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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 663 KB, 800x1000, 3-29-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6063113 No.6063113 [Reply] [Original]

Been avoiding making a dedicated thread about this but i'm fast approaching my wits end and both the painting and the process of learning how to do it is starting to become very draining for me.

You see when I wasn't studying it I had a sense of how to render and I did it with meh results but most importantly I actually finished pictures. Now that i'm actively studying ( courses tutorials studies etc.) I can only paint studies but can't transfer anything that I've picked up and successfully applied it to my own art.

It's like I'm petrified to fail all of a sudden and lately i spent HOURS brute forcing everything i touch, looking at countless pictures for references and inspiration, and doing all of these studies. Hell I picked up watercolors because I figure trad would aid in understanding how to paint better.

What am I doing wrong, and how do I bridge the gap?

Pic related is my work and i regularly posted in the OC threads till recently.

Thank you for helping an anon out in advance :)

>> No.6063114
File: 825 KB, 1000x1250, 3-20-2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something I did last year, it wasn't the best but at least it was finished

>> No.6063116
File: 476 KB, 1000x1006, 7-18-2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic

>> No.6063121
File: 683 KB, 1250x1000, 4-1-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something esle

>> No.6063123
File: 1.23 MB, 655x1000, 4-24-2022 c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a study again cant bridge the gap

>> No.6063125
File: 1.30 MB, 900x883, 3-30-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe im retarded or something idk

>> No.6063132
File: 765 KB, 1000x1250, 5-16-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one i couldn't color this yesterday and it was quite frustrating, so annoying

>> No.6063154

Pixel art pick it up anon best book is book called pixel logic i know it seems counter intuitive but digital painting will make more scene when you learn how to paint in pixels than from how to paint in trad

at least it did for me it seems that you have over thinking and perfectionism problems pixel art may be the fix

>> No.6063158

You probably shouldn't listen to me as I am still quite /beg/. But if there's one thing I see somewhat missing in your works (and not in your studies) is a larger value range and better defined highlights. Your flat colors and basic shading is very good but it seems like you're afraid of using darker tones. Those darker tones would in turn make your highlights pop more.
I don't know if it is your goal but you also seem to mostly ignore occlusion and cast shadows, those would be a good place to try using some darker values.
But it's still really good art anon, I really like your color palette choices.

>> No.6063167

Add the base colors on this pic and post here

>> No.6063174

Can you post an example of what you WANT to paint like?
Some of your examples are already end goals for people depending on their preferred style.
I can only assume that you want to try full value rendering as your examples are on the flatter side of the scale, apart from your studies.

>> No.6063177

study from art that has rendering you like

>> No.6063264
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x1500, 5-16-2022 b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you. its a golem covered in foliage and vines
i'd give it a look, can't hurt at this point. and yeah im overthink everything and trying to perfect and its just not fun
you brought up alot of good points and i dont work with darks often, thanks anon you're right on the money.
I do anon im just bad at recreating it when it matters.

>> No.6063276

if you can't recreate it, you didn't really learn it
try studying one element at a time, then applying that to what you want to draw straight away.
see how the artists blocks in, copy it, then apply it to your own stuff.
see how they seperate the light and shadows, copy it, then apply it

>> No.6063291

basically between like
to give you an idea but yes i need to get into full value rendering.

Can't argue with logic this sound, you're right i really need to deconstruct every step of this.

>> No.6063293

I think maybe you could try instead of using heavy lineart, use more shadow shapes and stronger values. For example using shadow shapes to replace lineart. Try using block-ins for your character art and don't be afraid to hue shift and go stronger on values. Your values feel too light to compete with your lineart. Try drawing on one layer and practicing painting over a sketch rather than have the sketch and lines on top. Or try hiding or lowering you sketch layer and going in with dark values to create shadows that replace the suggestions of lines.
for instance in these studies your values are much stronger and there are clearly defined shadow shapes.

>> No.6063337

It acually dawned on me that i was supposed to be painting over my lines all this time but i got discouraged from being so bad at it. I'll keep trying, thanks.

>> No.6063352

Please don't copy those artists your work is already more appealing that them.

>> No.6063361

First of all, I really like what you've posted. Keep it up!

To answer your question, I used face similar issue as well. I feel like without lineart I couldnt produce any good work at all. Eventually I realized that all I need to do is keep the concept of light and shadow in mind when painting, the lineart would be secondary in this case, only used to provide a rough direction of where the light and shadow should go. Hope this is somewhat clear, I can try to elaborate more if necessary.

>> No.6063376

Now add the shadow in a new layer. Either use a normal layer and choose only one color for each different base color and paint where the shadows should be or use a multiply layer and choose just one color for everything. The latter is better speed wise, the first for complete control. Post the progress here. Pay attention to the edges and don't rush it but don't fiddle with the details either

>> No.6063388

Anon youre way above this board. Theres nothing any of the perma/beg/ crabs in this cesspool can offer you

>> No.6063398

Try to use one layer to paint over the lines and colors, Think of them as one instead of two

>> No.6063412

To each its own.
Please elaborate further if you can. >>6063376
I'll post it in a few hours I'm not feeling well and i need to get some rest again thank you
We all have our permabeg days lol
I'll give it a try and post something later

>> No.6063424
File: 269 KB, 1000x1250, 1642680012998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so beg, send help too for me here

>> No.6063433

Another how do I render bullshit, go kys already op

>> No.6063636

You should apply for a job on mobile games unironically

>> No.6063843
File: 1.21 MB, 1291x950, unknown-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand the problem. If you want more details then slap new layer and start adding details? What?

Can you post like single pic and describe what is wrong with it? Or post two side by side where one is you and other is what you want?

>> No.6064140
File: 958 KB, 1000x1250, 5-17-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so here my progression, i tried to add reflective light and a mix of hard an soft edges but it looks goofy as hell.

looks like its made of clay interesting take.

I cant express my vision because my art isn't good enough. and my rendering is piss poor that i cant finish anything because i agonise over every stoke and im unable to loosen up and just render anymore.

