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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 80 KB, 680x605, FQFAB_KX0AUawh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6146103 No.6146103 [Reply] [Original]

No matter what it is just SAY IT

>> No.6146104

Talent and asians genes help you improve faster

>> No.6146108

Ugly loser take.

>> No.6146110
File: 204 KB, 1024x1325, 1657031539405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot draw cute lolis unless you're oriental
You cannot draw accurate precise mechs unless you're autistic
You cannot draw god tier landscapes unless you're talented

>> No.6146117

human rights cannot be distinguished from trans rights

>> No.6146129

"ABOUT ART" you transformer

>> No.6146130

Being artist isnt fun
Drawing isnt fun

>> No.6146136
File: 61 KB, 624x799, 1657032619626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your art because people may really resonate with it even if you don't. Nobody cares if your perspective, anatomy, or composition is perfect if it's cool and appealing. Bad art is better than boring art. Try to make your art interesting more than anything else.

>> No.6146143

Finishing is the most important fundie.

>> No.6146155

Good artistic sensibilities are innate. They can be cultivated, but one cannot learn them.

>> No.6146158

You have to draw if you wanna get better

>> No.6146192

Drawing is looked down upon

>> No.6146193
File: 116 KB, 497x640, 1657035521949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having fun is the most important thing. If you find yourself not having fun you need to try to find the fun and joy in whatever you're doing. This applies to more things than art too.

>> No.6146204

Even if you're a skilled artist who has mastered the fundamentals, you'll still make shit art if you don't know how to make it appealing. /beg/s who have mastered appeal and nothing else are worth more than ugly art of any skill level (unless that's what you're going for)

>> No.6146210

>You cannot draw god tier landscapes unless you're talented
Then how does Noah Bradley do it?

>> No.6146211

accept the truth talentless westoid

>> No.6146212
File: 1.15 MB, 787x1220, _5668302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make good art, it takes time and reflection (thinking, pausing, doing, evaluating) but everyone is used to fast food art being cranked out due to [scrolling social media website].

>> No.6146214

exactly, what he said

>> No.6146225

by touching drunk girls?

>> No.6146227

lol fuck off noah

>> No.6146239

The value of art isn't purely by if its beauty. Beauty is also subjective and a lot of the times, art isn't about beauty and the sublime. How would you define appeal anyway?

It's not shit art if it's not appealing to you. What you believe is purely a one-dimensional take and an anti-thesis to what is art from the development of art and modern aesthetics philosophy.

>> No.6146242

western modern art sucks, they are sunk in mediocrity with people who spit paint out of their asses and vaginas, or people who go out naked without any artistic meaning, they have no art.

>> No.6146265

this is also why copying art you like is so beneficial

>> No.6146284

Getting a gf is detrimental to artistic gains

>> No.6146307

Being self-taught is a meme, if you can afford a teacher then get one

>> No.6146318

>Parrots the same things that have been posted over 9000 times on this board.

Here's my take, you fags are straight up too lazy and weak minded to learn anything to the point of competency, including art. So many of you losers want to "get rich by drawing porn". Fucking laughable, you think you have the skillet and talent to run a business? You think you just post and people throw money at you? Naive and borderline autistic. I bet you don't have a single other skill that you could say is at a professional level.

>> No.6146321

Half of the artists you people think have "made it" are living in poverty wages.

>> No.6146322

I wish I were as disciplined as an asian.

>> No.6146323

This is the funniest shit I agree. These people think that drawing coomer shit on twatter is a livable career and not just a stepping stone to an actual career.

>> No.6146326

That genetics plays a part in aptitude for art but not all of it. Environment and culture foster the work ethic that the lazy betas attribute to an element out of their control so that they can continue on through life without having to hold themselves accountable for their tepid attempts at placing a nib to paper. The greatest fear for some fuckers is realizing their potential so they don't even allow themselves the option because with that potential comes the chance hard work and failure.

>> No.6146331

You could be but you choose not to.

>> No.6146415

No matter how many books you read, no matter how many tutorials you download, no matter how many courses you buy, if you don't proactively seek to eliminate your deficiencies, you'll never grow as an artist.

>> No.6146455

There is no god and your life has no greater meaning beyond what you make of it

>> No.6146632

Art is pretty fun, probably the most fun experience out there, but you need to know how to have fun with it and is not easy.

Making it a job will ruin the experience for you in a way and there is no way of preventing that, but if you are a true artist a normal job is probably 10 times worse, so you have no choice but to be miserable in a way, but you are still probably happier than most wages or normalfags will ever be.

