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File: 130 KB, 1380x1088, HakuneMikuYuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6107142 No.6107142 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be honest, 99,9% of Japanese Anime/Manga artists have never even touched "Loomis" before
So why bother? Unless I want to draw in Western comic-style, what makes 4channers here praise this 80-year-old book so much?

>> No.6107144

The AI learned how to shitpost useless threads now. When will it end

>> No.6107146

they are used to seeing those drawings growing up in their culture since thry were infants, and the older artists those newer artists look up to did take cues from those books
you don't.

>> No.6107147

So the AI has discarded "Loomis" as outdated now?

>> No.6107148


>> No.6107151

Hmm, so what you're saying is, that without "Loomis", Anime/Manga wouldn't be where it is now?

>> No.6107155


>> No.6107170

1. they do
2. learning fundamentals doesn't mean you're learning to draw like the people who are teaching them, you're learning to draw. They're called fundamentals for a reason
3. anime is just real people's bodies on simplified heads, obviously you need to learn how to draw people

>> No.6107178

Makes sense. But I still don't believe the vast majority has ever read "Loomis" before

>> No.6107187
File: 356 KB, 1148x655, Loomis sensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6107190

>Let's be honest, 99,9% of Japanese Anime/Manga artists have never even touched "Loomis" before

and how do you know this?

>So why bother? Unless I want to draw in Western comic-style, what makes 4channers here praise this 80-year-old book so much?

What he teaches in the book is for "idealized" proportions at the time but you take the construction method he teaches and apply it to what you're trying to draw.

This isn't hard to understand.

>> No.6107194


Okay fuck, I'm sold
Thanks, I guess I'll have no choice but to read it now
Apologies for my slander


>> No.6107200
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>> No.6107201
File: 753 KB, 1105x1663, 1650420383504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is quite simple, the Nips have their own Loomis hidden under moon runes that only they know how to access prohibiting any foreigner from ever learning their super secret Nippoomis technique.

>> No.6107221

Damn, thank you so much.
>That's not all! One-on-one interview going into far more detail on the next page!
Is there more of this, or is it just unnecessary details?

>> No.6107222

I see.
Wait, don't they just copy and trace a lot more, additionally?

>> No.6107225

Nope, it's all in their technique but don't bother asking because a Nip will never tell you and if the Nip does tell you something it's going to be a deception to misdirect you on another approach that'll cripple you.

>> No.6107228

Oh fuck

>> No.6107231

Isn't that because it's so natural to them, that they don't even know how to explain it?

>> No.6107237

It depends, is Loomis responsible for the best 2D output of Disney throughout their early years?
If yes, then yes he's responsible. If not, no, that's a stretch.
Anime and manga are a direct adaptation of Disney style design into Japanese traditional ink work.

>> No.6107241

no, its because they're are massively xenophobic and hate your guts.

>> No.6107246
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>> No.6107377

>Drawing is fun!

It's over...

>> No.6107384

literally everyone and their grandma says to learn from loomis, doesnt mean its actually good though. loomis is a good as a advice as just draw is.

>> No.6107539

These threads are like every subversive article irl in the past decade or so.
>rejecting tradition
>rethinking old ways
>going beyond the traditional
>introducing a progressive approach
>we need to evolve for this and that fabricated reason
The pattern is always the same.

>> No.6107553

there's hundreds of resources out there
loomis is just one of many
learn the same thing 3 times
no one ever got all the knowledge they needed from one obok

>> No.6107618


>> No.6107643

the secret to having fun with drawing is drawing clothes that show off a boner

>> No.6107656

They read Roomisu-sensei instead

>> No.6107787

the AI has learned to crab
oh god were fucked

>> No.6107789

Dwap is so fucking lame though.

>> No.6107792

>Loomis is' tradition'
Actual retard

>> No.6107800

For me perhaps the most usefull part is the notion that you can, and should i think, reduce things to simple manageable forms. To build a sense of depth on a flat surface out of some basic knowledge applied is best than just guessing.

If you just try to emulate Loomis work you will fail at it, just try to get the juicy knowledge from that old dog.

Nowadays i barely use his method, but it rooted some good basis on construction drawing for me.

Overall is a good read at least

>> No.6107817

Loomis is this boards tradition, whats the problem? You absolute robotic mongoloid.

>> No.6108056

Who cares about an ic meme? It is not like we are making ic art. There is no reason to be attached to loomis, as an artist, just because he is on ic.
An artist could look into older methods of learning and thinking about art, older than even bargue, and spergs here who know nothing except what are in contemporary courses would say he is trying to reinvent the wheel.