>> No.6064196

>i agonise over every stoke
Try to avoid painting while zoomed in at first. Only do that once you've established the big picture.

>> No.6064204

>>6063123 >>6063125
>putting noise filters on studies

anyways, i think these things take time
here's something that could help, instead of copying the painting from an artist you like, copy the essence of it into an original work. Try to make it seem like it was painted by that artist.

also i think the drawings you posted need more contrast, use bolder colors, they look too flat. you're playing it too safe, try to push them!

>> No.6064236
File: 2.26 MB, 1393x870, 4-6-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what i've been doing and i still goof it up though im getting less shit with every attempt so at least i have that going for me.

>putting noise filters on studies
i tend to experiment with my studies in post from time to time, here something i did last month that wasn't altered. did it in an hour so its bad in spots.

>here's something that could help, instead of copying the painting from an artist you like, copy the essence of it into an original work. Try to make it seem like it was painted by that artist.
i'm going this a try now

>also i think the drawings you posted need more contrast, use bolder colors, they look too flat. you're playing it too safe, try to push them!
flatness my number one issue with my art style so i been forcing myself to draw the Z axis so my work has dimension to it. maybe adding shadows to my linear will help as wel. thanks

>> No.6064871
File: 591 KB, 2048x1152, FS6-TOHXsAAki1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro i think you have the very common artist rage: you call everything you make shit and go into panic mode over every stroke and such.

Ease up, eat chocolate or smoke week or get high on xanax, let go of the worries and finish it. You will be fine. Finish your shit. Not everything you make has to be 100% perfect. Sometimes even 51% is enough for passing grade.

>> No.6064905

please don't just to painting when your line art is complete trash and symbol drawing

>> No.6064941
File: 326 KB, 1000x1000, 5-17-2022 study observation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried thinking like a painter when something started to click today, it's too early to say for sure but shape design and accurate rending volume is a high priority at the moment.

that's the think i can acknowledge both the good and bad about then work to make it better , my words from a place of passion and a desire to be the best artist i can be rather than a place of self-loathing.
>Ease up, eat chocolate or smoke week or get high on xanax, let go of the worries and finish it. You will be fine. Finish your shit. Not everything you make has to be 100% perfect. Sometimes even 51% is enough for a passing grade.
perhaps, but I've been complacent long enough and it's time to excel at my craft.

>> No.6064962
File: 654 KB, 800x450, FPGdCYtX0AYgUF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excel at my craft
I think such word doesnt belong into art. For example read this page

They called him boring, "soulless" for being too "excellent" while drawing buildings. Idk what your ultimate goal is, but dont try to be perfect. First its simply not possible because we draw in photoshop instead of autocad and secondly because perfect is boring.

Ease up, let the shapes and colors flow and have a little faith. Simply finish the drawings and move on. Nobody will care about your first 9999 botched paintings, heck you dont even have to show them to anyone, only the good pieces :3

Tldr more draw less drama. Put drama on the paper. Draw a screeching man who doesnt have mouth with terror because his art suck. Thats your feelings and inspirations atm so put them into picture.

>> No.6064970

Bumping this thread. I've got the same problem OP. I can render almost photorealistically from photos yet can't apply this knowledge to original work at all.

>> No.6065023

I don't aim to be perfect either, l aim to be an effective communicator of my vision and expression and to perform at a high level. Im good at balancing work and play but i absolutely must I'll keep working on it, i feel like im on the cusp of discovering something great.
Hopefully you find something useful here

>> No.6065133

On new layer for light choose a color that is lighter than the base color and the hue goes towards the hue of the light and that to any plane that is facing the light, round it as necessary. Again don't fiddle with the details. You can use a screen layer for this too, same deal with the multiply layer

Once that is done add the bounce light on the shadows only, realistically you would choose a color that goes towards the color of the object near it, if opposite colors then they desaturate and then move to that other hue depending on how intense is the bounce light and its saturation. But in this case just choose one color and put in on a separate layer, normal or screen layer.

Next is occlusion shadow, this should be your darkest values. Add them in creaks and when objects are touching each other, making it hard for the light to get in those spaces.

Now add the highlights, this should be easy for most people so I'll just skip it

Add rimlight if you want to, add a gray background if you want it to show more.

If you want to paint everything in the sketch, go back to the base color and work through the layers again. You don't need to go through every layer for every detail, choose the details you want to see the forms.

If you're happy with everything now you add some textures with textured brushes on a layer over everything. Put some dust like dots in light areas. Some rough brushes where the light meets the shadow. Some gradient in multiply/screen/overlay. Do some color balancing/contrast. And now it should look ok

>> No.6065145

How to choose a shadow color? Isn’t shadow always black if not been lit by bounce light so does that mean there are no shadow color and only bounce light color?

>> No.6065155

Yes, but since sunlight gets bounced around everywhere you might as well skip painting it black and go straight to some color

>> No.6065200

So what is a core shadow and how do i know when to add them? Also how do i determind the border between light and midtone?

>> No.6065228

If we wanted to be literal with the names core shadow and specially bounce light the core shadow wouldn't appear is most circumstances outside of a controlled environment because technically they would most likely be receiving some bounce light. But since colors is all about relationship the names also take into account the relationship between the colors of what you see. So if a sphere is getting bounce lights through its entirety and no shadow is completely black then the core shadow is the region receiving the least amount of bounce light besides the occlusion shadow

>> No.6066118
File: 746 KB, 2559x1375, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

progess with the more care method of laying in the shapes. this is admittly slow but its quite effective thus far. I also tend to work from dark to light as it makes most sense to me.

you're a lifesaver anon, id give you a big fat kiss you if i could :D

>> No.6066520
File: 802 KB, 1119x900, 5-18-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i took everything and applied it to this drawing. how did i do, frens?

>> No.6066524

Looks blurry, I think you forgot about hard/soft edges when painting. Look at >>6063424 and observe how there is a hard edge drop Shadow from the hat with a soft transitional shadow wrapping around his head. Good rule is to make one side of the shadow hard and then soften the other side.

