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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.05 MB, 1286x871, Screenshot 2022-06-20 201725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6120138 No.6120138 [Reply] [Original]

First ever drawing, what can I improve? I just looked at the picture and tried to replicate it.
I have ZERO experience and dunno if I should go art school or just dick around with pencil all day to learn art.

I want to draw tall Amazonian muscular women

>> No.6120145

Draw 1000 more amazons and then come back. 90% of your issues will resolve by then

>> No.6120151

You may start by drawing primitives, download these books from here
Start with the book called Fun with a Pencil while at the same time study perspective made easy by Ernest Norling. Familiarize yourself with the sphere, cube, and cylindrical forms and how to draw these forms in perspective.

>> No.6120154

Go to the beg or retarded question general, don't shit up the board

>> No.6120158

The board is already full of shit, OP posting in the other generals makes no difference anymore.

>> No.6120160

Oh, it's THAT straight forward? I was watching a free Indian tutorial and it looked like a pretty intense and engaged process

>> No.6120164

>I want to draw tall Amazonian muscular women
you already beat every single beginner on this board. You have a tangible goal.

>> No.6120182
File: 323 KB, 1080x1349, vtmogOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going balls deep in that link, thanks for the advice king

>> No.6120308
File: 131 KB, 1024x725, tutorial__torsos_3_by_bambs79_d26hp8w-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


an anon with the same goal as me? finally

>> No.6120442

Read the sticky.

>> No.6120505

Nta, but we out here

>> No.6120534

whats the book?

>> No.6120546
File: 64 KB, 600x849, rob_sketchbook_gals_1_by_bambs79_dad4c8w-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


some dude on deviant art, bambs79. has all kinds of stuff like this

>> No.6120571
File: 43 KB, 211x219, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first step is measuring angles right

>> No.6120634
File: 456 KB, 1120x1556, DAB80FB0-C06A-45F6-84EB-0DF89BCD7FEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will need this

>> No.6121291
File: 1001 KB, 1086x1809, 1655263688195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trace

>> No.6121296

yeah do this if you wanna stay beg forever

>> No.6121581

looks like shit, give up, we don't need more of you snu snu fags

>> No.6121712

humans are the hardest thing to draw so obviously its gonna take a lot to really learn how to draw them

you're gonna need to learn fundamentals, not one of them, all of them. perspective, anatomy, lighting, etc... everything

copy art you like, follow along with demonstrations and even draw from imagination

just keep drawing

>> No.6121721
File: 1.22 MB, 1500x1500, 1614325156918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6121753

>original art is just too dark for this society

>> No.6122037

Why doesn't he just rotate his reference in his head. With the help of construction and perspective, to use a different view point. Bang, different pose completely and it's not tracing.

>> No.6122954
File: 776 KB, 1096x532, 1614058013681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's too busy being a pariah

>> No.6122962

A true King does what he wants

>> No.6125077

It's needs to be improved everything because there is no good thing in that drawing which is expectable for first drawing.

>> No.6128527

Fuck off to redit with your Cancel culture

>> No.6128532

happyboy is a renowned tracer who @'s artists to tell them he copies their work, that's just another example of his cancerous need for attention, and a great example of pot calling the kettle black

>> No.6128561 [DELETED] 

Happyboy is a nigger, that nigger should just go down-low for a year or so and try again without the tracing instead of still using this stupid name and being bullied out of every art oriented place for being a massive nigger, I mean, why does he even try to still use this handle and persona, what he is exactly trying to achieve even? No one in their right mind would commission or pay for for a subscription for his patreon and he clearly only cares about the money, so why does he keeps this shit up and just doens't try again when people forget he even existed instead of keeping it alive by being a fat piece of shit all the time and feeding even more hate against him? It doesn't make any sense to me.

>> No.6128573 [DELETED] 

some sort of supervillain complex, I think he is genuinely frustrated at his skill and creativity (as is any artist) and instead of dealing with it for himself he points the fingers at others. he's making himself out to be some sort of revolutionary genius for saying "nothing is original" when I think anyone with half a brain knows anything we make has to be derivative. he seems too proud to ever admit he's wrong, those twitter comment chains show it, so he's likely too proud to just start again. he could still trace like I'm sure many popular artists already do but he doesn't need to be constantly talking and pointing fingers about it.
I'm not saying this ironically, but I think he's a great kid from the few youtube videos I've watched, he is just misguided on how to focus his efforts as an artist. like one of those kids that can only "communicate" by teasing and making fun of others because they've had no other kind of interaction themselves. for his sake he might grow out of it eventually.

