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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 528 KB, 1039x962, crop 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6084604 No.6084604 [Reply] [Original]

I made 75 000 USD a year as a senior concept artist and quit my job because i felt no meaning or joy in developing other peoples ideas, and wanted to focus on developing my own projects and ideas. Be it as a poor loser or as an eventually successful indie anything. Ask me anything.

>> No.6084608

What does your art look like?

>> No.6084609

you are a retard

>> No.6084611

That's it bros I'm quitting my soulless art job and following my STEM dreams

>> No.6084614

Post your work. Its 4chan you can claim someone else was larping as you. Just saying it before half the thread does
Got any plans? Gonna solo dev something? Go freelance? Make a team? Move to brazil and do comms and live like a king? How you liking the new found freedom?

>> No.6084615
File: 2.06 MB, 2783x2454, washing piece cens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.
mostly dark, horror themed work. Currently working on a graphic novel, pic related.

>> No.6084617

is it possible to become a professional concept artist by using books and courses on the internet and feedback from other artists (also on the internet) but without taking live drawing lessons?

>> No.6084619

Fuck off you stupid fucking faggot, OP needs to post his work if he wants us to believe he was concept artist
If your work looks that good then you already have a great head start, can we at least see a sketch?

>> No.6084620

do you make any work that isn't about rape? i mean im no marketing genius or anything

>> No.6084625
File: 2.02 MB, 2000x1840, Pub page 1 inst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The freedom is amazing. I have some money coming in from sidegig (pr0n art), but it's barely enough to survive. Currently looking for part time jobs, but i'd rather be able to live off of freelance work. I basically don't have a plan at all, just couldn't keep working in the industry like i did anymore and had to leave and see if i can manage. Realised that money for real isn't everything, and that i was happier as a poor, struggling artist creating what i was really passionate about. If i can find a way to live off of doing that, i'd be happy, and no money could replace it.

>> No.6084627
File: 153 KB, 562x700, Poumeyrol 1912514952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some ideas you want to bring into the visual space by yourself? What are some artists that inspire you?

>> No.6084629
File: 1.44 MB, 2303x2028, washing inst wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Just study and paint from imagination 30/70.

>> No.6084632

I want more stuff that isn't for everyone, stuff that doesn't compromise in order to be digestible for all ages. It seems to me that there is a diminishing amount of media and entertainment that is truly honest and uncompromising, and working in the games industry really jaded the hell out of me when it comes to those kind of feelings.

>> No.6084633

how long did it take you to get a senior concept artist gig? did you have connections?

>> No.6084635
File: 19 KB, 306x400, Dr-manhattan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking kneel, your paintings are on completely different level.
How do you cope with the grind? I hear concept artist pull in a ridiculous amount of drawing hours every single day, I like drawing but even if I had it as a job I'd still be afraid of burnout

>> No.6084637

Artists that inspire me are Piotr Jablonski and Sergey Kolesov. Those kind of truly creative, unique dudes. My working isn't like theirs, but their approach to art is truly inspiring to me.

>> No.6084640

An art director found my instagram, so my advice is to be as active on social media as possible.
Appreciate that, thanks man. The grind isn't THAT bad, because no art director expects you to make illustration-level work for every idea. All you need to do is convey ideas effectively enough and from time to time prove that your artistic capabilities are trustworthy.

>> No.6084643
File: 50 KB, 800x506, pacha-headphones-meme-reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a pateron i'd support you. Your stuff is pretty neat m8

>> No.6084647

do you think your follower count supposedly influenced their decision to contact you? damn i really should post more art now, thank you for the tip anon

>> No.6084649

Damn, maybe i'll try patreon. Any advice on that?

>> No.6084652

I honestly think social media is the most important thing for artists now adays. And no, i probably had around 2k followers at the time. Barely above that now tho, as working in the industry makes it incredibly hard to produce personal work that you can post on social media, unless you're one of the psychopaths who spend lunch breaks painting.

>> No.6084655

Have different ""tiers"" that appeal to people
You're already really fucking good, and if you already have a a large following you can get a small percentage of users to subscribed and build off of there
The patreon game for artists is generally
>tier 1. give me a dollar and you'll see my work earlier before I post it on socials
>tier 2. give me 5 dollars and I'll post the photoshop files with its layers
>tier 3. give me 20 dollars and I'll post tutorials

>> No.6084656

pick a platform and stick with it, don't have a million avenues for people to pay you money. Have a few places you monetize the work and don't try to fit what you do into every business model. It sounds cliche but it's about founding your niche, not just in your personal artwork, but in the way customers pay for your business.

