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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.90 MB, 2474x1712, alkemanubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6150271 No.6150271 [Reply] [Original]

or just inspiration, i need some inspiration

>> No.6150278

how many years between the 2 pics?

>> No.6150279

two years apart btw

>> No.6150286

loli is the greatest catalyst for motivating your improvement. you would be wise to do the same

>> No.6150288


>> No.6150290

9 or 10 years, something like that if I remember correctly. Cool thing is that I think he started in his early 20's, so is a good example anyone can make at any age.

>> No.6150302
File: 263 KB, 1242x569, EAB3029B-F9A4-42EC-B055-F519B0FC9299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6150305

Yes, age doesn't matter, but talent does.

>> No.6150316


>> No.6150323


>> No.6150325

>mah talent
Don't wanna hear about that unless y r drawing for ten years five hours a day and made no progress at all

>> No.6150329

I really gotta start drawing characters with armor and weapons. Should probably focus on drapery first though...

>> No.6150330

There are people like that, even on this very board.

>> No.6150337

Post them then
Haven't seen a single one
Just some troll posts with that sonic drawings and thats it
Most complaints are coming from begs who draw hour a week and expect to vet good in month

>> No.6150370

It's a shame he wastes his talent with that blatant pshit.

>> No.6150376

hey pedos, how many children did you molest this afternoon?

>> No.6150377

Your mom dead fetus

>> No.6150388

So you do admit you are a pedo. I always knew it, weirdos like you care too much about drawing are always trying to make up for something.

>> No.6150394

They were never considered a human where I live

>> No.6150397

Backpedaling I see.

>> No.6150400

Not backpedaling, a fetus isn't considered human here and a pedophile is someone who has sexual desires for human child

>> No.6150403

So why are you calling someone who is attracted to a drawing a pedo? Are you really that stupid you didn't realized what you just did?

>> No.6150404

Stop embarrassing yourself and accept you're a pedo

>> No.6150407

Kys you disgusting shit
Are you seriously denying that there are people who are naturally better at something?

>> No.6150411

No, he asking for you to prove what you just said. Post the drawing, anon.

>> No.6150415

Because they are and they would be put in jail for having the pornographic art of child on their computer

>> No.6150417

Of a drawing, anon, is not a person. If you the line you drew for yourself is if is not a person you are not a pedo then they are not pedos because I don't know if you know that; drawings are not real people.

>> No.6150420

They are drawings representing people and you're a pedo for being sexually aroused by it

>> No.6150421

That's ok since it's not a crime.

>> No.6150422
File: 211 KB, 734x1029, 1403177986128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all these years I still can't produce anything close to his likeness. I miss him so much bros.

>> No.6150424

It is

>> No.6150425

Yes, they are drawings of people but they are still drawings. You really are trying to defend this insane point you can rape a dead fetus and not be a pedo because in your own country they have someone saying is not a person but someone who is attracted to a drawing of something that resembles a human is a pedo just because you say it is?

You must be a lot of fun to be around, lots of friends that must really like you if that's how you deal with being wrong.

I'm ending this here, no point in talking with someone with a circular logic like this, die knowing you are just a closeted pedo.

>> No.6150426

>random DA tier /beg/ artist
uhmm, wrong picture?

>> No.6150427

A fetus before something like 2-5 weeks aren't humans nor have age

>> No.6150428

Maybe in a shithole like canada, but not in most of the world.

>> No.6150430
File: 1.03 MB, 2026x2865, 1440954811636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not random you filthy newfag.

>> No.6150449
File: 133 KB, 635x1101, 1511167306946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there's also this guy

>> No.6150456
File: 1.24 MB, 1919x1244, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

progress thread?
oldest drawing I could find vs most recent thing I finished

>> No.6150461

This isn't "your" progress thread it's progress from others or content which inspires you, go be an attention whore somewhere else.

>> No.6150462

Me, all my current art is under NDA. Find a good art school, ask questions and grind

>> No.6150466

This is not a progress thread, but even if it was, your "progress" is nothing to be proud of

>> No.6150472
File: 325 KB, 750x1050, 1543685938902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what happened to this one, if he found greener pastures good on him.