>> No.6128585

Everything. You’re trash. Simple as that

>> No.6128606

if this is your first drawing ever and are not experienced in the fundamentals like anatomy and perspective you are genuinely talented and should keep drawing ! I'd suggest you to get scott robertson's "how to draw" and study from there.

>> No.6128609 [DELETED] 

>Happyboy is a nigger, that nigger should just go down-low for a year or so and try again

Doesn't matter if he were to "go down-low for a year" and try again because even if everyone were to forget he exists there is still 1 person keeping tabs which is you, apparently. So even if he left and came back a year, 2, 3 years you'd still be at his front porch. I have seen this happen for dozens of people, myself included. Unfortunately he already pasted his IRL face all over his Youtube channel so he can't drop out and come back in if he want's to be a personality. So the only thing he can do is to live with it.

>> No.6128687


>> No.6129014

that fit bitch is fine as hell, alpha female, I want to dump all my cum seeds into her over and over forever, god damn I wanted to FUCK

>> No.6129019

is Twitter literally just retarded drama all day erry day? I avoid that place like the plague, but it seems just attention whores trying to get likes with the most vapid annoying posts. fucking boring braindead cunts

>> No.6129656

Don't Listen to:

What you need to do is work on overcoming symbol drawing and start actually measuring your refence image.

For example, the angle the right leg is bent doesn't correspond to the refence image. Next time, get a pencil and use it to figure out it's trajectory. The right arm is way off proportion and length.

Look up symbol drawing on google I am too lazy to explain.

good luck anon!

>> No.6132227
File: 804 KB, 1800x2200, Untitled379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try drawing 3d froms instead of 2d. also think in 3d instead of 2d. instead of a square think of a cube. that's what worked for me

>> No.6132232

You need Bridgman Anon. Stop thinking in 2d and think in 3d and master proportions before anything

>> No.6132236
File: 342 KB, 859x1317, 08B6E5ED-3106-4197-8756-023F5723BE21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6132240

Not 3d forms…

>> No.6132267

the blind leading the blind

>> No.6132283
File: 54 KB, 237x355, 1641640192311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by all accounts, go ahead if you think you have better advice. i might even learn something myself. just don't be a faggot and post your work

>> No.6132347

What I've been doing recently is drawing 3D shapes by starting with the cross contour lines instead of the contour lines. After I have draw the cross contour lines I want, i draw in the contours. I don't have anything to show because I draw on paper and I'm currently away from my stuff.

>> No.6132404

>cross contour lines
contours are based
>I'm currently away from my stuff.
do it when you're back (if the thread survives)

>> No.6132420
File: 1.15 MB, 1284x1470, ED9DAA63-E34D-4F78-AFDF-57609E3D5858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birdie drawing I did a while back (w/ref). I’ve been mostly grinding Bridgeman so my knowledge has improved since then but I have a grasp of drawing the body in space. I wasn’t shitting on your drawing though, the forms just weren’t nearly as 3d as they could have been

>> No.6132438
File: 2.01 MB, 1800x2200, cool outift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Birdie drawing I did a while back
looks nice. i like the cross hatching/shading
>weren’t nearly as 3d as they could have been
it only took like 6 minutes. i wanna practice i can't waste too much time trying to help random/beg/ anons. but at the same time i felt this anon was genuine without getting any good visual feedback so i wanted to help(he only got book recommendations and i hate reading so i thought he might be the same)
pic related took like 30 min actually trying to draw and not explain concepts. i think it looks better :(

>> No.6132442

>i can't waste too much time trying to help random/beg/ anons.
You are a beg yourself retard.

>> No.6132452

>You are a beg yourself retard.
which is why i can't waste too much time NOT practicing can you fucking read ?

>> No.6132465

Time spent drawing is not wasted.

>> No.6132495

Thanks for the compliment Anon. And yeah I understand you wanted to help, nothing wrong with that. The drawing you posted is nice as well