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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6130465 No.6130465 [Reply] [Original]

Its time to confess /ic/
Let it all out.

>> No.6130477
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 1621486045211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The past couple of days have been one of the most passionate experiences in drawing and it's because it involves spiting someone else.

>> No.6130491

Where in the bible does it say to confess?

>> No.6130496

havent drawn for 2 months

on the flip side ive been making rent paying money with coom writing commissions

>> No.6130501

My conspiracy theory is that the discussion threads are just bots talking to each other. There is no new ideas, just the same topic and replies years after years

>> No.6130526

Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) is able to accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].
James 5:16 AMP

>> No.6131348
File: 96 KB, 850x1202, 2459052a0f762a38a412ebd375f4b443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the DALL-E discussion I've been alone talking with myself for a month or so and I do have things to say:
I hate capitalism.
I hate the idea of CEOs and millionaries making "progress for humanity" when in reality they're just creating new ways to get even more richier while fucking normal people like you and me.
I hate how these faggots brag so much about how good capitalism is but they start supporting commie bullshit like basic universal income in response to their shitty practices like the development of AI to reduce even more costs for themselves.
I just want to fucking draw and live from this man, I want to wake up every day feeling like everything in life is worth doing.
The worse part is not only this affecting us, It's going to fuck programmers, retail workers, chefs, delivery guys, secretarian, photographists , music producers, writers, pilots, taxi drivers, truck drivers and pretty much everyone who's not a politician, a millionarie or a CEO.
I've been supporting right-wing ideals and capitalism for pretty much my entire life, but I'm starting to feel things maybe are not how I always thought they were. I'm not sure if this is commie bullshit or common human sense, but that's how I see everything.
Fuck capitalism and fuck the CONSOOM.

>> No.6131357

I dont even like drawing, im a 3d artist. I only want to start this shit because the character I want to make porn of has no good 3d models and im too retarded to make my own.

>> No.6131375

AI is not capitalist. Hell, the USSR was trying to create AI back in the day, they called in cybernetics.

But anyway, I agree that capitalism is not working for the benefit of the people. My advice would be for artists to unionize and demand protections from DALL-E and the like, but I dunno if that'd just make automation happen faster.

>> No.6131384

I don't draw.

>> No.6131387

AI is great. I don't care if it displaces the plebs. The creation of an AI god is all that matters.

>> No.6131388

You're a closet Marxist. It's time to just come out.

>> No.6131402
File: 33 KB, 650x366, 0FEF926D-BD76-4B36-BEA5-B70A8FB73F5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no good in my heart, and I’m little different from the vile elites that you guys hate here.

I don’t see why someon like me should be poor and forced into a shitty situation with the rest of you fools. I should be rich, with people showing deference to me, and not this crap where I have to treat them like equals.

I’ll make sure I get the capital I need, and I’ll spit on the faces of every cunt I had to look at as an equal. Jesus is a meme, forgiveness is a kike meme, I want nothing but absolute wealth and power, and to use it for the pettiest of reasons, or to cause litigious and economic harm to enemies and inferiors with my financial sway.

>> No.6131411

>but I'm starting to feel things maybe are not how I always thought they were
same desu, fuck techie fags

>> No.6131413

I've been studying Japanese more than Drawing lately.

>> No.6131439
File: 574 KB, 680x922, 94d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism as a part of the right wing is a shitlib talking point since Reagan (another shitlib btw) showed up and raped their brains. Go read Mencius Moldbug's Unqualified Reservations and familiarize yourself with real right wing arguments. Watch a video analysis if you don't wanna read all that shit.

