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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6094788 No.6094788 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

>I'm thinking of getting the Wacom One, should I buy it?
Fuck off retard. Ask a better question.

>Recommended tablets:

>Intuos 3
Best screenless tablet. Look for one on Craigslist or Ebay.
>Intuos 4, 5 & Pro
Also good options. Will burn through your nibs.
>Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech, but a small 10.4" display area.
>Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9"
Best option for a display tablet.
>Galaxy Tab S7+/S8+
Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro


>XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand
Poor build quality, lackluster pens, broken tilt, struggles to register light pressure, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands are basically the same because they're all centralized. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are. Also watch out, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/; they do a lot of samefagging and frequently hurl personal insults.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.

Bad drawing performance because they're not designed with art in mind.

>Cintiqs & other desktop display tablets
Overpriced, prone to problems and will lead to back posture issues.

>iPads (brand new)
>iMacs and Macbooks
Never buy this garbage under any circumstance. It's a locked ecosystem with rubbish hardware you can't upgrade.

Previous: >>6071095

>> No.6094863

I'm thinking of getting the Wacom One, should I buy it?

>> No.6094897
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Never buy XP-Pen or Huion. They are garbage.

>> No.6094956

I want to get S8+ but it just feels like a big phone. I can't justify paying 800+ euros just to draw. Do they ever have big discounts?

>> No.6094960
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I have bought my first tablet (samsung galaxy s6 lite) and i got a couple issues
1) when i draw with small strokes it feels perfect, but when i take big strokes across the screen, theres like an unpleasant sensation, feeling like the screen is not a perfectly straight plane, feeling a bit of friction. Why is that, its the material? Is there some kind of thin plastic cover i can put on to prevent this?
2) I heard a lot about pen sensitivity and supposedly the standard pen has 4000 points which is good, but when i draw i feel like its not that precise, and when i drag the pen as lightly as possible i would expect a very light input to come out, instead theres nothing. Why is that? I am using the default pen with infinite painter app

>> No.6094963

What about Monitor?
FHD, QHD, 4k?

What size and resolution monitor goes best with an Intous 5 pro large?

>> No.6094974

Higher resolution is not a meme, I think
I wound up prefering my tab s7+ over my cintiq 16 and I think the real deciding factor was the resolution.
1080p feels so blurry after awhile of using 1440p+, I'd zoom in to look at details and go "that's it?"

proobably a big reason why people like screenless tablets, too, since you can just use any screen on them and see what you're working on in the actual environment people will be seeing it

>> No.6094979

Are you using the pen that came with it? It's notably not super great for drawing, the rubberized tip was meant to give resistance on the screen for small strong actions (i.e writing).

Pen sensitivity is a bit of a tough one. 4000 sensitivity levels is good but honestly most artists will never really notice more than 2000, what matters more is the quality of the pen/digitizer and even the program itself. Check to see if your program has a sensitivity curve and play around with that. The S-pen has a noticeably high Initial activation force because it's meant for writing, not drawing.

My suggestion is to either get your hands on a wacom One stylus, or get some hard nibs for the s-pen. Then get a slightly matte/paperlike screen protector and see how it feels.

Oh also, try to draw both on hard surfaces and in your lap to see the difference. I found when I first started using these portable tablets that I kept holding it at funny angles and that caused a lot of my work to look skewed.

>infinite painter
good app when it fucking works. I've recently become fed up with this program, they keep updating it and breaking everything for the sake of shitty zoomer interfaces and features that literally do not function. Yesterday the eyedropper just stopped working and that was when i decided to bite the bullet and learn how to use CSP.

Try out Artflow, too. It's sort of abandonware, but it was abandoned in a state that works. You can probably find a pirated .apk for CSP somewhere, but I occasionally do commissionwork so I'm not doing that on pirated software.

>> No.6095004

Thanks for the help bro

>> No.6095418

complete newb to drawing here, currently using a mouse and krita

am i better off buying the smallest wacom intuos, or a slightly larger xp-pen/huion for about the same price?

>> No.6095454

I have all of the memes but lately I just use the screenless because it plugs into a laptop, doesn't need power cables and has access to all desktop software

>> No.6095560

>but why are you paying for courses if you are a thirdworlder on a budget?

Because I want to learn from quality material and the money I've saved is a good way to do so.

How come? I mean I've checked out like 10 reviews on youtube for tablets and sure those reviews touch on the superficial stuff. Have you owned one before? If so what made you hate it?

I see I'll check those out

>> No.6095841

XP Pen's digitizers always have some kind of problems. The tilt doesn't work all too well and the pen tends to jitter, more or less depending on which model you use.
Some people can deal with that, some people cannot.

>> No.6095869

iPad is great and all, but does anyone else get tired of having to change the screen protector so often?

>> No.6096369

>feeling like the screen is not a perfectly straight plane, feeling a bit of friction.
I don't have a samsung, but maybe try cleaning the screen? Sometimes even a tiny bit of oil from your skin can affect how itfeels to draw.

>> No.6096694

Why the 2nd gen iPad? Is it a cost/benefit thing, or are some generations just legit better?

>> No.6096765

because it has bezels and doesn't have those stupid rounded corners

>> No.6096789
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is there a tablet that doesn't require two hundred cables and gay driver updates? i just want a fast, simple experience

at this point i should just buy an ipad pro

>> No.6096805

iPad Pro. You sacrifice screen real estate but it just werks

>> No.6097014

Thoughts on the Cintiq 22?
I have the space, the money, the will, I just need some opinions.

>> No.6097455

Still trying to decide between iPad Pro 11 and Galaxy Tab S8+. All the benchmarks show that iPad is at least x2 faster. Not sure how much it matters in real life.
I don't want to buy Apple product but Android just seems so far behind.

>> No.6097484

Honestly I'm waiting for them to remake the 22 and give a proper resolution for the screen size. They're alright but not so worth it for the price.

>> No.6097593 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6097595 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6097599 [DELETED] 
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Fake news

>> No.6097898

>want to buy a tablet with a screen
>see wacom
>see wacom one not to be confused with one by wacom
>one has a screen and the other does not
It's like having two Bobs in a story. Do they know not to do that?

>> No.6097922

Huion kamvas has a kind of a faint rgb noise on the screen. Anyone have experience?
A hardware issue, or a driver problem, or something?

>> No.6098095

I can buy a new one for $850 I think thats kind of a good price, I assume?

>> No.6098144

I’m firmly an intermediate but i’ve Been using the small Wacom Intuos for 2 years now so I can recommend it. It’s super portable too.

>> No.6098183

Are older Cintiqs worth getting?

>> No.6098255

Yes. Generations of cintiqs from 2014 and below could last you over 10 years if they're brand new. More if you have them in a room with air conditioner and a good dehumifidier. I know cuz I had a cintiq 21ux in a hot room for 12 years and I've just sent it to repair twice.

>> No.6098268

I keep reading about parallax this and that about every damn Cintiq/tablet model that it's giving me decision paralysis every time I look to getting one. I just want to draw on a bigger screen than an iPad Pro.