>> No.6084657

That's a bit vague. It sounds a bit like the industry sucked your soul out. I hope you find your path and create some things that are truly unique, anon.
For now your paintings look good, yes. But there is still something missing there, apart from the obvious "unfinished" look.

>> No.6084659
File: 638 KB, 1304x1267, washing inst wip 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thanks. I'll have a look at other artists on Patreon and see how they do it. I don't think my psd's will have much value tho, as i merge my layers constantly to just paint on one layer most of the time. Really helps remove the tech aspects of digital painting.

>> No.6084661

>merge my layers constantly to just paint on one layer most of the time
Based. How about doing more traditional stuff? Although it's, admittedly, very hard to make it in the world of fine art galleries if your background is comics and the likes. I know some people who are bestselling comics artists but literally have never anyone ever make them an offer for their original art.

>> No.6084662

yeah maybe timelapse or hi-res images would be best at the start but i believe you have everything you need to get started artwork go brrr

>> No.6084664

>I don't think my psd's will have much value tho, as i merge my layers
maybe start a youtube with some speedpaints, I'm serious it may sound boring but people would probably like to see other things in your style as well. Paint a landscape, or a still life, or a portrait.

If you're coming from a background where people told you what to draw all the time, it may come as a bit of a shocker that people still tell you what to do but it's your customers instead of your boss.

I only ever paint what sells, what's proven to sell, what people like that I paint. Sure when I was starting out I tried to be all things to all people but eventually if you want to make a living being an independent artist you have to paint what sells.

I hope, and I think there's a real chance, that what you like to paint is already what you're best at and what will sell the best, but really utilize (when you finally pick a platform) all the analytics that the sites offer. See what posts do best, carry that forward in other work.

The customer is always right, not because they are telling you what to do, but because they paid you money for something so they must've liked it.

>> No.6084666

I could def go more in-depth with what i miss. I want stuff with explicit adult themes. Violence, sex, torment etc. I miss explicit media that isn't porn, catered to a grown-ups mind, that deals with themes that are difficult and trying to get through. There was far more of that before, now the focus is so much on comfortable entertainment and art that is only entertaining for the mind and not really challenging anyone. I want to make things that can be both entertaining and difficult. I realise it sounds pompous, but it's how i feel.

And yes the industry sucked my soul out, it does that to most people. That's why you see a lot of concept artists quitting after a few years and starting to make expensive tutorials and venturing into other means of creative income.

>> No.6084667

What country are you from?

>> No.6084675

I looked OP up and he doesn't have a crazy amount of followers, so it's mostly about the quality your work and random luck. Also, your location might matter as some recruiters search by country to get local talent for convenience.

>> No.6084676


You can do both, work for others and work on your own projects, OP is a massive retard.

>> No.6084677

I've thought about fine art many times, but you need to find someone who wants to launder their money if you want to make it in that world. Or be extremely lucky.

That's good advice. I can absolutely start uploading speedpaints. And if the customer/employer wants me to paint my own ideas, im all for it. The difference is that as a concept artist you are painting the creative director/art director's ideas. That's what i couldn't keep doing.

>> No.6084680

which is why i'm looking for part time work. And i realise how retarded it must sound to quit such a based salary, but if you ever get into the industry you'll probably understand my decision.

>> No.6084681
File: 69 KB, 334x453, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a thing I'm doing on my Patreon to have some middle ground between commission and my own ideas.
(Please ignore the obvious skill gap and me possibly underselling myself as well. OP could probably ask for higher prices and would fill all his monthly slots.)

>> No.6084682

>if the customer/employer wants me to paint my own ideas
its important to get a large enough sample pool, there's always going to be whales that pay more, some of my biggest customers became my friends (how couldnt they), but you need to make sure you're not catering to for instance people who only browse your work but never spend money.

I have particular things I paint that are always big hits, do big numbers everyones looking at them but they never sell. That's not good. Find the work that attracts audiences and they feel is a fulfilling thing to pay for.

I think self-employment is great, it's a lot of freedom, but you definitely don't get to do whatever you'd like. It's more like putting together the puzzle of what you're exceptional at.

>> No.6084683

based European with sleeping troubles

>> No.6084687

>ask me anything
would you kindly help an anon out who's currently struggling to learn how to render >>6063113

>> No.6084697

don't know if you want to be vocal about your experiences like Anthony Jones or Adam Duff but feel you could start a youtube channel think you have alot to share

>> No.6084698

Study. Use a good mix of soft and hard edges. Cast shadows are hard, form shadows are soft. If you follow that rule, your renders will feel great. Following that rule for a long time will also allow you to break the shit out of it when you want to. Which will be so often that you'll wonder if the rule makes sense at all. Which it does.