Few people get art, and when I mean few people I think probably 5% to 15% of the world population, depending in what country. If picked a room with 100 people I don't think 5 would be even able to give a proper explanation of what art is, you imagine truly "getting it", artists in general included. Artist can act arrogant about their work because of that, is really hard to deal with someone who doesn't even know the dictionary definition of the thing they are talking about but still insist in having the most extreme black and white opinions. So you just backpedal in dealing with normal people dealing only with artists that are natural weirdos because dealing with normies is just too stressful as you slowly become a weirdo yourself or you waste countless hours interacting with the sort of nigger that can't separate real from imaginary or thinks that knows what modern art is but never read a paragraph about the topic in their entire fucking life, that is also a waste of time.

Politics and art don't mix, no matter what ideology, most political art is self affirmation from people who can't deal being wrong and most political people also are the sort of stupid nigger that thinks he is right about everything all the time, when you combine self expression with people who can't deal with different point of views you have what the internet become post 2010. Buzzfeed tier articles about stupid drama that nobody really cares about everything under the sun. If you see a overpolitized artists you are better ignoring him if you don't get dragged.

>> No.6146708

Art is significantly more enjoyable if you don't browse this board.

>> No.6146818

anyone who argues with 1 hour a day is all you need to improve shows how they are either too stupid to properly study, are adhd riddled children, or are generally completely unmotivated to actually draw/improve.

any other interest/skill can be taught/learned that way, why is art any different?

>> No.6146828
File: 31 KB, 313x291, 1603993904407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All renaissance art was just vintage porn

>> No.6146835

dumb boomer.
enjoy being beg for years.

>> No.6146837
File: 181 KB, 603x616, Screenshot_20220626-171300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High IQ take, anon.

>> No.6146842

This man gets it.
Making art is a thinking exercise, just as much as a physical one. If you're not willing to reflect on what you're doing, no amount of LOOMIS will help you.

>> No.6146853

enjoy being retarded and not being able to study/analize so you spend 8+ hours a day for a placebo.

>> No.6146860

the teacher doesn't matter, what truly matters is that you stick to a book/course from start to end

>> No.6146872

You don't really need perspective unless you want to draw above or below the normal human FOV which is 40~45 degrees.

>> No.6146888

if you don't like art enough to draw for more than an hour a day the problem is with you

>> No.6146901

why put more effort in when learning then you are going to get out of it?

I mean if you have maybe 1 hour where you fully retain everything you are doing then it takes till tomorrow for you to gain more, why grind for 7 and hate you are making 0 progress? you are literally grinding for no pay off at that point, it took till I learned guitar and piano for this to really sink in that this is how learning works and retention only lasts for so long.

>> No.6146904

?? since when did drawing for 8 hours equal making no progress? patently untrue

>> No.6146929

can you pyw? i would like to what an hour-a-day studying works out to skilllevel wise.

>> No.6146935

no one has enough understanding of the aesthetics of the human figure, most especially the face.

>> No.6146937

/ic/ is a fuckin horrible board and you're honestly better off using the /dig/ thread on /trash/ if you want actual critique.

>> No.6146952


Nepotism exists in all fields, including art. Many of the "wunderkinds" that people are so envious of on social media had an early head start in art with a wealthy family, and were trained by professionals early on when they were 8-10 years old (just like most "Talented" musicians).
This is not an accident.
You need money and connections to achieve a lot when you are young. There are who work hard and get skilled without these factors, but they are rare. If you want to catch up to these people you need a pro teacher to fast track you. It's non-negotiable. Pros can guide you past mistakes and recommend you to their field of contacts.
The myth of lone wolf artist is a fantasy. All your heroes know people who gave them a leg up in the industry and had money and time to draw a fuckload before they hit the big leagues.

>> No.6146955


*There are people who work hard

>> No.6146983

h-how do i get to trash?

>> No.6146991

I just checked it out
this is worse than beg

>> No.6147003

Unlike /ic/, they actually draw.

>> No.6147043

Maybe try going to a general and not clamoring to every single shitpost thread

>> No.6147279

what asian genes, does being sand aryan counts?

>> No.6147280

Italians, Fenech, and to a lesser extent, Mexicans also count.

>> No.6147294

its not Asian genes, its Asian parenting.

>> No.6147312
File: 141 KB, 1878x1313, tough week huh bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bug men are ruthless about discipline its a cultural thing
whether we like it or not tiger moms really make or break the artist the ones that have talent are polished and those without a crushed under the pressure and quit early
either way asian culture is geared toward excelling at super specific niche talents

>> No.6147333
File: 233 KB, 256x336, IShouldBeDoingHomework.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning to deeply love and feel for your creations is by far the most important thing you can achieve in art. If you dont love what you do, dont expect others to do so.

