drama 24/7 and routinely rulebreak with off topic spam not because of this debate. This is just tangential to someone falsely claiming that lolicon isn't pedophilic

>> No.6151835

>I never posted in any lsg thread.
>proceeds to defend it endless
disingenuous faggot

this, faggots always be dodging shit that proves them wrong

>> No.6151839

Why are you putting conditions? It's always something with you to avoid posting work why are you so reluctant to just post what you're drawing right now unless it's because you don't even draw at all.

>> No.6151840

I do draw for a living, it's not worth posting art when arguing against the pedos when everyone knows there is like 2 people in that thread that barely finish anything

>> No.6151841


These are core shitposters on the board. If they were to all disappear overnight /ic/s problems would be resolved.

1. Tonyo poster - who makes up majority of the shitposts. They don't care what thread or general gets taken down they just want maximum chaos
2. "Unironic" get out of our community! anon from /v/--doesn't draw and just fills up /lsg/ with nonsense posts just to derail the threads
3. Mikuposter -- no explanation needed unless you're a newfag
4. X months practice anon (rare these days, but he still comes back sometimes)

>> No.6151843

forgot >>6151792

>> No.6151844

Oh yeah, and the /dtg/ schizo

>> No.6151846

I'm curious.. Would you call Lewis Carroll pedophile? Back in his day and the Victorian era, children were drawn, photographed, and put on greeting cards, most times clothes, sometimes naked (cherubs and other artworks). Children have innocence, grace, and react to things differently in emotion. Therefore artists sought to capture such and preferred them over adults who were hardened to life.

The lolicon thing exists in Japan as well as an artform. Because it is art. Even the NSFW as much as I disagree with it, is still an art form if it's fictional. Why do they chose kids? Because of emotions, reactions, the innocence children show to the situations they draw them in that are so different than how an adult would act. Hence why most of them will have kids be loli form, but be ages older. It's the captured motion different from adults that they like, not because they want to screw real children.

If kept in artform only, what's wrong with keeping it but moderating it so it doesn't cross the line?

>> No.6151848

No, I don't mean that.

>This is false. Nowhere in this thread have I said lolicons wish to commit certain crimes, merely that they are indeed pedophiles (which is true).
The problem is that you haven't substantiated it.

>Please re-read what you have typed and see that the second clause is implied in the first
It really is not. Fantasy is not reality. It is possible to entertain any thought without an inclination to act on it.
>I couldn't give a shit about "the issues". If someone commits a crime defined in law, they should be punished accordingly. Thinking about a crime isn't the same thing as doing a crime. Don't strawman me, brainlet.
You argue a lot for someone who doesn't care.

>/lsg/ should be banned because they don't draw, drama 24/7 and routinely rulebreak with off topic spam not because of this debate.
By this logic, the majority of the threads on /ic/ should be banned.

Those sound like good ideas for bans.

>> No.6151851

It will cross the line, not the first time it happens on 4chan

>> No.6151852

>Therein lies part of a problem, you should openly post your content in any thread as the entire board was created to post user made content.
that doesn't mean all content is relevant in every thread.
If someone is asking for advice on a drawing they did of a kitten, and I come in and post a drawing i made of a throbbing cock, that would make me a retard posting off topic shit for no reason.

>> No.6151853

>By this logic, the majority of the threads on /ic/ should be banned.

>> No.6151854

and how exactly do you plan on making these made up boogeymen of yours disappear? I hope you realize /ic/ isn't one person, if you managed to remove these posters you're still going to have content you don't like so just learn to deal with it.

>> No.6151855

>The problem is that you haven't substantiated it.
Based on your own definition of a loli, it's been pretty well reasoned that lolicons are pedos. If you don't like the conclusion then come up with a different definition.
>You argue a lot for someone who doesn't care.
I like exercising my skills in logic (superior to yours considering you keep falling for the same 1 logical pitfall).
>By this logic, the majority of the threads on /ic/ should be banned.
Most in this thread agree if you've read it (doesn't seem to be the case)

>> No.6151856

>Back in his day and the Victorian era, children were drawn, photographed, and put on greeting cards, most times clothes, sometimes naked (cherubs and other artworks). Children have innocence, grace, and react to things differently in emotion. Therefore artists sought to capture such and preferred them over adults who were hardened to life.
Not sexualizing = not loli/pedo shit. It's really quite simple.