>> No.6084702

That would be a lot to deal with socially, but definitely something to think about. Thanks dude

>> No.6084743

How abusive is the people in the industry? Just curious, also, Does someone that is a bit of a sperg have a chance working with a team of people? How realistic are the deadlines?
Your work seems very crafty anon, I hope you get where you want to be.

>> No.6084752

I got some questions anon, do you work as a freelance? and if so, how did you manage to get through the language barrier, you're from Norway right? I'd like to try Environment Design/painting for vidya or even on animation but I'm kind of worried how technical and how savvy you need to be about software and how things work in the industry, especially in terms of pipeline, from what I've heard from other artists deadlines are really tight and sometimes they give you some basic prompt/script and you go from there but you are expected to know 3D software or be flexible in a way, how much did you have to learn to be at a competent level to get a job from the art director? were you already this good when you got hired for the 1st time? What advice would you give for an aspiring concept artist or/and environment designer? Like things you wished you'd have known before? anything that you could say about the environment and how things work would be very much welcome.

>> No.6084765

Burnout is real. Take a break, go on a vacation, try other mediums or a new hobby. Try taking on illustration jobs. My concept art experience was pretty draining, I have no idea why there was so much hype about becoming a concept artist a few years back. I can imagine it feeling like a trap in a studio environment. Illustrations (I'm doing MtG cards) on the other hand I enjoy a lot and I'm doing it at my own relaxed pace. Just don't take on too much work, as you've noticed extra bucks don't make all that much of a difference, but extra work can make you miserable in a long run. Same goes for your personal projects - you may get exhausted at some point and be dissatisfied with what you're doing. This leads to burnout if you force yourself. You have to a break once in a while.

>> No.6084771

thanks anon, i will make great efforts to remember your advice. Where can i lurk to see more of your art, i love how textured and gritty it looks, absolutely beautiful

>> No.6084785

how could you ever be poor if you're doing what you want to do? you're the richest man out there, anon

>> No.6084807

The issue with artists is that they are usually too edgy and pornographic so their original stories don't do well with normies.
Same with prized movie makers. People don't like darkess.

>> No.6084812

My experience with the people is great. No one was abusive or even demanded more than what they realistically could. There are horrible people and companies out there, but you need to be pretty unlucky to end up in a place like that now adays. Huge companies are almost always horrible though, so shoot for mid to small studios. and thank you, anon.

No language barrier as all norwegians are pretty much fluent in english. I wasn't anywhere near the level i feel that im at now when i first got hired. And the things i wish i knew are basically that everyone cheats as much as you can get away with at all times, it's way more important to be reliable than "good", state your opinion on creative decisions related to your field (that's why you were hired), make friends with people outside your field whenever possible, use your art to inspire design just as much as you straight up design. Don't be afraid to go crazy with your art if that's something you're capable of, teams love to have an "artists artist" by their side.

No worries anon. Artbytobias on insta, tobias Jonassen on artstation

>> No.6084816

I mean, if i have to live off of potatoes for a week i'd say im pretty fucking poor. But i agree with the sentiment, anon

>> No.6084819

This is true. Burnout is extremely real. I didn't ever get burnt out because of the expectations put on me by the industry, i got burnt out due to my own decisions and my own expectations.

>> No.6084823

At least you picked which bag of potatoes you wanted. That’s freedom, anon.

>> No.6084829

Also, I don't really know how to even get mtg type work. There are so many artists who are just MADE for that type of fantasy work that i never even tried. I don't think i'd like it all that much, but since its freelance and better paced i would love to have the option

>> No.6084834

For MTG your work is still too unrefined. It's not the style they're looking for. Also, they usually contact artists they have the portfolios of.

>> No.6084839

I love edgy shit, as long as it's not edgy JUST to be edgy. I also want actual, explicit sex in my work, so you're probably very right. My goal isn't to cater to normies though, that's almost the opposite of my goal, as already stated.

There are however dark, edgy and explicit works of fiction that are hugely successful though, so it's not impossible. Just very difficult. I think there is a chance with my comic though, because every panel will feel like a finished painting in a way, and there really is nothing like that out there, at least not that i've seen. It'll also be criticised for being a bit pretentious and lofty, but i always liked that sort of stuff personally. Here's to hoping i'll finish it in not too long.

>> No.6084843

Yeah, i have very little interest in very refined, maticulously rendered work to be honest. Definitely not putting down that sort of work as it takes a lot of discipline, just not something i want to pursue myself.

>> No.6084845
File: 289 KB, 1280x960, Simon Stalenhag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Giger fanboy I am all for sexuality, violence, and weird shit - but I think your style is not the best fit for that. It's too rough. Needs at least some more details to have some impact.