>> No.6098269
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Using a Samsung Tab S7 with superdisplay.
Also using clip studio paint
I keep getting these sharp notches whenever I try to draw a line. They don't show up when using the android version of clip studio w/o superdisplay so I know my set up is having some sort of issue.
It's driving me crazy.
Please help.

>> No.6098278

i've used the wacom intuos 3, comfy feels
bamboo, alright not as nice
older huion giano, too big, bulky edges
huion q11k, good enough size, smooth, the spread out buttons is not great, would be best if there were 3 rows of buttons so you can place your hand in one place and use thumb to press anything in same area

a smaller tablet is probably the way to go

>> No.6098300

No serious professional ever use lagdroids.

>> No.6098335
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I thought about getting the one by wacom, is it any good for someone starting? Or is the extra 100$ for the intuos worth it?

>> No.6098368

try out the one tablet and intuos, its more about sensitivity but also how it feels to you
the pro tablet is worth it if you've chosen to do this for the long term

>> No.6098384
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pick your poison

>> No.6098507

Well parallax wasn't a big deal to me back then. You just need to calibrate your pen from the angle where your position your eyes.

>> No.6098513 [DELETED] 
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>Fake news

>> No.6098515

I really like my wacom 24 hd pro

>> No.6098566

My Huion works just fine. Fund me something better faggot

>> No.6098572

It's easy to say that when it's all you've ever used, idiot.

>> No.6098627

Flex nib is the best one

>> No.6098630

Are you connecting it to your computer wirelessly? If so try wired instead.

>> No.6098633
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urge to buy increasing
(leaf dollars btw)

>> No.6098635

Is the Mi Pad 5 pro good? Its so fucking cheap here and the specs scream good value.

>> No.6098725
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Wacom display tablets sales grew 1% from March 2021 to March 2022 but non-display tablet sales fell by 17% at the same time, makes you think.
Also Wacom One and Cintiq 22 sales decreased as well (not sure why they don't mention Cintiq 16)

>> No.6098734
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Anyone try the Xencelabs tablet yet? They're made of the finest Chinkium out of Shenzhen, but hardware and software is designed by ex-wacom employees. Sub of xp-pen owner, but build looks much nicer

>> No.6098794

holy shit go draw

>> No.6098821

>mfw still using my og wacom bamboo for 10 years now and I'm still better and making more money than all of you combined

>> No.6098856

how's the color accuracy on 21ux?

>> No.6098878

Regarding the ipads and samsung tabs that are at least 2-3 years old, do their performance degrade over time even while sitting in the warehouse? My old phones started chugging about 3 years into their lives so I dunno if I'll be getting something I can use decently for the next 5 years or if I should invest in something more recent.
No I will not get an ipad pro.

>> No.6098886

I'm using wired

>> No.6099051

Personally, I use stroke a lot these days because the spring gives a more analog pressure sensitivity. What do you like about Flex?

>> No.6099156

Buy the 16. If even that is pixelated I totally can’t imagine how bad the 22 is gonna be.

>> No.6099464
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Anyone heard of the
Acer ConceptD 7 Ezel Pro?

>> No.6099502
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Hello /dtg/. Recently my laptop broke down and I decided I was going to use a raspberry Pi 4+ as a portable desktop solution from now on. I got everything sorted: power, peripherals (keyboard/storage/...) and the only thng missing is a monitor! Considering I want this to be light and power efficient, I've been looking into portable monitors and loose panel solutions (between 12 to 16 inches). Then I had a thought: most drawing tablets have driver support for debian! I could use those as a portable monitor with nice stylus support.

I am looking for a graphics tablet that I can get for around 200 dollars used. It should have a resolution around 13inches, although more isn't bad.

The Raspberry Pi has a HDMI out, so the tablet would need these connections/specs:
-External power in (preferably, because idk if I can run both a Pi and a mini monitor with one power bank for a whole day...)
-a resolution of 1080p would be nice, because I'll be reading lots of small text on that monitor
-HDMI in
-some form of data exchange between PC and monitor (like micro-USB or USB 3.0)
-good contrast and colors, but that's less important considering I'm using a pi that can maybe run 10 layers on krita before running out of RAM
-easy to carry around. (max 1kg)

is there any such device with good drivers for linux at that price range?


>> No.6099508

Not sure where to ask but does anyone know where I can get a cracked copy of Clip Studio for android?

>> No.6099515

If you find one that works, tell us if the companion mode works with the cracked version on PC because on a 4k screen every tool is small as shit, might as well use the companion mode on an android device.

>> No.6099576

I want to know the answer to this too. Does the Xiaomi smartpen work well enough for the relatively low price of the tablet? What about the Huawei Matepad and M pencil?

>> No.6099664

Sounds like you want the 13.3 artist pro. It lets you power through usb or an outlet.
Alternatively, the old cintiq 13hd also uses a power outlet.
The cintiq has a better pen and works out of the box on linux, but the artist pro has a better display, plus you can still buy cheap replacement parts for the AP if anything goes wrong.
I don't think you'll find anything 13 inches and 200 bucks that has hdmi in though. hdmi out sure, but not in.

>> No.6099827

im talking tablets negro, what you doing?

>> No.6099839

is it weird that there hasnt been any drastic advancements in tablets for a while
im not talking about size but general drawing feel like i wouldve thought thered be a tablet that gets decently close to pencil on paper by now
maybe it's unrealistic, i dont know?

>> No.6099925

are all wacom nibs interchangeable?
I use a wacom one pen on my S7+ and wouldn't mind trying some new nibbage

>> No.6100100

being a shameless hypocrite

>> No.6100201

Just came here to say that about 2 years ago, I fell for the /buyausedwacom/ meme and I entirely regret it. Aside from costing more than a new XP or whatever equivalent would be, the surface was already worn down and the overall quality is laughable. I've had so many problems with this shitty Intuos that I can safely say it's NOT worth the extra price. The express buttons randomly stop working until I unplug it and plug it back in, the Wacom drivers have crashed my applications many, many times, there's the known problem with the USB connector, and that's just the most common issues.

Now, I have no experience with another drawing tablet, but if I'm paying more for quality, Wacom definitely wasn't it. Just my two cents for anyone feeling like they /need/ to buy a Wacom because some sperg online told them to.

>> No.6100277

When is Wacom going to release an updated line of Cintiqs?

>> No.6100281

Wacoms drivers are pure garbo.
Never had a single good experience with them.

>> No.6100318

what drivers are you happy with?

>> No.6100334

You've tried this shilling strategy several times before already, Chang.

>> No.6100336
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>> No.6100342

thank you!!
I will look around and see wha I can find. Maybe I will diy a case for a panel and frankenstein a monitor tgether that way.

>> No.6100407

That sounds rad.
You should share your progress if you do it.

>> No.6100423
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There has to be some people with old itabs here

>> No.6100434

Literally the 12.9" iPad pro with apple pencil.

Chinese companies are trying to get into the premium tablet with stylus market to compete with Apple so we might see some legit innovation in that field in the next few years.

>> No.6100469

Is the Samsung Galaxy tab S7 FE worth it just for the bigger screen vs the iPad 9th gen or the Tab S6 Lite?

How is it's functionality as an alternative to a cintiq when hooked up to a PC?

