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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 907 KB, 1000x800, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6102745 No.6102745 [Reply] [Original]

I love my lineart, I'm always proud of it, but whenever I add color I start to hate it. The lineart just doesn't stand out enough with the color. What am I doing wrong??? I feel this way about ALL my art, even fully-finished pieces.

>> No.6102754
File: 369 KB, 470x628, bettermaybeidk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try fucking around with contrast hue's and lighting.
Decent contrast is the biggest issue imo

>> No.6102764
File: 433 KB, 1600x1138, -Garou-one-punch-man-43009719-1600-1138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two or three things. Your colors suck and don't talk with one another. Contrast and gelstat that makes the lines easy to read in black and white, same effect that occurs with mangas and western comics and the lack of shadows and proper lighting makes the drawing look flat and boring, less noticeable in black in white because our monkey brains have the habit of filling in the gaps with this sort of stuff comes in to play.

Good and bad shading can kill any art, no matter how good you are. The contrary can happen, but is also limited.

>> No.6102767

Because you suck at coloring

>> No.6102777
File: 281 KB, 459x829, 1650332975648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, for a fix. doing in two parts because the character limit on forchan is a joke.

Trying coloring you lines instead of only using black, that way you can have the contrast of the colors and make the lines part of the drawing, like the horns of the fuck dragon you just posted. They look great in black and white because is easy to see it's shape and contrast of the lineweight but with the colors it basically kills all of that and is just a black triangle. You can use black also, but I think that black lines looks better if you try to emulate the inking process, something similar to darkest dungeon or that guy who does hellboy. You still have the contrast using black and other colors and they talk with the lines.

Another thing that helps me if I want Is using a limited color pallet, like that you can have some atmosphere using colors but still having the same effects that black and white brings, normally I don't go past 2 colors and use different hues and values to define contrast to better build atmosphere. If I have the patience to do all that, normally when I'm drawing I don't make real decisions, I just draw and let my subconscious do the rest for me.

Here is a good example of everything I just said.

>> No.6102781
File: 3.17 MB, 2458x3076, 1630040218849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6102794
File: 85 KB, 749x958, 1654485144475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change lineart colour a little bit, disregard begs

>> No.6102795

Give the dragon a swimsuit

>> No.6102798

Okay, thank you, that helps a lot. If it will help any more I can also post some finished pictures I've done

>> No.6102806

You have the color picking ability of a 5 years old

>> No.6102813

Evergreen pines are.... green. And I have plenty of other dragon characters that are different colors, he just is red

>> No.6102817

Imbecilic advice

>> No.6102822

make the tree baby bloo

>> No.6102869

Digital art is pure trickery. Knowing how to use the program > knowing how to draw.

>> No.6102880
File: 882 KB, 1266x1920, tumblr_nnmhw5RiDL1tt6pspo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying that you're not thinking about colour and light with the composition in mind, you're just picking very base colours. Rocks are grey and trees are green, but under different conditions their actual visible colour can change quite a bit, and it's up to you to make those decisions so that the colours work cohesively.
The mountains and rocks in this photo *are* grey, but with the colour grading and the atmospheric occlusion they end up looking blue. If you go in with the eyedropper tool on this photo, you can see that the colours are quite saturated, too.
It's not enough to say "okay, the dragon is red" and then pick a random red from your colour wheel, you have to think of the rest of the picture

>> No.6102894
File: 449 KB, 1027x697, tumblr_n66ipoTTdG1ru2qa4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another example, although the grass "is" green, it's made up of varying hues of yellow, green and blue depending on where it is in the painting. The rocks as well, especially in the shadows, have very rich blues in them. It's not about painting what the colour technically should be, you need to pick what it actually looks like

>> No.6102919

Sure, send them if you can.

>> No.6102926

this. hes basically doing flats and needs to do the actual coloring and rendering now. no light sources or different tones or anything. even a basic 2 or 3 tone rendering like old comics would be enough to make it pop.

>> No.6103152
File: 858 KB, 960x1277, shading_example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you shade with flat colors you loose some of the implied volume of the linework. Also all of your colors are a similar value which doesn't help with conveying that 3D look. Finally, hatching plus color is a bad combo, some artists can make it work but it's really hard. Pic related hopefully demonstrates what I mean.

>> No.6103163

Can you draw a cock on it? Just to see the lighting

>> No.6103166

You could do all this or you could just do it on one layer.

>> No.6103180

I don't think you drew that

>> No.6103210

It's hard to pull of good line work with a fully colored image, it's usually one or the other that most people even pros go for.
Try keeping the image only ink and hatch it to see how you like that, if you do want to go for full color your linework is going to have to take a back seat to the color.

>> No.6103237

I have but the dragon's body covers it up

>> No.6103240

anon you have no fucking gradients, download pureref and add a bunch of your favorite art to learn from

>> No.6103241

Try sticking to a palette of just a few complementary colors.

>> No.6103245

so many fucking layers for something you can do in only 1 or if you dont want painterly look 2-3 layers max

i can only imagine how much of a mess the layers may be for a full illustration, fucking hell people complicate things without good reason

>> No.6103779

I think its less about your lines and more about the colors you're using.

>> No.6103783

do color studies.