>> No.6084854

Just my 2 cents, but I think a good balance around these themes would be having something else to sit on, in a entertainment level it's just interesting to look at, and in a creative level expands your horizon, and in a storytelling level creates some level of intrigue, obviously I'm not a writer and even though I've wrote some small stories for myself just to practice, I've noticed I tend to lean towards what is unexpected, at least as a viewer, but it can go all places really, Junji Ito stuff is amusing just for that for example, it gets its fair share of criticism though, because sometimes the stories just end up going nowhere, but he's clearly bold about his decisions and that's what made him who he is, but you can add some cohesive aspect to the whole story to keep people hooked and maybe feel that things aren't just slapped together for the sake of it, and I'm talking about anything that isn't extremely explicit or mature, so maybe add that spice or spin to your work, I know you didn't ask but guess I can throw my outsider view about comic/manga/graphic novels, hopefully I can get to see your work when you publish it, good luck anon.

>> No.6084855

You gotta add more personality to thise speech bubbles, theyre looking really boring.

>> No.6084867

For sure, the comic is a very cohesive story with twists and turns and a definite ending that should be satisfying for the reader. Hopefully at least.

100% placeholder text just for placement. I'm not very good at planning out page composition yet, so what you see me posting is basically me just getting used to panels and text leading the eye across the page as opposed to every panel being an individual piece.

>> No.6084874
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, 1652322148812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I feel like you're using Daz to create references for yourself?

>> No.6084881

I've never used daz or poser. I use blender to create shapes for big scenes though. I really hope my poses don't come off as too stiff, that's something i see a lot in work that relies a bit too much on pose software

>> No.6084883

poses are fine
I just thought that face features somehow look Daz-like

>> No.6084892
File: 701 KB, 2606x1083, Bar scene base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's usually the extent of what i do in 3D for personal work. When working in a professional capacity anything goes, and i'll sometimes do damn near everything in 3D. On personal work i like to work almost exclusively in 2D, but often use a good 3D base for environments because i find perspective and big scenes tiresome.

>> No.6084967

dis you?

>> No.6084990

Dang, I kneel, you got any tips on getting better at painting? Been at it for a while but I never really get the hang of it.

>> No.6085195


>> No.6085196

Study other painters and real life. Paint stuff you like

>> No.6085200

Please upload speedpaints on youtube or something, would love to see how you work.

>> No.6085206

Dude, I don’t really know how to phrase this any softer than “stick to concept art.” This is visually unappealing as it is, but also looks like fan faction captioned still images off some larger project with how disparate the skill is between the art and the speech bubbles/writing. You use so much empty dark space and there’s no environment to speak of, I really don’t know what you want someone to feel viewing this.

Yeah I’m writing like a generic troll, but honestly, you just seem *too* specialized in giving pre-production corporate entities what they want to see, and it doesn’t translate well into consumer end. Other artists might appreciate your work for technical skill, but I really don’t think you’ll get many normie bux without reconsidering your stylistic choices.

>> No.6085215

Kind of reminds me of ganto18's stuff

>> No.6085226

hello anon, I too am an aspiring do-my-own-shit artist that most likely will have to be a concept artist to pay the bills, my question is, how good and how old where you when you started out? as a 21 yo that's going to join the workforce in 2 years max it's quite scary to think that I won't be good enough to do the job.
>Be it as a poor loser or as an eventually successful indie anything.
I respect you, it takes guts to quit a stable income and follow your dreams, I pray for your success

>> No.6085231

I wouldn't go as far as >>6085206 but you should work on your bubble and font to have something more pleasant. don't hesitate to steal the style of a similar comics if it's not you forte, nobody can be good at everything, and no one will care.

another thing, look at the pose of your two main characters (girl and smoking dude at the bar) they have the same poses in the first panel and their personal panels ! you are using a lot of real estate to say twice the same thing and it make the action feel still. every panel should either advance the plot, tell you something about a character or about the world, ideally everything at the same time. let's take the man for example, just by changing his pose (like actually inhaling, or crushing his cig) and adding the botlle so we can see what they are drinking, you could tell a lot more

be also careful of how the page will read, from top to bottom and left to right, so you should guide the eye of the reader. ideally the major shape and line guide the eyes to the next case. reader look principally to face and hands and bubble if there not too much text.

hope you hang on and don't give up, I'm sure you can do it!