And most importantly ignore dysgenic freaks like this one. >>6131388

>> No.6131451

autism, I have it too

>> No.6131452

I'm starting to realize I don't have the work ethic to be good at anything

>> No.6131476

>After the DALL-E discussion
Can someone explain to me why there's so many dall e shills? Your advertising isn't as subtle as you think

>> No.6131489

To be honest the recent threads have actually started legitimately planning action against ai rather than just the usual meltdowns/shilling. pretty fucked up that /ic/ of all places was forced to do something because every other artist/community refuses to talk about it kek. Hopefully something good can come out of this

>> No.6131506

>/ic/ of all places was forced to do something because every other artist/community refuses to talk about it
Censorship is gay especially when it's for a technology that's so far advanced we'll probably never see it in our lifetimes. If AI truly improves to the point where it can mimic and outperform the best artists I'd love to see it as a consumer

>> No.6131510
File: 55 KB, 547x248, 1639673401620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sign le petition
>doing something

>> No.6131512


>> No.6131520
File: 55 KB, 645x729, 837f8cf1fe7ef5a54a690a1e8c5b797a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started learning to draw almost 2 years ago so I could draw anime girls and still can't draw a full human figure. Art is a lot harder and deeper than I had thought. The only thing keeping me going is sunk cost fallacy and I feel depressed everyday and questioning if I should just give up.

>> No.6131662

6 years in, and I still can't really draw a human figure.

>> No.6131674

I use gesture and wrapping lines as hard cope instead of learning to render
I'm getting used to using values but still need to figure out blending properly

>> No.6132014

>I hate capitalism.
Please, properly define capitalism. "Liberalism", "socialism", "capitalism" etc. are usually poorly defined and understood, leading to a bunch of heavy confusion.

Honestly if I were you, I'd take a solid step back, keep calm, and take a good amount of time to think deeply about all those issues. Learning to draw is hard, but learning politics/economics and social constructs?

In 5000+ of civilisation, we more or less have developed a few working systems for learning how to draw and paint. OTOH, we haven't been able to build a social system that didn't went wrong at some point.

So chill, don't despair, and try to find ways to make something decent for you and the people around you.

Regarding AI or capitalism, a knife is only as bad as the intents or idiocy of its owner.

>> No.6132022

How exactly was your guys "studying program"? What did u do to make so little progress?

>> No.6132070

2 years guy here, when I first started I was drawing stick figure level drawings and didn't know anything. Had to start with drawabox and just casually drew boxes and other shapes in 3d and copied basic pictures like smiley faces on and off. This got boring and I just snuck exercises here and there when I was waiting or doing nothing to pass the time. I possess absolutely no talent for art at all, I had to do this for a year before I could "feel the form" so to speak, I was going full autism, using protractors to measure angles of lines and taking photos of objects at 100 different angles to try and understand form. Had to train observation too, took me a long time to break the habit of symbol drawing. This year I finally started to learn how to render, spent months learning how to use my drawing software along with how to use different brushes for different effects and I feel like it is going to take ages as well. So after 2 years I feel like I'm finally at the starting line, maybe I'll see some progress in the next few years, or maybe not...

>> No.6132077

>not legit
Right words but wrong mouth.

>> No.6132079

If you want to draw figures then draw figures now, stop drawing boxes and practicing other shit. There is no proper order to learning things, draw exactly what you want to draw now and each time you get stuck, put it off for a day or two and in instead learn how to draw what had you stuck and then continue the original drawing after you at least have an idea of how to draw it.

>> No.6132084

Genuinely curious

Can you PYW? Before and after if you have it

I bet you've come a lot further than you realise

>> No.6132089

i've not had the inspiration to draw for the past weeks and it really fucking sucks

>> No.6132147 [DELETED] 
File: 364 KB, 1808x1138, startfinish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It went like this, I'll be honest and mention I used 3d model for the picture on the right

>> No.6132149
File: 364 KB, 1808x1138, startfinish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It went like this, I'll be honest and mention I used 3d model for the picture on the right

>> No.6132542
File: 98 KB, 694x448, 1323564596340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it very frustrating how easy things are for women in the art world, when an incel says the same thing about dating i can say that as men we really have all the tools we need to make a women very submissive and loyal, it's a fair game even if it doesn't look like it at first once you learn to play you never worry about it again