>> No.6100517

xencelabs and xp pen dont crash on me like my intuos pro (1st gen) but wacom does have more things you can fiddle with for ur preference

>> No.6100838

I actually got a tab S7FE like 3 weeks ago.
I STILL can't get it to work with my PC.
The hardware itself is good, everything runs smoothly, pen feels great even against glass, responsive, I have absolutely no complaints in that regard. But software is another story.
If you hook it up to a computer, you WILL get lag, and your lines will look like this >>6098269
even with apps specifically made for tablet to PC usage.
If you're not interested in any of the native android drawing programs, reconsider.

>> No.6100841

ca you be more specific like what model and driver version you used? It disconnects if you move the tablet? I have been using an intous 5 since 2013 and never had problems with the cable or drivers, it worked flawlessly like a tank this many years but it did get ugly from its worn out surface

>> No.6100851

I've been using an S7+ so I can assume my results are comparable, I've had mixed outcomes as well.
While I agree with the overall statement that if you're not happy with the native android apps it's probably not worth it for drawing alone, but I will also say that connecting via Superdisplay CAN be a nearly perfect experience. I've found the quality of the wifi card on the device your connecting to can absolutely make or break it.

My laptop's wifi card can barely handle the connection; if you're using the built in samsung second screen option then forget about it. But on my desktop? WAY better experience.
And if you connect via type c, there's virtually no lag.

Still, CSP on android runs perfectly. If you were just going to use CSP on your computer anyways, then I could recommend it based on that. No other app comes close to the stability and reliability on handheld devices, it's really upsetting because I really didn't like CSP much at first.

>> No.6100877

Do I share it in this thread? Or on /ic/? /g/?
I think /diy/ would be good, but I'm not sure...

Thank you for the words of encouragement, anon, I have finals right now, so I'm bot able to really pull teh trigger or decide on whether I wanna make this or not.

>> No.6100891
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I recently ordered a Ugee U1600, because I needed a pen display tablet and that one was cheap + had Linux drivers. Honestly the Ugee M708 V3 really impressed me with its Linux support.
It hasn't arrived yet, did I make the right choice? I'll be using it to draw on Krita.

>> No.6100913

That's the thing, I AM connecting it via type C and there is lag in both SAI, Clip Paint, and Photoshop, which are the programs I've tried.

The problem with Android CSP is that it is not free, and even if you bought the full thing on PC like I did, you still have to pay for a separate full priced subscription, which is bullshit.

>> No.6100918

i'm pretty sure Ugee is just a rebranded version of the same shit XP-Pen sells and from my experience they're pretty adequate

>> No.6100935

Where can I get a functioning drawing tablet for $20? I am new and don't want to splurge until I'm sure I want to draw more. I don't mind buying a used tablet. I am a 3rd worldie; don't know if that matters.

>> No.6100959

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.6101055

Depends which part of the third world, in SEA and other parts of asia I'd imagine you can find a used huion/xp-pen pretty easy.

>> No.6101138

Ugee used to be a different company that xp bought parts from, then xp and ugee merged. The ugee tablets that are still around are old and not great quality but I'd say they're servicable for a beginner at least.

>> No.6101143

>on a 4k screen every tool is small as shit
Go into your display settings and take your scaling up to 150%. Now you can press buttons and enjoy 4k

>> No.6101197

Thanks anon. I was considering it primarily for drawing on Android on the go. I was just curious as to whether or not it could also serve as a foray into display tablets on PC. So far I've been using an Intuos and it's been pretty great.

>> No.6101230

I am literally from the blackest part of black Africa. There's no hope for me, is there...

>> No.6101236
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Thanks for the tip!

>> No.6101240

You could try using a pirated copy of Photoshop and using a mouse to make digital art. Shit sucks but it's definitely doable.

>> No.6101264
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So it seems... I'll do my best to stop being poor and buy a decent tablet then. I actually wanted one for 3D sculpting, but I still do a bit of pen and paper drawing. Thanks man, have my reposted 3D hotdog as gratitude.

>> No.6101551
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whats the best drawing tablet under 150 euros?

>> No.6101559

Good luck!

>> No.6101562

Aw, shit. I should've gone with XP-Pen, then?

>> No.6101606
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Is this worth $70?

>> No.6101612

Nope, the garage sale you got it from ripped you off. With 70 dollars you coulda gotten a cheap Android tablet and a random stylus to draw on.

>> No.6101619

you probably want the widescreen version of the tablet itself, but if the pen is new condition then it might be worth it considering what people charge for just the intuos 3 pens

>> No.6101786
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Looking to upgrade to a screen tablet for the first time after proving to myself I enjoy digital drawing after using a Wacom Bamboo for 7 years. I've tried iPad drawing but would rather just keep to CSP on a proper computer. Otherwise I'm not really picky and just want something budget friendly and reliable to serve me for a few years before probably upgrading again. Don't care about tilt, pressure levels, etc, just want it to work. Only thing is buttons on the thing itself. Could go either way, but is it weird to have to reach further to ctrl-z?
I'd narrowed it down to the 13 inch Huion or XP pen but now I'm also looking at the Wacom One if it means better reliability and service, but they all seem to have driver issues at some point anyway so I dunno.
>chink products
I'm inclined to think it's exaggerated as they seem to have consistently high reviews everywhere I look. I can stomach any minor problems.

>> No.6102045

It's a great option. The shills are already targeting you because they fear the Intuos 3. It's extremely durable and reliable and nibs never needs to be replaced.

>> No.6102412

still a solid tablet , cable sucks ass tho (prone to breaking) so try and find replacement cables online that deliver to your place , and stylus , had to replace mine 3x before (2nd hand tablet too ofc) because the plastic part kept coming off
look up drivers too , see if they still work

>> No.6103097

Ordered a Cintiq 22 at a discount price, wish me luck

>> No.6103185

good luck bro

>> No.6104191

It's fine. The stylus alone can go for 60 bucks, though there's not exactly a lot of buyers lining up.

>> No.6104707
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>Using cheap, Chinese non-display drawing tablets for years
>Never had an issue after I got the drivers working

>> No.6104715

anon at that point I would just look at a normal drawing tablet, you know one without a display. There must be something used and cheap

>> No.6104727

Why are you changing the screen protector?

>> No.6104740
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but asians cant drive

>> No.6104822

What's the fastest way to transfer an image from my PC to my Android tablet using as few third party shit as possible?

I have a bunch of references on my PC I want to use but emailing all that shit to myself everytime I draw is... yeah.

>> No.6104897

Bruh, just use discord between your devices and open a personal server to share and save stuff

>> No.6105139


>> No.6105328

did you try a usb cord.

>> No.6105396

I obviously have one, but how?

>> No.6105458

Can't you just plug it in and set to file transfer mode?

>> No.6106049
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Does being able to see my computer screen on the tablet make things easier? Looking at the screenless tablets it seems a little daunting to have to turn my head upwards every time I put the pencil to the screen.

What I really want to ask is if you can get anticipate where the pen will land on the drawing sort of like how I can type out a sentence on my keyboard without having to look directly at it.

>> No.6106171
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can any ipad users in the chat tell me if it's a good size to work with for multiple hours, or if it gets too annoying?