>> No.6066553
File: 717 KB, 2560x1382, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can admit that I overworked this when i was coloring and whatnot. how do i know when to transition the edges from hard to soft? or is it as you move further from the light along the form?

>> No.6066646

Mostly depends on the roundness of the form that is transitioning from the light to the shadow

>> No.6066648


>> No.6066662

There was a good video explaining that from an asian youtuber i forgot his name he had Minecraft humger meter in his vids if anyone know who im talking about

>> No.6066675

Mark's Drawing Tutorials, not sure what video you are talking about tho.

>> No.6066685

Post this image but with the layer with the bounce lights showing

>> No.6066686

Yes thanks i think its in the airbrush videos

>> No.6066894
File: 143 KB, 787x1256, 1652974447255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to pearn how to paint for an absolute beginner? I want to learn like my hero eu03

>> No.6066907
File: 62 KB, 800x1129, 1652975022951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn how to paint like my anime painting hero EU03*
Jesus. I am drunk as balls.

>> No.6067057
File: 532 KB, 1049x1043, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how helpful this is OP, just a little paint over.

>> No.6067062

I have no idea how to go from this >>6063424
to yours

>> No.6067087

Damn this is sick.

>> No.6067144
File: 832 KB, 1800x871, Untitled-2.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep doing studies of photos and other artists work and you'll get a bigger visual library. I didn't use references for this, but it probably would look better if I had. Even just having a seemingly unrelated painting an artist you admire has done off to the side helps to see things from another perspective. The studies you posted looked great, just try to remember what you learn from them in a painting from imagination.
As for concretely how to go from point a to b here. First I grouped the shadows together to form a more coherent shape, lowered the contrast of all the elements that fall within the shadow. I've heard somewhere that in a painting you can choose to either keep the shadow area full of details and contrast and keep the lit area plain, or do the opposite. So here, only the rocks that are being hit by the light are given any texture or form, the shaded areas are kept relatively smooth with just some ambient lighting. I also made the dark lines across the body less high contrast. And overall just made the shadows darker and the highligths lighter.

>> No.6067151

Ah, the other ones weren't mine. I just jumped in because I too struggle with painting. Thank you very much for the breakdown and guidance

>> No.6067277

I see, well I'm glad I could help anon.

>> No.6067284
File: 1000 KB, 2563x1377, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got it

actually blown away anon you took the OG concept and bought it to life. whenever i would rended painterly like this always look sloppy and unclear but here everything is neat an structured in a way has focus to it. how do i achieve this sort of thing? also was this done on one layer or many? I decided to used maybe layers for >>6066520 but it constantly cycling between layers is so tiring

>> No.6067635

It was done using one paint over layer at first, then an adjustment layer to change colors a bit, then one paint over layer on top of that if I recall. I will usually paint on one layer for the foreground/figure and one layer for the background in simple illustrations. At the moment I'm in the middle of an illustration that's requiring 40+ layers and yeah, it's awful. So much juggling with layers when all you want to do is draw lol.
I use photoshop and whenever I've tried to paint anything in csp it's come out looking soupy and glossy. So I really don't know how to go about getting this specific look in csp, though I'm sure there are ways and people who can impart that knowledge. Painterly brushes go a long way when trying to imply texture.

>> No.6067794

>It was done using one paint over layer at first, then an adjustment layer to change colors a bit, then one paint over layer on top of that if I recall. I will usually paint on one layer for the foreground/figure and one layer for the background in simple illustrations
I'm see, i'm going to break down and study your piece because there's some serious galaxy manvuers going on with the colors and im puzzled with half of your decisions with the color shifts.
>At the moment I'm in the middle of an illustration that's requiring 40+ layers and yeah, it's awful. So much juggling with layers when all you want to do is draw lol.
what a nightmare, well hopefully is ends up kino when the dust settles making the contact back and forth worth the pain.
>I use photoshop and whenever I've tried to paint anything in csp it's come out looking soupy and glossy. So I really don't know how to go about getting this specific look in csp, though I'm sure there are ways and people who can impart that knowledge. Painterly brushes go a long way when trying to imply texture. So I really don't know how to go about getting this specific look in csp, though I'm sure there are ways and people who can impart that knowledge. Painterly brushes go a long way when trying to imply texture.
Wow, i wasn't aware there was a difference between how PSD and CPS, infact 95% of the brush i had are PSD brushes that I ended up tweaking to make better. maybe I should make time to set up PSD again if it's really as bad as you say.

>> No.6068070
File: 596 KB, 999x804, 5-19-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so here's my interpretation of >>6067057
I didn't use texture brushes till the end when i picked up a sutble chalk brush because i was getting straight up filtered by this picture lol how i noticed that most of this picture was has all of these crazy hues shift while the values remained consistent in the shadows meaning that low contrast is was makes colors consistent I'm guessing. I also picked up on the focal point being cap with all the effort being there, a rule i keep forgetting admittedly. all and all i learned some things from this and will apply it to >>6064941 then call it curtains because I'm officially tired of looking at this goddamn picture and i'm ready to work on other things.

>> No.6069653

bumping a soild thread

>> No.6069834
File: 1.22 MB, 2558x1369, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50/50 on seeing this thru or dropping this to move on to draw other thing. getting alittle bored of this

>> No.6069853

Why are his legs getting two different light sources?
Maybe you should make him in 3D so you can understand how the lighting would work better.

>> No.6069873

fine arts with an anime head

>> No.6069909

Can you do a redline or link a tutorial I'm unsure that made more than one lightsource when its supposed to be the sky

>> No.6070147
File: 578 KB, 1140x1167, Untitled-2.2.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more little alteration suggestions, I would change the position of the arm a little since it's not reading well when it's contained within the silhouette of the body. And like >>6069853
said, the legs are hit with light coming from opposite directions. Even in a scene lit by daylight the main lightsource will usually have a direction. Lights and shadows are very complicated and usually it's enough to just go ''does this light look good and fits the composition? then it's good enough'' even if it isn't necessarily correct.
Based on the angle of his head the perspective seems to be very low to the ground, while the ground and his feet are curving upwards. When low to the ground the horizon line is also very low.
Also since this time most of the figure is in shadow, the shaded area can be rendered with more details, while blowing out the highlights. I also added some momentum to some of the vines to make the pose even more dynamic.
Hope this helps even if you're getting sick of this subject matter by now.
Very nice, looks very close to the paint over. Good observations with the focal point and hue shifts and such. Glad to have helped!