But when it comes to being an artist women really have all the advantages,
>Parents won't give you shit about wanting to study art or support you
>You don't need to be good at art at all, you can just draw "cute" shit and everyone loves you for it
i've seen these way too many times
>girl post below /beg/ tier drawing next to her face and it gets a gorillion likes
>same woman opens commissions a flock of simps flock to her dm and pay then post the horrible drawing they got from her and praise her
>Popular youtber hires girl to draw his thumbnails a few months later they are dating
>woman makes video "drawing character in ___style" her process is just tracing an existing drawing and adding the character clothes
>The comments go "wow you are so talented, draw me as a simpson i'll pay you"

actually you know what, at industry level things are a bit more fair except for weird tumblr sjw women that get jobs at big company by screaming about sexism. but still is really hard for me to cope with knowing how much money a shitty female artist can make thanks to millions of simps on the internet

>> No.6132557

I was just joking, I can draw really well. It’s like when pros joke how they don’t understand drawing yet. To be honest I probably will reach Kim Jung Gi’s level in 6 more years

>> No.6132561

It's a fucking horrible day for drawing.
Everything i try to draw last 6h just sucks and I'm considering just quitting for today.

>> No.6132563

Im so fucking glad I’m not a woman. Women are limited but men are unlimited.

>> No.6132564

I still dont' understand why so many men get into art exclusively to draw trannime shit

>> No.6132569

This is true, do what I do and just make your wife or gf larp for your social media accounts, I take pictures and videos of my wife 'drawing' and get 10x as many commissions

>> No.6132585
File: 937 KB, 1392x1067, 1643250533334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Tonyo.

>> No.6132591

Love this meme. You have troons on your mind 24/7 while staying away from anime because of the small % of troons who have no influence or power on the entire domestic market of Japan who are in the west. The perfect auto-barrier after pedophilia failed to keep normies away.

>> No.6132592

K bro keep drawing your trannime

>> No.6132596

Will do. Keep counting trannies to fall asleep.

>> No.6132662
File: 383 KB, 1023x999, 49635347092_dfb1d29749_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working as a coomer artist is really tempting, and I've been making it for myself since I was a kid. The field seems promising in terms of demands and payment, while avoiding having to deal with a wagie job, which I have done and I'm physically, mentally and health wise too shit to sustain.
Doing coom art would be great, because I like it since I was a perverted kid, it's the obvious choice... but I can't do it.
My first excuse would be family, I would feel ashamed knowing this is what I am doing for a living, I've thought of it as being a prostitute, or the one that creates it for you. Just the idea of doing it makes me feel guilty, and the thought of them knowing this. Second, I could write ideas in favor of just indulging in this sense of degeneracy to be free as it's part of my human nature, and it doesn't really kill anyone, at least not directly, but it feels wrong, and it has even got to the point where's getting on the way of my improvement as an artist, I'm not disconnected from my creation, it's not just some drawing on paper, I get attached to it, and that in itself is another whole fucking problem that I can't go through in here.
If there's an obsession quality about me, I feel like I'm not making good use of it. I still believe I can be a good story teller and that maybe I'll translate that into good looking backgrounds and interesting illustrations, I don't know what to do with that, maybe freelance art? doing concept art? a comic? I really don't know and I'm still trying to figure it out, but in reality I feel like I'd be just happy to make some money doing this and not feel shame about creating art, it has certainly not contaminated me fully, and it's the only thing I really have going on now... no, it was always this and nothing else.
I'm running low on my savings and I have to take some action soon, I'm a invisible friendless neet pushing 30 trying to make it, maybe it's a fool's errand to believe in myself, but I'll keep trying.

>> No.6132713

Just get a normal, hardworking job for a while. That'll force you to interact with people, give you rent money, and motivate you to actually make something else of your life.

Also, coom is for teenagers.

>> No.6132726

lower than a dog

>> No.6132737


>> No.6132755
File: 123 KB, 480x320, FB_IMG_16499496971050510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to draw good since I was a kid but never finish what I stared.