>> No.6106184

The new LG Gram 16/17 2-in-1 has support for a Wacom stylus like the Samsung Galaxy Book. Considering it’s screen resolution (Wuxga) the -is is rather sharp (around 175-188). Some of you can look into it.

>> No.6106212
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I'm about to buy an iPad but I'm a retard for technology, is a ML0N2LL/A iPad model good enough?

>> No.6106216

don't by ipad
new one coming soon

>> No.6106396

its a good idea to get a screen tablet for specializing line art and inking?

>> No.6106485
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Just ordered a Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 because this thread only seems to be able to recommend fucking 5-gen old iPads and Galaxy tabs for pen displays and I'm not going to fucking touch that shit.

Call me retarded all you guys want, it's the only desktop tablet that has a high-resolution display, high-end digitizer, and good Linux drivers.

>> No.6106509

>you can get anticipate where the pen will land on the drawing
Yes, with enough practice you just kind of feel it eventually. It's kind of like typing on your keyboard but you stare at the screen while doing so.

>> No.6106896
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I need some help.
I bought a small Huion h420x like 2 days ago for connecting to my phone ( Galaxy A7 (2018) ) also. i bought a OTG USB, everything worked fine the first day but then the next day, pressure sensitvity didn't work anymore

My phone doesn't have the OTG switch in settings so i tried moving the USB debugging switch and neither worked

If it cannot be fixed and Huion are a scam, how van i connect my wacom ctl-480 to my phone?
i cannot adapt it to my phone and it have the same pressure sensitvity problems.
(But it had been working perfectly in my PC for around 10 years)
If not, i need something i can use to draw outside (beside paper) any recomendations?

>> No.6106913
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this is my wacom, it's compatible with phone?

>> No.6107691
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That's just what I wanted to hear. I will look on ebay for an intuos 3.

>> No.6107768

>Galaxy Tab s7+/s8+
How's drawing on android? Does it really work?
I kinda want android tablet, but can't justify buying one only for my bedtime media consumption and shitposting needs.
However, if they're also good for drawing...

>> No.6107788

The Spen is pretty good.
Just be aware, if you try to use it with a computer the same way you'd use a regular drawing tablet, you will get lag.
You have to work around android's apps.

>> No.6108052

a 2nd gen ipad pro has a way higher resolution and a way better digitizer than the garbage you bought. good job idiot.

>> No.6108062

It's basically a smaller korean android cintiq. I kinda like the spen more than the apple pencil because wacum pens are familiar and comfy.

>> No.6108118

I personally have been doing fine with XP-Pen Deco 01 V2, though I am not an artist, admittedly.

>> No.6108121

I think display/non-display is the critical part

Though buyer beware, it flexes on the bottom.
Apparently there's a new model out with a better pen.

>> No.6108127

Why does everyone recommend the intuos 3? I hear everyone say like "the intuos 3 is the last one that wacom made that wasn't shitty" or whatever but I genuinely don't know what benefits there are and would love to know more about the technical aspects about why it's good.
I found one for sale but it doesn't come with a pen, what pens work on it? What's like, recommended?

>> No.6108186

> way higher resolution
You literally could have at least googled the resolutions before posting. 3840x2160 on the Wacom is larger than 2732x2048 on the iPad Pro.
> way better digitizer
You're in denial if you think Wacom's digitizer isn't far superior than any other in the industry. Especially compared to Apple's.

Cope harder.

>> No.6108241

Yeah but it's appleshit, which makes it instantly irredeemable garbage that can't be customized.

>> No.6108327
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Is there any reason I shouldn't go for a Galaxy Book 2 360 over a Galaxy Tab 2?
I frankly prefer the Windows ecosystem to the Android ecosystem.

>> No.6108476

Can you stop making these threads, you fucking retard?
New fags might come here thinking they can get actual useful advices

>> No.6108548

What's the matter? You don't like people recommending outdated iPads and Android tablets? You want a pen display that's actually designed for digital art and not just for taking down notes on documents? One that has a decent digitizer with accurate pressure and pen tilt? One that actually can be used with professional desktop software like Photoshop or Blender?

These threads are a fucking joke.

>> No.6108569

2nd gen ipad pro is terrible for drawing. It barely has ram to give you a good couple of layers to work with and most technical advanced brushes struggle to work with. Why are you still recomending this crap?

>> No.6108571

It is 1080p display. That is the biggest downside.

>> No.6108704

Buy XP-Pen Artist 24 Pro

>> No.6108784

Get a LG Gram instead >>6106184

Better quality screen

>> No.6108894

2022, 1080p isn't enough, what a world we live in

>> No.6108982

I've got a Samsung s6 lite and like it, but it at the same time seems kinda shit with bad pressure detection feeling pretty inferior to the xp-pen and Cintiq I use. ibis paint is the software I use on it and it too doesn't feel the best but mostly in regard to it's brushes and organisation.
Are there any modifications or things that should be done to improve the experience of either, or perhaps different better sofrware entirely? I know you can get CSP on it but the tablet form requires a subscription

>> No.6109050

You're a Fucking idiot.

>> No.6109548

>You literally could have at least googled the resolutions before posting. 3840x2160 on the Wacom is larger than 2732x2048 on the iPad Pro.
Your pic was the regular 16 you idiot.
>You're in denial if you think Wacom's digitizer isn't far superior than any other in the industry. Especially compared to Apple's.
Because it isn't far superior, moron. There's an argument Apple's is better because it has actual palm detection that works.

>> No.6109581

I'm still using my intuos 5 touch from like 10 years ago. I appreciate it more after using a garbage cintiq

>> No.6109620

> N-n-no guys, I swear I can read! Y-y-you're just an idiot you moron!
> I love Apple products

>> No.6109708
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I currently use an XP-Pen Deco Pro Medium.
The side buttons are finnicky, the scroll wheel randomly changes sensitivity, the pen's side buttons randomly stop working or spontaneously activate and change my brush settings mid-stroke, and the pen's sensitivity seems to change randomly. I've never even gotten tilt to work on this tablet a single time in the multiple years I have owned it.

I'm desperate to upgrade to say the least. The ones I'm considering are between
>Wacom PTH860 Intuos Pro
>Wacom PTZ930 Intuos 3
My reasoning is that I don't need or want a screen, and I want a large drawing area. I've heard the Intuos 3 is an excellent tablet but I don't know why. I've also heard that I'm supposed to avoid new Wacom products, and I also don't know why.

Price isn't really a problem to me if I know I'm getting something good, and I don't care about having to buy a ton of nibs. I have heard that the Intuos 3 has so few pressure levels that it's not good at fine details compared to modern products. Overall I am leaning toward the Intuos Pro just because it's a newer product with more pressure levels and maybe a higher resolution given its surface area.

What does /dtg/ recommend? am I misunderstanding something somewhere?

>> No.6109803

I more meant you could just pirate them but hey if you want to actually support people go for it

>> No.6109833
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How are used Wacom Cintiq Pro 24? Refurbished or open box?

>> No.6110262

Are 2 in 1 windows tablets/pcs any good?