>> No.6151858

The point was /ic/ is a red board, a board where you post user created content for critique it doesn't matter if we have throbbing T-clitties being posted together in the same thread with puppies.

>> No.6151861

>what's wrong with keeping it but moderating it so it doesn't cross the line?
That could have been a good argument had it been said at the inception of /lsg/. The evidence from those threads has shown that it doesn't cross the line less of 10% of the time and is majority stuff that does not belong on this board at all. Many other anons have already stated the numerous problems with that general already. The trial period is long over and /lsg/ failed to keep their threads clean.

>> No.6151862
File: 6 KB, 322x71, 1644587360366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6151863

Depends if the thread is solely about cute puppies and not that other shit

>> No.6151865


>made up

I must have a very creative imagination then. Of course I do...I am talented after all.
>you're still going to have content you don't like
That's not my stance, that's yours. If I don't like something I use the filters.

>> No.6151866

>it doesn't matter if we have throbbing T-clitties being posted together in the same thread with puppies.
it does if the thread is explicitly made to discuss drawings of puppies.
I think you're confused on the purpose of individual threads on one board.

>> No.6151868

Have we decided if /lsg/ is banned or if I'm finally able to make new generals?

>> No.6151870

majority of users don't want it but its ultimately up to mods to decide.

>> No.6151871

I just got the consensus back from T-dog from Starbucks. The results are in and it appears /lsg/ stays. A note was also left with the results and it says "seethe and cope". I guess that's a wrap.

>> No.6151872

And what about my generals being allowed?

>> No.6151873

outside of a few pedos, no one wants it here
it's against both site rules and some countries laws. But it will probably be allowed to stay because no one really cares. I just never post in the thread and scroll past it in catalogue.

>> No.6151874

>User created content is off topic
That's like saying posting breasts on /lsg/ will result in an off topic ban, do you realize how stupid that sounds?

>> No.6151875

>majority of users
it’s just a few loud twitter landwhales really

>> No.6151876

there shouldn't be pedocentric general on ic merge it with /asg/ since they're already drawing sfw little girls anyway or make a cbsp equivalent

>> No.6151877

A post is an user created content, yes. Maybe a bot...

>> No.6151879

what generals

>> No.6151880

Not all of us defending it are pedos. I'm standing up for it, simply because more censorship is bad and I don't want to see one of the last refuges turn into Twitter when I came back here to escape the mobs onTwitter.

>> No.6151881

that's it for me, outb4 new tranny janny meta ruins /ic/

>> No.6151883

/aia/ AI art general and in the future /aian/ AI animation

>> No.6151891

An AI general sounds interesting and would contain all the ai threads. Don't see why it wouldn't be allowed.

>> No.6151892

what makes you think that? why can't regular anons disagree with you?

>> No.6151893

no it's not. it's not like saying that at all.

>> No.6151895

>how to fix /ic/?
You should fight fire with even hotter fire and then pour cold water unto it.
Outbait the bait threads
Outtroll the troll threads
Make the discord trannies fear your existence that they must engage you.

Make better posts that promote discussion.
Stop posting any of the shitty buzzwords that attract twitterfags;
>schizo cope seethe based, etcetera
Stop replying to shit with utter retarded platitudes like it's a fucking youtube comment section.
Support any threads and posts actually talking about art.
Don't support hugbox mentality.
If you see some anon posting shit advice or critique, offer better advice instead of shitting up the threads with drama.
Lurk more and stop enganging with fujos.

You don't get results by "banning" people, because the very dedicated and highly destructive ill willed shitposters also ban evade.
Always pyw because shitposters don't draw, even stick men are enough.

New boards to redirect the new influx of tourists are long overdue, Hiromoot.

>> No.6151896

The loli general is already SFW, retard.

>> No.6151897

On paper only, drawing sexualized loli is definitely not safe where I work

>> No.6151901


What are you doing browsing the four on company time anyway?

>> No.6151904

what makes you think you anti-loli who can’t separate fiction and reality are the majority?

>> No.6151905

Breaks and phones exist

>> No.6151906

Nice buzzword completely killing what little credibility you could have had hypocrite

>> No.6151907


>> No.6151908

you're defending a pedophile thread full of people who don't draw and there is no censorship here because lolifags can draw sfw art here (what was the original agreement when lsg was made) or go to /b/. you're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.6151909

So if it's on your phone why do you give a shit? Make it make sense for me.