>> No.6150481

Working for LoL

>> No.6150484
File: 44 KB, 486x680, FXBpgCtVQAECiJS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6150487
File: 322 KB, 640x400, 1646945105431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger finally made it I'm so happy

>> No.6150491
File: 127 KB, 750x838, FXG7EW_UEAA2mNq[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they posted this 23 minutes ago. don't think he's working for LoL any time soon.

>> No.6150495

Thought it was that one schizo who worked for LoL and did influencer shit on yt

>> No.6150497

I guess he lurks on one of the hidden threads no wonder I never see him.

>> No.6150505
File: 1.14 MB, 1685x661, 17years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6150506

Should've gone to school

>> No.6150510


>> No.6150512

it shows

>> No.6150515
File: 334 KB, 2480x1754, Charging Wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>January, 1st

>> No.6150517
File: 1.79 MB, 4961x7016, Glaive Brandon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May 26th

>> No.6150519
File: 174 KB, 1754x2480, Rat in Dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6151039

Being an /ic/ oldfag is a fate i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

>> No.6151049


>> No.6151060

Loving the silhouette, furnigger bro.
Anything you studied specifically about it?

>> No.6151084

obvios 3d man

>> No.6151146

Talent doesn't but IQ does.

>> No.6151172

>talent is just IQ
>IQ is genetic
So talent really is genetic huh

>> No.6151242

> talent
> iq
So many excuses. Actually, it's probably for the best that you believe yourself never able to hit the same heights as others. You are just a loser.

>> No.6151245

you can train your iq, iq tests are worthless

>> No.6151261
File: 3.46 MB, 581x4500, 1613172128369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6151300

All these fantasy/scifi digital paintings always feel so cluttered with detail and unappealing, like there was all this effort and it only catches my attention for a millisecond before I move on. They also all look like they were drawn by the same person who's work I've been seeing for years and years. Why aren't they trying to do something new?

>> No.6151317

Because the reason they were painting was to reach a point where they can be hired by studios or do big commission industry jobs. That requires a certain degree of genericness unless you're a big name already.
Anyway you could make this complaint about anything.

>> No.6151356

>They're generic
>You can make this complaint about anything

I don't think so, pal.

>> No.6151367

I meant that you can say "it only catches my attention for a millisecond before I move on" about anything. It's not really a critique, it's just a statement that you personally do not find it interesting. That might not be true for others, and it's not really a judgement of skill or creativity.
Again, all those artists were grinding with the explicit goal of doing big freelance/studio work. ie TCGs and concept art. A strong personal style isn't a huge draw for their intended clients, and neither is creative subject matter.

>> No.6151378


>> No.6151384

he should get 25 to life for the one on the right

>> No.6151386

find iq tests, study them

>> No.6151394

Ok I see what you mean. I guess I was just expressing my personal opinion. It's just weird that their intended audiences, (the paying ones) want things that all look the same. I don't own a business that makes its money from creative work so it probably just comes down to their understanding of what sells and not anyone's personal taste.

>> No.6151397


>> No.6151400

He obtained technical profficency in exchange for his soul

>> No.6151403

For what it's worth I don't really get why they mostly go for fairly generic stuff either, but I guess generic is pretty popular. Plus not everybody can be the superstar artist but you need more artists than just the superstar on your art team.

>> No.6151431

studying questions on an IQ test isn't the same thing as training your IQ, dumb motherfucker.

>> No.6151436

a nomadic cavemen group from thousands of years ago would have a near 0 iq while only getting answers right from sheer luck even though some of them knew how to navigate using stars, utilize hunting strategies, paint, make tools, etc. iq tests are useless and you can train your iq

>> No.6151459

you think you're saying something intelligent, but you're really not.

>> No.6151462

i dont, but thanks for thinking that

>> No.6151468
File: 3.59 MB, 498x498, skype-emoji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic on right

>> No.6151472

Go back to /fag/

>> No.6151473

>doesnt want loli general banned
>posts loli shit in new threads
Use the lsg thread fucking pedo

>> No.6151519

so you know you're posting retarded drivel?

>> No.6151559

Left: SVOL
Right: convicted criminal's drawings