>> No.6110453

>Intuos Pro
I have 660 and it's comfortable enough for drawing, only thing is if you draw a lot the nibs might wear out quick, I have to change mine about every half a year to a year and I draw maybe 3 hours a day. If you ever break or lose your usb cord any random usb c will work so that's convenient too, and the bluetooth connection is relatively stable. No idea about old wacom stuff, this was my first wacom tablet.

>> No.6110480

I heard the battery life is shit on those and the specs generally poor for the price. The line quality is also not so good in general, so you'll have to use stabilizers. I settled for an Ipad instead. Will get a regular laptop with good specs + regular tablet that I already have, if I'll need mobility.

>> No.6110515

Made a quick poll so everyone in the thread can see what are the most popular tablets among anons around here. Hopefully this will be useful to newbies trying to buy their first tablet:

>> No.6110605
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How can I tell if my chink tablet is any good? I have no point of reference.

The surface feels way too smooth, feels better if I put a sheet of paper on top but that's kinda dumb to have to do that.

>> No.6110632

is a Wacom One CTL472 good enough or should i buy a more expensive model

>> No.6110652

Depends on your usage/experience. If you're just starting out yes it's a great tablet.

>> No.6110661

yeah i'm just starting, mind you since I live in a shithole even this model is somewhat expensive to me

>> No.6111095
File: 3.73 MB, 4656x3492, don't go chink anons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, random /beg/ here.
I tried 4 different cheap drawing options and I gotta say, while you can draw on Chinese tablets, a cheap Samsung galaxy s6 lite completely mogs them. The only downside is screen size, but if you have experience with Chinese tablets, you would know the perfect alignment of the mouse cursor and your pen only happens in the middle-ish area. So in reality even though the screen size is smaller on galaxy tabs s6 lite, it kind of has bigger usable space.
But drawing on android is only okay if you use:
>Krita for drawing app(other apps suck)
>get a better pen(default pen sucks for drawing)
>use one of those paper-feel screen protectors
I have no experience with paid apps, but when it comes to free options I found Krita to be the best option. I actually use Medibang when drawing on windows, but their app sucks on Android.
Reason to ditch default spen: the tip sucks. It has a brush-like feel to it and if you don't really use an actual brush, you would hate it too. And also when used on the paper-like screen protector, the tip will get demolished in a few days
For paper-like screen protector, I just can't draw on a smooth glass surface. This might be a personal thing. I also used this protector on gaomon pd1161. gaomon pd156 pro has some sort of textured protector pre-applied so I kept using that although it's not exactly paper-like.
I'll say it again, you CAN draw on these chinese tablets. You'll eventually be able to draw on that like how you draw on a normal piece of paper only limited by your own skill. BUT you'll be pressing ctrl+Z more on chinese tablets = wasted time.
I can only assume Ipad and Wacom are better, I have no beef with Ipad or Wacom users, they are expensive for a hobby is all.

>> No.6111096

get a paper-like screen protector. It will grind up the tip faster, but it was worth it for me.
>How can I tell if my chink tablet is any good?
read >>6111095. I recently transferred from drawing on Chinese tablets and the difference is night and day, while still being affordable.

>> No.6111097

I started drawing on handed-down ptz 430. It was good enough for me.

>> No.6111109

I never used ibis before so I tried it. It seems good enough actually. I used Krita, Medibang, and Sketchbook, and I actually quite like it. Although I think Krita is the best.
Get a better pen, default spen sucks. Galaxy tab s6 lite supports some Wacom pen like wacom one stylus and Hi-Uni(which is just wacom one stylus reskin). I use Hi-Uni because it's diameter is smaller than normal wacom one stylus and it is almost same diameter as a default spen. It fits perfectly on my tablet case's spen holder.
Also use paperlike screen protector

>> No.6111120

Thanks anon, haven't tried Krita before but will give it a shot.
Have you used the tablet version of Clip studio paint yet? You can use a trial version but need to subscribe to get functions like saving. I was considering getting it as the CSP quarterly sale just began and from the trial it feels far better than ibis paint, pretty much equivelant to the desktop version but I'm unsure if it's worth a subscription as ibis paint files are compatible when imported to CSP on PC too.
>Pen alternatives
Didn't even know that was possible but sounds great, think that's one of my main gripes, the pen just doesn't feel the best. Are any of them magnetic however, or at least of similar size? Really like the magnet feature that keeps the original stylus secure, was always spooked I'd lose it before I got a tablet case cover to lock it in

>> No.6111182
File: 1.82 MB, 3479x2319, Hi Uni rederence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi-Uni digital pen is made by Wacom. They are just reskinned Wacom one stylus. They don't have magnets, but they are almost the exact thickness as the default spen. So if your case has space for spen, it will fit. Length won't be an issue since it's a little bit shorter.
I originally thought about boring some holes on the side with a hobby drill and inserting small magnets as you would with tabletop miniatures, but since it just fits in my case perfectly, I found no need.
If you really want to add magnets do something like this:
From what I heard, Samsung's Stadler branded spen is also reskinned Wacom one stylus. Although I stayed away from it because there seem to be no official statement that it is.

>> No.6111188

I meant Staedtler

>> No.6112294

Can you test SuperDisplay and compare the experience to drawing on your chink tablet?

>> No.6112305

Just me or has the S6 Lite gone up in price? It's selling for nearly $500 now when it was below $300 at some point.

>> No.6112323

How is steadler pronounced?

>> No.6112331

It's like combining Stay and Hitler, just think of a dad that actually stayed home

>> No.6112382

Schteh dler

>> No.6112431

Guys, I've been using an Intous pro 5 large for years but I still don't feel comfortable compared to drawing on paper, I always end up feeling disconnected and if I change my brush in photoshop my entire way about going about a drawing might change significantly, what do?

Would getting a bigger monitor help? I am using a 23 inch Full HD one atm

>> No.6112463

I feel like bigger monitor will only add the disconnect, because the cursor will move faster that your hand does. Maybe the issue is with your setup in general - you sit too low or the tablet is placed weirdly. Try to place it as if it's a piece of paper that you'd draw on. I find it's more comfortable if you add an angle to the tablet surface by placing something below its far edge.
Also, maybe you don't have "proportional" turned on in the driver setting. If so and if you had it off for years then you should visit a doctor and get a proper diagnose of mental retardation.

>> No.6112479
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Should I buy this? It's called Parblo Intangbo. It looks so pretty so I was hoping it's not extremely shitty. M version looks a lot like the Intuos pro but it costs like 70 usd.
btw I've been using a wacom bamboo (the lime green one) since 2012

>> No.6112522
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Just got picrel and have been using it for a few hours. Everything's working perfectly fine. The dumbass (>>6109548) that claims the palm detection doesn't work has apparently never used one.

Only annoying thing is that my Linux system defaults it to 3x scaling factor, which I find to be far too much. A 1.5x scaling factor is much more comfy.

>> No.6112534

Hope it works for you Anon, I'm here >>6103097. I have tried both the Cintiq 16 and new Pro 16 too but I had issues with 2 units of the latter unfortunately.
I can happily confirm that I fucking love this 22" model, it's exactly what I needed to hold me off until I get a Pro model years from now.