>> No.6151910

Probably a fat chance. But Jerk, is that you?

>> No.6151912

Someone could glance over it and now suddenly HR is calling me. But back to the topic you want to derail, it is nsfw

>> No.6151913

So what if I posted big anime tiddies on /lsg/ right now?

>> No.6151914


>> No.6151916

Thank you for demonstrating the bias the resident troon has in that thread.

>> No.6151917

>Someone could glance over it and now suddenly HR is calling me.
that's the case with any thread on this board. you're not on a blue board. The ads here alone are enough to get you fired for looking at porn at work.

>> No.6151918

if it's loli with big tiddies it's on topic, stop reaching for that angle already

>> No.6151922


>> No.6151923

I'll bite, let's observe what happens especially after seeing

>> No.6151924

again what makes you think it is twitter? genuinely curious

>> No.6151925

99% of /lsg/ disagrees with you, schizo

>> No.6151926

This is also a good point i forgot to mention >>6151910
Stop namedropping and treating this board as your discord chats trying to recognize Anons.
It only fuels drama.
This only fuels drama.

Also no, i'm Anon.

>> No.6151927

So? You said /lsg/ was SFW, it's not

>> No.6151929

It was founded as a SFW general by its forefathers.

>> No.6151932

probably because they weren't lolis but just generic anime girls

>> No.6151933


>> No.6151934

Apologies then. Was only wondering because I didn't know if he still goes on here or not and the wording style was just curiosity.

>> No.6151935

I didn't say that, different anon.
I was just saying you're dumb for browsing /ic/ at work if you're worried about getting fired for nsfw content on 4chan.
I posted

>> No.6151936

All you have to do is go a thread or two back to see people complaining about shota and if it should be included. You have already checked past threads to get the ops and bitch about /cbsg/ so why not actually read the posts

>> No.6151937
File: 228 KB, 1463x196, 8EF6FC3D-5A62-4271-9A01-C98408743D09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these new ads with the anime tiddies. They are super hot. I like how they are lightly animated

>> No.6151938

That's not what you said before, and that is not what /lsg/ is today nor on day 1 of that thread being open

>> No.6151939

there's one ad where a girl is getting face fucked, I screencapped for inspiration later. 10/10 face fucking desu.

>> No.6151940

If you didn't say that don't bother coming in hot without the context retard

>> No.6151941


Why not actually read the OP of /lsg/? It says no loli pornography whatsoever an to use catbox. What other general has this guideline? /fag/ and I don't see you going down their neck because it's clear you have a motive.

>> No.6151943

you're still retarded for browsing /ic/ at work.

>> No.6151944

/fag/ actually draw and aren't constantly on the very borders of law

>> No.6151945

I don't, that's why you shouldn't respond to a post without reading the chain

>> No.6151946


>> No.6151948

nta i always brows chans at work nothing ever happened
i keep screen dimmed

>> No.6151950

ikamusume isn't a loli

>> No.6151952

1. /cbsg/ states the same about shota despite anons being on the fence on whether it should be allowed at all
2. i have zero interest in /fag/ and never brought it up

>> No.6151954

try that argument on some european court fag

>> No.6151955
File: 120 KB, 400x663, 400[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By what sense of the word?
she's like 12

>> No.6151956

You should also have zero interest in /lsg/ and hide it and yet here we are.

>> No.6151957

Anime or live action? Share the screen cap. I need it for research purposes

>> No.6151959

lsg culture is posting sexulaized loli and catbox porn and occasional shotacon art.
cbsg has shota posters that double dip in both lsg and cbsg but its culture is mostly sfw adult male characters with sprinkles of shotacon (all sfw so far) in between.

>> No.6151960


>> No.6151965

According to squidgirl fandom
>Her real age is unknown but her appearance matches that of a 12 to 16 year old.
She's therefore not a loli. Mikufag is a pussy bitch who doesn't really draw authentic loli. Always has and always will be a pussy.