>> No.6108090
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>> No.6108092

why is it written in esl

>> No.6108115

Western comic artists don’t even use “the Loomis method”. Look up a livestream of any of them drawing, 100% of the time they basically just wing it and don’t have a set construction method

>> No.6108134

because its made by authentic asian god

>> No.6108156

If someone is still wondering about what method or source to follow they are still begs. Advanced artists could have gotten to where they were without these sources, and follow their own methods most of the time. It just so happens that many started with something like loomis because off how easily obtained it is. When I really improved was by forgetting everything that I learned from loomis, and just studied artists I liked. Evencthings like keeping center line for alignment is something you don'f need to learn from Loomis or any other. Over time, from mileage, your hand just knows where to place things.

>> No.6108159

Asians come from a narrative history/background (manga), westerners come from a purely illustrative background mostly, that's the difference
People get more attached to great art + compelling story than amazing art + nothing

>> No.6108405

Loomis went out of print in the west lol. Goes to show how much we value the arts

>> No.6108518

You should be permabanned.

>> No.6108567 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 731x720, DoNotTestTheLimitsOfMyPowerBounsweetPokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6108574


>> No.6108604

Thanks man.

>> No.6109665


>> No.6110138

> great art + compelling story
you're missing the coom

>> No.6110347

I really dont believe jap artists do this. They just put the boxes on after the fact to act like they do, but I believe 90% of them draw the gesture and fill it out with the body after, with experience of drawing it many times before. They dont actually draw fucking cubes and cylinders.

>> No.6110364

sauce? never seen this before

>> No.6110389

That's part of "great art", silly

>> No.6110393

Yeah, I even believe making a cube as the rib-cage is hindering. It's much better to make it a bronze bell shape or something instead, IMO

>> No.6110430

boxes become bony landmarks. That's how Vilppu teaches it, at least. (same with Hampton)

>> No.6110433
File: 912 KB, 1360x1920, 24 - v40jUdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's from a porn comic magazine in Japan. They have a few pages for "author tips"

>> No.6110495

Right, but what’s it called?

>> No.6110649
File: 1001 KB, 1086x1809, Loomisfags hate this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The drawing elites don’t want you to know this but you can get pic related with tracing and is free. You can trace in home and jerk off with your our drawing. I have 458 traced drawings.

>> No.6110656


>> No.6110660
File: 548 KB, 1537x2049, 1640398362603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottom pic

>> No.6111434

this would probably work if the person picked better images and spent a little more than 5 minutes tracing the original pictures

>> No.6111493

You don't have to learn every lesson of Loomis, but several of them are very important and while many artists don't realize they're learning Loomis, but odds are the artist you're studying studied someone else that has Loomis fundamentals in their work. Loomis is partially a meme because of how dedicated some people are to him and think he is *THE* solution to learning art, but as any artist is, his lessons will not all work for someone.
It's why we as humans are always learning from our peers and from many different people. Loomis has but one perspective.

The best "GMI" artists, including your Japanese anime/manga artists, are the ones that are always learning. They don't care about your point. Even if they have or have not read Loomis, it's case by case, but odds are they skimmed his material and absorbed what they could and moved on.

If you solely rely on one artist to teach you everything, you'll acquire a very narrow viewpoint and hit stagnation a lot sooner as you've cornered yourself off from learning methods by other people. Adding additional barriers to improvement like this only hinders your growth. Refusing to draw things because of X or Y reason that amounts to nothing in the long run but being your own personal mental block is what's keeping some people behind. This includes whether an artist blocks themselves via their real life morals or not too. I've seen many artists refuse to touch some topics because they aren't considered "good" topics I guess. I'm not speaking about "taboo" topics per se, but they usually fall under the same umbrella.

If you're stopping yourself from drawing every day you won't make it. If you aren't studying art and the world around you (casually) 24/7 then you won't make it.

Then again OP's post is just bait but here I am

>> No.6111555

99% of manga is traced garbage or 3d assets pasted on backgrounds/characters. even old manga is literally traced garbage and toner packs for cars, temples, classrooms. if your only fucking basis of quality or for rejecting loomis is manga and anime, you are perma beg faggot that will never amount to anything. there are literally ZERO (0) works of art from Japan. none. in thousands of years. the best they ever achieved is some fucking shitty inkblot drawings and a poorly drawn wave is their most recognized "art". its a joke. now fuck off with the bug eyed mutant tracings they do. no one cares.

>> No.6113917

They can't even draw noses kneegrow

>> No.6113972

my nigga Krenz literally teaching Loom Loom. baka at begs doubting daddy Loomis...