>> No.6112554

Nta but it's hard to find good used equipment in 3rd world countries if you don't know what your looking for. People tend to hold on to there electronics until they die.

>> No.6112558

You could just use a Google drive/cloud sharing service of your choice.

Alternatively, why not just use a USB cable to transfer the files directly? There are also OTG USB flashdrives which work with smartphones/tablets as well as PCs

>> No.6112597

That actually seems harder to pronounce lol

>> No.6112602

Wacom one for budget or Ipad Pro if you have the money

>> No.6112605

Even chink tablets now use 1 cable connection. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6112606

Oh and getting iPad pro is actually a good idea

>> No.6112644

why ipad pro and not ipad air? I only want one for drawing so I don't care about the camera and all that other shit and 60 and 120hz looks the same to me when I'm drawing. what other differences are there?

>> No.6113068

Palm detection objectively doesn't work well on Wacom tablets you stupid idiot. You probably don't even know what it is.

The vast majority of professionals either buy the non-touch models, or turn it off because it's buggy and inefficient.

>> No.6113569

I'm am literally using it right now. I am unable to get the thing to register my palm as a touch in any capacity. Even if I'm not holding the pen and intentionally try to get it to register my palm as a finger touch with various pressure and positions, it refuses to do so. Only my fingers register as touch.

You are just objectively wrong. Stop seething at the fact that my device works properly. It's really cringe.

>> No.6114351

I bought this thing. How the fuck does a fan WHISTLE. Seriously, how the hell does a fan make a sound like this, and yet I'm completely unable to record it?

>> No.6114357

> "Hey! You got a device that doesn't work properly"
> Hmm? No, it works fine.
> "No you moron. It doesn't work"
> But ti's working just fine. I have it right here and it's working.
> "No you fucking idiot, it doesn't work. Buy this other thing"
> Actually it's working pretty we-

>> No.6114362

I just bought a XP Pen 22 display tablet, Feeling good bros, it was that or the 16' Cintiq by wacom

Honestly the fact that the ajustable stand is sold separately and its like 100 bucks alone triggers the shit out of me, fuck wacom and their apple brand wanna be bullshit

>> No.6114365
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S6 Lite still worth a cop? I read a Tab S8 Lite or FE version might be releasing soon, that might be a nice upgrade.

>> No.6114368

stop feeding the troll.

anyone that tries to recommend a fucking ipad or android device over any actual desktop tablet is so fucking retarded that they don't even deserve a response.

honestly this thread deserves to just die with all the people recommending fucking apple and samsung shit.

>> No.6114408

What if I just want something to draw on while I'm on the go? I'm not lugging my cintiq outside.
>pen and paper
I work digital

>> No.6114413

Sometimes I forget that it's even mobile, it never leaves my house. Not to mention that fucking price, it's more than triple a decent ipad or samsung.

>> No.6114422

Sure, standalone tablets have their functional purpose.

But to claim that any Android or iPad tablet can compete with the digitizer of an actual pen display is borderline ridiculous. They're good enough for writing, but they're specialized for touch interaction, not pen interaction. Not to mention the software on them can't compete with what's on an actual PC.

If you really want a portable tablet that is dedicated for artwork, then get a Windows-based tablet PC with a good digitizer built in. Not some old iPad that can only run some stripped down version of Sketchup.

>> No.6114433

>If you really want a portable tablet that is dedicated for artwork, then get a Windows-based tablet PC with a good digitizer built in.
Don't do this, please save yourself and don't do this
Windows and the programs running on it requires a ton of power, so it will drain your batter very fast and produce high as fuck heat, and it will fuck up your tablet VERY quickly
If you need something on the go just get a laptop and smaller size digitizer, or maybe even a laptop with touch+digitizer input
Anything that doesn't put the main board and battery right behind the screen
t. owned one, it's a chopping board now

To be fair, when you aren't chained to a desk you won't be doing anything intensive anyway, those android/apple tablets are fine for doing lighter work on your lap

>> No.6114443

Yea, sorry, you're 100% correct. I was only basing my post as a better alternative to an Android/Apple tablet if you absolutely need something that fits that form factor. If it's possible to get an actual laptop and a small drawing tablet that you can plug into it, then that is definitely the way to go.

>> No.6114595

Where do you guys with a screen drawing tablet place the keyboard? i can't think of any comfortable keyboard+screen drawing tablet setup

>> No.6114624

But that's fucking wrong, what a retarded post. Is this bait?

Samsung tablets have Wacom EMR technology and the software on it is as good as what you can find on PC, in fact Krita and CSP are exact copies of their PC counterparts.

>get a Windows-based tablet PC with a good digitizer built in
No, Windows tablets are pretty shit for drawing. No one even considers them for drawing most of the time, on top of being far more expensive than the alternatives, they're heavier and run hotter.
>Not some old iPad that can only run some stripped down version of Sketchup.
Another stupid claim, tons of artists use iPads and Procreate, Sketchbook, Concepts, Affinity etc. The software is not a problem, your skills are.

>> No.6115220

yeah, i got mine almost 2 years ago and it can still handle clip studio decently. though it stutters when you use it on energy saving mode. lighter apps like ibis and infinite painter run smoothly on it too.
i think the major downside is the 10 inch screen, if i had money i'd rather buy a s8 ultra because the s8 lite will probably come in 11 inches or so.

>> No.6116072

That's because you're a lying idiot desperate to rationalize your purchase. It's your word against literal millions of pro artists who always turn it off because it's buggy and doesn't work properly.

>> No.6116073

>fucking ipad, so fucking retarded, fucking apple
Hello again, Chang.

>> No.6116185

>Bought a cheap chinese tablet
>Cursor drifts like with a built-in stabilizer
Money lost. They used to make them good 6 years ago.

>> No.6116189

Which tablet?

>> No.6116196

Parblo A610 plus V2.

My old-ass A610 was PEAK experience I had with drawing tablets, and that new one is absolute floating shit.
And they don't make chargeable pens no more.

>> No.6116203

Never even heard of it, that must be a really chinky tablet. Should've gotten a Gaomon or Ugee, at least they work and they're cheap.

>> No.6116206

It's very chinky, old drivers crash windows after every restart. Yet, I'd pay for an old version of their A610 again, but they no longer produce it. Everything they do now is absolute dogshit.

>> No.6116214

I'm a pro and I barely draw on Ipad, it's somehow uncomfortable both in Procreate and Artstudio, can't get used to the pen pressure, the tilt and I miss the hotkeys and some functionality. It's fun as a toy, casual sketching and note making, but I can't use it for anything serious and especially not for work. Sure there's Amundsen and some other really good artists who switched to Ipad exclusevly, but it's just weird. It doesn't give you anything exta really, it's just less comfortable and there's a bit more hassle with everything compared to pc. That PrEmIuM drawing experience means nothing if you're trash and it's really not that amazing or different. Use LazyNezumi and quality line issue will be pretty much solved no matter what tablet you're using.
That streamer Saejin Oh used to work on ipad, but in the end switched to cintiq, because it's just way more funtional and convenient to deal with pc and not cunty ios.