>> No.6151966
File: 534 KB, 1154x889, Screenshot_20220703-213148_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6151967

> S-sir she is just a 100000yo vvampire

>> No.6151968

I do have zero interest in /lsg/. If you can stop assuming for a millisecond that you are talking to a single anon you will realize I am only posting about /cbsg/ and how it compares to the other generals

>> No.6151971
File: 247 KB, 600x350, 51TRQdZuI2L._SR600,315_PIWhiteStrip,BottomLeft,0,35_SCLZZZZZZZ_FMpng_BG255,255,255[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's therefore not a loli.
you're so fucking retarded holy shit lmao

>> No.6151973


>> No.6151977

/lsg/ should be gone imo, don't bother responding to me, I won't respond back

>> No.6151980

if you ever find the sauce let me know. I like her hair cut. It’s very cute

>> No.6151982


>> No.6151985
File: 457 KB, 1536x1536, 1649330883789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the first one is NSFW, the definition is whether or not nipples, cum or genitalia show, not how much you can show something to your boss.

Just go to /jp/, a blue board, and you'll see equally risky pictures being posted all the time.

>> No.6151988

I also vote to move /lsg/ to /jp/.

>> No.6151990

>the definition is whether or not nipples, cum or genitalia show
the definition according to who? You?

>> No.6151991
File: 173 KB, 1106x720, 1622564581415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one welcome the Futanari Generals. Make it happen right fucking now.

>> No.6151993

We are not in Japan, they use NSFW's meaning the same way we use Anime's meaning

>> No.6151996

twitter tumblr plebbit.. it doesn’t matter which one I mention. it doesn’t even matter if you don’t go there at all
all keyboard warriors are the same annoying cancer

>> No.6152001


>> No.6152005

make it femboy and futa and you now have a thread that draws

>> No.6152006

you're the one fighting for loli shit against the world

>> No.6152012

femboys are fucking disgusting. no thank you.
chicks with dicks only

>> No.6152013

both is tranny shit who cares lmao

>> No.6152016
File: 258 KB, 955x1400, 1636564506194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm telling you how it is, based on what's banned or not even on blue boards.
Your definition of NSFW, whether or not more correct than the jannies', is irrelevant, stop barking at nothing and go lurk, fucking redditniggers.

>> No.6152018

post any of those images on any blue board and share the post here.
I'd be curious to see how long it stays up.

>> No.6152021

If it falls under the questionable category it is nsfw

>> No.6152020

and there you have it, so what exactly is the point of the /lsg/ thread again?

>> No.6152023

It should be added even nipples are permissible on /a/, just not that of pre-pubescent girls.

>> No.6152024

It wasn't loli, just a generic anime girl

>> No.6152031

but I don’t care what some twitter roasties think
I will keep drawing what I want

>> No.6152034
File: 48 KB, 420x491, 1636918981347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done, your /lsg/ general's days are numbered anyway.

>> No.6152039

No one cares about what you draw anon

>> No.6152040

>one single picture deleted because the girl didn't look enough like a child
>the other 5 or 6 naked children are still there
this is supposed to be an argument for /lsg/?

>> No.6152043
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 1652872644176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend 2 minutes looking at /jp/ since you dishonest trannies live in your own reality, here, just a normal day on a BLUE BOARD:


Now go back to your Discord server of choice and leave 4chan be.

>> No.6152046

when did I ever mention about people caring or not caring about my work? I draw for myself

>> No.6152048

not a single one of those are a loli

>> No.6152049

Yeah, just don't post your pedoshit here brainrot

>> No.6152050

and that's on a blue board, it pains me to see the retardation we have to put up with on /ic/ where anime tits are deleted on a red board.

>> No.6152052

so are you advocating /jp/ become a red board?

>> No.6152053

It was offtopic brainlet

>> No.6152055

the board has spoken and noone wants lsg but vocal pedos. time to pull the plug jannies

>> No.6152056

file was deleted and yet i bet the poster wasn’t banned and yet the anon will still soil her panties no matter what outcome came of it

>> No.6152057

It doesn't matter because they are all considered SFW, you brainless nigger retard.
It's the same reason why furries are allowed: not porn.

I'm advocating you learn how a place works before demanding it caters to your needs. And that you stop being brown.

>> No.6152058

I'm not arguing with you, please at least understand this is a red board.