Have been like 5 o 6 years since I first learned about gesture and never leave that stage since then, constantly getting frustated and the same time motivated to try to improve and do my own thing when I see art that I like.

Deep inside I know is useless, my shitty art skills are just a reflection of the shitty person I'm.

>> No.6132771

This is how I feel about the entirety of 4chan

>> No.6132775

it really does feel like I'm talking to myself majority of the time

>> No.6132874

I've got some bad news for me
>generic laughter

>> No.6132875

Time to grow a mustache down there son, why don't ye start working out 30min a day for a year

>> No.6132890

I've wanted to draw and paint everyday this past week but I didn't do jack shit. 0/7 days and now I hate myself

>> No.6133441

I drew a picture of a dick growing out of my sister's forehead on a photo back when we were kids and then destroyed the evidence. I was a little shithead back then.

>> No.6133444

i'd say that was more of a dickhead move

>> No.6133449
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I just got back into drawing at the age of almost 31... man I was wondering what to do with my life, and it was staring me in the face the whole time, I'm gonna be an artist, man, if I had just spent the last 20 years practicing drawing I'd probably be a world famous artist by now, at least I'll be a master in my 50's at this rate, better late than never.

>> No.6133457

Sometimes Im scared at how some of the anons here seem to be exactly in the same situation as me.
Same age.
Same thoughts.
Same (silly?) hopes and ideas.

>> No.6133510

Start and don't stop. Consistency, consistency, consistency.

>> No.6133535
File: 27 KB, 420x347, salieri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have extremely violent thoughts about anyone who's better at drawing than me. I wish i could get art friends but anytime i get the opportunity i just get really mad about them being better than me and i ruin the possibility by being a complete asshole. The worst part is that this doesn't apply just to people who are actually better than me since even artists who are worse than me seem to have more appeal and they have more fun drawing so it's all the same.

>> No.6133551

I started art at 30 and want to grab my younger self and slap him silly for wasting time on MMOs and depression

>> No.6133761
File: 62 KB, 340x350, I'll show you perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember the last time when I spent more than 2 minutes on a non-porn drawing

>> No.6133837

I don't understand how normalfags even cope with anime do they just selectively block out all the loli stuff?

>> No.6133861
File: 88 KB, 474x824, 3b53e56c658a785efa3c126d636dccdf--girl-illustrations-anime-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a webcomic on twitter and having over 200 followers is kinda scary, like not only is there alot of pressure to keep putting out good stuff, but what to put out.

>> No.6133865
File: 354 KB, 720x710, 1656427349209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had 0 motivation or willpower to draw for the last month. Ever since I quit nicotine it's been so fucking hard to do anything. I'm going to draw today if it kills me. God bless to all my strugglers out there.

>> No.6136175

There's no such thing as a heterosexual coomer.

>> No.6136198

if you stop drawing porn and start drawing things you think are cool you will never go back.
You will never be a master if you limit yourself to whoring out your art to your impulsive base urges. It's just porn addiction ruining your brain.

>> No.6136199

200 followers is NOTHING, if youre working on a webcomic then its easy mode because you dont have to think about content you just make the comic

>> No.6136229

not all people get memed into liking futa

>> No.6136232

I only draw as a hobby and it's either things I find cool or people I know including myself.

I don't plan to make it a career as I'm happy with where I am now, but I'd like to become really good to my high standards for the fun of it.

>> No.6136320
File: 52 KB, 640x640, DEPRESSIONTWO53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lost interest in improving myself a while back with art. i used to care so much and have so many opinions about art, but now i'm lucky if i even draw

>> No.6136973

I don't like drawing people or animals. I like drawing landscapes, but I'm worried it's much harder to make money off landscapes.