>> No.6085246

i like your work, im just a coom artist but i second the patreon opinion. it always starts slow but getting a passive income is basically the key to a comfortable freelance existence. merch too. paywalling art is fine too, can just offer previews/teasers on social media (porn or not, but erotic art is easier) You can charge heavily for commissions with your skill level to pad the rest. people like interactability with what gets made so polls and stuff do decently

>> No.6085288

Oldest works all cunny, NOICE. I knew you needed to be a lolichad to make it

>> No.6085298

Learn trad painting, keep doing the same shit. Find local art gallery, showcase your art there. Have some of the horror stuff to catch eyes but right near them something not horror, the contrast should catch the eye of people, you most likely won't sell a lot of the horror paintings they are there to shock and help your other paintings. Bonus points if you manage to integrate your city's history into your paintings, locals love seeing their city through an artist eyes. Have some of the portraits there for potential commissions if the gallery allows your portraits in and get the rights to publicity for your portraits

>> No.6085334

Have you always been good at drawing?

>> No.6085345

Is that George Floyd? shieet

>> No.6085349

Yes, if you don't start good then you can't become good

>> No.6085353

Do you use FotoSketcher to generate these from 3d renders? desu it looks just like it

>> No.6085356

I'll take your critique seriously, anon. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

I was about 25 when i got my first industry job, and my skill lvl did justify my position, but i really didn't feel like that at the time. Don't worry about whether or ot you deserve the job, just focus on getting into the industry any way you can if that's what you want to do. You'll progress really effectively once you get a job anyways, and there are countless people who really can't justify their position in the games industry, so just delete that from your head.

That's great advice, thanks anon!

I'll have to look into patreon more seriously then. Would be great to have more "passive" income like that.

you damn right.

Not a bad idea. I find it hard to believe it would work with my art, but it might. I could definitely paint my city in my style though, that would actually be pretty sick.

Yes, my dad is a pretty expressive oil painter in the vein of Haakon Gullvaag, so i grew up surrounded by his paintings and drawings and paint thinners. Probably got some mild brain damage from it

>> No.6085358

75k bucks a year but you're norweigan so that's just above the poverty line. the fuck you doing son

>> No.6085362

I haven't used fotosketcher since probably 2014 or something, but if it can generate this kind of painterly look convincingly i'll have to look into it more for professional work. Everything i've posted here is 100% painted, except for the bar scene which is painted on this 3d base >>6084892

>> No.6085363

lmao, 75k a year is a fantastic salary even here

>> No.6085377

based. kneeling as I type this
hope you find success in your new journey

>> No.6085378

Ahh genetics, gets me jealous every time

>> No.6085383

fucking retards actually believe you paint these and aren't just using 3d models
this board is horrible

>> No.6085384

Are you an incel?

>> No.6085398

Thanks anon!

I think its more to do with upbringing, but creative genes def help.

Permabeg energy.

No. The protag is a capable and resourceful woman if you can believe it. She definitely gets rekd by men a few times, is nearly powerless against the antag, is extremely unhappy, has mental issues and lives an unhealthy lifestyle, but smart and capable. Kind of similar to the girl in s2 of True Detective, but a tad more feminine.

I'll get some shit for making her really hot though, but i dont care about that.

>> No.6085404

/ic/ bros, I think we are getting larped

>> No.6085407

Not to sound rude, but these look incredibly generic and uninspired
Is this the type of work they had you do at your job, or are these personal works?

>> No.6085409

>Permabeg energy.
Anyone with half-brain can easily tell you're using 3d models as a base for those above paintings. I don't understand why people like you lie about this type of shit. Ego? Narcissism? Like fuck off with this bullshit, holy fuck.

>> No.6085410

What do you feel is missing in them? This is all personal work. Some studios hired me for this type of stuff, other studios for more regular concept art type work.

>> No.6085414

Oh you did art stuff with your father as a child? Dunno why just made me happy reading that

>> No.6085418

I have zero problem using 3d models without trying to hide it. I do it constantly professionally and will probably use more 3d to illustrate the comic as well when i need to, but there is no 3d used on any characters in the work i've posted here. The whole process of painting people/characters in interesting lighting conditions is what i love the most about painting, so i never use 3d for that unless i have to in order to save time or energy. Which is why i tend to only do that professionally.

>> No.6085420

It's absurd that you're still lying through your fucking teeth. Fuck off, some of us aren't retarded, you're not fooling everyone

>> No.6085421

Oh man, all the time. Constantly drawing monsters and dinosaurs with him as a kid and eventually painting real stuff together once i got a bit older.

>> No.6085423

>What do you feel is missing in them?
Actual designs and character work
Like the anon above you said
These literally look like something you'd see in daz3d or something
Not to say that using 3d models is bad
It's just that i expected more interesting designs from a senior concept artist's personal works
>Some studios hired me for this type of stuff, other studios for more regular concept art type work.
What exactly did they have you do?
Do you have any examples?

