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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6105404 No.6105404 [Reply] [Original]

Is perspective important?

>> No.6105441

Considering everything is in some kind of perspective, yes

>> No.6105625
File: 980 KB, 1200x1698, Autumn+road+by+astero+lest+have+a+good+day+trigger_eef1f3_9023809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but only to a point. Once ur past that it's more an issue of consistency.
Perspective is important to understand practically but unless ur doing something that requires real fine measurements [i.e. Architecture] then u can just wing it 99% of the time.

Visual appeal and the cohesiveness of the piece is more important imo.

>> No.6105628

the generic tranime face ruins it

>> No.6105635

yes and I hope this doesn't turn into /ic/'s next "You don't need to learn it" meme

>> No.6105651

Perspective is the subject /ic/ avoids the most so most people are looking for excuses to not learn it

>> No.6105653
File: 476 KB, 654x960, 1634234983826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also photobashed to shit. Probably should have used a better ex

>> No.6105658

anime art board

>> No.6105717

It's the most fundamental of the fundies. Everything you can draw is just forms in perspective.

>> No.6105768
File: 80 KB, 735x519, f13016b7c46096666d0c10722042a058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The essence of drawing is, essentially, depicting 3D objects and space upon a 2D surface. You need to comprehend the canvas and the objects within as three dimensional space and masses.
Unless all you aspire to be is one of those retards that copy photos of celebrities with a grid or something similar you're going to need to understand perspective to at least some degree.
The farther you go into disciplines that require a lot of imagination/constructive drawing such as comics, cartooning, animation, architectural drawing, product design, hard surface drawing, and suchlike, the more mastery you need over it. Everything builds off of it. For example, animation (and comics) is about drawing these 3D masses sequentially to give them the illusion of movement, action, and life. Rendering is all about depicting light interacting with these 3D masses and the material that they are made of.

>> No.6106175

meme fundie, just use 3D models like a normal person

>> No.6106219

Koki is so fucking good, if theres one thing /ic/ did for me it was showing me this dudes art

>> No.6107721

literally the most important part
everything can look like shit but if the perspective is correct it'll still look "right"

>> No.6107763

I'd get laughed at if I drew like that

>> No.6107766


>> No.6107900

Fucking disgusting elephantiasis legs

>> No.6108488
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends on your perspective

>> No.6108494

where can I find his work?

>> No.6108513

It's important if you actually want to draw everything by hand. But if you're not retarded you'll just photobash and trace 3D which makes perspective shit irrelevant.

>> No.6109193

I refuse to believe that this isn't bait and that you're retarded enough to even ask this question.

>> No.6112539
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>> No.6112582

Perspective is why a painting done plein air while standing is infinitely better than one done while sitting down. If you put in the work to get perspective right your pieces are better.

>> No.6112653

He used to post on Pixiv but now posts almost exclusively to Fanbox aside from the occasional Twitter post. @kokimantarou is his Twitter handle. He never set it up to where his handle is in the Fanbox URL, but he just goes by "Koki" there.

For some inexplicable reason he moved some of his sketch dumps that have been on Pixiv and Twitter for years, seemingly at random, and slammed a paywall shut in front of most of them. A lot of those sketches were the ones I liked to show others as educational examples of construction drawing. Great inspiration whether you're into the ridiculously fat ass and thighs or not.

To be fair, it's not like he's asking all that much, basically just a dollar a month for access to his sketches (and a ~$5.50 subscription tier for "Meat". It is described as follows- "Sometimes I drop a picture with a high meat ratio. For fat, for meat". I got a kick out of that).
It was only irritating at first because one day I went to find some of his sketches and scoured his Pixiv back to front several times wondering what the fuck was going on and if I was going crazy. I got over it though.
A lot of his art remains on Pixiv still, and an archive of his Fanbox content can be found on Kemono Party, for those that can't be assed to make a Pixiv account or aren't interested in becoming a long term patron.