>> No.6152059

why would I listen to some anonymous roastie

>> No.6152060

It was offtopic, it will get deleted if people report it brainlet

>> No.6152063

>It doesn't matter because they are all considered SFW, you brainless nigger retard.
Explain why those images allowed but not loli ones of a similar nature then, you disingenuous retarded faggot

>> No.6152066

>/asg/ has loliposting >>6151920
why does lsg need its own general again?

>> No.6152067

shit wished we had moderation like that across this entire board and not fucking specific threads, worthless jannies.

>> No.6152075

We all agreed to have /lsg/ banned, jannies. Good thread

>> No.6152078

Because /asg/ is for anime study, sperate from /Alt/ which is for finished work and not studies. /lsg/ is the sole home for loli and shota works while /cbsg/ also includes shota works.

If you were to post loli in /beg/ you'd get shouted at to go to /lsg/. You may also get the same treatment in /asg/. Likewise if you were to post furry in /lsg/ you'd get told to go to /fag/. If a fag posts a gayboy in /fag/ they'd get told to go to the gayboy thread. Etc, etc. See how this works?

>> No.6152079

Yes please, ban the /lsg/ threads they serve zero purpose other than being a dog whistle for the unironics.

>> No.6152080

453 posts later, we have agreed that /lsg/ and ai posting should be deleted.

>> No.6152082
File: 103 KB, 500x300, 1650086080670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you mean.
I see Flandre or Suika or Anzu risqué images all the time on /jp/.

Maybe some mods are a bit more heavy-handed with it because they fear sponsors pulling out, but theoretically and through the rules it's treated the same.

The real kicker is REAL underaged girls: sometimes, even completely innocent pics of kids get deleted - even from red boards - if a trannyjanny is scared enough.
Can you explain that one? I can't, I'm just telling you how 4chan works, since you refuse to learn by yourself.

>> No.6152086

>I see Flandre or Suika or Anzu risqué images all the time on /jp/.
where is your evidence like with the other images.

>> No.6152091
File: 100 KB, 257x258, 1458944836905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we good for the Futanari Generals?

>> No.6152092

futanari general is a go
/lsg/ is gone
ai is dead

>> No.6152093

Who died and made you authority.

>> No.6152094

>hates trannies
>draws trannies

what is this mental illness

>> No.6152095
File: 133 KB, 938x857, 1648021979546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you busybodies get training on how to be obnoxious and shit up a discussion place or is it that the nature of entitled people?

At any rate, I've done more than enough to show you your affirmations were wrong and I do not feel anything I provided would be enough for you to stop pilpulling, so kindly do the homework for yourself.

>> No.6152097

trannies are men that think they're women or women that think they're men
futas are just chicks that have pussies and cocks. balls optional, but rare.

>> No.6152098

forgot all tripfags should also be banned.

>> No.6152099

sounds like a tranny to me

>> No.6152104
File: 1.74 MB, 270x480, High T Clitty.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A troon is someone who mutilates their bodies and pretend to be someone else. A Futa is someone with the best of both worlds. You can think of a Futa as a girl with an enlarged clitoris if you're going to be a complete bitch about it.

>> No.6152107

ah, so no evidence after you furiously searched the board for a single instance? nice to know you lolifags argue disingenuously and are constantly full of it.

>> No.6152110

>A Futa is someone with the best of both worlds.
So is a trans person. I'm just calling it like it is. You're exactly like the lolicons who refuse to call themselves pedos; you're into trans people. Point blank period.

>> No.6152111

Pretty sure that feature outdates you. But go on.

>> No.6152113

What part did you miss about a tranny mutilating their own bodies to pretend to be somebody else?

>> No.6152115

Not every trans goes through genital operation. That's an internet meme. Anyway this is getting off topic, mikufag.

>> No.6152116

Yes, I refused to provide evidence to your 4th claim after 3 previous ones were proved wrong.
Congratulations, you win.

Futas are gayer than trannies because at least trannylovers are not in denial (well... some are).

>> No.6152121

futas and femboys when

>> No.6152123

>Yes, I refused to provide evidence to your 4th claim after 3 previous ones were proved wrong.
>4th claim
It was the initial claim which you made that /lsg/ is SFW and that those images would fly on a blue board.
You have now demonstrated that is in fact false.
stupid fucking pedomonkey doesn't even have the working memory to keep up with the discussion

>> No.6152139

that's fucking horrifying.