>> No.6085456

The crabs are appearing

>> No.6085458

What's your favorite brushset OP?

>> No.6085482


>> No.6085491

Incels create Captain Marvel or Mary Sues le girl power in general. Chads create actual women.

>> No.6085502

You inspired me. I wish you luck anon, some posts here carry a lot of hate, ignore that.

Can you give more rendering tips like >>6084698? I'm hungry for rendering techniques and efficient brushwork.

>> No.6085507

>some posts here carry a lot of hate, ignore that.
OP probably is no stranger to the lands of chans.

>> No.6085547

Anyway, good stuff.
This is the kind of rough brushwork I like.

>> No.6085554

the samefagging in this thread is absurd

>> No.6085569

Basedboys create Captain Marvel or Mary Sues le girl power in general.
Incels create rape paintings.

>> No.6085590

Dave Rapoza created an amazing pack of brushes. Olfrens might post em

>> No.6085601

ok here's a follow up question anon, with the power of hindsight would you still have chosen the way of the concept artist or would you have tried to gamble and do your shit straight from the go?

>> No.6085616

Basedboys are incels

>> No.6085895

i thought this thread would cheer me up but its always the same with amazing artists
starting from kids age

>> No.6085939

he 100% is.

>> No.6085967

Do you think a third worlder can make it into an american studio? I'm brazilian but i don't think i could ever make much money in art and my parents despise the idea of me dedicating myself to art instead of going to med school or somehthing. Maybe i get a chance as diversity hire? lol

>> No.6086021

Glad I was born with parents who expected nothing of me. They’re amazed I make money at all they never expected med school lmao

>> No.6086206

you will never be a woman

>> No.6086219

Ew, why would I even want that.

>> No.6086237

thoughts on art schools? in america they're kinda fucked in general with the only not awful ones being hundreds of thousands, in your experience do they help get people into the industry? are there any good international schools you know of?
also post more painting tips and stomping crabs love you op

>> No.6086238

I'm a developer that hates programming and I'll gladly cut my pay in half if it means creating other people's ideas in art instead of code. What are some good resources for concept art fundamentals specifically?

>> No.6086243

AMA has ended long time ago anons lol...

>> No.6086249

i kinda want op's honest answer about the design problems; it really does look like it's heavily relying on 3D assets with some brush strokes to pretend it's painted. i know you mentioned you do use 3D heavily for environments, but what about your people? how much of it is actually painted yourself vs 3D? not that there's anything wrong with it, but it's probably why the anons sense the lack of personality.

>> No.6086252

Same. It really feels like overpainted DAZ models because of how crisp some of the shapes and how smooth some of the shape shadows. Also cast shadows are unnaturally presice for such rough render.

>> No.6086267

Also, I think I recognize Akvis brushstrokes.

>> No.6086285

>look at the pose of your two main characters (girl and smoking dude at the bar) they have the same poses in the first panel and their personal panels ! you are using a lot of real estate to say twice the same thing and it make the action feel still. every panel should either advance the plot, tell you something about a character or about the world, ideally everything at the same time
Not him, just chipping in to say that making a moment feel "still" is not a bad thing on its own, and there's times when such an effect is desired. Remembering to reinforce information is a useful tool in comics, where a lot of the struggle is simply conveying information.
But yeah, it would be a bad thing if the entire comic was like this.

>> No.6086307
File: 3.81 MB, 2000x1840, autismmode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whether or not you choose to disclose you use 3D models, it's going to come across like you use them anyways.

this is not actually a bad thing, wlop does the same and he is successful with his comic. but he does actually try to paint his own scenes from time to time, or he had gotten better at hiding his 3D models. it's why people are a lot more forgiving of his rough looking painted stuff and when he uses his 3D.

i would advise to try and make it less obvious or at least try to make your 3D models feel more interesting rather than generic with better lighting. the blue/orange thing was very 2000s reminiscent. it comes across kind of dated and uninspired. avid readers/artists (because that will be most of your audience in a webcomics zone) will pick up on shortcuts subconsiously but they will appreciate genuine hard work and well thought out ideas and concepts.

if you are going to brush stroke parts, it would look more sincere if you gave it a better purpose other than to desperately hide the 3D-ness. it looks pretty bad and even lazy and frustrating to view when panels like that close up of the smoking dude is barely readable for no reason. you can argue it adds to his "mystique" but then you have the perfectly rendered babe right next to his panel, which would only make a reader think "why" because obscuring his eyes is probably enough.

anyways good luck to you, i would probably read your stuff but the heavy use of 3D without it being used interestingly or edited in a way to show its uniqueness in its universe is kind of a turn off.