>> No.6137035
File: 351 KB, 897x979, 050F2D14-38D4-4F3D-9666-7FF855E52890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a very hard time drawing for work now that I’m working hourly in animation. 10 minutes in and I get dragged down by negative emotions about my life, my art, career, and on and on, even though everything is actually going well.
Its gotten bad to where it’s stopped me from working many days. I work as a contractor so it’s more or less fine but it means I’m not making money and the project will slow down when everyone else catches up to my assets.
I’m determined to fix this and I’m ready to begin no-life-ing it and finally get to where I’m capable of working for 40hrs/week.
I don’t know what I need to do to make it happen but I’m going to make it happen.
I have a few ideas to address my negative feelings that come up when I start drawing: More studies and more time set aside for drawing things I just think are cool, that way I feel like I’m moving forward as an artist even though what I draw for work is pretty boring. It means another 10 hrs of drawing a week, so in the end ~50hrs of drawing a week, but maybe it’ll calm that seething part of my soul that wants to leave this world through a 9mm hole in my head.
Any tips or advice would be helpful, especially the more unorthodox shit that doesn’t get said much.

>> No.6137036

go trad if not already; they should sell

>> No.6137039

I might be afflicted with an irreversible case of dunning-kruger. I thought my work is good but people don't give a shit when I post so I know there's somethong wrong with my art that is beyond my power level that's why I can't pin point the problem. It's either boring or fundamentally bad but I don't know in what part exactly. Also I started learning seriously about art for the past few years and the more I learn I realized there's so much I don't know and I'm afraid I'll never be good enough.
I always start with "this piece is gonna be good, gotta do my best" then it becomes "meh" when I'm done.

>> No.6137052

You’re not special for pursuing power, and if you were truly better and more deserving than your peers, you wouldn’t be a powerless and resentful autist now.
That said I get what you mean to an extent, I look forward to the day that I can turn my heel on people I’ve suffered in my past. I just don’t believe I’m better or more deserving, I just think I’ll be vindicated in the end, and they’ll see I was actually worthy and worth something and that everyone was wrong about me.
I’m not there yet because right now I’m weak. But I know I’ll be strong, because I see the direction my actions are taking me. I’ll make it, and when I do, I’ll be an example to others like me. Like Moses I’ll lead my fellow retards out of bugland, into hell, and then the promised land.

>> No.6137057

pyw, if you want critique this is a good chance

>> No.6137059

Nothing stops you from LARPing as a girl online. You would never need to prove it cuz you “fear for your safety as a woman.” Opportunity is there and you won’t take it, why?
Even if you come off as more of a male, the casual observer will just like you more cuz “wow she’s into what I’m into, that’s so cool.”
I say do it honestly, fuck you don’t even have to go that far. Just change your pfp to a girl OC and draw her a ton.

>> No.6137118

Unironically pyw

>> No.6137147
File: 87 KB, 883x888, Teddy-FM_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could probably explain this in word, but I think a picture would do better.
This is effectively what they're drawing.

>> No.6137326

I'm struggling with drawing toenails.
It just feels horrible each fucking time.
Like something fucking crawling under them

>> No.6137351

I know right? It's literally the same as every image AI I've ever seen. Vinny vinesauce showcased some dall-e 2 shit and it's the same shit as dall-e mini, midjourney, etc, which are the same as deepdream and shit. The most impressive shit I've seen from dall-e is that if you say "x made of y" it'll find an image of y to use as a stamp filling the silhouette of x, which a /beg/ who has been drawing for one week can do with GIMP but at least it's more than I've seen AI in the past be able to do. The art still looks obviously AI-generated 99% of the time and it's still impossible to get an intentional piece of art out of it. All the panic about it HAS to be some kind of bizarre astroturfing to make it seem better than it actually is.

>> No.6137363

I was feeling this earlier. I'd make like three marks and then feel like my mind was freezing and just sit there for a while. Eventually got through it and finished the piece to my satisfaction but I hate feeling that way.

>> No.6137366

I've lost it. It seems like I used to progress or achieve something and now whenever I draw it feels like a burden for which I receive no recognition

I'm too tired for this and everything else

>> No.6138359

I only want to draw hot ladies and ponies. Makes me feel guilty but it is what brings me happiness.