>> No.6070150
File: 137 KB, 800x800, AACA85A4-F2C1-4C89-9DA2-B83981DDB4E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i even try

>> No.6070620

what a legend you are, i'm really grateful you took the time to help me like this :D at this point it's clear that I've yet to grasp the most basic principles of lighting so it's high time for me to return to step one on for the time being. I also like the anatomy corrections and perspective as well, i kept fiddling with it arms and stuff because i knew it was wrong but couldn't get it to look right. i'm going to break down this for study and then call it a day on this little project. you're been a real pal :D

You gotta keep trying pal even it's hard, you'll be glad that you did when you see how far you've come months down the line :)

>> No.6070671

I think these are delicious, OP
do you have a blog?

>> No.6070677

Anon where did you learn how to do light and shadow?

>> No.6071348
File: 780 KB, 1000x1000, 5-21-2022 b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this study and even added some texture brush to it because i was feeling fancy. pretty shabby but that's how the learning curve goes.

>> No.6072340

no blog sorry

>> No.6072666

Why not? Not even twitter, instagram, pixiv, not be ing?

>> No.6072875

not interested at this point in my journey

>> No.6073168

Inspired by >>6067057
A wip attempt except autist over texture brushes

>> No.6073174
File: 2.12 MB, 2048x2048, 2343DC9C-BE50-441B-B386-DD3FD95C46F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.6075696

nice take on the rock anon

>> No.6075886

those rocks look sick anon, what brush did you use for the texture?

>> No.6075915

I know exactly what you are going through, and I think you are actually on the right path with your trad watercolor frog which is exceptionally good. Rendering well is really just a matter of confidence after a certain point. Even though it sounds counter intuitive, I would struggle with colored pencils or something that isn’t like how you normally render for just a piece or two, and then come back to digital. It will just make the whole thing feel easier and then you will be able to apply those fundies better or at least thats what I do.

>> No.6075988
File: 750 KB, 561x800, 4-21-2022 b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh the frog was digital, this is what pic relate is what my gigabeg trad looks like.
>Rendering well is really just a matter of confidence after a certain point. Even though it sounds counter intuitive, I would struggle with colored pencils or something that isn’t like how you normally render for just a piece or two, and then come back to digital. It will just make the whole thing feel easier and then you will be able to apply those fundies better or at least thats what I do.
yeah i was thinking about making more time to play with trad lately since i have graghites, piere noires, watercolor/color pencils, inks brushes pens, tons of alcohol markers and watercolor that's mostly collecting dust since I'm always chained to the PC and quite bad at all of them. it may put things in perspective for me so it doesn't hurt to try at this point.

>> No.6075989
File: 277 KB, 600x464, 4-21-2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another water color practice

>> No.6077419

Might need more water in your watercolors

>> No.6077602

Draw girls instead you homo
Boys cannot be "cute"

>> No.6077617

then how come you’re cute?

>> No.6077650

please refrain from grooming outside of discord

>> No.6078699
File: 1.24 MB, 2560x1377, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well post a wip im trying to color

i'll try next time im watercoloring
cute girls don't really do it for me any more cute boys are way more fun to draw

>> No.6078901
File: 688 KB, 1593x1702, rinko 19 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6078923

prince went biker core

>> No.6078927

holy crap

>> No.6079070
File: 1.37 MB, 2560x1382, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

progress :)
This is another oc, justice. I just change his design to make him more youthful

>> No.6080685
File: 1.24 MB, 2560x1375, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overpainting got me on a whole new level of stumped and im starting to think i should adopt a more simple method or rendering while I'm learning because I'm just too beg for the painterly pill lol

>> No.6082425


>> No.6082859
File: 28 KB, 657x624, 1617104891149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I came to this thread just to say good job. Even though my statement is of no help to you whatsoever, looking at this thread motivated me to pick up a pencil again after months out of the game.

>> No.6083281
File: 58 KB, 720x714, b5d7ff890b05a0f97f89590e6535c47d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made my day with this anon, i've been in nasty rut for a while as shown itt but hearing that this convinced you picked up a pencil again makes me want keep working at it. Keep drawing pal, its the only way to make it :)

>> No.6083315

NTA, but I ironically can relate to this as I use to pixel art/sprite art years ago while I was still learning how to draw well, now that I got more board with drawing I went back to sprite arting and I unironically enjoy it far more and for once, actually finish that far quicker and more reliably than I do drawing now, and I couldn't understand why. Maybe you're on to something.

>> No.6084261
File: 2.33 MB, 3024x3315, pencil_n_sheeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kinda suck anyhow, but I ended up relearning gesture for a few hours and got right back to the point I was at before I had to put down my pencil, but your stuff is the bomb! And ngl you helped me a shitload in overcoming some design issues I had with one OC you drew a very epic pic of. Not picrel.

I very much hope you overcome your rut-- you definitely have the mindset of a GMI!

>> No.6084376

Damn even pinky out here struggling, I got no chance

>> No.6084754
File: 2.64 MB, 1000x1250, 11-10-2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I kinda suck anyhow, but I ended up relearning gesture for a few hours and got right back to the point I was at before I had to put down my pencil, but your stuff is the bomb!
I quit drawing several times in my life so I know how it is. what's important IMO is getting back on the grind when you are ready because you realize that you love doing it so much. keep this is mind and you get through it eventually.
>And ngl you helped me a shitload in overcoming some design issues I had with one OC you drew a very epic pic of. Not picrel.
My memory is fuzzy but is this your oc? god what the hell was i studying because my rendering what waaaaaay better during this period
>I very much hope you overcome your rut-- you definitely have the mindset of a GMI!
thanks, as hard as this it, I'm trying to remain positive because i know im going to look back on this someday and see how far i came and will be grateful i managed to improve.