>> No.6086329

wow this analysis is pretty cool

>> No.6086343

the amount of salt in this post

>> No.6086536

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.6086605
File: 32 KB, 408x321, 1621004456892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOO you cant use 3d models that's cheating!!!!!!
normie don't care.
coomers don't care.
OP's old bosses don't care.
All of this pretentious pearl-clutching is exactly why he made it, while you gigatards cant even draw 3/4 animeshit. Stay broke and /beg/ forever niggers.

>> No.6086614

learn to read

>> No.6086627

OP, what did your art journey look like?
What did you focus on at first? When did you jump the major skill gaps?

>> No.6086630

OP is a fraud.

>> No.6086639

it does LOOK like 3d models but they're not
you can tell it's not from the rest of his art and he even showed sketches that would be completely unnecessary if he just painted over 3d models

>> No.6086658
File: 658 KB, 2287x1092, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the "art filters" apply the brushstrokes progressively or with set looseness. Meaning that you can pause the applying of the filter at any time to get even rougher result. Or you can just straight up make a looser version. And then use with a mask to add extra roughness here and there combining it with less rough filtered version. This way you can make it look less processed, especially with hand overpaint later on.
Akvis, SnapArt, FotoSketcher there are a bunch of these "art filter" programms. I think I vaguely remember those round shapes from SnapArt, so I'd guess that's what OP used.
But I see nothing wrong with using it on 3d to be honest. Especially if it's not pure illustration and if you don't try to completely deceive or scam your audience.

>> No.6086662

What kind of future is there for the skill of drawing? is it doomed to AI and 3D?

>> No.6086663


>> No.6086691

they are 3d models, numbnuts
>he even showed sketches that would be completely unnecessary if he just painted over 3d models
because he's fucking lying to you, idiot. Those "WIPs" are just the original (3d) works with random fucking brushstrokes painted over them. It's so obvious it's painful that some of you people are actually falling for it

>> No.6086730

But you still get to hone your skills so you could still do shit you like later on right? Better than doing shit like managing bunch of 17 years old at Walmart and still getting paid peanuts.

>> No.6086734

The ending was pretty shit, but this is a good amount of the reason Game of Thrones the TV series did so well. Same with Dexter and others. There's a huge market for things that don't cater completely to acceptable social norms. The question is whether or not you can get your work out there without being cancelled because someone hates your work or your message enough to try and ruin your career.

>> No.6086736

Brazil numero uno hue hue hue

>> No.6086742

Also it's funny that you thought it was a Daz3D paintover, because that was my initial impression as well the second I saw the first image. I'm not going to look into why my brain thought that. My eye just thought that was the case.

>> No.6086792
File: 2.43 MB, 498x266, 1654039235148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw broke the law and made a quarter of a mill in a year
This world is designed to eat you up and spit you out b. Do whatever is necessary in order to achieve your dreams.

>> No.6086861

>It's so obvious it's painful that some of you people are actually falling for it
I couldn't have said it better. This is simply a joke >>6084629 and says enough about the level of many of the thread participants (unless they are the OP himself or just trolling). It is too obvious that OP uses 3D models and blurs them with some filters, textures or even the history brush tool in photoshop.

>> No.6086879

Wait. Do people really quit their jobs because they're meaningless and joy-free? That's like 90% of people's jobs. Must be nice to just not pay rent or whatever, most people don't have that luxury.

>> No.6086900

>level of many of the thread participants
its shocking since anyone with even a participatory knowledge of digital painting or even 3d software could immediately tell what is happening in those 'paintings'
Literally only "normies" who have ZERO knowledge would be fooled by this
I've always known this board is shit, but really? The fuck?

>> No.6086902

Nah, jeg er fra Norge også, og industrien her suger. Spesielt illustrasjon/forlagsbransjen. Mulig spillutvikling er litt bedre.

Disse er kule

Håper du får gjennomført drømmen om å skrive tegneserie, gi beskjed hvis du vil prate med folk i den bransjen.

>> No.6086904

Yeah, just look at Anthony Jones moving to a third world. Concept art is a slavery job not worth pursuing, you're way better off making 1-2 commissions a month, doing Patreon, selling art prints, teaching art and chill in a stress free country

>> No.6087216

play up the "latinx culture", pretend to be vaguely liberal and you're in

>> No.6087296

Damn, I love how your art looks like clay. That's not an aesthetic I see many people pull off well.

>> No.6087299
File: 97 KB, 500x336, sheep_looks_at_your_post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shepherd.