>> No.6138362

sigh.. I gave myself an ED and lost literally all energy for anything that I used to find fun. I was basically a vegetable for almost 2 years. I'm now just recovering and I feel my passion for drawing coming back but it used to be so effortless. Drawing wasn't a mountain to conquer I did it out of pure joy. Hopefully I get to that point again, where I could draw for 6 hours straight because I loved it that much. Don't starve your brain... don't.

>> No.6138373
File: 70 KB, 1090x613, 024A1F5B-D97C-40C0-A284-6EFEF279F1B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You’re not special for pursuing power, and if you were truly better and more deserving than your peers, you wouldn’t be a powerless and resentful autist now.
You have flawed normie retard logic blaming the individual without any real knowledge of circumstance, we have nothing in common besides the superficial hunger for power that all humans have. I’m special because I say so, and I’ll prove myself right, since everything else is secondary in my eyes. I know im better and more deserving based off observable differences between me and those who were handed more, I hate saying it but pic rel is *literally me*

>> No.6138381 [DELETED] 

I love being alone more than anything. I got the first day in a year without anyone at all yesterday. It was pure bliss. I could sing and play my favorite music out loud, lounge off the sides of things, go outside and inside randomly, spin in circles, eat a slice of pie, doodle in the middle of the floor, stay up all night and start my day without thought to making noise at 5:00am, all without feeling self conscious or being minutely scrutinized. in just minutes now, my one day of alone time will end. going to get in a last song or two to doodle with.

i live with someone who really deliberately sizes me up every time i’m in their line of sight, and uses me as de-stressor rag, and emotional release for their angry venting. it’s the only way they relate to me now.

my confession is i love being alone, and i had an amazing day yesterday.

>> No.6138396

I love being alone more than anything. I got the first day in a year without anyone at all yesterday. It was pure bliss. I could sing and play my favorite music out loud, lounge off the sides of things, go outside and inside randomly, spin in circles, eat a slice of pie, doodle in the middle of the floor, stay up all night and start my day without thought to making noise at 5:00am, all without feeling self conscious or being minutely scrutinized. in just minutes now, my one day of alone time will end. going to get in a last song or two to doodle with.

>> No.6138977
File: 17 KB, 320x319, 1656679305754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect the dedication and vision. But if you're poor it's higly unlikely you'll succeed. I have monetary support from my parents, that automatically gives me an advantage. Not to mention people born into a family with connections, generational wealth, etc. You'll be competeing with people with the same amount of determination you have with 10x the advantage. Good luck brother but you will face a greuling uphill battle. If you're not willing to do the work every day, get 4 hours of sleep, and destroy your body you won't become the rich megalomaniac you want to be. I'll meet you there one day if you truly have the guts.

>> No.6140208

Sorry it took me a while to check back ic, here's an example of my latest work, apart from boring pose and desaturated color, there's something bothering me which is beyond my power level to tell. I just know this same problem applies to most of my other works

>> No.6140210
File: 1.22 MB, 1500x2161, Angel7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh i forgot

>> No.6140212

how do you render skin like that desu

>> No.6140221

Not sure if you're serious or just mocking me but if you're referring to the face I learned almost everything I know in digital painting from ctrl+paint. I use the big circle brush to block shapes then shade/blend with the soft circle. I used a rectangle brush for the armor.

>> No.6140228

Attention, absolute uberbeg advice/observation here so take with a grain of salt

One thing I notice is the clashing artstyle, for example the wings look somehow more cartoony while the skin is pretty realistic.