>> No.6084969
File: 884 KB, 1000x1250, 5-30-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried drawing without lines for once, it was alright

>> No.6084982

I really like this style, it's cool

>> No.6084993

thanks anon :)

>> No.6085165
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x567, 5-30-2022 b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loosey goosey birb study, really trying to play with brushes and stuff

>> No.6085170

Nice tit, tho that brush make his feathers look more like hair
You should try putting down flat colors to figure where things go, then go over with texture and blending. Starting with texture can make it look good without it being accurate.
You are improving so much anon i don't think you can see it so i am telling you, keep it up!

>> No.6085189

do you color pick or guess the colors? I try not to pick myself but I think I might be colorblind, yours look almost identical to your ref's.

>> No.6085235

>Nice tit, tho that brush make his feathers look more like hair
>You should try putting down flat colors to figure where things go, then go over with texture and blending. Starting with texture can make it look good without it being accurate.
I see what you mean, thanks
I tend to do both though this was most picking because i getting tired and what not.

>> No.6085240
File: 657 KB, 1000x665, 1653977394203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post my study from the other day as well too

>> No.6085347

How dare you complain about painting when you regularly shit out studies like these?

>> No.6085742

My art looks nothing like my studies, if it did i wouldn't have made this thread.

>> No.6085817

nta but why dont you do a study of stylized art next? lets see how that goes if ur issue is painting a stylised drawing

>> No.6085884

you read my mind anon I was planning on doing
studies of goerge kamitani's art today

>> No.6085944

Draw stuff from imagination

>> No.6085957

I'll do both

>> No.6086410


>Is this your OC?
Yes, yes it is. And good crap if isn't satisfying to draw all of them again-- I still use the pieces you did of my OCs, including that one, for studying anatomy/shading from time-to-time.

Also had to rub my eyes a couple of times at those seals >>6085240
If this wasn't a paint-thread, I might've thought they were real for a couple of seconds...

Thank you very much for the compliments, anon! I'm on summer break, so hopefully in-between work I'll have plenty of time to continue improving.

>> No.6086582
File: 694 KB, 1210x600, 5-31-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time got away from me today now i need to sleep, will get around to applying what i gleaned from this study tomorrow, which didn't get a chance to refine because I'm exhausted now.
its waayy hard to study someones painting than do photostudies and its not even close

>Yes, yes it is. And good crap if isn't satisfying to draw all of them again-- I still use the pieces you did of my OCs, including that one, for studying anatomy/shading from time-to-time.
feels good man, im glad drawing helped you out

>also had to rub my eyes a couple of times at those seals
>If this wasn't a paint-thread, I might've thought they were real for a couple of seconds...
like i said i can copy thing decently enough with enough time but i can't apply it for nada

>> No.6087025
File: 49 KB, 500x709, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For curiosity's sake, how does one conduct a study of another artist? Is it just trying to copy what they do pound-for-pound (as in the process of copying anatomy studies)? Does it ruin the study if you use media other than what appears in the drawing?

Pretty sure it's more worthwhile at my level to get the ins-and-outs of anatomy under my belt first, but there *are* in-fact a good few artists whose styles I like and want to try to emulate (like picrel, among other artists).

>> No.6087042

>how does one conduct a study of another artist?
You dont have to copy exact process as long as you reach the same result the process dont matter
the artist may used 10 layers but you are more comfortable using 3 then use three to paint it
you can use a ref you dont know the artist you copied used a ref too
>ins-and-outs of anatomy under my belt first
art isnt all anatomy and it is not a linear process you will never graduate from anatomy and then move on to color it dosnt work like that
art is a continuous learning process you learn anatomy then do stylized art then back to anatomy etc
pin point one thing you like the most in the drawing and study that
if you like the colors then trace the image and color it so you dont worry about anatomy
if you like how its drawn then copy it and draw it without painting

>> No.6087344

i thought the point of a master study was to deconstruct and analyse the way that the person you're studying achieved the result, not just to achieve the same result by copying

>> No.6087352

It can be a way to copy their process but not always and especially when it comes to digital copying traditional, sometimes it isn't even possible.
Usually you are just trying to copy specific elements of their painting to absorb into your own process.

>> No.6087353

Op here,I thought the point of master's studies is to ultimately do both. like, do a few dry run copies to help with internalizing their idiosyncrasies then make your own piece with what you learned.' i'm learning the hard way that just jumping into deconstruction a style doesn't simply doesn't work for me.

>> No.6087548

Some knowledges cannot be shown in certain styles
If you want to go with epic rendering you will have to adapt your style as well

>> No.6087761
File: 438 KB, 1000x354, 6-1-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short on time so I decided to do another study that took a surprisingly long time still it was a interesting style to copy

this thought had crossed my mind several times. i should be broadening my horizon.

>> No.6087962

Hey, i finished reading the book and i can definitely see the parallels between pixel art and painting and alot of it made sense. Perhaps id pick up in the coming months as im hyperfocused on rendering at this changing medium isn't on menu for now. Thanks anyway.

>> No.6087992

phishing for compliments

>> No.6088672

Stumbling around artists styles and doing studies is nice and all, but I'd come back to the source, who's the artists that inspires you? that you really like, but don't know why exactly. PIck those, only a handful, and start looking at their work, instead of just randomly doing a 1:1 copy, sit in front of the image and start describing what you see, if you need some technical terms to refer to it, put it down on paper and make a list of things that you noticed, do this with the others. Then write down what you'd like to see on your work, but this time don't look at your notes from other artists, it's just you, be honest and write all you want, it doesn't need to be all technical, it could be a feeling or something you want to convey through your colors or composition, now come back to your list, see which one is closer to your own description.
Get a folder of that artist's pieces and start studying him/her using as reference the things you listed about them, now you know what you're looking for so the exercise isn't random and you're not just putting brush strokes on the canvas.
The anon that told you to give your referenced pieces your own spin is right, if you listed the things you want on your art, you take what you just learned and give it your own spin based on the things you listed for your ideal work. You'll realize at some point you don't want to do the literal study and just skip to study the things you'd like to have on your work, some of the things you want will be in that piece, others won't so this is where your gut and experience kicks in.
The honeymoon phase will end eventually and you'll realize you're just doing studies and nothing of your own, so that's why you want to do this mix of study/own work, you're aware of the issue so don't push it around, you seem to overthink things so writing down and doing a fair bit of documenting about your learning process is gonna give you some base to understand what direction you need to take.