>> No.6116603

hard flet yo

>> No.6116618

Anyone tried Samsung Tab S8/+/Ultra with Superdisplay and how it feels like running windows CSP? I had Superdisplay running on my Tab S3 and Note 10+ via USB and I'm surprised that it is functional enough. I could even use the touch gestures on Windows' Medibang Paint. Probably thinking of getting an S8 Ultra to replace my S3. Might even replace my XP-Pen 16" as well if it works out well.

>> No.6116732

I'm still waiting for this anon >>6111095
To answer my question >>6112294
And since you own a chink tablet and an android tablet/phone, difference in screen size aside, how do they compare?

>> No.6116754

my s7+ was completely worth it. Why not just go with 7 instead of the 8? There's no significant changes to 8.

>> No.6116765


Same here, I like my ipad pro to put my refs on if I work in oils but I can’t get used to procreate at all and the physical experience doesn’t feel good to me either, so I stick to photoshop on my windows machine and wacom intuos 3 large when I do digital.

>> No.6117615

Anyone having their xppen software bugged? It was working fine before but it suddenly just won't run at all now for some reason. I'd have no problem using the old version if the pen pressure could work there.

>> No.6117652

Eh, my sammy tab is an ancient Tab S3 with 32GB storage and 4GB RAM (laughable in 2022) so my chink tab wins hands down in all use case against it lol. I could say Superdisplay might be usable in a pinch but I'd rather use the tab native apps itself for drawing. I dont have S8 to see if it's any better. The lag and latency is noticeable compared to directly using the chink tablet. The only plus side I guess is having touch screen (works for Medibang and CSP) and Sammy's wacom pen pressure curve with more linear curve than XP-Pen's higher IAF.

And yeah Sammy's glass screen are real pain in the ass (obviously as it's designed for fingers, not stylus). I used my Note 10 stylus for lineart (higher friction for accuracy), and then I used the tab's S Pen with hard nibs (low friction) for coloring where more strokes will be produced.

>> No.6117781
File: 152 KB, 352x265, draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost every single artist on Twitch I've been watching for the past two days is using either a screen tablet or an iPad Pro to draw digitally. Only saw a single korean girl use an old, dirty wacom tablet.

>> No.6117783
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>> No.6117798
File: 218 KB, 555x396, Screenshot 2022-06-19 142211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are animals

>> No.6117862

it's normal, due to the matte screen bringing the nice texture
you might be able to remove the layer or you could get used to it

>> No.6117873

is Super display even intended for drawing?

>> No.6117934

Alright guys. I need one final reality check before I make the decision.
There's a deal right now for Galaxy Tab S8+ for 740$. Should I get it?
I am amateur/beginner getting into drawing as a hobby. Any idea what the resale value is in case I get bored of it?

>> No.6117937

>that pen
what the fuck?

>> No.6118118

Ghetto as hell but it helps reduce hand tension, especially if you have nerve damage. S'how you know they actually draw for a living, unlike the other streamer cunts.

>> No.6118181

>reduce hand tension
Interesting, I might try it sometime. Do they just use a bunch of cloth?

>> No.6118383

>I'm thinking of getting the Wacom One, should I buy it?
>Fuck off retard. Ask a better question.
So should I get one or no?

>> No.6118430

I need a drawing tablet with a screen, but I'd like to use it with my computer software - not as a standalone tablet. Is an overpriced Contiq really my only good option?

>> No.6118466

Oh forgot to mention it needs to have good Linux and Krita support.

>> No.6118520

Setting up cintiq on linux is a chore. If you don't want to switch to windows and settling with standard tablet you'll have to go with chinkshit like xppen

>> No.6118810

You better get you an iPad. I don’t have experience in drawing in android since my tablet didn’t came with the pen, but the problem is android itself, and is enough to me to ditch it entirely.

>> No.6118904

to be honest i used with the s6 lite and it was surprisingly good, even allows hand gestures like pinch and double tap to undo, etc

>> No.6119330

What software does everyone use? Krita?

>> No.6119539

I use CSP and Photoshop

>> No.6119567

Is an ipad pro really the best screen tablet option? Debating buying one, but cant decide

>> No.6119600

If you have a physical apple store nearby you should go try it out for yourself, the pencil feels incredibly different from wacom pens.
Also depends what you're looking for, if you want to bring it out as a portable sketchbook then go for it, if not then it's probably better to get one of the ones that plug into your PC.

>> No.6120156

i do not have a store, but i got a really good pc. Is it worth just buying a pc tablet then? if so which ones the best?

>> No.6120171

Cintiq Pro of any size or the Cintiq 22 non-pro are the best tablets for your computer.
Just don't ever upgrade the drivers once you have them working on your machine.

>> No.6121498

CSP, used to use photoshop before too but not so much now

>> No.6121630
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Sorry for my hairy arms and hands. Is this thing too small for my monitor?

>> No.6121649

Most likely has cum stains from drawing porn.
t.cintiq owner

>> No.6121658

doesn't it also depend on whether you are comfortable zooming in?

>> No.6121909
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Should I get a screen protector for my ipad pro?

>> No.6121919

I think that it's more important for the aspect ratio to match but yes

>> No.6122390


dont apologize for what you are bon with, anon

>> No.6122586

newfag retard here. Is the new iPad Air good enough? what am I missing out on by not getting a Pro?

>> No.6122823

Is the surface really that bad? I use desktop csp with an intuos pro L and I'm not sure if mobile csp is worth the subscription cost. I really want something to draw on when I'm out of the house. Is ipad pro my best bet?

>> No.6122888

should i go for the s8 ultra or an ipad pro?

>> No.6122920

Found a Fujitsu Q775, do I buy it?
It uses Wacom EMR
I trust old Jap tech than a chink shit
Anyone ever used a Fujitsu convertible with a Wacom EMR digitizer?
How are they?

>> No.6122937

Probably yes. It's better to get as closely to 1:1 drawing surface to monitor size ratio as possible.

>> No.6122958

Depends, CSP on windows, Krita on android

>> No.6122961

I don't know how good surface is, but new Samsung and LG laptops support some Wacom pens and I heard they are pretty gud

>> No.6123040

How much of a difference 4k screen tablet makes compared to a 2k one if both 24inch? Is it noticeable even?

>> No.6123041
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Also curious, I don't believe there's no one here with an air instead of pro

>> No.6123232

Very. 1440p is borderline blur on 24 inches, minimum for sharpness is 4k.

>> No.6123254

Currently using huion h1060p but wanting to make the switch to a screen tablet.

What are some decent but not prohibitively expensive options?
Also whats wrong with the Wacom One?

>> No.6123264

Is there something special I have to do to get 4k on 2021 Cintiq 16? It only goes up to 1440p in windows

>> No.6123299

1440p doesn't look blury on 27inch monitor even if I up close tho.

>> No.6123300

>>6123299 was meant to >>6123232

>> No.6123404

Then you must be blind

Try doing lineart at that ppi and watch it jag

>> No.6123475

jagged? blurry? which is it?

>> No.6123829

Then you must be blind and retarded if you think PPI matters that much.
Maybe if you spent your time actually drawing instead of jerking off to tech specs of monitors you wouldn't autistically obsess over stupid shit like that :)

>> No.6124171

My wacom intuos is fucking unusable.
The pen constantly drops unless your jamming it into the tablet. I've never had issues with it until a month or 2 ago and it just keeps getting worse and worse. Now its happening constantly.