>> No.6147370

Nothing said on /ic/ will make you a better artist, just practicing and actually drawing will

>> No.6147714
File: 24 KB, 250x207, 1656161693954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cannot draw cute lolis unless you're oriental
that's wrong, I'm dissapointed on you for not doing enough research to find great western s0vl

>> No.6147716

Every time I see this character and by extension when you post I die a little inside

I hate that you constantly post and post and post again this shitty character in the oc thread - you get a bunch of redrawn yet never return any drawings yourself

You are insufferable

>> No.6147718

Leonardo da coomer.
Sandro bootycelli.

>> No.6149158
File: 25 KB, 300x400, swastika-buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good insights

>> No.6149193

The moment everything clicks will be almost instantaneous.
You will be happy you got good, but at the same time you will hate yourself for not figuring out everything sooner because it was easy.

>> No.6149295

First, art is fun. Saying there's no reason to draw for more than one hour a day is like telling an addict gamer not to play vidya for more than an hour because he won't improve his gaming skill anymore than the first hour.
Second, you're making it out like people can only seriously do something for an hour a day and anything more is useless. Where did you even get this retarded idea from? Some random "study" on the net or what? Do you think people who study for school, researchers doing research and such can't gain anything meaningful after the first hour of the day or what? My fucking god you are so fucking stupid I don't even know where to begin with. Of fucking course you can learn that way and probably be able to get to /int/ level someday, but it takes a fucking long time to do that in comparison to just learning properly. And more do you seriously fucking believe that successful musicians, athletes, writers and all that only engage with their passion an hour a day? You're so fucking retarded it's unreal

>> No.6149317

this nigga be writing paragraphs and shit who gonna be readin all that sheeeesh

>> No.6149541

when you create art you SHOULDNT think about the technical stuff, they either have to be second nature or be ignored.
Separate "Creating" and "Improving" will make your life easier.

>> No.6149589

no matter how good u are , therell be a fat fuck using bases who will be more succesfull then u

>> No.6149595

Reading is a cope to give hope to people without talent

>> No.6149631

thats pretty subjective imo

>> No.6150725

Ok, let me word it another way.

Yes art is fun, once you reach a certain level of skill and you are able to make what you want a reality. Before that point, art is frustrating because your retarded hands won't make what you want them to make, and what people tell you is you need to be making art for 8+ hours a day, no life it, if you are awake you are drawing, and this is the only way possible to even be half way competent.

What i'm saying, backed up by me being old enough to remember with the tools to show it, that with motor skills, you only get better for a certain amount of time, and once you get passed that time, you are worse than when you started, so coming back a day later when you are fresh, you suddenly are far better than the day before. With art, we can't divorce motor skills from studying other things, so largely you have 1-2 good hours in you of practice a day.

People burn out on endlessly drawing and every drawing being shit. its already bad enough that people will need 3-6 months to hit a point where they start making drawings they can be proud of, that don't look like something a kid would scribble out, and depending on style, possibly longer, but I would rather these people go 1 to 2 hours a day than try to no life it when there is a cap on progress.

Once you hit a point you like what you make, fucking go for it, why not draw that 8-16 hour day, but till then, you are telling people to look at their shit skill for endless extra hours that they largely wasted for what they want to get out of it, which is skill.

>> No.6151586

Lots people have fun drawing even if they are shit at it. I know my crappy roleplay in paintchat was dogshit quality but I had a great time and would spend my whole weekend doing it. It's a lot easier to continue at art too if you are having fun instead of obsessing over your quality and skills and improving at every chance.

Without fun I don't think I would be drawing this many years later desu.

>> No.6151614
File: 98 KB, 904x864, flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italians responsible for making some of the best art the world has ever seen
>"AsIaN GeNeS"

>> No.6151622

faggot and tranny

>> No.6151838


>> No.6152033
File: 395 KB, 1200x1440, SPOILER_Yukiko_Kubo (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post nut clarity saps your will to draw whatever it is you are drawing, horny or otherwise.

>> No.6153091

Kill yourself

>> No.6153526

No matter what, there's going to be a furry who is better at art than you. Even better than the asians... and the worst bit?

They don't even care. They're doing it because they enjoy it.

>> No.6154044

for most people, their fun comes after they are good, some of their stuff still may suck but its their choice that that's all the effort they put into it, not this is the pinnacle of what they can create.

I mostly tell people to focus on contour when they start, done even bother shading/value drawing the thing because realistically, rendering once you can draw is a lot easier and you piss less time away polishing turds. possibly map the shadow/treat the moment it goes from light to dark another couture, from there, once you stop seeing flaws in the contour, go on to value shading, and then they will see flaws in the contour again, but don't be discouraged, you just got better at seeing flaws, so fall back to contour, and this is the first skill up plateau, once passed this, they got passed the hardest part of learning.