>> No.6089059

Seems like some serious soul searching is in order because I don't have a definite answer for any of this and now I'm starting to suspect I've just been flailing without any real plan despite how much blood sweat and tears I've been putting into this. I going to take the day off, maybe two since the last time I did was February 17th, and just need to room breathe, and gather my bearings before I burn out since being unable to finish things has honestly been depressing the actual shit out me as much as hate being negative about my work and feeling like I been defeated with every piece i can finish because it's not masterfully done...

yup, it's definitely time to break and return with answers for this later.

>> No.6089219

Just keep in mind the following thought (of the many you'll have about art really)
>What do I want to do with my art?
You may not like what comes out, but you'll be able to take action with it, if you like art as a hobby only, then that's that, it may change some of your decisions, and how you feel about them, it's your own business though, so do you what you need to do. What I just told you are suggestions for a more confident action, if you need something visible to conceptualize your preferences, use it if you want, if you find a better method then give that a go instead, but just contemplate your options with yourself and your preferences in mind.
Take a look at these, it may help in your thinking:
Here are some questions, just for fun, you can always have a root for something that leads you to an interesting conversation with yourself
>What do I do for art?
>What does art do for me?
>What would happen if I wasn't involved with art?

>> No.6091383
File: 312 KB, 1000x436, 6-3-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pushing paints for fun, done from imagination.

Took your advice anon. it worked like a charm. sitting down to parse through my issues made me put many things into perspective that i lost sight of because I've been grinding mindlessly. Now that I know what direction to take my art in I can make better decisions about how my art. Thanks pal, you're a lifesaver.

>> No.6091388

Stop overthinking anon. Allow yourself to relax. When you're relaxed your mind can play around with the concepts floating around in your head.

>> No.6091429

yeah im going to start chilling out when it comes to rendering all of my best work seems to done when i'm not forcing things too hard

>> No.6091985

I think your studies are superb, but when you paint from imagination you don't push your values enough anon. Maybe it's the subject matter but it looks a little bland/washed out. Why don't you try painting a neon palette scene or something with harsher lighting contrast from imagination just to see how it turns out and if any trends immerge. You do great stuff, you're obviously talented good luck anon.

>> No.6092966
File: 370 KB, 1000x833, 6-4-2022 b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured as much i've been trying to bring more desaturated/greys into my work since I've be noticing it a lot of artwork of late but i guess has to be more to it than that. i'll give this a go for my next drawing session, literally couldn't thing of anything I wanted to paint from imagination today so i ended up sketching characters all day.

>> No.6093149

I think in your case it's less about saturation and more about separating your shadow and midtone values harder, you could take the paintings you did above and really play around with a curves layer or a camera raw filter (or your software equivalent) and see if you notice it get more appealing or not. Very cute family of characters by the way.

>> No.6093888
File: 623 KB, 949x800, 6-5-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i may have overbaked it but my work should my like correct, i will admit don't much post-editing

>Very cute family of characters by the way.

>> No.6094634
File: 394 KB, 1000x436, 1654333519750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you went like 300% too hard, I find playing with curves and sliders very deceptive because in the moment your eye just goes "ohh clearer image more saturation = good", and you end up losing a lot of the feel and subtleties of the image that you were putting in on the fly while painting. Then you come back to the painting after a while and realize the original had more soul. It's way better to just be aware of your own natural tendencies (for example going too saturated or not enough or not darkening your shadows enough) and consciously correcting for that while painting, then no post correction is necessary.

>> No.6094640

Do you notice that your paintings have a tendency to lean towards the left?

>> No.6094874
File: 1.36 MB, 2564x1377, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see, i'll try to be more mindful of this as my shadow tend to be too light in most cases and i favor overly saturated colors

no, but i also i don't flip the canvas when painting as often if even at all, thanks for pointing it out

>> No.6094969

>my shadow tend to be too light in most cases and i favor overly saturated colors
As long as you can recognize it you can tweak it and relearn. Also I recommend switching the saturation/value part of the color wheel to the triangle because the square disregards the value progression of the y axis as you move further right on the x axis and has made me pick colors more saturated than necessary. You're better off just making the whole wheel bigger so you have tighter control on the triangle. That said if you mentally remove the up = lighter, down = darker bias and just objectively pick the color then that's irrelevant too.

Seeing you post your drawings daily made me draw more often and try to accelerate my output and learning pace, keep trucking anon.

>> No.6095214

What a pro

>> No.6095339
File: 35 KB, 474x457, 1649395167574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6095343
File: 579 KB, 1476x1882, d7tygfuyg9ghui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma have to draw as good as the Pinkfag

>> No.6095421

wtf that's symbol drawing??

>> No.6095856

it isn't, people here are just overlycritical dunning kruger begs trying to distance themselves from other begs by using big insulting terminology

>> No.6097049
File: 1.50 MB, 2560x1373, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this got really muddy and flat really fast so im going to try it again (or make a better looking picture). Also I'm going to draw this out more since my sketching isn't polished enough to paint over at this point.

>triangle color wheel
Man this is going to take getting used to but I'll give it a go

>Seeing you post your drawings daily made me draw more often and try to accelerate my output and learning pace, keep trucking anon.
Wow that's so nice, im glad to here that managed to get some good out of this thread, i wish you luck on your journey as well :)

>> No.6097220
File: 798 KB, 983x1000, 6-6-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5 study from this prompt >>6095044

>> No.6097624

Beautiful hips.

>> No.6097637

how long

>> No.6097715

Whoops, about a hour and a half

>> No.6097729

IMO even here you could push your values and clean up your transitions. The art style is 'cutesy' but if you look closely the source's body is really cleanly rendered, especially the arms.