Fuck. I've tried reinstalling drivers and changing nibs. Its not fixing shit and I've heard other people having this problem too. Maybe I'll buy one of those chink tablets or just swap to my ipod permanently.

>> No.6124249

have you tried buying a new pen instead of stabbing the digitizer portion repeatedly

>> No.6124592

There are a couple of purpose-made rubber grips for pens you can find online, but yeah either cloth taped around, or something like the foam insulation tubes they put around plumbing.

>> No.6124701

Will look into, thx

>> No.6124756
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I'm that guy that paid big for a a large Intuos Pro (PTH-860) years back while having no drawing skills. About 4 years later now and I still don't have any drawing skills. :^)
I'm now back again to try again.
I regret not getting a tablet with a screen, but I'll just stick with what I got. Maybe get a nice marker and some A4 paper.

>> No.6126567

Yes I updated the drivers for my deco 01 2 or whatever the fuck it is, now the bottom button on the pen only works every one in five presses

>> No.6126574

For the display tablet, why not place it on a vesa arm mount or monitor stand and use it like a traditional artist uses its canvas on an easel?

>> No.6126916

try the xppen reddit

>> No.6126944

>>iPads (brand new)
>>iMacs and Macbooks
>Never buy this garbage under any circumstance. It's a locked ecosystem with rubbish hardware you can't upgrade.
How is that any different from the Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9"?

>> No.6126960

OP is a retarded troll shitting up tablet threads for the past 2? 3? years, don't take the OP posts too seriously.
He'll call me a chink shill for saying this btw

>> No.6126967

Oh ok, I've heard nothing but good things about ipads for drawing but it did seem inconsistent to recommend the old ipad pros and then say that about the new ones, if you're buying an apple product obviously it's going to be a closed ecosystem.

>> No.6127016

I have a Cintiq 16 and it's great, this threads are always fucking garbo.

>> No.6127393

I'm considering getting a second monitor for dual monitors, and I'd like to know if a display tablet can do great or it's better to get an actual monitor and use a screenless tablet.

>> No.6127425

just bought an ipad pro. what programs should i be using for comics/line art? procreate?

>> No.6127440

it depends

>> No.6127473

Kamvas 22 plus?

>> No.6127885

>don't take these threads too seriously
drawing tablet industry has been stagnant for years now.
there’s very little to discuss other than shitposting

>> No.6128346

Lots of people do that. I have my 24 pro on a vesa arm and I love it.

>> No.6128976

I bought at tab s8+ for reading hentai doujins and playing gacha games and reading pirated pdf artbooks

I bought an Ipad pro 12.9 M1 for drawing only

>> No.6129135

I couldn't find what kind of graphics tablet (display or non-display) Pixar or any huge animation studios used, or is it just preferences on the artists and similar.

>> No.6129487

Anyone have experience with the cintiq 16?

Looking at amazon now and the cintiq 16 and the huion 16 pro are the same price. I have natural aversion to chinese products, but number wise it does look slightly better. but I've been reading the screen quality on cintiq is a lot better.

>> No.6129496

So I'm pretty new to Procreate/iPad, and I'm trying to learn digital as a whole. I just learned about multiply which is super cool, but there's a really annoying issue that happens in ProCreate (and not in CSP).

When I use multiply in ProCreate, the multiply layer is affected by the page color, which basically means I have to have the page color completely white. I always draw on a gray background to reduce eye strain, but it destroys the colors with multiply on my iPad. Is there some way to fix this? Right now my choices are to deal with the fucked color (and check by changing it to white every once in awhile), or destroy my eyes by having it bright white.
I googled it and there were a few people who had this issue as well, but the people in the threads didn't seem to understand the OP post.
Please help so I don't have to pay for CSP's subscription every month

>> No.6129858

Is there an app that stores your art file and let’s you edit draw from any device synched to it like for an example clip studio you can edit the same file from iPad to pc

>> No.6129870

this will do everything you need

>> No.6129875

no accuracy, drift, sad

>> No.6129951

You mean like dropbox? As long as they are the same file type (I think CSP has some issues if you do PSD to CSP sometimes) then you should be fine.

>> No.6129964
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My tablet doesn't have tilt support, is that something important to have or is it mostly used for rendering/painting?

>> No.6130411

Are IPads really that much better than Samsung tablets?

>> No.6130434

The apple pen is.
The drawing apps are typically a little better too though I don't have an all inclusive view on every app.

The apple pen is just generally really good though.

>> No.6130618

Which stylus is better than the S pen for a galxy s6 or s7?

>> No.6130886

It’s $25 a year and so worth it.

>> No.6131137

There a place to find a functioning APK for clip studio?

>> No.6131353

What are some cheap tablets I can use for doodling? I already have a Tab s7 I use for serious art but I’m looking for something more portable and casual to use.

>> No.6131450

Isn't S7 already very portable with 11inch and small bezels?
Maybe the 8 inch tab A with S pen (2019)?

>> No.6131474
File: 20 KB, 178x219, dekrjqy-7714b59a-6f7e-4422-a40a-252944be7ce3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good tablet (with diplay) to draw sprites? It makes the process faster?
I want to draw characters for a fighting game but drawing with the mouse is too slow and I have no experience with tablets.

>> No.6131543

fuck off idiot, irrelevant to this thread

>> No.6131562


>> No.6131564

too small

>> No.6131608

If anything pro is too big if you want to bring it anywhere. If you just want an alternative cintiq for drawing at home then yeah whatever get the 13 inch.

>> No.6131864

Is Surface Pro 8 any good? I see YouTubers saying it's a big improvement over last version and there's practically not line jitter.

>> No.6131909

Can anyone name any artists that use the iPad as a work horse. I don’t see how it’s possible.

>> No.6132021

>do my homework

>> No.6132165

is there any good tablet that I can hook up to a computer (maybe even through Bluetooth?)
I have a 3 monitor setup so I want something that I can easily use instead of having to plug in and set up like a lot of those big drawtablet displays

>> No.6132170

I'm getting the S8 Ultra tomorrow, how do I connect it to my computer? Do those HDMI to USB-C cables work? Or is it some random app that'll let me connect? I feel like i'm overthinking

>> No.6132178


>> No.6132179

To use it as a display tablet and use your PC programs?
Use SuperDisplay via USB-C

>> No.6132258

i just got my first screenless drawing tablet. i notice that its more comfortable on my wrist to use it when it rests on my lap, rather than in front of me on a desk. i never see anyone do this though. am i missing out on something?

>> No.6132277

I use my screenless tablet on my lap, only because I have no desk space. It is more comfortable on my wrist, but my elbow always butts into my chair when I draw with my whole arm. Upsides and downsides I guess.

>> No.6132298

ah ok,
btw if you meant your elbow bumps into your armrest (as opposed to the chair back), i found removing the armrests really helped with posture and some bad posture habits.

>> No.6132353

Can i use graphic tablet with a screen as casual gaming monitor?

>> No.6132363