>> No.6154091
File: 901 KB, 220x371, doggo smirk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>AI has replaced Artists
imagine getting cucked by code

>> No.6154098
File: 2.98 MB, 2400x3371, 1805955_speedo_out-n-about.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just you m8. I draw less coomer shit for sure, but my volume doesn't decrease.

>> No.6154494


the ending of all worlds is Almsivi

>> No.6154504

Money laundering is real

>> No.6154505

is the pic you posted good art? because that's not how bundlings works.
t. 9/11 schizo

>> No.6154507

No one is ever going to give a shit about your art. Even if you make it, you'll just be a nameless nobody artist, just like you would be a nameless nobody in any other profession.

>> No.6154517

no need to study perspective if all you're gonna draw anime girls in white void

>> No.6154551

westoids try to emulate anime but mid learning they diverge into some kind of westoid/anime mix style, that's why you can always tell when it's a westoid drawing. Why are westoids so obsessed with excessive volume in female figures? And in order for things to be "right" they also have to have flaws and be "humbled". You might be technically good but there's something missing.
t. Turkmen chad

>> No.6154568
File: 474 KB, 294x166, 1449537409042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just upbringing/culture and the west has fucked up

>> No.6154583
File: 645 KB, 2048x1152, FXLCHtUXkAU5Qm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just outright wrong

>> No.6154585

You have fov of 40?

>> No.6154622

soul and taste > technical ability

just drawing actually works

grinding fundies removes your soul

posting on /ic/ is a complete waste of creative
and mental energy

you only need to draw max of one hour a day, absorbing images from other artists and irl is how you actually get better

there is an unquantifiable, ineffable quality called SOUL that exists in every good artwork

>> No.6154805

creative skills like art are an intellectual pursuit. there's no such thing as art genes but there is such a thing as an IQ. stupid people have a hard time using their imagination being curious and learning which is the key thing holding most people back. that means not only is art technically genetic but if you can't do it it's still because you're retarded.

>> No.6154813

Literally the only things you need are the fundamentals and an interest in the topic, you can break down literally anything into patterns using fundamentals, and then you can arrange those patterns into whatever you like, it's incredibly simple if you're not a brainlet but everyone wants you to believe it's magic

>> No.6154819

You need every single fundamental, literally all of them

There is not a single piece of good art in this world that was made by someone that doesn't have a thorough understanding of all the fundamentals

>> No.6154936

That's because cooming has fried your dopamine receptors. You're not gonna get anything done if your free time is spent spamming the pleasure button.

>> No.6155051

>Asian jeanlets coping really really hard at the prospect of forever being artistically lesser organisms by genetic predisposition to soulless westoid garbage

>> No.6155064

I'm the opposite, hard for me to draw when horny. I have to remember my ideas for later

>> No.6155068
File: 718 KB, 2500x2031, He man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well.... its not like my volume decreases since I am able to sketch out one or two art ideas a day. I am just unable to finish a lot of my drawings because I kept jumping from one drawing to the next, whatever it is I fancy or feel confident on tackling or wanting to draw/color that day.. One moment I am focused sketching one art only for me to end up cleaning the lines of another art which then lead me to sketch out another art idea. Its like a roller coaster of me just wanting to make all the shit my head is thinking that ranges from cute art to coomer then to shitpost art all together.

>> No.6155109

>muh renaissance guy with the 300th copy of madonna and child in front of catholic iconography
Cope. Try French.

>> No.6155267
File: 280 KB, 800x1343, bouguereau gurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post examples then

>> No.6155312
File: 463 KB, 1200x1100, anime vs carton 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of the people that make cartoons can't actually draw.

>> No.6155764

Again it sounds like your dopamine is totally fried. The reason why you keep switching from one thing to the other is a lack of discipline and the need to chase dopamine by jumping to different ideas. If you really have "too many ideas" in your head, get a clock or a stopwatch or something, lock yourself in a room with a sketchbook (no digital) and just throw your ideas out with a pencil. (for me the fastest way to produce ideas is with a pencil).

>> No.6155787

you are a meme, you stupid fucking retard piece of shit.

>> No.6156440
File: 447 KB, 1500x1200, Terry by.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lock yourself in a room with a sketchbook and throw ideas with a pencil
>tfw been there and done for several years back then.
I'll stick to digital for now but I'll take your suggestion to consideration.

>> No.6156468

>types cope says im coping

>> No.6156482

Right has better design

>> No.6156490

both are cute though

>> No.6156559

If ur gay jus say that

>> No.6156564

Pyw youre a beg fucking retard for sure

>> No.6156589