>> No.6097774


You are not starting rough enough. Your only goal when starting is to get the colors in the right spot and capture the feeling you are trying to evoke. As if you can see a blurry image of what you want and then after you have that you go in and define your edges and forms. When you start their shouldn't be sharp lighting just blurry dark spots.

The final step would be trying to capture the texture of the material almost like you can feel it between your fingers.

>> No.6098214
File: 449 KB, 800x1000, 6-7-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see what you mean anon, going to work on being less loosly goosey for renders like this
as a drawer, this is really challenging for me to do as I'm so used to drawing some level details rather than laying in shapes until it looks like the desired image. I just keep ending up in mud city whenever i do. either way I'll experiment with this today and post my hopefully good results in a few hours

>> No.6098452
File: 694 KB, 1000x992, omi0px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll see if i can focus a lot

>> No.6098963
File: 1.06 MB, 2561x1374, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried experimenting with brush opacity for the lay today and ended up with a few stinkers going to try again layer next time and draw things that are far more creative

>> No.6098996

Niw combine hard and soft edges

>> No.6099031

Idk if anyone has asked you this before but how long have you been drawing OP? I am really envy of your level.

>> No.6100011
File: 802 KB, 800x1000, 6-8-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warm up of a loose concept i been playing with, slapped a quick coloring palette on it.

I'll rework these now

I've always draw off and on, but never been particularly skill at it till last year.

>> No.6100017
File: 425 KB, 800x1000, 6-8-2022 b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the linear if it doesn't read

>> No.6100023

the pinkanon, do you draw zoomed out a big canvas and then make the image resolution small for your lineart to look that good because sometimes i do that but it doesn't come out smooth looking

>> No.6100048

You should try anal masturbation!

>> No.6100067

i thought fapping kills your gains
or at least, tricked into believing

>> No.6100072
File: 2.25 MB, 2400x3000, 6-8-2022 full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

images are shrunken down as a courtesy to the 1000px rules of ic rather and make it look better, in fact my linear always looks visible worst than it does in my 'sketchbook' because of the compression. sketchbooks aren't that big either, just 2400 x 3000 or 3000 x 2400 for landscape

>> No.6100079

interesting, thank you. i'll try out dynamic sketching like you have

>> No.6100574
File: 547 KB, 1023x900, 6-8-2022 b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this session went better than the last IMO, and tho i love drawing food it's time to move onto more complex subjects.

np hope it works out for you

>> No.6100584

way better values on this one pinkfriend you're moving in the right direction

>> No.6101955
File: 593 KB, 1000x820, 6-9-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5 hr study focusing on shapes


>> No.6101983

Another victim of the hard round meme

>> No.6101990

just a tip, use more hard edges, right now it has this soft look all over, the edges that should be harder ad sharp you left more fuzzy and blended like the green leafs on the fruit

>> No.6101997

The guy is a victim of the hard round meme, even worse, he thinks the hard round meme involves doodling away vales with a small brush size. This is why all his shit looks like it's made out of worms, literally too dumb to even follow the hard round meme properly

>> No.6102015

See that's the thing, i've been firming up my brushes because it's been said my art is too soft yet it's still soft. how would you go about it?

>> No.6102035
File: 185 KB, 1448x2048, 1638197624354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're feeling ballsy, you can always start using different brushes for learning to do textures over materials. you may be familiar with rendered spheres, they aim to practice this specifically, it adds an unique quality to your objects and gets them closer to what they physically represent, this can very much be emotional too, the level of detail is up to you, keep an eye on how your favorite artists approaches texturing or describing material with his/her brushstrokes, you can take that as inspiration and come up with your own solutions too.
Here are some videos if you're interested:

>> No.6102096
File: 647 KB, 1807x900, Contrast_L&S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, on the video where he uses Corel Painter, you can do what he does (somewhat) in Photoshop too, but you can use something like Art Rage 6 and use it to a similar effect as this kind of software is more focused on a trad painting approach, it's worth a try.
>For windows
1)Install the content of "1.INSTALAR"
2)Once installed, copy the content of "2.PARCHEAR\x64" where the program was installed and "replace". (x86 if we have 32 bits).
3)Block the entire ArtRage folder on Windows firewall (see how).
4)start the program and disable automatic updates inside "preferences".
>For Mac
-Install and you're set, dragging the ArtRage icon over "Applications".
It's recommended to block the ArtRage executable on Mac's Firewall

>> No.6102236

thanks a ton anon, watched the video and i'm ready to give this a go now, including the program which filtered me for a bit during the install lol i appreciate you for helping me I really do :D

>> No.6102386

what resource did you use to start learning this style of rendering anon?

>> No.6102483

lost alot of time today, first impression of art made loathe the program as i spent more time fighting with the program than drawing, this goes triple for Corel 2022 which just another level of annoying ill give ArtRage it another shake later

nothing, i just painted.

>> No.6103900
File: 345 KB, 800x1000, 6-10-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to try and finish a drawing

>> No.6104400
File: 1.12 MB, 2558x1382, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6105529
File: 1.18 MB, 2560x1378, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to try a different approach this isnt working for me

>> No.6105549

Another victim of the hard round meme

>> No.6105632

The chicken looks and feels pretty tasty anon, you're in a good path imo. If you're unsure about how to approach your work further spend a little time with the "whys" and "hows", for example, does the palette read? is this the lighting I want? do the colors looks too saturated? what about the shadows? then just take a break and let some ideas appear, find some reference with a similar palette/mood and observe how those questions are solved on that painting, or simply find inspiration to keep your gears turning, then come back later and give it another run, you can color sample or play with hue/saturation tools in photoshop, it's there to help you make your process more efficient, and it'll be useful for learning too.
If you're still not sure about color then try looking at [Marco Bucci's Color Survival Kit], you mentioned somewhere in the thread that you felt that, among the lines, were on the verge of discovering something great, maybe it has to do with the appeal of color and how to control it.
If you have doubts or wonder how to more intuitively reach to results like >>6067057 that course will give you a very good lead about:
>How color moves
>Grays and saturation
>Warm vs Cool colors (also warm light vs cool light and how it works)
>Color temperature and how to apply it based on the color wheel
>Color notes (there's one video about it on his channel if you want to have an idea about it too)
>Color palettes
>Plenty of real time demonstrations showing these concepts and different approaches that will get you to a very similar result
>Study methods that you can easily do to sharpen your skills using what he taught on the course
Setting up your values:
Color notes video (he goes way more in depth on the course but may be useful to have an idea of what it is):

