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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6149256 No.6149256 [Reply] [Original]

>Not smart enough to do two things at once
Was he admitting to being retarded, or did he have a point?

Also video essay recommendations.

>> No.6149258

50/50, depends on a person.

>> No.6149266

Watch Pete Beard

>> No.6149268


>> No.6149270

Animator's Survival Guide by Richard Williams

>> No.6149272

who thinks of music when listening to it?
its literally just background noise, same as dogs barking or your neighbours fucking.

>> No.6149299

/ic/ is retarded, the point is if you're listening to music you're not 100% focused on your art, you're not giving your art the maximum attention it deserves.

>> No.6149301

Yes /ic is retarded and you confirm it.

>> No.6149321

Tbf he was animating and not just drawing.

>> No.6149376

Even surgeons sometimes listen while working if you cant that means you are autistic and cant take too much noise

>> No.6149381

Why does /ic/ always have these retards with super hot takes that never related to art itself in the first place? I'd like to see someone being autistic about something relevant instead of how one should draw, which tablet to use, which genes to be born with

>> No.6149898

I closed the Animator's survival kit after that page and never opened it again, what a pretentious retard

>> No.6149900

Book is actually good and even advanced.
But ok, whatever.

>> No.6149911

Pure comfiness this guy, and he's also qualified to talk about the stuff since he's a famous illustrator himself

>> No.6149913

Me when I'm trying to finish something and the deadline is tomorrow, it gets on my nerves so I shut it off

>> No.6149919

But he's right. Working with music feels better but generally worsens performance since it takes up cognitive bandwidth. I do way better listening to white noise on loop than listening to a song I like

>> No.6149921

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>> No.6149961

>listening to music
i can only listen to white noise, true crime documentaries mostly

>> No.6149981

i don't want those surgeons working on me

>> No.6150176

Not like you can choose

>> No.6153414

I do, because I have a hard time thinking for long periods of time, and I sometimes need some kind of attention anchor to keep my thoughts from wandering.

In my case, gentle non-vocal music helps, though stuff like lo-fi is too repetitive for me. Piano, Trance, Trip Hop and Ambient are my favs.

>> No.6153532

Then you probably don't need it on, no?

>> No.6153536

He had a point, but his was a quieter world in general. No cheap mass market headphones or stereos or ready music for that matter.

Less people in the world (la was a lot quieter his dayl, and they were generally more struct about behaviour, so only raving in the street would be met with a billy club.

His world was quiet, and any noise woulf ve a distraction.

You live in a town, grow up with all sorts of music and entertainment, silence is going to kill you.

>> No.6153542

I have to be listening to something (ambience, music, white noise) while drawing or else my pulsatile tinnitus drives me absolutely insane

>> No.6153559


>> No.6153606

i prefer music over dog barks and passing cars.

>> No.6153621

I sing the songs I am listening to while drawing
I go much more in depth with my art while I am singing the songs I am listening to
>cognitive bandwith
we are humans, not pieces of technology communicating with a router
same except hallucinatory whispers due to acid abuse in teenage years

>> No.6153622


Someone animated this scene and did it pretty well.

>> No.6153654

for me, it's 8 hour rain and thunder ambience

>> No.6153658

surgeons have a series of steps to follow that they have already prepared for before the surgery. it's much more complicated and things may go wrong which will have to make a surgeon have to improvise but it's mostly stuff that's planned out beforehand via imaging.

animators have to be figuring stuff out constantly as they work

it's two completely different headspaces here

>> No.6154136

He does actually have a point.
Vibing out to music while mindlessly doodling or doing something that you don't need to think about is great. It can also serve as a great source of inspiration and emotional fuel.

On the other hand, though, it can actually be distracting if you're doing something that you really need to concentrate on. Sometimes silence (or white noise that blocks out other distracting sounds in the environment) is best. If you're really deeply focused on what you're doing you won't notice the silence at all.

As for lectures, I started listening to Steven Zapata recently. https://youtu.be/b11vl5z7shY

>> No.6154187

i literally draw better when im listening to podcasts or audiobooks

>> No.6154190

Same. The noise occupies a part of my brain so I can get into a flow. I’ll unconsciously think about countless things at the same time as well. Sometimes it’s the same song on repeat for an hour, personally.

>> No.6154191

>Was he admitting to being retarded, or did he have a point?
The person yelling wasn't the author.
He was completely right. If you're distracted, your work suffers. You know when your level of functional distraction is, just don't delude yourself.
And animation isn't illustration, the level of distraction you can operate well at is much lower. Not programming/writing low, but you can listen to fucking anything when you're rendering. You could be watching stand-up specials on another screen and it wouldn't be that big a deal.

>> No.6154278
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>/ic/ gets butthurt because anon says they're not 100% focused on something at all times
The fact you niggers get so defensive about it make me believe you're just coping and music is actually detrimental to you.

>> No.6154479

So you do notice it...

>> No.6154542

Beksinski listened to music and was more skilled than this dude. But anyway listening to Google opinions for shit like this is completely braindead, you should be able to figure it out on your own by actually paying attention to your own behavior

>> No.6156677

No one can think of more than one thing at a time the idea of "multitasking" is the illusion that you can, youre actually constantly bouncing back and forth between things and losing somthing all the time.

Turn on 2 different podcasts at the same time and try to follow each of them and watch what happens.

So therefore, if you have music on while working and youre paying attention to the drawing then youre missing something in the audio youre hearing, and if youre following the audio you arent conciously aware of what youre doing in the drawing.

>> No.6158505

I can follow a podcast, while thinking my own thoughts, while listening to music, while drawing.
>the brain can’t do more than one thing at once!

>> No.6158516

milt kahl interview where he mentions voicing a young Ferdinand the Bull
And here he is

>> No.6158616


>> No.6158643

Why do I come here anymore. The book where that page is from is all about animation. How the hell do you expect somebody to listen to music at one tempo & do the correct timing for a cartoon that's set to music at a different tempo?

If you're just doing some sketching or layouts then yeah I reckon you could have some background music playing but when animating you don't because it'll confuse you when you're timing & counting in your head.

>> No.6158645

Beksinki wasn't an animator.

>> No.6158646
File: 1005 KB, 498x373, bye-bye-mr-hankey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the point of this thread retard.

>> No.6158648

Stop shitting up threads South Park nigger

>> No.6158673