>> No.6087304

>wait a minute, this isn't videogames

>> No.6087309
File: 9 KB, 420x420, 1542921713750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you had THE dream job I've been trying to get for 10 years, and you just quit because you couldn't deal with shitty clients. Why not do your own projects/ideas on the side after work while you get to improve your skills and get paid for it?
comics are fucking dead, good luck paying rent
you're a fucking idiot

>> No.6087322

Very good post

>> No.6087443

Is there a concept artist that is not a fraud?

>> No.6087449

Who has time for two full time jobs? That’s kind of the point. The “I’ll work after work” nonsense is everywhere nowadays

>> No.6089772

Can anyone translate this post to Japan? Thank you for your time

>> No.6089817

This concerns me. Do you not have time for your own stuff? If you're main goal is to eventually start making your own projects is it better to just work a typical wagie job?

>> No.6091943

Most concept artists use shortcuts and 3D to help them, as a method to be faster or precise. However, this particular artist is obviously using 3D as a crutch, without it he is nothing.

>> No.6092068
File: 102 KB, 551x550, 1564432391408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6095052


Google translate bro

>> No.6095104

he made the right call, concept art is going to get fucked by AI and if you work at a soulless corp you're on the chopping block. Making something that has intrinsic value is the only way to survive as an artist that wants to actually make art.

>> No.6097584

where can i see more of your/this art bro?

>> No.6097621

Did you go to school?
If yes, was it worth it?
If no, what did you do instead before making 75k?

>> No.6097722

>people are still bumping this thread
He left days ago, its orge

>> No.6097762

Hopefully the crabs didnt scare him away

>> No.6098495

>this thread is still up
/ic/ is doomed

>> No.6098809

you can clearly draw but you have no good ideas, many such cases. i don't know whether such a state can be rectified.

>> No.6098810

american money pl0x

>> No.6098871

>beg tier fussing in rendering
What does this mean? Bad stroke economy?

>> No.6098875

What do you think about DALL-e 2 and Imagen type of AI that is set to replace us sooner or later?

>> No.6098918

First of all this is Tobias Jonassen's work.

2nd Tobias currently works at Metaking studios,he didnt quit topursue his own projects.

Lastly, you arent Tobias Jonassen, and posting other peoples work and claiming that its your own is a bannable offense.


>> No.6098922

All I can say is that your stuff looks really good, but you already know that. Good luck man, I hope you find what you're looking for

>> No.6098926

Youare not Tobias Jonassen. Tobias Jonassen doesnt do porn art "on the side", he works at a studio you fuck.

Stop impersonating people you basement dwelling piece of shit.

>> No.6098932

God youre a faggot

>> No.6098938

How the fuck has this thread been up for a week? This is Tobias Jonassen's work, this fuck face who posted this shit is impersonating him.

Are mods fucking sleeping with their thumbs up their asses or what?

>> No.6099132

since when was larping a novel phenomenon? to (You) that is.

>> No.6099150

This thread is amongus

>> No.6100637

Read rule number 3 for the thread retard

>> No.6101587

Watch twin peaks it tried to send a very similar message as to what you feel and perhaps will give you an idea with how another artist handled the idea. (OR just watch the super long video explaining the tv show that works as well)

>> No.6101682

what filter did you use in this example ?

>> No.6102845

I'm glad i'm not the only one that noticed it

In the second pic the face looks constructed, but yeah the first one is %100 a 3d trace
Based anons not eating lies

>> No.6103077

>75 000 USD a year as a senior concept artist
That's pretty low salary for senior.

>> No.6103112

How much do you make?

>> No.6103116

70k as regular.

>> No.6103120

That's because he's larping

>> No.6105623

it's deleted, anybody saved it?

>> No.6106028

lol wtf was this thread real

>> No.6106787

what's your project anon ?

>> No.6106795

fucking niggers stop bumping this thread

>> No.6107547

wow no shit asshole

>> No.6107550

yeah, artists are cry babies
spent years cruising through life, everyone around them making sacrifices for them, never once feeling like a burden. only to quit everything once something feels like a job

>> No.6107561
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have the freedom to make anything and you made the thing that was made thousand times before.

Also, you shit really looks like something DALL E shat out.

>> No.6107575

lol fucking legend
I'm learning 3D just so I don't have to draw backgrounds by hand which is extremely time consuming, tedious and the end result has a chance to look like shit anyway. Characters on the other hand I will draw those by hand, just not the other more tedious shit

>> No.6107604

The picture in the post suggest
>suggestion of heavy use of 3D
>sloppy brush work, shapes on the form do not make sense
>suggestion of heavy use of (camera or something.similar) filters