>> No.6103823
File: 221 KB, 1000x800, output-onlinejpgtools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you can see your pic in grayscale.

The problem is the values. Basically, learn to paint/render.

>> No.6104232

>What am I doing wrong???
You skipped color theory. Go back and study.

Also ignore the brainlets telling you to change the line color, that's the oldest beg trick in the book and merely hides subpar coloring. Also to the retard who said hatching doesn't blend with color. You're all so fucking stupid sometimes it's painful.

>> No.6104373

I said it was hard not impossible. Using hatching is like shading with grayscale, if you just drop color on top of that it's gonna look muddy. I'm sure some artists can make it works but in 90% of cases I've seen it looks bad. If you have any good examples though please share

>> No.6104818
File: 315 KB, 725x1100, akiracolor08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you have any good examples though please share

Colorized Akira.

I understand your point but as it stands you need to have at least a basic understanding of color for anything. It's probably the most overlooked fundie.

>> No.6104826

paint from life, you have no skill in painting that is why

>> No.6104830

holy crap that's so beautiful. ive got to study akira

>> No.6104831

make the flowers in the foreground darker. make the gravel floor lighter

>> No.6104840

Dang bro that looks sick. Maybe you could post some tutorials about how you do your stuff.

>> No.6105123

If you mean adding color to lines, it's as simple as putting a layer above your lineart, setting it to clip to the layer below, and painting it.

>> No.6106259

the line art looks better than the color... the color kind of hides detail that should pop a bit.

try doing this just as a black and white piece, it may just be value, it may be something else, because the line work I like in the left is hidden on the right so it would 100% come down to rendering ability to make it good.

>> No.6106418

your shading and colors suck

>> No.6107120
File: 613 KB, 1119x1500, 2h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suffer from the same problem, OP.

>> No.6107136

>no shading applied after color so it looks flat
problem fixed

>> No.6107139

Desaturate your color to see if it's better.

>> No.6107367
File: 438 KB, 469x624, 2344543125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play with brightness and contrast a bit
i didn't really do much here and i wouldn't say it's an improvement, but i will say that flat color can only take you so far and values are important

>> No.6107481
File: 728 KB, 421x649, mcfarlane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just the coloring. Todd McFarlane's old stuff used flat colors but looked great.

>> No.6107541

Only because the illusion of depth is established by the foreshortening of the square grids in that image.

>> No.6107545

good colors come from good values

>> No.6107677

But his flat coloring has strong contrast between shadow and light and uses very dark shadows and a lot of texture made with ink.

OP pic has barely any difference between highlight and shading and any shading at all is only on the creature.

>No shading on trees, rock, flowers,
>painfully light shading on creature that can't be seen in the thumbnail you have to zoom to see
>Lazy fuck coloring on flowers without coloring the pollen center that is always yellow or brown

Gee, I don't know why your bucket tool coloring looks bad.

>> No.6108005

what the hell is this I'm doing a 4 year college study on astrophyiscs just to color a tummy. I can't even read this chicken scratch writing. Fuck I'm so NGMI

>> No.6108020

a good way to practice coloring is coloring other people's lineart. Instead of drawing something and then coloring it, you get twice as much coloring done this way.

>> No.6108789

More like how do you color your stuff if you don't mind.

>> No.6112094

Start from here:
once you're good at blocking in values start practicing edges (soft vs hard), once you've got that down, start practicing with color, I suggest by copying pictures or art you like and thinking about what colors are present. Good luck

>> No.6112236

the values are very dark and sucky, think the big thing is poor choice in color, also probably don't bother with shadows unless you're using correct anatomy while shading, otherwise it points out how bad the anatomy is and makes it feel plastic.

>> No.6112722

can i see more dragons, i like your dragons

>> No.6113870
File: 344 KB, 544x729, again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, my art account is ScaredStoked on almost all platforms. This is a character from a book I'm working on, so expect more of him soon.



Anyways, here's an update. I ADDED SOME SHADING. The dark red on the original are his markings and I thought that was obvious since that's not where shading would actually go, but I guess not. It's still not done. I still don't really like it.

>> No.6113873

Forgot to fix the name again, oops.

>> No.6113960

ok bud don't get autistic about the terminology, even though it is technically shadow and in the shade. stupid faggot.

>> No.6114221

How was that being autistic. In the original image there is no shading.

>> No.6115940
File: 284 KB, 1753x1337, ff9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao i did this long time ago without realizing it was a value practice. is something i guess

>> No.6116200

This board is filled with permabegs who are too frustrated with how shit they are and will make all types of accusations when someone is much better than them

>> No.6116202

I really like the coloured version

>> No.6116877

same reason anime is appealing to a lot of people, lack of detail lets your mind fill in the rest to usually appealing results. with line art, your mind fills in the 3d form shapes a bit, the contours and the implied perspectives, so the implication looks good. with color added and values, you're essentially presenting an objective view that can be worse than the observer's subconscious imagination.

>> No.6118804

You can just cheese it and use low opacity gradient maps/color balance to tie your color schemes together OP

>> No.6118825

Is that why webtoons almost always looks like shit but manga almost always looks good?

>> No.6118835

you read neither many manga or webtoons to think this way