The pose as you already stated is pretty boring.
The sword handle would benefit from a colour variation. Just like the whole thing desu, its pretty monochromatic. Maybe make the sword's gem blue? Some kind of accent colour somewhere.
The background is a mess but im assuming its unfinished

Again, Im a retarded beg so maybe im wrong in everything I say

>> No.6140234
File: 247 KB, 498x341, 356346436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is kristian lee just a giant or is moderndayjames just a manlet

>> No.6140235

I'm so fucking tired I can't sleep its a waste of time I need to make it or I'll be back in the wage cage and it's fucking horrible in the cage bros
If another boomer employee yells about some easy to do shit while they're being as lazy as possible I'm just going to quit I work with them every day they're never happy never satisfied and can only show any emotion at all when they're listening to old music and thinking about drinking beer they're actual nocs and I'm tired of being in the cage with them

>> No.6140237


>> No.6140240

living as blissfully ignorant as boomers must be incredible, how do I achieve their level of enlightenment

>> No.6140241

what's your plan for working as an artist anon?

>> No.6140244

Drawing doing commissions csr had a post about what to do I'd link it but it's basically trend following I'm also going to daytrade with savings and earnings to grow the money even more + all the other shit patreon kofi selling shirts whatever it takes and whatever works

>> No.6140253

Is that you octopus fucker?

>> No.6140256

now that I think about it octopus pussy doesn't sound too bad

>> No.6140452
File: 832 KB, 1920x1080, 1655580244506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character looks like he's gonna fall and it looks really awkward.
Maybe the problem is that it is not presented in an ideal way. What you want to do is not to revert back to your comfort zone and draw what is easy to you. I see that you put effort into this piece, but sadly the core drawing is lacking.

Try always putting your subject matter in an ideal way; thinking composition and how a subject matter can be presented in an interesting way that represents either the facial expression, pose, atmosphere, story, etc. So start by thumbnailing compositions. This is the most important since you dont want high effort to drawings that will not deliver. dont bash your head and try by having good references and a simple idea and start thumbnailing it down.

Not only that, youre giving everything equal attention. Youre rendering every detail of the armor which loses charm. You have shine on the breast plate but it is not enough. Give interesting lighting that delivers what you want. Think about the bigger picture. The awkward pose and uninteresting lighting is the biggest weakness of this piece.

I have a feeling you like pic rel

>> No.6140474
File: 112 KB, 1000x1080, angelsilhouettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey thanks a lot for taking your time. Now I see, I think my biggest sin is preventing myself to grow by staying in my comfort zone. Also as someone who used to be traditionalist (graphite/ink) it's a mistake to start painting with a silhouette (3rd from picrel) which happened to be useless because I modified a lot along the way.

Everything else you said is helpful, most of which I couldn't have noticed myself. thank you

Also thanks >>6140228, the wings do look retarded because I don't know shit about wings and freestyle my way through, I want something like >>6140452
picrel but I want to fit it in the canvas so bad I curved it like that.

>> No.6140475

I never do it in purpose, but I love mogging

>> No.6140484

I’m sorry. Maybe a cleansing break would help. Then maybe try working in a new environment.
Get some sunlight and exercise. Go for walks. Eat healthy.
I can relate. Glad you got to enjoy your time alone. It’s tough because we have limited time and we have to try to appreciate and be with our loved ones while they’re here.

>> No.6140485

show link pls

>> No.6143105
File: 775 KB, 1920x1080, Unamused Sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to draw and I probably will never learn since I am 34.

>> No.6143368

I'll delete my twitter. I don't care anymore about sharing anything to them anymore. I'm not having any fun there.

>> No.6143372

post link before you do desu

>> No.6143375

Is anyone supposed to notice?

>> No.6143385

I enjoy scanning art books than trying to learn from art books i bought. Can't even go past the hitokaku manual and loomis blooks.

>> No.6143387

Do you have a job? Yes? Great you already made it. Just drawing for fun? Good, don't worry you have a lifetime to learn this, draw on vacant hours. This shit takes time.

>> No.6143388
File: 485 KB, 872x1456, MotivaterMaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 35.
You can do it.
You just need the willingness to learn, the information is already available.

>> No.6143396

Are you guys drawing as a hobby?

>> No.6143425

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