>> No.6105840

>The chicken looks and feels pretty tasty anon, you're in a good path imo
feels good man I'll take any "w" that i can :)

but yeah, there's definitely something funky with my colors because i just kept on adjusting it over and over then i realized that i'm not planning my drawings carefully and rushing into coloring things because I'm so used to bullshiting my ways through drawings and getting decent results. I'm going to work on more exercises and value study for a while, perhaps some background practice other things. picking this course up right away because i need to paint pretty colors!!! will post more things soon. thanks pal :D

>> No.6106742
File: 843 KB, 656x1000, 6-12-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mindstatus: Blown. now I have to do more studies like this

>> No.6106765

you keep saying youre gonna try something different and then proceed to do the literal exact same thing so here, ill tell you what you need to do in order to improve it's just your choice if you want to do it or not
you are now banned from blending, hard shapes *only*
no smudge, no opacity, no bristly brush. it will look like shit at first and that's ok just god damn you desperately need a good shoving out of your comfort zone

>> No.6106800

Maybe i'm a huge tard but how does going back to >>6063114>>6063116 help me learn how to paint? I agree with the comfort zone part but i'm trying to see the merit of pure Hard round in this context. can you post work and show me how you use it?

>> No.6106849

I thought about it for a bit and fuck it, it's worth a shot I really got nothing to lose at this point.

>> No.6106857
File: 314 KB, 940x995, oyug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k here i drew your otter character really quick its definitely meh needs refinement blah blah
you might say that i am using opacity/blending which yes i am (doesnt help that the character is furry lol), but im not telling you to drop it permanently, im telling you to practice without it in order to train yourself to paint shapes instead of smudging everything together and creating that noodly soupy look everyone is telling you that you have
you dont need to return to how you were drawing before, just exit your comfort zone by not blending everything

>> No.6106891
File: 101 KB, 850x599, __pandora_original_and_1_more_drawn_by_nat_the_lich__sample-948564cf53aec520bca06c590d40daf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind one thing, you'll be pulled from all directions in here, and that's obvious; every anon can pick your work apart. But the truth is there's not a magic method that is suddenly going to cure all your perceived "problems" on your work, and it's definitely not going to take you a couple of weeks to improve over them, it could take you several months or even years, just be prepared for that and don't presume something not looking perfect in your or in anyone's eyes in here equals to "it's all wrong, so go back to square 1 and try again",especially after a couple of days of taking new information in, this "reset" mindset is going to make you too confused to the point you'll be desperate because your work never takes off.
Doing exercises/practice is one thing, what you like to create in your own time it's another, the later feeds from the former, but don't hammer it in, you'll be completely lost if you keep sponging off from literally everything that is put in front of you without a goal, that's your job, and no one here can help you with that.
Here's one last advice and I hope you take it: leave this board for good and spend a fair amount of time practicing (at least a few months), learning theory/techniques from videos/books, referencing [favorite artists] for studies, do the sitting with it kind of approach if it helps you, take it all in, make it align with what you'd like to see on your work and keep your "goals" in mind (that informs where to learn from/what to study), they'll change with time but that's fine as long as they are still yours.
These pieces:
Already have character and appeal to it. I'm warning you because I've seen art from the likes of NatTheLich getting heavy criticism on this board, not to say all is wrong, but it's harder to take advice when you feel confused or lack any confidence about your pieces yourself.
tl;dr: Focus on your work more, and leave /ic/

>> No.6106947
File: 61 KB, 699x461, f9dad6b00e84c72ccc4de88e9c3f7335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a ton of feedback in this thread, probably more than I ever seen in this board for a single person, it's time you take it and start doing your own thing, without looking back. Most advice will fall under the "taste" and "fundamentals" category, the second you can get it from books and courses, there's plenty of that on the book and courses thread, anons aren't wrong when they say that's almost the only useful thing about this board, it's 90% truth, the other 10% is that there are actually people that will help you, but how you can make use of that advice is the issue.
You feel stuck with fundmanetals? Go learn from people that actually know what they are doing, you'll understand the reasoning because most of the time the teacher tells you "how" and "why", there's almost no guesswork, just mileage.
You'll get a sense of what looks good, by the mere act of applying that knowledge and because you already had a sense of what you like to see on your work, maybe by chance, but you gravitate to this style for a reason, if you need to understand why then break it down to a conceptual level, how? look at your favorite artist work and start asking questions, some technical, some more abstract, you don't need a answer for them right away, but aware they exist, they come from your knowledge in a technical level, and from the taste you've developed by observing and creating art.
This is not a one time thing, just like when you create a piece, you find references, you consume media that inspires you, that's part of the process, stressing about it's not gonna work, being desperate about the secret sauce is not gonna help you, that's why I dislike the Trent Kaniuga types, they make art seem like a miserable experience. Don't treat it like it's some punishment that you'll have to carry on your back permanently or you'll burn out. Enjoy the good and shitty pieces, it's part of learning and creating art, you're already have what you need, now go and have fun.

>> No.6107105
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You're absolutlely leaving is for the best at this point. i'm gotten tunnel vision, and i'm now just so desperate to be and prove that I can be a great artist as soon as possible that i don't know what to even do anymore. I've lost touch with the type art i want to make and why. Gonna miss ic, but I'll do my best to stay away from this place while i work on myself, and maybe someday I will figure this all out and end up making incredible art.

Thanks for everything anons, take care.

>> No.6107204

My God, Nat the Flinch

>> No.6107795

line-eyes anon is gonna die without you